COICMBIA BBMOOttAT, BLOOM0DURG, 1ENN'A. During the been several exhibitions of various klnda in tho town, and tlio bays have, in con sequence, been !n the very icuitli of en. provoking and improper, , extremely nn SPECIAL NOTICES tfho sorios of religious meetings which 1mvo been hold by tho Luthcrn congregation of this plncc, contltiuo nightly -frith' good results, Cnf Her, W. Goodrich, Prenches to morrow nnd next Sabbath, at 2 o'clock, P. SI , iu the German Reformat) Ohuroh in Bloomsburg, uoying to ladies, and calculated to drive them, or keep them out, And it does not in tho least matter whether the show, lee turo, or whatever it may be U n humbug or not ; it experiences the earno reception at the hands or tongues of tho boys. And yet however annoying it is to tit for half an hour, waiting for the rising of the curtain, listening to tho unchecked ana apparently iincheckablo uproar of young America 5 there in often so uiueh 65- M. F. EyimiiV, continues tho busi nass of preparing papers, &o exempting from the draft, thoso legally entitled, at wit, drollery and fun, that you laugh when you hoar it m spito of yourself. There is no imaginable noise that they havo ever Lis office a few doors west of tho House Cnnn I tr Wo direct nltcntion to tho adver liietncnt headed "Town property at priv ato ialo ;" advertised in today's Demo- heard, that some ol them can't imitate ; and the gallery of tho Court Houso was, tho other night, a perfect moiiagorio, aviary, irat. A fiuo chance for npcculation is P0"11' 0; k '( ono jud8od b offered by tho falo nf this property. David, has returned the sounds therefrom issuing. Ono phae of the fun was to call out tho name of everybody who entered, vancd from the Eastern cities with a largo and j with remarks upon their business, iw beautiful assortment of Clothing Goods. 1 After a moment silonco it appeared as if Givo Davy a call, nnd our word for it, 'every boy in ihc gallery had laid an ef.'!; you will bo dealt with poliloly and Batis J such a cackling of hens ns oamo from that factorly. && Our vcnerablo friend And towns man, Jaooii Eyihily, Esq., has been con fined to his room for several weeks by eickness, j locality, interspersed with tho crowing of mc roosiors and the chirping ot the young ' chickens. Just then Schoolmaster Whito canio in. Suddenly a boy called out "Bob Whito," and then all tho boys whist ClONSl'MITIVr. Suffers will rec ito n ratuahlo prescription for tlio cure of Consumption, Asthma, Ilronchltls, Mil) nil Thmnt nnd l.ung Affections, froo of charge, by tending their address In HBV. 11. A. WILSON, Wll'lamtburfli, Kings Co., Now York. January 23, 1FC1. Uw, Hostctter'o Bitters Have received thn warmest rir.nmlums from tlifinress mid people throughout tin Union it a vntnnhlc tutilo f'.r ttifl euro of Dyspepsia, I'lntulcnM, Constipation ,8inl iretiernl nervous ilcidlily. It cannot be approiichod,-- i;teryuny new cans or ns grenl effect am chronicled Ihtniish our principal public Journal, Thrra Isuotli. Inir caunt tulliactilovmcnt to that which thn niMirtnl experience when using thin nliiiitilu necinc. Ill inilil 111110, us sure nun vigorous action upon n disordered stomach, a nil tho cleansing of tlm entire liuiiinn lioily should recommend It tn ni classes (if our community. ,j hf.i: advliu iskmunt. Tor rali- liy Druggists and dcaltrs generally. January II, jbGl, lin, PITH OONFBSSIONS AND EXPE. H IllP.Snr. OF A NlillVOtM Published fur H11 ln'iunt anil na n caullon t'i ynung tufn, niiil others, who LnrfiT from Ncrvmn Debility, I'.arly Decay, anil their kindled ailment- supplying tli means nr-i ir cure. Ily mm who na cur"il himself alter beluga vie tlm of misplaced ronfMonco In medical humbug nn,l quackery. Ily enclosing n post-paid ilirectoil envelope inula copies may bo hail of Ilia nulhur. N ATI I Willi. MA'FAlll, I'tq,, I In .I for J. Kuict county, Nc-w-Vurk, Janunr? Ql, le33 ly. Uniformity I A ptv TVntnrn In ltiifl.lnn.a Fiferynni- his own Salesman! JONLS i CO. ofthn CrosontOnc I'flrn Clothing Store, No. 2UI Mnrkolstrcct iiliuvo Hixtli, riulatl' Iniila, In nilJItlim to Invln? tlnj lariet, mint vnririlanil fasliliiiinlilo stock of Clothing in riillnilclplila. maJot Ji. prusly for ri tall ralua. Ii.ivo coiiRtituteil pvurv ono ti i h own faluuiiiiu by havlnir marknil In lli'iirna. mi ci...i, nrtlclcut thu M-ry Imrcal prlcnlt can be sold tor so they c.niaot poisibly vnty--nll mimt buy nllku. 1 on (.'d'iik nnjwi.'ii npniiuoii nun prrpnrcK nnil crfat pnini. taken Willi tlin nialilnu nii thai nil rim buy Willi tin; full nssurmicii ol ptitiiijr n kiwI nrticlo at the vrry lowest price. Alia, a lnrH atnrknf plcci. poo'la on hatnl nf tlio l.ili-il stylo nnd best iii.ilitiis, which will bo made to order, In tlm nuut f.nhlonnblu nnd heft manner, S. per cunti bi low credit prices, Ueiuuiubcr tho CrcicHit, In Market nliovn slxtli street 0 sirtl. JoM'.d & CO, PROSPECTUS FOR 10G4. ol Commerce. fyilK I'roprii tors of the New York A JotWNAIi OK f'OMMr.lir'l: latlielr Proipudtn for llie year latil, safj:" Wobeliovo tli ft wo pulillih The JiESTas wall t llm UllEA I'EH'l paptr in thv Country, The Farmer, tin Mechanic. Ill's Professional Man, men nf alt employments, and tlm fatnlliea nf each nnd all of them find no Paper to well suited to their wants 'I lils fact, togsthor wild our well known princlplei on matters of public policy, la rapidly cJtcndlng nur cir culation, Wo belong to no party, Wo nro Inilependent-nnt neutral. Wo express our own opinions, not Ilia opin ion, not Ilia opinions nf any class or body, Wo tiubllli n naner In which wo sack to clro the Til DTI I Our l'omiiurclal lteiioilj, our Markets, our dr. wisiiAR-rs IWot Alcoholic POSTSCRIPT! PINE TREE 19 (lie Vital Principle of I lie I'lno Tree. r.btaincd by n peculiar proeesi In the riistlllatlon if the tar, l.y which its highest medicinal iroperti nro retained, It It tho incuTcluo that cure whan all other liars failed. llaro yon a Coughl Ilayo you Snro Throat t Ilarn you any tho pramonltnry symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption I Thoao wtm should be warned by tlieso srmuloms een. crally think lightly of iboiii until II Is too late. From A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED A PURE TOJSC. DOOTOH HOFFIiAND'S MOVEMENTS Ot? ESCAPED 11EUELS. Qur.nEC, Jan. 25. Ex-Jfarall Kano of JJaltimoro and thirteen other Confeder ates, mostly officers escaped from .Tohsdn's ! Island and Camp Douglas, left hero this morning by tho Grand Trunk railway for german BrrTERs-0dJirt;:7 wil1 ,8kc M 0 I'ti'l and S .f." l' fteVd 'ju "fcL'flffllK '"delliclwe'.'n: reiisntlo.icliaractcr.and wo seek to luako tlio papor rj""'0.'.?" .n,"a..f ?i".y.. ' f' 1 .I1 'lTue" ,u irimillmi character, and wo seen to luako tlio papor Taosiwoaiiiv In every parllculnr. wo know that In nil matters portalnlng tu commerce, trade, nnd RMiernl news no other surpasses us, Wu oppinii with energy every enemy nf tho Unloni nnd nu lin riforo nppOFO tho Abolitionists nnd nil who nrc allien with viioiii, ns tno most dangerous men in the community. As Christian patriots wo oppe that I Kf'l " ill"" V',"i '"IS: .in 7 l Z . Inlldi litv whirl, i, now i uniicMiii; Clinrrh nn.l Hmte. 1 f? . AtliB .'llea8 n Ivnnri-a tho pntlcnt becomes tlio gr.ivo at least uuo-alitli of Heath's victims What aro Its symptoms 1 I It usually li.'Cliu willi n short, itry cough, which icon liernmes Inhltiial, but fiir soma timn nothing it raised eirppt a frntby munis, The brenlhlug ia somewhat illfflcult, and upon slight ctcrri-n innch hurried. A senso oi iignincss mid oppression as tno cncsi is mien iness. At prccnt he is recovering, and cd tl)9 cn ,.ob Whito Bob hopofoon to see 'old undo Jake," .. . ... ,, nrminil nnni ,B1 Dr. Precac camo walking in "There K3r Young men who dC3iro to hook ,co,no3 l'reczo, ' "put him nut," ''his themselves up on the rules of behaviour bead's a fire," "burn down Moscow" "befor folks," should go to Col. Freeze ' T'10 Showman exhibited a largo head of and buy fonio of his baud books How to ' cabbnge, and a tailor pitched into it with write How to talk How to behave l.bis shears "Barney Itupert," ''Barney and various others, concerning the Farm, I Rupert," yolled the boys j and so through Houso, Gardener &o. etc. j out 'be performance, every picture was Copios of ihu Constitution still on hand greeted with somo remarks, and wc cheap ( doubly regret to say, somo of them indec- cut antl higuly improper riSr-Tho Burning of Moscow, an exhi bition of groat merit, has been exhibited in Mr. (jallagiier tho proprietor, is a gentle- respectful and well behaved boys. It man ol talent, as ovmced by his vontnlo- 110 ,rark of genius or good breeding, to be quism and description of his Dioptrio rude, uniiy, or indecent. Iiaintings. Tho binning of that ancient .- . ; city, Moscow, as oxhihtted by Mr. Gal-1 laghcr, is worth double the ptico of ad-i DRWISHART Of this City, Imt nmtf ubtedly discnven'il In liiscm liinatinn fur tlio treatment of Dyspepsia one ofthn greatest ramsillc tint has ever h'"n tiveu to sun". crlng humanity: llohas treated within tlm past two yeara sonii'tliiiig over nino thounnil puses In his prl. vnto practice, ninny of whlih had ilrlled tho skill of eminent physiciani In l.urope ar.d America, nnd in every ensn whi're tho nicilirlnes worn taken acrordlng to illrertlon", llicy have madn n perfect euro. .Many of the abova raws wcrn of over twenty venri standing. Those who are troubled with Ilyshcpua would do well to call at the Doctor's ullirc. lid gives you ad vice free. IVnoin nt a distance can consult by letter di-crlbing tho symptoms. Dr. Whhart'ptroatiinMit put np In a secure pacing" with full directions, is sent by express on tin- reci lpt of Hix Dollar?. X. II. In nil cios when' tin- dij'-aso has not become cllronic. Dr. H'Hh iri's Dysp"pla I'ills nro nil that li rt'iuircd. Hent by mill on tlio recoipl of One Dollar Address Dr. I.. tl. C. Wlshatt, l'lilladelphin. 1'Mla dilphla I.tJger. Dec. 111. lrtiia-tini. Infidelity which is now oiidangering Church nnd Htnte, reducing tho religion of incii to be n morn aid of Ilia political iiuifliine by which rndlcnl politicians In po to uchiuvo ollico mid spoils. I'laco the Journal of Commerce In evory house in your neighborhood. You cannot do n better work than this. In tho yenr laOI tho country vri I pass tlirou;ht . nnotlar crltls, i Tin: President al Election is nt Iiantl. 1 Tho circulation of papers liko tho Journal of Com. nioTt-o ought to bo largely increased with refcrmao to this coming t lection, Our principles nro tho principles of Unity ami Prosperity, tho only principles on which , Till! UNION AND THE CONSTITUTION CAN I lit tJAVlIU AND JIADF. ST110NO. I Let those who upprrclatu tho nececsltlcs of tho coun- . try, the lniporlouc; of sound instruction fur Hie )nung, me Mini necessity oi renting uiu cucris wiucu u.iik IOAI. INlTlllil.lTY Is tiiaMiig to iKbasotho melt of the nation, mid who In H.vo with Ui that the only safely of our great republic is In tlm Right Education of the People, rirciil.Uo L'O.VriliUVATtVT. newspapers liko ours. Wu have nlmmlnut evidence in our own swelling subscrip tion lists, that radicalism Is losing its hold on tho Intel, ligent people nf America. Fur News, fur Instruction, for good Morals, Sound Political Sentiments, for a stoady of American Inslllu. II. his, 'lake. Head, and help tu Circulate, tlu Journal of Coii.iinjrti. WKEKLY KDTTION. Thn Tcrmn of Hubscrlplion to tho Weekly Journal of commerce, mc as nuiows : U'liUKLY, In nilvnnce, one year. ' a copies tu ono nddresl. " 3 copb.s to ouu address. 10 copii'H to ono nd'lress, " yu cojiics to ono mliliess, (Additiohal copies same rate.) " I com. tlx inontlH. T Tv All clubs oi tvti or iiinro. if tho address Is writ. ten on each paper, will pay 31 .in each copy. . i nreacu nuu in Ml) un cmm copy Hi too same uunuio will bo given to the person sending the money. DAILY EDITIONS. thin III fl"ah is afflicted with loss of appetite, grent laugnr, Indolence, nnd ilrjetllnn or spirits i and may rnnllnu In this stnte lorn conslderablo l.iiglli of time, thnl It Is very readily nffi'cteil by slight exposure or fntigue. If thesa occur, the coti?h becomes more trou. Iilesniue, nnd Is nltendcil with cipectorntion, which Is tiinit roniniis and freo verv varlv In tlio morniuz. It I is oinetlmes streaked with blood. At this stago night. sweats usually set ill, and in somo enses n profuse i bleeding of the lungs inny nlsn occur. I'aln In somo I part or tho cliost Is fell, nnd often a difficulty of lying I upon ono or tho nthor side, without savrro fits of coughing or n senco uf fullness or suffocation, Is ex perienced. The puis, becomes full, hard, nnd frequent , the hertic flush tinges I lie cheeks, nnd tho dire malady , Is fait hastening to its clote. You now ask. "Is there n euro t" I I I'nnsumplloii has been and can bo cured by the us; of my i ARi.'oitniAi.. even in nppar.intiy uopeiets cases, This assertion 1 maku witli the ability to present lha most complete ovldenro nflhe truth. Space will not nilmit of myglvlni llinconteuts ofthn many thousnnds . of ICKtlinoni lis to Us Value, which I have been nnd mil ' rereit'inir timn men nn, I women or linniiesllntintilo worth nnd reputntlnu I have h id a number of theso rcrtiflcites printed in circular form which 1 will semi you Irco on application Whether you now determine to tty tno ineiiicnioor not, smut for thu circular. After rru:rAr.r.D ia ! j Cincinnati, Jan. 2i. The JDapatch DR. 0. M. .TAOKSON, Philadelphia, Pa. Sftys that (Jtipt. Kklu, a staff officer from WII.I, rffectually cure MvcrCoioplalnt, Dyspepsia, KnOXvillo,Wllioll place llO left OH TuO'day & Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Ditioses . . , . . ,. .... r r,f tho Kidneys, and All diseases arising from a duor-. WCCK ago, untlKR uiioriiiBnoii unit nung- street has boon reinforced with UU,000 mon and was advancing on Knnxvillo, pushing Gouoral Grnugor's forces before liiin. It was thought that our army would bo compelled to fall baok to tho on ! trenchmcnts at Kuoxvillo. It is reported that John Morgan, n the head of GOOO cavalry, will make a movement to cutoff tho communication bo tween Knozvillo aud Chattanooga, or a raid into Kentucky. years or st iuy nini experiment, I offer this (jciicviugii iu lie ino next remedy lor nil nnd hrnnrhlal Olseniri, If yo't cannot b al, 1 bellevoyouarn beyond nil Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Ditioses ,1rtil l.lvor orHtomach such ji Consllna tlon, Inward l'ilis. l'lllness of II loo J to the Ilead.Acldlty of tho Btomach Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, I'ulness ofMiightln tba btomach. Hour I'.riH latlons. Pinking or I'lutterlngnt tho l it of tho Stnmnch, Swimming ofthu Head, Hur ried nud Illfflcult llroithlng, riuttenng nt tho Heart, Clinking or Hufriv.itlnz Sensations when In a lying posluro, lliinnnss of Vision, Dots or Webs befoni tho sight, l'evcr and Dull I'aln ia thn Head, Deficlonry hf 1'ersplratioQ, Yellowness ofthoHkin nud Hycs, I'l.ln in tho Bide, Hack, Chsst l.linbs, tic, Huddeii Flushes cf Heat. Burning In tho Flesh.Cnnstaiit lin nglnlngsnfotil, to. donressloa ot spirits. I And will positively prevent Vcllow rover, nillious l'evcr. &c. 'Ill y c nlaln no Alcohol or had Whiskey. They will euro tho nbovu diseasus in ninety. nius cares out of a hundred. Induced by tho extensive sale and universal popu larity of llonlland's (iormnn Hitters, (purely vegeta ble,) un-ts Ol Ignomni itiincns uuo uiiscrupilicos n PKOM FORTRESS MONROE. oiticiai. DisPATcnns or oen. iiutli r'; Washington, Jan. 20. Tho following i medicine, entiirors, have opened upon suffering humanity tin ,as hcetl received at tho War Department, pulmonary Hood gates of Nostrums In tho shape of poor whiskey, i liiicnn-d by vilely compounded with injurious drugs, ami dins- Fortress Monroe, Jan, 20. 10 Hon, ICIieil I OIIII'S, IMi'Uintllieil UIIU I.IIVUis, r IT l....ftt. . Itln.ltnr n.itinnl f,, llewnro of the inniiuinrauio nrray or niconoua prep-1 i. i". uhoiikh , i....,.. uuun.i , I IMl'OUTAX T TO l.AIHUS -Hit. IIaiuta's I'uMiUc 1'ii.i.s h ive never yet failed In removing ditlicilltis nris ing Horn olntiNction.or stoppage of nature, or in re storing the s stem to perlect health when siiirermg frmn Hpinnl Airertinns, I'rolapsu.", Uteri, the Whites, n, Mlier Uenki.o.a ill' Hie ITteriliO OrJ.HlS. Till! I'ltW Wo trutit theSO tllillSS niav UOt continue nro-perfeclly harmless on tho constiiution. nnd inn lie ... . tak.iii by tlio mot deli'-ate feuinlo without eauiing di- tM.i ii. Mt.A ...... A ...... , i -i. ..... i... ...,. ...i.. 1 1IUI. LI1U3U Vi UU UIU wuriUHIKU (U .UkUUU irtff". Illf -.IIUV lull.: uiej lit. nw: viiat.,, 113 .,un;ti- ni-....t n . rr - r r . . . . . cuing. invigoraiiu uini r-tm nig in" h Mem in h io;.i- sue lUoomsburg oourt House, for four sue- j will bo cautioned to behave, aud early thv condition, and by bringing on the monthly period 1 . ... ,.. 1 . ' . w ith resularitv. im uatier Irom whut ciusca tin) nb- ocBstve iiigiiw.urawinn immonso uuuicncen. earn tor t inmsolves tho name of rtuiet and ! strintion may nnc. Tim should, however, mjt ho .... ,..1. 11, nnil.., , t ir. nn. .in, iii.mi i. n nrun n rv IS I thoush tafu nt uny ollu r time, as miscarriage, would be tnc result. Cnch box enntaius fill 'ill-, vrlro SI. Dr.. HAIIYK".-.Tl(UAriinou UUc.ises cf I'cmales. l'ncnaiiiy. .Mitnnriaci'. Il.iueniic ss, sterility. Kcprn iluition. nnd abuses of nature, limb oiophalically tlis Ladles' I'riv.r.o Adlser, n paiiiphkt of Ii4 pages, sent free to any uddress. fix outs required to pay postnee. 'the I'lllsniid book will be s.mtby mail when desired, securely staled, nud irpaul, by J. II11VAN. M. 1).. General Acent, Vo. CVd-,r st New York. !0 fold bv all the principal ilrugsistd. Doccniber 13, litia ly. misiion. CAREFULLY COHMKCrKD WMLV. Tun Quota ron C!oi,UMniA County i TUB COM INO DltAFT. tho quota of Columbia roiu.ty, in tho first draft of 1801, ai prepared by Mr. Gitiin, tho ComHti-isiiiu&c of iho ditrict : . WIir.AT. per busliil. 1 SO 1IYD. ' " I Wl itmv, i im im e ii 1 IIUCKWAi: T, 7."i 1 llO following H ri.ntlt perbhl. Bun t;i.()vi.itfi.i;i, ti sn ri.. nu IIUCKWIIUAT Flour. 4 1.0 nuTrr.iL. r.crir FOI'AIUCd, DIIIlll) Al'l'LEd. HAMS IIACON, HAY by tho ton. r.d cu 1 .'I . li . l'l an re i 32 CO S be H UU 15 nil Vi UU 1 25 tho use of tba Tar Cordial mt.ll 1 l!,l V.I ll'tltn.,, 1. .,( m,n n....itla earnestly nnvisotneir use. the nest remedies, tno I minimis ,.,,.., , . ... """ T.. ,T.i iV,.. i 1 nam , DV 1BV UireCUOUS, went Willi lureo best caru.nru needed by Ihoso afflicted with this ills, d-r tho modest appellation or lliltorsi whlcl lnatead ') J r M r-,. f. case, r.elevlngthls to ba tlio best, I ask vou to try It. f curing, only nggravatu disease, unit Uavo tho disup- ' arlUCU transports an a COUipOtent lorcti t) Mnny, riotnnly cfthe neonle. but nhvsliians ofevtrv pointed suiter in despair. n.n;n.,,n -.l ,,! n 1 inilinr ni; Mm sclmnl nnd nrnrllco. nr.. Mnllv b.WIiii. inn. " IVIint I . tlm s-'-.nuou. .....vw .. principle or cause of Jour success in the treatment of HOOFIiAND'S GERMAN BITTERS ! ' JalllCS llVOr, S0V6U OlileS UClOW lOft l'OW- LAI10F. DAILY, in ndvnnce, one yinr. Sin 00 " six mon'lis, in ndvnncr, 5 "5 " end of eacli nx mouths, 2 All ' lor ono month, lit) DAILY JUNlOlt. In advance, one year. 0 0) si mouths, in advance, - a Ml " it oopies, one nddrers, II I'D " 3 topics, ono uddress, -7 Oil " a copies, one nddrcss, 43 01) (Additional copies same rate.) Address. ri'.I.Mi:, c'l OXL, & HALI.uCi;, January 1C, Ifil. :tw. New York City, i. Y. L'HICKMXS, per pair. 113 JJ'.OOtl! ?or. IJorwifk. Henlon Ueaver. liriarcrot'k. . . (!atawiss:t. . . . (!t-ntrt 'onyiigliani . . l'rntil. lin Fishliiftoru'dc . i roan wood. . . H'jiuloek Total ..20 .. !) . .It) ..10 . . IS2 . .14 .. I a . . :io .. Q .AH ..Ifi ..10 .Tackrton Locust Jlifilin Main Madison Montour Mount I'leisant. Orange Mine Roitringcrcck . . . Sugarloaf Suott 10 11 5 r.i , 7 P , i) . 7 , 4 . 7 RECEIPTS FOP. DECEMBER TO TUT! COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. -:o:- Tho following payments havo been made to tho Co'nnniu Dcmociu'. office, duriDg the month of Docember, 1803 : -JXrhSf. ..a on nj. of llenj. I layman : 1. SI. l'euiiiiigloii, Win. D.loug, Now Cnlitin1!! Ac'dy. lion. 1). L. chupin, Judge Ko ins, John J. Mr.llenry, Jr Ismail ('reveling, I) II Logon, Jacob I., rarey, Charles 1'i.itt, (;. W, Ynpli National Hani;. Columbia county i3 j fM.''cnJ'11 not to be behind other counties, it appears, j yjl!(:t J! DM Stephen Ilittton. .1 "5 1 rc! D. J. Hicks, 8 .VI 2 511, A. f. linhli. 511 J no .1. J. llrower, 33 S3 I III, Mi-s Mnry liaily, 1 .HI 1 .'i.l, Joiepli Henry, 3 .Tl a nil Augiutuu r.v'crhart, il uj 0 nil' .Inhn Henry, U 1! ti Hi) .!uv ph lliijennan, 1 7.1 1 nn' Jiueph I illoy, 1 D 5 M.i! J. 1 llcaille, 'J fx) i M Jlaj. Win. II. Koons, 5.5 .1,1 1 ;.i, linn, I'etor I'.nt, 111 til) 1 nu; U Ju.iiiii Hngeiibuch I but is to have a National IJank at Riooms IJlooms- aro burg. A number of citizens ot burc, prominent among whom, McKklvy, and Ciiauum R. I'axion, our vealthiest men, havo formed an associa tion for tho purpoo of carrying on bank I ing under the National Hanking Law. The ttock amounting to Fifty thousand ol I n has been subrcribod and workmen are now fixing up the building. It is to bo located in the rooms now occupied by R F. Ci.auk, Eq. Lawyer Clark will occupy a room on the second floor of g imc building. R inking operations to com inciicc on tlio fi'Ft of March. Wc wore very much gratified to bo able to take by the hand Col. Welling" Tom II. Ent, of tho Oth I'enn'a. Reserve Volunten, who is now at homo on a fur lough. Col. Ent Tolunteoicd in tho ''Iron Guards," and went from hero as a first Lieutonant. lie was gradually and reg- ularlv riscd from the ranks to tho hsad of as fine a Regiment, and ono who has seen as much servico and done it as bravely and as well as any in the Army. Col Ent is a brave, excellent and ex perienced officer, stands high in tho sor- vico as a toldicr and gentleman, and has already won for bimsely nn honorablo plaeo and namo. May ho live- many years and his shadow never bo lest. 1 tu! lis. of Aleiu Mnrr ',' 0 I, Hen. Weaver, Jls. un, Aaro'i nuiiiii, li,!; ' lln.ll.-.:! l.twis. 1 ;.5 J.ieoli llyerly, list. I (!i Clish i K. llobbin. a "JjiUol. JolinU. rreeiS', ',1 Oil' .u.iiuuel K, Allwrtsnn 'J nil! 1 II. SuyJer, I Mi; Hilas Hudson, 1 .1. K Hv.ins, AL a, 2 n.i; rt. I. Hehlicher. linii'l. Nevhard, (I!. Ill I ')! rrodernk Hrehcr. John Snjder, Usu. 'J ll.i' Willi iui Miirtaller, t', 1". .Maiin, V.s.1 1.1 IN); lion. John ('. i:!lia. Jno. II. Uornelison. 1 St llev. 11. A. fliaiietts, Pam'l (Mil. I otf It. v. II. Murray, i no; i.. nri-'e v . i i ui 7.", 1 ' Abraham Coleman. ti nil & im' V.. Henry Diekmillcr, 7 tU 1 ij; 'leorgo bileside, am) lis. of (-'has. IModinan Cldeoli sleeker, I Mrs. Dornb.Rh. i A. It ll.irtinau, Jacob llotid. ' J.irdi llron'ii, l!si , ' (ieorge lleidlemau, John ;-cutt, Iteiibeu'l'. I'oulk, 'i'hoiuas hatitoo. John Drank-, John II. Vaiihorn, I'm, J. Kline, Lewis l.rkroat. Jl Ot) I II) a ao i a 7 (HI t j.i a on a on l 50 I 01) i ;.r. li ''S ).. jo 1 SI) 1 -J.I -amuel S.iydcr, .Miffliul Jenso Coleman, Lsi. II. W. (.'reasy i:ro Jay i.'ooko A: Co. La. of I rk. Mcltrido. 1) ivid Deiuott. W. Wirt c Co. Hugh 1). .Mellridn. J. .Mc.Nincli, Lao, C.iiiini. of run'a. Levi l.'ot. Lll.'is Dribrllis. L. II. U Wishart, Ditiiicl Haienliuch lion John .McReynol l'J ! Mooru C'revolln", 4 01) ut Win. 1'. Mcllride, 1 SW ni H.unin 1 tsti ttler. 1 25 Id W D.iiiieUi. Vaudersllco, 2 ifl , on 1IMir4e ij, iviirneii. 1 uu 1 Q.-.l II. Do Wolf, Us'.., 10 00 1 on Jones Lv.ius, II) IH1 I Jones IVobster. 23 r, S5' John Oltonkir!:, nsn. 10 tw 10 l-u; A. M l-'ellov.s, S ',4 Duvi.l i-'h.illir, a 4:1. Isaac Ulimles, 7 5D, Win. .MiHer, (rVntt.) 'j un lis. win. aienaiiiRer, ds.2 l IK A ? JELL'S Sl'ECIFfC PILLS Wau- If r.Nr?n iv am. Cai i Can bo relu-Jonl Xevcr fail to enrol Do nut nauseate t Are speedv 111 actio. lo than;,'" ol ilii 1 ri'piiredt Do not interfere with iuiMiK-B pnruital (..111 bo used without detection I Upwards .f 'JUO Hires thn past month omo of tli mii very severe cases. Over one liiiudrcd physicians havo ued tliem lii their pr.clic -, and all spenk well ol tin ir cllicacv, au l approve of their roinpoHiInu, which ii ciuireiy .'(.tnbl, , and harmless 011 the system. Uuu ilrds of ceitilicfites can be thowit llcll'a f'pecifir I'ills are tho original r.nd only renuina Specific 1'ili. They are ailnpteii for male nud female, old or yoiiiii, and 111..' oulv Mlinl 1" remedy for rll'ctin! a permanent mid hpeedy rurv in all cases of Hperr.m torrhca. or fuiiunal W, akue-, with all in train of evils, suili as Urethral au l Disdinrzcs, Lleet, the U lilies. Nightly or liivolunt -ny LniisioU!.. Iiicon linn, iiae, Ueniial lu-bilili ari l li nutiilily, liiipntence, VVt'akne.-s or l.o-s of i'liwer, N'orvioun lb l.ility, .e., all of w!iuharics principally froiiit'exiinl Licessesor tfelf- biise, or soino roii.tituttoiial i!eratise,ueiit. and incapacitiitea the nilf-rer from fiillilliii!; tlio duties of hie- in all rfin'iisi a. as Conoiih, a. Illect. iimt stricture-, and in Dii'.ne of tin- madder and Kuliiej s. lh,:y act as n cilarui I Uelkf is experi Hired by tilkms a siu-.l.' but. yoid by all ihe prricipal irtip?i-t'. Trice 31. They will be t'-nt 1 mail, securely sealed, and con fldciitially, on receipt o- tho money, bv J, tJl'.YAN', SI. n. No. 70 Ctdar HI., New York. Consultlns riijsicinn t ir tlio triat'neut of ileiniunl. Urinary, i-exiuil, nnd .Vcro'is I'lse.mes, who will SL'iul, tree in nil, tlu- loliwini; . iluablc w 01 k, ill seal ed tn elope : ' Tin 1' TuocstNi,-l'R. I'.LLL'ri 'I'll I'.ATIfC 01 Seli-Abuse. I'r.-maltiro I)-eiiy, Impotence ntul loss of power, tS.xial Dn-entes, Seminal Weakness, Mshtlu Liiunins. U. :u La' IK', .v.e.. .Vc, .1 paniplili t of u I p.ias, eoiit.iiiiiui; iuip-rtanl advice in the allln lc.1. and winch hoiild be read by every null' irer, lis the means ! of euro in tho severest tlanes is plainly set forth. Two I stamps H'liired to pav pusute. I December 13. I.-I..I 'ly. Public Yknduk I bo cxposod to publiosalo at tho V f residence of mo subscriber in Franklin town chip, Coliiiuliia county, on Friday Ihc rth day of Fcontan, 1801, The followini valuable di scriced property, to-wit Tcn a i cad of Guttle. GIKTON'8 Cheap Grocery Store. Ji L SO Mtvm, bail's akej ssaoias, rf '111: tinderstsned having buiicht out tho f.'rocery o I David ritroun. has reinovi il his Hat nnd Cap Storo up to Stroup's old trtainl. where in addition to a supe rior ussortiiiont of FALL ANP WINTER CU Uiiia and Caps, CONFECTIONARIES, CRACKEKS, Molasses, Sunar, CoiTee, Teas, Tobaccoj SnuiT, Cigars. Snices, Jjrird Fruit, Ruttor, Coal Oil, LHug3, I'arlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "TO ritmg Paper & Inks Hardware, and Cedancarc, Picket Knives, Combr,, cj-c, )'-c, ij-c, Together with a variety of articles generally kept in n Htnre. Alsi-A fine lot nf HUH. MOr.OLI'.OS and LiNitas to wliichhe un itea tho at ention of blineunkerH uitd the public. joiix it. nniTox. illoiuiubiirp, ncc. 5, 1FG3 rulinonnry (.'onMiinplion I" .My answer is tills Tho i ii v ifroriitiuri of the ilifcstlve oraans the strenr;. tlieiilna of the ill billtated sysleiii-thu ptirlficalinn and enrichment nf tlio blood, must expel from tho sytt in the corruption which scrofula breeds. Willie this Is cnVlcd by th powerful alterative (changing from dis ease tn In rill li) properties of the Tar Cordial, Its Ileal ing and reiinatiu princlplo is also acting upon tho irriateu suriaeesoi inn lungs nnu tlirnnt. peiielrntlng toeiuli deseiioi'd part, ralicving, subduln" inllamallon and restoring a no. iitiiiul tendency. Let lbi twofold power, thu healing nnd tho strengthening, continue to net in conjunction with Nature's cnn-talit recupcrntlvo tendency-, nn.lthc patient is saved, if lit has not tco long Uufa)ed n riAort to tho means of cure. IILWARll 01' COCNTLI'.I'LITd Tho fjcnuiJie lias tlio name of the proprietor mil a pine tree blown in t!,o bottle. All others aro rpuTious iinltationo. PRICK I'lFTV CrKTS AND O.tB DCLIAU TSU UOTTLK. t'repared only by thu proprietor, Ur. L. Q. 1VISIIAKT, No. 10 North Sltonu St., PHILADELPHIA, l'A. For Sale by all Druggists. December 10, lSG'J-Oui. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY. Summer Time Table. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from tho North and West Urnnrh of tho usquelianna, Llmln, and all of Northern New York, ON nnd after .Monday, April 20th IHCa'the Tassenger Trains of tlio North Central llnilway will nrrlve at and depnit from Suubury, llarrhbiirg, and llaltimoro a follows, viz: BO UT II W A It n. Mali Train leaves Banbury dally (except Sunday) " leaves Harrisburg, " arrives at llaltimoro. Lxpresa Train leaves Sunbury daily (except cunuay,; " leaves Harrisburg (except .Muuday,) " crrivcsr.t llalliinoro dally (ex cept .Mnndav,) Harrfsburg Accommodation l.iavcs' Harris1 burc. 10.10 a.m. 1 15 p tu. 5 25 " 11.07 p. m, 2 00 u, in. 0.15 " 6.30 " SOU T 11 Vf AUD. Mall Train lesvos niiltiinorn daily (except Sunday,) 9.1.1a.m. " leaves Harrisburg 1.1,1 p. in. ' nrrivos nt Sunbury. 4,0'. " Kxpresa Trains llaltlmore dally, j 15 " uirives nt I ! a r ri .'.ly it rn. 1.35 a.m. " leaves llarribiirg(except Monday) 3.IIU ' " arrives at Sunbury. 5J3 " Tor further infurmatioii apply nt the Office. 1..V. DuIlAIlllY.Supt. Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1603. KSSW F.! JIT 5fi5?i, FOR FALL .j- JS'INTER. rP"MiK hubscriber has just rect-ived a lot i.'olorv 'rrimiiiiugs nud ew tloods, cuih as ALSO: ' 01.0VK3. 1)01.1.9. oTAYP. stATCIIRLL. iiODi' sinrtTfi, iui:T.Moir.y, AND OTimn NOTION'H. CT Wheeler tc Wilaon'a Sewing .Machines for sale. Also r'uii. lay Sehnol Hooks and Cible. Al.o Mr.i. Allen's Hair Uebturcr. whiili will give to gray its natural color. A. I). WT.HII. Net Door below Court lloiuo. i:ioonisburg, "ov. 11, lrCJ. S, Keeler A; Co, Jeremiah llauenbuch, 2 00 Joseph Lilley, J 51) 1 75 a oo 1 75 2 UU 7 OO 50 Two Sheep, ono two horsi Wiron, ono now tip-tlurzy oi.i. Sled, one llei'l. new selt ot Yllllkee lliiruess, oil si tl of 1-ad llaiue-s, one sett of tiuplu llaruei-s, l'low Bo.jsc aud Lot ' 5? 5S A BiK 132 22 , rplll! uii'lerpiiiu.-'cl, ollVrs in hell at private salo, a do h siralde ana pleasant resident c loeattd In Light rilreel, Columbia to., ab'iut 2J miles North of HIooiih burg, on Mam Btreit, nud ci in said village. Tlioro is erected upon said premises a good I' li A !1 1. 1MI i.l.l.lAu ISUOSl'i, witn n weil-lltted Hloro House nttathed, with an tcoll. nt well of water at tho door, stable1 nu.l Iruit trees and til other n'.ees-inry conveniences, in u hmii ..Ml,, of culti atioii, Tno Store House nnd Maud me nt tho hut order, and picbent nu excellent and i Iiui'iIj opening for tlu Mercantile busiiiesb. Tho buililing bus an open glass front, under uauilsnmuauii. ma NliW ARiaVAL. Fall & Winter Goods At A. J. E Veins' if RLOOMSRURG, PKNN. LATEST SYLES OA 15 A P GOODS n',lll! undersigned respectfully informs his friendi .i nud the publif gi nci.illy, that he has jut received IU'l.. ,tlV .UMt'lll tl.lL', U itlTO USMIll ItlL'lll Ul being the b-st nssortinent over olfered in this nnrltet. Also a complete nssorlm :nt of llo-t t'lothlug. In fact everything in the Clothing Lino l'or those who prefer to leave tin Ir liHasurus. n perfect fit ginrantted, and nothing but tlu best workmaiihip ulluwed at this es tnbllshment. Ho also keeps on hand a large assort ment of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAP., together wllh a variety nf notions. isy Call and eli: ron vouitsui.r. ca A. J. LVAKS. lllooimhurg, Nov. 21, 1BB3. Harrow ii, ouu I'at-ut liny It ike, together with othur n,e amUm in h ,1 by ihrlving shado trei s nrlaeles tno Illllllt'lOII s 1,1 lllt'litlull. U ri.iio to enimiieiii'O at III o'clock, a. ni of saU day, when lurino and ciuulitiuns will be made kniiwn, ' NOAH LlilTL'J. JAMl',3 K. r.YLTl, Auitlnnecr. rranklin lou ii.-hii, January , 1"0I. VST Wo would iciiilnd tho patrons of this office who aro indebted for subscrip tion, advertising or job vrork, that thcro will bo jurors, witnesses, and parties to suits, from almost every part of the coun ty, diirini: court week, which couiinmcnees on Monday, and wo bopo they will avail thomselvcs of tho opportunities thus pro eentctl, of making remittances of tho amount duo tho OBtablishmant. They should remember that wo aro paying doub. letho price for paper, ink, nnd other ar ticles used in printing that co did tit the commencement ol tho war, and yet wc furnish them paper nt tlw tame rato. If they expect us to ronlinuo it at this rate, iboy mint remit their mbtcrlptionf prompt lv. and fiivr in fie txpfnse of follreti ig PUBLIC or VALU hBVBVmi ESTATE IN pursuance of un order cf Iho Orphan's Court of Moutuur county, on Saturday, the Gth day of Fclntary, 180-1, at 10 o'i lock In tho forenoon, III A H'i LTI.Kll, Ececutor &c , of Jscon Hititru, late of West Heinlnrk. in said county, deceased, will expos 1 1 sale, by Public Veil, duo. at tho public house if t-'ainuel llemblcy, in Jersey town, a certain TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, Pituatn In the township of Madison, county of Colum bia and State of Tonus) Ivunia, bomnled nud iles.iiili.-d as fnllnus, vis :-ll 'gmnig at a post in lauds of J. Lyer. north Ally one and a half degrei s eat .in. 2 perches to a iinst, tin nee by lands of heirs rf John llingles, doe'd., rn I James Flyer, south :icl degrees Hint, "ti'l perthes tu ft po.t soiilli 3nl east. Oil penliei to ;i post thence by lauds of heirs of John (liugles and Isaac .Mc' llride, foulli 51 i ilegrees n Oft. J5.5 perches to n post' tliencn by lands of Sunn I lleiule, nnrlli 3ii west, I3i..l per'chos to tin: b.-gindiiig, containing 43 Acrets 128 Perches of Land, Aout ono half thereof cleared y Late the csliitn of sai I iteceased, ntunto in the townsliip nf .Madison and county nfore-aid Danville, January 8, IcSO-l. Co.NDiTii.Ns op S.vtn. Ten per cent of th purchaso money to bo polJ down on tlio day nf sain. Two thirds of Iho purchaso money, less ton per cent, to bo paid on confirmation of tho salo. one tuiru m tno piimuisu niuui.-j .u uu p.u-i in,..,, ately ul'lcr Ihu ilealli of llanuali blutltr wn'nw of said decedent, with interest from tho continuation of tho salo, interest to bo paid to said widow i iirly . Thu duud to bo gn-fii on pnynitnt of two-thirds or thu purihaso money and securing tho balance by bond ami moitgage. , I'o.sossiou to ba given on paymsnt of two-thirds of purchaso uiuiioy. 1 1! A TLl'LLB, Trscuiar. January It, IM4 -ts. ' "the'Wraf i PAPEItR necessary in all e)aimi or raus's of cr-mption from th "mlDs Praft will bo vmwvyiilXlhT EY1!ltI.Y nrjee Sad nnr weft of the Court Home, rinonh'!c 1 nlnir 9 1TJ J Prices Reduced I 551 has rf-s'.lveil to try tho merits of nn exUusiyi ly CASH or IlL'ADY I'AY IIUHlNliRH, mid heiiio lias determin ed to boll nil' his stock of tinods at REDUCED PRICES, LADlI'f AM) L'.r.r5 CAr.S. OLOYIH NI'IUAS, BIIOLcl. I'.OOTM, AM) A CiLNI.IIAI. VA1ULTV Ul' (iiiuliH T A HAllOilN. fry t'nll iiml seo his list of prices, Country I'ro. dueu wanted. Illooinsliurg. Ja-i 9. IHU I. t. OH. J9uWOi.C"M CLOTHING HALL. No. 2i)'l 21 North .Willi .Vwajiii Second Street, Phi.'a. COXHTANTLY on hand a full assoitun nt of Heady Made .M. n and Hoy's l lnlhiug mid U..iits' furnish ing (.nods, at Wholes.ilo and lUtail. January '. li-Ol.-Uui. VALUABLE RBA.L ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. TMin Ileal KstnM formerly owned by I'.lias I Werlmaii m llolirniurg. l ominma county, f,t is offired at I'nvalo B-ttc. coiisl.ling of i'w Kr.niiu nivot lilies nini n trniuo smro House, with tlm necessary oul-buiLlings, all in good ""V- Terms I'.aty Tor further information in.ulro of sinniuul Aihenbuck, Oraiigi-Mlle. I'a, January U, leGI.-tfiu " EXECUTOR'S KOTIOe" EUatc of Win. Mensinger, Sr. deceased. Ir.TTCr.S Testamentary on tho eslato nf William j Meiiringer, Hr.. laic m MiOlm Iw p. Columbia ro . ilcecnst',1. havo been granted by the llegister nt t ills, ir., to iho iiudi rslgneuu srfiiing in said township, n'l persons having Uniins against thn eslato nt lliuilo ce' -ntar reiuo-t il to pr s nt 111. in to tho r.ict-utnr l his r"Mlniro in said lunii hip, without m lay, ami all persons iniieblad tu ni.iko paym-ut fnilluviili. WII.I I Wl MtNHINnr.K Jr ft rittr .Its iry". It'l t said iikiiii in w ill li" sold lit a bargain, or exchanged for a Miiull I'urui or cthei real estate. ALFRED MOOD. laghlFtrcct, Aug. S3.1Eu3. II. C. 11 0 W E R, SURGEON DENTIST, iw'i-i i.,.!, uuui tillers ins piuieos faai? ion il services to tlio ladies nud cciitlc. men of l.looiiisburg and vidnily, He is 'r urenared to utand to all the various operations i ri tlio line of his profession, and isprovided w nil the latest Improved l'UliCr.L.1l. TIUVI'll i w Inch w ill ho inserted on gnld, platiua, silver anil rubber baso In lunk well us thu natural teeth Mm. till pUte. and bl.'ul. teelh inanuf.irturi'd nnd nil operatiniis on teelh, ctir -l'Jily uuil properly intended to. llcsideucii and llico a few doors above Iho Court House, smile Mile. nionmshurg, Juno li. L-ti:l, DIUUCT rilOM TUB INDIAN COUNTIIV, FIVE THOUSAND ROUES. Which ho will sell. Vllf,i:sAL!l nr 11LTAIL, nt VLIIY LOW I'ltlL'l'.S. Alio, Iionsil IlLAMILTd, very low T. W. JI ATTHOV, 402 MarkctSt, 1st doer above fourth, Kouth side, riiilndelpbia. Not. U, 1F03-3. LIGHT S'J'liLET, Columbia county, Pn I ! Oyster Saloon. rjpiIE undersigned would annoiineo to Jt to the public thai ho has refuted his SALOON', one door Laslof his llakcry, on Maiii Street, Blonmsbiirtf, Pa., nnu is prepnreu to nccommoiiaio notii l.ailiesj uinl tlciitleiueii. lie is prepared to furnish ; iJiisiers, ivwlesaie i- Retail, BY THE CAN Olt OTHERWISE II. STOllNL'll IllnomsbHrs;, Kor. 21, li.3-4t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate o' Charles Goodman, dee'd. J ETTERS of administration on times. h jstnto of Charles (loodinan, latu of llriar crock twn.. Coliiiuliia county, dec. .:isi;d, have been granted by the KegiEtcr of mid cnunty to the tho undersigned wlin ro sidis in tlio -niiiu t.ivviislii i ; nil persons having cl iiins ngnlmt thn estate of the decHdenl are re'pu-oted tu pre sent them to Ihu ailiuiiii-trntnr nt his resilience with out delay, mid all persons Indebti d to uiako ptmueut fnrtliwith. HA MULL II AOLNI1L CU,&liu'r, Dee. 11. lff,3-(lwS0 ADMIN itSTRATU US NOTICE Estate if Eins 1'euUr, dee'd. jl IVTTKUdnl niliuini.tratimi on tho Hslato of Clias iu Pealer.late on'nlnligereck twp. Columbia co.,iec'if., havebeen granted by tlm II, gisler of ('oliiiubiaci.,to tho iiudi-rsignod ; nil pcrsoin h tvniif claims ugainst the es tale of tho decedent nro rCMUestod topresent theiuto tho iiiidorslgnc-l, at 1 is resideiieo in said tuwiiFhip, withnut delay, ami all persons iudubted t uiukupay iiiont forthwith. JACOII rj'.ALCn, Mm-r. Oct. 31, Ir'Kl-llw S3. Are not n new nnd nntrled a;tlcle, but have stood .he test of fifteen years trial by thu American public, did their reputation and salo, aro not rivalled by any similar prcpiiratinii, I he proprietors have thousands of Utters faom tho uioRtcmliicni CLEHOYMCr?, LAWYLIW. 1'iIYSICIANS. AS 11 CITIZEN'S, Testifying of their own personal knowledge to tho beneficial effects uud medical virtues of tliesu Blltsrs. 1 Do you vant eomtthtng to strengthen you? Do you xeant a good appttitil Do you vant ia binM vp your CenstiturKn i Do you Kant to feci utllf Do yen wflnr to get rid of ntrvoneneeet j Do you Kant energy 1 De you irnnt tosletp Kelt? Do vou vant a hriek ani rigorou feeling t 1 If you do, uso IIOOI'LAND'S (iLUVA.V IIITTnil9. J'rom Ji'fi', J, ffcirton llroun.D. D Editor of to I'.niy elopedii cf Jieligious KnoicleJge. j Although not disposed to favor or reconmend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their Ingre I clients and elfect ; I yet know- of no sufficient reasons I why n mnn may not testify to tho benefit ho believes himself In have received Irom any simple preparation. ! In the hope ho may thus contribute to tlio bene lit of ', others, i lilo thii ths more icadily in regard to lleotlnnd's German Hitters, prepared by Dr, C, M. Jackson, of tills city, because I waa prejudiced ngainst' tl.ein lor many years, under ho impression that they wero chiefly an nl.-uhollc mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert trlioeinaker, lis')., for the removal if this prejudice by proper tests, nnd for encouragement to try them, when suffering from groat nnd long continued debility- 1 ho usu of tl-ree bottles of thc-n Hitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily nnd mental vigor which i nau not ten tor six inomiis ueioro, nnu nan hi most despaired of regaining. I tlicrcfoio thank (!od nud my Irieiid for directing mo tn tho uso of them. J. NEW I ON UltOWN. Philadelphia, Juno 23, 1E01. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name of Jiitlcrs, puttn quart lollies, eompounutd of the cheapeit trhikcy or common rum. rosting from'M to -10 eenta per gallon, the tatte disguised by Jnise or Coriander teed. This class of Hitters has caused and will continue to cause, ns long ns they can bo sold, hundreds to dio tho death of tho drunkard Ily their use tho system is kept continually under the inllueuco of elcoliolic stim ulants of the worst kind, thodesiro for Liouor is crea ted and kept up, and tlio result is nil tlio horrors at tendant upon .1 drunkard's life and death. l'or those who deiri- and will havo a Liquor Bitters, we publish tho following receipt. Let one bottle of llooiLind's Oermnii Hitters and mi with threo quarts of good brandy or whiskey, and the result will ben prepirntion that will far e.rcl in inediinl virtues ami tiuo exci llonce any of tho numerous Liquor lli'ters in tho market, and will cost much less. You win hnvu nil the virtues of 1 1 ooll.ui I'm Hitters in connection with u good article of Liquor, nt it much less price than theso inferior preparations will tost you. ATTENTIONSOLDIERS 1 and tiii: rniCNr.s of soLinnrts. Wc call attention to all having relations nr friends in tlio army to tho fact that '-HOOrLAMI'd Oeriuan Hitters" will turanluc-tciitlin of tho diseases induced by .'iJCt.nsures anil privations incident to eainp life. In the lists, niMisbed nlmost dailv in the iicwsnaners. on the arrival ol tho sick, it will lie noticed that a very large proportion urn tulforiug debility. Lvi ry case of that kin-l can be readily cured by Hoofl.tinrs German Litters. Diseases resulting from disorder!) of thu 1 1 geetivo organs nro speedily reliioved. Wo have no hesitation in stating that, if theso Hitters wero freely uei aiming nur soldiers, hundreds of lives might be sated thai otherwise will In lost. Wo all particular attention to tho following reimrk nble and well authenticated euro of ono of tho nation's heroes, whoso life, to usu his own language, "his been saved by tho Hitters." Pmr. tnccnitA. August 23, IfC-2. Xinrt.JotuSi Kraiis, -Well, gentlemen, your I (nor land's Herman Hitters has saved my life. There is no uii.tako in this. It is touched fur by numbers ur my comrades, somo of whose names nro nimcnileil. iiml who were fully cognizant of nil tho circumstances of my cuse. 1 am, nud have been for tho last lour years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, nud under tho immediate command of L'apt 11.11. Ayres. Through tlio exposure attendant upon my nrdorousdiitios, 1 was attacked in November last Willi intle'iumatinn ofthu lungs, and tvn-i lor suventy-two days lit tlio hospital. 1 was then removed from tho Whito House', uud sent to tins city on noaru tno "Mire or .Maine," from nliiih I landed on the Sdlli of June. Minco that time I havo been about an low usauy ono could bo ami still retain a spark of vitality. Foruweelt or morel was scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it was immediately up ngain. 1 could notcvciikerpnglaesofwateroniny stomach, Life could not In.t under these (ircumstauces I nnd, ac cordingly, tlio physicians who had been working faith fully, though iinBii.'Ccssfully, to rescue mo from the grnsp of thn dread Archer, Irankly told inu llioycnuld ilono more for inv, nud advised me to see n clergyman, and make such disposition of my limited funds us best suited me. All ariiualntiiuni who visited me tit the hospital, Mr. 1'roiletick SteiiiWou', of Sixth below Arch ftree-t. advised me, us a forlorn hnpo. to try your Hit ters, nud kindly procured a bottle, l'rom tin t f run 1 rumiueiiced taking them tho gloomy shadow of i i-ath receded, and I am now, thank Cod for it, getting better. Though I havo taken but two bottles, 1 have gained ten ("minis, nud I feel sniiguliie of being permuted to r"Jniu my wife nnd daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen mouths; for, gentlemen, lam a loyal irginian, from thuvlttuity of I'rnnt lloyal. To jour valuable Hitters 1 owo the certainty nf life wnlcli litis taken tho place of vagun fiars-lo your Hitters will I owo the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosom iknso wlo nro dearest to mo in life. Yory truly jours, ISAAC HALON'i:. hattan, known as the Brandon Fanns,and oapturod twenty-two of tho enemy seven ofthu bignal corps, and brought away ninety-nine negroes, destroyed 24.U0D barrels of pork and a large quantity of oats aud iron. Th'oy also captured ri! schooner and a Moon with two hundred' and forty boxes of tobacco, and five Jews' preparing to run the bloekado. The cxpi dition returned without tho loss of a man. (Signed) Be.n'J. F. Rutlku, Maj. Gen. Com. . Hen. Wilson McCandlcss, Judge of the United Bts-to circuit Court, President. j Corner Penn and St. ('loir Htreet, I'lTTSIIUP.OII, PA Tim I.AllUHST. nilAPLST ANI) IlL'ST. ?35.H0 pays for a fu'l Commercial Course. It "3- No extra th.irgcs for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad and Bank Hook-Keeping. .Mlnistqrs'sonsntlsalfrrico Students enter and re view at ray time, '1 lljs institution ii .conducted by experienced Teach ers nnd prarticnl Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nt tiro least expense ami slinrto-t' time, for the most lucrative unU responsible tiluations Diplomas granted fur mc tit only. Ilenro the universal, preference for graduates of this college, by business men, Prof. A. COWLLY, tho bert Penman In the Union, who holds the largest number of first premiums, and over ull competitors, teaches rapid business writing, ,. CtnocLAns oo-itaining full inforiuailnii sent ritkB on application to the Principals. JI'NKIN.-t SMITH, Principal, LC7" Attend wliero tho foils and Clerks of llusinesa .Men and Hankers irriuluate. April 10, lr'iW-ly. April 4. 1803. E. & II. T. jNTAHONY, MANUT ACTUIl CK3 Ol P II OTOfi 11 A PH I O .M ATUIUALS, 501 Rroadwuy, iVew York. Our Catalogue now embraces considerably over four", thousand different subjects (to .vhichiuldltioris are con tinually being made) of Portraits of Iliuiiient Ameri cans, etc., viz : 72 Mnjor-tlcncrals, 190 Hrlg -Hencrals, .VJ Colonels, tl Lieul.-Cnloiiels, -.07 other Officers, CD Navy iillicers, 5J.", s'tutosmeii, li7 Divines, 111! Authors, 30 Artists, lit! Hlago, -Hi Prominent Women, 147 Prow iuent l'nrcign portraits, 2,500 C.pkHaf IVorcs nf Arl Including rcprotlurtlons of tho must relebraleil F.ngra vlngs, PanitiiigB, Statues, Uc. Catalogues sent on re. ceipt of stamp. An order for ono iln.en pictures from our Catalogue will bo 111 led on receipt of Jl CU, and sent by mail, free, PHOTOR'ATm ALBUM 5. Of those wo manufacture a great variety, ranging In price ffhm 51) cents to 550 each. Our Albums have tlio reputation of being superior in beauty and durability tn any others. Tho smaller kinds can ho sent tal'ely by mail at a postage of six cents per nz. 'Iho more expensive can bo aent by ex press. Wu also keen a larc assortment of Ftercscops and Sterescnpic views. Our Catalogue of (lieso will Im sent to nuy nil.lre.-s on receipt of stump. 11. te. 1. T Anthony, Manufacturers of Photographic .Materials 5UI llrondway. Now York l'rleuds or relatives uf prntnlncnf military men will confer n favor by sending us their likenesses tu copy. They will bo keyt enicftilly nnd returned uninjured. I'lno Albums made to order for congregations to pre sent tn their Pastor, or for other purposes, with tuita. bio fnseriptlnns. &c. August -.'J, ldUS-tim. riMIl! undersigned I I hotel, formerly od its a share of public I . Cy Hood UCCOllllUUi best kind of liquors a: -April II, IF03- 'muted nt tho nbovo nair.t' . I by Peter tichug, and soil i iiie. i . us for man anil twist. Ti)' . bar. J. I). HICK, Proprietor. Lj Us CAMT. tn tho prcini iiicereek low n.ln, day of December, IM. AN OLD CO.. with short tall. Thou cr'-v. pay charges an will bn disposed of i, law. Pccembsr 19, 1PB3 ' iTKAY. s of thu subscriber, In Tish 'nluiubin county, on tlio Third or ni'.Disn color, Kris rcucted In prove prop, take him away ntherwire tho rding to tlbi direciiuus of Ilia JOHN II. IIL'NHY. ,v ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estite of Fhincas Siller, dee'd. ETTERS of ndtniuistration on Iho Ustuto of Phineaa Hitler, late of Benton two,, Columbia nniiity, deceased, huva been granted by tno llegi-ter of Columbia county tn tho undersigned ; all persons having claims ugainst tho estate of tint dece dent aro re-picsted tn present tliom tulho udinliilktratnr nt liis residence in said township, without ilehiy, nnd all persons indebted to tuako payment forthwith. JOHN W. tlL'ISIILINi:, Adiu'r, Nov. 11, lSli3-(!w. 8J Ui). ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE. Entatc of Peter Hem, elee'd. Wo fully enneur In tho truth of tho abovo statement as wo had despaired nf seeing our comrade, Mr. .Ma lone, restored to health John Cuddleback, 1st Xew York llattery. tleorgu A.Arkley, Co. C, lllh Maine, Lewis Clieualier, Did Now York, 1. 11. r'penrer, 1st Artillery, llattery K. J. II. I'nsowoll.Co. II, 3d Vermont, Henry 11. Ji romo, Co. II. do. Henry T. MncDouald, Cu C, fit It Maine, John I'. Wnrd.Cu. i:.,5th Maiuo, Hejinan Koch. Co. II.. 7-.M New York. I Nathaniel II. Thomas, Co. 1'., !i.1th Penn., , Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A., 3d Vermont, John Jenkins, Co. II.. lUOth Pe-un. BEWARE OF "COUNTERFEITS. . Hoo that Iho signnturo of "0. M. JACKSON," Is on 1 thu WjurriR of each bottle. i puicu puk. iiorrLn :s chnts; I or. iialp doz. roitsi oo. Hlmulil your nenrcs-. druggist not have Iho article, KKU' JI5KSEY L,M)S FOR SAfcE,' ALSO, GARDEN AND FRUIT FARMS, Siiitublo for Orapoa, Peaches, Pcaro, Haapberrles, Strewherries, Illaekborries, Curri-nts, &e of I.S15, 10 oi 20 acres earn, nt tho following- prices for the present. via: l.'u acre tur$2UU, 10 acre forSUU.S aercs for SiiO, 21 ai res for 1(1, 1 acre for S2U. Payablu by one dollar ii week. Also, good Crnnbury lands, ami village lots In Cheat. wood, JO by III') feet, at $10 each, payable by 0113 del Inr a week. The nbovu land nud farms, nro situate a Chcnlwuod, Washington township, llurlingtnii county Now Jersey, l'or further information, apply, with P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to ll.FT.ANKI.lN ('LARK. No. 00 Cedar Street, New York, N.V. January 17, 1-G3. STOVE AND TIN-AVARE SHOP. 'I '1111 undersigned would inform tha rltizcnsor SHjQ! I lllooiiisburg and viyiuity, that he hat just o, rfKt-li elved mill otfers for sale one of the most extensive. nstortiuents ol Ct)OKIN(ianil l'ANCY STOVLi i-vrr Inlmdiicpil into this market. The Christopher Ct iiuibii., Jiimus P.obbniid Globe aro nmoiig tho first cUt) conking Stuves.all of which nro air-tight and gas bin net His I'arlor stoves are liundsomo nnd thu assortment v ried. Al.-'O-Partlcular attention is paid t" Tin-Wan. nud House spouting, upon short notice. AH kinds of repairing will bo done with neatness nnd despatch. sy Country produce taken In cxclmnga for work. Philip s. .Moynit. niooinsburg. May 10, 18G2. TTENTION I Xi TO ALL WHOM IT M4T CO.VCKK.V. Tho undersigned being a regularly "licenred Auction eer." hereby oilers his services ns such, tn all who may feel disputed to give him n call. Ills great expe rience In ihu business, will enable him to render satis, faction to hu customers. At tho tame time ho Cautions nil Auctioneers, "nut licensed," from following sai t calling, ns tl'o tiuo fixed by thu United States will surely be Imposed, nnd the law carried nut to its full extent. All persons ilosiriui; to obtain my services, will please Inform mo to that tiled before they ndvertise. J, 1). 1UUU. Aucno.ieeii. Light Street, Nov. 14, 1F03. DRAFT. IjllOTOGR.M tl ALBUMS. 1 01) different styles 1 a lling til vry low r K'v M If'i -si airotlmeiit in ins City, and es. rind for .U'ataloput. II. i'KlinV, 1'pr.buiint, 1 W Cor Fourth and Usee, rillt.ADKLrUM have been granted by the llegisler of Columbia Co., to tho undersigned ; nil persons having claims asainsltlio estate of thu ilcredoiit urn rc'piclol to present them to tin- Administrator at his residence in said town ship without delay, and nil persons indebted tu make payment forthwith, 1IKNEY C.lir.SS. Adm'r: ;snv. 7, cu:i. iiw 5J im. 3 tlluTUURAl'il ALBUMS, 1 Card Phntogrnphs, Illank Hooks, l'amlly llibles, Willing Paper Al-un large stork of goods rultaUl j for Holidays, Fniall profits, nuirk tales. HALL At IIRNf.TRS. rnsith tnd Arth, I'htiadsiphu Nov It 13-bo' ' T ETTLItSuf ail.niiilitriil.on on iho Lslate 'cf Teter '! ' ' " I T'o- Jd , . 1K?,Vni,.1'r.?ara' Llloss, latoof fugnrloartwii.. Columbia ro., dee'd. !,.? . V"ii . f '".!?".' ,ou" Principal Office and Manufactory, Ko. l Arch Slrcut. Jone & Evan's, (.Successors to C. M. JACKSON k Co.,) PROPRIETORS. IT FOP. M M.ft bv Prujairti nifil Bsstets In every town it tlut IfcuWul Scows, OtHberJI MVS -Unt, I I)ARENT mahing elections of Son-i, must have new papers prepared, and presented previous to tho draft.- Uy orders Juit rec'ivcd, oli elections will not do. No other class of porsnns need report before tho draft. W. WIRT CO., First door bslow Sloan's Store,, lei'.l. STILZ & IIARTLHY, Consolidation Hank Uulldiiig, 'th Third Street between Vine if Callowhill, Juno M. IFC3-ly. A. LOG AN GRIM, Attorney and Counsellor at law, LAFORTr. rJL'I.LlVAN CO., I'A XI" Military ten other claims piompii aitenril tr. 31. lf3. 1329 I'll IL A I) I". I. e II l A. eyTrf""1""''-'" in"11" Mimif SWtrf in iirtawsjgis sw in ,mim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers