A MAGNIFICENT PICTORIAL, —AKI> ! LITERARY WEEKLY JOURNAL GLEASQN'S PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION. A Record ef the beautiful aid useful in Art The object of this paper is to present, in the most elegant and available form, a -weekly literary melange of notable events of the day. Its columns are devoted to origi nal tales, sketches and poems, by the BEST AMERICAN AUTHORS, and the cream of the domestic and foreign news; the whole well spiced with wit and Itumor. Each paper is BEAUTIFULLY ILI.USTBATED •with numerous accurate engravings, by em • inent artists, of notable objects, current events in all pasts ot the world, and of men and manners, altogether making a paper en tirely original in its design, in litis country. Its paces contain views of every populous city tit the known world, of all buildings of note in the eastern or western hemispheres, of all the principal ships and steamers of the navy and merchant service, with fine and ac curate portraits of every noted character in (he world, both male and female. Sketches of beautiful scenery, taken Irom hfe, will also be given, with numerous specimens Irom the animal kingdom, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea. It is printed on the finfcst paper, and wilh a fontol beautiful brevier type, of the most modern style, man wfactnred expressly ror it, presenting in its, mechanical execution an elegant specimen of art. It contains fifteen hundred and sixty four square inches, and sixty-four columns of reading matter and illustrations—a tnam mdth weekly papor ot sixteen oetavo pages. It forms THE BEST FAMILY TAPER, inasmuch as its aim 13 constantly, in con nection with the fund of amusement it af fords, and the rich array of original miscel lany it presents, to inculcate the strictest and highest tone of morality, and to encourage virtue by holding up to view all that is good - and pure, and avoiding all that i 9 evil in its tendency'. In short, the object is to make the paper loved, respected, and sought after for its combined excellences. TUBUS—lnvariably In advance. I subecriber, four months, SI 00 1 " one year, 3 00 2 subscribers, " 000 4 •< " 9 00 a " lfi 00 16 " 28 00 EF* One copy of THE FLAO OF OUR UNI ON, and one copy of the PICTORIAL DRAWINC ROOM COMPANION, one year, for S4 00 Subscribers or postmasters are requested to act as agents, on the above terms. ES" Though these twq joarnals emanate from ilio same establishment, still not one line will appear in one that has been pub lished in the other, thus affording to those persons who take both papers, an immense variety of interesting reading. EF* The PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COM PANION may be obtained at any of tho peri odical depots thioughout the country, and of newsmen, at six cents per single copy. Published everv Saturday, by F. GLEASON, BOSTON, MASS. KLW liHI'OItTERH A JOBBERS. FREEMAN, HODGES & CO., 58 Liberty street, between Broadway and Nas sau-street, near the Post Office, New York. WE are receiving, by daily arrivals from Europe, our Fall and Winter assortment of rich fashionable fancy silk and millinery goods. Wo respectfully invite all Cash Purchas ers thoroughly to examine our Stock and Prices, ami as interest governs, we feel con fident our Goods and Prices will indnce them to select from our establishment. Particular attention is devoted to MILLINERY GOODS, and many of the articles are manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot be sur passed in beauty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Pans Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck, and Belt. Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Uncut Velvets, for Hat?. Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers. Puffings, and Cap Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, large assortment. Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Under eleeves and Cuffs. Fine embroidered Reviere and Hemstitch Cambric Handkerchiefs. Crapes, Lisses, Tarlclons, Illusion and Cap Laces. Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle thread Laces. Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lislo Thread, Merino Gloves and Milts. Figured and plain Swiss, Rook, Bishop Lawn and Jaconet Muslins. English, French, American and Italian Straw Goods. Aug. 28, 1851-fim. Reading R. 11. Panscngci Trains OOFFICE^OF^ THE PAILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPA NY.—Philadelphia, Aug. 30,1851. —FALL ARRANGEMENT,//re rcduceil from Philada. to Pottsville. Two Passenger Trains daily (Sundays excepted.) On and after Sept. 1, 1851, hvo trains will be run each way, dai ly, botween Philadelphia and Pottsville. MORNING LINE leaves Philadelphia at 7J o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7j o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. AFTERNOON LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3j o'clock, daily, except Sundays. OP AES. OS LO3 S3 = Between Philadelphia and Pottsville $2,75 Ist class cars and $2,25 2d class oars. Betwoen Philadelphia and Reading $1,75 Ist class cars and 1,45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia corner of Broad and Vine streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provided with a ticket. Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these fines, nnd pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their own ""wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its own er. By order of tho Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary. Aug. 30, 185!.—1f. Executor's Notice* NOTICE is hereby given that letters tes tamentary upon ihe estate of Corne lius Riltenhouse late of Beaver township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the said township of Beaver. All persons know ing themselves indebted to the said estate, are requested to mako immediate payment tothe undersigned, and those having ac counts against the decodent to present them to MICHAEL ItITTENHOUSE, JOSIAH RITTEN HOUSE, PETER RITTENHOUSE. Executors. Beaver Township, Sept. tfi, 1851j-6t FIRE I*ROOr CHESTS, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &c. EVANS & WATSON, Ml Hßj|ji3j[| N 0 83 Dock at., opposite Philadelphia Exchange. Patent Soap Stone Lined Keyhole Cower (JALA- m ßrailgtaffJ MA N D !•: It 9. Fire and thief roof IRON CHESTS, warranted to stand mora heat than any other chests la the country. Alto, Patent AirCham bcr IRON CHti TB, 1700 now in use. They also continue to make the ordinary Pise Proofs at very low prices. We, the undersigned "-were present on (he 11 day of September, when Messrs, Evans 4- Wat sen tested one of their Salamander Fire Proof Chests, at which time they consumed five cords of wood over it, commencing at 9 A. M. and continuing until 2 o'clock, P. M., making ve hours intense heat, amounting to a white heat. The Chests remained in the fire until the next morning, when it was opene in our presence, and all the books and pipera taken out, having been presetved entire. The above named Chest, together with the hooka and papers, may be examined by calling at the Store ot Evans ds Wutson, 83 Dock strict. THOS. HANSEL!,, 13th st., above Arch. SAMUEL L. DAVIS. Ill.N. Thitd ot. WILLIAM HARPER, Jr, Messrs. Evans 6c Watson: Gentlemen -Having been present when the contents of the Chest alluded to in the above certificate were exposed to view, I lake plcaaure in adding my teatimony to the perfect cerurity of the papara. No mark of fire waa apparent oil any of them. Respectfully. 8. V- MERRICK. Philadelphia, Sept 16. BALTIMORE. June 18. Messrs. Evans & 'Vatson, Philadelphia; Gentlemen—We have much plensuio in re ceminending your Fiso Proof Chests to the no tice ot the public—the one we purchased from you having saved our bouks and contents eflee tuoily,after undergoing a very severe heat during Ihe fire, which destroyed Ihe entire block of buil dings on A'ch street wharf, on the Schuylkill, on thefilk of June, 1849. Your., very res ulltr, RUBSEL & GILLINS. Seal and Letter Copying Presses, Fire proof Doers for Banks and Stores; Patent Slate Lined Itefrigeratera, warranted superior to all others, Water Fillers, Truck Wagons fur Stoics, Show er Baths of Ihe best quality, June sth, 1851>ly C£i>c, IJc-C ua sjsLta yjcpY. ce> II a as ESMACE or COFFEE. A BOUT two years ago a new discovery **wns made in Europe, consisting of a substitute for the ordinary atore coffee, called Essence of Coflee, which has gone into gen eral use with astonishing rapidity, not only among the poorer classes, wno at once dis pensed wilh the use of the celebrated Chick ory Coffee, but is now in general use in tho wealthiest families and the first hotels, and is highly recommended by the medical fac ulty. It is extracted from pure, wholesome veg etables, arid excels all similar preparations that have ever been offered to the public, either in this country or in Europe. Its su perior quality has already been attested to in the cities by some of the most eminent phys icians, and a number of the most distinguish ed of the clerav and other highly respectable citizens. Coffee made from this essence ac cording to lite prescription obtains a more delicious and pleasant favor than the com mon store coffee, and is certainly more wholesome, especially for persons in deli cate health, which will be admitted by eve ry physician who will take (lie pains to test { the natuto and properties of this essenco. One paper costing only 12J out., is equal to four pounds of store coffee, will be bright and clear without the application of any other ingredient io clarity or settle it. The public aro therefore invited to give this es sence at least a trial before they condemn it. A respectable merchant of Luzerne coun ty in writing of itsajs: "My customers have been using of the above Essence for some months past with general satisfaction ; and Ido not hesitalo to recommend it to tho public. HENDERSON GAYLORD." Manufactered by G. Hummel. Bohler & Co., 718 Callowhill street Philadelphia. For sale by GEORGE WEAVER, Blooms burg, by whom merchants can bo supplid a', manufacturers prices—freight added. Bloomsburg, July 31st, 1851—3 m. . va noo I s & SHOES. '! AT THE LOWEST PRICES. AUKBtffSSEtWS WnHjS(2/KT Respectfully announces lo his friends and tho public that he has taken the Root and Shoo Store lately kept by Warren Russel, where he has always on hand and makes to order all kinds of Roots nud Shoes at the following prices: Men's lino calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 25 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hide, 1 75 do miners', nailed, 2a 2 50 Ladies' gaiters, 2 a 2 25 " I.aco boots, 1 62 " Thick soled slippers lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " JenTly Lind,s 125 a 1 50 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. Ho manufactures his work of the best of stook—warrants it to wear; and is determined to sell it as low as others can their Yankee or city work. Call and see lor yourselvos. Shop on Main St., next door below Hartman's Store. Bloomsburg, April Ist, 1351. J* OL COKS U)a®Cs®o ppP $ iEW HiEdlSir HENRY ZUP DINGER Invites the attention of the public to his slock of clocks, watches, jewelry, watch trimmings, glasses, keys, balance wheels, jewels and Gold Pens which he continues to offer for sale at reasonable prices. He will also repair clocks, watches, and musical and optical instruments in a satis factory manner. His shop is in the middle room of the Ex' change block, nearly opposite to the Cour Hou.e. Bloomsburg, July 24, 1851. SHEETS & SELTZER'S VV II OLE SALE WnStfll & MKgTffOID Ko. 939 .V Third St, (Above Callowhill,) PillLlDELPnit, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF ' BRANDIES, WINES, CORDIALS, And Liquors of every description i I. K. SHEETZ. T. P. SELTZER. JOHN WCOOWDES Agent. House, Sign and Ornamlenta Painting DONE to order in the best highly-finished pclain stylo,by B HAGENBUCII. , American repertory of inventions. TO MECHANICS. INVENTORS AND MANLFACTKRB. Seventh volume of the Scientific American. (DOo American and foreign Patent Agents, and Publishers of the Scientific American. Respectfully announce to the publio that the first number of Volume VII. of thia widely circulated and valuable journal will issue on the 20th f September. The new volmpe will •commerce wilh new type, print ed upon paper of a heavier texture than that used in the proceeding volume. It is the intention of the publishers to illustrate it more fully,by .introducing representations of prominent events connected with the ad vancement of science; besides furnishing the usual amount of engravings of new in ventions. It is published weekly in from five to six hundred engravings, together with a vast amount of practical information con cerning the progress of invention and dis covery tlweughout the world. There is no subject of importance to the mechanic, in ventor, manufacturer and general reader which is not treated in the most able man ner—the editors, contiibulors and corres pondents being 'men of the highest attain ments. It is in fact the leading scientific journal of the country. The Inventor will find in it a weekly list of American Patent Claims, reported from the Patent Olfice, an original featuro not found in any other weekly publication. TERMS.—Two dollars a year, one dollar for six months All letters must be post paid and directed to Munn & Co., Publish ers of the Scientific American, 128 Fulton street, New York. ANDTCEMF.NTS Mil CLUBBING. Any person wno will send us four subscri bers tor six months, at onr regular rates, shall be entitled to one copy for the same length of time, or we will furnish— Ten copies for six months, $8 Ten oopies for twelve mouths, 15 Fifteen copies for twelve months, 22 Twenty copies tor twelve moDllis, 28 Southern and Western money taken at par for subscriptions, or Post Office Stamps taken at their full value. !HEICATt KIOFSE, ESTAI.ISHED FIFTEEN YEARS AOO, BY OR. KIVKEM.V iV. IV. Corner of Third and Union els., between Spruce and Pine streets, PUILADFLPHiA. Fifteen years of extensive anJ uninterrupted practice apent in this city have rendered Dr. K. the most export and successful practitioner far .mil near, in the treatment of all diseases of a private nature. Persons afflicted with ulcers on the hotly, throat or legs, pains in tho head or hones, or mercurial rheumatism, stricture., gravel, disease arising fiom youthful excesses or impurities of tho blood, whereby the consti tution has become enfeebled, are all treated with success. He who places himself undei the care of Dr. K. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. Take Particular Notice, Young men who have injured themselves by a certain practice indulged ill, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, Ihe efleets of which aro nighily ltd*, even when asleep and destroy I oth mind and body, should apply immediately. Weakness and constitu tional debility, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general prostration, irratibility and all nervous affections, indigestion, sleggishness of the liver, and every diseaso in any way con nected wilh the disorder of tlie proc-ealive func tions cured, and full vigor restored. Youth and Manhood A Vigorous Life or a premature Death, KINKELIN ON SELF PRESERVATION, ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. This bonk just Dublishetl is filled with useful information on the infirmities and diseases of the generative organs. It addresses itself alike to youth, manhood and old age, and should be read "by all. The valuable advice and impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and sul fering and save annunlly thousands of lives. Parents by reading it will learn how to pre vent be destruction of their children. A remittance of 25 cents enclosed in a letter addressed to Dr. Kinkelin, N \V corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine, in Philadelphia will ensure a book under envelope per return of mail. Persons at a distance may address Dr. Jt by letter, (post paid) and be cured t homo. Packages of tneuicines, directions, Ac. for. warded by lending a remittance, and put up se cure from damage or curiosity. Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvas sera and sit others supplied with the above work at very low rates. ly JUOIiTO It YIIItsELF FOR 25 CENTS' ®By means of the pocket Esculapius, or every one his own Physician! thir tieth edition, with up wards of a hundred engra vings showing private dis eases in every shape anil form, and malformations of the generative system, 3Y WM. YOUNG, M. D. The time has now niriv fd, that persons suffering from secret disease, need no more become the victims of quackery, as hy the prescriptions con tained in this hook any one may curl himself, without hindrance to business, or tho knowledge of the most intimate friend, ar.d with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the goncrol routine of private diseaac, it fully cxplaina the cauae of manhood's early decline, with observe lions on marriage—besides many other derange ments which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, wilt receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, No. /52 Spruce street. Philadelphia.' Post paid. CF" Dr. Young, can bo consulted on, any of tho Diseases described in his different publications at his offices, 152 Spruce street, every day, between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sun days excepted.) Philadelphia, March 23, 1850-12 m BOOHS! BOOK S BOOKS!! Read! Read! ar®'sißipai Announces to the reading world in general, and the good people of Bloomsburgh in par ticular that he has removod h'.s Bookstore to the lower corner of Bigge Brick Block oppo site the Court House, whore he has a full variety of Books for all manner ol men and women kind. He has all the popular works of the day upon Morals, Religion, History, Literature, Politics and Travels ; and a gen eral selection of all school books, English, Classical, German and French. He has also a sweet lot of Confectionaries, Toys and Jewelry, So that every kind of taste can be gratified ! by a selection of something trom bia Mock. Bloomsburg, April 16th, 1861. QDqpo <23mUUcaciS3 PAHAOEA. The nfllicted are invited to call and am Mi Isaac Brooks, Jr., el tbe corner of Third and Wilcox streets, and Misa Chiiatinna Sands, Beach atrecc below Spruce afreet, < n the Bchuyl kill. Theae two persona have been snatched from the very jaws of the destroyer through 'he agency of that moat potent of all medicines, DR. CULLENS INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Dr CaHen's Panacea is the orily cartain cure foi Scrofula or King's ISvil, Tetter, Erysipelas, Old Borea and Uloers, Mercurial Diseases, and all other affestions, cutaneous 01 otherwise, arising from impurities of the blood. fn the extraordinary cure ef Mr. Brooke, peo ple who visit him, hold up their bands in as tonishment, that A*X medicine could have ar rested ma disease—then go away resolved to re commend J)r Cullen'a Indian Vegetable Pana cea to every one they hear of who has need of a purifying medicine. So with Christiana Sands—her cure of Scrof ulous sore throat was quite as extraordinary as Mr. Brooks', when we reflect that from the dis eaaa her tea er coffee would frequently pass out of her earn, when attempting to drink, [Bee her certificate/) The people are beginning to understand, too that tbe various Syrups of Sanaparilla are little better than molasses, and that it ia madness to throw away money on articles which, under the most ftvorablo circumstances, do not produce any impression on the system until several gal ons have been swallowed. One bottle of Ur. Culleu's Panacea seldom fails to produce con viction in the minds of patients that a radical cure is certain. Thus hof, {io necessary, an afly to medi cine.] springs up at the outset, and the patient w cured before any other preparation could have made the slightest impression upon the disease I In fact, the twolve ounce bottles of Dt. Cul len'a Panacea, compared with the pint and quart bottles of other purifiers, are valuable about in the proportion of gold to copper. Those who w oule prefer a penny to a half eagle, on accoun of its size, would make a poor selection to sat ihe least. Sarsaparilla a good pontic:! Dr. Cuflcn's Panacea contains its oxtract in its most concc-i* tralrd form. Added to this are other extracts, more active and poweiful, and which efli-ct ill combination with tbe Uarsaparillo, what the Ist ter article, or combined with ihe most powerfn poisons, cannot alone accomplish. It has cured where everything else liad failed and this in a multitude of cases—not in Rutope or in the moon, (where so muny great cures have been performed.) hut ill Philadelphia and other palta of the union. And he it distinctly understood that wo do not obtain our extracts by "holing 400 gallons down to one," it being known to oveiy druggist's apprentice lhal boiling destioye the essential virtues of medicinal plants and mots. ROVVAND & WALTON, Proprietors, Wholesale and retail, No. 21 North SIXTH street; or E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; M C Grier, Danville; Peler Ent, Light street, Rickets ami Stewart, Oraimevilie ; Cyrus Barton. Espytown ; J Schmick, Caltawissa; M G Shoemaker, Buekhorn. ASTROLOGY.^-- THE CELEBRATED Dr. C. VV. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology Astronomy Phrenology, and Geomancy, com bined with CONJURATION from Sweeden, office No. 6 White Street New York City, of (Via his service* to the citizens of Dloomshurg. He has been consulted by all the crownsd heads of Europe, and enjoys a higher reputation as on Astrologer than any one living. Nativities cal culated according to Geomancy—Ladies $3 Gentlemen $5, Persons at a distance can hav their nativities drawn by sending the dafo of the day ef their birth. All letters containing the •hove fee will receive imimnltate attention, and Nativities gent to sny pat tor the world written on dura tile-pa per; and he is prepared to make use of his power by conjuration on any of the following topics; Courtship, advice given for the successful accomplishment of a wealthy mar riage/ he has the power to redeem such fas aro given to the free use of the bottle ,• anu for all caea of hazard, and for the recovery of stolen or lost property, and the purchasing of lottery tick eta. Thousands of the above named cases have been donr in this city and its vicinity, and in the United States, to the full satisfaction of all. 10,- 000 Nativities er Horoscopes have been cast du ring the last four years while hce. Letters will answer every purpose, and will do ss well as to call in person, and the moil is now so safe that persons need not fear to trust money through the Post Office. Dr Roback receives from 500 to lUOO letters monthly, and has never missed one. Ml letters will be religiously attended to, if prepaid. For more paiticulnrs call nt the office of the "Slarof tho North," and get an Aslrolo. yical Almanac gratis. C. Wi RpBACK, Na, 6 White street, New York City. Uo particular to mention ths Post-office coun ty snd State. VII communications kept rclig. ously secret. , Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comoany, have appointed tho undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia county. The Company is in good credit,and is conducted upon sound principles. Persons insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, but without any individual liability for the tones or expenses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of effecting an insurance upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg. CHARLES U. BUCKALEW. May 22, 1850. A NOTUEK SCIENTIFIC WONDEU 1 PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baron Licbig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pn. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric. Juice. See Advertisement u another column. Wonderful News 1 Just received ar.d for sale by the subscri ber a "Journal of the sufferings and hardships of Parker H. French's Overland Expedition to California, which left New York city May 13 1850, and landed at San Francisco Dec. 14," by William Miles of Cerlise, Pa. All lovers of California news, will call soon and buy, as we have but a few copies of this highly iuteresting work on hands. JOSEPH SWARTZ. May 22, 1851- BLANKS!! DEEDDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPtENAS, and JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper and desirable forms, for sale at the Ofice the "Star of the North." Fnucy Paper* Envelopes, Pens, Int, Writing sand. &c. ean be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWARTZ, STATE ntrrvAii FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Hariiibborg, PA. (luruiw Capital over SIOO,OOO Surplus Cash ** 25,000 Company baa been doing businesa V about ten montba and has accumulated t.n earned capital of over 0126,000 above all lasses and expenses with a surplus of ovei £25,000 on hand. The premiums are as low as any good and responsible company. The directors confine themselves to the sa fest class of properly, and no risk to exceed £2500 in one locality, (with a few excep tions.! The profits are wholly divided to the members, which offers (owners of sale prop erty.) inducements ever most companies in the State. DIRECTORS. John P. Rutherford, Jcrhn B. Packer, Albert J, Gillelt, Philo C Sedgwick, Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A. Carrier, Robert Klotz, J. P. RUTHERFORD, President, A. J. Gillett, Secretary. R. W. Weaver. Agent, Bkramstwrg. The Directors have the liberty to refer to the following gentlemen : Hon. A. L. RusseM, Secretary of Common wealth. Hon John Laporte, late Surveyor General. James A. Weir, Esq., Cashier of Harrisburg Bank. Robt. J. Ross, Esq., Cashier Dauphin Depos ite Bank. John M. Bickel, Esq , State Treasurer. A. J. Jones, Esq., P. M., Harrisburg. Col. Israel Painter, Canal Commissioner. Messrs. Jno. Wallovrer '& Son, Commission Merchants, Harrisburg, John li. Brant, Esq., Commission Merchant, Harrisburg. Bloomsburg, June 251h, 1851. Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S LITHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Large Rodlcs Only One Dollar. rho Proprietor of tlie Great American Remeiljr "VAUOIIN'I VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE, " induced by the urgent solicitations of hit Agents, throughout the Uuited States and Canada, lias now Eoduced the Price or his popular and well known article; and from this date, henceforth, he will put np but one size only, —his quart bottles:—the retail price will be ONE DOLLAR. The public may rest assured that the character of the Medi cine, its strength, and curative properties WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED, and the same care will be bestowed in pre paring it as heretofore. % As this medicine, under its minced price, will be purchased by the e who have not hitherto made themselves acquainted with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that his article is not to be classed with the vast amount of " Remedies of the day ;** it claims for itself a greater henling power, in all di.teaeet, than any ether preparation now before the world ; and bos sustained itself for eight years by its superior medical virtues, nnd, until this redaction, commanded double the price of any other article in this line. NMCS PARTICULARLY, this article acts with great hear iug pewer and oertainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Langs and all other organs, upon the proper action of whieh life and health depend. This innitisi— bos a justly high repute as a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, nnd all diseases of that nature. It may he relied upon w hen the intelligent phyricitn has abandoned his patient, —and for these digressing diseases, more especially DROPSY, the propri etor would earnestly ar.d honestly recommend It. At its present price It is easily obtained "Jy RJ, and the trial will prove the article to be tiie Cheapest Medicine in the World! rr Plcae ask for pampMfets —the agents give them away they contain over sixteen pages of receipt*, (in addition to fill medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and whict will save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers. Tliceo receipts arc introduced to make the (took of great value, aside from its character as wu advertising medium for the medicine, the testimony In favorer which, in the form of Uium i*om li parte of Uia country, may be relied upon. C3F" '* Vaughn's Vegetable l.ithontriptio Mixture" —the Great American Remedy, now lor sale in quart bottles at $1 each, small bottlos at 50 cts each. No small bottles will be iaeuod after the present stock is disposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Street, G. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON & CO.. 127 Maiden Lane, New York City. N. R,—All letters (excepting from agents and dealers witn whom lie transacts businere) must bo post paid, or no attention will he given to them. AGENTS.—E. P. LUTZ, Bloomsburg; O. F Moore, Danville; Jno. W. Friling, Sun bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland ; John Shartless, Caltawissa ; J K Millard, Espv town ; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert- Beach Haven.Oct. 31, 1850.-ly New Spring and Summer Goods. rjIHE subscriber announces that he has just received and opened a new and general assortment of Spriug and summer Goods, at his old stand on Main street, to which he invites the attention of every person desiring ©©<2>ls) Attn CHEAP GOODS. His stock includes LAWNS, GINGHAMS, SILKS, & PRINTS of all stylos and prices; and he has a care tully selected slock of CiiShaaaDdlsSo G-ROOEB.XES, CEDAR WARE, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS If SHOES, Hosiery mid Gloros. which he will sell at the lowest prices for cash ot country produce. GKORGE WEAVER. Blocmsburg, April 30, 1850. .llf.\l>L\ll.lLL Si MENSCU HAVE JL'ST DECEIVED AND OPENED A NEW STOCK Ol'Spring and Suinuic r CE> <3D £53 523 a Which they offer to their old patrons and new ones at the best of bargains. They can be found at their old stand on Main and Market streets, and their stock will be found to be selected with carc, and to embrace every kind of gocds fashionable and de sirable for the season. They have Ftench, English and American cloths, cassimercs, satinets and jeans for men's wear, and a va riety of Lawns and Gingham's of the most fashionable styles for ladies. They have also, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Cedar ware, Hats and Caps, and, in short, every thing usually kept in a country store. cy Call and see that we do sell cheap for cash or country produce. Bloomsburg, April 23d, 1851. THIS WAY GENTLEMEN. RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi izena of Bloomsburg in general and his old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, that be has again opened his tai lor-shop where he will be pleased to furnish the best of clothing, cut according to the la test fashions, and made in the best manner. He receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain that hi* work will look well and wear bet ter. His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg next door below Lutz's Drug store. In pay for work, he will take cash, store order, or even GOLD DOLLARS, Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850. Vow (be Cere ef COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND OONBUMPTION. In offering to the community this juilly eel ebrsted remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it it not our wish to trifle with the Viva or health of the afflicted, but f-ackly to ley be fore them the opinions of distinguished men $ some of the evidence* of its succers, fro which they can judge for themselves. We sin cerely pledge ourselves to make no wild asscr lions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold not any hope to suffering humanity which fao's will not warrant. Many proofs are here given,and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all we publish, fee lingastered they will find them perfectly rrlia Me. and the medicine-worthy the;r best ccnli dence and patronage. PROP. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin ol lege, Maine, i Writes—"l have witnessed the efferts of your 'CHERRY PECTORAL* in my own family I and that of my friends, and it gives mo satis faction to stu'.e in its favor that no medicine 1 have ever known has proved so emiuenlly suc oessful in curing diseases of the throat and lungs." REV. DR, OSGOOD Writes—"That he considers 'Cherry Pectoral' the best medicine for Pulmonary Affections ev er given to the public,' and atatcs that "his daughter after being obliged to keep the room four months with a severe settled cough accom panied hy raising of blood, night sweats, and the attendant symptoms of Consumption, com menced the use ef the 'Cherry Pectoral,' aud had completely recovered," EX—CHANCELLOR KING, f New ork says. "I have been a great suffer er with Uronehetis, for the use of the 'CriMinr PICTOHAL' have continued to lie so for many years to come, but that lias cored mc und [ am happy to bear testimony to its cfi. cacy," From such testimony we ask the public to judge for then-selves. HEAR THE PATIENT, Dr, Ayer—Dear Sir; For two years I was fflictcd with a very severe cough, accompanied V spitting of blood and profuse night sweats. y the advice of my attending physician 1 was nduced to use your Cherry Pectsral, und con tinue ito do so till 1 considered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to your preparation, JAMES RANDALL, Hnmdcn ss. Springfield, Nov. S7, 1848, This day appeared the above named James Randall, nnd pronounced the above statement true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. PonTiAsn, Mo , Jan. 10,1847. Dr. Ayer; 1 have been long afflicted with Asthma which grow yearly worse until last au tumn, it brought on a cough which confined me in my chamber; and began to assume the alarm ing symptoms of consumption, 1 had tried the best advice md the best medL'ne to no purpose, ! until I used your Cherry Pectoral, which has j cured mo, and you may well believe me. Gra'e ullv yours, J. D. PHELPS, If there is any value in the judgment uf the wise, who speak from sxperience, here is a med icine worthy of the public confidence, Prepared by J. C. flyer, Lowell. Mass., Sold by E P rfUTZ, Bionmsbnrg A B WILSON, Berwick Jan, 10,1851.-4 m. AN ADVERTISEMENT THAT APPEALS TO THE SOUND SENSE OF TIIE COMMUNITY. Standard Medicines, The following unequalled series of Family Mrdieincs may be depended npon with the ut most confidence, They have the approbation of the best physicions in tho country, and are recommended by all who have used them as superior to any family medicines known, 'l'hey have been been before the Public For Five Venri, during which time more than 5,000 certificates have been teceived from emi nent public men and others, end are now on file in the Company's Office. Tliey tire Compounded with the ut most care and skill, and tho ingredients are thor oughly tested by scientific chemists, so that medicines of a uniform and reliable quality are guaranteed in sll cases. Tho Oriefenberg VEGETABLE PILLS, Are par ticularly valuable for Ihc prevention and cure of Fevers in general, ill Billious and I>iver Com plaints, Jaudice, General Debility, Common and Kick Headache, Dyspepsia, Heart Bum, Cos tiveness, Griping, Urinary Diseases, Obstruc tions of the Menses. Influenza, Asthma, and for a variety of other Chronic Diseases; in Ufin for all ordinary family uses. Full directions for the various Disea ses accompany each box, Price 25 cts. a boar. The Grnefciihrrff Dysentery Syrup. A speedy arid infallible remedy in Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux. Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and tho Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the first symptoms, viz . vomiting and diarrhoea. It never fails to cure the worst possible cases of bowel complaints, generally in a few hours, seldom beyond a day. It is Puicly Vegetable, at d taken in almost any quantity is peifectly harmless. Tho Giaefeubeig Green Mountain Ointment- Invaluable for Burns, Wounds, Sprains, Chillblains, Corns, Sores, Swellings of all kinds, liheumstism, Erysipelas, Bronchitis Scrofula, I leers. Pains in the Side and Hack' immediatey relieved, inflammation of the Bow els, and for all casoa where there is inflammation- TIIE GRAEFENBERG MANUAL OF HEALTH. A Complete hand-book of medicine for fami lies. Price 50 cents. Offico 314 Broadway, N. Y CAVTION. Tho public is requested to hear in mind that every thing prepared by the Graefenbeig Com pany has their seal upon it. Spurious articles have been issued closely re sembling the genuine in every particular except the seal, and the utmost care should be observed befoie purchasing. AGENTS,— Thomas Ellis, and E. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; Benjamin Bri ber, Cattawissa, Peter Ent, Light Street. Bloonttburg, Jan. 23, 1851-6 m, TAILORING IN LIGHT STREET JAMES SMITH Invites'the attention oi the fashionable in Light Street to his stale of cutting garments He makes them in the best and most tasty manner, and can can ensure satisfaction in his warkroatiihip. He receives the latost fashions, and when cutting onlp is desired, the work is marked carefully for the maker. EVAII kinds of country produce taken exchage for work. Light Street, Feb. 14, 1850. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC VI'ONDER IP 3E E> B a sr 8 THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR ISa A Grent Dyspepsia curer, Prepared frcfn RENNET, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, BY J. 8. Houghton, M. 0., Nv.ll, North Eighth Streot, Phila delphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Tndi gestion, Dyspepsia, Jaudice. Lirer Com plaint, Constipation, and Debility, Curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. t y Half a spoonlul of this Fluid, infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Poundi of Roast Serf in about two hours, out of the stomach. DIGESTION, Digestion is Chiefly performed in the .stomach by the aid of a fluid which freely exudes from the inner coat of that organ, when in a state ol health, railed the Gastrio Juice. This flujfi is the Great solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula ting Agent of the stomach and inteostinee. Without it there will he no digestion,—no conversion of food into blood, and no nu trition of thfe body; brrt rather a foul, torpid, painf'il, and destructive condition of the whole digestive apparatus. A weak, half dead, or injured stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, and hence the dis ress and debility which pr.rtJ. PursiN ASU RENNET.— Pepsin is the ehiv element, or great Digesting Principle of tho Gastric Juice. It is found in great abun dance in the solid parts of the human stom ach alter deith, and sometimes cause® the stomach to digest itself, or eat itself up. ft is also found in the stomach of animals, a* the ox, calf, &c. It is the material used by farmers in makirg cheese, called Rennet, the effect of which has long been the spe cial wonder of the dairy. The curdling of milk is the first process of digestion. Hen net possesses astonishing power. The stom ach of a calf will curdle nearly one thdu sand times its own weight of milk. Baro Liebig states that, 'One part of Pepsin dm solved in sixty thousand parts of water, wil digest meat and other food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, we quote the following SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! BAHON LIEDIU, in his celebrated work on nimal Chemistry, sii ys : "An Artificial Di estive Fluid aualago us to the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the nucous gmembrane of the Blomach of the Call, which various articles of food, as meat anil eggs' will be softened, changed, and diges ted, Just in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Pereira in his famous treatise on "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers & Wells, New York, page 35. stales the same great fact, and describes the method of prep aration. There are few higher authoritiea than Dr. Tereira. Dr Combe, in .his valuable writings on ihe "Physiology of Digestion," observe hnt "a diminution of the due quantity o he Gastric Juice is a prominent and all pre ailing cause of Dyspepsiaand he slate, that "u distinguished professor of medicine in London, who was severely afflicted wi h this complaint finding every thing: else to fail, had recourse to the Gastric Juice, ob tained from the stomach of living animals which proved completely successlul." Dr. Graham, author of the famous work on "Vegetable Diet," says : "it is a remar kablo fact in physiology, that the stomachs of animuls, macerated in water, impart to the fluid the properly of dissolving various articles of food, and of effecting a kind of artificial digestion of them iu no wise dif ferent from the natural digestive process." Dr. Simon's great work, the "Chemistry of Man," (Lea & Blani-hard, Phila., 18-fti, pp. 321-2): "The discovery of PEPSIN lo ms a new era in the chemical history of Di gestion. From recent experiments we know that food is dissolved us rapidly in an artificial digestive fluid, prepared from Pep sin, as it is in the natural Gastric Juice it sell." Professor Dunglison of the Jefferson Col lege, Philadelphia, in his great work on Hu man Physiology, devotes more than fifty pages to an examination of this subject. His experiments with Dr. Beaumont, on the Gastric Juice, obtained from the living hu man stomach and from animals are well knowr.. "In all cases," he says, "digestion occurred as perfectly in the artificial as the natural digestions." As a DVSI'KPSIA CUREU, Dr Houghton # preparation of Pepsin has produced the most marvellous effects, curing cases of De bility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and dispeptic Consumption, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is imposs ble lo give the details of cases in the limit of this advertisement —but authenticate certificates have been of more than two hun dred Rcmnrlcable Cures, in Philadelphia, Net# York, and Boston alone. These were nearly all desperato cases, and the euro# were not only rapid and wonderful, but per manent. It is a great Nervous Antidote, and par ticularly useful for tendency to billious dis order, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and tho ev il effects of Quinine, Mercury , and other drug upon the Digestive organs, after a long sick ness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost rec onciles Health with Intemperance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. — There is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which no does not seem to reach and remove at one it NQ matter how bad they may be, it givee Instant Relief I A single dose removes als the unpleasant symptoms, and it only needs to be repeated, for a short time, to make these good effects permanent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body, follow at once. It is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea Vomting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold state of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowress of Spirits, Despondency, Emanciation, Weak ess, tendency to Insanity, Suicide, &c. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. One bottle will often eflect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS, ty Sent by Mail Free of Postage. For convenience of sending lo all parts o the country, the I igestive Matter of the Pep sin is put up in the form of Powders, with directions to be dissolved in water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just the same matter as the bottles, but twice the quantity for the same price, and will be sen by mail, Free of Postage, for One Dollar sent (post-paid) to r,r.l S Houghton, No 11 North Eighth street Philadelphia, Pa. Six packages for five dollars. Every package and bottle boars the written signa, ture of J 8 HOUGHTON, M P., bole Propria, tor, , Sold by agents in every town In the Vnf ted States, and by respectable dealers in Medicines generally. Ageuts for Bloomsburg, JOHN R- MOV* EK, K, P. 1.UT7,. Books! Books!! Joseph Bwarti! has just received a new lot of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical] Miscellaneous and School books, to which he invites the attention of the reading public of Bloomsburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers