"HELMBOLD'Sj A j JY,C7J EXTRACT MfCllU FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A poaltlta and t peelUe Remedy for diseases of tho SlUddtr, lUdasTS, Gr.vsl smd Dropsical BvrclUiics, This Medicine Incraaest tho powetiof digestion, and) ticltta the abtotbenta Into hoalthy acUon, by vthlcU tha watery or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largsmen ta are rednctd, aa well aa ratn and Inflammations Md li good fox nun, women and children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, t or vreakntsa aristae from Excesses, Habits of DlMlr tlon, Earl Indiscretion, attended with tbo following Symptoms i Indisposition to Exertion, tost at toner, Difficult j of Breathing, Trembling, tTaicfulness, fain la tbo Dick, II ashing of lha Body, Eruptions of tho race, Lose of Memory, ITcakl.'ervej, Horror ot Dleaast , Dimness of Villon, Hot llandi, Dryness of tbo kla. UolTCrial LastUoda, Tftllld Countenance, These syraploiai.irallovrel to coon (vvhlchlhUMedl tint Invariably removes), aoon follow FATUITV, KPUXPTIO FITS, 4e., ta one of which tha patient may ezplro. Who can aay they aro sot frequently tollowed'by tbosa "direful ills easei," insanity I2?d coxstjmptiox? Many aro aware of tho caose of their suirerlas.but sono will confess. Tbo recordi of tbo lnuno oa)lumi and tbo melancholy deaths by consumption bear ampla wltnosa to tho truth of tho assertion. Tho Constitution, onco affected by organic wcatacss, requires the old of raodlclno toatrcngthen and Invlgorato tho system.whlch IIEUIBOLD'S EXTRACT OP BUCHU tSTUlaUy dot;. A trial will couvlnco tha most sceptical. la many aScctlena peculiar to Females, tho Extjuct ficrou Is oaequalod by any other remedy, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, or In tho declct; pit ciiancie or life. tsr b Evavroaa juiovji. tZ7 Zio "ccilly should bo without It. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant modlelao for cspleasant and dangerous dlscascE. flELMOOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 12.13 SESJPKOVED KEASC- Cures Secret Binonacs In all their stages little expense, little or no chonsa of Clt, bo laeonTcnlenec. and NO LirOSClw. USE HBIiMBOLT'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all aCectlons and dlsetses cf these organs, whether EJCISTINO IN MALE OU TEMALE, From whatever causa orlElsatlsg.and no matter how long standing UHctccj of theso orasa reclto tho aid of a CliTCtlC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU la tha Croat Diuretic. And H U certain to have tho desired eiTtct In all dbeotes tet which It Is recommended. BLOOD! DLOOD! 8Z.OOB! Helmljolcl's mOtTLT COrCX!,TIUTED COUTOraO FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAMLLA, For purifying tho Dlood, removing aU chronic constitu tional diseases arising from an Impure state ot the Blood, and tho only reliable and effectual knows remedy for tho euro of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Fdieum, l'alns and Swellings of tho Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Face, Totter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Ernptlona of the SHn, jjjfD az.ncxinri:r& tub coaxriEsaore. SOT A FEW of tha worst disorders that amict rsanUnd arise from tho corruption that accumulates In tho Blood. Of all the dis coveries that have been made to purge it out, none ecu equal In effect Hiuusold's Cohpockii Eztsact or Bah aiPiitiLLA. It cleanses end renovates the Blood, Instills tho vigor of health Into tho system, and purges out tho humors which mako dlsoase. It stimulates the healthy functions of tho body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle In tbo blood. Bach a remedyNhat could bo relied on has long been sought for, and now, for tho first lime the public havo one on which they can depend. Our epace here docs cot admit of certificates to show Us effects, but tho trial of a single bottle will ehew to tho sick that It baa Its virtues surpassing anything they havo ever tafcen. Two tabjespoonsful or the Extract of gareaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to tha Llsboa Diet Drink, and one bottle Is fully oqnal to a gallon of tho Syrup of Earsa ffUtUt, or the decoction as usually made. " HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, As excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts nucha and Ear:aparllla,ln auch diseases as recommended. Evi dence of the most responsible and rcllablo character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for me, uilA hunJruit cf thoviandt living witnesses, and up vards of 80,009 unsolicited eertlflcalcs and recommenda tory letters, many of which are from tho highest sources. Including eminent rhyslclacs, Clergymen, Statesmen, 4c. The Troprlcter haa never resorted to their publication In tho nowspapcrs ; he doe3 not do this from the fact that his ertlcles rank aa Standard Preparations, and do cot need to be propped up by certificates. The Eclenco of Medicine, like tho Doric Column, ahould atand simple, pare, majestic, havlug Fact for lta basis, Icdaetlcn ftr It' (War, and Truth alono for lti Capital. Vj Cxtrsct Saraaparllla Is a Blood rnrlfler i my Extract Sochu Is a Diuretic, and will act cs such In all cases. Both are prepared on purely scientific prlnclplea-lrv racuo and ore the most acllvo measures cf either that can bo made. A ready and conclaslvo test will be a com parison cf their properties with those set forth In the fol lowing worts t Ceo Dispensatory of the United States. Ece Professor Diwns' valuaUo works on tho Traetleo cf Physic. ee remarks made by the celebrated Dr, rnrsic, rblla. Eee remarks made by Dr. Erinutu McDowxu, a cele brated Physician and Member of tbo TEoyal College of Curgeons, Ireland, end published In tho Transactions of the Elcg and Queen's Journal. Ece Uedico-Chlrurglcal Itcviow, published by Bzi-;'a TxivrKS, Fellow of the lioyal Collego of Burgeons, 6i aoit of tho late standard works on Medicine, BOLD BY ALL DltUOOISTS EVERYWHERE. tJUitu lettera for Information, In confidence, to H, T. HELMBOLD, Chomlst. PBIHOIPAL DEPOT! Selmbold'a Drug and Chomloal Warebouae. Ho. 694 BE0ADWAY, NEW Y0BK, and Helrabold's Mcdloal Depot, Jfi 101 BOOTH TENTH BT,, PHILADELPniA, BEWAltE OF COUNTERFEITS. ABK FOB HEIitlBOLiD'ai TAKE NO OTHER 1 FLUID EXTKAOT SARSAPAKI LLA Dr. Talbott's Pills. (ANTt.riV8IT.TH') Composed of highly ConccntruloJ Extracts from ROOTS AND IIK1U.S Of the greatest mndlclnnt value,. rppnrl fMni the tlglnal preftripHnu ir ilip t rlebrntnil Dr. Tallinn tt used by him with rcuiarkabln success lot twenty cars. An Infallible remedy In nil UlSUASEd Of TIIU LIVER, or any derangement nf s THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Tlicy euro Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Sorof. ula, .laun(lioc,Uiliousnts3,iivor Ooitii)lnint, Tho well-known Dr. .Mutt nays of theso rills:"! havo used tho formula from which ynur Tills nro made. In my practice for over li years j they liavcllin finest effect upon the Liver hud Dlgostivo Organs of anymedlcinn In the world, and aro tho inoit perfect rurgatlvo which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are safe and plenum to take, hut powerful to cure. Their penetrating propjtlcs stimulate tho vl. tnl activities of the bodv, remove the-obstructions nf Its organs, purify the blood, and expoll disease. They purge out tho foul humor i which breed and grow ills temper, stlinulato sluggish br disordered organs Into meir natural action, ami impart a nca II iv tnno Willi strength to tho whole system. Nit only tin they curu tho every day complaint of everybody, hut nlsn for midable and dangerous diseases. ntul being purely veg etable aro free from any risk or harm Nn person who has once used theso Tills will ever bo wltti'jul Ilium." They create puro blood and remove all impurities from the system, hence are u pnsillvo cure for FEVEKS, HEADACHE. PlLES,MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER. EDI'I'AllY HUMOUS. DOSE-For ndulls, nno Till In the morning J farchil drcd under B)cnrs, half a Till. Price Ouc Dollar pur Dos. Trade supplied, or sent by Mail, pott paid, to any part of tlte United States or Cnnadas on receipt of price. None Genuine with out tho facsiniilo bignaturo of V. Mott Talbott, M, D. V. MOTT TALBOTT & Co., No". C2 Pultun St,, New York. Way S!7. ISM.-ly GLAD NEWS TOR THE UNFORTUNATE. USED WITHOUT DETEC1TON. They do not Interfere with business pursuits, and arc speedy lit mtloil. KOlnANOU OF DIET IS NECCSS U1Y. . BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are warranted in all case', I'OIl THE BTECDV AND TEI1MANTNT CUItB OF Nominal H'enknesH, Urethrnl mid Vaeiuul I)ichnrKf a, Gleet, Sexual Disease, Cmmisoons, lmpolenco, (leu ital nad Nervous Debility and diseases of tho Bladder and Kidneys. They nru adapted for mala nr female, old or young and are tho only ro liable knowu for the cure of all din. vuacsarititu from YOUTHFUL INDISCKETION. In all Hexual Diseases, ns fioiiorrhea. tricturJ, Gleet, and in all Urina y ami Kidney complaint, they net like a charm, ItulU-t" tit cMicricnuMl by inking a kiniilu box ; and fiom four to six boxen generally elleci ucurc. Bold in boxes containing CO pills, pricu One Uollur, or six boxes, Five Dollars ; aUu. in large boxes, cou tabling four of the small, price Three I.ollari. Private Circulars tn Uuntleiren o.st.v, .eat free on receipt nf directed envelope and stamp. O" IT you need the the Tills, cut out this adver tUcment for reference, and If you cannot procure them of your druggist, do not be imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose the money in a letter to the pro prietor. Dr. J. BYRAN, Consultinrj Physician, Box 5U7'J. 412 llroadway. N. V. Who will tnke nil risk if properly directed ; and you will receive them post paid, securely sealed from ob scrvatiun. by return mail, SULLI BY UIIUGOISTS OCNnUAU.Y. DEMA3UAKNE3 SlC.O., Nkw York. Who'efealu Agents. July 15, ier,3. D&UP DE GRAFF'S EYE AXD KAli IKFI31UAKY, (On tho Square, Three Doors from Eteele' Hotel WILKESBARRE, P . rpiIIS INSTUTION is now opened and JL furnished In the" most coxtly style. Reception. Trivatoand Operating llooma arc large, convenient anil well adapted. The bnreJcal moirtmnnt contains the I finest collection of instruments in this country, and thus Ids fatuities will enable him tn meet any and all emergencies in practice Ho will operntoupun all the various forms of liMNDN'ESsJ, Cataract, Oceluou of the Tupil, Cjom Eyes, Closure of Hie Tear Ducta, In version of the Eyelids, Tterygium, &c tc. And will treat all forms of Sin s, Eye Gruuulcd I, his. Opacctics of the Cornea, uud Scrolulous dieaie8 of the Eye to gether with all the diseases to which the Eyo is sub ject. DF.AF.VE'S Will trent all tho diseases common to the organ. Discharges from the Ear. Noises In tho Car Catarrh, ditliculty of hearing.totul Ui ifness even where the Drum is dentivyed. Will Insert nn artificial ouc answering nearly nil the purpones ofilie natural. DISEASUS OF TUB TIlliOAT. All diseases com mon tn the Throat and Nose will lie treated GENERAL SUKGEltY.-lle will operate upon Club feet. Hair Lip, Clelt Trillatu.Tumors, Cancer. Enlar ged Teucils, -c, Tlalic operation by healihg new flesh into deformed parts, and Gcnerul Burgery of whatever rharnctrr it may present. HERNIA (or RUTTURtl.)- He will perforin "Labius operation for the rviliral (complete) cure of Hernia, Hi i 9 Is unquestionably a perfect euro. and is oi.ne wiih little or no pain. Out ol'many hui.dreit operated upon In Boston there ha been no fuiliiri-s.it having met the perfeit approbation nf all who havo submitted fo it ARTIFli.'AL EYEij. Wllllni-urt urtillciul Eyes glv iug them tho niolioii and expression of the natural. Theyare inserted with tha least pain. IIEMORItllOlU.-', (Tiles,) This troublesome disease is readily cured. Those suffering from it willdowel' to rait. l)r Up DeGrarTvlsits Wilkes-Ilarro withaviewof buililin;- up u permanent Institute for the treatinent of the Eyo, Ejrand General Sursury, Thu experience ol more than a quarter ofa century in Hospital undgeucr. al practice, he hopes, will boa sulhrieiit guarantee to theso who may no disposed to employ him, i ilayll, ldtH.-tr. 1 momm Insurance Company W'll.KES-HAIlRE. FG.VVA. CAPITAL AXD StiltPHIS, - - $150, - . ... A 8 ti . biocK not caucu ill, Hills receivable, .... IT. P.3-S0 11ou,l. ... .W,000 itumo u.uoo ti.lSII Tompurary and call loam, . . " . 1011 shares Wyoming Hank Stock, M shares First National HaiiK at Wilks-Barre, 70 shares Second National IJ.-uiltat Wilkes-Barro shares Ilkc.-Barro Bridge Stock. . . Real Estate. ..... Judgments, . ... Duulrom Agents ami others, . . " . Cash in hand ami in Bank 5,(,(M 7.IHIJ i!.5(iU 1.3IU 10.' 7,414 J.tl.' ElIKilSCVOBS. G. M. IIOLl.ENIIACK, I. . D. SHOEMAKER, II. ,M. IIUVT, I). .lil.l.lNU, H'm. S. RO,S, CIIAUMiJ A .MINER, juii ui;icii,Miu. HA.MUEI, WAIIIIAMS. CHAUI.bS DOllRANCE, It. II. I.ai:iii STEWART TIERCi: M .11 I Al, 111 II r- RMi rn c U "' bOEAKEU. Vies TV. C. SJIl 1 1, Seciutjiry. K ! , . , . I'- DROWN. Agent. .March 25, li . , Mlutg, Ta. Ttiril Edition, jljlij Thousand, 100 pa ges , cloth covets, DYltODT. E. HELL.M. D., A caution addressed to youth, lliu married and those t! u rs 1 J'j j) lr L A T 1 N G- MARRIAGE. Sent by moll, post paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS. . m.iui iiemsui ui mis small Dowi: nas aeen n BOON TO THE AFFLICTED I and has saved thoutaiids from a llfu of misery and as TT Kit l,T 1 f jt . . . It treats on the evils of Youthful Ii.Jiscretion, Self Ahusii, Seminal Weakness, Emissions. Sexual Dis cuses, Gcnilul Debility, Loss of Tower, Nervousness, Prematura Decay, Impotence, tc. cc, which uulit the sutlercr Iroiu tulliliing the OBLmATtOXS OF MltltBUOE, Address, IDb. J. DRi'AN, Consulting Phyeician Box 5079. 442 Broadway, N. Y. July 1J, t tjflJ. ' FOK Tim IJAHt. j "'he Original and Genuine Ambrosia i is Prepared by 1. Allen Rcsves and is ltn ni.i hair dressing ami preservatLvn now in me. It stops too nair idiiiug out, causes uiogrow tiucK and long and prevent sit from turning prematurely grey. It eradicates dandruff, cleanses, beautifies and renders thu hair soft, glossy and curly, liuy It. try It and be convinced. Don't be put utTwilh a spurious article. Ask for lleeves' Ambrosia and take no other, For sale by Druggists and dealers in Fdiicy Goods every where. Trice 73 cents per bottle SO.OO per dozen. Address. lll'.EVICS' AMBROSIA DEPOT. , m Pulton street, Navy Yoik City. ISMISSi!!!! JJSO.OOoiOOO LOA X or ins Bcpublic of Mexico. Tivcnly-year Coupon llowds lu Sums, of S.)0, 8100 $500 and Si ,00. iNTEtvEST SEVEN PER OKNT.,1 PAYABLE IN TIIK 0ITY OF NEW YORK; ! Priiiciplo and Intorcst Puyablo in Gold, j 10,000,000 to bo Sold at SIXTY on the DOLLAR j in U. S. Currency, IhusylcMlng nn interest of Twelve TrrCciit.InGOI.lt, orSevcntet-n Per Cent, in Cult. ltUN'CV, at the present rate of iiremium on gold. THE rillST VEAR'S !N1 ERE8T ALREADY PROVI DED. The Most DESIRABLE INVESTMENT ever OFFEUED, lmmeiisa tracts nf.Mlriiig and Agtlcultural Lands; Sixty per ittit of Tort Dues, Imposts, and Talcs, In tho Slates of Thmaullpas and Sail Lule Totos' J an I the Flighted Faith of (ho said States n it 1 tho General Government arc all Pledged for tha redemption of these Bonds and payment of interest. t Tlio Soourity Is Ample 010 In U, S. C'ei cy will buy a Tpcr.ct gold hondof SM SG0 " " " " SUI0 $300 " ' " 500 5000 " " " "51,000 Ix-t'overy Lover of Republican lAstitution Cuy at least, ONE liOND. Circulars forwarded nnd subscriptions received by JOHN W.CORLIES &CO. nnd J, N- Tlt'FT, Financial Agent ut tho Republic of .Mexico, !)" llroadway, N. Y, Sy Subsbrlptlons also leceived by Hunks nnd Rankers generally throughout tho United' Status . .Nov. SB, 1H05-0W. ' HEADING RAIL ROAD. Winter Arrangement. November '.27, 18G5. rcat Trunk Lino From Tho North Taiiil North-West for ThllHilolphla, New York, Reading, Tottsville, Tammpia. Ashland, Lebanon, Al lentovvii. Easton, &c. Trunin leave llurrlhiirg for New YorK, as follows : At a 1)1). 7. Vj and '.1.0.5 A..M.. and 1.43 nnd 0.00 T iM.. arriving ut Now York at j.-ltl nnd In 00 A. M and 3 41) mid 111.115 T, M. connecting with similar Trains on (lie I'eiin-jlvuiila Km l Kuau ; Mieping earn aceompany ingtho3.UU and 0.05 A. M Trains, without cliaiigc, Leave Hairiburg lor Reading, rotti-villo.Tamaiua, .Minersville, Ashlunil, Tino Grove, Allentowu, and Thiladelphlaat 7 35 A M. and 1 45 and II til) T M, stop ping at i.cbjiiou ami all Way rtatlous : tin; D.03 T... TreiiiuiuKihg nn elol' loumclloiis for Tottsville nor riuladelphi.i For Tottsville. Sc.iuylklll Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill an', I Sus'imliautia Kail Road, leaAO llarriiquig at 4.00 T. M. Uelurulng ; l.eata New-York utOliO A.M. 12.00 noon uud dOU T. ,M. ; Philadelphia at rt 00 A. M. and 3 3U T. M i Tottsville at 6 0 A .M. and 2 45 T Jt f .WhlandOOOaiiil li 45 A 'I. ami I 15 T. al. Tumaquu at 7 35 A. M, an.l 1 40 T M, Leave Tottsville lor Aairburg, vii Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Ituad.attl 45 A. ,M, Iteuilliig Arcommodatioii Train : Leaves Reading al G 30 A. M returning from Thil.idnlphia nl4 3uT. M Columliia Hail ttoiiu Trains leave Ueadui; at li IJ.A. M. and li 15 T. al. for Ephtatrt. LtlU, Luiaasler, Co lumbia. Ate. Oi Sumlujs; l.e.-ivi- N. iv Vork nt tt.oo I .11, I'liilu ilelphi.i 3 IS T M. Tottnilln t in) A ,M, Tumioiuu U uo A 51, llarrisburo; II 05 :iaml Reading at 1.00 A .M for Harrlsbiirg, and 10 Si A. .M. I'r fuv- York, Commiitation, Mileage, Seiso-,,- School and Excur sion Tickctd to and from nil point-, ut reduo d Rates llaggagu theclteir thruai.i i CO pounds alluwud each Pasenger. G. A. Nlt.OI.I.S, GESEH1L f5urtRl.S lt.NDKM-, Reading, Ta. Nov. 27, 1SC5. S. U. DE WOLF, DEALER IN Ready- Made Cloth in No 202 North Second at., Ono door above T.ace'Sl., PHILADELPHIA. tQr Clothing made to ordor at the short est notico May 27. SG3.-6m ' THE PRIVATE MEDICAL AltVhHK, (Exclusively for Ladies,) An invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by published fur thu benefit ol the sex. On receipt of 'I EN CUNTS, it will be sent postpaid, In a sealed envelope, to all who apply for It Address Wflft. J. JBilYAW, S5tx 5070, 443 llroadway, N. V. July 15, IiC4. American Hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. S. M. I1EULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. II. Uehlinos, Vkrk. May '7, 105. 12m sir trUASiyss (DifEtLo BELL 6i ALLABAOH, Proprietors. CORNER OF THIRD S'ly PENESYLVANIA A V WASHINGTON. D. Oi FURS. FURS. FURS Wholesale and Retail. sJU.WLES OAKFoilD&loXS, EiiTQEiisiisiirAOa worn, P 11 1 L A D E L T II I A , Have now opened their large and splendid stock of LADICS' FUR CATS, COLLARS, MUFFS. CUITS. IILOVES, AND HOOPS, Also tho finest assortment ofFAFCV FUR HOURS, CATS, .MUFFLERS, and GLOVES, over before odeicd by them alt of which n o warranted to be us repre sented, . Shipping Furs Bought. Oct. 21, IfiJJ3, 3i. Eaale liotel. ripiIE undersigned having opened a pul JL He house, in Rohrsburgi Columbia Cojih kcou a as tha EAGLE HOTEL, Announces to his friends And the public eonerallj-, lliut he will ho happy at nil times to udiiiiulster lo tueir eiiieriuiuni.ini. l uiioui solicited Live him a call and you will not regret it. WILLIAM EDGAR. Ilohnburg, July 8, IcOi WM. G, HaRGIS. E, U.l'EALE. ii E. II. UUilLBV WM. G. I1ARGIS k CO. No 130 South Second St., below Chestnut, Thlla, anufaoturers of Varuinlics and Dry- l'I ing Japans and dealers in White Lend, 'Zinc, Oils, Tulty. liakuui, Paiuter's Colors and Tools, Hunt ing and Lubricating Coal Oils, Ucmini, Naplha, 4, JT" Inducements to dsalvrt. BnK.n, JMi-iy, A. B. DAVIS & CCV, Jl-uri A I) IS LI' Ifi, Miiuiti'-v'tuit r of iXnW Koad Truck Hay Coal and Caldc je fs & wy 'M U PLATFORM AND " COUNTER OF EVERY DESROIPTION SST EVE 11 1' SCALE irarr anted. Orders promptly flllod, apply to R. II. E ATON, rolo Agcnti Berwick, J, K. EYER, liloonislurg, Pa. July 1805. Omo. Arcana Watch, Au Elegant Novelty in Watches. r he cases of this watch are a now Invention com I pixed of several ili ll'jri-nt metals combiuuii. rolled together and pluiiisiied, producing nil csact imitation uf IH curat gold, called AaotN i . They nru us beau tiful a" M'lid gold and nro nll'orde.l a. ono-oiiihtli thu cost. Tho i nsei are hentittlfiilly ilesigni-d nnd ute en graved in tho nxiii.t stylo uf the celebrated Gold Hunt lug Lover, olid so exact nn imitation of gold as to I ilely detection, Thu movomeuta nru liuniifattilred by I lliii well known St. Jimber Wutch Company I' En- rope and are superbly finished, having en.'rave.l pal- lets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting tiguUtor, lino ill . al and skeleton hands. I 1'huse watches are all Hunting Cnics and of three I sizes, tho smnllist being lor Ladles A case of six will be sent by .Mail ur express for SIJ5. A single one sent ill n liiriTilaonio rasa for $25. They will' readily sell for throe times their cost. Wn also Im port a very superior finished nnd elegant wntch which we ciin sell for f'JU each or $151 pr case of i t Thesu nru also hunting rase and for La lies ami , (ieuls. Wo a.o solo agents for lliii Wutdi in tin: U-. Sinter unit lioni. urn L'l-noillil nhiih do not kcnr our ' Triidi) Murk, Persons ordering Vatchcs, U, O. D. will please remit 25 per cent of Hie uinoiiut with llielr or der. Ordi rs for any kind of wukhes promptly and faithfully fullilled. Aildret-s. ARCANA WATCH CO., -No. 112 Fulton St., New York City, Importers 4t Dealers III Watcbeol every description. Successors to (iirar.l W. Devauah i Co. Oct 7, lelio-bmo. S II S. Purify the Blood, THE GREATEST MEDICINE OF TUG AGE A sure antidote for sickness, and a refuge from Sorrow, l ain and Disease. Bryan's Life Pills, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE. Tlli-y are admitted to be the Best Family Medicine lor general tise. Tiirifylnr tho Wood did cleas'inng the system from ull'iuiputily Bryan's Life PiSSs to reeulate the Siomai'h. Liver' and Tillarv peers- tious which is the chif mine nf ticrvoii.nes-i. Giddi ness, Illumes of Siglil, Headache, Kick Stomach and other Kindred complaints. ' Hundreds of Certificate oj.ii bo Shotfn. They have been used by thousands with success, Bryan's Life Pills j Arc aduplcd for alUAges k Constitutions, ' They are cqniposnd of the active priuctpli s of Herbs mid Kooli colled Iroiu our fields and forests. They nro mild but rertaiu in their operntinn prod.ii iug i neith.-r crumps, grir-mg pains or sickness. They, maf be tsiteu by all ages, t-oe.s or tuti.'.i'.iou without ttur. Utyant't. Life Pills, Cure Ileadaqhe. liryant's Lifo Pills, Curu Sick Soinaob. Dry cut's Life Pills, Cure Giddinesa. Bryant'e Lifo Pillf, Purify tho Blood. A Bus of Bryan's Life I'ills will cost BUT TWENTY FIVE CE.NTS- They will accomplish faithfully all that is represented. '1 hey arc elegantly put up by the proprietor, who wui the inventor ot IIKYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS u medicine long and favorably known to tha American Nation. If you wish lobuy Ml YAK'S LIFE TILLS and can not get them of your druggist, clout take any other, tout send Twenty Fivo Cents in n letter to the proprie tor, and you will get them by return of mall, post paid Address DR. J. BRYAN, Box 5070, 41U Broadway, N. Y. Soi.n n? Druooists Gl.visrally. EMDAS, IIAUNES Hi CO., N. Y. Wholesale Agents. July 15, ItfOJ. February II, ie'05, y 1805. riiilatlelphia & Eric 1805. IL X X Yt Si 0 & gB Tills great lino traverses thu Northern and .North, .vest counties of Penns)lv,inia to thu city of Erie, on l.ako Eriu. It has been leased bv tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by them, line or l'AEstNiu.a trains at Noa'na'Mucr.nNO. LEA . E LASTH'AIID. Erie Mall Train. 5 -it) p. m, Erie Expruss Train, a 30 A M 1. 1 in i til Express Train, il'J5P M Eliuira.MuilTrain, 10 25 AM Lis i YE WESTH'AKI). Erie Mall Train, .1 15 A M Eriu F.xsress I rain, v! 41) I' 1 Elmiru Hxpruss Tram 5 3d A 51 . Elmiru Mail Train, .135 I'M Passengers Cars run through on the Erio Mall and r.xpress Trains without itunuk both ways between Thilaileiiihiuuuil Eriu. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York nt 0.00 T. M. arrive nt Erlu.1. 37 A. M Leave Erio at 1..15 T, M. arrivu at New Vorkl, 15 I' M. No Change of Cars hetwucu Eriu iihiI New York. Elcgunt Sleeping Curs on nil Night Trains For information respecting Tusteuger business, np ply utlhu Cor. 30th and Market Sis. ThiUdelphiit . And for Freight business of the Company's Ageuw. H. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor,13th and -Market Sts Thil'a J. W. lle nolds, Eriu, William Hrimn. AirontN. C. II: R.. Ilultiniom. II. II. Houston, Geu'l. Freight Agt , Philadelphia, II. W. Gwinner. Geu'l.Tiiket Agt. Thil.idelphia, A, L.TVLER. GciTI.Sup't, Williuiuspurt. October 7, lbt-5. NEW STOCK OF Groceries & Provisions TUST ri'Toivt-il nl Jiunyon'-i Provision STORE, n large nfioitne-iit of GROt'LlllES AND I'ilOVI.IONS.cousjsting 01 nil Die necesiiri. s ol'lile bought for I'-isli uinl will be sold In dciy lomprtlliou. Hotel Kaet.ers mid Country iiorrhuiili-, would do well to rail ami ciuuiiiiu Sliirk and Trovisious boforu pur th.ning tlseivhere. Against the slock ma) b.i I mind fcl'OAR-'.ul till grades, MOLASSES and SYRM'sl from tuit lowest price tn the betl grades Grain & Ground CuU'ee, of all (jualitiub, Nnvy, Plug, Twist, Fine-our Chewiiiff it' a...i... 'pi v tt i.. I pcriul, Gunpowder uud Oolong Ti'iis.Olici'Srt.Crafkora.Fiuo Salt.Wonden & Willow Waro, Alaielies, , and Cigartf. Canned Fruit of all hinds, O F 13 tlJ T I O IV A ll fl K S , DRIED FRUIT. Nn. 1 k S FISH by the.Uuir.l. on half or one fourth or one eighth hirrel. Herrirg, ' I-.... 11,11 1. i.A nii r 1,11. ..Ill I... 1., ... ..?' wwu, Ub, ,, U.V., ut, u, ,.,t,v.( ,.,l w SU.U UV IOC Jo. vest market priee. JiJomusburg,Oct-'.!1, 1605, BLA.NKS I BLANKS!:I Of every description, for tale at this office BARGAINS ! BA;GAINb! ii1 yoi; want to buy Fall and Winter OO TO ( reasy's Store, in Light Street, Pit. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, 0 INGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, IIOSIEBY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, . Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, epnra, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o. lit addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, wo have n luigo and lull Assortment of Ready Mitdo Clothing lot Aicii nnd Hoys wear which we irn determined to sell ihenpcr Hi nt ran he bought elsewhere. Cull anil sou. and Judge for yourselves V.F They also keep u Duo ussnrime nt of DIICGJ nnd MEDICI V !.-, t supply Ihn nbenVu of n regclur Unit; Storo in Light Street, which will be carefully unit pounded and suitably directed for tho accomodation of their customers. II. W. CREASY, & Co. Light Street, Nov. 4, lrli.l. I.ack.innntia & Glooinslitirpr l!,iiltonl, CSr TWO DAILY TRAINS. -3 ON AND ArTT.ll MONDAY. JUNE ISih. 105, TASSENGEI! TRAINS WILL RUN AS I'd, LOWS: I.I'.A V i: NORTHWARD. Leave Nortlmmlierlaiid, Haiuille, K.iill A.M. S 111) P.M. li.'J5 n.ai 7.:w f.15 11.15 I0.'.'.l 5.511 (i.llt) 4 '."I T. M b.4D U.tW !l .15 1(1 5 II. Ill T. M. I.5U " Itupert, llloom-burg Ilerwick, Siriiksliiutiy, " Kiiigtoji, Arrive at r'rraiil'oii. New ork Thiladelpliia Lb AVE SOUTHWARD Leave Hi iiinton, . . II 00 A. VI ' rCjliirtttnii 7.UU " llelwick, - - h.:ij " II oomsburg 11.05 " Unpen, Vi3 " Danville. . 10 mi 5.:iu 7.:w rJ.SU li.l.l 111 Ml l.'i'l in.:).. 5.1W Arrive ut Niiitiiiimberlanil, in -in " llatrivburg. l.'JO P..M, " Wushnigtoii, O05- " Tliiladelphia, 5.10 The shortest nn.l most direct route to the westuud the ml region I li' TruiiM of tne I'lilladi Iplila and Erin Railroad leiivo Ni.rtliumliertaiiil every uioriiiiig for F.lie, urriv me 'there tin. aiU'rnooii ol tho sumo day to louneet w lib trains for llull'alo Cleveland, Cdiciigo, with nil points west, nnd i-imuertiiig at Curry witli all trains on'lhe (III Creek T.ailrojd. New and uJcuuut bleeiint: cars areompany the uietil trains each way betw.en Northiiniln-ilaud and Mailt inure, and Northumberland nit il Tliiliulelpliia. 11. A. FONDA, Snpt. Kingston, June 17. Il!5. iiakcr & Confectioner rJ " II II nndcflzned has nlvvnyi on hand and for sale, 1 FRI.S.i lllll. All, GALES, TIES ami French and Dom stic Confec tions in gle-t anil splendid variety ; Nuts. Fruits,.-ind ovcry Ihing usually tnind in u tint tl.iss coiifeclionery store. Do would mil especial attention to his new ly re ceived SlOLk of PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. 13. II. srOLINElt lllbouisburg, April "2, 1(11.1. Stove &Tinwarc Shop 1 jl 'IIE iinilcrfiued informs the public in i fner.il that ho bus opened u NEW TIN SHOP . In .la ImiliHiisf iritt:ily nn upitd bv I. rt". Mnytr, oip tlntir IjrMi.v. th rnlumhi-i f mocrat Olln-i;. ml Miiiii Miirt iilooiiit-lmr, v Ii'.r; iif will nt.tko all KiitiU Tin-Wnrf anil Kcfi.tirii:, lu gooj tiyla :uM ua inoJcr atu UTins. fil'oVl y of all Kin.la and ii.tsluM Ut order. qualities for ta'e or fur. CsaT" Country produce ttikcn and public eu-tom respectfully solioitt'd. JACOB METZ, Jr. llloomsburg, April "0. lbil.5. ly JACOB LAD0 M US, DEALER IN Englisii, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &o. 018 Maria Street, comer of Decatur, Philadelphia. Denier in American, English and Swiss Walrhos, muking a speciality of the celebrated Ammuuav Watch, which lio would recommend to all wauling u good lime la-epiir. ami will bu sold ut tho lovveal prices ami aro the cheapest and bast fur the tuice. March 4, lrC5. ly. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. 'PHE underslened rr soeetrnllv nir,ii,i.i,i, ,.1,1 r- 1 J. and custoiners. that' In, I n," 1 1 1 1 r , 1, 1 1 . , i 1 , 1 i 1 . . , . 1 ... 11 uteiest in the uliovo estatilisliinent.iiiiiitii,. ..u i 1 . ,1,., ,.,.. ...in 1.1 i jiV....... ...... 1 . 1. . ."."'"" ..','. herealter be conducted by himself exclusively. .. Ho has just received and offers for sale, the larg JE.1S ''t anil most cxtinsivo assortment of FANCY -JIM'S n'l'li V l'.S ever iiitrodiicod into this m irket. His stock ronsists of u compluto iissorlmeiit ol he best Cooking and parlor sloves In tho market, togeth er with Stovo Fixtures ol every description, Oven and llm Sloves, Radiators, Cylimlar Sloves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves. &c A:c. Ktovnoiiii- ,n,.i 1 iwaroconsianiiyou laudauil manufactured to order. All kinds ol repulrnig done, us usual, on short iiotico. ' 'rim 1 snfLii'idly solicitud, ...'iiuii uiu uieoos ami new i-usiouiera re .!w"' . . .0 A' M RUTERT. November 3d Iflil, tf. IiliKimsiKirk'i The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOO JISBURG. The undersigned having taken the well-known Forks Hoiel, re.peetii illy announces to his friends and thu public gener.ill), Ihat ho is p. op arid to accommodate all who may luvor him with Hair custom, to entire sat Isf.ution. He is provided with ampin Stabling and prnvimler Tor tho accommodation of 'Travellers, Teamsters. Dm vers, tec 011 moderate terms ID-" Public cu.tuiu Is soliij ted. GEO. W. MAUGER. IllooinsliUrf. April 8, ifil.l. COLUMBIA Insurance Company, COLIJUBI.d, LliNClSTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital &, Assets, $500,ooo. (Cll AUTER PERPETUAL.) Directorcj : John W. Steacy Win, Tatiou, M. S. Siinmau, ti. F Ebcrleiu, Edvioml Sneriiiu. B. O Bbiyniaker, SamiuUihocli, .tobt. T. Ryou, I,'. McDonald, John Feudrlrli, Amos H, Green, L'eo Young, Jr., II. U Minicu, AMOS M (JRIJIIN Tres't. GF.0 YOUNG, U..Cii3ilAti''r'':U'U'':'' .fT w" ''"u' Property ut ua rcasouablo rotes aa Will bo cousisteutlo the Company and those insured. L. II. 00NOVER, AgUUt, Baaoh Haven, Pa, Juno 10, ieoj, ' WRAPPING AND MINING PA ..,..l,''",..""v'.ln "mrouglily ovrrhauled my Ta per Mills nt .Mill Grove, near Uloomiburg Columbia County, Tu I um now prepared to Ull all orders for Wrapping, Dry Ilia. ting and Water Proof Papur, 011 short notion and fair pikes. I havo opened ti warn house in Wilken-llarre, and appointed Joseph Mrnwii el thu firm ol llrowu.Gray it Cu., my agent to dispose of my paper 111 Luzerne County. ' u..MrtW,B,n. Ie,ir. T,,0MA3THEH' .Cheap Grocery Store. 1 ALSO HAYS, CAPS AND SilOES, M ill! tiiiilrrslgiir-dhna removed his lint and (,'np Store I up to Evans' old stand, win re In addition to a superior assortment of j SPUING AND SUMMER ij3 Hats and Caps JgsBt 0ONFE0TI0NARIES, 0U ACKERS, 1 Molasses, Sugar, Collco, Ten9, Tolnioco Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter. Coal Oil, -uruiS3 - I l'arior oja Hand Lamps, Books. "Writine Paner & Ink. Hardware and Ccdarwarc, racket Knives, Combs, J'C, f'C, sj'C , Together with a variety of articles generally kept In n Store. AI.-o-A fine lot of ICtl), MOIIOtH'.OS and LttiiNOBto whlclihe Invites thu at entlon of Shoemakers uiul the public, JOHN K. CIliTON. llloomsburg, May 13. I CM IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Marvey's Female Pills the mot infallible ami popular remedy ever known for all diseases of tho female sex. They have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing success nnd may bu relied on in every ease for which Hay aro re commended, and particularly In nil enses arising fiom ObsthKtion, or Utonmtue ol Nature. no matter from what came il urlics. They nro olfsc ' tual in restoring to heulih nil who are suffering from , rsAoess unn irionny, urriiiu uiscuurges, nervous ness Ate., A c., ami they AUT 1.1 ig2 A CHARM 1 in strengthening am! n-torlng;tliu system. Thousands of Indus sv'hft .invo sufli-red forje,irs ami tried various uihur reiueilies lis v. -i owe a ruiiowal of their health nnd strength whully to h.c -Hicucy of DR. IIAKVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. They nro perfectly h'irmlusfl on iho syitem, miv bo taken at any tium with pel feet safety ! hut ilurliig'ihu early stages of Tregimuey they should not ha taken, or a mis. arriagn may h i taken, or a miscarriage miv be thu result Tlu-y never cuiisu any sickness 1. 1 i orilistress. Each box cutilaius sixty pil.s. TiIlo d.ii Dollar. DK. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILL 1 A lemedy for special rases, four degrees stnuo-.-r thiiii the iibovo ; Trim Fivo Dollars per box. A private Circular to Indies with Hue ntiationl. al engravings, sent fn-s on receipt of directed elite i.,. and stump it" Cut this notiro out if yon desire Dr. Dnrn','' Tills, nnd if you cannot pioeure them of )ou r limn gi.t, do not take nny oilier, fir soiin; dealers lio nro tiiipnniliilud will ri i.iun ni.-n.l oilier IViiiI! I'll . they iiiii make a lamer piolil oil-hut iiiclinu tile money and rend iliitct to DR. J, BRYAN, . CO.SSUl.TINC TlliSH IA V. No. 4-lU iiutftirtii, Aew oil; who ill l.iki-nil risk it piopeiiv directed, and will send the Tills, secured iio.n oa-civatttio, by return mail, i'oftt I'.. 1.1. Stl.D II V DRUGIilSTS GC.VLttAI.I.V. DEHAS 1IARNES U rl . Nw Vimrt, U holesalo Ageiiis, July 15. H?f.5. FllEbll A II li I V A L OF Fall and iter A T Miller's Siore jt,-t ri'turrx-d from (Jitif and .t'ltict ntE-iuruiit't of WIN! Eh' GOODS Ji with unoilirr lurgt: FALL AND piirchn-eil nt Philadelphia, aftlie lmn-cl nguru. and which tliey aro detei milieu 0 sell on ai mode rati- U ruis as etui be procured elsuv.liuro in llloj-insburg. Ills stork i-iinipri-ies mi he' );.'? aoontf, ofchoje"t slle- anil latent f-i-.!noii. unr (mans, i.'jt (iisucr.iur.s, II ilUilt'iKK WKf.AMT. IliK, cr.Mit n.inr.. nou.uiv irus lltOX, XjIIIA. HtiUlb if 2itir.i HATS $ CII'S, St , ,',c. !., , In short uverlhiug usually Kept In country Stuie to whieh ho invite tin- pulilie gi-iu-r.illy. The Highest tince paid lor country produce. S. II. MILLER. lllitouistiurL's Nov. "3, It't'iZ j. I-. S.VHI. N E w D R V G S'i' O ii L WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rplIE undersigneil -.vntilil .iil'urii' their friend mid the j. pniiiie . e m i ai i y iinat iney iia-i laKell nil' slaoi lor merly occuiie.l by li, o. M. Ilagenlnieh. in Hie Hiiliauge lluil.litig, oil Mam stli el. 111 llloomsbiirv. where he lia. I Just reeeiveu a full supply nl j JDl'tiSs, WiU-elBciiscw, FaiJsSr, iftlft SjimsiiM, etc. Which will ho sold 011 moderate terms for ready pay ! Also, NOTIONS generall), of every variety, surtaud eif . 1 Thyslrians' preserlptloits carefully compounded, at ; all timc-i mid 011 short nulice. j CTr" Confettiiiueiy -jf the best selections, and r'oda Water in season. L7" A share of the public custom is respcctfulD .10 , idled, ' 1 EVER ti. .MOVER. ' Dlooinsburg, April 11, ltC.5. 1 "FllESHi Wa1s2, PAPElil' JU.ST received a new asioitmeiu ofjt'jcd , at) lea of , WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BUI,-' DER1NG AND CEILING PAPEH, ' and n general nrii ty of lunleriul in his line, which 1 will hi- foil ml 00 thu llll.-ST F..OOI! Iiuii,til-aii- y 1 list " " ' "l"' 1 "he.-b nll , wisni g uooos ill ins line win bj altelij-d lo m person at person nt all limes. a Papur Hanging executed to order and best style, at short notice. E J. THORNTON. llloomsburg. April 21) IS(I5 ly NalionaS Foundry. 111 nn 1 S II I T nn r.rxr iTtiT. r. A'OAlblsU KG, COLUMBIA CO. PA. n HE subscriber, proprietor of the abave named n. J tensivo cstalnlshuient, is now prepared to receive 1. :ei s lor All Kinds of Machinery, f Collcrici, lllast Furnaces, Stationary EuginesMills TIIHESHINO MACIIINCS. JtO . teC. I Ho is nlso prepared lo miiko Htoves, all sizes and milterns, plow-irons, and uverytlilng usually made in lilst-rlass Foundries. His uMJiisivo tacilitics and practical workmen, war iniitthlin in reciivius thu largest loiilrucls 011 the 111 ist reasonable terms, IE?" tlrain of ull kinds will bo taken in exchante for castings. 03- This oslablifhmeut is loca.ed near tho Lackawun. na . llloomsburg Railroad Depot. , . PETER UILLMVEll. lll"onisburg, Sept, 12, J8H3. JOHN C.-YEAGER, MANl FACTURER li. WHOLESALE DEALER IN ai-IA'IU CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 'J57 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov i!!l. IHB'.' EmN'JWJTtY. C. HOWE R, SURGEON DBNTIST, II. RFSPEt'TFULLY oilers his profess ional services to the ladies and gentle, men of llliiouisburg ami vicinity, llu is iirenared In atlenil to all tho varlonu npjrullous in the line of his profession, nnd is piovidod with Hie latest improved f"J(CEwJA 'I'EI'.Tll ; which will hg in. cited 011 gold, plaliua, sliver and rubber bn. e tolonku-i-ll aa the uutiiial teeth. Miner il jitalo and block lei lh iiianufurttired nn all 0 i'rulii'iis on Jeelh. curefiilly and pruirrly attended lo. Residence and utliiou Jew ikiojo above the Court IJ iil.e, same sjdu. Illoo.usbuig, JuueU 1803 .Hum iDmAi, SOS MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER OF German, tFrunch and EitllMh Toys, and Panoy Goods, Pipoe, Canes, China. Warce, 6:0. Scpttmbci:, 1S9-I. I The hohlgh Cattle A Fcwdcr Ib worrAiitefJ i0 tm the most pinrs, itrh nnd Mood of (wm. Swine, or iM mi ling tllellon,rlr-nrt I mi llm ysteuiniid irnu sror.ngtho puiined nn IiiiM llulil In (lush, fat, milk, butler nnd strrniith ntiit eslabllahlng health and vigor, DDVOV'rl IIORSIl MMI.b: POWDER Is II,, "in ineoiriues legally laieiueu in Franco, Engl laud, Hielln.u.i .,.J "''"l"il. Uinl duly edt. ALLrMTOWtif o. l ,i nls, nnd Invented by Mr. Hnvoy. Trofessor of the lint nerliil Collego lor Aurlciilluro at Turls, nnd now mat,, i.fact'ircilliyO.G.IIIRNER, lirof '.. and A Allen. town. Lehigh County, I'ennsyivauin. All diseases of tho Stomach, II ood, Lungs nnd ll.iw- Alldlsoa '"','"', t nnil certainly rtireo. neniiny slock w 11,1 nto tlio very ingiivri ' periectinu. and nno or two tablespoon (hi n wet-K, is orgrratvnlu tu hard working g nurses, oreyuniH unu cons, urn. saved thousands ui vnliialiio nurses iro n rontagiouu dlscusrs. as well nt the narn-ynrd n Di Iho army, uiscusr-s. as .. .VUIl.lC()NFJ?OTIiiNS . i irecttiallvovoreonic nil Iho ohslncles which usually prrvciil tho cupelling of worm', are ; pleasant to takn. nnd nlsu unn of the most ugrei-ablu piirgntlvra for clilldrun. Horoiifldr.nt l the Invenlor of lha success nl his Inliorlnus rludlcs, In Ihu pathological comiosi -Hon of llils prepntiitlon, that no furnishes rvrrv gi.pl uated phyiciau, with a written prescription, as a iiuw i ru in materia luedlru. THU UNION ROACH. RAT. MICE AND ANT EX. TERMINATOR. Is u powder for tho sum i xlermiiiatiou of all Vcriultis, 'will never rhaiigu with iiuu uul iliiiiutc, anil muck 1 prufcralilc to thu old Thosphotoos Taste, uliieh hard. ens iiiTi skorl tliiu'i maklim H wo.-thloss. For iliree- Hons and particulars sou tho .mail bills In tho bosr-s. I UT" One hundred and thirty-seven premiums have been nw.irded lu thesu celebrated preparations, up tt Orloher 8. Mil. .... ! Royal & Rovm, nro thu wltolesulo Agents in Phll'a. WHOLESALE i)- RETAIL , For sale by W. Eraaniu?, olo Afnt fj Bloonibburg. , Sharpies-), Culnwtssa. L. II, U J. Sltocmiiker, lluek Hnrm. Master & Urn. viillvilie. 0. Preston, Rohrshurg. Stewart d Sloan, Oriingevllls. Ilciidcrsliotl, llloomsbui V. Fowler, Uspy. Creasv it Co., Light Street 1. nw It. Springier, l.liuo lliiler. Ilownmn, & Owen ami .Miller, Ilcrnlsk. (3.11. Fowler, Fowlcrsville. iccV All orders for Columbia Couuby will bo addressed lo Hr. ERASMUS, Wholesale Ae.nl, Hlmiiii'liiii. C. U. UII.iNt.it. Dr 1 iV.i ii;e ft li Liu V. 24 O 2 hi., 17 Cou tlitTlllt St f- NI.W it HtK 1 11 Y favorltr riHnrt of tlii- Hum Nos. r ' 1 t i:t, 15, "1 ' ) NT. Ml BROADWAY 'i'li I -i nld-ostnhlished and lie is t'oinmuiillj Ins been ri'ioiilly relltli-il. and )eo;n plli' III evi'iytlliiill lliai can niiiiisti , ,ii,.im- i -Miioris lis patrons l.aili-s una i.imilies uru sp -riali) ar'Uars lu.ly provided lor. Il I- ci ntritlly lociiteil in lb'' h'i no -" part of th 'A iiml is contiguous 1'i the principal lme i.f steuuiiniau cats. nuiiiiliiiHsCs ferries tec. - tie table is limply siippm-d with all the luxjnr o Hi a a. in, and iau-piiil lu thai oi any nthnr liot'-I in 1) ro'iulrv. Ainplo'accomuio.latiou.'i uie intern! for upwind ol I t tue-ts. Do not l.i-liovi hi inters narkmun, ami others w It; iii.iv s.iy "Ihu Wosli-rn llot-l i lull." Il I). WINUlll.St'llR, rro,irirl i THOS. I). WINUIIHHTIllt. I'eh. IR.ln.i I pwn.iiNHtL'8. I ho iiiiilprMiirnetl, rjriHeful for pnni (it- nn.nie, respi-rlrmfy inf rms tin- Travelling is een r.iijt.Hiit he has Just prwcarcJ Iroiu New uik t new, beaitirnl anil tiiiai oin , Phoenix Cumpany Coach, 'J" "'ili li an-lie n i- cv eiiablul t,, roinov Irs M-ngi-rs and llagiraee, s.i.'.-ly and coinfortablv lni.f . I'liKiiiisluirg ami Ho- sevrni Unit lio.nl Depnu I.. . t tin- i''Hiiis. It will bo hi' tmly to leron iimmIji li u i u-touier to tlielr satisl.n lion, lis tu;1Ci-.s tLr on n. v patrniiatji!. 1 O-FACE r, CENTS. ! . , , , J.H'On L. GIK I. l'-ofims!iurg, January 7, IT.5, ! . TO Til Jj J MUSICAL I'PIlE tubseribir. till v,erir- a prit.-tici I S Tinno Foilo Mmufartnrrr, of New V"rk ' in ' I'-rioa Iv lorate.l in ibis section, and nUH - resiei tiully bolini onlers for , TUNING, REPAIRING. AND RKC I ULATINC PIANO FORTES i ' AND MELODKONS Tho Mtbsciiber is also ibe manafci ar- ... C I -v " 1,1 1('r Chil'lvUI il.g & Soii'.-i, II ajili ton liro's, Linde.iinii k .Son's, V ilii:irji l(, rri(ll,rJ,., Edward li.ooinli Id a, Mi-Donald i (,Vs PIANO FORTES, And 1 arharl Needhanrs. ami reloiibrr ir.clodeona and Ilarmouiumo, Am! L. U. Stuari's TIpeCIII'KCII OIK. S ja.mejs .McDonald l.lonmsbitrg, May -Ii-Ho.-ly NEW STORE k CHEAP GOoT). Qi'n k sawjs a,m mxu, vim i rs.' r?'HE undeisiynpil, 1 1 a v i p rj ial;n ti a t Sloro lately oi-ropiud by J.iinus U. Eyrr, in .Mai.i Street ul.ove Iron Slreet, 111 hlooliiaburg, and slocked ilwith Liery vurieiy of fills W IsiJCOOSis lii-ipectfully iulorms his frleinW and Up i.ub ie g-o (rally, that lie- will be happy lo roe. ivo -i share nf tlij public uatrouiisii, and trusts tlial lm run render genur al satlsfaitoi by selling them Hi- bust iprilil; r f MKBCEHAftSM35f.;, on fair terms and nt satisruciory prices. His stock consists, in part, ui DRV GOODS. GllOCHRlCS, FISH, QUEENS W A nr. vouni:wAaE, HOOFS, SHOES, H.VTS, rUrS nun esprriaiiy wiin n spieuoiii variety of LADIES DRESd GOODS. WAIT jII.TIC1.FJ. d r . .W. . which he uii: Bull us cheap us ills thuip-st, for i ih r I gaily pay. Country product, cuntrully taken lo eichaii.i-1. goodkv , , ANHT.HW TEllWlLLICi ti Moo-iisb trg, Jan. 7, UJj-y. ""&TAT3.H y.'ION SHOT Eh, " fOdamt 03 .Market Street, Thiladelphi.i. rnillri Hotel islocatod ill Iho very leillio of IiubIucs j. .mi i near mo res pi-ctacis places of iinHHiui nt jv likli iiiake il particularly ilesir.iLle to poison-, visiliu 1 hiludelphia on business orplen.iiru , and the Mauuee. hopes by coo per,oiia alti-nliiiu to the wuiusot lux ( his guests tu make it a comloitable home lo, lai.ch 1 .0 . .vith tlielr puiiuuuge, 1 J. ut UAti I'ron'r . 2layi3, 1 CI. -IS r e. riMIF.Troprietorof tills wcll-kiiowu uud centrally lora ' .1. ted House, the llu iunou HnrtL, siumlu on flint. Street, In llloomsburg, immediately ronoito the Coluui bia Comity Court House, respccllully informs his tt lends mid tho public hi general, tlsnt his House is now in or der lor tho reception andeotertainmeiit of travelers villi! may feel disposed In favor it with their custom. He has spared no expense In preparing the Exiiiam-u, for the entertainment of his guests, neither slrill there be any. thing wauling (mi his Pan) to minister to their personal comfort. His housu is spacious and unjuys uu cxcilkiu business-lomtion. Ouiuibiiseii run nt all times between tho Ex iv Hotel and tho various Rail Himd Depots, by which Lag t iers will bu pleasantly conveyed lo and Iro.u tbo r spccllvc Slatious in due timfl to meet llm Cars. W.M.- U. KOO.NS. may i, leco. WHISKERS I WHISKERS ! Do you want Whiskers or Muusluohes I Our Grecian Compound will I'orcu Iheiti lu glow on thu smoolhn.t face or chin, ur hair, nil bald heuda, in Six Weeks. Trice, .fl UU, Sent by mail uujvvhere, closil) sea ed, on receipt uf prim. Address, WARNER fc CO., Hoi IM, llrooklyn, N. V February IS. lbU5-y Stationoi y and HJlanL" HCooL'x Supplied to dcdlcrs and cash buyers ut lurv wholesale iitct, w o. rcRUV,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers