MMIBUMMM UMBIA AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. CEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. TERMS : $2 tfO IN ADVANCE, "TO HOLD AND TKIM THE TORCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'Ell TIIU DARKENED HAUTE." ryoL. 19. NO. 13. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A., SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1865. VOLUME 2 9. COL DEMOCRAT, CHZsivnaan BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL ' BMtimoro, Md. J -a . EOTABLISltfeb as a IUJFUGE FIIOM ; QUACKERY. The 'Only PImc where a Cure can be ob tained. Dr. Joliusori has discovered tho most Certnln, Spctdy, and only Effectual Remedy In tho 'World for Weakness of tho Hack or l.lmba, Strictures Affections of the Kidney, anil llladder, Involuntury DIscliorKi's, Iiuputenc), General nihility, Nervous- ne. iysiesia, Languor. Low S-'pirits, Confusion of Iili'in. I'ulplmtlmi of tho Heart, Timidity, Irtnililing, Uliiilir-is .if Sisht or Giildiness, of tho Head Throat, Noac, or Howels those TcrriMa Disorder, nri.ine (.rem Solitary I ! b of Youth-secret und olitary practices more fatal to their victims than tho ions of syrens to thu Mariner, of, blighting 'their most brilliant hope, ur anticipation., rendering tuarrlnse, tc, impossible. YOUNG MEN Especially, who Iisve laconic the victims of Holltary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally sweep, to nn untimely crave thousand, of young men of the uiot exalted talent, and brilliant intelluct, who inluht otherwise have entranced listening Hon ti'i . with "lie thunder, of eloquence, or wukeil to ec tacy the living lyre, may call with full coufideuce. M ARMAGH. , Married person, or youiiR men contemplating map rinit". being nvvara of pliv.lcal weakness, organic do blllty, ileloriiiitiu-i. speedily curud. lie vslin places himself iiioler the caro of I)r J, may i nlluiijinly conlidn in Ills honor at u Rentlemau, dnd cniitlUeiilly rely upon his skill us a physician' OUCVNIC WEAKNESS) mm cd lately Onreil and full vieur restored. 'I his illntrcni ik direction w hiih render, life mis liable and inarrl iru Impossible i tlie penalty paid ly tho virtitus of improper iiidulgeuie. Youni; per on. are too apt 10 commit excuses from not being ov.aru of the tin ndfnl rou-icpiences that may ensue, Now, who that understand the sulijcct will pretend to " lany that the power of procru nlion is lo-t sooner by those fallim! iitu improper loibitri llirin by the pru dent f llesid.s bung ilepriwil oi the pleasure ofheul tey otfspriug. the most si-riuu. und destructive synip bin. of both b.idy and mind arise Thu System be tomes deranged, th.' pli)sieul and mentil functions wearteiied, Loss rif i'rucrt-ative power. Nervous Irri lability, Dyspepsia. I'Jlpuatinu of tho Heart, IiMiges lion, Constitutional ll. ljiluy, a Wasting oi tlic 1'raiuc, Cuugh,,. Decay and Heath. !. JOHNSTON', Slouibor of tho Koyal College ol Harpoons, London, IJrudu.ili' from on" of .'.ciroi uSbiiicnt Colleges in the United .-tales, and the greater pa:t ut wiioLii life has limn hOuul in t e hospitals of Paris, 1'hil.i. dellihi.i. 'tnd eUt'ivhere, lia rifccted some ot the moat a.toui-hnig cures Hi it were over known ; many Iron, bled with riiieini! in the head and er.r. nhuu asleep, great, being alarmed at sud leu suuuds, bafhfuluefis. -with frequent blur-hi'lg, attended some times with di raujrmcul of mlud, wire cur J J iunueui mely. TAB I. .UB'iliri.AI. NOT l'K ' .fr. J- nd.Vferses all t'-oscuiio have injured them, '.elves h Improper !ndulii:'.ee ami solitary habits. winch rum hoik body and ootid, unfitting them for cither bii-iuefe, stuuy, ..cirly, or m.irriaije. I'hesu ,irn same of th sad and iiielancliullv effects produced by utrly nalilti ot jouth, via Weakness of th Hack ami Limbs. Pains ill tin; Head. Uiiiiiies. of Sight, l.osr of Mii-rul-ir 'owei. ralpitntion of the Heart fit 4pcpi i, Neri oji Irritability, Her.iugement of the ilig.-.'li. e Kuiuliniis, llebilit, riyinp tonM of ( onauumttoii K.c. MrciTAU.Y 'J hofearlul elfects on Ihe mind are much 1o be ore. mod 1,- .s of memory. Confusion of Idcds, Dcpiession of r-pirit.'. Kvil rnrhoilinj., Avernion to Bocii ty, a.'lt l)itru' .if bo iludi , Tlimdity.occ. are some of the ev i s orodnced. 'thousands of purotiH of all ages ran now Judge wrim is nie c.iiho ot nn ir in cumin ueaitn, loslog tneir vigor, h,Tiitning w eak pale, ,iii. en .iciateil, liAving h binolar appearance about the e)cs, cough anil tynptoiiiu ui ivouju mpuoti. YOLNU .MEN Who hsve irlurri1 th- mselve. hv a curiam ntnclice.ln uuli(ed to ,,.iett .iln.ui, a habit frequently luained troin HVil -ichooi, the etfects of whtch ure jiislitlv lelt. even when asleen, und, if not cured run ders impossllile.niid destruys hoth nun. I und body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a ouuj; man. the hepe of our coun- I ry. the jiriac of his parents. 1 1 he snatched from all prorpects on. I enjoyments ot 111". Dy tnu connc Suencoof dclating Irom I Ik. path of nature, and in ulg 'Utf in uc.iinio necrcl habit. bucU ptrson. uiu.t, tifi.ri coll u pi BB MA1UIIAGE, reH'it that a sound mind and body aro tin) mol ncces ary re.pil.ltei. to promote ronimhial happiness In deed, without these the j'.'imey through life r.ecomcs h weary pilenmave ; the prospect hourly darkens to thu view, the inind heiiini-s shidnvwil with despair and Alio.) nun the melanrliolly r fl.iLtlou that the h lu pines of nnuther becomeg blightud with our owu, Office, 7 South Frclcrick Street, lefl-hand sidcgoinc from Ualtimoro stri'Lt, H few doors from th'iconur. Kail not to obsere name and num tier. , No letters received unless potpajd and con taining a stump ue used on the reply, Icrsons writing shocl.l tzf age and scud poitiou of advertise ment driii rlrlng ymptom The Dueler's Diplnmn hangs In his office. Endorsement of the Pras, , The many thousand-! clued at this establishment within thu Ian iwuity years and the Humorous im portant operations perlor.oed, by Dr. Johns ton, witnessed by tho reporters of TtH Bun and many other papers, notices ot which hao appeared again and again b fore the public, beside, his standing as u gentleman of character and responaicllity, is a suffi cient guaranty to thu uilliclcd. tikin Diseases SpciUily Cincd. Aprtl IHCi. ly Select Poctrj). WHEN I MEAN TO MARRY." When Ho I niean to marry t Well TL Idlpo dlisitewth ho i , Dut if JrouVchooio to near mc tell, Tray liatoti while t fix tho dale. When daughter, haute with eager feel, A mother's dally toll to .hare I Can make the, pudding, which thoy cat. And mend the .locking, whjcli they wear ; Wbcn niaiJcn. look upon a man As in himself that they would marry, And not as army soldier, .can A sutler or a commissary ; When gentle ladie. who have got Tim offer of n lover'. Hariri, Consent to share hi. "earthly lot," And do not moan his lot ot land. When young mechanic, nre allowed To And and wed the farmer', girls. Who don't expect to boendowed With ruble's, diamonds and pearls ; When wives, in short, shall freely give Their hearts and hand, toald their spouses, And live as they were wont to live Witbiu thiir blrcs'one story houses ; Thou maiden if I am not too old Krjoice to .Jult this lonely life, I'll brush my beaver, cease to scold, And lookatioHt mc for a w i'fo I New Skirt Tor 885. ' THE CUE T INVKVTION OK TUB AGE IK HOOr bKUUU J, W. Brai'lny's New Patent Duplex Elllptu,(oi dou ble) Spring .Skirl. West.' Ilradloy k. Cary, fla'.o J. I. fir. J. O, Wot, ) Bole Proprietors and manufacturers, 0? CT.anibei. and JJand bl Keai'e Streets, New York , Tbis irventiou consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, iegenlously Ilraidtd Tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most Ilex. Iblo Lluslic and Durable Spring ever used, 'i'hoy sel dom Dend or Urcnk like tli Single Springs, and con. eqnently Preserve their perfect anil beautiful shupo Iwice as long us anv other skirt, 'J tie wonderful flsxibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the duplex E- ipticskm will be exneneiiced particularly in all ciowdcd UVs.eiublics, Operas, Carriages, Uailro.d Cus, Church rew., Ann Lliuirs,ior rr.omi.naic aim iiou.o urcss us the Skirl can bu toldcd, when in use, to occupy u small place as easily as a silk or muslin dress A imiv li.iinia eulotcd the pleasuro. comfort, and ercat convenieiiee ct wearing the "Duplex Elliptic eteel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never ufter u iliinalv diboensc ilh their use. 1'or Children Misses. and YoUrg Ladies, thoy are Superior to all cilicrs tIibv rue the best quality !h every rart, hod unq4ee tionablv tha Lighted, most deslritle, tcnifortablo.and eoei'.broical "skirt evur made. yOB SALE in all first class stores in thia City, aitd thrOoghout the United States, Canada, liavava, Cuba. Mexico, South America, and the West indies. INtlUlUE t'CK tHE DLTLEX ELLIPTIC SK1HT. April 15, 13C5. Skylight Picture Gallery. VmiE umlorsicnod respectfully informo 'i1 the citiicns of Illoouisburg and tho public gene Vsliv that he baa succeeded Mr.Koacnstnck in tho Pho tograph and Daguerrean business, at the well known Bky-LlghtSluild, in the Exchange It ock overStohner'e Bior'ei to which hehas added u full Camera and ru. proved material, by which he promise, to wk the mos'. period LIFE-LIKE PICTURES, ca't'e4or Handing, that have ct been prndurod lu this aoclion of Country. , . Th.t. being tne oniy erianiisiiiiisui - piooiiiihurg, rtnd having been lilted up at heavy ex. penm. it may be considered a first cla.s LIKENfcaa MALUOV, Groups or a single picture taken at anv time lu solicits the public custom und ttu.ts be will be sble'to render general satisfaction. ID- ALBUMS AND PICTUHE TP-AMES, of 01 slnia. eonetautly en hind end (or a! cheap. ' CLEMENT riEABHARl Bleomituif Mairh Thrifty and Careless. Two girls sat in Mrs. JNortu s nursery one cold January evening to enjoy llio comfortable tiro. The maid of all work was busy beside tbe eveniug lamp repair nig an olu gmgliam apron. It was a very unpromising piece of work when eho Lie gun, but ebo worked away witb a cheerful good will, and eooii its nppenraiioo was greatly improved, Sudan might it is truo have bought her a ueV? apion without tuy inconvenioij'cc ; she had three hlindred dollars out at interest, a legaoy from her grandmother, but she prudently let It ro main where it was, content ritn receiving her iuterist from it every year, and sup pleinentiug it with her earnings. Many hud bu id to her they wculd not livo out now they could do better. "Why not in vest her money learning a trade, whiuh would be far more genteel?" liut Susan was eiout and hearty, work agreed with her, and bcwing did not, Sho felt that i1 Eho did her duty and deported herself properly, she would be as much re-pected doing housework as if sewing for a living The cbildieu were all asleep, aud the nurho was rocking leisurely beside the fire, while a truukful of unmended olothcB lay untouched in her room. "Uulbro I'd patch nn apron ! Susie," id, laughinf ; ' 1 know you will be an old rhaid, you are bo parU'oular." "I wotold rr.ther patch than wear ragged olothis," said Susan good naturcdly. "I will not wear a torn dress if 1 oan help it, but 1 have one which has a whole bredth made up of darns and patches. I wore it last winter through,aud it will make good carpet rago, now." June rocked aud laughed away at her prudish ooiupanion, tnd Mrs. North, who was knitting by tho table, remarked to Juno that it would bo an awful thing if she would follow Susan's example. 'I learned a lesson in economy when a young girl, whioh I never havo forgotten, though it wai from a very simple thing, I was fipending tho bight with a young friend.when hor sister-io law had ocoasion to cut out a new dress for her ohild. They were poor people, but ebo took down a roll of carefully ironod pieces of stout cloth and laid them out on her patterns, studying carefully over them, to 6ec how she could pirco out a lining to the best advantage. Sho was neither iniserablo nor parsimon ious ; she was only frugal, and her frugal ity was tbe secret of tho family's prosper ity, The dress looked just as neatly when it was dono, as if tho lining had not been made out of a half n dozen pieces lior husband is now Judge II . If hi wife had been a wasteful woman, be would never have had tho means nor the heart to rise in tho world. Girls you may set it down as a fat, that a woman who is not prudent and eco nomical will hover securo a oomfortable iiving,evoii if sho marrico a tbdu with lever eo luorativo a business. If there is not thrift at homo, thero will never bo a ohecr ful, comfortable look about anything. You know Mrs. HcrBon is always fretting be oause her husband docs not get on in the world, Sho lias a drawer full of finery, ohiriii--aro and the hko, sho is saving up until she shall get a bettor liotilo and havo a parlor." Hor husband makes good wagon , but it will bo a long tirao I am afraid boforo eho will get into that coveted house. She thinks it "moan" to practioe tho small ceonomies--to warm tho frying pan and save the littlo dripping? of suoti to picoo out linnings, inako over old clothes tin lnBsnr onca for tho cuildron. Sho ill.v w - - - f will have a uew soil of choap jowelry every little wbilf, lint ehc may "look like other ; Ur win folks.' Now there aro plcntv of othor la boring mob who moke no inoro than he, who have now a little home and garden of their own, fill acquired by their industry and frugality. 4,I road a littlo book when a child, writ ten by a groat German writer called Zschokko, Tho title of it was "Mend tho hole in your Sleeve." It began, l believe, with atl account of two boys sitting down on a bench under tho trees, tollian what great things they would bo and do when thoy were men. ''You will nevor bo anything," said on old man who was tcatcd near them. Tho lddu turned, not well pleased at tbo inter ruption to their blight day dreams. "l see mat you nave a nolo in your sleeve," said ho. "A boy that is going to bo anythiug when a man, will not have a holo in his bIccvc. If his mother or sis tcr cannot mend it for him, ho will mend it himself." Iho bonk follows the history of ono of the lads, who took that as bij motto, and the history abounds in useful suggestions aad hintfi about mending all manner ot tiau, tiiriiue.-iH ways. I never know any ono read it without bi'ing influ enced by it to repair nd set in. order their own possessions, whether they were little or much. ''Depend upon it, girls, careless, untidy pcoplo will never be thrifty, never get before-hand in tho world. They live in con sUnt discomfort, and have a thousand times inoro trouble for waut of well-uiended and promptly made garments than thrifty people ever have in putting theirs in order A Sailor's Description of a Dance. Haven't had any fun with tho land lub ber. till Thursday night at a dance. t IT t T . I. t t ivnuu i arriveu in too uuuin tonuu cm underweigh on a Sp tuish daoe. Took my etatiou in line with Susan Tucker fell back aud filleu, tliun i.Woi a head tw fathoms hauled up on thu starboard tack to let another craft puss, and then cumo stern on another sail ipokf her and bore round agaiust the euu, aud full iu with another sail ic fall clia'e. Passed twen ty sail on same fturat',and weut half aero.i to thu other short', dropt, a stern fell baok couldn't Gil, o let go anchor and hauled up for repairs. Itckt time I was drawud into tho current by & cowtillon, but didn't make much headway shot ahead with Uetsey tark and sailed over to the oilier ooast. Tooli a turn opposite, ranged u brcst towards Tho Emperor Nicholas and the Actor Tho following anecdoto is now, and ex hibits the late Emperor of Russia in a now character, as well as records ono of tho most happy escapes from an awkard po sition that wit and prcsdnco of mind might tTord. Some years ago thero was a very eclobrated comio actor at St. Petersburg named Martioff. Ho bad most extraor dinary powers of imitation, dnd was a great favorite witb tho public r'.s somo- timss to Venture interpolations of his own, instoftd of following the advice of Hamlet to the players to ''speak no more than is set down for them." Tho Emperor at tbo same time had a uii!i chamberlain, or pcrsonago Glling a similar office, named Poloffsky. Whether for fuu or malico, Mnrtinoff while performing, contrived to let fly sotno puns rgainst this greatjmati, which wore warmly rcocived by tho audi once, i lie consequence wa, as coon as the play was over, the actor found himself in the custody of a guard of soldiers-, who took him to prison, where he was told he was to be confined for a fortuight. Not contented with this, Puloffoky cither told tho Emperor himself, dt contrived that it should ccmo to his caro, that the player had actually bad tho presumption to in du'ge in imitations of His Imperial Majes fjn his liberation, Mariinoff went to Court to p iy his respec s as usual, aud the Fitiipernr tuld hitu of this accui.'taiou, which he denied. 'Well," said tbo Emparor, "If you never did so, let me havo an lm itation of myself wcitf. W'o know you can do ro if you choose." This was an awk art! aud dangerous position for the poor actor, who telt he should get into trouble lor either falling short of or overdoing tho character. Still tho autocrat Was det r mined ; there was no escape, Suddenly a blight thought struck tho player, and drawing biat-ulf up, he as.umcd the exact boariug auJ manner of tho Eaiperor, and ia a voico so like that it made every otic present etitit, said, "Poloff'ky, give Mar tiooff (himself) a thousand silver roubles !' 'Stop," said tho Emperor, ''I have heird quite enough. The imitation is aduiisablo bui the entertainment primuses to bo too expensive. Give him the roubles, Polo- ff-ky ; and now mind, sir, let this be the last time you ever dare to miiuio mo hero or elsewhero " It in, of course, unneces sary to say MartiuniT was too glad to pocket the money, and csoapo so well. The History of Coal Oil and its Discovery. other crafts and baek aMoru arruin mov ed round to sturboafd pasud near part ner's lights and made sail fir berth. Third time run tne into port to tho tune of tho Temp est tho Yankee tar's favor ite. Prooecding along tho boast accord ing to the rcgulur order of Bailing bore ahead again rounded to then passing adversely yard arm by yard arm locked astern with the whole squadron iu circular order of sailing Sally Jones all tho time manoeuvring aud making Signals when un der full sail. Finally aucborod alter a hedvy squall. Don'c Complain. Don't complaih of your birth, your traioging, your employment, your hard ships ; neves fancy you could be some thing if you only had a different lot or sphero assigned to you. God understands his 0T7H plans, and knows what you want a great docl better than you do. Tho very things that jou niuat deprecate aa fatal limitations and obstructions, are probably what you most want. What you call liindcraiiceS aud discouragements aro prdljably God's opportunities and it is nothing uew that tbo patient should dis like his medicines, or any certain proof that thoy are poisom. No ! a truoo Io all such impatience. Choke that devilish en vy which gnaws ot your heart you are uot in the sunie lot with others j bring tlowu your soul, dr rather bring it up to recoivo God's will, and do his word, in yottr lot, In jur sphere, undor your cloud of obscurity) Against your temptations ; and then you shall find that your condi tion is never opposed to your own good, but really consistent With it. X5S" Tho beauty of a religious life ia ouo of its greatcet recommendations, What does it profess? Peace to all mankind, It leaches U3 tbcBC oris whioh will render us belovod and inspected, aud whioh will contribute to our present oomforts ds well as our future happiness, Its groat orna ment is obnrity it iuetilcaics nothing but lovo and sympathy of affection but it breaths nothing but the purest tpirit oi" do light; in short, it is a systoui perfectly aloulated to benefit tho hoart, improve enlighten tho understanding Eftct of Laziness. A lazy boy makes a lazy man just as sute as a orooked sapling makes a crooked tree. Thiuk of little lads. Who over saw a boy grow up in idleness that did uot make a luzy, shiftless vagabond When he was old enough to be a mail, though he was ndt a than iu chareter, un less he bad d fortuuc left him to keep up appearance ? The great mass of thieves, paupers, and criwiuals have oomo to what thoy are by being brought up to do noth ing Useful. All those who drc good inch' now, aud useful to tho community, wore industrious When they were boys- If you do not like to work now, a lovo for indus try can soon bo accquired by habit. So, my little reader, I want you to ldok around at once for something to do,lu doing which you oan benefit somebody. Shun Idle ness as you would the evil one. Good Advice. If the body is tired, rest; il tho brain is tired , sleep. If the bowels aro loose, lie dotin iu a warm bed and remain thero, aud eat nothing until you tre well. If an action of tho bowels does not ooeur at tbo usual hour, eat not au atom till they tlo act, at least for thirty- sis hours ; moauwuuo uiiok largely oi cold water or hot teutvxerciso in tho opm air to the eStent of a gentle perspiration, and k.tjep this up till things are righted ; this ono suggestion, if practiced, would savo myriads of lives every year, both in tho oity and tho country, Tho best med icines iu tbo world are warinth,ubstinenco repose. When vVc jpoak of tho dincovory of ooal oil, in referenco to late events, it must not bo mistaken for a modern invention, Tbo extraordinary attention drawn upon t by tho discovery of a moro abundant supply, by artificial wolls, since tho Au gust of 18G0, has made its provious his- ory of comparatively little interest to one class of minds, but, on the other hand,bas invested that previous history, to philo sophic eyes, witb all the oharrh of an ar chaeological Investigation. Did hot the builders of Babel use clay for bricks and slime for mortar? (Gen. xi,,3) Il is evident from an examination of any of tho ruins of Mesopotamia, that asphaltie ruortir Was the bed into whioh their nla bastcr wainscot picoes were set, and with which their vast terraces were compacted, and probably their roofs protected ; the use of whioh so abundantly, only facilitated their destruction when tbo torch was t last applied. The pitch uicd was made by evaporating petroltum. That of Ba bylon wo know wss tJbtained from the sul phur, brihe, dnd oil springs of Is ; the products of which aro still sold in tho vil lage of Hits. The story of tho catastro phe of Sodom and Gomorrah, if not orig inated, was perpetuated by tho vast accu mulations of rock nil iu the centre of the Dead Sea, as on the surface of a heated, simmering briue vat, w hero it is hardened by oxydation anil drifted to tho surround ing shores. A similar phenomenon a lako of pnro pciroleum elicited the amaccmeut of the Spaniards who disoov ered Trinidad. Oil epringc, ih Idct, have been known and estietned, and worshipped, iu every age and many countries. Hctodotus do scribes a bitumen spring in Zacynthus Zauteo, ono of the Ionian Islands; and probably this bpribg sufficed tho Egyptian nation for their iuoessaut religions use of petroleum for mummies, the embalmment of which is amusingly desoribed in Hunt's Merchants' Magazine for 1 803. The "Greek fire'' of more modern times was probably compounded of petroleum from tbe Zauteau springs. Dio&eorides tells us that rook oil was collected in Sicily and burned in the lamps of Agrigentum, Tho olai-sio home of naphtha is Baku, a high ponin"tila ou tbo wc.-tern shoro of tho Cas pian Sea, coniaining thirty-five villages and twenty thousand souls, rocky and ster ile, without au attractive spot, without a - t&f A railway is to bo built in Pales lino. It will connect Jaffa with Jerusa lem, will be about forty milos long, anil, with a harbor at Jaffa, will cost bolfn million pounds sterling. 8& The offioial statistics of the War Doriartment show that upwards of 0-1,000 Union prisonous havo died in rebel prisons. rjiS What is tbe most pleasant musio in a ball room l That mado by tho belle. BST- What clothing W6at ' Chancery nuts. should lawyers stream, wiihoul oue drop of sweet water except what falls directly from the clouds, and without a tree. But coal yas rises everywhere from a toil saturated with naphtha, and numerous volcanoes in action diacharco volumes of mul. Froth tho time of Zoroaster tho uaphthi of Baku has been sebt all ever Asia for the ervico of the sacred fire of the Parsees. The liquid ntrcams spontaneously through tho surface, and rises wherever a hole is bored. But especially at Bulegan, sis miles from tho capital village, tho sides of tho mountain stream wiih black oils, which collect in rcssrvoirs constructed in uti unknown an cient time ; while uot far off, a spring ol white oil gushes from the foot. Upon their festival occasions the psoplc po'dr tdtis of this oil over tho surface of the water in a bay of the Caspian, and then set, as it were', earth, ssa, aud bky in a blnze of light. Sometimes far grandet exhibitions tako placo naturally. In 1817 a column Of llame, six hundred 3arda iu diameter, broke out near Balegan, and roared with boiling brioe and ejaculated rocks for eighteen days togither, until it raised a mdtuid nine hunJred fott in height. Of course, ihe population use tbo oil for light and fuel and coat their roofs with it. A olay pipo or hollow reed steeped iu lime water, set upright in tho floor of a duelling, serves as a uatural and HUfiieiint ga-pipo. The Ghebers btttle li for forcgn uo" the Atecshjahuis firo with it their luue-kiliiB and burn their dead. No wonder the religious seiulriieot of ori ental mystics " cutraoceu by tucli a land of firo as Baku, wbcro iu tho Gssurcs of the while and sulphurous soil the naph tha vapors flicker into flume ; where a boiling lake is covered with a flame devoid of tensiblo heat ; whero after tho warm showers of autumn the surrounding coun try seems on firo; flames in enormotis volurncs tolling along tho mountains with incredible velocity, or standing still cz peotant ; Whcu tbe Ootobijr aud Novem ber moons light up with an azure tint tho entire west, aud tho Soghdo-ku, Mount Ptradiso, tho oastern buttress of tho Cau casus, covers its upper half with a glow ing robo ; while if the night ba moonless, innumerable jots of flamu, isolated or in, A crowds, cover all the plaint, having the mountains In obscurity. Tho Ghobor and the bheinist hero may worship side by sldo. All trie phenomena of distillation and com bustion, Junder varying barometric and tbermometrio conditions of tho atmosphere, bay bo studied ; for nono of this general fire burns unless when captured and ap plied to human uses in tho lamp or stovo or kiln. In tho midst of this devouring clement through this world in flames men live dnd lovo unharmed, lend sheep, plant onions, sleep, aro born and die, as in moro prnsaib regions, Tho reeds and grass aro in nowiso affected by the flowing oil or by tbo burning gas. In fact, Hot tiers, the traveller, thought the wholopho norhenon electric, when ho noticed that the vacuum in bis thermotnetor tube seem ed to be especially full of flame, and that the east wind put to Oiiiet tho wholo ex hibition ; with which faet we miy csmpare the oUriod.3 discoveries of Moffat with his phosphorous themometer, published in Silliman's Journal, December, 1602, p. 137, as bearing on his theory of two nor mal opposite air currents. From au equally remote, ora thu Burman empire and northern Hiudostan have received an nual supplies of rook oil from tho wells of tho Himalayan valloyof the Irrawaddy, through Rangoon ; and it has always been 6 favorite drug in tbo Ihdian pharmaco poeia. In Italy, the oil wells of Parina and Modcna dato back nearly two centuries, the year 1040 being that assigned to their discovery. The springs of Ammiano have long lighted the streets of Genoa In France, oil springs havo been kuown from time immemorial at Clermont and Gabian ; aud in Canton Neufshatel ; and in Bavaria, Germany. In the English coal mines, of oourso.the coal-oil gas the dreadful fire-damp was always a well known demon to tho mining population ; but iu 10G9 Shcrley, perhaps first, doscribes it to the reading publio us an illuminating gas, In 1733 Sir James Lowthcr laid pipes along tbo mines and burned the cases at the surface of the earth. Dr. Clayton's retort experiments to which wo referred above, at the bo ginning of section 2, were si years later still. His 'Mncondensicle spirit" he burn ed ih bUdders for the amusement of his friends, as did Dundonald again in 1780 aud Muidockin 1702. But tho lighting of London streets and bouses with gas came not till 1842. Twenty years havo elapsed, and there are in Great Britain and Ireland 1,015 gds-works, with aoipitol of $90,000,000, charging an avcrago of 81 80 per thousand cubio feet to small con sumers, and deducting from five to thirty per cent, for heavy cousuuiption. Some of theso companies pay twelve per cent, dividends, and many of them ten percent. Tho average capital of British gas-works is said to be nearly twenty por cent, less thau that of American works. lu America tbo history of coal-oil com mences witb the use which the white set tlers found tho Indiana mado of it for medicine, for paint, and for certain religi ous ccremonicB. The settlers adopted its medicinal use tlcnc.aiid retained forboro than one affluent of the Alleghany river tho Indian namo of Oil creek. Tho one which has become bo celebrated lately, enters tho rivor a few miles above the town of Franklin. Tne oil was collected both by tho natives and tho whites by spread ing blankets oc tbe marshy pools which lino the edges of the bottoms at the foot of steep hill-sidcsjor even mountain trails, such as hem in thoso valloys and support a table land of coal measures above. Tbe remains of ancient pits, with notohed logs for ladders, show how long tbo product has been valued by the aborigines, But although iu all tho valleys of western N York and Pennsylvania, eastorn Ohio and Kentucky, and northwestern A'irginiu, the evidences ol the almost universal existence of tbe Seneca oil was known to the early settlers, its actual abundance underground was noidreftmcd of. Even long after the ora ol salt-well boriiiff bad begun, the is olated cases of spouting wells did nottcaoh the truth as it is now known. Sonic of tho oldest salt wells of Iho Pittsburg re gion, it is true) and of the Kanawha val ley, yielded not only brino, but also oil and gas in great ubundanco ; and iu moro than one plaoo, and with a partial and temporary success, tlio gas was tubed off and led beneath the boiling vats for fuel. But it was too fulul in its esoapo to bo re lied upon ; tho oil which acoorapanicd it was of no use, aud when abundant agroat nUisance. Ilildrcth describes the quanti ties of petroleum spouted from tbe silt woll boated iu 1810, in tho valley of tho Little Muskingum, iu Ohio, and the tro mondods.esptosions of gas vrhioh inter rupted, sometimes for dayg together, tho flow of brino. It was this fitful and un govcrnablo a fcro;bavitig its unknown seat oi" power in tho deep, which made every effort rdtijo to employ the gas as 'fuel. Traveller", howcvor,rcpori that this hB been successfully dono by tho Cliinoso salt-makerj for many conturies. As for tbo oil, odntibues Hildroth, it mado for it self a local commerce, beginning to be id demand lor lamps in workshops und manu factories, and tho edjgehion was alroady made that it wotild serve to light tho ttrcstd of the oitios 6f Ohio. It' is not a littlo singular, says Air. Ilodgo, that with tho sources of supply thtia pdlnfod out, and tho useful application of tlio petroleum understood, its value should Havo remained unappreciated, and, at tho expiration of more than thirty-five years, bo at last per ceived through tha progress of experiment made upon tho distillation of bituminous shales and coal. But the fact eeoms to stand thus : tho natural ooal oil was a dis gusting and imporfeot thing, and there wag noither tho prcssuro of necessity nor the favor of scieuco applicable, in Ohio, in tbo beginning of the century, to ito purification. The destruction of iho whalo h'ery, the iucreaso of tho railroad sys tem, with its rolling gear and workshop maehiuory, and the coming in of lard oil as a substitute for whale oil, r.ll had to in tervene between tlie inception and tho per- tormance of the coal oil drama. It was in 1847 that air. Young, in Glasgow, (the most intimato friend, by tho way, of tho African traveller, Living stone,) had established his purification of petroleum from tha Bidding's mines in Dorbyshiro, boghead oannel, oommon coal b1 ales, peat aud solid bitumen, and inlro duoed tho use of these mineral oils to such an extent that a tcArch for the native ar ticle, long known to Siist, was set on foot in earnest. The oils of tho ooal region of America at once commanded piincipal attention. The fir&t praotioaj movement in this direction was not made, tintll, ia 1854, Messrs, Evelcth and Bissell, of N. York, secured the right to the upper spring on Oil creek, and organised a company. Still, thrco years passod before Mr. Bow ditch and Colonol Drake, ol New Haven, began tho first Titiisville boring, striking the oil stratum at seyenty-ono feet depth in August, 1853. tfbe drill sank sudden ly into a cavity, nnd ths oil roso within five inches of tbo surfaco, and was pumped off at tho rate of, at first, 400 dnd after wards 1,000 gallons p6r day. Tho news spread. Tho wildest epecBlation Boon raged. Every aero of laud in the valley, and part way up tho steep hill-sidcs, for ten miles south of the boring, aa far as to tho junction ol Oil creek with tho Alk ghany river, was bought up by eager con testants for a fortune suro to bo real ed ia a few months. Hundiods of wells sank speedily to various depths. The ouco quiet. beautiful valley became a noisy dun, a hideous desert. Dcnickd, scaffolds, and pumping gear took tho places occupied by the tall forest trees or blooming orchards. Groups of warehouses, barrol fdjtorics. boarding bouses, and wholo villages rc plaaed eaoh solitary farm-hojse. Tho stream was dammed and fcluioed for arti ficial floods, barbora were excavated in tho lowest places, and tho rest of the in tervale becamo a stinking bog of mud aud salt mingled with oil. Not a blada of grass was to be seen, and nothing to bo heard but the olanking of tho pumps, iho blowing ol somo new woll in its first en ergy, the shouting of drivers urgiog mis- erable mules and horses through tho naus eous mud, dragging empty barrels to the wells, or full ones down to the stream, whero the boatmen fasten them together for the nest flood, jiong barges filled with casks, or with the oil itself in bulk, lie watting for the moving of tlio watoru, when the upper dam is openod. Among them aro lo be teen strange Crafts, com posed of barrds lashed togothcr liko ts raft, or barrels siwed in two and lashed together thus, to corry tbo oil In bulk,nud filled to the brim. Occasionally the pontl freshets, as thoy ore called, become tceucs of ludicrous diu aster. The latest Were those of Deocmbot 3 and Dooember 5, 1802, in whioh fifty thousand barrels of oil were lost. 'The loss on tbo Alleghany river'writcs a ooi respondent, "is estimated at 400,000 or 500,000 gallons." The scone la graphi dally described i ct the columns of tlio Philadelphia Coal Oil Circular of Decern br 13 : ' The boats grounding in great numbers ; the larger overrid!ng,ciuihiDg7 and swamping thu miuller craft, j,ltj broskibg ech othor up lu the Ffi ii7l freshot tncuty ill secured tot m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers