COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, Jesse 0. Tath, Local Editor, Saturday Morning, Aug. G, 1BG4. vllle, lost his nw dwelling house on last Sanrlay by Lightning. E7 Mr. Edwauu Lewis, In Homlook township, lost hia now tlwolllhg houso by fire on last Monday. i We learn from Mciiary' Crisis thai the Ohtn delcagation to Chicago will ho almost urfanimous for Poaco. Dyspepsia, AND Diseases Uesultingfiom Disorders of tin Liver and Digestive Organs, aiik cured nv DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. WHEAT, r buahet, nva " conN, IIUCKWAEAT, FLOUR per hbl, oloversred, i i,nx bi;kii 8 00 1 25 LflO 73 e on s so RUCK WHEAT Flour. 4 00 nuTTno. mat, roTATuns, dried Arrt.Rfli HAMS racon, HAY hy this ton. t,1 i 'JO 60 I w i so II) go oo SCROFULA.: CH ALES G. BARKLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HLooMsnimo, col. co.. i-a, OvriOB On Main Streot, In the Ex ohango buildings, ovor Miller' Store. Illoomaliurg, April Id. 18C-3m mm AND SRGAIIS ! POSTSCRIPT! rpHK underlined respectfully annonneea tn hie A friends and the puMIc generally, that ho has open ed n No Longer a War for the Union. After Mr. Lincoln b lotfor "to whom CHICKENS, per pair. :i' CANDIDATES. DlUli.W.WIililjS'iA, II U N AW A Y I res?" Wo ohsorvc that Thomas Dunn, m 11 uD LunUll i-v uuiiiiii: m uf vn ttnuito vrvij they nro par nolrih fratrum, and if the Parson can stand it, wo can. , These Hitters have performed moro Ouros , 11ll'K AND 1)0 ait'K DF.TTKn SATISFACTION , IMI'R .MO UK TESTlMOXl'lIMrE .101 f.' lit)- , spKcuiBi.r. vr.orut to roucn t on tiif.mi ' niAXJixr OTitRiiJihTiqi.Kir Tin: mjiucw UV dil)' nny one In contradict thli nsecrrllon,- Mid will pay 81000 tnnny nun that wilt producea cottlllcntei published by'iit.ihal It nut genuine, I CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBLY. Wo ore authorized to announce llio name of af.0 BCOIT, ofCatnwieaa, aa a candidate for A88EMALY at (ho approaching general election, In till Krpreacrt Intivo District, composed of the countlei of ,Llumbla tind Montour, aubjert to tlio decision of Hit Columbia I'h1ll.l II ...f. f ....... tin.. ' .,,!, C tor.t tl HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Hill eurecviry caio of Candidate for Anflombly. - At llio solicitation of ninny friends t would announce to thn vcteraof CnliiiuhlnCnuiity, that I will ho 0 ran il I tlato for AS3EMIII V, ntlhc approaching guieral elec tion, enbject to the decision of tin Columbia county Dvmccratlc Convention. WM.II.JACOUV, Bloomtbure, Mny 14, IPCil 2 Legislative. Prnfoundly grateful for part evidences of generous tunny of lilp Dcuinirnllc fellow AMERICAN COMPOUND For THE BLOOD. DRCONDF.I) ftom Hie subscriber In Centre town' hip. nn the isih lilt,, a hound boy, named WASH fINOTON I'OOEL, aged aboutl 13 ycara. All persons, are cautioned against nntboritig or truitmg tald boy m I will pay no dohti ofhle coutraclfnt, r..t.i4tAitl July V 1SC4.-3W. New Cash Store! -AND- ' confidence, tip! iinderaltnvd, ilh llio npprnliallni of low nilton. (unojr on in atinouncoa that ho will be a AT LOWER LIME RIDGE, PE NN' A S The Daily Lancaster Intelligencer Chronic or Nervous pohllily, Diseases of , '"r'rarTi? B' ii i l t .i mi r ,,,;; U "' Kulucys, and d fo.isuH nris nc C.'iIHIUlSHc Ir tll ill be out .hortly. The Inte l genu h from a aiaorderca Stomach. 6 J i th. ibi.iViv. ni.trieteo.npo. Will a ffietaia, now. able, and beautiful weekly, Assembly, gsaT Mr. Pi:TEit Conw, of Greenwood j lowtinbip, recently slio wed .us several heads j of wheat, growetl on Nioholas Colo's farm . coi tiiiniiig, each, ovor 100 grains. ( We' iiudcrat.uul.thnl Copt. Silvers, wants Columbia county put under martial law. Wc could give the Captain soiiu . good advice on that and kindred subjects; Imt wc fiunnoac he would not apnrocinto it. tifftf Tho cotintt v was blessed with a I most freshing rain on last Wednesday night. It was most opportuno for the growing crops. Tho faco of nature has been rofroshed and invigorated. CQy A Loyal Dentist up town professed himself rerfectly willing to have the reb els como up throufeh Pennsylvania, during the late raid, and magnanimously offered to risk his property 1 laT Tlwmis Dinm, is again in troub- le-iUiout the political romplosiou of tlw J -ror3 for September Term. Ho tLinki them too Democratie. Is Hiomas afraid tb tt tbo littlo "Jim pfc (h'ly cose, will como before our next Court ! fiy Li ut. Isaiah B. llonisox, was killed on the I Atl nta. A son of Wm Robison,of Bloouu bura mid iiko thousands of others, lost iu attempting to free tho nijrgerit. C- A John Buckalow jr., Ins mailt hiinilf eo conspicuoin in trying to arrtn Don-rep'trting dral'tcd-nicii, iu the upper j part of Uic county; that ho 1ms been olilig- O'jacrvolhe ndlnwInR aymptoma : Ret tilting from Ills oiilera of tho Dlgottlve Orgatii: na Coiiatlpa- lion, Inward I'llee, Koine nf lllood to tho lli-nd.Aridlty ofthe Stomach Nauaea, lle.ttthiirii. HIkbu.! for Kond, I'uliittH ofnilulit In the Stomnth.'Sour r.riictatloiia.Fliiklngnri'lutlcriiipatlho I It of tho Stomach, Swiiutnlnff ofthe Head, Hur ried and DUIIcult Ilrcatliliig, l'lultering nt tho llfiirt.taioklng or Hiiiriwatlng tcnsatlons when inn lying posture, lUmnnm oC Vision, llnta or Webs hefori. tint night, rover and Dull I'ain in the Head, Ileflclenry nf l'crapltatlon, Yrllowiieee nrthetikln mid Hyes, 1'Lin in the tide, Hack, Chest l.lnib., Sie., Sudden I'luslics cT Heat. fluriiiiiR in thu I'leeh.rniiatnlit I lit aKlnlnsjnfcWI, & depreaion of splrllf. elective District comnoaed of tho Counties nf I Cnlutnliln and Montour, at the npprnnrhlni; Ocncral I Hltrtlon, auhject In llio tiangca of the lllatllct, nnd the' decision of Hie I'oluiiilla llcmocratleConvciitlnn. I.BVI h TA'I'B. llloomsburg, St.iy 7. Ifnl. Candidate for Sheriff. Through the enrnest aollcliotinn of many Deinncrat Ic friemla. I have been induced to offer fliyselfnjn cainildate for Iheoltlcu of Bhcrlirop Columbia County, subject to llio decision ol the Uomocratic County Con. Vriilioii. JAMES LAKE, Juno 18, 1801, -2. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. CAMUEL SNYDER, of Mifflin town- 11 ship, wo arc authorised to announce, will bn a candidate for the SlIEItll'FAl.TV.nt tho approaching Oncral Ulurtlon.aubject t3 the ileclslon of tho Columbia county Democratic Convention. Mny . leui. sa. 7775 old csldbliihed, thoroughly trkd Rtmtdy, rccommedtd by some of the most eminent Physicians hns attained a celcbri: Irrho undersigned, having complotcd their araclnii tii iu mnit nnrlt nf if mutilril in cur ill I' P"e House, nt Lower l.lme ljldge, In Hroll nn iy Ul niOSl pans Of lilt country, in curt" f, ,np i;0,iMa county. ' . take plen. nrr. in anmiimo- ' up to their rrienn. ami inc pnonc generally, iiiauiicy I hacjut opened a SCROFULA OU AVAG'S EVIL Hcrofuloua Sorca, Iloae or Eryelptlaa, Scaled Head, nnd Itlnu Worm, Tetter or 5alt MeunOolrliir or Sm di ed Neck, (to common wllli our American Fcmalok) cu rable Cancers und Cancerous fores, nialna or Bollt, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, itr..m:Min:ii that this bittcixs Is Not Alcoholic. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF, WILLIAM KRICKBAUM, of Miff, tin township, wo are authorized to announce, will bo n candidate lor the rMIKRIr't'Al.TY. at the ap proaching Oencrnl Election, nuhject tu Ilia ducislon of the Columbia County Democratic Convention . MnyT, lam. 'JOU CONTAINS A'O HUM OR. WHISKEY, and CUV T. M.I KF. DnU.YKlliDS. V.VV IS THE BEST TONIC in the World. Candidate for Sheriff. : pHAIU.F.S II IIF.SS, Ksq., of Mifflin ' township, wo arc authorised to announce, will j be ncnmlidali! tor the 11 Ultli'FAI-TY, ntlhc npprohch- lug Ocncral i;iectlim, eutijrcl to the decision 01 mo Cnliimbla County Democratic Convention. JUI1U 1, 161.1.' BBAI) WJUO SAY.S Irinn tho Uev f.evi neck.rastornftha naptlit Chinch, rptiihcrlnn. W J., formally of tho Norlh llantist ( hurrll, l'MM lolphia. I havn known llontlands flcrman llitlera 'fnvorablv fur a number of yinra. I have use. I them In mv hum l il, l,idn r.i" fnnilly, and have keen an pleased with their i-fli-rta tb Of )Uly, in UIO UtmiO 01 thllt, WH, in,Urcl , recommunnd them to many nth- era, ami Know mat they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner I take great pleasure in thus pub- Tr -tl-t ..nun,, itmn ""' prneiaiiuiiig nn- i.ici, nnu caning ino attention or lie was an f'XOSllenl JOIlllg " I iho-o nim. le.t ltll those dlsence for which thuy are j . f . ri'iiiinniiMnii'd, to iiiosh liilti rn, knnuing fromoiperi ua inu en e ilrni my recominciiilatlini will ho sustalniil. I do t!-i i.rn' fhei-rlnlly as llouftand llittccii in intended lo li..neiU llio nnictid, nnd is uo'j'a rum drink." 1 ours mil), LUVl it. ULUK. Frm Fir. J Xtvtcv Brmn, I). D Fillor of Iht I'.ne'j. ci.cia ef lirlljuua ICnOKlidge, and ChrUlian CAroa ir, I'hilaiclph a COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to nnionnce that W1M.1AM CHUrtHY, of Catawissn town-lilp Columbia rniiuiy, through the tolicitatlou nf hi. Demo cratic friend, linn been Induce. I to oiler llliixclf ua a cjinilldnti- for COU.M'Y CilMMISSIONER, nt the np proacbiug general election, subject to the decision of thu llcinoi rntic County Convention V I I.I.I AN CREASY. Catawiasa, June S3, 1604.- BYES- Nose, Mouth and Throat, Bypliilia in all ila forma, By phitllie or mcrcerrlal Sore moulh, and throat, chronic ulceration of Uie Lungs, Stomach and Kldnoya, I'lm p'.ea, Tostunea, nnd Ulotchea. lthcuuintliii, Female Wcnkneaa. I.ercorfhao, (arising from lntornnl uleara uit) Dropsy. (Juiienal Ilebllily, Emaciation nnd nil dlf jasea ofthe BJLOO'JD. NEW. STORE, nhitli Is fully supplied with a well selected assort menl nf SEASONABLE MERCHANDIZE, on Main street, In DANVILLE, a few dopra below the ,j, mfty cODCOrU." WO Jjono to hoar IlO moro HantUlo llank-ln tho bultcllriar formerly occupied by , .rT , , ., , ., , . ; Samuel Itlue -where t t inonufaeturca the best quality llbOtlt tlllS bctnff a "wnr for t Jin Uniotl. nr t . .. . . ...1,, 1 .-II .(.H.K I . I . . . I n a.t.l . a ' - - . . of Kegara, which will bo sold cheap, wholesale and retail, He alio keeps a It is a wnr for tho nrcro. nnd nothitur l I ..... a . , v CHOICE RESTAURAN'l', u w" no moaut wiion no snia weltatoeked with Ediblea and (leverage te (tratlfy tho t'' huu an -u -jcui ornea with Enibiee and Hovernge te grainy mo , . , , ' -j J , . nf the epicure, to rcfrcali the weary and assuage . ID tills War, onu that HlllSt bft aCCOOipIlsllCU ateiof thethirily. if it tonk Arw vftnra ia ,1a .' PI, wanla the palates of JOSEPH MOWRY. Danville, Juno II, 1801. 3m Consisting of Clothes, Muklins, Sattinqtts, CJBsituers, Silks, Ladio's Dress eJ to return lo tin a place nf R.ilotv robbery, in hi r tinny, in order to hi tst'apo arrest .Mill iii for todS We fall attPtnion lo llie PiiNido nl Otir nater tills wek. aiirl erspeei llly III tlx ! 'l"'"'"'-r. for the rtiuuval . f (bn hy our liJl-i-i sii -nt .i. n, j mid fir un outagrment to trvth-iii. when tittielu from the iW'lOVfit iil'etUZe CCr, suileriui. Ir i-nat anil long cniiilniied ill l.iiln. Th " iiiiitm, ,"t.- i. "u 1 11 11 1 itu ol llio present year, wna follow d bj ovi lent relief au.l restni ilinn tn a dnur.-e nf Imdily and i, onlal vlgn wiiirh i had iintlXt fur six inoplhs b -fire .ud hail .il inoftdesp'-irei of ii'cninliij. I th"ief,ru thank Rod anil in) Iriuud far dlr.'i ting inn to Ih u -e or them. J M'AV ION HIIOU'.V COUNTY COMMISSIONER. LLEN MANN. E-rj . of Beaver lim ns iid nro niiiiiori'-'! n tti,.,u.. . , . nnn.n.iu,. rn r-riT l-qlnum nt flin rnininllnr I general election, subject In the anion of thu Columbia County Oemncrncratlc Convention. May W, iet.4 - COUNTY COMMISSIONER. T ACOH DREISBACH, of Beaver town- ship, we are aulhoriied lo announce, mil be a for COMMISSIONER, rl the appr-iathi: gt iieral olrcoui. riiblect lo the action or llu Columbia County Dumorrntic Convmitlon. Alnv 'JH. Ip-lU- . i V- K ni,M1"ll"i!ii ioi.itvor nr rrcn iimend I'atent I rrv.vj;j(,'i-r u-try.teTMXirarrrjrraoxjww. ....... . ... mi. ,nr"u-4ii uiMriini or iiieir ingre. r'.ieiit- and i ir.'rt ; 1 jet know nf nn uMici"lit r'.tron. why a iiuin uniy not ti-nlly to thu benefit he believes lui i-ell In h iv." ri.ceivril from any simple preparation, in Hie !ii pe mat ho may til tin r oulrlbiite tntlie benefit nf nth.-rx. Illinois tlir tnoie leailliy in reja,, tn Hi-nflanil'a riermni Bitten., prepared by Dr. 0, l..l.n kon,rf lliis mi. b . ko I na tnii,lii.Lil again ,t tl em lur many ni ra, undt-r l. luui-ennnii thai ilii-vv-rr. iin'H) an il Miotic inlUUM. I nui Indebted to uiv IiiiiiI Hubert fi cases of Costivmess or Constipation it NEVER TALIS- rnvifwing Mr. Lincolu 8 eour'o on tho wat ayd poaee aud ulavery si'ier-l ton . iSuv-r before, him a man stood m si convic. eil and diturwed before the uountrv.a' ''its .deal Lincoln does to dsy. Read the roe- ' crd. rn.lor of tli huh 03? Tho Atlantio Monthly for Ausu-t, '2 sii our table. It u.ii capital number aud we read il with great p)enura. Tin Atluntic is priuted with good type, on fine a into paper, and always looks neat. The r.ontnbutors are able, bat do not writs pol i.ict trom our, nor do we think from any. patriotic -land-point Price 53 Of) it year, j'icknor & Field, Publishers, Boiton, 'Anns, 1x3 Thu heavy less sustained by the Senior Editor of this Journal, in the lau co' flagriitiou , iu which his Barn and otboi valuable properly w3 desttcyed averag ing about a thousand dollars, all uniusur ed renders it necesary that bo ehould rn-build. For litis purpo-o wc are in ant of lomber of nil kind. Will those of our irieuds, who aie in tho lumber I.umucsk, ba bo kind as to bring us at least a load ol lumber, tuitablo for such building. . . - BST Tho Ameriran Monthly Magazine for August is on our table. Wo are glad to see its steady improvement, not only in printiug and paper but iu the matter. It is a magaiinc which Iho Democrats ought to make it a point to support' Il is nblo, roliablo ; and in a literary point of viow,it is tho equal of tho best American Maga niues. Dont fail to subscribe, for you have tales, poetry, hketchos, ftc. ,1. Holmes ' Aonew, Editor, No. 37, Park Row.N. Y. 33. 000. Eiy During tho late rebel raid , one day a brawling abolition "Loyal Leaguer" , wont off in an estaoy on tho subject ofthe war and the uiggors, nnd the necessity for driving back tho invader ; whereupon one of Dr. John's copperheads Bent word to tho "Leaguer'' to meet him at a oertain point, and tboy would go together and fight this thing out. On tho day, tiuio and plnoo the Copperhead was up to timo but Jake did not como. Poor Jako I . Wo ol)3ervo that yellow fever has tl, p.,. t... t K .ir I. I'at'tist t'h'ir.h T)n J.rKBf.:. fleet ir I have beep fie-iii-ntlv , Tiesli'd lo ronni'i t mi naun- with i run nn it ilnt i mi h n' iliirer-ii! Minis of rieilii'ini's bill rci'anlinf tin- prnrtic-a- mil .if i.iy nptiinpri.itn i-hMr, I have its all i ;uen iliTtmeii , hut mtli a rli'.ir nronf in vari.nn infiiiei'. and pnrtii-ti 1 1 r ly iu my f.iim v. ot Hi- uiiefiiliiesri of I'r ( Mootlrriiti' Cnrimin llrtera. I ib't'iirl for nnre trom mv usual roiirse, tn evprem my f ill conviction tlul. for general debility of ijn- and c-pecially for l.iv-r i.itiiip'nlul, it la n -afa and raluible pteparitlon. In souii! cases it tn.ry fail . but ii.ilally, I doubt nol, il will ! veiy beneficial In ihoaj hIi.i niller fiom thu nboie inu.ea. Vmirs. very rifpectfulli, 1. II KI'.NTJ Vlip. Etlitli lo. Inn- Coatei, . a IJropi Hev ,Yai ion nandoltdi i'ait.-ref flaptit (.emtantow n, ra. fip. C. JirirsoN ,-llcar Sir ' Personal rperim-e .-tialile. me tn fny that 1 legard thu Rerniau Hitter, pieparrd hy yuu ai u unml ixcell ml nii'iliriue. Iu raes of Kvnre cold nnd general debility I have lu-"n grtat ly benefitted by the ue of Iho Miner?, nnd ilmilil nut they will produce similar cfli-cl. on others. Yuurj re.pectrully, WAURHV RAVIlfll.t'II, tj'criiiantovu, renu',i. SPECIAL NOTICE Editor Dem : Dfib Hih . With your permission 1 wish tnrny tn Hie ruadara nf j our paper lhal I will tend, by return mail, lu all who il (free,) a Kcrcift. w itn full di rection fur niuking and uaing a aiinple Vegotable llilm Ihat will etlectualiy remove. iu ten days, 1'inple- Itlolehi s, Tan. i'r.-rsles, and nil linpunti.'K of the Pkm, leal ins lh -.ami soft, clear, siuoulli and beauti ; I will also mall froo V those having Hald Head.. r Hare tuces. Riuiplo directions and Inforuiatlun that will enable them tu atari a full growth nf Lniuricnt Hair. Whl.kera, Mouttacho, iu ! u; thill thirty duyp. All apilleatfoiuanstttired hy return mail without dm, Kaspr-iUullf your. i.liOt! F. CHAI'.M AW. Chemist eJI Hiondttny, New York. .I.llv il 3l" . C7u ubTv Tiiii s D1temng r three hogsheads of "Huilni," ole Hitters," "Sirhp isilla " --Fi-ivnu. Anti- dole.. ' .r A. .., Mid all.-- you are satined with i t'l i rusuli, Ihen try one n- x ol . IJiJi I UK in II ' ,N'S UMil.lSII di'l'.' IFiCPl l.S-nad be tentnr u tn t health ami v'iiior iu than thirty dayu. 'fh-i a 1 pini-ly veg latilu. pli-asa itt. taku. proiiipt and s-iluUf) i iu their euY..t!b. in, ih.r l.iokiu dnwii and shaitereit t-n.i ' rlitittrm (i ii and vouiii enn ta'ti them with ailvan Cigo. iiuini.u i ..nit .mi i hi iu uniicj aiaioi. oniy uy . iS I'CTM U. K' IJ? IHiialwa. Von York. T" geni for llnj lintvl Slates 1' S. - A lln 1 1 Pill., securely pa .keil, ill bn mailed tu dit an r. - on rm ipt tfp,icu, whlrli I. I1VB liul. I. A II. p.i.i paip-iuonii rrfuiideil by Hie Agent if .iitii) netiflH. iiuii i in tgivi n. July i.1, IWII llw. Its mild in its action, just suftir.imt to regulate tho bowel, ar.d keep them regular. lt unlike all prepa rations for thn Qlond, having the Iniatlve properties cumt.lncil, Aa it ccnUim Wild Cherry, MinJrakc and I'iinu'tiiu'i prepared in a scientific munutr it-works wonderfully in cas 1 1 of chronic affections of the Qoods Gentlemen's Clothing, and in short everything uru ally kr-ptiu any Country Dry Good and Variety Store. . ALSO- GROCERIES PISH, MEAT, SALT, &C, &C. BOOTS & SHOES. if it took three years moro to do il. Tlio pcoplo are not ol Mr. Lincoln's way of thinking. If the negro U oil whito won nro killed to honofit, the iinprosnion is get tine very strong that there had bettor lio ! no moro killed. White men aro nottinir scarco in some sections, nnd negroes ero not wanted to Gli their places, Extua Sntsiori Called.Gov. Our'i tain hns called an Extra Scsiion of the Legislature, to meet nn Tuesday noxt, "at Hnrri-burg, EXKt:WTOR'f? NOTICE , Es'u er.f Henri) 1J ,.r , cltititil I iTrKIln Tiftamentnry in tin Oetnt ij ' liter. Int. 'f('ntrelrmnai n ,R, . . i i,ud, have hem eimi'id i too fti M ' ti the underalgncd hath r ilJunr i . . Mf) i persona having ilnlun atamst ha , si., of It I. . lent nrr ie,uetod to pratsl.t ihenl to ' COW r.-rs vtllliinit de'st and nil person n di'bied to MttlT. , ii mem l.iitliHith. HAtlUtl. CKS AsV.L UROUGK rXDUF.ft. f I'x'tS. July an, i-ti -r, una-. Auditor'B Notice'. " la ihi Orph'in's court ;ur the county ' ( utttmbtu : ihr l-..i.e of Jacol .A'ft.l.f, lilt" of ifiyit'ittowi 'dnptdccta.'(d. All p.'rrena Intcreated will' 'a!,e notice thai Ihijif demlgned.appotiiled auditor iy the Orplwna' Cmiit of U. S. 10-40 Bonds. FOR SALE AT THE Fits National Dank oj Mlopmsburg, Pa, jIIESE BONDS hear inlcrcst nt tho X. rato of five per cent, per annum imw!qiv m mm Which, at the present value of Ool.b, is equal to 9 per cent, per annum, (ffoupim jBo?.fe, . On hands and ready for delivi ! . first of June. J. P. Tustih, '"-'.. niooinshurg, May"28, Ir(i4. 3m. French Breakfact and;r COFFEE. OWIN'O to Iho very high prlr.o of coffee, ami tho ere.ll dltficulty in urocitr ng a goml, iMiiform nnd reliable nrtlcleour custonicra hao ftmn'preaoil n Vi I oil that they coiini no nuppivod from nrat hniids, It wna the intention ofthe GREAT AMERICA-TEA COMPANY tu do a strictly Tea busih'ae, hut ai we havo had aoine ciisiniuera living at a d iniancu have relied upon ua lo Htlpply them exclusively v, ilfi Tua uud Cof fee, It being Inconvenient for them In conic tn New Yorkrun Cr.KATTr.A, axi Cor-rr:E ntrnRiaM nf this tountry-nnd us mr TeaTaater wa. po.pessed nf in., fornintinn iclatlng to a Coffee thar could bo FurnUhed nt n inoiterato price, and give sntiflaitlon, anil nt t o aame tl ie afSjrd tho retailer a haniNouie profit wc have len comnullcd to supply Uhho nar ties. TlllS COFFLU HAS HUCOMK SU l uPIJLAU , with nor rusiniHcra and tbelr snrljs have increased lo I auch nn extent that we have been compelled tu make largo addition looter macbin.iry, Which will uuablu ua lo supply a lew more riutomcra with il. IVu will thereforu send it tn those who may order. ' is Fast Superseding all other Co (fits. ThU Coffee has beeiv iiavd for more thaiin century In I'aria. nnd alnco Its Introduction Intii nils country il Inn bees used hy nouio of tlio leading French lle.- n.iurants here. Tho I'arisla a are said lu ba the best judge of toffee i and tho gicnt lav or In which il ill rit'lil tiy itieiu I. thi host rccroiumendnlioii that can be ,v jinreured for its line flavor and Itcalthy elleil. uuon JSTTA 3. SJ) IJiVIOIV MfJTSJf,- NVu put up but one grade of this rotr-e, an. I Uyit is0f iuu ana oua .naraei Btreci, riitiaiieipnia, , i, j iii-j uui , ii,,f,uL-ri. n.iv luiinii iroin expa i s Miif in'iei i. loiiueii in mo very cenire ri ouainesa ii-.tLu-.n, i;iu imro.'... euuFnici ion nnu meei nil inc uctnumisoi inetr iraue, n lame lowest price that no Columbia county to make ill.iribntloii of ihn mi the hands of (lideon Nu-s. the admini-lrator, to ntM iimongil the hoira of dectuilent occrrtin" tn the rate, and proportions fctlnwed ly law, will meet tin rartiaV iuieresleil nt the Recorder's ofbee in tlloounburg on Saturday, August ST. lt"4, at 10 o'clock, in . f-.r tha purpo.-oof his nppuiMtnient when and nliere all par nuns interested am reiuested to present thalr rlaima or be forever rjtharrcd from a -han in tvildatseta. JOHN (. l'UllfiZn, r.lnomsbttrg, July 27, 15GI.-r.t. aiitar. Auditor's NoUca. - Estate of Nathan Oliver, lulu of Grtp$- wood township, Cot. co., dcceasid.. i, rpiir. iindenilk'ned, ..itilitorappoitit" y th- orphaa'a I CouH of Cul'ui'ihia county to i.ko dlatr'Mitlon of the fund Iu Iho hand's of Thomas Ogden. Lx 'CuUt i t Hie eslatc of Nnihaii Oliver, decerned, ni,ina-th nlf of eal I decedent, the duties of his appointm-jiil at tjse Recorder's oilier. In llloouiaburc, on 'luuraday, the t'Sh day uf August, A. D.. ISli4, at Id o'clock in tlu fu:a noon, when and where you will attend If youihink i ron er. JOHN U, ntUUSSE, JnlyW, lef !.-4t. Audl'or X nnd is near the reapectaele places of amusement OW.M.I.OU' mo O "Too aver All of which will be eold caj cheap aa can be purcliaeed alscv.-liero. HkS' Butter. Eije-.i, Moat, Coun'ry piodtice taken in escbaugo for G'-jJ.", iiihI foi which the Iiighcit market price tti'l be p'nid. . Give us a call. 'No charge for exhibit ing our gocuj, but it will aloru us pleas , uro to have them examined aud prioi;s compared. I G.V' .CrcveSing &co. Loivor Jjime Ridge, -luitc IS. 1804. I F. o. HARRISON, M. D. whiclsiuake it particularly desirable to Dcrsona vl.ltfli Fhllailclphla on business or pleasure j and the Manager hopes by clnsu personal nttentlon to till! wahla of his Ins gueals to nial'o It a comfortable home for much aa may favor his houce with their patronage J. 1)E HAVEN & SWN, Prop'rs. joiin simrKi.r.Y.ULMiK, July J l, 1BU4, -12 mo. can rcLcninmcn-d We do all our liilslliesi on thu most extonalro scrHc, buy by the cargo and sell nt only two cents per pound profit. We put up this Co (Tee In Barrels only, of 125 Founda each, This method of pulling it up save' from 1 to S ccnta per pound to the cuMomcr, nnd by its being in n largo quantity it retains its II on ifiivor much longer in this form than In nny other. We send with inch barrel Show Cards, Circulars Fosters, to araistthe dealer to introduce it to his customers. Wo hone our customers will take pnina tu havulheui well posted up' mm tiisiuiiiuru, ng ii win ucioinci rait vantage to uoao. This Coll'eu wo warrant lo give perfect aallsfactlon, and If It doea not please, the purchaser has the privi lege of returning the m hole or nny part of itvvlllilii (ill days, nnd having Iris niouev refunded tnsether with P ",iri nnil I " 10 Bl',!'iea oi iiaiisporiauon Dotn ways, ttl.llfl nnu Wc Isliuca I'ricu Circular of our Tas ondCorrEts ' which un aruelad to rend free to all who wlh il (.'oiisumers ot Colfee should empilie for tho "FrcncSn breakfast anil dinner Coftoe" and be sure that il was purchased of the ih rni Au.Kl-ican Tea Coinpay,, 5S s Cmpnign Sheet for th uirAe,-ri-n r. s n r-. r-, '. oeratio aud Conservative ni asses- llVlrUri I C. 11. 0 Oi ilUBBtriO I It will ha primed on n lanto sheet of ftrto 35 A; 37 ESEY ST., Nr,w Yoiik CAMPAIGN AGE. THE TIIF. FUnLISIIIIRH OF PIIILADELPINA AGE D- , Finn! Rev. J. II. T Chuitli. I'll 1 1 1 1 1 - truer, r.ittnr of Du Jsr-icr-ON llssr Sir Ilav ing jonr Cerimn Hiiters in in) f.inu'y freipiantly I n us prepared In i..iy ihat tl itns In en of grent service. I belieie that in most cases of gimially debility ofthe system it la the safest and most valuable remedy of which I havu any knowl edge.' J. ll.TURNCIi, No. 8111 N Nineteenth Struct. I'rnui the (lev. J M. Lynns, fi(rmer'y Pastor nf the Cn IiimIius (N, J.) ami .llileatonn, (Fa) Baptist Churi Ii New CfiluinlTin, N Y, Dr. C. M J.ICKSO-,:. Dear Sir. I fee I it a pleasure, Ihus, of my own accord, in bear testimony tu the ex rcllcni eof th i fierninii Hitters. Sonie.yeara since being much alllictiid with Dyspepsia, 1 ttstd them uilh great bencllcial li sulte. I have often recemmended Ihem to persons onfeebl id hy thai tormenting disuasc. and havo lieard from Ihemthe most flattering tertluionlals as tn their great value. In rases n.f general debility, I bu licvu il to be n tonic that rdtiuot be surpassed. J..H. LYONS. From the Rev. Thos, Winter, l'aa'rr of Hoxboroiigh, llapltst l liurrli. Da. jACKfON i-l)enr Sir : I feel if due tn your excel lent preparation. Ilnoll.iud's lierlllatt Hitlers lu add my testimony tn the deserved reputation it ha obtain ed. I have fur venrs. at limes, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nvivniia systini. 1 was advised hi a liieml In try n bottle of your Cerium Hit ters. I did so and have experienced grent and unux pecten relief; my health has been very inati-rlatly bun. Lllttcd. I conlldeuliy recninniend th ii'tlelo whero I meet with cases similar to my own and havu been as Miireil l,v ituinv of their eood rlfects. Kcspeclluliy yours, v. iv in 1 1-.11. iioxuoruugu, .a, From Uev. J. S. Herman, nf tho German Hcforiuad Church, Kut.towu, ilerks county, Fa, Dr.C.M. Jsr.Ksos-llespscted Sir : I have been aic with Dyspepsia nearly twenty yearn, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as llonf. land's Hitters. 1 mil very much improved in health after taking five butt. s, dcapoctl'ully youra, J, S, I1ARMAN, riticFjs. Largo Siic (holding nearly dnuble quantity.) ? 1,011 per Itottic hair He BJo i'ou Wish to h Ciireil DR IIIJCIIAVK. F.NGI.ISII HI'CCII'lt' I'll. 1.3, liupotcnrv, Pieniatitr deeai.Seioini'l Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary. Sexual and Niwvous Afletlioua. no cause prndnrcd. Price. Ona Dollar per box Sent, post paid, hy mail, on recilpt of an older. One Uox willpreler the cure ta most cases. Address JA.MF.3S.lllJTl.Klt, Ceneral Agent, Ii7 Uroadway, New York. July'.'S, le'da -3w. 'rHR.illll.K DISCI.O'CRIIS "strJltCTS FOR tTH J MILLION I A most valuable and wnndcil'ul publication. A w.)rk nl lill) pages, amino rolored engravings. DU.IIIJN I I'.H r Viiuri an. i u.ii, nn nngiuai unit i-opuiur oi-ui-les on Man and Woman their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorder of every kind with never failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The pacticeofDr, Hunter has long been nnd attll Is, unbounded,-but at tho earnest aolicil.ilion of nuiiietous persons ho has been induced tu extend his medical usefulness through tlio medium of his "VADB SI HCIJM It la n volume -hould he in the hands of uvery lamily in the luud ns n preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the , alleviation of one of tlio most awful and destructive emurge ever I isilcd mankind. One copy securely en velnpud will be forwarded free of postage to any part of the United Slates for 50 cents in PO slumps. Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter. No. 3 Division Strecl, New York, May 111, 104 y. Uniformity nf Prices ! A New Feature in Husslin-s Cvery nun Ins own Salesuianl JONCS A.i'0. ofth CicsentOncI'rico Clothing Store, No. 'J04 .Markenl.iM above Sixth, Philadelphia, In addition tn having liie largest, ufhst van- 'in fashionublo stock of Clothing in Philadelphia lira I mi for retail sales, have conalilute ' v, r. ,ui his own saleinaii. by having marked iu tigur. s n mdi nrticlent tho very lowest piice It call be sol firsoih-) cannot pusslbly varj nil must buy alise. The goods arc ell sponged and prepared and great pnina taken Willi the nuking so that all ran buy with .ii,. run ni.iirniimnf eettitien ennd article at thu very lowest price. Also, a lurgo stock ofpiccn goods on hand ,..., ofthe latost stylo and best qualities. hn Ii wnlbu made ne .uuiury to order, In the mo-l lashionaDiu anu nesi inauiier, percent, beluw credit prices. Ilomoiuber the Crescent. In Market abnvo Sixth street , o01 JOS'CS k CO. Ju'y 23. lSUI.-aut. V ah? able Properly AT PHIVjiTE SALE. r"t H I'j uudcrsi!tied desirous of retiring .r o., b.s ,u rvn u, ii,u.u sale, inc "a'nblialimem known as The Bloomsburg Plaining Mill, i SASfl r.ACrORY, SAW MILL,-AND DWELLING IIUUSIJ, &C. Together with the . ENGINE, AND ALL MACHINERY WOULD rtspcctfullv Inform the citizens of nioonis- nercjaaty lor n nrat-claas eatablialiinent l.f tlia klnj. VV burg.and vicinltv.'thatho ennttnuusthe practise of Jl'e concern will warrantempliiyiuent for fifty fhauds UFHICIA'F 1V1) SUIUIKIIV, at all times. 'I horn is also connected w i Hi the above, nd solicits a sham nf public patronage. nJ doing a very cstensive run of custom, a iiinprmoonui, ""ie "ulow ",eUo"r' . iiiBQssif' iniA'jfjiuAeirQSVo JVhrunry :i. IftVl-.f ' Tit whnlo wi'l he foI.I nt a lurim, on ruasonablo ernis.nini immuUKtli' pn0c?dioa givoii. AX. HQ; 2 TWO OTHKR RRICIC DVVCLLINO IIOU8JJ3 NUAR- Y M-'.W. I he one a large size double house, out build inn. tc. 'I hey will be sold at a bargain if appli cation he made aoou. a. c siiivc. Iiloninsburg, July l), Wflf. white p: 1'iJrenrt) J Oeinnerttle , per, el suih late, as will bring It within all. It will support thu nominees of th" , rwiunsiii imtveution, mo run proaecdi .. 'f wtilcti will Ii- publulied iu ts rr.lumrin. ft will boldly an. caic ma ricnts it ine iviuie man, i n i -.rl -PLly lain all tlio constitutional rlghre i f ib.i rtrron, rio"rr1at ter from what quarter they may b- ,i-it-,u:d. The first nnmber will be Ishued about the ,1m of'tn gust. The whole nurnbar will be tbirle u foUowluf sich niher weekly, until th? Prc-ldonttal election; the letiilt of whiihwill be miiai-toi) in tit final I umier. Democratic una uunservallvo Clubs, Ccumy Coutifilt teea, Agents nnd atl .nl, tr jstd In Hi j cauaj ajo inviieu lo co operate in the circulation of III GABPAIfii, House ..ud Lot for Sale. WILL'bs sold cheap and on easy terms, ' A DlVr.LLINC HOUSF. AND VAI.UAULB LOT, 7 ,1.1.. l IIW lM,,.n.l'. l I un ite on Main Street in West lllnninsburg. JOHN (1. FRUIsZU, Mey PUBLIC SALE! i. Chronic TILES, and permanently enred by tha Alt-r native ami Laxative aflect one great fenluro In it, is, it produces nn . APPETITE. from tliotmninencement-in short it la a very ftneTon ic- Its palntnale and can be taken by the most del icate Female or Child. It being purely vegetable there will be no harm done in taking it, if there it no benefit derived. I'rrpartd hy i)r. E. W. Weils', Piactical Physician WILKE.S-BARUE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Store, M.MlIChT StIIKBT. For Sale by all Druggists Huoughout WILL bo sold at Public Bale, at tho houac of Henry awA S. Arthur, iu lllonmsburg, on centre Street, on AJUZi . .. .,-. .1.... ..- ,1 . i i oft i luaiiifcc ,iaruraay,we via a ay uj ugi, ijui. Hie following articles, to wit Cup- I care (without medicine) or M-enMAinnr-.tisKA, nr -mm eun.) 1 nal Weasncas, Involuntary iiiinal l.i's'--. iieoriv.,. -, n..ut.,.i. ttu.enii. Itnnk Case, two Lounges. hnnr.lj Rln. Iilil- l.'nnlllll'' ptOVP. INO. !'. Will. PeilU one Parlor iMOve ana i ipe. one sei oi uiiiessini.u Tool., twu Anvils, nnd Hi liows, four act of Chalra, 1 Rocking t Inlrs, Inblej, Stands, Saitaagn Grinder, Vinegar, &c. with u va'icty of other articles, loo te dious to mention. Sale to commence nt 12 o'clock M when conditions of sale will.., made known by -j-ily ARTHUR, Moses Coffman. Auctioneer. July 30, 'U.- 11. lAIItiOOD! How Lost, How UesloiPtl. TUST publisliiii, u new edition of DK. f'l'LVF.H tl WI'.LI.'S cnLCIIRATUD LSSAY on th- rat'leel RATS, iMSerE, 40ACS5ES, BED Bi3S, ANTS, There ia iiothlng an reliable or ctTectwal ns 1$ II B T ' S E X T B R HI I N A T 0 R. (Er Sold by all Druggiala in large boxes, for 23 cts. (jy It never fat's-. Not Dangerous to use. Cr OfTlco and Kacfnry. I3n, Juvenal St., ubovo VYtlnut, between null & 11 til Sis., Formerly loU,south lUlh Sc. Philadelphia, pjr This valuable preparation sold in nioonishurg, by the following Druggists : F.YKR it MUyeit. L. F. LUTZ. olid J. R. MOYER. July 3n, Ieb4, 3ni pd. T E it 31 S ; The CAMPAIUN AOB, uf Thiiteeti Numbsr Sinuls Co?ita for tha series, it) cent? Ia Ciccs of not Irs than JUto onu aildress 47 its. uait.. 30. " 4) Cah must accompany each order and NO VAP.l A 1'ION WILL 11U MADE IN ANY OASU FROM THK ABOVE TCKMP. Orders should lib sent in Immediately, or at least by the first day of August, to GLOSSBRENNER St WELSH, 4-30 Chestnut Striet, Philadelphia, I'v IE"l.-lni. Menial nnd Physical Incnpanty, liepu tin nt- t" -nage, etc. t nlsn, Coiisuiui'ti. a i ii! duccd by self-indulgence or ' . i '.on PC" I'riee. In n sialeueuv . i t. 'J lie celebrated author iu t u '.;-, r y demonstrates. Iroinn lliirlv , i . that the ularuiing cu.isequences . 'i .- ' radically cured without tho dan;uri ' uicdiriiin or the tippiicutiou of Ilia kuitV a ninib! nf cu re, at once simple, certain, una , It .. hy menus of which every siilteror, no matter what In condition may be, may cure hiiuslfchcaply- privately, and radically. IT?" This Lecturo abotil.1 bo in llio hands of every yoiitlrnnd every man in the land. Sent, under seal, nui plain envelope, to nny address, put-i'nld. on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Adrdess the publishers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINT, k CO., 127 Hnwnnv. New Yukk, Post olSce box 4586. June IS, ICdl. ly. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. is '! II U undersigned would Inform thn citizeiisnt rrai I Hlooiuburg uud vicinity, that he hasjusl re siV eived ufid offers for sale onu ofthe nioMnitensivc "CH? nseortuients of COOKINGniid FANCY STOVL ever Inirodtned into thla market, Tho Christopher 0 iimbus, Jainus Rnbband Globe are among the first class cooking Stovos.ull of which are air-tight and (jns burner Ilia Parlor stoiea nro handsome and tho assortment vt ried. ALSO-rnrticulur attention is paid to Tin-Wnn nnd llot-se Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of ropaliiug will bo dono with neatnesB and despatch. O" Country produce tnken in exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOYUR. llloomsburg. May in, 18H2. Jul ias- Estate Salic-- Valuable Jars, J In - '"ier of!rs f . i . condstinj ell. at uuvai... ale, a Valsi nf ES.OF BOT'J OM LAND, Small Site ",5 ccnta per tlottlo- oxen, S5 00 half dozen, il UU BEWARE OF Bee that tho signature or the WKirrsR of each bottle. C O UN'PERFEl TS, C. M. JACKSON," la.on Rhniitd rnur nearest drucgisl not havo tho article, ,in nnt hn ton nir tv unv nf ihu Inloxicaliiig prepara- aDDearod at Portsmouth, N. H.,ond tllOt! tiona that may bo offered in Its place, but send to hs, appcumu i I and we will torwnrd, aecurcly packed, by express. workin tho INnvy Jcaru nas neon noariy puspended in conscqucuoe. Yellow fever tins also appeared at Quarautino, iNew York. TIiojo nro consenueoccs of care lessness which follow .and are bred by thia war. Great oaro must be taken or it will very soon, this warm weather, become an (Sucoessor3 to 0, epidemic. These things oould not happen iu ordinary times ou account of the jr-reat car6 utually 6xereiicd. Principal Office and Manufactory, fVo. 631 Arch Street. pniuwF.i.rms. Jones & Evans. EYE & EAR. FrofesBor J. ISAACS, M, M OocULiaT nud AORtaT formerly of Ledon, Holland, ia now located at No. 511 PINi: Streat, Piitt-Apttrnu, where peraona aliiieiea with. disc-Bees of thu EYU and BAR will bo scientifi. ally treated and cured, if curable. C7 Artificial Eyca Inaorled without pain. N. II Nocharses made for Examination. The Med ical faculty ia lie lias nn aecrcte iu his Hindu nf treatment. Julyli. lbGI.-liiin. LETTERS OF ADVICE FOR LADIES. FIVE ANATOMICAL ENGRAVINGS. Has information nevci before published. Sent free in ft sealed envelop for tkn oouU. AddrevH, Dr. STANFORD, B'x No. 4,G53 Now York P. O. JnlyD, ieC4-3ra. I8. Every agent ia authorized to refund tho money whera the compound falls to relieve. Full Dlreclinna accoiitpnny, each bottle in English, French and Cer M. JACKSON k Co.,) PROPRIETORS. in nvary Itin. 1 trv FOR SALE bv Druggiata and Dealers wn in the tJnjrad M4t, a, June II.' 1W. MM IQOWABRI AOCtlATIOIV, I'HILADELIMllA, PA, Diseaae of tlieNervcua. Eeralnal.TJrinary, and Sox. ual Syaltrna new and reliable treatment In re ports ofthe HOWARD ASSOCIATION-aanl by mail in aaaled letter envelope, tree or cnarge. Auurese ui ' J.SKILL1NQ nOUOIITON. Howard Aieoeiallon, Xo. gcuth Ninth t-trcet, rhlladelphia, ra, JijlyJS, 161 -ly N B. No Cartheiio metlioino is re quired. In frosting Five thousand cases, I havo never known a case to require Physio, or havo 1 ovor known it to fail in thoroughly removing the diseases, As I devoto all my timo at tho study and treat ment of Disoascs OF THE BLOOD- I am projiardd to givo udvieo (gratis) by np plying to my office or by lettor, arJcom pnnicd hy a Stamp. E. W. WELLS, LAST MOT30. TjF.RSOS'S knowing themselves indebted to Ex. Slier 1 ill' Miller on cnsis, lire required luimi-diatly to pay the same to the iiuuerslgiieu. A 13 Of The amounts of Dr. George Hill, still unsettled, If not paid by August first i'l bo a ued. r Illoouisbtirg. June, 25, letil. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Ileal Estate Of Levi Deiscl, deceased L, S. Columbia County ss : The Commonwealth nf l'cnn syivanialn Sallio R. Rcisel, Levi P. Hclsel , Kent lleiscl.Narcissn lleisel and Susan J.l!i'isul,and David h llnminaiid. Guardian of tha said Hu-au ; you mid each of you nro hereby coimandeiI to be and Appear before the Honorable Judges, of the Otphana lour!, ur Col ninliin e.niiniv. ntthe Court House in lllnomsburir. on Monday, tho 5th day of September next, then and - r I PTB 1 IheretoaicrptorreluaototaketheRenlliataleofLe- l-biItlOtl C!iZl!ie clilU vl lleisel deceased, at the valuatloa put upon H by uu HVX liuva. wtsjiiiiw Inque.l finely awarded by this Honorable Co irt, or I shew cauae why thu aamo anouid not rja aoiu. WlLBiHAiTaSliMHSiV WORKS. NON-EXPLOSIVE ALSO ; . 1,1 t, i . a I ' of Fishingcrei's, about two mil, i r.n of i loousbiirg, I'oluiubia county, Pa., rnaipriain,: tho bottom land nt tho wull-kvnwn Trirubley Farm, and thu Hnmiin Farm. On the pratnises nro n Dwelling House, two good Barns, an excellent OKCI1ARD, out-bliildinga. Well, etc.. to. gelher with-a Maple Orcliard. yielding frni 500 lo 1,01,1 Ilia, sugar per year. The vein of Iho "Illnnmslnirg Iron Ore," rrosscu' oua end ejf this' tract of land, AI SO : Valuable S'lf-prfT The largo Three Story Prl I: IICI' DING - id f o OF GROUND, cn winch it is r -t 1. sit un on th-' norlh eido of Main alreet r . 1 1 -- I in ivn ,! Illnomshurg Said building is s ' . i-ial'v onetw led of rxcullent brlrk fonuurly n- d . . : --r Fn tnrv and can ho well udapt.-d to . p'n ' iiiaaa. Said Lot Is 41 feet front on Main s.iott . "'4.ri,le.j. russession of the last named premises v. nl . iv: . Immediately, if desired. By Conditions nf sap; wil. be made In suit IV purchaser'. D S. V A LI. UK. DIoonisLurg. .May 21). led. sir aAffiOaBs.. jHtBifsOa BELL & ALLABACI Proprietors. CORNER OF Witness the Honorable William Chvell President of our Court bfCoinmon Pleas luld at llloomsburg. the eighth day of May eighteen hundred and sixty-four JOSIAI1 II, I'UU.M AN, Sheriir. lllouiiiaburg, July 1, iwi4. M. I). June tS.lbM.-l'.'m ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate or John Cox, deceased, LETTEKS of administration on the Eatate of John Cox, Into of llemloc'K township. Columbia county, deceased, have been grained by the Itpsi.ter of Columbia countv la the undersigned i re- idim lu lllooai lownshiD : all ncraons having claims against Ibe estatu of the decedent are requealcd to presentment to the adminiatralor without delay, ana all peraona indebted to make payment loruiwiin, 1 . Levi cox. Adm'r. June lS,Ue4.-6w J2, LUBRICATING OIL in tight Pack ages. Orders will receive prompt attention. H. L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. Willlanupnrt, July 3, 16(14,-tr. Twill be at Jerseytown on the first week in September and will remain there a few dnyaon my return ftom New York, I will remain In Ulooinaburg one eck where persons inleieslea will ba euro to tir,itne. my hooka ir will remain in tha hands or John tliimu.i.sq until that time. M',l Mr' 0 July 30, 1864. j.. THIRD ST ty PENES YLVAN1 A AV. VASHINOTON, D. 0: . PRIVATE SALE OF Valuable Meal Estate. fV HE fubforibor offers at private Sale, I on reasonable terms, a farm situated in Hemlock township, apout 21 miles from liucMrJrn. Columbia county, containing , 108 ACKHS. nlmiit rlehtv ncreaof which la cleared land, tho im provements upon which, couepils of n good Frame House and Bank Bar.Vj Wagon Shod, nnd other out lioua'a. i goo4 Jjnrin4 , House, if. A flnu lluifty applo orchurd ia triA.'' ' tbe premln a, Willi u largo variety of o,,, kf , f trees. TherciiialnlilgVUl aciCcj WOoj ttlllI ,B covcrc . w Itli O.m una 1 hostuuV inutt r f gnjri ruui,y. The farm is n dPeub(a propettv, hoiiu in an excel, Ii nt state oftialtivaliun. Anv inform. I Iha cenditiotn, niioit whicl,! llio Farm can bo purchased rxiill be Kll'ordcd ly railing at Vei.t Workheyera. ad jomiug (u properly. OVUUS .1. HELLttll. May 13, ltl4.-tln, BLANKS! BLANKS! ! Of overv doniption, for f(ie (t00iog
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