Fanner's Department. " AoRtovnmiis ut Mnillsi,iiiruL, Tint most Uss fi'L,iiiHKutTNoi CMn.oytmroi Man." ttashlngltn I.IIAIN AT CHICAGO. A late corrcspumhnt at Oliicngo writes ;.a follows ; I-'ifty.fivo million bushels of grnin liavo hcon rcoeivcil hero during the twclvo months just ended, which is nineteen million more than any previous year. A gentlemen who lives in the interior of our Stato, told mo this week that he had n large quantity of uom, and that it would cost Imn four cents per bushel to shell it, and six cents to haul it to the railroad, and that at the largest price ho could get for it, (eight cents,) ho should be two cents per bushel worse off than if ho should give it all away in the cribs. In such regions, corn in the car is being used for fuel, as muclujhcaper than coal. Our pork packing season is only half over, and there havo been already cut up 200,000 hogs, (whole number last year, 231,000,) whioh is a (steady increase from 48,000, ten years ago. Our beef packing season is not yet over, and thera have boon cut up, as yet, 30,000 beeves, Besides tho above, there have been shipped from this place during the year just ended, 3-14,000 hogs, and 103,000 cattle. Receipts of lumber for the same time do not rqual that of 1855. Tho low prices that have ruled, and the check which improvements have received, have kept it back. Architects inform me that there was never a time when build ing could be done so cheaply as at pres ent. SALT FOR FATTENING SWINE. Correspondent of tho Anneden des JJandwirthschaft states some interesting experiments to test the use of salt in fattening swine. He selected two pairs of barrow hogs, weighing 200 pounds apiece. Ono pair seceived, with their daily allowance of food, two ounces of salt; tho othe-pair, similarly fed, none. In the course of a week it was easily .ccn that the salted pair had a much .stronger appetite than the others, and after a fortnight it was increased to two ounces apiece. After four months the weight of the salted hogs was 350 pounds each, while that of the nnsalted, five wcoks later, reached only 300 pounds. The experiment was repeated with almost -precisely the same result?. The author feeds young pigs, accordingly to their age, a quarter of an ounce daily ; breed ing sows very little during pregnancy, .and during the heat of summer withholds it in a great degree from all, as it indu pes thirst and liability to disease. Furmc? S,' Gardener. CURING PORK. A French chemist has lately asserted that scurvy will never arise from tho' use of salt provisions, that salt alone snswercs all purposes provided the ani mal heat be entirely parted with before salting, lie claims that the insertion ol pork in pickle alone is not sufficient, but that it should be rubbed thoroughly with dry salt oftcr it has entirely parted with its animal heat, and that then the fluid running from the meat should bo poured off before packing tho pork in the barrel. This should be done sufficiently closely to admit no unnecessary quantity of air, and some dry salt should occupy the space between the pieces, and then pick le, and not water, should be added. Great care must bo taken to fill the barrel entirely full, so that no portion of the meat can at any time project above tho surface of the fluid ; for, if this occur, a change of flavor ensues such as is known with rusty pork. Tho pickle, of course, must be a satur ated solution of suit and watcs, that is, so strong that it is incapable of dissolving more salt. In must bo remembered that cold, waiter is capable of disolving more salt than hot water. Farmer' Gardener, PRUNNING THE GRAPE. While there are several good ways of prunning the grape, the following we regard as commendable, It was stated at a recent horticultural meeting to bo the mode of the speaker: ''Whether 1 pruned in tho autum or spring 1 would leave at least three buds to a spur j the lower bud for the purpose of making a new cane, the middlo bud to be rubbed out, and the third bud for producing the fruit. Tho practice is to cut down to a single bud. The reason for leaving three buds is the gimple'fact that the third, fourth, fifth or sixth bud will produce large and better fruit than -we first and second." FOR CI1APED HANDS. Wash tho hands, and, without using tho towel, npply n small quantity of lioney and rub it in well, use ouco a day, and it will make the hands very soft, euro as well ns prevent chapped hands, A pply it iu the samo manner to a 4'ow's teats. Committer. Robert Harris nnd John I'otnmond, for attempting to run tho tiloekado of tbo Potomac, and Bernard Goodwin, for attempting to slip through our liii' fi at JwiusvilV, Imvo Lecn con VtKd i tho Old Osjiitol priuu. LAUGE ARRIVAL OF Now Fall an J Winter AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ;.v uaiiT sthkf.t, colvmbia cor.vrr, r.i. T.l AH mt received from I'hilniMphln, nnd In now LI opening nt the old stand late y decupled by Maria fie tnt) a r-picnmu nssorimeni ui .thirl. .. Ill l.i. .nl.t rt. 1.1.1. CAFII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ills stoekcnnslstsof Ladies llrcss Goods choicest styles nun latest tasniuiis Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, h-annols, Carpots, Shawls, Hosiery, , Silks, READY-MADE CLOTHING. N Cassimcrcs Sntiuuts, Cottonados, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Qucenswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short every thins inunlly kept in n country store Tho patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, is ruspcctfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce. , , . HITCH EXT. Light Street, Nov. 13, lSfii. LOOK i: IF YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR GO TO C rrssy'sfiloD, in Light Street, Fa. ALL KINDS Oil GOODS ! CALICOE, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELC, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish , Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sogars, Hats, Roots, Caps, Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &$., &c. In addition tn our largo stock of Drv Goods, wo have f large uud full assortment of Ready Made Cluthine aor .Veil and linys wuar which wu arc determined to sell cheaper tbin can bo bought elsewhere. Call and see, and Judge fur yourselves. II. W. CREASY & CO. Eight Street, fa ,N0v. S 1EC2. ILLUMINATION IN At Fritz's Store, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. r3ho undersigned has just received a B. large aiul select assortment of chojeu Spring nnd Summer Goods, vvhlih will bo sold cheap fur cash or country produce. Ills stock coiisUt. of ladies Dress Goods, choicest styles und latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINT FROM 7 TO 12VctS A YARD " ' Cassimer3, Satinets. Cottonndcs, fiii t o Inroad tVC. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quecnswnre, Oedcrwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs', Oils, Paints, &o. BOOTS & SHOES HaTS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept in a country store, Tho patronage of old frends, and the public generally, is solicited. May 3, 18C2. WILLIAM FRITZ. jaw MARRIAGE.-ITS LOVES AND HATE KATT sorrows and angers, hopes and fears, regro y"fcinndjoy; MANIIOOD.hovv lost.hovv resturu "s" tho nature, treatment nnd radical cure of spe matorrhrea or seminal weakness; involuntary euiis ions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage gen erally ; nervousness, consumption, fits, mental nnd pliy. sical incapacity, resulting from SELF-AllUSE-aro ful ly explained iu the MARRIAGE tiUIDE. by WM. YOUNH.M.D. This inojt oitraordinary book .hould bu in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and eevry man or woman who desires to cimlt the number ol their oirspring to their cirouinvtau nes, Every pain, disease aud ache incidental to ycuith, lr.iturily und old ago, is fully explained; every paiticl. in knowledge that should be known is here given. Hi. full of engravings. In fuct, it discloses secrets Hint ev ery imu should know ; still it is u huok that must bn locked up. and not lie nbont tho home. It will bo sent to any ouo on the receipt nftvventv five cents in specie or tio.tago slamps. Address DR. WM, YOUNO, No. 110 SPRUCE Street, above Futirth. Philadelphia. riy- AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no mnttcr what may bo your disease, before you placoyoursclfuti. der thu cure of any of tho notorious Quack native or foreign who advertize in this or nny other papei, get a copy nf Dr. Young's book, and read it err(7y, It will bo thu means of saving you many a dollar, your health, nnd tiossiblv your life. Hit. YOUNG cm lie consulted on any of tho disease described in his publication, at his office, No, 410 fcji'Hi'O-t-; street, above rnurlli, t'ttliailelf Mia. Office hours from 9tu 3, daily. .March d, leOS-lSm. 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN fiat, aot.i) rMT.IIS, ooi.n am) vF.Lviw VF.connTioys. JUM1HLK AUH IMK Df.COIUiriOXS, JYWJ' JlA"H GAY GW.Kli rAVF.HS. MJllJfJlA'I) lilt IG I IT COMMOA' I' IPFMS, IIOIIDKItS, FIUK IIOMll) PltlA'l. STATUKS, IILIA'IIS, F.l C, F.TC, Will he sold at greatly reduced prices, nl the paper liuujiug rooms of the undersigned iu Judge Rupert's froru llniisu, on Second street, u few doors Leluw Mar kct. Also Paper I Canning Executed In l'i" b t tiyle at luodjrnte prices and in quick time F. J THORNTON V 'utnetU'f May 'J IPt.'-Jiu, ORANGEVfLLE. Spring &d TOS EMIT l&EElEEr FOR TIII5 o n s r i t u r i o n AND THIl 0 , H O w M m rou D I A B E T E S AND DISEASES OF TUB These Dangerous and Troublesome Disteses, vhUkham thus far llcslstcd the best directed Treatment errnlt CuioirUy Oonlrellcd by the ItKMl'.UYnow Itore ul tiii: cukativi: prnperiles of tho nii-dii Jno dlnct themselves to the or nnns of secretion, and by so nllerlni? the condition of the stomach and liver that the starchy principle nftliu food Is not converted Into sugar so lung us tliu system Is under Iho inllui iicc of the conhi'itution vati:u, which give those orgnns time to recover their kcnlthy toiiM nnd visor. U'o nru able to statu til it the Cniutilii-, linn Water lins cured utery lasuof Diubctcs In u liicli it has been given. STONE IN Till! IlLADDl'll, CAl.CUI.US, GnA Villi imici; dust m:rosiT, and jiucoua on .MILKY DIHCIIAIIOUS AITKIt UlllNATINO. Diseases nccurlng from one and tho samo ramp win lierntirrly cured by tho Constitution U'nlnr, Iftakeu fnl Hliv ImilTtll of tllllo. 't'lie tin..., l.n..l.l .i.t.l. .1. severity of the disease, from twenty drops in s. lea- ' siuuniiu uiree iiiii.-s n uiiy, in wnier. iiuriug luo pas. sngo of tho Calculus, tliu pain mill urgent srniptnnis should be comliiited with the proper remedies, lhi-n followed up with the ConstiluUon tVatcr, as above di rected. DYS.MDNOftllAffiA, Oil PAINFULL JinNSTni'A T10N, AND IN MKNOllltllACIA OU l'KOFUSU FLOWING, lloth diseases nrislni from a latiltv secn-tlnn nf nm menstrual fluid iu tho one casu being too little, and nccoinpatiled by scvpto pain j and the other a too pro fuse secretion, which will be speedily cured by tho Constitution Water. That d scaio known as FALLING 01' 'I'lln Wnrin which is tlw result of n relaxation of tho ligaments of that organ, nnd is known by it seiihoof heavinesi and dragging nains In the buck and shies, and cnnipaulcd by sharp liicjnating or sliootlugpains through the parts, w ill, lit nil cues, be removed bytho inedieini:. J nc-re is uutuurr rins m synuitums nri'ing from II!. lUTATIONOFTUU tVOAJU, which physii inns call Ncivousnvss, which word covers mi iiiurli lennriinee. and iu nlnecasos nut of ten the doctor does nut rn.-illi- know whether tho syiupjoms are the disease, or the discaso the symptom. H'u can only cnuiucraic them here. 1 spulk more particularly nf Cold Feet, Palpita tion iu tho lie-art, Imimred .Memorv. W.-iki-fnln.... cs of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dimucss of Vision. riUlTltLSSUI) MENSTRUATION. Which ill the unmarried feiunle is it constant recurrlii" disease, and through neglect the seeds ol luorn ernt.r. nnd dangerous maladies are the rei-ult; nnd us mouth nfter month w llhuut an crTort being made tu ns-si-t nature, tho suppression becomes chronic, ihe pa tient gradually looies her nppetilu, tho bowels aiu constipated, night sweats come oil, nnd contumntiun finally ends her career. LEJJCOllUCEA on WHITES, litis disease denendk unon an infhitimtjnn nrmi.,nn. lining oftnu vnsina and womb. Ii i in nil ,,,., coiuuanicd by sevcro tinin in the bark. .irrm.. n... bowels nnd throutrh Iho hips. A teaspoouful of Iho medicine may he taken thrc.i times n ilnv. with m. m. Jection of a tablespoonful of the luedicinie, nu.ed with aiiiiii-uiii 01 sou water, morning nnd cvenin. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE ULADUER INFLA.MATION OF THE KIDNEVH AND CA TARRH OF THE BLADDER, STnANGURY AND liURNING OR PAINFUL URINATING. For these diseases it istrulva lovorcizu reniedv. nn,t too iiiuih ennnut be suid initsprniso. A single does has been huoiv to relive thu mo.t urgent syptoins, iire you irouuieu wnn inai iuiressing pjin in tho Binall of the back oud through thchinsi A teannniiful a day of Constitution Water will relievo J oullku magic, FOR DYSPEPSIA, It has no equal in relieving the .Mint distressing mp touiB. Also, Headache. Heartburn. Arid Stntn.irii v..,,, lUngFoOd, &c. Tnke a toaspoonl'ul after dinner- The lose in ell cases may be increased if desired, but should uc iiuue grauiiuiiy. PHYPICIANS Iluvo long since givou up tho use of huchu, cubeb nnd juniper in the treatment of theBU diseases, und only use them for want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER Has proved itself equal to the task that has devolved upon it. niUlftlTICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use toon Ijad to chronic degeneration aud coifirmed dis ease. I Mead. Read. Read. D.VNVIM.E, Pa., June 2 lgiii. llr. Wu, II. Guech Deer Air: Iu I'ibuary. 18t!l, I was alllioed with thu sugar di.ibutes.and for live montlis 1 passed more than two gallons of water in iv.cuty.fuur hours. 1 was obliged )o get up us often ten or twelve times during thi night, and iu ih-c months I lost about fifty pounds iu widglh. Hunting the month of July, lelil, 1 procured two bottles of Constitution IV iu twodays after using it 1 experienced relief, and after taking two bottles 1 cured, soon alter regaining my usual gnua ueaitli. Yours truly. J. V. L DE WITT. ISoston Corners, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1601. Win. II. Gregg k Cu.: lients: 1 trceiy givo yoiililierty to make use of the folloningCirtincatooftlie value nf Coiutitutiou Wa ter, which I can rcccoiiimeiid iu the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoul ders, w hole leneih of tile back, and iu her limbs, with Palpitation of the heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysiiicnorihoea, and "Irritatiun of the Iliad der," I culled n physician, who attended her about threuiuonths, when he leit her worse than he found In.r. I then i-iniilnveil ohm i,r thn t.ct i eo"1'1 flml' "lioattouded her for about nine mouths, . n.lll .. 1.11... III. .. 'IB ...III.. Til J .Im .11.1 ..... ...I.'.- I ........, ii, a .....I ruu ui-t iiwfc puiicr quite as much pain i he finally gave lnr up and said . , "hrr case w as incuiable." For, said he, "she was such I a combiiutiuu of complaints, Ihut medicine given lur joue operates dgainst someothi-r of her dilllculties." i About this time she cumutcnccd to uso Coi. ti-i on is Witer, aud toour utter astonishment, almost the first ' doso seemcJ tolmvo the .laired cUVct, iuiiIbIjc kept on Improving rapidly uxdi-r il trpalniuut. und umv mi per- ken any of thei.'uN iiu-iint Waivk for about four weeks undwuuro happy to say that it has produced u perma nent cure. W.M. M.VAN IlENSCIIOTtN. Miluord, Cokn., Nov, l'J, J6G1. I)B.V.vMI.flRFOa; IJear Mr: I havefnr several years been afllitt'd w ith that tooublosoincuud dangerous disease tj ravel, w hich resinted ml remedies mid doctors, until I took CossinunoNiL W'ahh, and you may be assured that I was pleased with thu result. It has entirely cured me. nudyou may maku nny uso of my name you may nee fit in regiiro to thu mediciiio. us 1 hat e entire confidence iuits ellicncy. Yours truly, POM) STRONG, THESE AP.E FACTS ENHUOII Thcro is noclass of diseases Hut produco such ex hnuhtiug elfects upon tho human constitution ns Dia betes uud diseases nf the Kidneys, llladdcraud Urina ry Passages, uud through u false modesty they are neg- ,iivviu.ohi-ihi; iivf uuua-BHis niuiirii tTIieiKIB ll'H III I itcieii uuui viioy arc so uuyaitceii as lo no tieyouu the cuiucui ui oruinury remeuius, ami wu present tliu CONSTITUTION WATER To the public with thu conviction Hint it has unequal in relieving tho class of disuates for winch it has been found so eminently successful in curing: and wu trust tliutvvc shall I. e rewarded i ii our efforts in plncing so valuable remedy in a form to meet tho requirements of patient and physician, FOR BALE IIY ALL DRUGGISTS, TRICE I. WM. II, tiEOUGE f CO,, Proprieiors Morgan It Allen, General Agents, No. 40 Clilf St', NswiYork, Sept, lJ. 1E0J. 12m. Lackawanna & UloGmsburg itailroail ON AND AITI'R NOVEM. 17, IffiJ. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL HUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. Passenger. stream. 8.00 A. M, 10.13 A. M U.80 Arrit-u JI.10 A M 11,10 ll.'M ISM I'M J'J.43 MOBT II 5.50 P. M. 0.00 0.35 l.5l I.uiv Peranton, Kingston lliuomsburg " Rupert, " Iiunvillo, Arrive at Northumberland, MOVING Leave Nnrthumbcrluud, Danville, " Rupert, llloumsburg " Kingston, Arrive at Scrantnn, ti.45 10.00 P. M, 1.4 5 V. 3.40 M A Passenger Train nlsolenven Kingston ut P.00 A. M fur connect with truin for New York, Itii turning, leaves Hcraiitou on arrival of Truiti from New York at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna slid lllonmaburg Railroad connects with tho Delaware, Lnrkuwaunn aud Western Railroad at Scrantou, for New York and intermediate points east At Rupert it connect with the Canon ismiHulIrn id, for S oiuts tiuth cast und west-arriving ut Philadelphia at .1.1 P. M. At Northumberland it connects with Hie Philadelphia k Ericll. ll.undN.O 11, It, for points west aud south Pussengers arriving nt llorrliburg 4 50 P M ; Phil, ndelphla 10 P, M (laltimoru 10 '-'0 p. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Suf't 1 ft. Wells, OcV! TlclctSs fvUVt-tuber Wl, J?iJ Look to your Bii. crests. LlU&Il A It HIT A 1. OF ! IfiuXt.Qrlll vW . 2 AT MILLER &EYEll'S. rpllH nibs rlbrr lmv Jit r turnd fruit 1 1 rl .iil . ' t'ln JL I tla nnutli Inrg u I sul .1 v.iii-irt":ccti i."l.;.t; purchnsid .it I'hilndelphtii, nt the low -l Iliir which they nro d. tcrmlned tn s"ll on n in ' i.n. 1.1 rins ns can h. procurun cisewiicie m ih.iuiiih.uik. i'helr uom' Diti -vf noons. I of cliolr.-sl styles nnd latest rnli!nn. ...... n.i.l.m .....Mii'.iir.e tllli If uuoo, UJ -I mii j.ftir.o, mnnirniK WKrAw.mK, CKD.m hmh:. nui.t.ow tvjtnn io-v. nails, noors .v siioi.s WITS CM'S, Ac., c, Afi , . In short everything iisuiilly kept In lountry Stores) to which Ihey lnv Itc Hie public generally, Tho Highest price paid for '"""'.(fjjjl Rloomsburg, Arril 20, IriGO, IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. PUIILISIIEI) IIY D. AITLETO & OO. 443 c'445 lifoattwut, New York, Tho following works lire fontinfiub'i rikersluany par of thu country, (upon reci lpt of retail price,) by .mall or express prepaid i Till'. NEW AMERICAN CYl'LOl'.EMA A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by Chimin; 1111-t.KY nnd ITiiablvs A. D.vnv. aided by a numerous se lect corps of writer iu all branches ol Sclctincs, Alt and Literature. Thlswotk is being pnbllsh.-d iu about Iu large oitnvo voluiiu-e, emit rontaiulng ?."0 two cotinn pages. Vols. 1 to XIII inclusive, are now reiidv.ench containing near '.'.Ami, original nrticles. An additional volume villi be publisheit once In nbuut three montlis Priee, in Cloth, $3; fheep, S!l SO; llulf .Mur., SI; llnlf Russlii, SI .'lUcach The New American Cyclopirdin is popular without see ing suprrnclnl, lenrued but not in-dauic, coiuprehensivn hut suHck'Uly drtallcd, free from personal phpto nnd party prejuuiru, iresn ami yeiaccuraie. u isii complete slincineni to mi is mum ii iiuii r i-ry imioriani tup le with the --dpi ofhiininn intclllgeiice. Every import, nut article in it has been specially written for Its pasci by men whonro nuthorille" Uiou the lopicon which thcvupnaV. 'J'hey are re.iilredto bring the subject up to the'prescnt moment to statejut liuvvlt stands now. All the statistical information Is from the latent reports; the geographical nccounu keen pace with Hie Int-st explora tions ; historical matters Include tho freshest Just views the bingrnplilcal notices not only speak ofthu dead, but also oft lie living. It s a library of itself. AuRtntiKMKsr ok iib Dtntrt erOvvoRrss: lleing n political history ofthu United ttutin, from the urganla tlon of tho llrst Federal Congress In lWHn IH5ii. Edit ed nnd compiled by 1Iiiii.Tiiu.mas II. Iltsro.i train the Of ficial RecnrdB of Consress. The work will be complied in 1 royal octnvo volumes of 7.W imgescach 11 ofwhlcli are now An n.ldi tioiinl vnlniiie will he publislied once iu three month. Cloth. s:i; Law Shtcp, S'l 30 j Half .Mor $1; Half Calf SI 511 enili. A WAY OF mOCURlAG THE CYCLOP.EDIA, OR DEHATES. Torm a club of four, nnd remit the prlreof four li". t -and five copies will be cut at th reiulit . i carriage. or for ten subscrib-rs elcv. ii r pi , i nt our espen-c for cnrrlaue. TO AG N 1 S No other works will olilirullvr o-ir -of Agents. An Aoitxr WvTtn is a ' Terms made known on npplicati-ot to tit. i'-oi i . Nov. 21, 1800. 'IMIE undersignetr is also extensively enu'iii'-.i In He i Undertaktiiir hnsiuei.ii, and keeps c.uibt.tntlv uti loin, ntl for sale nt his Warcro-.nis, a I trj asfu'tni at of V1Nls SEsS .'"' lly whirhheis..nabl,. to till orders on pre iitiMiu-i Also-Keeps a good ilorte nnd llearsi-, aiol will tit til times bo ready tu attend Funerels. SIMON C. SIHVE. niooinsln-rs, January 2D. 1S50 OFFICE Oi- JAY COOKE, fiUnsCRII'TION AGENT, Al Jiy Cooljf! & id., Bankets. 114 SouniTiiianSiRt trr. Philadelphia, N'ov. 1. 150-2. The undersigned, having I een nppoiuted Hub-crip, tion agent by tbcSecretury ofthu Treasury, is now pre. pared to furnish nt once, the JVcw twenty yeai 0 per cent, lhivils. of the United States designated as I'lve.Tupniiea' m. deeinable at the pleasure of the Government, nfter five years, and uuthuruud by Act of Congress, approved February 25, IcVJ- Tnecoupon bonds are isHUed in sums of S50, S100, 8300, siuoo Th Itegintcr Uonds in sums of 650, 51U0, MOO, SIOOO and S500U. ' v Interest nt Six per cent, per annum will rommence roui dato of purchase, uud is l'AI A11LE IN GOLD, Senii-Ariiiially, which is equal, at thu present nrenii urn on gold, tonbout tight per cent per Alumni 1 urnmrs, Men ha uts V, thnnics, Ctipinlist.. au.l all who have any money to invent should know uud nt on mbi r that Ihu-o llonds are in ell'ect, it First Mort gage upon till ..ail Roads. Hank Stocks nnd Setmities. and His imuienso products ol till the Manufai tares, &;., &c in the country, and that thu full and ample provis ion made for the payment of tlili Interest and liquiilat iiiii of principal, by cuMini s Duties. EM'isuPlampsaiid lut.rnal lievi nue, serve to make tlutollumls the Best, AJost Available and vtoU pupulur Investment in the Market Subscriptions received at Par in Legal Tender Notes or notes andehetks par en bunks in Philadelphia, (tub scribers by mail will jeccive prompt attention, nnd ev. cry facility undcxplanatinn will be afforded on applica tion ut this odice. A full supply of bonds will bo kept on hand for imme diate delivery. JAYCOOKE, Subscription Agmt. Nov. 8, ISCi Dm. nnn ono m a 011 v ' a JJJ tJJ agents to sell Lloyds new steel plate county colored Map of the United elates, Cauadas, and New llruusvt iek From retent surveys, completed Aug, 10. IBC2; cost $20,000 tocngruve it and one year's lime Superior to any SI U mail ever ninth- by Colt. hi or Mitchell , and sells at the low price of fifty tents ; 3"0, 000 uunies are t-ugruved on this nttin It is mil only a County Map, but it Is alsu n County and Railroad .Map of thu United rtntes and Cauadas combined in one, giving every Rait road rtatiou amj distances between. Guarantee any woman or man 8' I" per day and will take back nil maps that ciuiiik be sold an,' r fund tho money. Send for $1 worth to try Printed instructions hi. tv to cauviss w t f , , . -, all our ngeuts Wanted Wholesale Ag .. I't.ite, California. Giiiiu u. A fortune may b.- ma - w.t . capital. No ' 'tiiupi Htinn J ' llrnadvvny. New Vork. The War Department iipi's our '.p cl Virgmi'i Mar yland, and Pennsylvania com gilt 000, ou uhjrh is marked Antktiiiu Creek, rteurpsburg, uarylu.n, II i. his, Williamspnrt Ferry. Hlmrcsv ille, N'iduni"s Fori Und all others on the Potomac, nud v. ry other place in Maryland, Virginia, uud Pennsylvauiti. r n.inay r fuiuled. Lloyd's Topographical Ma of Kr uc'. , Ohio, Jatta'(i and IKii-ois, is the only authority for Gen. I'.uell and the War De partment .Money ri funded tn uny ono finding an urror iu it. I'rico 50ci uts. From tho Tribune, Aug i!' "Lloyd's map of Virginia, Maryland, nnd Fcnnsj Ivn ilia. This Map Is very Inrgo ; its cost is but 5 cents, aud it is the best which can bo purchaseu." LLOYD'S GJttiAT MAP OP THE MISSISSIPPI 1UVER. From nctual surveys byCipts. Ilnrt, nnd Win. Ilow cn, Mississippi River Pilots, of Ht. Louis, Mo. shows every man's plantation and awners numu from bt. Louis to thuiiiilfof. Mexico l,:t50 miles every sand bar, Island, town landing, a ml all places '2d miles back Iroui tho river colored iu Counties und Slates. Prlfu, fjl iu sheets, $-2, pocket form, and $-2 50 on linen, with rollers. Ready Bept -20. NlVV HtHRIHIVT, Wasiiikoton f jit. IT. Im. J 'I Ll.ovo-elr Send me your map of Hi" Mississippi River, with prut per hundred cupiis. Renr-Admirul Charles II. Duvis. loiuiiiuiidiug Ihu Mississippi rvoiu.j. rou, jsuulhnriitedto purchase as many as aru reulred for uso ol that squadron. HIUEOS WEIILS, Siicrotary ofthu Navy. October II, let, 2 Ut. BLANK SI BLANKS! 1 Of erery descrintion, for sals nt thisofiic i iA4Sir--..rjtti'ii-. i i,i,i!Hilila & Uiiulliig (iiiil l((i.i(l II ISUFll A fi l A iGuV:N'r i. . OF PASSEVOEIi TltAIN--. - 'v? J4al",!- Nuv.-ndM-r 4. Irbl, (1'ii-silig Ren In) Down tn I'hilnilliphla, at ii,-.H und II A M, 19 no"", and 4 i M. I p. t. 'ottsvilh'. nt ID, Ml A M, and .1.43 P M, WE.- .TO L1 HANOW AMI IIAItlllHIlUltOi Western xpress f. . m New Vork, nt l,7 A M. Mall I'rnliH, at III..V1 A ,M. nun .5,4.1 P M, On Bund tys, the Down A M 'liritin imsslng Rending, nt H.2I1 A .M, nnil Up Trulii, nt S.X7 P VI. Ilinh Id AH V At mid 1.4.1 1' M, up Triilns connect nt 4 a lint i fur Tn,unit.i, Willlaiusport Eiuiir.1, llutr al 'lag. ii uit.i t'ai-.i n. ii hi,.. M, Tr.iiu only connects nt Pott Clinton for i lk -si irr . Hrr utou ittid Plttston. 'fin V si ii Kxpn ss Trains i ouiiiit nt llnrrlsburg v rii I. pr- st l laius on tli ) Pennsylvania Railroad fur P.tlshuiii, an ill points West . uud the .Mull Trains cii inerl i.t II" iiurg lur Luurnt-r, Chambersliurg, Wiiiliury, vVilliuni'purt. Lock Haven, Elmirn mid Hie , t'tinndiis, .... i 'I hroiiuli First Class Coiinon TIeKetf. nnd F.iiilir.ini Tick. Is nl rediierd Fan .", to till the principal points In the Notth nnil West, and tin- Canada'. COMMUTATION TICKETS. With 2d Coupons, flJ percent discount, between nny points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, Good for WOO miles, between nil points, at 845 for Families nnd llusiness Firm, mid Sraion Tiekett, good for thu holder only, for three mouths, in any Passenger train to Philadelphia, nt $IOuacli. Hchoul Season Tick. ills one.llllrd less. Ii ' Passengers will take the Express Traill West, nt the UPPER DEPOT, nnd oil other Trains, uttlio LOW ER DEPOT. t-o His nfbaggngn nllowec each passenger , l'nenL'rrs nru requested to purchase IhelrTick ets before entering the utrs, as higher Fares charged if paid iu cars. Up trains l"ii"e tHiiladelphinfur Reading llnrrlsburg and Poltsv ille at 8 A M, P M, and lit 4,:i0 P M, for Rending only. EJ- Excursion Tickets, gnod for one day. by 0,0-2 A, M. Accommodation Train tn Phllai'i lphia anil return lit J8 CO ench. G. A. NICOLI.!, General Superintendent January 4, lMi'J. ' mviumivini n eo rh t uisi.iai a..saiiii a ' S. E. comer 'third and Dork Uliccls, I'llJLADJLPAIA. Hals made to order, ofnny Stylo or duality at Short Notice. January -I. ltlW. Cuii. WKSTB-Jft" MO BitTi, Nos. 9, 1 1, 13, 15, 17 Cotirthtndt Street, NEMt I1UOADWAY, NEW YORK CITY This old-eKtuldi'hed nnd favorite Tesort of the lliiii ness Coiniiiuiiilv lias been n-ceutli' n-lltted. und is rout- lik'te iu ever) thing that can mlniMer to the roml'orts of ' !. I I ......III..- -l..t, I . us (i.t i ri. i ii- mm 1. 1 ii i m.:! hi r p.i.iiiiii uiiii tare i'ullv iirovi.l.'ii lur II ! ci-ntrnlly located iu th" liu iuess part of Hie city, ( nun is contiguous in no- jiriucipai unc-i 1.1 steamnoats, Iu ronsi qui ere of the pressure i tiused by tho Rebel linn, p rites li.tve bi en ti-duti-d to ' in Dollar a d I'ijlij ' cuts per Day. Mi. i' .'imply supplied with all the luxuries nf m.. is q i ii to i-.nt ol nny otn-r Hotel in the Mil I'l, . p'.e -st: .... i .. u-.i.i ' r fr.r upward of 400 'tutl others who : . i . i- ' - . . fh.1!. Proprietor. v ' ." omnitrcii I rviidinns are loca tut apposite Court House, corner of Court and Clitnann-Siriels. This College is in no w aV connected with any other Institution, Thu energies of the entire Faculty are cxclutivcly dc voted tolliis. Tl.-udesign ofthis luslilulioii istu afford to Ynun" Men an opportunity for acpnring a Thorough Practical lltisineis lidKcotton The Hook and Forms are carefully arranged by Practical Atcouiitaiils, expressly fur this Iio-Ulutiun, and I lis- course if lustiui Hen is such locoiubiiia Thuo- I ry au.l rr.'ictice. ! COLLEGIATE CnURsiE. i This i'o.ire .'itili, ac s 1 ook-Ke. ping in all its dc I'ail.u Ms. P.-iinmaiisliip Cniiuneuial rillinu tic, Ilus ii 'ur'spuiul in. I'liunerciiii l.'iw . I'o itical Eton ..lnv i tine ' nitner hip i ttlenients, De t, li.i- otiiit .1 it it a-"! l.uiik-,oi(, e.c. ' t Iu rJpi-iie.i nan tf.vst.-tu , f P. iinmansbip is taiiglit In all Ita vail-ti s bytieuio-ts illful . ofthu alt. I'll- nrik '. -i.l t -1. p rt .nun i uti.;. r the special .HI tvisioii .in . ni.iruitiou 1. 1 th; rrincijial, D. W. J.' 'X. i;ei:rai in r-'tml nl tan i-iil.-r iiltmy Him. ; no v.-icitmn. Usual ' tiilia to coi.iii i'le I hi- Cnurse, IroniG to 1'2 wet l.s. A sU. t.iuc-r .-mi. r. d to gr.niiiiit. n iu pmcm mg situations. Graduati-e .ir-' presjnt.-il w ith an el. gaut'y eugrnv ed Di ploma. 1j" For oatal' gui' of TOpattcs, specimens nf penman-s-ltf p. izc. 'iiclosc two letter st.tuip-i nud ,-ntdr. ss LOWHI.i k tV MINER, August .10. ie. fMnyJ, letlJ-ISiii C II 1 T T 13 N D E N S riiii,)i);:i.i'i!f.v ii,ilt!;;!u ;al. C0LLEG E , JV. E, corner vflih a;nl Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Iksticttiov. whiili was erlabluhid i'l tf44 and is now ciinsein.-nily in the eighteenth near of Its exist-t-uce, number- mining its graduates. hnmlri'ilH of the uiuslsucccssfiil Merchants nud llusiness Men of uur Country. Tun Onju-r ofthu Institution is solely loiillord veung men facilities fur tliuiough preparation for biislir.".". Tits: Itn vN-tiihs TACoiirart'. Itvok.hrepini;, as upplica hie In tin- various ili-pallments of tr.nh ; I rnuinnrhtp,; Cumwercial lis. Mai he matic, .YnriiralloH Ciril Knx'nrLrlnz, llraitinj, I ion eviirjiktj, and .Modern Lnngnojcs . Tj t rivrti os Iss-i iii t-i ios is p-eullar ; no classes or set lesson art made u erf but each student is taught Indiv idunlly. suthut lie may coiiiiueini at any time, and utteud at Vihatuvir hours aru most loiiveuieut. Cvi vioi.t-ks nieisMied aim uoHvafter the 15th nf April containing nainjj of tliu studeutvfur th. yeai , and full puilicul.irs of term-, Ice., and may bu obtained at any tiiuo by addresiug the Principal. I.v ExreviivK At coMMontunvs, vitte-tprcad reputation nnd tliu lensihii eiperienie of the Principal, this Institu tion otfers facilities, superior tunny oth.-r iu tliu coun try, for young men wiihing tu prepare fur business, and to obtain at tho same time a intM.tiM ., uhteh trill prove a recoinmciidatiiu for them them tu any .Merchuu tile House. K5"CitiTi:NtsN's fertes of Trentisei on Poon-Ktrp. 1KB now iioru widelycirciilutedtlian nny other work on the subject, are fur sale at thu College. S. HODGES ORITTi.NDHN, .ittorneij'al Ixur, I'Riscirvi., Jan. '2 s-lf-i;-.' ljin. it -hum; SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. B A U G 1 1 ANJ S O , 'n, -t .-t! t i;i,:-. t..s s? ' '. i!i Intr. e v- tie, . ,A ii LP ill A " i i'i ii- fiom pure Itnw Hones J I-. ' ' i.. .1. th ir.iri.-iuul organic mat I i .hi burn li-l.i. . bun -s aru used, aud it is sold mi '. r ft. ,ii houi.iiijficturers that it istreo fro .. udulti'Mlioii. I nst season the demand fur this manure exceed ed that -f nny former oui , nud w ith few otci ptions Ihu r -siills liav eheeu liiahly f vnruble. No pains will be i-par-ii to ii n l.i j ii it st.-iu. -,isi of popiilatitv - JjT" riisn IN VOUKUlUOUSUtlll V. J'UJ E.SiO Jifl' U Ill) CASH UnO' ND vU' HONES WARRANTED PURE. A large supply on h .lid for Fall rules. l'HICE Sail per liOUU Ibe. CASH. 0j Tho above Manures can ho had of regular Dea e' r of IIAClill & .-ONH, No'-'OBouth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. July IU, leO'J :im. 1 LEATHER! LEATHERN aMIEuudersiguc.l would nnnounce, that he has no hand . ut tit. 1 1 it .iinl 'uti Emporium, on .Muiu r-L, lllu.ius burg, iiiHKnirtinentof dllfurcut kind ot'lsiilhi r. null as iiiiu can ssiiis, mnroci inruil anilliiacliiaud linings, all ' i f w Iiii h he will sell t benper limn tin. be liud elsuvv hure t iu Hits niarlt.,1. Cull an. 1 1. till fl li lit i ' ItKiuwburg, Way '21, fiQi. lUOAUS k TOBACCO I laigeitssortineut of clioicu Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes' r'- rruits, Couf.tliouiryaiid Nations genrrally.togetli. vr Willi u lull .lurk of HATS and ( APS constantly on hand and fur sale chuap, ut the "llloomsburg Hat bC.111 Emporium," 1 iluoiiiibure, March 18, ltM, 'I lie .c ATEB'S Sarsaparilla Foil PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ami fur tht ppced cure of thu batmlns; coraptuhuWs Scrofuln nntl Scrofitlnnn AnVctlonsy uci ai'Tuinori, llloorj, Heres, UrupUons, JMmnlci, I'll titles, lllotolica, UoMS, lllnlns, ah(t nil Sklu Ulicatoi. OAXUKP, Ind., Olh Jime, M30. 3, C. Aral A Oo, OeuN I I feel it my doty to c knowJcilKe hat your 8Mjrrlll has tlcai. tn: Hailntf Inherited n Scrofulous Infection, I havo nrnjfl from if In TMlous ways for years. Poroetlrues It burst out In Ulcsrl cn my hands and nrm sotneriuiej It turned Inward (ind distressed tns at thfl stiBncl. Tw Sears ago It broke oflt on trir hmd and covered my snalp and sari with no sore, 'ililjli was palufal and ksvthscrm. beyend description. I ttle'l naoj rnediolnei! and "VtKil physlelsns, but without inuelt relief from any thine. In fact, tho .Visuidsr grew worse. .1 1 '"'gtli 1 "J to read In tho Gospel Messenger IlkJt yon hod P;tl n alteraUto (Snrsiipivrllla), for I know ,'ioni jour rurniIA tlon that any thing you tnado mast be ts?o- 1 "f iv Cincinnati nnd get it, and used It Mil It cured ."O ""J It, as jott advise, In small of a lensnooidi.' "TSvJJ month, and used almost tlueo bottles. Now Mid lu.'Sw sklu soon began to form under the scab, which tUnuj,tl while till cff. My skin Is now clear, and I know ht' lAf feelings that tho disease has gone from my system, Van cnu well bullsvs that I feci what I am saying wlut I Hi you, that I hold yon to be ono U tho apostk-s oflbe agv, sod remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED H. IALUIV. St. AntIiony' Fire, Iloso or Ervelpola, Totter nnil Snlt lthcvtin. Scald Hc-chI, Itlngtrorm, Soro Eyeu, Urop) Sr. Robert Jt. Prcllo writes from Salem, N. Y ltfh Sept., 1SSD, that ho hu cured an Inreterato cmo of Dropiy, which threatened to terminato fatally, by tbo IicrseTcring uso of our Sarsaparilla, nud also a turoirvrous Malignant Krytiptlat by largo closes of th. Bomc says ho cures tho common Rrvpliont by It constantly. Ilronckocele,. Goitre or Swelled Nock. Zclmlon Blonn of Prpcct, Tcaas, writes t " Throe bot tles frf your Sarsaparilla cured mo from a Boitrt a hB eou swelling nu tho Deck, whloli I bad sutTored 0utn over two years," Iscucerrliran or 'Whites, Ovnrlort Tnrno Uterine Ulceration, Vcmnle Dlsiensoss Dr. 3. D. S. Chamilng, of Now York City, writes I "I most cheerfnlly comply with the request of your nfaooin saying I hsre found ycur Sarsnparllla a most untenant altoratlv-0 in the nutnorous complaints for whteh wo employ snch a remedy, but especially in JlmaJe Dlseata of tho Serofulous diathesis. I liavo cured many bisctei Ate esses of Leueerrlicea by It, nnd somo where Use ecan VlaJnt was caused by ulceration of tho ulcnu. The ukw atlon Itself was soon enrcd. Nothing within my luxrnl odge equals rt fox thrso femalo derangements." . Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous oi-an'tm lumsr on ouo of tbo females In uiy tomBy, Which had defied all the remedies wo could employ, has at length been completely cured by your Extract at Sar saparilla. Our phrsiolan thought nothing but extlrpn ttoB could afford relief, bat be advised the trial of jtnir Sarsaparilla as tho last resort before cutting, mid It proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of tho disease remains." Syphilis nnd Mercurial Diseases NlW OgtMUS, Mlh Augvist, 1M0. Da. J. C. AlTR t Sir, I cheerfully comply with (he ros ?cst of your agent, nnd report to you somo of (bo efJccts have realized with your oarsaparllbt. I have cured with It, In my practice, ewst sf tho torn plaints or which It Is recommended, and have rbund lis effects truly wonderful In the euro of Venereal and Shy. turial Disease. One of my patients bad Syphilitic nloors m bis throat, which were consuming bis palato ruul tho top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily token, cured hlui In tlvo weeks. Another was rUfctched by sec ondary symptoms In his nose, nnd the ulceration had oaten away a considerable part of It, so that I Cc-ltove Oio disorder would soou reach his brain and kin Idm. Put; It yielded to my administration of your SnrsaparUlai (ho ulcers liealod, nud he Is well again, not of course without soma disfiguration to his fsco. A woman vvdio had been treated fur Uio samo disorder by mercury was sutTorlng from this poison In hor bones. They had becomo so scjs eitlve to tho weather that on A damp day slie suuVsed ok cruchvtin pain In her joints nnd bones. She, too, was cured entirely by ycur Sarsaparilla In a few weeks. I know from Its formula, which your agent Rare me, that tills Preparation from )our laboratory mint be a great remrdyi consequently, theso truly remarkabkj result with it have not surprised me. Fraternally youre, O. V LARIMER, M. D. Ilhcuiuntlsni, Gout, Liver ComphtUuts kJ iNDEPEXBiitCE, Preston Co., Vtu, Cth Jtrly. 1801). Bit. 3, 0. Arm: Sir, I bare beon nlUleted with a prdn ful chronic iiAcumtrfi'snt for a long lime, wbldi ImlUi d the skill of physicians, and stuck to mo In spito of nil U remedies I could Mod, until I trlod your Sarttaparllla. Ota bottle cured mo In two weeks, and restored my general health so cinch that I am far better than b.torel wifa attacked. I thluk It a wonderful medicine. J. IKTIABL Jules Y. Oetctioll, of St. Louis, writes i "I have bcoft nflllcted for years with an affection of Vie Liver, v.IUih destro) cd my health. I tried every thing, and overir (hkul failed to relieve me ; and I liaro been a broken-down rnaji for some years from no other cause than dtrcatgcmSittif tlu Liver, lly beloved pastor, the Rev. Sir. linjy, ndvilsol mo to try your Sarsaparilla, because be sakl ho anew you, and any tiling you made was worth ts-jlng, lly flu lie lug of Clod It has cured me, and has so ptirtood my llopd as to make a now man of me, 1 feel young again. 79to best that can bo said of you i not half good enough." 6ehlrrns,Canear Tamora, Knlnrcauitcu4U Ulceration, Caries an.a JUxfouaMon at tlie lioness A great variety of eases have been rororlad (o nsmdicpo cures of these formidable complaints linvo resulted ftcBl tho use ef this remedy, but onr spaeo hero will not udmb) them. Somo of tliotu nuiy be found In our American Almanac, which tho agents below named, ros) -leased Vs furnish gratis to all who call for rhcni. Dyspepsia, Heart Dlaense, Fltfl, ISpUopa ay, Mclixncholy, jVeuriilhv. Many remarkablo cures of these aflections bora been made by the alterative power of this nuHHrioo. It slimus bites the vital functions Into vigorous aetleoj and iliw overcomes dlBotders which would bo supposed bcyDntl'i& reach. Such n lemedy has long been required by the u ressltlcs of the people, and wo aro contideut that tbts vBl do for them all thst medlciou can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR TUB llil'U) OURE Of CoiiRh", Colds, Influenza, Honrderieiie, Croup, riroucliltu, Inelplent Oon aumiitlou, and for the IteJJcf of Coiisnnipllve l'ntlci4 In advanced Stn(es of the DIsensc. Tilts Is A remedy so universally Known to surpass any other for tho cmo of throat and lung complaints, tlutTt Is useless bore to publish the evidence of Its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence tor coughs and colds, and its Holy wonderful cures of pulmonary dbcase, have mudu it known tliroughout tlio clvllited nations of the enrtb. Few aro the communities, or oven families, among rliem who hare not some personal experience of its ellocts some living trophy In their midst of Its victoty over Qio subtle and dangorous disorders of the thrast nnd lunoi As all kuow tho dreadful fatality of these diordrs, afel as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need urtt do more than to assure them that It baa now nil tbo Vir tues that It did havo when making tbo onres which boTO won so strongly upon the confldinco of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYES & 00., Lowell, Kaci, fold by E I' I ut!!. fi M'fiasi'iihuch, nnd J II Moyer I'.loouisburg: J Schuyler. Kohrsbiirt! ; .Masters & fion, .llilltilluj I' Masters, Ili-iilnn; Lazarus & I'ishnr, Or anccville i C I' Fowler Kowp'rsville: A Uliller, lh'r witki l.uw- & Rros.,Ccnli-rvillc; II 1' lteighart & llros I'spy : M (! r'hneinukcr. Ilurklmrii ; ltiighnrt (c Xuss, .Maiuville. J fcharpless. Cuttawissa: Creasy & Co., l.lchtPtr.ct : nnd dealers everywhere. July '.'f, leOJ ly. t.f EVANS & WATSON triwe?$i makes of lucks equal to any made lit the United Plates. l'tee Sofc.1 in one fir), .ill came oui rirrht: Kith ran. tents in L'ood condition. The balamander hares of I'hiUdelphia agniusl tho world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the surest ilemostrntion in tho following cer tificate that their mnuuf.icltiro of Salamander yafes has at length fully warranted the representations whiili have 1..111 Hume 1.1 iiii-ut ns reniiertng an uiiiluuliteu security against the terrific element. rhiladeliihin April 1J. l?5n. Messrs I.rans a- Hilton! r:..iiii..i,ii.iiii ntri.r.i a the highest satisfaction lo state to you, that owing 'to the 'very protective qualities of two of tho Salamander, hahs which we purchased of you sonic tlvo month sinro wet saved a largo portion of Jewelry, nnd all our bonks, fce... ciposed to tho calamiiious, tire lit Kaustcad placo 011 the morning of tho lllli iiist.. When we reilect (hat these safes were located ill thn fourili siory of the building wu occupied mid that they fell subsequently inton lunp of burning ruins, where tho .us. K.iitiiiuiiuoii 01 me neat caused tun nriisa plates to melt, we cannot but regard tho preservation of their val uable contents as most convini in nri,nf nf iKn n.!., nrity alTorded by your safes. ,. D.i.iii iiisu piesv pieasuru 111 recoiiimenuiitg tuem to men of business ns a sure reliance nguinst tire. , EOKGE IV. 8IMMOMS &. IIKO.. .letrellers. 07" They hnvo siucu pnrLhused six largu Safes. July aii. IHUJ, August 0. 1B2'1 STOVE AND TIN-WAltK SHOP. ''l- U'iJerlt:ieiI vvoulil iiifurm thn citizens of -.t I.4..1.IIIS1.UIB Uuii vKiuiiy. inai no iu just ru Msill eiveil ntn i)ir..r Oisui.. ,.cn.n . .... nuin - ' "." "- ui" niuBi uAii-iiBivu C- ussortiiiejitsofCtlOKINHuinl 1'AM'V STOVES tver ititrodutcd into this market, Tliu Christopher Co tiuibus, James Ilobbaud Cllobunre aiuong the first class ii 1 , ". .. """""" una inu iissuriiueut vu fled. AheO-l'urlicular uttuutiun is puid In Tin-W'itrr and Itiu.u Spouting, upon short iiotico, All kinds of V-iiV, ' h "'" w nn neatness unil ilesputch, u- Country produce taken in en hanee c. unit- 1'HILII" S. MOVER. Hlooniiburg, May 10, 16(12 'I'O flfiM-lTAI I'iTM.'CJ rpllE Advertiser, having been restored to health Inn .ud.s!:! "."r,rr''i''f:'''!f'" v'n to his fellow-suirerers the ineiinsof cure. ... uusiruii.iiu will seiii ti copy ol the tire- nr,!',!!Vn"!ll(frl0,,cl'r '' direc.ions'lor preiaring and using thu siitne, which Ihey will llndn suitis CtiitK for Coss.iMt-r.ON, Asi,u, llnowmi ., &, lliu only object of tho advertiser in sending tl u p,, tiou vvbicjrAe conceives lo bu nvalualile, ami he h inns rin;hf,,.UXirWi" rc,,y, , ;, co.t' K nnthinj, ffhd may prnvu it blessing, l'arties wishing thu prescription will please address ,, lnv. Eim'Altll A, Wll.xiv, EcPl. 5T, l-3mp ,",i!, L'0l"",' Votk' 'J I'JsiiT'r. -V "ui c-i'-ii-vni'i:ii .vt-i:, in; 'tMrVKSfirl SIOVEIl to A-o. KiAeiirA Fourth toU.O w:ijy; Street, Philadelphia, havo ou i'Umr.-t l&iSoftl "'d a lurgu nssortiuent of Eire y!Rfti'i-ttt Thief proof Salitniander Safes. Ko;;i36p.ii-i I'". irou doors, for banks ami iVir . Itvcfrri-stores, iron shutters iron sash, nit FRESH AR1UVA 1, SEW FALL M'D WINTER! 7 " Ln. I " "I1 J ,Jt " 'V "nM" ttV pMrafiaieMe , 1 fully Informs hlsrusluniers nnd the tifiVdr cciio,1 . thai he lins Ju.l received fruiri tho Ensletrie c Ith,. largest nnil most select slot k of ""' 111 TALL AND W NTH It Thnl lias yl been nprneil In niooinsluirp, to vvlilcb t Invlles thu nttfiillou of his friends, nnil assures th,! tint they nre offered for sain nt great bargains it " Mock comprises n large assortment of ' HHNTI.UMEM'a WHAillMl AITAriM,, Constsling ol FAsntnm k IIrs-si Covrs, of'evcrv ile. rrlptliyi; I'nnls, Vests, Hlrirts, Crnvnls h'locks. i on,... llaiiiLtcttMefs, tlloves, r"uspefiilers, ,tc. 60LD WATCHES .JEWELRY, Ofcvery dedcrlpllonV r'"F nT''J Th';nP- N. II. Ileinenilier " '"eenbc f Clteap r.mporlnm call and sec. Xo rhnreu 1 '" e' Vooils, can ami sic. .Micnarfeui IUV1I) L'JWT.Vmnin llloomsburg, March 2H, lefii. -,"! lf3'J. J3ALTIMOIU2 LOCK UOSC''h IISTAllEltlHEl) AS A UErUflE I'llO.M QUACKi. 'Jhc Only Plate uheic u Cuc can Oc Obtained, DP.. JOHNSTON has discoverer! the mil"! Certain .-peedy uud only Ell'. clual lleiiiedy in the Wori lur nil private Iliscnses, Weakness of ),,. ,,, Eiiiibs, Stricture'', Allei Hons ol the Ki, linns and I.l m--ler, 1 11 voi 11 11 1 .1 ry Dlselinrges, luipoteui , (J, neral II 11 ity, Nerv oiisiiess, llyspi-psy, hniiguor, I. on Hm, its Ciiuluslon of Ideas, r.ilpiliitiou of the II. 'ait. 'I'iiuiuii, 'IV iiililiuiis, Dimness ot Sight or (ildillin s. Ills...... ,.r Ille Head, 'i' Nose or skin, All'ertious of tjie , 1. .igs. Ptouiacn or nnweis inosi) terrible liisi.niirs arising truin the Solitary Habits of Voiitlt - I hose sii m , 111 d solitary prni tict-s more tatul lo their vii tlius tlmn tl. mug of S) reus to the Marine of l'lyse, l,li;i,t lug their 1110-I brilliant hopes or iiutltipniious. reioi. r liif muiriagu, tc. impossibli.. 1' O II N C M 1; v Espefially, who have Locoine Ihu victims nfSolit rv Vue. Hi it ilreiiilful uud destriutiv e hnhit w lil, I. ully sweeps to an untimely grnvo thoitsaud-. of iin- iiienoi llii.- must i-uiieii talents anil I r 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 int. 11,11 who miclit otherwisu linve i-iitraursil li-teniug s i.,it w ith thu Ihutiilers of 1 liiqui'iice 01 wulu-il to ect't- n, livitiy lyre, may call with full tonliilmnu. M A K U I A I! E. Married r.crit!, nr Yoang Men toiitempl.iiiu' m,,r ri.ige.lii'iug aware of physical weakuesii, oignnle ty, deformities, &c, sfierdlly nireil He w Iiii lilsres htinsell amler the 1 are nf Or John.ti r. istny religiously iu his lnuiiir n 11 gi iitleiiieu. an conlideiitly rely upon his sktil us a physician. O II ti A N I O IV E A K V E S U immediately cured and full weur lesim-eir 'Phis lllstre.ssiug Mfi'i lion u hi. I, nnJi r 1ST.. eritblo and marriage inipossilli. is Hi.-penult) 1, 1 lie victim 01 improper iiiuiiigeni . s. i"ini ., sous nru too apt to commit, i-ucsh from n. 1, ( ... nwiiro of Hie dreadful rouseqtii-ui-G that mav a Now, who iiuilersl'iuils tin- .ulijiit wu , tend to ileny that the power of pro.-r nlioii 1 to-1 .1 by lliosu falling into intiroper habits than by tin n llesides b lag deprived of the lib ui-lire ol h a" spring, the mi-t serious nnd di-trmiivi. vui both lui'ly und mind uiise. 'J'he system In eoto h t. ed ; thu phy-scal and iii.-ut.-il luin lieu- of (iroereativo psiwei, iieivous in itnhilii) l' u palpitation of the heart, inilige 1h.ii. coiis'iituliin. 1 bilitv, a wasting of the I'mnie, t'oiigh. I mi .iiiuih d"cny nnd dea'li. oi'i'K'E, ,v.i. : soctii n:i:i)Ei!ii i; Left hand si Ingoing from "fillliuor.' stre. t a 1 w . Iroui the cot pa r. 1'nil mil to oh sen t- u.-niie alio 11 la-tiers mil, he pant and contain n slump. Th 11. tor s Diplomas hung iu his olin e. ACUllE IV A lilt A N'T l: I) IV TWO II A v Mi Mi. in tinv on Ni:situ'- nr.fus. )(. MW.VXTiiA' Meiuher of thn lluvnl College ol Silrei iuis I 11111I1..1 Orailualu from one of the most i-iniit ut ( "il g. . ,1 , United Slates, and th" gu-ater p.ui ol wlu- i ti i. . been spent iu Ih.-tirst llii-pitals of l.iui. Ion pan p. , delphiaaiid thewher.', has "ItVcted -01 1' tn 1 ., touisliing euro--that w.-i 'evr knuwn; many tr. .:..i. ,1 with ringing 111 the li.-ad and ears when nslei-p ei .it iiervousuess, being itl.iriu -d at siiddeii'ols au I fulness, w ith fie'pieiil bin -hiii g. alt ii'l.-il s-oni tttin t v. 11 Ii derangement of mm I. w ere cured iiiiui"ili, 11 n T A H E 1' A II T 1 C C I. A II N 1) T I I' V M A U K I A (! E, Dr. J. itildri'ssi-s all tho' who hiivu 111J re ' tti .u 1 liy niipropei iinlulgi'iiti-nnil, habit- c. ' ii r Iu both hoily nnil iiiiu. I, uuliting II1.-111 lnr 1 nh r b -s. uilys, study, society or luarrifii-e. These arc Mine' of the sa I an. I 111 i'lncnotv ell iluced by early habits of yoiiih, vir. v .-akr -Hack au'd liinihs, l'mu iu tin- Ih-ad, liieiu -ss Loss of Muscular Power, I'ali itntioit of Hi. II u'Sii. Mlll pepsia, Nerv ous irral.ibililv . I) -i.tii'.-eui -ut -it IU Iiii -.ive l'uiicliniis,t,.-u,-ial l)i lutity . s)iuploiiiMif t uiiii!ii. lion, fee. i"MENTAI,I.V.-Tlie f-nrful ell'ict o-t tin- 1 1 , iniiLh to bedreii.leil, lio-sof H. iiior.v . I 'out iisioti ..I I a s Depression of tit Spirits, E il I'or.-ti.i.liu... . , , , to Sori.-t) , self-.lislrilst love ot otn nle, '1'imil. are soiuu of th.- evils pro-liii-i'il. Thousands of pirsous of all ,i5e-ru now j'nlgi 0n.1i is the can si.- ol th.-ir deihiiiuu' h all'i. I.e. . 1.. ir vigor, becoming weak, tiale timl eiua'i it "I Ii mu guliir nppearaui; about the ej es, cough ami s) oipi.uu 1 Cunsiimiitiou, VOI'N'ti MEN. Who have injiin il tliin-elvi's b .1 crtalu prn . indulged iu wh -n itlime -a liatut fci-'in inlv I -no evil companions, or at school th.' elh-iis 1 f win. a n nighll) felt, even wh ui ii-eep. nnil it 11 1 1 or- d 1 nl inairi.igi- impossibli', nntl di-stru s Imlh mi'id a ml l.n.iv shoulil apply'ly. Wll-tt It plltV Hilt aollil-' 10,111 the hope ol lll-e il , and thu darling of his parents, should In- so, it. Ii -d ir.nn all prospect and eujoi incut of III'--, h, Hi t . us. -in ces of deviating from the path of nature, an.. 0. , -I u in 11 cei lam secret habit. Suili p. i.i.n. y,t , 1. ' .1 coiileuipliiting reitect thai ;i sound iniml uud birh at.- th, mi,.- ci-ssary re.tuisitii's to 1 1 oiui.iaii 1 I. , Indeed, without these th 'joiinii Ibr.-i-li in n a wem y pilgiiin.igo. Hi.- piop.-it It l k i the view ; the muni b 't-onies sh.i.ioo 1-.1 w nh u 1 t tilled vv ith the ur-l. 1111 hoi) rell-Hion that the li,,V, . of ttuolhet becoioi'M btiL'lited with our 0011. D I S E A S E ti !' I M P l: r i E x c n. IVheu the misgtiid'-il tut I imprudent v it.-irv ofpl .., Uiiils he has imliili.'il tin seeds of this painful 1,1 ,1 loo otlell ail ill tlun-d seii.o of II, , , dread of distovery, ih-leri, Iiiiu from npplj ni 1,, :n, who from eilucaliiiuuinl respei lability inn alone h, In. mi him, delaying till Hi eoiistitut al sjniitomsi Hi . horrid disease makes their nppearunre, su, h us 11I.1 u ,1 sore throat, illsi um'iI uuse, uortiiinal. pains iu Hi li.u.l and limbs, dimness of (ght, duafuess, nodes 0,1 11,1 n, , bones, and arms, liloti lies on thu i, f ue ami I'jir. niH lies, progressing with lapidity.till ut last the pal.ii, 1 the iiintitliuuil bones ofthu nosufall m, ami the v 1 inn . f this lies. -aso beeomes 11 horrid objettofeoiiimiss r dim till dentil puts a period to his dreadful siillerii,gs. .y srn. ding In in tu "that boiirno fioui wheiieo 110 tr.iv.i 1 , turns." It is n fact that thniifniids fall 1 1 -inns i this terrililu disease, owing to the unskillfulfoe,, , n nornnt pretenders, who, by the 11. e ofilmt , . "(. sun, .Verennj, rum Ihe coiistiiutiou and m,-,kL. , . due 01 life unserulilu. H T n A N fi E II S Triist not your lives, or health, to the can 01 tlu- ni.t ny Unlearned nnd Worthless l'r. tenders, id mute knowledge, name or tli.inuler.whoiopv Or J. numu,' ndverlMeiiienls, or stylu themsLlvr s, in '.: 11. usmpi-is regularly l.iliicateil I'liysii tans incap.-ilile of 1 urine th.., keep you trilling nioiiih alter uioiilh taking their fntliy and poisoiiHs couipuuiids, or as long us tin nuniHc 1 0 e can be obtained, mid iu despair, linve vou with ruiaul health to siuh over your galllnig ilisappoiniiu. in J r. Johnson is the only Physician advertising His credential or iliplomus always hangiu ho ollire His remedies or tri-uliiicut nre unknown to till . 111. 1 , imu.i. ., ,,..1,1 u 1,1. 1 speui iu 1 lie great hospital, ol i.u rope, thu lirst iu thi, country nnd u imsru ot 11,11 e f .1 raie Practice than auv oilier l'hysician in the world. I.VDOllSEMENT OC THE I'III SS. The many thousands cured nt is in-titutimi vara ;Lr..5 u."r'.c" '1V,."".,"er.""'' imio,tant Surgitnl Opra tioi . iierfurnied by Dr. Johnston. nes ed by tin' r porters of the . 'r-iin," "Clipper," and man oiln rpapi.i totites orvvhlth li.tvo appeared again and nuiiln btfui thu public, besides his Handing a. n gentlemen ofcli.n aluii'cled re,l",""l,il"'' " a sum -ient guiiriinleo If lli KKIN DljEARES SPEEDILY CLUED. Persons vv riling should be pnrlit ular iu dire, ting 'Ii 1 letters tohis luslituilMii, in the fnllowing manner nr JOHN M. JUIINVION. Al II. JniV h Ck Hospital lialtiuiure. lar IMitreh 1, irtt) IEOOT AXS IMiiSmAli V I rpilE undersigned, having opened a new IIOHT AM' I .1 SUCH SHOP, on Muiu street, in llupk.n-v ill' l 1 l.loouisbitrg. respeiifully Invites tin- custom nf Hie ci" jens und Iho public geiiernlly. All kinds of l!o"i Shut's. &e , will hu proinilly inndc to order, on sli"" i notice it id moderate terms. 1'roin long experience in his lino of business hu Hatters himself that ho will I iihlu to givo getiertil satisfaction to nil who mo, f.r "' it...! mil, uii'ir ciistoui. ID" (irain, rruvision and Produce gemra'ly taken In cithaiigu for work. n. v. nnooKK. Illonintbiirg, July II, IPOI-Hm, KoiiLoiK's DAXi)i:i,iox (ofi i;i:. This preparation, made from the bust Java'.'c is reconinieiiileiibyiihysltiansas it mporiur Nl'TIU'l H" s IIEVEHACiC fur Uuneral Debility, Dyspepsia, una a" billions disorders. Thousands w ho have hi i n coui,cU ed tn abandon thu uoof rolled will u.u tills without i" Jurious ell'u'its, Onu tun contains thu strmiglli ,n" iuillids ol onlinaty cotl'eu. 1'ricu 'J.5 cents KOJi LOCK'S L K VAIN, 'Iho purest and be.t IIAKIMl I'OlVDEIt known ( milking liijlii. swett uud nutriliiuis llreml und cal. 1'mc IS cents MAKL-ntTcnui nv M. H. KOLI.OoK.Ol.ciiU I. Ourorr o Hi iiml ami Chi'sinut Sltcrti, rilli, IDEIil'HIA, And sold hv all Drugiil.U und qrotcrs Match '.".i, let-,', i.ui,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers