KEF IVivmer's LVpaitimiet. y STEtViNO CHICKENS. I.rboil two fino chickens ; tako Ihcin up in u large dish ; cut them up, and scpa rate all the joint-bones one from another. Then tako out the breast-hone, ntld a little of the water they wore cooked in, blade of mace and a pinch of salt, t. v - closely with another dish, and put it in to stew until tho fowla arc tender. Servo hot in tho same dish. - - GUM AKAIHO STARCH. Tako two ounces of white gum arabie nowdor, and put it into a pitcher, and .r on it a pint ormoro of boiling water, (according to the degree of strength you ,-..' re" nndvthrn, having covered it, let it tot ail uight. In the morning pour it c 'ly from the drcpa into a clean hot- t'r. cork it, and keep it for use. Atablc "nootifal ot gum water stirred into a pint Ltirrh, that has len made in tho usual nPiuioM will give lawns, c'ther white, !). ' or printed, a look of newness, when ':i.'g else can rcstoi:- tl'.nn after wash j It is also good, much diluted, for Jiin white muslins and bobiuct. A NEAV WAY TO0OOK BEEF. N'.'lifn you get hold of a good tiling, it a "to communicate." Having learned this method of cooking beef with in a few years, wc find it so much tho ulV way that no week elapse without a meal of beef steamed upon our table. To stear.i beef procure a cast iron pot nf Urge dimensions, having at the bottom ''dcr, which is found in most large iron pots, at the point where the diameter is diminished to fit tho hole in the stove. Across this hole you place some pieces of shingle; then fill up the potto the shingles with water : adding a few pieces of lemon peel or a liittle mace if you please; place over a hot fire, and wait till done. You must be careful to add wu'or occasionally, for if it should all boil away,ol course the gravy would be burnt, and the flavor of the meat injured. V.Tjcn finished the bottom of the pot con tains a large quantity of most excellent gravy, which, of course, must be thick ened and seasoned. A rump of beef, or a shoulder, forms an excellent giecc to operate upon. Mut ton is also fine. Try it. Country Gentleman. PRESERVING PO I'ATOES BY BURYING THEM. A correspondent of the Scottish Far mer writes to that journal as follows : Your notice of tho conservative principlq 1 in seeds buried at a dentil beyond the aetion of the air and moisturo brings to my recollection a case of potatoes being buried for two years, six feet under lite surface, at tho end of which time they wero taken up quite sound and good fur use. The case 1 refer to was the result of fcefident, and happened thus. I had an old ire house well of the ordiuary des cription which I abandoned, when I built one of double timbers on the surface, after the American fashion. My gardener used for several years the old well as a potato store. It happened three years r.go that the roof fell in and buried sever al hundred weight of potatoes, which as wc had plenty, was not cared for at the time. Last year we required stones for a purposo,and had those forming tho sides and roof of the icehouse dug out, when, to our astonishment wp found almost the whole of (ho potatoes as sound as those of I'te same year's crop. I mention this as it may be turned to account in seasons when we have, as we hat! last year, a 8iupln3 crop, that by burying them deep cn-'i!jli, ar ! in a dry place, wc might secure oiirsolvus against a short crop, as :i all probability will be tho case this yra. in account of the prevailing disease. In mentioning this to a friend learned in mHi matters, he tells mo that potatoes buried a foot deep produce shoots near the end of spring; at tho depth ol two Icet they appoar about tho middle of sum mer: at three fuet in deptli they appear very short and never come to tho surface: and between three and five feet tlioy cease to vegetate. He further informs mo that lio has buried potatoes in liis garden at tho deptli of three and u half feet, which were nut removed until after one and two years, when they were found quite sound, and possessed their original fresh ness, firmness, goodjicss and taste. lamer tj Gardener, How to vkntilati: 6taoi:s. British fanners venfihito their stacks as follows: They fill with straw a hag, nay thrco and a half fuot high and twenty inches in dia. muter j place it virtically in the centre and stack around it. As tho stack rise they lift tho sack, and so nn to the top Jn this way a chimin)- is fpimuil in tin ce nter of the stuck, into which tho steam and gasses generated find their way apn escape readily. This method might h adopted with advantago in stacking cornd fodder. Vrbana Gas. ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLB. S9 At Fritz's Store, OllANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. 'Tllio undersigned has just received a B lore niul select nasntiiiicnt nf choice Spring nml Summer (iooiln, whlrli will lie sold 1 lica for cash or country produco. MiB Mock consists of Ladies Dcesi tloui'K, clmlccst st) lc ami latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, .Flannels, Carpets, bawls, Hosiery, ilkf, ! PRINT 'FROM 7 TO 124 eta A YARD. Cassimers, atincts. Cotlonndcs, Kentucky Jeans, Threail, .frc. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedorwaro, ' Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paint, &o. BOOTg,t IIOE IIATJfc C AP In short everything usually kept in n country Horo. 'J'liu patronage of old frcndi.nnd the public generally, is solicited. Muy a, 1SG2. WILLIAM 1TUTZ. LOWTRIOES HULE At Creasj's Slorc, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OF THE SEASON! insist rr O i 111 OF MS ! DESIRABLE STY L E s AND TUB BEAUTY OF IT AM. IS WE CA N AM) lVIIil. BUM. AT t Ii W P It E S, CALIGOE , MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, PLANNELC,' CA11PETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, . licdy-Madc Cloiliig. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, St'ars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Irug, Oils, i.,;.,f .r. &0. "IIIKJ III,, Wc havo a large assortment of P.lnck and Taney Silks which we are selling at rciluceil ptiens. Ulnck Silks for t-"J cents worth $I.U'l. nlso for 31,01) worth I, '.'.". We are selling our best prints for Ui tents per yanl tho best in the markit, nil fast colors. A yanl wiilc iinbleacheil miirlin at cents cuunl to New Matket. Threo quarter yard wide unbleached muslin ots to 111 cents a yard, In addition to our largo stock of Pry Good, we have n largo and full nssnrtnu-nt of Iteady Simla Clothing for .Men and Hoys wear which we are determined to sell cheaper thin can be bought elsewhere. Call and sec, und judge for yourselves. ... II. VV.CRCASV& CO. Light Street, Pa April 20, 1,2. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX l.milT BTHEKT, COLUMBIA COKV7T, T.i, HAS ju.t received from Philadelphia, nnd is now opening at th -old 6tand laic'y occupied by Marti & Uiii, a splendid assortment nf which will bo sold cheaji fur OAII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cls stock consists of Ladies Dress Coods choicest styles d latcit fuahions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, anncls, Carpets, bawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cassimures, SatiueU, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Gioceries, Quccnswarc, Ccdarwarc, Hardware, Medioinos, Drugs, Oils, Paiuts, &o, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS ,t GAI'S In short every thing usually kept in a country toro Tim patronage of old friends, nnd Ilia puliln aeiaral. ly, Is respectfully so kited. Tho hljlicit market price paid for country produce. Light Ptrect, May 0, I8C2. 1HLKLN1. ESTATE NOTICE. COLUMBIA l OVXrr, AS: In ilia Court of Common l'lcns of Cdlumbia coun ty, nfori'siilil, tafjr alia, it is thus contained Ileliju.iiin llahui 1 Kn.'J'i.May'JVrm, W.2, Vn- lilltionl i:xponns. Money paid J.".',1.'.',1 levari ami t into j ourt. and now to wit: VWIIIitm Oooilmaii. J Mnyfi, Hi,-.' on motion ,,f Mr. Ilurloy thoCoiirt iiipoinied John ti. Treeze, I!n , mi, ditor, to iiiako ditributinn of (lie money raised on lliu sale of the Itenl L'slato of John P. I.cvau on lb abovo two writs of Vend. i:.pnnn. Ily tub Cockc Certified from the Kcrorils May 111 lel.'J JACUII i:Vi:iII.V, Pr..lh'y. Per .Micuitfc J? LvtKU, Depiity, ,.!' J,0.""n.BJ"l.e'rr.'i,r.?,vi,1.1nk.? "Mlcoilmt tlio imdor- wr, )xzct:n?z floisot Columbia county, to make distribution nf the mm j r.iisMi ii,- me sine ni me jiral listaie of JohuP l.'Min, I'V virtue of tho abovo stated Venditioni j;iio. ua. will .ittend lit the Itecorder'sOllico, in IlliionisbJrc. ii Thursday the 2t day nf August, inns, fur I lie pu o"o of iiiskiuglhs diitribulloii. All poisons liawug claims m tho said fund a- hereby rcpn ted to iiiako heir claims before said nttdjtor nr ha debarred from obi lug in on said fund. W ... , , . , '?iX a. VRKEZK, Auditor, llloomsburg, June 7, in; -1 BLANK SI BLANKS! I Of oycry dooripUon, for sale at this office UJL t ALL I A IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. ruoiJBiir.u 11Y d. appllto k co. 4.43 antli-U) Jiroadtouu New York. I The follow Ing vcorkt arc. scnttnBubcrlliPrtriinypnr ofthocminlry. (upnn'ecclpt of relml price,) h mull or express prepaid ' TiiuNfiw A.iritirAtfrvei.oiu.nlA' a popular Dictionary of (it ii'-rnl Knowledge. Ildited hy (lnnuoE Hii'LtY nml Piiarus A. Hika. nldcd by u numerous se lect corps nf write r In nil branches ot Kcioncies, Arlnnd Literatim-. Tiu n rk is bclim published In about 15 lame octavo oliiiij. s. t.uh runlu.i.iug i.'H) Uo colmit piiK'-s. VuIh. I ti Mil I in luslvc, nr.: wm'', i aril containing near 2,ailu. original nrtldcs. An aililltloual vcliiiiui will I"' published ciico in about throe timutliii 1'riii', liiClotli. $li Sheep, S3 M; llalf.Mor.. 31 i Half ltiissln, $1 SO mi Ii The New iuerlcnn ryclopinlla is popular without ce Wg supirnciai, lenrueu nut inn pcuniiic, ciniiprciieusive hut suillcieiitly ilctntlcd, freo from personal pi-pie ami party prejudice, fri'h nml yet accurate. It Isu complete statement nfnll Unit I kniin li upon every Important top ic with tint scope iifliuinaii intelligence, l'.ery Import, nut article In it linn b( en specially written for Its pain by ni"ii who are authorities upon thu lupin on which thcyspenk. They nro required to bring the subject up to thoprescnt moment In state Ju Ft hnwit stands now. All the statistical Informntion Is from the latent reports ; the geographical account keen pace with tho latest cxplorn. t i on a ; historical matters include thu frcth.'.tjiut vIcwh tho blogrnphiiil notlri's not only speak oflho ilcnil, but also nf too living, It is n library of itself. AnRimiKMFsT or tiik Dloaik orCnxntE's! llolng a political history of the United states, from the org.inlia tion of the first federal Congress In ITfil to lfM. Ddil ed ami compiled by lion. Thomas II. Uimos from Ilia Of ficial Records of Congress. Tho work will be complied In 1.1 royal octavo volumes of T.'ill pages each 11 of which nre now Kinly. An mlili tional volume willh'j itublisheil once in three months. Cloth, S3; Law Hhcep, SJ SO; Half Ator9j Half i ail yi All earn. a way or niouunixn Tim cYci,orxniA, or iii:iiati:. Torm a club of four, nml remit tho prieeoffo ir honks, nml live copies will bo sent nt the remitter's expense for carriage, or lor ten subscribers eleven copies w III ho sent at our cipcii'cfor enrriage. TO AGENTS. No other works will so liberally toward (lie exertions of Agents. An Aotsr Wanteh in this Cou.ntv. Terms m.ule known on application to tho Publishers. Nov. !2I, lcbO. T'lll. iinucrslgnct Is also extensively rniaireil In the I f , 'tf"ir '.'' and keep "oustnntlv on hand ml fjr m.j .it his War rooms, a Inrg aidi't.ncnt of FINISHED CO j FINS, Ily which lie is eiiableil to ml orli rs on presentation Aiii - Keep, ii gi,j Horse and llearso, nnd will at al times bo rcudy to attend Fnn-rels. n , , SI.MO.V O. SII1VE. JUoomsbt'rg, January 23. 1P50 A !ot, 5f 8lli'rior Pibe Proof ('KMENr.espt'clally adap ft. I . ';r"e'HliiSnor. Oneg,illon will .over 11X) feet of ordinary roofing, and is insured proof ngainil "j" n'lrt weather. Can 1,3 had nt iiianiirailurers prices by the gallon or half barrel, at tho ollice'of the Columbia Democrat. llloomsburg, July 13, igci. T' TA'm GIBSON'S DEfOKATIV US'lUBMSHillKKT, Uo. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, Ennmcled Olass, 1'rcsco, Oil aud I'.ncaiinic Pnlntin Jonv CSmsnv. Gi ii c,r,Sl,v January I J, lsui-am.. 1 ,r"x- Arch Street, More Third. V HI A DE LP II 1 A . Tim situation rf this Hotel renders it one of t,0 most convenient for those ho aro visiting l'liiladelpliia on business; while to those in search of pleasure e constantly passing and repassing city Knilnay r'ar and those in i lose pruxiinity. atHird a clienn and i,i, , Xri.,.0e"tl-.1,,Be''' f i""-rt'St """ ''"'""':'" i r . Jll", p.r."p;i':,P civT8 ""1'"'0 "Tho Union shall be kept with such haract as will ,eet public apprulutlon, and wool,, rcspectfull solicit, g- nei, , ... Pebruary 2j, IcCO 1 ni, Proprietor Ii'UlSUnCTIl di liKOTIJKltH. WHOLESALE T '0 B A 0 0 0 DUAL E R f HV.IUB.SO UTII Til I H D S TIU3ET Pvc doorsbolowltare. PIIILAIIUI.PIIIA BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, I'lli: nndcrslgned informs tho citizens nf lilooin. une neighborhood, that ho has taken the largo room in the Lxihango lllotk, citeiiillng over Jlisjrs. sJioner k I'nx's Hakery, ami Hie llookstore hern he has nut in a l.irgerik.Mipl I. It is only by Sk light that goud pje ures can bet en i spccially grops nhero eaeli iier.on an be taken 1st ns ki II nr s.parate. Ibihasgnn to ciinsiilrrablu uipense to make his es nl.lis iiumit llrslilasiiue, nml ha threfiru solicits a In ral patro age to eimblo linn, to rniisiantly i.itrnduco tliciuode l iinirovi'ineuts of tlio art. UJ- Cu'in :y pruducu taken in Liclnnge for p. turt uiiiVitv Konn.vstpDcK. lllaoni'-biirg. Nov. 23 IfCl. L-N'"v. "2 GILL & PAUL, General Commission fllrrclinuts, neALrui. im Pish, Provisions. Plour, Ilutter, Cheese, Oils Dried Truits, f.'raui, Heeds, ll.ans, Whiskey, Wool Country Produce nnd Jllerchaudlso generally. No. 31 NtKTiiWiiinvts, PiiiLAnEiriin. XT Consignments of Pro Isions. Plour nnd Countrv l rodiico solicited, and returns pruuiptly made. Cash advanced nljcu denred, n .'JI,!!!l:!f.S fi." "n. ki.nd'' Df rM Provisions, Plour, Ir led I'rults. ic.. filled iboluuett Cash Prices August 4, Jt-l.ll- I Jiu. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ailataud (Jap.Sioro.pSP Tho iinderblgned lesprrirnlly informs the cltlnous nf niooii.sburg, (inn lie public in gin.r... Unit ho lias re .noved tho .V.P 1MV yJOIli:, U,e hou.c, mi Main r'lreet. nearly oppuHte his latu eland, niiere helms just recenod a splendid assortment of ClI'Y HATS A NO CAPS, Direct from the Mnuiir.i -tunes, nf nil kinds, styles sorts Biidu.s, latent l.isl.i .is, which iieolf rs h i 'snlv- .in.) retail, nt very low prio h. tv"l'hes.'(jo,ids will bu sold at very lowpnces lor Iliaiiy Pay. . JOHN K OiUTUX. Illooinsbiiri, April 19, IMiJ. Bisel's Old Stand. T II1J subscriber hasre-iivi . I is SCWNr; STOCK OP (,'OJIJ-'. Hhi'h In- oil' rs 1 1 I'm, i.n.H 'i' i. in. ter M.iker, lie woul l say bring it I e-li anj wu uil luyiiuiMra price n- tve i,aea FORTRESS MUM.OE, Inch inu-t he fulfil i-d. and we ran aH'orl in pay nn extra pri.i. IU lime thunged our l!.prefs ilny to Thursday. Persons ha ing good veal und calvir.nill bring thein in on Wednesday evening orearly on Thurs day morning N. MtOAY. Jerseytonn, May 17. 18e0-3t. N A T It 0 N A COAL OIL! andenualtonny Kllllo "unm: WAItll NTUII 0 P,.PL031Vj;i "'"X.iir'u?,'; Hss.i-.s w.. si I'VflUlh Wit lU'ittrwiiib'i PA. HALT MANltPACTrilJN't. COMPANY, No. 17 Walnut Utreet, Pilll.ADLLPIJIA. Teby. 2J 102, I ye ir. rnilE PENNSYLVANIA H0TEl7 jMAriu.i:, mo.vtouu couatv, pa, Knt rtaiumi't 1 1 ,t Man nnd P-ast, In good tiyla and at moderate rates, Pinvllle, April If, lECi, PIIII-VDELPHIA & ERIE h A I LR O A D. itN (Lvanu ii Ait. co LksseE. On nndaftef Monday .MavSih, I8Gi, time nt Northuni hcrljud Statli will he ns follows ! Leave U itcaril. KaatirnrA. 'tuard. 0 111 A.M.I llxpn 1 13 l'.M 11 D.xnrcts 0 111 A.M.I lijnress H 4(1 v. man -i la f.M I II 10 01 a h HNoiiiiifr rars on jXlp;Itt Trains llolh ways betwi en Vllllampnrt and llalllninre, nnd on the Pi iniKjIvtnln liullroad betwetn llarrlsburg and Philadelphia tin Jlnll Train In both directions n Cur goes through Vln. PentisylvMiil.i Hall Itnad Witliniil ihange I ctwceli Philadelphia ami Lock Haven. BAMum. A. tll.Al'IC, . Hup't lJaHern Dlvi Ion, May 21, IPC5. i'.'Klinvissa Kail PASS HUr-UUT STATION. BOUTinVAIU) I10UNI) TItAINS. Philadelphia 4; N. Y. .Mall in;,.; A. M. " " i:iiress 12.25 A, M . NORTIIfVAUU IIOU.V11 TUAIXS. K mlrn Mnll 3.41 P, M Mntrra P.xprcss iu.13 P. ,M l'!iilnilclilita & Reading Kail Road. 1 V1NTER A R HA NGEMENT 'H m or I'Assuvonn tuainh. :5f-sfa- November , 1HU1, iiassiiig uentiiusi Down'tn Plilladelphla, at ,2() and II A M, 12 noon, and 4 P M. Up, to Poltsville, nt 10,50 A M, and 5,13 P M. WLSTi TO I.I UANO.V AM) IIAIIISISIIL'IKI : Wostcrn express from New York, at 1,07 A M. Mall Prnlus, nt 111,55 A ,M, nnd 5,45 P ,M. On Hiindays, th' Down A M Tram passing Itentllng, tit II.2U A M, und I'p Train, at 5,57 P ,M. Until 10.50 A 51 and 5.43 P ,M. up Trains connect nt Pnrt' linlou for Tuiiiaiiia, Wllliamsport Liuira, Hull' r.lo. Niagara and Canada. The 111,511 A M, Train only connects nt Port Clinton for V.'ilkeslnrr'' t1 r.iiitun nnd I'ltt-ton. The Western Lxpress Trains nuniert nt llnrrlbiirg Willi P.ipr -ss Tralm mi the IViiiisylvnnit lliillro.ul for Pittsburg, and all points Wist .- mid the Mail Trains qpun ct al llurrisbur for LiincaHer, I'haniln r.burg, ijiiiib iry, Willlamsport, Lock lluvun, Llmirn and the Caniiilus, 'Phrongh I'irst riass Coupon Tickets, ami P.iulgrnnt Ticlcls nt reduced Pnro, to nil the principal points In the North nnd West, and the Canada , OOMM UTATIO.V TICK I .TH, With 2ll Coupons, 25 percent discount, between any points desiied. MII.I'.ACi: TICKP.T.'l, C.nod for 003 miles, between all points, at $15 for Families and lUsiuess Pirm, and zatfion Tickets, guod for the holder only, for thruo months, in any Passed r.-r train tn niila.lelphia. nt SlOuacll. School S asoii Tick ets one-third lnss. IL7" Pusciiger will tako tho niprcsTrniu West, nt th? I'PPLIl DI'.POT, and all otlur Trains, at tho LOW- i:u Di:por. to lbs of liaggnge avowee each passenger C7 .'.istengers are requested to piirrhaso thoirTirk- ets hefor intenug the cnr, us higher Pares charged ii paid in iars. I'p trains le.-i"p llhiladelpluaf ir liending Hamburg nnd I'ottsvllle at ft A 51, 3,15 P M, and at 1,30 P M, fur Heading only. C '"" t'tc.irVi ii Tickets, go'il fer mr day, by fi,02 A. M. AcciunitiOuittion Train to Plitliii i iphia r tiun at 3 r-ocueh. U. ... M ;, dcniru I SrptrintCHU- lit. Jinuary 4, Ifl'J'J. liackawatniit 'c Ulo'iMisbct'S 3; .ilrnasi ON AND AFPrit NOVUM. 25. Ie'01, PAs'sn.MJLll TP.A1NB WILL KUX AS P01.IOW.S: M O V I N G BOUT II. l'r right .5 I'asst Mi'er. 103'J ,.M 12.1.5 P AJ Jassev?cr. 5 25 A. 51 Ii 31) M.3J H.40 J 15 10.00 rf o it t 11 1.30 P. 51. , 5.10 ' 5. 15 Leave Birnntnn. " Kiiigslon Ii30 12.1.5 P AJ I " lliuiiiiisburg " Unpen, " I),iuille, Arrive at Nurt'jumberland, M t) V I N a Leave Northumberland, " l)auillii, " Itupert, " lUiuiuHburg 5.57 " Kingston, C.OOLeavn 1.45 P. Ml Arrive at Scranlon, '.'.DO P. .M, 3.40 A Passenger Train nNiile.-ucs Kingston at t-'.3 0A. 51. for Hcriiiilou. tu eonn, cl w itli train fur N" York. I(e- ' turning, leaves Berauton on arrival of Train from New . York nt 1.1.) I'. IM. 'J'he Lackawuima and l'loomburg Ttuilroad rennects Willi the Delaware, Lackawanna and eiern Uailru-nl i nt Scranlon, for New oik and int. riai-dintc points east I At U'lpeil itcn,iuect with tin. Cutl,iissaPiai'ioud,l'ur ' points both can und west. At f.'nrthiiiiiberlanil it connects w llh the Philadelphia k L'ricU. U. and N. C U. U. fur points west and south. JOHN P. Il.bLLY, S.i:'t J O. Wells, dtu'l Ticket An Nuv. 30, 1801. w. wiirr Esii 'nV ni-riiiiina tint iswmi Itn Llnlrn 111 Ti-ntit In 1 I Uiiiititfi't'H briclt buililing, on Mni Htn-ct Iji'Iow Uim A in t. r f ri lliiibi A unlit rnn -tu Innt nlViin n Imm Im will lie liunpy ul (ill liuioi tohco tiiti friotids anj clu-'iito. PBOTEGTION FllOM LIGHTNING. 'pill! subscriber would inform lus friends, that lu is ( .1 now )irei.ired to iut up, on short notice, and in u scientific iiiauiicr, the best ! 1'latixa pokvtki) hods. I nt 121 cents per foot. All work warranted. I ii. ii. in u l.l. n A.N. lllnonishurg, May 24, 1PO0. 1 Till! unilersisned, having njieiied n new liOOT AND Blll'i: SHOP, on Mijin street, in llnpkinoville, Hast llloomsliur;;, respe' lfully invites tin' custom of lb" mi reus und the public gem rally. All kinds of Itmxs. Hliui'C. &.c , will be promptly made to order, on short notice aid moderate, terms. Prom long experience in his line of business ho Hitters himself Hint lie will be able to give gem ral saticfjctioii to nil who may favor him v. llh their i ustoui. HO drain, Provision and Produce gencially taken in exchange fur work. i). r. nnooKs. Illootnsbiirg, July 0, lGl-3in, Ms 0 to B'B" " W IIUIT UELiE $2 MAT, S, E. corner 1 hird and llo-.b Streets, I' 111 LA I) K L PA I A . lints made tn order, ofany Style or Quality nt Short Notice. January -1. IcCi. tin. N03. 0, 11, 1H, lu, 17 Courtlnndt Sfect, NUtlt IlItOAUWAY, NLW YOIIK CITY. Tins iild-esiablisli-d mid favorite resort of the Pusi uess i'oiuiiiiiiiii h is been rt'e.-ully ritilted, und isium plete 111 ever thing that can mlnifler tu the coiulurls uf itn patrons Ladies and families are spei i.itly ami care, lully prm ideil lor. It i- centrally located in the bu Incus pad nf llu cily, and is uuiitiguoiis to the principal lines i.f suiimbuals, cars, oiiinibusses feiri,- &e. In couseipieucu uf the pressure caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to Due Dullar w d lnjltj ( entu per Dai. 'I ho labie Is amply supplied uitli all the liiMiri"s of the season, and iscpial lu that op any oilier liotel m thu c(untr). Ample accommodations are nlT"ieU for upHard of 400 ' gu '.t'. U Do not believe runners. hackineii, and others w ho may say "the Western Hot-1 is lull." I) 1). WINCIIUSTLII, Proprietor, i TIIOS. I). WINCIILSI'LIt. P. b 15 lsl,2. (Lnto Vrtlto Swan,) liACE S'J'ti Eh T, WW TlilhD I'll I LA ni: i I'll I A I). 0. IKGUlTrT PrtiutiiKTon. Fo'iitrif am '. iU Until Jh.ifon, Pa T, V. lillflMlM, I icnK, Jl.ireli -.rf, 1-I2-Ig,n. W M UiLLXEliY (KKiDS UL ii i tei i ut.i'i 11,,-st ri spi ' Unity aim', nee ' In ilie i-iiir. mis 1 1 rp inusburg nml Iiinii) , ilr.t . nn b, c it .id frn..i Iho L'istern '.'nivslic - ii , S, !l KG -i.V AtVA Mi I .m&l TfVv' 51 1 1. 1. 1 N A It Y COO i 'ttS nrl of whirli ,ii- is prepired to in iw Yt rtnsiiiuible In v fisuro. Her n smtins orcy nltlu -upeii ir ur diiMiiiiitya -f , Ii ss, ii. an, ( if.reil iiiihl-scilou. Hho returns thank. ir Iho ibernlpatrnniige.nelia, ,cc,m.,, S w lully kulicitt ii loiitjiiuanc of tjju nim- rLP-(i' I'.oonisburg.Majoi.iaj. AlAJtY IIAItKLUY. JONAS imoUK & UltO'S PUIZU .11 DAL SVOOL 1'OTIO.V. 200 tt QUO yds. Whito, Ulack, A Oolornrl This Thread being made particularly for Hewing Ma. chillis, is very fen. nr. Smooth and Elastic. It. irength is not liujiaired by wnshiiig, nr by Iriciinn o tho iivudlc. Pur AUchiuee, use biuoks' Patent elate, Por upper thread, ud Crooks' Putant Hu Cord, lted Ticket, Por Under thread. I Cold by i-e.pectable dealers throughout tbo country. Also.liiiiinsofaiUeiieli, as-nrt I Nos.. bv I VVM.KL-NKY H.MITII, Sole A, 1. 1, 1 Nc,.Ml.s-t' WVc.yti,m.1Nc,sYo,k. AYER'S OATHARTIO DPXXiXiS. Aio yon tl(l(, feeble, and complalnlngr Aro yon out i f ol dec, with join- S)stm ds langed, and )our fi-slhigs lin comlortable! 'Jheso jin tolas me often thepletude In Set Ions Illness. Eomo lit of mi slsl,ncs 1 creeping iiion you, and should I nulled ly n timely me of (ho light rim m1)t Take Ajei's Pills, and cli nnse cut the disordered hu turns purify the Lloodfiud let the llulil, nioio on tuitjlj slructed lu lienltli ngnhi. WlEAjW' J'bey stliniil.Ue tlie iniicuons liffiKSaSST of the body Into Wgoroiis no I ULl ? ,1.11.. ..nilCw ll.n kislMtl lYmtl the obslrucllons nlilch mako dlcaso. A cold settles lomonliern In tlie body, and cl Uruelj Us nslursl tunetlons. These, If not rollsvea, react upon IhciniPltes nnd the sun oundhiE organs, pro. during gcnoinl aggravation, sunViliig, and disoaso. While In this condition, oppressed by the derange lusnls, take Ayei's Pills, nnd see liow dhecllr llirjr rcilors tlib tiatutal nellon ff tho system, nnd wltli It tho buoyant fcsllng or health ngiln. What Is truo nnd so appai ent In this tilvlal and common compbililt. Is also tiuo In many of tho deep sealed and d.iiigsrous dhlempers. Tho sains purgatlvo ehect cspcls them. Caused by similar obstruc tions and deiiirigenients of tho natural functions of tho xxr, they are lapldly, and many of Ihem surely, enroll by tho same mean".' None who know tho virtues of theso Pills, will neglect to employ them whon suffering from tho dlsordcis tliey euro. Statements from leading physicians In some, nf tho principal cities, aud from other well known public pet con,. H orn, o rorwarilhj Ittrehanl efSt. I.euii, lib. 4, 1854 Da, Avcn: Your Pills nro the pirngon or all that Is great In medicine. 'Xhey havo cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and fs?t that had proTOd Incurable, fur )cnrs. Her mother has teen long grlevs ( ninicted villli blotches an l pimples oh her skin and In her hair. After our child was cured, she also tiled ) our Pills, aud thsy have cuied her. aba Monauipaa As a Fninlly Physic. iVctit Dr. V. II". ChrtKriglit, A'cie Oifcatvis Your Pills nie Iho pilnco of purges. Their excotlcnt qualities surpass any rathartlu we possess. Tlioy am inllJ. hut very cei lulu mid (IT.-ct In their nctlen on tlia lioirels, which makes them lutalgablo to us In tho dally ticntincnt of disease. Ilcn(lnthc,SleniIcnilnclie,Foul Stomnch. Praia Dr. JUtmard llnyd, Baltimore. Dr.inllno. .An.ut I cannot answer jou u7ia( complulnts I halo cnreil "lib your Pills hotter limn lo fay nil that lee cccr rcd( with a jmrp ih'i t ncUcine. I jilaco great dcpou. ilenco on nn enectual lathartio In my dally contest Yilili disease, nnd bellotlng as 1 do ) our Pill's alloid Us tho beet wo hale, I of com so value, them highly, PutsntT.O, Pa., May , 1855. Tin. J. 0. Arm. Sir: I liavo been lepestedly cured of tho worst headache, nny body can have by a duo or two (f your Pills. It sci-nis to nrlso from n foul stomach, which Ihey cleanse at once. Youis with great icspcct, P.D. W. PltP.III.K, Cltrl: of Steamer lYm hn, lllllniin nisniilcrs I.Ivci- Complaints. JVom Vr. Tlimlare licit, ofKeM York C.Iy. Not only nro your Pills admirably ndapti d to their pnr pou ns an aperient, but I llnd Ihclr lieneliclal effect" uioii the Lherveiy niaiked Indeed. 'Ihey hate In my prio tico prou-d elfectual for (ho tuio of bilinm com. j'lm'utt than nuy one lemedy I can mention. I tlncurcly lejoi'o wo h.uo at length a purgntlu- lilch Is v,ev thy the coiiildcnco of Ilia piofcsslon uud tlie jieo) le. DrpAUTMLSi or lue iMErioit, ), 1). C, llh Pel)., 1650. Em: I lint e used ) our Pills In my general and hospital practice ii cr since) on made lheiii,aude.iuuut hesiule lo sny tbuy nre llio best calhaitic ,e employ. 'J heir regu l.illng adieu on tho liver is quid: uud decided, conso (piviitly they aio an adiuhnblo remedy foe derangements of that oran. Indeed, I haro seldoni tound it uiso of Inliuus disease so obstinate that It did not lendlly yield to them. Piatciually Joins, AI.O.N.U 1IAI.I,, .M. D, i i.ytictan J tlie Mamie Jlotjtitdl, Dyocntcry, Dlnrrhtrn, ltclnx, AVoriusa 'ei JJr.J. Q. Orccn, if Vliicayo. Your Pills havo hail n long (rial lu my pinctlce, nnd I hold them lu esteem ns onoof the best aperients I Ihivo ever found. 'Iheir nlteiullvo tiled upon the liver million tiiem an excellent remedy, when ghen lu small (loses tor I'ilhui dye-cnUry and diarrhcta, 'Jheir siiKiir-coathiff makes them very acceptable audcouielilent for tho usv cf women and ihllduu. nysiiejisln, Iiopnrlty of the Blood. JV-mii J.'iv. J. V. JKmei, ljLtlor if Admit Chuie'i, Button. l)n. Ayck: I Invemed jour Tills with cxtinnrdluaty success In my family and nninng those I am called to visit tu distress. To ngulalo tho organs if digestion nnd purify tho Hood, thi-y aio tho very best lenwJy I lam cor Iciionu, and 1 can coulldeullv ucoiiiniciid them to tnyfiloiids. Yoiiia, J. V. IIIJILS. AVARS w, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1S55. T)siR Sir: I mil using jour Catliartlo Pills in my jaac tlce, and find thcui mi excellent jmrgnlho to cUaiieo tho Cjstem and imrifu the fauntmnt if llttUuiJI. joiin a. .mi:aciiam,m.d. Constlimtloii,Cost lvt lirs, Siipprcusilnii, Itlieiiiuntlsiu, Gout, r.'eurnlijiu, Dion By, l'fti-alj-ls, FUh, etc. J'lotn Vr. J. J'. Vaughn, ihnlrtol, Canada. Too much cannot bo said of jour Pills for tho cure of emlirenm. If others of our fraleinltv (omul thcui ns efficacious as 1 have, they should join me hi pioclalns. ing It for tho benefit of the multitudes who suffer front that eoinplilnt, which, although bad euough lu itscir, Is tho progenitor of others that nro ivorsc. I l.ellcvo cos. fiicncti toorlghmtoin tho liver, but your Pills affect Uint crgsn aud euro the disease. JVom Mrs. r. Stuart, 'yjfcfan and Mdxife, Raton. I find ono or two largo doses of your Pills, taken nt His proper lime, aio excellent piomollics of tho iwdim! ( fi'oiiviheii wholly or partially suppiossud, mid alio very Iflectual to cleanse Iho ttamuth and crixl u-oinis. They nro so much tho host physio mo havo that I lecomnieud uo other to my patients, Fiom the l!ev. Vr. namles,efVie M'thoiitl T)tt. Churdu PfUSKI Horsn, Savannah, fla.. Jan. 0, 1856. HoxoRtn Sm: I should lie ungrattliil fir tlio relief jour skill has brought mo If I did nntiepoit my eiu'i, to you. A cold settled In my Ihnbiniiil biouglit on excru ciating vmruhic jmhis, which ended in chronic thriiiim (ism. Notwithstanding I hud tho best of plitsklans, Iho dlsenso glow worse und worse, until hv (he ml ice of jour oxeelleut ngent In llaltieiore, Dr. MacLcnzIe, 1 tried juiir Pills, 'i heir cffeclsweio slow, but sine. Ily pcifcourlnc; lu tho uso of them, I am now tntirily well. Seksie CnAUDtrt, Baton Rouge, La., I Dee. 1S55. Dn. AVER! I havo beon entirely cured, by) our Pills, cf Jihcinnatio Gout a. painful that had" utlllcted me forjears. VINCENT SUDLLL. 3-Most of tho Tllli In market contain Mercury, svhlch, although a valuable lemedylu sl.lirul hands, is dangerous In a piddle pill, from tho dieadriil conse quences that frequently follow Us incautious use. Tlieso contain no morcury or mineral substanco whatever. ' Friso, 25 cents por Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold bf 11 P utz. H M Oagenliuch, and J 11 Mover, Illiiiiiuslnirg! J fi'liuyier, liohrsburgi Masters 4; (ion, .Millvilloi P Mnslerr, llenton j Lazarus ii Pisher. Or nneeville j ! P Ponii r powlersvillu i A .Miller. Her wick; Low Ac Pros . Centervillo ; II P lieighait Sc Urns I'spy ; .VI C rWineiuakur. Iluckliorn ; lleighnit & Nuss, Maiuiillc: J Fharpless, Cnltawissa; Creasy ic Co., l.isht i-lreet: and dealers everywhere. July 20, 160J ly. G It I T T E N I) M N ' S rilIL.l)lLIMII.V CUiHiUISIinAL. COLLEGE., A7. E, corner of th and Ches'nul Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Institi'TIik. w hirh was etlablishcil in 1PI1. and is now rnnseiueiitly ill the eighteenth irar of its exist i nro, nuiiibersiinioiig its graduates, tiiiudrcda-of thu luosHuccossful .Vlerch.nits and Uusiness Mull of our Couutry. The UnjSTT of thu Instllutlnn Is solely toafiiirdyPunf men f ii Illties fur thorough preparation fur busiiuss. Tim lliu.rin-i -rii'diii nre, Book-keeping, ns uppllra ble lu th'- rarious ilei.iuienis of trade ; Venmamhp, bnih plain and niiiaiiKiilal ; Commercial lam, Mathe mullet, Xaeiaalion Cictl Kncliiccrtiur. Drairin. I hon. ourphij, ami Modern Lan noses. Tin sivsn.i oFlNsraei-iiPi ispeculiari nn classes or set lessons are made u-u of, hut c-ucli student is taught Individually, so hat lie may commence nt any llino, und intend at ih itever hours aro must cnnvuiiient. l iTAi.nmr.s ureissu d aiaaaHjafmr the 13lh nf Aptil cnnt'ilmn; nanus of ilr; studuiitsfur thu year, und full i. inn ul. n of tn.iH, A-c , nml may bo obtaiued at tiny tun J by .1 Idr'-mg (lie Principal. Iv Kxiussiie Alcovhoditions, teiile-tprcail reputation and I lie lenglhii cipericote cf the Principal, this Inslitu. tioiiiuL'rs f.inlilies supcriur toany oilier in tlio couu. Iry, foryaing men winhlug Inprepiiro for liusiness, laud In obtain at the same time a hii-lumv, which trill pr-ve a rieoiiimcnilalhu fur tkeui them lu uuy Alerchan. tlio llcuse. trT''a Scries of TreatUt on IIook-Keis-iso. now iiom widi'lycirciilatedlhaii nny other work on iho subject, are tur sale ut tho College. s. iioools citirruNnuv, Attorneijat-Laie, PsiKCirit,: Jan. 23.1flf,2 Mm. NOTIUE. rOTici: is hereby given, that iho under- kltfllfll ll.-lsl litlirnrl iK.i . .1 In., i n 1 .. . ..4;VV, l',.:J,eooIt h,,,u'' 'Iwk. two Hu.U nml Hoddine. i J-,nhi"S UliiniU, 'lublu niiiiriiuirs, Umu.r riinboart, KilrlU'i) i upUiisinl, uinl tins liiireau, with nbicli ullnrr. I roill aril ftirhiilit.'ti In inmlilli. nr 1 t,..f..... .... .. .i.. ' tngla.i's penalties. w.v... pa,.,.., M.r.M.IM8-. H.WJI.KIXS. nOYVAltD ASSOCIATION, Philnd i lphia fur Iho llelicf of u,o Mick and Distressed nllliit. d Milli VJiulent ami Cluouic Diseases, and e. ii.-i.iuii, ii.s.-.i.r. ii, iiiupesuai urgaiis. Modical Aduco riven Oralis by tho Acting Burgeon, a,v., mj11,'' , 1 J'lV.'i.,"" i'i:iiMATi)i:itii(i;A or BI.UIN s, I'.AKNLd.-s. and oilier Disiiusu. of the Sex. mil Urgaus, and mi ths Ni:V ItUMIlDILS einployed 111 Hi Di penrary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of rharge Addr ss ,. CD J, rJIsII.LIM IIOLTOIITON' Howard Alsociation, . ism. To Vestrev lints, llnnrhcs, he, 'la l)ettroi Mice, Moles, nnd Ants To Destroy lied. lings. To Destroy Moths In Purs, Cloths, tic. Ti Destrtii Mos'iulloes nnd Pleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fnwli, To Destroy Insects on Animals, ttf To Destroy Leery form nnd spcclos nf Verm In, TIIC ONLY INTALLIIILn IlIIMLmna KNOWN." Dostroycs Instantly E ArERY P0H3I AND SPECIES OP 1 Those Preparations (unlike all others) aro "Free from Poisons." ' "Not dangerous to the human faml'y." K.its donol die on tlie premises." "They cniiie out of liiuir liolestodie." I '-They nre the only liif.illiablu remedies known." "I- years and more cslablislicd in New York City." Uscil ly thu City Post Dlhce. Unit by toe City Prisons and Flalion Houses. U'cd by the City Steamers, Ships, A.c. Used by tlio City llotpitnls, Alius-IIouses,&.c. I Used by the ('ily lloUls..'Astiir'-'St. Niihulas,'&.c. Used hy tlio Hoarding House, &c. ecc. ' Used by more th in ."U0,(ilH) Private Pamilics. UV ciee one nr two Specimens of is everywhere said by Iho people- Ldilors-D. alers, c. 1 IIOUSnKllUI'llllrJ-tronhloiI Willi vermin need be so no lunger. H'tlry una "CusriiiV Lxt 'rmlnators. Yo We have used It to our salisfaitiou, and if a bur ciuds $" we wuuld li.ivu it. We Ii.imi tried iolons, but they eri'-iled iiiilliingi "CosrAiiV artlclu knocks th,! brs'ath outufUats. Mire, Itoachi'S, nml Ped-lltigs.'iuiil;. or than v can w rite il. Itisiiigrenl demand nil over the country. -Mid In a f (taictle. MOItr. (1I1AIN and provlsinns nrn deftrnvd aiiiiually in Orant Comity by vermin, than uniihl pay fer tons ef this H it and Insect Killer. Aavraslerrilis.J Jcrni. lILN'ltV II. COST Ml-We nre selling your prepara tions rapidly. Whereier Uuy h,uu been u.ed, Huts Mice, Jlnaches and Vermin disappear rupldlv ' KcKin&riTt).ii, Druggist., Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Kat Hoach, tee. Exterminator "CostarV 'Costar's" Bed-Eli" Exterminator. Costar's" "Costar's" riectric Pcwdcr, for Insects. &e. In SJc.SUc. anii 5I.IIU llu.ts, Hiutlks am, Plasks, ciiZ'-s for Plantation., Ships, huals, Iloti-ls, iic -c. CAUTION!!! To preu-nt the public from being im. posed upon by Spurious and Highly pernicious Imitations n new label has been prepared, bearing n Jaestmile of tlie Proprietor's signature, I.Aaiiijue eaili bu., buttle, orli.skiaiel'iilly before purchasing, ujid lake nothing bat"C0aTAU'ri," Sj Sold F.reryirherc-by All Wholesale Druggists in the large cities, , fonie i.fiho Hlinlpsalt! Api'iils in bwv York i(v. Siletr.-lill llrntliprj. r II A I'lilini-ktuuk, Hull Co A II .t I) Sands & Co WliL.lLr. Hint James S Aspiuwall, Moigaii AHun Hall, liuckel & Co 'i'hoiiias it I'uiiur ii.irrai, uisi-y & uitiimn lliitli, liale &. Kubliison M Varil,tlu-e ,t i; McKibsou fi 1) S Darin s .V l.'u P C Wells .t I il La, lie, Harsh ,t Gardner Hull, Dunn i. Co Conrad I'oi: r u (irvis AND OPIll.Jts. riiilii(ltlilii;i I'a. n V,."?'"U & V. .. I Shoemaker i- Co II A 1 aln.estoilt & Co Prendi, l!,ch;itlIl! 4. jo AND OTIIPUK. AND I1Y Druggists, Crncers, Slur, keepers and l!i tailers general ly .11 all Country Tunns Villages in the AT BLOOMvSBUltG, PA. SOLD BY Gs M. Oagenbuch, J. II. E. P. Lutz. And liv ,h 11, ..R.i... . etnlly. """c'orcmepersirt Retailors gen W ,;0r''n'7 'fieri can order a. above. Warcli 1J lM.-u" "c,e,'i N,w Ve,b- DR. LA CIIOIX'S PBtVATK MIJDIOAL TltLA'lSU ON TUB View of Marriage. 250 PAI1P.3 AND 130 i:NCIIAVIN(Jfl.-..t ! , Tivt.NTV'riVB ccnts, Bent freo of postage to tY,,.. '' tho Union, ou tho Infirmities nl'youth nnd uiiM1,'"' dl.tloslng the secret follies of boil. e,ei Vm ur ' causing debllliy, nervousness, ileprcsslon t,t palplMtlon ofllie heart, suliiilal ininiriiiii, taryeilssloi.,blKshlligs defertitc Inr'nllfrV. h, I,'1"" tion nnd lassitude, idlA confessions of thilltl , , st' of a lloaHinr ithoel Mils, a College li j'f. '"'"" 1-ovnt Married Mg, e, Ills n trnthlul "j, , the married and those contemplating inairlniie i. i " lettain secret doubts r.f their physical cn.,,l,, , "''i who am toiisclmis nfliai Ing Iia2nrdcd tho heiiii i l"J Sod!1"1 l"lvllcgc, to which every human being YOUNU MIIN who nro troubled r. ilh wrnknr.. (rally caused by n bad habit In youth, K"r,t 'Etn which are (ll.liiess, pain., forgeirnlno,,, ,', ! u ringing In the ears, wiak ejrs, tti'iiknii, of il l , " and lower txtreinillos, confitsloii nf Ideas. I.,.. r.''"li ory w llh inela.irli(iy,iiiny ho cured by the auiho,!. v'mi; PAItlK AND LONDON TIIIIATMI-.NT. "'NUU Wc hnvp. recently devoted much uf uur ,i.. . V1SITINO Till! LlfllOPIIAN IIOSITI'.uT a., h t.urselvi s of tho kiiiinledge nml resennhes orihi i "c skilled Ph, sblans and Surgeon, iSVnml ?,';!,",'' tiiient. Timse who place themselves iii", Vt , ulll now have the full benefit of Iho many Ni'iv ?'. lppi( A( I()Usiii;mi:diihi,ui, wn iV" inlrndiicu Into our ptaillco, and the public may T.i sureil ortho siimn zeal, assiduity, HI.'cilHCY hii.i . Ion being phi to their cases. uVilcl, has's,, s, 'a,,f,,'! lyillftlngiilslicdiis heretofore, ns n Phvslrls,, i.f M' PLCULIAIi, of profo.slo.m Kit ' "i'," past tiecntufixe years, " th, 1' arNcn f 'f m a i.k Pn.ts.-Ladles n ho w 1,1, fllr ir,i i, thu etllcacy or which ha, been tesle.l i K&! case., and never failed to cllect speedy c i r ", d II I any had rosiilts.w HI use mine but I r. DeLnneWs I' , " Periodlcnl Pills. The only Piecnuti,,,, 1 ' . serve Is, ladles should not take themir the! j-ii son to lielieio tin y are In certain situations 111 iL',? ulars of which wfl bo foif?,,l on the wrapper ;cc '' ! li) Ing each box,) llimigh always salt' a i l htulii,,"' gently yet siiiulive are ihey. 4 ,,lunn),,,, Price SI per box. They i an be mailed ton,... the United Slates or Canada. 1 I1'"1 TO Till: LAHIi:s)-Wh, noed n csnfidentloi ,.. ndvlser will, regard to any of t n t r stlne 'f ' I'LHi.t- to ulurl, tl.olr dJlicnto orgn i ..-,Ho,, LTl then. Hub e, are particularly ln lted to "o,, u 't u, " Tiit"i:Lii-riio.(lAi.VAMc Pro-i,xTivi-."-l'or urrku ladles w hose health will nut i.dmli, r ho havo n , ,!'1 ro tn increase their families, mny be obtain "d a, i i n,! It Is n perrejlly safj jirevditivc to eoncepiiu . . VJ been extensively used during the lu.t 2U year. l', 5' rciluccml tu $10. stari1' '"c 'I lie Sicrrls (if Voutli Unrrilid. A Treatise on.the Cause if Premature Deeay-A rc'- r"niu (i hook snvaing thelssiu, progress nvd priialrner among schools, Llh m",te s , JemaleUflhis fulll Mil. Anting vu tie Jul, U ui Inn, labia attends its victims. n,l . ""'ifZ'm f ''"'" "'1 commtneemnii , j ic ir seal by Mail oinercipt of tico 111 cent ,v. E7- Altendance dally, from i ithr ,, Wl iZi t, , night, nml on Sundays triiAi 2 till .'. m ' " ,rA!.C,l!Cu,l.'r," Wi"'. .f"" '""Hlli rent til nny part ftu n ted Stales or ( nua.s. by patients col u ,n,c Z Nov. 2.1 1831. 12111. FRESH A RJ I VA 1. -OP MEW mnTMm rent- " mim ei mm 1 l!,n,'l"!!,''rr',i!'"S',,' fra",f"' l'"rp.t patronage, ,o, iL V"i i",r"r'.,,,' '''""-I'liners mid tlie puMu ,e VJ , lathe has just received fr.iin the Lu. ems cities,,' l.'fL'L'St ii HI tuiisif jo .mi .1... r ,.r v, ,i SP111NQ AND SUMMER That has yit been opened in llloomsburg. tu nhhii Is invites tho Attention of bis fiicuds, aud assures Hum Ihey are olnired fur sale at great bargains, uu Stuck lumprif es a large nssnrtmeiit of (JLNTLU.ML.X'H Wi;.l!IN(l APPAUtl., Coiirisiiug nt Pakhiiis ini.K Dm m Coats, of e.ei rriptinu; Pants, Vests, Shuts, Crmats Stoiks Handkerchiefs, (Hot v., Huspeii,li.-rs, .e. GOLD VATCHES A fi I) ry (I. I tutti I, J EWJiLHY, Of every description, fiuo ami 1 bean. .. ll.-lti..ii..iib -r lsirenbrrg-i Cheap,, iuw.- No iliargo for Lxaiu'iie ciumt . , , .. DAVID LOWPA'MJKii l.Ioomshiirg, .March 2!. leC2. i,,. , BAKERY cc COFECTIONARY. T.TAlL. 'I he undeeslgiied cnntlniieH Ins Paker and Cdiif, he kee'iH5' "'' 'M"'n Jil";lt' tehange Ilniluings, .tI FIES11 HUE A I). PIE V A NI) CA KR consi.mtly 011 hand, oral terms, Parties eiippljed w ith take uu lib. T-All l.inds of Priiit, Vegetables, Pruuslfiis, .. daily received Jroiu tlie Cities guod anil fresh- cheap, he L i'Utit piepateil ol HI cls. firtjt. fiiuall doer, Cuiidjcs, Nuts nf ell kinds, fcc, kept (u I ,,,, , . 11 STONKII, I l.lloouisburg. Juno 21, K-CJ. YORK MEDICAL LNS'il- 1 tuti:. d bell, i-itl,iil in., I, ,!.. , ,., . c.i.uiiwu fiiiiiii-u in r ,jii. riire 01 lirouic Duea-es 111 rM-ry iidluro. and tu imt .t in, lids I uiii .pirn k ailiertis. rs and iiiiKi.sturs. No ill i gi-s i iccit tur Mtiln iiiu until cureii. mid in casn of 1' treine po city tpMimcut N rala r ,,, , (ins Drugs used. Tin. Physl, inn. have lung a,l , . lensiil.-eA.i,.c,1 ,,, lu ,lrmitu (im n,,..,,,.,! , me. J Jio liilliiwnigaresniiiii of tlie (omplnliits toul.i Ii special iKlLiitxui is given. All diseases of th Ii.m , i brunt Lcugs, Heart filouiaih. Liver. Kidney. Hlii lii.i I. In iiinatisiu I ik, can,.,.,, n,!oih Alleciim. Iliseiis-sut 1 ie Organs, Sciuiiii.1 trc-aknes. lb. lutein c i mid irulent iliecases orcvi ry nnlure positn lycureil.'sufi'i.males uud nil lrregiilar.Ui Biiijcsslullt Ireiilcd. Illiudiiess and lleatiics run .1 without painful upoiations. i'.ilients Dented b) lilt 1, b) m ii.lnig 11 statement oftlu-ir caj . Medicine tci.t u any part id Ihe roinitr). Cuusuit.itiuii free to all. Address, Stump einlnscd, lilt. L. (ili.VVI S, (Vnsulling Physichn, April 5, Mia-ism. WW J"oaiUv!'-' w 'K m&M WSJ- w pt Y H. 0. 110WER, S U IS ; E 0 iV I) i; K T I S T I.L.-sPLCTPL'I.I.Y oilers Ins profiFsion !(3?yrffls ""vice, to tlio Indie, nnd geiitli iii. n it J rn SMI niooinsiiiire mid virlmn in. is mncni i ,i, ii . r if "' "'J1'1"1 "' a" annus upi r.itiuiis iu he line or his irofession, . js provided with thu tnU'.i ill proved poicclainieeth, which will be niseilcl tn. g 1 id, plnlina, silvernid rubber base; tolook as mil m the natural teejl,. Mineral plain mid blrnk leeth inanufaf Hired andiiK operallons 011 tueih, rarel'iilly and iiroperlv nlteiidi u to l.looinsbuig, pj August 3, lHil. ' CIGARS & TOBACCO. er witliafnll ...i , r i,V. :. r,'V: S ' tnqmu'uiif!" tla'"1'' "l ",0 "'!"'inl''ure Uut iuj "oom.bnrg, March ,f u. WIIN 0,Bm' IL MUIJ1I6AN, IMPOUTPU OP ALL KINDS UP W Mi I? M 1 M 5 AND MANUFACTURER OP JEWELRY, No. 411 North S-conil Stiartl AllOV'L WII.LOIY, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 10, If 01 ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBUIiO. PA, Otllca III Court Ally, fr.rn.orIy iwui.icd iy fhaslsi I 1.1 , Ihickuleiv, Illooinrbiirg, Dc. 4, JMp. r m?,?.1 TSVX J J0X1'I.: H- nins .m 1 kin A ''''''.J1"'!"- Published a- n war Im8 ?. lf ur '''I'wial heneilt of Young Men. o v'p,ema..Iln,,nU,l,lN''','",,"ltl,l''' ' 01 iMidhl. ,"" '"""'y. sc i.., Kc. by in... who Im' expi use ans, Ihrough tho usi "f wnilli- r. ... ,,, jirescriimn .y lenriid Doctors, riii" cnpiei may ho had cl theanlhor.C. L. LAM III HT, I-d- s,reeaoc::'on1?es,"l',m, . Address CIIAKLIIH A MMI1KRT F'l Myir. Hv-zm.'"'""'"' Uons h,ari N,,v V0f LEATHEIi ri.EATriER fl MjMininidcrsiEned weuld nunnunce, that he has on hs Imri 1 . " '' u"lnn"i'i' "u Main ( t. lllooi.-- ... , I ""'"nil "i iiiu'rei 11 1,111,11,1 jentn r. mm"" fine c.-itr i.kina , 1 .c ..i.i 1 , . vl and uiacKinili. lining cr uliich he wl sell cheaper than can bn had cls-wr." in this matket. Cull andcxemlno thcui for tour rwit - r 1-,'ltAV tU0,Aurs,M'3U167, -"'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers