ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! TEPSIN, the Dace Digestive Fhtrd, or Gastric Juice < A great Uyoepsip Curer, prepared from Ren et, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after direction of Baron laebig, the great rhysi ological CHemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., No. 11 Nb'rth Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedV lor Jndigestirtn r Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own mellior'. by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. See Advertisement in attnher column. IiAHHIEb. On the 28th tilt., by Jacob Shipman, E'q., Mr. GODFREY MELICK, and Miss CAROLINE JACOBY, both of Mountpleasant township, Col. Co. By the Rev. D. S. Tobias, on the 30th ult., Mt. SAMUEL MAKR, to Miss MART STETLEB, of Moutonr co. On Sunday of last week, by the Rev. I. Bahl, Mr. JOHN THRASHER, of Centre town ship, and Miss DIANA HESS, of Uishin"^creek, Columbia co. On the samo day, by the sa; rt e, Mr. WASH INCTON HAUCK, to Miss KEEN, both of Nescopeck. At Clifton, bn the 2d ult., by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson, Mr. BENJAMIN C. HINDS, to Miss EMILY M., daughter of Henry VV. I tinker, Esq. In Covington, on the 2d ult., by tha same, SASH EL MCCARRACHER, Esq., of Wilkesbsrre, to Miss ELIZA G., daughter of J.r. John Simp son. In Madison, Montour co., 16th ult., by tbo Rev. J Moorohead, JOSEPH BJI.LMEYEK of Milton, to Miss MA RIMRET "M., daugler of Wm. Cuiuuhau, of Mauison. DIED. In Holleiiback township, Luz. Co., en 'i'uesday, the 21st tilt., Mr. PittLir WISKBROD, aged 32 years. In Danville, on the rqorning of the 25th. ult., HENR)' PIKK, SOU of Charles and Mercy Jane Baldy, aged 3 years, 7 mouths and 22 dayit. til Roaring Creek, Col. Co., on Tuesday the 10th oil., Miss JANE U , daughter ol Phil ip and Hannah Cool, formerly of Black creek Luz. Co., aged 19 years. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas 1 will expose to public sale at the court house in Bloomsburg on Monday the 24t1) day or February naxt all lhat certain messuage, Jonemnut and lot of Ground, situate in tlie uown of Bloomsburg, Columbia county, bounded as follows: Beginning at a corner of a sixteen feet alley, on main street of suid town and running along on said alley, South twenty seven degree*, Ka*l one. hun dred and fifty three feet three inches lo an alley, sixteen feet wide, South forty eight and one half degrees East, fifty two leet lo a lot of Daniel Snyder, thence north twenty seven degrees West, one hundred and thirty nine feet two inches to iriaiji street afore said, thence along main street South sixty three degrees West, fifty two feet to tho the place of beginning ; containing twenty six and one half pen-lies of land; whereon is erected a two story Brick Store House and dwelling House, a two story frame buildetig and frame slahle, with the appurtenances. Seized taken in Execution and to bo sold as the property of William li. Albright and John Mcngte. PETER BU. I.MEYEIt, Sli'f Bloomsburg, Jan. 30, 1851, PUBLIC SALE OF VALLA ISLE HEAL ESTATE In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, on Saturday the ihrttduy of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Cornelius l.undy and Lot Parker, Administrators of Thomas l.undy late of Greenwood township, in said county, de ceased will expore to sale by Public,\endue upon the premises, a certain messuage plantation and tract of land situate in Green wood township Columbia county, ailjoiiiin ing lands of William G. Harris on tho East, Joseph Reoso or: A'ortli, William Coursou ou the West, nod Nicholas Cole on the South containing Two Hundred and Twenty Acres. of which about one hundred acres are clear ed land whereon are erected en the premis es TWO LOG HOUSES, each one story and a half high, a Frame bank Barn, and a wag ol house. Tliere is also ail orchard on the premises Late the Estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Greenwood and county aforesaid. ' or 7 erms made known nt the sale. J U OB EYEKLY (Ink. Bloomsburg. Jan. £2, 1851 -is. PIIBLIi SALE OP REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Columbia Comity, on.Thursday the 27th day of Februaryinst, at leu o'clock in the forenoon. Abraham Mensch and Peter Bitner Adminisliatore of Adam Mensch hue of Roaringcreek township in said county, de ceased will expose to sale by public vendue upon the premises, a c< rtain undivided in terest of tlie said deceased in uud lo all (hat certain tract of land in said township adjoin i g lands of J. Watson Hi'bs, Henry Hoff man. Abraham Wituer am! Elijah Horn, containing about on which are a 'FRAME HOUSE AND BARN ami oiher building*. The interest of said de ceased being übout 46 one hundred and eighteen parts at undivided, or 48 ACRES AND 134 PERCHES if divided into aeros in proportion to intes* tales interest in tbo tract. Late the estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Roaringcrcok and county aforesaid JACOB EY'ERLY Clerk. Terms made known on (he day of •aie by ABRAHAM MENSCH YETER BITNER Administrators. Bloomsburg, January olot 1851. NOTICE. ' All those indebted lo thq subscriber in Bond, note, or Book aeeounl, of over one year's standing, are hereby notified that tho same rtiqst be attended to, between this and the let day of March next, or costs will bo made on same without distinction. GEORGE WEAVER. Jan. 29th, 1851. " TMMWRW FYJUIBIK " Of all sorts, shapes and sizes for sale at the Bloomsburg Book Store by JOSEPH 6WARTZ Fancy Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand &c can be found at the cheap Book rtore of JOSEPH SWARTZ A Valuable Farm at PRIVATE SALE. A good farm of 176 acres in Mountpleas ant township, Columbia county is offered for sale upon fair terms. It lays along Fishing creek just opposite Light Street, and contains as good land as is found along tho creek. About ono fourlh is wood laud, th,, remain der cleared and in good state r/ ( cultivation. Fhe improvements sre a 'jtinvenient and comfortable frame a good barn, and other outbuildings. The land is believed to contain a .valuable deposit of IB.ON ORE, and the ownej o„iy agrees to sell it, because he cannot -give his personal auporvision to the property. It will be sold upon such lib eral a'jd desirable terms as to make it a good, profitable, and cheap home. For (be teints of sale inquire of R. W. WEAVER Agent. Bloomsburg, Jan. 21, 1851.—tf Uouse & Two lots at Private Salfe. S|gY THE subscriber offers at private Rflw|[Asale the house and lot now oc- Wfflf afci'Died by him at Light S'reet, dSEfiriSSColombia Co., anil would dis pose of it on fair terms. The lot fronts 60 feet on the main street of the town, and ex tends bnck 150 feet. The house is a frame dwelling and ha* a good wall of water with a pump in at the doot. There is also upon he lot a good stable. AY OUT LOT, Containing nearly one acre and adjoining the above premises ou the back alley, will also bo 6old upon fair terms. MARTIN L. BROWN. Light Street, Jan. Bth 1851.—61t For Good Watches. gO Henry Zuppinger returns his thanks for past patro lage, and invites the pub I 'Su lie to examine his new yu 1 CLOCKS, WATCHES, j Trimmings, Glasses, and Keys, Balance Wheels, Jewels, which he offers for reasonable prices. He will alio re pair clocks, watches, and musical and opti cal instruments in a satisfactory manner. His shop is in the middle room of the Ex change block, nearly opposite lo tho Court House. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1849. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Bloomsburg January lot 1851. Burnside Ellen Philips Win. J. (ship ! Cox William Ilicharl Charles " j Crawford Jane Ralph C. Derr David IV. Rebegy Samuel Edward William G Rnich Hetty J. Eyer Wm. Richy George Krese George W. Ralm James L. Hagaruan Dennis Rogers Geo. H. j Heller William Roberts William j Hurtzel Jaques Struble Susan Johnson Susan Ann Smart Elizabeth Lewis Charles H erwick Johu I Marple M. M. Weir Elizabem(ship ! Mcacum Prudence Wasser George. i J.M.CHAMBERLIN P. M. I Executor's Notice. Estate of Joseph Yettcr. Notice is hereby given that letters testa- J mentary have this day been granted to the ; undersigned by the Register of Columbia j etrtimj u[m n the create of Joseph Yet tot; ■ i late of Caltawissa township, Columbia I ) county, deceased. All persons haviug ' claims against the Faid estate are requested : to present them to the undersigned, residing i in lhe town of Caltawissa; and those know- ! ing themselves indebted lo make early pav ' moot to JOHN SHARPLF.SS, J. K. SHARPLESS, Executors. Caltawissa, Jan. 14, 1851.—6 t. THIS WAV CSENTLEJHEIV.j IStfJIPI&EiPe _ i RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi j izens of Itlooinsbui'g in gciietn! and his : old patrons in particular, besides the rest of mankind, that he has again opened his lai- | lor-shop where lie will bo pleased to furnish ; the best of clothing, cut according to tho la- j test fashions, and made in the best manner. { He receives the city fashions, and feels ccr- | tain that his work will look writ and wear bet 1 hr. His shop is on main street of Bloomsburg ! next door below Lutz's Drug store. In pay for work, lie will take cash, store j order, or even GOLD DOLLARS. Bloomsburg Nov. 21. 1860. j Hoots and Shoes. I tWEncourage your own Mechanics, and you ; encourage Yourselves gj The subscriber would inform his friends and the public, that he has on hand, and ' makes to order ail kinds of BOOTS AND I SHOES, at the following low prices : Men's line calf or morocco boots, $4 a 4 50 do kip or cow hide, 3 35 do calf shoes 2 00 do cow hide 1 75 do miners', nailed, 2a2 50 Ladies' gaiters, 2 a 2 25 " Lace boots, 162 " Thick soled slippers, ]al 37 " Pump soled, 100 " Excelsiors, 125 Boys', youths' and children's shoes in pro portion. He manufautures his work of the beSl of steok, and warrants it to wear ; and he is determined to sell it as low as othciß can their Yankee or city work. Call and see for yourselves, bhop on Main St., next door below Ilartman's Store. , WARREN RUSSELL. Fire Insurance. THE Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comoauy, have appointed the undersigned an Agent, to make insurances in Columbia county. The Company is in good credit,and 1 is conducted upon sound principles. Persons ' insured by the Company are entitled to the 1 rights of membership therein, are elegiblc I as Directors of the Corporation, but without ' any individual liability for the losses or expenses of the Company. The amount of premium and policy paid when insured is the extent 1 of liability. Persons desirous of effecting an insurance upon property, can call upon the undersigned, at his Office in Bloomsburg. CHARLES R. BUCKALEW. May 22, 1850. CMI lIIU Li:TTIYCi Proposals will be received until 4 o'clock 011 the 25th c'ay of February next, at the bouse of Jacob Meliok in Light Street for building a Brick Church, 49 by 60 feet in the town of Light Street. Plans and specifi cations can be seen at the same place ton days previous lo the letting. JACOB MELICK. JOHN MELICK. GEORGE SLOAN. 1 Li: lit Street, Jan. 29th 1851. 3PV2BQ&&9 Kr@lfU<olEo Notice is hereby given, lht the Partner ship heretofore existing between GOEL & SHAW, as Contractors for the Construction of the Philadelphia and Wilkesbarre Tele graph Line, and the Susquehanna River and North arid West Branch Telegraph Line, is this day dissolved by mntiral consent. All persons having subscribed and paid lor stock in "Tiro Philadelphia and Wilkesbare re Telegraph Company," are respeotfully re quested to present their receipts for such paymehts to ELI J. SA3GER, Esq., of Allen town, Lehigh county, Pa., President of the said Company, and rceoive their certificates properly authenticated therefor; and all per sons having subscribed and paid for stock in "The Susquehanna River and North and West Branch Telegraph Company," aro also respoctfully requested to present their re ceipts for such payments to A. C. GOELL, a the American Hotel, Chestnut street, oppot site the State House, Philadelphia, President of said Company, or to T. 0. VAN ALLEN, Treasurer, Danville, "Montour county, Pa., and receive their certificates in due form therefor. And all persons having claims a gainst the said Partnership, GOELL AND SHAW, relating to the construction of said lines, whether upon promissory note, draft, book accounts, or otherwise, aro respeotlully requested to present correct statements of the same, without delay, to JOHN TITUS, Esq., No. li Mercantile Library, Philadel phia, who is authorized to receive and ar range for settlement of the same. A C. GOELL JAMES SHAW. January 3d, 1851. qui6- Im. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF (ALI iItLG REAL ESTATE. The Subscribers will expose to side at public Vendue, on the premises, on Tuesday, the 25th day of March next, A. D. 1851, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the township ot Huntington, in the county of Luzerne. The following valuable property being the estate of Amos Franklin, deceased, late of Hunting.on township, containing 217 acres and some perches, and allowance for roads, &c. Ninety acres of it is improved. The unimproved is well timbered and well wat ered On the properly are erected three dwel j ling houses, a barn, stable, &c. There are : about fifty fruit trees on tho place, also a I good spring near each house. The land ' may be conveniently divided into 2 or 3 j small farms with a building on each, and ; will be sold in two or three pieces, or togeth .er to suit purcliasors. Any one desirous of purchasing can view the promises at any J time. A pait of the purchase money can j lie secured by Bond and Mortgage on the property. The conditions will bo made I known on tlie day of sale by PETER FRANKLIN, JOHN FRANKLIN, Executors. I Huntington, January 16, 1851.—19 Price Reduced! VAUGHN'S LSTHONTRIPTIC MIXTURE! Largo Bottles—Only One Dollar. | riic Pro;iriftor of tlie Clivm American Rcmctl)' "VAUann'i VEGETABLE LITIIOMRIPTII: MIXTURE," induced lj the ] urgent solicitations of lii A genu, throughout the Unilvd J Statei and Canada, has now Reduced the Price I Ol'lih loJMilar and well Known article; and from thin dale. • l-rTn-vftmh, tie trill put up but ono rize only, —his quart bottles: the retail prico will be ONE DOLLAR. The public may ret nskurcd lhat the character of the Medi I tine, its strength, ami curative |>roi>rrtit* WILL REMAIN J UNUIIANOEP, and the same earn will he hc*towcd in pre I , paring it a heretofore. j As this medicine, under its reduced price, will he purchased ; by lltO'C who have not hitherto made themselves acquainted 1 ; with its virtues, tlw proprietor would beg to intimate that lii 1 article U not to be classed with the vast amount of " Bemcdie* of the day it claims for itself a greater hauling poicer, in I >iil tlitcatrs, than any other preparation note before tin J ircrltl: And has fuMaiiied itself for eight year* by its stiperiui ! medical irtuw, and, until this reduction, commanded doubir tlie prion of any oilier article in this l/he. N• tIT r. PARTICULARLY, article act* with great heal ing pewcr and cerUiuty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungr j and nil other organs, upon the proper action of which life ami j health depend. i This medicine has a justly high repute as a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, j and all diseases of that, nature. It may bo reliwl npon when j the intelligent physician has abandoned his patient, —ami for j these distressing diatc*, more especially Dtiomv, the propri ' etor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At its I present price it i ensily obtained by all, and the trial will prove | the article to be tho Cheapest Medicine in the World! j K7" Please auk for pamphlets the agents give them away . .'.W contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (In addition to ful j medical mnttfr) valuable for liooschoM purposes, and whicl , will save ma..:' ''"Haw Pr year to practical honrekeepcni. These receipts are to tuaka the hook of great | value, aside from its character as mil advertising ft* the medicine, the UMiniouy in favor of whicn, ju tho lonuT.' 1 letter* from all parts of tlie country, may be relied upon. ty " Vaughn's Vcgctablu Lithontriptic Mixture" —tlw j Great American Remedy, now for sale In quart bottles at $1 | each. small bottles at 50 cts each. No small bottles will be 1 issued aOer the present stock is disposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Street, O. C. VAUGHN. POIJ Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT Mi KELSON Si CO.. 137 Maiden l.ane, New York City. N. B.—All letter* (excepting from agents nnd dealers witu wltMii he transacts business) must be post paid, or no attention i will be given to them. AGENTS.—E. P. LUTZ, Bloomsburg ; O. F Moore, Danville; Jno. W. Frilitiff, Sun bury, M A M'Cay, Northumberland; John Sliarpldss, Caltawissa ; J K Millard, Eupy town ; A. Miller Berwick ; Charles Seybert- Beach Haven.Oct. 31, 1850.-ly NEW SADDLER SHOP- The subscriber announces lo the public that lie has just opened a Saddler Shop in the central part of Bloomsburg, on Main street, one door above Rupert's Store, where he will koop constantly on hand and make to order all kinds of HARNESS. SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALIECES, | And every other article in his line of busi ness. He will also attend to TRIMMING carriages and buggies, in every desirable style, and will turn off all his work neat and good ; and at the lowest prtcos. Those who wish work in his line will do well to give him a call. tyHides, country produce, and even gold dollars will be taken in payment for work. VV. M'fc. THORNTON. Bloomsburg, May 15, 1849. SHEETSfe SELTZER'S WHOLESALE WIIKfJjK <&2aH(p7(Q)ffiS®lJaiEo No. 3 N- Third 81, (■nH (Abovo Callowhill,) MIUmWL PHILADELPHIA, ' A GENERAL ASSORTUET OF BRANDIES, WINES, CORDIALS. And Liquors of every description i ALSO a full stock of Hyson, Imperial, Souchong, Black If Green Tths. 1. X. SIIEETZ. F. R. SELTZER. J. M AKMSTROM. Aftnl. Fall and Winter Goods. WW* £SIES2 11" AVE just received the largest assortment •"--■■of new and fashionable fall and winter goods to be found in Bloomsburg, and they offer them at the lowest prices to their many old patrons and new. ' They have a full and large variety of CL O THS CA SSIMER 8, 8A T TINETS, JEANS, PLAIDS AND STRIPES JPOR men's coats, vests, and pants. "French xnd English Merinos, Cashmeree, .Delaines, ALPACAS, PLAIDS. GINGHAMS AND PRINTS FOR LADIES DRESSES , TER KERRI, WATERLOO, WOOLLEN AND LONG SHAWLS, HOSIE RY AND GLOVES—HARD WARE. QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES FISH And Salt—Cedar ware, Hats, Caps, Coarse and fine Boots and Bootees for Men and Youths—Leather, Morocco and Gum Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Childrens wear, and just about every thing else that can be de sired to please taste or serve uso. Bloomsburg, Oct., 29th 1850. Cg><a>qE>cllS3 a The subscriber has just received and opened at his old stand a choice lot of new goods to which he invites the attention of purchasers. He has a full and fair assort ment of fall and winter goods consisting of ia>anr HARDWAR3, Quecnswrre, Cedar (Pare, Pish and Salt, Hats and Caps, Coarse and Fine Boots, Gum, Morocco and Jenny lAn A Shoes for ladies, misses and childrens wear. Also, Terkcrri, Woollen, Walterloo, Bay state Mills and JENNY L ND Long Shawls, 1W IFF S, Cashmeres, Merinos, Delaines, Plaids, Prints and Muslins. GEORGE WEAVER. | Bloomsburg, Oct. 30, 1850. ! New Hoods in Eight .street. The subscriber has just received a new I assortment of goods from the city, which he I offers to the buying neighborhood at the I lowest prices. His stock now consists of j every article usually kept in a country store, including C£i>ai>cE><£LsB 8 GE.OOEHIES, QtiCfiiMvnro Hardware. Caps Dodta and Shoes, Ac., Ac. | He can furnish Cloths, Cusimerca Satinets and Jeans for men's wear; and Merinos, Al facas, Cashmers, Delaines, Ginghams and 'rints for the ladios. Also Shawls, Hosiery | and Gloves of every variety. Here is a j rare chance for bargains to those who wnnt ; cheap and good goods for cash or country ! produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Oct. 29, 1850. ; SSUX'sSKSr C^-fX>CE>OS)33 FOR FALL AV.D WINTER The subscribers have just added to thoir former stock a largo ano genaral assortment of Dry goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware Cedarware, Fish, Salt, &c.. catefully selected as to quality and priee, all of which they aio anxious to sell on the most accom moilating terms, aud respectfully solicit a call from all those who wish to buy cheap goods' their old customers especially MEN DEN HALL & MENSCH. Bloomsburg, Oct. 31st 1850. Reading R- R Pnssengci Trbluii Office of I'hilada. & Reading R- R. Co 1 Philadelphia, Sept. lti, 1850.- j Until further notice there will be but one Passenger Train daily, (Sunday excepted,) between Philadelphia and Fotlsville at ha f past eight o'clock, •*. M., and stopping at the usual places on the line of the road. Hours of : —For Philadel phia at 10 o'clock, 10 minutes, A. M., for Pottsville at 11 o'clock, 20 minutes, A.M., By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Secretary Reading, Nov. 2, 1850. THOUSANDS HAVE GONE TO CAL FOUNIA, but the business of Coach and Wagon making will be continued by the sub scriber at the old stand on Market street. He will promptly attend to all orders for work in his line of business, and is always ready, at short notice, to furnish Wagons, Coaches Carriages, Buggies, Sleds and Sleighs of any style ; but always of the best materials, and made in the most substantial manner. He will give his persoual attention to tTie business, and employ none but good work men. Repairing will bo attended to with care, and upon trie most reasonable terms.— He proposes to serve his customers to suck work as will secure for hun a continuance o their patronage, and from all who need arti cles in his line of business. He asks only a rial of his work to insure satisfaction. JONATHAN MOSTELLER. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. New Arrangements and Great Bargains. The undersigned respocfully informs the citizens of Bloomshurgh and the public in general,that he has purchased Mr. Franlz's Boot tf Shoe Store aud has added largely to his stock, and will continue the business al the same stand in the Exchange Building, on wain Street, where he will be happy to receive the calls of old and new customers. Boots and Shoes, of every variety at prices to Suit purchasers, kept constantly for sale, and customer's work made to order as usual. O~He invites the custom of his old frionds and the public, and hazards nothing in prom ising fat bargains. HTStore in the Exchange Buikling, Maine street, sign of the Golden Boot. JOHN EGAN. Bloomshurgh, March 28, 1850. Fancy Chairs. BENJAMIN IIAGENBUCH has iust re ceived from Philadelphia a new lot of FAN CY CHAIRS, of Birch and Mahogany curl, and of the most fashionable style, which he will sell at the lowest prices for good pay. Bloomsburg, May 16th, 1850. Books! Books!! Joseph Swartz has just received a new lo of Literary Historical, Religious, Poetical Miscellaneous and School books, to which he invites the attention cf the reading public 6f Bloomsburg COUNTY STATEMENT. lEZFßHMivumas ©IF ©©amcssnii #swsj | a , 2r 9 vast ItH 12 ' ,r —sssZSS&<SSmSßamm —o ■■ ■ The Auditors elected to adjust nnd settle the public accounts of the County of Columbia, have examined the same from the sixth day of January, A, D., 1850, to the sixth day of January A. D,, 1851, and respectfully lay before the Hon, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, the following Statement aud Re port, agreeable to the twenty-second Section of An Act of the General Asscioo!." of Ibis Commonwealth, pasted the 14th AMANDUS Ui^ERS,""ESQ.. TREASURER OF COI.UM BIA COUNTY. IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUN 1 Y. DU To amount of County taxes out-standing and uncollcelcdi Jan uary Otli 1850. For 1846, 2 27 •• 1847, 121 01) 1848, 2,007 81 '• 1840, 7i849 09 80,081 4b To amount of Cnuiity tax levied and assessed for 1850, 15,149 27 To amount received on unseated lands : Counfy 250 95 Road 172 56 School 82 65 Poor 44 16 559 72 To amount received on Recognizance of J. Crawford 100 00 • ' of Samuel Creasy, Esq., on duplicate of school tax, 28 00 ' Wm. Shuliz on exonerations 2 00 To amount received on sales of unseated lands 11 • • • seated • 61 81 • of over assessment of State taxes 149 10 ' of Jury fees and fines received of Ey#rly, Prothonotury 32 00 ' . of Jury fees and fines received of Billineycr, Sheriff 18 00 ' over paid on duplicates of Slate taxes 41 62 Total amount received $26,144 08 ' County orders redeemed, $-c,, 25,412 00; Amount due Columbia county, by Treasurer 8732 081 VK. By amount of County taxes out-standing and uncollected, January oth 1851 For 1847, 13 77 ' 1848, 023 54 • 1819, 1,767 31 • 1850, 0,702 37 812,460 09 By exoneration made during the year 1850, on duplicates of County taxes 365 50 By commissions allowed collectors of County tuxes, on final settlement of their duplicates 552 54 By costs on unsealed and seated innds bought by Commissioners at Treasurer's sale 100 25 By amount of County orders redeemed by Trea surer and returned to Commissioners 11,627 05 By commission on 811,627 05 allowed by Com missioners lo Treasurer 200 67 $25,412 00 EXPENDITURES. Bridge Contracts. Amount paid sundry persons on bridge contracts 1,640 50 Bridge and Road Views, also Road Damages. Amount paid sundry persons for viewing sites and reports on bridges, and for making reports of public roads, also for toad damages 362 75 Bridge Repairs. Amount paid sundry persons for repairs done lo Btidges 781 10 Jurors wages anj Mileage. Amount paid Grand and Traverse Jurors at the several Terms dutiug the year 1,720 14 State Costs, Amount paid Justices, Witnesses in suits when the Commonwealth was plaintiff 172 51 County Buildings. Amount paid for work done at County Buildings, 283 91 County Printing. Amount paid Levi L. Tate, 76 00 • ' R. W. Weaver 72 75 , • Charles Cook 52 00 • Vulemiue Best 53 00 ' ' J, R, Baldwin 500 258 75 Election Expenses, Amount paid the the several election districts, in cluding Constables and Assessors pay • 794 05 Constables Returns to Quarter Sessions. Ainouut paid during the year 1850 140 37 Constables Attending Court, Amount poid during the year 1850 89 00 Prolhonotary's Pecs, Amount paid Jacob Eyerly 53 49 Jailor and Sheriff's Fees. Amount paid Peter Billineycr for Boarding Prisoueis, summoning Jurors, 475 03 Court Crier. Amount paid Jesse F. Sholes 74 00 District Attorney Amount paid R, F. Clark, Esq. 37 00 ' ' E, G, Thompson, Esq. 12 00 40 00 Attorney lo Oudtmissioners. Amount paid C, R. Buckalew, Esq., '• ' For 1849 25 00 ' ' ' 1850 57 00 82 50 Auditors Pay, Amount paid Geo. W. Harder 0 00 | • • Win. S. Davis 9 00 • ' Samuel Johnson 000 27 00 • , Wesley-Koat, as Clerk 500 Assessors Pay. Amount paid the several Assessors far making the spring assessments Assessor of Bloom 21 12 ' Briarcrcck 16 12 ' Beaver 19 12 ' Cattawissa 12 12 ' Centre 10 12 1 Derry 9 12 ' Fishingcrcek 10 62 ' Franklin 10 12 ' Greenwood 14 13 ' Hemlock 12 12 1 Jackson 0 12 < Liberty 12 91 1 Limestono . 9 12 ' MitHin 11 73 ' Main 10 72 ' Madison 19 77 ' Mountplcasant ]2 12 ' Mahoning 13 12 ' Montour 11 83 ' Orange 10 12 PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, on Sat urday the Twenty-second day of February next, at lO'clouk in the forenoon, Hiram R. Kline, Committee of Mathias Kline a lunatic of Orange township, in said County, will ex* pose to sale by publto Vendue, at the houae of Kichaid Brewer in Orangeville, certain ONE HUNDRED ACRES of the Real Estate of said lunatic, to be cut off from the East East end of the hill farm in Orange Township, (by survey prior to the day of sale! to adjoin land 9 of James Ever ett, Henry Delong, Jesse Brunstetlet and Jo seph Kichart. r.ow of the Estate of said lu natic, situate in the Tbwnsbip of Orange and County aforesaid. Terms made known at sale. JACOB EYERLY Froik'y. Bloomsburg, Jan. 'is, 1851—is. ' Roar ingc reek ,17 12 i ' Sugarloat 15 ' .Valley 12 is f ' Danville Borough 12 12 ' Anthony 9 12— 308 74 [ .. .., ' Penitentiary Expenses. • Amount E. S. renitentiary 1 0 5 w ' Taxes Refunded. . Amount of road, school and poor laxos paid to sev ra! townships 312 69 Bot/ks and Bock Bin ding. Amount paid sundry persons gj g.j Coroner's Fees. Amount paid Andrew Freas, Coroner, and Justices Kitchiu, etal 17 Contingent Expenses. Amount paid for ink, cnndles, paper, quills and "Pos tage ; also fuel for offices, court room and jail 384 q7, Wild-cat and Fox Scalps. Amount paid as premiums 150 Commissioners and Clerks I'aip Amount paid James hake, Esq. 171 50 ' ' Harman Labour. Esq. 204 59 1 ' Joseph Yelter, dee d. 201 00 . . ! John Staley, Esq., • 38 00 618 00 ! , " .Wesley Roat, as Clerk, 300 00 I Amougt paid Emanuel Lazarus, lato Ticosurcr for Stato monies used for county purposes 1977 16 Amount paid Slate Treasurer, us balance due on > assessment of Revenue Commissioners 191 07 I Amount paid D. Rockefellow, et id for running divis ion line of Columbia county, according 10 an act of the (ieneral Assembly passed the 3d day of May ) A ' 1850 201 00 Total um'tof expenditures during the year 1850 611,977 12 STATEMENT OK OUT-STANDING TAXES DI E THE COUNTY I OECOLUMIIIA, JANUARY 6'l'lf, A. D. 1831 I I Amomountdue from Collectors as follows : , I Joshua Steder Valley 1847 State. .IYVmJMcKee Limestone 1818 162 65 194 02- 1 Hugh M'Elrath Liberty - 209 2-1 '{* 5? J G Thompson Mahoning '2O 00 John Keller Millliu 1 109 27 H Costenboder Maine ' 6 20 48 70 John Snyder Orange ' 153 90 40 Wm Applemati . Sugarloaf .< 37 37 ggg 12 C Applemati Valley ' 165.04 90 17 4923 64 798 02 Moses Coffin an Blootll 1849 274 6$ 177 2u Wm Hoffman Britircreek ' 56 88 73 I Daniel Gensil Cattawissa 1 70 50 47 g7 Josiah Girton Derry ' 244 69 41 27 [ Thomas Jomison Danville born ' 383 53 312 20 William Robbins KishingcrCek ' 36 85 85 74 . Daniel Neyhart Hemiock ' 50 69 50 01 i Michael Hemley Jackson 1 16 07 10 54 | Joseph Fulton Limestone ' 62 23 82 1 ' Samuel Johnson Mouutpleasaut ' 22 62 21 Jacob Sheeji Madison ' 804 06 43 20 1 Abraham Kline Orange 1 85 08 33 45 . Jacob 11. Fritz Sugarloat ' 158 61 217 78 41,767 31 1,195 SA James M'Dowell Anthony 1850 422 91 lotToa . Christian Shuman Beaver • 229 97 152 62- Hugh M'Bride Briarcreek 1 581 06 201 7a B F Hartmun Bloom • 769 06 240 67 Benj. Miller Centre ' 452 50 355 85 John Uobison Derry ' 88 17 134 40 1 John Reynolds Danville Boro ' 1,011 11 18c 76 M. M'llenry Fishingcreek ' 348 83 0 02 14 M Hower Franklin ' 238 19 *26 54 Samuel M'Carly Greenwood ' 429 73 3 ig gj Samuel Ohl Hemlock ' 448 03 222 07 John Savage Jackson 1 74 22 *2l 02 F M'Bride Limestone < 570 31 381 63 K Mouigomery Liberty ' 254 6$ 143 93 Jonas Mowrer Mahoning I 345 42 112 40 Wm Roberts Montour ' 832 10 t54 7 „ ll Hess, Esq. Miftlm 4 311 3i 289 ii Isaac Y'etter Main ' }7| 62 218 gg William Howell M'-untpleasaut ' 159 86 133 69 Joseph Sheep Madison ' 611 40 355 CO Peter Hetman Orange • 344 67 96 40 Jonas Fahringer Roaringcreek ' 598 40 423 90 S Appleman Sugarloaf • 350 94 284 00 Jacob Sidler Vallsy ' 324 15 44 71 , Total am't out-stand, for A. D., 1850 89,762 37 4 932 g t ' ' 1849 1,767 31 1*195 jj 2 ' ' 1848 923 54 789 02 ' 1 1847 13 76 Total am'l out-standing and uncollected 6th January 1851. *12,466 99 86,917 1£ Subject to a deduction for exonerations and commissions. We, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Columbia, being duly elected to adjust and settle the accounts of. the Treasurer and Commissioners, have carefully- examined the accounts add vouchers of the same from the sixth day of January A. D. 1850 to the sixth day of January 1851, ami do certify that we find them to be correct as set forth in the foregoing Statement, and that we find a balance due the county of Columbia, from the Treasurer of seven 'hundred thirty-two Dollars ami eight cents, and a balance of outstanding and uncollected county and the sum of twelve thousand, four hun dred and sixty six dollora and ninety nine cents. Given under our hands and seals this ninth day of Jan AD 18 M SAM UFL JOHNSON, 1 * GILBERT,C. M VAIN, > Auditors. JOHN KKIFEK, j , Attest— WESLEY ROAT, Clerk. I We, the undersigned Commig-ioners of the county jf Columbia, do certify thai the foregoing is a correct statement oldie recoiptsand expenditures of said county for the year 1850. Witness our hands ond seals, at Uloomsburg. this ninth day -of .January A. D 1851. HARMAN LABOUR, ) _ JOHN STALKY, Comm '• ' Attest.—W. ROAT, Clerk. ' s -. .. FINANCES OF THE COUNTY. Am't county orders, issued during the year 1850 Si 1 977 12 ' same issue redeemed 1 4 * l4 ' / in circulation Jan. 6th, 1851 2,442 98 issued 111 previous years in circulation 2, *400 00 1 Unpaid on bridge contracts 1.895 00 ' ' ' repairs '550 00 1 Owed by comity as above $7 287 98 Amount due the County of Columbia Jan. 6111 1850, as follows: ■ *On uncollected and outstanding taxes sjo 466 99 From Arnaiulus Levers, Treusurer "" "*732 Qg S 11,199 07 17,287 93 Rajance in favor of County, Juiiucry 6th 1851. 85,911 09 , *Subject to u deduction for exonerations and commissions. * CAUTION. AJL.L persons are hereby cautioned against paving any money due me to Benjp.min S. Gil more as he is not authorised to receive apy claims, due either to me on Individual account or on the late firm of Weaver & Gil more, the books of the firm bavins been as signed to me. R. w. WEAVER. Bloamsbuig Dec. 12th lgjo. NOTICE. While absent during the session of. the le gislature, my professional business will bq in charge of H. W. Weave;. Esq., ,who will attend to all matters in relation thereto. CHARLES R. BUCIAtEW. January 3d, 1851. I " -< SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of Ladies Gaiter* and Slippers just manufactured and ! for sale by WARREN RVfdJEL fi CiIHARR, , oVtfl©S<lstf IDCNajQ®, Tenders his professional services citizens of Williamsburg and its neighbor hood lor extracting and inserting teeth accor ding to the best improvements in surgical science and skill. He will insert tpeth either upon pivot or plate, and in suoh a manner as will insure satiefactioh. His office is near I'eter Lijl's store, i. . , . ... . Williamsburg, Col. Co., Oct. 20th, 1850. Notice. All those indebted to the subscribers in Bond note, or Book account, of over one year's standing, are hereby notified that the same must be attended to, between this and i the Ist day ot March next, or costs will be Imade on same without distinction. WSI. MoKEf.VY A CO Dec 4th. 1850.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers