JU "IIIJIJB'II 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. riMiu.coNrcssioNn ami i:xri;iiir.xcn or a JL NI1HVOUB Y01JNO MAN.-l'iiblUhed ni n wnr hlnt mill for tho rsperlnl benefit ofjoung men, and those'who siifler niili Nervous Debility, loea of Mem ory, Premature Dccny, let. by ono who Inn euro-' him self by slwpla means, after being p'lt lo great expense nntl Inconvenience, through tho nso of .'tllilon med icines prescribed hy learned Doclors. I'inglo copies, mny I10 hml ffreo) of tlio author, O, A. LambCrt, V.t tlreonpolnt, Long Island, lip enilcslng nn nddrssscd envclovo. Address till AltLliH A, LAMMiRT, Urecii point, l.siig Island, Now York. , Juno TO, iecn-tm, 1 70l.NTIJi:il8, ATIHNTIONI-Por tlio derange V menu of the system Incidental lo tho change fdlct, Wounds, r.rupllons, nnd exposures which every Vol- nniccr is name to, mere nro no remedies no safe, ton Vcnlcnt. mid rclinlilc as HOLl.OWAY'8 PII.L3 AND UINTMIIN'T, 23 cts, per box. B7"1 lie Commercial I'sllcco will ho conducted by the li I nclpnl, 1) W- Lowtll, who Hikes the opportu nity of turning Ills hcr.rty tlinnks to tlio public for their llbl.ral patronage hcretolnre bestowed i n the Institution, nnd invents their nutrition to Iho iinprov tricnls toon to be introduced into Iho socrnl depart Mcnts, - 1). v. Lowell. I)tnoi.rnon;orPAt!Tstnim 't will In teen hy n notice In uur colu mn H at Mowell It Wuruer have dissolved partneislnp In the Coinmi rial College Mr Lowell continues to conduct this excellent nnd dourlshluB Institution, nnd Is highly ipintlflcil for the lasts. Our business relations Willi him have olwnys tarn ofllu most pleasant mid satisfactory character, mid wo tomend him nnd his t.'ollego to tho contlnucit cniindence nnd patronage of the public. inijAamleji Dally lltpullitan, To Ncnvous ScrrtriCRS or iiotii Siiis A reverend gcntlomun li.iv Inn been restored lo health in a few ilnys, after undergoing nil thu usual routine and irrrg tilar expensive modes of treatment without success, considers It his sncrcd duty to communicate to his Mulcted fellow creatures the means of cure Hence, on tho receipt of an nddresscd envelope, ho will send froo n copy of the prescription used. Direct to lilt. JOHN M. UACNALL, lr-ii 1'ulloti street, llrooklyn. New York- March 1 1. Citti nniN owe much of their sickness lo colds. No mutter where the illscnse may appear to bo seated, Its origin may bo traced to suppressed perspiration, or n cold. Cramps mid lung cumptuiiitB are direct products of colds. In short rolils are thu harbingers of half tho diseases that nlllict Immunity, for ns they nre cnused by checked pcrspirntion, and ns fivudKlilhs of the waste matter of thu body oxcupes through the pores, if these pores am dosed, that proportion of diseases necessarily follows. Keep clear, tboreloro, of colds nnd coughs, lite great rctursors of disease, or if con Iracted, break I hem up immediately, by n timely use of MADAMI". I'OUTI'.U'S UUUATIVJJ IIALSAM. Sold by all Druggists, ul 13 cents and "' cents por bottle. March 1 1, ldivj. M.0 I O.N'SIJMITIVl'.H. Tho iidertif;i having been X r'ttured to hciillh in a few weeks, by n very simple remedy, nftvr havng sullerrd several years with 11 so vcru lung nUcctleii, ami that ilreml disease, cfliisiimp. tlon- is 011x10111 to make known to hisftllow'surferera the means of cure. To nil who desire It, ho will send n copy of thu pre scription used, free of charge', with the directions for preparing nnd iiiug the same, which they will (I ml a sure cure for consumption, nslhmn.'hronchitN, Ace Tlio only objecfuf the udvcrtl.cr in sending the pre scription is to benefit the ulllicted, nnd spread infuruia. tien which he conceives tube invaluable, and he hopes every piilfercr v. ill try his remedy, as It 111 cost them nothing, nnd may prove u blcsing. Ilev. nUWAliiJ A. WILSON. Wllllainiburgh. March II, ieii3-3m Kings County, Now York, Uniformity oITrlccs 1 A New Feature in llusslnnss J, very one uia ouu r.uesui.iii i ju.M.n u ni ine '. CreseutOnol'iicu Clothing Store, No. Sill Marketstrect i above Sixth, Philadelphia, In nd.litioii to having the larsest, mnt varied and fa-hionnbte stock ofOlotliiug in Philadelpliin. mailcex ' pressly for retail snlcd, have constituted every one his own salomnn, by having marked in Hgures, ouenoh nrtlclent the very low est price It can he sold for kotlu.y iviuhoi tinssibly varynil must buy alike. The goods nro well sponged ami prcpareXnnd great pains taken Willi tin; making so tnal nil can liny Willi tliufiill nssiirauni of getting a good article at tho w ry i lowest nrice. Also, a large stni k of nlere goods on hand t' of the latedt atylo and best ipuilitieu, which will bo made tu order, in tlio most fufhiHiialilu unci hen manner. S3 per cent, below credit nrices. Ucntembcr tho Crescent, In Market above Sixth street No. 'JUL JON'LS & CU. RECEIPTS FOR MAY. TO TUB :o: Tho following payments have been nr. do to tho Columbia JJ-mociiit oihco, during tho month of 3Iay : Columbia County, 620 13 Uujli Jlcllride, a 50 John Jones Sr., I '.'3 Henry Y. Slater, I 1 Col. Neal McCoy. 2 (in Madison School DUt. 1 50 Datld Philips. I 00 i:,t. of John Heller, 3 5U Yhom.i8 linker, I SO tioo. W. Htcdman, 5 00 Thomns Davis, '-' ril J'etrr Knse, I 73 Kichard Kile, 1 00 indcy 8. Slater, 1 00 John Kline, (Mt I.) S On Hamucl Hewer, 1 75 A. K. Ilcncock, V.s'., t 75 I) S. nruwn, 2 00 Solomon l'ettcrman, 75 Hon. r.eiibiiiKellcr.SI3 00 Johu D. I'.llis 1 A. II. Whitmirc. Henry C. Mills, Win. I'riu, Esq., Est of lleiil. Jones, Est. of Pjlrli k Tool, I 00 1 CO I 75 2 00 1 50 Hon. Wi.i. .Merrilluhl.'J Oil M. Parker, M. D 4 UO Peter Dealer. 3 Oil Willard ('. Creen, I li'l Joseidi II.Kuillle, Esu. 3 73 James (1 Maxwell, 3 nil Charles MMicrhart, 1 Oil II. D. Ilittenbender, 2 00 John llruncr, 75 Peter Jacoby, 5 (V2 J. M. Dower, 5 011 J D. Rice, H7 N.&J Pnrsel, 7.7 Peter Yolio Sl Son 1 7.7 Henry Delnng. 4 0 Samuel llaeenbucli, 1 Ml John Krlrhner, 2 Oil Henry O. Kelrlin'r, 3 18 Samuel 1'ieus, 2 2.7 Peter Hippellbtiel, 2 Ul Geo W. iWze, .'.II William Uhl. 2 .70 C. Iluil'on Cirton, ,',u David C. AlliTtsiin, 1 7.7 John A. l'uiiston, E'. I 01 II. ,M. Hansom, 1 50 Charlo.1 Ash, 2 no Robert R, Aithur, I 00 A. J. Evans, 0 .70 John Probst, 2 Oil A. D. (loud, 3 00 Thomas E. Eves, 4 UO J. II. Patton, A M.. 2 50 llrieu's Nut. Circus, 5 00 J I). I'.arrinm. 1 7.7 J.u-oli P.vorl), Esq., 12 tu Jer. 11. Yncuin, 7 00 Peter S. llarman, 5 00 Est Jn-iali ling' nbuch 1 75 S. Austin Rilter. 2 00 J. II. l'lirumn, Shir.. 10 00 Dr. Um. A. Case, 1 00 John C. Wonner. 2 no Col. Illrnm It. Kline, 3 50 John Ci (tuick, r.sq., '1 u Daniel Ziglur, 2 tw Hiram Hess. 3 50 William 1'.. Sterner, 1 50 Aurirew Frens, Km , 2 50 Dnuiel Mcllcnry. II 01 Itenj. Wiutcntecn, 5 00 John Lorn, I 50 Itohr Mcllenry, Ksq., I 75 Samuel Ash, I 00 AincricnnShocTip Co 33 Klijali It. Ikeler.Ksq., 1 75 John Dnak, IVl , 1 OJ Hst. nfC.C. Ilrecca, 1 00 Unouh l'ox, '.s., I 75 Vincent Itichait, 1 75 Win. n. I'etcrmau, 4 till : Adam Suit, Hsu... 1 00 Lewis Dirterick, 3 (JO D. C. (tcurhart. 1 75 Kst. I)r A. II. Wilson, 2 UO ! Joseph Mnrtc. (10 Alexanilur liugncs, James R. .McNiurh, 10 00 I 01 I 00 fi 00 15 1 75 2 00 Hiram Dittenbeiidcr, lleorguiihl, John Karns, St., M. C. Woodward, Samuel Ilrugler, -Thankful, friends, for your support. , It is yours to sustain and ours to maintain a FREE PRESS." Keep thu ball in mo tion and liberty will scrvive. ! KKTIST Iti.' J H. C. II O W E R, SUEGEON DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY olf. rs his prrfess iouul services to tho ladies and geulle , men of III oomsburg and vicinity, Deis iiremired to attend In all the various operations in the line of his profession, and is provided with Iho latest Improved I'OltCi:fll, U'KKTJI I w liicli will beinserted on gold, plalinu, silveralid rubber basj tolookwcll as tlio ualuinl teeth Mineral platu and block teeth manuuttiired and nil I operations on teeth, rarelully nnd properly attended tn. Ue 1 ' 'nre nun oiucu u luw uuurs uuovc tuoLouri f lino!-, siiiuo sldn. Illuouisu irg, Juno 0, 1:0.1, Uses. ISG3. riiiladcliiliia & Rric Rail Rond. This ercat line traverses the Nortliern nnd North- invest coifntlos of Penusy Ivnnia to thu city of line, on i.aiea i;rio. It has boon leased by thu Pennsylvania Railroad I Company, mid under their aurpiees is being rapidly opened throughout its entire) length. U is now in use for Passenger and freight business from Harrisburg loDrillwool (5d I'ork)(i;7 miles) mi , Ithul'.uslcrn llivlsion, nun Irnni riliolheld to i:noou 1110 Western Division, ( nines.) TIME Or PXSflESOllH TKil.S AT riOUTJU.-MDr.HLA?,n. Mull Train leaves, r.ast 0 53 A. M. KipressTraifi " " lu ,VJ P. M. 1 Mail " " West 4 CI " I Etjires 5 5JA.M, t.'ars run throueh with ciianiiv both way s 011 thesa trains between Philni'eliliiu and Lock llaien, nnd Ilialtl moru anu i.sica unveil. iow nun en-g nu cii-ep-Ing Cars nrcoiiipuiiing tlio l'.xpress Train both ways between v iiiiumspnri nuu iKimnwre, nun iiuuuius port and Philadelpliia, I I'or Information respecting Passenger business, up I'lyolllie ti. n. Cor, 1 1 tit mid .Market Sis. Anuior l rciglil uusiuessoi 1110 uoinpany a .iiiems . H, II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. I Dill and .Market Sis., PhllV J. IV. Reynolds. Krio. J M. Drill. Agent N. C. R: It., Ilnltlinnre. II. II. Houston, tien'l. rreight Agt . Philadelphia, Lewis I.- lloupt, Oeii'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia, Joseph I). Potts, Gen'l, Mnnugcr,Williuinsport. January 17, lSO'J. V ALL ANDIG II AM'S RECORD. rTpilIS tvork contains the principal Speeches of Hon, X C, I,, Vallinpiuiiam, on rfl07V0.V, THE tJYOA", Jl.VO THF. CIVIL WAtl, also parti of othor Speeches, Letter'. Voles, itc. It is snaiiusouiciy prllllCU on goou, lo pages iiiiKu .u'w iias a vt-ry iinciy ezcceteu sieei entiusvi. (,v.,vso w. The work has been carefully compiled and edited.- 'Also revised nnd approved by Mr. Vallandigliam, It kil vuuaRujguam lis tiavlnr n lnren anln. I' Price, paper covers. 00 cti., Clotli, Sl.OOi delivered by mall or express, prepaid, on receipt of price, " iiorrpi iiiscount 10 Agenis nun oeuicia. rubli.heil hy J. W A I.TI-U L CO., Columbus Ohio. v. ty A copy will be sent lo every editor who inseiti line above and ibis uotice before July 111. IH)3, and llendi anartsd copy of his rarer to the publishers, I June 0,1603 Im. war prices over second arrival o 1' AT THE ST0IU3 ov J J, BROWER RLOOMSRURO, I'A. nn)lin has jiisl received, nnd Is now opening n prima WY stork of New floods from tho linnlorn mntkets, which will ho sold low for cull or produce, HUNTS nt 13,, 10, IS, SO, 23, ami S3 cents, Hiovrn & Rleacbed Muslin, at 20,20, 35, anil -10 cents J)c Luines, Chillies, and Dress Goods, a Jull sujiphj at 18, 2G, Ul, nnd up to CO cts LADIES' OPERA CLOTH ron DUSTERS. A'no, a fresh supply of GROCERIES, SPICES, .J-C. Aho, a large lot of QUEEXSWAHE. OUDAUWARE. IlARDWAIlt:. and Stonowarc, Boots and Shoes , And nil kind of Merchandise usuually kept in a coun try sturo. ;nii nun examine jxo cnargemr mowing noons. May i, ifer.J, GIRTON'S 011KAP HAT STORE REMOVED. Another Arrival ot" ftooris. . flow in Your Time to Bui. I NOW SELL ClIEAPEll THAN EVLIt, rrllU undersigned having bought out the firoccry o 1 DnWd Stroun, has removed bis lint nml Clip Store up lo Stroup's old stand, uhtro In ndililloii to a supe rior nssurtmeiit of sri.c AND SUaiOIKK El Hats and Cups, pif Comprising every sort, alio and quality, nhlchwill bo soni at unusually low prices, ue win continue me wrn eery and Notion business us carried on by .Mr. Slroiip, Also A lino Intof i;ilH,MOIinU-.OS nnd Linimis to whirli he iu itcs the nt eution of Shoemakers and the public JUII.". K lilltlU.. Illooiusburg, May 30, 18G3 SaPUNIFIER. O 11 COXCENTRATEI) LYE, THE FxMILY SOAP MAKER. THE public xrn cautioned ngalnst the spurious artic. Ics of lye for making gonp.&e., "ow olfered loriah-.--The only genuine nnd patented lye i Hint made by Iho IV-iiiis) l nniii salt manufacturing company, their Inula mark for it being "S.ipoulficr or i uuceiitrnted lye." The great success of this urticlo has led unprincipaled unities to indea or to imitate it, in violation of the Company's put'ints. All manuf.irturers buyers o r sellers of the spurious lyes, arohertby nntlhVu that the company have em ployed as their Alloinejs, Goorgo Harding. Esq., of I'hila,, and William Eakcwcll, Esq , of Pittsburg. And Hint nil manufacturers, users or sellers uf lye, in violation of me rights of tlio Company, will bo pins eculcd at once. rr 8.1! 57 G2 or concciitrated lye, l f.ir sale by cers und Country Stores. nil Draggists, Gro- TAKL. NOTICE ! The Uuitcil Ftalo. Circuit Court, Western district of IV n Utah niiin. No. 1 uf May ti'rm. in lt'W. in ttiiit of the rciiiif Ivftin.i salt lunmil'iicturing ctniipany, 9. TIioh. (!, I'liJinotlccri'tul to the Co 1 puny ci:i November l.t, Ir-fiJ, the llxclUhivt' ri u lit prmiU'il ly a pat mi t owiul hy tli u m for the Haponitler. Talent lateil Uctuber -1. hoG. l'triH'tual iiijuiiction awunlctl. THE PENNSYLVANIA sjAQair iiiiAEiitiPAS'irojEri'rias e 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt St. nnd Duqucnsc Way, Pittsburg. May 2, U0:i, 3ni. SPECIAL NOTICE. ON and after JULY 1t. ieC3, the nrivlli'L'e of err J vr erting the present isno of LEGAL TEXIJL f NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX PER Clil'.( Lu N (rominnnly called "rive-Twenties") will cci ti All whowish to imest in tho 1'ivn Twenty I. if must, therefore, apply before the 1st of July k xt. JAY COUKH. Puiiscrlptlon Agent. No. 114 S THIRD St PluUdclplJr.. April 11, ie03.-3m re lew imlKcji: flHK subscriber has just received a lot I Hosiery Trimmings and New Goods, such as 2 E3 IP H m S 0 ALSO; HLOVES. HOLI.S. t'J'.Wfl, satchel!., houp skiktm, i'oiit.momes, AND OTHI'.ll NOTION'S. IVhcclor k Wilson's Sowing .Machines for sale Also ,uudav School Honks und thbles. Also .Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, which will give to gray its natural color, A. D. WEIin. Next Door below Court House, lllnomsburg. May 30, )cu:i, LARGE ARRIVAL OF N e w S pr i ng & S u m me r AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX LIMIT STIir.r.T, COLUMBIA COU.VTY, V.i, HAS just received from Plnliidelphia, and is now opening nt llm old stand lately occupied by .Marlz U I'.ut, u splendid nssortmenl of I PS which will bo sold cheap tor CAPII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stockcouslsls of Ladies Dress Goods choicest sty Ics 11 ud latest fashions Calicos, I Muslins, Ginghams, I I'lannels, j Carpets, I Shawls, llosjery, Silks, , READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassiincrcs, Satinets, Cottonades, I Koutuelty Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedarwaro, J llardwaro, Mcdiciuas, I Drugs, Oils, Paints, tSro, HOOTS & SHOES. HATS k CAPS In ehnr, -.rere tlilnir iiinliv kept in rt countrv store The patronage of obi friends, und tho public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market pneo paid for country prcluee. PUTLH I'.NT. Light Street, May 30, 1803. BLANK SI 13LANKS! 1 Of ovcry descrijrtion, for sale at thisoffio ronnATfl, Mini:, hoaohi'.b, ants, linn iiuob. MOTIIH IN rilllS WOOI.I.HNB, Ut. l.NBL'UTS ON I'l.ANTS, POW1.S, ANIMALS Vc. Vut up In iUcfiOr. ond SI l)U Itoxes bottles unit flasks, $3 and $3 sizes for lintels, Public Institutions, itc, "Only Infallible remedies known." Tree from poisons." "Nut dangerous to tho human f.imlly," "lints coinu out officii holes to die," 7" Sold wholesale in nil large cities, It" Sold by nil Druggists ami Retailers everywhere, CT" llir.eiar'illl'rof all worthless linltntioiis' K7" Sj that "Collar's" miino is on endi llox, Dottlo, & l'lask, heforo you buy 07" Address II WHY U. C03TAH, ZJ I'rlncipal Donrt .s2 llrnailway, N, Y, O' Hold by UYLll & JIOVLlt, Wholcsnlo and lie. tail Agents. Illoouitburg, l'a. May!.', 16G3 3in. A NEW AK'I) IMPORTANT WOKK. Tllli FOUR ACTToF DKSl'OTISM. AT D. i. MAII01Y. OF IOWA. I Author of" The rrison of State." I Price 50 ctai in paper covers. Hound In muslin, 75 cts, ! This work contf.lna full and nlliclnl copies of four ' principal Acts of the last Congress, which will forever ti.x a Ftlgnin upon that body: I I. 'I he Tax lint., by which nil the properly and re I sources of the people nro mortgaged to the present , Administration. 2. Tub I'imancb Hill, which places all tho currency of I tho country In tho hands of the Secretary of the '3 Tile Cnvc niPTios ltnt.. bv which all Iho bodljs 0 poor men who nre not worth $300, nro placed In the ii.iuds of tho Administration, 4 Tun lNiuMMrv Act, (fitting climax,) which pre sumes to indemnify the President for nil tlm wrongs ho has committed in tlio past, or may commit In tho future. These four acts nro ench preceded by a carelnl an alysis, by Mr.Mnhuny, and their unjust, oppressive, unconstitutional nnd odious features pointed out, As a book for rot'troiice. It will bu invaluable to the I'nr iner, tho Mechanic, the Politician, thu l.nb.irer-in fart tocvery person, for these nets reach from tho loltlcst mansion to thu humblest c ill. in In thelaml. '1 heso four acts nro lint published together In nny other form. They make a largo octavo pamphlet of 11,0 pages, In good tiled type, anil nro sold nt the low price of l'llly Cents in paper, and Seventy.l'lve Cents iu muslin binding. In order to furnish llms.Mif our rondnrs who may do sin-this Important work, we have nrulu arraugeinunts with the publishers to supply It through our ollice, and nil who wish copies ran order from us. Wo will fur nish them at PiiUisher's rates. Ijy" Send on thu orders nt oitco. filly Cents in paper binding. Hi-vunly-Pive Cents In muslin. Address Editor Colcmuia Democrat. Mny 30. IcM. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, In Bhomdnirg, Pa. Mill at PhMpsillc, Sullivun county, Pa, .May 2, ltli:i,-3m. First Great Arrival. SPRING GOODS IN OS WGEVII.I.E, The undersigned, has, Just repln nlih Store llou-eln Oruugcville, with u ncll-Aclciled usairotmeiit SPRING & SUMMHlt GOODS. Cousifting in part ofClolhs, Silks, Al it-llti-t, l.'.'ssi mer.!, Ginghams, C.ilirocs, Shawls. Hosierie, I'nrpeta nml I.auiiV r.iNt.Y DiiK.n lioutH, generally, from 12 to 7 j. Is. unl Print- from l-.'i to'Jicts. HEADY" MADE CLOTHING. lints, Routs& fcho Mackerel I, -solasscs, Sugar & Salt. GKOOEKIES GENERALLY. Willi all other nrliles. usually kept in louutry SI res, to which he invites the early altenlinii of old and lew 1 iiitouiers. Having been at the City in the right Jme bought low and paid cash-he w ill bo able to com clu Willi the bet, and sell for small profits nml pre .ipt p.iy. His friends nru invited to pep in nn I s"e he sights. WM iv.riz. Gra-.i'.'svill '. Vay 2. -" ?.i' HINULI-S mnlirr i f nil kiiulo I'or weirli tlio highis 1 market prices will bo paid in exchange lor goods. U fi: U kllLvMCK Jereytnwn, Mays, II 03. New Clothing Store. LATEST SYLES CARAP GOODS rpIIH undersigned respectfully Informs hi" friends 1 und the public generally, that he has jutt received from tin Uasti ru cities, a largo usortmeiit of AND SUMMER CLOTHING. Tresh from the seal of faihion, of all corts, sir..' an qualities, w hich will bu sold cluap fur cash or u ml produce, II ATS & CAPS ROOTS & SIIOP.S. Together with a variety of notions nnd things too trouhlci.nne to enumerate, luw inch he invites tlio at tention of purchasers. Call und examine. A J UYAN'S. P'loouinburg, Ma)' 2, 1,-63. ORANG EVILLR ACADEMY AND H Q B lIClA Xi g ca; o O Xr, Prof. II. I. Walker A. SI, Principal. Th next term of this Institution will commence 011 Wednesday, April 15th. Students desirous of being ml united to ci ther of 1 lie Normal Classes should be present 011 Ttie day nt III o'clock for r,iimiiialiou Tuition trom SI to $d pi r Turin of II weeks. Hoard iu good fumi!ie-, Si'pir week, flood Rooms for students wishing to board them selves. I'or further particulars iniuire of Ihe P1inrip.1l or of J S Win j US, Sect, of Triialeca. March SS. lf3 ELI II OLD EN INVITl'.S the attention of every rondo this paper, which includes luaiiy tlinus iv 01 ills enu lairons anu 111 tiaiiiiauccs 1 u ItU! unusually' largo and b -nuliful vuriiiy AMCRICAN and I.MPOIITHD M'A'IC'HIIS, CLOCKS and elegant designs of JRwllLRV. Silver Ware, &c ELI 110LDEN. 708 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA .Mnrili 7, 15113- Jin CATTAWISSA Rail-Road COMPANY siU'r,niNTj:si)ENT's ornci:. William-port. April 10, 103. On nnd lifter Monday, '.'Oih nnd, Paoseegcr truinj will pish Mil pert n follows :--riiil.i. .Mail, Pass Unpen 10 37 mil. Arriving at I'hila. at 7 pm. Plni.i l'..vpri'ks Pass Rupert 12.SU urn. Arriving ut I'hila at 1,31 pm, nnd ut New Vork nt 5.4 pin. Niagara I'.npros. Pass llupcrt 1U1J pm nrriving at IVilllauisport at Lli uui. I'.lniini .Mail pass Rupert 3,35 pm, arriving at Williaiurport at , 5,53 pin. (Signed) H.STANI.llY COOUWIV, &vpt. EXCHAWfiE HOTEL, ruiiLic &Qu.im:, inLKHs-uAiini:, r.i. m.tL-.mprcleneil. liat-ine tnkell this well-known slalld 1 Iforinerlv of .Mnlor Puterbaughj, rcspeclfufly solii its tho pntroiiago of tho public. No pains wilt bo spared in tiny of its departments, to render bat!. faction to all guest. Tho T.WiLL' unit Iho I! AH w ill always bo supplied with tho rest Tin: mar krt Arroitns. nuod r'tabllng for Horses and nttontivo Hostlers. Tho "Rxrhniigo" is eligibly situated on the Public H'piare. and has therefore peculiar uilvnntnges to per sons attending Court or doing business In thu public unices, marges moucraie. N. 11. Whenever yuu como to town, nlcnso cnll. 11. J. VAI'LI'.. Wllkci-Rarre, Nov. 15.18021 ( STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. rplll. undersigned would inform Ilia ciiUcus o I Illooiusburg and vicinity, that lies has Jut ru ' MjaXi civcil nun otters lor sale ouooi me iiiosieiii'iisivo rc5-J: nstnrtnients nfCOOKINHiind l'ANI.'Y BTOVLS ever introduced into this murket, Tho Christopher Ce umbiic, James Robb and tilobu nro among tho II is I clits. rooking Stoves, all of whicli nro air. tight and gas burnci His Parlor stoves are handsome ami the assortment vr ried. Al.SO-Particular uttentiou is naid to 'I'm Wan nml House Spouting, upon short notice, All kinds ul repairing will bo done with ncutness and despatch. nj- Country preduco taken in exchange fur work. 1 run. ip Miix'rn Eloomibuif, May 10, leeJ, Public Sale .r ALoAUl.li UUAIs INSTATE. IN pursuance of an order of Hie Orpheus' Court of Columbia filtinly, oh SATURDAY. Tllll TWI1NTI- HTM DAY 01' JUNE, next, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, CaIiiakim: Kl.ins, Administratrix of Abraham W, Kline. Into of l'lshlngcrck township, III aald coun ty, deceased will expose lu solo, by public vendue, on lliu premises, n certain LOT OF LAND, I) ing nnd being In the township f I'ithlngcreck, In said county, bounded by lands of,Mocs Mcllenry, nnd lands now of Jniuc 8. Woods, late of John I.Ktarus, dee'd., ond by the public rolid leading through fitlll Wntur, CONTAINING- ONE ACRE, morn or less, whereon nro ere do J a two story (fkffift FRAME DWELLING HOUSU, fli!'! I'RAIUHSTARLE.A TANNURY MtUk-nnd the necessary fixtures of Hark Mill, Ac. I.ato the cstato of said deirascd. situate In the town ship of Flshingcrccki nnd county aforesaid. JACOIl EYERLY, Clerk. CoinrtlnNs! Ten pir cent. of tho purchase inoney to bu pahl down on the day of sale; one-third of II, e (ki. f iiiicu ui, inu ii nil i Kiiuiiiiwiiiuii i iiiiii me reiiiuiiiui'r on l .1. n.. .in .r a h.ii iui'.i ...in. inn... i.ni iiiciiiki ,i.i-i'iii,i,, ,i.ui,i , in iiui-iuni on .iiiuiupiiiu unpaid from diitu of sale, Posiesiloit given Immedi ately on payment of the ten per cnt, Illooiusburg, Mac 2J, ISOJ. Hon. Wilson McCan41cs, Judge of tlio United Stntca Circuit Court, President, Corner Perm nml St. Clair Street, PITTSI!UKn, PA THE LARGEST, CIIAPEST AND REST. $35.00 pays forn fu'l Couimerclnl Course. No extra charges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad and ll.ink tlook-Keeplug, Ministers' sons nt half prku. Students enter and re view at any time. 'I hl institution Is confided by experienced Tenth' ers and practical Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nt the least expense and shnrtctl time, for the most luerntivn mid responsible situations. Diplomas grniiti d for merit only. Hence the unit rrsnl preference for graduates of this college, by business men. Prof. A. COWLEY, the best Penman In thu I'ninn, who holds the largest number of first premiums, and overall i-oiiip tltor, teaehes rapid business writing, I'or specinins of Penmanship, and Cntalosue con tnlning full information, em lose twcutv-flvo cent" to JENKINS fc SMITH, Principals. I"?- Attend where Hip si.uh and Clsrki, or l!ulnus Men and Hankers graduate. April 10. lt(.2-ly. April I, li?G3. DLOOMSRURG SKYLIGHT, CTURE CIALLESV 'IMIE undersigned informs tho citizens of llloiun. Jt tin.1 neighborhood, that hn has takr 11 tho laroe ronm In the Cuhnnce lllml,, exieudiug over Mesr. Sinner fi Pox's P.nkery. anil the itookslore wher hi' In- put iu nlnrgeSkjIip t. It is only by Sk) Mulit that goud pie 11 res can Ii t r leu especially groups w heru each person an be IlikesJ ist as wi'll a sepjrato. Il'ihasgnn t usiderable expense to make his ea alililiment lirsl cl.inon. , and he Ih'n-fore solicits 11 herul patro ige to enable him, tn coiii-lantly 1 11 1 r H n cc the mode 1 illiirovelui-ul nf Hut nrt. Ly' Coun -y ptuduce taken in Lxrliaiige for pictures HENRY KOSENSPiJCK. laeomsbtirg, Not.23IM'l. Nov.fi 'ii "important NOTICE ! TO THE PATRONS Ol-'THE STAtt WLf 'OBfii MOKTIfl. AT OTici: is hereby civen, that tho sub JL scrlplion nnd ndvertUliic accounts due the Pub ll-li.-r 01 the S'Iah ns' run N011111, are plaied iu the iiamlsol .Airs. Win. II. J.iroby ul ll.ooinsbiirgi for iiome ill. ile eolli'tti ui 'I'he E'lilorof said papi-r having been dralled. anil obliged In go tu wnr.it is ni-ci's".irv that prompt payments be in iH in ordi rthat bis family may ion e miMiiMif support. Your early iilti'iitmn to Is is mailer tony save coils mid prove ndv ant.igi nus to Ins lamily. WM. II. J.lCullV, fui. Itar vf the .YeI.i. January 10, lr'03. FORK'S 110 J, Hortmsbitrg, Columbia Courtly, Penna. ' SL AS DODSON. iVoppiplop. ! r nke-pl, I t ik f. ! mure 10 iiomium ing lo the pui.lie that ho , o. mb v rrliil"U the '.I. .lit. I l: .. .11. .' . bv 1: Hi -ri M no ' or i .! '-rs. Willi Will be 1 r a.i'l 'i I r- I,' ip. I..ir i" ul. t . a'l t a, 1, 1 hi ihvt.lUtl In., 1 h il Willi th choice. I lie piors, 1, -A large and cominiiiliiiti. stable haibeeu eri'ited. ith a ci-uv eiiieiil st.ild.. utinclieil A it'.- ul 1 11 nMlers w ill alway s I, 1 11 . 1 1 1 . 11 ;i 1 1 , and he lru-t-, bii ol.liglni; attuilion 10 i-ustMiiu-is will secure In. 11 a liberal share ef p.iti image: i itio'imi'iiuig, r.i.. rnv. ,'.i. iru;. 1 R O A R A U .It 'f I'rfnUr, l'o()kliii(!cr it Ilnnkbook .U A N V FA f TV R E R ; Wiini.mi.K At.n II ir.-.u, IlKU.i.a is I'HIVTINO, WKIIi-i Aa.i WRAPPIVC PAPP.KH AOKST HI t 'I UK CATVWISiA l'll'I'n M1M.S. Main Strn-t. Ilrst dour b. low Ihe Public Spuaro, W1LKKSRARRE, PA. ' Nov. 23, IHil-l-iii. THE DISEASES OF It ( Li's Miiadirs il'E rcur.) JOHN Ii. OliDEN", M. D., author ai.d publisher of Hie abnv work, do her -by promise & I agree tn semi free of harge ' o any y ouug man w ho will vnt'' ter it nii'py lur p TUsnl, Tin- proper hiiidy f lnaiiLitid is Ma.n. Tin- valiiabl. work n i-sue 1 6c bent f"rth for ih.- b'-ui lit oi'suII'tIu'.' Immnnlty, it treat in srnpb' Inn-n.ii:.- on all the diseii'e of Liror, inclu ding siimnril weakness. Nervous ilebility, iniligesthm l.."ini holy. naiiity, Wasting deeay, Impotrney, &cc. (iiMUg 'if''. sp "'dy, and i tf'i-tu'il prescriptions for then pi-ii'i.ini'Ul 1 ore. loget'icr w Ith much vatvablo in-I'ormiiiion- All who I n or ine iili a desire tn read my work shall rec.no a sample copy by return mail, free of charge. Address .IOIIX n. OGIIRN, M. 1) No t.'0 Nassau St., N. Y. May 23 lfC3-3m. 1JLANK DEEDS ct MARRIAGE CER TIFICATES. A superior lot of the above articles, with ail other hiud of Blanks, for sale at the office of tho Columbia Democrat. I Win. D. RRADRURY'S PL'INO- FOR. TEES TA BLISUMEN T I No, 427 Hroomo Street, Ninv Yoiuc. Tli subscrlli' r icsp 'ctfully Imiles the attention of his friends and thu p iblic generally to Ins Piano-l'orle 1 i:tiihlis,hmcul ut No, 1 il llroome Stiect, louar of Crusliy . Street. ; llav ing w Ithdrnwn his interest, slock nnd material I from th" late linuof "Ligbte fc llradbburry." whiih linn I wu dved on the 31st January nil., and having I pun liaai-d tin. entire stuck of Piano I'oituj and Piano. rnrte .Mnt,iial owned be his liriMhrr. Hilw'ard l. llr.-i.lliiiri . in the uaid firm, lie id nnu' lireo.lrueil tn ; supply Iho increased ileuiaud for his c-lebr.iled Piano , l'urti's. Hinploying Iho most skilllul nnd uApcriuuccd ' L, ...... . ,. .,1. :. h,r- t,,,..L- ..Til.,. I.,,., .,,,.1 II,,,.. Highly seasoned material und tin abiiudancu of capil.il he has taken in band ihu personal supervision of thu the whole business of manufacturing Ins iiistumeiits mid is eua.ded to turn Out 1'iauo 1'orlcs uf uuopiullcd tone und durableuos. IIRAHIIURY'S M'.W SCALU 1' I ANT) l'ORTi:. In the arrangement of our new scab', drawn nnd pre pared with the utmost rare, expressly lor our new instill mollis, we have milled every iuiprowincul uhlcli 1 can iu anv wav 1-inl to tho uerlei tlon of thu Piano, l'urt", and we enu confidently nssert. Hint fur delicacy of touch, vo'iiine, purity, brilliancy and sweetness uf tuna, combined Willi thatslrenslh and solidity .if frame necessary lu durability, those instruments lire uue- OUUlcd 1 -Sxresiitii nn llgifTV is our motto, and we invito the rlusest criticism of thu beet unbiased Judges iu thu lainr lij" livery instrument warranted for five years, VVM. II. IIRA1IIIURY, 127 llrooinn St., cor. of Ciosby, New Yoik. Mar. '1 I I,.lf(i3. -Sill A DM 1 N I S TR AT OR ' S NOTICE Estate of Patrick Tool, deceased I I' LTTRRS of Administration on thu llstatc of Put Jxirk Tool, late of Ceutru township, Columbia cn,, deci used, havu been grunted by tho Register of Colum bia n to the undersigned i nil pertuns having claims ngni ist the estntci of tho deceiidenl lire rO'piestcit lo present them to tho undersigned, ut his rusidenro in sal.! i iwnship, without delay, und ull persons Indebted lo make payment fortliwl.li, CHARLES TOOL, WiimV. Mjy2l, ieu3.-nw, WAIVTI2U. A GOOD TEAMSTER. Will pay 10 -ii ner month and board. Ai-nlv at .Maineville l'cree f , per inonlli nn uoimnbia county. J It. JAMESON April S3, I6C3.-3W ?l 00, I I IF YOU WANT TO BUT YOUR Cheap Spring Goods, GO TO Crcasy's Slorc, in Ughl Street, I'n. ALL KINDS OF GOODS ! CAL1C0E, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Matio Clothing Sugars, Molasses, byruns, Uoflecs, Tons, Fish, Salt, Dacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sejjars, Hats, Doot", Oaps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o. In addition lo our large slock of Dry Goods, we have f largo ami full assortment of Ready Made Clothing nor lfit and Hoys wear which wo nre determined to sell cheaper IIhii cuti be bought elsewhere, Cnll und sec, und Judge for yourselves, II. W. CREASY fc CO, Light Street, March I, leC3. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'Estate of William Rhone, decerned. Notice is hereby given that lctrrs of administration on the cslnte of Win Illume, lat'j of Rentnii l p., Columbia couniy. deceiised havo been grunted bv tlio lleulsier ofsnld countyi te thu undersigned, who re sides in said llciiinti township Columbia en. All tier. sons ha Ing ilalim or demands ugulnst tho estate uf tin! ileceinli'iil are reipiviteil to present tliem lor settle ment, und lliusii indebted to makn payment witluitit do lay. Win. APPLI.'MAN, Adiu'r. .March 2. 15G3.-4W SJ. TI1K MJH' GUOCIMIY STORE. MORE FRESH GOODS. .Just 'ccciccJat Erasmus1 N'W Store. MolassdS, Sugars, Teas. Coffee, Rico, Spices, Hats and Caps, Pish, Salt, Tobacco, Solars, Candirs, Razrns, FRED AND PROVISIONS. Together w ith n great nrii-ty uf iintiona ami ctcete ins, too numerous to mi-niiuu. 1" Putter, Eggs, .Meat and produvc generally taken 111 eicoiliiu lur guwna, A. 11, ERASMUS. i:b)omburg. May 9, 1P03, LOST NOTE. T o?t. soinp time since by the undersigned J-'rcsliling lu 1' Miinircreek tup., t'nlumbia county, n ftoto 11ri1.mil, for 8-J.-0 00. ilnltil April ,'itli 1J B, nn three nnmtns.aigniMl Daniel Ash, with Andrew l!es for bail. A libeinl reward will bu paid lur the return of said note. Paymi.ni ha ing been secured to the nib uriberoiily, on said nolo, it can bu if no value to any 'lli "r person, ., . . SA.MUr.r. ASH. May- t. Ir(l3.3tv - FRESH A RR 1 V A -OF -V O R- -EVERYBODY "J-IIP, HiiJerslgneil. grateful for pa age, respec I i fully informs hicutumcrs nnd Hie publicgenerally that he has ju-t received froni tho r.asternc cities, th largest mid most selctt stock of Spriiig and Siuumcr, 'I'hat has y.t been opened 111 Illooinsburg, to which he liivilu' thu atleutioii of his fiiendi, nml ns.-urcs them that they nre oll'ered lor sale at great bargains. His Stock comprises n largo n"sortmeiit of j HP.N'Pl.UMr.N'S WHARINTi APPARHI., (,'onsistiug ol Fafiiiov vni.s: Drills Co ts, of everv des rriptiou; Pants. Vests, Shirt-., Cravats Stncks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, tiloves, SiiMieuder, &e. GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. 11. Remember ' Loirenbera Cheap Emporium.' call und see. No charge for i',iniing (iuod. daviii Lowr.Niir.m; P.luomrburg, .Marcli 2. 1Po3. (Juno Irt.V.I , ! Latest i-tile lowest prices. I JflST Received a new ussorlinout of latest styles of i Wall Tajier including Rardering, I and I riling Paper, and a general vailetv ofmafrial iu his line, which will be found on the SHfONII l'l.OO iniuedi atuly over tlm stoiu of Mr. I. T Sharpies, entrance 'one s'oor la-t of l.uties Drug Moru iu the Rupert lljoc k, wher" all persons wishing goods iu his lino will bo attended to, in piron' mat all limes. I EST Popcr Hanging ixeeulcd lo order, I711 Ht.itlp nt. fiintl ni.liiC- I H -1 K. J, TIIORNION. Illoomuburg, Slay It, 1603 -3ni New Drug Store, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. rpilli uudersigui il would lnforu' their friends and the J. public generally. that they hut o taken the slaud for merly occupied by tien .11 llatr'-uhui h, iu Ihe Lxchaiige lluildiug, mi Main stri ct, In lllouuiburi', ivhere ho has Just receiveil n lull supply 01 b i t r; mC is kj HB.iZiii.. rrta!k.- c JSIIlllllS. tVC. ' VI 1111 II w ill 11-. soiu nn inooeruitf lerins tor ri-.-iny pay . Also, NOTION'S generally, of every variety, sort and sir. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt L " Confi'i tiiuieiy of thu best selections, ond Soda ' water in season I f A sharu of Iho nubile custum is rcipeetfully so. tidied. I'.VlIR & MOYLMt. liloomsbiirg. April 11. IP03. MSt'iuIiin Rail ECoatl. S U M M E R ARR ANGE M ENT, Ginr.Ar tiiijNk i.im: fiiom tiii: noutii and r Northwest for I'hilndelphia, New Vork, Heading, l'ollsville, Lebanon. Allciilown, llaslon, &.c. -e. Trillin leave Harrisburg for I'liiladetnhla. New Vork Heading, l'ottsvillu mid all intermediate stations, ut 6 ii, in., imil s p, iu. New Vor exptess leaves Harrisburg at a. m iirnvlug nt New Vork nt U .1.1 tliu same morning. fares from lltirrlsburg . Tn New York 15; tn Philadelphia S3 3J und iJ r. Iluggage tlacked thiough, Itctiirniug, lenvo New York nt II u. in., 12 noon, ami i p. ni., (Pittsburg Hxpruss). l.eavu Philadt'lphiu ut 0.13 a, in., ami 3.31) p lu. stleepiugrurs in the New York express lraliis,througls to und from Pittsburgh without change, Passcugcri by tliul.'atuwiss.t llallroad leave 'fuinaiua at t-.M n. in., nml i 13 p in., for Philadelphia, New Vork und ull Wuy Points. Trains leuvo Potlsvillc at 11.13 n. in., nml '.'.30 p. ni fur Philadelphia, liariisburg and Nuw Vork. All Accommodation passenger train Iroves Heading at Hilda. Hi., and returns fraiu.Pliiladolphia nt 3,0(1 p. in pjf All the above trams run dally, Sundays excepted. A Huudny train leaves l'ottsvillu ut 7,30 a.m., and Philadelphia at 3.13 p, in, (.'uuimiitalion, mileage, season, nnd excursion tickets at educed rates to and from ull points, (5. A NICOM.R, May 53, 1663, Omcral HvprirMndett, AYKR'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIEYINQ THE BLOOD. And for the (poodjr euro of Iho following complaints Bcrofntn nml Scrofulous AfTertlnns.sHcH hn M'limoi-s, Ulcers, Mores, ICt uiitliiiis, rilnplcs, I'llsllllrs, Illntclics, Hulls, llliilus, nntl all Skin IJIscnses. OittAMD, Ind,, Cth June, 1339. J, C. Arm k Co., 0 snls I 1 feci It my duty If f kiiowlodga nlist your Pitrsnparllla has itono f'l rnew Having Inherited 11 Scrofulous Intustlon, I have sulTcril flout It In various ways fur yosis. Buhitthiio II burst out lu Ulcers 011 my hsndi and arms; sometime it tinned Inward and distressed ino nt tho stomach. Twe )oais ago It hiolco out on toy head mid corcred my scalp and ears with die sore, which was painful and loathsmu beyond description. 1 tiled many medicines and stri-nil ,li)'lti ins, but without much relief from nny thing, la fact, tho dUmder grow worse. At length I was lijolcil to load In the Uospel MessongiT Hist you had prepare! en alterative (S.liwipsillla), for I knew liom your reputa tion Hint any thing ymi uivlo must bo gool. 1 sent Is Cincinnati and got It, and used It till It cumd ln. I took It, us y4u all lie, In small doses of a teaopoonrul ovgra mouth, nnd usod almost lbroo botllos. Now mid honllhy skin soon begsn to foun under Iho scab, which nftcr a vlill,i fill otr. My sklu Is now clear, and I Imiow by my feelings that the disease has cone fiom my system, You can wull believe that I feel fiM I am saying nhen I tell you, that I hold you to be ono of the npustli-4 of Uiu age, and remain over gratefully. Yours, ALFRED Ii.TAI.M:y. Bt. Anthony's Vtrr, Time or Krysliielns, Tetter nml Halt lthettiu, Scnlil lli-itil, llliigtvoiln, Sore 1'j'es, Droits)'. Dr. Robert M. Picblo writes from S.iletn, ,V. Y., Klh Sept,, 133'J, that ho'hsl cutcd nn Intrtcrnto cuso of Vropiy, which threatened to tetliiluato fatally, by tho pcrsurorlng uso of our SaisaparlllA, and uUn nilungeious Maliijnml Kriiipclu by largo doses rf the sanmi says ho cures tho common JZvplimt by It constantly, llioncliocclti, tloltre or Hvvelleil A'crl Zebnlon Sloan of Tinspcct, Texas, writes I "Tbreo bot tles ef your Sarsaparilla cured mo from a RMrt n hid eous swelling on tho Deck, which I bid gullsred fiom over two yesrsi" I.oncorrliirn. orYlillca,Ovnrlnti Tmnorj Uterlno Uleeintlon, t'cmnlo Utneuses. Pr. J. n. S. Channlng, ef New Yoik City, writes " I nifist cheerfully comply with Iho request or your agent In soy Ing I hare found your Sarsaparilla a most ovsllcnt altoratiro lu tho numerous cotndaluls for which wo employ such n remedy, but especially In Ihnali Histasli of tlio Scrofulous dlnlhsls. 1 have curod many Irnctcr nlo cases of iHUicorrhiea by It, and somo w bore llm eoui plaint was caused by titeruri&n of tho uWrus. Hie uh-er-hIIoii Itself was soisn cured. Nothing wllldn niykngul edgo eipnls It for thoso femnlo dernngiuuciils." Ildnard S. Marrow, of N'el,nry, Ala., wilted, "A dan gerous omnun (wmor on ono of tho fomules In my family, Which lisil defied all tho remedies wo could employ, has at length boen completely cured by your Kxtrnct of g.v snpjiilln. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion soul. I afford lullcf, but ho addscd tlio tilal of your Saisapaillla n. tbo Iat resort beforo cutl-'ng, an I It proved cIToctuat, Aftor taklngyour reuigjy clht wecka no syuiptein of iho dlseaao reiualns.' Syiilillls anil Ulcrctirlnl IMirnsc. Net OnttAMS, 2ith August, lc59. Ha. J. C. Attn 1 Fir, I cheerfully comply wllh tbo re anest of your agent, and report to you somo of tho efl.t I bivo renllied with your Sarsaparilla. I hive cursd with It, In my practice, most f tho com plaints fir which It U rcconimendeil, nnd hate f-tind Its effects truly wobderfui III tho cure of Vtnrttalantl .Vrr t11ri.1l DiarAte. Ono cf my patients had Syphllltle ulcvrs lu his threat, which wcro consuming Ids' pnl.itd r.nJ U,s top of his mouth. Year Sarsiparill.v, steadily tiken, curml bhn In lle weeks. Another was attacked by sec ond try symptoms In his noie, and tho ulceration h eaten awsy a conslderaVlo part oflt, so that 1 beliuietbs dUoidjr uuuld soon teach bis bruin and kill him. Rot it yielded to my udnilnlilratlou of your Snrsflparillu; rhs ulcers healed, and ho Is well again, not of courso without some dfsllguratlon to his fice. A woman who had lieeo treated for tho somo disorder by merenry was sulTorlug from this nelson In her lionc. They had liecumc so sen- rllivu to tbo weather that on a damp day sho sullued en- cruciiiung p.niu in ner joints enu v :ioii'fl. the, tM, cunxl eiitiifly by your nienpnriilii in ft It; w vcl.ft 1 huow fiom itH formulsf, which yourngcut pMo tno, that tliU riopiiiAlion from jour lhlorulory must hen rcai rcnutly; cunsequcntly. thoeo truly reuidrhiiMiJ iwultu ilh U Iwo nut pnrpiiTCA roc. Fraternally youra, 0. V LAUMKU, M. TX Illioiunatlsin, Gout, Iilror Complaint S3 NMrFNDtNC) rrceton Co., Vft., CU July, Dn, J. C. Ater: Mr. 1 haro iinilcVil with a ruin- rtil rhii'iiic litieumatitm fur n Ijhk 1Iijh',1 Jilch taMUd th fkllt of ilijsIoifin!i, nml rtuck to ino In iplte (fu11 th roiiu'iJifdl coutil find, until I trknl jourF-ti'.'flr-driltti. Ono hotel e cum! tiiQ lit two weeks, uti'l icntoroil my pei)cr3 hfiiltli eo lunch th.it 1 urn f.ir letter tt m bofure wili Qttncltfd. 1 tliliiUltiMvunJrfinniuOicine. J. lT.KAM. Julei Y. Gctchell, of St. IcuU, trrlkfti "I hnvo hepu fllllirteil for yenrawith nn affection of ( .ucr, vhith destroyed my healtli. I tiled evory thloe, nrv tcry tiling filled to rulicro mo; and I havyheen ft hroUcn -flown inun f5r Fonm yeois from no ethef cnuo than tleraiwnwt (jf Vm Liver. My beloved puitor, tho ltev. .Mr. Kppyidvlfpd tno to try nur Siwiparillft, becatifo ho wildhohr.nr juii And cvn tiling yon maduwas vortli try In p. (y the lihxs Ju of Owl it Imfl cuied me. and has fo purlCud my Mnrd as to mtUo u new man of cje. I el uuiir rvfiiiln. Tho bi&t that cta bo Raid of Ou h not half good enough." Bchlrrus.Cnncrr Tumors. Knlarcincnti Ulccrutloiif Carlos ar.U lzfallulluu or tlio Ilonca A great variety of Cfwe liav,ohcon reported to nonhoTO curea of theso forniidablo comiJalnts tune rrriultod fim tho hso of thld remedy, but our Hpaco here Ttill not ndinU them. Somo of them nmy bo Sjmi'l In our Amerigo Almanac, hlch tho aunts below named aroplocused tu furuisU glut id to all who call fur thrm. Dyspepsia, Ilenrt Ulflennc, Vtta, Epilep sy, Icluncholy, IVcmalf;ln Many remarliabh cures of tlieo uffuctk-im huvo toen mado ty tho olteiatUe power of this medicine. Jt Mfmn lat8 tho ltal fniicllons Into (porous PCtion, and thus ovcreoineM dinoiilfra which would bo tuppon-d bcond'lta reach. Kucli a remedy has long locH ieiulred b the iv cof!tiofl of the people, and wo nro ronfiduut Uiul thU Uu do fur them all that modicitio can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rnn Tim itArm cunr, op Cou(?li, (.'olds, Iiifliirii7.n, Honrscnrso, Croup, Hi om li It N, Inrlpli-iit Cun similit lnn nntl for tlio Xlcllef uf C'niiRlmiptlvc I'otlents In nilvniiccil rstnf;cs of the Dist-tisju. Tills Is n remedy s nnliemvlly known to surpass any other for tho cine of threat anil lung complaints, that It Is unless here to publbh the ol.lenru cf iisviilu.s. Its iinilMillsit excelleiico for coughs mul coltR ami Its truly wott'Ierful cuies of pulinnnary illsuise. hint mule it knoun tbroushout tlio clvillicil nations of llm eaiUi. IVwiuolhe comuuinllles, or crin families, nnnug tliem who Iiato not some personal t.xprib-nco of Its c-ITects somo IMng hi'phy Iu'.theii- lnblst or Its icleiy wit tlio subtle ami dangerous dlsord.rs of the thioataud luup". As nil know tho drsi.lful fatality cf these illorili-is, and ns they huow, loo, thoelfcctsof this nniedy,e need net do raruo than to ns.iire them that It has now all the Ir tues Hint It did havo when imiMtig the cures ulilih hae won so btrongiy ufon t'.o ei iifidciico i.f mankind. Propared by Pr. J. C. ATEB &u CO., Lowoll, Haas. Sold by i: P i utz. O M Hagenbiuh.nn.i J 11 Voyer liloomsburgi J acliuyler, llohrsliurg ; blasters ron Slilh ille, P .Vnsters, Ilenton l.nnru .t 1'i-her, Or nneeville : C. V fouler Ton lersville : A Miller, fler wiiki Low & llros..(.'enl t Hie; II I' Kcighart fcN'uss I'.pj , M (i rilioeniaker. Inn kliorn j Keigliurt & Miss, M.iiurille : J Sharpies. (,'ntta issn ; Crensy & Co, I. iulit Street ; and dealers e .rywliere. July 'Jo. leiK-ly. rtr A vo r. ttr 'nonT . Ij jj jxiio iv n xx i ovyxi SAI.A.MAN'Dl'.lt fiAI'I'.H, IlIJ- mm IJlllVHl) to All. Hi4seA Fourth a' reft. I'.lltil'jrip.'im, iirix d on und n largo assortment of fire Thief proof r-alaiuuuib'r Safes. Iso, iron doors-, fur banks and Pc - rP?."" stores, iron shutters iron sash, all I, makes ef locks equal to uny made in Ihn 1'iiited Stntes. Fice &lYs i'h one firi, .111 came oat rjfAl; lcilA ron tentu in iriuii eomlltfon. 'i tin piiiamuuuer .-.lies ol riiiiaut'ipiiin ngainst ins world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest di'iuostrntlon in the follow ing cer tiflrate Hint their manufacture of el.ilumalider r'afesMias nt length fully warrauteil tin' reprceciiUHons which have been mad,' of Ihein as rendering an undoubmd security nguitist the terilflc clement. riili.lilelpln.i April IfM. .Veifrt Erav, ll'atton; (!eiilleiuen-lt nlfords us the highest satisfaction to state lo you, that owing to Ihe very nrotertii e 'iiialllli s of tivo uf tile Salamander, t-afes whiih we purchased nf yuu some five month since we saved u large portion ol Jewelry, und all our bonks, &c ospnu'.t to Hie ralainliiuus, fire ill Itatirtead place on the morning ef tin llth liii-l.. When we relied Hist these safes were lornled in the fotirlh sforj ol'iho Imilding ww occuiued ami that Ihey (ell subsC'iii'MiHy iutoa heap of burning ruins, wlierw the vast conceutiiiiioii of the heat caused the brass plnles tu melt, we raiiuot but regard thu prcsc rvntiuu of Iheir val uablo contents as most lonvinclug proof of the grout be i-iirity ntfordeil by your safes. Wo shall Hike great pleasure in rctoniiuendinc tUiaii. men of business ns u sure ri linnco ugniiist fire. HKUItlii: U. rt.M.MUN'sJ& IIHU., Jet, (Hers. CVThey hnVe since ptircliasod six largo S.ife.i. July ttO, JSilsf. lAngusi'.i) lESa GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millville, Columbia County, J'enn'a, This well kiiowliFchonl for both sdxcs will opi.j NOVIlMUUIl 3d, 1802. Thn recent uddltions to the buildings; render ncci.n ndaliniis for morn than sixty boarders The course of study will eiiibraie three dcpartiner.t Ihu Normal, tho Hclcnliflcund the I'nuiinercl'il. The Principal will beassisteJ by experieneeil teeth' ers, fully 'piiiliili'il for I heir respecilve positions. Parents and others may rest assured thai no effort! w ill be spared tu make the Sihool worth) of palroiingt und lliat Iho welfare of thn students, iMellt 'tit. illy pliyiliitlly. nnd iiiornlly, will recciveouironslautcuru 1 or iiiMilicaliou, circulars or turllier luuticiilurs, ml- pres. the undersigned, ut Millullle Hnluiubia county JV P. .MAXWI1I.I. POTiH. JOHN II. PAITIIIV, A..1U Plilicipui, Millvlllo. r Sept. IS.lrliJ. M. xt T. 1. WATSON LIVERY STAR I. R ATTACHED, iiuiuii SidiMoSr UjTwtth .Ungtt fiAKs.i.Pmux Nor V), IBC5, New rid& FOll J3VERY liODY, TERMS CASH OR PRODUGi". Just come toC and W Krrstncr's Flore, In Jersey, town, Pa. where you will tlnd all kinds efllry (Joods inch as Ladies Drcsa Goods, Muslins, Prints, Giiirjliams, lleisory, Groceries, riaiinclj, Shawls Arc. QnccuJware, llardwaro Ccdariwirci Tin ware, And Drugs. 1'ish, Meat, Salt, l'lour, Tobacco Scgars, Hats, Cap?, Roots, t Shoes, IRON AND NAILS. In short, every thing that Is generally kept In a ceun I ry stor. We will sell ynii goods nt fair prices nnd loke nn kinds of produce ns pay such ns flutter, Legs, firuia. Lumber. Shingles, Oak plank, and in fact anything that nny body rise will buy and sill oschenp ns ran bo rnld in the country. We will not br undersold by Joiv or Coi.tilcs, Come then ouc and all, jtidgo for your selves. Rring your trade, but don't ask for trust. C U W KRHAMIIR. Jcfseytowii. Mny 1, 1h03. Miller's Store. FRESir ARRIVAL or S prin Summer THU stibs-rlUcr lias Jutt returned from the Cities with unotlur Inrgu and select nssortmct uf $t'in mul Suilitncr Hoods, purchased at PlnlnJelnhla. nt the Invest flmirn. nnJ whiih they are determined lo sell on ns moderate terms ns ran no procured ciscwncrc in isioomsuurg. nn stock comprisos LAUir.h' nithss aoons, of chnicst styles and lntost fashion. wtr aooiis, .ixn aitoci:itn:$, iimnn'JinK (lur.KXMMni:, cr.D.111 h'.hu:, iioli.qiv ivam: IllO.V, MILS, HOOTS S110F.3 II.1TS S( Cil'S, &c , lft ,yc, In short every thing usually kopt In country Stores o whi'h ho invitu thu public generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. S II. MILLER. ninomsbiirg, April IS, 1PC3. FRESH ARRIVAL or New Millinery Ooods. rrho utiiiersMetl rrsprtfully nnnoniirclo tlio cUis!nn X nt HtoiuiiNttiire nnd jf tiiiy that rliu Inm Just re c civ cd from tltucutti rn cities Jicr SPRING JIND SUMMER 11' 3 nil of width slie is prepared t n make nnd sell nt n verr reasonably low figure. Her assort ment of gomls are a little superior In point nrsjrvt' iiuruiiiiity as wen us tasteiiiiness, no nny on- Mo ored in this section, bile returns tblinks for tho lib. erul palrnnagu she has received and respectfully so. licils a continuance ol 111'; same. SIAKV UAHKl.HV. IllooiiKburg, April 25, ltf.3, 3t Exchange Hotel, LITE COb, 1', B. J0.1FS, No. 77 Dock Street, next door to tlio 1'o.t Ollice, Philadelpliia. h.s well known establiolimeiit matnt-iins Its ujuni celebritj , and its well known repiiiatioti of bmuj the best HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Ehall bu siistnincd. llooui may bo had at nil hours per night, 37 cents ; per week, Si 50, per mouth, Sl The liar. md Hating Departments nre furnished w'itfc the best of everything Hu market can produce. GAME, I'll U IT, VEUETAiJlB, nnd delleacU's of every clinic may be had at a mouia (' uctice. McnU at Ii cents and upwards. anJvnny ho had from 5 A. M. till liatuigbt, tieutleinen may rest assured that no expense will bj spared to render this Hotel a model one. J. OTTESK1RK, Propr. March 7. lS03-3m, Till', I'ropnetorof this w ell-known nUd centrally Iocs led House, the Hxcuanok Hoikl, situate on aini, Street, in Illoom-burg, immediately spuosite the Lolum bin County I'ourl House, respectfully it.foruis his friend I !. ...,l.l... In ,-i'ii..r:iK titrit bis House is now in or dor fur the reception niiilentcrlnmineiil ortravclers whts mny feel disposed to favor It with their custom. 11 o has ....... .1 .... ,,i.i III ur.MillllllL' thu l.XCltAKGE, for UlO entertainment of hi guests, neither shall there be nny. tiling wanting (on ins purlin uiiiusiei n, mtn t.r....... comfort. His homo is spacious and enjoys an excellent bu-iiH-ss location. . L' ' Omnibu-'es run at all limes between iho r.jclnnge Hotel and thu wirious Hail lload Depots, by which trav elers will be pleasantly conveyed to ami trom mo re spective Stations in due time iu iiioei ino -r. M. II. KOOH. Hloomrburg, July", I8C0- 'I'flE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISEllY. Just published in a scaled Unvclrpc : l'rlce its. A, Lccturo bv Dr. Culvorwcll, on tbo cause nnd cure of snermarnrrhoca. Cotisunintion. mental and physical debility. Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the llody j Lassitude, Weakness uf the limbs and the back, Indii-positloti nnd incapa city fur slndy and labor, dullness of apprehension, loss of memory, aversion to society, love of Pnlitudo. tim idity, self distrust, dizziness, headache, infection oftlie eyes, pimples on Hie face. Iniuluntary emissinus, nnd sexual incnimi ily, thu cuiisuuueuces of Youthful India creti fcc, &c. f7 ibis mlmirable lectnro clearly proves that tho J ui,0 o enumerated, often self-utilicled evils ni.iv bo removed without medicine und without dangerous surgical i pi rations, and should he read by every yotitli und every imtii in the land. Sent under seal, to any address in n plain seuled envelope, on the receipt of six cents or two p'utagu stumps, b' uddrcising nilAB. J. O. KUNR, & Co. 137 llroadway, New York, Post Ollice box, 43u(l. May S3. leltS (Nov, 1, lCfis.) CIGARS xt TORACCO. A large assortment of choice I'igars, Tobaero, Pipes' fruits, (.'oufuitionery nnd Notions generally.logeth er x nil n full stock of HATS mid CAP.-, con-lantlv on hand mid for sale cheap, al the "Illooiusburg Hut 4.u'np Hmporiuui." JOHN 1C. OIUTOM, lioomsburg. March 10, 1S-C1. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Venj, Jones, deceased, Lrn'HUS of Aduiliiistralioii on the Hstale of P.cnJ. Jones, Into of Orange towiibhip. Columbia iiuiiity, deceased, have been granted by the llegistt'r of t'oliim lia count), to tbo iiiiilersieued ; ull p rsont having claims against tho estate ol the decedent uru rcpii'storl to present Iheiutothe Administrator at Ills resldeuru in nnd tow unliip, wllhout delay, and ull persons in. dcblcil to make payment forthwith. JAMP.S JONCS. April 1, 1P03. Oiv. $2. Mm'r. JAMES H. SMITH, I.VrOHTlM .4AVJ IVllOLV.h.il.L' i'K.tE;f BRANDIES, WINKS, WHISKEYS, filXS, AND I.iaUOlIS, OKNHHAT.I.Y. So. 32S ffaliiut Sis., between )d .J 4th rilll.ADllU'HIA. C. II. Iir.lWY, Traveling Agent und S.iU.uuu. Ev" OniitRs lUsi'tcTiei.LY Molichto. Nuveiiiber 2'.1, 1 eS'J. y. F, 0. LIGHT ct CO., ( Late Light & Ilradburys. ) Piano Foi'te rfB:muf;iCiiirers3 121 llroome St., New York, Second lllotk Kust of Ilroa.ittay. O. LIGHT, tho original founder of tills xxell-knowii I'.slabli.limciil, Senior Partner. ud vhIu I'raetleal 1'uno f'si-rr .Muhirof the Lite linn of ' Light & Ilradburys," having retained his 'I'wo.thiripj iiuiuri-si in uie wnoiv uusines siolk, maieriais cc. nnd sole proprietorship ii hi Vnluablo Pnteiits, Inclusivu nf Ins celebrated PATHS"!' INfUL.VlT.ll IllO.V l'HAMUi. I' Ihe only ouu nlin can imikelhe superior PI. i no feilesfor winch this house lias been so popular All Infringements on his rights will be prosecuted according to law Ml Piano I'mtej fu'in thi imiiiiif.iclory aru war rained pcnouni ivcry rx 'piitl'ui li eui l.ib' ral Urms to II' alcis, ft Mghte S.CO., 121 Oioorae El. .Vxw Vuth I April II, let-3- 3 ut s &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers