4ft i , mm 'mm -.I y. in ICS- Lie 0 r n .t ...it,-- I.H '. Olll'. In r mi.' They in ia ing . iaiicy u ii Iioim poiv 111 11 .adl-l now ini'tt i an J Tk" . that licin: piil , piice -rrai'l rk. id A -If. COLUMlOIJMOOliAt Saturday MornlngMay21, 1864. 52?" Tho, indications of a first rnto fcrnss . orop aro strong. J5Mr. Joiut KnEs8!.ER,of Soott town libip, has our thanks for nti. occeptnbl (present. ''nnnpKiiiiRAn.'! Tbo term Cnntwtr. head lias been woll defined to'bc "a black gnard' nnmc for .a Democrat.'" Sy-Tlio lion. Pcter Kst, ofLigbt Street, wo aro eorrj to larn, ia quito bo Hously Indisposed. Wanted A Boy to learn the Print ing Buincs8, one wbn bis bail some ex. rtertuncc in tbo builn?ss is prclcrrcd. Apply itiimcdintely ai tbls Oflioe. faakwy it Pay.Vt. B. F. Paxton, rra undorstitud, tins realized over 81,000 tbo past iscason, from tbe Bale of Hay nlona off his RiVer Bottom Farm, below Bloomsburg. , ,Uf Tbo '-Dunn nj'air" lias complete iy)ft:ikcn tbe gais out of Dr. Jobn'a Be- publican. It is lately quito docile nod foloribly decent. We aro sorry to see the ', Hj.Maihinc ' thu. nuarlv run duwn w Vxfflr The Kmergaiirty Militia, of 1802, 'will be paid on next Wcdianday, May ii!5ij inst., in Dloomsburft. They ms to gel a half months pay and the amount of cloth Ing in money. IIo ! for thn 'Greenbacks .' "',,&y Col. Geo. A. WooinvAitD, whose 'death wo last week announced, wo are . happy to learn is alive and well, hating passed unharmod through the ''Battles o! ibo Wililcriics?." ''tPi?- Xkw Hakkiiv' Wc are plemod to j ' lnard that Mrsnra. Vor. (riltnorn buv ', , . , ... now orA-ned' their new 15'jkorv on .Maiiie r iii ii untt., niu uuoio uuuvu mc uuui . iiuui-. i .i -ill , , TVberO'tllfy WIU be pleasna lo aeconiotlatu ..II ,1 t .-.II sti uiuiw miu uiajr gi u viicni u ; i j . ... EvP" Wo learo thlOUgh tllO ChriKliali Uonitci'eiotl, that Dr. F. 0. llAlltUSo.N oi Jioomsburg, b.i been orderdd by the titir ghou General, lo .Frederioli6buig. J)r Hnrrianll lvf.4 .tnlrirrnlilinil fnr uh. n tin ' o i - A .. PI..I l .um dqwi ot oaiwo was rejioiuw, nr. rr !..... ..: jji. i. iiuj-A-i.Mit.it, unr i'uuSiUlltl tlarcha4.bin in the llrtthro week, of April the .acietltitic Horticulturist , lus. the fltirst as- ! .uburlptiun averaged more than TEV MJI.MO.V-j A jortiucnt nf Trot, Vines,. Plants, Flatter.. I wki.k. in his Garden of "any other man" or o- j aupirtiptiont win b received bvnii man either, iu Bloounburg. His vc.tr of. NA1 TONAL t.VNKS . ... 'Uborand industry mUit ield him a Valll- , which are he, o.itarica of I'ubllc inonoy, andill able and inere:iing rrtva d. 1' 'Death oj aiX'tki Soldier, Lieut. C'ol .Mtl.TON Opp, of the'S-Ith Bcgt. P. V, wa wouudi-d in tbn Batllos f the Wit-. derne.u. nul died on the 1 Ith of -Mut. Ano'her vftlitMit, toldicr h.is fallen. lli rvmains were returned lo Muney last week . ior iuterriiUDt. fur SRi--. J,F. (iiVt.N, has our thank taw. ., ... p.! ,1.. . yimuig Jl ine .Jin Ato. 01 ine "L.vi-jj.i j iyUneis." This is one of tlio butl.eli- iouj .JourtuM, no believe, uotv nobiiahed fix our country. Evcrj mstiiber of the Methodist Society, who is not Mruek with . "nrrrro-nn. the. brain should tak- t lie Wit. U0(S. - . VST The Atiantie Monthly for Miy has ome good reading. TI10 nioit schollarly ppware Ike Marvels l,wci nettlier work ' Mrs. 3I.OW0 writes .some very sen sible and practical "House aud Home pa pers ;' other writers display tboir pceuli aritica, some not 10 our Uste; but the avlinli. iiiin.Kii.r is rpmlrittln Nml ,..,.,.1. 1,..' " ' jilitpntSonabli thtin sonii! iircvioii num. . ' ' Igyllon. J. Lawrence Ggtz, has im nrored aud eiilnrircd the uReadini G ir.otto - .and Democrat.' Il now contains thirty , ' two ooluinos, and is one ol the ablest aud most rfspcctal)le demooratio Journals mi Pennsylvnnia. The (iuzuite and Demo . . . . . , . , . orat, is a worthy organ of the ludoniitable "Democracy of tbu great State of Old i ,, , ,, Berts. ! B&p The manifii.'-i dva"tagcs of the reauypay sysien are auipiy ngiu?uiiraieu i ...-.. ...... . , . in the pror-perity attendant upon tho large 1 alei'daih realized at SharDle.-s' Store. 1 Ha keens tbe choiee-t articles and sells at i tbo lowest cah prices. Customers know hero to the most noods for tho least money and govern themselves accordingly VST Miss Amelia- D. h, La. j,m six months Thanking our frir-nds who do Tml" HoUl Leb("wn Pa received her supply of Spring and Sum , pay, for their patronage, wo must In jus I roiis. wd4-m. ruer Fancy jGood., to which the imiuss the 1 tioc to them aay, that it will bo our duty " ' attention of her Lady Fneuds and Cus to see that others do likewise, or they muH Ol' VrIS A8.T tomers through another column nf the j stacd tlio increased chargo and not expect 0f mis city. ha. undoubtedly discovered in his cm "Columbia Democrat ' ye aro Mjd that I an extendid credit. 1 '''-;'"!' ''AXTZ this stock is almost unsurpassed in Bloomsburg. And as Mis Webb, unlike most of,h,p other Millijicro aud Fancy Stock doalcrs in our town, has thi good tsJto ami pslitonesi to let bar oouutry friends know what alio has to sell, her Store liquid bo liberally patronized. ir Djcatii of Dn. E. J). Cn.vwFOiD. Wo j'fegrot very much to loarn that our highly, esteemed frieud Dr. E. D. Crawford Ute a Stato Senator from the Juniata dis trict, died very suddenly at his residence, In Mifflintowu, on Monday of last week. Tbo deceassd was t distinguished phyt-ician and moM estimable man whoso sudden demise easts a shade of gloom over a very 'arga oirolo of friends, not enjy in tbo im roediatb neighbirbood ol his late rtiddsneo, Vut lhri'J(diout1th 6tle Thut tonii uthiirut under Tn AtCottln'it ei of Mtrch 8th, IBM, which provide! that all Bond. Issued Undtf Ihli Act thall be F.XEWrr FllOM TAXATION by ot under any into or municipal .authority, Bub- ctlpllom lo thoio Bonds. r received Id United C.nn..i. i. .1... i.i. , ., ., i from thvlr date, and until their redemption FtVM VF.R. ' CENT. INTEREST WILL. DU fAtU IN (iOIV, on lloiiiljdfriot over'one hundred' doliari n'ntiually and on all other nonrie icml-nnmiallv ThBlnleiert'li pa'. able ou'tbeArildaya or.March and firptember In each' year. Bubicrllicra will rcelv either Kegliterrd or Coupon Condi, a they may prefer. Kojliiorei' Donda are re corded on the book, ofihoU, a, Trcniurcr, and cm be tranafi'rrcd only nn the ou'ner'a order, Coupon Donda are pnyabto to'heaicr, and are more conv.nlenl for (oimncrrlal ugea. flub.cilbtfi to tlua loan will hare the option of havlnt their Hondu dratvintorcet from March lat, by paying the accrued Intercut in coin (or In United Btalei note., or tlm iiutet of National Dankr, addln; fifty per cent. forprnnium,) orrcelvi them drawing Intercat from ' thedateofiubicrlptionanddeporlt. Ai thfae Bond.! nle ' Exempt from Municipal or Slate Taxation, their value It Incrcaied from one to three per cent, per annum, aicurdlng to the rate of tai Invlci In vnrlona , CMif of the country. At lh: prr.iont rate of prcmluuion jolj they pay Ouo Eight Per Coot Interest in currncy, and ate of equal tononlcncui a perman - ent or temporary lti eatmrnt, I It la ht lleved that no nOcutltii-i olTjr to grrat induce mi'ntt to li'tid ra ai the vailoui deicrlptiona of V. B, ' Honda. In all other forma orindeUcdnen, thefalthurj abl'ily of private partlea or Hock eompnnlet r aepa rate inmmuliitiea onlv la nledccd for uavmprt. white ) forti,edebt, of the Umted watc. the whole propettyof Ihecountry l holdcu to trrun the pa)ioent of both I priir.ii M and 1 ntfrci In coin Ihr.-nondtmayhetubKHbed for In .. from $W up to any iiugnitudc. on the aame tcrmi, and are Urns made o'jually avallnlilo to the itmll"t lender and llieljretdt cnpltalUt. Thi-y can be c.Miruted lut'o luonpy. M an) nioirrtit, and the holder will have the U-nillt cftli - Inttreit Ilinsybc uiefuH'i atate in thit connection that the total runded Debt of the t'ulted Statet on which Inter. rtt Is pajable in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1814. Wat . . ...... 80-,o5tuw, Die iuttrestou thit debt for the coming ; fl,..,i ,., nill he S43.937.l2tl. while the cuitonn raven- ! u in gold forth" current llacal year, widingaune 30th, : i., . i., ........ ,i,...i.,.r,.. ein.uin.1 n.m. . . .u., ..... . ... ...v w,. ...",-" r .. annum. It will be eeenthal even th present gold revenue, nf ' thJCJoverment arclargtlyiu etrra. of the want, ofth- . 1 XrHK.ilteL rrlhp vnvnipnt nrpoln Inti.rpct. Mlilln Ii.. ' TrtiRsiirev for the vavmcnt of edit! Inti'reft. r-ctMit incrcn8 nf the Urlff will douhilcM mUp iUj an.unl receipt, from cuttom- on the aame an.ouitof I . .... ...... i iiiiportntlout, to sijU.BUOnno per annum. ' : jtructlom to the Nutlonai Riukt acting a, lon m, cre. otM.ued fromthe United Btalr Treatuy KESPEOTARLK RANKS AND BANKERS throughout lh country, (acting at agenlt of the Nat nol D.'pnrlury llmks.j will furniili fjrto'r Infiriiit tiou 11 1 application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. Msy 7. I4M. 3in. RECEIPTS FOR APEIL," 1 TO THE ' r iimdi a n c m n n ra a t :o:- The fnllutving pnyiuents haro been mado l" ulc '"""" uuiuu, uunugj the montii of April, 1 8i-l : .s 11- r-.-i.trlnn. 1 On; 1,1)111 r. Makteller. 1 75 , IKI'iici IV IC-tz. 7 Of) , Eph'tsi'ii-Evan. I :,:,e lIcKriil". l .VUli-nryO. Mill. 2 nj :,n P. Itpii-lnrt. 3 :in!.. K Hmith, ir . 1. 1. , tin C.t.ile of A. V. Kline, I'l IK) Jan.h IhiriiH. It ir, no Join DiLli-rirK. I.. 1 ' Jawnb F U'-Jlti r;tk, I U'CMalo of II ii. Fulk. .1 (0 3 75 John Ki LtPr, iHenton S 00 3 7!iiroioMiau lloiiiekuockt, I 7.1 3 ..r,(. Gai.er. 1 Ml 3 I'll Itaac K. Ilildine. I 50 5 5S.I1 in, (J. limn. 3 50 1 75'J. Heat, : Lew itburg ) I "" ' ' 00 IVilli.'im lli .j, U 110 5 5ii;i-hilin ll-.'i., 5 i :i i.Va'c siS Geo. v. hmillcr, coiVo'.Vreci.i Win. 1! Lore, lvtrr Uealur Jus. U. M irchbnnk, J, liu Kelchner. Goo. K. Il'-iis. i.fiM-iti' Cr. ay. Georftii II. KHchiRr. Aaron. K Itliuer. Andrew Fr. at.r.su, I 47jln llai'iiuiii, (MjrUi.) I 75 J 75,.Jnmu -I 4eUlw 50 4 u;Hiuuel rJulve 'J n Fnrmaii. K) M 00(1, T Sharple.a 'J 5toi;., 1 J,,, (iipiilfrey I 3Jliiaae .Mn ry 5 ii.-jjoi.opli Mmer 1 7.'i!llavid Sillier .n; bralnm Drieitach t lln'i' V Kehlick-r 2 '.'o'lohn hi-itiy S O.iJJnrtpp tc Eva'nn 4 tCi'rishiniith Brother 3 I'l ".tiiI &T,niiipi,uu J Ii (Dr LUCWiUiart 5 OiJInhu II Hwaby I 7iloy, Ui'i- h. co 3 UlijO Jofuil 1 00 10 o9 1.1 UJ 5 on 4 00 4 117 I 75 1 75 1 UO 5 IM 10 no (0 5 tij 7 511 2 I'd 5 (10 JO (10 3 00 3 00 5 no 0 00 '! 00 5 00 1 50 Win. f hallt-r, I hlllli Alill.-r. Jucob Evir. i:n. Hilli.uu Ma.t-ll -j. li.Ln ri lulu Cic. I'll Us rhii.iu.'in, Jasp r ll.'inott. ri ipr tinier. Joln . Vnnhorn, John Lei iv . ' ryieriir Funnati. ' Juslius D. Wil.nn, John K. h r ii. id'. (Susiytunf) a 7i;rii.n m Aiimucd .1 i.j.j.tuii'p ii i vcr 1 7u lion 1; !li'iiit.ou Jacobs ii.i. I .b--.nu.-l Laubach, iiarumu kimr. I'mmrdidinia. J. uh. (Indiana,) j, ii ik.-ir, (io.j 3 ii'' 'ii.i Conoer, E.ij 1 75' leo J II0I1011 I 7i;iou II W Tracy 1 li. o WWi lliv. r 3 A JJ I. ter Crew ling 1 75; ilia Oath Mioiinnker '.' O'ljjJimiictOlil (Hemlock) I I 0.1 17.5 ; )L v. i;. .m-mou, . oi,iiiaiin 1, iiiiooHii J eolr'piuvel .Vaul.con uoy, n. j-. in aoiry, Vi'illinm I'.oet, 1 75!Pr l II DcJoiig 1 -3 1 i-i) 3 no S 00 Ii 00 .. 01 II II I i i.i 1 1 s . 5 00 Usuheti Koml.ov V 00 iluuli SIcColluiu 1 ?5jJacob Wanirh f T.'.iJ.itiu Km k. V.,1 I 7.vJonea Wtbslsr i...muii .1 Forte . J:;c'0'blrv,!rl'lu 1,J"C """'',le 3 J3 Ouit Receipts (or March aro very cred I itob, 0,1,1 1llitc ncouroRing. Wo ompaIlod. hereafter, to exact our increased ! 'erms-vtz S3 00 in advnnrt,W 25 at ; ti'.c m oi three mouths, anu i4 u aner CHARLES G BARKLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 11LO0.MS11UK0, COL. CO.. PA. Officf.- (Jn .Slum blruet, in tbe t.X. l,.,iLll,,a. nuor Mi lfr a Slnrp. Pjooiutburi-v April Ifi, iedl-3m National Foundry. BlrtOO.MSHURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. pll H "liscriber, propriijor of Hie tiwve naioed ox. J tejisivc estajjlishmeiit, is now prepared to receive orders for All Kinds of machinery, or Co'lcries, lll,a,t Furnace?, Stationary Engine,, Mill, TIlllESIIJNC SIACHINES, tiC &.C. ' He i, also prepared to inako Stoves, all site, and patlerut, plow-iron,, and eyirylliing usually made la , ..... . . n . b-n.i ...I .IU iii. ...ie.,.iiU nrilii.e. nml nrariirnl work men . ..... jatilt him III rec.iviug tbe largc-t contracts on tbJ most reasonable ti rms. ' (iraiuof all kiud, will bo taken in exchau.s for castings. ... tr Thit establishment it Inca.ed near tbe Laekavraxt na 4- Bloomtkure Balltoad Depot. PBTIB BILI.MKYEB, Plsomib'Jrg, ft.pt. It, ISaS Statei netm nv.tlon.l tl.nkt Tli.v . TO nE nr. ' . iVJ'V! Mwu,'lu' of Tf rMoryi hut re.open rtcleai tua veryliiwael brier II icaril' rr ..they., everM CVrnfeclliiciary Blare, I W sWe fhr IMirt I oiote, nciee nrMtlonni lisnni. i uey re TO DE KL-. ed to t'ominrcc the in ihtr ML.I.ilnnl. nu.i .n mn,i. tanniil ouitlb f Klv-ijil i,l.i hmr .II.b. ' urn.. 'j in.. ..!.,.. ..m . .. "2 . DEr.MCD IN COtK, at the pleaiure f tbe doverniuent ' y.;!,1; !r'',T,,e'!,'!,S '!? J?"," "lo"r !,h1t ,w '.,e .'fi'.'.frda.lf!1 W'X.T'tt M PO I'dreand nrrnt f the m0,t tlinlco ffuoK, rvorr erenln,ilunli lie I ' lilliy arquslnted with all he ban fttrniun l.hrd far thn Dalnitakch with thd iiiAVln. iij thnt altmnliuv with a tnnn.i.. i mA.t . 9 e ;atanpetlodnlin fAan lMcrnre Man forty ytri 1 ll1onof ff lile Uminlry It le a Uuit riclure.enirAVitd In. J'" lnlUnnra;th fjf jtmjif ir(tbdv..iitll9 -at the very , 1'iiiilcnnii Famllloi tan te aocommoiiiled with NOW READY I A "MAOHIFICSNT-OTnEtrLATO ENQRAVINO MKOr. QBN'li. OUAtfT. ....v,. uuu viift.t I. ' The raoit eucMnrul Military tn.n of modern lime ""J "n raptured aurlnn the Rebelllfii.iw Ouo., 100,. ll"0 rt,Jlu"i over HSO.UOO iinalli Mmtf has re "" i"i,iriii n inoiorrnpii taaen an;imtinoca, eiirrouiijed with a aplrndld border, contalnlni: flctu5e elffant atyle. from a Photo nrrouiiued tviir of tli 3 liatllca of FoWVbHehon, Slnloh, Hckihurg, and . Capitulation of Gm'l Ptmbtrlon. PUlNTSn ON.ri.ATE PAl'ER, I9i2l INCHES Price, Only $1.00 ri.Il COi1 V Sent Free, by Mall, on t.oni roller,, en receipt' oll'rlce, V Ever lover nf hli Country, every piau whn hat a nrother or Bon In the Army iliould have a correct flc tureofthelr Oencrul, and the. Createsi'Milliary Leader of I he Tliats. Addreie, Trjiii:u & Fiti:m:iu( ks, 40 North Cth r?l.,lliiadtlphla, retina, I C7-AUENTil WAN'lEDtl ! In every Town and County In the Stale lo take hold cf till. Pl.ltl. t'.i.in 1.1 In a)4 -.. . inade. .. iv 7 .,, oe Plc"lr either addren or call on I TURNfiH i: FHHDEUICK8, 46 North 0 8t i'lill.d'ai'a May 7. i84-3m. BELL & ALLABACH, I'roprUtart. COHNEU Of ' THIRD ST PENJSSYLVAXIA AV, WASHINOTON, D. Ot May 7. 1364,-Hin, Wistars's Balsam WILD 11 E It II Y. 1 ONEOFTIIF.OM)l'..ST AND MOST ItHI.l ADI.B ItEMEDIKS IN ThE WORLD FOR ; Cowh (Wfft, lVhoopinB Cough, Wl- chilis. Difficulty of Breathing, usthmu, rjonrgeness, orc jito-u, Lroup nfi ivenj affection of THE THKOAT, LUNGS & CHEST, INCLUDING EVEN O N S V ill I T I O Hi . Wistar's Balsam of Wild Oliorry ,Brt general h.v. the une of thi, rnniPdy hecome, and o l'l"i"vcriicrr. inai u ii uiinecetsary to re- , counuu viriuea. in worKe (peak Tor It, anil fine ut- .erance In the nbumlantnnil voluntary teatinmny of the ,U"K "'eu uitcane 'ave nv na nao ueen rCKtoreil to prlstlni! vigor and hralth , We cm prdtcntn inase nf cviilcneo in proof p( our atierliont In proof nf our n,ritiona, that CANNOT r.E DISOItUIIlTEO. a laC C SnCOM WCCiilcr. tl-ll L--P,.... I I. . .. .. V , ' J1", ' " I .....i r... I. ...In. ...... '' J : " incut for the bunoht ul' aillkipd.. Hanover Pa pvli lr. id-... i litar fir. Ilav 112 rra hzed in mv f.n.il' i.,i..n.t ... I 1,':',? oVfvaD.jT-U urcto rccominemi It to lh l u'.lic. K.iinn eight years nguuiicm in oaugiuera g.-aiuni lu ui In a .Itcliiip. and and hope, of hir n-rutery wi r cnlt-rluiiifd. 1 then procuro.l a bottle of your txcr llent Ital.ain. mid bu'orc pjie had taken the whole nfilie coulenl.of the bottle there wa. u groat Improvement iu hc-r liPalth. I have In iny inuiyidujl .1ie, midr fr-'iuent ue of jour al uub!j nijuiriui'.aud havralnay, bi'en b-ncfiilod by it iACO'i fKCIIEKR From Jeoii Smith, Esij., Picwlent of the Morris County Lank, Murrixtowu iN'cit' Jersey. "Having iiipiI Dr. Wlttnr'a llalsam of Wild Cherry for about lifleen jeare. and having ren'lzail hcupfiiii.1 reiiilitlnmyf.luijly, it nlPirHtmc great' ph-nrureii. re coffliiieiidiog i( tottio public as a vnliublerciiirily in ca if of weak lungs, colda coughs, fcc, and a remedy which I consider to be entirely imiocriil.aiid may he taken with puifect safety.l.y the uiostdviicalp iu health. Fiom Hon. Joint E. Siwth, a IHslin finished Lawyers in Wtstmin st"i Md. Ihavenii several rrrminiu u.cd Dr. Wilar'a lialsam of Wild t'lierry for severe colds, and nlwiv with ileri il'il henefit. I Know fmi uriiDarallou that is more pffir. I ai-lr.us or mora ili'xrtjiig of general use. by 1, 11. Elliott. Merchant, iiairrroi,Uo.id..Md. An it.-tiaa.ii ha, uienjieen upcii witn pxcciiriiienrl it mar .1 natsam oj witn i.i-r.iy None gtiiuiue wroppor unless plgncd "I UUTT9," on the For sale Iy J FUIN'SMOBCNiHUI nioadjvay New York. B W FOWl.U tCll.Vropr.elor. Bostus, Aud by all Druvgi.lt. Reddiug'iS Russia Salve. FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Has fully established the tuprrlority of Reckling's Russia Salve. Over a'l other healing preparation. It cures ul! kin.lt nfSnres, Cuts, Sc.-il.la, Turns, Boils I'lei-r. fdll liheum, Eryalprlnt Sties Piles, Corns Sore lips, aore ojc, &e Ajc., removing the nain at once, and Ittdiiciiig the most angry Looking Srvi llings aodintainatjou n if by magic. Oul !i5 cints u bix. roR hale ar J P UINf.WOISl'., Nn.4'JI Broadway New York. H IV Eott J.E .tX-'O., .No. IriTreniout et, Boston, And by all Druggists, May 7, InM 1-Jig, WTATES IW.OA" llitOTfiJIi. fOii and COS Market Strict, rhiludelphia, CHARLES SI. Al.I.tlOND, .Manner nr""5 Hotel ia located in Ilia very entre of business . Iln" ",llt'ar -he rrtpcctarlb placet of auiunpiuenl r,0 ivnrii maKe 11 yniuciiiariyuesirauie to perinnt vi.itjug ,, rinladeJiihla on husiuesu or tilenaure : and the Meuiper hopes by ejo'e pr-rsonal attention to (he wains of hit Ills guests lo mnke It a roiufortable lionic foi much as nny luvor hit house with their patronage. May 7, lbW.-Um. , r National Hotel. wwt. swan.i RACE STREET ABOyS THIRD IMULADKLPIUA. D. C. MEGIUST, PttoirtiETOii. rring huniaiiily: He ha treated within tUn paat livn veara somrthlnc over nine Ihoiuand rates In his nn- vatr practice, many of which had defied tho skill uf eminent phy.irjans in Europe a. .(I America, and in cvcrVA-i.o VAierc the mediciuea -were iakcii accordiuir to diri'i lions, uity nave maun u pericci core, ,iany oi 'llmae who are troubled with Dysiicpsia would do well, to call at mo nocior s omce. lie give, you ail- I vicc'free Persons ut a dittancu can consult by letter . upscnuiug too syoipioms, it , isii.iri'.ireaiiueui pui upiBasccuropuoSago it ta full direction.., is ,ent by express no the receipt nf Six Dollnis. .i. no, become ill aro all that ir , N. I! In i.ll cases where the disease has i chronic, IV. U i.H.ltt's Dyspepsia Pills le-mired, sent by man on tno recei: : pt 01 one Dollar I Address Dr. I- a. C. Wlthact. Phil iiioeipnia, fane- ! iMfljiU Ltilgtr, Ucc, c. 19, lrtU3-Cm, I EIVriSTRY. II. C. H 0 W E R, SUftGEON DBNTIST. liri'PEOTFUI.V offers hit nrofeta iooal services to tho ladles nml gentle nil uen rsf HI oomtburg and vicinity, Hoit operation. Intlio line of his iirofessjon. and I"'!"', loauriiuso ail 110 vor uus and is provided withlhelaes,tlmpfoved POUCKL.UA rf.TJh wMth will boiuse)teo; oi gold, platina, , liver ayd rubber bate to lookwell ai the 11 natural d block teeth. operation, on teeth, carefully and properly s, ttended to. Uetidenc-1 and offir a few drt bnr tka Cenit ilaus., same side. Slemntburi, June IMS UnHorralty afjfjrlfifi 1 A Now t'faUirr lu.Durslniyi, livery our- Ills own culi;linaill t JO.TV'R l.'O. or Ills uriycniini'iliM ViIUIngJftri',Ni7T04 Mttkelilreo above I'lxth, Pltllaittlphl.T' ' ' lnJlMlvn t imvlm lh;'largc-tV,nnl tailed una r.hlonbte tock:f CloHiIng inPhiriSclnhla madoci. pfeisiy.rur .retail .aiea,, htro funtute,i. every one .up ifrn ante man, ur narinaritaraeu in Hfure. i,n eaon J"iiiinco, ino, large iincaeinircr fnoue on nana Ohe latc.t atrl amlWjiiualllWli'wliltri will Be mad In , liat.r. 1 i" i i ...i II a a . v uiui.it mo hiu".i rairuuiinuio inu utw iiiaiiiicrt I inaniiir. pffiKra?l?il icciu. in jiaiKti anove mini iircei JONI.B & CO. (C2AVM.OW t.Ttr lhr?J kegahcadi ef'lltichu, i O.'; Tonic qUtrriXf I'SaiMpurtlUC "A'crVoue Antl OPlClt ' c. otc.t tnu nnur juu nrij Fmitijcu wild Ihe re.ult, thenlry xinol.tfV' M OU) DfJCVOHiUCll AN'S ENOt.JHIl BrECirlgi'iUlSnadib Tiatordd 1 hrallli and vigor In Icm tha;i llilrty,iJayt.i,Tlicy are purely veetablo',"'plA'iH'to fake, pr'onipt "aud lu ' ,' lhZ,r-rr.u.-n tfci'l.rak.nulr.v.n n,1 .h..i.,..i until tullon. .Old. and yann'S can take them -with ad J vantage, linportcd'ah'd told in the United SUtoi only by JAt, H.. 11U I'l.KIt.. Btatlon I),4 Ihtilii' lltiute,' .Vew'Vork, . . ucinrai-Aicni. ,. . . H. H. A hoi'ient to any adtlrcta on leceip of price which it line HollariAiHl free. -March ID, tm. 3m. , . , ( . ' DO YOU WISH TO- BE CUBED ! nilniOCllAN'B " KNOLI8II Sl'i;ciFIC rjI.l.rt cutelli'llCM thttno day., the worrt caiet'of NEJlVO,U8NKa, .Iiiipqtency, t'r mature Decay, Seminal Wcakncta, lutanlty. and a Urinary, Sexuulf and 'Ncrvonn AfTettlqna. Jip matter from what csuic ptoduiii'd. Frjcf , Otio liollar per box. Hent. pottpjkld, hyjinalli'oii rreeipt of" an or'der. Ad. . drcti, , SAW.a'H. HUTJ.mi.- . , i . . HtAllpn 0, Ilibltf llouie, , ' Nw York. Match in. 1684 -Jili. "fil f ( T-T8K ,N' T'"KI1 l-nUCUAN'd.Sl'ilflFJC.ril.l, ) aro the only Rellahlor ltraiedy for all..ltcaiciof tha Seminal, Urinary au 1 voua.yatenii. Try ouo' boi, and be cured. ONir-'UIXAli'A BOX. One box will perfect a cure iin'hcy' refunded. 9ul by mall J on receipt of prii-e, , " ' JAMES H. llUT,I,nn. Station DrlJibM'lIouir, New Yoik. Gnaeral Agtnt. I March 10, l804.-3m. - ' A or.NTI.EMANi cured M Ncrvoiii Dcuillly, Tncom Detcncv. Premature IVcnv ulnl Y-iuthrul I'.rrnr. nriim. KMS'n recuona lor mnKinrj tor -pimpic remeoy ue) Jn Inn fai". Tkni" withhi! to profit by hi rxperienei1. end j. i. .an.o n V.iluablu Uouuxty, tillcelve the-ram.' by. rctum mall,(cirvTully tclealed.l hv nddre.islHe JtI.V H.OODIiN. No. CO Nattau atrcet, New York May II, lC4-3m. , ' ' ."; s WYOMIX SfeiWUVAUY . Coinincrcjal. oJe?e.- TIIR next term of, thlajmtitution, will commenrc April Sliil.'and eoAtliiue twilvc ViecKa. It. NELSON, ' Kine.ton Pa An.ll J-Mffj o w ' ,v.l"6,ln 1 AP"' i Da. WtsiiAKr-Dcar Sir :-- had a very dreadfu rough and .ore throat for one year, and my whole. ,y. tern wat fast riving ur.y. arid I ftas" urostratcd oi mv bed will, but little hope of recovering. iMy -itlsease I b-illled the power or'nll-iiiedirlhes". and in a short lime 1 i niiisi nave gone jo iny grave, lull IhaiiKJJiid, my-Jangh-t'-T-in law Wfliild-npi Test imiir shef-lveril lo yrtilr store, No. Irt N. S.'contl Street, and rela'.cfl' mjV easotojou, purrhased one buttlo of ynuT Piilc .Tree Tar'Crnlial, and I cuiuuincpd to use it aud jn no week I was miiili better, and al'iPr.using three biilI am pcrfetlly well, a wonder to all my friehdm for'they all pronoun eed me past cure. Publish luy case if you think-proprr. 'K.BklXA llAKf'lLIOX. No. I3'JI Wyliu street, Philadelphia. 'Ear. CorUlal. , . AN INFALLIBLE CUEB FOR I1CONCHITI3. Mr. Ward says : Dr Wi.haft Sir : 1 had llronrhitia Ihflaniatlon nf the l.unr. Shortness of l(reaih. ajd Palpitation of the IKart in lltrir worslTornit t r-had been trl-nte',1 by rev eral of the ino.t eminent pliysiciaua lo Philadelphia, biiflhcy eSmld nnt-stiiji' the rapid ridrie'ofmv iliM.ne, and I bad despaired ,(' every being retored to health 1 was truly on (lie verge of lliepfave,' Your Pine Tree Tar I'jinliM wnshighly rccoiiuui-udedinmii by-i friend; I trlPd.it, an'd am IIimWhJ to wyUlat, aner using four large, an 1 one mi I linttl.-, 1 wn, ,xenJon-d to-perferl Inalth. Ynu.caa giv ref.-ieml; In ' imf houte. .n. (Hie N Second liett, oral my oljliyof. Iticeirar of taxes ironi u a. . 10 -ir. ,ii,, corner or me-untii and tiixin ttrceU. ' 'r Joiw Wau. BLEEDING OF THE LUN(3S READ Tlir, FOLLOWING: Sir. WlBlUR'r. r'lr I return von niv ernteful l!i.ink for the ditrnver ou have made in in.ij.iiig a mediriiie that will euro Infli.nation of. the1 Lungs aud Liver Complriint. Win u I commenced, to use. yoir PiueTfee Tar Cordial I was. to all nppcnr.incon.lieur my grave. I had been for a Icuglli, nt tiiuu spitliop blood; and would at times vomit it. Jljr pliy.ici.ina (for I em plovod two) pronounced ma past cure; but my sister had ii.ed jour Piuc Tied Tar Couiial, whidi did her so much good that she prevailed on tue, as a lust teson to try it; and thank i.'od, I cnimtleuced th use it. I have taken twelve bottles and am perfectly Hired, and am ready and willing that any person thai is vlck should call on me. and 1 will tell them what jour Cordial has done forme. All my friend find neighbors wero uiterlv astonished at my speedy return lo health, for they hall seen me vomit hjoo.l iu ji clolteiL'etalr, frmueull. Publish my tae. for I want nrirji jr-isoii that it suff ering as I wa.s. to kdmv of your Invaluable uiediclnc. Ri'spccllnUy. . Joiw. Vinpm. erase Street, six doors above Richmond street, Phil, adelpliia. Tlie Pine Tree Tar Cordial KilL.curp Coughs. Sore TlitfUt. and llrea-l llA&ehttj-r!cA?i!ima, Croup, Hoop- ug Cough, Diptheria. and is vls.i an eieelleui rcmedv for diseases of the kidneys, and Jejjle complaints. First Spring Arrival for m) IF YOU WAHT' GOODS -AT THE RIG 11 T PRICES, . , CALL AT J. J. EROWER'S STORE. s" WHERE YOU WILL FIND Muslins at 20, t!5, 30, 38 am( 45 cents. Stripes if Checks at 33, 38, -10 00 cts. Calicoes at 10. IS, '20 and 26 cenh. American Fsciuh Di.laincs, 25 to 40 . ...r .-... a f. I l."ii., hll ... . . . i mi"'-)- u-,t. weni.M ALSO,' ' , ... uarpeis; s-iarpcis ; ; i;arpeiB ; ; A FIIESH LOT OF GROCERIES A NEW STOCK OF QUEENS WARE, And all the ctcetera'a usually kept, Call and Examine. nioomtbur, Vlay c, HOI, ( $225. SEVEN OCTAVE $225. ROSEWOOD PIANOrFORTES. GnovESTLEN & (-o. 409 Broadway, N.Y. NEW- ENLAHQEU SCALE PIANO-FOPvTES, with alt latest improve inputs, , Thjrty year' exporieuc" Willi greatly incrraaed fac lilies for iu.tiiul'a.tiriug,enablo ua to Veil fur CASH al l the alnvu unusually low price. Our Instrument re ceived tho lughent award at' the 'o(d' Fair, and for reiyc.i inn iiigneai nwarn ui me ,v oflu a t air. aim lor undersigned ; all persons hai ing claim against the cs .five iiuccessive years at the American Institute. War- tale of the decedent are ruouested loprJsent Ihcmto ranted five years. 1 vans nat cash. Call or .end for J the undersigned, at I is residence in .aid township. descriptive circular. ' Slarch 5, 1P04. 3m - - - - - Proposals. Publio Notice is hereby given to houso Builders Olid Others' '1'Ltt.t Sealed pro , .,, . j t. 'At o ' posals will be received by,(io b"crciary of' Hcmloclc fivliool DMrict y for th building of a BRIGR SUHOOJ4 k UUOSE, at t.mn,ii.' Rnlmnl hnnan. unlit Hnlnrrlriv. a 1 "- 1 --, 1 2 0 olOCK P. I'l. On lUQ-'vlthof May, I8G4. . . 1 . n, p . - j . , a lie uuuja 01 yu x ,ov. aijuttn, uuu v usi ' completed ou or beloro the 'first .day of t November next. ALSO PROPOSALS w bo recoiv ad for tho sale of tbo oldSehool house uu til the SamO time. run rIJ iji V MAT TV a uA.v, ...v...,ii,uiiuui !,tl.-w at. .7 ioaibi n - .. ay7, leot-fji au . . ... . 1 ' '' ' , !lJl ut vir ct ir Avrtroii ,- BLANK Ol WliANKb. ! ftf iTsrv Haarrinrton. Iftr tola at tlii. oflln - - j , 1 - in m. .hump , i y -in ..... wr. my . in. ia?w B. SfOHNEtt would respectfully an- noun6e to (bo citizens of Bloorusburir am .i .i . i f-.. t ' l),nil, l,n (fi.l nnn.nil nn W0lnltJ,l lljal 110 "as Jusl "pCUlU an ' m ; Vr m t A f r-iVT , i an ,.. t. vvta ' the art cle uimn ehnrl aotlei. t' " ittwiu? .rally ' U.STOimCB. I ..T " ... lloom1ur(, April 30, 'M. NEW AH RIVAL, .'SPRIflfi hWB SUMMER At A. J. Evans' CIOTHLXC EMP0HIUM1 BLOOMSBUIIG, PENN. LATEST SYLTStf OABA P G OODS THE underatgticd retp'pclfirlly Informt hit friend, and the public generally. Hint. lie hat Juit received from the Eattcrn title, a largi! atunrtineut of being the heft at'orlinent ever ofTurod In thle market. Aluo a complete ni'.orlmcnl of lloya Cliilhlng. In fact everything In t He Clothing Line- For those who prefer In l"nve tliPlr meoturea. a perfect lit guaranteed, and nothing, brrt the icat workmanship allowed atthltet tablinhmeiit, lie ulno keeps on haud a large asiort incut or nOOTS AND. .SHOES; IlATS AND CAI'A together with a variety of notion,. Xj cam. and hce i;or' Y,ounsr.i.r. ni A. J. EVANS. nioymsbnrr. April. .fl.JiUl. " F H SIl A R It VA I Spring an6 Summer , FOR ' . EVERYBODY THE undersigned, grateful forVat patronage, respe. fully Informs hlscii.tuinert nnd the publicgeneraliy that he hit lust, received from the Easteinc cities, the .'ingest and uiost select stodK of , 1 SPRIMiANDOTMEil, That hat J'l been ope'iied in Bloomeburg, 'to' which hi invites the attention of hit friends, ami assures them that they arc oll'errd for "sale at great bargains, Hi, rtock louiprisen.n large asortmeut or GE.NTLEMCN 8 WEAIUNO APPAREL. Conrlstnig in Fasiiionablk DupsaCoATs, of every do, Miplioiii Pants, Vest's, Shirts,-Cravats Stack,, Cotton tianuketclilettf, Gloves, Susiieudcrs.c. . 5t' Gold Watches and JewelryJ Of fvcry description, fine hiVil cheap. ' N. B. ltemeuiber " Loirtnberg'i Chut? .Enptrlnn.' call atfd'sec. No charge tor cxaming Goods. ' DAVID LOWENBEEfl Bto'onishurg, April 10, 1804. (June 1S59 ) Another Call. 9 MORE MEN WANTED! REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. L.1RGP. ARRIVAL OF S.PIllMG & SUMER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, i.v LioiirsTHKhr, Columbia cov.vt'y, pa, HAS Jn.t received from Philadelphia, and it now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Marti Si Cut, n' splendid' a. toitincnt of MERCHANDIZE which will be sold cheap for '. CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stbckcoiisl.lsof Ladie, Dress Good, chuicett stylet and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, ' Fltpjjels, Carpeta, . Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. assimeros, '. atinets, ottoaades, Kentucky Jcane, Thread, ka. Groceries, Queeusware, j Cedarware, '- - ' Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS; 'in shnr, rery thing usually kept in a country store .Thepattonugeof Ljd fneuda, and the public general ly, is respectfully so iciied. The highest uurket price paid for country produce. PE'l.'Ell EXT. Light Street, Apill 3i, 1804, LAND FOR SALE. VALUABLE TRACT Ot TIJU t LAND, contain- In. lift nrr, ,. ivVi 1. 1. 1 h.rA n fEjtim. '- - - ,,or. DWELLING HOUSE, a DAM. bed ar..l tall raro couiplited, with a water power of III feet tall 'or terms, &.c, auuritt ma at Bed P.nck l.uzi-rnv cpuniy.ra.. G. . OAISEK. April 23, led. Im ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Eitale' oj Christian Mttfflty, riVcV. LETTEltSof administration nnthe Estate of Christian Miillloy lute of Centre t p., Columbia en., dee'd. havo been granted ly the llegisler of l.olumbi.i Co., lo the und. rigucd ; all iicri-i.ii. having claim aeainit the ..irtHJ of tin decedent ar- i lU'-ued to nrin-nt them lo the Ailniiiii.trator at- 1,-)h rosdlonce in aiuiuini- ' ship without delay, and all peisuut indebted to make , payment forthwith. K.tfiTi-r iitiv-rii ti the Atlniiiii.tratnr at' bin ronilcncx SAML'EL HOW nil. Adinr't. April 10 IPtH-fiw i'i 00 ADM INISTRATO R'S NOTICE. Estate of Harbaru WcUiver, rfec'il. 3ETPERS it administration nu the Enale of Barbara j Weliivi r laU. 'of Madison twp.Columbli co.,i(cV havebeeu grintd by the llegisler of Columbia cn., to the without delay, and all persona ind.bted to make pay mum luriuwiiu. VALENTINE WELLIVEB. Admini.trator. April 2.1, l4,-nw S'.'OD. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Eslttc or John Muflley, dee'd. j KTTERS of ! I J Eslate.of John Slu( administration on tho I Slultley late of Scott townshin. Columbia county, deceased tive he deceased, have been granted by tho , iieei.ier 01 uoiumuia county tp ine le undersigned ; alt oslato of the ilece- persons having claims against tho 01 .Inni n.p renneleil lo iireuenl lliom in ucninre.retuesieo iu prvseui iiicui inino auminisiraior at Ills resilience 111 Bcouinp , milium delay, and all iuiicbteu touniico ?',l',-'u,Xt,in. April 30, If fil TO TOE PUBLIC. The undersigned would Inform his friend, and trie I public generally, that 1 4 fnllv tlifi rllmvlnir dis public generally, that be ia prepared to treat tucceti' iteaesee . Bheumatism. Ilronclittit, St. Anthopy'. DancctLoiJi of eiglit. andall blooddiseases, wiHi Ditpepsia Stc. Batisfacllnu will be given or IV) Pfiy.refiired, ' renicdietaro'puielj' vegetable free from any taint or rolsoa.and safe and plenant ".HrTHrjfc YOT, MoniibU, A4111I 0, IU ! SSiiii r .,r.lll' IT.1,.,1 . " 11 Sliarplcas' Column." YOU CAN ALWAY3 BUY GOODS CHEAPER FOR 0SU THAN ' ORE I) IT. WHILE Tfitf UNDER THK SUPERVISION OF G15NERAL U S GRANT, m making preparation nr lia Capture of Hieljmonir AND END THE WAR, IS SHOWING THE SUPERIORITY , OF THE Cash Ready Fay yteio BY Selling Goods, AT ower iigures Than can bo bought elccnhoro. Ho U RECEIVING GOODS CONSTANTLY from New Yrork und Philadelphia, and is disposing of ihcm as fast at EXTREMELY. LOW CASH PRICES. I CALLICOES At 2uot 23ets, SQcts. 2Gols end 27ets. i MUSf.INS, brown and bleached, ! Inn nn nA nn .si -ia .1-1 S- r.nAi, AV IV, A , ,), Ot, OJ, A -, U. UUUM, Alapncoas, Lustres, DeLaines, Challis, Jeans, Cassimeres, ito, &. GROCERIES Sugars, Syrups, Coffoo, Kent's East Indi Coffee at 25cts, a superior article highly rosoinmonded. GREEN TEAS At to, 35 and. 45 ots. per qr. MACKEREL By the and i bbl, at lii, N,& 10 dol iari per barrel. TUE LARGEST LOT QV Queens ware j EVER BROUGHT TO BLOOMSBURG I both or Common anu Granite Ware, which will ue sold at old twces. XOTIOXS IIOISKUV, HOOP SKIRTS. BRIDMEY'S IVE1V MOV SKIRT. Tho Duplex, Eliptio Spring steel Skeleton to well known amoug the fair sex for beauty of style and durability. .At,. ,..:, r-,n .,-- j " OHUlesS I a, ICty I or MCa OT.r-n Children. Gaiters of all kinds. and BALMORAL, SIDE LACE AND CON GRESS DOUBLE & SINGLE SOLE The Celebrated Gutta percba Soled Shoes for women aud children. Gents' French and Amciican, calf Bonis Balmo rals. Gents' Laco Boots form 81 ,00 to 8 J. - CASn PAID FOR EUISR XiABS Grain and other produce taken in exchange for gcodt, Buying and Felling for Cash ha Is prepared to sell goods on lower profits than when doing a credit business. GALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS, m.tm.VTirf , lrll ii ICM - m. . 6tZ. X . LATEST FROItt THE AW Newo by Ycstcrilay'a Mai Reports Irom all our Gtif-rt Suocess of ttj41crau(j Qhr jtl tbo DoalntiiDf Gcui. gj WAsninaroN, Msi 170 P. M. 4Maor Uoncral Uadwaider. Pbiudolp JDsspalebos from Gen. Bntlef jost roc report, tho success nttho cxpeuition urn. Oeucrol Kutz to cut tbo Danville road m destroy tho wire brlrlgo aoro;s the. App mfttox. That on Monday morning tho onemy !n' force, uuder cover of a thick fog,, made attack upon Smith's line, and forced it back in somo confusion, and with conMd orablo loss, but as soon as the fog lilted, General Smith re-established hi lino, urA the enemy was driven back to his original line. At the same time tho enemy madu an attack troni reiersnurg on Genera! Hut Ifir'u fornni) rtlitrdiilir lht rp.ar lint eei.r bandsomelf repulsed. Tho troops bavin uvvu uu luwoojiiiii. uubv iui uiu uavs, lllfl. -f ..l.;.t. .. .. . n oi vruicii wero in h ruiu-riurin. uener. Duller retired leisurejly within his ov. lines. W hold tho railroad botween Peter . burg aud lliohmond'. Prisoners state tb Brugg and Davis wore present on tbe Cell Despatches from General Sigel recciv this evening report that on Sunday tougbt the lorces ot kcuols anu JLrobudt. nuder Brtkcnridge, nt Now Market That the enemyo's forces were supciior numbvi and that be gradually withdi from tho buttle field and rccrusacd 'i ShcDandosb, having lost ftvo piecos o( tiliery and about C'JO killed and 50 ta prisoners, but bringing all his trii.is all the wounded that oauld bo-trnnsnc from tho b:ttlc fivld. Ho states til cou!euqnnce of tlio lon linea and' tin-' that had lobe guarded he eould nnf in ore than cis regiments into tho ft" sides the artillery and cavalry, aw. tbe enemy had about seven ibousar.a fantry, bosidos other arms, That bis retrograde movement to S -burg was effected in perfect order wit' any loss-of material or men. Regimes Hit of casudlitic3, but Lieutenant Line of the 3-lih Massachusetts, is reported "- bo wounded and cipturcu. j No roporc'of any operatioua ol tbo A J my of the Potomao havu been received V Iday. - A dispatch Irom Uenijral uerraan r" ports bii advanec upon Johnson as ptL grcsiirig to hii suiinfactioa His supplii arc abundant, and our amm-ii arc in proving on thfgr.ifo and fields, whic j afford good pasture. .(Signed) Kd. M. Stanton, See. of W. r F. C. II RRISON, M D. WOULD respectful'.v inforiu thecillxens r.riUooi-burg.ap-l vkhiitv. th,.lli coi tin'jcathu practls(. t' MKOic,. .ixu nuitoKitr, nd solitits a share of public patronage. Orn 'icon Main Strct, tirat housa below th. Court House. B'1.0 msburg. - February 3, ie55-tf. BARGAINS S BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY GO TO Creasj's K.ore, n I.iglil Street, Pa. Who K'.eps all Kin.lt of CALICO, MUSLINS, - SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, ., HOSIERY , SHAWLS, Ready-Md. Clottog Sugars, Molasfios, Syrups, Joffccs, Teas, Fish, tf alt, .. Baeoa, llama, Lard, Tobacco, ogars, Hats, Boot', -Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o.j ko In addition lo our larse stock or Dry Goods, we liavo a large and full assortment of Beady .Made Clollun, fnr vieuand llojs wear which wo aro determined t trll cheaper tlnn can be bought eUcwhcre, Call nn tee, and jndge for J-ourtelvct. II. W. CUE AS Yfc CO. I.lflit Street, April Li3. lrtC4. ESPYMHOTEL 'I'HE undersigned, hnvit taken tho Espy Hole l l.lyltept bv51r E Ii-vt.ll, would rc.pciiful!. infarni hit friend. 'and the public in f nrru1, thai 1: paint ll ia ip-ired f.o ill- niif.ict ;ry 1 niertaiuuie. 1 of all who may t'avor linn Willi their cuitoia. JOi. D, .WMCIIBANK Espy, April I. ISiM. T l" S T P.cceivjd a neiv aseortiuent or r J stylPs or Wall pupcr including Bordering ft C,r ( Paper, and a general variety of material initio . winch will bi found outno SECOND FLOOR imo ately over tho Hereof Mr. L T SllU(iilJSi,e-itiaiii . door eat nf 1,'it?. a Drug store, la, the ilupilt f where all persons wishii-R goods in his lii.eii -i. attended to 111 oersoti at all tunes naV j'apif Hanging executed lo crw and kst s'ylc, at short notice, 1 E. J. THORNTON. 1 B'aomtbitrp'. April 9, l.-'iil -".11 . (CHEAP new GOODS A T HE undersigned Imviug ontored into B ro fauncribip in Iba Mcrcantito butincti un dti .hj lirui of FRITZ k BOWaMAN, wouli rctptr'fully ariiv'iiicc, that wc have purchased and just received a largsi nqd select ittnriment ot i 'u ii jx u u a :v i) 1 .v ; I which we, will sell very cheap fur cash. Our assort I ment consist l vvvrylhiiif; usually kcpl liiacouuity Store, such as DRY GOODS k GROCESIES, CROCKERY drugs km msmms. Hats, Caps, aud Clothing, Boots and Shoosj Ac,,'&o., " flora n tha old and well known slvnd ofE. Lams is Co OWc us a ('ALU WM. FRITZ. K. W. bOWaUH. OnsajrrfTIi, fa., Atrrfl l SW-8ra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers