THE STAR OF THE NORTH. R. W, * Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. THE STAR OF THE NORTH I* FCBLISIIKD EVEUY TtIUKSBAY MOUMKU BY 11. XV. WCAVKR, OFFICE— Up stairs, in the new hick build itig, on the south side of Main Street, thiid square below Market. T.E'R MS,: —Two Dollars per annum, if paid within nix months from tlio time of sul - scrit'iiig ; two dollars ami fifty cents if no paid within the year. No subscription re •Aived for a less pprioil than six rnnn't's ; no discontinuance permitted unti.l alt arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. Am F.RTISEMENTB not exceeding one square will be inserted three lirops for One Dollar and twenty five cents for each additional in eortion. A liberal discount will be made to ihose wbo advertise by the year. ORIGINAL POETRY. Far the "Star of the North." FHIKN US OF 1Y YOU I 11. Oh where are the friends of my earlier years 7 Oh! where from rny sight uro they fled? Are they lost mid the cares of this valley ot tears? Are the flowers of friendship all dead? Oh, no, they still flourish in memory's isle, As fresh as when planted in truth ; And methinks lean still see the welcoming smile Of the friend*,the fond friends of myyoutn. Though somo may have gone to that f.irdis lain clime, From whose bourne they will never return; But still in our hearts and unshadowed by lime The fire of love will still burn. Yes: those that are absent,their memory now We'll cherish in friendship and love, And the flowets of feeling that budJcJ be-, low Will blossom to beauty above. Uuck Horn, Pa. E .... F Anecdotes of n Physician. The late Dr. Chapman, of Philadelphia, mourned by ntany who will laugh at his wit no more, has left behind him a memory that will be transmitted through successive gene, atious. His wit was equal to his skill. It was hard to say which did his patients the most good, and as he always gave his best ol both at the same time, they probably helped each other. Jut as it happened when one of his patients revolted at a monstrous dose of pit) sic and said: k "Why, Doctor, you don't mean such ntlcse as this for a gentlemen ?" "Oh, no,'' said the Doctor, "it's for work ing men I' 1 And a gnod laugh is often as good r.s n medicine. With him the pleasantry was as certaiu as the opportunity Evan in extremis it would come out of him. He was walking in the street, and a baker's cart driven furious ly, was about to run him down. The baker reined up suddenly, and just in lime to spare the Doctor, nlia took ofl his hat, and bowing politely, exclaimed, "You ara the best brtd man in town." At the great gathering in Philadelphia of the Medical Society of the United States, the literary and distinguished Dr. Francis and Dr. Chapman met, as they bad done s thou sand limos befote, having been friends for half a century. Ala large dinner party, a pompous little Dr. Msnn, presuming that these gentlemen were strangers, said to Dr- Francis, " Let me introduce you to Dr Chap man, the head ofour profession in Philadel phia." It was 100 much for Dr. Chapman, who retorted, "Dr. Francis, let me introduce you to Dr. Mann, the tail of our profession in Philadelphia." Little Mann let the lions alone after that. Very much against his will, the doctor was made a vestryman in the parish church, and one of his duties was to pass the plate for the contribution at the morning service. He pre sented it with great politeness and becoming gravity to the gentleman at the head oi the pew nearest the chancel, who was not dispo sed to contribute. The faithful collector noth ing daunted, held the plate before him, and bowed, as if he would urge him to think the matter over and give something , a Utile some thing, and refused to go on till ho had seen his silver on the plate, in this way he pro ceeded down the aisle, victimising every man til! he eame to the pow nearest the door where sat an aged colored woman. To his surprise she laid down a piece of gold.— "Defer me!" said the astonished doctor, ")ou roust be a Guinea rigger!" Tliey never troub led the Doctor to go round with the plate af ter that. Dr. Chapman was a delegate to the con tention of the church, which was to hold its annual session at Pittsburg. Party spirit ran high,and the members, both clerical utitl Isy. being men of like passions with oilier men, became more excited snd violent in word and tone than was becoming so rovercr.d and grave a body. When things had gone on at this rate for two days, and were nothing bet tered, bnt rather grew worse, one of the most venerable members arose and said, that "he thought these scenes were highly indecor ous, especially as they were enaoted in the presenae of God, whose servants we profess lo be." Dr. Chapman for the first time now •food up, and with a peculiar twisting of h i words, and (he profound attention ofihe whole convention'remarked: Mr. President, I think so too. It is to bad. The members ought not to go on ao. But Ido not feel the force of that last remark. The gentleman says, 'luce ought uot to conduct in this manner in the presence of God." "Now, sir, to my cer tain knowjedge, he has not been in this place •iuee we*came together." The rebuke was ao just, so pertinent, that priests and people felt it alike, and the busi ness of tba convention was conducted with decorum to its close. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY. MAY 17, 1855. I.i t F roti'sttiel* oi The subjoin, d parugr. ph from the Nation 'I Era, —a semi-religious paper, the Metro •clitan organ of modetale frea soilism,— is commended to those people to whom it is addressed: " Let Protestants beware—they are in the imminent danger of tii-gracing their own Cause. It is impossible that the pro-i rip live, oath bound secret political organization comprehending infidel and Christian, the pious and the profligate rascality and respoc t.b lily, bound together by lite common re solve to inflict civil disabilities upon the Catholics, can long hold together; but when i shall have been broken in pieces, what a reaction may follow in favot of the very bo ly now so fiercely prosenbedi The popu lar mind ma) swing as tin into the extreme | of indilloretice, as it is into the extreme of bigotry. And witji hat arguments ill the miserable experiment have filled the mouths ot the advocates of 'Catholicism ! They c ill illustrate your boasts ol the liberality, and i toleration, and justice, and magnanimous re- j bunce upon truth of Prolestanism, by rem in- j I i.etudes of know-nothia±isml Already, the niotl lliouglfftul of the Piolestant ministers arc looking forward with adprehensian. An eminent divine, in a recent letter to us, re. marks: ' But, a word as to Romanism. I feared iwo tilings as soon as it was brought into a political movement—first, that in uniting the infidel opponents of Romanism with those who ara evangelical, llts vitul truths of the gospel would be left out. The result of this would hi an ultimate recoil into su perstition and despotism, for iufidellity can never da troy Romanism. A positive reli gion* power filling the heart is needed todo it. 1 Icared also, superficial arguments end a reaction, so that the final result should be to strengthen Romanism, rather than the hierarchy, another reaction.' It has been to us one of the strongest de vciojieiiiou'.s of know-nothingism that men professing piety, and, in many instances, ministers of tue gospel, have been delected j in is-ning down dark stair cases leading out j from the obscure dark room in which the Secret Order were wont 'o congregate —al- ternating, in their stealthy egress, with per sons of the most openly profligate habits, of iho most obi itdoned lives, of tiio rio-t open ly professed infidel opinions.—When reli gions intolerance reaches such a point as j this—when haired of Catholicism bring' pto- | leased ministers and representatives of the j Protestant religion to consort with the repre- I sedatives of overy degree of 6in and wick edness in secret midnight conclave—well , may the National Era , ami overy other | Protestant paper in the land, exclaim BE- j WAKE! It must be remenibpre.l that know-noth ingi-m is not, in fact, a Protestant organiza tion—that is, it is not controlled by tncn who car® t, fig for the P-otestanl or any other church. It is purely a political engine, in the liamlsof the same politicians who moved heaven anil earth to obtain the votes of Calh- ' olios ami foreigners for Gen. Scott in the last Presidential election. It is unti-Catho- i lie only to enlist Protestants in support of its candidates. It panders to the morbid ami ! Catholic spifil of the country only to bring to the aid of its. Presidential schemes those Protestant democrats w hose zeal runs away with their discretion—The old whig parly is dishaudoned, and know-riothiugism suc ceeds it; and the new organization sets its sails for that popular breeze with which they may possibly he filled. That breeze is just J now, hatred to Catholicism and prejudices against foreigners, stimulated by violent ap- I peal, and extravagant narrations of a menda cious political press. Wo repeat the injunction of the National Era, —' Let' Protestants beware.' ' They are,' indeed, 'in eminent danger of disgracing their own cause. When Protestantism shall lend its name to build up a political reli gious organization to the country—it will be worse than disgraced—it will be ruined.— ' let Protestants beware /' How to Prosper In Business. In the first place, makeup your mind lo accomplish whateve you undertake; decide upon some particular employment and per severe in it. All difficulties are overcome by diligence and assiduity. Be not sfrsid lo work with your own hands, and diligently, 100. "A cat in gloves catches no mice." Attend to your own business and never j trust it lo others. "A pot ihut belongs to 1 many is ill-stirred and worse boiled." Be frugal. ''Thai which will not make a ' pol will make a pot lid." Be abstemious. " Who dainties love shall | beggars prove." Iltse early. "The sleeping fox catches no poultry." Trest every one with respect and civility. " Everything is gained and nothing lost by courtesy." Good manners insure success. Never anticipate wealth from any other source than labor. "He who waits for dend men's shoes may have to go for a long lime barefoot.'* Heaven helps those who help themselves. If you impliciiy follow these precepts, nothing will hinder you from accumula ling. LV Henry the Eighth made a law that all men might read the Scriptures, except servaqts; but no woman, except ladies who had leisure, and might ask somebody the meaning. This law was repealed in fid ward the Sixth's days. RUSSIAN LADY STARTING ON A SLEIGHING TOUR. Fur the " Stur of the Worth." EUR]?E IIV 185^. BY R. W. WEAVER. (CONTINUED.) Is is no wonder tl e past h iniorj' of Rimi 1 alarms Enrops. By Ilia treaty of Nenslsdt in 1781 sho obtained access to the Gulf of F inland n'ud an outlet for Sf. Petersburg.— How the absorbed Poland, nt four fiucs sive nioulhftill* in 1772. 1798, 1795 and 1815 we all know. In 1809 she took Fin land trom Sweden to obiain command ol llio Gulf of Bothnia, and at the genervl set tlement in 1815 risked the peace oi Europe rather than surrender it; and caused the scandalous arrangement by which Norway was torn from Denmark and given to Sue dsn as an equivalent. By the war which terminated in the treaty ot Kainardje in 1774 she gained a footing on the coasts of the Black Sea ; in 1783 she annexed the Crimea and the Sea of Azof; in 1702, by the treaty of J.isy, r.l e obtained from Turkey another slice ol territory with Odessa a a port: the treaty of Bucharest in 1812 left her in pos session ol Bessarabia : and that of Adriatic pie in 1829 gave her the month ol lite Dan ube raid additional territory and important fortresses in the Asiatic shore of the Black Sea. Bui this was not all. She held pos session for some time of the Moldo—Wul laohian provinces, established her own sys tem of rule therein, and when the objections o( Europe rnd liur own induced her to evacuate them, skestipulated that the institutions and form of government she bad set on loot should not be disturbed ; thai Tur kish troops should not again l e allowed to occupy them, and that she should have the right (which she at once exercised) oi etah lisliiug a quarantine on the Danube—thu virtually detaching them from Turkey, to whom they now owe only a sort of feudal homage. The present war must be understood and treated altogether as a question of '"might,' and not a 6 a contest for tie/if. The alleged ground of the Czar's claim is his right to occupy and govern Moldavia and Wullachia. under the pretext of protecting each of iis people as are Christines and not Mehortie-- dans. This is, as if the Popeol Rome should claim jurisdiction 'in the United Siaios to regulate our municipal laws, because a large portion of our people arc Catholics. Or it is such a case as if (he different governments ol Europe would demand the occupation ol Russia by an armed foroo to protect that one fourth of the Czar's subjects who do not be lieve in the Holy Synod of St. Petersburg, but are adherents of Catholioism, Lutherau ism, Calvinism, Mahoinedanism, Judaism, Lamaism,Schamaism, &c. And then it must be remembered that the Christian subjects of the Sultan, do not re cognise the Holy Synod of St. Petersburg, as their spiritual guide, hut regard it usi-ciii*- matical. They bold the Patriarch of Con stantinople, to be tiie true and outiodox sue cessor of St. Peter, and treat the CZJI'H Holy Synod of St. Petersburg as a usurpation es tablished by Peter the Great, fur temporal purposes alone, and we quite agree with them in the latter clause of this creed. The Patriarch of Constantinople had Irom its or igin beon the head of the Greek Church, but Pete felt the necessity of a religions powei to awe his subjects, end established a Hob Synod in his new Capital. To this day this Synod is presided over by a layman who is appointed by the Czar, and whose veto enti suspend or evon annul the most solemn res olutions of Synod, even when unanimously uJopted. Tlte Synod may have the number of its members increased or reduced nt the pleasure of the Czar, and its edlola are in variably headed with" the formula—"Ny the most high will, tommand, and conformably to the sublime wishes of his Majesty, Ifc. tyc."— At present, and for some years past, the President of the Synod is General Protuson —a general of cavalry—who with boots, beard and sabre, makes a very dignified President. He does not sit in council when abstract questions of faith are talked off, but only when particular rules of conduct and •etion are decided. That is: ibe Czar lays dowo bis rules of action for his rubjeele, and Truth and Right God and our Country. then troubles himself very little as to what they believe —jiist as Napoleon once said, he would not interfere with any man's con science, but whoever did not cry out "vice I'Empercur should be shot. On the other hand, the Greek Church is presided over by the Patriarch of Constanti nople. Twelve metropolitans under bim compose the Synod or Grand Council : and regulate all civil and religim s matters in their eomntunities, without any interference by the Sultan. The imposts which the Greek nation pays to the goveriynent are apportion ed not by the Mttsselman authorities, but by its own archbishops and bishops. Tho*e prelates ore dc rficio member- of the mnni ripal councils by the same right a* the Tor ki-h governor* and mu! is; and the Bullae's officer* are bound to see IO 'he execution nl the decision or judgements ol "the bishops in all that relates to their respective dioees. The Dantibian prieripslities contain a pop ulation of font millions, all of whom, excrpi about 50.000 Hungarian Catholics, are mem bers of the Greek, but not of the Rmso-Greek Church, ami hold that church which is pre sided over by the Czar's aid-iie-camp to be heretical. A mere statement of these facts shows how baseless is the pretexl of Nieh olas. In creed (lie Greek church is (lie same with the Rosso-Greek. Hoiti are patriarchal, and mnvh like die Cadiol.c. The Eastern 'or Greek ehureh differs from die Roman or Latin in making the iloly Spirit proceed from the Kalher alone, and in denying pur gatory, for which it does not find H salifliie tory authority in the bible. It admits the same number of sacraments as do the Ro mans, but holds that baptism should tie tier lorined by immersing the whole body three titties in water. Trunsubstanlintioii is recog nised in the administration of the commun ion as well as j., the sacrifice of the mass, without, however, making the host an ob ject of special worship. Confession is ob ligatory ; but it may be general, or special, or auricular, us the penitent chooses. Ex treme unction is bestowed not only 011 the dying, but when desired, on persons who ure ill to any extent. Predestination is not admitted, nor the trans'er of superabund ant merits ftom one sinner to another, nor special indulgences for the living or the tlead. It prescribes and observes more fasts than the Roman church. No instrumental music whatever, but only choral singing is used in the churches j and no stools, chairs or benches are allowed. Paintings are ad mitted, but no sculptures of stone, matal or wood. All the laity may freely read the bi ble, and the priests n.ny marry. These priests have very long titles, and very short salaries: some English bishops having a revenue neatly as large as that of the whole Russian hierarchy, l'eter the Great, like Henry VIII of England, took from the clergy and monasteries all their property which was very great. Tho Greek church is liberal in its creed, an.l holds dial whoever is baptized in die name of Christ will bo saved. In its con* duel il lias never interfered with llio civil power in llie decision of social or political questions; and its priests liave never, like those in die United Stales, protested in the name ol lite Almighty against nny act of • legislations The Greek church has never used ita power or thrown its influence a gainst civilization or science, and can safe ly boast that it would never have excom municated Galileo, nor protested against the theory of Copernicus, nor condemned "vac cination, or the culture of the potato. Tito liussian clergy number 300,000. and inclu ding thoir families, nearly 1.000,000. Originally lite Latin and Greek church was one ; but a schism arose between the patri arch of Constantinople and the bishop or pope of Home, having ita ostensible origin in a few words of creed, but in reality arising only from the ambition for supremacy of these two Catholic prelates.— I'he question at variance was whether the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Fatheralone, or from the Father and the Son equally.— But the patriarch of Constantinople soon broached hit discovery, that the Scriptures do not forbid priests to marry j and after such a controversy as might have been ex- peeled the church was divided into the East ern and Western, each claiming to bo the orthodox Catholic church. Time and social policy have *irioe slightly modified Ihe creeds and ceremonies of both. [TO BE CONTINUED "I I'iIBTTY THOUGHTS. What is crime? A wretched vugabond travelling from place to p'uee in fruitless en deavor to escape from justice who is enga ged in hot pursuit; a foe to poor innocence which is 100 often made to suffer for the guilty. What is thought? A fountain from which flows all good and evil intentions—a menial flood electrical in the force ami ra pidity of its movements, silently, flowing nnsecn within its avenue—yet it is the con trolling power of animated nature, and the chief main spring of ail our actions. What is happiness? A butterfly that roves from flower to flower in the vast par den of exii'enre, ar.d which is eagerly pur sued by the multitude ill hope of obtaining the prize; yet it continually evades their j<rap. What is fashion? A beautiful envelope for mortality, presenting a glittering and polished pxterior, the appearance of which gives tin certain indication of the real valup of what is contained therein. What is wit? A sparkling oeverage that is highly cxhilerating agreeable when par taken at the expense of others; but when used at our cost it becomes bitter and un pleasant. What is knowledge ) 'A key thatjinrav els all mysteries, which unlocks the entrance and discovers new, and unseen and untrod den paths in the hitherto unexplored field o( science and literature. What is fear ? A frightful substance to the really guilty, but a vain and harmless shadow to the conscientious, honest and up right. What is joy? The honey of existence— really beneficial and agreeable when parta ken of in moderation, but highly injurious when used to excess. 'telegraphic. When it was first reported that Prof Morse had succeeded in conveying intelligence be tween B.thimore and Washington, through the wires of the Magnetic Telegraph one old savun, who had been a school master and a mcnihet ol the legislature, gave it as his opinion that the report was a humbug.— In fact from It is knowledge of astronomy, he knew the thing could not be done ! Short ly after, O'Reilly's men were seen setting j the poles directly by the old mans dwelling, j One day he joined Ihe crowd who were wit- I nessing the opperation of stretching Ihe wires. Upon being asked what he thought o f the matter then, he hesitated a moment— j asuming an air of importance —and then re plied ; well gentlemen, while in the Legis-j lature, 1 gave the subject considerable atten tion, amtoiave come to the*, conclusion thai I if may answer very well far small packages, but ' it will never do for large bundles—never Knickerbocker. Tender lleurtcd. A farmer, who formerly resided in Penn sylvania, wished to remove West, but was | so deeply in debt, that his creditors would | not let him go, and they were keeping a watch on him, that they might detain him when he attempted toatsrt. He accordingly set a day for starting, and on Ihe day pre\i ons he concluded to go ahead, and give bis creditors the slip. He set out, and alter go ing a considerable distance, met a neighbor on his way home. " Why. bow come this ?" said the latter why do you start ofij and leave your family behind? - "Well, to tell Ihe truth," he replied, "I juat know how it will be—when my folks start ofT, the neighbors and friends will be there to see them go and bid them good bye, and there will be such crying! so I thought I would go ahead, for I am so tenderhearted 1 could not stay to see it?" A MODEST DEMAND.—A lawyer, named | Eugene Casserly, claims from the city of San Francisco, Cat., $15,000 at a fee for professional services Fiom the Knickerbocker. WHAT TIIB YOUNG MAN SAW IN BKOAHWAY. Suggested by a well known Engraving. BY MEIHTKIt KARA. j I stood on llie (Heps of Ihe Ator | And gazed hi the living liJe i Of vehicles down |t>o middle, And people upeillier side. And I saw a maid who was 1 pumpkins, l In a shawl of real Cashmere, I Jump down from ihe step of a carriage, While her robe ' got caught'in the rear. | Oh ! the rohe was of moric antique, I (A very expensive ' rag:') Bui a skirt peeped out helow it, I And that was a coffee-bag. I 1 knew it had once held coffee, | Though/tow 'I ws another thing; J For on it WHS FINE Our JAVA,' I Y-ntarked in store-black-ing. 1 And I thought, as she gained the side-walk, | And the ■ muslin' again was furled; i How much those ont-skirts and fn-skirta i Were like malt's heart in Ihe world. , How many a I'haiiseo humbug ) l'lays a life-long game of brag; i His words nil silk and velvet, i And hta heart but a coffee-bag! ' Arid I turned me in to the Astor, For my heart was beginning ',o aink, Anil I told the tale to my brother, And it rung him tu for a drink. It rung him in for eook-tails, And then to myself I confessed. When I thought how I came by the ardent, That I was as bad as the rest. EDUCATIONAL. Columbia unniny touchers' AssooluiTorn THE Teachers' Association of Colombia County will mepl according 19, adjournment ut M divide in the S'hnol room of the Semi nary on SATUHDAY; the 19th ol May, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The leachers of the county, male and female, and all who are in any way identified with the teachers'pro , fessinn are earnestly solicited to meet to de vise measures to promote iheirown improve ment and the best interests of the Public Schools ; and all school directors and other friends ol ei'tiraltoiißl advancement are re spectfully invited to come ami participate in the proceedings. Addresses and sions on various topics may bo expected, anil die occasion will prove interesting and profitable if our teachers will attend. Accent mod aliens will be provided for all. % order of the Executive Committee. WW. BE KG ESS. COMMON SCIKHti.S. The following timely and suggestive veto message, indicates the ftrttt and decided, yet prudent and judicious manner in which Gov. I'ollock will give ftis official support to the Common Schools of the Sla'e; a gtati fying indication of executive devotedness to one of the noblest enterprises that could command the influence of any administra tion ; EX rccTivF. CHAMBER, ) flarrisbu'g, May 2il, 1855. J The Sennte tt d House of Representatives: GENTI.KMKN. — [ return to the House ol Representatives in which it originated Bill No. 371, entitled ,: an Art relative to the sal ary of County Superintendents of Common Schools in certain Counties, with nty objec tions to lite same. Ostensibly this bill was intended to pro vide a more adequate compensation for the Superintendents of the counties designated, and if the enactment itself and the intention ! were in conformity with each other, I would be pleased to give it the executive sanction. But as it ia limited in its provisions to but lour counties, when there are many others ' requiring similar reliel, which could readily be afforded by u general law, this bill is justly obnoxious to the charge of special legislation in its most irjurious and least de teosible shade. The phraseology of the bill is such as to permit the School Directors in the counties named, to virtually abolish the office of County Superintendent so far as those coun ties ara concerned, and dislocate and de range the working machinery Cf the Com mon bchool System, impair the efficiency of the administration, and materially retard its successful progress ; and might break off from the system the office of County Super intendent before the experiment has been fairly tried. The complete success of the Common School system, in the full devel opment of its ultimate capabilities and bles sings, would be (he crowning glory of the Commonwealth; and Iho just demands of uu awakened and healthy public sentiment should uot be damaged by sudJen changes of the general law, or the pernicious influ ence of special legislation.' The office of County Superintendent, although but nine months in existence, has accomplished much in the advancement of popular education; but it requires time and suitable opportunity to demonstrate its full powers, and lor ibis purpose the general law amended, and the most favorable circumstances af forded the office for a full and fair experi ment. I understand there are tills, supplemen tary to the School law, now pending in the Legislature, containing provisions which substantially grunt the privileges contained in this bill without its objectionable features; and which contain other provisions that are deemed, important if not indispensable to the harmonious and efficient workings of the sohool svs'em. Feeling that I can rely with confidence on Ibe intelligence and patriotism of the Legis lature for the passage, before the close of this session, of snch general amendments to the present school law, as are deemed neces sary and proper; and more especially such as will make the office of County Superin tendent more efficient and useful, I am the less reluctant to' return this bill without my approval- JAMES POLLOCK. [Two Dollars per kmwm NUMBER 17. From the N. Y. I'icoyunt. I*ro f. Julius Cassur Ilitnoib it's Sl* 'riSTOT.E PHOM 'OROPE. Polluted Lnmt: —As ilia pisle.may beds las dal you will recebe from the ilis oitln ob Jor dan—as my passuge borne am all fluid, tanks to de kommitty on furnaces—l tort I'd jla tell you what a time I had at de grand hall giben or. my spsshel 'count by de hie right 'onerable Dutchess of Sunderland. If you scratch your heads end reflex two weeks ouch (tulkin ob weak hacks, mine hah be come so weak dal 1 can scarcely git down stairs widout back in down,) you will, by turning back a few lebesin de book obrfiem ory, remember dal I spoke to you in dalpisls 'bout my rccebiti inwito to spend a week at de l)utcheses. Well I go dar. and sirh a time you nebber did see, on de ebening ob iny aribal. All do noabilities war dar; allde hie arch fellers and hie fallooton ladies in de kingdom. Da house was lumittaied, and right ober de Iront door was a piclerlit up behind ob Uncle Tom a gitlin licked on one side and his goin npto he bin—not in a chariot ob fire like iMr 'Lija'h did—but in a fairy red shirt and big brogans. De parlors too war deckerated wid picter— sicli AS little hba puttin a rcaf ob fiowers on Uncle Toitqg head—anudder represented Alassa Shakspere, Lord Byrum, Sir Edward Little Buliter, on der Jiees to Mrs. Harriet Butcher Slow, and holdin dp a volume ob Unco Cabin on a waiter cubbered wid a reaf "b lorrels. All dis look berry fine, but what laid ine otit cold was a site ober de mantle* piece! Dar, jis as sure as yoo all lub clam >ou P, hung, de full lengf pnrtrate ob me my sell, as large as It ft?. Ho:b I wnsslandin be hind de ole desk compounding dance and confusion and odder useless milage. I ax'd de Dutclie.-a wbar she git it; she sed it wus taken from a dogslovepipe, horn my likeness in the Picayune. I tellynu I felt as stifl as an old toper's brandy cocktail, w hen I see it, and begged lor it to hang up in front ob de Pica yune office, like Alassa Haniutn does dd ltyenossinboss and big snakes, but de Dutch ess wouldn't listen to my opportunities, dec "ijed my inquest, and said she wanted it for posterity. Putty soon lie ronrna war full.— wus lie Lord Hie Admirer ob do Naby 1 ard, and de young Duke ob WalJopem (whose la Idcr wallop'd Brig-a-dig Gen. Bo ney part at de battle of Watermelons, wlren Blucher come dat double game ob corain round de corner on him,) but he wusnowhar. I wus de Lion dat nile. De fader wus some putnkins, hut he's all squash. De Lrrd Hie Keeper ob her Majesty V poodle wus dar too, wid a soro-eyert white puppy us a present from de Queen tods Dutchess, but she refu-' j sed de dog bekase he wnsem bfack, as she ! had made up her mind to go de entire black since 1 t.ab aribed. De Lord Hie poodle fel ler condenl shine mong de wite laliesneder too— l wus dai ! Prince Albert sent his "rooderit com" 011 a bit ob paper, wid a fel ler big nuflf to tote a Indo ob cotton. De Queen, she bad de flarn flues and wus indis pensably disposed, and she coodunl cgm But dar wus crowds 'pon crowds Widout dem, and I II bet fifty clams against two tiled crabs, dat we had more fun dan if deyed a hiri dare ill all doir stately state ob slateli lies*. Kbberybody dat wus enybody win present. Be-ides de home-made Dukes, Counts, &c. dar wus seberl turiners, dressed as if' deir bail come a purpose. Dar was do Ger man Count Loafroundtown Prince No-hirts ky. Count Hardupenog, and Barren Rams nuflhighskydonderinaskenchesehofl, F R S. —dal K. U. S. means Fat Ragged and Sas sy,! link, judging from ilelnok-obde Barren. At ten 11 clock de band struck up, and 111 it we went. De ladies confessed dat dey hadn't nebber seen so finished dsnctn till I struck deir hearts hi do trim ole Wurgiiuiy style.— Ebbery yard ob calico danced wid me and L danced wid dem till 1 tort my ole heel git a stone brnze and my toes out ob jini. We sashned, followed 100, squreil Ourselfs to our partiuers, till 1 tort I'd df p, and it all ended in a grand lerinitam—sich as dey used to hub ill de olden lime, when dey went out armed enp-a-po, and jilted one anudder on horse back. Sir Waller Scotch spokes 'bout dem in his History ob Mr. I. Van Hoe, Esq. brud- - der to Hoe do spress man in New Vork. De young Duke of Wallopem felt a little jellis ob me, I link, when he seeJ de ahine de fair se* wus a cutlin towards me, so he euros up to me when I wus de sentre ob 'traction to a crowd, and sez he, "Professor, do you in- * lend to favor us on dis side wid one ob your popular lectures belore you go. De whole town is agog to hear you." I lole him dat it wus not my 'lention 10 bedim de lite ob euy ob deir lecturers. I had been wited toleciur at Eggs-Esters Hall in de .Strand, but had in clined in 'sideration ob deir own urators; but It her royal Hieness, de Queen, inqiiosted it I wood lectur at de Buck ob DukeinghanTe Palace, aloro all do Royal High fellers ir da kingdom cum. "Well," sez he, pulhn np his shirt collar as most all wileado when day . am a givane to be apeshly funny, "I would, with your permission suggest u subject lor the occasion." ''Dai's win I nlwers am in need of when Igo to lecture," sez I. "Spit it rite out and let's hear it." "Well, sup pose," sez he, "you lecture on do mo-t sta ple commodity ob your country." "What's dat," sez I. "Why, Humbug J" sez he, a latfin way down in his shoes, tace and all. ' Oh," sez I, "dat aim staple lode States,dat's imoorted from dis side." I)e.ladies all laff at dat and make me feal fust rate. Do ball didenl break up till lung arter supper, and when it did I wus eorndueied to bed by morn a dozen ob fellers in nee briohess, wid thom den fifty candles in deir bands. Dey put ma in two bds, so it seemed to tne ; ami when I woke up in de murium I wus touiahed to find my bed full ob cobwebs and bumble bees. I'd tell you howde Duchess had per wided a banjo for my spe-hel use dat nite, and how 1 sung an original "Ober Jordan" for dem, but rny pisle am already too long, derelnre 1 will gub you do song in my, no*, if I rite nnmlder. If I ' don't I'll sliig it for yon do fust nite de siance -hop am opened. 1 is sorry to hear what nubble de kommit ty hab had to collect a -asset fall at de meet ings lb hear my.pisles red. Now do chip op wid more sluggishness, and go bosgo wid • liter hart and pocket.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers