Stat of ll)e Nortl). TELEGRAPHIC NEWS FROM THE BLOOMSBURG OFFICE. Fiendish Murder of a Family. New Castle, Feb. 28.—We learn that a horrible murder was perpetrated last night, near the Georgetown cross roads, Kent coun ty. Md. Mr. Cosden was killed in his own house while eating his supper. The murder er then went into Mrs. Cosden'e chamber, where she was lying on a bod of sickness at tended by her sister, and killed her. A fe male servant was also shot, and dangerous ly wounded. The fiend has not yet been apprehended, and no adjk.Jcnows who it can be. The citizens of thevounty are search ing for him. 'I he PechsyWaalniu In Baltimore. Baltimore, Feb. 29 —Simon Camera Commissioners Morrison anil Painter, 'and about one hundred members of the PeiTnsyl. vania Legislature, arrived here this evening in the ears from llarrlsburg. They partook of a sapper served up for them at the Eu'aw House. Gov. Johnston did not arrive to night. He is expected to morre.w. Arrival of the Steamship Cl yo f Glasgow. PHILADELPHIA, "March 3d, 1851. The steamship City of Glasgow, Capt. R. B. Matthews, on her second voyage from Liverpool to this port, atrived here this morning. She left Liverpool at 4 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, arrived off Cupe May on Sunday evening the 2d at 6 o'clock, 30 minutes P. M., and reached her wharf in Philadelphia at 11 o'clock this mor ning. The City of Glasgow brings a very -v cargo and ninety two passengers -SJV*. V>ut double the average number of is is a. . r j e( j |he other steamers passengers ca. • (hat the low fare aud this season, and .IK -. LIAE ARU appelated accomraodatians on tin., by the public at large. Last day in Congress. WASHINGTON, March •. .' The most important business of the last day of the session may be summed up as follows 811.1.S DEFEATED. The Frenefc Spoliation Bill. The River and Harbor Appropriation Bill. The Fortification Appropriation Bill. The Bill making Gen. Scott a Lieutenant General. AJ LIN PASSED. The Bill for reduoing the Bates of Pos tage. The Pout Office Appropriation Bill. The Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill*. The Army and Navy Appropriation Bills. The Bill establishing new Post Roulos. The Reading Railroad Company Give notice that ott and after the Ist of March, a material reduction will be made in the rales of freight upon all classes of merchandize. Upon comparing the new scale of prices with the one which has been in force for several years past, we notice that the rales are reduced, in some cases, as much as 40 percent, and in every case, the reduction is considerable. This will be welcorfie intelligence to the business com munity along the line of the Railroad, and evinces, on the part of the Company, a commendable disposition to consult the pub lic accoro motion. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE. —On last Sun day morning, wc learn, a son of Mr. Richard Demon of Madison township, arjed some 13 years left his father's house and has not been heard of since. There was nothing in his conduct to indicate u disposition to stay away lor any length of time, and his friends are learlul that some accident has befallen him. They have been making search for hint in every direction, but up to yesterday noon had been unable to hoar of him. *v We call attention to the advertisements of our Philadelphia friends Messrs. While and J. Palmer & Co. Persons having ordeis to send can trust to,\he attention of these firms and those who visit ihe city to purchase, will do well to call and see them. BROKE JAIL. —On Monday ovening last two prisoners confined in our jail for assault and battery, broke a hole through the wall and made their escape. They have not yet been re captured.— Sunbury Gazette. ty The Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill county is soon lo be removed from Scuyl kill Haven to Pottsville, under a law passed last year. IF Col. Hulter of toe Eaeton Argus names Hon. JOEL JONES of Philadelphia for one of (he Judges of the Supreme Court. That would do very well. Col.J CP" Some scamp robbed a Methodist preacher last week at Milton. MARRIED. IB Cxcenw oN 011 Saturday the Ist iust., bvJ H lkelet Esq., Mr. HENRY BATTIN Jr., J Newark, N. J., to Miss CASS.N- I>A** E. Rot>bin ' Lwenwood, Columbia CO. On the 13th ins!., hyth* *J; 0. Morse,' Mr. THOMAS J. Soiscv, ® V,™ VANDERMARK, both of Ne> T P CO. On the 33 d iust., by the Rev. / Mr. E. DODSON, to Miss SARAH JANE BA '' 1 both of Wilkesbarre. DIED. On Tuesday the 251h of February in Bloemsbitrg, MAHY ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of Adam and Sophia Case, aged 3 yean and 6 months. Though young, thou hast fled, And art now with the dead— But thy spirit is safe with its God, • Till we through his grace Shall again see thy face, When froe'd frem this cumbersome clod. In Blootnsburg, on Ihe 22d of February, SARA* Cantata") daughter of Capt. Micha el Wdwn<, aged about 5 md^'ha -111 Bleeo. aburg) oil the 26th of Fubru-." v MABY MABC'RET, daughter of Mr. Lemuel N. Bitters, age d about 4 years In Plymouth, Richland county, Ohio, on the 1 4th of FebTda/y, Mr. WILLIAMS. THOM SON, (Igte of the firm of Sloan & Thompson, Merchant# in Ughl Street, Co lom&ig coun y. ) aged about 32 years. 11l Wilknetarre, Fob. 22, ISSJ, GILBERT I I.AIRD, aged ABOUT (ipj'ears 1 In on tiie IWh lust., Mrs.. BTPIHDA HOLDIN, i.ned thirty-*--#! jears. '* iraiTEtg BONNET MANUFACTORY, NO. 41 SOUTH SECOND STREET, 11JOW conducted by Thorn*. White, so" of its late proprietor, at the Old I Stand, where Dealers will at all times find a stock of Foreign and Domestic Straw. Lice, Fancy, Crape and Silk Bonnets. Panama, Palm Leaf, and every variety of Straw Hals, and ArtiflciMl Flowers unequalled by any- other for extent or beauty of manuVscture, and at very low prices, having facilities for producing these goods possessed by no other estab lishment. To the Ladies and Milliners generally, lie v.'ould tender his grateful acknowledg ments for their kind app.oval of the busi ness system of this house, shall be wart -1 ing, to merit a continuance of their liber al patronage, They will still be greeted > with the same old familiar faces, who I will at all limes endeavour to execute ■ their commissions with fidelity and promptness. March 6, 1851'-3m. PROG L AM ATIOW. NOTICE is hereby given that the ' 1 several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen | eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and , Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and , ' Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for . the County of Columbia, to commence at j the Court House in Bloomsburg , on J ! Monday the 21st day 0/ April next, . continue one week. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace <fc Constables, in and for the county of Col umbia, are requested to be then anil there in their proper persons, with their rolls, 1 records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do n.'ose thing's to their sev ' eral offices appertaining to be done. (And all witnesses prosecuting in behall of the CommonwealtL* i? 3 '" B ' an y pris oner, are also requested commanded to be then and there attend. n 8 Iheir pro per persons to prosecute nga.! ns ' hitp, as shall be just—and not to depar.' wi'liout leave at their peril. Jurors are r*."9 Mesl " 'to be punctual in their attendance, " fu .• appointed agreeable to their m." 1 " the tin. Given under ill "' e ,.L ,I„„ , archil the year of our I , day °, { Xl < eight hundred and Lord one thousanu .. „ fifty—and the nd ?" ce °f. ,he U " nited States of America 1 .„ PETER BILLMYL "• ' f h Jf (God save the Comino^ weu EXECUTOR STAJ K |OF VALUABLE REL EJd 1 j The Subscribers will expose to sau''. Ixl J I public Vendue, on the premises, on luisduf' i the 25th day of March next, A. D. 1851, at. f! ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the township , : jot Huntington, in the county of Luzerne, f The following valuable property being the ■ | estate of Amos Franklin, deceased, late of i i Hunting.on township, containing 217 acres i and some patches, and allowance for roads, &c. Ninety acres of it is improved. The , unimproved is well timbered and well wat i ered On the property are erected three dwel - ling houses, a barn, stable, &e. There are I abont fifty fruit trees oti the place, also a i good spring near each house. The land . may be conveniently divided into 2 or 3 | small farms with a building on each, and will be sold in two or three pieces, or togeth . er to suit purchasers. Any one desirous of 1 j purchasing can view the premises at any i I time. A part of the purchase money can J be secureu by Bond and Mortgaga on the s properly. The fotiih'ions will be made , known on the davof sale by PETER FRANKLIN, JOHN FRANKLIN, i Exciijors. , Huntington, January 16, 1851ts lloots and Shoes. ' ry Encourage your own Mechanics, and you encourage Yourselves JFI 1 The subscriber would inform his friends ! I and the public, that ho has on hand, and makes to order all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, at the following low prices : Men's fine calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 35 1 do calf rhoes 2 00 I do cow hide 1 75 j 1 do miners', nailed, 2a2 50 Ladies'gaiters, 2a2 25 " Lace boots, 162 " Thick soled slippers, lal 37 1 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, 125 I Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. He manufactures his work of the best of stock, and warrants it to wear; and j he is determined to sell it as low as others r can their Yankee or city work. Call and see for yourselves. Shop on Main St., next • door below Hartman's Store. WARREN RUSSELL. 1 Fire Insurance. : THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Corn nan v, have appointed the undersigned , au Agent, to make insurances in Columbia , county. The Company is in good credit,and I . is conducted upon sound principles. Persons i insured by the Company are entitled to the rights of membership therein, are elegible , as Directors of tho Corporation, but without < any individual liability for the losses or expenses ' of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent of liability. Persons desirous of effecting , an insurance upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsbur**. CHARLES R. BUCKALEVV. May 22, 1850. SH VD. CODFISH, Constantly QA I* ON' °" ha,ld & fOl S&Wis. hfii£Vc„. PORK, o.n.r-c I Market Street HAMS AND £ID£S, I Wharf, SHOULDERS, I J'htladt/pkia. LARD AND Cllti£SK, .J Mirch 6, 1851.-3 m, Executor's Notice* Estate of Joseph Yetter. I Notice is hereby given that letters testa- | ' I mentary have this day been granted to the , '•reigned by the Register of Columbia , uiiu. -n flje estate of Joseph Yatter, county upc.. '.. a township, Columbia late of Cattawio. i| persons having county, deceased. /x.. requested claims against tho said estate a,w -'ding to present them to the undersigned, re-, in the town ef Cattawissa ; and those know . , ing themselves indebiod to make early pay i I .nntto JOHN SHARPLF.SS, | J. K. SHARPLESS, f Executors ' i a'lawissa, Jan. 14. 1851.—6 1. msm~wmm* BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias to me directed, will be exposed to public Sale, at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 21st day of April, the following described property, to wit:—All that certain two-story frame building, situate just east the main road leading from the tow;, 0 f Bloomsburg to the Canal fronting lota 0 f John Reiswick and William G. Hurioy, and joining lands of Willia'r,.Sloan, a few rods Jrom the Canal, in (he township of Blodm, in the Countv 0 f Columbia, containing in front on *.li alloy, separating it from lands of John Reiswick and William G. Hurley, twenty-two feet, and in depth sixteen feet ; and tho lot or piece of ground and curtel edge appurtenant to said building. Seized takeu in execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Hendershot. ALSO, By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court house in Bloomsburg, on Monday the 21st day of April, the following described property, to wit: —All those two pieces ot ground situate in the Borough of Berwick, bounded and described as follws : the one situate on the South-East aide of front street adjoining on alley on the one side which runs from the front street to the river bank and adjoining Abraham Miller on the South-West and an alley on the tear. The other lot East of the first described on the opposite side of the alley, which runs from front street to tho liver bank and back or East of the alley running on the rear of the first described, containing each one eighth of an acre, more or less, with a Dwelling House 011 the first described piece, and a stable on the second described lot, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Thomas Connelly. ALSO, At the court house in Bloomsburg, on Friday the 28th day of March next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, by virtue of a writ of Itvari facias all that certain messuage ten ement and tract of land situate in Montour township Columbia county aforesaid, bound ed and described as follows: to wit Beginning at a post the south eastern corner of said tract on hill of land of the heirs of Uavlordec'd., thence by said lands, north one half of a degree west one hundred and seventy three perches to a post, thence south eighty and one fourth degrees west one hun dredand I wenty three perches to a small white oak, thence by land of widow Ritter north three fourths of a degree west sixty five perches to stone head thence lands of Bittenbender south eighty two degrees wi'st fifty five perches to a small rock oak, 'h -nC-e south one degree west eighty four 1 nercL e3 to a P oßl > ther.ce by land of ! rim,.a south twenty twodegrees east eighty I r „„ ' hes to a black oak, thence north I sixty six deg' ree f. e f 1 fif 'y, f ° ur P? rclles 10 * post, thence so ' u,h > twen, y three degrees east fifty four perches" 10 a P°?'> thence south forty seven degree, * east twelve and five tenth perches to ap, *"> ,he " ce s ° ulh twenty degrees east seventeei 1 P erc h® s to a post, thence by lands of Hen. ** . Wer,ma n north seventy nine and one hah degrees east eigh ty three perches to a post, v P>f°e ot Be ginning : containing one hunt. r ® , an f two' acres, and eighty three pe, ches ° f land m^, re -, D e d tJ-ken in exooution and to 80 ' 1 ] aslhe SW of Benjamin Hay wo, George W. £uyder! BJLLMVER, Shtt±f | SHERIFF'S OFFICE, J * Bloo.nsburg, Feb. 22, 1851. J Grand Jurors for April T lßsl, j Bloom— Thomas Ellis, John R. Moyer, las E. Fowler. Briarcreek —Cornelius Albertson, Jacob Mosteller, James Jacoby, Jacob Cope. Centre —Daniel Fowler. Cattawissa —C.G. Brobst, John Schmick, Peter I ampher. Fishingcrcek —Samiel Yost. Hemlock— Peter Brugler, Matthias Girton sen. Jackson —John Rants. Monfonr—Jacob Leiby. Madison —Jacob Cool. Mifflin —Isaac Snyder. John Gearhart. Goho. Orange —Joseph Bl'CkiS. Koaringereek —Philip CouL . Sugarloaf— Thomas Mendenhan, William Cole. * Traverse Jurors Tor April Term 1851 Bloom —Abraham Snyder, Thomas Knorr. Briarcreek —Michael Brower, Stephen M. Gilmore sen, Hngh M'Bride, Beaver —Jacob Hoats, Cattawiisa —George W. Haider, Wm Furry, Reuben Slambach. Centre —Jacob Hagenbuch, Siephen Hut ton Fishingcreck —Daniel Smilh, Green weed. —Jacob Evans, John Barret, Yetman Eves, Alba Bangs, Joseph Robbins, John M. Parker, John Moore, Nicholas Knidt, George Masters, George M'Ewen. Hemlock —Thomas J. Vanderslice, William Coxe, Charles Holmes, John Hartman, Syd ney Slater. Mifflin —John Troast, Thorns K. Hess, Madison— Samuel Richard, Q'ionge —Abraham Kline, William White, Wesly Powman, Sugarloaf— David Lewis, Philip Shultz, Richard Stiles. . Church Letting. Proposals will be received until 4 o clock oil tho Bth day of March next, at 'h? house of Jacob Dyer in Cattawissa lor gliding a BRICK CHURCH 32 by 50 feet in th* < own of Cattawissa. Plans and specifications can be seen at tho same place, 6 days previous to the letting. Solomon Helwig Michael Brobst, John Cromlich, Jacob Yetters. John Schmick Building Committee. Cattawissa Feb. 24, 1861. ANOTHER SCIENTITIC WONDER ! PEPSIN' the True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice I A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rea ct, or the fourth Stomach of the after direction of Baron Liebig, the great Physi ological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing alter Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement in another column. Novels* School Books, Blank Books. Ledgers, Day hooks and Journals: Gift books, Keepsakes &c., for Bale at the Bloomsburg Book Store by Joseph Swart*. House* Sign and OruaaleuU Painting • DONE to order in the best highly-finished --.lain style,by B. HAGENBUCH. - bailey En per* ■ .1 Ink, W riling sand &c eart be°found 'at the'oh.a£ gjfgftjh Fifciie Sale. 07 REAL ESTATE. 1 In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county., on Saturday the fifteenth day of Marc'n next, at 10 o'clock in ' the forenoon. John M'Corraick Trustee ap pointed by the Court for the Sale of the real r'.state of Daniel Can late of Dcrry town ship :n said cnunty, deceased will expose to sale by Public Vendue, upon the ptemises, a pertain farm situate in Derqtfowhship lately Colutnbia ; now Montour cbunty. bounded arid described as follows—North by lands of Nancy Murry, East by lands of Abraham Cooper, South by lands of Jonas Lincybig ler, anil on the west by lands of Richard Klack, containing Ninety Jour acres, more or less. ALSO a lot of woodland, situate as afore said bounded by lands ot Abraham Cooper on. the East, North and West, and on the South by lands of Jonas Lincybigter, con taining TEN ACHES, more or less. ALSO a hall lot situated in Washington vitle, Derry township aforesaid, bounded by Josoph Carr on the West, by David Carr on the North and East, and by the public street on the South. Late the Estate of said decesed, situate in the township of Derry and county aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY Clerh. Bloomsburg, Feb 18lh 1851-ts POSY OFFICE STAMPS. TO TOSTMASTERS.—The advertiser, Post Master at Pleasant Grove, Allegheny co., Mil., is the first person in the United Stales who conceived and undertook extonsively to publish the idea of furnishing all post offi ces in the country with cheap stamps. All stamps made by him are warranted equal or superior to any others than can be procured for the same price, and whenever any are sent out in any manner defective or unsatis factory, duplicates will be forwarded, on no tice, without any extra charge. All who or der a full set of Changes for dates, at only SI ? for 30 pieces, shall be kept in stamps ad libitum. Full set with one change, sl. When stamps are neatly made with turn ed handles and screw—same style as the regular government!'. O stamps—durable, efficient and warranted. Price one or two dollars otdy, and special authority to send by mail free. Address "P M. Pleasant Grove, Altegha ny county, Maryland. W Any editor publishing the above (with this note) 3 times, and sending a copy of the paper, shall receive credit for $5 in wood letter, or $lO proof press—or if pre ferred, a wood engaving or an engraved newspaper head, ot tho above value, wiU be forwarded. Feb. 13,-3t A Valuable Faro al 1 PRIVATE SALE. I ' A good farm of 176 acres in Mounlpleas J ant township, Columbia county is offered for | sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing creek just opposite Light Street, and contains 1 as good land as is found along the creek. ' About one fourth is wood land, the remain der cleared and in good state' of cultivation. The improvements are.a convenient and ' comfortable frame dwelling-house, a good barn, and other outbuildings. The land is . believed to contain a valuable deposit of i IRON ORE, ■ and the owner only agrees to sell it, becausS he cannot give his personal supervision to the property. It will be soldjippu such lib eral and desirable terms as to make it a I fc tood, profitable, and cheap home. For tho sate inquire of R. VV. WEAVER J gent. Rloo'tnsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.—tf Steam Iron Railing. M(ftt v : AND GALLAGHER, Co n" o/ VHfl'A DELPHI A, wntir n <-■ xll tl.'e attention of purchasers to their elegant asaorti'Uent of Wrought and Cant Iron Railing tor CEMETERIES. LOONIES, VERANDAS, Railing for Public and Private Buildings, Public £qi™ re > &c., together wib all kinds of Plain and ornamental Iron work. MORE & GALLAOL ,EH ' s KOOK.OF ©JBHSffiS'ilHj ©'J'BSncBSS'Sa r ol :'ainingthe best selection .nfdasigns that has pver Nen issued, will be sent to any person whO may wish to ma> a election. Feb. 20, 1551-3 m. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Daniel M'Henry, deceased. Letters of admim'sti*tion have this day been granted by the i\egister of Columbia , county to the subscriber-* u E? n estate ot Daniel McHenry, late oi c Fishingcreek tp., Columbia county, decfli u,,e "| AH persons knowing themselves indeb I°. l " c estate are requested to n . immediate payment to the undersigned residing in Fish ingcreek township, and those paying claims against the estate to make know n the same without dtJay. L. A. G ARM AN, CLKMUKLMVIfcTNRY. Bloomsbarg, Feb 8, I 8. r >l,-6t SHEETS & SELTZEK'S W HOLE.SALE No. 939 N. Third St., (Above CaTlowhill,) ylHflf PHILADELPHIA, A GENERAL ASSORTMETOF ' -*|| INDIES, WINES, CORDIALS, %„ < jjauers of every description: •' F. P. SELTZER. 1. K. SHEETZ. 4 J. M. Armstronc— — House k Two lots at Private bJM®' | THE subscriber offers at private jfimUnalo the house and lot now oc- by him at Light Street, Co , and would dis- fair ierms. The lot frsnts 60 feet on the main street c[ tho town, and ex tends back 150 feet. The house is a frame dwelling, and has a good well of water with a pump in at the dooi. There is also upon he lot a good stable. AN OCT LOT, Containing nearly one acre and adjoining the above premises on the back alley, will also be sold upon fair terms. MARTIN L. BROWN. Ijgbt Street, Jan. Bth 1851. —6t "BLANKS!! DEEDDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBIHKNASyand JUDGMENT NOTES, if. proper and desirable forms, for sale at the Ofice the "Star of the North." AYALVABIE tP ® aDd=aß3il mxidQL A T PB.rTA.TB SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale his TAVERN STAND AND LOT, in Blooms burg : which, to any persoa desirous ol purchasing real estate in the County Seat, of fers a fine opportunity for a profitable invest ment. The property is upon tho Mam and business street of the town, and iu that part ot the place which has been growing most rapidly w'.thin a few years past. The lot has a front of 88 feet upon Main street, and ex lends 2Hi feet back. THE HOTEL upon the premises might easily be made to do a good business and tho &SSE) Stf AIEILiXES on it are new ones of the largest kind. There is a good PUMP at the door, and every oth er desirable convenience. W It will be sold upon easy terms, by early application to THOMAS C. BOMBOY. Bloomsburg, October 2d, 1860. ORMGEVILLE FOUNDRY AND MACniNE SHOP. THE subscriber has now in active opera lion the new FOUNDRY and Machine Shop recently erected at Orangevillc, and will be reaily to furnish castings of every size and description, and every desirable kind of machinery. Castings for Mills, Plough irons, Stoves of every kind, Kettles, Boilers ami all other kinds of Hollow-ware will bo furnished by him at the lowest prices. He has also on hand, and will make to order, THRESHING MACHINES AND PLOUGHS ready for use. and equal to the best made in this region of the country. Farmers in need of Castings or machine ry will find it to their advantage to visit his establishment. He will keep on hand a lot of articles manufactured by him, out of which a fair selection can always be made. Ev ry description of machinery neatly re paired on the shortest notice and most rea sonable terms. Old metal taken in payment for work. B. F. HAYHURST. Orangeville, July 29th 1830. A Valuable New Work, AMERICAN HISTORY, co mp rising sketches of tho Indian Tribes ; a descrip tion of American Antiquities, with an in quiry into their origin and tho origin of tho Indian tribes; History of (be Lulled Slates, with appendices showing its con nection with European History ; a History of the present British provinces ; A Ulstory of Mexico; and a history ol Texas brought down to the time of its admission into the American Union. By Marcius Will son, Published by M. H. Newman & Co., 199 Broadway New York. Ouu large oc tavo volume. Price $2,00. The above valuable and interesting work for sale by Thomas Ellis, Agent, Bloomsburg. January 23, 1851.-6 m THIS WAY GLVTLEIILY RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi izens of Ulooimbiirg in general nnd his old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, that he ha* again opened his tai lor-shop where he will be pleased to furnish the best of clothing, cut according to the la test fashions, and made in the best manner. He receives the city fashions, and feels cer tain that his work will look well and wear bet ter. His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg next door below Lutz's Drug store. In pay for work, lie will take cash, store order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomsburg Nov. 21, 1850. C. C. M A R B, OUtt(E>(DN CKSNiUS®. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Williamsburg and its neighbor hood for extracting and inserting teeth accor- Uh:# to the best improvements in surgical scituic.e and skill. He will insert teeth either upon or plate, and in such a manner as will insure satisfactioh. His office is near Peter Eul's store. Williamsburg, Col. Co., Oct. 20th, 1850. Notice. All those indebted to the subscribers in Bond note, or Boole account, of over one year's standing, are hereby notified that the same must be attended to, between this and the Ist day of March next, or costs will be made on same without distinction. WW- MeKELVY & CO. Dec. 4th, 1850. NOTICE. All those indebted to the subscriber in Bond, note, or Book account, of over one year's standing, are hereby notified that the same must be attended to, between this and the Ist day of March next, or costs will be made on same without distinction. GEORGE WEAVER. Jan. 29th, 1851. CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against! paving any money due me to Benjamin S. Gifmore as he is not authorised to receive any claims, due either to me on individual account or on the late firm of Weaver & Gil more, the books of the firm having been as signed lo me. R. W. WEAVER. Bloomsbuig Dec. 12tk 1850. HATBAND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the city, a large and select as sortment of FASHIONABLE Hats and Caps, of nTWA n '-Z MAKE AND improved . '.i, He offers for cash sales very STYLE, whiw* '• a on Mai „ Slree , /. cheap, et hm oid 8 m. ond door South of the i ."• „. Ul , tV He continues to mam."/*"'®" HOU t0 order as usual. . ,_ - THOMAS WILxJTo. Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1849. I ~ NOTICE. While absent during the session of the le gislature, my professional business will be in charge of R. W. Weaver, ESQ., who will attend to all matters in relation thereto. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW. January 2d, 1851. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Ladies Gaiters and Slippers just manufactured and for sale - WAKHKH KUB6EL. m 2u^ DS ? K - CHAIR ,o oruer or any desirable style at ikp chair mi"f-" <■ - >M .ot B.HAUisn-' tB I Bloomsburg, May lth 150. Fall art Water Hoods. Wfie. BS'B£V & HAVE joat received ihe largest assortment of new and fashionable fall and winter goods to be found in Bloomsburg, and they offer them at the lowest prices to their many old patrons and new. They have afull and large variety of CLOTHS CASS/MERS, SAT TJNETS, JEANS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES FOR men's coals, vests ; and pants. French nd English MerinoS, Cashmeres, Delaines, ALPACAS, Pf.AIDS. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS FOR LADIES DRESSES , TEH KERRI WATERLOO, WOOLLEN AND LONG SHAWLS, HOSIE RY AND GLOVES—HARD WARE. QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES FISH And Salt—Cedar ware, Hats, < ops, Coarse and fine Boots and Bnotees for Men and Youths—Leather, Morocco and (Juin Shoos for Ladieß, Misses and ChilJrens wear, and just about every thing else that can bo do sirej to pleasu taste or serve use. Bloomsburg, Oct., 29th 1850. The subscriber has just received und opened at his old stand a choice lot of new goods to which ho invites the attention of ' purchasers. Ho has a full and lair assort | ment of fall and winter goods consisting of c&©©i2)Ss> Queenswrre, Cedar Ifa re, /'LA (tilt! 1 Salt, Huts and Caps, Coarse und Fine Roots, Gum, Morocco and Jenny l.ind Shots for ladies, misses and , childrtns wear. Also. Terkerri. Woollen, Walterloo, Bay state Mills and JENNY I.ND Long Shawls, MUFFS, Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids. Prints and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Oct. 30,1850. I | New Goods in Light Mrccl. The subscriber has just received a ne v assortment of goods from the city, which he > offers to the buying neighborhood at lite ' lowest prices. His stock now consists of every article usually kept in a country store, including £JDir>sr 33-3 D 3D diss s GROCERIES, Qucmsware Hardware, Caps Boots and Sboes, Ate., Ace- He can furnish Cloths, Cusimeres Satinets and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al pacas, Cashmers, Delaines, Ginghams and Prints for the ladies. Also Shawls, Hosiery and Gloves of every variety. Here is a rare chance/)r bargains to those who want cheap and good goods for cash or country produce.. PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850. FOR FALL AND WINTER The subscribers have just added to their former stock a large atie -jenaral assortment of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware Cedarware, Fish, Salt, &c., caiefully selected as to quality and priee, all of which they ate anxious to sell on the most accom modating terms, aud respectfully solicit a call from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their old customers especially MENDENHALL & MENSCH. Bloomsburg, Oct. 31st 1850. Rendiug R. It. PasNeugci Trans Office ofPhilada. & Reading R- R. Co ) Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1850- j Until further notice there will bo but one Passenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted ) between Philadelphia and Poltsville at ha.l past eight o'clock, A . M., and stopping at the usual places on the line of the road. Hours of Passing Reading For Philadel phia at to o'clock. 10 minutes, A. M. t for Pottsville al 11 o'clock, 20 minutes, A.M., By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary [ Reading, Nov. 2, 1850. I THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CALI FORNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be cvutin"?d l.y the sub scriber at the old rtand on Market street. He his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any style ; but always of the best materials, and made in the most substantial manner. He will give his persoual attention to the business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will be attended to with care, and upon the most reasonable terms.— He proposes to serve his customers to such work as will secure for him a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business. Jle asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction, JONATHAN HOSTELLER. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. New Arrangements and Great Bargains. The undersigned respecfully informs the citizens of Bloomsburgh and the public in general,thnt he has purchased Mr. Frantz's Root if Shoe Store and has added largely to his stock, and will continue the business at the same stand in the Exchange Building, on Main Street, where he will be happy to receive the calls of old aud new enstomers. Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices to suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work made to order as usual. E7He invites the custom of his old friends and the public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. BF"Store in the Exchange Building, Maine street, sign of the Golden Boot. JOHN EGAN. Bloomsburgh, March 28, 1850. Fancy Chairs, BENJAMIN HaC-ENBUCH has just re ceived from Philadelphia a row lot of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, whielf he will sell at the lowest prices for good pay. Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850. Books! Books!! Joseph Swart* a ntsojo of Literary Miscellaneous and School booas, I he invites the attention of the rcadwg r uo " I of Bloomsburg. ' : For Hie ReaioYßi nnd rrnnsnail Cm of *ll ! NERVOUS DISEASES, ! And of th.vee Compleiiits which ere i*u*ed by en im* : paired, weakened or unhealthy condition NKKVOUH 4YBTFJI. I This beautiful and convenient application of the mr< i teriom |ion of GALYANI*M end MAG.NF.TIBM. too i been pronounced by dis'iugnilt4 physicians, hots in Kuropo Jtitl the United States, to he the it .voloeffo I Medicinal discovery of the /§ I Dr. CHRISTIE 8 GALVANIC BELT < ,0-1 MAGNETIC FLUID, ; is use.] with tho inost peifectend certain accost in oil cases of GENKR.IL DEOILITV, Strengthening the weakened body, (giving tone td the vaiioiH organs, oud invigorating tho e*stircystoma, .Also in KITS, 1 RAMI\ PAKALYtt S end nhtSY, DYBPtP BIA ot INDIGESTION. RHKJJ.\t\TIM/UJTII end CHRONIC-, OOUk EPILEPSY. LUMBAGO, DEAF NEW, NKkVOUS TREMOHB, PALriTATIOIV OF THK UK ART. APOTLKXY, WK.UBAuOIA. PAINS in the SI OK and CIIEBT. LI VF.R. COMPLAINT* SPINAL COMPLAINT, end OL'HVATUItK of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISKASLM of the KIDNEY*, DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS end PHYSICAL ENKKiIY. and nil NERVOUS DISK ASKS, which complaints wise fioni ouo simple cause -namely, A Derasgemsnt of the Nervous System. 07-In NKRVOVS COMPLAINTS, Drum Hut MJl cinos increiM I'm disrate, ihi they weaken the rite! ener gies of the f .retdv prostrated system , while, under the ! lifj-ghing. vitalizing influence at Gel \ raiiuia. <U ipplid by this beautiful end wonderful die ' cover/. IL-. exhauvtod patient mid weakeeed sufeier ie ' cesbMod to former health, strength, elasticity end vigor. Tlte greet peculiarity aod ovctUrnoeof Dr. Oh ris tie's Galvanic Curative*, ' consists in the fact that they arrest end enre di-eefe hy J outward application, in pleco of the uouel m*de of ding ! ging, and physicking the patient. till exhausted Nature ' sinks hopelessly under tho infliction, j TK'y strengthen Ihe whale system, ttjvalhe the es rees- I lotion of the blood, promote th* eeereliunt, end never do j Ihe slightest injury under any circumstances Since their I introvluetinn in tho Cni'.ed State.*, only three year* since, j more than 60,000 Persons | including all egos, classes and condition*. amoM nnirh ! were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly eubject I to Nervous Complaints, have been | ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CUBED, \ when ell hope of relief hud been given up, and every thing else been tried in vain . j To illhstrate the use of tho GALVANIC BELT. | suppose the case of e person afflicted with that ham of I civilization, DYSrKPMJA, or any other Chronic or Nerv | one Disotdrr. In cntinary cases, stimulants ate taken, j which, bv their action on the uervea and muscle# of the . stomach, aflord temporary relief, hut which leave the patient In a lower state, and with mjuicd faculties, after | the action thus excited has ccmcd. Now cmepure this with the rttect resulting fruni the npplic ttionuf UM UAL VANIC BKLT. Take a Dyspeptic suflcrcr, evgp in the worst s> mptoms of sn attack, and simply lie tho belt •round the Body, using the .Magnetic i'luid as directed In a shoi t period the insensible perepiretion will act oo the positive element of the Belt, thereby causing a flab vanic circulation w liirh will pave on to the negaUre, and thonce back nguin to the positive, tiius kccniug up aeon tiiiuous (ialvunic circulation throughout the svMrm Thus the most revcie cases of I) 1 BPKTBIA MANKNTLY I I HH). A Yk.W DAYS IS AMPLY SUmutNT TO LKADP.ATL TJflu Mfe£ASE OK CERTIFICATES AND TESTTATOXIALS Of the moat l'iuloubtct C tin router. From all parts of tho country could be given, tufllcient to fill every column in this paper; AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that 11 Truth h stranger than Fiction. 11 CUR 13 OP Rheumatism, Bronchitis and Dyspepsia. REV. DR. LANDIrf, A CLERGYMAN of New Jersey, of distinguished attainmcnta and exalted repulatloii:— SIDNEY, New Jersey, July Ifl, 19|fl. Dn. A. I! CHRISTIE—Dear Sir: Y'ou wlvh to know of me what has been the result in my own case, of the application of THK GALVANIC BELT AND NECK LACE. My reply is as followa : For about twenty years 1 had been suffering from Dj * pepsin. Every year the symptoms became won*. .ior could I obtain permanent relief from any course of medltfftl treatment whatever. About fourteen yean fince, in concqueuce of frequent exposu/e to the weather, in tho discharge of my pastoral duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, whloh for year alter year, caused me indescribable anguish Fmther : in the winter of *45 and '46, b* oonse pic nee of preaching a greal deaf ia mp own and various other churches in this region, 1 was attaoked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so savers aa to require an immediate suspension of my pastoral labor.. My nervous system ioat now thoroughly yroe tratel, and an my Bronchitis beeame worse, so alsedM my Dyspepsia and llheumatic affectioa—thus evincing that thews disorders vera connected with each other through lha me.bum of the Nervous System, la the whole phnrmftctMHL-ia there Rcomed to be no eamedial agent which could roach und ruoupcrate my Nervosa System ; every thing that 1 had tried for this purpose had compb*lr frilci. At lost I was iod by my frfanas to ex ! imine your inventions, aud (though with no vary tan •{ulna hones of their efficiency,) I determined to try tho -licet of tho applicali.ui of tho OALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with tho MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June, 1840. To MT cur. AT ASTON IN TWO •IAVS MT Dvarcrsu HAS ooxr.; IN KIOUT DATS I Was .-XABISD TO BKSCMR MT TASTORAL LABORS, NOR USVB I SI.TCC OMITTED A SINGLE SLRVICK ON SCCOUNT Of VMB BsON'CttITIS ; AND MT RIirL'MSTIC arriCCTION MAS EN- J'fie vliAßßp TU rnoCTlTt MR. Sucli is the woudar ful uTm happy remits of the experiment. i hove, ior jnimon lod the BKI.T and FLUID to many who have been likewise suffaring from Neuralgic Affec tions. They havo tried them, WITH iiArrv RESULTS, I n.Ltsvr, in s.vrßv CASK. 1 am, dear sir, very respectfully yoora, ROBERT W. LANDJ9. . DR. CHRISTIE'B GALVANIC NECKLACB Is usx ' for all complaints affecting the Throat or Head, such at Bronchitis, Inflammation of tka Throxt, Nervous and flick Headache, Dixziness of the Reed. the Face, Buzzing or Roaring fie- Eass, which is generally Nervous, Lu~ .hat dutrrsslng worn plaint, called Tic Doloreux. Palsy and Paralysis. All physicians nek now ledge that these terrible die. eaes sic caused bye deficitncy t\f Stream Energy in the sitccted linths. DR. CHAISTIK'S tLilvanic Al tides will supply this deficient power, and a complete end entire 2ure is thus cil'.cted. DR. CHRISTIE'B GALVANIC BRACELETS tre found of vast service in cases of Convulsions or Fits, Spasmodic Tom plaints, end general Nervous AfleetitHie of the lieed and up|>er extremities Aho In TaDy ami raralysls, and nil diseases caused by a deflcisncy of or Nervous Kuergy in the limbs or other organs of thi body. Tic Doloreaz and Neuralgia. Tlieve dieadfu! end agonizing complaints are isssie dialely relieved by the application of the GALVANIC BELT, Nr.csLu r. and FLUID. The Bolt diffuses the Electricity through the system i the Necklace has a local elfaet, ami tho Fluid acts directly upon the affected nerves. In these IMrsssing afflictions tho application NEVER FAIL* FITS AND CONVULSION 6. Tli.te .I,ruing and terrible mmnUint, urn thrar, natiwd bj a ierangtrntnt of (k, N,r ... Tlw Dtl.r, BRA. w.rrs and FLUID will cure noarly every cave, NO matter how or old tho patient, or how confirmed the complaint Numerous and astuiiibhing prool'i ore in possession of the proprietor. ftp Many hundred Certificates from U parts of the country of the *no*t extraordinary character can lis given, if requited. trout da or inconvenience attends the use of nk. CHRISrih'X QALVANW ARTICLES, end they may bewurn by the most feeble and delicate, with perfect ea.<9i*iid safety, in many cotes the sensation attending their use ia highly pteoeant and agreeable. They can be sent to any part of tlio country. „ „ Prices: Tho OUITRDIC Throe Dollar* The Galvanic l- wo Dollaro. Tho Gnlrnnio BracflNg One Dollar Th* Mngnotio Fluid, On* Dollar, PARTICULAR CAUTION. 00~ Btwirt of Coumtrftilt and Jforlkltn Imitation* D. O. MORE HE AD, M. XK. , GENERAL AGENT FOR THE UNITED OTATI*, 13R UroMlway, N.W Xorb. For sate in Bloomsburg, Pa,, by- the authorized age it BY JOHN R. NOYBR. • onthorizsd agents in the principal towns Of the State
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers