THE STAR OF "THE NORTH. " v, n .h ..J fiD serf „nr Ccarfery. [Two Dollars pel-ABBMI ft. W. Wearer Proprietor.] VOLUME 7. THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PL'BMSUXD EVERT THURSDAY MORNING BY R. W. WEAVER, OFFICE— Up stairs, in the netc brick build ing, cn the south side of Main Sheet, thiid stjuare bilotc Market. T tenuis Two Dollars ppr anhnm, if , psiil within six months from the lime of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months ; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages • ere paid, nnless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one sqnare will be inserted three times for One Dollar and twenty five cents for each additional in- . sertion. A liberal discount will ba made to those who advertise by the year. Select jpoctrji. DREAM NOT, UUT WORK- Dream not, but work ! Be bold !be brave ! Lai not a coward spirit crave E-capa from taks allotted I Thankful for toil and danger be ; Duty's high call will make thee fiee The vicious—the besotted. Think not thy share of strife too great; Mpeed to thy post, erect, elate ; Strength from above is given To those who combat sin and wrong. Nor ask how much, nor count how long They with the foe have striven ! Wage ceaseless war 'gainst lawless nr.ight; Speak out the truth—act out the right— Shield thef defenoeless. Be firm—be strong —improve the lime— Pity the ainner—but for crime, Crash it relentless! Swive on, strive on, nor even deem Thy work complete. Care not to seem, But he a Christum true. Think, speak, and act 'gainst meat device; IVresile with those who sacrifice The many to the few. Forget thyself, but bear in mind The claims of suffering humankind; So shall the welcome nisrlit, Unseen o'erttke lltee, and the BOUI Sinking in slumber at the goal, Wake in eternal light ! iiliscsllnncons. To Proud to peg. It is said there are thousands ef worthy j citizens, men and women, in New York—as j there ere, no doubt, hundreds in a'l other j large cities—who are too proud to beg or let their circumstance be known ; and are, there fore, silently pining in secret destitution.— | Ttie Minet syvH ysea shops only tell ' their sad story, and adds : , " First go the luxuries—the superfluous i furniture—the silver spoons—the spare cloth ing—the jewelry, even the bridal ring; and so through the whole inventory of articles that can be dispensed with, while life is re- j lained. To accommodate this inborn and inalienable American pride, Jlte pawn-shops | are provided with stalls, 60 that the melan- j choly bartering may be done without expo- j sing the poor victim of that' peculiar institu- I lion' to public shame. The amount of busi- j ness at these establishments, within the last, three months, exceeds all precedent. Watch- ; es, gold pencils, and silver spoons, have been pledged by the bushel, and every : nameabls and unnameble article of furniture and clothing. A friend of onre saw a poor; woman at Simpson's one day last week,; pawning her vnder-dothing to raise a shilling l to go to market with. Another had cut up barbed, and made it into pillows, which she had pawned for a similar purpose." "I Ain't Going to Lenru a Tradel'' Ain't you? I sbtuld like to know why not. Hundreds and tens of thousands have learn ed one before yon, end many mora will do the same thing. A trade well learned may make a name and a fortune well-earned. II you ever get either without working for it, you will be either very 'lucky,' or very for tunate. I dont think much of a boy who says he is not going to learn a trade. If his place in the world is aneh that he can learu a good trade, and have good situation, he Will be very unwise not to seize the opportunity. A boy who goes to a trade, determined to make himself master of his bosinest, and lobe a weM-ioformed and intelligent workmen, will aoon rise to the head of his profession, if he pursues the right path. The faithful apprentice who delights to do his day's work well, and to the best of his ability, so as to earn the praise of his employer, will feel happier, end be a more honorable man. than he who does just enough to shuffle along through the day, and then hurties away from his work as thongh it was a nuisance and a cgr. 1 knew a boy who was 100 ponf 10 go to echool or college, although he would have (iked that course very veil. But he had to work. So he went to -earn a trade. He trud to do his work always to the very best of hia ability. He went to a piece, the first day bis master came to look at what he had done, end after closely examining it, ha turn ed wound and said to hia foreman, "James, this I* very excellent work for a new boy. It j* about as good as any of our journey tr.en do it." Did not that little fellow feel as proud es if he lied won a triumph ? He waa re warded from tba atari with the good opinion of bis employer,and be never forgot the pleasure <whh which be heard his master's encouraging words. He always tried to do his work wall —to do it, in fact, the very bed; and while other apprentices did not aeetn to care how their work was done, aa long aa thay could get their pay, he took a pride in workings as (bongh he was In a higher post thsn that of a mechanic'* boy. He it in a higher post now; Bnd is doing well 4 jn more waya than one in the world. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 1. 1855. From Bamum's Autobiography. DODGING THE DEACONS. In the day* in winch 1 cm now writing a much stricter outward regard wa* paid to the Babbalh in the Slate of Connecticut than at present. If a man was seen riifiog horseback or in.a carriage on Sunday before sundown, a tithing man, deacon of a church; or grand jury man was sure to arrest him, and unless he could show that sickness or some other case of necessity induced him to come out, he was fined the next day. The mail stage from New-York to Boston was permitted to ran on the Sabbath, but in no case to take passengers. Sometimes the cupidity of the New-York agents would in duce them to book travellers through Connec ticut on the holy day, but nearly every meet ing-house had its sentinel on the look-out, and it was very difficult for a driver to es cape being arrested if he had one or more persona in bis coach. In that case the dri ver, his horses, stage, mail and passengers were odliged to " lie to" until Monday morn ing. when driver and passengers must each pay a fine before boing permitted to depart. _ On one occasion, Oliver Taylor and Benj Iloyt, a brace of wags from Bethel, were in New-York, and aa the way-bill was filled for several week-days ahead, they went to the stage office, No. 21 Bowery, early one Sunday morning, and asked to be carried that day to Norwalk, Ct. Hi can't be done,' peremptoriiy replied the stage agent. 'lt is very important,' responded Oliver ; 'mv wife and children are dangerously sick at Bethal, and I must reach there before to morrrow morning.' ' And my mother isn't expected to live the day out,' meekly added 'Squire Ben, with a face considerably elongated. ' It won't do, gen.lemrn ; these periodical sicknesses are excessively prevalent, and I am wonderfully sorry for you, but we have been stopped, fined, and our mail detained several limes this year, in your Slate. We are decidedly sick of it, and will carry no more passengers in Connecticut on Sunday,' was the prompt reply. ' They are not as strict now as they were formerly,' urged Mr. Taylor. 'Not hall,' added Mr. Hoyt. 1 Formerly I' exclaimed the agent; ' why, it is only two weeks since we were IMK led in Stamford.' ) ' Yes, and it cost me eleven dulladMßfl sides the detention,' added the propMju who had just stepped in. ' Now, sir,' said Mr. Taylor, the proprietor,' our business is urgent; we arc Connecticut men, and know Connecti cut laws and Connecticut deacons—yes, and how to dodge them, too. We will pay you ten dollars for our passages to Norwalk, and whenever we pass through a Connecticut village we wiil lie down on the bottom of llie stage,and thus your vehicle, being ap parently empty, will pass through unmoles ted.' 1 Will you do this promptly as you pass through each Connecticut villagel' asked die inching proprietor. ' Positively,' was the reply of Taylor and Hoyt. ' Well, I don't think it any sin to dodgft your Yankee blue-laws, aed I'U lake you on those conditions,' responded the stage man. The passage money was paid, the two valises snugly packed under the inside seats, and ilteir two owr.ora were as snugly sealed in the mail coach. 'Remember your promises, gentlemen, and dodge the Yankee deacons,' eaid the stage proprietor, just as the driver flourished his long whip, and the horses started off in a gallop. The two passengers nodded a will ing asseot. r Messrs. Ta ylor and Hoyt knew every inch of the road. As the ilage approached the Connecticut line, they prepared to alow themselves away. .Juat before reaching Greeuwhich they both stretched themselves upon their backs on the bottom of the coach. The agent* of the law—and gospel, were on the look-out, the drivers face as sumed a most innocent look, the apparently empty stage ' passed muster,' and was per mitted to move along unmolested, a straight laced deacon merely remarking to the tilh ing-man, 1 1 guess them 'ere Yorkers have concluded it won't pay to send their passen gers up this way on the lord's day.' The tith ing man nodded his satisfaction. At Stamford the game of' hide and seek' was successfully repealed. At Darien, which i* within six miles of Norwalk, where our passengers where to leave the stage and lake their chances for reaching Bethel, about twenty miles north, they once more laid themselves down on their backs, and the driver, assuming a demure look, let his horaes take a slow trot through the vill age. ' Now, Ben,' said Taylor, 'l'm a gotog to give the deacons a chance, fine or no fine,' and instantly he thrust his feet a tempting dis'ance out of tba sida window of the coach. ' Oh, for heaven's sake draw in your feet,' exclaimed Hoyt, in horror, as he aaw a pair of boots sticking a couple of feet [no pun intended] out of the window. 'Couldn't think of euoh a thing,' quiaily teaponded Taylor, with a chuckle. ' But we agreed to hide, and now you are exposing the stage driver aa well aa our selves,' urged the conscientious and greatly alarmed Hoyt. ' We agreed to lie on our backs, and we era doing it flat enough; but my legs want stretching, and they must have it,' was the mischievous reply. They were now opposite the village church, and the poor driver, unconciou* Of tho grand display his passengers wete ma king, carried bis head high op, as muoh-as to say, 1 You may look gentlemen, but it's no use.' A watchman deacon, horror-struck at be holding a pair of boots with real lags in them emerging from the stage window, hallowed to the driver to atop. 'l'm empty and shan't do it,' responded coachee, with a tone of injured innocenoe. 'You have got a passenger, and must stop,' earnestly replied the deacon. The driver, turning hie face townnls the body of the coach, was alarmed at seeing a pair of legs dangling ont of the window, and with a look of dismay instantly jerking his reins and giving his horses half a dozen smart cuts, thoy struck into a quick gallop just as the deacon's hand had reached with in a loot of the leader's bridle. The coach slightly grazed the deacon, half knocking him over, and was soon beyond his reach. The frightened driver applied the lash with all his might, continually hollooing, 'Draw in them infernal boots I' A double haw haw of laughter was sll the satisfaction he received in reply to his com mands, and, Jehu-like, the team dashed ahead until not a house was in fight. The driver then reined in his horses, and began remonstrating with his passengers. They laughed heartily, and handing him half a dollar, bade bim be quiet. 'ln ten minutes it will be sundown,' they added,' 'you can therefore go into Norwalk in safetyJ 'But they will pull ine up in Darien and fine me when I return,'' replied the driver.— 'Don't be alarmed,' was the response ; ''.hey can't fine you, for no ope can swear you had a passenger. Nothing was seen but a pair of legs, and for aught that can be proved they belonged to a wax figure.' 'But they moved,' replied the driver, still alarmed. 'So does an automation,' responded Mr. Taylor; 'so give yourself no uneasiness, you are perfectly safe.' The driver felt somewhat relieved, but as he passed through Darien the next day, he had some misgivings. The deacon, howev er, had probably reached the eame conclj- RNM on the Sabbath-, they might send a driver with them, for he would see them —'blowed' before they would catch him in another such a scrape. About the last prosecution which we had in Danbury lor a violation of the Sabbath, was in the summer ol 1825. There was a drought that season. The grass was wither ed, the ground was parched, all vegetation was seriously injured, and the streams far and near were partially or wholly dried up. As there were no steam mills in those days, at least in that vicinity, our people found it difficult to get sufficient grain ground for domeatio purposes without bending great distances. Our local mills were crammed with the 'grista' of all the neighborhood i awaiting their tnrn to be converted into floor or meal. Finally it commenced rain ing on a Saturday night, and continued all day Sunday. Of course, everybody was de lighted. Families who were almost placed upon an 'allowance' of bread, were gratified in the belief that the mills would now be set-a going, and the time of deliverance was at hand. One of our an eccontrio individual, and withal a worthy man, know ing the strait in which the community was placed, and remembering that onr Saviour permitted his disciples to pluck ears of corn upon the Sabbath, concluded to risk the ire of bigoted sticklers who strained at a gnat ar.d swallowed a camel, set his mill m mo tion on Sunday morning, and had finished many a grist for his neighbor* before Mon day's son had risen, On Monday afternoon he was arrested on a grand juror's complaint for bieaking the Sabbath. He declined employing counsel, and declared himstlf ready for trial. The court-room was crowded with sympathizing neighbors. The complaint was read, setting forth the enormity of his crime in convert ing grain into flour on the holy Sabbath— but it did not state the fact, that skid grind ing saved the whole neighborhood from a state of semi-starvation. The defendant maintained a countenanca of extreme grav ity. 'Are yon guilty or not guilty 1' asked the man of judicial authority. 'Not guilty—burl ground,' was the reply. Loud laughter, which the oourt declared quite unbecoming the halls of justice, was here indulged by the spectators. As the act was confessed, no evidence was adduced on the part of the State. Nu merous witnesses testified regarding the great drouth, the difficul'y in procuring bread from the lack of watqr to propel the mills, and atated the great necessity of the case. The defendant said not a word, but a verdict ol not guilty was soon returned. The community generally was delighted, and the ideas that bad heretofore existed in that vicinity, that a cat should be punished for catching a mouse on Sunday, or that a bar rel of cider should be whipped for 'working' on the first day of the week, became obso lete ; compelling men to go to meeting went out of fashion; in fact, a healthy reaction took place, and from that lima the inhabi- Troth lit Bight God tants of Connecticut became * voluntary Sabbath-observing people, abstaining from servile labor and vain recreation on tbat day, but not deeming it a sin to lift a suffering Ox from the pit if he hnppened to be cast therein after snnset On Satnrday, or before undown on Sunday. HE DRINKS. How ominously that sentence fall* I How we pause in the conversation and ejaculate, "its a pity." How his mother hopes that he will not when he grows older, and hia sisters persuade themselves that it is only a few wild oats ho is sowing. And yet old men shake their heads, and feel sad and look gloomy when they speak of if; for whoever stopped and did not at some t'mp again give way to temptation. It is dangerous to trifle with Pleasure., Each step thai she leads ui away from the path of rectitude, leaves us less deaite to re turn. Each time that she induces us lo de viate, we must go a little further to obtain the same enjoyment. Even if with increas ed experiences we resolve lo walk in the path ol duty, we fojlow it with more diffi culty if we have once allowed ourselves lo wander. Pleasure stands at a gate ever open, and she invites us to enter her gardens. She tells us that we need not fear, lor we can re turn, when we choose. She calls to Ihe pil grim on the dusty highway of life, and way worn, and weary as be ia, she invites htm to enter. She points him to men that are again upon the road ; men who once whiled away some time in her dominions, but have now resumed their journey. He does not know the self-reproach and the weakness they felt on leaving her • bowers, nor tha Increased difficulty with which they tread the path of daily life. He wishes, and then lorns, and then looka in. He will enter for a little way But ha is soon bewildered with enjoyment. His senses revel in fragrance. He is on en chanted ground. He is suie that he can re turn, and he will return, after he has been a little further; yet with every step he feels less desire to do so. Of what profit is it lo him now, the gate stands open ? As he wan ders along, the air becomes more exhilara ting, and the fruits more highly flavored. The breazes become warmer, the fragrance is more pungent, and Ihe mm* he *J( outare forgotten. Tho duties that he owes to himself, to his fellow-men, to his God, all are forgotten, and he goes resistlessly forward to enjoy belter breezes more stimulating fruits, and more narcotic odors. What avails lo him now ihs.t the gate remains ever open ? But already these pleasures have begun to pall. He finds apples with ashes at the core- Hot wind* are blistering bis flesh, but he feels no wound. Excess of pleasure is be coming pain. He has reached the marshes where the garden of Pleasure borders on the valley and- shadow of death, Bnd he would fain lake refuge in oblivion. He sits down under the shade of the Aconite, and binds his throbbing temples with wreaths ol its dull foliage. The night of despair is fast closing in upon him. Datkners, like a blanket, shuts out the light of Heaven, and Ihe trembling madness fires his brain. Slimy serpents are in attendance on him. They glide round noislessly, and lull him in drowsy folds. Worms are incessantly twisting in the seams ol hie clothing. Invisible fiends are gather ing arouud him like ravens. They wait im patiently. He hears the rustling of their skinny pinions and he feels the air moved a little by them. Their eyes of fire are shi ning on him Irom their viewless bodies, and 'be air is thick with muttering. Out from the darknes comes Ihe voice of the worm, claiming him as her brother, and the voice of corroption calling him "my son;" and with a chill he corses and God, dies. "At the last il bileth like a serpent and atingeth like an adder." Young man, juat commenciug life, buoy ant with hope, don't drink. You Ate freight ed with a precious cargo. The hopes of your old parents, of your sisters, of vonr wile, of your children, are all laid upon you. In you lb* aged lite over again their younger days: though you only osn the weaker ones attain a position in society, and from the level on which you place them must your children go into the gathering struggle of life. Lieut, Alvarado Hunter. The Washington correspondent of the New York Times, stales it as a remarkable fact, that this officer has previously bean twice dismissed the service ; once dismissed the squadron, six times court martialed, and once before a Court of Inquiry. He waa first dismissed by General Jackson in 1830, for fighting a duel with one Miller, of Phila delphia. Subsequently, bo was restored- During the Mexican war,it will be remem bered, he was tried by Court Marshal and dismissed from Perry's squadron for disobe dience of orders. Soon afterwards, Judge Mason, then Secretary of the Navy, gave bim the commend of tbe Taney in the Med iterranean, end on hi* return he was dismiss ed for some alleged offence. Subsequently) Mr. Filmore was induceJ to reinstate him, and he was put in command of the Bain bridge, with which vessel ho returned from the Brazil station, beoyuse Commodore Sal tar did not aee fit to send him up Ihe Para guay to interfere with Consular Hopkins' quarrel, and now be ia dismissed again. POETBY. SEVENTY-SIX. BY WM. CULLEN BRYANT. What heroes from the woeffitand sprang, When through the first awakened land, Tbe thrilling cry ol freedom rung, And to the work of warfare strung Tbe yeoman's Iron hand I Hills flung the cry to hills around, And ocean-mart replied to mart, And streams whose springs were yet unfoiltld, Pealed far away the startling sound Into the forest's heart. Then marched the brave from rocky steep, From mountain river, swift and cold; The borders ot the stormy deep, Tfievalea where gathered waters sleep, Sent up the strong and bold. As if the very earth again Grew quick with God's creating breath And, from the sods of grove and glen, Rose ranks of lion-hearted melt To battle to tbe death. The wile whose babe first smiled that day The fair fond bride of j ester eve, m And aged sire and matron gray, Saw the loved warriors baste away, And deemed it sin to grieve. Already had the strife begun ; Already blood on Concord's plain Along the sdringing grass had run, And blood had flowed at Lexington, Like brooks of April rain. That death-stain on the vernal swad Hallowed to freedom all the shore ; In fragments fell the yoke abhorred— The footstep of a loreign lord Profaned the soil no more. From the (NY) M'eekly Herald. THE CRICIB IN ENGLAND. The newspapers brought by the mall ten der it pretty certain that Lord Palmerston will be the next Prime Ministor of England, and possible Earl Grey Minister of war.— But there are changes at hand in the British Isles of far greater import than this: changes in comparison with which the substitution of this for that lord, or the fall of this or that ministry are mere child's play. From the accession of William and Mary to Ihe present day, England has been ruled Bue. One hundred and seventy years reat British oligarchy held supreme d trodden the people under foo'.— out fitful bursts of impatience, dark v ot I'-prtrtig —m Idon. William went to his grave wnnoui Hearing of them. Anne served as ; jhuttlecock to the aristocratic battledores till she, too, died knowing nothing of the peo ple. Tbe two first Georges spent their swin ish lives in unconsciousness that there was a people at all. But the third George began to learn. Outspoken remonstrances, and fierce mobs, nay, stones rattling on windows end peers' carriages overset were his teach ers. It was necessary to compromise, and a few men of the people, much to their as tonishment and to the delight of blockheads, were raised to power; these, of course, to lose their) popular origin, to blend with Ihe aristnerscy and to betray the cause which had raised litem. Then more outcries from the real people, and mora quaking of lordly knees, and paling of lordly cheeks. An im pulse fierce, almost uncontrollable, is given to tbe movement by the French revolution. This time no compromise is tried ; but the gullible masses are hushed by a senseless declaration of war with France. For twen ty years men are too busy cutting French throats to think of English rights. At the end of Ihe slaughtering, the people have been bled so freely as to require repletion before tbey can fight with spirit at home. With years their strength is strong again and the batila is renewed with the aristoc racy. All the prestige of England's military glory is on the side of lbs latter. Tbe Duke of Wellington belongs 'to the order;' he will die for il. Farliament is sold body and soul to the peers : members wipe the lords boots. But by this lime there is- a now power in England, the press. The Edtnborg 'Review' and others aa bold demand parliamentary refurm; meaning, the overthrow of the no bility. Ten years they fight; then the lords, fearing worse, sulkily succumb. For ten years or so, the people are satisfied. That cycle accomplished, up starts Dick Cobden, and asks that the lords be no longer allow ed to lax the people to keep up the price of corn, and hence land, wherein lies their wealth. Then another long figbt, at polls, and meetings, and Farliament and priming press. But it ends like the former ones : the lords walk out their home into the lobby an that free trade shall pass. A pretty strong foundation here for the continuance of tho war. Accordingly Mr. Looks King or some other nobody moves far Parliamentary reform, meaning tbe old sto ry ; and Lord John Russell the model trim mer resists it for a while, then whips round end fathers the bill himself. This lime il is a serious matter, the margin lefi for mon archy being quits fractional, and universal suffrage close at hand. At that critical mo ment the war with Russia—it was a war with France which saved the nobles W 1898—looms up, and for a lime no one thinks any mora ol the war that is being waged at home. Tbe noblee ere in en eo stasy. How grievnns their disappointment I The foreign war has hardly Begun, and tbe poor fools have hardly settled themselves in tbe best office* of State, when the domestic war burst* out more desperate than ever. Men see that the aristocracy hatfe ruined the ar my, demoralized the State, disgraced the nation, "that they are fighting bitterly with each other—Lord Russell tripping Lord Ab erdOßh, Lord Derby quarrelling with Lord Newcastle, Lord Palmerston refusing to act with Lord Darby, all the lords together in a confused band to hand scramble—ominous symptoms of portending ruin. Aud with oha voice ihe men of England pronounce their doom. Sneeringly, bitterly the ureal London 'Times' tells ua tbal Parliament has adjourned to keep holy tbe iesiival of King Charles the Maityr; as though beheading bad not been too good for the fellow, and as though every one in England Jid not know it. Angrily this or that leading than asks the people whether tbey will sell themselves to the people; Ind evCnthe street ballads— that speaking literature of the masses—call for 'lords in deed, not lords in name.' There is a wonderful significancy in all these facts. That the day has come when the final battle between the men and the noblemen of England must be fought, it were venturesome to assert. Tricks have saved them before: dodges, false promises, lying pretexts ; the armory of tricks, dodges and lies may save them again. But the ol tsner those allies are used, the feebler they must become. Every time the lords sre driven to shirk the great issue, it strides nearer and hdarer to their hearths, grows huger and huger in the lessening distance. What if the people, sick of Lord Grey as of Lord Newcastle, sick of the whole family of lords and peers, should rise suddenly end knock them bodily on the head.? Stranger things have been seen In France. Not all the virtues of the Chorieuls or the valor of the Rohana could savh their noble houses from the iron heel of democracy or their noble necks from the sharp edge of the guillotine. Down they fell, not in the long lapse of time with the dust of a weary con flict bedraggled with their ashes, but sud denly, in a day, in an hour, with a shock and a crash which shook the kingdom. Bo terrible, so stunning was the fall that to this day they have not recovered, and from the year wherein tbe nobles of England tricked the people with a baseless war with France, that country has had no nobility. Military chieftains have given old titles to theii gen erals. Old Bourbons have tried to galvanize life into the corpses of the Faubourg St. Ger main. Lottie Philippe lias created a repob lican peerage. But of the old nobles—the like of whom has governed England ever since the Great Protestant Revolution (it saves time tnj>U <t-*"— V —— ■ l ' 1 absurd though they be) France has had none since the Constituent Assembly.— Herein she is in advance of England. From the Boston Post. A DROPPED LETTERS BOSTON, Jan. 16, 1855. SON JOHN. —I have too much legislative work to come home on Saturday nights as I said I would—so you must mind the farm 1 have managed to get on a good many commu tes so as to become popular by having my namv printed nftener in the papers, and I manage to aay something occasionally and I have seen my name three times printed in the daily bee. American principles is looking up some here in Boston and we are going to discard all foreign elements in our -govern ment (by the way have the barn door paint ed over with some other color bosides Span ish brown.) The governor has made a lick at tho forin militia and disbanded all the com panies. (dont use any more British oil for your deefnets for I have thrown away that box of British salve your mother put in my trunk to rub my ruma'.ick leg with use Amer ican physic it ts the best.) We are going to have the latin lingo taken out of '.be state coat of arms and put plain ) ankee english in its place. We are a going ahead I tell Jou, and make clean swoop of everything of for eign extraction I havo visited no place of amusement excepting the live buffalo which is a regular native he looks very much like a hairy cow. Speaking of cows reminds me of our Durham bull yotl may sell htm to Wade the butcher he is of foreign extrac'-iou. A friend asked me to go to the Athenian and see the library and pictures but I was told nearly all the pictures are painted by the old masters as they are called—and these I am told are without exception all foreigners be sides many of tbe books in foreign languages so it is contrary to Ihe spirit of ray principles to visit such a place. I was going to see Banvards great painting of the Holy land which is making some stir but a native artist told me it was mostly painted with Vecitian ted and Dutch pink and Naples yellow while all the skies were Prussian blue too much of the foreign element to be interesting to me- By the way speaking of paint have the front blinds which I painted with French green last fall painted some color other than I men tioned above. Stop the Zions Herald and take the Yankee privateer in its place. Give my Marseille vest to dick the ploughman and tell him to alone Jip the scotch terrier ofl the farm and to kill that Maltese cat. from your affectionate father. INDUSTRY.— If you have got great talents, industry will improve them: iWnoderate abilities, industry will supply tneir deficien cies. Nothing is donied to well directed la bor ; nothing is ever to be attained without it. Ramenber a man's genius is always in the beginning of life as much unknown to himself as others—and k is only after fre quent tfiela, ettehded with success, thai he i dares think himself equal to the underta kings in which those who have suoceeded, have fixed the admiration of all rawtkind. NUMBER 6. .foreign Ni I ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL ol'thr BALTIC FORMATION OF A NEW MINISTRY. The Steamship Baltic arrived at New York Wednesday afternoon, at I o'clock. Tbe most importdul piece of intelligence 1 in the forma'idn of a new Ministry, eom poied as follows: Premier—Lord Palmerstdtt. War—Lord Panmure, formeriy Foi Msuln. Foreign—Earl Clarendon. Home—Sydney Herbert. Colonial—Sir George Grey. Exohsquer—W. Gladstone. Admiralty—Sir James Graham*. Chancellor—Lord Cranwortb. President of the Council—Earl Granville. Priyy Seal—Duke o' Argyle. Public Works—Sir W. Mjleeworiti President of the board of Control—Sir Charles Wood. Postmaster General—Lord Canning. Without Office.—Marquis Landsdowoe The above from the Cabinet. Lord Ab erdeen, the Duke ol Newcastle, and Sir Jna Russell go out. Lord Panmure comes in, and the balance are the same a* tha last i Ministry. In the efforts to reconstruct tbe British Ministry, the Queen had in turn sent for the Earl of Detby, Lord Land.idowne, Sir John Russell, and the Earl of Clatendon. All, however, failed to accomplish the object, when Lord Palmerston was sent for, and succeeded; In the Parliament statements ware made by each of the statesmen falling to form t Cabinet. Nearly £3,000 have been voted for wat purposes. The North American Fisheries Bill passed. Parliament adjourned for a week el the request of the new Premier, end wes lo re assemble on the 15th insl. Earl Aderdeen had been created a Knight ol tliu G.irtnr. The Lord Mayor of London gave a grand banquet, trr.d among these present were Lord Cardigan, Sir Charles Napier, and oth er notables frotn the Crimea, were re ceived with enthusiasm. Sir Charles Napier defended his conduct and bitterly attacked the Administration: In the house ol Commons, on the eight of the 9th, a discussion occurred with regard lo Sir Charles Napier's transactions in the Bal tic. No new fight TIM UCJU TIN... the subject. FRANCE. M. bfagne has been appointed Minister of Finance, and M. Roughs, Minister of Agriculture. The latest accounts from Vienna were, that the Peace Conference had not been opened. Il is said the F.mperof of France will take command ol Ihe army of operation* on the Rhine. Prince Napoleon had atrived in Paris. France has signified her wiilingnesato ne gotiate a separate treaty with Prussia, provi ded It conveys the same obligations a* that of December 2. FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. Affairs betore Sebaslopol remain nnchan gnd. It is reported that a battle has taken place on the Danube between the Krssiarit and Turks, in which the latter were victorious. A report prevails that a mutiny has occur ted among the French Zouaves in the Crim ea, and 400 have been sent prisoner* to Constantinople. General Canrober!, reports the death of Captain Bonlof and Castleman, previously rumored, during a sortie by the Russians, on the night of tha 14th Oil. Supplies are reaching tbe British camp in ' abundance. The siege works are advancing bit the army continues sickly, i There had been frosty nights, but fine mild weather during the days. The latest official despatches from Lord Raglan are dated the 23d and 24tb ult. 'Both allude to the improvement in tha weather, and speak cbeeringly of the future prospects. The letter says—" We resume onr work before the town with renewed c -tivity." THE LATEST. —Queen Victoria has issued a proclamation forbidding tbe British, at home or abroad, aiding the enemy by sup plying them with munitions of warr. The feeling at Constantinople ia strongly in favor of peaoe. POLAND.— The English missionaries in Po land have been ordered to leave Russian ter ritory. HOLLAND AND DENMARK —Both Holland and Denmark are seeking to join the West ern Alliance. Poor Boy's College. The Printing Office has indeed proved a better College to many a poor boy, has grad uated more useful and oonspicuous members of society, has brought more intellect end turned it into practical,useful channels, awa kened more mind, generated more active and elevated thought, then many of the lit erary colleges of the country. How many e dunce hes passed through Ibetn colleges with no tangible proof of fitness other then his inanimate puce of parchment; himself, if possible, more inanimate than his leather diploma. There i* something in the very atmosphere of e printing office calculated to awaken the minds and inspire a thirst for knowledge. A boy who commences in such a school, will hare bis talents end ideas brought out; if he ha* no mind to draw out the body itself will be driven ont — How York Ghbe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers