i SPECIAL NOTICES. HENRY'S INVIOORATINO CORDMI.- The met its of this purely vegetable extract for the v. removal Rnd cure of physical prostration, {genital debility, nervous afftcllons, &c., &c., aratiully described in another column of this paper, to which the reader is referred. 82 peujioffle, 3 bottles for 85; six bottles for 98]tl8 per dozen. tyObserve the marks of the genuine. Prepared only by S. E. Cohen, No. 3 Frank lin St., below Eighth Philadelphia Pa., to whom all orilers must be addressed. For Sale by all tho rospoctable Druggists and Merchants throughout the country. T. W. DYOTT A SONS, No. 132 North 2nd at., Philadelphia, Sale Agents Jfor Pennsyl vania. TO TLIK CITIZEN'S OF PENNSYLVANIA. SCHIEDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. 1 beg leave to call the attention of the chi na o! Pennsylvania to the above article, manufactured by mysell exclusively, at my Faotory in Schiedam, in Holland, expressly for medicinal purposes. It is made from the best Barley that can be i selected in Europe and the essence of au ar -1 omatic Italian berry, of acknowledged and L extraordinary medicinal properties; and it I has long sinoa acquired a higher reputation, ■ ooth in Europe and America, than any other fffjjetio hevetage. ft 'in Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism; in Ob ■ atructious of the Bladder and Kidney s, and I Debility of the Urinary Functions, its. ef- I feels are prompt, decided, and invariably re ft liable. And it is not only a Remedy for these r maladies, but, in all cases in which Ihey are produced by Drinking Bad YN'a'.er, which is, ' almost universally, the cause of them, it op erates as a Sure Preventive. * The distressing effect upon the Stomach, Bowels, aud Bladder, to truvelers, new resi dents, and all persons unaccustomed to them produced by the waters of nearly all our great inland rivers like the Ohio, Mississippi, and Alabama, from the large qunniity of decay ed vegetable matter contained in them, in a slate of solution, is well known ; as is also that of the waters of limestone regions, in I producing Gravel, Calculi, and Slone in the [ Bladder. The AROMATIC SCHIEDAM [ SCHNAPPS is an absolule corrective of all I these injurious properties of bad vvatet. and I consequently prevents the disease which they occasion. It is also found to be a cure 1 and preventive of Fever and Ague, a com plaint caused by the conjoint effects ol vege table malaria in the almosplicre, and vegeta ble putrescenseß in the waters of those dis tricts in which it principally prevails The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps is consequent ly in great demand by persons travelling, or about to settle in those parte of the country especially; as well as by many in every ' community whero it has become known on account of ils various other remedial proper ties. More than three thousand physicians, among whom are numbered the greatest names belonging to the faculty of medicine in this country, have certified, over their own signatures, to the valuable medicinal proper ties of Such an article, as the severest tests have proved the Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps . to be, and have accepted it as a most desira ble addition to the materia medica. Put up in quart and pint bottles, enveloped in yellow paper with my name on the bot tle, cork and seal. For sale by all respecta ble Druggists and Grocers. JF\ UCOLPHO WOLFE, 18, 20, & 22 Heaver s'reet, N. Y. P \ 25 South Front street, Philada. 1 beg leave to call the attention of the pub t lio to the following letters from physicians: / " Laboratory, A'. Y., May 2, 1855. " MR. UPDOLPIIO WOLFE— Dear Sir: I can not speak to highly of the purity ofyout Schi , odam Schnapps. It is decidedly superior to i•' anything of the kind in market. It is per fectly free from the admixture ol fusil nil, or of any of those amylio compounds which produce such a mischievous and irreparable effect upon the constitution, and which very few samples of alcoholic distilled liquors are without —most olthern being Inrgelj impreg nated with it. I have rrersoutdly inspected ' the various process of distillation practiced at Schiedam, and know that unusual care is taken to separa'e the noxious elements I (fern the pure alcohol, and your Schnapps is a striking proof of its success. As a medici nal agent for chronic and renal affections, 1 have successfully prescribed il, and recom mend it as an agreeable cordisl and harm less stimulant, and shall continue to do so; as well as to use it as a source of pure alco hol for chemical investigations and experi ments. Yours obedient, 1.-AIAH DECK. ) Consulting Analytical Chemist'' Dr. Charles A. Leas, Commissioner of Health, Baltimore, writes as follows in rela tion to the value of Schnapps as a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, foe. The s letter is dated July 27, 1853: " 1 take great pleasure in bearing highly \ Creditable testimony to ils efficacy as a rem edial agent in the diseases for which you rec ommend it. Having a natural tendency to | the mocous surfaces, with a slight degree of s stimulation, I reuard it as one of the most important remedies in chronic catarrhal af fections, particularly thoso of tho genito uri , nary apparatus. With much repsect, your !*- obedient servant, CHARLES A LEAS. " PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 1853. " Mr. Udulpho Wolfe, No, O caver St., Y.—Dear Sir: Last season the writer received through your agent in this city, n bottle of your Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps, and sinco that period has prescribed the seine iu certain k forma of urinary complaints, also in cases of h debility in aged persons. So far, the Bchn'ap[a has teen of mutli benefit to those using it • * In conclusion, where a diuretic arid stimulant is required, I should use the Aro matic Schiedam Schnapps. hanking you fur your kindness, I nm respectfully yours, A. D. CH A LONER, M. D., 180 South Eighth st. Tho subjoined letter lrom Dr PXISE, of Manchester, N. H., relates to one of the most valuable medicinal properties possessed by the f—Aromatic Schnapps, and shows that it acts as * ■ specifi: in a very painful disease—the Gruv k " Mr. WOLYE : —Permit me to address you a few lines, which you are at liberty to use if you think proper, in respect to your medicine, called Schiedam Schnapps. 1 have had a very oDstinate case of gravel and stone, of some five yeara standing, causing very acute pain In f eveiy attempt to urinate, After using many -"medics without much relief, I was induced to til i..." f vouf medicine. In the course Air large pieces of stone, soma Ot large as a marrowfat pea. I cootinucu ft. 0 * dial, acoordtng to directions, and the pstieti > i continued to gain, and is fast recovering, I think a medicine of so much value in ao dii iressing a complaint,'should be known to the public, and the world at large. And I, for one must give it my approbation and signature. Taos. PAINS, M. D." From Dr. JOHN S. RB*. Chsmist, Balti ore, Md. Sept. 15, 1872 •• A number o' our physicians are ordering the article,and several heve already prescribed it A gentleman of my own perso ual acquaint- I ance having suffered greatly with an affection \ pf the kidneys and bladder, took two boltlea, \ V and aubeequenity passed a etone of considers- A blcsise,ami was greatly relieved. It will, no ' ft doubt go into general uao." | May 20,1856—8 m. f FANCY GOODS, of every description and I variety, new styles. and fresh from New York ■ and Philadelphia, tor sale at the oheap siore / M'KELYY, NEAL & CO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • STARTLING, BUT TRUE! WARNING TO WOMAN. WHY FEMALES SIITBR IN HEALTH. No woman of delicacy 1H willing to disclose the pecu liar ailment* incident to her sex, won to amubt Intimate fiunllv physician. •Thin raodeftty and delicacy in implanted by nature, and neither should nor need lie subjected to the rtule shocks Inevitable In muklncr known to the other HCX thoee ailment* belonging oxslusivoly to tho ftourilo. Kxcept In extreme caeca, her M-tißltivcuuss will sacri fice her health rather than her delicacy. / The consequence* are ncriouft, hunoutablo, raid lifi> long. 1 line what at firel could Imvft been easily remedied, or porlmi* better etili, not Incurred, bpootni-ft a compli cation or dlntiuHH, not only ruining Ibe health of tho mother, and embittering her day* by eickue6a and suf fering, but entailing broken constltutl<oi upou her children, nnl embarrasriug. W not UiUrceslug, the burl ncrfH and pecuniary prospect* of Lho husband. Let every •onrible woman TAKE WARNING IN TIME, (uii tbouranhaw done) by the bitter cxperlanco and •uUrrlugf) of others, of the dreadful consequences nho entail* upon herself and those endeared to uor, by her Ignorance of the simple* t and plained rales ol health an connected v.-ilb the statu, the violation of which entail* disease, hu tiering, and nil wry. How manywrn- Miflcrinp from obstruction* or irreiru lariticH peculiar to tho female system, which underndno the health, the effect b of which they ore ignorant, and fir which tlalr doli-ary fori rid* reeking medical ad vice I Jlow many en tier from jtroltnmis uteri (fulling of the womb), or froi njlovr ulbus (weakness, debility, Jcc.)l How many arc In constant agony for many months pro cedtng contlnemciit 1 How many have difllcult, if not dangoroua dolt .erics,und flow and uncertain recover! oel T tho question, how are these to be prevented! what shall bo done! the answer in simple. Let every vomun uncertain for heraclf; without vio lence to her delict* cy, tho nature aud character of tho ailment (to which she an a female id subject). the CAUSO* fh>m which it way arise, and the proper lcmedles for its euro and future prevention. Thi she can do by possessing a little volume (already posmvsod Ly thmisaiida), WHICH TELLS E VER Y MOM AN WHAT IS THE MATTER, AND TELLS HER WHA T TO DO FOR IT, in shnplo butchasto uordu, ami <mcli aa she ciut undoreUmd. • This little volume Is entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PIUVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, HY DH. A. M. MAUUICEAU, ri.orvdhOß or diurasks op women. One Hundredth Edition (600,000) IS mo., pp. 260. [ON USE PAPER, EXTRA RINDING, $1 O&.J A Htandanl work of cntfthlbihed reputatiott. found ch\ntie<l in the Catalogues of tho great Trade Sale* in New York, Philadelphia, niul other eltle*. and cold by the principal bookiwfiur* In the United Stale*. It waa lirut publiahcd in 1547, fllice which time FIVE HTJUERED THOUSAND COPIES have been eo!d, of which there were upward* of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT Bl MAIL attesting the high estimation in which it IH held aa TIIE ONLY RELIABLE , popular medical HOOK FOR EVF.KY FEMALE, the author having devoted, and ptlll devotes, hla exclu sive attention to the treatment of complaint* pocnllar to female*, in reined to which lio ia yearly cuiittulie J by thorn-audit, initli in peraon and by letter. Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own pym]fc'omit with thofodenerlbet 1, the nature, charao tor, r.aubtTi of, and the proper iviuedle* for her com plulnta. Tbo wife about Oecomhtga mother hna often need of instruction and advice of the utmoat imiM>riaiu e to licr future health, will find auoh inatructicdi and advloe, ami alt-o explain many aytuptotus which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm, a* nil tho peculiarities Inci dent to lier altuuiion are described* It Is of course impracticable to convey fully the va rious subjects tieutea of, ns they arc of a mitiiro strictly intended for the married or those contemplating mar riage. The revelations contained in li* pages huvo C roved a blessing to thouHiuidft, as t'e Inuuiiieraldo let re received by the nutltor (widch he la permitted by lho writers to publhli) w ill attest. Extract oj u Utter from u gentleman in Dayton, Ohio. Dayton, May 1, 1847. Dr. A M. Mituriceau: "My wife has been perceptibly sinking forsomothree yeureor more, In cOiiHoqtu'uce of her gvent anguish and u tie ring come months before and during confinement.: every nueeenslvo ono more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in Imminent danger, and which was on the Inst occasion despaired of. 1 supposed that this state of things was Inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At thin time (now about two months), I heard your book highly spoken of, as con taining some matter* reaching my core. On its receipt and nertteal, I cannot express to you the relief It afforded my distressed mind, and tho joy ils pages Imparted to my wife, on learning that the great discovery of M. M. Dosomenux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me whi. h 1 little conceived possible. No pecu niary considerntlon can c\<r repay Clio obligations I ain under to you, for having Ihh'ii the means of imparting to n* the matters coutuliiud hi "The Married \Voinan*a Private Medical Compaiiluii." But f<r tliis, ere another year would have passed over my head, in all human probability my wile would huvo been In Iter grave and luy children lurt luotberlesh." In consequence of tho universal popularity o£iho work, ns ovldemwd by its extraordinary sale, various Im positions huvo la n attcinptod, us well on booksellers ns , on tho public, by Imitations of title page, spurious edi tions, and surreptitious Infringements of copyright, and other devices ami deceptions, it has been lbund necosaary therefore TO CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless tho words "Dr. A. M. Mafri- ORAf, 120 I.lheriy fctreet, N. Y.," is oti (and the entry in the Clerk's Otllco on tho back of) tho title page; .uid buy t>uly of respectablu ami honorable dealers, or bend by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Muuriccnu. Upon rcocipt of One Dollar "THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION" ia •oat t made'*t fret) to any part of thu United States, tbo Canadas, and British Provinces. All Letters must b post-paid, and atlcbessod to Dr. A. I.L MA 'JRICEAU, box 1224. Kew-York City. Publishing QLlcc, No. Lborty Stroeft New-York .igcnls in Pennsylvania. T. B. I'elHtson, J. M. Moss & Bro., and T. Cowpeithait, Pbiladelphia — Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honesdale — Wentz & Stark, Car bondale—li. Flint, Williamsporl— S. Tuck, Wilkesbarre —S. Leader, Hanover —B. Hall, Pulsion —J. S. Nickeon and A. K. McClure, Chambersburg —E. Banner, Surnneyloivn — Joseph Saariz, Uloomshnrg —G. W. Earle, Waynesboro—J. IL Cornelius, New Berlin — G. D. Main. Alainsborg — Poller & McMano, Beillonte —H. A. I.auco, Reading. July 26, 1805.—6 in. Arthur's Patent Self Sealing I'ans. For Preserving Fresh Fruit, Tomatoes ly fJermetical Scaling. Till'. Sri cans, which arc scaled by ihe house keepers wllhout the aid of o tinner, and open .easily wilhrut injury to lho can, are rapidly coming in;o general use. Full directions lor pulling up fruit accompanying the cans, and tho work is so easily performed, thai by their use , every I'umily may have fiesh fiuit and tomatoes on their tables all winter, at summer prices. PRICES.—Pint Cans 52.00; quart 82.50; Half-gallon 83.50; three quarts 84.25; gallons $5 00 per dozen. Tho different sizes nest, in order to tccuro economy in transportation.— Country Storekeepers will find this new article ono of ready sale. Manufactured and solo by ARTHUR, CURNHAM fo CO. No. 60 South Tenth St., Philadelphia. July 26. 1855 —3m. Orphans Court i-ale of Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia county, Isaac Letdy, Ad mirrislrdtor of Charles Sterling, lute of Hem lock township, Columbia county, deceused, will on SATURDAY Ihe 18 Ih day of August next, at 1 o'clock in the afiernoofi, expose to public sale upon the premises in Hemlock township, A Lot of Lam!, adjoining lands of John Mcßeynolds ami Heinters heirs, containing about on which there is erected a one and a half story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and a frame stable. The properly is on the public road leading from Buckhoru to Jer sej'lnwrr To J"* sold as A the estate of Charles Ster ling, deceased. Conu'iMons made known on the day of saio by ISAAC I, ltd DY, By order of Court, JACOB KYERLV, Proth'y. \ SC HOOL HOUSE PROPOSALS w.ll be received by the un dersigned until 4 o'clock P. M, on Sat urday, the 28th of July, for building a frame or plank School House in South Bloomaburg; the contractor to furnish all the materials.— Plans and specifications will be ready for ex amination five days before the letting, j. M. CHEMBERLIN, President of Board of Directors. Bloomaburg, July 18, '65. IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard ware for sale by MoKELVY, NEAL & Co 100*900 COPIES! Steamboat Ditbsters on the TPestern IPaters, and Steamboat Directory. THE undersigned have now in course of preparation a new Steamboat Directory, w Inch will be isaucd In October next, the book will contain over two hundred pages, Il lustrated in the best style, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one of the most interesting books ever published, and will be a hook that will he interesting to all classes of people. The Steamboat Directory will contain a complete list and dosciiption ol all the Steamboats now Dlloat in the Western and Southern waters, J'he length, model, speed, power and tonnage of eoch boot, whore and by whom built, the name of tho boat, with the trade she has :n. Also, the names of Captains and officers, her age, &c. The Directory will contain a History of Steamboats and Steainboaling on the Western waters, since the application of stoain: also, a sketch of Ihe brst boat built for Ihe Ohio River, with the name of the builder, commander and own er. The River Directory will contain a list and description of all the Mleamhoat Disasters that have occumd on the M'eslein and South' cm waterß, beautifully illustrated, with u list of all those who have perished by their burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the western and southern waters. Tho Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Mis souri, Illinois, Arkansas,Whito, Red, Ouachita, Yazoo, and other rivets, with the towns and cities laid down, with correct distances; also, many other River and Commercial items of interest to the people at largo. Tho hook will contain ibe cartia of the various U. IS, Mail Boats, with Ihe trade they are in, <Stc. The Directory will also contain a complete list of all the responsible Steumbuot License. l Offi cers, their places of residonce, &e. &c., the new steamboat law. its lequttcmei is, with comments, allowing wheicin it benefits the in competent officer, and injures (he competent officer, &c. &c., and all tho important U. 8. Supreme Court steamboat decisions up to date; the Lutes and important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis ions of tho vauous U. S. Courts in regard to Freights l.oßt and Damaged, &c. &c., with many other things of interest. The Directory will be illustrated in the heat style, and printed in tho best manner. 'J'he uulhur has fur six years been gathering together all the facts und items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on 'he Western snd Southern waters, and now intends pub lishing them in hook form. The price of Ihe work will be put at tho low sum of One Dollar. Ten thousand copies will be issued for the boatmen; all others desirous of subscribing, will have to du to at once, as none will ho printed unless ordered in advance. This work is destined to have a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as the publishers are receiv ing lu rgo numbers of subscribers, per mail, from all parts of the countiy, daily. Some of the oldest boat men, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributors to tho Steamboat Directory. ihe Directory will be issued in October, ant! will be an ornumcnt lo the parlor as well ns steasibuut. By remitting One Dollar, post paid, you will receive a copy of tho above work. All communications snd letters shoulJ he addressed to J AS. T. LLOYD CO. Post Ofl'tee Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 13, 1855. ft'liifad'a. and Reading; R. R. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.— IBSS. The Great Northern and Western U. S. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fare reduced. Little Belt try Hull, Cattawissa, Sunbury and Erie, Williamsporl and Eltnira Ratlroad. Through lo Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Falls, 'l6 " " Detroit, 1 24. " " Chicago, 1 34 " " St. Louis, ' 43 " EST Ticket Office—N. W. corner Sixth and Chesinut sireels, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth streets. On and after Monday, May 7th, Throe Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia aud Reading Railroad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine sireels, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as follows: DA Y EXPRESS—6 A. M. Slopping at Phtenixville and Reading only. Counseling wilh the Cattawissa, Williams port, and Erie, and Williamsporl and Elmira Railroad; arriving at Elmira al 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and Erie and Buffalo; and from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. ADo, with Elmira, Canandaigua wilh New Y'ork Central Railroad, East uqR West, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, Si. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western Stales. Only one change of Baggage between Phil adelphia and Canada or lho Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breaklast at Port Clin ton and Dinner at Williamsporl. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by this Line have the privilege of slopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tamaqua, - - - • $2 95 Cattawissa, .... 4 35 Rupert, .... 4 40 Danville, .... 4 60 Milton, .... 5 15 Williamsporl, - 5 90 Elmira, .... 7 00 Jefferson, - - - 7 65 Starkey, .... 7 95 Pcnn Van, .... 8 00 Gorbam, .... 8 00 Geneva via. Gorlram, • 8 00 " Steamer J. Arudt, - • 8 00 Canandaigua, .... 8 00 Honeoye Falls, * 8 50 Caledonia, - • 8 8' Le Roy, • • - - 8 3 Balavia, .... 9 00 Rochester, .... 8 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. \ r . City, ... 10 Buffalo, via. Tonawanda, - - 10 Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, Canandai gua & Niagara Falls R. R. - to " a " via - 10 00 Suspension Ift 10 00 Cleveland, - - - 11 70 Toledo, - - - - - 14 75 Cincinnati, - • ... J6 00 Detroit, via. Rail, - 16 00 " Buff. & Lake, - 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich igan Central R. R. - 20 00 Chicago, via. Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern R. R., - - 20 00 Chicago, via. Buff., Lake aud Mioh. Central R. R. - - - - 20 00 Rock Island, .... 25 00 E. T. HUBBELL, Ticket and Freight Agent, N- W. cornet Sixth and Chestnut sts. G. A. f>:coibt, Superintendent Philadelphia und Reading Railroad. T. KcKtssocx, Superintendent Catlawtsea, Williamspnrt and Erie Railroad. HCNRY COFFIN, Superintendent Williams porl and Elmira Railroad. July 19, 1855.— tf. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, phyai . ians and other persons in registering marria I ges and deatba as required by the new Ao Assembly, can be bad at the office of the Star of the North," BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Dlooinobttrg, |?a. 11IRAM W. THORNTONT MERCHANT. —Store on the South side of Main Street, second square below Mar DAVID LOWENBERO, f~"JLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." SIMON DREIFUSS, & ~CO! fJLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court house. A J. EVANS. _ IWERCHANT.—Store on the upper part i "-*- of Main stroet, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. S. €. SIIIVL\ MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE iTi AND CABINET WARE Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street, A. HI. RUPERT, TINNER AND STOVE DEALER Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. JOSEPH SR ARTZ. BOOKSELLER. Store in the Exchange Block, first door above the Exchange Hotel. R. W- WEAVER" ATTORNEY AT LAW— office ON THE first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. SHARPLEBS & MELIRK, FOUNDERS ANU MACHINESTS. Buitd ings on the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT, ~ I J BAILOR.—Shop on the South Side of Main -L_ Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENBCH, MERCHANT. —Store North West corner of Main and Market Streets. IIIRAM C. lIOWER, CjURGEON DENTIST.—Office near the K? Academy on Third Street. M'KELVY, HEALXCO^ IM ERCHANTS.—Northeast corner of Main nnd Market streets. THAR PLESS & MELICK, T\f ANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c.—Establish ment on Main street, next building i-.bove he Court-house. HENRY ZIPPING EK, CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side of Main street, above the Railroad. Every kind of disorder in jewelled nr oth er newly invented Escapements faithfull re pai red. PI'RDON'S DIGEST. A NY Justice of the l'ence wishing to pur "chase a copy of Purdon's Digest, can be accommodated by applying at tie this j offce I Thousands of Delighted Readers AND HUNDREDS OF OUR BEST CRITICS. Now add their testimoryto the "orriginal | ity," "beauty," "freshness," "brilliancy," "raciness," "geniality," "earnestness,'' "hu mor," "pathos," and " popularity" of BEE< UER'S STAR PAPERS. HEAR THE TESTIMONY OF THE PRESS. A few brief extracts from many long no tices : The St. Louis Daily Republican pronounces it "A literary banquet." The New York Evangelist says, " We ad* mire them more than We can well express. The Portland Argus says: "These papers are racy, and sparkle like champagne." The New York Daily Times sayjs: "Just the volume to lake with you into the cuuu try." The Buflulo Daily Courier says : '• It can not fail to reach the heart, and do good wherever read." , The New York Evening Mirror says: " We have seldom met with a more coniagjjjqg spirit of devotion to the beautiful." The New York Commercial Advertiser says: "Calculated to please all and give offence to none." The New York Observor says: "Full of striking thoughts—brilliant, racy and enter taining." The New York Journal of Commerce says : " It indicates sources ol enjoyment which, to a mind less fertile in expedients, would rarely occur." The Cincinnati Commercial says: "Vivid i words gives (he paper under which he w-riles the gleam of his emotions." The Cleveland Homing Leader says: " Ex quisite sensibility shines out everywhere from these brilliant pages." The Daily Ohio Stale Journal says: "It lias the sparkle of the author's genius." The Albany Evening Journal says: "The most delightful reading we have met with in a twelvemonlh." The Binghamion Republican says: "Will become fixed stars in the constellation of i our literature." The Congrcgationalist says: " No summer pocket should be empty of it." The Northwestern Christian Advocate says: "They are gems of the first water—stars ol I tho first magnituee." The Rochester American says: "Star pa pers have taken a range as wide as the sweep of the writer's greut intellect." The Rome Sentinel says: '' Those who have not read these papers have an untasled pleasure to enjoy." The New York Tribune says: " Flashes of fun suddenly gleam out from exquisite de scriptions." The New York Independent says: "We welcome this book as a thing of beauty that shall be a joy forever." The Springfield Daily Republican says: " Closely packed with lresh and beautiful thoughts, pleasant fancies, geueral humor and rich suggestions." One elegant 12mo. vol. Price, $1,25. Single copies sent by mail prepaid, on re ceipt ofprice. For sale on steamboats and railroads, and by all booksellers. A thousand Agents wanted for this, the best selling book extant. J C. DERBY Publisher. No. 1 Nassau street, New York. List ol" Letters _ REMAINING in the Post | burg, Pa., July Ist, 1855. Artley Catharine Lewis Bamhart T. Boardmai: J. S. Miller Job^^^^^^H Cristy Micheat Eussel Driblebis Catharine Ken Kvartson T. E. Rupert James Gulick G. H. Shepperton Tliomß^ Gaflany Catharine E. Smith Spencer C.< Gurela'nd Hiram Thomas Edward R. 2 Gilbert Joseph Verry Wit. Kitoben Martha Jane Wolf Sarah. Link Anna Persons calling for the above letters will pleastytay they are advertised. PHILIP UNANGST, p. M. MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for <sl cents just received A. G. MENSCH. TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS! scroßaSxao <£* OBCJD® HAVE just received and opened their slock of merchandize for Fall and IWinter salei which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment noi . offered in this'TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to price and quality, they llatlei themsolves that they can compete with the cheapen and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. VYe have a kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS QODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bomSazlnaf, de iinges, poplins, parametla cloths , mohair lustres, muslin do laines, Persian cloilis, Ginghams, Calicoes, &e. Will lit, GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs Bouncings, bauds and trimmings, laces and edgiuzs. bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, inohair mitts, Sea., ' t All kinds of SHAWLS, brocke, Bay State, Walerville, black eilk, cashmere, Embroder s ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, eatliuells, veslings, tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. m , BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS !p SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN $ CHILDREN I We have a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. Wo have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car ■ riage oil clothe, mats rugs, baskets, &u. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweling drillings, &c., in abundance. We invile our friends and the public generally lo give us a call before purchasing el-e • where. We have bought ourgoods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not bo undersold h\ anybody, or the rest of mankind. . Bloorasburg, October 28, 1855. ) —————— - i QDO?K£>a£PQn£:j£3 c£2s OCEJg, HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF i Fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing \ In the Exchange Bloc|f next to Swartz'i Book Store. They have on hand a laree and lull assortment of ° FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, °UM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, > of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about Of Pant and Vests they Itave every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue, 'rey sirioeil and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buft, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all f-!h tonable culsand colors ; Working Pauls and boys clothing. Also fine white figured ami 1 striped shirts; Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scurfs all kinds of uentle man's dress goods ; Hals, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas • and ° They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalell, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-ba" Handkerchiefs, &e., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Rings, Breast pins Gold and i Silver Bene and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porlmonies Spectacles Knivee Razors and a well selected assortment of Accdrileons. ' ' EST Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house Blooinsburg, Muy 18lh 185-1. s . DREIFUSS, & Co! JYE WSPRIJYG & SUMMER GOODS DAVID 10WE1TBEE.O TNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashiooale vlothing at his store on Market A street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders , and fancy articles. m 1 N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in , the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, May 16th 185J-3m. rpREASURY OFFICE, ) I JL IIARRISUUHG, Ma} 19 1855. | To the Treasurer and Commission ' ers nf Columbia County. GBNTLEMKN :—You are doubtless aware, that the semi annual interest on the funded debt at the Coniinonweahh lulls due on the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST NEXT. 1 feel impelled under a sense of duly to call your attention to the necessity of prompt and im mediate aclion to secure an early payment ot the taxes due the Stale. The reputation i and honor of the Stale are in a great mea -1 Buro committed to your keeping, it is upon the tax due from the ocvornl ooumies, that I reply mainly for the means of making pay ment. lam aware that the late stringency in the monetary affairs of the country, has greatly crippled the Manufacturing and Com mercial interests of Ihe Stale, that tho gener al drought and consequent failure of last year's crops has deprived the farmer of his usual ability to pay, and that owing to these adverse eircuniMances, it will requite on your part a more than usual efiort to collect piomplly. I know that the highest incite ment to duly that can be placed before the people of this Commonwealm, is to assure tliena that the honor of Ihe Commonwealth demands such duty at their hands. Which I would hold up this higher motive to you, unit through yon to the people. I would also remind youlhat by the Act of Assembly of the 28th day of April, 1844, it is provided that " any county paying into the State Treasury its quota of lax levied on its adjusted valuation, lilteou days prior to Ihe first day of August, in any year, such county shall be entitled to a i übalemont of five per cent, upon the amount so paid." lum dis posed to give this law a fair and liberal con struction. Where the whole amount has ■ not been paid, but an amount approaching I near to the whole, the deduction of five per cent, will be made. 1 wouid suggest the > propriety of allowing the abatement of five ' per cent, by the tax collector immediately to the lax payer, believing that each a course incite to a more prompt payment than when the benefit is made accrue to the County Treasury. Y'ou will confer a great favor upon me, by letting me know at as early a da!e as it will be possible for you to do so, with any rea sonable degree of certainty, what amount of money you will be able to furnish, and at what time, Yours respectfully. ELI SLIFEU, Sfufe Treasurer. "THE OPEN BIBLE." A GEISTS wanted to sell a NEW WORK, ■**- entitled " Paganism, Popery and Chris tianity, or the BLESSING of an OPEN BI BLE," us shown ill the History oi Christian ity, from the time of our Saviour to the pres ent day, by Vincent W. Miller. With a view of the latest developments of Rome's Hostil ity to the Bible, as exhibited in various parts of the world, and an expose of the absurdi ties of the immaculate conception, and the idolatrous veneration of the Virgin Mary, by Rev. J. F. Berg, D. D., author ol "The Jes uits," "Church and Stale," &c. &e. The au- ( tbor of this work. Dr. Berg, is acknowledged to be the most able writer on Romanism in the lite country; those who have read his discussions with Archbishop Hughes will need no assurance of this fact. Agents w ill find this the most able work Rit is a large 12mo. volume, of red and thirty pages, fepus engravings, beautifully and*t and sold ut #1 25 m|J sent by mail, post-paiap fol the United Stutes, on receipt of Bfftlpy, and judge for yourselves. l J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, Krlli Street PHILADELPHIA. 1855. 3SH ARHIVAL i OP Ginghams, Challi Delain,Biage Detain, Lawns, Chambrage, Muslin, Calicos, Gaters, Boots and Shoes, Black Still, Ladies' Mohair Mitts, and Palm Fans. July 18, '65. A. C. MENSCH. | EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS By tYe hundred for sale at this office. PUBLIC NOTICE. New Grand Duchy of Laden Lottery Loan. Capital 11,000,000 Florins riilS LOAN is guaranteed by the govern ment, and will be drawn in different prizes, as follows: 14 ol 50,000 Fie. I 54 of 40.000 Fls. 12 of 35,000 As 230f 15,000 fls 2of 12,000 lis 55 ' 10,000 ' 40 ' 5.000 ' 2 ' 4,900 ' 58 •' 4,000 ' 366 ' 2^000 ! 1944' 1,000 ' &c. &c. &c. The lowest prize being 42 Fls. 12 Florins are eoual to five dollars. The next drawing takes place at Carlsruhe under the Direction of the Baden Govern ment, on the 3 isill of August, 1855, when every drawn number must obtain or.e of the above-mentioned Prizes, which will be paid in cash, at tho offices of the undersigned.— Those fortunate shareholders not residing on the spot, will have their amount of Prizes sained paid to litem through an established Bank. The Lists of the result will be sent to each shareholder, and Ihe successful num bers published in the newspapers. * The price of one ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given b) ta king a number ot tickets, viz: 11 Tickets cost 820 I 50 Tickets cost 880 23 ' 40 I 100 ' ' 150 The price of tickets can be sent tn Bank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of Ihe com mercial towns of Germany, Holland, France, England, Scotland, or Ireland. For tickets and Prospectuses apply to Ihe undersigned Banking-house, which is ap pointed for tho sale of Tickets : MORIZSTIEBEL SONS, Linkers. Fraiikfort-on-lbe-Maine, Germany. N. B.—Letters to be directed "per Steamer 11 in Liverpool," to Moriz Stiebel Sons, Bank ers, in Frank furt-ontlie-Maine. ' Remittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next drawing, at the option of the send er. The Prospectus of this Distribution can be | inspected at the office ol this paper, where also Tickets may be obtained. July 9, 1855. Grand Jurors lor Septem ber Term 1833. Kenton —Benjintin Brink. Briarcreek —Win. Adams, Gilbert Fowler. Ltoom— Augustus Mason. Centre— Solomon Neyhard. Fishingcreck —William Evans. Greenwood —Samuel Bogarl. Hemlock —Hugh Mcßnde, Jno H. Fau*l. Jackson —Daniel I'ousl, John Heath, Jos. Butt, Ebenezer Keeler. Locust. —Goo. Marks, William Roth. Madison— Peter Wolf, John Eves. Mifflin —Leonard Kukeiidall, Samuel Hart zcll. Ml. feasant —John Jones, Benj. Kistler. Grange —D. R. Kline, Thomas McHonry. Sugar loaf —Georga Stedman. Bloomshurg, July 12, 1855. Traverse Jurors for Sept. Term 1855. Lriarcreek —Hen ry Deilerioft, Andrew Fow ler, John Freas, John Yost. Bloom— Jacob Diefi'enbach, Mahlon Ham lin, Charles Kaliler, Leaver —John Henr.inger. Ntrmoissa —George Breisch, David Ritter. fciI—Levi 1 —Levi A. Hutchinson. Bb'/<—George Schick, Daniel Zarr. Bjrmi—Albert Ammerman, Jacob Bobbins, Philip Appieman. eenwood Win. Roat, Peler Giiton, Jos. E. Sands. Hemlock —Baliis Girlon, Cornelius Vanhorn. Jackson —Hiram Baker. Main —Henry Harizell. Madison —Jacob Manning. Mifflin —Thomas Hess. Mount pleasant —Matthias Kindt. Oranue —Jeremiah Hess, George Ilarmat), Henry Eyer, George Applemati. Fine —lra Sanders. John Cornelison, John Lockart. Loaringcrcci —Elijah Yoeum. Scoff—David Witinire. Bloomshurg, July 12, 1855. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For wde at the cheap store of 'A. J. EVANS. Most of the People having Ken Sam, t TH% ENGROSSING QUESTION NOW IS IUVE TOO READ SAM? Wh.ch is supposed to mean tba LIFE OF SAM HOUSTON, A beautiful 12 mo. vol., folly illottrxed containing an Aolhentio Narrative of tba Eventful and Stirring Life of the lllottnous Senator, Hero, Patriot and Statesman, and now when ominous clouds of sectional discorJa, and threatening* of Civil War on our Western Frontier, come thick and fast— all ayes are turned to the Man for the Times 7Ae Second Old Hickory- Jackson's Fnend. The Hero of San Jacinto. The Conqueror of Santa Anna. Vic First President of Texas. The Future President of the United States. " This book will win him hosts of friends " —Louisville Jour. " Every American should possess it"— N. O. Expiess. " Houston is a man of prominence at this time. His name is 'in the mouths of men.'" —American Organ, D. C. " A strange and adventurous life—bevond that of most men."— N. O. Crescent. "Intensely interesting, and will be read by millions."— -Hingkam (.Mass) Journal. •' No novel ever presented a more altrac- ■* live face."— Star Spangled Banner. " He can captdre with his sword, or capti vate with eloquence."— Troy IVhig. " Thousands of his Irienils will read it with enthusiasm."— Christian Enquirer. _ "It should be in the hands ot every Amer ican citizen."— Concord (N. H ) Journal. " In language such as will touch the heart, the outline of Houston's career."— Savumiah (_Oio ) Jour. " It is a work of tho most romantic, hero ic interest."—JV. Y. Mirror. •' tor executive action in peace or war, a statesman a and Boldier.'— Ncwbcrrimort Her• aid. " His name and history Americans will love to cherish."— Buff. Christ. Ado. "A record not unworthy a Presidential candidate."— Prcrv Post. " A national man, who has fought and blod and lived for the American Republic."- imer ican Patriot. " Would tiere were more like him among our public men.' —Gospel Banner. " I lie work throughout is one of deep and thrilling interest.' — Christ. Freeman. " We have read the work with istense In terest.Schenec lady Reflector. " Full of anecdote, adventure and thrilling incident."— CAic. Budget. '•Ait extremely interesting and grapklo memoir.' — Boston Transcript. " Will enguge the attention of the reader from the opening to tho close."— Rochester Union. " Destined to have a large sale, for Sam is popular."— Hart. Bepub. '• The champion of Jackson, respected, be friended and beloved by him."— Buff, llepub. " Will everywhere be read with much in terest, it is a copious and brilliant narrative." —N. Y. Com Advertiser. The übove is but the key-note ot many fa vorable notices, Irotri the leading papers ot the United States. Thousands of American citizens are reading the book with delight. Many more are waiting for an opportunity to possess it. Price #1,25. And for sale by all Booksellers. Single Copies sent by mail (post-paid,) on receipt of price. 16,000 AGENTS WANTED, libera) terms allowed address J. C. DERBV, Publisher, 119 Nassau street New York- Jane 5, '55. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLU, COLUMBIA CO.. PA. For Youth of both Sexes. WJI BURGESS, PBiarCll'AL. -L eesslui operation lor several years has recently been enlarged to eive better accom rpndaiiona fpi anu increased facili ties lor 1 uition, &c. Kach quarter of the School year consists of eleven weeks, and the next session wftl commence on the 13;h of August, but pu> ■ pils will be taken at any season. In addition to the constant attention of the Principal, the services of an experienced teacher have been procured. Instruction will be given in all the English branches usually taught, and also in Latin. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cess given to a Library and the use of Math einatical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for all who desire. irmsosso 1 ciTton, £3.50, £4 and £4.50 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &c., 824 per quarter, one-half payable quarterly in advance. Gf For further particulars address the prin cipal. Millville, July 6, 1855. Universally Acknowledged to be the Funniest Hook of the Age! BUY IT, READ IT, IF YOU LOVE TO LAUGH. Second Edition going ofTlike Hot Cakes! BLACK DIAMONDS} Or, Humor, falire, and Sentiment, rp SEATED Scientifically and Poetically, -L BY JULIUS CJESAR HANNIBAL, Of The New York Picayune, Containing Side splitting lliuatrations, Price 75 ceuts in paper; Si in cloth, gilt. This work is unanimously pronounced by the Press of the Old and New World, as be ing the Greatest Work of its kind ever Pro duced—a Rare Combination ol Morality, Comicality and Philosophy. 1000 Enterprising Men Wanted immedi ately, to sell this and other popular Works and Maps, throughout the States and Cana da". The trade supplied aj the lowest rates. VST Copies mailed free of postage, npon receipt of price. Address, A. RANNKY, Pnblisher, 195 Broadway, New York. Public Sale of Heal Estate. r ] l HERE will be Bold at publio sale upon -L the premises on SATURDAY the &th day of September next at 1 o'clock P. M., the fol lowing real estateA tract of Improved Land in Eishingcreek township, Columbia county, lately occupied by Rus.el Shullz, adjoining lands of John Aliegar, James N. Jones, and Abraham Robbtns, containing 220 acres and 63 perches. Huntingdon Creek divides the tract, and the parts on each side of the creek will be first offered at sale separately, and if unt so sold, then us one tract. There is* two and a half story frame dwelling bouse, • bank burn, a S£2QHI1 0 and outbuilding, of value on the premises, and a never failing well near the house.— About 96 acres are cleared laud, and the rest limbered witb pine and oak. ALSO. At the same time and place, a vacant (own lot of one lourth ncre in New Columbus, on which is au excellent well ol water. IT* The properly will be sold as the estate of Samuel Beater deceased, by order of hia will. SAMUEL J. BKALEB, JAMES S. WOODS, Executors. | Eishingcreek, Col. op , July 19, '55,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers