Slat of lljt No til). BLOOMSBURG: Thursday, October 23, 1851. Rel'gions Denominations, According to an estimate made by one of the Professors ofHamillon College, the num ber of members of the different religious denominations in this country Bland pretty much as follows: Catholics, 1,131,300 Unitarians, 34,00 Methodists, 1,216,0G9 Baptist, 1,215,620 -Presbyterians, 495,083 Friends, 50,000 Uuiversalists, 325,000 Episcopali's 67,540 Hard l imes in New York. By an estimate in the Herald, it is shown that not less than twenty thousand people, on an average, nightly visit the theatres nnd other places of public amusement in that city. The cost of admission to these places of amusement is not less than between ten and twelve thousand dollars nightly, or about seventy thousand dollars a week. Chlo Greets Fennsylvuiiln. Ohio voted on the same day with us, ami the Democrats'there have achieved an equal ly decisive victory. Reuben Wood, Dem.. is elected Governor by not less than 15,000 majority, and the Democrats have in all probability secured a majority on joint bal . Jot in the Legislature. Folly nnil Fanaticism. Digging for Treasure. —A cro*d of men and boys were gathered about the ramparts of the old French Fort, on tho west side yesterday afternoon, nnd again this morn ing. It seems the farce of digging (of trea. tare is again in operation there, with the aid of what the boys call a "witch." Thi9 has produced the interest, and called togeth er an amused crowd. A young girl, appa rently 14 years of age, said to have seen j this treasure in a mesmeric sleep in Albany. I is on the ground. Slto sits upon the bank of! a deep excavation, and while working the msn are not permitted to speak, she issuing • her directions in writing. Preparatory to j the commencement of the work, tho girl •{in Bloomer costume) with solemn gravity "walks round the edge of the excavation 'three times, and at a given signal the men 'fall to digging. The whole scene is one •bordering largely on the ridiculous, but strongly marked by gullibility. A police of ficer as present yesterday to preserve order To-day the number of spectators is largely •increased, in consequence of the presence of the sight-°eeing young miss, who directs, with tl.e aid of her mesmeric eye, exactly •where the treasure -is bu-ied.— Osicego Jour- i nut MORE THREATEN t-.n SECESSION.— The citi zens of Dade countv, Georgia, acting upon the oxample of their disunion Coventor, at j 'a late meeting resolved that, if Georgia re- j •cedes from the Union, they will secede from "Georgia. The merit of lite resolve is mostly •contained in the fact that Dado county is naturally separated from the rest of Georgia J by a range of mountains, and Iter citizens [ •could annex themselves to Tennessee, upon 1 which State they border, without any diffi- j culty whatever. ■ARRIKD. Ou the 1 '>llt mt., by the Itev. William J. F./er, Mr. JOHN 11. FAUST, of Buokhorn, lo Miss Jl'/.T ANA SIRCRI'AIUI, of Hemlock town ship. On the loth inst., by Rev. D. J. Waller. Mr. JACOB IX M HI.H I; ol Bloom to Miss KLIZ ARFTII VI., daughter of Mr. William White •of Orange. At the rame limn and place, and with tire name ceremony, Mr. HENRY I). MM.ICK of f,ight Street lo Miss MAHTIIA A., daughter of Mr. Geo. Wirt, of Orangeville. On Thursday, the lfith inst.. in St lVler's | Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Mr. ■ Krans, Hon. J. PIUNOLF. JONES to CATHARINE ELIZABETH, daughter of the lata John S. i lliaater, both of Reading. BULWER"S BEST BOOK 1 IE IB (5) SO S3 EASTS IS published and for sale at ihe Cheap Book, Magazine and Newspaper estab lishment ol T. B. Peterson, No. 98 CH.esnul •treat, Philadelphia. THE OXONIANS, being a Sequel lo The Reus, or the Hazards of Women ; a Domes lie Romance, by Sir E. L Btilwer, Author of "The Roue,' "Zanoui," "Nigln and Morn ing," "Lucrelia," &c., &c,, complete in (jjjc tine octavo volume of 114 pages, printed ou the finest white paper. Price 25 cts only. Life and Adventures of Don Quixotic De La Martcha, and his Squire, Sancho Pan/a, 300 pages, price 50 cts. The Iron Mask, or the Feats and Adven tures of Raoul dc Brageloune, being the eon elusion of "The Three Guardsmen," by Al exandre Dumas, complete in 420 large octa vo pages, price Fl. Louise Lu Valliere, or the Second Serios and end of the "Iron Mask,"' being the final conclusion of "TBO Three Guardsmen,', &c., &c_, by Alexandre Dumas, two volumes, SI. The Memoirs of a Physician, or the Secret History of Louis the Fifteenth, by Alexandre Dumas, beautifully illustrated. 2 volumes, price SI. Every new book published in this country for sale here. J . B. PETERSON'S Cheap Book Store, No. S3 Chesnut street, Philad'r. Oct. 21st. ipqnss&a® SrLSdia ©I? %3Ey (jpqprT' )rT'>r<a\ X2f tE>= IN of an ordor of the Orphans Court of Columbia county, on Saturday the Ist day o( November next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Lttther A. Garmau and Clemuel M'Henry Adm'a. &c., of Daniel M'Henry late of Fishingcreek township, in said oounty, deceased will expose lo sale by Publjp Vendue, cpou the premises, a certain traot ot SI OO ACRES TTOOMiAW D JIL In Fishing-Creek township Columbia coun ty, adjoining land of J. Deimer M'Henry, Moses M'Henry, Joseph Fullmer and Philip Appleman. Lata the Estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Fishingcreek and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Bloomsburg, Oct. 23, 1851.-ts THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! PETER ENT respectfully invitee attention to his slock of now goods which he has received and opened at his old 9tand in Light Street, and which he oflers at the low est prices to his old customers and as many new ones ns wish to buy GOODZAKV CHEAP GOODS. He has endeavored to comprise some thing in his stock to suit every taste, and to select with care his assortment of goods. He can lurnish LADIES' DRESS GOODS of almost any variety of styles and qualities for fall and winter wear ; and for mens' wear he can furnish about every article desirable ; from a cap down through broad cloth and i satin to a good boot or shoe. Abosrt every , article usually kept in a country store can be i found in his selection of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, AA D CEDARWARE. i And he is determined to sell good goods at stich prices that eveTV purchaser will be glad j to come back for a few more of the same I sort. Come, see the goods and try your luck at good bargains. Light Street, Oct. 15th, 1851. A GOOD FARM AT PUBL ICSATE! THERE will be sold at public sale, on Monday the 17th day of November, 1851, that well known tract of land belong ing to tlio estate of Jacob Fox deceased, situate in Cattawissa township and adjoining land of William Davidson. Stephen Baldy, Abraham Ludwig, David Rohrback and oth ers. It contains 11G Acres and 85 Perches, strict measure ; and there are on the prem ises TWO DWELLING HOUSES, one barn, a stable and other outbuildings : also an fp ORCHARD Of choice fruit trees, and a never failing spring of water. One part of the premises, one Acre aim 125 perches will be offered sepa rate on the day of sale. One of the houses and the stable are upon this lot. It is just at lite corner o( the Public Cross roads, ar.d well suited for a tenant house or a mechan ic. The sale is made in pursuance of the last will of the late owner, and will be held upon the premises, to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon when due attendance will be given'and conditions made known by W H.LI AM FOX, & JAMES FOX. Executors. Cattawissa township,<Octolter 9lh, 1851. LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg, October Ist, 1851. Brum bach Harry M'Michaei William Bets Elisha Maylau J. Burmingltatn H. Morris Elizabeth Brown William Mill Samuel B'lllr J. W. B. Obiaster Andrews Colin Isaac Rosomer William Cox Milton Rogers John Davis Margaret Robertson John T. Deframe Jesse Stone M. Duncan J. Shurnan G. R. F.verhart Saruh Stclily Philip Rev 2 Gilbert Joseph Sterling Calvin Ilollister Mr. Staley William 2 Johnson E. A. Talbert John James Josialt (ship) Williams E. W. Kinney Robert Wilbard S. P. Kesler Kphruim WoodsidesJ Lewis Thomas Walters llees Lew is Charles Wood Margaiett Lamb David R. Werly Isaac Ltittrish Agnes Weaver Benjamin B. j Miller Jonathan J. M. CHAM BERLIN, P. M. j October 11, 1851. Fire Insurance. | THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance i Coinnatiy, have appointed the undersigned | an Agent. lo make insurances in Columbia , county. The Company is in good credit.and ! is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the j rights of membership therein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, but without any individual liability for the losses or expenses of lite Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of efiecling an insurance upon property, can call upon i lire undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg. CHARLES It. BUCKALEVV. May 22, 1850. HATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE 3 Hats and Caps, of | DVBABLE MAKE AND IMPROVED | STYLE, which he offers for cash sales very I cheap, at his old stand, on Main Street, sec ond door South of the t ourt house. tW He continues to manufacture Hats to order as usual. THOMAS WILLITS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. Administrators' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letlars of administration upon Ihe estate of Sam uel Schrock, lale of Hemlock township Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing in Buck horn, Columbia county. All persons .know ing themselves indebted to lite said estate are requested to make immediate payment i ar.d those having accounts against the es tate to preset: I them lo JACOB HARRIS, Administrator. Buckhorn, August 30th 1851—6t. R. W. WEAVER^ ATTOaOTY-A'tf-LAW BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA OFFICE—On the Kant side of Main Street, three squares below Market. Muffs! Muffs!! Anew lot of fine grey and black muffs just received and for sale cheap by GEORGE WEAVER Bloomsburg, October 14th, 1851. Clocks ! Clocks ! ! Clocks ! !! ANEW lot of GOOD CLOCKS just re ceived, and for sale cheap'by HENRY ZUPPINGER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 22, 1851. Fancy Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand. &o ean be found at the cheap Book Btore of JOSEPH SWARTZ, WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirable style at th chair manufactory of B.HAGENBUCH r Bloomsburg, May 16th 1850. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE OF PA. J June 30, 1851. j SOLOMON NEYIIARD, Esquire, Surveyor of tho County of Columbia : Stat—lhe act passed lite tenth day of April, 1835, authorizing the graduation and valuation of the unpatented lands in this Commonwealth, by the Commissioners of the several counties, and which has been extended from time to lime by supplemen ary acts, expttes on the tenth day of De cember, 1851 (seo Pamphlet L aw , 1849, page 38,) after which time tin abatement of any interest can be made pn the purchase money due on such lands. 1 "have, there fore conceived it to be my duty to give this notice to all the County Surveyors. You will lake sudh measures as you may deem proper to circulate this fact, in order that those interested may avail themselves of the benelit of a law which favors those who own'unpntented lands very much. There is no appropriation made to defray the expenses of publishing this notice in the different counties, or else I should have ta ken that method of giving notice in the news papers. Very respectfuly yours, J. PORTER BR AW LEY, Surveyor Gen. ty The coiiltly-Burvevor has a list of the unpatented lands within the coilDty of Col umbia. July 26, 1851.—3t. WSEo IPIEQIUSSimsraS NEWS SHOP. The subscriber announces to tho pubile that he has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of BlaonvqbYtrg. on Main street, one door above Rupert's 'Store, where he will keep constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VAUECES, And every other article in his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at the lowest prtcos. "Those who wish work in his line will do well to give him a call. ty Hides, country produce, and even gold dollars will be taken in payment for work. \V. M K. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849. BLOOMSBUJIG ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL For Young Ladies and Gentlemen. J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient number of competent Assis tants will at all times be employed. The onauing Fall Session will commence on MONDAY the Ist day of September next, and will continue J6 weeks. TERMS. i The academic year consists of 44 weeks. | The price of tuition per quarter is as fol -1 lows: J For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A i ithmetic, Book-Keeping by single ontry, j Geography, History of the U. S. S3 25 [ For same, and Algebra, Geometry, Sur veying, Mensuration, Book Keeping by dou ble entry, General History, Natural History, 1 Physiology. Philosophy, other English bran ! dies, and drawing. S4 50 I For Latin, Greek, German & French, 575 i f?" Good boarding can be obtained in pri j vate famili is at from $1 50 to S2 00 per I week. I RKFERF.NCF.S.—CoI. Joseph Paxton, Hon. | Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael , l Brobst, Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., atd i the Citizens of Uloomsburg. | Bloomsburg, Aug. 12, 1851. I The Mode! Architect. A SERIES OF ORIGINAL DESIGNS FOR ' Collages, Villas, Suburban Residences, Coun try Churches. School Houses, Sfc., ffc., 4'c. BY SAMUEL SLOAN, Ach't Ilhe above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly inter | csled in building, but all who desire the ad j vancement of litis noble art in our country, i and wish to cultivate their tastes and ac quaintance with architecture. The hand manner in which it is prepared and embellished, renders S't a tasteful ornament for the drawing room, while its accurate de lineations give it the highest practical value. The Projector will find in it every variety of style and design accompanied, as niem tioned below*, by aliu. minutia necessary to construction. By its aid he may build with out danger of making those ludicrous and expensive mistakes which so often occur. The Operative Artizan of every grade will find the work of iiicstimablo value. It is a complete book of reference, and all plates are drawn lo n scale with Ihe utmost accura cy, so that he has only to study thetn with his rule and compass. The work, in two volumosol twelve num bers each, to ba issued monthly until com plete. Each number contains fdiir litho graph engravings of origin d designs, costing Iron SBOO to SI4OO. There are also 4 sheets of details accompatiing the designs, com puting grand plans, &.c. Besides this, each number contains eight pages of letter press. desuridliAe of the designs, giving extended accounts of fhe various styles adopted, es says on warming, vintilation, &c., elaborate specifications, estimates tables, and in Bhort everything desirable, either for construction or for general information,in deautiful type: the whole being executed on the very finest paper, manufactured, expressly for the worlc. PnicF.—so cents a number. The work can ho obtained through any bookseller. Address, post paid, E. S. JONES & CO. Publishers. S. W. cftr. 4th and race sts., Phila., Pa, s. sowra. i raMIOI BJESTOOT, 13 espectfully offers his professional service ■"■•' to the ladies and gentlemen of Blooms burg and vicinity, lie is prepared to attend to all the various operations in DENTISTItt and is provided with the latest improved porcelain teeth, which will be inserted on GOLD PLATE from one to an entire set. OFFICE —NEAR THE ACADEMY Bloomsburg, April 30 1851 Moiiougahela Whiskey. _ ephe subscribers are in oonslunl receipt and consignment oi OLD MONONOAHELA WHIS KEY from Pittsburg, of various grades, which they oirer for sale in lots to suit purchasers recommending it as being pure, unadultura led Rye. A Superior article of Cherry Brandy con stantly on hand. ALSO Hams, Lard, Cheese, &c. ECKV & WATKIN, No. 13 South Water St., Philadelphia. Aug. 24th 1851—3 m. A NEW EOT OF BOOKS, JUST received and opened at the Bloom - burg Book Store by JOSEPH SWAKTZ. Bloomsburg, April }s(h, 185J, PUBLIC SALE OF REAL EST ATE. THE undersigned Executors of the es tate of Samuel Webb, deceased, will offer at public sale on SATURDAY the 29th day of November next, upon the premises, now the residence of Nathaniel Campbell, a farm of about FORTY JfIG'RT ACRES Of good land in Centre township, Columbia connty, adjoining glands of Benjamin Boon on the East, Joseph Pohe on the North, J. W, Meriell and others on the West, and the Susquehanna river on the south ; the farm being about five miles on tho main road from Bloomsburg, and soven miles on the same road Irom Berwick. There are on the premises A FA KIH HOUSE, A barn, a fulling-mill, a saw-mill, a black smith shop, and other outbuildings; and a stream of water runs through the place suf ficient for other mill-works. A larger part of the fnrm is cleared and in a good state of cultivation—about live or six acres are woodlaud. On the same day and place they will ofier for sale a tract of good laud in Bloom town ship, Columbia county, adjoining lauds Of Henry Trimbley on the South, of Philip 'filler on the Las', of Boos bowler 011 the North a"'d of Thomas Webb on the West, containing ffc one acres of which abonl thirty-six acres sre c.'-ared and 111 a good state 6f cultivation, 6.'; d thd remainder lim ber land. The laud lays just L'ucd of Lime Kidge, and is supposed to contain P g-Pd body of limestone. They will also, on '.lie same day and place offer for sale a third tract of well timbered land, situate in Main township, Columbia county laying along the south bank of die • Susquehanna river, just opposite the first mentioned tract, or old homestead It ad adjoins lands of Philip Miller, Jacob Gitliug and Ueorgc Longcuberger, and contains a bout twenty seven acres. The lands will be sold in pcrsuauco of the last will of the late owner. The sale will commence at 10 ohslock in the forenoon, wheii the conditions will be made known ! by JOSHUA WEBB. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Executors. Centre township, October loth 1851. Reading R. R. Pasacugci Trains gP^-Sll*. O OFFICE OK THF. PAILA DELPHI A AND READING RAILROAD COMl'A NV.—Philadelphia, Aug. 30, 1851.—FALL ARRANGEMENT,/ir* rrt/ueedfrom I'hilada. to Poltsville. Two Passenger Train* daily (Sundays excepted.) On and after Sept. 1, 1851, two trains will Ire run *Ch wV, dul ly, between Philadelphia and PottsviUe. MORNING LINE I-eaves Philadelphia at 7J o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. Leaves l'ottsville at 7J o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Poltsville at 3i o'clock, daily, except Sundays. OP Ix 2. 1,33 (S3 a Between Philadelphia and Poltsville $2,70 Ist ci.sss ears arid $2,25 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading $1,75 Ist classes*® and 1,45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia corner of Broad and Vine streets. Passengers canttof enter the cars unless provided with a ticket. Fifty pounds of baggggtf will be allowed to each passenger in these ''ties, and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggago but their own wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of Us own er. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary. Aug. 30, 1851.—1f. MEW CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CAI.I FORNIA, but tho business of Coach and Wagon making will bo continued by the sub scriber at the Old stand on Market street He will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnisii Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any style; but always of tho best materials, and made in the most substantial manner. He will give his persoual attention to the busiucss, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will b'e attended to With care, anil upon the most reasonable terms.— He proposes to servo his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business. He asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. GIVE 'EM FITS ! I Peter S. Leidy Can manufacture just as noat and fashiona ble a suit of clothing as any. other tailor ii these diggius. As a sample of his work tnanship,he refers yoit to the BEST FITTING COA T To be found in the town, which is quite ccr tain to have come from Ids shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his w,ic CLOTH 8 ' 80 ° n ha " d P ' r ' a ®' jftraw " of ' CASg'iiiERES, & TRIMMINGS, ?i the lowest prices, from which he will make up to order coatr, pants, or vests of any desirable style. ty His shop is on the North side of Main Street, a few doors above the Court-houso. Blooinsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. Executor's Notice* NOTICE is hereby given lhal ldllers tes tamentary upon the estate of Corne lius Rittenhouse late of Beaver township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the said township of Beaver. All persons know ing themselves indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate paymeut tothe undersigned, nnd those having ac counts against the decedent to present them to MICHAEL RITTENHOUSE, JOSIAH RITTENHOUSE, I'ETER RITTENHOUSE. Executors. Reaver Township, Sept. 16, 1851.-6t <g2 ANEW gs OF JEWELRY, KEYS, GLASSES, DIA MONDS for patent levers, detached i levers and lepines just received and opened by HENRY ZUPPINUEK. Blopiusburg, September 1, 1851. VALUABLE BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED AMD FOR SALE BY jonm 8 TAYLOR, Bookseller and Publisher, '143 NASSUA STREET, NEW-YORK. The 'following books will be sent by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States, on the receipt of the money for the same, which may be forwarded by mail, at the risk of the Publisher. THE SACRED MOUNTAINS, By Rev. J. T. Headley, 1 vol. 12in0., Illustrated, full cloth. 81.00; gilt edges, extra, 81,50. THE SACI.ED MOUNTAINS. By Rev. J, T. Headley, 1 vol. 18 mo., without the plates. Sunday School edition. 50 cts. | SACKED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, By Rov. J. T. Headley—l vol. 12mo, Illustrated, full cloth, SI 00; gill edges, 81 50. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS. By Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 vol, 18mo., without the plaros. Sunday School edi tion, 50 cm. HISTORY OF THE PERSECUTIONS AND BATTLES OF THE WALDENSES. Hy Rev. J. T Headley.— 1 vol. 18mo , Illus trated, full doth, 50 cts. HISTORY OF THE WALDENSES. By- Rev. J. T. Headley. 1 vol. 18 mo. Sllll - day Scliool edition. 31 cts. NAPOLEON AND HIS DISTINGUISHED MARSHALS. By Rov. J. T. deadly.—l 1 vol. 12m0., Illustrated, full cloth. 81. j LUTHER AND CROMWELL. By Rev. J. T. Headley.— 1 vol. 12m0., Illustrated, full , cloth, SI. j RAMBLES AND SKETCHES. By Rev. J T. Headley—i vol. 12R10., illustrated, .'uii cJp'h. 81. j THE POvVEw DF BEAUTY. By Rev. J. T. Headley—i Vpl- Illustrated, full [ cloth, 50 cts ; gilt edge'.". exlrd, 75 cts. LETTERS FROM THE' tiACK\\'?DDS I AND THE ADRONIDACK. By Rev. J , T. Headley—l vol. 12m0., full cloth, 50 cts. BIOGRAPHY OK THE SAVIOUR AND HIS , APOSTLES. Willi a portrait of each, en- I graved on steel. With an essay on the Character of the Apostles, by Rev. J. T. J deadly.— 1 vol' 12m0., 15 engravings, 81; gil edges, extra, 75 cts. THE BEAUTIES OF REV. J. T. HEADLEY. With his Lile.— lvol. 18mo , Illustrated, 50 cts; gilt edges, extra, 81,50. HEROINES OF SACRED HISTORY—By- Mrs. Steele. Illustrated with splendid en gravings. 1 vol. 12mo; new, enlarged and revised edition, 81; gilt edges, extra, 51 50. THEOPNEUSTY. OR THE PLENARY IN SPIRATION OF THE HOLY SCRIP- L TURKS. By Professor Gaussen of Gene va. Translated by Rev. E. N. Kirk. A ' new atrd enlarged edition. 1 vol, !2m0., 410 pages, 81. ' SHANTY THE BLACKSMITH; A TALK OF 1, OTHER TIMES, —By Mrs. Sherwood. 1 vol. 18 to.. Illustrated, 50 cts. ULY OF THE VALLEY. By Mrs. Sher wood.— 1 vol 18mo., Illustrated. 50 cts. THE SHORTER CATECHISM OF THE [ REV". ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. With Proofs VheTUtff out of the Scriptures, in words at lentil. Per 100, $3. Extracts frarlh opinions of the Press. Sacred Scenes end Characters —By the Rev- J. T. Headley. This work may be very properly considered a companion to the " Sacred Mountains,' by the same author. Its object is to illustrate and "render more life-like" the sacred writings. It is not the < author's design to supersede the Bible. But his wish is excite a solicitude to obtain, and to become intimately acqMpiied and per fectly familiar With its histofyj doctrines and 1 laws; to know its truth to imbibe its spirit, feel its power, ami partake of its salvation; I in a word, to prize in some measure as it . deserves, thin treasure which is indeed he ; yond price. We predict for it a circulation ; lar beyond any of the author's former works. [The News. Jan. 7th. Rambles and Sketches —By Rev. J. T. Head ley. We have not for a long time sat down to a book with more pleasing anticipations, or found those anticipations more lully re alized, than in the perusal of the wmk be fore L'S, and we know it will be hailed with gratification by the many admirers of the talented author. His "Napoleon and his Marshals" was, perhaps, as popular and found at least h. J many enthusiastic readers as any book that can be mentioned. We ill ink the Rambles ana' Sketches are des tined to be as popular at least as any of bis previously published works. There is not a dull chapter in the work, tilled as it is with I "an infinite variety." The author has nm ■ pie room and verge enough for the employ -1 ment of his fine talents to great advantage. 1 and most successfully has lie accomplished I the task. The biographical sketch of the aiuliCr is interesting and "well considered," • and adds much to tho value of the book, I which is got up in a very neat and attractive style by the publisher.—See Portland Trank -1 script, Dec. 15th. Mr, Headley is otto of themnat promising wri ters of tills cnuutiv, nn<l we have here one of his ■ liest books—oi.e nil which he rn safely rest his fame. It possesses the unfaliguing charms of perfect simplicity and truth. There is graceful frankness porvsding the composition, which en gages the interest of the reader in tho author as well as in thr subject. His rambles about Roma, Paris and London exhibit o thousand traits of mi ingenuous natuic, upon which a man of taste will delight to linger. We predict for this n sale equal to that ot any of Iho author's works. [New York News. The collection is ono of which no euthor need he ashamed. It consists, indeed, of some of Mr. Headley's most brilliant and highly i| n ished compositions of those specimens* of his abilities by which he may he judged with the greatost safety to his fame as n word-painter and thinker. [New York Tribuno, N. B. The abeve books will be forwards;, | 0 order at dm prices mentioned, free of P'.,sta ßo to . any part of tho United States, on i', e rec eipt of orders, with the money. Money i., av besent by mail at my risk. JOHNS. TAYLOR, Publisher, 143 Nassau at, New York. C. C. MARR, Surgeon and Meclianlcvil Demist KSPKCTFULLY offers his professional *-•'services lo the Ladies and Gentleman of Orangeville and its vicinity. He is provided with the the latest improved rORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on Pivot or Gold plate to look as well as the natural. The cavities of decayed teeth will be dressed out and filled with Gold of the finest quality, which will prevent their forther decay or aching, and render thom useful for many years in MOST cases during life. ami other foreign substances, will be removed, ren dering the Teeth clean and the Gums and breath sweet and healthy. Teeth, and stumps of Teeth, which huvo become uso less or troublesome, will be extracted with the latest and most approved instruments, in the careful and scientific manner, and with the least possible pain. Persons desi rous of procuring whole sets of Teeth would do well to <nve him a call, as much time, trouble, and expense might he saved by having their work done at home. In short. I he is prepared to attend to every thing in the line of Dentistry, and his performances will be warranted to answer all the useful and ornamental purposes of the art. For references apply to his numerous cus tomers. P. S. Permanent residence, Orangeville, Columbia County, Pa. Philadelphia k Reading Rail Road.! REDUCTION of Iriegbt on Merchandize, to commence March 1, 1851. RATES OF FREIGHT PER m LBS. Between Pottsville and Philadelphia. ARTICLES TRANSPORTED. ls/ 'Class.-— B tumiuous Coal, Bricks, Ice, Iron Ore, Lime stone, Pig Iron, Plaster, Slate, Tiles, 9 cts. 2d Class.—Blooms, Burr ltlockr, Cement, Grindstones, Guano, Laths, Pitch, Railroad Iron, heavy, Rosin, Salt, Sills, Shingles, Tar, Turpentine, Timber ami Lumber, 10 cts. 3rd Class—Ale, Beer, and Porter, Ashes, Pot & Pearl, Bark, Barley, Bones & Horns, Coffee, Cotton, Whiskey,"St Domestic Li quors, Grain, Iron Castings, rough; Rolled, Bar or Hammeied Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat Bar Rail Road Iron, Lead and Shot, Mo lasses, Potatoes, Nails & Spikes, Sail Provi sions, Sugar, Saltpetre, and Tobacco, un manufactured, 12J cts. Flour per barrel, 25 els. Ath Class —Apples, Bran. Butler, Cheese, Cordage, Earthen Ware, Eggs, Gtocer is (except those stated) Iletnp, Hardware, ami Cutlery, Hollow-ware . Lard, Leather, Live Stock, Manufactures of Iran, as Machinery; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags. Rus sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweet Potatoes, Tallow, Vinegar and Wire, 17 cts. sth Class. —Books ami Stationary, Boots & Shoes, Camphino, and Spirit Oil, China, Glass and Queonswaro, Cigars, Confectionery, Dry Goods, Drugs, Fresh Fish. Moat & Fruit, I-'o reign Liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine Teas, Wines and Wool 22 cts. March 13, 1851, A MAGNIFICENT PICTORIAL, —ANP LITERARY WEEKLY JOURNAL GLEASONS PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION. A Rct-ord of the beautiful and useful in Art rpho object of this paper is lo present, in J- the most elegant atfd available lonrt, a weekly literary melange of iloltjblo events nl the day. Its columns are tlcvolod iO origi nal tales, sketches and poems, by the BEST AMERICAN AUTHORS, and tho cream of the domestic and foreign news ; the whole well spiced with wit and humor. Each paper is BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with numerous accurate engravings, by em inent artists, of notable objects, current events in all parts ot the world, ami of men and manners, altogether making a paper en tirely original in its design, ill this country. Its pages contain views of every populous cily in die known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or western hemispheres, of ell the principal ships and steamers of die navy and merchant service, with fine and ac curate portrait^of every noted character in the world, both male ami female. Sketches of beautiful scenery, taken from life, will aUo be given, with numerous specimens from the animal kingdom, the birds of die air, and the fish of the seg. It is printed on the fines* paper, and with a font ol beautiful btevier type, of tho most modern style, man ufactured expressly ror It, presenting in ils mectiaiiical execution nn elegant specimen of art. It contains fifteen hundred and sixty lour square inches.and sixty-four columns of reading matter and illustrations—a mam moth weekly paper of sixteen octavo pages. It forms THE BEST FAMILY PAPER, inasmuch as its aim is constantly, in con nection with the fund of amusement it af fords, anil the rich array of original miscel lany it presents, to inculcate the strictest and highest tone of morality, and to encourage virtue by holding up to vievfr all that is good and pure, and avoiding all that is evil in its tendency. In short, the object is to make the paper loved, respected, and sought alter for its combined excellences. TLilOlS— Invariably In advance. 1 subscriber, four months, Si 00 1 " one year, 3 00 2 subscribers, " 500 4 •' " 0 00 8 " " 10 00 10 *' 28 00 W One copy of Tins FI.AU OF ova UNI ON, and one edpy of the PICTORIAL DRAWING ROOM COMPANION, one year, for SI 00 Subscribers or postmasters are requested to act a agents, on the above terms. W Though these two journals emanate from tho same establishment, still not one line will nppear in one that has been pub lished in tlio other, thus ulfording to those persons who take both papers, an immense variety of interesting residing. RY The PICTORIAL OIUWING-UOOM COM PANION may be obtained at any ol the peri odical depots thioughOul the country, and ol newsmen, at six cents per single copy. Published 'every Saturday, by FX GI.KASON, BOSTON, MASS. US3- JD life) iA-W <£ot Sprint) nub Snminer- t WEC. HSDIEiBI&VSr & (3<s g ITave just received and opened a la l ".p as . "sorlment of new spring and sum'mc. goods, which they offer to their o ld custo mers and new ones at the \ o west prices Their stock is large, and se 1 acted t si. i iho wants of this region of - it clprb ses every tliiug ot 1 DRY GOODS, GP'ocEIUES, HARDWARE UUE'LXSWARE, CEDAR- HAt'S, OAI'S, BOOTS AND SHOES; aru ' those who have long patronised lliem R r u lhe best judges of their mode ot doing I business ; and the longcontiued confidence of | the comminiiiiity is the best recommenda tion they can offer to new patrons. Their slock of goods will bo kept up by by (lie re ceipt of new parcels from tho city, nearly every week during the summer. Bloomsburg, April 22d, 1851. The Housewife * Help ami Husband's Joy! THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID TVOES away entirely with that laborious •'-'task of tubbing the Clothes upon the washboard. It contains no ingredients what ever injurious to the finest fabric or the Jlesh. The proprietors wish every one to give it a trial, and it it does not prove to bo as re commended, the money, in every suoh case will bo refunded. Full directions accornpa- : ny each bof.lo. Retail price I2i Cents per ! Bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary washings, i and saving the Clfuhos more by not rubbing | them than the cost of si* bottles—besides removing stains of fruit, &c., if there be any, and the time and laboi saved. Prepared only by 1. P. HOYT & CO. Philadelphia. J. K. EDGAR, Bloomsburg, Agent for Col umbia County. All orders received by him wholesale or retail, will be promptly attended to. NEW AND CHEAP Fall and IVinfer Goods. GEORGE WEAVER has just received and opened a lot of new goods which ho offe-s at the lowest prices to purchasers at his old stand in Bloomsburg. His selection will bo found to contain everything usually kept in a country store, and in the new loi of goods just opened will be found every dc suable thing to suit the fall and winter *ea 8011. Bloomsburg, October 1 lib, 1831. The Christian Sla(eflßßii. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. Devoted to African Colonization and Cieilizj ! tion, to Literature and General Intelligence. THE under-ianed propose to publish, n the City of Washington, n weekly news paper, bearing the above title, and dedicated ' to a sound morality in Politics, to the Umbo ' of tho Stales, io the caive ot African Colon i izatlon and Civilization, Httd to all topics of-a | high ami general interest to their country and mankind. They will endeavor to im i press upon the People and Government ol the United States nt.d of lite several Stales , the importance of colonizing in A'rica, with ' tlioir own consent, the free people ot cultfr : of this country. and such as niny become i free. Thoy w ill communicate to the nubim ad important infortDntion lltey may iiblaui | in regard to the Geography, Exploration, He- I sources, Commerce and Popttluiioa of Alri 1 ca; the state of the Slave Trade, and tin. measures best adapted fur its suppression ; an 1 will enforce the duty of in dun amirnt; all Chrisliun denominations in clfurts to dit fuse the knowledge of otrr Arts, Liberty, and ' Christianity, among tho barbarous poo,tie of that Continent. Ttey will aim to render tho journal nit in ; stiuctive and useful Family Newspaper, and ( to secure for its colamiis, as the public fa ! vor shtdl enable tliein, contributions, literary j and scientific, ot decided meiir. Tit k Christian Statesman will he of the j swe of the Home Journal or National Era, and exceed in size the Intelligencer or tho ITition of this city ; and, with but lew ndvor • tisements, will he nearly lilled with mat lift designed to t>c ol interest to its renders. | It will be printed with new type, on lino i white paper, and, in mechanical execution be equal to the best newspapers in the coun i try. I —The Christian Statesman will bb i two dollars a year, papnhle in advance. I Postmasters '.r others, who may be pleas ! Ed to act as voluntary agents, will be reaper, stole to those who may pay over to them subscriptions; and to the order of such agents, or lo Any who may make rcmitiun j ess for the I Angina Statesman, it will bo j supplied on the following terms : | Single copy for one year §j , )u | Single copy lor six months 1 or) Three copies for one year 5 oti Six copies for one year ID on I Twenty copies for one year ;tD on i Twenty copies for six months 15 oo Iho tirst number of this paper may bo expected lo appear early in Align -I. ami ii u j desired that those who arc disposed to fur ther its great objects, by their pa'roimge | should indicate their wishes before that [ time. Orders and communications, addres sed (posr paid) lo Gmley & Gooulue, will j receive immediate attention It It Glut LEV D It. GOODLOK j Colonization Rooms, Wash., June It, i:,i I At a meeting of the Executive Commit | tee of the American Colonization Soeilv : lie Wen tho 10th instant, ll.e Secretary hud ! before tho Committee the Prospectus of a 1 newspaper, to be called 'lie Christian Sltatc.i --j man, and to be cicvored 'to sound morality j in Publics, to tho Union or 'o tho Slams, to the causo of African Coliniza'ion and Civili | zation, and to all topics of a high and gen eral interest to their countrj—" to be pub tislied in this city' by the Rev; R. ft. Hurley and 0. ft. Goodloe ; after the r'eadiim of | which, a was Ranked, Thai we cordially and earncstly recommi'iul ihc Chris-turn Statesman to tint patronage of the friends of African Coloni zation throughout llio. I'nitcd Stales. \\ . McLAIN, see. Am. Col. Soc. June 16. Blackv,uort's Magazine, AND THE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. /AWING to the late revolutions and coitnt- among the nations of Eu rope, winch have followed each other in such quick succession, and of which ' ilia end is not yet ■ the leading periodicals of Great Britain have become invested with degtee ol interest heretofore unknown. I hey occupy a middle ground between the hasty, disjointed, and necessarily imperfect records of the newspapers, and the elaborate and ponderous treaties 10 he furnished by the historian at a future day. Whoever reads these periodical/ obtains a correct ami connected account of all the important no liltcal events of the Old World, as they oo cur, and learns the various conclusions drawn from them by tho leading spirits of he ago. ihe American publishers there ore deem it proper to call renewed atten ton to the works they punish, and the very low prices a which lb,y are ol I ;r ed to sub. scrtbers. iho loqotyiug is their list, viz,: TIIK LoN r a)M QIARTEKLT Review. TlIK , p " r - frORTH HrfITISII UeviKY -ne WESTMINSTER Review, and 1 jLAcr,WOOD'S KIMMUHCI MAUAZINC. I In thp.e periodicals arc contained the | view;,, moderately though clearly and firmly I impressed, of the throe greatest parties in , • England—Tory, Whig, ami Radical . J "Blackwood" and the '-Loudon Uuaitiliv '■ . are Tory, the "Kdiitburgh Review" Win s ami the "Westminster Review' Liberal! . The "North Briifsh Review" ovt'es its estab lishment to the last great ecclesiastical inove . tuent in Scotland, and is not ultra in its views on any one td the grand departments I of human knowledge; ft was originally ed ited by l>r. Chalmers, and now, "since his ; death, is conducted by his son-in-law, Dr | llanna, associated with Sir David Brewster. | Its literary character is of the very highes* order. The "Westminster," though reprint ! cil under that title only, is published in Eng. . land under the title of the "Foreigh Quar- I terly anil Westminster," k being ip fact a | union of die two Reviews formerly publish ed and reprinted under separate tides. R ; has, therefore, the advantage, by this com | binatmn, of uniting fn one work' the best [ features of both, as heretofore issued. | Die above Periodicals are reprinted in j New \ orfe, immediately on fheir arrival by j tko British steamers, in a beautiful clear I type, on lino white paper, and are faithful copies of the originate—Blackwood's Ma m zilie being an simile of the Edin burgh odilioir. , TLR.tfg. j For any one of die four Re- I views, .... j*3 00 per annum. I c or any two, .... 500 " " I For any thtec, - - - 700 jf- | For all four of the Reviews, 800 " " For Blackwood's Magazine, 300 " " For Blackwood unit throe Reviews, - - - - 9 00 " For Blackwood 1 rid four Re views, - r, - - -10 00 " " Payment, to l, f mult in all cases in adcanct. Remittances and communications should be always addressed, post paid or franked the Publishers, L-KONARI) SCOTT A:CO, f9 Fulton street, New Vorlc. mar 24 Entrance 54 Gold st. BLANKS H DEEDDS, SUMMONS. EXECUTIONS, SUBPtKNAS. and JUDGMENT NOTES, of 'roper anJ desirable forms, for- sale at tha Jlice tlio "Star of the No<th
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers