Wo|m|g|, R. W. WEAVER H N. S. GTL.MORE, EDITORS. Bloomiburg, Thursday. July 4, 1890. ftF.MOCKATIC NOMINATIONS. Election held Oct. 8, 1850. VOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, W. T. MORISON. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, EPH. BANKS. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, J. P. BRAWLEY. The Ilirth-dayof American Freedom. Most of our subscribers will receive this number of our paper upon the seventy-fourth birth-day of American Independence, it is the great holiday of the American citizens, and ihe day for patriotic reflection. With a nalioi. powerful, so that even the lowest of our foreign servants bow no suppliant knee to the proudest of earths potentates, tho A. morican may well feel a or de and security tinder the broad folds of the star-spangled banner. At a time when the temple of Janus is closed, and universal peace pre vails through the earth, wo may well say our Jot as been cast in pleasant places. The past is rich in glory, and the future bright in promise. Earths last hope is centred here in Freedom's home, and may our people ever prove true to their high trust, and each one of our political b rcthrcn so help to guide tho good ship of state that he can every success ive day be more proud and worthy to say "I TOO AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN." SOMETHING NEW UNDEII TIIE SUN. The Compromise bill is forgotten by the American people, and it is becoming doubt ful whether there are any more Democrats or Whigs in the country, since the Forrest caso occupies the attention of every body. There is no danner of disunion since the great tragedian cowliided the great dandy. The Galphin claim is a stale, flat and un profitable subject since tho Forrest divorce case has become fashionable. Affairs of stato are now considered beneath the notice of the refined class as Mr. Willis calls it, while cholera cases, fires and steamboat disasters are no longer reported. Ladies lay aside the last novel ancut, to weep over the romance of the Format case, and loafers discuss the same subject over brandy-smash in the bar room or on the public pave. It is Forrest iiero and "Willis" there until boarding-school misses read aboutjthe ruin and sorrows of the unfortunate Mrs. Forrest, instead of at tending to their botany; and Old Mr. Ledger reads "the evidence" until the spectacles al most fall from his grey head. There is no use in Clay, Cass Buchanan, Benton or Webster talking about the "next Presiden cy," for nobody now-a-days cares about be ing Prosident, they only care about Forrest and Willis. The California fever is "broken," as the doctors say, and people now only get the divorce complaint. There will be no fever and ague this season, for people can't afford to take time to shake—they must read the "AWFUL DISCLOSURES." A cockney who meets a pert Miss, don't lisp about the "weathaw," —he talks about Mrs. Forrest and "Mistaw" Willis. Even the Fourth of July don't come this year until after Christ mass, if we are to judge from the public journals. We open paper after paper and it is nothing but Forrest and Willis. There are no longer cnrrent prices to meet out oyes— no more love sickening tales to tickle the fancy of the juveniles—no long speeches of Buncomb's Congressman—all—every thing is the Forrest case. We hear of it till our ears are stunned to deafness we read of it till our eyes are worn weak—we dream of it till it seems an accursed ghost come from the other side of Styx to torment us. Bulcut bono t What good is this discus sion to do the morals of the community? Will it not rather corrupt the minds of pure men and pollute the taste of though dess young women ? If we had a daughter she should sooner read yellow covered French novels, than all about this Forrest ease ; for we could explain to her that the novels are fiction and unnatural; while the wickedness of flesh aid blood, as portrayed in this case, in rcul life, must naturaly degrade the opin ion which any pure minded woman has en tertained of human nature and herself. There is no antidote to this moral poison, which tends to deaden all sensibility to hon or and shame ; and thus destroys tha very basis which makes good men and pure wo men. Let a man or woman bo, taught to believe that there is no virtue—among his or her companions, and that person is ruined. We protest against havingthe whole coun try convulsed by a quarrel between a play actor and a fop—or if you please, a great tragedian and a poet. The actor may have cultivated his imagination uutil he is very sensitive—in fact, a being all nerve. He may keenly feel the wrong that is done bim by the destruction of his domestic happiness. This peace of mind may be destroyed for life, so that living it en agony to him. But is hie the first case of the kind under the cue ' Have base and black conspiracies not often ruined badly educated -women, and made the lives of husbands of sufitr TP l<w>g war with their sorrows—seeming as nev- er to cease ? Aye! we have often seen gay and giddy yonng woman educated to be miserable. We have seen a guileless and pure young being fall into tbe net of a dam nable conspiracy to become the wife of a villian whom when she §new she could not but loathe and hate. We lfave seen perse cution! temptation and an almost resistless force of circumstances drive her to sin ; and at prosoctitioc and slander hounded her down to tho grarV, we have senn her die the thou sand deaths of misery and sorrow. She too was sensitive, high-born and proud. She too was the victim of a cnspiracy. She too was ruined Ly those who had rejoiced in her smile, and joyed in the glance of her love lit eye—by the demons of whom her warm and pure young heart had almost made good men—by the fiends whom her kind hospi tality warmed too near her into a lifo to learn her liaturo; and who then turned, like the fabled viper, to destroy her. She 100 asked a divorce before she fell. But there was no excitement tqrAer. The country was not convulsed troubled not itself abovit her sorrows. There was no mania for her released from the body of death, to which a relentless fate had bound her. When she went down to her grave, fow were they who remembered her; ami fewer were the teats shed over one whom the world should lia v e prized as one of its richest jewels. She, who warred with fate'. and resisted more than a thousand others are called upon to resist, fell only because her power was not superhuman. But 6he was net divorced; for she was poor. One of this actor's quarrels involved the largest of the American cities in a riot. Lives were lost, and the military were called out to fire on the mob An ordinary earth qdake would be satisfied with convulsing a large city, but this man must agitate the whole country. Men will now read the proceedings of the Forrest trial with a greedy avidity, until many of them begin to wonder whether they too are not the victims ol some base paramour; and this horrid suspicion will ran kle and fester in their minds, until they seem to live in a very hell of madness. Wo men will read the evidence in this and such other cases of the kind as are to follow it; until these become familiar to them as household words. j We can bear ''hard cider" orgies, "ruin" _ panics and such like fooleries. Wo almost , begin to wish that the songs about "Tippeca noe and Taylor too," and about "littlo Van, Van. Van" might drive away the horrid din about this'Forrest case,' for if something is not speedily done, our people will cry about i this actor of the nineteenth century, as did the old Romans for "circt uses at panem." Or i does the government open such - exciting t topics to divert the attention of the people trom Galphin tobberies, as the despotism of Austria only keeps its people in blind sub jection by opening to them an abundance of free theatrical performances 1 The country press owe it to themselves to speak out on 1 this subject; for in the country we have a healthy moral atmosphere. The city editors ! breathe a tainted vitiated air, and only cry vivc la humbug. ' From the Philadelphia North American. "Of Henry W. k nyder, of Union county, i the candidate for Auditor General, it ought to I be enough to say that he is the son of the late Simon Snyder, the brave and honest old 1 Democratic Governor, who, for nine years, ■ from 1808 to 1817, administered the affairs ■ of the State with incorruptible fidelity, and left behind him a name which even yet, has a power of enchantment, and the force as of ' a warcry, to so many thousand Pennsylva r nia bosoms " WELL, that is very cool! So it generally happens with the Federalists. After pursu ' ing a man through life with the most malig nant hate—after making h.is life a long war -1 fare, and houndiug him down to the grave 1 with spite, the persecutors at last find out (hat he was the noblest work of God—"am ' honest man. It was so with Jefferson.—The malice of Federalism embettered his life, so as to 1 shorten the time of his usefulness on earth. ' He was call - d an "infidel" "jacobin" and an "atheist" by a thousand tongues of slan der; and this in a tone with which only a demon should be spoken of. But no sooner was he dead than his slanderers pretended to believe in bis political doctrines or at least confessed the justice of his views. Madison too was denounced as a traitor and a coward when the British army burnt Washington city, and it was only after his death that Federalism granted his character r the just meed of patriotism and virtue. Jackson was attempted to be howled down by the minions of the money-chan gers ; and the sanctuary of his private life was opened to the detraction and malice of the persecutors. The wife of bis bosom was assailed by those too cowardly to at tack the old hero; and to his own hearth stone the slanderers followed him. Death only made them give themselves the lie, and own that he was truly one of the good and groat; who had served well nis coun try and the brotherhood of man. Simon Snyder was a shining mark for the shafts of Federalism while he lived. When he vetoed bank billd he was called a tyrant and a dictator, and the bills were pas sed over his head by *a vote of two-thirds. But he faltered not nor feared. He warned tho people, and trusted to tbe future foi his vindication. Now his slanderers are dead or silent, and the party that opposed him when living owns since his death that he was a man ot "incorruptible fidelity, and left be hind him a name which even yet has a pow er of enchantment, and the force as of a warcry, to so many thousand Pennsylvania bosoms." Ihe Whig party thinks that a name is more potent than a principle. With charac teristic contempt for the people, that party trusts to a mere "name" as a "warcry." Hen ry W. Snyder may throw himself into the arms of that party which traduced his "brave and honest" father; but then the people will look upon him as an alien to his father's blood, fia apo&tato of his father's faith. If ho would be true to the nature he should have inherited, ho would have worshiped at the shrine of that other "bravo and honest old Democratic Governor,"—FßANClS R. SHUNK upon whom it seemed that the man tle of the "incorruptible" Simon Snyder had fallen—who, like his prototype, ever warred with all monopoly—was always true to the great cause of the people—and whose principles and honesty will for ages be cherished dearly and warmly "in so many thousand Pennsylvania bosoms." A lie nailed Best in his last paper barks at Mr. Frazer of Lancaster, and insinuates that thatgentlemau interfered at Harrisburg last winter to defeat the Montour bill. Mr. Frazer no doubt des pises Best's cpnduct as Senator as heartily as it is posßßle for one man to contemn the acts of another, and saw that the pet project of the treacherous Senator for a new county was mischievous and unreasonable; hut that he ever made it his business at Harris burg to be a professional borer against Mon tour is a malignant and black hearted lie, of which only a man liko Best could be capa ble of giving utterance, but which coming from such a source, can do a fearless, hon est man like Mr. Frazer no barm, but will pass by him as the idle wind which he re gards not. We are pleased to give the fol lowing extract from a letter reveived from a friend, and dated: lIARRISBURQ, July Ist 1850. # * # * * # "I observe that Best is writhing under the infliction which Mr. Frazer gave him at Williamsport, and attempts to revenge him self by giving vent to an unmanly false hood. Mr. Frazer was only twice at Harris burg last winter after the Montour bill came into the house. Once he came on Saturday and left the next Monday. The second time he came on one day and left again the fol lowing one; and oolh times, I know, had other business than boring against Montour county. A man known like him, as high minded and honorable, can not be injured by such a traitor as Best." PUBLIC OPINION. From the Reading Gazette. Felly Best's New County appears to be in danger. An immense 'repeal meeting' was held at Bloomsbmg on the 15th inst, at which spirited resolutions wore adopted in J favor of the repeal of the Montour county act. A repeal ticket for the Assembly will !be nom natod in the old county, a d unani mously supported ; and there is no doubt that the repeal party will carry the Senato r in the district. From the opposition mani-, fested towards the new county, both at home and throughout the State, there is eve ry probability that it will be repealed by the j next Legislature. Best will yet live to reap the reward of his treachery. From the Lycoming Gazette. ' A great repeal meeting was held in Bloomsburg on the 15th inst. The people of Columbia seem determined to procure the repeal of the act establising the county of Montour, at the meeting of the next Le | glslature. We wish them success. From the Luzerne Democrat "REPEAL". This is becoming an ominous word with the good people of Columbia. We should judge lrom what we see and hear, that there will be a real war there on the 2d Tuesday of October. It used to be "Removal".— Now it is Repeal. What shape or name (he question will have -when repeal is dis posed of, time will only determine. 0 From the Lewishurg Chronicle ty Quite a large meeting was held at Bloomsburg, Columbia Co., on Saturday last, in the proceedings of which, notice is gien that application will be mado to the next Legislature, to repeal the law of the last Legislature, creating the new county of Montour. ( NEW ARRANGEMENT. —Since last Monday morning the Philadelphia stage leaves this place at 4 o'clock in the morning, and pas seegers thus reach the city on the evening of the same day that they leave Bloomsburg. I The contract for altering and repair ing tho Danville Court house was allotted on Wednesday of last week to Messrs Null & Voris for $1857. fF To Best's snarl about Democrats hav ing voted for the apportionment bill, it is a sufficient answer to say that the treacher ous Senator voting with tho Whigs, alone drove those Demociats to vote astr.ey did. DEPUTY MARSHALLS. —We understand 'that Mr. Irvin, the Marshall for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania, has appointed most of the Deputies. Thomas S. Mackey, of Mil ton, has been appointed for Northumberland county; Charles Cook, editor of the I an ville Democrat, for Montour county ; Israel Gutelius, of New Berlin, for Union county; John Knox, of Jersey Shore, for the upper end of Lycoming county.— Millonian. IJT We congratulate our friend Cook. His appointment is a good one, and fully merited. IV The Easton Argus of the 27th, in forms us that "the gallant Col Jefferson Da vis visited that borough week before last. He remained with us but a few days, being obliged to return to the discharge of his du ties at the seat of government. During his short stay he made many friends, who will always be pleased to welcome him to our borough." The same paper says: WILLIAM T. MORISON, Esq., the Demo cratic candidate for Canal Commissioner, pro poses paying a visit during the Summer, to Northampton and the other eastern counties of the State. We can assure him a hearty welcome at the hands ol the Demociacy of this region. Cy We hope he will extend his visit into thi region, where lie will find the yeomanry ot Columbia ready to give him a warm gree ting. PROGRESSION. —In Harrisburg, Reading, Westchester, and some other towns places of business are closed at eight o'clock in the evening. The merchants of Danville have agreedt o adopt a similar rule. EST The loss by the sinking of tho steam er Missouri, in the Missippi, a few days since is $17,000. She was insured for $B,- 000. MRjfOniSON AT HOME. Tho Montgnory county Watchman pub lished in Mr. Myr-jpn's immediate nnigh borhood spoaks }f his nomination as fol lows : "We have witjn a few days had oppor tunities of co/.vejing with many of our Democratic friendlfrom different sections of the County, and do pleased to find that the nomihalion of tji.uAM T. I'ORISON, meets with the /nost approbation— those who aro best wquninted with him, be ing loudest in his praise. We feel certain that no mil could iave been selected by the Convention who could bring a better rep utation for high moral chapter, for industri ous businas habits, and those qualifications generally, Which cannot fail to mako him a faithful, peWevering, and efficient public of ficer. Bred to habiis of industry and econ omy, we think the interests of the State will be well cared for, 8* far as he is concerned. The oflico of Canil Commissioner being one. of much moment to the tax-payers of the State, and neceisarily involving large ex penditures of the money of the people, it is but right they shou'l have some assurance that those expenditures will be judiciously made. From whtit we know and hear from Mr. Morrison, feel sure wo hazzard noth ing in saying thqt to him the people may with great safety conbmt this important trust. We can only ouimo-m, that when the election comes ifiuntf/we shall show by the vote which this couuly will poll for hfm, that we esteem him eminently suited for the station for which he received the almost unanimous vote of the Convention." ANOTHER HIT. The Democratic members of tho Legisla ture, who voted for the present apportion ment bill have issued an address to the Democracy of Pennsylvania in which they treat Senator Best in the following stylo : "The recent session of the legislature pre sented the singular political anomaly of the popular voice as manifested in the house of representatives, being neutralised and held in check by a double power ; first, by the casting vote of a selfish and erratic presi ding officer in the senate, who sacrificed his honor ami t-ilty lo .Um*party thai had nour ished and protected him to attain an object purely local in its character and results ; el evated to a high and responsible position b/ an act of base and premeditated political treachery, he prostituted his official influ ence and powers at the shrine of his own selfish ambition, and his senatorial career, from the commencement until the close of the session, looked at the accomplishment of one object, and that was the division of his own county; to tho attainment of that ' singl ■ object, personal integrity and political gratitude were willingly hut basely sacrific ed. The majority in the house were also restrained in the accomplishment of their just desire, in reference to tr e passage of an apportionment bill, by the veto power in the hands of an executive, who, prior to his e leetion, had repoatedly disavowed tho policy of its exercise in his addresses to the people, from one end of the commonwealth to the other. SUICIDE. ELEAZER PORTER committed suicide in Wilkes Barre, by cutting his throat with a razor He had been absent from town a few days and relumed on Thursday last. In the evoning he went to Dr. Miner's and com plained of being unwell, and wanted the Dr. to let him stay all night. The Dr. told him that he could not ke p him very well, but that he would see him the next morning. Porter then went to Col. Hillraan's Hotel and remained all night; he slept but little, s tt ing up nearly all night. In the Jmoraing ho went where his wife kept boarding house, she being absent at tho lime in the city, and there 6haved and dressed himself. While he was shaving the Dt* called and talked with him, and about twenty minutes after was called back and informed that he had killed himself. It appears that soon after die Dr. wont out, Porter took the razor and went out to the privy and cut a severe gash in h s arm, from which he ap arently had nearly bled to death;not content, however, with the wound in the arm, he took the ra zor and cut his throat, severing the jugular vein, and expired in a few minutes.— Wyo ming Democrat. Graiiam. —Sinco this gentleman las again taken etiarge of the Magazire which bears his name every thing which emanates from bis establishment is a gem. The portrait of "Jenny Lind" is a most beautiful specimen of art, but his premium plate the "First Prayer" is exquisite. It is a mezzotinto in the best style of engraving, and is in size 18 by 24 inches. This is to be followed by another premium y-hte of similar character, "Christ blessing little children," and both of these plates will be sent to new $3 subscri bers to the Magazine or to two new subscri eers who remit #5 for 2 copies of the Mag azine. Now is the time to subscri eto Gra ham ; a new volume commences with the July number, which contains the finest port rait of Jenny Lind yet published in this country. The Paxinos Furnaca, situated in Shamo kin township, in this county, has been thor oughly repaired, and is now in full blast. It works admirably, and yields about thirty tons of excellent charcoal iron per week. The furnace is now owned by Messrs. Tag gart, Barton &Furman, and is superintended by tho first named gentleman in person, who well understands tfce manufacture of pig metal. We hope receive good prices for their metal.— Miltonian. TV The SunDury American says, that the borough authorities 5f Northumberland, have enclosed their publio square with a neat fence and planted a double row of trees within. / The Sunbur, A t erican says: The lain of the Packe, boat Lycoming was finei last week for running his boat Sunday. Correspondence of the Public Ledger. s LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. ( WASHINGTON, June 27, 1850. ' Fvery thing bears again a bright aspect. Mr Webster, in a very able speech, brushed oa the cobwebs which Mr. Soule had vory , artfully introduced in the California Bill; , showing by the unanimous decision of tho Supreme Court of the United Stales, that the objections raised by Mr. Soule now in regard to the public domain in California have all 1 . been answered, and that the same argument which Mr. Sonle made on Monday last, had been made twenty years ago, when Mr. Webster first took his seat in the United States Senate, had failed, and exploded then, and was since forgotten. Mi. Webster spoke in an exceedingly phlegmatic tone, as if the subject was not worth talking about, and re marked that there was nothing in it, that 1 there nevei had been anything in it, and , that there could not be anything in it Jhereaf ! ter, and in conclusion called on the Honora f ble Senator from Lousiana to reconside. - what lie had said, and to aid in, instead of i preventing, the settlement of this vexed > question. In the same manner f he replied ' to the other arguments of the Honorable Mr. i Soule in regard to the extravagant boundary - oi California. Mr. Webster was for admitt i ing her as she is, and avowed his conviction > that nine tenths of the country are for admit - i ting her as she is. t The speech of "Black Dan" settles the j question of the Missouri Compromise, which ' will not receive a single Northern vote in tho ' whole Senate; so that the great demonstra tion made by the entire South, backed by ihe Southern Press, and Col. Davis' gallant Miss issippi Begiment, under a threat ot disolu tion, havoc, bloodshed, and cutting ofT tho supplies, will, after all said and dono, and all the saints invoked in aid of it, come to noth -3 ing at all. In does not comand one Northern ' vote in either House no, not one ! The moderate men of ihe North are willing to set tle the question on the principle ol non-inter -3 vention ; but they will not accept the ultima tum of the Nashville Convention, and show their manhood by resisting it. The South 3 have talked so much about disunion, that the North is beginning to be tired of it. If 8 they dont want the Compromise Bill.of tho Committee of Thirteen, they will get Califor -1 nia clean, dry, without sugar, as the only means of settling the questitm. Let us sec f whether the South will dissolve the Union on ' that, and that alone, with the full knowledge that "all the chivalry" aro alone responsible 1 for the act. The people of the touth—l ' mean not the politicians of elegant leisure who manufacture public opinion for people ' of less estates—are no bigger fools than the people o" the North, and are as little desir ' ous to knock their property down from a dol- lar to fifty cents as the handicraftsman or the * merchant of the North. It is precisely the 3 people who own real estate in the South that 1 would be the first victims of a disolu'ion ; 1 and we have yet to learn that when they 3 shall be called upon to put iheir hands into " their breeches' pockets, they will fork up 1 the cash faster tbuu their Northern brethren. > But it is all nonsense to talk about the dis. 3 olution. of the Union. The great bulk of the Southern people are as loyal as any of the North, and besides, there is nothing to fight about with tire best possible intentions. Sup i posing California is admitted to-morrow, i whom could the South attack ? March to i California and cut off a slice ? Let they try. ! March that Mississippi regiment to Wash . ington and put down Congress ? Bather -. dangerous, beforo Gen. Quitman is acquitted i at he* Orleans for infringing on the neutral t jty law of 1818. What then is to be done? YVhy, kick up a row generally. Call togeth -1 er another Convention, publish another ad* - dress, pass another set of resolutions, con -3 taming still more saltpetre, sulphur and char- I coal than that just issued, and in regard to 1 which the whole Nortn stands aghast. All 3 these things frighten nobody. There is but 1 one issue which involves a fight; because r it is not a mere worthless, ridiculous abstrac- I tion, like the Missouri Comromise, but some r thing tangible. The issue is in regard to [ lands—the strong point of attraction of the i whole Anglo Saxon race. I allude hero a- I gain to the Texan boundary. Texas will ( fight for her boundary as a ma'ler of honor, . and the disaffected Southern States wil assist r to bring on a general war. Th ey want to . dissolve the Union, and are only at a loss how to do it. In New Mexico they fight for property, and the fact that the major part of the population consists of Mexicans and Pu , eblo Indians, would give additional zest to , the engagement. The Texan boundSry C then, is the only pregnant issue; the admiss , ior. of California, after the South shall have j defeated Clay's Compromise, will settle it , self. j As to the Territories, this Congiess will , not adjourn (were it to sit till the 4th March, 1851) without having established govern- C ments for them ; let the Nullifiers vote a gainst that if they dare ; or* let them go home, for we can spare them exceedingly well, and bo all the better off without them. If it is time to stop Northern Free Soil and Abolition agitation it is quite time to stop glorifying the Nullifiers, and making heroes and statesmen out of a mere factious set of unruly politicians. Let us draw a cordon san itaire around the nullifying States, that the plague spots may not spread and disaffect , other States of the Union. Nullification must be rebuked as much as Abolitionism ; , public opinion must brand it as a crime a gainst the country, or it will spread and viti ate the whole body politic. If we had Gen [ Jackson at the head of public affairs, the ca reer of the Nullifyers would not be as bright f as it now is. He would have shown ram pant ambition a different prospect. Gen. Foote took the floor nfler Daniel Webster, and made the best, effective.Union . speech that was delivered on the floor of that Senate. He gave us the history of the L Missouri compromise, challenging contra , diction in the Senate or the House. It appears from what Gen. Foote stated that immediate ly after Mr. Buchanan had written his Berk- Jlfounty harvest home letter, he, Gen. Foote, [Tqguferred with Mr. Calhoun, expressing his "j" readiness to offer the Missond ; >omprftttlise j as an amendment to the Oregon Bill. Mr. Calhoun spurned the offer, looked upon the Missouri lino as unconstitutional, and as a most dangerous moans of dividing the coun try into geographical halves, which would, soonor or later, lead to disunion. General Footo here qnnted numerous extracts from Mr. Calhoun's speeches at the lime. Still it was remarked by Southern Senators that tho Missouri line would he a settlement, and to give peace and harmony to the country, he, F, ote, was willing to offer it. Again objec tion was made that such a proposition would be "degrading" if coming from the South, I and Foote was willing to obviate that too. He was conferring with Northarn Senators, and found that Mr. Bright, of Indiana, was willing to assume the responsibility in a spirit of conciliation and patriotism. Bright and Foote saw President Polk, and the a mendment embodying tip Missouri Com promise was drawn up at the White House- Bright offered it, but the South gave it by no means a generous support, and though Calhoun voted for the amendment, he even tually voted against the bill, because it had that amendment to it. Amongthe men who voted it down were those who are now most clamorous for the Missouri lire. It was afterwards stated, and slated cor rectly, that Mr. Buchanan was, at the earn est solicitation of his southern friends, will ing to write another letter ; but Bceiug the course things had taken meanwhile, Mr. Buchanan declined. After the election of Gen. Taylor, Mr. Buchonan was again press ed, but he then answered that he was con verted to the non interfTor.ci. that he had fought under that principle during tho Presidential campaign, and that he would not obtrude his opinion on the public. Mr. Foote then made Mr. Buchanan a visit at Wheatland, near Lancaster, and urged him again ; but at tho opening of Congress, Mr. Foote and another southern gentleman, can vassed both Houses, and found that the Mis souri compromise could not pass, too many southern men being opposed to it. Mr. Buchanan withheld his letter; and now the vary men who would denouce Gon. Foote in the South, for falling back upon the doctrine of the Nicholson letter, (after Gen. Cass, as Mr. Foote stated, had been willing to vote with self-sacrificing generosity in support of the Missouri Line,) are those who opposed the Missouri line when proposed, while he, Foote, stuck to it till he found it could not carry. Mr. Foote said he was now willing to vote for it; but not as a con ditio sine qua non ; for he was ready to settle the question in any manner that should serve our glorious Union. Gen.' Foote Tfflt true patriot, as I always have described him, ready to immolate himself by tho inch' to save his countiy. OBSERVFB. VERY LATE FROM MEXICO. —The New York Tribune has advices from Mexico down to a very late period, 13th inst. There is not the slightest grouud for the rumor which pre vailed at Washington of a revolution in Mex ico and the return of Santa Anna. Every thing appears as quiet politically as it has for the laat year past. An extra session of Congress was to be h&ld on the 20th instant, to prt>vide resources for the general Govern ment to cover the expenses of the Admini - tration, and to decree whatever economical measures they may consider expedient. The cholera, it is feared, would keep h i mem bers Irom the Assembly. Twenty thousand deaths had occurred this season by it in the country. When the rainy season set in in Guanajuato the cholera ceased almost at once. Sign or Otero had died of cholera. He was the principal o" one of the committ ees, who, together with the Minister of Fi nance, had been in constant activity for a number.of days previous to his decease, and still were occupied in regulating the public debt for the immediate action of Congress on the opening of the extra session. The approaching Presidential Election begins to attract public attention, and many candidates are spoken of; five already proposed—viz : Gen. Arista, D. Luisde la Rosa, Gomez Pe draza, Gen. Almonte and Gen. Bravo. Too LATE BV AN HOUR. —A Clerk in the War Department, from Maine, died one eve ning. The next morning the Whig portion of the delegation from that State waited upon the Secretary of War precisely at 10 o'clock apologized for calling so early and solicited the appointment of a certain candidate to fill the vacancy The Secretary received them very politely, and said that there was no necessi y for making an apology, bu re plied: "I must be frank with you, ar.Q tell you that the vacancy is already filled by the appointment of Mr. Cox, of this city." The delegation simpered, looked wild, smiled and vamosed. FARMERS ATTEND. —The Philadelphia Ag ricultural Socieiy, in an address to the far mers of Pennsylvania, recommend the or ganization of a State Society, and to this end propose holding a Farmers' Slate Con vention at Harrisburg, on the 3d Tuesday of January, 1851. Every county in the State is invited to send delegates. This is an impor tant move and should receive a due share of attention from 'arraera in every section of this Slate. flt would seem that the people of the northern part of the State, have been called 011 to aid the sufferers by the floods in Elk county, during tho Fall of 1848. Several of the citizens of that neighborhood have pub lished a Card, declaring that though thankful for the kindnesz which they haveunders.ood was manifested towards them, they never authorized any application for aid to be made by any person or persons. CONVICTED —At the U. S. District Cou* in VY lliamsport last %eck, Chs. Garheart was convicted of robbing the mail at Tanville, and Baldwin of robbing the mad at Great Bend Both were sentenced tq ten years' imprisonment. B. J. Brewster, of YV'' lge# i )oroU gj l) p a ,,son of Hon. Jonah frey, ?ler| died „ p al , anM) on the 25th of May. United Stntcs Senator. Tho Cumberland Valley Spirit expresses its preference for James X. MacLanahan the talented Democratic Congressman lrom that district as the next United States Senator, and, then adds: "But should the claims of Mr. MacLanahan be disregarded by the Le gislature—Should Fianklin County be refus ed the United States Senator—should the Democratic members of the Legislature look upon other Counties of the State as having stronger claims than ours, then we give a de cided preference to the Hon. Georgo W. | Woodward for the post. Apart from Judge Woodward's purity as a man and as a Dem ocrat, and of his abilities as a speaker, he has claims upon the party, in consequence of the shameful treatment 1 e experienced at the hands of the guorrillaß, in 1845, at tho time Simon Cameron, by a combination with the Whigs and Native Americans, was permitted to enter into the Senators office, not through the door,, but over the regular caucus nominee. We hope then for the future, that no man in the least favorable to the breaking down of long established Democratic usages, will ever again be elevated by the Democratic party tp a seat iif any Legislative body. Bet ter for us a thousand fold to be defeated at the polls, than afterwards to be betiayed by false lriends into the hands of our enemies. *. # Hon. John Strohm. 4P This gentleman who was so strenuously urged for the post of Canal Commissioner by his friends in this county, received his quie tus in the Convention, on the ground of opp osition to the Mexican war ( ! ) whilst a mem ber of Congress. One delegate, a Mr. King of Bedford, said, in the course ol hip remarks, that he would have voted as Mr Strohm did, had he been a member of Congress ; but he would not think it safe to go before the peo ple after such a vote. You could not make tho people believe it right. Another dele gate, Mr. Richards, of Berks, said that the objection to Strohm was a valid one. A man who would vote against supplying the A merican troops during war, would meet with a defeat unprecedented in Pennsylvania. The Lancaster delegates wanted to file a protest against the action of the Convention in regard to Mr. Strohm—but this was deni ed them, some of the members alleging that it was an insult offered to the Convention, After btfing alternately brow-beaten, bully ragged and coaxed, the delegates finally withdrew the paper, tacitly consentiug to. have the politica guillotine applied to tho neck of Mr. Strohm.— Lancaster Intelligencer. TAVERN LICENSES. —The following is the fourth section of a law, passed last Legislature. It is important, and pEces the Courts of Quarter Sessions in a new position. SEC. 4. That from and after the passage of this act, the several Courts of Quarter Sessions of the l'eacoofthis Commonwealth, (except that of the city and county of Phila delphia,) shall have power to grant or refuse a license to any person to keep a public house for the accommodations Jof strangere or travellers, notwithstanding the application of sncli person may he in duo forjn and ac companied by the recommendation require red by the existing laws. Throwing Stones. • The following, from the Gaston Whig, is a plieablu to other boroughs than Eastou : "We have frequently observed the throw ing of 6tones by boys in the streets, endan gering and sometimes injuring the passers by. Not long since a little girl was hit by some little scamp and severely injured. If thero is no #} to punish sucn conduct, it is time that the Town Council turn their atten tion to the matter, and devise a remedy. Let them impose a fine for every offence of the ki..d, and t ey will not often occur. The Compromise Bill. The friends of the Compromise Bill be fore the Senate are now confident that it will pass that body by a majority of six or eight. The Senators favorable to it have determin ed henceforth to refrain from all debate so as to get a vote as soon as possible. We may look for the question being taken tow ards the last of next week. IT The Doylestown Independent Demo crat announces that Jashua Dungan, of Bucks county, the anti-war Whig candidate for Ca nal Cimmissioner, was a noisy opponent of the war, the very sin ♦or which Mr. Strohm was denied the nomination. This is some thing like gtfjng out for wool and coming home shorn. DISTRESSING.-— We learn that upwards of forty of the residents of Logansviile, a small village in Sugar Valley, Clinton county, have died feince the Ist of January last, of a vio lent fever. It has visited nearly ever}' fami ly in the village, but has somewhat abated. The Packages of census documents to bo distributed amongst the Marshals and assis tants, will weigh obout 100,000 pounds. The schedules alone will consume several thou sand reams of paper. LEAD ORE. —Rich specimens of lead ore have been discovered on the farm of Thos. Howard, in Kelley township, Union county. Explorations will be made to ascertain tho extent and character of the deposit. Oen. Cass and the Presidency At the late county Meeting of the Democrats of Schuyl kill county, a resolution in favor of Lewis Cass, as their first choice for the Presidency, was passed. Union and Harmony.—The two wings of the Democratic party in New York, are at length uxited and tho Albany Atlas containsa joint call for a State Convention at Syraousu on the Uth of September next. Mr. Calhoun's la6t speech in the United States Senate, printed on fine Satin in gold, is sold in South Carolina at five dollar* per copy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers