A. W. WEAVSR, EDITOR. T>n4r, m, IMI. Method I* Madness. We have ever deprecated tbe abolition ex citements of the North becanse they Jgive ground for neonnter movement by designing demagogues of the South' The state of South Carolina has in it a class of aristocrat ic planters who manage to keop control of its politics by continually representing that the peculiai institution of slatrery is in dan ger, and that only tktir transcendani genius , and tact, can save the Commonwealth. A partial and unlair system of representation exista tMre, by which tbe mass of the peo ple ere disfranchised as voters; and which •is in fact worse thin the partiality of the French despotism of these days. Whenever it is proposed to correct these evils in the state government, the noble blood of the well bred planters rebels, and they raise a hue and cty that the reformers among them are red republican emmisaaries of the North ern abolitionists, and mean to let all (ha slaves of the state loose to deeds of riot and butchery. They paint vivid scenes of car nage and bloodshed to the tender imagine lion of the affrighted slaveholders—the slaveholders shudder and cry "amen,-"' and ihe cunning 6leek, "agitators" are again elected to all they desire. They bestride the question of slavery for a bobby on which to ride eternally into offiee, juet as the fans, tics of the North are continually harping upon the subject of abolitionism, and know of no other question in political economy. By this means the Southern Hotspurs keep control of their state politics, and of what is more material to them—their state treasury. They get their minds so distorted that they see every thing as subservient only to one question, and forget the great political di visions of the country ; for political princi ples these men have none, since they are deither Democrats nor Whigs in their poli tics, but a mongrel race of half breeds. The two great political divisions of these times are the only natural ones and all others, though they .may become necessary, con only be temporary. But we are pleased too see a good thing come out N of Nazareth in these days. A South Carolina convention has lately been in session at Charleston, and the voice of reason and patriotism has been heard there, -even among the clamor of passion and sel fishness. From lha second days' procee dings we make a gratifying extract. "On re assembling, a letter from Langden Chafes was read, excusing his non attend ance. He deprecates separate Slate action, thinking that one State cannot stand alone in the midst of her sister States; he recom mends forbearance and conciliation, and ine Democracy or me country, m info, un> Democratic party, under Jefferson, saved the South from the Federalists. Circumstances now are similar, except that the object of the old Federalists was strong but honest government, while that of their successors was animated by abolition principles and frenzy of fanaticism. He advised the Dem ocratic pally to put forth their strength, as it embraced 'great strength. Southern States, even Southern Whigs, are Democrats, though accidentally placed in a false position by the Whig party, (f the Democrats aim vigorously, the South will triumph He be lieves Georgia and Virginia will lake new counsel, ana be governed by old principles, &c. He advises tbe question to be put to tbe polls, and tee whether the people will submit to subversion of rights and present degradation of the South. He thinks the yesult nol questionable. Jfe says he understands the Convention will act more laijjely than waß first suggest ed; if so, he thinks action will be unfortu nate, as each State will be divided into factions, and present unso' m ' l y destroyed ; 'if South Carolina be wise, sb* will wait on ' her sister States yet a while lobger; let her be prepared to act. but leave othe'.' States to take time 10 deliberate and deternMne for themselves; let Sooth Carolina be to join other States; but she cannot 50 forward without injuring her own and the common cause; things holding so many conventions an error; organized power of ' Government is the safest ground for reliance. Concert between State Governments is great; ' the want of the Union of the South was virtually nullified by not oalliug them earlier into action. Concert ia best attained by legislation and the executive functions of their respective governments. The letter was laid on the table and or dered to be printed. Tuvcru Licences. A mistaken impression exists to some ex tent that tavern keepers are not allowed to do any business on the Sabbath. But tiie order which ihe Courts of most counties have lately made on the subject is only meant to prevent tippling, and to keep pub lic bouses from becoming the resort of the I idle, the profligate and the profane. To stranger and the weary wayfaring roan tbe - tavern is still to be a home, and to these the - landlord's duty ia to furnish food and drink vSS may be reasonable. tln Ban HEALTH —We learn that Dr Mills' -who has been in confinement in the Dau ,phin couaty prison for nearly two years, con • viotedef seduction, Ac., is in very bad ' health this Spring -. probably in the incipient -etegewf consumption. Neither tbe confine ment, or avocations of the prison appear to .agree with him.— Exchange. This looks very mnch like an attempt to let Mr. Mills loose again, and we should not be surprised if there was now a petition be fore the Governor asking even for the vil lains' pardon. Nothing is strange or won derful in these days. The new three cent pieces have been coined and issued by the Philadelphia. They are about the size of u five cent piece, though thinner. On one aide they are circled by 4he words "United States of America, 1861," with a siagia Mar filling the centre, and on which ia the nsoal representation of the aitie'ld. Da the reverse aide ia the circle ol stare, with a large Gwiiolosing IK. 17 A Catholie priest, 110 years old preached at Dayton, Ohio, on Sunday week. THE GBAND FIBZLE, We publiah to day a full and correct report s of the farce in the court-house on last Mon* c day in order dial the people of the eouniy s may see what things ars done in their name. f It was a thing of froth and foam and then t fizzled out. If that was a convention, we j ehould like to know what is not a conven , tiou. If that harmonized discordant feel ings, We should like to know what would | create dissention and rancorous bitterness. £ If that fizzle vindicated the order, anion and , correct organization of the Democratic party, ; we shoukl like to see what would be called disorganization. ( A number of well meaning men and sound ; Democrats bad beeu persuaded that the late , action of the Standing Committee in appoin- , ting delegates was wrong as a precedent, ; aud they came to correct those proceedings, , ■hut had no intention of making different ] nominaliortftpet least a majority of tbe dele- t gates felt so. But when they saw that the , farce was an attempt to convulse the whole , county to carry out the petty spite and pri- ( vote griefs of two or three men who had , been disappointed in their pursuit <Jf. office, , tbe well meaning men of the convention ( refused to lend themselves to any such base purposes. They desired not to see the par% , distracted and torn to pieces to gratify th#', revengeful feelings of two or three embitter ed men, and they in all manliness retired , from the communion of men who, amid dis- , gusting profanity, cried out "let us quarrel." ( They were men who desired the union har- ( mor.y and success of the Democratic party, | and having been made to believe that th e , party had necessity for a convention they were willing to do duty either behind the cart ( pushing, or in harness. But they refused to | be made the menials and tools of self-ap- ( pointed lask-mastets who insisted upon walk ing alongside with the lash. And when ( they saw the attempt to make them the in strument of dissention and quarrels in the ' party to gratify private disappointment, they ' left the tesponsibility of quarrelliDg with those who deserved and claimed it. 1 The proceedings show thft there were only delegates with credentials from six townships out of lb# eighteen in the county, i and that the main proceedings were oiiy acted i upon by seven delegates, of which numbpf ; only fbur (those from two townships) Jlad . presented credentials The seven .acted without a Secretary and three ot the Pleiads were chesen confrees. As to the attempted attack upon Mr. Roat, by those who imagine that he has had more influence and charaoter to keep them out of office, than they have to get in; such a con fession can do Mr. Roat no harm, and we should rot be surprised if he felt thankful to hia maligners for the compliment—at least, if the facts are as they imagine, which we do not know. A Picture of English Politics. The present political history of England furnishes some very instructive facts. The protectionists there are making a desperate rAru' otuuicy utiu ixiw lirxci aiwAnttßAq* every nerve for a majority at the next ses sion of pari iament. At Boston an election was lately held, which may give us some view of the condition of things in the debt ridden kingdoms. The monopolists and landlords got up Mr. Freshfield, a solicitor to the Bank of England, as their candidate. The traders and workmen had for their can didate Mr. Wire who took no part in the proceedings, having retired previously, on the ground that, without resorting to bribery, no candidate could sucoeed. The result was 368 votes for Freshfield, and 351 for Wire. The downtrodden toilsmcn saw that they had been deceived, and sold like cattle, in the market. Much rioting took place at the declaration of the poll; and the proceedings proved that the strongest feeling exists among the labor ing classes in this great agricultural district against protection. The free trade leaders endeavored to persnade the mob to disperse. The riot act was read at half past six o'clock but the mob increased. Beer was brought into tbe far part of tbe market place, with a view to lure the people away from the neighborhood of the Assembly-rooms; but the barrels were stove in, and the beer upset on the stones. The military were sent for at half-past 8 o'clock; the erowd still con tinued to clamor for " cheap bread" and the "large loaf;" and burning tar barrels were paraded about the town at 10 o'clock. The mob began to disperse at eleven, and at 13 o'clock Mr. Howden, civil engineer, and Capt. Wilkinson, both free traders, escorted Mr. Freshfield unharmed across the Market Place to tiis son. The 'populace had dis. perssd by one o'clock, and at a quarter to four, when the soldiers arrived, under tbe comman'd of Capt. Sibthorb, the streets wore perfectly quiet. Tha Tory print adds that eighteen ot the ringleadeis of the riot were arrested and lodged in Bridewell. The ragged and half starved men of mis rule and poverty, are of that class described by an American traveller who one day met one of them in London begging for tome thing to turn his hand to ; for if he had begged amid the gorgeous palaces of London ■ for a paltry pittance of money, for " cheap ' bread" or '• the large loaf," |us woold have been cent to Bridewell. The American , asked him if he had any children. "No,'' was the reply of this child of poverty, " I i had two but thank God they are dead 1" t And then England sends over her pen • sioned minion* to teach republicanism to • America ; and, with lengthened visages, to - read us a homily on our national sins in permitting slaveholder* to liv* in our lead. Tbe creatures of British bondage are sent n here to teach Americans tbe tru* doctrine* £ of Freedom! Men, sprung, perhaps, from the loin* of those who led the British armies y against American freemen in the oontest tor American liberty are sent here to be our >n political guide*! Th* abolition profligate 16 George Thompson is sent as emmissary to jf enlighten American statesman on the ques tions of political economy! j, Of It is slated that Mrs. Forrest ha* de , tcrmiocd to appear on tho stage next fall n. oim. mi— lalvery Convention which was lastweek in B scion at Syracuse, New York. Among be prtioii>enls were Fred. Douglass and lev. Mr. Ward, (eolorod) and Messrs. Gar ison, Quincy and Parker Pillsburg (white.) Mr. Garrison in hie speeoh said: The atUe of Bunker Hill was a lawless and die uderly affair, and the revolutionary sires vere denounced as disorderly seditious fcl ows. Mr. Qulncy said that for his own part he ipuld noi help being ashamed of being born n this oountry, and he was sorry mat he res not born in England. This man has leaped up wealth and become a citizen of nfluonce under the growing greatness of the American government. The laws of the and have protected bis personal liberty and hrown a shield arouud bis property that nade it inviolable and sacred. What! be somplain of servitude in the land! Let him jo then where bis heart is—to the debt rid • ten land, where the sqsallid children or oil and bondage dig and delve and starve in ilth and nakedness. Let him go where the white man begs only for some menial ser rice that he may earn a crust of bread whore men thank God when their obildreu |je young, and where women are harnessed, beneath the lash of the overseer Insde odo the drudgery of besets. Let him st ince 'take up his bed and walk' for England >r—a horse pond. Perhaps then hie ardor or a of corrupt prelates and lobles will dampen a little. Parker Pillsbury said" The monument >f Bunker Hill and all our monuments are iea. die said that when L a fugitive ilave {p dragged in view of it and, Iragged into slavery, it must be a lie ; and he revolution is a failure and a lie. Massa :husetts is dead and buried, and let the sorrupt Legislature of State plaoe the Bun ter Hill Monument the head-stone of her ;rave, and Plymouth Rook at the feet." 1 Frightened them. . Our article of two weeks ago upon the subject of the Danville frauds, has fallen in die camp of the besoiged like a bombshell, nd seams to have caused quite a fluttering among the Volscians. The Wilkesbarre Ad vocate gives out deep tones of alarm., and the Danville Democrat takeß a broad issue upon the facts which we give. As to cal ling hgrd names, any ftshwoman can do that, and we do not allow our equanimity to be disturbed by such things. The tacts in our paper were prepared trom the testimony in the case, as accurately ta kon down by the counsel for the contestant, who is a gentleman of ability and intelli gence ; and our version is hence more likely to be reliable than any loose recollection of Mr. Cook. We give to day an extract from the testimony to corroborate what we have said, and when the whole evidence in the case sliall be published we are willing to Advocate seerffa hurl by a casual remdrk in a notice we eopiei noting the arrest of young Ottinger or charges of plundering t'ne mo.il in the Phila delphia Post Office. VVe repeat the tone o the article. After '.he Vicksburg mail wai found concealed i*j the ololhes of the clerk, it was not prop.er,to allow him to continue his business >.n the office until an mvestiga tion was Yet this the public printslel us, fund, it is not denied-) the Postmaste did., and for this the ertiole censured him.— The other version of the story is that the criminal clerks in the offico regaided youni Ottinger as a spy placed in the office by hii | father to watoh them, and that they secretet the Vickaburg mail in bis coat to find a pre text for dismissing. We say both partiei should at once have been suspended fron service until after investigation. Coming Again. It wifi l bo remembered by those who at tended tho Williamspert Convention of las year, that from Blair county there were twe delegates claiming seats. Adam' Motes and Henry L. Patterson. This year the saint persons w.ill present a claim to be Senato rial delegate f.-om that district. Mr. Mosei has carried th# vote of hie own county and as Mr. Ma< ;rar of him a y ear a K° hopes not oioly like Moses of old to get i sight of the promised land, but to enter it and enjoy the good •things. Mr. Moses is uninstructed on the subjec of Canal Com muwioner. Mr. Pattecson ii instructed for Mr. Searighl, and both fo: Bigler. THK CONTESTED KLEC'.'ION .—On la*t Mon day further testimony was' taken before Judge Coopor in Danville at tb a iostanao of Mr Fullei. Wo have not yet beard what new facts were brought out. THE FA EM JOURNAL, NO. 2 has reached us and we rauat again comrruon d the work tc every farmet of this region- l't is the orgar of the State Agricultural Society, and meriti good patronage. We are glad to see Mr Spanglar likely to gain the mutoass which we wished to bis new enterprise • The Sullivan County Democrat groete ui this woek in a suit of new type, and givet every token of making it* mark .on th< times. It is printed by Messrs. M'ejder and Forster, and if it goes on in iu boa.'et path it will do its editors much credit. Tin article in it headed "Progressive Democra ej" we have marked to oopy, and it would do honor to men of wider fame than ocr Sullivan friend* The Sunbury Caeette eomoa to ua enlarged aqd improved, pieeenting matter too thai • cannot be excelled for soundness and im lerest. We are pleased at this token of Mr. Youiigtnen'c prosperity, and the mora so as his paper is among the most sound and truly Democratic ones of the state. 17* The landlords of Harrisborg keep theii bars closed on Sunday. The State Capito will be hauled away next winter —we guess rn .-- . CONVENTION. ▲ number of Democratic delegates from ipveral mwnsbips of Columbia met in jjoemaborg on Monday, May lWt, 1851. Mier waiting for a fuller attendance until 3 ('clock, and trying to determine what wae obe done, the meeting wae called to order n the oourt house, and the following offl ;ers chosen:—.. William J. Ikeler frsSMmf; Alfred How ill and A. W. Kline Esq., StcnUmrits. The following delegates then presented ;rfldtDtilbf. Beaver. Benton. Bloom—* John G. Freeze, Thomas J. Mor -11p,;,.-, M Briarcmk ' Cattawim —ltaao S. Monroe, Solomon Helwig. Fithingcreeh-^ George Mack, A.W.Kline. Qretnwood. Ihmlock —Senuel Schrock, Franklin Mo- Brule. Jatkton Mountpleaednt —Wm. J. lkeler, Daniel Zigler- Montour Maine Mifflin Orange —Alfred Howell, John Snyder. Boaringereek Sugarloaf—SXYthem Steeens, Levi Hess. When townkfllp was called, Mr. Freeze said that although no delegates had >een chosen for that township there where wo gentlemen here from there who could epresent it, and upon his motion Jacob less and Jeremiah Hagenbuch were admit ed as delegates. Charles F. Mann said that in Maine town ihip, he and Mr. Joseph Beam had been ihosen delegate!, but the officers of the election could not make out their credentials, 10 they bad come without. When Mifflin was called, Mr. Freeze 'aid the delegates from that township were ike those in Maine, and on hia motion iVilltam Kantner and Jacob Yoke jr., were idmitted as delegates. Mr. Freeze then for about half an tour against the aolion of the Standing Committee in lately choosing delegates to haState Convention at Harrisburg. He ar ;ued that such it course of conduct must b r, langerous as a precedent, and denounced it it leading to disorganization, and subve f. live of ail party discipline. In bis rr,m'4rk* Mr. F. said he was anxious to see ?,lr v Laza ■usgo to the Reading convention but as hat gentleman had only bne'j chosen by Columbia county, it would b.e neocessary to tare the concurrence r y < Montour in the matter, ano make of oar Representative ielcgato to Reading *, | ettgt . At the affered the following resolution : Jtoofesj, That the action of the Demo cratic Standing Committee of this county appointing delegates to the Judicial Conven '.ion was nut only premature but in direct contravention to the usagea of the party, ftrrma tic. tig-nr 1 tfaemiW* order and harmony, and calculated to take from the people their power to appoint and dolegale, and that this convention disap prove their action. Mr. Mack then said that whatever an) person might think of the propriety of the Standing Committee, he thought that oi action had now been had upon this subjecl by Luzerne county, prudence and a regart for the harmony of the party required thai there'sboulel be no dispute among us here and he would therefore offer a resolution ai a substitute for that before the convention He thought it proper and prudent that, ai the Harrisburg convention was soon to be held, this convention should ooucur in whai bad been done heretofore, for it was too late now to begin a bitter contesr when it was si easy to casreffi e error, if there was one As to Mr. Lazarus, he was chosen, sail Judge Mack, before Montour county had i separate existence and when it was yet rep resented in the conventions of Columbi. county and his right to a seat oould not b< questioned. Bot if Montour was tenacioui of a representative delegate to Harrisburg he thought the people of that county wculc be satisfied if their choice of Representative delegate to Harrisburg was confirmed, foi even this county seemed to couceda thu delegate to Montour, and henco on lha point the cnuntiea only differed as to men As to Senatoiial delegate, he dij not thini Montonr had any claim, more especially ai Columbia and Luserne had agreed tpor one man. He did not believe Mon tonr would any longer insist upon hei man for Senatorial delegate. Ashe did no wish to embarrass the action of Luzerne county hoped his substitute would pasi as the aciioir wt the convention. II wa. this : [Ruolvej, That this Convention approve! of the choice heretofore made by the Stand ing Committee of this county and concurred int>y Luzerne county of Wesley Roat ai Senatorial Delegate to the Harrisburg Judi cial Convention.] Mr. Freeze. It is out of order and cannoi be acted npon until mine is disposed of. Mr. Maek [To the Chair.] This resolu tion certainly is in order as an amendment to be ioserted after the word teeolved in the original, and I so offer it, first stri king out oi the original all after the word revolved. Mr. Freeae. The motion to adopt mine was seconded before yours was offered, sc yours is out of order until mine has beer disposed of. Mr. Monroe. Yes the motion to apopt i eat seconded before the other was offered and the first one is now in order. [There was here a general guffaw the spectators and delegates, and the Presi dent decided that the amendment was in or der. Mr. Freeze. Then I wish to say a fen words on the amendment. I am not like the gentleman on the other aide for oonca ding everything to Montour. Nay sir, 1 mean that Mr. Lazarus ihall be a delegate t< Reading. But he has only been ehosen bj this county, and wo wish to get the concur rence of Montonr. Afr. He Bride. Youare wrong thero There ware delegates from Montour on this floor < when Mr. Lazarus was chosen. 1 Mr.Frieu. {lnapoedivt air.] I say t Lhere ware not. 1 Mr. Mcßride. I think I know, for I waa i myself a delegate to that convention and 1 remember that delegates from Limestone, I Madison and Roaringcreek in Montonr eel be- i side me and voted. I Mr. Frtest. Ala not so. Several delegates, among whom Cgtrt Mr. 1 Schrock and Mr. Snyder. It is so. Several Spectatore. It is so. Yes, yes! . Mr. Freeze. Well, sir, I say it is not so. The gentleman talks of concurring in the Montonr delegates. Does he mean to give up every thing to Montour 1 Is ho serious or is this irony f Does this convention mean to give up every thing to Montour 1 I trow not.* The gentleman says it is too late to cor rect the error of the Standing Committee. Sir, it is never—never too late to do right. Sir, this reminds me ot an incident, in the great Fiench revolution. When Louis Phil ippe was flying for his life, and the revolu tion was in full blast; then, sit, was heard the proposition to establish a regency for the , young Prince, of Paris, and then, sir, came the voice ot the natioti crying out "It is 100 late.* And so here. Just so in this case. If it is now too late, when, sir, I ask—whan sir, in God's name, when will it be earlier 1 Will it be when disorganization shall be rampant? when all party usage shall be subverted? when the Democratic party it self sh ill be prostrate? Oh sir, will it be time then to correct gross wrong and error ? Will it not then be "too late." • 1 He did not wish to charge the Comtr*at\ee with bad motives, but their eonduct was un warranted—a usurpation of power, and would be most dangerous and disorganizing as a precedent, He hoped the politics of this county would uot be drivej rt l 0 9U ch a deplorable disgrace as tb of Luzerne. Mr. Freeze said he no charge to make against Mr. Roat, t jU t it was desired that the delegate should be a citizen of the county. Wis there no one else here to rep resent the District? Mr. Roat was now 130 mii'jg from here attending to his office ! A Young man out of the district I Must wa go to him, fall 4pwn before him and beseech Lira—"Ob !do thou represent us, for we hare no one else to seive us?" Has it come to this ? and are we so poor? Mr, Roat may have served the people of the county with some effect, but tbey too have helped him, and I think the two parties may about call it quilt and say to each other "I thank you, sir. Mr. Monroe said he thought there ought to be some further action to insure Mr. Laz arus his seat at Reading. Mr. Sproul was a man who could speak three words to Mr. Lazarus' one—he was accustomed to public speaking, which Mr. Lazarus was not; and he (Mr. M.) felt certain that Mr. Sproul had already seen two-thirds of the delegates to the Reading convention and got them com mitted for him. Mr Mn.-1 Bail! as to the charge of Mr. Jlolr tiffrfltnilgTi citizen xn tuc eimnxj , ■& desired only to say that Mr. R. was a citizen of the county—that he had a home in the county, and though now absent attending to his business, he designed again returning -to bis friends here. The vote was then taken on Mr. Mack's amendment with the following rasult Ayee, Messrs Kline, Mack, Mcßride, Schrook, Howell, Snyder, L. Hess, Ikeler, Zigler.—9. A aye, Messrs. Freeze, Morris. J. Hess, Hagenbuoh, Monroe, Helwig, Mann, Beam, Yohe, Kantner, Stevens—ll. The original resolution then being in or der, Mr. Mcßride moved to lay it on the table. The vote on this motion stood, Ayee, Messrs. Kline, Mack, Mcßride. Schrock, Howell, Snyder, L. Hess, Ikeler, Zigler—9. Nays, Messrs. Freeze, Morris, J. Hess, Hagen bucb, Monroe, Helwig, Mann, Yohe, Kantner, Stevens—lo. The vote was then takeu on the original resolution as follows : Ayes, Messrs. Freeze, Morris, J. Hess, Ha genbuch, Monroe, Helwig, Mann, Beam | Yohe, Kantner, Stevens—ll. Noys, Messrs. Kline, Maok, Mcßride, Schrock, Howell, Snyder, L. Hess, Ikeler, Zigler—9. [A; this point in* the* proceedings, the President, Mr. Howell one of the Secreta ries and a large number of the delegates withdrew, one saying he had beqn deceived in the object of the meeting, another that he would not stay to carry out the private spite of any man, Mr. Mcßride that the call had never been antborized by the Commit tee, and that he bad never allowed his name to be used to it. Finally, upon some fur ther talk and explanation, all the delegate; withdrew except Messrs- Freeze, Morris, Monroe, Helwig, J. Hess, Hagenbuch and Yohe. Mest of the delegates stood upon the court-house steps,and as the reporter ol these proceedings remained in the courl room he oannot know what passed outside, except that above the discuseion which was going on outside, the voice of Mr. Monroe was heard in earnest and loud tones en he exclaimed "No by G—d, I'm a Democrat I've stood behind the cart and shoved it long enough, and now by G—d I'm foiu' to come up an' walk alongside." When he came into the court-house he was toIU by the reporter of these proceed ings that it would have been batter for him and hie friends to have taken some pruden course, which would have had a tendency to reconcile differences of feeling, rathei than to drive off decent men in disgust that it eould usither proff*. individuals no the party to taisa a quarrel. To this Mr Monroe replied in a strain of remarks whiol we could not report all, but the first wo go down was "Let us quarrel,,' and the last wa: "I take the responsibility of quarreling b> U-d. When told that this was no place for con raising tfao whole party to pay oil privati grievances. Mr. Monroe replied, "No, this convention is made up of lht bono aud sinew of the county, and with th< cxecjHiou of myself not one - of therh !ta -."'.."1'-l -■ ver asked for an office " To this, with a a ugh, Judfe# Baldy replied, "Wall I we here's only four delegate* now inside the ailing, end three of them have been lately ipplioarte for office." There was now indiscriminate convers ion between delegates and bystanders, and ill were mixed up together. The only dele gates present were Messrs. Freeze, Monroe, tfohe, Helwig, J. Hess, Morris and Hagen juch. Several voicee. Well let's fieiah the business. —Who'll be President t Another voite. Let Mr. Yohe go up. Mr. Yohe. No, take an older man. After some consultation Mr. Helwig took the chair. On motion of Messrs. Freeze, and Monroe, he followiug resolutions were then adopted um con. Rteohtd That we concur in the nomina tion of the Hon. Wm. S. Ross as the Sens orial delegate to the Reading Convention [rem this District. Resolved That William Furry and Solomon rleiwig be Senatorial oonferees to confer with similar conferees from Montour and Luzerne counties and to select a Senatorial lelegate to represent this district in the Ju licial convention to meet at Harrisburg, and hat the conferees meet on Saturday the 94th jf May inst. at the house of Jacob Dyer in , Lattawissa. j Mr. Freeze. The great difficulty now lecms to be to get del'dgates for Mr. Laza ■us. 1 confess I don't much like to go, but is the others wont go I have drawn up this ; Resolves That Jacob Hess I DO out conferees To meet similar cqnferees rc'.n Montour county to choose a Represen tative delegate to the Reading convention, and also a Representative delegate to the Harrisburg Convention, and that they be instructed to support EmanuebLaxarus as the delegate to the Reading Convention ana they shall meet for that purpoee on Saturday the 24th inßt. at the house of Jacob Dyer in Cattawissa. The resolation was unanimously adopted. It was then Resolved That these proceedings be signed by the officers and published in the Demo cratic papers of the district. And the seven gentlemen adjourned sine die to the the American Houss, where all hands round, the reporter not excluded, smi led upon Mr. Monroe —over ihe left, and he bid us all an affectionate "good bye" as he left for Cattawissa. The crowd of six then quietly dispersed. Who has them > About a year ago a number of books were taken from our office which have never since been returned, and of which we are anxious to know the whereabouts. Those we euyiov think of were a copy of pearo, bound in gilt blue morocco with col oFSd edges. The edition had, we think, 1028 or 1056 pages. There was then ihe 6ih volume of Byron's works bound in and tU? - Beau ties of Irving, bonnd in green, stamped muslin. They may have been freely taken by some borrower who had access to our office, but our no tion of the matter is that they were stolen, and if they are not soon coming back, we shall be confirmed in that opinion. OF "THE HBIRS or DERWENTWAI tit," J G the title of a new work, just published by Deicitt If Davenport, New York. We are in_ debted to these gentlemen for a copy of this publication. Those who have perused it, say that the plot of the story is most skilfully conceived, and is carried out aa elaborately as it is developed clearly. The language is said to be terse and to the purpose. E. L. Blanchard, Esq., is the author. The English press have commended it as one of the best fictions of the day. Price 50 cents. RAUROAD CONVENTION. —The Geoagetown Railroad convention is postponed to the 3d of June next. IW Prudett Men lock up (heir motives, giving only their inmates a key. From the Public Ledger. The BlaMlllty of tho Colon. if we may believe all that daily appears in print about the dangers besetting the Uni on, said Union in the frailest of ell human fiailties. It can endure nothing. Like a sensitive plant, it shrink ß from tho slightest touch. Like a vane, it is turned by the sligh test breeze. Like e hare, it starts if a leaf talis; and like a rat, it runs if anybody sneezes. It was made by strong men; even the Washingtons and Franklin and Sher mans and Madisons of a former age ; and it waa made of good, stout, republican materi als. If a rotten thread were in it, that thread must have peen South Carolina or Georgia. But Georgia never gave way, and is now as strong as the rest. And considering tho ma terial and the makers, we have always re garded it as tough enough to endure any human pull. But we must have boen griev ously mistaken about its qualities, and it was not so well made, nor of such good tna-> terial, or those daily stories about its instabil ity must be entirely gammonoue. If a trader in New York loses a Southern customer by his stopping at Baltimore or Philadelphia, the Union is in danger. Or if another trader sustains a loss in a bag of cotton, the Union is in danger. If a negro dealer from Virgin ia cannot find hie man in Massachusetts, the Union is in danger. If eome stump ora tor is not elected to Congress in Mississippi, the Union is in danger. If some measure* ol State financiering is defeated in New the Union is in danger. If some State or Cornorktion atook bank tails anywhere, the Union is in danger. If some speouistor up on the treasury oannot get a fraudulent claim through one Q c the Departments at Wash ington, the Union js in danger. la short, whatever .happens in whatever plaoe, is . a blow at the stability of the Union. The last blow at the Union ef which we have read, and by far the moat formidable, is that aim ed by the British minister, in saying, in his late speech at or after the St. George dinner, that, the ancient Celts wore no pantaloons. In the memorial to the President of tho Uut ted States, apopted at the indignation meet ing lately held upon tho subject in New Yk, by pme citizens end denizens profes sing to b descendants of tho ancient Celts, an c.tocuiivo demand upon he British gov -*- —t- -—— dm meat for the recall of their minister vn requeued, because bis speech abou£ tho bare legs of ibeh ancestors not only vlelate* the laws of hospitality, and amounted to other high crimes and misdemeanors, bo* "endangered the Mobility of the Union." Has the Union got to that? Has h bee owe so frail, unstable, rotten, as to fail to pieces at the bare mention of a British wardrobe'* deficiencies in the days of Julius Cesser of Claudius ? Willlt crumble into fragment* st the slighest allusion to the kilt of Cues' beisunnt 1 ■ Then iet it go, for it is net worth saving. Let us have a new Union, brum new, made of new cloth, end strong as any pair of pantaloons ever worn by modem civilisa tion. And inatead of stars and stripes for it# ensign, and an eagle for its emblem, let M have a pair of corduroy breeches of plaidedt pantaloons for one, and a tortoise within it* shell for the other. Let said breeches Or p*a laloons imply that nothing is exposed ; end for fear of showing its legs, let not said tor toise crawl. Then the Union will not be in danger from the exposure of anybody'e an cestors, though they be laid bare from the beginning of the snout to tho end of tha tell. We are quite tired of this cry about the instability of the Union ; and as one of tha* press, we oall upon all the rest of the ganf who are not sold to some clique or party, to co-operate with us in stoppingit, or confining tt to the pntfy demagogues who usa it for some petty and ephemeral purpose, and among whomAt will be harmless. Had wo any fears for the Union, we would stop 'he cry from a higher motive; for then wa should regard it is sacrilegious. Bat regard ing the Union ae lounded on a rock too deep to be undermined, too elevated to be over whelmed, too broad to be shattered by any waves which faction or any other mode of wicked selfishness can raise, w wonld stop this cry, not bsoauso it is the rumbling of tho earthquake or the roar of the lion, but because it ts the yelping of the cur or the buzzing of the mosquito. It cannot terrify; it merely annoys. It raises rot iudignant anger; it merely excites contemptuous irri tation. The peity pest ha* plagued us long euough. It was quite contemptible before it got down to the vaporing* of the secess ionists. But when it gets to the bare legs of antiquity, Celtic or Saxon, Cimbric or Teu tonic, Goth or Vandal, it is at the lowest notch of absurdity ; and it is time, whea our laugh is out, to cry Enough! . Appointments hjr the Governor. Capt. Joseph Slocum to DO Associate Judge of the Count of Luzerne county, in place of Judge Koons, whose commission expired on the 23d ult. Eleazer Carey, Esq., has also been appoin ted by the Governor a Notary Public of Lu zerne. 17* The Hon. EPHRAIM BAMS, the recent ly elected Auditor General, and Hon. J. POR TER BRAWLEY, Surveyor General, entered up on the duties of their offices on Tuesday of last week. Mr. BANKS succeeds Gen. PUR nmi BDS MS. Suwiisr, Gen. LAVORTE- While we regret to part with the able and hfficient officers whose term of service has just ceased, wo congratulate the State upon the offices being so well supplied by able and efficient successors. Delegates Prom Bradford. Col. Gordon F Mason and Bartholoman Lapo.te, for the Reading Convention; onin structed, but favorable to Col Bigler, as the candidate for Governor. To the- Judicial Convention, David Wilmotand Ulysses Mer our, also uninspected. The Senatorial dele gates have not yet been agreed upon. BISHOP HUOHES.— The Cinncinr.ati Catho lic Herald asserts positively that Bishop Hu ghes has been made a Cardinal. Some doubt existing. - BANK or DANVILLE. —A dividend of 4 per cent, for the last six months, has been de clared by the Bank of Danvile, payable on the 16th inst. 17* They are boring for a railroad through the Hoosac mountain in MasadShusatts with a g|§at steam-auger. Two of Barnum's eleven elephants died on the passage from Ceylon 'to New York. 17* The names attached to the Webster call in New York city already exceed tea thousand. ____________ £7* The name of the Post Office at Ab ignton Centre, Luzorne oounty, Pa., has been changed to Waverly. REMEMBER —To him that wiUs to do, ways to accomplisn will seldom be wanting. - •• In Millon, o# the Bth inst., by the Rev. fohn J. Reimenstiydor' Mr. ABRAHAM LONQ, IO Miss JANE E. CLAYTON, both of Blooms burg, Columbia county. On the End inst., near Washingtonville, by ihe Rev. J. H. Ritteuhouse, Mr. SILAS WILLI VER, to Miss MARY ELLEN FRUIT, both of Madison lp., Montour co. On the Bth inst by Rev. J. S. Lee. DANIEL L. EVERIIART. to Miss MART. E. BIOWN, both of Light Street, Bloom township. DIED, In Cattawissa township, on last Thursday rooming, Miss ROSANNA BREISH, daughter of George Breish, in the 20th year of her age. In Montour township, on last Friday eight, Mr*. CATHARINE RFPERT, widow of the late Toter Rupert, aged 62 years, I* months. Near Washingtonville, on the Ist mat. Mrs. MART STRAW BRIDGE, aged 82 veers, and 4 months. liSlort" *ee."~ r phe undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county io marsh all the assets of the estate of John B. He* deceased, in the hande ef Jaoob D Kh.ie the Administrator, and make distribu tion of the same among the creditors of the Restate, wilUueudjo of hie ahJtookV M* wLh! y ° f esm*a dxt'"it ° i we hereby notified to Blnoip-burj, May 13. liM*,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers