| 45 6 7 8 910 | 1 11 12 13 14 15 1617 I TyS FT'"' 18- 19 20 21 22 03 24 25 20 27 28 • ' MARtB. i 2 3 :• , - 4 b 7 8 9 10 R 11 12 13 14 16 16 IT S3 .1819202122 23 24 I 25 20 27 28 23 30 31 I ' APRIL. 12 3 4 56 7 I) 8 010 II 12 13 14 | t 15 ie 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 § 29 30 . MAP. 1 2 8 4 5 1 0 T 8 01011 12 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Bi 20 21 .22 23 24 25 26 gJ 27 28 29 50 31 g JINE. i s I a 4 5 6 7 8 0 ifj I 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 f| 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 § 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 gj JULY. 1234 56 7 ig 8 9101112 13 14 | 15 16 17 18 19 23 21 22 23 24 25 36 27 28 I, 29 30 31 ' 111 AUGUST. 1 2 3 4 I' b 6 7 8 910 II >l, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i| 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SEPT'R. i 2a45 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I!) 20 21 22 23 94 25 26 27 28 29 39 OCTOBER. 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 rrovEM'B. - i 2 s { 456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 f| 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I DECEMB'. i 2345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 1 116 17 18 19 20 21 22 |I I £3 21 25 26 27 28 29 I i L-ii—J g. STACFFER & IIARLEY. Caeap WalcHe# Sc. Jewelry. f "TW7HOI.ESALE biid RETAIL, al the | aJL- J f T Philadelphia Welch and Jcwelrv Klore, No 96 Nnrih Second Street corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Hold Lever Watches, foil jewelled, 18 ca re! cnseK, * 628 00 Go'd I.apine 18 k. ' 24 00 Silver Lever full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lapine jewels, 9 00 Superior quartiers, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver, do, 1 50 Gold Bracelets, 3 00 Ladles' Gold Pencil*. 1 00 Kilvei Tea spoons. eel, 6 00 Gold Pene with Pencil & Silver holder, 1 00 Gold finger Rinas 37 j eents-io?80 ; watch Glas.~es, plain, 121 cetila; Potenl, lSj ; Lu net, 25; other articles in proportion. Ail J'oods warranted 'o bo whet the}' are sold or, STAUPFEU & HARLEY. On hand, tome Gold and Silver Levers i. and Lepines, still lower than the above pri ces. September 21st, t'Bs4—-ly. _ / Watcbes, Jewelry, Silverware and IPiISJtSTT (S(S®IS29 4 Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality, 908 CALX AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S, N. 184, South Second St., Between Pine and Union, West Side, PHILADELPHIA. The assortment embraces a large and aelect stock of fine V\ atchrs. Jewelry, Silver Ware, Alhata Ware, plated with fine Silver, in ftponns, Fprks, Ladles, &e.-—Jul Gnoda, Fans and, Kan ay Articles of s superior quality, deserving the ! examination of those who aesire to procure the >err b una at the IOIWSST CASH Paicta. Having a practiced knowledge of the business, V—. - and-all available facilities for Importing and Manufacturing, Iho .übscfibcr confidently ini vitcs purahtsers, believing that he can supply them on terms as favorable as any other es tablishment in either of the Atlantic Cities. Alt kinds of Diumon J and Pearl Jewelry and Ailvtr Ware manufactured to otder, within a reasonable time. Watches, Jewelry and Silver War# faithful ly repaired. W.M. fi. ELTONHEAD, No, 184 South 2d St., a few tloore above the 2d St. Market, West Side. BF In the South Window of the Store, may ha seen the famous BIRD CLOCK, which commands the admiration of the scientific and aurbius. September 38th, 1954.—1y. Front Street Wtre Manufacture- WATSON & COX, Sinn, Riddle, Screen if Wire Cloth Manufuctur ■ " .. ere. No. 46 NORTH FROST STREET, Comer of Comb's Alley, betveen Market and llulburry (Atch) Sireela. PHILADELPHIA. "JAf ANUFACTURE of Superior qualily, XT_L Brass and iron Wire Sieves of all kind*. Brass-and Copper Wire Cloth fot Paper Ma kers, &o. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls cov •red in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, SleMs tea Braes and Iron Founders, Screen WtfO, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &o. Fancy Wire Works of evdfy description. August 10, t854-3m. Eotiee of Dr. Jarccs Mc- CPufu'li s efh liiait'd Foiullv Mi divines. MiCk OftS! B**flpl.-Thi Invains. Syrup, which i< entirely vcgersble in it* com position, b hren cmphtyed .with wonderful sueeesb for msny yenre in the cure o f disease of the Air Passage* in the Lungs. The most common diseii.es of these organs ate Irtitation and inflammation of the Mucous Membrane which lines the air tubes of lite ttiruut. wind pipe and lungs. For sny of these forma of disease, whet'her shewing themselves as i ough, Tickling of the Throat, Sense of tight, nrss of the Throat, Spitting of Blood Difficulty of Breathing,. Hoarseness or Lets or voice, and liolic Fever, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is recommended as ono of the bckt end safest medicines for all forms of Bronchitis and Consumption. N. B„ No Laudanum or preparation of Opi um in any shape in this Syrup. Price in pint 1 bottles. $ 1. Cold and Cooplt Mixture for recent Coughs and Colds. Piice 25 cents. Asthma end Whooping Cough remedy. Piicc 60 cents pot liolile, Diarihcu Remedy and Cholera Preventive Pric? 36 and 59 cents. Tonic Alteiutivo Sytup for purifying tho blood. Price hi per bottle. Vcgeta'le am' Purgative Pills for Costive ness, Headache, Ac. Price 25 cents per box, ' Antt Billions Pills for Liver Complaints, Disordered action of the Dowels, Ac. Price 25 | ents. Dyspeptic Elisor fir indigestion, llcart. Dizziness, I'tiro £1 per bottle. Rheumatic Liniment for Rheumatic burac Neuralgic pains' Price 50 ccrta per bottlund Kbeumalio Mixture for internal use in Rheu matism, Gout, Neuralgia, &c, J'ricu 50 cents, per bottle. Anodyne Mixture for instantly relieving Toob Ache, srd all pain wherever fuund— Piice 59 cents per bottle. Fever snJ Ague Specific for Ague or Inter mittent Fevers in ell forms. Piice £t pet bot. tic. H.H.B. ELLIOTT, Agent for Pennsylva nia, to whom all wholesale order, must to ad. dressed, North-west corner of 9th ami Filbert streets, above Market Street. Philadelphia. Agents in Columbia county. E. P. Lulz, Blnomshurgf. John Van Liew. Lit lit Street. Jacob Harris, Buckltorn. May J Ith 1854-6 m. DOLLARII, PREMIER ARTISTE. IN HAIR, 177 Chestnut S'IPCI, PHILADELPHIA, lit vatttor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventila ting Wis and F.alslic Band T.oupeea. Lislruc lions to enable Ladies and Gentlemen to measure then own heads with accuracy. Fo i. Wigs. Inches, No. 1 The round of tHe head. 2 Frotn forehead over the head lo neck. -, 3 From ear to ear over the '.op. 4 From ear '.o ear around the forehead. Toupees fc Sculps. litches. No- 1 From forehead to hack as far as bald. 2 Over (ore Lend, as far as required. 3 Over tlie crow n of the head. R. D.dlard has id ways ready tor sale a splendid-stock of Gentlemen's hall Wise, Ftirn >, Btuids, Cutis, etc., beautifully manufactured, and as cheap asrany. estab lishment in the Union. Doilnrti.it Herbauian Extract, or Lusiraos Hair Tonic, prepared from South American hetbs Hud runts, lite most successful atticle ever produced fot preserving lite hair from falling out or chancing color, restor ing and prestrvintt it in a healthy and luxuriant stale. Among oilier reasons why Dollard's Hair Culling Saloon maintains its immense popularity, is the fact that his tonic is ap plied lo every bead of hair cut at bis estab lishment, consequently, it i kept in belter preservation than under any other known ap plication. It being thus prac'ically tested by thousands, oilers the greatest guaranty of its efiicacy. Sold wholesale and retail al his old estabj lishment, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite the State House. R. Dollard has at la-st discovered the ns phis ultra of HAIR DYE;and announces it for sale, with perfect confidence in its sur passing every tiling of the kipd now in use. it colors the hair either black or brown, as may be desired, and is used without any in jury to the Itnir or skin, either by stain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application, without detracting from its cfiicacy. Persons v'-siting tho city are in vited to give hint a call. Letters addressed to R. Doll art), 177 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, will receive attention. Philadelphia, Oct 12th, 1854—1y. 1000 KOGK %GEiITi WANTED, 170 Canvass for Ihe best and most sala ble Books pnhlished. They are Writ ten by the mosl popular Authors of the day, including among others, T. S ARTHUR, ol whose last great work, TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM, 11,000 copies have been sold within a month of publication. These books are beatttifiully illustrated, (many of tbem with finely colored plates) and are printed and bound in the beat man ner. Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment in their circulation. For par ticulars address (post paid) J. VV. BRADLEY., PoBLrSHER, No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. September 21, !833-Bm. GRATIS! JUST PUBLISHED ANEW Discovery in Medicine. A few wards on (be ritionsl treatment without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea, or local weakness. Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and the Back, Indis position and Incapacity of Stud; and Latior, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love ef Solitude, Timid ity, Belf-IJiatiust, Dizziness, Headache, Invol untary Discharges. Pains iu the Side, Affoc lion of the Gyes, i'imples on the Face, Sexual and other Infirmities in Man. From ths French of Dr. 0. De I.oney, The important fact that these alarming com plaints may easily bo removed without medi cino, is. in this email Iraeq clearly demonttra i ted, and the ohtitely new end highly successful treatment, as adopted by tho author, fully ex phtinrd, by moans of which every out ie ena. Med to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, nyetilidtag thereby, all tho ad. vertiicd nostrums of the day. Hent to any address, gratis and post freo, in i a soaled envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps lo Dr.B. De Lsney.No, 17 Lispeuard Street.New York, Cm. Beplerober 28th, 1854. ' v -KVaf v#.'T*S2- BB? ililK! j.f r .y .- . ■ >#,- v :• •■+. - A .M\ K!SW TDTPFI/P I > Jtn - try FainUy ahould hnrv it Copy." , N \\',\iiiloo,ooo COPIES ■ sor.o IN LESS TO AN A YEAH. A •^jjiiffijoEar.Sjjahzfto tv Ftltttott, rt'vi.setl imprttte'll just AN-INVALUABLE BtKIK, ONLY 25 cu. ■ A COPY—MAN KNOW THYSELF.— Dr, Hunter's Medical Menuel and Hand Book for tho Afflicted, Containing en outline of the Origin, Progress, Tresltnoi t and cur* of every form.of disease. conUscled by Promis cuous Sexual Ibiorcourse, by Scir-ehttse, or by dcsuel Excsaa, with ndvLc for their j roveti tirn, written in a fnmiliet stylo, avoiding all mr.lfi-l teihnieslities. and cvorything that wouh! offend the esr 6f decency, with en out. line of complaints incident to femcies from the result of some twenty years successful practice, c xelusively rtevotnl to Ihe cute of d ,eases of a delitete or private nature. To which is added receipts for this euro of the shove diseases, and a treatise ou tho causer, symptoms and cure of ihe Pcvgr snd Ague, Testimony of the Professor of Obste trics, in I'enn College, Philadelphia. "DN. HBNTKR'S MEDICAL MANUAL." 5 —Tho author of this wotk, tiulike the majority of those who advertise to euro tho 'diseases of which it treats i* s graduate of one of the best . Gollegcs in tho United States, It affords me leisure to recommend him to the unfortunate, 'h to the victim of mal-practicc, as a successful f 'ndexpcrii-nfrd practitioner, in whose honor "nil integrity they may pl.ic# l K e greatest confi ,cnce. 1 JOHN S. I,oNostnnE, M. D. From Jl, Woodward, M. I). of Penn. University, Philadelphiv. , It gives me pleasure to add my testimony to the profes-ional shiiiiy of the author of the i "Medical Manual," Numerous ca,cs of disease i of the geiiitnl organs, some of them of long standing, have come under my notice, ill which bis .kill has been manifest in restoring to per- , feet health in some esses Where the paltentifins , been considered beyond medical aid, In the , treatment of seminal weakness, or dissrrarge mciit of tho (unctions produced bj self-abuse or excess of venery, I do not know his supert- , or in the profession. I liavo been acquainted with (he author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him as well as kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion to rpcommeiid him as ont in whoso professional skill and inlegii'.y they may safely confide themselves. ALFRED WOODWARD, M. D. "This is, without exception, the most com prehensive end intelligible work published of the class of. diseases ef J which it Heels. Avoi, ding sil technical terms, it addresses itself to tho reason of its readers. It ia free front all objectionable matter, and no patent however | fastidious can object lo placing it in the ben d [of his eons. The author has devoted many years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, with 100 little breath to puff, ami too little presumption to impose, he has offered to the world, at the merely nominal price of 25 cents., the fruit of some twenty years' most successful practice."—[Herald. '•No teacher or patent should be without the knowledge imparted in this valuable work, It would save years of pain, m titifi'-ation and sorrow lo the youth under their charge.'' [People's Advocate. A Presbyterian clergymni in Ohio, writing of "Huntej'e Medical .Manual" says,—"Thou, j sands upon thousands of our youth by evil ex ample, and influence of the passions, have been , led into ihe habit of self-pollution, without re- | olizing tho sin and feaiful consequences upon : themselves and their posterity. The comiitu' ! lions of thousands who are raising families l have been enfeeble J, if not broken down and they do not know the cause or the cure, Any thing thatcan he done solo enlighten and in fluence the public mind as to check, and ulti mately |o remove this wide spread source of human wretchedness, would confer the greutost blessing next to the religion of Jcstta Christ, on the present coining generation. Intemperance, oi the use of intoxicating drinks, though it has slain thousands upon thousands, is not as great er scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks on lielisif of the afflicted, and believe ' me your co-worker iu the good wotkyou orcso actively eugaved in. Ono copy, securely enveloped, will lie forwar ded,free of postage, to "any pari of me United S;ites for twenty-five cents, six copies for one dollar. Address, fospaid, COSDEN & CO. Publishers or 'Box 106 Philadelphia. N, 13. Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on Ihe most liberal terms. December 28 1853. 49—ly LEATHER AND FINDINGS. . THE subscriber respectfully invites the at tention of dealers and others, to his largo and well selected stock of Leather slid Kind , jogs, which is kept constantly fresh try repeated drafts upon the manufacturers of this eountiy and of Europe, and which is made up in part of the following aiticlen. viz ;—Tito best Oak and Red Bole ; Slaughter. Skirting and Damng. cd do ; Harness, Bridle, Band and Welt Leath er; Thong and Lacing dir.- Wax Upper, Boot Grain, Holland SplH do.; City Slang, Kips Salted and Collar do.; City, Country, French and Patent Calf Skins; Boot Leg Moroccos, Buck Skins, Pad skins, Chamois,and Moroccos; Bindings snd Linings of almost every descrip tion ; erlioe Thread, Patent Thiead, tsilh, 800 l Cord, l.nco, and Silk and Union Goltooiia: Black aud Colored English Lastiug, Worsted Uppers,and Crimped Frotitsaml fominge; Awls Tacks, Needles, Eyelet and Crimping Machines and Eyelets; Steel, Iron, Copper and Zinc Nails, Flics, Rasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs, Bristles; and Doot Web; Hammers, Boot and SlioeTrees, Lasts, Crimps, Clamps, Handles. Gum, Color, Cod Liver anil Tanners Oil; Shoe Tools and Currier's Tools ol all kinds, ready for use, be sides many other articles not enumerated above, all of which will be eele at Ihe lowest market retes, by JOHN WHITE, Importer and Dealer, 497 Market Street, Above 13th, Philadelphia. R. C. RIDGWAY & CO. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINES AI\D LIQUORS, No. 104 South Front Street) I*l.ilea. BRANDIES. LIUORS. (of different kinds.) \Vtna Bitters, Dark and Pule, Stoughlon Bitters, Otard, Depny &. Co.of Essence of Pepper various Vintagae, mint, Pinet, Caetillion & Co. Wild Cherry Brandy, of various Vintages, Ruspberry Brandy, Maglorey, do Blaokberry do Heunessy, do Lavender do Rochelld do Ginger do HOLLAND OIN. CUMCO* do Swan Brand, Extract D'Ahsinlhe. Comet, do CORDIALS. Fish, do Rose Cordial, Anchor Brand, Perfect Love, Cordial, Seydam, do Anniseed, do WINES. Lemon, do Superior old Sherry Peppermint, do ' Wine, wm.-KKYs. do do Madeira Wine Sttperior.Oid Monon- Port, of different gahela, kindij Rye Whiskey, from 1 . Tenenffe Wine, to 16 yeare old, . Lisbon, do Burbon Whiskey, Malaga, do Irish do Mttsoutei, do Scotoh do ' Claret, do Old Jamaica Spirit*, Burgundy Port, Old Peach Brahdy, Old Apple do Aag.'l7tb, 1864. Cham, and Hook W. . ol various brands. I ftj.ai SkC'C^ul .■!*>■■■■■■■■. ■■ * Mi n i:\RT'-! i \ i,. This invalmblo cordial i extracted from hoibs and root* which have hern found at'- 1 tor yonts of exponent , hvlhrmoijiHkillf.il i physicinne to' e possessed or qualities the moat t berieftciel in die diseasee for which it is |ren- t Bmrnruded.'aijd hence while it' is presented i to the public in on efficacious emedy.it I" (ltn t .known to ba yf that character on which tell r ot.cr may hp phcrd sill it safety. In cn es of finpotcncy; HenlorrhaKCs, Disordered Bteril ity, Mensttvatlm, or Supineesloti of the Mel). J sea, Fluor Albus or Whites, or for J DEIMLITY, . arising from any cause, such ns weakness from sicknesa, where the patient has boon confined I to tied for some time, for females after no~fn:e e menl, abortion or mintarriage, this cordial can ;i nil be excelled ii. its salutary effete : or in the low rf miiffculor cncigy, irrilihiiitv, physical a profft'slioti, seminal weakness, kail'' l """' o v the heart, indigestion, sluggishness. decay o e the prorreetive functions, nervousness Ac. 0 where a tonic medicine ia required, it will ba founu equal, if not auperiot to any compound p ever used, c TO FEMALES. I Henry's invigorating coidia! Is one of the moat c invaluable aiedirinea in the many complaints to- " which females are suliject. It assisla nature to 0 brace '.lie whole avstem, check excesses end ere- " atcs renewed health and happiness. Loss suf. faring, disease and unbeppincsa among ladies would extal, were they generally to adopt the use of this cordial* Ladies who are debilitated by those obstructions which females lie fable 1 to, are rea'ored l>y the use of e bottle or two. tu bloom and vigor. > * YOUNQ MEN, That solitary Jactlce, ao fatal to the existence •o faial to the existence' of man, and it is the young who are most likely to become its vic tims, from an ignorance of the danger to which they subject themselves, cauaea NERVOUS DJEBILITY, weakness of UM system, and premature decay, many of you miy r.o* ho suffering, n isled as to the canso or siuree of disease. To thoro, then who by excess have brought on themselves premature impotency, involuntary seminalemis siona, weakness and eh-ivetling of the gonitol organs, Nervous Affection, or any other conse quences of unrestrained indulgence of the sen sual passions, occasioning the necessity of re- I nouncing the felicities of MARRIAGE, lessening both mental and bodily capacity, hold Henry's Invigorating Cardial, a medicine that ia purely vegelahle, will aid nature to restora j those important functions to a healthy state and ] will prove of servic* to you. It possesses rare { virtues, is a genera! remover of disease and j streugthenor of tb&yetem. AS A BOhlC MEDICINE, 1 it ia unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordial on a footing widi quack medicines, and, as ia customary, append a long Its! of 'ecommenda tiona, +C.. beginning Wt "hoar what tho prea cher sye_" and such tike ; it la not necessary, for Henry's invigorating cordial only needs a ' trial to prove all that we say. I THE GENUINE "HENRY'S INVIG . ORATING CORDIAL," ! e put up in 6oz Pannel Bottle, a and is easily 1 recognized by the manufeolurer's signature on the label of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is | j forgery,) ' l~iT Sold for $ I per Bottle: si* for #8 ; sl6 | | per dozen. | Prepared only by S. R CORFU, NO. 3 Frank i lin Row, Vine at., hclow Eighth Philadelphia • j ' Pa., to whom *ll orders must he addressed. For i Sale by all the respectable Druggists and Mer : chants throughout the country. I T. W. UY'VFR A SONS, No. 133 North ; 2d sr., Philadelphia, Sole Agents for Pennsylva- i nia. * j January S3. 1851, I—ly Pcnnttylvaula Wire Works. No. 21 Arch St., above Front, ' PHILADELPHIA. 1 RVAHE Subscribers have on hnnd, and are A consiaiulv manufacturing, SlEVES. RID DUES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also all kir.ds of plain and laucy Wiru work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds ; Brass and Cop per Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &O. Cyl inders and Dar.dy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen ' ' Wire, Window Wire, Puffs, Traps, Dish ' Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. BAYLISS, DARBY A LINN. T * August 17th, 1854. C Tb Country Merchants. ifenit aitb* donfeelionarn, i RUBINCAM &, SELLERS, ' WHOLESALE MANUPACTUUEUR ANI) DEALERS IN 1 CONFECTIONARY OF ALL KINUS. No. 113 Nonh Third St., below Race, PHILADELPHIA. TIIHE attouiion of Dealers is requested to -1. an examination of their slock, which will be found to be at least equal to any in this city. FOREIGN FRUIT of all kinds in season. j N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise! promptly attended to. August 17lh, 1854. Plallorm Scales. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUITABLE E FOR RAILROADS, &c., for weighing „ HAY, COAL, PRE and MERCHANDISE < generally. Purchasers run no risk, every P scale is'GUABANIEF.D CORRECT, and if, after trial, r|>t found satisfactory, can be | relinned withoxt charge. OR Factor) a(lbe Old Stand , established \ lor more ihan tuenty years, corner of NINTH I and MELON Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO, A Successors to Ellicot If Abbott I Philadelphia, Aug. F, 1854. Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road. - IASSENGER TRAINS S For PAtsville, Reading. &c. &. MORNINGS LINES. Leave Piiladelphia and Putlsville at 7J o'- clock, P. TL. except Sundays. FTFTERNOON LINES. o Leave Piiladelphia and Pottsvills at 3} o'clock P. M. except Sundays, I FARES, let CLASS 2d CLASS, Between Plilad'a & Potteville,B2 75 #2 25 Between Pjilad'a & Beading, 1 75 1 45 50 lbs. BAGGAGE allowed to each passen ger. ON SUNDAY—One Train leaves Philadel phia at 74 o'clock A. M. and returns from p PollsviUe at 4 o'clock, P. M. taking no bag gage. " FARE FOR THF. EXCURSION, $4. All Tickets nutet be purchased before en- S taring the Cars, T DEPOT in Philadelphia, Coiner of Broad and Vine Street^. By order of the Boa'd of Managers. 0 A BRADFORD, Secretary. N Aug. 18,1854. U Justices of the Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind fo blanks desirable for their use, in proper di form, ,at the office of the "STAR or THRNORTH & HQS ca>c!Dacfix^jtJL) Cabinet Ware Rooms, s. c. SHIVR RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of of J|ie Ptrilm ft) his. exmnsive aasort ineiit of Cabindt Furniture and Chairs, which ho will warrant mude of good materials and iq a workmanlike nialitier. At bie Establish ment, can always "bo found a good assort ment of FasliisuaMfi F urn Hue, Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York oities, and at as lour prices. He has Sufas of different style and prices, from #25 to Se. Divans, Lotro ges, Walnut ar.tl Mahogany Parlor chairs. Rocking and unsy chairs, Piano stools, nod a variety of ophofstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, uard, centre and pier tables, drlßshus, chefieniers, whatnots and contoifes and all kinds of fashionable work- His slock of bureaus', enclosed and common wash-stands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, solas, dining and bteakfsst ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common Chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring matlrusees fitted to any sized bedstead,which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. Bloomsburg, April 6th 1854. tf. WOTIceT! TVOTICE is hereby given that the under * signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbia County Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charter lor a Bank to be located at Bloornsburg to ba called the "BLOOMSBURG BANK" with banking priviliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capital of two hundred thousand dol lars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. Robison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Wm. Sn;der, R. B. Arthur, E. Mendenhall, Ephraim P Lolz. A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpies/, Lloyd Paxton, Win. Sloun, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhall. Bloomsburg 22d,—1854. STSBW ©S)© FOR FALL AND WINTER! EYAMS & APPLEIIAN. HAVF. JUST received and opened an en tire new and splendid assortment of siß&SQxriiEßaiaa | For Fail and Winter at their Brick store on Main street abn.-olron ctreet, to which they invite the attention of the public. Their as sortment will compare in price and quality with any to be found ou this side of Philad elphia, and includes G&3DqDIS3g3 d QUE EN SirJl RE, lURDHjiRE, GLASSWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Thoy have on hand every desirable and fashionable style of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Shawls, Sillks, Merir.ne*, Deiains, ginghams, prints, ami every article of House Furnishing Goods, Sheetings, ticking, checks, ii c. Their slock is selling fast, aim will be re plenished every few weeks, for their motto is "small profits and quick sales." Call and see our goods. We charge noth ing for showing them, and will always take countryprnduce in pay at the market prices. Bloomsburg, October 24, 185,3-lf STOVESTSTOVES! SOARPLESS 5 AIELICK HAVE opened a new Stovo and Tinware Establishment, on Main street one door above the Court-house, where they are pre pared to furnish goods in their line such as Tin, Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware. Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks, Frying Pans, Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin I Fart, Broom Wire fyc., at extremely low Prices. Among their variety of MMM, may be found the Home Air Tight, William Penn. Globe, Coal Mountain, Miners' Choioe Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, the celebrated Raub Conking Stove for coal or wood, and others, too numerous to men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and Pnrlor Stoves, in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead ers, and all kinds of work made to urder, at the shortest notice. Repuiring of all kinds attended to. Bloomsburg, April 271h J854.-lf. REMO V AL. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT M. B. DYOTT &, KENT Have removed to their New Store and Factory, No, 74 South Second Street Philadelphia, (Five doors belaw their old stand.) Having increased facilities, we offer to Mer chants and others, <JAS FIXTURES end LAMPS of every description, and ct the low est Minufsrturor'e prices, end uneupssecd in quality or appearance by any in the Country. Our Stock embraces Dynil's Patent Pine Oil Lampa, (the best in tho world,) Burning Fluid end Solar Lard Lamps, Chandeliers, for Gas, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, end Fluid, Hall and Pat ent Spring Hand Lsnthorne, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, pj„e Oil sad Fluid, Wholesale and Retail. Merchants and others will find it to their advantage to call and examine our Block and Prices. OC7 Particular attention given to fitting up Churches end other publie buildings. Philadelphia, Sept Ist, 1854. —3m, SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY!! {By Authority of the State of Alabama,) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS H—TO BE DRAWN 20th of Dec. ONE RAIZE to 20 TICKETS —AND REMEMBER, EVERY PRIZE DRAWN! CAPITALS. #7,500 " 5,000 " 2,000 " 2 of# 1,000 2,000 ]n all 251 prize*, amounting to #30,000 IT Tickets #s—Halves and Quarter* in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. "Current bills of any bank received at par." All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lion* Montgomery, Alabama, June 20, 1854. BLANKS I BLANKS II BLANKS I!! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS; SUBPCENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, loner and desirable forms, fo> sale at the fo Ice ef the ".Star of the North.' ' iwi ';' - .&* h uP- TXt&^jga^' * > V;, ; <. v ''.' * ' x ~y\l'- • *' >ix ■!!!■■**;*" _''!*■■■■ J!! '.. *?■ AftfeftlCU wjffiSg PSION! "flie AmbrtaT AKnots' DVill, would re aperifuily announce to llie eilntene of the United States anil Canada*, that for the <pt)f poith of obkieatiog a tafle for the fine arts ihrouitiout the c inly, ati.l witli a view ot enabling every family to becptpd possessed of a gallery of Engravings, By the Fist Artists of the Asc. ■ They have delertninud, in or.ier to create at) extensive sale for their Engravings, thus not only give employment to a large number of artists and others, but ilfepfre among our countrytnei. a lasto for works of art, to pre sent to the 'purchasers of their engraviug, when 260,000 of which are sold 95,000 GIFTS, of the'aotual cost of 9)50000. Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving, therefore, receives not only an engraving richly worth the money, but also a ticket which entitles him to one of the Gifts when they are distributed. For Five Dollars, a highly finished Engra ving, beautifully painted in oil, and Five Gilt Tiokets, will <>o sent; or five dollars worth of splendid Encravings, cau be selec ted from the Catalogue, and sent by return midhu,express. A'tcopy of the Catalogue, together with a specimen of one of tho the Engravings, can be seen at (he office of this paper. For each Dollar sent, an Engraving actu ally worth that Sum, and a Grfi Ticket, will immediately be forwarded. The Committee believing that tli9 suc cess of this Great National Undertaking will be materially promotnl by the energy and enterprise pi intelligent and persevereiog Agents, hsAe resolved to treat with such on tho most liberal terms. Any person wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid,)3l, will receive by return of mail, a one dollar engraving, n "Gilt Ticket," a Prospectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary information. On the final completion of the sale, the the Gifts will be placed in the baniU of a committee of the purch .sore to be distribu-, led, due notice of which will be given throughout the United Slates and the Cana das. List of Gifts. 100 Marble busts of Washings ton at " " SIOO 310,000 100 ~ " Clav, 100 10.008 100 " " Webster, 100 10.(100 100 " " Calhoun 100 10 000 50 elegant Oil Paintings in splendid gilt frames, sixe 3 x 4 ft. each, 100 5.000 100 elegant Uil Paintings, 2x3 ft. each, 50 h 000 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in oil, rich gilt frames 21x30 in each, 10 6,000 11,000 elegant sreel plate En gravings. colored in oil, of the Washington Monument, 20x26 iu. ea. 4 40.000 237,0011 steel plate engravings, from 100 different plates now in possession of and otveued by the Artists' Un ion, of the market value ol from 50 cents to 31 each. 41.000 1 first class dwelling, in N. Y. City 12,000 22 Building Lots in 100 and 101 si sis , N. Y. City, each 25x100 ft. deep, at 1 000 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 sq. It. in the suburbs of New York City, anJ commanding a magnificent view ol the Hudson River and Long Island Sound, at 500 60,000 20 perpeluals loans of cash, without inlererest, or se curity, of 3250 each. 5,000 50 " " 100 " 5.000 100 " " 50 " 50V0. 250 " " 20 " 5.000 2,000 " " 5 10,000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate, F. J. VisscHEn & Co., Real Estate Brokers, New V oik. Orders, (post paid,) with mon ey enclosed, to be addressed. J. W, HOLBROOKE; Sec'y, 505 Broadway, N. Y. t*" The Engravings iu the Catalogue are now ready lor delivery. * New York, Nov 9th 1801-6 m. BET £u <SS £h &Li TO THE FISHONABLE AND it r |3HE undersigned, having just received the latest Paris and New Vqrk Fashions, would again beg leave to inform hie numer ous friends and all the world about Blooms burg, that he is now better prepared than ev er to accommodate any one wilb the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon (lie lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (100 well known to need further notice) where he may at all times be found, seated upon the bench of repentance, steadily drawing out the thread of affliction, hopeiog it may in the end prove advantageous to him and ins customers. He would also advise his friends to bear in mind" that poor, affiioted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, Rye. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are buck-standing on hte book. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases " the laborer is worthy of iris hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloornsburg, April 14th, 1853. REEVE L. KNIGHT, (Successor to Hartley Knight.J BEDDING AND AR PET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, Five doors above SPRUCX STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Where he keeps constantly on hand a full As sortment of every article in bis lino of business. Feathers, Featherbed#, Pstent Spring Mattres ses, Curled hair, Moss .Corn Husk and Bliaw Mattresses, Velvet Tapestry, Tapestry, Brus. eels, Three.Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rug and Hemp Catpclings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mat. tings, Cocoa and Spanish Malting', Floor and Blair Druggets, Hearth Rugs. Door Mats, Ta ble and Piano Covers, (r which he respectfully invites the sttention of purchasers. Philadelphia Sept. Jet, 1854. ly. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, physi ians and other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as required by the now Ac Assembly, can be had at the office of the Star of the North." THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA; IManufaoturer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zino Battling Tuba, Bathing Pant, and every kind of batniog apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention given lo ordered work, and goods carefully lorwarded on orders. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1854, ESCfLAPIU^ OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. Edition, with* One Mr f£k hundred Engravings, Mr Trfiftl rhoWing DlserScMnd Mtl m /wjEBaV bS formations of the hbmim H Jp form. To which ii^hilled w SUmI IS " Traatise on tho bisnsei Jo! of Femsles, being oflha highc-t rmpofttiftcetSnir ried people, trr fhbse con tuinplsiing mariiage. By WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let no father lie ashamed the present soapy of the Aesculapius to. his child. It rnny save him from an early grave. I.vt no young man or woman enter into tho secret obligations of mar ried life whhout rending the Pock* Aesculapius Lst no ono suffer frotn • bscknieu Cough Pain in the Bide, restless nights, nervous feelings, and we whole trsin of Despeplic sensations' and given up by their physicians, be another m.-ment without consulting the ABSOULA PIIIB. Have the married, or those shout to he married env impediment.'read Ibis troly book, es it hex lieen the mesne of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jawe of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en doxedina loiter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail,or five copies willbe sent for one dollar. Address. Dr. W. Young.No. /63Rpreee* street, Philadelphia.' Postpaid, No 152 Bpruce St., Philadslphja. Sop. Ist, 1854-ly. ZINC PAINTS. One Third cheaper than White hrail, and free from all Poisonous qualities, THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY Having greatly enlarged their works, ena im - 1 * proved the quality of their prodiiot*, are pr paicd to execute orders for their StMSiroa * Dry and Ground in oil, assorted packages o from 25 to 66U pounds ; also DRY, in hsirels.of 200 pounds each. Their White Zinc, which is a. Id dry or around in oil is woirautcj pure end unsurpass ed for body sud uniform whiteness. A method of preparation has recently been discovered, which enables the Company to war rant their paints to keep fresh and soft in tho kegs for any reasonable lime. In this reapoet iheir paints will be superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Paint which iaaoldata low price, and can only be mgJe frqn) xinc ores from New Jersey is now well known for its eroiective qualities when applied to iron or pther metallic surfaces. their Stone Color Paint possesses allthe properties of the Brown and is of an agreeable color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out.build ingi Bridges s,c. Denials supplied on liberal terms by Iheit Agents, FRENCH & RICHARDS, Wholesale Paini Dealers an Importers,N. W. cor."of 10th k Maiket Sir. Phila. 6in. KITTER'b FAMILY MED ICINE. RITTER'N COMPOUND SYRUP OF ' TAR, WILD CHKRUY AND WOOD NAPHTHA.—For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Wooping Cough, sud diseases tending to PULMONARY CON'SU.M PTION. Is one of the best preparations of the day for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs as thousands can testify, ft contains no nar cotic, it can be given with pet feci safety lo tho youngest child. Price twenty-live S cents per bottle. RITTEIt S * ROM trie DINNER CORDIAL. I . For the cure of Dyspepsia, Drarrbosj, Low bptrils, Nervousness, Uencral Debility, ito ' i This cordial will be fottiffl highly 'oeneU cial iti the above disorders; it is pleasant r the tas'e, and will relieve in a short lima all those distressing feelings lo whtoh dioper ttcs are liable. A few doses will sioo th* most obstinate Diarhrma. Procure a bottle bottle" CUfe U ' ° nC9 ' r,ioo u ". v ceut* ritteh's rtcTOHAL sracp and carminatty* This preparation has been in use for over 1 seventy years in Philadelphia; it was form- 1 erly manufactured by tlie grandfather of the , present proprietor, and as a soothing syrup has stood unrivalled. It quickly relieves colioy pains, and promotes natural sleep h* infants. Price twentj -five cents per bottle. yansweiten's OR BLACK pills. Also known as Moravian Pills, Hurt's Pills. Dutch Pills, are safe Pnrgalive and Aini-Uillions Pill and no family should b* 1 without them. Price twenty-five cents per box. The nbovp Medicines cau be obtained of the sole proprietor 1. L. BITTER, No. 8 South Front Street Philadelphia. N. B. A liberal discount to Druggists and Storekeepers. Tin-Ware & Stove! j Establishment- I rpHK UNDERSIGNED, respectfully fn * furnir his old fiiends and customers,that he has purchased his brothei's interest in the •hove establishment, and the concern will beta after l> conducted by himself exclusively. He I has just received and ofTois for sale the largest and most extensive assortment ment „f FANCY BTOVH3 ever intro duced into this market. stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of re pairing done, as usual, on short notice, The patronat,o nf old frienis and new eat* loinera is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT. IJloomsburg Jan. 12, 1853, fil-lf £23QHS3r^a33^aß.ar, E. O. HOTTER, rf—-gj-*, 13 ESPECTFULLY oflari hi* * *•*' professional service* le u T AJ the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloornsburg and vicinity. He is prepared t* attend to all the various operations in De* tislry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will , be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look m well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, il ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. CF Office near theAYtademy.j Bloornsburg, Nov. 9u, 1951. Cash paid for A'lraw- The subscriber will paycash for Straw de livered at his Paper Mill at MUlgrove, near Light Street, at the following rates to wit Short straw 96 50 per ton, long straw 97 per ton. These rates will be paid for eithe* Wheat, Rye et Oats straw In good dry con dition. For flax, after the seed is threshed off, be will pay 910 per ton. THOMAS TRENCH. MUlgrove, April 9th 1854.-tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers