COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. EDITED BY LEVI I,. TATE, fltOPIUETOII. " Onr OonitltntlonKuard It eVert Our clorlous Unlon.i.hnM li rinr I Onr Starry Flag fortako It never I ma prouu uaucaosiaU" our only peer! BLOOMSBURG: Saturday MOriiing,Aug. 27, 1064 FOR PIIESIDENT IN 1804, GEOHGE B. M'CLELLAN Buhjecttolho decision of tho National Convention.) &" Oampaion SUBSpillEtl. Wo will end tho Columbia Democrat from now, till niter tho Presidential Elcolion, for CO conta in advance This is bo low thnt ev ery man should havo it, and boo that his neighbors havo it. If they cannot pay for it olub togethor and got it for them. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COXVUXTIO.V TVOTIOE is horeby given that the Domo- cratlc Electors, In ntul for Uio several llorotielu anil Election Districts, ttill meet nt lliclr respectivo places of holding thn General Elections, on Saturday, the 2tli day oj August next, between the hour of 3 and 7 o'clock p. in , of .ild day, for tho purpose of chooilnR liy ballot, two Delegates from ench District, to meet in County Convention, at thoCOUIlT HOUSE, In Ulooiiuburg, on Monday, tlieZQlh day of August, at 1 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of making tlio usual annual nomination of the Democratic party of Col umliia County. WJI, II. JACOIIY. Chairman. II, W. McIUy.iolds, I John A. Fusihtox, Wm, KniCKnAia, IIiham IIowm, Jacob Ysausb John Heoarokll. Democratic Standing Committee. lllooiiiiburg, July 30, 2rG-l. To our Patrons and the Public. The present high price of paper, labor, printing ma larial and every nrtlcla entering Into our business, has compelled us to look to n correspond! g ndvaucc in nur charges, nenco tho undersigned, publisher in Ulooraiburg, villi on nnd after the 1st of September 1801, malto an advance of I'lfty per ftnt.upon oldiatca. HATES OF ADVERTISING. Ono Biuaro of oiyht lines 1 tlmo SI 00 " " " ' 3 times, 1 50 " " " " 1 month, 5 00 ' " " " 3 months, 4 00 " ' " ' fi months. 0 on " " " " I year. JO 00 Eiecntor's nnd Administrator's Notice?, 3 00 Auditor's Notices, li SO JOB PRINTING. Rand Dills ono eighth sheet, 30 or less 83 no " " one-fourth 3 50 ' " , Ono'linlf ' " t 00 " ' full sliuet, " It) 00 All notices of public meetings (eiccptof political or letifftoillri inllNt hfl nnlll tnr fit n,lrl..ll.tM,f rn... Lditorials or local advertising will bo charged 20 cts All transient advertiblag must bo paid fornt Uio ilmo of Insertion, 1'. JOHN, ruMlahor JlcpuUiean W. II. J ACOISY, l'ub.itar. . J.UVI L.TATU, I'ub. Democrat. Dloomsburg, Aug. 13, ISM. A CARD. To the People of Columbia County. Understanding that, in certain portions of tho County, tho report is in circulation, that tho "Act to protect Sheep and tax Docs, in Lvcomini? and Colnmhia nnnn. lies;1' was passed bv the uudcrsir-ned when i n tho Lecislaturo a few voars flPO s nnrf o 1 that somo political opposition is sought to bo made ogainst him, based upon that Ro- port. IIo desires to soy that tbo Act ro- ferred to, was passed by hie predecessor in 1801 and approved by Governor Curtin, on the 90th i of March.of that year. The undersigned was a Member ol tho Legis- laturo, during the Session of 1802,-a year after its passage and of course, in no- wiso responsible for tho not in rmcstion. Vide Pamphlet Laws, 1801, pago 233. LEVI L. TATE. Dloomsburg, August 10, 1804. National Democratic Conven tion. This body will meet on Monday nest at Chicago, for tho purposo of nominating caudidates for President, and Vice Prcai- dent, of tho United States. We oaro not particularly what may bo our itandcr- bearers names, so they aro good peace, men and will through God'a beuediction, restore our boloved country to quiet and prosperity. D. Lowenuuro, Esq., our Delegate, left on Monday last, for Chica- Lincoln's U. S. Troops in Colum bia. On Saturday ovening, August, 13th, UUI u '" m our own city in lor- about ninety of Lincoln's United States B,"r'S"in8: $ ood 011120,1 T.n. n-.i m i a SQcU t0 reform tho Govornraent, or to Troops, Cavalry, and Mountod Artillery , amend its constitution, but not to over with two Cannon arrived in Dloomsburg. i throw tho former; while any ono is at psr Tho next Tuesday, somo two hundred and foot liberty to oppose and seek to super fifty more Soldiers arrived here and ioin-' fada tbe """'"tration. Tho latter is.ln edtbem in Camp on tho "Agricultural . Fair Ground." And on tho eamo day Mbj. Gen. N. D. Couch, also made his ap pearance. He returned on Wednesday to HarriBburg. Tho Soldieta remained hero until early last Sunday morning,when in martial ar ray, thoy marched up our Streets, somo threo hundred strong, to tho mmio of tho fife and drum, en route, for tho expected Sat of War, up Fhingoreek. On Sun day night, thay nitohed their Touts in Stucker'a Grovo, somo ten milos from hero. On Monday, thoy marched to and enoamp cd in Peter Applcman'e Sugar Grove,ncar Benton. And horo ends our Roport up to Tuesday. All thon, was ''quiet along tho lines." Who brought theso Soldiers hero, is well known ; for what oauso is a question ; and what their mission will effect, timo alono must determine, Tho thing is rather fun. ny and excites no littlo curiosity. Wo await tho ''inexorable development of UVU1HO, Tho Democrats of Philadelphia City hayo nominated, non. S. J, Randall, W. M. Reiley, Okas. Duokwalter and Georgo Northrop, Esqs., for Congress. Jeremiah MoKibben has been nominated for Shoriff. "Valloy Spirit." This valuablo Dcmooratio Journal was entirely destroyed during tho burning of Ohambcrsburg. Nothing was saved ozoopt tho wearing apparel, In ordor to re establish tho paper thoy aro compelled to coll on thoir friends for nssUtanco. It Is their intention to rcsutno tho publication of , tho Valloy Spirit as soon as thoy can get material irum mo city, jvny one wining ,..!! A. t. - !.. I ... - ll . to contribute lo their relief can do so by calling at the Democrat oflico. Any I urnount so contributed ihey will consider as a loan to bo paid in bettor times. ' EST Wo nubiMfoTour'outsido to-day. ! mnlolo. tho Wade-Davis manifesto uuiuiiiuiu, iiiu it uuu-Aavia iiiuummu t against Lincoln, and wo call especial at. tontion to it. Nothing that tho Democrats Imvn snid 1ms told n.-nlnst tlm n.lmlnUlr.. . . . . . havo said has told nuuiost tho ndministra tion with such fearful effeot as this vigor- . , ... . f -r ... ous auacK oy its own menus, jjet tno i people awako to a sonso of their condition, j and hurl from power, through tho ballot-1 box, tho man who is charged by his own supporters with such unconstitutional usur-, patinns of powor. Wo trust that those republicans who roaularlv read our napor, on tho .sly, for good or ovil motives, as tho case may be, will most care lully ana prayerlully read this "Protest." Head, rctlect.and bo wiso jutjmc jiueir uwn way. iow, I cuiuk u tuoso , would-be loyal mou would traco their lino- JKsT It is every day becoming more cor-' ago back as far ns 1778, perhaps thoy tain that tho Chicago Convention will be a would find that thoir forefathers figured unit in action and sentiment. The -courso qUh0 conspicuously under tho notorious of tho administration hasmado it easy and ,j0in Uutler, at the Masiaoro of Wyom leasable. Wo expect to nnnouneo tho Jing, or, at least they will find that somo of name of the Democratic Gandidato for tho '(ho samo blood was iu them. Prom suoh Presidency in our next. Our success is j mcn it U very common to hear tho epithet, uow certain. Lincoln is growing weaker "traitor" cast at truly loyal citisens.only , and moro odiom constantly. Soldiers and ; hecauso thoy differ from thorn in thoir civilians, politicians and peoplo are all 'views. Such men would gladly see their down on him. (neighbors destroyed and not even shudder Thoso who voted for a ohango in 18G0, at the sight. Thoso very persons havo and all their friends aro now going to vote been doing nil in their power to got the for another ohanco. Tho workincmon noonlo uud the nowors tint lm. tii nn.nn in dout bolievo In being underbid by frco no- ( groos, and thoy aro going to rtstoro tho IT ,l . ' . M union on iuo oiu oasis, wim every man in t his placo. Democratic Sentinel. Jno. W. Raijneii, Esq., has estahlijh- cd a now and beautiful paper, at Kittan- 111 rig . in Armstrong CO: Pa., entitled tho "VCmocmilC OCMinci. It 13 an amy con dueled and fearless domocratio sheet, and will be welt sustained by the Democracy ! oi Armstrong, xno luuanmng ucmo- oat, having become ricketty and demo! - olizcd, has been gobbled up by tho aboli-' tionists. t, ,, TTT- . It t Snubbmtr an Abolitionists. MV. .Tnmoa K., ono of our very ''loyal patriots,' among others, who were cheering hcartil y! on Saturdav evenim-r of tho nf Soldiors was rather serimnlv snnhh.rl t Iho midst of tho oneration. Shut r I i j - big mouth, said a Soldier, if you wcro as good at fighting as you aro at hollowing, wo would not havo boon brought here. 'b" w''tQ(l' .Show mo'a'nest of Abolitionists, and i will ,,I0W B Dest of nWe& So said) 8omo ycarfl no,y m nirlimr ni,iar f M.r-i ' - 1:,P Mr.H,n,lJ.t. nr..;n tt bocomo a rnmnart abolitionist, because preferment iu tho Denomination, camo in that way. That ho is nu infidel wo havo his own word. Tho sect is divided, abo litionized and becoming wsaker and weak or through dissension, daily. It is error, dying amid her worshippers. Edr Does any body know what is tho name of iho Loyal Abolitionist who owns a lot of ground near tho "Fair Grounds," and who wont and put a lock on his pump, so that tho poor thirsty soldiers could not get water to drink He's tho "Soldier's Friend" to tho tune of 6ix oars of corn. What's his name I Inquire around town. The Administration Not the j uuituiuiutt, "So our copperhead journals havo long j and volubly assured us. So wo long airo hae; hX nl changes, whilo tho Government is fondly designed to last forever. Titbunc, Aug. 1 1, 1801. Tho foregoing paragraph, heading and all is copied from iho Now York Tribuno, of iho above date; and is a perfect answer, in express terms, to all tho balderdash that tho Lincoln Lioksplittlos havo beon preaching to tho people, for the three years last patt. Wo desiro to coll atten tion to it now, nnd put it upon tho record; for six months will not elapse, before theso samo men will bo explaining, qualifying and donyiug, that thoy over held or pro mulgnted any suoh dogmas as that "The Administration is tho Government." Many aro shocked at tho Tribune tot avowing suoh a doctrino as that nt the head this articlo, but it shows the way tho wind is setting ; and tho whole party will presently tako tho baok traok on that oneo darling doctrine. Anotiieii Fali. in Gniiu.NiiACKs, S, P. (Shin-Plastor) Chaao was a candidate boforo the Aboliitnn r,nn.;,..i m... vontion, in tho first Ohio District, a fow 1 daVS S1U0O. lor Oonrrrmimon ..... t.-J i i i t. " I uuu ,T ouu-i ly beaten by a ward politition named Eg-, ClOSton. What a fall ii Itinro .l. I. . ,. --". nucu uu-i olitionism renudiatcfl thn r groonbacks. Poor , Wiaio, greonbaoks, have beon the ruination of him. I ColtltSIONI4NCE. Fon tii Colombia Dkhcciut. Benton, Aug, 21st, 1801. Dear Col t Thcro has boen quito an excitement, amongst the pooplo in this part of tho county, tho past fow days) It was first caused, by a contain parly of rowdies, ivtin warn nrntolinr fttsAl.t 1ita nrwl tiflinm ' . , . . . IIUVU IIIIDj t.UU uujviii inn noichborhoods. In the dead hour of . . . night, disturbing peaeoablo oitizons and having, ns they said, bouio fun with them, until one ol them, camo very noar losing hij lifo, by their midnight revels, which roiscd nuito a bowl ntnonc their abolition fricn(ls ,vho vvcro uPno1 menus who wcro upholding them, in their Bmnlla ''' "" '". woro going to raise n til Alt ntifl Imiii nnt-lniti Tin it tnr n I a hiivh . w w " " " .w,...., .-u... , ll,oir Pr0Purt' &0'. uut " tuo case with a11 &rtat tl,iDS9 AoY UlldorUko to do ; a moo, nnu nang certain ucmocrais, uurn thoy did tho wind work, and left tho rest undone, But when thoy heard thoro wcro somo soldiors quartorod at your place, thoy woro in ecstaoicj about it, and you could sco them going around rubbing thoir hands, looking very wise, and telling how tho "Qippcrhcads woro going to oatch it now now tho soldiers wore going to hang ihctu UP ana burn tuolr ProPor,y, nnd thus rid ,ho c07 o ' borrid eesesh who at- ..k.u..! , t..uU " -"uj contact with each other, so thoy could got their ucoursod onds accomplished. Thoy t i . uavo ooen trying to make people in other parts of tho county, believe tho Democrats here had rebelled,built a fort, mounted it with cannon and were coins to resist the powers tliut bo, to tho last lditch ;" all ol which is a falsehood, that alono emanates from suoh unnrincinled nersnns. Tlm m.n. ! P,a r l1''3 I,,aco :iro law-abiding citizens, j wilIl ,uo exception of a fow hot headed! j '"o" 'c wuo 1 have "ecomc so terribly nfiVctcd with "nig- Scron"JU0 brain'' t,lat 1 presume they re- ja"y believe thoy are loyii oitizons. I sin- corely hopo thoy will got the terrible in- ' . r . . J . . . cubus moved from their minds so they oan " WfU' .flBtc tLl'.v r0 .in ; f0'.'-P liaPs tuy ' loarn to "nd their own bU9,D.CSS and lot aVl1 PP0P'e a,ono' and tll0rby PUt an. ond. to a Tvnt lloal of 8trifc amongst their neighbors ami be a blcoiug' to tucniseivos goporally. OH.SKRVER. From theDinvltle Intelligencer. Proceedings of the Democratic County Convention. Tho Dcmooratio County Convention for Montour County, assembled at the Court House in Danville, on Monday tho 15th iust., for the purpose of making tho usual nominations for county officers and ap point ng Congressional and Representa tive Conferees &o. Tho Convention was organized by ap pointing Robert Davison Esq , President, and Patrick C. Murry and W. D. Woi deuhamcr Secretaries. On calling over tho list of Election Dis tricts, tho following dclegotcs answered their namos and presented Certificates of their appointment, viz : Anthouy twp., John Derr, John Falls. Cooper, Jacob Shclhart, jr., Jno. Crosslcy Danville, North Ward, Daniel Woodside, Patrick C. Murry. Danvillo, South Ward, Robert Mooro, Joseph Hunter. Dcrry twp., John S. Ilerr, Win. D!co. Liberty, Frcd'k Dine, Adm, MoCracken, Limestone, W- D. Wcidenhamor, Adm. Wagner. ; Mahoning, Solomon Rudy, Jackson Diehl Mayberry, Robt. Davison, .las, Shultz. Valley, Caleb Appl eman, Jas. Curry. West Hemlock, Jeremiah Wintersteen, D. R. Hiloman. Tho several Districts being all fully repscsented in tho Convention. On motion it wjs resolved that tho Con vention proceed to nomination of candid ates, William McNinch and John Cromly, both of Cuorcr twp,, wore named as can didates for Treasure Tho Convotition thon proceeded to a vote, which resulted in 10 votes for Wm. MoNinoh, and 3 votes for John Oromley. Wm. MoNinoh having reoeived a ma jority of tho wholo number of votes, was declared duly nomiuatod for County Trea surer. Isaao Ammerman was nomiuatod for County Commissioner by acclamation. Joseph Campboll was nomiuatod for District Attorney by aoclamution. James Curry was nominated for County Auditor by ncolamation, The Convention then prooeoded to nom inate a oandidato for Coronor. Caleb Appleraau, Solomon Rudy, and Jeremiah Wintersteen woro named. Tlm nn,.o,.. Wintcrsteen woro named. linn ll,n .1.1 . . iraii uuuueuuu to u VOCO WllU tlio tol- lowing result : Caleb Dpploman 1 0 votes Imnn. U...l.. n ir' i i .... . tion thon proceeded to a voto with tho fol .iuy ,j vuit-a, ucremiau tvinter- tam -j ' On motion tho nomination of Oalob Applomam was made unanimmm Tho following Resolution wcro oflorod and adopted unanimously: ItusoijVKi( That W. W. Pinneo and John V. Miles bo, mid thoy aro horoby appointed Congressional Gouforcos, to timet similar Confcroo from the several other counties composing tlti.t Uougrcssional District, and that said Conferees aro here by instructed to present in said t'oulorcnco the name of Thomas Chalfant us tho olicico of Montour county lor tJoiigre5H. Mr, Chalfant being proseul, iiuuicdiatu ly alter tho adoption of this lUsolutioii, instructing tho Congressional Coufcroes to prosont his tin mo in t onferenco as tho choice of Montour County, nroio and sta ted t tho Conventiou tliut his naiut: ' had boon U4td in litis coiiucition without his kuowludo or coiueut, that tie had not btoii consulted in relation to tho mutter and that whilo ho fully appreciated thu honor conleretl on him by his fellow cm zoos in tliut rccoiiimciiding him for jo high and honorable a position, ond whilo ho, could not feel otherwise than truly crati-l bed for this mark of their confidence, ho, must beg leave respectfully to decline bo - ing named as a candidate, Ho had at this time no highbr aspirations, than to ho a worker in tho ranks of tho Damoorat o junjr, uiiu iu iiiu iuhiiu uiuiust; oi ins null ity in hurling from power the presont wick ed and itnbccilo administration which liko an incubus pressing upon the shoulders of tho people, was crushing tho life out of the nation Aud further that ho belioved it was for tho interest of tho party and the country ai mis umo mat our Lioulerecs should co into Coufereuro untrn,n,nl.,l. in order that thoy might, whon assembled With their UO eautio frnm I, in nl.inr Mi.n , w., . .. ... .. ? .:.i. .!,: .n . r .i i Z ! , n ! l h ' I" otti?J r, J o,?'0 -r J,lfluICC."! ,t Bte!ft. ?Tyin, h". 1)15 n, n f mm, . 'gu bo found tho strongest man and tho fittest man, as our Congressional oandidato. Ho thereforo hoped that tho Conforoes might bo sent to Conference without any instiuo lious fuithcr then that a sound aud relia blc Democrat ebould bo nominated. ; J ho Ilesolution was then so far modi. r:.j i ., , ... iiau iih in ir; in nur inn r. nn i in. .im imp' .i n t ,ua"u"'ue rt .' IJn mnr.inn it wia ltiiSOLVHD. That W. D. Weidenlmmcr and Joseph Hunter bo, and are hourby ui pointed Couferccs to meet similar Confer- eus from Columbia county, to nominate u candidate for member of tbo Stato l.cgis- laluro for this District. lUbOLiED, lhat m case of the mabili- ty of either of the C- ufercos to attend ot the timo and placo of the samo, ho may, without the consent of his colleague, up- point a substitute to act in his place. Tho following Resolutions were then presented and adopted unanimously : kesolved, Inat wo are iu favor of ro - Btoring, uuiutuiniDg aud preserving intact, tno union oi all tlio States, uuiler tlio Constitution, and that wo aro opposed to any lino of policy, whether of Abolition ists or Secessionists, which aims at or tends to effect a dissolution of tho Union. Resolved, That whilo wo believe that by a wiso, judicious, honest and honorable policy, tho Union may again bo restored to its original integiily, and tho Slate and tho poople thereof reinstated, protected in all theirs and privileges, the exporienoo of iho past threo yoar under Lincoln's Administration proves iucoutcstibly, that while he and ihc Republican party remain in power on such desirable onds oan bo attained. Rusoi.ved, That tho polioy of Lincoln's administration has most effectuilly united and consolidated tbo South in rebellion against tho Government, and thoir effort and determination in achieve their inde pendance, and at tbo same time has dis traded and divided the people of tlio North ; That instead of a war to enforce the Constitution und tho laws and restore the Union under the Constitu ion, the pol ioy of tho Administration as Miowu by its acts and proclamations, anil most cm pb.itioally by tho President's letter "To all whom it may concern" has been ami been still is tho Abolition of Slavery, uud i is their fixed determination to offset this object evon at tho cost ol threo years more of bloody war and a final dissolution of the Union. Resolved, That wo arc opposed to tho system of arbitrary arrcstsof peaceful and unoffending citizens who have eomniittted no crime known to thu laws that we aro opposed to tho declaration of martial law in States and Districts not in rebellion, and where courts arc open for the trial aud punishment ol offendors That wo are on posed to tho interference of Lincoln or his lmuiunn, wiiu me jjiuerty oi tno i'ress, Liberty of Speocb, and Freedom of the Ballot, and that wo look with alarm upon tho attempts on the part of the Ad ministration to interfere with theso rights of tho peoplo, and as freedom of speech and freedom of the press and freedom of tlio ballot aro essential to the libcriies of a freo peoplo, wo pledgo to tho support and defonso of these inalicnablo rights, "our lives our fortunes aud our sacred honors." Resolved, That tho history of the prcsout administration, siuco its first ao cession into power, i tho most conclvsivo record that can be presented to tho peoplo to provo tho utter unfitness to rule, and that tho only hope of the Amcrior.n peoplo fnr fi. riRtnrnlInn nf rn..n .rl.t. !. IT..:,. -f .1.. u. .. . " f..."" "111! uiu UIIIUEJ (I, ill,, lii I H.. nnn , Tne, , . It,, nr. nr. .1. safeguard of tlm 1. Z pe b I rests in expelling from the seat of Power at the ensuing election.tho present corrupt1 and imbocile Adininihlration, nnd thai election of a Demooratio Prrsident who Will administer the Government upon tbo great principals of "ctiual und exact ius-! tiee to all"' acoordiog to tho Constitution and laws. Resolved, That wo are in favor of an uonoraoio roace, and in ordor to effeot this objeot wo beliovo it to be tho duty of tho President now, to propose an anuis- tioo and a negotiation between tho con- tending parties, with a view to a Peace- "unoraoio lerrainaiion ol tlio wu'10 uoiumissionott oiuocrs;and lilty while prosont desolation and destructive war,and cavalry proceeded to dovuslatu We.stnioro. a resloratiou of tho Union. land county destroying ovorything iu their Resolved, That tho Domooraey of , line of maioh Montour county aro in favor of tho nom- Among others, tho gallant Col. Boalo ination.of Maj. Gen. Georgo B. iMoClellau, Uth Virginia Cavalry, seemed to bo an as tho Demooratio Oandidato for tho Pros- objeot of palioular spile with them, tcar idenoy, yet, our motto is ''Principles not 'UB "P everything, shamefully abusing his Men," and wo thereforo pledge our undi- family .taking off his crop.bacoii and other vided support to auy souud and roliablo provisions, lion, Wiloiighby Nowton, Democrat, who inoy rocoivo tho nomiua- j Jlcar Hague, was also a groat eufforer, los tion at the hands of tho Demoori'tio Cpn- ing M his farming implements ; tho negroes yention, to bo hold at Chicago, on tho 20th saying they would have farms in Maryland mst. and would need thorn, Ivesolvbd, That the prooeodiugi of this Amoug tho great sufferora w3 Mr. fill nll.l II II . . . Convention bo published In tho "Danvitlo Intclligencor," and a copy forwarded to tho "Arro." ond lo tho sovurnl Domocratio papers in this Congressional District. . , Tho following named persdns wcro ap pointed the Stsndlhg Committee of Mou tour conuty for tho onsuing yoar . AnthonyDavid Wilson. Cooper Jacob Sbelhart. jr. Dcrry Win. ijoidel. Liberty II It. Montgomery. Limusiguc Win. J. MoKeo. Mahoning Samuel Morrison. Mavberry E, D Vouglit. Valloy Wm.Donnctt. West Ilomlooli Win. it. Sheep. Dauvillo, N. W. David Grove. " S. W. E. 0. Kestor. On motion tho Convontioit adjourned, It OUT. DAVISON, President PATIUOK 0. M Ultlt AY, W. D WEtDENlIAMER, j Secretaries, Finaccs and Currency. Tho unnecessary wastoof tho nublio re- , 60Urcua in tho war : tho enormous sums ex peIU0d upon ,10 foolish and fruitloss mili itiirv expeditions, (.oi.ictiuios badly plann cd and tometin.ei badly executed aud sup ported,) aud the other enormous sums cor ruptly or unwisely exponded ill obtaining supplies aud materials of war,, would, of themselves, havo been sufficient to deeply injuro tho public crcdit,aud to create fears ot our future ability to bear tho pecuniary " . . - - j . .... n,.i,, ,i i, ...i.wi r .,n,:., ... burdens created by tlio war. And what Z" ,8 . 1 . " .. ia iiiu uuuviuvriiiiuii ui iiiu cultural noiu- ioa poliov of tho Adin-.n.stration has been ....!.. i . . i. ... .i i .. . i iii.ujr oi vim iiuiu.Mintiuuuu u c . u ,ucIr tLat " l,as prolougod tho war by do- PriviS of allies and sympathy in tho onuiy8 country, and frittered away the Publl tuur-'.v ul,0 0lutr objots be'-)ide military success. In addition to which stands fortli tho fact, that this occasion of war has been seized upon to establish a system of Gov- crnment paper money, whioh has caused the public expenditures ami tho public , debt to bo ouo half greater tliontbcy would otuorwiso nave ueeu, aim introuuocd uu . , , . . . - . merous and most sorious evils auddani'ers . .. . . . . . . n . into an uio cuanncis oi commercial and buisncsa lile, Tho crash of tbu system,' nnd the failure of all iho dcluiivo hopest meu arruugemeniB uaseu upon it, is no an rely a possible but a probablo event iu ( the Itituro. The ruiu aud sufferim: which 1 8uclr uu event would entail nnnnnt Fn. ntur. staled, ond avert it, or to initiate its loree, u oue of the main opjects whioh should be , had in view iu settliug pur future policy, j Upon questions of currency aud finance, . wo must reyert to tbo ideas of former times in which alono can safety be found, Iu speaking of linanical prospects aud : . ...... r .1 ..!......!.!. i i i i 1 future pecuniary conditions, we do not overlook tho fact that opinions very differ cnt from oars aro expressed by tho friends of power. But tho appearances of pros perity to whioh they prefer us, !tro delu sive. Produolion in the couutry is now de creased; for great numbers of laborers aro employed in tho war, aud abstracted from industrial purtuits. Increased rates of va'.uo prosB hardly upon persona of fixed iucomcs,, and upon all who aro disabled or engaged iu uupiofi table employ mcnls. Tho war does not create wealth but con sumes also the laborers by which it is produced. It devours tho products of and present industry, and checks tho growth oi population upon which future prosperity depend. Aud tho inevitable ovils of a state of war the injury and destruction of material interests, tho uastc.spoliation and improv idence that oharaetize it arc aggravated by profuuo i-suos of Govornmout paper monoy which incito to reckless txpendi turc, public and private, and di-guUis for tho lime thu fearful cousumption of wealth and the sure approach of a day of suffering and rutnbution. Ibis expenditure nnd the accumulation of debts, public and private, cannot go on indefinitely or for any considerable lime, Iho day of payment, winch will bo also tbo day o trouble, will surely eomo. Groat sufferiiiu will fall upon people. ihoso who suppoo themselves indepen- uontoi toe irowns ot lottuuo, will realize tho retribution which always follows upon execs, and even thoso wholly innocent of any complicity with linanical mismanajio meut or other ovil feature of public policy, will bo PintltPtt enuillv wilh the I'uVtv. , . 1 I of profound iii in-,,- n uiu ioo ,ie, wno u list pay it, tint! lo the cnpitalist who hold it. US Ob.lgalioill I est upon the .security of tho national aniiiiy atxi Honor. Uiit to .1,1 l,i,. I'... ... p-- vcul its irrowtii novo d the tmint whero ba'ilauplcy ttireitti-its it with destruction, tho folly and oorrupii iu wich now wasto and devour the. wealth of the peoplo mut meet wilh speedy ainl coniliu overthrow. tuugruiional Address. lb- asi ..ebt,. reu.ed ,u -reat part oy profitably iu order to pay interest ami ex proU.gaey and mnmianagPrnent. is n source pelHOs. They will invet la-gelv it, ihit of nrotniitiil niitinti- m i L. n.,n J.. U . : -' ",c tt -i-i - - deposits the samo iuin in this N.tticnal Horrible Crimes of the Negro Savings' Bank he reoeives T.l dollarf. Qoldiers. f For ihoso who wi.h to find a safe, eon From tlm Kidimuiui insurer. veuicut, and profitable means of iuvsiin.. Wo have received from a correspondent l'm surplus earnings which ihey have iu" residing in Westmoreland county, the fol- KorV011 ,l,r "'eii- old ago or for iho bcuclit lowing account of recent otroicities commit- of tllt-ir lnllren, il,;ro is nothing which ted bv tb,n nnr. ,M. : ,. 1.. P.'0"'- 60 "ailtagQS as this Nil. ' .... . . .j Q. , ,,. 7" r10 Wlth ,n,,,enaon ' It scou.s that Gen. Butler, about tlio 10tu of laat month, issued an order that iho prisoners aud troops at Point Lookout should be fed from tbo Northern Neck and nun pornon ot wsicx lying immediately IQ tljt! Bappahauuock, and had not been stripped by tho eneiiiv. Iu nursuanon ol sa'd order.tho lid Mat-sachusotts negro in 'autry, vuu stroug, (Jol. Draper, a whito '"an, commanding, with ouo hundred white oavulry, fro"m tho 5th oud t!d regulars, started for tho Northern Neck, landing ut Kinsala. hour hundred negroes (withl !.: . ' 1 V . .. " - I Drown, near tho Hague. Everything but his houso was destroyed. Mr. Den Engliih : aftor having ovorylhing destroyod was ... fllrippod, titul up, and given tliirty-nlno lashes with the oowhido. Ami, miiro hor- riblo, but OUl' tOO trUC, twoiltyfiVO or thirty IndlOS WCm Violated by litis party Of n.nroos. I could civo names, hut deem it not best, INcitlter ago nor color was 'par ed by thoso demons, who were encouraged by thoir white oflioers Tho rest of tho regiment, UOO strong, with CO white cavalry , under the imniedi. ato command of Colonol Draper, marched to Richmond county. On the route six no- it.- - r M rl nL., ofthoUtli Virginia Uavairy, Dcing also - . . L . . i t , i sink at thn time, Vtith an infnnt six months I old at her breast, This is only one in stance out of twenty others of a liko out iragu. ftlrs. Dr. DfllieM whipped fivo no- groes from her rooms, thus heroically uc- feuding hoisolf. Thoy plundered ovcry- "g ia ,licir llno "f marcii. The Seven-Thirties What arc they i Wo trust that a largo p irtion of our rea ders havo pondered tho Appeal nf Mr. Pesscndcii, our new Secrttary of tho Treasury. Tho nunoo of it is that the Pooplo of tho Uuited Stato-i, acting as a body through their agent the Government, wish individuals to lnd them two hundred millions ol dollars for three years, nt seven und threo-tenths per cent annual interest, payable every six u ontln. For this they NHJUUIU HHJ TIA , 1, T. LUI IIIIU tU.J m . .. .,... .i ...i n... wu" oit-.- m s, ... ruu.i.y, ' not'js urnwn nnu enuorsi!0 '", ,ho country. V.UU1111J. by every man u mo eouiiiry. iuo ian i tvnuien i r a Kroat notional purpose, to dlbet with eterv man, uuleso he be a traitor at heart if not in ct, is solemnly pledged. Mil. . ! . ..... .1 The appeal is addmsml not merely to a few great cspitali'ts.but also to tho many whoso aggroguto nieaiis constitute the nriss of tho wealth of the laud. The notes upon which this loau is asked ate from g.r)i) up- ward, .Very man who bus (illy dollars run tiiku nnrt in thia loin A unit from patriotism uud tho duty whh'h ..II owe to tticir ooutitry, no luvestitient is ,o aoira hie as this. It is secure. Every dollar of every man s property is pledged for the puiu'tu ul payment of the interest, uud of the debt wlicn due. The security is itu'rcating in value. For somo yuarabrftiri' the war we! wcro earning 100U millions a yi'ar nure I i . iv..:.... .i... .i ..i t, war. mvin,, to the Wu,U n,m n,l ,,,. i ' . o . . r ' . . stant demand or labour, wo have eaiiud j more than ever before. No mui wim eou'.d or would woik has been idle; nnd,. except for the war, wu have spent le s than j before, 'llie total valuation of the United States, nceoiding to the cn.sus of ie-, was 8lO,15!),OlilUUH) ),of winch sin u.)?, - 143,00(5, was in tho loyal States. I'hii valuation, uceording to the usual rule ol iissesvmeiit, wo not inure than iwo thud of tho actual cash value o( the propeity. Tlio mureaso of property in thu Loyal States during the last ten years over 120 per cent., or an average of I'i (i-() per cent per annum, lu thicu years of the war wo of tho United States h ive cer tainly earned DUUO millions more than v.e have spent apart fioitt iho war. ' J ' 1 i eot of tlio war may be set down tit Ul'liU mil lions. Deducting thi from our net i arn. iog.i, the Peoplo who are security for this loan are 1 OUL) millious richer to-day than they were wheu the war broke oui. No other investment can be mi ea.-ily convertible. The mun who has a Tre.n ury nots for S30, or 100, orSlOlltl, can turn it into money more readily, and upmi hitler terms, ibuu if it were invested upi n bond and mortgage, or in ruilro.ul stocks. The interest offered is higher ibau can bo realized from any other sale and con veitible investment, ll is, moreover, read ily collected when due. To each note are affixed live "coupons,'' or interest tickets, duo at thu expiration of eaeli successive i ... i - mm. . i. ., , i. . iittii year. j ne tioitier or tt note itasbim tilt to i-Mit nfF mm nf tLwn n.i. eont it t ilto" nearest bank or Uovcriimeitt Agency, and receive h..-, interest ; the note itself need uol be presented at all. Ur coumiu thus i.avahlu iil .ivnr.. ..0. l. pninvnl, r,t . win. ii iImi. i lints, while t In h loan pro.-ontti great ad- vantages to largo capitalists, it off;rs spe eiai iiiuuoeineiiiJ lo iitoe wno wisit to make a safe aud piotiiab'o invotment of small saving. It ii, in every way the best Savings' Bank ; for every iustitntion ol this kind must somehow iuvet its desnosit.- ivm ,m in, ;. u i... ? the ro,s intercut wliinl, ,1,,.,- ,.. 1118. ,luduet Cnr !. ,..',.' ,, . 7. . J. - ..fw.i.71,, . ,uc nauK. ineir usual lato of mteri'St ullow eu to aesposttors is o par eont. upon suu over S50H. Thu person who invests di rectly with Government wili receive almusl CI) per cent. more, thus the mun who dopofits $1000 in a private .Savings' Bank receives 5u dolUrs a year interest : if ln tiouai ljoau. j niblo into a aix per cent, 1 KoW-btinring bond. At tho expiration of ' t ,VCBr, n h,oI,,or Vf t,,u notcs of tl)0 1 7,,,u !oan ,as ' ho "Ptl0u accepiiug pay ! lueDt 1D lal1 or of funding his notes in a six per cent, gold bund, tho prin ui.ui intyiuciis is not icsi mini live nor moro than twenty years from its date as tho Government may elect. For six mos. past, theso bouda havo ranged at uu aver ago premium olbout eight per cent in iho Now York market, and have sold at 10!) to day (Aug. 12th.) thus makiug tlio r ... " .mi i uiu oi itiierur, over ten per oeut. ; nud betides, to mako tho iiiduoi'iiionr oven grcrtor, Congress by epeeial act exuiupts its Treasury notes tioin state and muni' cipal taxation. Could Shylock ask moro I .1 "- ii.u.iousin ever so nuerally reward ed 1 Harper's Aluguziue, MARRIAGES. In IlnnvlllA. un tho IHh iii.t.. I,y iv. j. W niJl'Ju',' "',"ly' '.'r "''Villi. a,,a il It allur. ui llluiitiHiiiirg, i'a. A. ' this placo -.-.v, , vi tin Ihn UU I . . , K.leeli?.?, '!"'l,y .Ky.v', -!"lm p'"lk'' Mr- htlcchcr una Mi.s Saruh Kti.her, both uf lhlirouuiy ui. uv r i i ;r i r , "x.r w.u.: " .'". .. "V "".V V'",.';"' "hiviIIb, on Hid lllth , Muttio f DEATHS. ( (r,a,'y,Vr'VJ.ontou' eoun,y Ml" Ae"c Near ihtawiM nu tho aid m.t.. v.n . . ai ino rcBinrnca at iv nam .iiriiii .. CdwillMerKobm.ogod about 47 yeitrs ofa?0 j Irf Jackson township, Columbia toutiiy.o,, w . 1r. Jotii Ancn, hldent sonnf iv oged S3 years 11 month bhiIJ itnyn, M' Tito docensnd was nn imclltnt nn'd PXiimpliry fl iniiti the hopn anil stay of Ins pirrnt nn.lrfi J tlm to thu iiniioitirnl war." hi lot In nriuirrck Inmislilp, Vluiulii'i en' ntv, Ji lUI, MaiiV Whmima, ilatighlr nf ,.,. I Arrz, need II r,tr.. 5 nintiihs nti.t lo ,by, 1 Abraham and fatnli M. in nrrwicK, aiichh ciiti. toctii.t. a- u ,i Iltliliiii i a , '. hl nml 31 days. unit .1 linva. W , In Oreetiwnod towniblii, I'rlday the ISth. In., , Jmlithl,., r I! IV n.i.l i.-.,'.""1" Ill years niul I) iimiitlis ' '!'! VOLUNTEERS WANTPri rlir, tfrlio il lllreelors of Monicmr tntvn.i.i. i luiubia county, nlTer lliu fulloulng liiau moms to Volunteers, TOWNSHIP UOUNTY, I' f, IKIL NI V, OXB VI'.ARl'AV, Thus receiving for one yrnrs sorvlce too Ion r.i IN fc' MX iitittdrra aim Ninety-Six Iol In i y.mi titiK avoid tiii: nitAPT. it f n n - N. II. Volunteer r'port to J. V. Ilnnnan, l!oll.i Airnnl. Illlhl.ll Hlnlloll. ' ISAAO MOWKV. l'rc.Uc,,,'IC, Secretary. Allium, S7, U?CI. ADMINISTilA'foitS' NOTICE. F.U itc of Gideon Fishci , deceased ETTEUS of administration on iL j i.siiut hi ..lurin, risueriiuu oi tii-iiver tnun.,... llcgl'ler "f t nliiiiitiiii eouiily lo the uinlcrslttneii , ,, i.n? in lle iver lowinlili ; nil pcmoin Ituvlni rlain ngiltiil I'"' 'tHlc "I tno ileroili'iil nre re'ii.ti tl t pi! ceil l l 1,1 iu Mi utiuiuiinii.ti,,, ivillM.lll l'l.iy ui, j U.I IIUIPU1- muLi"' i I ' ' iii.ini- ,Miv 1111:11 1 (IHIIIW HI) l.l.l.AUI.TI II I'lSIIIU!, A.!mi Aug. ,1JC4 -tiiv sa -01'- Vfil uabic leal Estate. Wll.I, lm Mpn.cil lo snln, l y Pulilic Vvnilue, on a, prcinlscj, In Oiniiu Iiiu imlilp, on Saturday, tbc'Mii tly of Siptcmlrr .lSQt by Mn liver tt. r.xi'cittiir i f tlio lant w ill of mm i.vitiu. i.uu ui urniii- low Kino, nee il ; liy vulutor iliiinu.iiy in fiiiii tiii (ii.uiiiniiii ; iiiu lolllill Ihtf ( Sltil)!.! Until i:t:lt.-, til wit IIm'IIiiIi'iI on Uu. N,, I.1IIHH oi uu hp i if in , n i .t in i.citr. uu tno l.fhl liy i.iii.ih nt jiniH't rtmersiMi, nn ui. tnutti ny hxtvti ltnburt Mill, una i.ii tlm Went liy IninU ul'Juhn lla iii. ui e;:cl bltiem ; cutitiiluin ulnmt NINETY ACHES, smne (lft.'i'ii ncri's Mltereof ii rl";ir''il llti.l ; tlij knlaiirs i lii.i. .iiiiii.iii.ii. li-, i -i i is i-ii-iiiM s MV .in i,i., miiitiit'.i ri'iivoiiiitiiuy in inii ntiiLiir t.itill. TlillMsJ.-'I'i'ii pere nt pni't ilnivu nu till il.ty i,fn imii' hall llu li.ilai'C mi ll. ti. t nf April Iriij ,n, Hi,, ri'iiininiinr pint i n tir.l Anrtl Isoii, tvitli n.ui. . tmui tin) ul n.ilo. I'. ,'. n'.u ii. mi nn nmoiit .juil., ti,n per cent. nvr.iirrr, i:xjcut,ir Aintu-t K7. l-t.l - Is ilMjlli 11 M)l ' ' I ' jj'uiiij i'uit um I'UllMSIlED EV i. H'.Jl.TLR & f.'i. Yu 10 City lh-.IL Square, New Klcgr.iiihif.ii ittiinuii- of Onirut L Vnll i nri i.g In ni. liy Iu-. 5n Uicr. A nr.'itly prlnti'.l ptn,ili'..i 1 r til uiIjvu iihijo.. put Itslt'il July -'. Hi. IN 1. I'm o -JS tu. TIiIh i n inrk tif (ir-'.il wilnu nn t iii'iTv.!, untifiy nulli -11110 .m I r .'i-iIm.-, ui I -I I I I, i irnul ti I um.i hull l. Iii Ii ill' Ji, ALSO St'EEtMlES FOH I'llK WI.MES, 15V .I AM I5S W. WALL With .. .sr.muL of bis Personal and Politiut! History, A (iillnpli 'I. tvl l Mini fit h.iiii' .-i.uImh., I'i.MiiIi I'll tn it. i" I'riL'v v'.i rli. I Ii" rut Vr Will t. lUrt f.nfii ilti': tt.i. Mali' nt Nun .lir.i'V. to I'ml ',. St.itu4. Tliii. fik ,ti'.v ii u , ("" . f Hi.' Ill M N f.l i I). liS iy 'ii, i'iii'iiiii'h ainl I.iiiiuii ,1 bv ;ii fn n, l till i riy mi'i i.m. Tin.-p. .'iIi-h im-i t tviii:iil, r mui i ni'tiiv ur I'lilnictl trtilli l.-l t.'i ui .! i," ' -t ,.:,j,rau' . Il.'nit..f Hi. p i,pl,- nr.' liirnin.- t . (In- i,. n u I, In-i'ii ilht f l!..- Iir.tnn,! 'it nil Imu, ?3'l'lli' niiii nil t,i ', wnrki nuMi,!,... I.i is Ml;nriH,ji.r,uiit, r it Ul .-li ,i i,m,. s in p in,, tl .1 piv, vitj ll til ll IIU ill'. . nly ii..., . . .i r.t.i 11 j.r' v ..'1 1' ,. A lll'iu-.lll,t liC'Tits ..nt il 1:1,1111 i'i.iI t. ': i,ur pKlilli.iliniu : ,lo;It IiIiit il, ,-.'i.,i., ( r--.i l r 1 iiiiutry ili'iili'ra cm bu-unpi. I tin , ,1 ti , nn Hi'Miy uliirh tli.-y r-r-tv ill 1 V .v '. .,. , , llll I .It lllir lilA.'St tll"l .!u p.'l ; i a , priniiV i',iiu,',ij..-i in I. 'iujt liy m ilvirv I'lliiur. ilivpii.i-ii ini I Hi.-' 1 ,1 iv. kii n '., HiMTl mnl imtii-i' tliin ,l,lvH'rtl-,'i, ut nml In. r. I ! 1 i'Vnrtiiiliil,irH. itl liu nf .smu,. 1 ..,,, . r..,ln.., puri'haM.' iiiu'Minttiis tu t"ii ilullir-i r 111 ir-. ri'pK'ant lliu p uuiilili'ln fur nuti.'u aru at lliu ttiir of til j I'litiro I'liituiiul lutjr.ilty. i w Vonit, Au;n t III, l!'CI, 'HXISCUTOUS' NOTICIi. Fiu'e of Jucnb Mil.'.?, Drcrascd. I 1;!''il'l!fi 'Ffstliiicnt.rj- uu tlm i:tiiU nf Jaml, )' ."UU. I.ilc uf .M.'iilinuli imviuliip.fiiliiuit,!,, rouniy. iliTcin,-!.. Ltiva bi-cn uruntfil liy iiiu ItrgiHti'r f l.'uluui lii.'i rouiity, tu tlio iiniliir.lfiu'il ; all m rmiim limine: claiiiK ii.-ihi.t tlm I'stnti! ,it tl!,, .IcliIi iii un- r,"iu, - i to pri'ki'iit thum tn tin, Lxi uiiUirmiiUlidr Mi-i.l"-' iu lUTOi.iiip witli.i'it i!i lay, ,u n,.!,,,,,, 11, ! I,, luil tu K.akn pajmciil lurtlnuili. JOI.'N' It "NI I f.t.a. , , J'JIIN .SMITH Ant;. 13. ItVil-Gw 8J Ot)'. 1,xi'imimm EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ' E.-tn(c of Jiucb Kyeihj, dccutcl. J IITTIIIIS Tuniuui'iit.-iry nn thu cute ofJ irnli l'v J i ITl), l.ltu uf I.Iiidiii tUHtlship, t'lllllllllllll c Uiti'iihi'iI. h.ivu lii'cn crtiiili'il by tlLtfi-t. r uf Will s.r. lu tlie 1111,1, ruiiincil l,lh ri.tilinij in lliuumsl.ii.r M1 piTMUU llllHlll! ( I.iIiih ligiinift 11, . ,, ,!. 1. luut aro n-im-ituil in pn,.nt ilnn , . . t 1 . , t . ,1,, HitliiMil il-luy. ami all ptmius iii. I tit.' I , mil. p.., iiii'iitfuiiiiuiih .MK iiaiii. r. i:vi:iii., iiuiiiiitr 1- ci.aiik Aua 1.1, IHA.' 111., ml, n 1 U'axiil:VI HBWJl'B'jfii. CK.STREV1LLE, I'Jl 'pill: uudir.lBin;,! aiiiiou.ict'n tu lm. liii'iiil, iiiilth, J. publ'lic, that lm Iijh beoaiui. lliu I'mprii.tur 1,1 inn New Centreville Hotel, l.uciitiil 111 l-L-iuri'vill. in tuiyiiKi.ii,i ti.v. n-liip 1 uiiiuibi.i Cimiily, liuru In- 1 prinruil iu mr.iani" ilal, t i,-travtlliui; ,ul,i.-,uiiu illnii.. may la, r In." illi lli"ir I'lsimu, tn t'i-iii'r,il uli.l'ai.uuii , lj" lUliifii.tii'r tliutniuii llutul, t'cutrcnllc, Aug. 50, lbo :im. A. H.IUM. STRAY SHEEtJ. Qiitiic into llni otnlusuro oftl,.. ai,;0, r, ,, , mJ. r. r.iM ,?lv,""'l'l '-"I'ltilbiu Uuuutv, (,i,. ..r II, mer a I iirii.iic.) on or utiuut the ,.t ut ji,ly p,,.i FIVE Hh'AD OP SHEEP. ilitiir inlaw ' 'V"''!:0-:'': ilttit! lu law Aui'utt li, IbCI.-Sti Wll.l.OLdllllV ailUi.l I' D E A F T 1 PHILADELPHIA GUARDS !'. Col. A. A. J4K6H2jSS. $500 Bouuly ! roil ONE YHAK'S SPUVIOE ONhY.- Men iiiusiawl iiuiue.lsntely nml pail ,1 nu SIJU, 1 mm. miplv, or in npjaJs 1 K,., n.'Mi'i''.';," '"'"e"1? Wmii mil be riiuuiiii,.,,. ,1 lZiolllT' '"'" " '"'ra .H,o,..l.r Tho ubuve ulll , cuciilwil in the I. Her. Apply to Cou A. A, I.EUIILEK. A UK. p, lll'.lll tlllartl'lj. lilt I'l j . i ... , . fil.-lltt. ADMINISTHATOll'.S NOTICE. fi! of Jacob Ala tz, ilw'd. I 1.1 ll.ltiiirn,iuliiiti,Hiuii uu lllll l-!sflitt, Ul J.I. iill ,!, ,.,,.." (', ."' ",u ii'ai.ii;r ui lauuiti u i to., iu I'" ' I hi A Z, n '&l'eM " rOT"tK"l I" I'r 'sent I u, In 1 i tt . ' '" """I""- I" ruin -ism ,, r.. ,'.V..L I'" '"'' inan.iii.1 tu ni.iu i)iniTit foiihmih, Ilennu, til of liaiivtllc, l'u, ' ,,, , ,, , . JOHN BHAItrLKsM. Ailni r J 11 0 l)di-DiV 3 (JU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers