COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 11 Our Constitution guard tt ever) Our glorious Unionhold it dear I Our btarry riag forsako It nevcrl Tlio proud Caucasslan our only peer I "emtud dy lkvi ti.ATB, rnorniETonT BLOOMSBUFIG : Saturday Morning, Dec. 9, '65 1)imocrai"v, a icntlmcct not to be npi allcil. corrupt ed or toiniroiiilse J It knows no basenoss, It cowers to no danger, it oppresses no weakness. Dcitructivc only of despotism It Is the solo conservator of liberty, labor ami property. It la the sentiment of freedom, of rights, of equal obligations ilio law of nature pervading Ilia law of the land-At,LLH. ' Winter is on ua Again. Never wero euoh dreary winters known to this gencratiou of Americana as havo been those through which vc havo passed since 18G1. 'Novor such snows, novar such storms, nover such cold. The olear cat sky was uovor cheerful. Thcro was no exhilaration in tho glittering atmosphere . Thcro was no beauty in thoso gorgeous morning), "when last nigh't snow hangs lightly on tho trees," and the wind "sends it drifting through tho air like Duo gold." Thcro was no gladness in the ring of Bloigh-bclls. There was no luxury of long breaths in the rich cool air of a December morning. Wc remember these winters with Ehuddcring. How wc lay uwako in the night-timo, and thought, and thought, and thought, and thought, won dering wether those wo loved were lying out iti tho cold night air, or shivering un der their shelter-tents or whothor they were hot and fierce in the fire of battle or whether perchance they might not lie, colder than ioc with calm faeea set for eternity undor tho snow. No human im agination can cstimato the agonies of tho past four winters. Earth ncvor saw such account of this of a vast peoplo of whom nearly every household was in mourning or olio fearing the wind of the winter lest it might bring as its cold burden tho last feigh of some one bolovcd. It is all past. Tho winter is here again, and no sound of battle is heard on tho broad expanse of tho American soil. But somehow it is impossible even yet to arise out of tho gloom or to realize tiic truth that the land is at peace. It will scarce I . v I 'i. il . j. , . . jj dc a more cuecnui winter man tnciast. The weight of individual oorrowa cannot . po lightly thrown off, nor will tho heart of the people riso to its old beat of happi ness for many winters not indeed until ibis generation shall have nearly passed anj it3 crow over dreamt of in their mad away. There is something in tho approach est philosophy. In thoso days of prac of winter which steadily increases rather tieal science what was theory of yos than to diminishes the weight of a great , tcrday is fact to-day and all the old-time Borrow. Tho evenings aro longer and j notiona hocotne as bubbles in tho eun and grief is always heavier in the dark. The 'burst and break with every broath we inclination to remain within doors and'draw. confine one's self to household scenes and j Let Archimedes shoulder his lever and familiar objects, reminding us of tho past . wo wiH find a resting place fjr it to move and the lost, revives, instead of allaying the world. Let mino ancient Mcdicus regret. In the country, especially whero pant and toil no moro for the drugs ho eo houses are far apart and society is not tho 1 60rciy nocds for we havo them at our crowd which wo havo in tho city it will ( hand ever ready to servo them at his bo many winters before tho fireside ceases , beck to be surrounded by saddened faces and B(!finea , the laboratory of Dr. Mag thc conversation changes from tho sorow- gjc the finest materials known in tho ful stories of these four years- j medicsl profession arc obtainablo by any Nevertheless, there is a certain good'ODOi His liillious, Dyspeptic and Diar which might come from this. The whole rhca pill3 stand unrivalled and his Salvo land North and South, East asd West, 1 operates with mnsioal effort upon scalds mourns for a million of dead. Deforo the and Bu BOrc3 anduloors of tho skin, confilict there is anger fierce hatred grow-1 1q fact wc tLiDk Maqqiels Pills and log animosity. It continues af'cr the Sai0 aro tho wouder of tAt celUurv. and battle if tho mourner of one dead thinks of tlifi flnnmu nn finnnu nlinprfnl nnt 1iaiaiiv. ...j j otners ot our Drctucrn oi too cralt agree cd. Revenge then sometimes becomes an ; with us, Wo woold carrj0tiy courjsuI absording passion and bitter hatred bo-; thal nH families provide themselves with comes a permanent feeling. Bui when two Dr Maggiel's Preparations at once, and mourners como togctlior on the field and t keep them ready at hand, so as to dm Bit down by their dead, slain in contest them at tbo most opportuno time and as with oach other grief over powers enmity occasion serves Valley Sentinel. and tho community of sorrow is sometimes! the begiuing of sympathy and oven of aff Congress cotion; Out of this universal sadness of ! - Another session of Congro?g has com tho American pooplc might grow a univcr-', mcneed and tho peoplo of tho country may ual feeling of brotherhood. It ought to be. ju3S from tuc CrBt daJ'a prooeediugs We have had enough of hatrer. Wc , wuat '3 to be the burdon of its labors. havo coiiothrouch fearful ycarsof naision. 1 The graves of our dead lie between us and wo btand by them cb tho first snow whitens ' them, and wo can bury in thoso graves i ull tho bitterness of tho past, and ojver it out of sight forever. Sodoiug, it will,'.6'"3 and policy of the Prciidont will bo hereafter seem not so sad to havo lost ' thoso who slcon under tho snow If out of our common loss in tho Btrifo should riio ud a fcclinc of common inter-1 cet iu each other if we cultivate sympathy and soirow for every household in tho land which mourns ono fallen on cither side; if tho sentiment of common affliction and therefore of common humanity and suffering, should outgrow the animosities of tho struggle, and pity overpower anger, then it will not be go very sad to sit down by the winter fireside and think of what might havo been, ISSf Peterson's Ladies National Mag aziuo, for January, 1960, reached us upon tho first day of December. This is the first Magazine wo havo reooived for nest yoar and is quite ahead of time. Peterson publishes tho chtapest and best Magazino of tho ago ; only 82 00 per annum. Bo? Thomas J, Carycn, bonded agent for tho United States Treasury Depart ment for Coohtaw County Ala., charged with defrauding tho government, bas been sentenced to a line oi 800,000, a year's im prisonment, and further imprisonment un I til tho line s paid, flnsvs M fe rn 1 li Iff, T-nlr ! This case, whioh his just been tried in tho Oourt of Quarter Session) in this County, is a very important ono, and ono whioh tho voters of Columbia County should remember, Tho fnots as proven aro as follows : IIkniiy Fnv, a citizen of lloaringcrcck township, at tho last election offered his ballot,, but Charles C, Ec;, oaused its rtjoution on tho ground of his being n non-roporting drafted man,whcro upon this prosecution was commenced, The Judgo declared very distinctly that it was not tho provinco of an election board to try cases of desertion, and that tho act of Congress oonferrod on tlicm no such right. In other words, tho falling to report of a drafted man was no grouud for the rejection of his voto. Tho counsel for tho Dofondant, Mr, Clark, also admitted that desortion from tho military scrvico of tho United States was no ground for tho rejection of a bal lot, and said he always maintained that opinion. Tho sole ground on whioh he rested his dofonco was tho defendant's ig norance of the law. Tho jury by their verdict of "guilty'' showed they believed that ''ignoranco of tho law excuses no man." That Mr. Eek is culpable, thcro is no doubt, but what should ho said of John C'twna, tho Editor of tho Republican ,and others, preUnditig to moro learning, who have persuaded Mr. Eck and others to punuo their unlawful course ? They rid iculed tho warnings of the District Atlor noy, flooded tho land with circulars, ono of which Mr, Eck had at tho election in question, and now their poor dupes are suffering for tho faults of these, their real principals, Let this matter be circulated eo that hereafter "ignoranco of the law" shall not be au excuse to tho rcadcts of tho Re publican. Facts vs, Theories "Givo mo a place to rest my lever on,'1 says Archimedes, ''and I will move tho world.' "Givcmcpuro and unadultera ted drugs," says Modious, of tho oldcu time, "and I will euro disease." In ono senso both of these loarncd puu dits wero ihc veriest charlatans. They know thcro was no place to rest their lever on, cilhor to raovo tho world or to cure disoao. Mechanism was in a backward state, and the medical profession was but anQthcr nainc for sorccrv and nll th j ta of io filters aud cbarm3 of tho "evil cyo," fco. Bat these latter days have borne unto us something moro than even superstition wo are hapyy in the thought that uiHiiy . A ... Mr- Summer in the Senate aud Mr. Stc- VCD!? 10 tllC IIjU3 aro ia tho field and, fl'om PParanees aro likely to havo every tulnS tlle" Wls". 1Iow far lhu apparently conservative do "uppted by Congress, remains to bo tcca' It is by no means certain what cour3 Particular mombcrs will take; but we vtr much fear that omo ar0 10 be found in both houses ready to declare war with tho Prcsidont and if thoy pur suo this plan no ono can foresee tho am ount of troublo and danger in tho future, A few daya events will givo us more light on tho fate of tho country Sr Dr. A B. Masaoy, formerly a prominent physician and citizen of Lock Haven, died at Leavonworth, Kansas on tho ldtli ult., aged 02 yoars. The Leav enworth Daily 'lYmes says : ''An old citizen and an honest man has departed. Dr, Mssey died yesterday, aged 02 ! There was in him that kindness aud that blunt stern integrity whioh com bined in him fearlessness and gonorosity. Tho impostor hich or low found in him a toe ; tue uoncst sufferer, jrer, a irienu wo 1 mourn his loss, as will all who W ' I Kopuhlican form of Government in tho T uZZ77!?TZ C r, ir i !"bel States ; a bill in part execution ol It is stated that bpcakor Colfax's t10 puarantoo of a Kopublioan form of speech is in oppositioi. to the Presidoufa Government under tho Constitution of tho views, and that the President favors tho .United Stale. : a bill on tho euhjo't of an. admiiston of bouthcrn moiwbcrs without propiiato legislation to enforce tho amend tnc teat oatu. j mcui of tLe (jOU6titution nm1 Congress. nrtrnofililv In llin nnnsliln. .!.! ,u .,. llUlJill I iUV lilV IU MU CHID lilU i . ' . , ... inoi tnwn, un aaiuruay n.gtit a caucus emuracing lyi oi mo onouciy ; members was held, in which it was re-, solved that no members elected from tho .... .I .i n.. I....- r...... .i .u .u....u v.u....uCra otutes snuu.u bo namittoa. Ilio resolution and pro- This action docs not astouishthc country,1 t,...d.f.iinin.Uii,i,i t J lb U J KUI'il I'UIUM illVl U PUUIUiUIIV v , . i i. .i it i u dlSltnionlsm lurktm? Ill tho SO-Callcd llC ui3t uiouieui luustut, in luu bo caucu Ait publican party to keon tho southern States I A,L tti- .... . .1 fPl- out ami tho Union uurcstorcu. J.uo ao tion of this caucus is but tho precursor of what is to tako place in tho Halls. It is probably impossible for tho Deniocraoy and tho very few conservative Republi cans to marshall a sufficient number to successfully uphold tho President and se cure a thorough Union of tho States, It is thus most clearly apparent that tho present is to be a "rump" Congress fanatical, revolutionary and disastrously destructive, As despcrato diseases rcquiro despcrato romodics, thoro arc very many who believe that President Johnson sho'd at onco assumo tho position that tho Had ioals aro acting in a, revolutionary man ner ; that they havo secretly and devil ishly conspired to set tho Constitution and Uws at duCanco and to breed anarchy and disorder ; and that ho ought, in tho spee diest and most cff:ctual manner, apply to them tho of that gigantic power which they themselves justify and havo so long used for the accomplishment of their partis in objects. To be consistent, they could not object. and the pcopl, who long for peace and quietness would not say nay more particularly uineo long usage has accuitoiucd them to the rulings of the "higher law." What wili the President do 1 PI10UEED1NG3 UF CONGRESS. XXXIXth Congress First Scs- sivu. house. Washington, Doc. 4, 1 805 At noon Mr. M'Phcrson, Clerk of tho House, proeeeded to call, as icquircd by law, ilio roll of tho members elect. While the roll was being, called, Mr, Maynard, of Tennessee, whoso name is not on tho list, wished to suggest some thing, but the Clerk refused to be inter rupted. After tho call was completed, Mr. Maynard ogain aroso, but the Clerk again ruled him oat of order. Ono hundred aud seventy-fivo members answered to their names. Mr. Urooks, New York, made a speech, characterizing the omission of tho members from Ten nessee from rlic roll as unprecedented, If-Mr. Maynard was not a loyal man j from a Union aud loyal State, the Presi dent hiuuclt was not loyal, but an alien and a stranger. lie charged that the adoption of the resolution by the ltcpub lican caucus was designed as antagonistic to the President's forthcoming message. The House took no action on the sub ject, but under tho operation of the pre vious question, proceeded to the election of Speaker; Air. Collax, of Indiana, and Mr. Brooks, of New York, beiog'placcd in nomination. The result was announced as follows : Collax 139, Brooks 65. Mr. C .lfax was declared elected amid applause from the floor aud g tileries, and was conducted to tho chair by Mr. Moril and Mr. Brooks, Mr. Colfax made a brief but eloquent anu patriotic speccn. Having taken tho oath of office himself, the Speaker administered it to other mem bers, who wero called up by delegations. Mr. Wilson, Iowa, introduced a resolu tion declaring McPhcrson clork, Mr. Or- tiway Bcrneant-at-anns, Mr. Goodouow door keeper, and Mr. Given ot master untill their successors shall be duly quali fied, The yeas and nays being ordered, Mr. Wilson's resolution was adopted yeas ma, nays Lin. I hose officers of the Homo wero then sworn in. Mr. Stevens offered a bill annroved in the ltepublican caucm, for the appoint ment oi a committee to examine aud rc port whether auy of tho so-called Confed erate aiates arc entitled lo representation in VJongrcss. Mr- Eldridge objected to tho introduc tion of tho b.U. Mr. Btovens moved a suspension of the rulos. This was agreed to, and the bill was then introduced. Mr. Da wson moved to lay tho resolution on tho table. SENATE. The Senate met to day at 12 o'clock, noon, aud was called to order by Mr. Forster, Conn. Rev, Dr. Cray delivered on impressive prayer, Mr. Foot, Tt., presentod tho creden tials of L. P. Poland, appointed to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Collamer, Yt. Mr. Poland took tho prescribed oath. Mr. Wright, New Jersey, presented the credentials of John R. Stockton, Sen ator elect from New Jersey, Mr. Cowan, Pa., presented tho protest of tho momhers of tho Legislature of N. Jorsoy, alleging that a majority of that body had not voted for Mr, Stockton, and ho was uot therefore constitutionally elec ted. Tho protest was ordered to lie on tho tablo for tho present and Mr. Stockton took tho prescribed oath, Mr. Sumner, Mass., introduced bills of tho following titles : Bill to carrv out tha principles of a Republican form of bill nrceoriblnir an oath to maintain L P.irf id Slates J a hill f'..W!?.n. trial by jury by BCOUrillrj I in tho courts of tho United . to enforce tho cuarantoo (otm of Government in certain States, wuosc governments Lavo been usurped and overthrown. I . Mr. Sumner introduced the following1 joint resolutions: Declaratory of tho - nboH3lj!u6 slavery; a lories' i0f resolutions declarlnc tho dutv uf Con- citizens ol rebel States j a series of rcso- .luttns deelaratorv of tho duty of Con- . I , . . 'gross with rcpect to guarantees of the I. .' I . i ... . .i nntionill eCCllrity and national faith ia tllO rcbol States. T L ul ii ..t..-.:.. The abovo wcro all ordered to be prin- -tr - . , , .... Mr. Wade, 0,, introduced a bill to rcr- ..l... .1 i. .i i. . . n UiaiO IUO irauouiSO 111 me UlStriOt OI U0- lumbia, Which Was ordered to bo printed, i-r ...... . J.Ur. Harris, 1, l,, introuUCCU a bill to regulatO tllO judiciary of New York. Or- dered to be printed. Mr. Wilson, Mass., introduced a bill to it... r..n,l . f li. !t. !.!.. r States declared in rebellion. he printed. The Sonato thon adjourned: WAMVIV'U IU Restoration of tho Writ of Ha bcas Corpus. Tho following proclamation has iust been issued by the President of the Uui. tod States of America : flhcrCUS. ?v llin nroclnmritinn nf Mm I'resiucnt oi tuc united btales, ol tiic in- .. '..',.. r. r . Vw tocuin uay or Jcoembcr, one tliousaiul Clgllt UUndrCd dUd SIXty-turcC, tUC nriVI- Ugo of the writ of habous corpus in certain cases therein set forth wa 8iisnL'iiilrd tlim'. run tlm llniiml 'Jmin. nn.l i Otlt tUC United atatCS, and ! ha CUS. TllO reasons for that SUSDOU-' , . I i , , . . . ' siou u-ay hi regarded as having ceased in ' some of tho Slates and Territories now, I 1;TJj do hereby proclaim and declare that tbo suspension alorcsaid, and all other orochi- mauons anu oruers suspenuing tlio privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus in the States and Territories of the United States, aro revoked and annulled, excepting as lo the JStatcs of Virginia, Kentucky, Ten nessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas aud Texas, tho D,s trict of Columbia, the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. Iu witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused iho seal of tho United States to ho affixed. Douo at tho City of Washington, this first uay ol December, in tbo venr of mir r .i i , . , . . i.uiu uuu muusauu citrut nunureu and i i.tV-fivO, and of the Indencnilr-nrn ! rr ,1f,t "it ,!, 1 Q. . r J P DU0 ,C0 L.B JOt ttlO United btatfS OT America the m'nf.iioili I ANDREW JOnNSON. By tho Prcsideut : Wsi. II. Si:waiu), Sierctary of State. MARRIED. On the 25th, by Thos. J. Wellevcr, Esq,, Hakman Kino, of Utiea, N. Y., to SAnAii J, Pabkek, of Light Street, Col. co. In Orangcvillo, Nov. 30, by Rev. N Spear, Isaac M. Dumott, to .Miss Sakah A. Gallasi-v, botli of Greenwood. DIED. i In Sugarloaf twp.. Columbia county, Nov. Oth, 1800, Mrs. Ciiauloxte Mookb. wife of C. L. Moore, aged 49 years, 1 1 ; months and 23 days. j In BtuliDgtoii, N. J., on the 20th of November last, Miss Sakaii Anx, dau"h ter of Wm. Howell, Esq., of Mt. Pleas-1 ant township, Uolumbia county, Pa., aged about 41 ycara. Iu Sugarloaf township, Columbia coun ty, on tho i!0th of October last, Mrs. Catiieuinu E. Hess, aged 22 years, G months aud 25 days. In Washingtonville, Pa., on the 15th inst., Mrs. Mary W. McAllister wife cf N. W. NoAllister and daughter of the late i Hcv 1). M. Barbcraged 33 years a mos. and 2. days. She left a husband and four ohildr en to mourn her loss. At this place on 1st, inst., David Parry aged 23 years, 3 months pud 10 davs. ' Ho had been through Sherman's cam paigh hut has been sick since tho taking of Savannah and coutiuued to grow worse until he died 'mm SlDuctli&tmnits, Stolen. 850 DOLLARS REWARD. CJtolou from tbo stable of tho undersigned '"-'in Cilutvu.,1 tVll.. (J lu in till rn nil j i. ... Uay cviiln0- Uca. a j, ltfijj, II Dark Uay Maro, about li yjar oU, medium eiij, li ivin,; a bald face uu.i uiisv iriiii.: .!, uuu, a Kocu.iw.iy Uarnuiio buui'inlial worn and a st ul'lurne., buck Hummel Th'i above reward will be pud for tile apprcliOMsiu.i of tlm thii'f and the rocuvery uf tlu urop.-riy, ur sij foi lhu iipprt'lijiii'jii oftlm Uiicf. and U fur Hi j iu luveryoi the properly. JOSmi inilMrfUII. Calawusatwp , Due. !, 'ii5- Notice, Raving sold out my store, I hcrchv five iiuiite tu all iiijeuud lu me 1 will ru in ,il. i at luu ulil .Una tor tinny days fur luo puiposo ot setllinj! wait tlicm. I liu.l have all my outstand ing uccuuuts lulll.-d up . j, i. nncnvn:. Ulouiu.bars, Dec 1), '.'.5-41 iissointion. rPho partnership herctofora existing ho- JL tiveeii Bumuel r. t-averyund Amos Ivruiii under thu firm of riavtry w Kriiui, ha been dissolved. The under Milieu villi Ue luauu nt tin. old tluud vvhero all ludcblu u tu the lain linu are rcipiebtcd tu make pa) - num. Uliioun burg, Dec. U, 'OS-Ilt AJIOS KltUM. Leaf Tobacco for Sale ! THE undersigned, residing in Light t, Columbia cuuuly, l'a oilers for nit I tilrcet lot of about 1.000 lbs, of Leaf Tobacco, It was raised ycur before last and it in excellent con dition. Apply to A lilt AM OUSTElt. hlgUl Btrcet, Dec. 5, 'ii.l-3t f I OH, Fashionable Tailoring. NEW SHOP IN'UgHT STREET. T11K unilcmgned, respectfully informs lie public iu ggncral, that lis has opened a now , Tailoring Establishment, ,ln Light tilrect, Columbia county, vvhers ho is fl prfii..rJ timiiiculuitll Muds of Tailoring In JLl l,'.",,,,1,,cl.J, 4l"'1fv'll'l',l''itilinnil mi mudarato terms? Will bo lliaiikfull for a.sharo of public paironago A J. NEWUAUU. 'slavery ; n bill to prcsorvo TlIlilljItlHrOli'TIIIil WORLD V " -m? MAflfm?.rs ra -i , , W-llIlS foSllWtf- ti-IV ih.iJrv,MnBm.di.. t if n tuiiliirv'nf urivnto nrattlca aro now, for mo first lornrcrn iimrtcr Ilio inrjroillcnts In LlFE-GIVING PlLLS, s,...-s., ,.,i ,viiini, crnte.t mfre.s. Their win- , s . i . . .... MM... i '"t ;;iy m prevent cii.cnsu, but to cur u. liioy nrth I lit the nr nus inn nil ts Ii) which the pntlent I. s,.irgrlnB, nmlrc-liulsomtcs tho rnlllnir systi-m.- To nw njeii nmi iniirnui fuw iioss m iiiese vniunus HM.-Jwlllproiotob, vwnv ,vifA'miAifii,' vnri'rrr. ror in cvoryrn.o ihoy mill now Mfo niul iiniity, nn.i rotora the wanlns cucrirle totliclr iirlstlnij sitatu. To Inn vnnnc n ml IiiIiIiIIi'-iil'I'iI llicv will nrovu mast III- rnbliirtun ready, upeclfic. nn.l steilliiB u.cillclno ''"'c ' flreiim rcaliw.J, (hat I'lincu.Jo.l.enn -ouclit fur lliren liiiiulrcd rrnm nuo. mill never fiiim J. lie looked Inr fountain that would restore thu old to Meofind uiako youth ever 1 A Jl JlitCl'lltll S DTI 112,', fl O' ll loft for till tin v ntirl tinnr ti rrnlizQ llin ilrtifitn. II illll, i These Famous Remedies, I y Cannot stay tlio llisht uf yrar. but they can forei hai k, onil hold nbnif, il soasu that it: ghl triumph over tho nV'it and Ilio young. Let iioipi husituto il,uii. but suiiu therniroratib) opporluiiity that nftcrs. Wlitn taken a prescribed B'ni' SSilinil Til euVtlVd 'x' ran hoim)rc 0,lcllvu of curo ,, tll,!S0 Nntliln; ran ho more productive of curo thin these 1'ilU 'I'll tr I r almost majic inlhleiico ii f It at mi;-; ; 'I'l'e'r mmost mnjlc Inlliienco Is f It in m:i ; iiitiMMuuitKii vifii.uiiut mil, i .in. iiiurt einh iMeai-e aro remuied. Irum , l ie purest j VEGETABMl COMPOUNDS. They mil nut harm tho most dellcato fcmalij, ..I,, i r"" beclvun Willi (juoilinect In prescribed doc to tlio yuiineet.) habu. For Cutaneous Disorders Ami nil cruplious of llicskin. Ilio 8AI.VU is most i,ntie - It does nut heal eiteiiially alone, but P'"' "'' ilh "ie must searching effects to the very root ul'lheevll I .,n . U11 . ,n nlIf1 Ml, IIiKib'Illj'S PIUS Invariably ouro tho following Diseases : An,.,n liuwrl Conipluiiits, U0U2UII, Culdti, Chcet llisca;?, Cosll vt'iicsa, Dyspepsia. lliaihoea, Dropsy, Dctiillly, I cniaie ( HinpiainiD lle.idachi!, revernnd Ague, lndigi'-tlun, llllllll'IIX I, lull iiuniatlon Inward Vcakucii8) i.ivrr Complaint, J.owiicm ufSjiirils l.ilipuunii. Uheumaliin, alt lilii uiu Xcaldn t'Kin l)ii.inCH. IT? NOTICR-.Vuno Rin lino ulllioiit the rnjiraveil I Irath' mark around i-itch not or bux, nieueil liv lilt. J maccii-.i.. r. i-ninm si . rvnw VnrkT i., mii,.,r,u Ii 1 -1 is felony, , C7- ol,l b, all reM"'ct.ible Nealerd ill Medicine llnoni'liout the United mate and Ciuadasat Vj cu. per box or hut. 1,000,000 Gold & Silver 51.000,000 HOLIDAY" GIFTS CHEAT ATTRACTION' ! Great Sensation U'atcliCB, Clucks, Clulns. Diamond llinss, Mul i Icons tfemiig .Viachiaes.l'ianoj.iic. nes, rianoj, Itc ONE MILLION DOLL RS WORTH TO ISIS DfSl'OSlJD IU" AT One Dollar Each ! ! ! Without ri'gar.I lo Value ! Nut to bo p.ud rJf until ; oil know what juu aic in . i.-ive ' Splendid List of Articles, all to ha sold for Ouo Dollar Each ! 11)0 Clucks (t'feinh) S and 21 day rlucl. ranging from S HI to SJ.-,n carh, Ud Puiiim, ul thu bi'.t iiiaiiiif.icluru aou tu cell SSI) lowing .tlaihincs uf the bed iiuuuf.ii.turi', to Id 1.10 " '.'.VI lii-nln' cidd lliumns-asp untrlies j) l i ii'J SuO Ladies' Culd and eJUiueled Iluut- i iu U'atehi's,1, M to 70 " 50J (Jems lluiitiug case silver watchid :ij iu ",o Juj Di.iuiuud l!in;'ii, OU Iu I OJ 6uu (iulil Vu.t ami Nock Chains, i tu au Duou Oval Maud Dracvkld 4 tu 8 5uuu Jul and Gold llr icyltt o to lu " 2uuo Chatulaluu (.hams fc (juard cliaiuu 5 to vtl " Tooj Sol rt- mid (Jold lltuoclies 4 lu lo " 5uuu ilud.iic, Jtl l.avuu.i'i l'lurctitiuc j;.ir Drop.. .j to g .. T.'iuo Ci rul, Opal it riiicrald car drops 5 tu i; 4uuo California Di.hiioiiiI llrrnt-piiiii e.'Ju to lo " aou truia I'oi ,',ii (;uld I ub li Vust IV uttli Uuys !J,5ito 6 " v ctt million tlidoi, 3io lo " 5IKIII titiis tiutitaiit.' bloovu buttuns,Sttidi,l&.(3 to 6 ' 3U00 tiOli! 1 illlllblCf, J'UIRIH, lie, 4 IU U ' Iuujo .Miniature i.ucki:tiii 'J5utolo " 40UH Magic Spring, Juto'Jo " aiiuo Oold Tuothpitks, I rousts, A.c, " a tu f 5uuo Plain Cold Kings, . io Iu ' 5uoi Chased " 4 to II luouu tiiniiu Bet and KiJIiet Ilings '.' 3o to lu " luoou Culifornia Diaiiioad limes atolo " 75oo Hcts Ladicb' Jewulry Jtt and Gold 5 lo 13 " buoo Cameo; l'earl, Opal and other Mooes. 1 1 13 " luooo Gold Tuns, tSilvur Lxlcntiuu Ilol il-rsaiid Pencils tu li Inooo Guld l'ennuiiil (iuld Mounted IlolJ. li tu lu 5uu ' Cmuiimoii llulders 13 tu iti " 3uou Ladies' Gilt and Jet llutklis 5 tu 13 5oim ! Hair liars and lialls.'i to lu " 5uou Silver (iublets and Drinking Cups 5tu3) i' Uouo tJilver Castors 13iu5j " Uoou I'ruil, C.ird and Cake Uaikela S tu 50 " 5uuo (lezen Hilver Tea Spi oils, Into ijo p.d. loooo ' Table rfn mis and I'orki SO tu 4u In Luiisct'iciiru ufthe gieat klugiiuiiun uf Ir.idu 1 (! ItlflllL' I Iktrti It lit Priini', I nrr'tm.t fx I Uryc .'I wiiiitv uf ata;iblu Jewelry, uriyiiiii ly iiitcii- llniudin. Ihu autln.r of -SiUAylH liury," am Uoator lw J.uropuuu iiiarUt. iIh-cu s.-mi viY Mr thur uf "Thu becunu Lift- It altu i.ubluli n av in tin.- couulri . nml MlriT in sn..ii at avVi ' 0 1 GEL AT GUT DISTRIBUTION ! l!irtu six liaures. They will be tup, rt-ly culort.l. hi .,... i r , Al.u.a iiutleru, finm vvlncli a Dress, .Mantilla, or Hiilijcil to the r.'lluttiiij,' reijulaliuiii : Child's Dress i.iii bu cut out, without thu aid i f a (ertilkat'is id ilio various articles are llrt put into ' 1"'llll"'i maker. Alsu, teviral pages of Household envelopes, sealed up and lulled ; und w lieu ordered, miJ 0,l,er Neteipts, uru taken uui without ri-cml to tliulcc, mid sent by rV It lH'tlin ltpst T.nH-'n lnM;nn mall, thus funis all u lair chance. On receipt of the , ,T, , , Jj ' S J!,g2inO in o rlinLalc. juu will eu what vou are to have, and tile W orld. J'r' it for OUO VCar. then it is at your upliuu lu send the d'llar and take' J IhiiariiLle ur nut. lurchu.eis may thus ubiain a l'r i TEllMS-ALU'AVd IV ADV t'(T auo, .M.lodtou, Sew me Muchlno, liuld Watdi, Dia-1 rv 1J-"-"a 'iLnnisu AUt.lMI,, inuiiil l.iui', ur uny set of Jewelry on our list fur Ono Cine copy, OUO year S '50 Dullar. t ii... - Send 25 Centi for Certificate. ! 1". f01"0.8' 000 'ear 8 00 in all tiansactioii, by ma,!, wo Hiall cl..e for ' 000 ' 1 ' 1 12 00 forwardiiiij the urlilieates. ji,iyinB postage, aud iloin- i'eurtCCU COpiCd, OUO Clir 20 00 Ihu business tents each, winch must be' cucln.e3 PKCMIUMS rul! (T'l rive lit- nun. when Hie certilkato is sent lur. l'lvu cerlilicates w ill , iivt--itu.vio 1UK Cl.lll.M, Ul (.I.Lfco: bo scut SI, eleven for thirty for S3, sixty. tivo lor , 10 t4t'y l'Lrson geluii. up a club ur five, i iglit or giu, mid 100 fur 15. ' lour teen, ut Hie abuvu rales, u copy r,f tho Maeaziuu .li'rvi',2 IV.. I . Inr I JJI'II vi ill 1... .... ...m.j 'a.i.i uui ugcnis in fvery town aim county in iho country, and those riding us mch will be allowed lu every cerlHUate orderud by them, nrovt ueu intir ri'inillanct niiiuiiuis loSI. Agents will tu. leit e5 tents lur every tertilieale. and remit 15 tents tu us, Hilar in t.ish ur postage Mumps. Agents re liiiltnig al mite, sdU. will he tiililled lo a beautiful Uilver U'uth, and ulso-JOU certilicuiu.. I'leasu vvrnu your iiamo, Town, County anil Etato plainly, addiess all orders to , . HA.MII.TO.N ; CO., Agcnls fur 1 oreign i. Ainuriean alanulactururs, halecruuiii, I", O. Hon 3d73, New Vork. jti Liberlv St. Dut. 0. led Uiuus Return That Robe -knuwnauil if ,l s nut seun rctulned hi wl 1 iiusenl fur. It ran bo delivered to t-aumel U. Hughes, iu ...w,.,.uuf, "i me suusniocr in cataw ssa, and no ".uestioiis will be asked. JAU01J li, KISTLElt, Catavv isa. Dec " Is.fiis ai House and Lot lor Sale AvaluahloLot situatnnn Tliinl ji,t lllounisb. rc h'er.on Is ,. , b,r,",l Ilrick Aieii,,,, l"A:,V.."0if i?,1. J" -S'.'H . -ccll,:iii foi alu chcaii Ai dIv iu """" 1 '' IW'" Mlm ,,,. .,. Dec IdOJ 3t3 AMLIsJA .MLAK8, BLANKS I ilLANKS! I A & al! llobo n)arku'1 T,,9- 't Wl!"l&h l' '" H,uire.!'aher,1 !'!. MEXICO ! HXIOO ! I ZZZ $30,000,000 LOAN or THE Republic of Mexico.' 'TwcnCy - ycar Coillion IloiuU ill Sums oi pjo, siou !uuo ami si,vu.,-i.vHT tjirvt," in I IjIU'iO I Ol, W.i .,,., T.T , laiauiift iiM i NEW Y 5N l'Btt CENT., Till? CITY OF iuui. Y011K. Principle and Interest Payable in Gold. in nnn linn In 1m Cnlil n I 11 VTXf uu'uu' I on Wiq DOLLAR, ' )n U. B, Currency, thus jlcldlng nn Inlcrest ofTwolvo ( Ptr ccnt.ln OOI.H, or Seventeen l'erCeiU. In CUIt. m'.N'UV, nt tlm present rate of prcmliiiii on sold, rna rmsTVinu'ai.vTKticsrAt.ucAnv i-hovi- DHU. ever OFFERED, linnicnse tracts ofJIIrlnB nnit Auiicnlturai l.nmls! Puty inr tent, of Tort Dues, Imposts, and Tuics. in ., .. . , u i o .. i ,.i i, . i . ... i the Ftates of I liinaullpns and Fan l,ul I'utos' i mi 1 the l'liglttcd l'ailli r.f Ilio sal I stall's au I the Ocueral (lovurniiiciit arc all ricdt'ed for the redemption of Uki l,0llJsnl,J wni of interest, TllO Security is Ample gin in U, 5. Ccicy will buy a 7 per cl cold Lund of $33 ci 500 n u t( .i it gioo eyuo u " " ' " souo " " " " ''SI, 000 every Lover of Uepubllcan liulitutiom Uuy at i Ica.t ONE BOND, C'iiculars (ortvarilcd and tulu-crip lions rcci'lvpfl by JOHN W, COItl. lia & CO. mid J. N TIl'lT, l'inancial Arrcnt M the Kcpublie orMuiiro, A7 llroadivay. N. V, C 71" t'tiljglnii'thiiis nlju HTt'ivcd by Hanks uml ... .... .1. . If.. ... t ........... ll.tiikiii gruorally tlir Jiiy liout tlio Uiuiud Blaten. Nuv. 2.1 1 l-ti3-Gw White Men Must Rule America ! N.Y.Day-Bookfor'CeeTMM. I 'I'iik l)AV-l'nnK prnpos tu stand In the future, as iu Hie ial' upon thu tnat dm t rinu that llin Ii a ' While .Man's Government on thu of a 1ViIit.iI , l.'niun that wliite supreiuay aud m i;ru vuburiliuatu , mi aree?s"i.t at elements uf Aiiierii-.m tlviliaiiuii ".,! iuJuMry. It demres nbu dlnlinttly cuinled out , of that class, if Journal, which prupu.e u. surrender licuiucratis prl uclples m a cowardly public clamor - I ll aspirin tonn lilglier h uinr than to b,- Hie ursan of j the cr eat Agrltiilturc ('I.i-suk nf the nuiiitry ng.ilurl the public iilunderirs ut all parties, ,vho nuw, llnuiiirh I h ulks, laiill's. laM s an I fr"u u -Kruinrii are ttnviuir. I to crush them, The Hay Hook, ur Us Fiib.titute. I he i Caucasian, fur four uui and bloody cnr, kept Ihu i ll iir ul Male Klein and I'unstltiittunal l.ib' ity llyinu I at a ereat puciiuiary arrihct-, iu Nev Vurk. niul .it a I time, too, when ll uu other Jntirnal tu keep it rmopa- , ' uy llhas nut iheri'fure. bei u pitnieit inerel to make njnney, hut has ihiiseti railiTlu b" llighl and vv till Ihu People, lb. iu lu court the favor f ill pie. and rich railroad eorpuratiuns ami h'j w ruut; with the , few. It might liave been bettor off pecuniarily, but il 1 viuuld havo been pudty li.iiikrutit iu tiriiieiiitu liad It ' ' taken any other corirhe. It dues tint mean tu inn a i rnuipetitiun with rrliinl'ly Jleuiucrutic iijiuiii kui ia 1 pers Mippurted by puliu.-al tun Is rubbed iroiu tho pLupte, anilil waruvihi- iiiasju that there are ninny sn nil ed Ileuiuoer.iiic n.iners vncaiii-ii in tn cunspira- by tu murlae 'Ii buiu-s and smews uf the l.iriuiug . and iiiiluiinul classes tu buiiilhul lers and iMpitulisls , ! ami surrender the old t'liiou and t ii old dm million llum'Siylf'fuJ'aullluer'r; "Z AbuliliunlsU. iuniiilii. and nubile nluu lerers. '1 he lny-liuulc is nuw generally as thu Leutling Demoeratic Weekly of the Coun try, and lias Ihc Lnrircst Circulation of auv i'ulilinhcd, bo- l?H'J unly Xch VurK paper uflts class mule up as I a 1 """ Ai'it" lur:i1 J"rnal. i:.ri:t:sdr.v run cuevntv cnti:i;i,,Ti'i-. Willi It LL llhTOIl IS ur ALt. I III M..V V Ulllt H VKKkl S. Term's (Jasli in Advaneu. One copy one year. Three copies uno e ir. l'uu tuples onu year, unj mic lu thegeltcr up ul the club, t mi 5 uO iu to 'It'll copies uu year, and one to the gutter up id ihc club, IT 5il 'ivvtuty tupi s one ear. DO UO Gold Pen Premiums. i Sen I for li Hpenmeu copy, and nv th'i fill pnrtlei lars f -.heCuU l'.n Prelum. us ull. red fur gel nig up clubs Mr IrfjiJ U'u employ uu traveling aceuts, Hi cry per nn w ho hates iiegni e'pi.ility is iiut'i.,ri. .1 ii'id reuictcil tu i ac. as agent and send uu suh-tcriplio is t 'Addtiss, 1 giving pusl'Uihet, cuuiii, and ( iu lull ' van uvniiii:. iioiiTuN a-, co. ! No ltj Aassau direct, Now Vurk. Dec. 1503 Tiic Miigiiziiit! for the '1 iiuvs ! Peterson's Magazine Douulc Sized Hrr.nL Fashion PijA'ies. This popular .Mtajiino will hj greatly improved for leliG. It will cuntuin Ouo Thousand Pages ! Fourteen splendid Steel 1'latcs ! Twelve inaiiiuioth Fashion l'lalea ! Twelve (Jolorod I'attcrni 1 Nino hundred Wood UutS I Twenty-four Pages ol Music ! All this will bu given for only Two Dnl larsa year, or a dollar less than 'Magazine of the ilass ul ''.Pe terson." Its Thrilling Talcs and Novelettes Are tho best published any where. All the met pop- ulur w rileih are i mpluj ed to write originally lor ty ot thiui none,, Tour Oriiiinal C"pnt:ht Nonl- reiersuu." luleun. iu n,h iiiun iu its iikh.iI iui.uiii uiih lthu Au I utns "v , , ,, , . i''llu I . , CII.Mtl.US J. I'DTiili-u.V, nun Clicstnul street. l'liil;nl, Inl.i . V7 Ppecimeiis sent gratis when sent for. Dec. ; 1M5-UI i Exchange Hotel, 'Public Sfjuarc, Wittes-Eatrc, Pmn'a. i T,IIK undersigned, having puichascd tho i Hiuabuvc prupcrly and propose to relit and make Xo pains will bu spared in liny of Its ilcnartinenia In render salisfartinii io .ill guusls. ' ii a iirst iiiiFs Hotel omsllUCharllf,n';r "V"3 llimtu '" '"u l"""1" "'" rst mo'l'-'1"u , "tuevcr you coino lu town, plca3o tall, u qiiTMI.Mr f. in I) Decc,,,lerS L-ly l V "P'". irua-iy EXliOUTOH'S NOTICE. EUulc of Thos. Stadihousi, dee'd. I clturs 1 t'stamentary on tho oslalo of , 'niomas gtackhou.e, lata of I'luo tuwn.hlp, (),.. iiiubia cuuuly, deceased, havo been g. allied by tho gianled by thu ! :t,"l ol Will Ke lu the undersigned, hti, rosnl '"Jl" I'li'1 '""'"'.''r. ul' peisuns having ilaliu ' ngusiisi Hie cstalo ol tho ileccduit aro repiu,lcd I il- lims I i'ivpwi,. lut-iii iu ihu tmtcuiur vviiiiuui ueiuy, aiu an i I'tisoiii indebted lu make paymt ut luiihwilh jllllM.IIKIIN'CII Mammoth Colored 1'iii.liinn V I look n BEE. I rpilH Very Malt . rii g Pit) pnt In LwKfiS!: Iiivi' Iifff lo Mr Up f,n l .'io business (if M E 21 GllAbDlZlNG npoit n a'.'i'inwlinf new plnn Tho rrrillt systrm Im I.,...,, nn imiiry in both Inn i r niul n iici, inn tin r i nfert roposts lii opiii mi .'Im 13lli drty of Ilio monllinl ocnnirr. irtu, hi Vf iim NM .JR.M.rW THE MOS'J1 COiMI'IiHTH AND ELEGANT STOCK UF i't&l ,,l'. IK, ft I (T, ' T3 Mi A mi M : ,i 'v t consul. jnc 0f every varietv and nua lit v of taylr, I ' J i 1 uUtl FANCY 003)3, Groceries, Quoeusware, Hard ware, and all sorts of articloj kept in a country Store j tribe soM or in exchango for AX.: iKXSTSIS GXtfiJROtfGfc Tho u holo busiuess to ho conducted on tlio 'yMuni i f pay n you (jo ,- nn, nt cheaper r.itca than any other homo. ' C7" Call ninl Juilgo for yoiim;lvc. J. S. Mc.MNCH. Nov II, K-153. WEW CLOTH 3 2 FRESH ARE IV A 1. OF Fall and Winter -EVE R Y K II 0 D Y 1 "T II!'. tltltlTliLM.l'(l. L-I-Jlll'l'lll liu ti.'il iirtlrmi!twn ....... I S Hilly informs lilrJcuytniiHTs aihi llii iitilil j JVinorail v Hint llH iit-f - I', II... I' ' I irfest and luiiKl nelci t stcik ul luv it.-f the attention ul Im fruiul' and nsiure lli.-m thai Uhj aic i.ll'uri'd fur fale at ijr.'iil barcalus. Hi., Stuck cuinpi ie a largs iibaurlun'iit uf i-i-vim i-mi'Vis U'r vprvr- Munni'i ,. )' 'aVM1' " Ul. .!"..'" 1 ?P'". . . ' 1 li.'IH Vi'l lilM'll niltl tlf-.l 111 IIIiHiiiik iilr , Ih nlil.i. I... r r 1 1 , 1 1 . n t , i n t v,Vm siii i ts t r i v.ii Hrni kn CuUnii 'J: '' ' 1 " i;!,;. ' iVi.'ii,lLrs lin ri"K,? Cul1"" """"kLrtlin . t.n v cs, . u.i.n,lLrs i ice. IllCllCS .111(1 Jewelry, uf every decrlptinu, Hue and I'lii ap. N. Il.-lleineiiilicr Loincnb'.rg't Vhrap Emporium' call and tee. No cliargo fur eiuiiiitig Giiu.H. , 1IAVI I) I.uvr.IIRR(I i llluomsljuri; N'uv. IM. J-U5 (June lf5'j'i 1 FRESH JIR. RIVAL OF Faii and Winter A T Miller's Store TK?Z T' ""V? J '"' rM'M":' ""E U'-1 ""'el of FALL AJSI) WIS I Ell GOODS I purchased nt I'hil.ulrlphla. .it the luvieit ngure, an I u hieh thuy ale di termiued tu Nell uu ai moderate ti raw as uui he procured elsewhere in lll'iuiusburg. Mis uu. k comprises i.iijii:y (,! noons, I of choicest styles and latest fiotuuii diiy aij'.iis, .i.vtt (iittn I f(jir uu: ;ry.y..v-ir.ii,K, cr.iuit it: nth. zi'..i'ir irjiitt: I ino.v, .NW.A, noam , siHihs 1 m ,V (Xll'ii. &.c , ,r Jit., lu shun ever thing u?u.ill l-epi tn (uu'itry Stores in vvlin h he invite the publt- cmu rally The llighcupruc paiu lor count i prmluie. S 11. MILLKlt. 7 I Lli he xnnpf il tn 'n'n. I'V l'ul'lii Vendue, al the lintel ut Hit under n n, ,1. in H, v 1 11 age "I .Miii il'e, CnlumtJia cuiinu . uu ' i'ity, 22 Day of Dtvunbvr, 1805, The lulluwing desi iibju valu.iblii pw-i.utiai prupi m iiuiucly 1 TWO MATCH G HA V 1IOKSKS, New top Biifevy. 1 finny i-ei L'ugiiy Urn ucss, 1 single set lJi??v llariicbs, I double Bet Trurk llurncns, ouu Siing Wiignn, 1 Sleigh, Two rv'ra double luir i'cl Shot Hum and 1 Smoth-liCfs Kille. ONE COOKING STOVE, One Dar-lvoom Stovi', aad one Pailoi Stvo, Four Fat Bogs, Two large .Meat StanJs, a lot of LhrU L'j&iii, ftim , f uf five ami ton gallon Kcgd EIGHT UEDS AND I5EDDING, Vow rlurrwil nn nvlnii,!kii T.,t.l -,.t i Tahiti, Slamls and Vah tubs, iwu iIuzjii Chairs, u'u Desk, . w".'v v..iidi.ii j auili. Ulliu,' FOUK L l.VUKS, a lot ufnis'jcs. several Looking glasses, lug ther wi.i Ins tnlire stuck of Inuisehcld mid kii heu furmiiii luu numerous lo mention. 0" Sale lu cuiiiiiinnco ut 111 A Al. nf said day. iv l,iii attendance villi bo given and conditions madj known by JOHN A. KHUMAN. M.-iinvillc, No. 53, 'tl5-ts J. K . Uyur. Auctiouei PUBS la D S.1LH3 Of Valuable Heal Estate, rPhe undoraiKned, will offer lor sale, by JL I'ublic Vendue, nil the premises, on MONDAY, THE 18111 OF DEO. The following described Valuable Ileal Uitate, con sitting of A Farm and Plantation, into in ruhiiigrreek township Coluiuuiu rout coiilaiiiing tibuiit 352 ACRES, About One Hundred and fifty Acres of which il iniprovcii and in a high stato u tullivaliou, tin bal unco is timber laud. 2 HiAEt5i FKAITIEJ EIOHJyEiS AND A BANK B.UIN, Willi all the rcpiisit'i out bulldln.js, arc erecto i upon said premises. TWO GOOD ORCHARDS, ' l'lf't .Mtudoiv Willi Spnug uml Well uf never falling water, near the dwellings, Also.a euod vv nh a fciipenur silo fur the erection of a Crist Hill, located along thu ui.iiu itoad and i'lslmigcivcK. riuid properly will bu divided into FOUR FARMS, or bold together ai may best sun tiu purchaser , IS Halo tu I'uuiin-nco at 111 u'cluek. A. .11., on sm, day, when alieudanco will be given and cnudilious madu known by EST1IEU STOKER. Nov. 18. IrCS-ts. i QE0B6E PHOTOGRAPHE , Skylight Vklum Gallery. IV Till! I.XCll.tNCl, ni.uii; BJi(inM,J'UHQ JIX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers