is VL r !i lUi i ei. -ryi d ivi Mill tl U ''111, das, .'all i 4 U IL ji If Si i lui 1U.9, !u I ti.r mljl rices iTOJ JsiT ty ' (ion Crisli I Sill fJm'rl 2B. CfrtI' ninliv i c of li' en in i bat ccnd' indtli VNS, 2K. ease nini-i llcnbii ive l ,. II.... nbui dce.J ..-lit. I iCK. I .Vn CE. 'Milt illlMt1" nfiui lie b. KllTSIl . r.i . eH" r sr ti ilmur L'lTZ CE. td. ( ninui Ma.lii ive k i et 1", blac nin.i nt tf. pay ELMS .MS Mir i ;Yn PO.M fifth ,11' I' beinf il TH fur I sens!! trt t, EL 213. ed, nnnn - ol rc cd li i ty in.. .n ihi- Ml it inn-, vi cwnii.'', ll'O Jiiiv ',. !U. led. COLUMBIA PilOflUT, M Jolm 0. Frerzo, Loral Editor, W A vvm,. SATURDAY MOnWINO, APRIL C, 1B2, .... 1" fig: COT Gentlemen who ik.siro to boo all llfgal notices and nilvurti-cmonta eliould 'take tho Loltttiiliiit Democrat. :o: KsS A cold storm set in on Sunday night Inst, and continued till Tuesday - morning, and thon blow up cold and blus tery checking vegetation effectually. i :o: jr" On Ear-tor Monday tho following persons were olectod vestry nion of Saint ' ' -Paul's Church, Bloomsuurg for tho cn . euincr yoar. B. 1 Hartnian, 12. 21. ' Wrinkor, Eli Barton, Matthias S. Apple- vpnan, J. 0. ircezc, Sylvester l'ursol, J.-K. i iTOSdgar. Delegates to tho Annual Convention. '0. I', Knanp, E. 11. Drinker. E. P- Lutz. :o: EetT- 'Iho "Iron Guards" weroencam- . pod as lato as tho 10th itut , at Manassas Junction and have boon thero ovor a week. f (.Thoy arc getting along finely not much feickntsd among thorn and all in good spirit. 4 :o: car A sou of Oyiius Fry, of this - y,lliauu, U1UI, HUM u IIUUIUUIJL 1VV UUVH ULIO, Cwhilo out shootillf nirroom Viv (!in Inirit. jlYUIlO out snooting pigcoin, Dy 1110 UUr.H- ,ing oi uu guu-oarrei, wuicii snattoreu ono f'l .. l . i i i t 'of lis hands bad V. Yotinrr Amerina enn. . ... jMhoI be too careful when handling fire-arms. " ' ' ' n i e! EST OHAUTina Jl. JNOI.T,, a mcmbOV Ol ' -Capt. Winter's Company of Philadelphia ! "V..rl ...1, rnr.,,nrl.. n 1. n ,.li., H. jl.nn I ...iv .u.i.....j wui,u v.. urn 1 -onui - Ni-in this place, u homo on forlough, for tho . . ,purpo:o of visting his fiiinily and recruit- v'iiig up his health which is rather dclicalo. .Mr. Noll is a thorough disciplined soldier nnd a true patriot. :o: . c CouNiii; Stoxu L.vyino. Tho f-coriicr stone of tho Evangelical Lutheran "$jj$Cliurch at Jlordansvillc, Qoluinbia county, v"Pa., will be laid with appropriate services W-on Saturday, the 3rd day of May next, at "'; 1 0 J A. M. Ministers from a distance arc texpected to be presont and tako part in Hho services. JS'eighboiiug ministers and "Vtho public generally, aro cordially invited '-'"o atteud tho exercises. 23. A. Sharretts, rastor. Com. :o:- A bni'ff! innl:iinitir lrn Imnilnvl 'irVnnd iiftv Oovcrnraont horses, struek a snag between i'aducah and Cairo, on initruiiy uigiu, uuu suiik, Willi ail on board. ' -:o: JCsS"" Now that the weather is bceominc . plcosaut, we hope our citizons will pay ' fcome utteution to their sidewalks, Many of them are iu a shocking condition, and sadly out of repair. :o: Kiy At th j bii.t o 01 'inohc."tcr,among mff the acta of chivalry performed on tho liilii waa one by private Graham, 31 Fomny lvauia. lie carried tho regimental .'t'lid- ard. The left baud, which held it, was Bhot off; but before the Star Spangled Banner fell to tho ground, he grained it in 1 1.., -,,,:,.:.. ...! i. ,i.i . ..: .U bllU lUlll.tllllll 11.11111 UUU UU1U lb lllUlll" iphantly. Tho right hand wai next dis- -gabled ; but before tho colors foil, bo was killed by a third ball. :o: '? C Prextioh, ot the Louisville Jour in the course of a very excellent re view of Horace Greeley's pretentious opis- tlo of instruction to the Hon. Gauiikti' s Davis, makes tho followin," pertinent and u,trjr!jMtoTinanswciablc remarks : lock li ' 'y- yuyi'-- "J ho rebellion is confined to tho slave i po'n' u States, because it springs from a belief i'ti-nv" w1'1111 '',c fru States inoditato abolition i dcii-tho States : but this belief has been .wrought simply by t' o joint action of tho 'abolitionibts and diauniouists for the last iiflunrtcr of a century and upwards. This V'icriiiiiual action ,jn relation to slavery, ;.and not slavery itself, is tho cause of tho l&rebelliim." :o: ' j ' 'B'-i$ Pennsylvanians have a peculiar - Sareaso'H in feeling moro than ordinary in of our victorious itcrtst in tbc progress "Tanns. Thus far, the brave soldiers of tho Keystone State, though thirsting for tho opportunity, have not. with only ono or -itffo exceptions, been confronted face to ifacc with tho rebels, At 2)raiusville,Nev '.barn and Winchester, Pennsylvania won -laurels that will uot fade while this unholy rebellion claims a place iu history. ' ?)ut our soldier.? arc not yet satisfied 'iTheir Stato has brought into tho field tho .greatest number of troops, who feel that .;liouicthiug commensurate is duo at their ihands. We entertain no fears as to Iho ifuturo of Pennsylvania's representatives in .Dixie. The Western soldiers havo dono ..jiobly, and deserved woll of their country. :Massaehusctts and Wisconsin, Ithodo Is and and New Jcrsoy, havo made noble Kanrifiom nn Inn nWir nf liliprlv But tiacriuCOS 011 ttJO altar OI llUeity. Ut ?. Islanu jo. 10, Ho!inoko,New Madrid and , Beaufort aro but tho commencement of a reat scries of triumphs, whioh Ponnsyl "Fania will gloriously terminate. v!Thc fall of Ifiehmond is to bo nceotn .pUShcd mostly by I'ennsylvania Soldiers, ani under a Pennsylvania General, At th9 moment our grand old Commonwealth I U making itself lult and heard, on tho spot ivhoro tho Untnh lion waa first tamed on thin 'Continent. Yorktown will open the road to tho Rebel hot bed, and in a few Jtlays, Penmylvania will cover herodf with $ory, inifwing given tho final blow that m wud tic Rebellion reeling to tho Gulf i t Sheriff Sales. 6 I 111 vlrtilr or srtl-or-,1 ,,t wjtii..l I - I .cm tan ii to in,' illt.'CtKl, I ii uul , f IN, I'liuilnf ,1 oiiiiii, mi I'li-a nl Columbia coalite, will lie xpo-fd to I lultitl 11,1.1 mi U I'I'I'llll i ( Mli n . . . ' ..... "i wiuiii, Jill-. ,1.1 ll.l o ol,y ii'Xt, nt ci'in ti cluck p in if said, ay nt lliu Court House uiooiinuurg, me nun -i g rial cstnte, to wit : A Itnct or ni'co ot lai i hiint in tlm township of Greenwood, cou'ity of Ct.lunil In, Lminde.l a ii. I described us rollm- s,tu will (in tint noilli hy land of James Patterson, mi tho south hy land of JuImi M.f nun unit oti.ur. rii,ituiiiln twenty rlx aires, luuto or ni-i ..nil lliu iil)l'.iri''IIUUC'ts Pclitcd tnkcti in ix.cutlon a . Xi'intlon and to bo told as (he prop- lllliil'llll. .1. ri.nai'.l. 1 1 orty uf John Cuvaiihoviiu, deceased ALSO. All tliat cortniti tract of land sifuato in flcnlon townlili, Columlila enmity, hounded and de scribed nil fnllm to wit; on the liortli liy Intid of I'lill. Ip KrliMi.nnn'j heirs, on tho east by lamia ol'llavld Do. tr, on tho south by lands or Andrew llunyan& Peter Cnse, mid on the west hy land of Joseph Ilea, contnln. Ins clchtythroo icrc more nr loss, about ono half of wliicli is lniirovod land, whereon nro creeled a two mory frninu dwelling homo, n wheelwright shop, n Inc hnm, oilier out hull, Unci., with thn Belznd taken in execution and to bo told at the nroiil crtyufN. 1'. Moore. 1 ALSO, All that curtain trnct of land situato in Monntplrant twp Onliiinhia connly, l'a., bnniidcd nnd ilmerilied ns follown to wit:-on tho imrlh by mucin of John Austin, mi the ra-t by land, or John l,'rono,on tho iioiith by laniU of Catliarlno Zlglor, and on the won hy lands of Jacob Johwun, rniitnliiiiur filly acre,, more or about ; u ros of whiili i Improved land whereon are erected n frnnii) dwelling hoiisa. n frame lnblo,and other oiilbiiildlnfc'K, Hllli tho appurtenances. heized taken in rxocnlinn nnd to be told im tho nren. orty of John Johnson. ' ALSO, . AH that cortain lot of ground cituato in nionm iowiiFlilp Columbia counly, Pentia. hounded and deseribiiil as Inllowa to wit : On the snuih by Ihe Nnrlh llranch Canal, on ,0 wist by land nfthr Iron Dale Co. on the norlh by u street, nnd on the rait by lot nf Oo. Weaver tcmlalnliis ono ncro of land he the v.nni- moro or lej, when on nro erected a two utory frame dnell. iiiR honsn, n frame stable, and ollur ntitliullilinea, with the appurtenances. Bri7.eil taken In execution nnd to bo sold a the nrni). crtyuf Jacob UcUwitk. 1 1 ALSO, All those cortain lots, and tracts of land as follows to wit ; All thnso Ihreo lots 111 ni roiitiffnntiu !" . . i T'""'1'- """,n"! ln Keniftuwn, l.nciit inwnviiip, j nnluinliiacniinly, lVim luinndcd mid dcm rilird n? m! i iimvh. in uii : ii i in nnri iiiixr it mi a i . .n. ti..... lfwt wide. .,n iuV iioriiV,n,i by a'Suin .tV.'t ,1r ,, h ". " . "p'"''. by land orrrunti, on IIII' 9'HI I II IV I I II v ill) IllIOVi COII IU 1 11 1 II !f llllil til ril nPnii XmSSi.fe ,Wo ALSO, Sis other lots situato in tho tnwn nnd county nforv.ld. lylnir to each CK'iuZ,:, ".7"?'' t'10 ln!V" lo W.'lbt""!!, Oil tile IIOrtllCnKt by nil nney ,ti ! , I wide, and on the souihucft by nil nllov. cnnlaliilng one third of mi ncruench, moro or less.wherb- .,ii uti. iTi.Tuu ii ui!w- lunsiory irnme dwelling Iioii.p, n small frame stnro house, n wi ll of water, nnj othor outbuildings, with the nppiirten.incc.. ALSO, One other lot situato in the township nnd county aforesaid, houmled on tho south west by u public road leading from Kernstown te slnb. town, nnil on the nnrrlmurl hv lands of I'ctor Jlhnails, on Iho northeast by lands of Nicholas llngli.hnrt.nnd on the South and Hast hy land of frauds II. Kern,conlain. ini-eleven nrres morn nr trc. i. li nc .. i.:. i. i. i land, whereon is -rectcd a leg barn and other outbuild- iiiys, nnil hoi iippurieuanccs. ALSO, One othor lot situato in tho twp. nnd county nfnrrsnid, hounded on the north oust by a public, lending from Kernstown lo S-'lablown, on Hi northwest by n public road lendiiii! to Ncumedin on Ihe soiilhwett by lands of Is ninh rmlfer. nnd on the south by lands of IVter Uhoa.l., cnnlnlnlug fivo nnd one fourth acres morn nr less, nil of which is impioved l.ind, with the appurtenances. ALSO, One other lot of land situate in the town of Neiiinedln twp. nnd county aforesaid, hounded on ihe wet by Main Street nf Kii'ld town, nn th" nnrlh by a lot of John Jleimbnueh, on ihe east hynn nlley, and on Iho south by nn alley, containing one third of nn acre innr.. or less.wln.rr mi nr., r, t...i stun' Crriini., l.n.t.n .. ....... i. . ... t -. ,1 ..-' ...nuii'ii) tifiini- , . iir.-iiiiiisr.-.jj a frainc stable, wagon house, a well ofwator, with thety ALSO, Ono and a half lot situate in tlii- town of Nemuedi.i. twp. nnd conrty nfori'Miid.houn del on ihe west hy Main -treet. of said low n. on tho north bv a ttrert. nn ihn en.t in' nn .,iii.i i n .i. south by a lot of lolin Hcimlnch, conlaining one hnlfof nn nrri-mors or less, wnerenn is erected an old frame dvvclliiig housn, a well of water, with tho appiirtcnan- AL"0, Ono othor lot of timber land situated in Ln'iist twp.. Columbia rniinty. bcunded on lh,. norlh by u public r'ia,l, on tho east bvlnnd of Ilnnjn niln leaver, on the south by Ii.nd of , and on t lie west bj laud of John Ililllch, containing nine acresalt unimproved) with the npnurtniinnces. ALSO, One other lot and parcol of laud situate in the tw p., nnd county aforesaid, hounded in th? wen by nn alley, nnil on the north by laud of ii urn. inn on t nc fouin liy lot ol K.-nlfii Vnlir i e.-. c niMiiiiii" luo nnd a hc.lf n, res moie ei less, nil of in n in,ir,i;ii luiiii nun ingoou icncc, with Hie nn- pilrti-UJUrrs S.'Ui-d lakin in executlhn and lobe sold as the prep, ert) of Jolm 1. l.evnn. ALSO, All that, cortain tract or piece of land situated in Jackson townshio. Colum!. m rn u .-,.,. t.iiulii" lifiy acres a nil nllowance, boinded a ml ilpnrib. ed as follows, to wit . on the north by land of WHmui itoii.Tts and .llellenrv. on the soulh by Inuds of i,iar i,uuis ami lii-orge iiurleyinaii. nn Iho ca. t by lauds nf Samuel llnbi'rts ind II. .McIIenry. and on the w est ii, lauiis oi sum i in n-rls, whereon arc erict. d a one and a half story tr.une dwelling house, a log stable, with the appurienances. Seized taken in u. cution and to be sold as the prop erty of John Huberts. ALSO, All that cortain lot and piooo of ground situate in I!n,irin;rreoK township, Coliniiliia iiiunty.l'a hounded and desribed ns follows to w it : lli-eimiing ut a, a romr of Inndof.tli. D.nh-s. thenro by lb., same south .'ighiy live and a half degrcus num. litij on,, perches to n white oak tren, itcneu by land of un unknown person south seventeen nnd one half ilegrei s enst, iJ perihes to u post thence by othi r Innda if Solomon L. Snyder north f.lj degrees entt, 51 piirrhcs lo a stoiio, to lands of Sc.lnmon 1 Mi)der ; theucii bj lands of sauw, norlh i-evenleen nnd one half degr.-iK west, T!i pin he to the place of In-ginning containing Iwiutvlhc iicr,- and twenty nine poirhes ol'land be the tamo 'more or less, Willi lh nppurteni nces. S.'ized taken iu necuilon and to bo sold as the prnn erty ol" Jo.'l.i Litwilir. ALSO, A cortain two story frame dwelling house situate in llriarcrcik township, nbout If feet by at) feet iu rire) upon n lot of ground r trait of land now ueciipied by Jacob Sitl.r, cnntaiuiiia sixty ai ,'s or uiiTi'.ino; sni.i iraci Hounded e.uiwnrd hv lauds ol John Kniar.l. north by'p-blic mad nnd land of S.imui I fciller. west by laud n Jnci.h llower jr., and Ihe lot of griMiuii iiiiii euriiii'iige .ippurteiuni to sum building. rJclzod taken in eveculiuii and to be sold as Iho prop erty of Jacob riitilir. ALSO, All that certain moiety or half part of a lot of ground siluuledin Lspytown, In tho county of i iu.iri.i-u in inu Kciii-rni pi.iu in sain town ,u in, inuiuuer niuiieenj noiiudeitas tnllowe to wit. hegin iiinir nt a post, comer uf lot No '.'li. owned by Alexand er .MeKamey, on the toiith sldo of the .Main .Street and running theucr along theni-i ,ions Mild Im miinhwardly no h Ircitand suventy Hi run feet thr'ee inilies to nn Alley Ihenee along raid nlli v w. .twardly forty one feet ihreo inches in a po-t Iheuee aloiii! the other uion-ty of lot Nn iiiiuu.,.11 owned liy Henry Trump northward ly one hundred mid evenly Ihreo feet threo niches to Jl.iin Sirett afiiiesaid.iind ihem o ulouii said struct east w.irdly forty one foLl three inches to Ihe place oi begin, nnil! to!!, ther w iih the nppurli naiites. ciuid luktn iu mid lobe sold ns tho tirop erty of Henry li W Vanaudier. ALSO, Hy virtue of a writ of Fiaria Facias a certain lot or piece of ground situated in Catiawitaa, Columbia i-,i mty. Inuiuded and ih-n rih"d nn follows, to wil: on th,, j: i.i ,j rceoiid stieel, o.i tip. orlli by li t ofileorge Hughs, mi the West In' Im of lule Joseph l'a Ion, and on me North wesi by Street, ei.mnlii ingM fei t front and 21U fert di ep. Hln.reiui are erected a two story iMiuciioiise and stable, Willi Iho uppuiten-i Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tho prop erty of John Jiycri ALSO, All that picco or parcel of land situated In r.unton Tow nship, Columbia Coijoty. Hounded mid described as follow tow il lit gi iiiiug nt a pott corner of litorgo HodMiu's laud, lio n, cb) the r'.'t'i e. Norlli IJ degrees, l.'nht UU t) p, rches t"-i prt, them e hy lauds of Ueiijiimin Kezcll nnilli t-U degrees Hart, liV-'l perches ton post, tlirucu by laud of Wilson .Soul!, 4 ile. grees Last, ai pur lies to stoiies.theuce hv lands of . iniiip.eiiiiii rviirin cor ueprees tvesi i.u perches tntlie I 'll:ic'! "r ''eelnning Conlaiiilnitlwenly-llvii acres nnd two ,,orrh,; stn.lmLiuurcwilhihe appurtennnces, Seized takeu in execution und lobasuldunthiMironrr. tyof Samuel W. Ilu.ell. JOSIAII II FI'ltMAN I Shoria'. Sh-rlfTa Odico. Iloonisburg, Aprili IPCS :r York medical insti- A benevolent Institution endowed for tho euro of Chronic Disenscs of every nature, and to protect iiita lids from ii,tck ads erlisera nnd impostors. No char ges except for .Medicine until cured, and in raso of ex treme poverty treatment free. No Minerals or Poi.on ous Drugs used. The Physicians have had long and ex tensive experience holh III private and Hospital prar ticn The lolluuing lire smug of Ihe complaints to which attention is gil en. All diseases nf the Iliad, Tbioit Lungs, Heart, Sininniii, I.Ivor, Kidney, liladiler, llheiiiiiallsm, tits. Cancer, Piles, Nervous Air,'ilinu, Diseases of the nexuul Uig.uii, Houiual Weakness, Im liotein . and Virulent diteaaes of every nature polities, ly cured nisousis of Females and all li.fgul iiatler suici siull Invited. P.lindiiess nnd Dc.ilnosa cured I'll.. ,, sir. ,1 lli.l.'fl.r Urt"?iV.M,V.M i Ad'J'e,rtlT.PfiUAVtB: cc.ui.inr rhysidan, , j f3 Urcndway New V "k f'i'V RECEIPTS FOll MAItGII. 50 Till! COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT Tho following aro tho receipts to tho oflico of tho Colum...a KMOCHAT, during Hio tiintilli of iMnrfli. I Hill! i'enna. Salt Co.. $12 00 v C Padler & Co., Ilo.i John I' llhonds, SO I; II Little. Ii , 11 J IV Hopkins Sil Jiiiei.ll .Mauser m on , 1 A, lam Wolf SU, Frisluuuth It llro., 25: iiitli it liro '.no tu a ut I I'Mia" n in' Mil!, I'r. SfA i . 3 W (ico ix uingicy " Itichard llrnlinni " t; A Kllno , o 7, ..: V. ,;,; 0 S Co T I ' I m Hen ?W stc'lii '" "i? 'on 3 on1 in! tt Wnkeliel 'rl .?. "... V S!, !'.cv. I.V. LV?. ' 5. runners Mil. In John II Cornellton Ilrt. of llenrr Hmllli 1 M: Hon Imac llolTer " Wmr.llls ITS; Tlin.flreenbank " Win Hutchison 4 US' ' I) Itiilnu John Illll 1 (o' i:ihs Ulcer Charles O llreccn 1 no: A W Ilea of Jnn P. Coifnian 1 an A I" Hpinney llr. (J U nycrly .'.(L Hon V .Merrlneld Jl II lltdlock t) Ooj Ht of Thus Conner J II Fiiniinn, Dir. 7 Iki Hen, Thornton Jacnli lloud M I'.li ohl. .,u 1 01) I 00 Q no " " S 00 1 .10 1 .',0 S SI) H.iiiuicl Johnilon, Hoi II I) Jlcllrido Alex. Kramer 1 1st Oeo W llrietl llriefbacli II', ward Association 3 0) Special Notices. $2JI EMPIiOYMENTI ACI'.NTS WANTLIll We will pay from to S75 nor month, nnd nilnT,nn. ses, tnnrtlin Agents, or give n rouimissiun. Particulars senurec. , iiiuress i.niF. frwi.Ki .Machine Company. 11. JA.MIX Oenernl Agent, Milan, Ohio. Aug. 14, IHOL lSini. JAS II ION ABLE O L O T II I H B roil F A L L . Tho old-established wnrrt! hall clotiiintj ijazaah, ilt the sniithwcat corner of rOUUTIl AM) JIAKKUT HTUKCT3. Is now prepared with n niLi, srocic or lWHiuoN'.Mir.n nr.Aiiv jiaiip. CLOTIIISO i'Oll PALL AND WtNTIlK WUAll. at piires which challenge competition. r,irllculir atteutinn given to Cmtomer Work, Officers Uniforms, nlso limn,, Ciiar,!..' Sulls, Sec. WIIITI! HALL CLOTIIINO I1AZAAU. Houlhwest comer of roniTii A.MD jiAniiirr n-i'iinnra. lTTLMt S. I.LVICK, Proprietor. Nov. in, 1301. (Mny 1, 1SC1 l'iui.) Uniformity of Prices!-A Now Peatiire in Uuslncss I'.vcry one his own rialesinaul JOXLri Jt CD. of ihe Croseut One Price Clothing Store, No, SJI .Marketstreu above Sixth, l'liliade'iihla. In addition lo having Iho largest, most varied nn.l fashionable stock of Clothing Iu Philadelphia, made ex pressly lor retail sales,, have eonsiliutedcvury ono his own salesman, hy hnvinu marked iu llgiires. on each ar ticle nt thojvory Imve-t price It rnn be sold for so they cannot pu'i-ibly vary nil must buy alike. Thu goods are well sponged unit prepared, nnd great pains taken with the milking so thai all can buy with the full assuraiue of getting a good article at Iho very low est price. Also, a large dock of piece goods on theliitrat stylo and best qualities, which will he made to order, In t!w most fashlounhle and beet manner, "J per rent., below credit prices. Ueincmbor tho Crescent, in Jlarket.above firth Street N"--ul. JONIItffcCO. C7" T1IOMAH W. MATTSO.V, Iteceived thn Prize .Medal nt tlio Worlil's Pair in London IrVSl, forTIIUNK3 CAItlilT llAliS, Hunts, shoes nnd liiinir. Oreat indueii inents are now oil'iired to purchasers of the above arti cles. This is much the largest stock of trunks, Carpel Hags, Valicos, &.C., in Philadelphia very cheap furnish No. 4UJ .Market Street, ono door abovu 4lh, ii Militiry UxirouMs Thero Is, perhaps, no depart mcnt of military business in which there has been a moro marked improvement than in tho clothing of sol ilicrj. Not many jears rinco oihrers and priintoswere cJad iu garments which were almo.t skin tisht. They worn leather stocks, which were worthy of the name, for they kepi the wearer iu tribulation ; while llieir padded breavls and tight sleeves made volition a matter nf groat difficulty. During tho present war, such of our vnlun teers us pnrure their unifnrms at the lirnwn Stone Clolhini! Ilallof Rockhill & Wilon. Nos. I'.i Kl imd Oil., Chertniil street, above Sixlli liiiladelphia, rditaiu clo thing is perfectly easy, subitum) il and becoming. The firm named have gone l.trgely into the business of making .Military Clothing, nn.l their facilities enable them lo fill the largest ordar iu the shortest porslble time. Sept. 21, l?ni WS3. rn'TSIlirnciII, rA., Comer Penn and St. Clair Sis. Tholnrgest.Cnmmorcin! School of the Pnited Slates, Willi apainiuage of nearly a.lill'l Students, in Ave years from HI States, and the only one w Inch all'ords complete and reliable instruction iu'n'l the following branches, viz: Jlerinutile, Jlniiul'acturcrs. Steam Hunt. Kailroad nnd Honk. keeping, i'lrrt l'remiuni Plain uinl Ornauu ii tnl Peninaiisblp ; alo, Survciing, Engineering nnd .Mathematics generally. $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course j Students enter and re new in any timo. O .Ministers' sons' tuition nt half price Por Catalogue ol CO pages, Specimens of riueinrs and Oriiatnculal Penman-hip. ami a beautiful College view of si spuaro IVet, conminiog n cood vnrlcly of w ritiug lettering nnd flourishing, incloso 24 cunts in stamps to the Priniipals, Jl'.NKINd &. SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 19, l?o2-ly. NOTICE. A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to the un- . dl ri'' 11 ell on Iinnk .11 run lit or lit lierwlHii. nr., I.ereliir nnlifled to mm,; nnd settluup hy the 1st of April, tktii. I or t'uir ateouiits will be put ni the liuuds of proper oili 1 eers for colU'iliuu. I mu-,tlMvu nty account, sullied. .Mill Creel; Woolen Paumy, j Mount lieataut, March 1.1, UGJ-3t. cnOI'.GH VAXCC. TAMAQUA, PENN A. Parsingcra dine liere on tho passage of each Train. Jl. JU. MEIUUCK, Proprietor. Tama'pia, Jan 1, 1FG2. .11 K Is a; KVA.1H, tO, 009 t'llINTKSS, A C'nriU ,.er Blonr! W n,.! bi....,..,..i,...,..,. ..rtt.Ie . Fl.ll4.Ml.L l'l... At ikjl... ..Ml TlUSr... r.lnt.. Cut. .nS I ui.l. ' 1 T, 1 lour,t C.rJ. s Il.r. IS. rj S..I !)!- t'i I'rlrr sewltr rl.rl Cnr. Mbrsry.ftHHItTII NT. be'o v rlotnnl August 17, IriUl. H. MULLIGAN, I.MPOKTF.U OP ALL KINDS OP if ik w a m AND MANUFACTURER OE JEWELRY, No. -1-M North S'cond Street, AliOVi: WILLOW, riULADEl.nilJl. Nov. til, 1801. lW ,A, li E & Jliple Sugar and Molasses, wauled at this offirp,-. Also -l.ialii, our friends will oMii-u us by ileivH.riug is up i nl for the lannly, iioluilli-tjnd. lug iho absence of tho JJilitor. Keep tl,e inacliniu mov ing. .March 8, l?ii2. llOUsirFOR SALE. Amnvenlilo Thame Ilnt sc, will ho sold cheap, on ap plication to the undr.igiH'd. LEVI I..TATC, llooinburg, July 13. Ii-01. , FIllSUDlCTH tc ItUOTIlKKS. WHOLIlSAIiE TOBACCO D E A L E R p NO.103,NOKTII TI1IHI) STJIF.KT Five dnsrclmlowRitce. PHILADELPHIA NATRONA COAL OIL! WARUANTHIl NON KXPLOfilVKI anilcinal to any KI11IOSHNK, WH V iuir un eiplotivo Oil, when a few cents mora per gallon will furnish you with a perfect OH I Made only by rA. B ALT JIANUPACTUltINO COMPAN V, No. 157 Walnut Sticet, PHILADELPHIA, Feliy.SJ, 1HM, I yctr. MATIOWAL 8-3 OTHI j (Lato Whtto Swan,) 11 ACE STREET, AnOVti THIRD JMlir.AliKI.l'HIA. Tl n KTl3f!l)Tl;il Tl.. . J" u' Formerly f, em Ea&le Hold Lch-tnon, P z T, V RlIOADf, t'-nt, IV:: . REGISTER S NOTICES. NOTICE Is hereby aiven to all lecnteos.erodltors nnd . JBM I B s .... a . ui-.-ii Mien ill inn 1M11C" DI KKattt nnd guardian ncco'inls linv,- ben filed In lliu oillc of lvK . nflcrnonii of said dnv. nfleriioon of said day. ' ',CI,"U"' '" tJ'"uei t-roasy, Uuardlan of Hannah """; duURhter of Aaron Try. 2. Account of Aaron I.ainbjrson.Oanrdlau of William ' .,"', '""' , 1 ' " "' ,1'i.n.l.?cc".'.'.Vt of . Uon-Vrrn J. Wood- "Ttef 1,ur' .of. ''." .".. '"!'' 'locensod . , , """ " " ucarunrt, anniinuirator or Jo;l"1"ctll,'". "f wn decend. ' rV ""! ?cc0.",t of ,"'' V. . Kline, nilmlnlslralor , of..""n 1 Kll"?. lam of Locust township, dce.sed. ii i niai n crow ni ni nnnici ucnt inrt. ndm ti airMnr nr tu w. Ine nrcoilnt of Jonathan C. lVniiliiffton. iiilnilnl.. f) tralor of Hamuel llozcll, lato of llenlnn towns hip dee'd -Si!,. t'f't "ecnuutofHaiiiucI I'reasy, cxetutor of tho i,i..,i in ui joiin nrnwn, late ol amain township, dee'd H, Account of William lluckalow. ono of tin, pinrii O'J H. ACrOtint Of Wlllltilii ll,,fl,:,llv ,,n,. nt II..! ......... ton fifJohn Jl. nuckalcw, lato or rislilngcroek twp., di.rn.ed. ' 1 ,l,,,?cc0""t "f I ranklln Itarljnnd Johu Wltncr.ndmr's , or l.iizubelh Hclwig, latu of Locust township, deceased I III. Account nf Jesse .Mensch, guardian of Clarrlssa Bnllor. minor child of John Hldlcr lato ofFranklln town. hlp ilecoascd. . li. Account of III wood Hughes, executor of Stephen Adams, latu of llrlarceeek twp. deceased. . irroiiuioi inom.u iieeco, nilin'r or rjiillp Reeco, lato of Oreenwood township, deceased. J.'!- ''''""I account of Lewis Ycller, mini 'r tie Icnii nan . i , r. """"' lno "I '.ailnwissa township, deceased II. Account nf Lewis Viitcr nnd Hamuel Hruiu. n of Lewis Vetter find st.-ii.iitel strum nvn. colors of Joint Oearhart, lato of JHHlIn township, do. ceased. 13. Account of Wesley Perry nnd JIark Williams, coasod ' ' ,orJocal l'Q"y lato uf Locust township, de JU. Account of Julia Hupcrt, Htccutrlx of Catharlno Hiipert, Into of tllouni twp. dee'd. 17. linai Account of Philip Prons, John Prcns nnd Andrew I reas, executors of John Proas, into of Centre township, docensed. ifl. Account oft). II. Dlcterlck U Phcba Johnion, exe culors of the last Will of Oeo, W. Parks, lato of Soolt twp. deceasJd, Id. Plrst nnd final account of I,evl Creasy and Samuel ,,'!??.', cx,)cl,t0" 01 1110 Will of Adam Creasy, late of .Milllln twp. decensed. 20. Aecoiim (ifs.imiiei n.rtn.,. ffn,.i,.n Ar i...t..k. Anglo, minor child of Jacob Anglo, lato of .Mifflin town. H1.' ')r,?,0l"' f 3. 11. Pennington, executor of tho last w ' L'ias I.uiz. late nf llrnton township, deceased. .2. Account of Isaac K, Krlckbaum, executor ol thu last HI uf Jolm Kline, blacksmith, late or Uentmi township, deceased J3 Account of Daniel JInstcller, executor of Jona than Jlastcllor, latu of Madison twp. deceased. 21. Account or llenjamiu ,M. Wilson, nilin'r of William I.. 1 ause, lap. of Hemlock twp, decsasod. 2.1. Account ofOeorse W. Driest! tell, administrator of the estate of lllizabeth Driesbach, lato of llloom tow n ship, deceased. ,-'!,, Aecuiiut of Catharine A. Wollivcr, ndmlniiratrlt of I' lam Welllvcr.lale of .Madison tuwnship, dee'd. 27. Account ofl'ranklln Yocuni, nilin'r of Jacob Vo cum, late of ltoarlugcrecli township, decensed. .., , IIA.MUL LEU. Ilcglster. tlcglster's Offico, j lllnmsburg, April 12,lS?(i2. j PU15LIC NOTICE b'OK LICENSES TV OTICU is hereby given that the following persons It ln Columbia county, have tiled Heir petitions Ih the Court ofllunrter Sessions, of the said countv fr Taicrn and store J.icencin their respective townships which said pctitlens will be presented lo the salil Court on .Monday the .lib day of May, A. D. IPOS, orwhlchnll persons interested will take notice, and tho Licenses lor the counly of Columbia, will bo grantednn Wednesday, the 7th day of Jlay lieit, at 5 o'clock, p. in. .'j''ucniiis, Lewis Kiike, Frederick Nicely, I'.IIIk Wall. hi. Win, II. Kunus, Johu Lcncotk, Itohert Ilagi nbuch, Totcnthips. Tavern. llor. llerwick. do do do do do do do llloom. do do do do ilo do ilo Ilenlon. do do do do do do do Cnltawissa do do In !o do Conynghain. da do do do do do do Centre, do Fishiiigcrcek. do do do Greenwood, do , Hemlock. Mki do Locust. do do do do do Madison, do do do JIaiiic. do do do Montour, do Jit. Plen.ant. do .Mifflin, do Ornngc. tlo do do do do ltoarineireck, do Sugnrloaf. do Scoit. do do do do do do do do do do Flore, 111,, oni. do do do Caltawissa. do l.urust. unvcr n. Jacoby, Samuel .Mcllenry, John J. Stiles, Charles P. .Mann, Pranklin Shuman, D.ihIoI Iteinbold, Samuel Koteubader. Jacob II. Kistler, Heubeu It. Waser. John J, Kline, llnry Cable, Preilr'k It, Wohlforth, John Crover, Ilenjaiuiii Mcllenry, Daiml .Mcllenry, W. A. Kluiu. John Ilartmain. John L. Hurst, Jackson (leorgc, Uane. Iihodcs, Samuel Itlnibv, Keil'nr A. Smith, Isaac Vetler, John Nuss, Hiuaniiel t.'onncr, 'Phoiuas Jones, John Keller, Jacob Cood, Saiiiuel P.verilt, Alexander Hughes, Cenriro 'i hkle, H.ckiel Cnlo, Peter 'rhiir, Daniel L. Hverhart, Pnoch Howell. Kecco Painnan, William Long, Williard C tlrern, L. I). lendeiihall, Jacob 11. (iron!, Jeremiah S. Ilrob.t, Washington Veager, JACOII UYKRLY, Clerk Prothnnotarv's Officii. Illoomsbiirg. April 12, IW.2. Appeals from llic Assessments. Notice is hofcliy given that the Commissioners ofCo liimbia counly will hold thiir Appeals on tho following days and places, to wit: On .Monday April 21st le'US, llerw ick and llrlarcrcck, at the Kising Sun, Lewis Luke, iu llerwick. Un Tuesday, 22 Scott and Centre at tho House of Daniel L. P.verbarl. in Light Slrert. On Wednesday, 211 Orange and Mount Pleasant,at the House of Samuel Hverctt, in Oraiigevillc. On Thursday, 21th, Pi-hlngcreek, nt the houe for meily oeeiipteil by Ceo. W. Hodman, in Pishiiigcreck. On Priday, 23th, llentou and Smrarloaf, at William Coles, lletitoo, tin Saturday iiith, firocuwood, at iho houne of Joseph H. Paltou, Iu Greenwood. .Monday 2cih, Jackson nnd Pine, at Irani Dorr's in Jackson. on Tuesday 2.1th, Madison, at Samuel Itnnby's, iu Jerseyiowu. On Wednesday, :10th, Ilomlock nnd Montour, at tho lluikhorn Tavern in Hemlock. On Thursday, May 1st lrie.', Cnltawissa and Franklin nlthe Public House of Daniel Ueinbold, iu Caltawissa. Friday 2.1, .Mann; and Heaver, at the Public house of Johu Nuss, in Maiuville. On Saturday 3d, Jillliin, at the liottso of John Keller, iu Mililiiivillc. On .Monday 12th Locust nnd P.oaringcretk nl the house of John L, Hurst, ill Slabtowu. On Tuesday VM, Coiiyiighaiu nt tho house of Iteuben Wussor. On Thursday 15th, llloom at tho Court House, in Uluoutsburg. Ily order of the Commissioners. It. C. PltUIT, l.icrk. Illoomsbiirg, Aprils, JSCS. TTOWARD ASSOCIATION. Philad- ! LJL clphia for the Heller nf the Sirk and Distressed ' alllicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es ' petiully Diseases of theSexitai Organs. Medical Advico given tl rails by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable IIHI'OltTS on SI'Ull.MATOIiltlHHA or . SH.MIN-U. U HAKNHSS, and other Diseases ofthe Sex I ual Organs, nnd on tin NP.W I1HMED1P.S einployed In the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge. Address Dr. J.SK1LLIV IIOIJOIITON, Howard Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 5, lSu'J-ljui. TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. a Mil! undersigned respectfully Informs his old friend! . and custumers. that ho has purchased his brothers interest in Iho above establishment, mid tho concern w lis hereafter be conducted hy himself exclusively. iiu ni jusi rueivi-o aim oners tor sale, ine larK- '3. Ill ."I,, I 11, ll,U USSI'l IlllVlli 1 t J X STOV1JS ever iutroduied into this market. His slock consists of n coiitulute assortment nf tho best Cooking and pHilur stoves in the market, togel It er with Stovu Fitures of eyery description, Oven nnd llox Stoves, Kadiutors, Cilindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tight sto, es, i;auuon Stoics, fee , &c f-'tnveplpe and Tiliwure cnnslanily on Ituinl and mnuiitliiturcd to order. All kinds of rcpuiung dune, ns usuul, on short notice. The patroiingo of old friends mid new ciistomurs rc. specll'ully solicited. A. Jl, llL'PERT. Hloonisburg, November 3d lfl'O. tf. COUGH DROPS ! COUGH DROPS 1 1 TM'HItY body uses PItONF.FI ELDS' COUGH DIIOPS. IJ It acts piumplly suinetnues arresting Iho worst cold in '.'I hours. In all affections of thu Chest, Threat, whether ncille or chronic il will bo found of iiumedinlo 1enefH. Try il single botllu mid you cannot fail to ap preciate its usefulness. Fur Halo by most all Storekeepers nnd Druggists. Prepared by C. FIlONPFIP.I.n, Ka. 317, N. 3d. St., Philadelphia, tinr. 1C, ieoi-3m. Oyyorlr the Court lluvstani nut door to Democrat Offict. The. undersigned, respectfully informs his friends mid customers, that he has opened .t xF.ifutititr.n shop In Court House Alley, next door below tho nf Iho Columbia Democrat, where ho will be happy to wait upon all ruslotnors, nnd from long experieuco aud strict attention to business, be hvpesto merit and receive a liberal rharn of public patronage, C-AII things hero "dune in decency and In order." THOMAS 11UOWN. Iliooinsburg. March lit, IHo2, SAPONIFIER ! SAPONIl'IER J ! f--THi: FAMILY HO.U' MAKHQ "n All nilchen Crease can ho made into good SOAP, ly VilHg liAPliNIPIEIl I DIIUXTIONS ACCOUPANVINn EACH HOX I , SOAP is easily maac with n a, ,-uk-iiB a cup ofcof Muf.ew,u only by mo Patentee,.-- i'A WAJ.f UA.'IUJA' TCJ'i Oti.MPANV, , "clnut ..trret nilLADrLnilA Treasurer's Sale OF UNISEATED LANDS. ' A 'I i' ki.a.iiiy to ine provisions or an Act of Assem bly, entitled an Acl ulrecllnir Ihd mode ilt arillnr. Tll.nntml Ijiml. TnP In... nn.l fn. ...k... ..... .......... .... ..... r, uu.. ,.ri i. me, I"........-., ifnaw f,d Ihr, 1.1th ,lnv nf MntMi. Iril7. uMl. .i.u ..r tt... . iu.ii and Dili day of March, 1847, tho Treasurer of the cdunlr i orCnlumbU, hereby clvesnotloo to all poisons concern. ed therein that unless Ihe Co., Iioad, rchool, poor and t-'tato Taxes duo on the followlnn irnn. of iin.i.m.i 1 '''"' '"l"' Columbia, arc paid beforo Ihe day of ale. the wholo or such parts of each trad as n ill pay Iho tares ,n,l ro.t. charRenblo thereon, will he s id at iim uoinrr d m n itir.n...-i....- uia uuukt liuuaii, in II oonubiirf, counly of Colum. tin, on tho Otli day of June leT,5, being tho Mund J on. day, nnd lo bo continued hy ndjoumnie nl. froi ay o day for arrearages of tnios dm. .hid Yt, m, ?' . ,7n ,2 i r.oMtnrrrnatl mi ni, .n.i ......!.. v r a im a ,'.,-. I WAKIIANTEISS Oil OWNE ciy, OWNERS. Bi'AWA TH'P. Jrrei to Volt Cu. It 01) John Young U Co. liKAVm. 373 Andrew Clark, 4U1 Barah A, Cauffran, Isaac Davis, 35 do do HO Anthony Davis, HM llenjnmfn P. Frlck, 20'J John tlraiO', 150 Mnnn k lloat, t?7 Elms Miller, 100 Oeorgo Nungcsscr, 1011 Ceorgo Noyer, 112 Franklin Shuniau, 4U JIoscs Schllchur, 2ih) Peter Voho, dee'd, 125 LewisFilger, 201) William Stewart, 200 William drey, nitlARCRKKK. 41 Jcsso Ilowman, 4 Sclh II. Ilowman, IdO Christopher llcndsr 277 Lewis liender, 427 Ndltian llcach, 'ii W. i. T. Clcinm, 10 Philip Frcas, 50 John Freas tstaH, lad Andrew Freas, UU (iilbert Fowler, 01 John Purkcrsuu, 35 Daniel So butt, 7 do do 3110 Joseph Sharpless .t olhiri t'U J. II, Voting's estate 110 Daniel F. Seybert, 320 Oeorgc Asbton, 3t)l Pelcr Dehaven, 3.11 Joseph Jordan, 370 Caleb Lnwndss, :r.i-j William .Miliar, IWi lVilllaiu Porter, '.IIII linuiel Hcese, 1UI Peter Smith. 4 Uichard Funis, 372 Whitcman. 337 John Warner, 3"2 Johu Young, 377 Hubert Juri'nn. 2J5 Andrew Porter. 10 'J'homns Huston. 3-0 Mary Huston, 303 Lewis Walker, 3-1 John-ton lleaslcy, 100 Cenrge llerkham, 3D 'i'houias names, 3-1 Thomas llilizhimcr, 3dl Robert Ililtzhimsr, llfl Willinni Sbiiunnn, 250 Amos Wickershaui. 3 Division A Merlin Lands, 12o do II., do do 35 do C, ilo do 411 Ebenezer Pranham, 100 Peter Haughtier, 4JJ Joshua llcniu, 4011 John Young, 112 John Huston of 13li Taxton, Kline Sc Sharpless 100 Jacob 'Prion, 100 do do 20 37 O.lup. Foulk & Treston Retreat, 114 llflp. Altemits &Co I 7-108ainucl S. Altsmus, j 0-lli J, Anspach Jr.' 18 30 0 CU 1 n 2 f8 3 30 C 85 I 97 2 07 .1 lit 3 3D I 4 12 i OS li CO it 'M 4 60 V IU , I 5 03 1 21 , 2 7d 3 112 i 12 HI 3 3d 2 4i ii in I 4 51 2 7d 1 U4 1 OU 25 Id IS 2 37 4 25 0 00 7e) to 05 00 112 CU 71) li'l 77 to UJ Cg 21 80 CO 74 411 b7 40 7H 40 t4 70 (J7 15 12 21 3d ? V2 US 7H 33 411 03 2 10 ' 33 225 01 225 01 51 00 1 77 "2 00 21 07 134 hi 20 411 41 (ill 41 II a 72 31 21 c on b no 4 IU 10 22 13 12 Tt Samuel Achcnbaih 3 S llenjamiu Allcbach, 7" 4 Jacob llond, sr. 7 William Fritz, Si 4 Jacob Good, 3t H Ceorgo Hnrmin, i ii 0 Emanuel Lazarus, 1 01 10 Ellas Rccs, 7B CiTTAtriSSJl. 1(1 Solomon Helwig, 44 20 Schmicli & Urobst, so 40 Jeremiah rinchor, 1 20 t-0 Elijah Reynolds & Co. 3 40 FISUIXaatEBK. 140 William lluckalow, j 39 Sim Frees It 1 1 oilman. 7;, 2.VI Michai-1 Lemons, ji 50, II Edward .Mcllenry, 7 B4 ! t,D William I'nilersoii s eetatj 4113 II J Abraham Young, 245 1 207 Daniel F. Scjbert, 10 11 OKEKXirOOD. I 25 John Co vnnliov mi's eslalc. S 59 ' 511 Isaac A DeWitt, j) 4a , 59 James A. Hewitt's heirs, n m 1UU Samuel C Longshore, n pa II Robert .Montgomery's estate 132 1 50 Ceorgo lteesu, j 0! 2d Jeremiah Whttson. 3 37 ! 25 William Park, 107' HEMLOCK. 30 Nathaniel Campbell, S 03 lliu liobert Montgomery's estate, 13 25 JACASOX. 50 George Dills, s 13 400 Elias Colder, Sc Co. 1011 5 Abraham Ilidkr. t1? 21 JlcCnll's heirs, (jo 4u0 New-hard & Colder, Jun 50 William Stephens, 43 j.oausr. 20i) Thoiuns IltMington, 20 70 00 ramiHi jonn, 5 G3 ji do do j 33 30 William Savers, 4 14 153 Wright Hughes, 7 711 lolMOO Alary .Myers, . 0 nil Jofrjil Daniel Reese, 6 50 JoC'CII Marv Huston, t; uu iofgoo Charlutlu Kuslon, 0 yo iofJUO Jolm Reynolds, 0 U0 1 oil Oil Thomas Huston, 341 lofJW Mary .Myers, rj uti iollUO Daniel Reese, ti 50 lofJUO Mary Huston, ' r, 1111 iof.MO Charlotte Huston, ri !Ki iof200 John Reynolds, 1, 911 loliOO Thonius Huston, 3 IJ M1FFL1.Y. 18 George Hrow n, po 27 Jacob llnrlzel jr. 74 10 .Marshall (!. Kinney, 1 7 3 Ceo. Longenherger, 10 20 Abraham Mnsteller. 2 03 2U Peter .Miller, 4.1 175 Ceorgo Nungesser. 4 37 209 Jacob Sweppeuhlfer, li 52 H) Peter Yohe's estate, 2 01 300 Thomas Lemon, 7 C3 MADISON: 10 William Ellis, CO 127 Robert Jlonlgomcry'a estate, 3 fco ti William Ciugles, u MAIXK. 100 Royd & Pnxtnn, 23 25 17 Henry .t Jacob llauuian, 353 11 lldijaiuln P. Prick, 7 33 35 Jeremiah Finchcr, 1 r-:i 3J George Loiigenherser, ii 7e 10 Henry G .Miller. 2 12 100 C. P. Mnnn, Kfij., 7 00 09 Isuiuh Shuman, 3 1.7 21 Joshua Webb, 2d, 1 Cj MV. ri.E.1SAXT, 10 Samuel lloouii, 2 11 William lleers, ,12 45 Sauiuel Melick, 3 2'J John Melkk, 72 oiuxan. 6 Peter nuiu sr. 1 01 PA'C. 100 JIalhias Applenian, 7 p Id Thuuus Dujs' estate, 1 uj H) James Lockard, hio 21 Lewis Schuyler, 17 30 t!,nmel Snyder, g 1.1 110 Valier.hauip's estate, UK nu.mixocnECK, SO Peter Haughtier, 3 O'l i'O Thomas Harms jr., 3 7u 100 Part of John Huston, old ICS lsunc Linville, 5 uu 137 Daniel Luvau, sr., 6 IM .V) Jacob Trieu, 3 ud, 195 Jnmts Uackalew, JOSH 30 llenjamiu Colo's heirs, 1 54 205 Co.. Esiate, II -j; 04 Conrad Hess' citato, 701 4U0 John Lockard, 10 50 '.73 Aaron Lewis, 1 m 250 Robert Montgomery's estate, 13 01 2UI) do do - n isi 17 Lemuel Hob, its, ! to 23 Sarah Jane Roberts, 3 u(j Sll James Shultz, s 50 47 Ahrahani Voitng, 5 511 275 Hlooinsburg Iron Co. 10 30 jll William Stephens, 4 n 30 Win. .Montgomery. 204 JAMES 8, McNINCU, treasurer. Treasurer's Oihcc, ) Illoomsbiirg. April 3, lr62, j TItEASlIUER'S SAMS OF REAL ESTATE SBATI2I LAND AGRKUARLY lathe piovisinns of the act of Assem bly, entitled an Act t reduce tho Statu debt, ic, passed the 20ih day of April, 1611, the Treasurer of the County of Columbia Iienby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County road, nil ol, poor and Slate Tax, &c. due 011 Ihe following real estate situate in the comity of Columbia, nro paid before lh day of i ale, ibu whulo or such parts of each as will ua I ? ,u ta, E S g "of SyuttSi "io?d SX lS5 the charge, and costs chargeable thereon will b,i golu OLitn.ii dc. j i,r aoioarurxieii irtic etvitchv r atrnicpts of tins tjt rsi'l cruMy and the tcH'tt crueo cn each totptrtiuly OWNERS OR REPUTED OWNERS. Dl.OOM. cri 2 rr 1 3 1 RlnffstAn CasI V.n. : 35 not not 29 30 3J 31 SI 7J 400 35 130 91 S 6) 30 110 72 31 25 1I2 ICS ll 31 S 11 1 150 31 30 300 co 23 3!t 2 31 No. 10 do 7 do I No. 10 41 No. 27 C.1 No. IS II i 23 n is 23 27 1 52 2 lots a Mil) tl) Elizabeth Hitler. Hiram W.i hornton. I.ydln Wahkh, I John V. Crlsivcll, g Mann tltldy & Crlswc II 3 FritiHin Htetvart & Co, 1 T. ,M. Ilnbbls. 1 John Mallard's heirs, 1 George A. Frlck, 1 Hnloinoi llachart, 1 Charles S. Coto. 1 vnxrotr. John Koonn, I Aiulrow Fellows, 1 William McKelry, 1 Jonathan Pennington, 1 K. I). ti J. R, Hnnrtwoilt, 1 iuiMicni:i:h'. John Ganlenhnuso, I Jnslah Fowlsr, 1 Elizabeth Ilcinoy, 1 Samuel F. Headier, 1 do do f David Klsnpr's cstttn, 1 Gideon Ilasslcr, 1 Jns'pli Low, 3 William McAfioe, 1 William Smith, 1 John Heaver, 1 Abraham Ctilp, I John Johnson, I John hcibert, 1 Jacob ShaBer, I Reuben tlowor, 1 Michael IJorrcr, 1 Henry JIarilney, 1 Wm Iddings, I CENTRE. John Anderson's est. I Charles Uiobst, 2 Walter Csin, 1 1-wls Prim's cstnto, 1 Jsc b llutclilns, 1 Abraham Dcilvrlch, 1 A. Iiclterlch Sl Torby l Cyru Hoo'io, 1 John W, Clark, I Levi Hetnlcy, 1 j Richard Torby, l FKUIXVCHKEK. James Parks, Isaac Drum, 1 Monroe JlorkU, 1 C)rus Fox, 1 1'R.IXKLIX, Isaac Richard, 1 Julia a. Crumley, 1 ancuxirvon. Snnford Gearhatl, I James llaiupton, 1 Haraucl C. Longshore, I JAQKSOX. Henry C. licit, 2 Johu Robertt, 1 ' MADliOX. Caleb Fox, 8 MA1XU. Oeorgo Cardtncr, 8 IMnry KostenUader, 1 Lucy Stuwart, 2 Moxrotrn. George lllechur 3 L. Davis, 1 oiuxac Devanport's cetato, Jacob Evans, 1 Daiid Fetter, 1 J. It. Morris, 1 H.itmiel Triu. morn n 0 35 0 35 2 C6 31 35 3 SLS 40 CO 54 1 M S 75 (,7 3 50 1 35 11 12 82 2 42 I 4 e on 34 02 8 1 711 P0 1 21 ' 44 1 20 fi 00 2 00 I 32 a S3 51 1 IIS 1 17 1 21 2 31 1 72 1 58 1 95 1 to 1 hi 1 78 li 03 10 32 1 41 1 21 7 1 55 1 cn 72 so 1 id 2 25 2 95 1 ti 1 11 j i so ; 40 SI 6 87 ! 1 lot 3 3 24 1 1 lot I lot 10 to SU 2 02 2. 47 S 55 3 02 15 24 30 4 135 Sc 1 lot J. Covuuhovun's ost, 1 1 Joseph Pausey. 1 Y.YK. 19 1 lot 79 100 50 405 50 34 273 100 41 39 j so 13 20 40 Isaac Uogart, 2 Adam Ilobb, 1 Cox's heirs, 2 Chamberliri Sowr.s, 2 Ezekicl Crossley, 1 Win. Edgar, 3 Lott Parker, 3 Jclm II. Parker, 1 Thus. Mackhousc sr. 1 David Sc A. mlth, 1 David Sweeny, 1 Samuel C, Longshore, 1 John Johnson, IJuuiel Phuliz's estalo, I John Sweeny, I miUQAttLOAF. E0 1 l'5 l 2 SC 1 IS 1 01 14 39 1 30 i 55 3 DO SS 55 3 90 1 04 1 17 Sd Woomsburg Iron Co. 1 I 10 Lnviuu Colder, 1 44 JAME3S. JIcNINCII, Treasurer. Treasurer's Ofhce, ) Elootusburg. April 5, 1302. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, ths llov. Aarox K. Plcxiiam, Pre.i.lcnt ' Judse i.f the Court oroyer and Terminer and Ceil oral Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Court uf Common Pleus nnd Orphan's Court, iu the 2Glh Ju.UUj District, computed of the counties ofCiiluaibla.Kullnaii nud Wyoming, and thellnu John Mr Ke noldsJ ItMlephen H.ilily.AssoclatjJuilse. of Colum bia county ,hau issued the Irprcept.liearing dale the Slh day of Ucc iu th" year of our Lord ono thousand i iehj hundred and sixty.onc and to me directed for holdine a Court of Oyer and Ti-riuiner uud General Jail delivery. General (luarti r Sessiuus of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan s Court, iu liloomsburc. in ihe county of Columbia, on the first Holiday, (bemir the 5th day) of May, next, nnd to continue ono week. Notice is hereby Riven, to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables of thu said county of Columbia that they be then and there in ihclr proper persons al 111 ti'ilock in the forenoon of Biiidday, with their records, iii'iuisitiuns and other remembrance to do thu.e thines which to their offices appertain to be donu. And those that are bound by recomnzance, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may he iu Iho Jail of said county ol Columbia to bo then and tbi-ra to prosecute them as shall be Just. Jurors nro requested to be punctual in their at tendance, aureeiibly to their nonces. Dntud at lllooms burK. the2tth da of Jlanh, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and siity-onu, nnd in tho cifhty sixth year of the Independence of thn United trlates ef America. (God save the Commonwealth.) , , J03IAII II. PUKJIAN, PhernPs Offlcc, I .WlfrtT Bloomsbarg, .March 29, 16C2 GRAND JURORS, ron, MAY TEIIM, 18G2. llloom John Pursel, sr., Moatgomcry Kline, Andrew Crevelint;. Ileaver Christian fliuman. rienton Elijah Kline. Ilriarcreek Johu V. Ilowmnn. llor. llerw ick -Townsaud Hooiio, Caltaw issa-Jnhn Sharpless, Daniel C. Gcarhart. Hemlock John llrueh-r. Jacksun Predeiick, Wile, Robert Kdftar. Locust XViu. I.en, David I., llelnig, Iteuben Fahrmccr Jr., Uenjamin Wnitucr. Mount Pleasant-Thomas J. Wclliver, Madison-Jucob Swisher, Henry C, Mills. Orange John llerrinir. Pinu John Lore, Albert Milliter. acott-Piier Hut, Euoih Howell. .March 2d, U02. TRAVERSE JURORS. I'OR MAY TERM 1602. llor. BerwickHenry C. Trees. IlloomPcter IJilluu-jer, Ccorpe Weaver, llrianreck John Pcstcr.Jr. John itlanlt, Jr., Enot L. Adams Joseph IleavorJacnb llerriper. Peter Eckroatli. II ntou Jacob Kimble, AlexnndofCulluy. Cattiwissa John llittei.Gcorse Strieker. William Parr. Centre John, Hill Paul Z.iner. Pr.iiikl.n Washington l'.irr, Aaron I.ainhcrtnn. Kishiuccreek Elias I'enlei, Henry Ililtenhender. Greenwood Jesse lliaeock. Nicholas Cole, John M, P.irkir. Ilemluck Ileuben Homboy, Samuel Ohl, Uenjamin Wil- sou, Jacob Hams. I.ocusi Henry Pahnnper, Jacob Miller, David Ilanck, Michael Hower. Mitllln -Stephen Aehenbnch, John It. Yohc, Ilonry An- fie. Madison Vnlsntino Christian, Thouiits A. Puniton, John Fruit, Jr. Montour Lewis P.oat, Grier Oitick. Oranje-JesicCol an, peter P. Kline, Hiram It. Kline Itoarinscreck llenjaiuiu llauck. biuarliutf William .Masteller. Ellas Cilo George Hrss. t coltChester C. Mttrr, Maiuuel Kri'sslcr. .March 20, 2o0;. LIST OF CAUSES, FOR MAY TERM, 1602. Andrew Crevplinir, vs Andrew Mellick, el al. Isaiah Shuniau, adiur. vs Jacob 1.. Shuman Philip Winter.teen, vn Yalculinii WiiiUrstccn. Uichard II. Meiiujli, vs John Cigj-er. Iianii l P. Hebcrt,etalvs A. 11, Ptarcc.ft al. Daniel P. Sybcrt vs Auinistus 11 Pearce vial Henry Well', vs Georgu Kiuh y. Wilson Aper, vs Joseph t'attiui. Clinton I). Ilnrrinir. vs liaiiirl r. Seybcil. Thomas C. Ilubison vs William Fausi-y. Thomas C. ltobisnn, vs Wil iam Pausey. Thomas C. Hebison, vs Win. Faii-ey. Henry Traui;h, vs thu West Uranch insurance Com pany. Jacob llerninerr, ndtnr. vs John Ounan. Haniuvl J. Healer, vs Ahrahun W. Itobbins, tt aj. Jacob l.'yer vs Abraham Kla.n. Abraham Klase, vs Jacob Eyer. David Leiilousevs Samuel I.. Mottle. Daniel P. Scjbert vs Joseph Cmul Robert itiissel Lackawanna fc llloomsbure K. It. Chatlcs Lie vs Laikuwanna 4-. Hloom.buri; It It. Kuisel It Pealtr vb Tb School Ui.tilit uf Pishing creek. Elijah McMuttric ct nl v Oinstlan Wclf. John P.mnsey v Peter Mellick. Frederick MarkrotT vs John Kobisnn. Tin Lackawanna a Illoomsburg Hail Rott tt tl vs William Sloan, Jacob Thomas et al vs Pranklin Stswatt ft l William Cux etui vs William lloldren. f William A Cusott ulvs i.'entrn township. Henry Miller, Eierutor vs Jacob Cstllug NOTICE. ALL persona knoivlpg themselves jn any wisa indebt ad to tho tabscriber cr liotcby notiflsd that all accounts must bo spiieuily doted up, or tbey wjn b put in th hands of proper otfloori far MlIactiuB, 1 14'Jet hive tay t-t-oixttitt ltd. cCTtVer'rd, ittt! an lid nvi to.., & MtATiNHAlI. Jen II lt(3-l " 'Ji ut ins vmra 3 mm$mm FR03I FORTH KSS MONitOH. Fohtuess Monhok, April 21. ' Tha flag of truco boat nrrived today, bringing a parcel of Southern papers. A Petersburg paper of this morning saya the Rebel Sonato had refilled lo con our in tho House resolutions for an otrlj adjournment. Tho same paper also contaim the report of a rcpulso of a federal force under Gen oral Burnsido at Elizabeth City. It is stated that tho Federal troops, five thou sand strong, atteniptsd to land thero, but wero ropulsed rilh a loss of fiOO by n Confederal frco of l'OOO, inuluding & Georgia rtgimcnt. Tho Confcdemto loss in killed is stated at 15, including Captain M'Couuis and Lieutenant Wilson, both of tho Georgia regiment. A report to tho same effect of the same fight, was current at Norfolk last night. Thero is no nows Yorktown, except that matters aro progressing satisfactorily . Tho weather is still bad. FROM SALT LALlj. Chicago, April ti. The dispatch form tho operator at Salt Lake, dated to-day, says, the Iudians havo stopped all communications by over land mail. No particulars given. It is feared that the telegraphic lino has bocn destroyed. "?TTC ---lUissgc.JJ.LllJ Jil Look to your Interests . FRESH ARRIVAL or SPRING AND SUMMER COODK, I AT jMILLER &EYER'S, Tnc subscribers have Jut returned from iho Cliy ith anolher large and select assorttuct or ; spring- ami Smusticr Woods, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest Attire, trnT which they are determined lo sell on .is niodomlo tpru-t as can be procured elscHhcru ill lllootusburir. Their stork comprises LADicv vni-..s ooods, ! offhoirpet tifi'li.. l.u.i ,i.i.h Diir quods, Axn ouocuiins. ItlltDlfARF. QUKFX'tl-ARK, CEDAR SI-ARE, HOLLOW WARE 1ROX. XA1LS, HOOTS 4- SUOt.S HATS CAPS, A-c , .yc, JJ-c, In shnrt overj-thins usually kept n country Stores to whii h they invite the public centrally Thu Hlijhestprlic paid for country produce Dlosbor. April 20, 15C2. JIILLCR CU. FRESH A RR1VA L OF -i'Oil- MM ill SUMMER! if IIE undorsiirned, grateful for pan pntroniee, lotpcct , ,'J . i' '"fl""1',llis.I:llstuincrs and the publicRcnerally i.,,.....; r, ',r.z, :rr. . .v.".'." r-" th SPUING AND SUMMER. That has yjt been opened ln Illoottirburir, to which' h nvites the attention of his ftieurls, and ntrurti them that th-y nra otr red fur sal, m srUlt Uarirain.. II i block comprises a !urfr usunimini of OE.NTL'l.MEN'S WEAP.tNG ArrAP.EL, Cotipisiinii in Pasiiiosadle Il.tts. Coats, of everv de criptioui Pniits Vests, Skirls. Cravats Slocks, Co't. Handkerchiefs, Cloves, Huspenders, Sir. GOLD WATCHES A N I) JEWELRY, Of every description, tine and cheap. N. il.Keiiiuinbcr LtwcHbcrft Cluap Fmperlim ' call and see. No charce for ix nuine Good,, ni . OAVIII Illoomsburg. March 29, 1PG2. (je Choice Vfgttablt Sctds by Mall. 20 Varieties for SH0 Our 15 .y.?','' ''"8 tot, - " i ."' lecllon WIsluiiK tc five those who reside at a uistancn n opporlutiity to test the quality of our r.fttaHt Aisdr, which iw aro confident will compare lavorablv with any altered in this country, we liaic p.-cpnreii su.all packets, which will bo sent by mail ps!.pnid. at ths iibove prices. Ncnc hut the most desirable vntRtin will be included. To preetnt disappointment, ve u-ith it distinctly is. dcrslwd that t'tat, Jhana and Com are list mcludii in tie mail pacUfftt, an account of their iccight, A. HUltNEMAN. Versailles, Woodford Co., Jfy trr Send for a Description Catalogue. March 15, lt02.-3m. JOLINE k LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ROPE JUAIOSBtS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twines, Tar, riirti, O-ik-iim, IMockj, and Oars, ice, Au-ust 1, lS'jO-12in. pweb mum m mlwL WE will forward by mail to any part of tin l;nltil fctutes, pot-paiJ, any vani ties that may bo ordered st the following prices . 10 varieties selected from thorc priced nt Scents per pnp-r cn 4 2J arieuv. selected from Ihose priced at 10 crnls per paper j 00 5 1 aneties selected from thoso priced at 10 cents per paper 0 M 12 varieties selected from those priced at 10 cents per paper j on 2 varieties selected rrom those pnetd at 25 cents per paper n JO o varieties selected from those priced ot 25 cents P lal'cr j oe COLLECTIONS OP FLOWER SEEDS Persons detirinjj us to make their selections, may re ly upon our scwiiiijf only tin, so v. hi h an- really most , o.iu.. j unit uv.iiuuiv. unii 01 cas cuiiivaucn. We bo 1 Hove that our eApjrience w ill enable us to make self r 1 tinns. Iar;c or small, tbat cannot fail to rive t-ntlro sat. I istartlon. 1UO Packets Annuals, Piennials and rerenniali. loiorlto kinds on SOPailc tn AimuoU, Ilicninals and Tcrsnnials,;jle kmd 2 j 25 Packets Ann ials, best assorted in, 11 Packets Annuals, best a.surted io 20 Packet., New and llnro Auuujls 2 00 Choice Collection of Ornamental (irassci I UJ " '' "f E erlatnig I'lowers 1 m " " of Alpine or liock Plants J 00 " " Climbing Plants, Annual and rerenuial j ln Cholco Coll.dion of Greenhouse Plant Seeds J 119 " " Ornaineiiial Leaved Plsnts 1 iy) A. HtiBNTMATN. rloriit U Scedntan, Versnillei Woodford Co., Ky Ky Send for a descrjptivo Catoo;ue, March 15. Irr2.-3m. 4) P- &Q3irJii3 AMDUOTYPi;, PHOTOGRAPH t MELAIWOrYPS tii & 3b 1 W n AmRKOTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Melainotypea, Sec taken In Cloudy aa well ' OlMr Weather, Ambrotyrej and Van jerrcotvprs -,-mu and Enlaiged. JSORTH DAjSTJLLE, TA. Dc 21, lrnl. Printer, llnokbluiler k lilaultboolt M A N U FA C TV R E R. ; WucLi-SiU in- RtTAIL DEAtca in PRINTING, WRITING AND WKAPPIVC, rATt? insnv roy. t CATtwttst r-Arrn Kill. fins 3:rt, flrtt cloortt!oir tlja Pb!is ft WILKEfBARRK, I A Net Jl lMI-JSm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers