• SHERIFF'S SALES. 0Y virtue of sundry Writs of venditioni ex pome to me directed there will be ex porcrfto pnblio snle at the Court House in Blocmsburg, on Monday the 7ill day cf May • a' t o'clock, I'. M., the following teal •state to wit: . Two lots of ground situate tn Light Street, Scott twp., Cob county, bounded ami describ ed as follows to wit: homing on Main St. of •aid towr., or the north by an alley, on lite • jfet by an alley, and on the south by a lot ' or Samuel Meiick, No. It & 12 in the plan • 'of said town, containing THREE QUAR TERS OF AN ACRE, be lite same more or , less here on is erected a one and a half slorv frame t>WEI LING HOUSE and a FRAME JUTCHEN. and a frame stable with the ap peitenai'cev. Seized ar.d taken in execution aPtho prop erty of Asa D. Hull. ' ALSO, At the rime time and place, nil that cer tain tract ol land situate it. Catiawisaa twp, Odumbi" county, bounded and described as foUowe to wit: On the north and north cast b. land ol Wm. Fox, on the east by land of Jacob Yesger. on the Sontli by land oi Y\ m. Beech. or. thesou.b west by land. f iVter Her on ibe west by lend ol Jno. Hogeland, NINETY ACRES, be the same mO , or iei, iboul Fy Acres of which is -u—l land end whereon ta erected a one stoty log HOUSE, a log Burn, -withlhe uppertenauccs. Seized ami taken lu execution as the prop tsily ol John Glaasmjer. ALSO, At llie aarre time and place, all the de fen.lent's interest in all that certain tract of LAND situate in KoanngcrevU twp, bia county, bounded and described as fol lows to wit; On the west by lane, o, Michael Fetteroff, on the south and ""t by .and of E. & W. Yocum. and on the notttt oy the same, and on the west by land ot VV at, Dreiebacn. containing ONE HUNDRED and EIGHTEEN ACRES, whereon are erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, a log Stable, a framo Wagon-house, and nit Apple Orchard, about fihy acres of which is ciear d laud, be lite saute more or less, with the '•ppertenances. Seized und taken in execution as the prop erty of Michael Graham. 'Conditions — Ten per cent of the purchase tnoney to be paid when the property is struck •alown.and Ike temair.der on Wednesday noon .'following. • JOHN SNYDER. -SHERIFF'S OTFICE, J Sheriff. Ulcomsburg, April 3, 1855 | . riBLIC SALE. WILL be exposed to Sale, by Public Ven due, at the residence nt Deltla Boone, j (lite tlie res'denoe of Benj. Boone, deed) lr. Centre townsti'p, Columbia county, on triday, the Wh of April, the following des ... cribed properly, viz: TWO HOKS3-IS, •nd one Colt, two Cow*, two Heifers, ShoHts } one two Horse Wagon, one Truck Wagon, tingle and double Hartieas, Flows, Harrows and Cultivator; Wheat, Corn. Oafs, and Potatoes by the bushel, STRAW by the bundle. Also, Beds and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Stands, Cubboardf, Clock, do., com prising the entire stock ot HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, altogether 100 numerous to mention. The dwelling house on said premises, is ofleied for rent, uud immediate possession Will be given. Sate to commence nt 12 o'clock, At., on said day, when attendance will be given and term-made known, by S. C. SHiVE. Bioomsburg, April 3, 1855. N. B.—Mr. S. C. Shive, also offers to sell •t Private Sale, the House and Lot now oc .: cuped by himself in Bloomßbttrg. PCBUCSALE of WEBB'S IN pursuance of the directions of the will of loseph Webb, late of Centre township, Columbia county, dee d, the undersigned " Executor of the said estate will offer at pub lic sale -upon the premises on SATURDAY the list day of April inst., at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, the undivided one half part of a CERTAIN ISLAND, in the North Branch of the Susquehanna riv er, in Scott twp., lying opposite the lands ot ' John Trembly, end containing 20 ACRES, Whereon are "erected a two story Irame House wX and Barn. The premises are these common ly known as Webb's Island. ' SOLOMON NEYHARD, Centre twp., April 5, '65. Executor. F. H. SMITH, FORT MOMAIE, POCKET BOOK, AND Dressing Case Manufacturer N. W. tor. of ith and Chestnut SUs., PHILADELPHIA, A LWAYS on hand a large ar.d varied as "■ sortmenl of Port Monnates, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Back gammon-Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, [Books Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum . < Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, Sic. Also, a general assortment of English, French and German fancy goods. Fine Pocket Cutlery, , Rasore, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Whole sale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sis., Phila. N.B—On the receipt of SI, a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to any part of the U. Slates, by mail; describing pen, thus, medi um. hard, or soil. Philadelphia, April 5, 1855. 1-y. Hernia or Rupture successfully Treated And comfort insured, by uie of tha elegant Fienrh Trusses, imported by tho subscri ber. and made to order expressly for hi, sales. All suffering with Rupture will lie gi o lilted to learn that the occasion now offers to procure a Truss combining cxttrme lightness, with cue and durability and correct construction, tn lieu of tte assortment atwsys on hand, adap ted, to every variety of Rupture in adults and children, end for tale at a .ange of price to j suit oil. Cost cf Single 'I rutses, two, three, ' lour and five dot lata ,■ Double, four', five, six, , . eight and ten dollars. Persona at a distance can hnve a Truss sent to tny address by remit' itrg the amount, send ing measure around the hips, and stating side affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the Im porter. CALEB H. NEEDLES. B. W. eo-. of Twelfth d' Race Ste. Pbilada. Depot for Dr. Uanning's Improved Patent Body Brace, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, patent Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, Spinal props and Supports. La dira'Rooms, with competent lady attendant*. Philadelphia, April 4, '55. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale at the cheap store of EVANS, & APPLKMAN. EXCHANGE NEWSPAPERS By the hundred for salo at 'bis office. ( Soldiers. Seamen &c , OF ALL WARS : THEIR WIDOWS AND MINOR CHILDREN. S. At. KNIGHT, Attorney for Government Claimants, Washington, D. C., CONTINUES io give prompt and personal allenliun to the prosecution of Claims of every description against the General Gov ernment, and psrtichlafly to those before the Treasury Department, Pension and Bounty- Land Bureaus, Patent and General Land Of fices; and Board of Claims. An experience of years, and a familiarity with the means of obtaining the earliest and most lavorable action on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch of business, justify him in assuring his Correspondents, Clai mants, and the Public generally, that inter ests intrusted to his keeping will not be neglected. Pension, Bounty I.and, Patent, and Public Land Laivs, Ho hat nearly ready for gratuitous distri bution among his business Correspondents, (and those who may become such,) a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis of the exis ting Pension, Bounty Land, Palont, and Public Land Laws, down to tha end of the late Congress—including tha Bounty-Land Act of Sd March, 1835, under which all who have heretofore receiv ed lest than 160 acres are now entitled to additonal land; said Act grants also 160 acres to all Officers', Non-commissioned Officers, Chaplains, Soldiers, Wagon Master", Team sters, and friendly Indiana, of the Army, in cluding Slate Troops, Volunteer.", and Mili tia—and all Officers, Seamen, Ordinary Sea men. Marines, Clerks, and Landsmen, of me Navy, not heretofore piovided for, who have served not less than fourteen days (unless in battle) at any period since 1776; and to the widows and minor children of all such enti tled, and deceased. | This pamphlet contains "Forms of Appli | cation" more full and complete than any .elsewhere io be found; adapted tn the wants of every class of Claimants under the Act, with copious decisions and instructions of the Department, and practical suggestions as to l.'ie course to be pursued in suspended or rejected doses. _ Parlies not wishing to avail themselves of the facilities afforded by this Office in secu ring prompt anu personal superintendence of their claims at the Departments, can obtain copies of the above p.nnphlet by remitting thirty cents in postage slam," I*- 1 *- Inducements to Correspondents. Correspondents who prepare uniJ forward cases for management by this A-'etu'V will be dealt with liberal!}; supplied vl'Uh neessssry blank" gialis, and kept constdn/'V advised of the changes that from lime , time occur in the execution of the law. ' It is within the subscriber's power to di rect his Correspondenis to the locality of very many persons entitled under the late Act; and having obtained several thousand Land Warrants under former i.tws, he is in possession of data that will materially assist in securing additional bounty. Faes, below the usual rales—and contin gent upon the admission of Claims. The highest cash prices given for Land Warrants, Revolutionary Scrip, and Illinois Land Patents. Address S. M. KNIGHT, March 29, —4t. Washington City. GF.HLRY &. iLGEIER, NURSERYMEN AND SEED GROWERS, 09 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, VV/TLL furnish to order and pack wiih care * * all the most desirable garden, field and flower seeds; choice roses,plants, fruit, shade and ornamental trees, dahlias, dutch bulbous roots, BWEWwraff, for parties and balls, tastefully put up and sent to any distance. Their trees and flowers are principally raised nt their own nursery at the corner of Broad and Christian Streets, and they give particular attention to the se lection ot rare and choice species of peach, apricot, pear and apple trees. Orders fiom a distance carefully attended to. Flowers and sttiubs will be safely box ed, or trees packed and despatched by rail road or canal, at lair prices. They also raise and sell a beautiful species of the with or without cage, single or in pairs. Philadelphia, March 29, 1855-2 m. THE GREAT NATCRAL REMEDY FOR Indigestion and Dyspepsia. n PEPSIN, the true Diges -11 tX iS !Iff a" '' VB Fluid, or Gastric Jtiice, fi i?/ still holds the first place a- TArrvirvn" - ~ mon ? a " '' ie various rents dies for these painlul and de structive complaints. It is Nature's own spe cific for an unhealthy stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers; and no sufferer from Indigestion & Dyspepsia should fail UMry it. Agents supplied at A'o. 11, N. EIGHTH St., PHILADELPHIA tySold by E. P. Luiz, and J. R. Moyer. March 29, 1855. Grand Jurors for may Term ISM. Benton —Reuben Davis sen., Josiuh Stiles, Elias M 'Henry. Beaver —Samuel Fisher. Joshph Heister. Bloom —Joseph Sharpless, Geo. W. Foster. Briarcretk —Archibald Henry. Cnltawissa— Michael Brobst, Abra. Berger. Centre —Aaron Kelchuer, John E. Shaffer, Jonas Kiener. Fishingcreck —Peter Crave!intr. Greenwood —Aaron Ree-e, Edward M Hen ry' Hemlock —lsacher Titman. Locust —Daniel Hower. Maine —Jesse John. Madison —John A. Funston. Mount pleasant —Gabriel -Everel, Russet P. Lemon. Orange —William Mears. Pine—Philip Shoemaker, Traverse Jurors for May Term 1855. Beaver—Charles Michael. Bloom— .Calender Poller, Elijah Sbu'.t, Jno S. Sterner, William Srryder, Briarcreek —John Kistter, William Herrin, John L. Hosier. Benton —Peter Kase, William Cole. Cuttawissa —lsaiah John, George W. Har der. Centre —Joseph Pohe, Isaac Hess. rocust— David Kohrback. Madison —William Demott, Jesse Mears, Samuel liemley, Amos Yeager. Maine —Chatles Fi"her. Mifflin —Abraham Swepbenheiser, Chas. Klingrnart, John H Holler, Mountpleusaat —Jacob VVanich, Geo. Oman. Monfoun—lssachai Evans. Orange —Conrad Rader, Joseph Ruckle. Pine— Philip Swisher, James Hartman. Sugnrloaf— Montgomery Cole, Wm. Mos teller, Jae Kile, John Kile, Christian Moore, John Fritz. For Rent! THE subscriber offers for rent s good BfOKE STAND on one of the most desira ble business corners io Light Street, now oc cupied by John Vsniiew, Esq. Posses-ion given on the latof April, For terms (which will be reasonable) apply to PE't'Elt ENT. Light Street, March 6, 1855. TALTTABIS "WORK. BCRMAU'S GREAT MISSIONARY; OR, RECORDS OF TIIF. Life, C ha racier end Achievements of ADONI RAM JUDSON. Elegantly illustrated with fine Steel Ergrav ings, unil a map showing at a glance the field of Judson's labors, with his voyages and travels BV Rev. R. T. MIDDLEDITCH, Red Bank, N. J., in one handsome duodecimo vol. Price £l. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS "Award it a high degree of accuracy."— Philn. Chr.slian Chronicle. "The writer has well attained his end."— Watchmen and Reflector. "A fair and correct view of facts."—N. Y. Baptist Register. ''More complete and accurate than all its predecessors combined.—N. Y. Chronicle. "Every family in the land should read it." —Congregationalism " Well conceived and well executed."— Christian Timcsi "X faithful history."—Western Recorder. "Fidelity and accuracy realiiod."—Jour nal and Messenger. "Recommended to every Christian.'MVest ern Christian Advocate. "The book will be valued."—Michigan Christian Herald. "Characterized by perfect accuracy."— Christian Review. "Graphic and almost dramatic in its style and grouping closely condensed in its details of fact", anil entirely free from that mis placed grandiloquence with which men are apt to be written übont by the authors who sympathise much with them; and finally much increased in value by the judicious division of (he years in the life of its subject appropriate heads; this book may proudly challenge compaiison with any religious bi ography of the day. ft reflects true anil last ing credit upon its author, and must do abid ing good to the Missionary cauae."—N. Jer sey Standard. Remit the ptice and the book will be re ceived post paid by return mail. Also sold by all the booksellers. EDWARD H. FLETCHER, Publisher, 117 Nassau St., New York. PUBLIC? SALE OF REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday the 1 ith day nf April next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Hiram R. Kline,•Administralor&c., of William Patterson, late of Orange town ship, in sail! conuty, ilec'd, will expose to sale by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain TRACT OF LAND, 'tUi-'ta in Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, containing abou.t 70 ACRES, adjoining 1a.,.'1* '" >f Amos Spade, Colder, Ehas McHe.ir,- afd ,he he !"' ? Jul '" U '\ arus. The property" •* vsluabieasam.il seat, and there are OH' •' how a £jargc a saw-mill, a two-story frame o',:*f-'''"S house and other outbuilding". It is six tn ''f at,ove Orangevilie, ard on the waters ot lk[ ve "" Creek ; late the estate of said deceasei.', uate in the township of Fishingcreek a,.' ( ' | county aforesaid. , By order cf Court. H. R. KLINE, Administrator. JACOB EYEULY, Clerk. Rloomsbnrg, Feb. 24, 1855. FARMERS i GARDENERS Attention. SPANISH ONION SEEDS. THE subscriber will send 'o any part of the United States and the Canadss, free ol expense to the purchasers, a paper of the seeds ol the above superior onions, on the reception of ten cents, (one dime) Farmers and Gardeners, see to it that you secure the best of seeds. For a mere tufle now, you can put money in your pockets and fat on your ribs. Address. JACOB S. SARGENT, 266 Aicks St., cor. of State, Brooklyn, N- Y. P. S.—Publishers of newspapers giving the above, and this notice, three insertions, call ing attention editorially thereto, and sending a marked copy to the subscriber, will re ceive by the return mail three dollars worth of the above seeds, or a copy of Barnes' Notes on the Gospels, valued at three dollars arid filly cents; or two dollars cash. Address plainly written as above. March 23. 1855-31. To Farmers and C*:irdciicrs. rniHE undersigned having a limited sup- JL ply ol what is called the i; TIDD CORN," will send a sufficient quantity for planting twenty-five hills, post-paid to any person who will forward him to this post office, by mail or otherwise, the sum of one dollar. Larger quantities at the sarn rate. The usual j ield of this coin is about eight to twelve ears, to the Single stock. The fol lowing notice, taken from the Luxerne Union, of Nor. 8, 1854, will give some idea of the value of in is article : " PRODUCTIVE CORN —VVe were shown, yesterday, by Captain Converse, a stalk of corn, of rare kind, which was set for eigh teen ears, but owing to the seed having been planted too late, only eleven camo to matu rity. If ibis climate and soil is adapted to the raising of this corn, and there seems to be no doubt of it, it certainly must prove to be a most acceptable seed to our farmers. G. CONVERSE. W ilkesbarre, March 29, 1855. "MOSS A RKOTUKR, No. 12 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, KEEP a complete assortment ol SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS and MEDICAL BOOKS, Blank and Memorandum Books, Writing, Letter and wrapping papers, fine Pocket Cutlery, &c., to which they invite the attention of country merchants and others. The prices and quality will compare favora bly with any other Houso. Having an ex tensive bii dery under their •immediate su perintendence, they a'e prepared to furnish either ready-made, or ruled to particular pat tern, Blank account Books of every svao and description, suited for Banks, Insurance Companies and County Court Records, Ibe quality of which is warranted both as regatds paper and binding. They employ none but the best workmen and use first class materials. t#" Orders from s distance will receive particular attention. Masonic and Odd Fellows' Regalia and Publications for individuals, members and Lodges, the most extensive assortment to be found in the United Slates. Philadelphia, March 29, 1835-6 m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! IVOTICE is hereby given that loners lesta- J-* uieutary upon the estate of John Brown, jr., late of Mifiiin township, Columbia coun ty deceased, have been granted to the uuder "igned residing in Mifiltnville. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts against the dscedeut to pre sent them for settlement to SAMUEL CREASY, Executor, Mlfilinville, March 6th 1855. >#fABLE CUTLER)'—A Splendid asso ■* Bient received snd now on hand at MENPENHALL & MENSGH'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " SloomeburgT $)• HIRAM W. THORNTON. MERCHANT.— Stofe on the South side of Matn Stroet, second square below Mar ket. | DAVID LOW ENBERG, CLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." SIMON DREIFRBS, j& Co. CLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court house. EVANS ft APPLEMAN. MERCHANTS.—Store on the npper part of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. S. €• SKIVE, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET VVARE Wareroom in Shiva's Block, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT, RTMNNER AND STOVE DEALER A Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. JOSEPH SW ARTZ. BOOKSELLER. Store in the F.xohang® Block, first door above the Exchang® Hotel. R.W- WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW.— office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. . SHARP LESS ft MEI.ICK* FOUNDERS ANN MACHINESTS. Buiia ingsonthe alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT, TAILOR —Shop on the South Side of Main Street, first square below Market.. MENDENHALL ft MENSCII, MERCHANTS. —Store North West corner of Main and Market Streets. 11 lit AM cTll 0 W EIL STURGEON DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Street. M'KELVY, NEAL ft CO., MERCHANTS. —Northeast comer of Main and Market streets. SHAKPLESS ft MELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c.—Establish men! cn Main street, next building stbove he Court-house. HEN II V Z I PP ING EK , CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side of Main street, above the Railroad. Every kind of disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapementsfaithful! re paired. PCRD 0N • S DIG ES T. A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pnr ** chase a copy of Purdon'a Digest, can be accommodated by applying at he this off re | B2JABT <£u EAftlaß IIOTJEL, No- 139 Mirth Third Street above Race PHILADELPHIA > i . BnADV. GEOIIOE H. BROW*. " AMCE * [.fune Bitrtßs4-ly. _ Persa.'" ou ' Employment, AccnK Wi?ncd „ In Every Section ot Ul. ,r . r '"T"'. 'l'ho most Elegant and Wful V ''• u 10 Year. SEARS' GREAT WORK OS RIFSSIA. J UST published, an Illustrated Description o! the Russian Empire. Being a Phvsi- j cal and Political History ol its Gov ernments and provinces, Productions, Re- j sources, Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature, Educational Means, Religion, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, etc., from the latest and most authentic sources. Embellished with about 200 Engravings.and Maps of European and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in one large octavo volume of about 700 pages, elegantly and substanti ally bound. Retail price, S3. This work has been several years in pre paration, and will, It is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the world, the want so universally felt for reliable information on (tie history and internal resources ot a coun try occupying so large a portion of the East ern Hemisphere, arid holdingso formidable a portion at the present lime ity the rest of Europe end Asia; bin of which lor less is known than of any oilier European nation. II Also, a daeply interesting volump, enti tled "The Remarkable Adeenttoes of Celebrated Persons," embracing llie Komantic Incidents and Adventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers, Voyagers, &c. em inent in the History of Europe and America, including Sketches of over fifty celebrated heroic characters. Beautifully illustrated with numerous engravings. One volume 400 pages, royal J2mo. cloth, gilt. Price, SI 25. The subscriber publishes a number o( most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men may safely engage in llieir circulation, they will cnrtfet a public benefit and receive a fair compensation for their labor. To men of enterprise and tact, this busi ness offer* an opportunity for profitable em ployment seldom to be met with. Persons wishing tp engaue in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars, with diteeiions to persons disposed to act as Agents, together with terms on which they will be furnished, by addiessing the subscriber, post paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUBLISHER, 181 William Street N. Y. AIADISON HOUSE, Nos. 37 and 39 North Second Street, (Below Arch Street.) □POaaU i<£la&nipoaaaa o rpHIS popular house has beep thoroughly renovated, and extensive improvements made for the accommodations of guests, &c In connection with the above Hotel, the pro prietor baa opened, in the basement, a fine Eating and Drinkißg Saloon. Altogether the establishment compares favor ably with the first class places of accommo dation for travellers, citizens, &c..—being within a short distance of the New York and Baltimore Landings, hear die Pest Office and Exchange, where Omnibuses, going to all parts of the City, start from. The Proprietor hopes, by fetrftfr attention to the wants of his cßesti, lo receive a lib eral share of the p.ubiio pauropagu. J. OTTENKIHK, Proprietor. (Late of Baltimore, Md., & Cincinnati, Ohio.) Fob. Ift, 1855. LEATHER. Fritz, Hendry & Co., No. 29NOKTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, MOROCCO MANCFACTCRERS. CUF.RIERS & IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF-SKINS, Bad dealers in Red anO Oak SOLE Lemma U Kirr. Feb. 9, 1855. v 4—jr- TO THOSE CHEAP GOODS ! <J23 <3BCE>® , t . . 1, „r for F'l and Winter Baler, HAVE just received and opened their sltwlc ot raeroßa AN*DSOMEST assortment now which comprise* ihe LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and h A^= u of , hejr elltira , ;ocki offered in this'.TOWN! Having paid great attention td the wjlh „ )e cheaptst , as lo price and quality, they flatlei themselves ihot Ihoy can ci. P ,|| yy a j,ave a i| and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving u - . j ot 0 f kinds of Goods and Wares lo supply ihe wants of ihe People. LADIES DRESS DOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, do bages, poplins, par.'" ne,la 1 mohair Uisires, muslin da laines, Persian cloibs, Gingham*. Calicoes, &c. •■•rcffiefs. WHITE GOODS OF ALI, KIN DS, Sieves. Oolurs. Spencers, hands. flouncing*, bands and trimmings, laces and edging*, bonnet ribbons, in largo vanet> > vet ribbons, and braids, kid, coilon, and lisle thread sl'-ves mohair I, r . All kinds of SHAWLS, brocbe, Bay Slaio, Waterville, black adk, cash mete, Etnbroda. Ed, &c. Also a very large assoriment of cloths, oassimers, satfinslls, vesltr.gs, tweeds, jeans, beaver cloths, coating volrel, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS tf SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN if CHILDREN We have a large assoriment ot Hals and Caps of latest fashion*. We have also Hard ware. Queensware, Cedarwnro, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table nm car riago oil clolhs, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, tpwelings, drillings, &c., in abundance. ~ , , .„ . . We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el e where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and w ill not be undersold 0) anybody, or iho rest of mankind. Btoorasburg, Oclober 28. 1855. 553 a.ma.com X-e HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING In the Exchange Block next lo Swartz's Book Slore. Tlioy have on hand a large and full assoriment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all eorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age know? any thing aboul. Of Pants and Vests they have every color of Ihe rainbow, besides some black, b.'ue, grey, striped and fancv ; Vests of satin, silk, buft, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Panls and boys clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Slocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and 3323 a&2>2tßS They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalells, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &0., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assoriment ot Accordeons. ty Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, May 18th 1854. 8. DREIFUSS, Si Co. JYew Spring and Summer Goods! DAVID LOWEXTBERG INVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionale vlothing at his store oo Markst street, two doors above the "American House," where ho has a full assoriment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including i iFAsmn@stfAiEix.iE ©IBISES <s@iis?s 2 fjox, sack, frock, gum and oil clolh coals of all sorts and sizes, pnntsof all eolora, shawls snipes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. " He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. AH his clothing is made lo wear, and most of it is of homo manufac ture. Bloomsburg, May 16th 1854-3 m. J, c. DERBY, ITBLISUER, EXTRAORDINARY PUBLICATION. Now Ready: MY COURTSHIP if ITS CONSEQUENCES BY IIKNRY WIKOFP. A true account tit die nuthoyf adventures in England, Switzerland and Italy, with MISS J. C GAMBLE, THE AMERICAN HEIRESS. CONTENTS: Explanation The Prison A Joyful Meeting Thrilling News Smitten Again Unexpected Blow - Questiod Pepped A nairow Escape n, , t , 'awn Plight A Jailor's Humanity p -e A Woman's Rage Repentant The Tna , Heconcit The Condemnation More Repenta. ce yid j h Refleelious The philosophy 0.l - H TSCSTUmi 8&e >?£*• A Coquet's Letter The ChlorJ ,> - -, a ij, v A Complete Victory American Sy. -11 ! A Violent Rupturo An Attempt at puie. Unconditional surren-Joyfnl Days i der The Liberation A Philadelphia beautvA Sweet Sleep The day Named John Van Buren Flight and Flurry New Yoik Again A Splendid Bride Hearty Welcome The Abduction Ultimatum ofihe Press A struggle for victory Finale The Arrest [ "Of all the personal confession* and auto biographical sketches that we have ever read or heard of, this is the strangest, the oddest, the moet extraordinary ; and, wo may as well admit at once, the most intensely inter esting. The book has cost us a couple ol nights sleep ; and we have no doubt it cost its author and its principal subject a pond many more. We have read it carefully through, according to our invariable custom, before venturing to give a decided opinion ol a work, and we unhesitatingly pronounce 'Wikofl's Courtship and its Conspqqnces' not only a deeply exciting narrative, but one ol the most remarkable tales ever unfolded to public exhibition.'"—[N. York Ev. Mirror. Price in paper covers, SI; in neat cloth binding. SI 25 Orders should be addressed to J. C. DERBY, Publisher No. 119 Nassau street, N. Y. Fcr sale by Booksellers and News Agenis everywhere. Single copies sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. Bloomsburg Pi Office Arrangements! Hours for Mails it) Close. Philadelphia Mail closes daily, except Sunday, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Western Mail closes daily, except Sun day, at 11 o'clock, A. M. VVilkes-barre Mail closes daily, except Sunday, at 1 P. M. Mail fur up Fishingcreek to Cambra leaves on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 o'clock, A. M. Mail lor Buckhorn, Jerseyto"*n and White Hall leaves on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday, at 7 A. M. Mail for Millville and Chestnntgrove leaves at 1 o'clock, P. M., every Thursday. PHILIP UNANGST, P. M. Bloomsburg, Dec. 12, 1854. AUDITOR s NOTICE. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the under i* signed, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Colombia county Auditor upon the excep tions to the account of John Welliver and Richard Demotl Executors of William Wel liver, late of Madison township Columb ia county, deceased, will attend to the <*"aties ol his appointment at the Court br jUas j n Bloomsburg on Friday the 4l!t next at 10 o'clock, A. M., whc, o and when all persons interested will at ,end if the" see proper. JAMES P'^EASANTS^ Auditor. Bloomsburg, March 15, 1855. AO TTCEI ALL persona indebted to the subscribers on bond note or book account are requested to make payment on or before the first of April next. WM. McKELVY & CO. & McKELVY, NEAL t CO. Bloomsburg, Jan. 28,1865. GRAND GIFT ENTERPRISE AND CONCERTS. 60,000 GIFTS VALUED AT 860,000. Tickets SI each. E. U jN A N G S T, s Announces lhat ho has projected a series of GIFT CONCERTS, to the patrons of which " he will distribute by lot 60,000 valuable gifts or premiums. The conceits will.be given at Bloomsburg, Danville, and such other towns where a suf ficient .lumber of the patrons of the enter prise reside. The times and places will be announced in subsequent bills. Each ticket will entitle the holder to two admissions to the concerts, and one of the following prizes or premiums: One three story Brick Hotel in Bloomsburg, opposite the Court-house, now occupied by Ex-Sheriff Billmyer, valued at SIO,OOO One large two-story brick dwelling-house,lot and out-build'ngs, on Alain Street of Hloomsburg 5,000 j One two story brick dwelling house and lot 011 Main Street of Bloonrtsburg 4,800 1 One two story brick dwelling house and lot I on Main street of Bloomsburg 3.000 ' Oi.'c two story frame dwelling house „•! Main street of Bloomsburg 2,000 One twO '""T ' rame dwelling house and lot on Alain s' rcel Blpomsburg 1,800 Two two stor,' •' >ru i k dwelling houses on Centre street ot 8./'amsburg, each 1.600 One two story frame ffvT'Hing house and lot on Main street of BlooiJsi ,|r o l,f>"o One two story frame dwelling' house ar..l lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,000 1 Eight corner lols on Centre street ol Blooms ! burg, each 8450 8,600 I* Six middle lols on Centre street of Blooms-1 burg, each S4OO 2,409 Two buggies, each S2OO 400 Two buggies, each SIBO 360 'Two bougies, each 8170 340 Tail Gold patent lever watches. 8100 1,000 Twenty Gold detached lever watches, each 860 1,200 Twenty Gold cylinder esoapement | watches, each 850 1,000 15 Gold lepins watches, each 850 750 50 Silver lever watches, each $25 1,250 50 double barrel shot guns, each 820 1,000 10 " " " sl6 160 10 Rifles, each 814 140 10 Allen's revolvers, each 812 120 10 Colt s revolvers, each 820 200 20 paita pistols each $8 40 1000 Gobi pencils, each 83 3,000 1000 Silver pencils and pen holders, each $2 2,000 2000 Gold pens, each $1 2 000 30000 Engravings each 250 7,500 25745 Pieces of Music 3 099 The money received for the sale of the tickets will be paid over to John K. Grolz, to be deposited by him in the Bank of Dun ville, to the credit of the projector, for the security of the ticket hulders. \Vhen tho tickets are all sold notice w j]| be given in the public prints for the ti holders to meet at some designated tin ie C #m i place, to choose a Committee who ( |j s . tribute the gifts as the shareholde lS shall de ermine. REFERENCES*. the ti'. loTo properly: Robe" T Clark Esq., ft. Ka'.??' ni V' aver Esq., or Rob ty Pa ' Bl°° m v jurjr, Columbia coun- All ord.ers for tickets must be addressed, pof.-7.ald, moite-y enclosed, to E. Unangst, "lo jinsburg, county Pa , and the tickets will oe promptly forwarded to any address. Mr C. F. Knapp will act as general cor responding agent at Bloomsburg for the pro prietor. E. UNANGST. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854.—6 m. Engravings for Newspaper# and Magazines. THE subscriber has several thousand en gravings of various tubjeols and sizes, suita ble for illustrating newspapers and maga zines. He offers the use of them for taking casts or printing, to the editorial fraternity on very moderate terms. Address, . JOHN FROST, March 29, 1855. Pimaosu'iits. I The Weekly Herald. The Beit General Newspaper in the World. THE NEW YORK WE SKI. V REHALD i pub lished every Saturday Morning. It* content* '' embrace all the news of the g-eal event# of v the day, reports of meetings, ol the Slate islature. and of Congress; ibtportant public .! documents; European and home correspon deuce; financial And commercial informa tion, and editorials of general interest, that have appeared in the New York Daily Herald. It is neatly printed; in clear tj pe, una , large double quarto ahhel of torty-eighl oot ' umns—a book—a direcibfy in itself—and forms one of the best arfd most valuable . weekly newspapers in the world. The great* -est care is taken to obtain the latest and most reliable intelligence ol important movement* jn all parts of the world. No expense is ; spn.'cd for this purpose. The subscription price is threp dollars per annti ,*> a )' a ' , l in advance, or sixpence per single c.-W- Ed " or) °f nt "' s P r T ers though out the tou " lr J <"' P<" t">t'<"hj requested to ad ' as agents. cent commission ° <*" ca,h Any ' petson obtaining "vd or more subseribem will be allowed the k ptme commission. TERM i Tt, CyUBS. For I copy of Weekly Herat. ' y rar > J' Five copioi, do do '' *5 Ten do u° Fifteen tSd do '6 Twenty dd do 4 b fSO Twenty-five do do 5" 25 Thirty do Ho 67 60 Thirty-five do Ho 78 75 Forty do dd 80 00 Forty-five do do 101 50 Fifty do O'O its 50 All letters to he addressed to .fames Gor | don Hennelt proprietor and editor of the "Now York Herald," New York Cily. Remittances must be made in funds cur rent in this city. ' Advertisements inserted in the' "Weekly ' Herald" for thirty cents per line. | New York, Feb. 8, 1854. ■ NfilF ROUTE TO PHILADELPHIA Catlawissu, Williamsport* and trie Rail Road. OPEN TO MILTON. £4 hours bctuceu Pbil'a. and Millotl. ON and alter Monday, Sept. 25th, ami un til extension to Wtlliamsport, pass enger trait's will be run every duy (Sundays excepted) as follows : Leaving Mil.." >n i a| 11 A- M., conhpctlng' with Reading Kan' Road, at Purl Clmtort, ar rivina at Philadelphia at 7 30, IV Al. Leaving Philadelphia, at 7 30, A. M | ar rive at Milton at 4 30 P if. A Freight Train will lonvti Milton, on Monday, Wednesday (i Friday, and Port Clinton on Tuesday, Thursday and keturduy, of each week. Freight is carried to and from Piiladelpliia without transhipment, from Reading Rail Road Freight Depot corner ot Broad and Cherry streets. T. McKISSOCK, Sept. 28,—ft 1854. S/VLBIIF VALUABLE FKOI'ERTY. rsnliE subscriber wishing to retire from JL business w ill sell or i cut, on easy term* bis business property, Mich as, PIIRNACE, CRIST-WILL, FARM, 1 Store-House and Goods, together with Hors es, Wagons, Carls, and a variety of other properly, necessary for the conduct of such an establishment. The Furnace is run v.ith Anthracite Coal, and is calculated to make 50 ton. Pig Iron per week. Plenty ol Ore left in the neigh borhood. imia&s is in good order. RTPossession given when the present stock is worked up. Call on the undentKed at his residence at Light Street Columbia County. ALSO, SOO Acres of Timber Land, for sale cheap, situate nhovo Orange ville, north side of the Knob Mountain. M. MCDOWELL. Light Street, Feb. 22, 1855. Furniture, Furniture ! TJ F. HOOVER respectfully informs hi* customers of Bloomsbttrg and the peu plo generally of Columbia County in want of FURNITURE, (hat they will find if greatly to their advantnge to purchase at his Ware house, whete they will find A LARGE STOCK of the most modem styles to select from. The rubscriber begs to say that his facilitina for manufacturing and buying his materiale for cash and having no Apprentices, but em ploying the best of tcorkmen enables him lit offer great inducements to those in want of GOOD FI'RNIIURE AT LOW PRICES, fs he much prefers the "nimble sixpence to the slow shilling." All goods bought it his | Wareroonis will be warranted, and if intend | ed for the Country will be packed with caw I and dispatch. H. F. HOOVER, No. 126 South 2d St., below Dock west siJe, March J5, '55.-3 m. Philadelphia. ! "TREES! EVEUGKEENS! &££?& T? LOWERING SHRUBS, ROSES, ®K??sl|p PLANTS, &<•., in great varie ty and size, cultivated and for sain large or triulll quantities, at th Rising Sun Nui,cries and Garden, Phlladela pbia. All ordera promptly attended to. Dcsci.'p. live Catalogue, tent lo post paid applications gratis. Address, by mail, S. AIA(JPAV. ifisine Sun P, o. Pliilada. N* B.—l'lr-nts, Ruses, Seeds, Ate., can be had every any ii the Marker, below Sixth Street, Philadelphia, vve-e orders aro also to ecived for the nursery. March 2tlili, 1855—it. II L> TYILVADS. ~~ A GREKABLY to the low of the 3d March, 1855, persons who have been mustered into the se,vice of the United States, and served fourteen days, aro entitled "to receive n Land Warrant lor tGO acres, and those per sons w|,o have received less qnannty, are now entitled to receive a Warrant seftcient f r s make the 160 atTei. _ , Tlie undersigned has received the law and the lorms adopted by the department at Washington, and will undertake the procur ing ol Warrants for those whp may desire his services. R. W. WEAVER. Rhiomshurg, March 16, 1855. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "MTITICE is hereby given that letters of IT administration upon the estate of Sam uel A Bowman, late of Mifflin township, Columbia co., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Mifflin and Berwick All persons indebted 1$ said de cedent are requested to make payment with out delay, and those having accounts hgifinet the estate lo present them for settlement to SAMUEL CREASY) ,jV, S. B. BOWMAN, j <M * "• February, 22, 1855. ADM IN IS TU A TOR'S N O'VL G E." NOTICE is hereby given that letters ol ad ministration upon the estate of Jacob Gearhait, late of Mair. township, Columbia county deceased, have bnftrt granted to the undersigned residing ih Main township. AU persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment,and those hav ing accounts against the estate to present them for eeuleinmd to JOHN KIEFER, Admr. March 8, 185 S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers