Willi DBMOIM UnlTI'.U BV LEVI !.. TATB. rltomiUTOK iBi.ooMsmfBta, flvA. jSATUHDAy MOttNINa.rEDnUAlty 11, 18C3. PURPOSES OF TIIH WAHI t ;mEf, tit A VOT. BKAItl.Y IVANlMOt'S. l'ltl Hl i i. 'Wind 111 miLuTiii.i, w mt it urmjf. iiik voick ur ', HI V.TION AND I IIIKTBIJE UTAMIARO llf I.OYAI.'IY ! "Tint tho present ilntiluriililc civil wnr lin been f.ti I upon tlm country by t li ilWunlmiMa nf llio nulhrii states, now in arms nmilnut tho Umistlliitlonnl Internment, ntul in rtrtus iirninul tho l'nHnl j Hint in t!u Nittlnnnl eikcrgcncyi (.'niri'Ml liiitiMiIng till feel- m or tnnro pimtlmi nr re.i nuni-iit. vt III rccnlli ct tmly u .tut., la tin- u hiriV country 1 that this varin not voged their par in any tpirlt of rjijirrsslon, or Jar nmj )H'r p" r of conquest or itihjngaHon orpurpo$tof overthrowing f iHttrjtrlnp N' A lie rielt? or 'Sinmunra iimnniiu. ty tko't Stnltt. bu 'n defend and mitiitlnfn Mb supremacy of tki ftmitiluflon, u promt the Union, trifk Ihe d'g-ni.-t, tjualtly, and iwhtt of the literal Holes unlmpatrtd; ' fait ai oin ai I 'kiss obccts u'c accoi'ij'llsAfd 1ie war "Alt close" wresraWjaunm uwtii.'MMrWBrgimmrwiii w Tlio Military torost of Albart D Boiloau. "We publi-.li t' t3 morning, tho apologetic lettrr of Albert D. lloilcau, editor and publisher of tho Philadelphia livening fournal, to Major Genoral Robert C. Sehenck. It U as follows : JlEAllQUAlUT.ItS MtUDT.E DeI't'.NT, EtaiiTH Army Coin's, Baltimore, Mil., Feb. 1, 1603. I. Albert D. lloiloau, citizen of Phila--tlelphia, editor and pub isher of the Phil adclphia Evening Journal, now confined in Fort Mellenry for the publication of an editorial article, under tilt' title of ''Da vid's Message, ' in that newspaper, Jan'y iiO, 18(53, and for the publication of other articles of liko d a nacrous character, tend ing to the support and encouragement of tho rebellion against the government of tho Uuited States, do hereby froely and vol untarily express my regret for the publi cation of th.it article, or of any other ar ticle of liko tendency or character, and distinctly disavow such article or articles .being published with my proper authority .or knowledge, and declare that such pub lication lias been made by oilier person, 6u, u, ,U) n..m.u flinrl intrnhnn ; nnrl I tin linrnfw lnrMint' ........, ...... - 'gllU IU ItUUUlb 'Ultl'IIUU, UUIHM I mandiug tho Midtb Department and ' Eighth army eorps, by whose ordo, in behalf of tho government, I have been arrested, my sacred parole of honor that, upon being discharged from my present i imprisonment and thu .suspension of the 1 publication of my nowspipcr being re moved, I will not write, print, or publish, -or permit otliors in my namo to write, print, or public., any articles havin- such dailgOI'OUS Character Or tending to t ie Sup- .b . r .1 1 ii- poitor encoura-ement of the lebellion ; but uill demean niy.-e f in all thin-s as a " ,, , rV . 1 o . Ttrac and loyal citizen ot the United State?, imnmlm. .mlv to snnnort tlie mivnr,nnL tho Constitution, and the Union as a f.iiih- - o. ' -J rr e . . . ' (1 citiT.ou bUouiI-;' nnd -Iv-ia-t" b further understood that those declarations and pledges aro made as well to relate to mat- ter hereafter to be published in the weekly nowspapor called the D.vmtr itfc Lnul'r, made up from tho daily Philadelphia Eveninir Journal itself, and to auv other -newspaper that may be published or eou- trolled by mo. Given at Baltimore . tbia first day of February, 1803. (signod,) Albkrt v. Uoileau. ,r , 3 . . 1 at t -i 11 po-iiion 01 our bemj; ai me ucau ot rov- Wo had hoped that Mr. Boileau would V. ni . ,,,, a r , ... . , . , .... . . eminent. We aro satisfied with a much have romainod firm in his determination humbler position in tho world. But we to test tho validity of his arrest, but iu would like to know if ''seoesh'' does not this, we have beeu disappointed. Just at "run rampant" under our present rulers, the moment when bis Democratic friends ,-??uo ef 111 incompetent to put down rebel- ., , . .., . . itou after calling out a million of men and -were exerting themselves to their utmost ,norotll!ln a tll0asnn(l to bring the pcrpitratora of a hi?h ban- ol- d(lu!lrg j Wo know nothing about tho ded outrage to justice, he foolishly wrote circulation of the J)ty Book in this coun- it Jitter to Gen. Sehenck, which is a vir- ty, but we do remember that it was ox- tual confession that the articles published cld from thu uiaila at one time by an ... e . ti 1 arbitrary order of the Post Master Gen- ln hi.- papcrN-ere of a treasonable char- or;ll jfow lV0ulJ th;g soribWcr f a .-octer. This letter pkeee him in a very oraur 0f tijat j.iml cscjudi,,g tho bulletin awkward position with hia Dcmocratio from tho mails, becauso bomebody in pow- friends, aud gives to his arrest an appear- er did not fa:ioy it ? He would bo very jmco of justice not warrented by the facts lil;o to, coniI,lain of injiistiae, and de , ' , , . 1 .1 nounce the act as au outrage upon Ins id the case. Gen. Scbenck m making tho rigbt Uldcr tJjQ aws of m arrcit violated tho Constitution of the own ox would then bo uorcd. United States and the Constitution and ' Wo recommend this little fellow to mind laws of this State, aVid if Mr Boileau had h'3 own business and let Columbia county only shown somo little firmness aud do- j a,ono ViMon of character, ho would havo been i Lhuoin 7ima ,pr:tor8 aro now speedily and honorably released from his taxod) firat) M (wQ (,iat Lnprisonmeut in Fort Mellenry, and Gcu.'fum for tho j,rivol 0f printiae a free S-honk would have been placed in a po- , paper0 ammin ; sct.omy, en pa jition before tl.o public, which would have L pcr col)t udVlllorum. thirj!v Q1) hjk compelled tho administration to remove fourfUy on typ(! . fiflW thor ineoni hira from his present command. As it is, wLiel conijst3 pr,lloipnl ofexpon8M. Schciik has triumphed at tho expense of . .... . f . Boileau fliis arrut and the blunder at 1 Vienna, which would havo resulted in tho .destruction and capture of tho first Ohio I'giuicut but for the presence of mind ol Col. A. Mel). McCook have given Schenok all tha notoriety ho 1ms gamed durinj the war. Jlever had a man a finer opportunity of .ufij'iiriug an honorable distinction than that whioh Mr. Boileau has thrown away, rhi) Democratic party had already bro't . is arrest to tho attention of tho Courts( to tha attention of the l.egislattiro, and to tho attention of the City Council?, and would havo pushed the matter uutil Gon. iHionck was forced to back down from the po ition ho had taken. Tho arro.-t and e( nviction ot tho parties in Philadelphia jvho made tho arrest, and tho indictment of ijeueral Sehenck by tho Grand Jury, aud tho (requisition of tho Governor of Pennsylvania on tho Prosidcnt of the United ytates, or the Governor of Mnr)'- laud, fur tho peraon of Schenk, would havo soon brought niattors to au issuo. Wo have been much disappointed iu Mr. IJjilcau, whom wo supposed to bo a man of ery considerable nervo. ,- 11)11, GtOUCIE II. Pk.nw.eton, M jf . f Ohio has our thank for a copy f hia xcub nt ajiecoh in (' 'Ugresi on tii (.liiiUsnt o"f - io S llists. Public Mooting. In pursuatico of pubtio nofioo, tho eitizona of Bradford county cotivcnoil nt I' mint bo clear to uvery impaitial rend tho Court IIouso, in tho born of Towanda, cr of the public pres that thoru is a Ptrong on Monday evening, Feb. 2, 1603, for tho fueling ainonjrtho abolitionists both in and purpojo of oomidering tho propriety of out of Congress in favor of a iccognilion .,,.,.....!: .:.. il. 1 .!..!. i :.. .. f ll, Rn.,il... i '. e 1 tv ... " " s , ,r . ""ulu.ll-,, i:o omcrrpcaiouno lounge las, anU also ior me purposo oi (iisrusting tlio qurstion oi saiu repeal : ami tor tlio turtlicr purpose oi urging upon our members nnd Senator to use every fair and honorable moans, by their iuflucnco and their votes to sccuro tho restoration of said tax. The meeting was organized by calling W. 0. Uogart, Kq to the Chair, A. J. Sylvana, and Chas. Stoekwcll, were clec ought to bo repealed : 1' irst IJccauao the act "is in violation of ted Mco President, and E. A. Parsons, i u 11,011 slItl0- Una vww of our dilhcul Bpooinl pre...oiilmant to this Court, Uieioby, ' o survi(JU in wlch they may be enluted, auteocdents, or of Hepublican cousorvarnc Sccretarv. tics was taken bv the New York Tribune, by virtue of the authority vested in the . ,0 rcci,:v., ,10 snllll! rations, olothina. and ni.,....,in.. u-ii .,! um. : ( " I' tiff r II 11 ' lT W'. Hiituwuut.MU'i ntll llll'"il DIIV1I It UIIHlMIUlt After tho organization, tho nicotine was November Dili, 1800, in which the editor "oj nd erniiner and Uou- j ,, na othor voIuhiccm, and a 0r ir they did, a ;wC comitates, under a i, , . ' '"l--"'b ' ' oral Quarter bej.'ions of tho Peaoa of thin ; ,nn,..1v nv ,,ot to exceed that of uthor .i,,.:(r nmmn i ... , ' , addressed ... a very forcible manner by'?' et eaul ! County, by tho Co.ti.ution and laws of) 2 , rsto be oflieere by Persona up- 1 ' H T Sl ,? boe"mm,ncd Col. V. B. liolett,after which C. I, Ward, ' f''- cotton States shall become :. Pennsylvania, direct the District Attorney j miniSionc,! by ho PrJ- LS?of S ,h e ,U S Esq., offered the following resolution : ffi H ':. a" ' " ,?Ut ,,h ,' C,mly t0 PruParo 3,1,1 Mt ' nutl to be governed by the rules nnd d y a d the S So a world " o trouble ltnticed-'Vlnt in tho opinion of this wKAS S" bills of indictment al,icIcs 0f war afe,,d such other rule, and meeti -g, called and held without distinction t rovo, uJ0ry one fi t i exUt n,v ' ho , m, , , , r i E8" TT M l,ruBorlbed lbo very fearles.ly, to discuss the perverted of party, the law passed by a former Leg. IcfcsT Wo mur c vc. i 1,0 ri .Vf. t of JuJS" Allison, who succeeded Judge , P(oS,dent : I issues or this war, and io dare the eouso- . . . . ... r o 1 Lmllow nt .Tnihr.i nr tlin Hmirf nf Onnr. PllO VI 1lu, that notluni hureiu con-1 ,,,.,. fii. ..,i r.,. for tho Commutaliim of 'l'r,.mn l).i,.u' v.?. , r "' 1 . u".!0".n.,lll ""I- tnr i.a ,....; l... laluud, or in the rules nnd artioles ol war, I nillwn..MB iv . ,t, inlM. 1, the spirit, if uot tho letter of the Oolistitu-, f our Union shall deliberately ivmiIvu to tion of tho State. go out, we s mil rests', ulctrrcive itr ivtrei Second Uecauso it increases the bur- keep them in. We hope never to live thciHof tho people for the beuolit of a 111 11 Uopublii: whereof one soetiuii is pinn. wealthy and powerful corporation. ,0 another by bayonet-!." Third liecauao wo boliovc it was pas-! , Again 111 tllu Nw ork Tribune of scd by means of bribery and corruption. , February S3d, 1801, wo Grid ihe follow After reading the resolution, Mv. Ward '?: proceeded in an ablo speech iu support of1 ''We have repeatedly said, and we onea the fcanie. ILo meeting was then addressed bpChas. .uanviuo, ueury Ward, aud U. M. Wells, :.. . , . ... m uiuqueiu, spcccncB in lavor ot tlio rotor ation of tho Tonnage Tax, so justly duo tho State, and which had been ropealod through fraud and corruption. On motion it was lieso'vcd That a copy of the proceed ings of this meeting bu forwarded to our bcnalor aud representative, and that they bo published in tho e untv nanera. nu.l tl0 pub;is,0,l , thQ c,uuty j . 1 ' taiio in iue paper at llarnsbuig. On motion, tho meoting adjourned, W. U. UOGAltT, Ch'r. A. J. Svi.vauia, ,r. T, Oiias. Stockweu P,cc lrest3 E, A. Parson Sec'y. United Si-ate. Senator Klected.- I.clloniwir.jt tho tivo h.m..; of tl.J KinVaT,W I A rt .1 rem M. i.esisi.uure nn.1 injuint roiivtiillon anil ileiiod ( Ii.u. It. llutKALEiv, (IVm.) of l oluiuhi:. County. I'mli-d f'.IV! )"' i'un"Y?S '""":'v .?-?" "''"';rH.i nled lirilmic lIil-iik-s. which iluuctrriznl iln.r siucefs 111 tiu i,,.t rniieici tion. w an u fmv hucIi " n iu-ck.imv.coi. TaiE, u oii,'r' in u 5.'"!.. . no wa wiji.t im-ntion. at u,Q i,s,.i ofiu.. cnvi-jmia'iit, numiiiiit cxprt to sa a pre vU.iiiu'.! in tho pro-rniniua nr.nruirs. tM!t, .mwin. iioubtrnn V! !!1-." ' :".. th. New rnplntj especiallyin their own ciunty, uluro t Ork I'Dav llunk' mill nlhi.r .u...t. I -,l. I ' u"" uuu ouicr urcuhli Jonrnuli n.ivc SUCH uu "t.-ntive .ircuiation.-iicji Uramh Uuiimn. Tlio above ill-natured growl comes from a vcry f"li i.iirn mia not a masliiF. He had bci-t talk about "bribing schemes" 10 his master, Cunuron, who is just now wading iu very deep water with "legislative committee after him. Tho Democrats reported to no such ".schemes," and hivo no tasto for them, but leave that hort of business entirely io the "Winno - bago" and his crow, who havo crown cor- rupt on public plunder. ' o niucii uonor is Uouo us ir the sup- , -.. , . r , , iu .jf uuuuig p.iuu iui pajier, uuu ior everything they cut, drink or wear. This unfortunato class of persons is bound to become extinct, unlcs3 tho peoplo who aro not taxed bo severely op.n their hearts, or utlier thuir purses, cud patron ize them moro liberally. Come, frieuds. ,.to ho or not to be'' taxed to death 'that's tho question !" Will you holp us answer it ? Dr. John, nro these somo of lhe bless ings you promised us with tho election of old Abo ? Where's tho Farm fur ovory man 7 God havo mercy on liars and deceivers. Col. Wall and ct. i'lunei'Ott, About one year ago, Col. Jas. W. Wall was a prisoner ol Statu, by tho order of Simon Ganieron, thon Secretary of War. Now, Col. Wall, is a Senator of tho Uni- ted States, by the votes of the loyal citi j zens of Now Jersoy, and Simon Cameron, by the decision of the freo people of Peiiu. sylvania is au outcast from all deceut so ciety, and if ho gets his due according to the provisions of tho dSth and -lOth sec tions of tho ''Penal Codo of Pennsylvania" will bu fined (for bribery and comip- i.ion) in tho sum of fivo hundred dollars and get ono yo'ir in tho Penitentiary . Such arc tho tips and downs in life. Tho Hecngmtlou of tho South eru Coni'edoraoy. .u.i,B..u,oy. -iouitMne o u ne certain n,e.i.l,er4 ot that party nave uoiuiy annouiiecil tlie s'lppresbion ot mo rcueiiion an lmpngstlnlity, and that sooner or later, we would ho compelled to acknowledge tho independence of tho South. A dissolution nf the Union tsii- ting between tho slave and nou slave-hold- '"J States, has nlways been a favorite muasutu with the abolilionist, who havo 'luclarcd their willingness '-to let the r. . ,i it f with. draw from l ie Union is quite another mat- tct . and whenever :i nnn.irlpml.l., I more insist, that tlio great priii. itilcs.eiii- "A,,0 ? M. 1... T..ir . .1 i i led I V .1 ell 'ISO ll 111 Inn l)i.n nriiw.ii derive their iu r. ,. f,-n,..'Ti.., .. .' . .. - ..- - i -' oi um governed, is soiuui nil lust : ami iii.ii, u iue nave States, the cotton States, or the Gulf States only, eliooji- to form an independent nation, lacy luive iltur viorul liubt lo do so.'' ' I On tho 15th of Djcombar. 1802, Judge f!nnrn. !., ...,..,, i.i: .. t ir... sas, introduced the followin- among o H 13 Utterly U"fiL fur lhe rSltl0n Lc occu resolutions in tho House of Congr : .P1"' aml ,bo sooucr aD CV nailo o . Lc i.:. .1... i....... ..tin., f. . .1 .1 illevdml 'f hut it is a matter'' serious ' reflection, wh 'tlier anolhor election for President must not Fiiper0110. beloro the j rightful authority of "jvion can bo , nst.nl, lished : ami wlftlicr in the mean j time, it is not a tyrant waite of our en ergies to conti-aa 'ha war. llesovc'l ' hut uiiles-i the army of tlie ' t 1 1 1 t. n . .1.. ! . . , , t 1 . I . .1 1 1 A . . " 'it Sl" . ' - " a" of t ' XJ lSlSSipni 10 113 111011111, ailU tUO r .!. li.,.n,. nn!l,ll.,i.1 !..!. . i .... . T t... ' . 7. .. . ... '. P ,, ; .- ,1,,, . .11; . lnS l" military power ot the rebellion u-hhin a re i,onablo tun Mlu best inter- w Hhin a ri-.isonaoio 1111 ., nu l est inter csts of tho couiury and humanity will ro- . ...:i'u,,;i:i;,0 quiro a cessation ol bounties. Tin dcclaratioiu of Horace Greeley, t:.o resolutions of Judgu Couw.iy, and the statement of Simon C. micron to Dr. Bayer of the State Legislature, clearly estab-lisdip-i tho fuct that there i.i a movement on tho part of tho abolition party, hav ing for its objict the recognition of tho Southoni Confederacy. The question is ,. . , , , , , i bcl,, bl"ou3lt before tho public quietly and cautiously for the purposo of prenar ing the public mind for such a inowinent on the part of the pre.-ent administration. The passage of the negro army bill, looks to us very much a il tho declaration of Ganieron that il.Xut.'iing is hinre cctuin thitn that the .South mil gam. her inde pendence" was very likely to be realized We have felt it our duty to call the atten tion of our readers to the treasonable ef Ibitsot leading abolitionists to dissolve the Union, and to dustroy the Government. Their professions of Patriotism are as idle as tjio wiud. No men or set of men who violate the Constitution of the United States aro either loyal or patriotic. An abolitionist is a diiiiuionist. and deserves to bo treated as a traitor. -When thU im becile administration bhall have given place to a Democratic Administration which it will do in two year.i from thio time, tho abolitionist will bo dealt with ac cording to their hins. . o . - - ... CS7 Hon, Gkoiioi: Sanueusov, as we announced in tho last Democrat, hai been re-elected Mayor of the City of Lancaster. La-itycar bis majority was only '49, and now, he has two hundred and tixty live majority. Mr. Saudcrauu, who h the able Editor of tho H.ani aster Intelligen cer," is a gentleman of high repulo and an incorruptible democrat, aud his numer ous f.iouds will be gratified to know ihat he is favorably named iu connection with the Gubernatorial election, and wo are frco to tay, that ho would make an excel lent aud honest Executive officer of Peiin-t-ylvania. Jgy Albert I), lioilc iu, iho fellow who was reared by a few of Oil Abesjack sfses, has withdrawn from tho Philadel phia "Evening Juurmtl." That was a sensible move iu tho light direction. Nothing else could have saved the con cern, liko its lato yalo oua Editor, from damning oblivion. jrj The Constitutional Union, hereto fore published by Hon. T. B. Fmrenee, of Philadelphia, is to be removed to Wash- ' iiigton, where the first number will appear 0 tho oo,i 0r l,;JrU;U Vss.(i(l per an uuui, for tho daily, and 3,00 for the weekly. - o - Hon. llr.MittiCK B. Wjuoht, M. of 0 of Pa., has our thanks for a copy of the Preliminary lteport of the Eighth Census. Hon. Wm Hopkins, of cur Ptnto t ,. i i ,l I. ir Kliilnr.'. his nnr fl.n'il.- rni- niwli-e im. I gislaiuri', Iris on portant dccjm"nta . .v .m. Judgo Allison. Tho f straordihnrv nnmluct of JudfTO " J a Allison of Philadelphia,. n endeavoring to proventlho prosecution of tho parlies cti- gaged in tho arrest and abduction of Al- . . . .. uci t 17, uoiicau, lias met tlio coiiuoinuation of every candid and impartial man. As ,0i. S tto rrost of Hoilonu had becomo s the arrest of lloileau had becomo , Judge Ludlow very properly call attention of tho Grand Jury to tho , . . . , nstruclul the jury to invcitiiplo Mill a nrtii Iinittr.f1 inflt flirt i.fr.tl.t mill i....., C(j t10 met ins all niatiois connected with tho arrest, and make a special presentment to tho Court, After this has been done, Judgo Ludlow issued the fo'ilovviuir Older: 'And now. Jnuunry Ul.st, 1 SOD, tl.o Grand Jury of this County having made ii, . I, i e ,i proceedings, and ordered the Clerk of the Court to enter the following order : "And uow, February ad, 18(1!). it is or - dered that the .District Attorney sfiall tend no indictun.nt io tho Grand Jury based on the pi t-Msntnuf nt broii-l.t into Hie Court on Hid Jlmli mt., uuiil diioctud to do so by a majority of tlio Couit." Judge Alli.-on posc.-ses no uithority whatever to reverse the deeisicis of Judge Ludlow, and hi? attempt f shield tho vi- ........ ...s.n nn,l nf . uiuiuis ui iue i'ujhiu - - ... i'-msylvawia iron, .uninal proeeutioi,, by arrogating to iim-ielf the right to re' voku an order of ouu ol his peers, proves Mm to be J '"u" unfitted by nature and cduoati1 'or a seat on the bciieh. We hope the Supreme Court will tako him in- xw" Ubpucial caro aml 1:ccP'"' nu" W'th him according to hia demerits. ' l"u uullur " win uo ior me puone at large After taking a boletnu r.uth to 'aUp port tho Constitution of tho United Slatca anj ti,0 Couatitutiou of Pcnnsvlvu ennsylva nil, he has permitted both Constitutions to bo violated by treasonable nboiition'nts, whom he is now aiding to escape the just penalties of tho law. No man has over exhibited stronger partisan Icelimr nn tlm w O " bench than this samu Judge Allison, nor has any Jndgf been guilty of a greater as.-umption of power. As tho next Sen . 111 1 ..... .1 n . . . . are w in ue strongly uomocratic, tlio best thiug that eau be done will bo to impeach him. That ho richly deserves. 'lhe Democratic Stundard. Tlin following extracts from tho corn inuiiieatiun ol'E. II. Little Estjr , dated Nov. 5th latiO, shows how the controversy between him and Paleiuou John ended 'Paleuion John gives up, thereby virtu- "any aeicuowietiginj liinisolt a l.tlsifyr "This fact is uow placed upon record fo upon for "lutuie uu and renders "tent for fur. her evil. ' his piper iinpo- "I rhould be a.-hani'd to kick a "dead 'lion," niucti more Paluinon John,incu 'he is afraid lo attract iurther notici-, ev- en by so much as a am elevating hi ' urx,'' bit! ico. Probably, tho ciiciinistanee that tin District Attorney compelled the Doctor to answer under oath, wheiher ho b. linx there is a God who wid punish liemg,' before he could bu allowed to testify iu the riot case, has stimulated tho Doctor to ro uewed I'aLehood?. We will merely point out hia lie.-.. In his twattle against tho District At torney contained in his last issue, the D.ic tor says : "Tho 00th section of said act is in 1tcsK uoiis : "In all eaae.s where two or more persons have committed an indict.. blu otl'eiieo, the names of ad concerned (h a prosecution skull be commenced,) sua I bj eoiituiued in one hill of indictment. ' When you say tho siethn is, in rlmv words, why not givj the whole section Doctor? The reuiniuder of tho i-ecttu'i s in these wonli. "tor which no more viist ,s.V be ulli lie. Ilia ij Iue mint ni oa person tdy IC S t.i.iituintd tin ii'ii ' Tho section is under the mlu "Costs,' aud was taken Iroin, and n :hc vuiy' woid: ot tlii.' act ot -)th ol M.ireh, ; the preamble ofvvhiuh is iu tliee woiiIj "An Act explanatory of tho aot, entitled, "Au act lo regulate the pay went ol co.tb on iiidiutiiu-iiti." Liu number The Dr. fuither mijs, ' IJut the !) stiiet Attorney" divided the party into three parts, and sent up "three'' indictments." Now tho District tlornuy did not divido them, but on the contrary, they were three "aiparato" pro.seeuiiou', euinmeiieed at "three dilf-:reiit times."-' The one against Daniel Huckloy and oili era", was uouimenecd belore a du-tiee in August, 'G-, returnable to September ae-, sious. Tlio onu against Chailes Fowler, aud others, was commenced bolbio a Jus tice in November, returnable to December si'ssious. A ml the one agatiift .lames lUli-ton, and others, was couiiii-nced at February ao.-sions, 180U, thu sama defei dants lnviun' been discharged from their ''recognise iue," at lhe previous court. And we are credibly informed that still nii-Hlier prosecution will be i-oiuiuo iced ivturiiahlo to in-xt court, agaiiiat paitii s who were not known until tlio facts linked out during thu trial of a portion of the ri oters. Probably tho "e.ttncp" Doctor thinks that they, whether known or not, aliotild be contained iu onu indictment. But thu act ot assembly, a portion of which the Doctor quotes, says, "if a pros ecution shall be commenced" again. t them. Iu other words, against such of them, us a prosecution shall bu commenced. But as wo are informed that tho Dis trict Attornoy contemplates, prosecuting tho Doctor for libel, eo soon as Andy Cur- tin go's out of uffico, wo will make no fur- ukt communis at present li j"A fuither lis? of Doctor John s lies . . . . . 7 . . 1 :.. I.t ........ ..i' n. ... il . DiDUtil (V.JIIT, , ..j ,,,.,, i , - n,u UU!ai lv.ei I Caio, ' ucxt week. Tho Negro Sodllora' Bill. i The bill In nuttim-i itm niilialninnt. nT " .....w-..,w negroos in tho Army and Navy ofthe Uni. tod States, passed the liouso finally on Monday of last weok, by rv voto of 81) .... .... ".. . . yeas to ui nays. J lie tollowing is a copy -of thu bill , licit emitted by the Senate and House nf j Itrpru-Htuiivca of (he United States if 1 nuemhted, That the 1 resilient bo, and u hereby, autlionzed to enroll, arni.e.pup.and receive into the Ian- .....I i- I. I T I .1 (J ............. I. Ik it emiLtedbtj the Senate and House , and naval service of the United States such number of volunteers of African descend "9 bo may deem useful to surpicss the prest cut rebellion, for such teim of scrvico as I In. luiitf i.i. iuiiiil..i mil it vitinrl i mt (iLfi v'iinta. mm,,, ,)ni ,nw n u m-.mi-ri nn- bhalt ho construed as to authorize or icr- ,)lit au.. offioor of African descent to be an- pointed to rank, or to exorcise military or naval authority over white offieor.s, sol dicr.i, or men iu the military or uavul ' cervieo of the Un'ui-d Status; nor hhull J'ly greater pay than ton dollars a mouth with the Uaunl allowance of clothing and rations bu allowed or paid to privates or laborers ol African da-cent which are, or may be, iu the military or naval service of thu United States ProvIuku Fi'ii'iiiElt, That the slaves of loyal oitizis iu the States exempt by t o Presidents proclamation of January 1st, Ibu3, shall not ho received into the armed service of thu United States, uoi t-hall there bo recruiting offices t.p-u d iu either of the S.aies of Delaware, Mary land, West Virginia, Kentucky, Toiiuo-.-co, or Missouri, without the cousu.it ot the Governor of said State having been first obtaiued. The vote ou the passago of tho bill was an follows : Yeas Mes-rs. Aldrich, Alley, Arnold Ashley, Babbitt, Baxter, lSeamau, Uiug li-'in, S. S lilair, Biakj, Wm. G. B.(i,vu Bullintou. Campbell. Ca-oy, Chamberliu, Clark, Colfax, F. A. Conkling, Ho-coc Conkling, Conway, Cutter, Davis, Dawe-, Dunn, Edgerton Edwards, Eiiot, Ely I.-.....-.. Ti i mi . ' . J l'uiuuu, o. j. reanetiiiuii, l. A l'e.-MiliUuu Fisher, Frank, Gooch, Gurlov. lluoaer Ilutehius, Julian, Kclley, F. W. Kellogg Lansing, Looinis, Lovcjuy, Low, Mcludol McKuau, MuNight, MoPhersun, Mariton Mitehall, J. S. Morill, Nixon, Noell. Olin. Timothy G. Phelps, Pike, Pommy, Purler, John 11. Bice, iiiddie, Edward H. llol lins, Sargent, SedgAick, Shanks, Sheffield Sliell.ib.irger, Saerman, sloan, Mpauldiiig Stephens Train, Trimble, Trowlnid"e Van Iiom, Walker, Wall, Wallaoe.Wash burno, Wheeler, Albert S. White, Wilaou, Win loni and Worcester 83. Nays Mo.-srs. William Allen, Win J. Alluii, Aiieona, Biily, lliddlo, Jacob B. Blair, CluMientu, Cox, Craven-,, 'Jriafield. Ciiltundeii, D.ilaplaine, Grander, Gndir, Hilu, Had, Harding, II irrisjn, HjIuu.i, Il.irtJii, Johnson, il mm Ke.'loj, Ker rigan. Law, Lizear, L-ary, Ma lury,.Uv, Mayuar.l, Menzie-?, Morris, Noble, Norton, Odell Peudlaon, Pr.ce, Bnbin-on, .las a Ru'lioii-, Shiol, Stiles, B -njamia F. Thom as, Francis 'ihiunas, aliaitdigh.un, Vib b id, Wad-worth, Wcdisti r, Whal-.-v, Ciiillon A. White, Wiekliffe, Wood.Wood fff, Wright and Yoa;nan 31. EST Why is it that no draft has been niido from any Abolition S'tate in tlie. Union ? Ahd why is it that iu Pennsyl vania, Onio, Indiana, the loyal, law abid ing farmers, mechanics and laborers, are hurried oft" on ten days notice, ftoin their homes, their wivs and little ones, by th'. sturu mandate of Abraham Lincoln, while tho thriveing Abolitionists of 'Massachu ictts arc permitted to remain comfortably at h nu, and gorge their iiuatiatu des rc for tho almighty dollar, by wdlimj roituu ships to our Abolition goveri.iueut, iu which they mu.-t havo anticipated thousand-, of human beings would bo buiied in the vanty deep ! Can Abraham Lineolu -ns.ver whv this is so. -.:v-A liitnrrr.ouH Vi:i;iict The aui' broujlit by Wil'ijni U. llodg-on, edi tor nnd proprioior of the W(at Che-ter .A; sm,i .-.gainst Wiilrwn 11. Mill ward U. S. Marnliail, for tho illegal -eizuro and 'uppiei.-ion of that paper, on the 'i.'ld of A igu-t, 1JI11, has resulted in a verdict nf damans tor llo.l-sou. Ii wa, tried before Chief Jiiaticu ljow.io of the Nu- prumoUuu.it, fiitciiu; at nis pi ins. AI- thou:h tho amnuut of (lamtcs ron lfrt-1 is not anything ncr the loss fustaino.l hv roav ii of ihe interrupt. on to the busine-n of the t'.'tablishmcnt, yet wo rejoice to know that the Pennsylvania Courts are open to our citizen.i, when their rights and property aro endangered by the despotic acl- of abolition oflicers. The amount of .lainages should havo been ton thousand ilollar.s. VcNUitAiiiiK Mi:n, On the 1st of ant July ther.! were but iixty two surviv ing patriots of tho Revolutionary war iho namo of oi-ht of these residing in the secesh States have been stricken off the pension rolls; and twenty-iour have died since the 1st of July, leaving only thirty of these patriot pensioners. t&t Gen. Franklin closes his farewell address to tho officers and men of the Left Grand Division by saying; "In severing a connection which you havo made so dear, ho asks that uo ono will believe that ho voluntarily parts with you j tlu fnco of tho cul!m.. CO 1 cimo off with flvtnir colors" ns ...... ... ... w "i.i .1? ..n i' . . iuu i.iiiuirr fcum wucn no ion irom the laddr. . uwiviiiju tu uiu buumtiivii" iw iiv.n. l ( j nu i ui ui xj i: 11 1 111: r 11 1 1 1 nr 11 iiiip imi(Illlr tr lltil fmiililtlMlu nf til. Iirnt1l!l X - .-r.t.t!.,. AC IV,.... Ttfl . Tlio Jnil Hostages. Mr. tt riirf Vntnrvttl (llvnntnnn.1 t -ivuuj n,vutHij binwtituuwu iu 1119' ovciboaiing way anolhor Now Vork cdi-1 tor that the newnpapor puss should bo bent to the support of tho Lincoln dynasty, I 11 .5 ' ' 1 or tho editors bo sent to jail. Wo copy below the rpirited reply ofthe AW,: Vlll00Ka vfl, (JnEcr.EV.-Now Mr. Oreo- lhtooKs vs. GiiEcr.EV. Not ly !iml tHo j-prcs and tho ju9t M wt!l understand one a ., jjr, H, is kiuunj'ptJ and Wanhingto n priaon, 3 many . . I . I'd Sj-prm and tho public may another. If, taKeii to a others havo . '.I..'. r ii r. n,w, men will band together to kidnap Mr. G. ntul to keen him as a hostage for tho safe return of tlio Washington victim. Fort t . ..!., t.'iitn llnw 1.4 lini ktl'nlu. n.iritli.li til .......j.- VUv,..bi. hold a State prisoner imprisoned for poll nublUbeil lilu is not wurth hivinif PUDIUUea 11,0 18 not wmUl "avl"' Rest ron the IU:suiives, At length our brave soldiers who form tho remnant of tho Pennsylvania Hcscrvo, are to havo rest. Au ordir has been issued to with dtavr the llcscrve Corps from the field, and place them on duty iu tho fortifications nround Washington. However Into this order comes, wo rejoico that it has boon i-fiied. Had a similar order been made eix months ago had the Kc-crvcs been allowed timo to rest and recruit even three months ago, inn' officers been detailed to vi -it, Pennsylvania ou recruiting scrvico, evor company would have been filled with fresh ovie-, aud thj Corps thu3 re stored to ita iiir.xium atr.-cgih. Thu titato yearned to increase the glory of that gal lant band, by renewing its strength and again reviving its undaunted valor iu ade quate numbers to meet the foe. Proposi tion ii. every shape were made io secure this object aud result, but oaeh iu turn was rejected as impracticable, until delay aud death diminished the confidence and ei.tliUMa-m and thinned the ranks of what was ouco the moat effective corps in the army. A Heroine. A Corrrspondrnt of the Jlh'jonz Ihg'nter, writing from Broad top City, Huntingdon com ty, sas he bad the pleasure of meeting at a pi :ee called Dudley, a woinin named Mary Owons, who had just returned from the army, in fnll uniform. This remarkable wom.:h accomponi.'d her hu-hand to the army, and iouyht by his side uutil he fell. She was iu-the service eighteen months, inn tooK part m ttn'ce battles, ami was wounded twice : first in the face ubove the i i li t eye. and then in her arm, which required h.'r to be taken lo tho ho-.pit.il, where she coufessod the di.cepiion. She had tuli-lvd iu Danville, Montour county, I'a , undrr tie name of John Evans, nnd .ives a.- her reason for tl.ii ronr.uti; un b itakiii.', the fact that her father was il eompromiiing in his Inutility tj her uianiag;) ith Mr. Gweiif', threatening violence in case she disubyod his coni mands; wherenp-iu after having been ai-cr, tely married, alio doffed tho United W tales ui.ifor-m, eniittid iu the same coiu pauy w'.tli herhuslanl.endund all hard iliips of tho camp, 'and dangers of the battle field, saw her husband fal1 dead by lir aide, s.jjrj is now woundtd and a wid -ow. Ms. Owons looks young, is rather pretty, and is the hcroino ofthe neighbor hood. She is of Welsh parentage. The Co.Nmjsiox ov Thau. Stevens The following ."-peech of this Abolition demagogue was made in Congress on the d of this month. The report is copied irom the bent Republican authority, For ney's 1 rtss, of the tho 3d instant. We atk attention to the eunfes.icn of j Hteveiia about raising more men. Is bo to j bo bel'evod 1 His bold declarations will u.d the enemy more than an j iking that Uoileau ha- pubiiched : ' ?ilr. Sieves (Rep.), of Pa., says this bill hail been "ppoaeil for various reai-oiu 1 1.- j!''iii!ijinan who had just taken his biai Mini no couiil not votu lor him, be eau-e he wau opposed to the war. He (Mr. St'ren.-,) diil not expect those hold ing sncli views to voto lor it, because it w.ti an eilieieut cnginu for carrying on lhe war. tie remarked that soon ibo two U'lirs and nitie-iiioiiths term of vo'uutcors will t-xjnre, and this would tako from the army three hundred thousand men To supply their places with gallant snl- tners, in mo present condition ot Iho conn try, thousand white moii could not be ruir.eii by voluntary enluiineut, and to enforce tho conscription was out of the (pie. ation, tor Gun. MoCiiUi,i,an was removed becauso ho was "loo slow." The Port land Argus hopes the "progress" siuce has been satisfaotoi-v In iln null, nr., r i.io . moval ; we may safely say it bus been to nobody else. - - JEST" Any of our Democratic frinmls heroaways who want a real live daily pa per, should subscribe for tho Harrisburg i'atiinland Union. Only 85 a year, or S3 during tho session of tho Legislature. EiuT Wo ar having somewhat rcmark- nblo weatlior tor Wiutor. It has been uiiu-mully soft and changeable with but littlll SIK1U-. Al. tli! ivrilimr 'l'.,.,.-.l.... littlu snow. At. rbi. wrfTm.r. i.,,,u dmuh, jt luja tv ill inn I. lies (1 11 V . . . . ' "r) iiii,jii.iv the weatlier is miltl and a most as balmv as the mouth of April, 9 A if nw IWmt.-Tlio ASr. is ui u iiuty jLftiuuuruuo )fi)or a iJOUt to h i . y -tji 'lilt i , . , , ." , .P a' 0 Prof,l'cctu3 of "Ij,cl1 wo publish in another column, the , ' , " .l W11 nPPcnl about tlid fust of Ahir..li . . ( ,. J ,lu I"opnctors of Tr'T ' -IL'a"S' iIle l"''t .in "Pf'cnco to mako it " m- poimaai journals of tiro U1"u' juossm. UhHsbrcnnur ; and Welsh, aro its Fdito.. n.,.i ) wrumi r'm nf rr,u , abler in the v. .u not iq UO 10 grat StaU f IeBv'. I SunsTANri.ifj Pucsunt A i, f , , me, . .. ".URl iiouso on ii 1 1 Avenue. i. Y. nil n. . I , ... ., . ' , ' a" onrP'' ..m, ...... ...v.., jnutureu, ami lurnisbed even to the pantry and collar, has been presented to Mra. Mot lellati by soino of hur husband's friends, in that city. C Gold u now conimandiug a prcmi utn of'5.r per ceut, iu Philadelphia and Now York. In other winds, it now takt3 one hundred and suty dollars iu paper to buy 8100 in gold I What glorious titnon wo have ! Deseiitkd.-Captain John Brown, of the thirtieth OLio regiment, son of Ossa wattomic Brown,who w as hung at Charles town, Virginia, is ono of the officers re cently dismissed from service for desertion, CKir "Millions for tho Constitution, cot ono cent for emancipation." This Js .i,,. sentiment offered by Un. A. G. Hurr, ,u the iiumc.Hu public meeting held in t hi eago last jaturday. StST The Loauties of Modern Itcpubli. oaniiiuuru f.u: beinr m.ai apparont to tho people by tin: viiits of the tax gath erer. Or, rather, tho tix-gaiherer is modestly asking thu people to "walk up to the Captain's oiK.-e and settle." 55 Valuable salt springs have ben discovered near Lea v en woi th, Kansas - They nro s.iid to be inexhaustible. TfcLti MAP.KJSTS. Bi (jOMsnuuo, Feb 14, I8t3a. Wheat bu- .M .r)()i Grecu Applet Cl By 1 i , .i Corn " Out..'' " Huekwhest Potatoes " Cloverseed " I imothyetd Ouiotu " imicii ; HO Dried Peaches 2 fm Sli Butter $M, ao 7.r) Lard ' lo OU Tallow " U I Ega .... '3 doz. 1(5 Gay .... " ton.ti no CO Chickens " pair .-.-.i, rw.vi RECE'PPS FOB JANUARY TO TUB JnI.i Mnriit.'HS J.I7 I Atfre.l llowi ll, .:,, i J-.l.u M.u.ly. ( viKli.j -liui IliLruAhciiUcl., s '! Iiraiu liMk.-r, I iu , J.mnii I hv.-rtl, 1 J, U iIIkihU! llnitk, Siuj rt Amu. rinuu. . 'k Mra i; (i.-iiii.,it, I i,i llir.imTli.ini:ii, ! -i Kictiar riimi. r. I uo i ,,im .4 ., iK-nry, 1 - , Hani -I 11.1 iilmc'i, '2 irl J i: W Yuplu ! 1,1 Hi il U a.u.irl, I -Jj f t'h ti l-i in i J- n uinh llu. uii icli. 1 im ! II ll liiiiniri), a , .1 n-iih I W. rlw i.i-r, I un I 11 ,M .-t-v, iu, s w I. ii U I. it O. I ICJ llmi II 1,1 ll.pn,, -ui l. II l.illk-, U. UIII lil'lga KoimisT ' , US I ......... I iiJili,iJ Mrll'iiry. rv, Alb-rt ., ii r.. !1 ll'i I i:.t.lt,. J,,,,,h.i IV, a 0 v-r, uu) l.i .ll.iiy A iVat-un iii i-i-ii (i.a in. V -i.iiij .iu 1.. II -i ll, is ,, j, ... UJ Juliii i; u itnliliiiii, l iiti.'l , irr, I.icul AS AlUii, Jniiu Uia,a -r, -irmj r, . A II rarvor Atl'-n I'.n Hi, .m i.jii ni, u :t.r, (ic i kVi-ttvur. K.'i , 'I'll i. IV i iiv.-r. l.,i ic .Mim -ry, Imi.'c lla,i -nli.icli, I ni) Ailitm iiu llliniii'ii -r, 1 nl J IM j Ciil llllllirfL'.liluty, a Uj loll n.iiitu uf Oiiniu i Men i i, 1 i"(J "Iiu l.-sf.iit, Kii -J w 1 ".ijClias II iIi-kj. t;, j -j i" j Win l.auiiiii l; ij,, I M j l.iclll.li ll V IJ H, I III) an ; 'i um i: i:i(,., u,, I I - M. i'r llu-liud, au 1 "I I.-ni-li.-iMira, i;, -' ll i -.lillll' l !fl -Clir, l 1 It ui li s.. (liliJOIIl;! ill 1 ... ) I.ii.l. I, ll lliii;rl, 4 i,,, t'llilipiMill -r, .mi . iiiaii til i I 1 r . I Ml J i; Auric Co llsiij. f rTri.i.k-i, -..ni ,V,n Hill." ... hi j.ii i.v 'rill, - .in luoa Lfcl.itu bf J C lll.ilify; .,i j lull I illl. Sr., j Oir rici-ipu tvru iiii.i.iiriif ni .fur January. IVa tlmii ii'.rp,irJn.i.ii.,r j,ri...ililt"u Iu .-..i.l iri.tcn.'i. er .vili em.il.itj th )r i.i.iniiv. licii.itt uic-j ! mail at imr urn. ri.k. In Money, Lycoming co., Pa., on Thursday morning last, Thomas Pain TKtt, Kstp, formerly of llloomsburg. aged about 78 years Ou Feb. 2nd, 180:.,Dr. Asdrkw Fos ter, of Union township, Sch lylkill county, P.i., iu his 47th year. At this place o.i the 6th int., Ansa I, wife of Major Andrew Creveliiig, aged abv ut 5(1 years. At Ronton on tho 8th of January, of Dyptiieria aud croup, LuoxortA Mary, daughter of Klishu nnd M irv Shult., aged 1 yenr 11 mon Ls and -1 days. At Jorsejtouu, Columbia co,, Fob. 1st ISGa, of remit t fevor, Mauy Janr, daiithlrrof II. gh and Mary McCollum, aged 17 yers, 7 mouths and '20 days. LUniv blight n ttroko tuny srvcr tl.u brittle tlirca.t iimn ulilcli 1 1 1 1 v human i-jii.tence. How iilrk, mnl lih I liio, limv iinijiii-iti', ir iltv trniiklt from tlictc mar nil sin. renin ri'iiiiinn buyonil tho grave, Tlio r-trong iiiuii Him glorii's in im might, mul tlio in I.t n t who soiree ha iM his cyt-s, nam to look upuu amuln'r world, are nil uliko expimnl in the urntp of Hint IV 1 1 ilealrnyer.llciTll. Tho siiiijcct of IliU lirief ni.litc, wns, hut u fuiv il.iya ImfurJ her itcaili, hi thu full ciijnjmuiit of licallli, tint hluuai of yuiiili iimutlud tier fartlu-nJ, mnl mi far a hu man i-alculittiuiisiiro ciiii ornul, a luiiy lllo of prosnif Hy anil Iiiij piLi'ia imK.rorc In r. trim u-ita rt reniikiit of thm pl.tcu. hero b5is is rem (iiih.n d kindly li nil tvlm had the plca.ure of Iicr nc liininlai.ee. t'ho fulilllod lu'r diiiiei in nil tlio ri l.nii.ns of lif.i, iMtlti Xc-iiiplaiy iri'iirily. Bliowai kiinl, allec titnntu ami fiiuil, yut nil tin so Int-iitiiiiaHo qunlitici cniild notnrriSft Iho iclil hund nf dentil, Jicli has tak en hor ml' in the midst ether iil'j, her hope und liuruso fulnots. Tltniigit dead, alio yet lives in Iho memory ol tliomi stia left oi hind. As a student, nono were at tentive alli.-r sladius every moment of lur lime iu tint sihuol -room una devoted ! llio acUlsiliou of knowl edee. The brightest alar of liar class Is iui more; and tho deep slunni thai could bo teun upon tlio countenan ces of tier claismiitesut Iheannouiicruieni oflierdealli spnkoili stronicr terms iliau l.niguiigo can describe. Aa a sister tlio was kind uad ol.lis.iiL'. As a dautiliter thehi-arlsof her parents did caftly trust iu Iter, and their couflilcnee whs never disappointed. Ilul what is the crowning excellence ur character wa hers also-. ha was an humble Chriillan. Shocait her stir upen thu meicyof Cod iu Jesui Christ, aud there she stayed herself at allliuics-and tliattJavlourin whicU she Ituileil, fiiltlllud his gracious promisu iu the last sad hour nf Nature's terror film save Iho assuranci previous to her departure that she was prepared to uoet lirr .Maker, lm dlnd Iho peacfuldealU of Iho christian, and U now wnlkl ug U.e gulden streets tf Ua Kw Je.'i'salon'. J J"i. ;,j,a, ra rebuary lOih, 1 3,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers