NEW SPRING SL SIMMER CS3>CEXE> 00533 < THE subscriber having just returned from Philadelphia have opened their dock of Spring and Summer Millinery Bonnet* and Bonnet materials, together with a general assortment of FANCY GOODS. Silks, plain and corded Satins, Ribbands, Col lars, CUff*, Ruffling, Veils, Mils, GIOVPS, Flowers, Wreaths, Caps, Bonnets, Satin, Straw, Ruffled lace bonnets, Tuscan, Belgrade, English straw, split straw, diamond stran flats, Nspolilan and Casen Bonnets to order or ready made, also a variety of fancy articles which is not necessary to enumerate, but to all of which we invite the attention of our old friends and the public generally to call and see our cheapest and best assortment. M. BARKLEY & CO. Bloomsburz, April ll> 1835.—3w. PUBLIC STLE OF DEAL ESTATE IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday, the 6th day of May next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, H. K. Kline Administrator, Suij of Wm. Patterson, late of Orange twp.,in said county, dec'd, will expose to sale by public vendue upon the premises a certain coil 1 L£bam<£l 8 situate in Fistiingcreek township, Columbia county, containing about SEVENTY ACRES, adjoining land of Amos Spade, Colder, Eltas McHenry and the heirs of Jno Lazarus. The property is very valuable as a mill-seat, and there are on it now a large ©3B2SJI? KCniLl£s a saw mill, a two story frame dwelling hottse nnd other outbuildings. It is the best water privilege in the County, nnd has all of Fisti ingcreek as a feeder without a dam. It is six miles above Orangeville, and on the wa ters of Raven Creek, late the estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Fish ingcreek and county aforesaid. H. R. KLINE, Admr. By order of the Court. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsburg, April 17, 1835. VALUABLE BOOKS LATELY PUB LISHED. PARLEY'S HOVSEH LD LIBRARY, A perpetual fund of instruction. Illustra ted by more then 200 engraginga. Bro 384 pages St 50. The best Juvenile ever issued.—N. Y. In dependent. Handsome and cheapest book for yooth we have ever seen.— Religious Herald. PARLEY'S PICTORIAL, a book lor home education, profusely em bellished wj h fine engravings, and put up Uniterm with Household Library: Bvo, 81 50. THE VOIITH SGALAXY, a beautiful and useful book for Children and Youth, with many fine Cuts. Square !2mo. 60 cents. Pnu Ninth, the Last of tie Popes, or the Judgment ot God upon Nations. 12mo. pam phlet, 25 cents. The Coming Struggle among the Na tions of the Earth t described in accordance with the Prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel and the Revelations; showing the important position, Britain and America will occupy during and at the end of the awful conflict: Bvo pamphlet, 10 cts. The almost incredible number of 150,000 copies have already been sold. Christianity and Statesmanship , with kind red topics, by Wm. Hague, 12ino 430 pages; 81 00. THE PEARL OF DAYS, or the Advantages of the Sabbath to the Laboring Classes, by a Laborer's Daughter; with an introduction by Rev. S. S. Cutting, 18mo 25 cent*. HAVE HIS ANTIDOTE to the Curse La bor a Prize essay on the Sabbath, by J. Quinion, 18mo. 25 cents. CW Sent po-t paid on receipt of price.— For sale by all Booksellers. EDWARD H. FLF.CHER, Publisher, 117 Nassau si., N. Y. April |7, 1855.-41. List of Letters J J EMAINING in the Post-oflice at Biooms ■*-*' burg, April Ist, 1855. Batman Geo. Oman Peter Bancraft L Grange Parks Malinda Brown Geo. M. Robins Marge! Cane Sarah Reece Philip Connell Thomas Rogers John Christy Michael Sillier Daniel Donegan Wm. Snyder George Koust Elizabeth Shoemaker B. Good Adam War.ich Geo. Green Maria Weriman Henry Hovner Amos Wallace John I). Jones Richard Willi ants John Minet Jones Irani Wilcox Abram E. Kelly John Waggair John Knouse Henry Wilkison Kmmtline Lazarus Harriet Williams Amos McWilliams Cbas. 2 Yetters Clara Miller Henry Edwards Sybe ship Markle Hiram Williams Jos. ship Nicely J. R. 2 Young Roberts S. Persons calling for the above, kßers will please say they are advertised. P. UNANGST, p. M. LIST OF LETTERS, ! "P EMAINING in the Post Office at Catta ■" wissa, for the quarter ending Maich 31st, 1855. Ashton Matilda Hartman Clara Altaian Eli Jones G. W. ship. Barry Pall ahip Kolb Philip Boldon James I.avenburg Jackson Brown & White Lloyd & Haynet Bitten bender Jacob Myer Henry Blanks John S. Mooney Dennis ship Brobst Thos. S. Mensinger Lewis Cokely Dennis Overpeck Edward Collins John Reynols Doc Comber George Rahn Hannah Dlmmis Michael jr. Ruch & Kister 8 Dilly John Rice Abraham Elsassar Frederick Snow E. C. Fletg George Sidler David Farter Maria Thompson Isaae Gonsle John Teple Wm. Hartman C. Wagoor Joo. T. Hanrahan Ellen Mrs Persons applying for letters in the above list will please say they are advertised. C. RAHN, p. M. April 6th, 1855. NOTICE. ALL persons interested are hereby notifi ed that James Leidy and John Richarl, Committee of the person and estate of Arch ibald Patterson.jr., have filed their account in tbe Court of Common Pleas of Columbia ooorily, for confirmation and allowance, and that the same will be confirmed on the first Monday of May next by the said Court, un less exceptions be filed iu meantime. By the Cowt, JACOB F.YERLY, PROTHONOTAST'I OFFICE, ) Prothonotary. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1855. ) Justices of the Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind of blanks desirable for ibeir use,in proper form, at tbe office of the STAR or THE NORTH. EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS 1 >By the hundred for sale at thia office. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all Jegatees, crfcdi'ors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedent* end mi nors that the following administration ac counts have been filed in the offioe of the Register of the countv of Columbia,- end will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's court, to be held at Blooms burg, in and for the county aforesaid, on Wednesday, ihe 9th day of May next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1. The account of John K. Grotz & James Bartort, Executors of the asiale of E. H. Biggs, late of Bloom two- deceased. 2. Tho account of Jesse Shannon, guar dian of Harriet Paul, one of the children of" Wm. Paul, rlec'd. 3. The final account of Samncl Mears, administrator of the estate of Sarah Mears, late of Roaringcroek township deceased. 4. The Guardian account of Joel Snyder, Guardian of John Siller a minor child ol Sam uel Siller, lata of Hemlock township, deceas ed. 5. The account of Jacob Seidle, adminis trator of the estate of Philip Seidle, late of Derry township, Dec'd. 6. The second account of Rudolph Shu man, and Jacob L. Sf.uman, Executors of tbe estate of Jacob Shuman, late of Maine township, deceased. 7. The account of Michael Gruver, ad ministrator of the estate of Mary Bellas, late of Maine township, deceaced. 8. John Keifer, administrator of the estate of John Fisher, late of Maine township, deceased. 9. John Keifer, administrator of the estate of John Fisher, la<e of Beaver township, de ceased. 10. First and final account J. J. Rrdwer, Executor of the estate of Jemima Meredith, late of Bloom township, deceased. It. The account of Tnomas Clnvton, ad ministrator of the estate of John C. Zerr, late of Cattawissa township, deceased. 12. The account of Samuel Brooks, ad minisiralor of the estate of David L. Brooks, late (f Bloom township, deceased. 13. The account ol Stephen Ilutton and John Hulton administrators of the estate of John Hutton, late of Centre township, de ceased. 14. Tho Guardian accnunt of William Snyder, Guardian of William Palmer one of ihe children of Thomas Palmer, late of Bloom township, deceased. 15. The account of Peter Schug, adminis trator of the estate of Peter Schug, aenr., late of Bloom township, deceased. 16. The final account of Thomns and George Marks administrators of Adam Marks, late of Roaringcreek, now Locust township, deceased. 17. The first and final accnunt of Charles Kagenbuch, Guardian of John Knorr, a mi nor child of William Knorr, late of Centre township, deceased. 18. The firsl and final account of Edward R. Albertson, administrator of the estate of William Albertson, late of Greenwood town ship, deceased, 1?. The first and final account of Henry Bittenbender and Conrad Bittenbender, ad ministrators of the estate ot John Bittenben der, late of Centre township, decesert. 20. The account of Absalom minislrator of the estate of Joshua K.Mil lard, late of Bloom township, deceased. 21. Partial account of Jno. Shearer, execu tor of the last will & testament of Dr. David Pelrikm, dec'il. . 22. The account of Thos. Knorr, guardian of Hiram Knorr a minor child of William Knorr, late of Centre twp., dec'd. 23. The account of Jno. K. Grotz, admin istrator of the estate of Alex. Einmet, late at Bloom twp , dec'd. 24. The account of Jacob Yohe & Benj. Y'ohe, administrators of the estate of Peter Yohe late of Mifflin twp. (lee'd. Register's Office, I DANIEL LEE, Bloomsburg, April7,'ss) Register PRCSLAMATIOIT. NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen eral Qunrter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County ofColumbia, tocommetice at the Court House in Rtoomsburg, on Monday, the 7th day of May next, to continue one week The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &. Constables, in and for the county of Co lumbia,are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those thing's to their sev eral offices appertaining o be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in bchall of Ihe Commonwealth against any prig oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just—nnd not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request ed to be punctual in their attendance, nt the time appointed agreeable to their no tices, Given under my hand at Bloomsburg the 12th Jay of April, in tho year f our Lord one thousand.eignt hundred and fifty five, and the Independence of the United Statns of America the 77th. JOHN SNYDER, Sh'ff. (God save the Commonwealth.) Grand Jurors Tor May Term 185 5. Benton —Reuben Davis sen., Josiah Stiles. Elias M'Henry. Braver —Samuel Fisher. Joehph Heisier. Bloom —Joseph Sharpless, Geo. W. Foster. 1 Briarcrcek —Archibald Henry. Cnllau-issa —Michael Brobe:, Abra. Berger. Centre —Aaron Keichner, John E. Shaffer, Jonas Kisner. Fishingcrcek —Peter Creveling. Greenwood—Anion Reee, Edward M'Hec *>■ Hemlock —lsacher Titroan. Locust —Daniel Hower. Maine— Jesse John. Madison —John A. Funston. Mountpleasant— Gabriel Everet, Russel P. Lemon. . Orange—William Mears. Pine —Philip Shoemaker, Traverse Jurors for May Term 1855, Beaver —Charles Michael. Bloom —Calender Potter, Elijah Shu'd, Jno S. Sterner, William Snyder, Briareretk —John Kisner, William Herriu, John L. Hosier. Benton —Peter Kase, William Cole. Cattawieea —lsaiah John, George W. Har der. Centre —Joseph Pohe, Isaac lloss. locust— David Rohrback. Madison— William Deraott, Jesse Mears, Samnel Hemic;, Amos Yeager. Maine— Charles Fisher. Mifflin —Abraham Swepbenhaiser, Chas. Klingman John H Heller, Mountpleasant— Jacob Wanicb, Geo. Oman. Montour— Uaachat Evana. Orange— Conrad Rader, Joseph Ruckle. Pine— Philip Swisher, James Harimar. Sugarloaf —Montgomery Cole, Wm. Moa teller, JtsKile, Johp Kile, Christian Moore, John Frit*, SHERIFF'S SALES. DY virtue ol sundry writs of venditioni ex ponas to me directed there will be ex- Bised to public sale at the Court House in loomsburg, on Monday the 7lh day rf May next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tbe following leal estate to wit: Two lota of ground sitoalo in Light Street, Scott twp., Col. county, bounded nnd describ ed as follows to wit; Fronting on Main St. of said town, or. the north by an alley, on the east by an alley, and on the south by a lot of Samuel Melick, No. II & 12 in the plan of said town, containing THREE QUAR TERS OF AN ACRE, be the same more or less, where on is erected a one and a halfsiorv frame DWELLING MOUSE and a FRAME KITCHEN, and a frame stable with tbe ap perlenaoces. Seized ar.d taken in execution as the prop erty of Asa D. Hull. ALSO, At the same time and place, all that cer tain tract of land situate in Cattawissa twp., Columbia county, bounded and described as follows to wit: On the north and northeast by land of Wm. Fox, on the east by land of Jacob Yeager. on the South by land ol Wm. Beech,or. Ihesouth west bylandof Peter Her bine, on the west by land of Jno. Hogolund, containing NINETY ACRES, be the same more or less, sbout Forty Acres of which is cleared land, t.nd whereon is erected a one and a hall story log HOUSE, a log Barn, with the nppertenariees. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of John Glassmyer. ALSO, At the same lime and place, all the de fendant's interest in all that certain tract nf LAND situate in Hoaringcreek twp., Colum bia county, bounded and described as fol lows to wit: On the west by land of Michael Felternflf, on the south end east by land of E. & W. Yocum. ond others; on the north by the same, and on the west by land ol Win. Dreisbaeh. containing ONE UUNDRED and EIGHTEEN ACHES, whereon are erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, a log Stable, a frame Wagon-house, and an Apple Orchard, about fifty acres of which is clear ed land, be the same more or less, with the apperlenances. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty ol Michael Graham. Conditions. —Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid when the property is struck down,anil the remainder on Wednesday noon following. JOHN SNYDER. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, j Sheriff. Bloomsburg, April 3, 1855. ) THE OLDEST TYPE FOUNDRY IN HCS9 Established by Binny & Ronaldson in 1796, on the base ol Sowera'sGermaulown Foun dry, of 1739. The long experience of the several pro prietors of the PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY enables L. JOHNSON & Co. to offer to the printing craft the largest vari ety of Types, and all the appurtenances of a printing office, to be found in any establish ment in the United States, —and of a quality too, which is deemed to be unrivalled. The composition of the metal used is calculated to afford the greatest durability ; while the scrupulous care exercised in the fitting up of the Type is such as to insure accuracy and squareness of body, &o. L. Johnson Si Co.'s-facilities arc so exten sive as to enable them to fill orders ol any amount, either in riain or Fancy Types, Mnsio of unparalleled beauty; (cast in this Foundry only,) Scripts,' Flowers, Borders, Cuts, Brass or metal rules, brass braces, la bor-saving rules, &c. PRESSES of all kinds, and all sorts of Printing materials, most of which are made | by L. J. & Co., will be furnished al Manu facturers' prtres. STEREOTYPING, in Ancient or Modern Languages, from the largest volume to the .smallest labpl. ELECTROTYPING of Books, Wood Cuts, Jobs, &c. Type used in Stereotyping for sale, at re duced prices Wood Cuts designed and engraved in the finest style of art. L. J. & Co.'s " Minor Specimen Book" (acknowledged to be the first of its class in the country, and original in its conception and getting up) will be sent to all printers who have not received it who direct how it may be transmitted. L. JOHNSON & CO. No. 6 Sanson St., near hall of Independence, April 12, 1855. Philadelphia. F. H. SMITH, TORT DIONNAIE, POCKET BOOK, AND Dressing Case Manufacturer N. W. cor. of 4 th and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA, A LWAYS on hand a large ar.d varied as sortmenl of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, [Books Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a general assortment of English, French and German fancy goods. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Whole sale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourlh & Chestnut Sis., Phila. N. B.—On Ihe receipt ol 81, a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to aoy part of the U. Slates, by mail; describing pen, thus, medi um, hard, or soil. Philadelphia, April 5, 1855. 1-y. Hernia or Rupture successfully Treated A nil comfort insuraJ, by use of the elegant 4*- French Trusses, imported by the subscri ber and made to order expressly for his sales. AH sulferin g with Rupture will be gr stilted to learn that the occasion now offers to procure s Truss combining extreme lightness, with ease and durability and correct construction, in lieu of tbe assortment always on hand, adap ted, to every variety of Rnptnre in adults and child ran, and for tale at a range of price to suit all. Coat of Single 'I ruesea, two, three, four end five dollars ,- Double, four, live, six, eight and ten dollars. Persona at a distance can haves Truss sent to any address by rcmiting the amount, send ing in easnre around the hips, and staling aide affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the Im porter. CALEB H. NKKUI.ES. 8. W. eo-. of Twelfth 4 Race fete, l'hilada. Depot for Dr. Running's Improved Patent Body Brace, Cheat Expanders and Erector Braces, patent Shoulder Braces, Muspensory Bandages, Spinal props and Supports. La dies' Rooms, with competent IsJy sttendsnts. Philadelphia, April 4, '55. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. JVTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa -4-* mentary upon the estate of Joshua Webb, late of Centre township Columbia county, da ceased, have been granted to the undersign ed residing in Centre township. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, acdl|rose hav ing accounts to present them tor settlement to SOLOMON NEYHARD, Centre, April 3, '6s—6w. Executor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - iJloomebnrj, pa. HIRAM W. THORNTON, MERCHANT. —Store on the Sooth tide of Main Street, second square below Mar ket. DAVID LOWENBERG, RLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." SIMON I)REIFrsS, & Co. STfi<E IW the 'Exchange Block,' opposHe Ilie Cotrrl house. EVANS & APPLEMAT TKM'ERCHANTS.—Store on the upper part of Main street, nearly dpposile the Episcopal Church. S. c. 811IVb', HfANUFACTURKR OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE.-LWareroom in Skive's Block, on Main Slrset. A. 81. RUPERT, TINNF.R AND STOVE DEALER Shop on South side of Main atreet, be low Market. JOSEPH SU ARTZ. VbOOKSELLER. Siore in tlie F.xchang® * * Block, first door above the Exohane® Hotel. s R. W- WEAVER^ A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the f\- first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main sired. SH A RPLESS fcfli ELI CK, FOUNDERS ANN MACHINESTS. Build inn on the alloy between the "Exchange and "American House." ' BARNARD RUPERT, ' i All.Oß.—Shep on the South Side of Main •A. Street, first square below Market. MENDENDALIT & MENSCH, MERCHANTS.— Store North West corner of Main and Market Streets. ~~ HIRAM C. IIOWER^ ctUHGEON DENTlST.—office near the Academy on Third Street. M KELVY, NEAL & TO ERCHANTS.—Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. SIIAIIPLESS & RIELIFK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish ment on Main atreet, neat building c.bove heCourt-house. >r; ' vi: lIENRY Z I'PP ING ER , CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south aide of Main street, above the Railroad. Every kind of disorder iff jewelled nr oth er newly invented Escapements faithful! re paired. i , PP It DON 8 DL.G EST. fh NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur chase a copy of Purdonfs Digest, can be accommodated bv applying at he this ofFre ' B®ABY is EAGMI HOTEL, No- 130 North Third Street, übove Itace PHILADELPHIA. • SAMUEL A. BRADY. GEORGE H. BROWS. [June 8:h 1854-ly. tY To Persons out of Employment xv Agents Wnn(etl In Every Section of the United States. Thb most Elegant and Useful Vol. of the Year. SEARS' GREAT WORK ON RUSSIA. JUST published, an Illustrated Description o! the Russian Empire. Being a Physi cal and Political History ot its Gov ernments and provinces, Productions, Re sources, Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature, Educational Means, Religion, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, etc., from the latest and most authentic sources. Embellished wilb about 200 Engravings,and Maps of European and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in. one large octavo volume ot about 700 pages, elegantly and substanti ally bound. Retail price, 58. This work has been several years in pre paration, and will, it is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the world, the want so universally felt for reliable iutcrmation on (tie history and internal resources ot a coun try occupying so large a portion of the East ern Hemisphere, and fielding .-o formidable a portion nt the present time to the rest of Europe and Asia; but of which for less is known than ot any other European nation. Also, a deeply interesting volume, enti tled " The Remarkable Adventures of Celebrated Persons," embracing the Romantic Incidents and Adventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers, Voyagers. &c. em inent in the History of Europe and America, including Sketches of over fifty celebrated heroic characters. Beautifully illustrated wiih numerous engravings. One volume 400 pagee, royal 12mo. cloth, gill. Price. SI 25. The subscriber publishes a number ol most valuable Pictorial Bonks, very popular and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a public benefit and receive a fair compensation for their labor. To men of enterprise and tact, this busi ness offers an opportunity for profitable em ployment eeldom to be met with. Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars, with directions to persons disposed to act as Agents, together with terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, pest paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUII.ISHER, 181 William Street N. Y. I GERNEY & ALCEIER, NURSERYMEN AND SEED GROWERS, 09 Chestnut Street, Philedelphia, VVTILL furnish teorder and paek with care < * all the most desirable garden, field and ficver seeds; choice ruses, plants,fruit, shade and ornameutal trees, dahlias, dutch bulbous roots, jftWroWKß*,,' for parties and balls, tastefully (bt up and tent to any distance. Their trees and flower* art principally raised in their own.nursery at Jte corner of Broad and Christian Streets, and they give pattiouUf attention to the se lection of rare and choice faciei of peach, apricot, pear and ppburets. Orders from a distance carefully attended to. Flowers and shrubs will be safely box ed, or trees packed and despatched by rail road or canal, at fair prices. They also raise and sell a beautiful species of (be (S-kSJAmY HEEBIE). with or without cage, single or in petrsi Philadelphia, March 29, 1855.-2 m. ■' - ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at the cheap store of EVANS, & AI'PLKMAN. TO THOSE WANTING CHEAP GOODS I SAGGPRRS EAAIIAWAR, ssrnar>,rtr> <£* <SBCE>, HAVE just received end opened their slock ofdnerehandirte for Fall and Winter tales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmeil now offered in this"TOWNl Having paid great attention to thq selection of their entite stock, as to price and quality, thejr flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to bay cheap, can save money be dLrinz ns a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Warealo supply the Wants of the LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametla cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &0., All kiuds ot SHAWLS, brocks, Bay Stale, Waterville, black ailk, cashmere, Embroder <rd, &c. Also a very large assortment of ololba, casaimers, aattmetts,, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We hove a large assortment of Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarwnre, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in nbundance. We invite onr friends and the public generally to give u' a call before purchasing else where. We have bought onr goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not De undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S3aaoo.<B>aa aLap®a£PoasE}S3 c£S Q3CE> # HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing ! In the Exchange Block next to Swartz'e Book Store. They have on hand a large and full assortment of 6 FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizep, that the present enlighienod age knows any thing abont. Of Pants and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine while, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man'a dress goods ; Hate, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and IUUE2I2S They have Underslevea, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletts, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, Bic., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions snch es Rings, Breast pins Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallioni, Vest and Fob chains, Porimoniea, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeone. GT Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, May 18th 1854. S. DREIFUSS, Sc Co. JVJE WSPRIJYG & SUMMER GOODS DAVID LOVrEUBERC* TNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale rlothing at hia store on Market -*■ street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including ffASBHMDSTAIBOH M 81253 I gox. eack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore, shawls i stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make In order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, May 16th 1854-3 m. To Officers. Soldiers, Seamen Sic., OF ALL WARS : THEIR WIDOWS AND MINOR CHILDREN. S. M. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government Claimants, Washington, D. C., CONTINUES to give prompt and personal atlention to the prosecution of Claims of every description against the General Gov ernment, and particularly to those before the Treasury Department, Pension and Bounty- Laud Bureaus, Patent and General Land Of fices, and Board of Claims. An experience of years, and a familiarity with the means of obtaining the earliest and most favorable action on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch of business, justify tii'ii in assuring his Correspondents, Clai mants, and the Public generally, that inter ests intrusted to bis keeping will not be neglected. Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and I'ublxc Land I. aw a, He has nearly ready for gratuitous distri bution among his business Correspondents, (end those who may become such,) a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis of the exis ting Pension, Bounty Land, Patent, and Public Land Laws, down to the end of the lute Congress—including the Bounty-Land Act of 3d March, 1855, under which all who have heretofore receiv ed less than 160 acres are now entitled to addilonal land; said Act grants also li>o acres to all Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Chaplains, Soldiers, Wagon Masters, Team sters, and friendly Indians, of the Army, in cluding State Troops, Volunteers, and Mili tia—and all Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Sea men, Marines, Clerks, and Landsmen, of tne ; Navy, not heretofore piovided for, who have j served not lees than fourteen days (unless in battle) at any period since 1776; and to the widows and minor children of all such enti tled, and deceased. This pamphlet contains "Forms of Appli cation" more full and complete than any elJYwhere io be found; adapted to the wants of every class of Claimants under the Act, with copious decisions and instructions of the Department, and practical suggestions as to the course to be pursued in suspended or rejected cases. Parties not wishing to avail themselves of the facilities afforded by this Office in secu ring prompt and personal superintendence of their claims ai the Departments, can obtain copies of the above pamphlet by remitting thirty cents in postage stamps. Inducements to Correspondents. Correspondents who prepare and forward cases for management by this Agency will be dealt with liberally ; supplied with all necessary blanks gratis, and kept constantly advised of the changes that from time to time occur in the execution of the law. It is within the subscriber's power to di rect his Correspondenn to the locality of very many persona entitled under the late Act; and having obtained eeveral thousand Land Warrants under furmer laws, he is in possession of data that will materially assist' io securing additional bounty. Fees, below the usual rates—and contin gent upon the admission of Claims. The highest cash prices given for Land Warrants, Revolutionary Scrip, and Illinois Land Patents. Addresj S. M. KNIGHT, March 29,—4t. Washington City. PUBLIC SALE of WEBB'S ajBOaAXSa-ODo I N pursuance of the directions of Ibe will •*- of Joshua Webb, late of Centre township. Columbia county, due'd, the undersigned Executor of the said estate will offer at pub lic sale upon the premises on SATURDAY the 21 si day of April inst., at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, the undivided one half part of a CERTAIN ISLAND, iu the North Branch of the Susquehanna riv er, in Scott twp., lying opposite the lands of John Trembly, and containing 20 ACRES, whereon are erected a two etory irarae House and Barn. The premises are those common ly kaown as Webb's Island. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Centre twp., Aprils, '59. Executor. VALUABLE WOHK. BI'RMAII'S GREAT MISSIONARY) OR, RECORD* OP THE Life, f hiiracier and Achievements of ADONI RAM JUDSON. Elegantly illustrated with fine Sieel Engrav ings, and a map showing at a glance the field of Jndson's labors, with his voyages and travels IJY Rev. R. T. MIDDLEDITCH, Red Bank, N. J., iu one handsome duodecimo vol. Price #l. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS "Award it a high degree of accuracy."— I'hils. Chr.stian Chronicle. "The writer has well attained his end."— Watchmen and Reflector. "A fair and correct view of facta."—N. Y. Baptist Register. 11 More complete and accurate than all its predecessors combined.—N. Y. Chronicle. "Every family in the land should read it." —Congregation a list. " Well conceived and well executed."— Christian Times. "A faithful history."—Western Recorder. "Fidelity and accuracy realized."—Jour nal and Messenger. "Recommended to every Christian."-West em Christian Advocate. "The book will be valued."—Michigan Christian Herald. " Characterized by perfect accuracy."— Christian Review. "Graphic and almost dramatic in Its style acd grouping closely condensed in its details of facts, and entirely free from that mis placed grandiloquence with which men are apt to be written about by the authors who ; sympathise mnch with them; and finally i much increased in value by the judicious division of the years in the lite of its subject I appropriate heads; this book may proudly f challenge comparison with any religious bi i ography of the day. ft reflects true and last ing credit upon its author, and must do abid ing good to the Missiunary cause."—N. Jer sey Standard. Remit the price and the book will be re ceived post paid by return mail. Also sold by all the booksellers. EDWARD H. FLETCHER, Publisher, 117 Nas6an St., New York. FARMERS & GARDENERS Attention. SPANISH ONION SEEDS. THE subscriber will send to any part of the United Stales and the Canadas, free of expense to the purchasers, a paper of (he seeds of the above superior onions, on the reception of :en cents, (one dime). Farmers and Gardeners, see to it that you secure the best of seeds. For a mere trifle now, you can pot money in your pockets and fat on your ribs. Address, JACOB S. SARGENT, 266 Aicka st., cor. of State, Brooklyn, N. Y. P. S.—f'ublishersof newspapers giving the above, and Ibis notice, three insertions, call ing attention editorially thereto, and sending a marked copy to the subscriber, will re ceive by tbe retnrn mail three dollars worth of the above seeds, or a copy of Barnes' Notes on the Gospels, valued at three dollars and fitly cents; or two dollars cash. Address plainly written as above. March 29, 1855-3t. To Tnrmcrg and Gardeners. THE undersigned having a limited sup ply of >vhai is called the "TIDD CORN," will send a sufficient quantity for planting twenty-five bills, post-paid to any person who will forward him to this post office, by mail or otherwise, the sum of one dollar. Larger quantities at the earn rate. The usual j ield of this corn ia about eight to twelve ears, to the single stock. The fol lowing notice, taken from the Interns Union, of Nov. 8, 1854, will give sume idea of the value of Ibis article ; " PaomrcTrvE CORN —We were shown, yesterday, by Captain Converae, a stalk of corn, of rare kind, whieh waa set for eigh teen ears, but owing to the seed having been planted too late, only eleven came to matu rity. If this climate and soil is adapted to the raising of this corn, and there aeema to be no doubt of it, it certainly must prove to be a most acceptable seed to our farmers c w , G CONVERSE. AV ilkesbarre, March 29, 1859. The Weekly Herald. The Bill Oeheral Newspaper in Ike World. THE New YORK Wxcur HERALD i pub lished every Saturday Morning. It* content* embraoe all the new* of the greet event* of the dey, report* of meetings, ol the Siete Leg islature, and of Congress; important publie documents; European ana home correspon dence; financial and commercial informa tion, and editorials of general interest, that have appeared in the Niw York Daily Herald. It is neatly printed, in clear type, on a large double quarto sheet of lorty-eight col umns—a book—a directory in itself—end forms one of the best and most valuable weekly newspaper* in the world. The great est care is taken to obtain the latest and moat reliable intelligence of important movement* in all parts of the world. No expeusa is spared for this purpose. * The subscription price is three dollar* per annum, payable in advance, or sixpence per single copy. Editor) of newspapers through out the country are particularly requested to act at agents. They will receive twenty-five per cent commission on all cash subscriptions. Any person obtaining five or more subscriber* will be allowed the same commission. TERMS TO CLUBS. For I copy of Weekly Herald lot 1 year, S3 00 Five copiea, do do 11 2$ Ten do do 2 50 Fifteen do do J 75 Twenty do do 4b 00 Twenty-five do do 66 25 Thirty do do 67 60 Thirty-five do do 78 75 For'* do do 90 00 Forty-five do do 101 50 Fifty do do 112 5Cf All letters to be addressed to James Cor don Bennett proprietor and editor of the "New York Herald," New York City. Remittances must be made in funds cur rent in this city. Advertisements inserted in the "Weekly Herald" for thirty cents per tine. , New York, Feb. 9, 1854. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY FIIHE subscriber wishing to retire from -R- business will sell or rent, on easy term# his business property, such as, FURNACE, GRIST-MILL, FARM, Store-House and Goods, togelhet with Hora es, Wagons, Carts, and a variety of otbef property, necessary for the Conduct of such an establishment. The Furnace is ran whh Anthracite Coal, and is calculated to make 50 tons Pig Iron per week. Plenty of Ore lefl in the neigh borhood. 3S£l2 is in good order. VtTPossession given when the present stock is worked op. Call on the unddrsiged at his residence at Light Street Columbia County. ALSO, 1100 Acres of* Timber Eandj for sale cheap, situate above Orangeville, north side of the Knob Mountain. M. MCDOWELL. Light Street, Feb. 22; 1855. CURE YOL K COUCiII, BY THE USE 0* Killer s Syrup of Tar, WILD CHERRY, and WOOD NAPHTHA' A SLIGHT COLD, accidentally acquired, -TA- through neglect or improper treatment, may result in that worst of all diseases, con sumption, therefore be advised time, and procure at once n bottle of this valuable pre paration. It is pleasant to the taste, and baa no narcotic in its eompdsitiuh, and can be taken wi'h perfect safety. The wide spread reputation which thia preparation has obtained as a'cough medD cine, is a sure guarantee of its usefulness in all diseases of the thfoat and lungs, and all who use it will be certain to obtain relief.— For sale by all the storekeepers in this, and adjoining counties, and wholesirie by the proprietor. I. L. RITTER, No 7 South Front Bt., Philadelphia. Jan. 28, 1855. BOUNTY LANDS. AGftEEABLY to the law of the 3d March, 1855, persons who have been mastered into the service of the Ur.iteß Slates, and served fourteen days, are entitled to receive a Land Warrant for 160 acres, and those per sons who have received leas quantity, are now entitled to receive a Warrant sufficient to make the 160 acres. The undersigned has received the law and the lorms adopted by the department at Washington, and will undertake the procur ing of Warrants for those who mav desire his services. R. W. WEAVER. Rloomshurg, March 18, 1855. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, NOTK'E is hereby given that letters ot ad ministration upon the estate of Jacob Gearhart, late of Mair. township, Columbia county deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Main township. All persona indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment,and those hav ing act'ounis against the estate to preseat them for settlement to JOHN KIEFER, Adm'r. ! March 8, 1855. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Columbia county Auditor upon the excep tions to the account of John Welliver and Richard Demott Executors of Willinm Wel liver, late of Madison township Columbia county, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Court bouse irt Bloomsburg on Friday the 4th day of May next at 10 o'clock, A. M., where and when ail persona interested will attend if they seat proper. JAMES PLEASANTS, Auditor: Bloomsburg, March 15, 1855. Engravings for Newspaper* and Magazine*. THE subscriber has several thousand en gravings of various subjects and sizes, suita ble for illustrating newspapers and maga zines. He offers the use of them for taking casts or printing, to the editorial fraternity on very moderate terms. Address, JOHN FROST, Maroh 29, 1855. PHILADELPHIA. EXECUTOR'S ' IVOTICE is hereby given that letter* tmta mentary upon the estate of John Brown, jr., late of Mifflin township, Columbia Coun ty deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing in Mifflinvilie. All peraon* indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts against the dzcedent to pre sent them for settlement to SAMUEL CREASY, Executor, Mifflinvilie, March 6th 1855. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. * In the mutter of the Estate of Jacob Oliver, dec'J. I%JOTICE is hereby given to the heirs and representatives of Jaoob Oliver, lata of Roaringcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, that the undersigned, has been ap pointed, by tbe Orphan's Cbilrt of Columbia county, an auditor to make distribution of the assets in the hands of Samuel Eok, ad- , miniatrator, of said deceased) and that I will attend at my office in Cattawissa, forth*pur pose of discharging the dutiesof said appoint ment, on Thursday the 3d day ot May, 1855. when and where all persons interested, mav attend if they think proper. R C.THOMSON, Bloomsburg, April 4,185b. Auditor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers