aJ&gi ©us'' THE POCKET JESCBLAPICS; OS, F.V*Bjr ONL HISOWR PHYSICIAN. ®T Edition, with One hundred Engravings, allowing Diseases and Mai-* formations of tho human Ryatem in every shape and form. To which ia added a Treatise on the DUCBBCS highest importance to mar ried people, or Ihoae con templating mintage. 3y WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. l.et r.o father he ashamed the present a cop of the Aeaculapiua to his child. It may save . trim from an early grave. I.at no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations o. mar lied life without muling the Pork© Acsculnpiufi j Ijt no onesutfer from * hncknied Cough Pain . in the Hide, rctlloss nighta, nervous feelings, , end the whole train of Deepeptic aenanriona, and gWt n up hy their phyaictana, he another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have tiro married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, ea It has been the meana of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatines from the very jaws of deaAli. Any person end : ng twenty five eenls. en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this bosk, by mall,or five copies willhe sent for one dollar. Address, l)r. VV. Young, No. /52 Spruce street, Philadelphia.' Postpaid. No 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sep. Ist, 1854-ly. BTAIiFFER & IIARLEY. Clicnp Watclics & Jewelry. WHOLESALE and DETAIL, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewclrv {Store, No f> North [second Hrretrt corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Cold I,ever Watches, lull jewelled, 18 ra rat eases, 8 00 Cold Lapine 18 k. 0° Silver I.ever fnll jewelled, 12 00 Rilvor l.apine j iwcle, [J Superior qnarWer*, J Cold Spectacles, Fine Sdver do, ' ,r '" Cold Bracelets, a Ladies' Cold Pencils. Silvet Tea spoons, set, 8 <K) Gold Tens with Pencil & Silver holder, 1 00 Gold finger Rings 37 J cents to 889 : watch Glasses, plain, 12i cents; Patent, 18J ; l.u net, 25 ; other articles in proportion. Ail goods warranted to he what they are sold lor. STAUFFKR & HARI.EY. On hand, some Gold and Silver l.evers and Lepines, still lower than the above pri ces. September 21st, 1854—1y. ZINC TAINTS. One Third cheaper than While J.cad, and free from all Poisonous qualities. THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY Having greatly enlarged their works, anil im proved the rpinlity of • their products, are pr jiaicd to execute orders fur their . Dry and fJrnund in oil, asisorldt) packages o from 25 lo 500 pounds ; also DRY, in btrel*,of 200 pounds each. Their White Zinc, which is add dry or Itround in oil is wniranted pure and unaurpass* ed for body and uniform wbiteneas. A method of preparation has recently been discovered, which enable* the Company to war rant their paint* to keep fiosh and *oft in the keg* for any reasonable time. In this respect their paints will ho superior to any other in the market. Their Brown Zinc Point which is eoldnt o low price, am) can only tio maJo from zins ores from New Jersey is now well known frr its erotcclivc qualities when applied to iron or pther metallic surfaces. Their SHone Color Paint possesses all the properties of the Brown and is of on agreeable color fur painting Cottages, Depots, Out.build ings Bridges dye, Dealers supplied on liberal terms hy theii Agents, FRENCH it RICHARDS, Wholesale Paint Dealers an Importers,N. W. cor. of 10th & Market Sir. Phila. 6m. Hatches, Jewelry, Silverware and A Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality, ton SALE AT THE LOWEST CASH I'ttICF.S. AT WM. B. ELTONHEAD'S. TVo. 184, South Second St.) Between Pine and Union, Wer| Side, PHILADELPHIA. Ibe assortment embraces a large, and select stock of (Ins V alchea, Jewelry, Silver Ware, A hata Were, plated with fine Silver, tn Spoons, F rks. Ladles, &c.—Jet Oondt, Fans and Pan- y Articles of a superior qunlily, deserving the N examination efthnac who oesire to procure the liEOT uooiis at the LOWEST (lAsn Psicr.a. Having a practical knowlodgo of the business, and all available facilities for Importing and Manufacturing, the subscriber confidently in. vites purchasers, believing that he can supply them on terms as favorable as any other es tablishment in either of the Atlantic Cities. All kinds of Diamond and I'ca'l Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured lo order, within a reasonable time. . • Watches, Jewelry and Silver VVa.e faithful ly repaired. WM. B ELTONHBAD, No. IS4 South 2d St ,a few doors übnvo the 2d St. Market, West Side, ty In the South Window of the. Store, may la seen the famous BIRD CLOCK, which commands tbc admiration of tho scientific and curious. September 28lh, 1854. ly. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTF. RY!! (By Authority of the State of Alabama ) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASSG—TO BF. DRAWN 30th of Nov. ONE PRIZE to St TICKETS —AND REMEMBER, F-VERY PRIZE DRAWN! CAPITAL*. 16,000 " 5,000 " 4,000 '• 3,000 *' 2,000 " 1.500 " 1,100 " sof 81,000 5,000 In all 501 prizes, amounting lo 860,000 Tickets 810,00—Halves and quarters in pro portion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. "Current bills of any bank received at par." All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions Montgomery, Alabama, June 20, 1854. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaconetl Mull, Cambrio, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslio just receiv ed at the Store of MENDENHALL & MENSCH BOOTS, Shoes and ready made clothing cheap for cash by MENDENHALL & MENSCH. hi ' ' --'b rjENERAL notice ©f l)r. James Wc- Cl'nteck's celebrated Family Medicines. PECTORAL hYRDP.-'This invnlua ttyrup, which is entirely vegetable in its com position, has been employed with wonderful success for many years in tho ruro of diseases of the Air Passages in the Lungs. The must common diseases of these nrgsns sto Inflation and Inflammation of tho Mucous Membrane v.liich lines tho air lubes of the tlirout, wind pipc onJ lungs. For any of these forms of diseise, whcalher showing themselves as cough. Tickling of the Throat, Bcnec of light ness 1 the Throat, Spitting of Blood Difficulty ol Breathing, Hoarseness or Loss of voico, and Hectic Fever, its use will ho attended with the happiest results. It is recommended ss one of the best and safest msdicines for all forms of Bronchitis and Consumption. N. B„ No Laudanum or preparation of Opi um in any shapo in this Syrup. Prico in pint bottles, 81* Cold sod Coagh Milture for recent Coughs and Colds. Piicc 25 routs. 'Aelhma arid Whooping Cough remedy. Ptioc 50 cents pet bottle, Dianhra Remedy end Cholera Preventive Price 25 and 50 cents. Touts All-.-)'-# Srruj. f-r jTOitty tfl g ltie blood. Price ft per bottle. Vegeta'lc ant' Purgative Pills for Costive ncss, Headache, Ac. Price 25 cents per box, Ann liillioue Pills for Liver Complaints, Disordered action of the Bowels, &c. Price 25 cuts. Dyspeptic Elixer fur indigestion, Heart. Dizziness, Piicc 81 per bottle. Rheumatic Liniment for Rheumatic burae Neuralgic pains' Price .50 cer le per botllund Rheumatic Mixture for internal use in Rheu matism, flout, Neuralgia, &c, Price 50 cents, per bottle. Anodyne Mixtuie for instantly relieving Toob Ache, ard nil pain wherever found I'iir.e 50 cents per bottle- Fever and Aguo Specific for -Ague or Intr#- inittent Fevers in ail forms. Piicc 8' pet bat. tie. 11. H. S. ELLIOTT. Agent for Pennsylva nia, to whom all wholesale orderi ntust l o ad. dressed. North-west corner of 9th and Filbert sheets, above Market Street. I liiladclpbia. Agents in Columbia coun'y. E. P. I.utz, Bloomsburg. John Ynn Liow I.ivbt Street. Jacob Harris, Buckhorn. May 1 lilt IS.'il-fim. ~~ DOLLAB^ PREMIER ARTISTE IN HAIR, 177 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, In ventor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventila ting Wig and Ealsiic Band Trounnes. Instruc tions to enable Ladies und Gentlemen to measure then own heads tviih accuracy. ' For Wigs. Inches. No. 1 The round of the head. 2 From forehead over llio head lo neck, j 3 From ear to ear over the fop. 4 From ear to ear around the forehead, j Toupees If Scalps. Inches. I No 1 From forehead !o baek ns fir as bald. | 2 Over forehead, as far ns required. 3 Over the crown of tho head. R. Pollard has always ready for eale n j splendid stock of Gentlemen's Wigs, hall I Wigs, 1 rizots, Biaids, Citrh, etc., beautifully : manufactured, and as cheap as any estab lishment in the Union. Pollard,s Herbauian Extract, or Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American lieibs nd roots, tho most successful article ever produced lot preserving tho hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant state. Among other reasons why Dollard's Hair Cutting Saloon maintains its immense popularity, is the fact that his tonic is ap plied to every head of haircut at his estab lishment, consequently, it is kept in better preservation than under any other known ap plication. It being thus prao'ically tested by thousands, offers the greatest guaranty of its eflicaey. Sold wholesale and retail at his old oslabj li-hment, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite the State House. It. Itollard has at last discovered tho ne plus ultra of IIAIR DYE; and announces it for sale, with perfect confidence in its sur passing every thing of the kind now in use. It colors the hair either black or brown, as may be desired, and is used without any in jury to the hair or skin, either hy slain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application, without detracting from its efficacy. Persons V'siiingthe city are in vited to give hiin a call. Letters addressed to 11. Doilard, 177 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, will receive attention. Philadelphia, Oct. 12ih, 185-I—ly. 1000 IIOOK AGENT WANTED, Tj"VO Canvass for the best and most sale- X Lie Books published. They are writ ten by the most popular Authors of the day, including among others, T. S ARTHUR, ol whose last great work, TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM, I!, 000 copies have been sold within a month of publication. These books are beaulifiuliy illustrated, (many of tlieni with finely colored plates) and are pril led and bound in the best man ner. Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment in their circulation. For par ticulars address (post paid) J. VV. BRADLEY, PI'BI.rSI!KR, No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. September 21, 1853-Bm. GRATIS! JUST PUBLISHED A NEIV Discovery in Medicine. A few w"- words on the rational treatment without Medicino. of Spermatorrhea, or local weakness, Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, j Wcuknoss of the Limbs and the Back, Indie-{ position and Incapacity of Study and Laaor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timid ity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Hesdache, Invol untary Discharges. Psins in tho Side, Affec tion of the dyes, l'imnlcs on tho Face, Sexual and other Infiimiliee in Man. From the French of Dr. B. De Lnncy, The importont fact that theso alarming com plaints may easily be removed without medi cine, is, in this smaii trac', clearly demonstra ted, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the author, fully ex plained, by means of which every one is ena bled to cure himself perfectly, and at tire least possible coat, avotdiding thereby, all the ad. vertised nostrums' of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free, in a scaled envelope, by remitting (post paid) two pdstage stamps lo Dr. B. De Laney.No. 17 Lispenard Street, New York, Gm. September 28th, 1854. "MAN KNOW THYSELF! .On invaluable-Hook for 25 rt.—Pv- . try Fermily should have a Cony." ' O\\V\UJF////'. 100,000 COPIES IN LESS I TF! AN A YEAR. A 1 new edition, revised flu l improved, just ''fyfcfl ssss*' isited. A N INVALUABLE BOOK, ONLY 25 et?. 2Y A COPY—MAN KNOW THYSELF.— I Dr, Hunter's Medical Minuet and Hand Bonk fertile Afflicted, Containing an oullino of tho Origin, Progress, Troatmei t end cirre of every form of direaso, contracted by Promis cuous Sexual Intercourse, by Sclf-obu?, or by Sexual Bxcese, with advice for their proven lion. written in a familiar Hyle, avoiding oil medical technicalities, and everything that would oflend tile ear of decency, with an out line of complaintß incident lo femslca.from tho reeulfof some twenty years successful practico, exclusively devoted lo the cure of diseases of a drli'atc or private nature. To which is added receipts for the euro of the above diseases, arid a treatise on tho causes, symptoms and euro of tho Fever and Aguo, Testimony of the Professor of Obste- | ■ tries, iii /'inn College, Philadelphia. "DR. HUNTKU'S MBDICAI. MANUAL." The author of this work, unlike the majority of those who ndvertiso to cure the -diseases of which it treats i a graduate of one of tile best Colleges in the United States, ft affords mo Icasnre to recommend him to the unfortunate, Pr to tho victim of mal practice, us a successful °nd experienced practitioner, in whoro honor n nd integrity they may pl.ico tse grctlesl confi nence. JOHN R. LOSOSIHRK, M. I>- From .0, Woodward, M. I), of Penn. University, Philadelphia. It gives me pleasure to add toy testimony to lire professional onitny <nr irro notnnr of rtic 'Medical Manual," Numerous cases of disease of the f rnitol organs, some of Ihrm of long standing, have come under my notice, in which hinskill has been manifest in restoring to per fect health ill some coses where t'oe palirnt has been considered beyond medical aid, ill the treatment of seminal weakness, or disarrange mcnt of the functions produced hy solf-obuso or excess of venery, I do not know his superi or in the pi ofession. I have been acquainted with the author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him na welt as kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion lo recommend him as one in whose professional skill and integrity they may salcly oonlido themselves. ALFRED WOODWARD, M. D. "This is," without exception, the most com- j prcheusive uiul intelligible xvork published of j the ilasa of diseases of which it treats. Avoi. ! ding all technical terms, it addresses itself to ! the renson of its rende-s. It is freo from all i objectionable matter, nnd no. parent however i fnatidi <us ran object to placing it in the Ran d | of his sans. The author has devotrd many ! vearsto the treatment of the various complaints , treated nl, with too little breath to rulf, and too litlio presumption to impose, ho has offered to the world, at tho merely nominal price of 25 rents., the fruit of sofe twenty years' most successful practice*"—[Herald. "No teachar or parent should lie without the knowledge impaited in this valuable work, j It would save years of pain, mindication and sorrow to the yoelb under their charge.'' [People's Advocate, j A Preabytcrian clcrgjmin in Ohio, writing ; of "Hunter's Medical Manual" says,—''Thou sands upon thousands of our youth by evil ex j ample, and influence of tho passions, have been j j led into the habit of cdf-pollution, without re- | j slizingtlio tin und fearful consequences upon ! j themselves and their postority, Tho con-titu' lions of thousands who pro raining families- I have been enfvcbleJ, if not broken down nnd i they do npl know the cause or the cure, Any [ thing thnt can lie done so to enlighten and in- ; j fiuence the publ'o mind as to check, and ulti- ! , mate'.y lo remove this wide spread source of .muSo wretchedness, would confer the greatest f bhssing next to the religion of Jcstis Christ,on | the present coming generation. Intemperance, i or tho use of intoxicating drinks, though it has ! slain thousands upon thousands, is not ns great- ! or scou.-gc to the human race. Accept my I thanks on behalf of tho afflicted, and believe ; trie your co-vvorLcr in tho good woik you areso actively engaved in. One copy, aecurely enveloped, will be forwar- I dcd.freeof postage, to any part of the United | Sfilcsfoi twenty-five cents, six copies for one t dollar. Address, |oi puid, COSDHN &, CO. Publishers or 'Box 196 Philadelphia. N. B. Book ellcrs, Canvassers and Book | Agents supplied on the most liboral terms- December 28 1853. 49—ly j LEATHER AND FINDINGS. ; RJMLE subscriber respectfully invite's the at-j 4- tenlion of dealers and others, to his large and well selected stock of Leather and Find ■ j ings, which is kept constantly Iresh by repeated ! drafts upon the manufacturers of this country j and of Europe, and which is made up in jiart . of the following articles, viz :—Pho host Oak I nnd Red Sole ; Slaughter, bkirtingand Damig. | ed do ; Harness, Dridl", Band and Well l.cath- I er ; Thong and Lacing do.- Wax Upper, Boot I Grain, Bit If and Split do.; City Sluug, K.ps j Salted and Dollar do.; City, Uountry, French , nnd Patent Calf Hk'ns; Boot Leg Moroccos, ! Back Skins, Pad skins,Chamois,and Moroccos; | Bindings and Linings of almost every descrip tion ; Shoe Thread, Patent Thread, isilk, Boot Cord, Lace, aid Silk nnd Union Galloons: Black and Colored English Lasting, Worsted Uppers,and Crimped Frontsand footings; A W | G Tacks, Needles, Eyelet and Crimping Machines and Eyelets; Steel, Iron.Doppor and Zinc Nails, Files, Rasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs, Bristles; an.! Boot Wob; Hamincis, Boot and Shoe' Trees, Lasts, Crimps, Clamps, Handles, Gum, Color, Cod Liver and Tanners Oil; Shoe 'Tools and Currier's Tools ot all kinds, ready for use, be sides many o)hcr articles nni enumerated above, all of which will be sclo at the lowest market rates, by JOHN Will iE, Importer and Douler, 497 Market Street, Abovp 13th, l'liiladelj'hia. R. C. RIDGWAY & CO. Importers and Dealers in Foreign ond Domestic WINES AYR LHiIORH, No- 104 South Front Street, Phila. NIT ANDIKX. LIQUORS, (of different kinds.) Wine Bitters, Dark and Palo, Stoughton Bitters, Olard, Depny & Co.of Essence of Pepper various V images, mint, Pinet.Caatillion & Co. Wild Cherrv Brandy, of x-arious Vintages, Raspberry Brandy, Maglorey, do Blackberry do Hennessy, do Lavender do Rochelle do Ginger do HOLLAND OIN. Curacoa do Swan Brand, Extract D'Ahsinlhe. Comet, do CORDIALS. Fiab, do Rose Cordial, Anchor Brand, l'erfeot Love, Cordial, Seydam, do Anniseed, do XVINEB. Lemon, do Superior old Sherry Peppermint, do Wine, WHISK KVS. do do Madeira Wine Superior Old Monon- Port, of different gahola, kinds, Rye Whiskey, from 1 TenertfTe Wine, to 16 years eld, Lisbon, do Burbon Whiskey, Malaga, do Irish do Muscntai, do Scotch do Claret, do Old Jamaica Spirit*, Burgundy Port, Old J'eaclt Brandy, Old Apple do Aog.*l7lli, 1854. Cham, and Hock VV. ol various brand*. HENRY'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, I Purely Vegetable in ils Composition! This invaluable cotdial i* extracted from * barbs and TuOta which have been found af- d tor years of rx|ieriencei by the vnosl skillful b pfyiicioni -to lc posbCseil of qualities the p ; beneficial in tho tliscflpe* f° r wlijcli it is free p omrnemlcd, and lirnce whiio it is presented [ to the public ns an cfficac'iott* remedy, it i* also j] known to he of that churaeter on which reli- p orrcc may he placed as to il safety. Jn cases ( l of Impotcncy, llcmorrhngeß, Disordered SSteril- p ity, Menstruation* or ftupjpfossion of the Men- f oua, Fluor Albus or Whites, or for -j - DEHIMTY* 1 rinsing from any cause, buch n* weakness from £ sickness* xvhero tho patient hm been confined P t bed for some time, for femalos after confine- I ment, abortion or miscarriage, this cordial can n not be excelled ir. ils salutary clVo Is : or in the loss of muscular energy, irritibllitv, physical prostration, acminnl weakness, palpitation o .the heart* indigestion, sluggishness, decay o I lie procroctive functions, nervousness Ac. where a toric medicine is required, it will ba found equal, if not tuperior to any compound ever used. TO FEMALES. Henry's invigointing coidial U one of the most invaluable medicines in tho many complaints to i which females are subject, It assists nature to ! brace'.lie whole svstcrn/heck excesses, and ere- , jites renewed health and happiness. Less vuf. J disease and unhappiness oniony ladies f would were thr.y generally to adopt the lIHP of this cordial. Lrdiea who are debilitated by those obstructions which females ore I'able to, are restored by the use of a bottle oi to bloom and vigor, YOUNG MEN, That solitary practice, so fatal to the existence I so faial to the existence of man, and it is the young who ro most likely to become iu vie. fbna, from in ignorance of the danger to whnh they subject thetmolvcs, causes NERVOUS DEBILITY. weakness of the system, and premature decay, < many of you ny r.ow b* siifliiing, n isled as ( to the cause or source gof disease. To thoso, < then who by excess have brought on themselves # r premature impotcncy,involuntary seminal amis i I sions, \vcnkriPBs and h r ivelling of the gen'lal ■ Nervous AlVecticn, or any other conse- ' I qucnccs of unrestrained indulgence of the sen* j ual passions, occasioning tho necessity of re- i : nmincing the felicities of ( MARRIAGE, i lessening both mental and bodily capacity, hold ! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, n medicine that j j is purely vegetable, will aid nature to restore j | those important functions to A healthy state and j 1 will prove of service to you. It possesses rare I virtues, is a general remover of diuoase and j | slrcngllicner of the sysiom. AS A TONIC MEDICINE. ! itis unsurpassed. We Jo not place thi. Coriiial j on a footing -vrHU-tpjack medicines, anil, os is] | customary, append a long list of -ecomraenda- j | lions, i)c.. beginning wilh "hear what tho prea- ; ; cher eays„" and cuch like; it is not necessary, | , fur Henry's invigorating cordial only needs a I trial to prove all that we say. THE GENUINE "HENRY'S INVIG-' ORATING CORDIAL." s put up in 8 07. Panne! Bottle, s and is easily | recognized hy the manufacturers signature on ! the label of each Botlhr, (to counterfeit which is i forgery,) t~y Sold for 91 per Bottle: sit for $8 ; 916 ! per dozen. * Prepared only hy s>. F. (Jours, No. 3 frank tin Rove, Vine St., helotv Highlit Philadelphia, Pa., to whom all orders must ho adJressed, For ; 5.,10 hy nil the respectable Druggists and Mcr | chants throughout the country. I T. W. DY<VI'P & SONB, No. 132 North j ; 2d St., Philadelphia, Sole Agonls for Pennsylva.- 1 ; j nia. i Jatuinrv 59. 1554. I—'* ' , i 'Pennsylvania Wire Works. No. 21 Arch St., above Front, PHILADELPHIA. THE Subscribers have on band, and are t constantly manufacturing,SlEVES. RID- 1 IDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, 0/ j all meshes and widths. Also all kir.ds ot 1 ] plain and (ancy Wire work. Brass and Iron ' Wire Sieves of all kinds ; Brass and Cop ! per Wire Clolh for Paper Makers, (to. Cyl inders and Dar.dy Rolls covered in the best ( I manner. j Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, j j Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen ] Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covets. Coal and Sand Screens, &c. BAYLISS, DARBY k LINN, j August 17th, 1851. To Country Merchants. .ftnit nub £onfeetiouaru/ RUBINCAM St. SELLERS, ' WHOLESALE MANITACTUHERS AM) DEALERS IN | CONFECI lON AItY OF ALL KINDS. s No. 113 North Third St., bolovtr Raco, , PHILADELPHIA, j rgIHE attention of Dealers is requested to | A an examination of their stock, which I will be found to be at least equal lo any in : this ctly. FOREIGN FRUIT of all kinds in j sea sou. N. B. Orders by mail or otheiwise | promptly attended 10. August 17th, 1854. Platform Scales. r OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUITABLE I FOR RAILROADS, kc.. for weighing 1 j HAY, COAL, ORE. and MERCHANDISE l I generally. Purchasers run no risk, every c scale is'GUARANTEED CORRECT, and t if, after trial, not lound satisfactory, can be relumed wilbout charge. WFactorj at Ihe Old Star.il, established 1 for more than twenty years, cornor of NINTH ' and MELON Stream, Philadelphia. 1 ABBOTT k Co. Successors to Ellicot tf Abbott Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 1854. Philadelphia & Reading Rail Road. PASSENGER TRAINS For PoUsville, Reading, &c. &. > MORNINGS LINES. Leave Philadelphia and Puttsville at 7) o'- clock, P. M. except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINES. J Leave Philadelphia and Pottsvillo at 3J c o'clock P. M. except Sundays, FARES. IstCi.ASB 2d CI.ASA, ( Between Philad'a & PoUsville,B2 75 82 25 p Between Philad'a k Beading, 1 75 1 45 „ 50 lbs. Baggage allowed lo each passon- ) ger. „ ON SUNDAY—One Train lenves Philadel- \ pliitt at 74 o'clock A. M. and returns from li Pottsvillo at 4 o'clock, P. M. taking no bag gage. a | FARE FOII THE EXCURSION, 84. V All Tickets must be purchased before en -1 taring the Cars, C DEPOT in Philadelphia, Coiner of Broad and Vine Streets. By order of the Boa'd of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary. Aug. 18, 1854. —————— j, Jugliccs or (lie Peace AND CONSTABLES can find ail kind fo blanks desirable for their use, m proper S form, ,attheofnceofthe"STAßor thsNorth ; . rHE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN THE A certain cure for Consumption, Bronchiiis f smFall diseases of ihe Liver. An In- 1 ;lian core, the receipt purchased from a Ne- I brnska Indian Doctor, who lias saved thou- 1 pattds from an nntimcly gravo, 42 cases havo < been cured out of 51 wifliln 5 months, in 1 Philadelphia city and county. Eighteen ol tho above cases have been given tip by their physicians, and pronounced incureable, and Ihoy are now healthy; The medicine is simple and Botanic, and can be gnthoied from every farm and at ulltimpsof the year. This receipt with printed diteotions and cer tificates of euros from a number of distin guished individuals in the city of Philadel phia, will bs forwarded lo any person in the United States, free by enclosing two dollars in a letter post-paid to Dr. D. E. COLE, Burlington, N. J. [May 25th 1851-6 m. Second Arrival OF NEW GOODS. EV ASS • FI'L EM nave jusl received a f resh flock of new Summer Goods, to which they invite tho ottention of the people. Their assort ment is now full again, and they can fur nish any thing in the department of Drv Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Qoeettswnre Crockery or Cedarwrre, at the lowest prices' Bloomsburg, June Ist t854. FREDRICKS AND CROOKS, AT Til Bill NEW FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP In Cattawiisa, WltX mhke lo ortler every kind of cast ing that may bo desired. They have and will keep on hand STOVES AND PLOVGUS, of diflerenl styles ; and will manufacture to order Threshing Machines, Corn Shelters and other agricultural implements, and every va riety of machinery. They are prepared to 'make castings of any pattern to order. They will also do turning and boring in iron ; and will repair mnehtnery of any kind. Tlioit establishment is on the first square abovo Market Street, near the Methodist Church. GEORGE FRF.DRICKS, SAMUEL BROOKS. Cat'.awDsa, July 9, 1854. JYOTICE / iVDTICE is here.by given lhat the under ■l** signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbin County Pennsylvania, will apply, lo ihe next Legislature for a Charter for a Bank to be located at Bloomsburg to be called the " BLOOMSBURG BANK" with banking priviliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capita! of two hundred thousand dol lars. Daniel Snyder; Witt. Robison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Wm. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, E. Mendenhall, Kphraim P Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpless, Lloyd Paxton, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhall. Bloomsburg 22J, —1854. J. STEWART REPL Y, AT 223 North Second Street, below Callowhill. Philadelphia ; has on hand a splendid assortment of Velvet, Q Tapestry, Brussels, Three Play, Ingrain ? andVenitian CARPETS: besides Drug- 2 < gets, Canton and Cocoa Mailings, c T- WINDOW SHADES. Door Matt*. Floot £ G and Table OIL CLOTHS, Stair Rods, q pz Hearth Hugs, &c. Also, Ihe fame at m his other Store, corner of Bth and C> Spring Garden St., under the-Spring •' Garden House, —Wholesale and Re tail- April 13th 1854,-Gtn iIiEEES & rJULSSEPeS' W HOLESALE WESTS a A. Q:i 6 3 X- Tlird St., (Above Callowhill,) PIIILinBLPnU, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF i;R4*.hh>, WINES, coiutiais, Auil LLjuors of every descrioUon: . K. BIIEETZ. F. P. SELTZER ! John Woodsides Agent. STOVES! STOVES!. fIIIABn.ESS ■ MELICK HAVE opened a new Stove and Tinware J Establishinent, on Alain flreetone door above ihe Court-bouse, where they are pre- j pared lo furnish goods in their line such as Tin. Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware. ISrass Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks, Frying Fans. Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin ll'are, Braorn Wire §-c., at extremely low Prices. Jlmong their variety of (S©©l& STOTOS, may be found the Home Air Tight, William l'enn, Globe, Coal Mountain, Miners' Choice Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Doublo Oven, the celebrated Raub Cooking Stove for coal or wood, and others, too numerous to men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and Parlor Stoves, in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead ers, and all kinds of work made to order, at I tbo shortest notice. Repairing of all kinds attended 10. Bloomsburg, April 27th 1854.—if. R EM OVAL. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! M. B. DYOTT 8o KENT Have removed to their New Store and Factory, No. 74 South Second Street Philadelphia, "(Five doors belnw their old stand.) Having increased facilities, we offer to Mer chants and others, GAS FIXTURES and LAMPS of every doecriftion, and st the low- t est Manufacturers prices, and unsupassod in | quality or appearance hy any in tho Country, j Our Stock embraces Dyotl'a Patent Pine Oil Lamps, (the host in lha world,) Burning Fluid and Solar Lard Lamps, Chandeliers, for Gas, l'ine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hull snd Pat ent Spring Hand Lanthorns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil an-1 Fluid, Wholesale ood | Retail. [ Merchants and others will find it to their j advantage to call and examine our Slock and , I'ricrr. \ K? Particular attention given to fitting up j Churches and other publio buildings. Philadelphia, Sept Ist, 1854.—3 m, v B3BABY BMWI'S EAGLE HOTEL, No- 139 Novtli Third Street, above PHILADELPHIA. SAMUCL A. BBADV. GEORGE H. BROWS. [Jane Bth 1854-ly. 5 AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION ! I The AMERICAN AirTb>r' ULTON, would re spectfully announce to lite citizens (if the United States and Canada*, that for the |pur pose of cultivating a taste for the fine arts , throughout the county, and with a view of ennbling ovefy family to become possessed of a gallery oi'*Kngraving, By the Fiat Artish ol'the A{?c. They lufve determined, in order to create an extensive sale for their Engravings, thus not only give employment to a large number of artists and others, but inspire among our countrymen a tnste for works of art, 10 pre sent to the purchasers of their engraving, when 250,000 of which aro sold 25,000 GBI'TS, of the actual cost of $lOOOOO, Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving, therelore, receives not only an engraving richly worth the money, bill also a ticket which entitles liitn to one of the Gifts when they are distributed. For Five Dollars, a highly finished Engra ving, beautifully painted in oil, and Five Gill Tickets, will he sent; or five dollars worth of splendid Engravings, can ho selec ted from the Catalogue, and sent by return mail or express. A copy of the Catalogue, together with a specimen of one of tho (he Engravings, can be seen at the office of this paper. For each Dollar sent, an Engraving EClll ally worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will immediately be forwarded. The Committee believing that the suc cess of this Great National Undertaking will be materially promoted by the energy and enterprise of intelligent and persevereiog Agents, have resolved to treat with such on the most liberal terms. Ay pcrso#'w ishing in become an Agent, by sending (post paid, )$l, will receive by return of mail, a one dollar engraving, a "Gilt Ticket," a Prospectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary information. On the final completion of the sale, the the Gifts will he placed in the hands of a commit ee of the parch sets to be distribu ted, due notice of which will be given throughout the United States and the Cana das. List oftilitK 100 Marble busts of Washing ton at '• " " $lOO $lO,OOO 100 „ " C lav, 100 10,000 100 " " Webster, 100 10,000 100 " " Calhoun 100 10 000 50 elegant Oil Pain'ings in splendid gilt frames, sixe 3 x 4 ft. each, 100 5 000 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3 ft. each, 50 5 000 500 steel plate Engravings, brilliantly colored in oil, rich giit frames 24x30 in each, Id 5,000 11,000 elegant steel plate En gravings. colored in oil, of the Washington Monument," 20x20 in. ea. 4 40,000 237,000 steel plate engravings, from 100 different plates now in possession of and owened by ttre Artists' Un ion, of lite maiket value ot from 50 cents to $1 each. 41,000 j 1 first class dwelling, in N. V. City . ~ 12,000 ! 22 Building Lots in 100 and 101 st sts , N. Y. City, ouch 25x100 ft. deep, at 1 000 22,000 1 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000sq It. in the suburbs of New York City, and commanding a magnificent view of ine Hudson River and Long Island Sound, at 500 50,000 20 perpctuuls loans of cash, without intererest. or se curity, of $250 each. 5.000 50 " " 100 " 5,000 100 " " 50 " 5,000 250 " " 20 < 5.000 2 000 " " 5 " 10,000 Reference in regard to the Real Estate, F. J. VISSCHKR & Co., Real Estate Brokers, New \ork. Orders, (post paid,) with mon ey enclosed, to be addressed. J. Wi HOLBROOKE: Sec'y, , 505 Broadway, N. Y. DC fhe Engravings in the Catalogue arc now ready for delivery. New York, Nov 9th 1854-Gm. EST <£ a & 11 TO TIIE FASHONABLE AND j TBMIE undersigned, having just received the j latest Paris and New York Fashions, j would again beg leave to inform his numer ous friends and all the world about Blooms burg, that he is now better prepared titan ev er to accommodate, any one with the neatest, I easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that | have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do litem up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. Ilis shop is at the old stand, (too well known 10 need further notice) where lie may at all times be found, seated upon the bench of repentance, steadily drawing out the thread of affliction, hopeing it may in the end prove advantageous to him and his customers. He would also advise his friends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheal, Rye, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who ure back-standing on hte book. Rernembcrj gentlemen, that in all cases " the laborer is worthy of his-hire." ! 1 BERNARD RUPERT. Bloornsburg, April 14ib, 1853. REEVE L. KNIGHT, (Successor to Hartley <s• Knight.) BEDDINC! AND All PET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second Street, Five doors above ' SPUUCK STREET, PIIir.ADRI.FHIA, Where he keeps constantly on hand a full ae- > aortmentof every article in his lino of business, [ Feathers, Featherbed*, Potent Spring Matlres- \ ses, Curled hair, Moss .Corn Husk and Siiaw Mattresses, Valval Tapestry, Tapestry, llrus. v seis, Thrce.Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag v and Hemp Carpeting*, Oil Cloths. Canton Mat. tinga, Cocoa and Spanish Mattings, Floor and B(ai{ Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Ta ble and Piano Covers, to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. Philadelphia Sept. Ist, 1864.—1y, fusli paid for Straw. r Tlis subscriber will pay cash for Straw de livered at his Paper Mill at Millgrove, near h Light Street, nt the following rates to wit : a Short straw $0 50 per ton, long elraw $7 per a ton. These rales will be _ paid for either Wheat, Rye er Oats straw in good dry con- t dilion. For flax, after the seod is threshed off", he 11 will pay $lO per ton. THOMAS TRENCH. " Millgrove, April Bth 1854.-tf. Rcgisirntioii Ccrtiiicutvs " For the use of clergymen, justices, physi iane and other persons in registering marria - ges and deaths as required by the new Ac I Assembly, can he had at the office of the Star of the North." BIOS SCHOOL ■ • Tor Young Ladles and Gentlemen. H J. E. BIIADLET, Principal. ■ MISS JANE E. Bit A DLL V, Assistant. ■ The ensuing SESSION will commence l on MONDAY the 17th day of July, next, ■ and will coutinuo 22 weeks. 1 TERMS. 1 The academic year consists of 44 weekg ' The price ol tuition per quarter is aa fol lows : JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. First Class. —Spelling Reading Writing and • Arithmetic " •' " " 62,50 Second Class. —Arithmetic continued, to Fractions, Small Geography, Grammar and ' f Philosophy, " •' " " $3,52 SENIOR DEPARTMENT. - * Elocution, Pennmanship, English firttu mar, Arithmetic ccrnoleted, Rook-Keeping by single entry, Geography, History, $3,75 Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, Mensura tion, Book Keeping by Double Entry, Phi losophy, Botany, Astronomy and other Eng- 4 fish branches. " " 35 gp Latin, Greek, German and French, $6!oo " Drawing Extra " " S2 0U " Painting in Wale." Colors, " $3,07 do do Oil, " Ss'oo fIT A Teachers' Closes will be organized for the accommodation of those who are pre paring to teach. To this class special in struction will be iven in reference to the manner of teaching as well as the branches to be taught. Every Scholar, unless specially oxcused, is expected to attend to Composition ami Elocution. NOTE.— It is important that scholars enter school at the beginning of the term and be regular in their attendance. Persons desirous of attending to any branch of learning taught in the school, and whose arrangements, will not permit then to be present during all the regular aohoo hours, can stu.dy at home and come in at the lime ot recitation. LV Good boarding can be obtained in pri vato families at $2 00 per week. Bloornsburg,June 28th, 1854. Cabinet Ware Rooms, S. C. SHITE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of ol the Public to bis extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment of Fashionable FurnHue, Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different etvle and prices, from $25 to Slio. Divans Loun ges, Walnut ar.d Mahogany Parlor chairs. Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressin" and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre an 3 pier tables, delash-us, CheffenieM, whatnots and commies and all kinds of fashionable work. His stork of bureaus, unclosed and I common washstands, dress-tables, corner 1 cupboards, solas, dinrng arid breakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common * : ('hairs, 13 the largest in this section of the I country, lie vvill also keep a good assort m"tit of looiting-glassps with fancy gilt anil j common frames. He will also furnish spring" I maitrasses lilted to any sized bedstead,which I are superior for durability and comfort to | any tied in use. j Bloornsburg, April C.h 1851. If. HITTER'S II I.RILY ,71EI* * ICIIVE. 1 IVITTF.R'S COMPOUND SVRUP OF JL TAR, WILD CHERRY AND WOOD NAPHTHA.—For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, \\ oopiug Cough, aud disease# tendinis to PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. ® Is one of the best preparations of the day tor all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, thousands can testify. It contains no nar- *• colic, it can be given with peifecf safety 9 A to the youngest child. Price twenty-five cents per bottle. RITTEK'S AROMATIC DINNER CORDIAL. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Diarrhmi, Low ,-. M Spirits, Nervousness, General Debility, &c. * * This cordial will be found highly benefi cial in the above disorders; it j pleasant to the taste, and will relieve ita a short time all those distressing feelings to which dispep tics are liable. A lew doses will slop th® most obstinate Diartirira. Procure a bottl® and be cured a! once. Price fifty cents p®v bottle. RITTEK'S PECTORAL BTRL'P AVD CARMINATIVE; Tliis preparation has been in use for over seventy years in Philadelphia; it was form- * erly manufactured by the grandfather of the present proprietor, mid as a soothing syrup in* stood unrivalled. It quickly relieves . colicy pains, and promotes natural sleep in infants. Price twenty-five cents per bottle. VANBWEITEN'S OR BLACK PILLS. Also known as Moravian Pills, Hurt's Pills, Dutch Pills, are sale Purgative and Anti-Billions Pill and no family should be without Ihetn. Price twenty-five cents per box. The above Medicines can be obtained of the sole proprietoi. I L. UITTER, Kb. 9 South Fiont Street Philadelphia. N. B. A liberal discount to Druggists and Storekeepers. ' . :_lj :_sd 2,3 a 33 K. c.HoVraR, ETOCWFOM OTOTISff, OSZrZH 1? KSPF.CTFULLY ofiers his (HfiySjofk professional services to LIT TR the Ladies and Gentlemen o Bloornsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which wil be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look aa well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. IV Office near the Academy.' Bloornsburg, Nov. 20, JBSL Tin-Ware &, Stove! Establishment. f|W. UNDERSIGNED, respectfully in forme his old Mends and customers,that ho has purchased bis brothel's interest in the above establishment, end the concern wilt here after be conducted by himself exclusively. He -f, has just received and ofl'uie foreale the largest and most extensive assortment menl of FANCY BTO V E8 ever intro duceJ into this market. Htovepipe and Tinware couslmntly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of re pairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronage of old frienre and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. •A.M. RUPERT. Bloornsburg Jen. 12, 1868. 61-tf TABLE UUTLEKV—A Splendid nana -® nient received and now on band at MEN'DENHALL & MEJNSCH'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers