Xl jiMlJjilL i IJJ J-iUILiIL-J IIUMB fflat of tlje Jfw% -J*i TELEGRAPHIC NEWS raox THE BiiOOwsmiiie opfk-e. For the Starrtftk* North." Hamatok, April tfilh.—A nw by^ leA am Wore crushed in a most shocking manner, besides several wounds on the body- Doctor S. Boos end several other physicians wen called in, but nothing could be done far the unfortunate youth. It happened at 7 o'clock F. M., and he lingered till three o'clock .ibis morning, when death put a pe riod to his sufferings Yours, J. W. C. Connecticut Election. New Haven, April 9.—The returns from all the towns in the Stale are now in, and show that the Whigs hare carried both bran ches of tho Legislature. They have very unexpectedly gained a State Senator in tho 9th District, and another in the 13th, which makes the Senate stand 13 Whigs to 8 Dem ocrats ; the House stand* 110 Democrats, 114 Whigs, giving a Whig msjority of 9 joint ballot, and securing to the Whig a U. S. Sen - ator and all lite Slate officers. The counties of Hartford, New Haven, Litchfield and New London, bava elected Whig Sheriffs, and Fairfield, Viddlesex, Windham and Tolland, Democratic Sheriffs. ' The Congressional delegation is probably equally divided. Charles Chapman (Whig) is elected in the First District, and most prob ably Thomas 3. Butler ro clotted in the Fourth. Iu the Second District, Colin M. Ingersoll <Oem.) has abom 280 majority. In the Third C. V. Cleveland (Dera ) is elected. Reception of Mr. Webster by the Unlou Men of Massachusetts. "Springfield, Mat*., April 9.—Tli* people of Springfield turned out en masse, without distinction of party, to meet Mr. Webster at the railroad depot, end to greet him as a Union man, on his arrival in the State. "'Lex ington'' made a call on the regulars through < a hand bill. The Union men were there, end such an entliusiartic assemblage never came together on such an occasion. Spring field has done her duty to the Union, and ever will. Boston, April 9.—-The lion. Daniel Web stcr arrived here, from New Yoik, lu-t eve ning, and proceeded to MarsUticlJ. lit- look ed very feetlg. Excitement la'Dickinson College. Carlisle, April 14.—'There is great excite ment in Dickinson College, between the students and the faculty. Nino members of the Junior Class have been suspended and fourteen dismissed, fot insubordination. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. flour arid Meal —The market fur Flour is quiet, sales light. Good brands are selling at 84 60. Sales extra brands at 94 62 a $6. Fancy brands are held at S>si u W. Rye Flour—U scarce at 83 60. Corn Meal —ls scarce; (3 for Penna. Grain—Wheat —Sales of Pennsylvania red at f'oo, and prime while at 81 04 a 105 cents. Rye— Sales at 70c. Corn—' The supply about equals the demand ; yellow commands 66c, O its —Sales at 46c. Whiskey —Sales of bbls. at 2lc and hhds a 1230. BonocGH ELCCTTO*. At an election held in. Berwick oh Saturday the l?th hist, the fallowing gentleman were elected to the res pective offices vix. Chief Buigcss —M. W. Jackson. Assistant Burgess —George Brobst. Toirn Council.— W. H. Wooden, C. B- Bowman, J. D. Thompson, K. B. Slcdman, Samuel Fowler. Borough Constable. —John Davenport. High Constable— George Fowler. BUte School Fond. SRCRSTART'S Orricv, j ilarriaburg, April Bth, 1851. j tb the Cffmmrnioneri of Columbia Co. GetirLiiMxbln pursuance of the thirty •econd section of an act entitled •' An Act lor the regulation and continuance of a sys tem of education by Common Schools," passed the 7tli day of April, 1819. 1 here with transmit to you a statemont of the amount jo which avery district in your coun ty is enniled. out of the annual appropria iiou oj $200,009, lor tbu school year 1852, us follows: airraivTs. .moot. nrrsicTt. >om Anthony 879,30 L berty 96,30 Reaver 39,64 Limeato ie .71,18 Bloom 248,24 Mahoning 77,42 Briar Cieek 121,82 Mt. Pleasant 59_6 J Centre 85,52 Mndi-cr. 161,71 <'atlaw'.sta 100,12jMaine !S,us Danville 290,41 Mifflin 01,64 Derry 76.44 Monftur 66,57 Fishing Cxai 53,27 Irange 101,12 94,il Soaring Creek 193,94 Greenwood 124,0? tnearlomf 116,92 Hemlock 118,89 /alley i)l Jackson 30,6:1 gC Respselfully your*, ' ■- A. L. RUSSEL, Superintendent of Common School*. ®°° RS! BOOI "i' BOOKS!! jr@sai*iE Announces to the reading world in goueral, and the good people of Bloomsburgh in par. ricqlar that be baa removed his Bookstore to the lower oornor of Biggs Brick Bloek oppo site the Court House, where he has a lull variety of Books for all manner ol men and women kind. He has all the popular , work: of tho day upon Morals, Religion, History Literature, Politics and Travel* ; and a gen eral selection of ill school books, English Classical, German and Frenph, Hi has alao a sweet lot of Confecttonarioa Toys And Jewelry. 8a that every kind of taste con be gratified by a selection of something from his stock 81oom4burg, April 19th, 1861. " A IVGH LOT OF JKMMKB, lUST1 UST received and opened at the Blooms- J burg Bopk Store by JOSEPH SWARTZ. Blcomsbvrg, April 15th, 1961. Ote'CDCJDaD3 f nv LIGHT STREET. PETER END Announces to ,lhe people of Stroot, r that he hasriust received and opened a splen- , did lot of new and fashionable , Spring and Summer GmJs, which he offers at rates that cannot fail-to * suit and please alt who wish at good chtuioe k for cheap purchasers. Ha has every thing usually kepi in "a country store, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard warn, Qoeenaware, Cednr Ware. Dress Goods and Fancy Goods, of styles to please all tasts, and 01 prices to ' suit alt purses. Call and see before the best ' is gone. j tV Country produce taken in pay, and cash not refused. ! Light Street, April 19th, 1851. j THE UNITED STATES j MOtTHLV LAW MAGAZINE, | Established la Jeaeary, 1850. This work, so well known to the profess- j ion, contains: I. Judicious essays upon legal topic*, tlia t most uselul and interesting to tho profession. , 11. Biographical sketches of distinguished j lawyers, now living, with well executed por- j trahs. I HI. Early notes of the more able and im- j portant decisions of the courts, in America aud Great Britain. IV. Monthly alphibetical digest of all ca ses ot general interest in the Superior Coons ( of law and equity, both in the United States ' and England, properly classified aud arrang ed for reference. V. Critical notices of new hooks, and a list of all new law publications—together with a record of the events of the month, ' and a general miseellaueous aurvey of sub- j jeetsot interest to the piofession as well at ' to the general reader. Terme of the Monthly Law Magazine. " Tho work is published regularly on 9 the j first of every mouth. Each number contains at least 104 octavo pages, printed in the best manner, oti superior paper. Twelve nam bers will make two solum'* of 1248 page*, lor which indexes and title-pages will be ] prepauid. The price of the work is FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable iu advance ; the ex tremely low terms on which it is furnished, make a strici adherence to this rule indispen sable. All moneys may be sent by mail, post • paid, at the Publisher's risk, and lite postmas ter's certificate will be considered sufficient evidence of the mailing of subscriptions. Postmasters are the publisher's only agents. AH letters must be addressed to JOHN LIVINGSTON, ' Editor and Proprietor, 157 Broadway N. Y.. GT The twelve back numbers, compri sing the first and second volumes, can be furnished. Ucudlng R. n. Passenger Trains mm SB. O OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA \ AND READING RAILROAD COMPA NY.—Philadelphia, March 29, 1851.—SUM- , MER ARR ANGEMENT, from Philadelphia ' to Pottsville. Two PassougersTrains daily , (Sundays exceptdd.) On and after April 1, | 1851, two trains will be run each way, dai | !y, between Philadelphia and Pottsville. MORNING LINE Leaves Philadelphia at 7| o'clock, A. SL, j j daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at t 7j o'clock, A. M., daily, except Sundays. , AFTERNOON, LINE Lenvcs Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, 1 except Sundays. leaves Pottsville at 3j o'clock,.daily, except Sundays. Fifty pdunds Of baggage will be allowed ! to each passenger in these lines, and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage hat their oVn wearing . apparel, which will be at the risk of its own . er. , By order of the Board of Managers. March 29, 1851. S. BRADFORD, Secreta ' "Y- I - A NEW WEEKLY MAGAZINE. The "North American Mlsccllaiy." Issued weekly, inelegant style, with forty eight large octavo pages, or two thousand four hundred and ninety-six a year, will bo delivered at the residence of each subscri ber, for SIX AND A QUARTER CENTS A . NUMBER. THE CONTENTS—Choice Miscollane ' ous Selections from tna current Literature of this Country and of Europe—comprising Historical aud other Hales, and Romances of high literary choracter. Sketches of the cele . braled Dead or Living, Essays, Anecdotes, Reviews. Poetry, Criticisms, Movements oi Distinguished Individuals, Current Events, etc- will be properly edited and selected. BY ISSUING WEEKLY we shall present our readers one, two aud three weeks earlier than we could do in a mothly form with the " most interesting selections from Foreign Lit 1 erature brought by every steamer. ; TIIK. ' NOKTn AMERICAN MISCELLA NY" will equal in tasteful appearance any * magazine published, and the four numbers a s inyclh, costing but 25 cents for the four, will * conlaiu a considerably larger quantity of reading matter than any other monthly in 8 America THE BEST ARTICLES WILL BE SE -1 LECTED trom all of the following publrca y lions, which sustain the highest character for g Literature, Humor and Wit, amouz the IV 2 liodicals of England, to which will be ad < 'led frequent origin Translations feom the J Literature of Franca sr.S uermani, a |[ Bev - tril weeks earlier than could be preseuleii . in a Monthly Publication. 7 OUR OBJECT in issuing weekly is that 2 our readers may receive the choicest seloc -4 tions from the curreet literature at short in -2 tervals, iu a form more elegant aud better I adapted to preservation than that of a news - paper. A. PALMER 6s C 0,., publisher*, - 111 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. TRIAL LISr—APIIL TERM, 1851, [l I. John -P. Leibriok, et al. vs. Perry Dean. 2. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Charles F. Mann, George Longenberger, John Fisher and George Miller, jr. 3. John G. Brenner and George C. Guyer. Executors of the last will and Testament of Frederick Beates, t>. Jonas Hariman. , 4. Lafayette Ke*aier, vs. Eiisha Hess. I I 5. Abraham B. Kline, adm'r. do bonis non, of Thomas Wildoner, dee'd., vs. Robert .° Lockard ij 6. Thomas Wilds vs. Wm. Hart. . 7. Sa'm'l Conner vs. Conrad Adams. 8. George Fredericks et al vs. Veniah Reese. - £ 9. Benjamin P,FricK et al. us. Charles F t Mann. ' 10. Pbiilip Crouse vs. Wm. Koons. 11. Wm. W. Cook, w. Wm. Eidgar and Jo ' uaa Roe. ' 12. Jaa. S. Campbell vs. John Doak id 19. Truman W. Hubble vs. David J. Wal ls. I*r. 14. John Doak & Son, vs. Daniel F' Sey - bert. 15. Lewis Enkie vs. Daniel Spottenberg, I- 16 George Shuman Is Rudolph Sbuman t*. Isaiah Khumar.. 17, Emory Ink vs. George Mack. 18. Samuel AcLenbach in Henry C. Fraas Eiecßlor'a Nolice. Estate <f Jacob Fox, lute of Cattawissa town ship,' Columbia County, dc d. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the above Estate have been gran ted to tno subscribers residing in the eiraa township. AH persons indebted io sahl estate are requested to settle their accounts and those having claims present them for te dement to WILLIAM FOX.) JAMra FOX. } FasoouUsn Catlawissa township, A|Kl 3th, 1851. vv ; ri Remaining in the Post Office at Bloom* burg, April Ist, 1831. Amer William Kelly William Appleman Miss S. E Kra nro Ephraim Brown Mrs. Mary Lewes J. Esq. Baker Charles Mummy Hester Butts James Morris L. O. Bowen James OthoatJohn A Cool Sarah E. Price O. Carrington Mate Pursell A. E. Divers Mary Propst David Deily Phinea Keazcr Jacob M. Flood John Robbins Eli Flagg G. W Seigfroid Isaac Froeman Mathew, 2 Scuyler J. W. Gibbson Francis Slack Henry Grigg* John S. Stuart John Hart Mr. S.ine John Knopping, G H. Trump Adam 2 Killer Mary E. Washburn J. S. Kuialo Jacob Williamaon Ja>. S. White Sarvh J. M. CHEMBERLIN, P. Mi * dfli nooi-s & SHOES. TUE LOWEST PUlCEsf^^^ ATOwawjs wnnis®sy Respectfully announces to nis friends and the public that he has taken the Boot and Shoe Store lately kept by Warren Russel, where he has always on hand and makes to order all kinds of Boots and Shoes at the following £ rices: , ' . len's fine calf or morocco boots, 84 a 4 50 do kip or now hide, 3 25 do calf i hoes 2 00 do ,covr hide I 75 do miners', nailed, 2a2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25 " Lace boots, 162 " Thick eoleu slippers, lal 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Jenny Liiule 125 a 150 "Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. He manufactures his work of the host of Block—warrants it to wear ; and is determined to sell it as low as*olhers can their Yankee or city work. Coll and see for yourselves, tlhop on Main St., next door below Hartman's Store. Bloomsburg, April Ist, 1851. A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. A good farm of 176 acres, in MoUntpleas ant township, Columbia county is ofiered lor sale upon fair terras. It lays along Fishing 'creek just opposite Light Slruet, and contains as good land as is found along the creek. About one fourth is wood laud, the remain der cleared and iu good state of cultivation. The improvements are a convenient and comfortable frame dwelling-house, a good barn, and other outbuildings. The land is believed to contain a valuable deposit of IKO.\ ORE, and the owner only agrees to sell it, because he cannot give his personal supervision to the property. It will be sold upon such lib eral and desirable terms as to make it a good, profitable, and cheap home. For the terms of sate inquire ,of R. W. WEAVER Agent. Bloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.—tf Steam Ifdn Railing. MORE AND GALLAOHEIi, Corner of Ridge Road and- Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD call the attention of purchasers to tjieir elegant assortment of Wrought and Cast Iron Railing for CEMETERIES, BALCONIES, VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work. MORE & GALLAGHER'S FOOK OF iDHSXKBKTBa CdmaihiSJlbt best selection of designs that Iras ever been issued, will be sent to any person who may wish 10 mttk9 a selection, Feb. 20, 1861-3 m SHEETS & SBLTSBR'S WHOLESALE whsjh (2s smrnxsg, No. DSRN Third SI., imjy (Above Callowhill,) JhSaMBL PIIIIj ADEI,PHI.i A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF RR.tKDI ES, WINED, CORDS A Ls. And Liquors of every description t ALSO a full stock of Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, Black If Green Teas. 1. K. SHCKTZ. X. P. SELTZER. J. M. AitMsTHOXc—— Agent. ORANGEVILLE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE MHO P. TttS subscriber has libts in active opera tion the new FOUNDRY and Machine Shop recently erected at Orangeville, and will be ready to furnish castings of every size and description, and every desirable kind of machinery. Castings for Mills, Plough iron*, Stoves of every kind, Kettles, Boilers aud all other kinds of Hollow-ware will be furnished by him at the lowest prices, He has also on hand, and will make to order, THRESHING' MACHINES AND i-LGuGwS ready fsrwe, sr.J SqU w ihs best made in this region of the country. Farmers in need of Castings or machine ry will find it te their advantage to visit his establishment. He will keep on hand a lot of articles manufactured by him, out, pf which a fair selection can always be made. Ev ry description of maohinery neatly re paired on the shortest notice and most rea sonable terms. Old metal taken in payment for work. B. F. HAYHURST. Orangeville, July 29th iB6O. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN HAGENBUCH has just te ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany enri, and of the most fashionable style, whioh he will sell at the lowest prices for good pay. Bloomsbufg, May 16th, 1650. BLANKS!! DEEDDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAS. and , . JUDGMENT NOTES, O' proper and desirable forms, for sale at the Ofiee the "Star of the North." PU'auklMU A REDUCTION of freight on Merchandise, ■ 'o commence Much J, 1851. n'ATBS OF FREIGHT PER 100 LBS, Bduten Potteoille and Philadelphia. ARTICLSB ToUioWf Hl' ILL Class. —Bi- I luminous Coll, ] atone, Rig Iron, Shuo, Tilea/^cta. id Ctau Blooma, Burr Block*, Cement. Gncdstones, Laths Pimh, Railroad 3rd Class.—A|a, Mkter, Ashes, Pol k Pearl, Mfk, Barley, Bona* & Horns, Coffee, Coßon, quota, Gram, Iroa 'GaMOgV rouan , ttotreu, Bar or Hammered Iron, Boiler Plates, Flat Bar Rail Rondlhm, Le<# erhi Shot, Mo laaaoa, Polalqea, Niuir it Spikes, Salt Provi aione, Sugar, Saltpetre, ami Tobacco, un manufactured, 12* eta Flour pur barrel, 85 eta. _ ilk Chat. —Apples, Bran, nutter, Cheese Cordage, Earthen Ware, Eggs, groceries' (except those stated) Hemp, Hardware, and Cutlery, Hollow ware , laird, Leather, Lire Stock, Manufactures of Iron, as Machinery; Oil, Oysters, Paints, Raw Hides, Rags, Rus sia Sheet Iron, Seeds, Steel, Sweel Potatoes, Tallow, Vinegar and wire, 17 els. 6th Class.— Books and Stationary, Boots & Shoes, Camphine, and Spiril Oil, China, Glass and Queensware, Cigar*, Confectionery, Dry Goods, Drugs, Fresh FiA, Meat & Fruit, Fo, reign liquors, Hops, Spirits of Turpentine Teas, Wtnes and Wool 22 els. March 13, 1851. ASTROLOGY.— NIE CELEBRATED Dr. C. VV. ROBACK, Professor of Astrology Astronomy Phrenology, and Goomsncy, com bined with CONJURATION, from Sweeden, office No. 71 LOCUST Street Philadelphia, of fen his services to the citizens of Btoomsbuig. lie hot been consulted by til (lis crowned held* of Etiro|ie, and enjoyt t higher reputation at nn Astrologer thin sny one living. Nstivijies cul cult ted tccoiding to IJtemtncy—LtdioS $3 Gentlemen $5, Persons at • distance can hav their nativities drawn by sending the dale of the any ff their birth. All letters containing tho above'feS Will rtcf've immediate attention, and Nativities sent to any part of the urer.d written on durable paper; and he is prepared !° uiake use of his power by conjuration on any of the | following topics j .Courtibip, advice given for the Miccesafol accomplishment of a wealthy mar riag e; he has the power to redeem as are gii en to the free use of the bottle/ sou" far all cases of hazard, sad for lbs recovery of stolon or lost piO|icriyvulld dui lhjl(!lll(lfl| Hi mlery tick ets. Thousands ot the abase named esses have been donr in this city and its vicinity, and in Ihe Doited states, to the fulf satisfaction of all. 10,- 000 Nativities ot Horoscopes have been east du ring the Let four years while hem. Letters will answer every purpose, and will do as well as to call in person, and the mail ia now so safe that persons need not fear to trust money through the Post Office. Dr Koback receives from 500 to 1000 letters monthly, and has never mit-ed one. til letters will be religiously attended In, if prepaid. For more particulars call at the office of tho "Star of the North," and get en Astrolo. great Almanac grnJs. C. W. ROBACK,7 Locust street slmvo Eighth, opposite the Musical fund Hall Pbilad • Be particular to mention the Post ty and Btato. All communication giously secret, March SEQUEL TO THE MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN. BIT ALEXANDEK DUMAS. TILE <TNEEN*I R%'*CLILNCE, Or the Sunt History qftht Court f Letcis XVI. THIS work is the sequel lo Dumas' cele brated work ' The, Memoirs ot a Physi cian," by Alexander Dumas, author of "The iron Mask," "Count of Monto Cristo,' Ac. Translated from the French by Thome AYil liams. Esq., with beautiiully illustrated Cov ers arid Pet traits. Complete in two large octavo volumes. . Price 50 ce.its a volume. Th'.s novel is founded on the,, ce.jbtated incident of the diamond necklace which Cardinal Cohan purchased, as he s pposetl, for Maria Antoniqlte, but which fell into the hands of a female sharper, who personated the Queen, and so (looped the poor cardinal. Dumas always writes with spirit The pres j ent is better than most novels now a-uays, I and we recommend it as an agreeable com ' "anion for a railroad car, or a rainy after noon. Published and for sale at the cheap book store of T. B PETERSON, M N r 13 Jdit'ttlw Philadelphia. CUV#'EM FITS 11 Peter 8. Leidy Can manufacture just as neat and fashioua ble a suit of clothing as any other tailor in thbse digains. As a sample of his work m.tnship, be refers you to the BEST FITTING COA T To be found in the town, which is quite cer tain to have come from his shop. He regularly receives the latest city fash ions, and from his experience in the busi ness can ensure satisfaction in his work. He has also on hand an assortment of CLOTH, CASSIMERKS, & TRIMMINGS, At die lowest prioes, fro.tq which he will make up to order coalt, pants, or vests of any desirable style. VHis.enop is on Ac North side of Main Street, a few doors alJov# the Court-house. Bloomsburg, Feb. 14, 1850. ANOTUKH SclKNTinc WONDSR I PEPSIN, the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Ren el, ot the fourth Stomach ot the Ox, after direction of Baron Liebig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Hougnton, M. D., No. 11 Nor.h Eighth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agdnt, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement in another column. MS HORSE BILLS Of any size, cheaply and handsomely ■ printed, st short etie, T*. this office. All i orders sent by mail will be promptly attend ' ed to. Bloomsburg, March 13 1851. CAUTION " ALL persona are hereby cwiioned against paying any money doe me to Benjamin S. Gilmore aa he • not authorised to receive any claims, doe either to me on individua account or on the late firm pf wfeaver ft Gil i more, the books of the firm having jiaen as signed to me. i H. W WEAVER. | Bloomsburg Dec. 12th 1850. WHITE'S BONNET MANUFACTORY, # NO: 41 SOUTH SECON D STREET, mrow cohdueted hv Thomag White, son of He lata proprietor at lite, OW Stand, where Deateis will si all limes find a stock of Foreign sod Domestic Straw, Lace, Fancy. Crape und Silk Bonnet*. Pnnemb, Palm Leaf, sod every variety of Straw Hat*. and ; ARTIFICIAL FLOWER* unequalled by any other for extent or beauty of manufacture, ami at vety low prices', having frwHilie# for. producing tliesh goods poaajtaed ty no oilier eetah lishtiiciit. To lite Ladies and MtUiners 'gennfully, be would tender hie grateful acknowledgl menta ftfr their kind spp.oval of the busi nesa system T ibis Itousr, shall lie wan ing, to merit a continuance of their fiber gl patronage, They will still he greeted with tho sains old -fsmilinr faces, win. will at nil times endeavour io execute their commissions with fidelity and promptness. March 6. 18&l'-3in. ""PROOLAMATIOIT. NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of XTdVn/nom Picas, Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, to commence at lite ConVl fhta*" in Bloomsburg, otr Monday the 21st day ot April next, continue one toitk. The Coroner, Justices of the Pi-ace & Constables, in add for the county of Col umbia, are requested lo be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, lo do those things td their sev eral offices appartaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in hehaii of the Commonwealth against sny pris oner, are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their pro per persons lo prosccule nkaiiisi him, as shall be just—nml not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request -1 ed io b: punctual in their attendance, at ihe limw 3PPointetl agreeable to their no tices, Given under my hand al Bloomsburj? the 10th day of March is the year of niu Lord one thousand right hundred and fifty—and the Independent e of the U nited Stall's of America the 74th. PETER BILLMYER. Sh'ff. (God save the Commonwealth.) Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, have appointed the umlursigncfl an Agent, to make insurances in Columfiia county. Tho Company is in good credit,and is eonducted upon sound prmuipleg. Pursuits insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are elegible as Directors of the Corporation, but without any individual liability for the losses or expenses of the Cuppany. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persona desirous of eliecting an insurance upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg. , s CHARLES R. BI'CKALEiV. May 22, 1850. MACKAREL, "j SHAD, CODFISH, j Constantly SALMON.** on hand & foi HERRINGS, >' afe *y. '• pHIiK , 1 ALMEHOtCo. II \MS AND SIDES | 8 ' SHOULDERS, | Philadelphia. LARD AND CHEESE, J March 6, 1851.-.Tilt, BLOOMSBURG ACADEMY. * -A HIGH SCHOOL For Young Ladies and Gentlemen J. E. BRADLEY, Principal. A sufficient number of competent Assia tanta will, at all times be employed, The ensuing Summer Session will com mence on MONDAY the 14th day of April nxt, nr.d will coniipu? 16 weeks, TERMS. The Academic year consists of 44 weeks. The price of tuition per quarter is as fol lows; For Reading, Penmanship, Grammar, A rithmetic, Book-Keeping by single entry, Ge ography, History of U. S. S3 25 For same, ana Algebra, Geometry, Survey ing, Mensuration, Boook-Keepitig by double entry, General History, Natural History, Phy siology, Philosophy, other English branches, , and Drawing. \ $1 50 For Latin, Grcok German, & French, 5 75 tyGood boarding can be obtained in pri vate families at from SI 50 to S2 00 per. wVrok. REFERENCES.— iCoI. Joseph ration, Hon. Stephen Baldy, Hon. Geo. Mack, Michael Brob.t. Esq., John M'Reynolds, Esq., ami the Citizens of Bloomsburg. tl*" After this Winter Session the French Language will be taught in this Schoji. Bloomsburg, March 20, 1851. ! NOTICE iO TAItIILLS , The taxable inhabitants of Colunlria coun ty are hereby notified that tho appeal from the spring assessments will be hold by the Commissioners at their office in Bloomsburg on Monday, tho 28th inert., which you may attend if joq think proper By order of the board oL Commissioners. DANIEL LEE, Clerk. Commissioner's, Office, . Bloomsburg, April 17, ffi.sl n IV! WK I VGR 1 ♦ IEY- Af-IL A W , BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., P A I OFFICE— On the Ka N siu'a of Main Street 1 three sqnares beloir Market. -CAGYJOW* ~ All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing a note of hand given by me to Aaron liesa, dated about the last of May 1850, and made payable six mouths after date, for 850. A credit of 830 is endorsed , Upon the note as paid on the 11th of Marah . 18JJ, and I haveti legal defence to the bal ' anee on the note. .JOHN THRASHER. 1 Centre township, March 14th 1851. WINDSOR AND COMMON CHAIR made to order of any desirablo style at the , chair manufactory of B.HAGENBUCH Bloomsburg, May 16th WSO. PORTFOLIOS, • bu SsvN§& LEDGERS, FKC. For sals at the by NT *ioe of a writ of Levari Facias to 1 Monday toe 2 lot day of April, tho following o described piopeny, to wit:—All to* certain o two-story tnwn building, situate just east of v ibe main road loading from toe town of Bloomsburg to the Canal freming JOJF <R John Reiswink and William G. Hurley, and joining lands of William Sloan, a tow rod* from toe Canal, in toe township of Bloom, in toe County of Columbia, oonfximng in frout on an alley, sepernting it from I**ids of- John Roiswick and William G Hurley, twenty tWbJeet. and in depth sixteen fe.M ; and the lot or piece of ground and curtsi • j edge appurtenant to said building- Seized taken in execution and to be aold as toe property of Michael Henderehot. ALSO, By virtue of a writ, of venditioni exponas, J to mo directed, will be exposed to public A ante, at the Court house in BTdomsburg, on a Monday toe 21st day. of April, the following V described property, to witAH those two fi pievae'ot ground situnto in the Borough of jt Berwiok, bounded and described as tollws : s the one situate on the South East side of front street adjoining on alloy on the one . side which runs from the front street to the river bank and adjoining Abraham Miller on the SoUt):-West and an alley on the rear.. The other lot East of the first described on 0 the opposite side of tho alley, which runs from front Street fo th'e Vivei bank and back . or East of the ailey running on the rear . of r the first described, containing each one eighth of an acre, more or, less, with a Dwelling House on the first described niece, aud a stable on the second described lot, with the appurtenances. Seized nnd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Connelly. i ALSO, A certain tract or piece of land in Beaver township Columbia County co tlaini-'g eighty nine acres more or less, thirty acres of wtoien is cleared land, bounded by lands of Shurnatf and floats, on tho south, Charles Michael on the south ea&t, and others whereon is erected a one two frame House, and Irame ' Barn, and othweut buildings ; Mso a tract of and situate in the township of Beaver coun ty of Columbia, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Catherine Longenbcrgcr, con taiuing three huudrod and sixty 'our acres, and allowance. Seized nnd taken in Execution and to be. sold as the property of Charles F. Mann. also, A certain lot or pi-oa of land situate in , Centre township, Columbia County, contain- ] ing f >ur acres more or less, bounded by lands , Of Jacob Nagle on the west the widow Hess j on the the north Branch of the Pennsyl vania Canal oil the south, nnd the Road leading from Blooutiltorg ° Berwick, where on is erected a two story frame dwelling House with the appurtenances. Seizod ami taken in Execution and to .' d sold us the property pf Lafayette Ke.isler. ALSO, A certain lot of gr. und situate in Blooms- '• ,burg, Bloom township Columbia county, 1 containing one fourth of an acre more or less 1 bounder on the north by third street, on the 1 east by lot of Valentine Smith, on the west 1 by lot of Charlea Dtpblor, and other*, where- ( on is erected a one story frame ten-gin alley 1 with top appurteuances. Seized and taken on Execution and to be sold pa (he properly of John Low and Rob ert t uwts. •: S J PETER BILI.MYER, S 1 hnxarrr's Orntr, • ♦ s Bloomsburg, Feb. 22, 1861. j v Grand Jtiifor3 rat April Tern 1851. Bloom —Thomas Ellis, John R. Moyer, Si- * las E. Fowler. r Briarcreek —Cornelius Albertson, Jacob Moslelier, James Jacoby, Jacob Cope. Centre —Daniel Fowler. r Cattawissa —C.G. Brobst, John Schmick, ® Petej I arnpher. Fishingcreek —Samiel Yost. ' Hemlock— Peter Brugler, Matthias Girton 1 sen. c Jtukson —J hn Rants. . ' Montour —Jacob Leiby. Modison- —Jacob Cooj. Mifflin —Isaac SnJ'der., Murwe—John Ueaftuirt. hfountfleatani —Jacob Goho. Orange —Joseph Buckle. Roaringcreek- —Philip Cool. Sugarhof—' Thomas Mendenhall, William ' Cole. i Traverse Jurors for April Term 1851 Bloom —Abraham Snyder, Thomas Knorr Brinrceek —Michael Brower, Stephen M- Gilmore sen, llugh M Bride, Benvcr —Jacob Hoats, ' Cattawiisa —George VV. Haider, Win Furry. Reuben Stambachi >, • Centre —Jacob Hagenbuch, Siephen Hut ton Fishingcreek —Daniel Smith, , Greenwood —Jacob Evans, John Barret, Yetman Eves. Alba Bangs, Joseph Robbinei John M. Parker, John Moore, Nicholas ® Knidt, George Masters, George M'Ewen. J Hemlock —Tjioinas J. Vandersllce, William Coxe, Charles Holmes, John Hartman, Syd " ney Staler.' j Mifflin —j":i Trmist, Thomas K. Hess, I Mndisun —Samuel Richard. Orange —Abraham Kline, William White, VVesfy cowman, 1 Sugarlonf— David Lewis, Philip Shultz, Richard Sftiles. " THIS Will' uksktlisiiien. RESI'ECTFVLLY anribunces to tho cili izens of lllooliixlttirg in general and his old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind', that ho has again opened his tai • lor-shop where he will bb pleased to famislj tho best of clothing, cut according to tho la test fashions, and made in the best mar, ner . He receives the city fashions, aod feel j cer tain that his work will look t veil and i tear bet ter. . His shop Is on main street of Eriooipebuig . next door below Lutz's Dtvig stoim. lit pay for work, hu will take of*h, store order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. B'oimsburg Nov. 21, 1860. A Valuable New Work. | AMERICAN HISTORY, co mp rising : , sketches of the Indian Tribes j a descrip r tiort of American Antiquities, with an in i qniry into their origin and the origin of the , Indian tribes ; History of Ibe Vailed States, with appendices showing its con nection with European History; a History of i the present Bntish.provihc.es ; A History of Mexico; and a history of To . brought down to the time of its ad'. , ' - t into the American Union. By M- : son, Published by M. H, e wm,u 1 199 Broadway New YoP, lavo volume. Price QQ ( • The ebove va'^ a bi e am j interesting work for sale Ellis, Agent, Bloomsburg. January s 3| i851.-8m * A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Ladies ' Geitsrs and Slippers just manufactured and tor sale by W ARREN RUSSEL. Fall art VUkr Gootls. war. xh'Sesst **.. ° l large variety of V' CLOTHS CASSIZERS, S4T- TtNEfS, JEANS. PJ.AIbH AND S-rttIPES FOR men's coats, vests, end pants. , French ml English Merinos,' Cashmeres, Delaines, ALPACAS. I*l,'A I [>S; , CM Nil HAMS AND PRINTM FORLVDIKB DREBSF-8, TEll- KliftKl, WATIiKLOO. WOOLLEN AND LONC SIIAWI.S, UOSIE ' RY.AND GLOVES-HARD WAIIK. QUEPINSWAftE, GROCERIES FISH And Salt—Cedar ware, Ha e, Caps, Coarse tint fine I*oolß and Bootees for Mon and y out hs L<*etoer, Morocco and Gum Shoe* for Ludies, hsi**es and Childtens wear, aud iusl about ever/ thing else that can bo Uu sirod to please msle or serve use. Bloomsburg, Oct., 29th 1850. ££><B>c!bdUsß< Tho subscriber has just received and open ml At his old staud a ehoice lot of new goods to which ha invites the attention, of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort ment of fall and winter goods consisting of (s®®lE)£39 CSL>LI2CE>CBpamLSS3a6S3, Qiteensuirr, Cfdur Ware, Fish and Halt, Iluts arid Cape. Coarse and Fine Hunts, Gum. Morocco and Jenny f.ind Shoes for ladies, misses and chitdrens wear. Also, Tcfkerri, Woollon, lVatterloo, Buy state Mills and Jenny. L no Long Shawls, iii iu if IP a, Cashmeres, Merino*, Delaine*, Plaids. Print* and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. Blocgnsburg, Oct. 30, 1850. New Goods in Light Mrcct. Tlie subscriber has just received a ne r s assortment cf goods from the city, which he offers to the buying neighborhood at the lowest prices. Ilis stock now consists of evory article usually kept in a country store , including i_£->frsr C^t3DCE>(£l9D a OHOCSSKISS, ({neeuiware llnrdtvarc. Caps Hoofs and Sliook, 4ct, Ac tio caraLfriiis'i Clodis, t.asimcros Satinets and Jeans for tn?u's wear; and Merinos, Al pacas, C'ashtners, Delaine*, Ginghams and Prints for the ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery and Glpve of every variety. Hete is a raro chance fir bargains to thosp who want cheap and good goods for cash or country produce. PETER EN 1". Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850 THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CAL but the business of Coach and VV Often making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to ail orders,fox work in his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriage*, Slede and Sleighs of any style ; but always of the best materials, anu made in.the most substantial manner. He will give his persoual attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will be attended to with care, aod upon tho most reasonable terms.— He proposes to serve his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in.hU line of business. He asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. ALB ANY DUTCHMAN, A MA>hidTH WEEKLY JOURNAL. Tho Dutchman is published every Satur day, and sent to subscribers at the following terms payable in advance : One copy S2 00 per an. Three copies 9 00 " Five " 8.00 " Ten " 15.00 " City.rtib-cribers will be served regularly with the Dutchman at S2.OU per annum, names sent to to& publication otllee. 73 State street, Albany, N. Y. Any person sending us a clnp of five, at the above te ms, will be entitled to an addi tional ropy gratis. GRIFFIN & FARNSWORTH, Proprietors. . f. C. MA lift" StIWSffiCDN EXELiSttJSii:, Tenders his professional services to th citizens of Williamsburg.-ami its neighbor hood for extracting ar.U. inserting teeth accor ding to the best improve .cents jn. surgical" science and skill. It a , /,|j insert teeth either upon pivot or pleta, n',d in such a manner as will insure sMtisfi. w . t ioli His otlice is noar I'eter Enl's store. Williamsburg. Col. Co., Oct. 29th, 7850. FOP. FALL AVi"D WINTER The s obsoriben have just added to their f'-rmer giock a latg% arte gennral assorttnent of D /y goods, Grocene*, Hardware. Queeus- Wf, ,re, Cedarware, Fish, Salt, Ac., cutofully -elected as to quality and price, all of which they ate anxious to sell on the inost accent modating terms, and respectfully solicit a. rail from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their old customers eipeeiilly MENDENHALL fc MENSCH. Roomsburgr Oct. 31st 1850 ] ~ NOTICE IS hereby given to all pcrsons interested tout tho account of Jacob- Harltnait, trustee of Mary, lleiubaoh of Hemlock township Columbia County, a lunatic, has been filed ; in toe Ofiioe of the Prothonotaty of said County and will be presented to too court for Confirmation on the 22d dm- 0 f April next. ' , .. JACT irt'kVKRLY Prof. Bloomsburg, Marnjn gap. tSSI.-Hn NQfltE. " . '".ne absent during the session of the lei e ' Jiature, my professional business will be' In charge of R. W. Weaver, Esa„ who will attend to all matters in relation thereto. . CHARLES R. BUCItALEW. January 2d, 1861* Hoase, gjga ih4 Omaulenta PAIBUM DONE to order, in the best highly-finished tlofrui style, by B HAGENBUCH. Fancy Paper, Envelopes, Pen*, Ink, Writing sand Ac can be found gt the cheap Bookstore of JOSEPH SWART 2.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers