close. I have fairly and fully mat (he ac cusations made by (he honorable gentleman from Massachusetts, against the church of tehioh lam a member. Step after step hfc retreated, until he had planted himself on the Bishop of Rome ; and there he challen ged, the citation of a single disavowal on the vpart of the Pontiff, that he claimed temporal power over the subjects of other Governments. Step by step I have followed him, and-concluded the array of disavowals by a presentation to this commii'ee of an esplicit denial on the pait of the Pope that any auch authority or right was claimed bv the Church or by him. Mr. Cbeirtnau, to the warnings expressed here, and the nervous apprehensions expras eed abroad, that the prevalence of the Cath olic religion will be dangerous to the coun try, I bore only to say, that we of this coun try Jare in no.danger from Catholicity, Epie copacy, Calvinism, Luthersnism, or other form of Christianity. Sir, Christianity in any form is better than infidelity and Alho ism. And Atheism is now at work, as it even has been busy, against the Christian faith and Christian prohibitions. It assails the Romac Catholic-first, because that creed j : ituntie extensive, and without con idering ] the evil which each is doing to religion j Christian men are yielding themselves, un- | conciously, co-workers with infidelity by I (heir active hostility to each other. Mr.'Chainnan, -if this country is to fall by ■ mny other means than ordinaiy deaay or lo j cat convulsions, it is not Christianity, not the I Christianity of Geneva, Rome, Scotland, or j Hngland, that will produce the ruin. The mischief will be wrought by infidelity.—j Sapping first the confidence of the people I in each other, undermining the foundation of C brislian charity, breaking the bonds of eocta'lHife, relaxing the ties of moral obliga liana, setting creeds in hostile attitudes, till Ibere is nothing left for hostility. And bring ing down the whole scheme of domes tic, so cial, and political life to the plans and enJs of socialists and atheisis, who laugh at the existence of a God, and seek their triumphs in the obliteration of the doctrine and teach ings of Chtist. Mr. Chairman, I have forborne to day all ralalialory imputations, all irritating com 1 -parisons, and confined myself to a refutation , of charges made against men of the Roman Xlatholio creed. I have not aough: this con teal, but, for the sake of honor, of truth, of myself and my co religionists, for the sake of the institution am) the Constitution of my ded no point, nor attempted to darken oOun sel. I have me: a charge fairly, candidly, and truthfully. I have dealt in no street ru mors. I have confided in no idle gossip. I have adduced no testimony not of my own knowledge, or from those who are authori zed to speak to the question at issue, and with veference thereto, with my hand upon my heart, and my eye on Heaven, I call this House, and ( I speak with reverence ) 1 call my God lo Witness the truth of all the asser tions made from my own convictions and knowledge, and my entire confidence in the credibility of all the testimony which I have adduced from others. NOTE— The Foreign Quarterly for January, 1836, says:—''ln the eleventh century the iPapacy fought the Battle of Freedom.'' Ancellor., unfriendly lo the Pope, 6ays: — "In the middle ages there was no social or der: it was the influence and power of the Popes that, perhaps, alone saved Europe from a state of barbarism. It was their pow er that prevented and stayed the deyioiism of the Emperors, that replaced the want ol equilibrium and diminished the inconveni ences of the feudal system.'' Southey says:— I "The Papacy was moral ly and intellectually the conservative power o( Christendom. Politically; too, it was the sating o( Europe." And a Protestant writer, in the American Encyclopedia, in an article on Gregory VII, says:—"The Papal power was (or .sges the -great bulwark of order amid the turbulence of the semi civilized people of Europe." AN EXTRAORDINARY BAJ.LOON ASCENMOJV BT * WOMAN. — At Eastou, Northatniori coun ty, last week, Mies Louisa Bradley ascen .ded in a balloon. fihe knew very little about the business she had undertaken, or of the effects likoly to be produced upon Jine balloon when it reached the rarifled atmosphere. The bal loon was an old one, and the silk had be come Toltcn. When she reached this height she states that the balloon, whioh was nol entirely filled when it left the sartb, expan ded, when lire gas brgan to e6oape at thb seams, and became very offensive to her.— This alarmed her, er>d she pulled the valve rope, but permitted but little gas to escape, as she was afraid she would fall into the Delaware In a few moments after this the balloon collapsed, and fell lor the distance of six hundred or Beven hundred feet. It eems that when the balloon burst it was tom into ribbands, except the lower part or I neck of the balloon. So completely was ths upper part lorn *.o pieces, that large pieces of silk blew a way, arid the remainder hung down even below :he car. When she had fallen-this diitano? the neck of the balloon auddenty blew up, turning inside out, and catching against the net >J'ork, formed a par achute, which bore Ivor safely to d' e ground. She came down in an open fie. I ''. nd so lightly did the car strike the earth she saya there was not the slightest jar. ix'er presence of n.ind was extraordinary. After this fearful fall, and when the balloon waa still decending with terrific velocity, she threw out her sand bngs and anchor, and then with the utmost calmness commenced einging a hymn. She alighted about four mile* from this place. The trip must be conaiderea B quick one, as at a quarter past 12 she rode into lown safe and in fine spir it*. BT Preeidetrt Hitchcock Jf* there are in Great Britain, at the preaent day fifteen thou sand steam engines driven by the means of coal, with a power equal to that of :wo mil lion* of men; and thua ia put in operation machinery equaling the unaided power of 300,000,000 or 400,000 of men. The influ ence thue emanating teaches the remotest portions of the Globe, and tends mightily to the civilization and happiness of the race., HT There is six feet of snow in the Nor thern towns of New Hampshire. otar of tl)c Norll). R. W. WEAVER, M-ITOR. UlOQUl abort; Thursday I'eb. 8, 1830. Appointments by Gov, Pollock, Governor Pollock has made the following appointments: Thomas J. Power, of Boaver county, ( A mericau Democrat) Adjutant General of the Slate. Christian Myers, of Carbon county (Amer ican Whig) Whiskey Inspector, for Phila delphia. C. L. Magee, (American Whig ) Inspec tor of Weights and Measures for Allegheny county. Mr. Culp, ( American ) "Flour Inspector for Pittsburg. It is now well understood that Gov Pol lock has appointed S'.eohen Miller, of the Daily IleralJ, Inspector of flour at Pbiladsl phia. There is great complaint among the Pltil adelphians at this decision of the Gover nor. Two or three other of the Philadelphia appointments will de given to the interior. t'otirt Proceedings- Court opened last Monday with a pretty large attendance. John B. °f was appointed Foreman of the Grand Jury. Among the busines done was the following : Com. vs John Fruit. Assault and Battery on Waller Johnson. True Bill, —Jury out. Corn. vs. Coleman Cramer.—Larceny.—A true bill- Defendant pleads guilty, an.! th? court sentence him lo restore the property stolen, pay a fine ol like value at'd the costs of prosecution, and suffer imprisonment in county jail for 60 days. Com. vs. Flemuel K u rns. Fornication and Bastardy. True bill. Pleads guilty and the usual sentence. Com. vs. John Wurdetl. Assault SEE. Not a (rue bill, and that the prosecutrix, Louiea Betz, pay the costs. Coin. vs. George Hull. Obtaining goods under false pretences. True Bid. Several juries were called in civil cases, but only one of the cases was lried and a veidict rendered. t"? HON. JOSEPH R. CHANDLER'S SPEECH To the exclusion of our usual variety, we conclude to-day the late able speech of the Hon. Jus. R. Chandler, in defense of the Catholic citizens, for which ue would ask ait attentive and candid reading. The dis tinguished speaker, who has been twice os tracised by his parly—ouca for being, and once for not being a member of a secret so ciety, makes out a strong case against inter ested partisans and dogmatical sectarians who woul.t erwv from our constitution the sacred guaranty of "liberty of conscience." His defiance of papal temporal authority, and his eloquent and patriotic allusion lo "his own, his native land," attest his sin cerity. PCBI.ISHINQ THE LAWS IN THE PAPEI.S. —The Legislature has rejected a resolution, requiring the laws to be published in one of die papers of each county. The only way the people can obtain a knowledge of the laws, is by such publication. Tho expense will be but little more than the present method of publishing a number of pam phlets, to which not one in a hundred can have Access. The plan is nol a novelty It has been iu operation tn Ohio, lor some years, and has given general satisfaction. tsr A N UMBER of gentlemen have during I t|, past week spoken to u> upon the sub ject of the proposed new law for the collec tion of laa'es- Every person, so far, agrees that the principle of Mr. Ball's act is correct, but the general opinion is that one per cent, to the Treasurer arid two per cent, to the constable would be a fair compensation, if one man had all the taxes io collect. rF" Far FEES.—Francis W. Hughe*, late Attorney General of this State, received dur I ing the past yeai S3IOO besides his salary for collecting money for the James McCormiek and John N. Purviance j received as fees in one case 56750 from the j StaK fP' Not correct—the statement that all let ters have to he pre-paid since the first ol January. The bill of Mr. Olds, containing such* clause, passed the ileus* but was lost in the Sena*. %sr We are told that there is more joy in the wigwam, over one Democrat who joins the Know-Nothings than o<er nine'y and nine goud Whigs who belong to the conspir acy already; for they care not to change the polilios of Whigs but to lead Democrats iuto delusion. I V A Row occurred in Congress on the Spth ult. between Mr. Farley and Mr. Lnne, in the discussion of the Pacifio Telegraph Bill. Mr. Lane called Mr. Farley a "damn ed liar." The disputants made a rush at each other, but were prevented from fight ing by their friends. OR THE DEMOCRATSof Philadelphia coun ty have nominated J. Murry Rush as a can didate for State Senator in place of Mr. Foulkrod, deceased. The election will take place on the 13tb iust. TV HOUSTON AND POI.LOCK.—The Lock Haven, Pa., Watchman, an American paper just started, has placed at the head of its columns the name of Sam Houston, of Tex as, as its choice for President, and that of James Pollock for Vice President. Vf HORACE GHEE LEY'S salary as Editor of the Rribunt, aside from his share of the prof itetf the paper, it #SO per week. BIJOK NOTICES. A KNOW-NOTHIKO NOVEL. —Such another colored political novel ai was ''Uncle Tom's Cabin," has been lately published in New York, inculcating the creed of the now po litical party. All our Know-Nothing friends who with to be booked up in their faith must buy "STANHOPE BUBLEICH —the Jesuits in our homes.'' It is the strongest argument ol which their case admits; and the New York Herald lays it was lately distributed among the members of the New York legis lature as a work to interest them. Stringer & Towosend, 222 Broadway, New York, are the publishers, PUTNAM'S MONTHLY for February has been on our table for several days. It is more than usually; amusing and interesting. After a hairy looking portrait of a "contributor" it opens with "Diplomacy and Cannon Bulls, —The Imperial Game in Europe," a very sensible article |on the present position of Russia and the Western Powers. If has the double merit of brevity, and.plainness, leav ing the reader in no doubt of the author's meaning. "Living in the oouulry—a sec ond epistle from Mr. Sparrowgrafs," is tho second article, containing some encourage ment for beginners on the bugle. "National Defence," "The old woman who dried up and blew away," "Mining Vanities," three chapters of '"lsrael Potter," "Glimpses of French life—the restoration," "The Progress of our political virtues," with other articles and "Editorial Notices" furnish reading to suit all tastes. It is a good num ber. I'erms 83 per year or 25 els. a number.— Two copies 86 ; five copies to one address 810. G. P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place, N. Y. BLACKWOOD'S F.DINBCRO MAGAZINE. We have received the January number of this ably conducted periodical—it has the follow ing rich tabic of Contents i The conduct of the war; Civilization ; ti.d census—Education ; Zaidee, a romance— Part II.; Rural Economy of Great Britain and Ireland; Mr. Tnackery and his novels; Peaoe and Patriotism, a letter to -Iret.acus; The Sto ry of the Campaign, &e., —Part 11. Written in a tent in the Crimea. The present is a lavorab.'e lime for com mencing subscriptions to the valuable for eign periodicals re published in New York, embodying standard literature of the highest character. New volumes of the four lie views and Blackwood commencing with the North Briiish for November, 1854, and the uther Reviews and Blackwood fur Janu ary, 1855 TERMS— Payment to be made in advance. I For any one ol the lour Review?, S3 per an. For any two, " 6 " For any three, 7 " For all four of the Reviews, 8 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 " For Blackwood and 3 Reviews, 9 " For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews,lo •' LEONARD SCO IT & CO., Publishers, 79 Fulton st., entrance 54 Gold at.,N. Y. SOMETHING NEW !—Fulton perfected the steamboat; somebody gave the world the railroad and locomotive engine ; Moras ac tualized the electric telegraph. We have now to announce an invention more impor tant in its results, perhaps, than either of them. Prof. Maclaurin, an .old and well known teacher of penmanship in this city, hs invented and brought to perfection a system by winch every person, young o r old, may in a few hours' practice, learn to write a free, bold, beautiful and rapid hand writing—rapid beyoutl belief. We have seen a writing-book of Ihe largest size commonly used in sckools, writen through from begin ning to end, in a perfectly unitorm and beau tiful band, like copper-plate engraving, in two hours, by a little girl ten years old, af ter a brief of instruction, ft is a mira cle of science and art. The system is a method of training the muscle*, by a series of easy, progressive and very rapid gymnastic exercises to form the elements and combinations of writing. There is a set of his instruction books, with direc tions. by the, aid of which, any person may teach himself, and be qualified to teach oth ers; and the cost of the whole system, for SKLK-Inslruciion, with pens and writing-books complete ( sent by mail, post-paid), is only One Dollar. We have examined the system and its results; we have conversed with the Inventor, and seen the Testimonials of the best Teachers and most eminent Education ists of this city, and have no question that this system will supersede every other, arid make rapid and beautiful writers as plenti ful as they now are rare.— New York Lea der. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the ahoy# System, in our columns, and to lha fact that fhe Publisher is the respectable, well-established anj f?li able house of Charles B. Norton, DESTRUCTION OP LIQUOR BT WOMEN.—At Mount Pleasant, Ohio, a party of about fifty women at lacked a tavern and demolished the casks, containing a targe amount of liquor. They also seized the tavern-keeper and dragged him through the liquor, which stood about six inches deep on the floor of j the tavern. I Warrants were taken out bj the Police Court fur the ar rest of about twenty of tire aggressors, but the police returned arid re ported their inability to execute the writs. E7* ACCORDING to Judge Pearson, of Dau phin, a man who goes from house to house, or from tavern to tavern, and lukes Ave or six drinks per day, is an intemperate man under the " Buckalew Law." Judge Haynes, of Chester, says that n man who gets drunk ones in three months is an intemperate man; and Judge Taylot, of Huntington, lias adobt ed both these definitions. VERY PERTINENT.—A writer in the Wash ington Union thinks the Provisional Bishop of New York, Rev. Horatio Potter, would be acting more consistently with his calling, if, instead of praying for the success of British arms, he would pray for the salvation of im mortal souls, and the prevalence of univer- I sal peace. That's just it. VALE Ol' TUE PUBLIC WORKS. From a sensible article in _the Wilkesbarrc Record weextnot the following paragraphs: 'The whole population of the state is grum bling at the enormous taxes levied to pay ex portses and interest on the publio debt. A large majority ol on; people insist on killing the goose that lays the golden egg, because it eats grain m prices, and the public works must be'soiil or given away. 'lnilaod, almost any sacrifice will be submitted to, to reduce the interest we have to pay. The main line must he sold for tan million of dollars, ( 810,000,000,) which will relieve us of at least a lax of six hundred thousand dollars, ( 8600,000.) But says the Legislature, six per cent is not enough for the use of money: eight per cent, shall be legal iolerest. Of oourse, if the people say so throogh their represents 'lives, this not only fixes the value for others but for themselves. Two per cent, or eight bundled thousand dollars per annum added to the value of our public debt of forty mil lions. What say you lax-payors; are you willing to pay eight hundred thousand dollars more in taxes for the benefit of money lenders, when you are so anxious at the same time to rell your public works to reduce luxes?— Suppose you do both, how are you off! Ten millions for the main line will take from your taxes six hundred thousand dol lars. Good ! But at eight per cent interest, the remaining thirty millions of debt will re quire just six hundred thousand dollars more" than at present. So without the main line, your taxes will be no lighter, but heavier because you will not itave the profit on it to help pay. Then how do you like tha pro position from Philadelphia? Since the above was writen, we are indebt ed to Senator Price for file of the Senate, No. 66 " A supplement to the act entitled 'An act providing for the sale of the main line of the publio works from Philadelphia to Pittsburg.' Sect. 1 'Makes it the duty of the Governor again to adverliae for proposals for the sale of;!:? public works until the first Monday of August next, Rnd that he may accept any bid no; les6 than eight million* of dollara payable in cash in twenty equal annu al payments with interest half yearly at the rate of Jive per cent per annum." This pre sents a still worse leature for the tax-payers. Flight millions at five per cent, will give us only 8400,000; while' the increase ol two per cent, per annutn, (lha difference be tween six and eight per cent, legal in terest,) on the 832,000,000 of debt still remaining, will require a tax of $640,000. — So uuder the operation of these Philadelphia propositions the people will lose lha maio line of our public works and actually be two hundred and forty -thousand dollars a year worse off than they now are, equal an actual increase of state debt of over ten mil lions six hundred thousand dollars at 6 per cent." From Ihe Pittsburg Union. THE CANAL BOAKU. A bill is now before the Legislature to ab olish the Canal Hoard. A number of reasons are urged in favor of it in publio; but the re al object of the movement, at the present lime, is to throw a little more patronage in to the hands of Gov. Pollock. The bill pro vides for the appointment of a Superintend ent of Public Works and an Enginner—the former with a salary of S3OOO, and the latter with a salary of $2500; and also for the ap pointment of two Clerks, each with a salary of fifteen hundred dollurs. Thus far the ex pense of the department of Public Works would be increased by the bill, about four thousand dollars over the amount at present paid. And this, it must be remembered, is in face of Ihe fact, that the same Legisla ture is also about to pasa a bill for the sale ol the great body of the Public Works. In short, lire proposition is to make the expense of managing half the public improvements about twice ns large as what ia now necessary for the whole of it. We are beginning, at last, to understand the true reasons why a committee lately re ported against the sale of the West and North Branch Canals, and in favor of the sola of the Main Line. In the first place, there will be no speculation in buying fhe two former improvements. In the next place, to sell the whole of the Stale Works would deprive the present Whig and K. N. Governor of the opportunity of obtaining pa tronage, by a bill such as thai which is now before the legislature. We thus Bee the interesting programme of the present refoim and economical ad ministration. One great scheme is, to sac rifice a part of the people's properly in order to giaiily a horde of speculators. Another, and perfectly consistent one is, that a small part of lite works should be retained, in or der to gire occasion for ilia creation of a new department of public impiovement, and for the consequent increaso of executive pa tronage. Wo commend the plan to the con sideration of lax-payers. W Tin Consumption of Schuylkill Coal by the city ol Philadelphia, during the year 18C4, as shown by the annual reports oi the Reading Railroad and Schuylkill Canal Com panies, was 468,231,20 tons. This was ex -elusive of 34,175,13 tons consumed at the Falls, 7,353,13 tons at Manayuuk, 14,722,02 Hons at Nicetown and Germantown, and (he very large amount, 1,411,733,19 tons, sent to Porl Richmond, of which a small portion was no doubt cousumed there. It will thus be seen that the consumption of Schuylkill coal by the city and its environs considera bly exceeds half a million of tons yearly, being, as above, 524,481 tons, exclusive of the quantity consumed at Port Richmond During the same year, the quantity of Schuyl kill coal consumed by tbe city of Read ing was 114,243 tons, while at Phosnixville the total was 63,733 tons, sod at Norristown 46,476 tons. ,Th Guano Business. Mr. FRAILEY has offered a resolution in (he Legislature, requesting the Judiciary Com mitte to inquire into the expediency of bring ing in a bill to protect farmers and Others from spurious guano. The resolution con templates the appointment of an inspector of guano in the city of Philadelphia. Situational department. SCHOOL MEETINGS. For the purpose of such cooperation as shall best promote the cause of education, the County Superintendent will meet the Teachers, School Directors, ami all others in terested, from the northern part of the coun ty, at the School house in Orangeyille, on Saturday the 10th of February next at 2 o'clock P. M ; and lie will also in the same manner meet those from the South side of the river at the Academy in Catiawissaon Monday evening, February <lSth next. 'EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. For the purpose of furthering tho cause of education, a'convernion of Teachers, School Director! and others interested in the subject will be held at the Court-house in Blooms burg on Saturday the 47th of February next, at I o'clock P. M , to take such measures as shall seem best for all persons concerned in the cause. The call is made after conference with a number of Teachers and Directors, who think that beneficial results will follow from an interchange of sentiment, or the forma tion of a Teachers Instiiuip. R. W. WEAVER. County Superintendent. IV During the month of January we have visited schools in Sugarloaf, Benton, Orange, Scott, Mountpleasanl, Madison, F'ranklin and I Locust townships. Next week our labors will commeuca in some other direction.— The townships in which we find the Direc tors seem to feel ttie most interest in the cause of education are Sugarloaf, Beuton, Bloom and Franklin. Persons wishing to see u* on business will always find us at home on Saturdays aud Wedi^^ays. PENNSTLTANIA SCHOOL JOURNAL. —The Jail u%r.y number of ttiii valuable monthly, con tains a full report ot the proceedings, discus sions, &c., had at the late session of the Stale Teacher's Association, in Lewistown. The " Journal" is ever welcome, and fur nishes a large amount of valuable education al matter. Terms only 81 per jear, T. 11. Burrowes, Editor. IV EDUCATION is a companion which no misfortune can repres*, crime destroy, no enemy alienate, no despotism enslave. At home, a friend ; abroad, an introduction ; in solitude, a tolace; in society, an it chastens vice; it gives at once a grace, an ornament to genius. Without it, what is man ? A splendid slave, an unreasoning slave. The Teacher Should be n Student. The teacher is occupied with children's work. He is attempting to convey ideas to their minds aud must do it in a mode adapt ed to their comprehension. For the time, he becomes a chill himself. How, how shall ho retain, undiminished, his manly character? Plainly, by doing mau'a work as well as that of the child. If sometimes i be creeps, again he mnsl stand erect and re sume the mien ar.d gait of manhood. Com-, paring himself with the young minds whom he is instructing, he may lancy himselfpi gi ant. Ho nee. s, therefore, to hold intellectu al converse with mar— hi* equal* ami supe rior!. This will restore him to bis true plaoe. His gigantic dimensions disappear, and he agaut becomes a child. Ho who is always the teacher, regarding himself as such, will form an over estimate of hitnsolf; he must look at himself from another, point of view, if he would correct the false impression and obtain a true estimate. Ho must bo a learn er as well as a teacher. The remedy, then, for this narrowing ten dency of elementary instruction, or, if you please, of ail leaching, is private study— Ohio Journal of Education. ar LET parents see to it that scholars at tend school regularly, are there at'proper lime in the morning and at noon, and that they study lessons thoroughly. The School master cannot do everything. E7" IT is cheaper to build School houses than penitentiaries,—to pay Schoolmasters, than Judges, lawyers, juries. THE MISSOURI SENATOR.—The Legislature of Missouri has a hard time in mafcmg a United Stales Senator. The two branches were to have met in Convention on Thurs day last, for the purpore of making still an other attempt to elect a United States Sena tor. The Union learns, through a private source, that several ballots bad been taken on that day, which showed again for Mr. ATCHISON of six over his previous highest vote. PROPOJEDNKW COUNTIES.—There are prop ositions before the Legislature for at least a dozen new counties. One of these proposes to erect the upper pail of Lancaster into a new county to be called "Jackson" making Enphrata the county seal, then there is "Pol lock" out of Dauphin, Lebanon, and Schuyl kill; "Madison" of Berks, Chester and Mont gomery; "Penn," out of Philadelphia and Bucks, and some half dozen others out of the mountain and western counties. HON. JAMES MILES, of Erie, has offered to donate to the Pennsylvania Agricultural So ciety, two hundred acres of land, situated in Girard township, Erie county, provided the organization locate an Agricultural College nu said land. PRINCE DEMIDOFF, the richest prince in Eu rope, has offered his large fortune to the Em peror of Russia to carry on the war. His in come is about 8200,000 a year. The Czar will no doubt appreciate this patriotic sacri fice. OT THERE is a man in New York so op posed to Catholicism that he wont travel on cross-roads. He is the same man that wont eat beef, for fear it might be a portion of the Pope's last bull. X3T Advices from the Sandwich Islands, bring information oi the death of King Kam ohameha, and that his son had been declar ed the successor to tbe throne. tW A FEW years back the Whig parly claimed to have all the intelligence of the country, Now, they are satisfied to be Know Nothings. Correspondence of the Public Ledger. LETT Bit IIARUIBOtIItU. HARRISBURC, Jan. 23, 1855.—-The follow ing supplement to the act of 1847, to define and punish the offence of bribery, has been pending and discussed before the Senste for several days, and passed this morning : "Thai 110 person who shall have knowledge of any facts material to the proof of the crime for bidden, and punished by the act to which Ibis is a supplement, shall be excused by any allegation ot pretence whatsoever from testifying his or her knowledge as aforesaid, in any suit or any court of justice, or in any inquiry or investigation before any commit tee of the Legislature of this State : Provi ded, The testimony of such witness not any facts by him developed shall in no wise be given in evidence against him in any civil or criminal suit." The object of this bill is to put a slop to the bribery and corruption that hare disgraced the Legislatures of Pennsylvania for a num ber of years, and spread their odious fame throughout the whole country. By throwing wide open the door to testimony, and remo ving all danger of persecution to the witness disclosing his participation in those trar.sae liens, it is believed that the opportunity of bringing these corrupt practices to light and punishing them, will be greatly increased. Mr. Price in the course of his remarks, made some disclosures startling to persons who were not brought into contact with the last Legislature, fie slated that after the pas sage ol the Consolidation Bill through the Senate, aod while it was jot pending before ihe House, he was directly approached by a member of the H , asking compensation for support of the bill, a its safe conduct through that body. Mr. Price promptly refused to be engaged in such a transaction, and re monstrated with the member upon the im propriety of Lis course, representing the justice of the Consolidation Bill, and the unanimous sentiment of the people of Phila delphia in its favor. The reply was, that lie j was aware of that fact, but ha thought there was "something in it," and that he might as well mako a little, and that he knew fifteen others who were ready to aid in its passage far a reasonable compensation, Thoroughly disgusted at the mail's venality, Mr. Price rose in order that ho might depart, when the miserable creature turned, and ui a last np peal exclaimed, "Can't you give us five dol lars a-piece ?" Am nit Illustration of the character of the Legislature abroad-, Mr. Price related ait ill- occurred to him during a recent voyage to Europe. Me embarked in one ol the first class steamers, oil board of which he was introduced to an officer of the army; a man of approved valor, a thorough gentle man, and one'of liberal acquirements. Af ter the acquaintance had ripened into inti macy, this officer informed him that when he was first introduced as a Pennsylvania Senator, he felt great reluctance to take by the hand or cultivate such an acquaintance; that in the West the character of the Legis lature of Pennsylvania was must odious, and that lio had often felt mortified by the infa mous reputation thus attached to his native : Slate. A very large number of petitions were presented front Bucks county, signed by tax- j ables of said county, to lite number of some I 1530, in favor of the proposed new coun'j of i'ettn, out of Bucks and Philadelphia. M. From the Pittsburg Union. Mil. HiUPP'S CONFESSIONAL. Through the kindness of a member of the j Legislature, we have been favored with a copy if Mr. CI.APP'S bill, which purposes to establish Courts of Conciliation. On peru sing the document, a stranger would suppose, that it was the creation of some unfortunate individual, who had seen so much of the Courts of Compulsion, that lie was disposed, if possible, to organize a tribunal, which would administer juslioo in kid g'eves. But we attribute to the member from Venango, no such unworthy motive. We have given the bill a careful consideration ; and it cer tainly present" some novel features ; but the most remarkable one is its secrecy, and, we suppose, this is the reason the Know-Noth ir.g Legislature ordered a thousand copies to be printed. Tile bill provides, that there shall be a judge elected in every ward and township, who is expected to work for noth ing and find himself. When any body has u cause of complaint against any body else, lie or she will if he or stia chooses, go to the judgo and thoreupon that honorable individ ual will issue a polite invitation to the oppo site parly to come before him and talk the matter over. If ha chooses to come, he can, and if he doesn't, he need not. If ha dot's come, however, the judge lakes him, and the apposite parly, into a ptivulu room, where • hey can say what they please, because the bill makes the communications strictly and confidential. * No lawyers are allowed to be present, and no witness, the idea of Mr. CLAPP being, that the less the judge knows about the matter, the belter Tha feature of dispensing with lawyers and witnesaos, seems to be copied from the Spanish Inquisition. While the idea of drawing admissions and coulessions oul of an offending party, comes with a bad grace from a member of that great society, that has risen lo i's present pos ition, by abusing the Catholic confessional. For the lile of us, we cannot see what would be the difference, aupposing Mr. CLAPP'S courts to be organized, between the functions of a judge of conciliation-and those of a con fessor, except thai the judge would have the right to make out a decree on the admission of iho defendant, and send it to another tri bunal to bo curried into effect. Know-Noth iugism has cdrtainly found an able advocate iu the Divine turned politician. It is useless to follow the bill through all its absurdities; but there is matter in it for something more than ridicule. The idea ruuning throughout the whole of it, is the supposed advantage of a court of secret session, operating by an appeal to the conscience. We do not pro pose to waste wotds in opposing such an opinion; hot we are glad, that if a proposi tion to revive the judicial procedure of the sixteenth century, had to bo made in the mid dle of the nineteenth, it nhould come from a member ot the Know-Nothing Legislature. Just as we Expected. Mrs. Sarah Young-, one of the wives ot Brigham Young, in Ultth territory, and a Miss Eliza Williams, are about to travel the United Sifttes, on a lecturing expedition against Mormonism. We suppose opposi tion to Moimoit ism would be a speculating scheme in the hands of >ome fetilire* or strong-minded woman, before lorg, enH iho announcement by these two women ot their intentions, proves our conclusions right.— Mormonism at fir-t, was, and is still, a vijb hoax by which simple-minded people are led to the adoption of a system at variance with every principle of Christianity and so cial order. It was designed to enrich some \ at the expense of the credulous, and thus far has worked admirably. What a credulous people no are! One set get np a humbug and make a fortune out of it, and another do the same thing by opposing it. We presume, however, it is all rtglr.— llarrisburg Union. biLi ca Caeca Cct.-!.iKatcs---UaQUK.sciiANLK Fina—Four years ago, what is now callc I the old breaker, at Thomas 4 Dually'* mio", caught fire ftortt KII explosion. The -fire was communicated to rhe dirt heaps around, where it had been seemly burning ever since . It made its appearance again, about live weeks ago, in the immediate vicinity of the new briaker, and men were, ar d are still employed in removing the d.rt heaps there, that being the only method praclica bio to insure safety. A stranger might pass it in the daytime, and not nonce it as there is but litUe smoke, and the daylight drowns every other appearance of ilm lire. It U only at night that the danger present* itself in its reality—showing itself to the beholder in an enormous mass of lire, partly hidden by u thin coating at the top, nut yet consum ed, and decorated with a number of pretty blue lights, proceeding from as many bright spots r.f burning anthracite coal. Thu mine has stopp-d, as well as every ether mine in the neighborhood. It is qu,t hard times for the poor miners.— Pottsville Register. rr During the year 1854 no fewer than 76,C87 persons died in London out ol a pop - ulation ol two millions and a half; 4855 morn than died durmg the disastrous chulura your 1849. Snot: MAMT.ICTI'BINO —About 1,000 per sons including men, wrmieh and children are out ol employment in Lynn. 'lWshod manufactures hive beon obligrj to contract their business, which throws many out of wo'k. RELIEF FUR DA kisi—The National house ol Representatives pa;sod the Senate resolution u lu-rizing tiro Navy Department lo 6ettd a steamer und a tender to the relief or rescue of Dr. Kane arid h-is Arctic expe dition. The Secretary of the Navy wilt dis patch the vessels ordereit immediately. RAII .aiiAiis TO HK FENCED IN .—The Legis lature ol Illinois has a bill before it requiring all railroads lo tie fenced in. It Iris passed one House, and ft Is beloved will pass the other. THIS OHIO LMCOIT LAW has beea sustain ed by ihe unanimous decision of the Su preme Courl of thai State cn all its points. It is said t hut ihe Russian war bus already made 11,090 widows in England. SfECIAL NOTICES. To PERSON* OCT or K.MPI.OYMEN r—The at tension of the reader issolicited to iho adver tisement of Agents wanted foe the series of I'ielorial books issued Irom the press of Mr. Sears, These books have met, and are maot ing with a large su!o throughout the Union, arid three latest publications, '• Russia Illus trated" China and India,", and " XhrdUnf Incidents in Iks Ifars of the United Slates," are in every way equal to the other works iu point of aUraciiori and interest. What he wishes to obtain is, competent Agents in ev ery sooiroti of the country, The readiness of their sale offers great in Jucenrmits for per- I suns to embark in their disposal, and as tltey are of a high moral arid unexceptional char acter, there are none but who can conscien tiously contribute lo tlintr circulation. Any person wishing- to embark in the enterprise, will risk little by sending lo the I'ubltsher *25, for which he will teceive sample copies of the various Works, (at wholesale prices) catefuily boxed, insured, anil directed, at lording a very liberal per cenlags to the Agent fur his trouble. With those he will soon be able lo ascertain the mol saleable, ami Older accordingly. OT Catalogues, containing full particulars, forwurdeJ loall parts of the country free of postage, on application. HENIIY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL.- The met its of this purely vegetable extract for the removal nud cure ol physical prostration, genital debility, nervous affections, &a, are fully described in another colli am of this paper, lo which the reader is referred. 52 per bottle, 3 bottles fur #5; six bottles for 58 ; 516 per dozen. txrObsorve the marks of the genuine. l'repared only by S. E. Cohen, No. 3 Frank lin Row, Vine St., below Eighth Philadelphia Pa., to whom all orders must be addressed. For Sale by all ihe respectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the country. T. VV. DVOTT A SONS, No. 132 North 2nd st., Philadelphia, Sale Agents for Pennsyl vania. ~ 7 On the 18lh of January, by the Rev. E. A. Sharretts, Ht the residence of Mr. Conrad Bittenbender, Mr. GEORGE FENSTBRMACIICR, and MARY ANN KNORR. On Ihe 24th nit., by the Rev. Henry T*t lidjre, Mr. HIRAM AFPI.EMAN, of llemlnuk, Columbia Coanly, lo Miss MARY AFPI.EMAN. military Notice! THE Members of thu Washington Caval ry, belonging to thu battalion ot Columbia Guards, are hereby notified lo return all their arms and accoutrements which belong lo the CoramnnweaHh, lo Maj. Joseph P. Connor or Gen. M. M'Dowell,. without de lay. H. R. KLINE. Brig. Inspector, Is! Brig., 9th J) , P. V. Orange township, Jan. 13, 1855. 3t. "" Justices of (lie Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind of blanks desirable for their use, in proper form, at the office of the'STAR or THE NORTU i'aucy Paver Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. Ac an be fonnd at t he cheap Bock store of JOSEPH SWARTii,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers