Aflriutlttttc EGGS. Egg wan hold hi great Toncration by ' Hpyptiatia, sometimes as symbolizing regeneration of tbo world, and some times as an emblem of tho world itsolf. Tho ancient Persians regarded it iu tho latter point of view. Oxosmasdes, tbo ere ntivo principle of good, after be had called mankind into existence, having mystically inclosed them in an egg; and tho possess ion of this ho maintained an incessant combat with Dhriman, tho principle of malevolence o evil. Sir Robert Porter mentions ti feast of ante Mohammedan or igin which he saw celebrated in Persia at about the period of our Easter. During tho rejoicings, it was customary for friends to interchange present1) of eggs, typical as it was supposed, both of the creation and tho dtiluge. Tho mundauo egg was also recognized in Brahminieal theology ; and if it bo true that tho Hcllemo worship of Bacchus was derived from India, wo can,' m consqcucnce, unaerstaua now it was that eggs wero carried in solomn precess ion when the foul atrocities of tho Dyon- csia wero perpetrated. Stones, egg-shaped, ! bavu been fouifd in tho excavated chambers ' at Nirarod, as aire- tho figure of a person ' richly appareled, who wears an egg shaped headdress. Tho ancient Ecvntaina ati- I pear to have set great storo by tho eggs, as well as tho plumes of the ostrich ; both formed part of the tribute thoy extorted from conquered nations. To what exact use thoy put theso eggs, wo have no certain information ; but the reverence thoy paid them, and tho fact that they were hungup in the temples, is cvidonco that they were in some way connected with the supersti tion of tho country. The Coptic Christians, now-a dajs have ostriches' eggs, pendent in their churches, as emblems of watch fulness, and occasionally they aro pierced, to enable tho rope on which -tho lamp is hanging to pass through them, and thus prevent the rat3 from descending and get ting at tho oil. According to Christian inoonographs',"tho egg has generally been understood to symbolizo the Resurrection,) and hence probably arose th) custom, which xmee prevailed in the North of England, of giving infants, tho first time after bap tism they are 'sent abroad to visit the neighbors, an egg, somo salt, and aomo fine or manohet broad. Henco, also, arose the custom which still subsists in Russia, and obtained up to a very late period in many parts of England, of friends on Easter day exchanging gifts of eggs in England,theso being always, or at least most usually, dyed, or otherwise ornamented. In Mes opotamia, tho native Christian children atain the eggs red, in commemoration of Obrirts blood. In Cumberland, a few' Jb s ago, the boys were wont to entertain .vcs by challenging each other to a tiioi of tho strcnth of their respective eggs, aud theso being boiled hard much sport eusurd. He whose egg survived the contest ' in which those of his competitors were shattered, became entitled not only to the fragments by way of spoil, but to the dig nified and coveted title of "Cook of Five or Six," or whatever tho numbor of eggs might bo which his own had discomfited. English Magazine, , "Worth: a TniAr,. In a conversation with an intelligent and reliable farmer from Ohio, a day or two since, tho rot in pota toes oamo up. lie informed us that fortu uatcly for them a preventive had been found for the rot in stored crops. Tbo discovery was purely accidental, which was this a friend of his bad a largo lot of fino potatoes which ho placed in barrels for storing away. Not having enough flour barrels ho used two salt barrels, (such a3 the Now York works pack salt in) aud on opening tho flour barrels ho found that nearly all his potatoes had rotted whilst thoso packed in the salt barrel were sound and good. Not satisfied with the ono accidental irial, he used raoro salt bar rels Ihe next season and found tho result the same. Ho then mado known tho re flult to some of his friends and their trials proved the preventive properties of salt to their entire satisfaction, Our friend in forms us that instead of using barrels .he puts his potatoes in a cool cellar, in beds about nino inches thick,on which ho sprin kles one quart of salt to six busncls of po tatoes. This, ho Bays will effectually pro- vent rot It is certainly worth a trial. It has thus far prevented a serious loss and banished the disoaso in stored crops. IIot-IIousk. In tho hot house main tain 70 to 60 degrees of heat. If tho snow falls, the roof should bo cleaned to admit the light which tho rapidly growing plants now require. Air must be given the plants frequently, but much cans will bo needed to provent chilling drafts striking directly upon tho plants. Maintain a constantly moist air by sprinkling freely. JESS A Child Of five. Jinvinrmnon t. hor for tho first time, ho having boon ab-' sent in California, was much astonished, that ho should claim any authority over I her, and on an occasion of robelllon, as ho administered punishmont, she cried out : "I wish you had never married into our AIil2iIAK jVOR 1809. If fin III! t n 1063. Hi iocs B J 5 3 i i T H SS N k JAN 13 3 4 JULY i 0 7 8 3 3 4 5 II 10 II 12 10 17 Id 111 23 24 2.1 20 30 31 1 2 0 7 8 0 13 14 15 10 20 21 22 23 27 3d 23 30 3 4 5 0 10 11 12 13 17 18 10 2J 3 fl 7 S 9 10 II IS 10 17 18 3-1 33 21 25 2!) 30 31 1 .1 8 7 K 12 13 II 1.1 IU 2d 21 23 20 27 2d 1 3 0 7 8 13 13 14 IS l!l 21) 21 23 20 27 2d 20 2 3 4 5 0 III 11 12 10 17 IS 19 2J 21 2S 30 30 1 2 3 7 8 II 111 14 13 10 17 21 23 23 21 2d 20 20 31 13 13 II l'.l 90 91 13 14 15 80 SI 21 37 2d 23 KO 27 38 rEn, AUG. a a 4 3 4 5 0 HI 11 10 tl 12 in 17 in 17 Id 10 13 21 23 31 25 20 MAR 11 2 3 4 U 10 II si:r. 1 2 7 8 il in 17 is 14 15 10 31 22 23 3d 29 30 23 81 25 3D 31 24 23 20 27 12 3 4 H 0 10 11 13 10 17 18 23 23 24 25 20 30 31 1 3 6 7 8 12 13 II 13 10 211 21 22 2J 27 2d 23 3 4 5 0 10 II 12 13 17 18 III 20 21 25 20 27 31 Aru, 1 0 7 8 13 14 is OCT. S 0 7 12 13 14 IS 20 21 id 27 2d 2 3 4 0 10 It 10 17 Id 23 21 23 Kll 21 22 27 23 211 MAY. 4 S 0 11 12 13 IB 1 20 NOV. 25 20 27 30 J'NB. 1 2 3 4 3 0 7 8 U HI 11 13 13 II 13 10 17 13 l'J 20 21 31 33 21 25 20 27 24 23 31) one, 1 2 7 8 tl 114 15 10 31 5-1 23 93 23 30 Tliflsu Biti boring Under sickness ran nt mice relieve themselves from the thou sand iimladica Una flesh is heir t, It' they will mil follow til'' counsels "f nanus, unit take tho Im-dlcine which best nsslst her In her operation. That modi cinu It the Vegetable Life Medicines uf Dr. .MoriAT, known ns Moffat's Life Fills and PIICENIX HITTERS. Theso Medicines have now been before the public for n period of 30 years, and during that time have main tained a high character In almost every part of tho Clone for tho extraordinary curative properties which Uicy possess. Moffat's Life Pills. Moflat's Life Tills aro indebted for their naino to their manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs nnil channels of life, nnd enduing thorn with renewed tone and vigor; and to the undoubted fact that at n very airly part In their history, they hail ruscuod sufferers lroni mo very verge oi an uniini"iy grave, penrcuy se cutlugto them that uniform enjoyment of health, with out which life itself is but a partial blessing. So great indeed Ijad tlieireHUacy Invariably proved, that it was scarcely lesi than miraculous to thoso who were unac quainted with tho beautiful philosophical principles upon which they wero compounded, and upon which they consequently act. MOFFAT'S PIICENIX BITTERS. Moilat's Phoenix Hitters nro so called, because they pososa the power of restoring the expiring embers of health to a glowing vigor throughout the constitution, as tho l'hoeuix Is said to bo restored to life from the nthes of its own dissolution. McrcKrialDiseaBus. lucre is probably no ono nrticie riven as a medicine, the iiilucmus use of which has caused such wide-spread and terrible mischief to the l:il man system ns mercury. Its poison sinks deep into the syittum, penetrating tho suLstunco of the bones, mid producing along train of painful diseases. It is well known that many all'ections of the throat, uf the bones, of the nose, mid malignant sores, which have even at tributciUo syphilis, are no often caused by the injudi cious use ot mercury, so mat tuo rcmeuy uas pruveu worse than the disease. Ul-'ll I'ILLS AND PIICENIX HITTERS. Tim I. if,, l'llts aud l'hoeuix llittcra have alu m's been signally successful in this class of diseases, mid will eradicate all the effects of mercury from the system, souiier than the most powerful preparations of sarsa- parillii. They aid nature 111 ratting from the syitemall poisonous iii.i'iyr, uuu ii luun puiiij-mg me wmi iiuiup, they restore the sy.tcm to health. Dillons Complaints. A well regulated nnd propor tionate quantity of bilo upon tiic stomach Is always re quisite fox Ihe promotion of sound health it stimulates digestion, and .keeps the intestinal canal free from all obstructions. On the interior surf.ico of the liver is n peculiar bladder in which tho hrst preserved, being fanned hy the liver from the blood. Thenco it iiiixvs into the Stomach and intestines, and resulatcs tho digestion. Thus wo sou when there is a deficiency of bilo, tho body is constantly costive. On tho otiier hand, an over aunudancu uf bile causes frequent uauses on the stomach, mid often promotes very severe attacks of diseases, which sometimes end in death. LIFE MEDICINES. The I.ifu Medicines should, if Dossible. bo taken In the enri) stages of bilious complaints ; and if perse vered Hi siruiiy nccoruing 10 uircciions win positively effect a cure. Their extensive uso in this complaint iu ail parts of our continent, renders comment unnecessa ry thi'ir virtues speak for them. Moffat's Life l'ills. The uso of these I'ills, for a very short time, will affect an entire cure ol Halt Ithcuui, nnd u striking improvement in tho clearness of tho skin. Common Colds nnd Influenza will always be cured by oue dose, or by two even in the worst cases. 11LES! rat! i ine original proprietor ot uieso .Med icines was cured of 1'ilos of 33 years standing, by the uso of tlm Life .Medicine alone. Liver Complaint, An affection of the Liver may bo known hv a feeling of tension or nam in the riirht side about the region of the liver, often pungent as in pleu risy, hut sometimes uuu ; a uimcuiiy in drawing a mug breath ; dry cough and inclination to vomit. This di sense may bo produced by cold, by violent exorcise, by intense summer iicats, by long continued bilious fever or ague, cud by various solid concretions in the sub stance cf the liver. And to theso producing causes, arc derangement of the digestive organs, suppressed secre tions, aud mental solicitude, which aru very frequent causes of obstructions and diseases of the liver. This disease suuuld bo arrested in tho commencement which can bo done by a few doses cf the Life I'ills. When unco the liver is nrousciHo the performance of IN proper iuucuons, uiuu more is rcquimio man to con tinue u proper use of tile medicines, uud a speedy re covery wilt ensue. Tever ad Auua For this scourge of tho Western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy and ccrtnln remedy. Other medicine leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these .Med icines is permanent. Scnorut-A.- Tho most horriblo caes of Scrofula, in which the face, bones mid limb, of tlu victim had bcoi preyed upon by the insatiable disease, are proved, by UHifcniaUo authority of the sufferers themselves, to have been completely cured by Ihese purely vegetable medicines, alter all others had been found more than ueless. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. If wo wero called upon to specify one disease which more than nny other is the bane, (while it is the offspring of civilizatlimlive should name Dyspepsia. It is generally attended, or rather productive, of a long train of ills, such us Heartburn, 1'latuleucy, a gnawing pain at the stuinach when empty a senso of uncomfortable weiglit wlieu full, pains in the throat, side and pit of the stomach, costiveiu cs, chilli ness, languor, unwillingness to takueerciso, Sic MOyP.iTH LIFE .MKDICIXUS. Moffat's Life MediciueB nro peculiarly adailcd to tho cure of this distressing complaint. They net upuii the bowels ill a very mild, and.nt thu same time, wry effec tual manner, and have never yet tailed to cure this dis easa when ued according to our directions. (i.-ncrnl Debility, The most common of all com plaints is that of a general weakness of the wlnde y torn, unaccompanied by any particular dUorder, or do (lnato symptoms of diseuse. There is a little vital en orgy, a loss of appetite, unwillingness, and indeed ina bility to undergo iqerlions, frequent headaches, indi gestion, olti-ntiines sallowucss and dryness of the skin, tendency to feverishnoss, unfitness for society, in short all those syinptoim, of languor, disquietude, and weak ness that give evidence, of u failure in tho vital pow ers, nnd u low, unhealthy and morbid condition of the system, Lifo rills and Phoenix Cillers. Tho Life Tills and 1'hocnix flitters arc, porhaps, tho nest remeuy iur restoring Kircngui in me nouy lor, they act as a gentle rarlaarlic, and, by their tonic qualities, strengthen the wholo system Moffat's Life I'ills. rerscms of nplcthorlc'habit, who are subject to tlte, headecue, giddiness, dimness of sight, or drowsiness, from too great a How of blood to tee head, should take tlie.e I'ills frequently, ADVICi: TO nniALUS.-l'enialcs who value their health should never be without the Life Medicines, as "i tn-y purify tho blood, remove nb. tractions, and give tho skin n beautiful, clear, healthy and blooming appear ance, To Illdorly Persons. Many licalthy nged Individuals who know the value of Moffat's Lite Medicines, make it a rule to tnko them two or three times a week, by which they remove the causes that nrodure ills, nn. preservo their health, and keep off tho infirmities uf ago. i'uets for Mothers nnd Nurses. It is a fact, crtou-1 lished by tho annual bliss of mortality, that one half of the children borne, are cut off before attaining eveu years uf age; and tho fuitful sourco of-this mortality Is ' found to exist iu that foul state of tho stomach and bowels which produced the generation uf worms. As1 the safe restorer of infantile health iu this critical Hate tho Life Medicines have long held a dirtingui.hed repu tation, nnd for foulness of Ihe stomach and bowels, nnd convulsions, although worms may nut exist, it is allow ed to he Hinerior to nny other. , Moffat's I'ills and Hitters.-Nn mcdirinr-s at present known have dune so much good to mankind as these, within the last few years! aud cortaiuly uouti havo been rewarded with more numerous nnd authentic tes timonials of their invariable and extensive elllcucy. They require no dieting nor confinement, oro perfectly mild ud pleasant In their operation, but will power fully restore health that greatest of earthly blessings to the most exhausted and dilapidated constitutions. l'rcpared by Dr. W.M. B. MOFFAT, D33 llroadway, New York. I And for Hale by all Druggiru, npl3-Gl Jy. FOB SE3WII' I?!ACflINES. JONAS BROOK &, 13ROS rKIZK MBAL SI'OOL C0TT0.X. 200 & COO yds. Wliito, Blaok, & Colored 'JiiU'liiread belns made particularly fsr Bewlne Ma chines. very Strong, Smooth and Elastic! Its strength is not IninairnTby washliif. nor by friction o the neodle. Kor3lachinc, use Urooks' 1'atciit Glace, For upper thread, and Uroolts' 1'atent Hlx Cord, Red Ticket, Por Under thread, Bold by respect; ble dealers throughout tho country Alio, In cases of 10U varh. assorted Nos., by ' WM, HENlty 8MITII. iJu:itt, w a. mo. e M yMy '. New iork, GILL & PAUL, General Commission Merchants, 1'iii.rns t rilh. Provision. Flour, Hotter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruit, drain, Meeds, llcnns, Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce and .Merchandise generally. Nn. 34 NoKTit Wharves, 1'hil AiiEt.rutA. tnr t?onlnments nf Provisions. Flour and Country I'rnditco solicited, nnil returns promptly made, Cash advanced when desired, ORDF11B for nil kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, &c, filled at llio lowest Cash Prices. August 4, lfcUl-lim, TINWAItE &8Tm'E"SHOP. rplin tindr-rslgueil respectfully Informs his nldfrieiidl J. nnd customers, that ho has purchased his brothers Interest In Die above establishment, nnd the concern wlls hereafter bo conducted by bln:elf exclusively. lie has Just received and offers for sale, tho larg ,2i2l o't nnd most extensive assortment of FANCY jgjJSSTO V11H ever Introduced lulu this market. V Ills stock coiisIkIs of a complete assoitmrnt of the best Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, togeth er wltli Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven and Hoi Stoves, Uadiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cant Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, fcc, fcc. Stovepipe and Tinwaro constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, ns ustinl, nu short notice, The patronage of old friends and new- customers re. tpcctfully solicited. A. M. UUFintT. lllooinsburg, November 3d 1PC0. tf, 00UG11 DROPS ! COUGII DltO I'STl nvF.r,Y(iody ikcs rnoNT.Fir.LDSTounii DnoPs, IZi It nets promptly sometimes arresting thrworitrold in 21 hours. In nil nd'ections of tho Cliclt. Throat, wheth-r acute or chronic It will be, found of Immcdiato benefit. Try a single bolllo nnd you cannot fall to ap preciate its usefulness, t or saio uy most nu tstorckecpers and Druggists. I Pripared by C. FItOXF.FIFI.1). No. 317, N. 3d. St., Philadelphia. Nov. 10, ieul3m. TRUNKS 1 TRUNKS 1 1 rr IIF, largest, host haiidsom .1 est nnd cheapest assort meat of Bole Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks. iMdits' IJonnct ,y Drat Trtifik Children' Coaches. Proncl- V lers Leather and Carpet Hugs Packing Trunks &.c. &c, n THOMAS W MATTFON'S. C, lclirnted London Prize Modnl improved sheet spring solii sold Leather Trunk manufactory. No. 40-2 Mnrke street, South w est corner Fourtli and .Market, Philad'a. August H l7 tf. States Huron Jjjoicl 000 & 008 MARKET STREET Aiiovn aiXTii.i riinjinr.LrniA. J. W, FOWEH, rnprittor. Terms: 81 23 per day. May 12. lfCO-lim. 2555 REMOVAL. JS&s V, 0. SADLER & o., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fhh, Cheese and Provisions, Nor103 Arch street, 2nd door nbovo Front, Phl'ndcl liia, ag 11, oily 3. P. U OJ 5 13 K , (Successor to J, S. Siirver.) irnoi.Ks.ii.r. nrjiLKR y.v TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 North Fifth St., above Market, PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGARS. .May 12, 1SC0 13m. BOOT A'- SBSK;WA!iaW. THE undersigned, having opened n new HOOT AND SIICE 61101', on Main street, in Hopkiniville, East Mloomsburg, respectfully invites the custom of tile citi zens and the public generally. All kinds of Hoots, Shoes, &c , will hn promptly made to order, on short notice u'ld moderate terms. From long experience in hi lino of Imeinomhc Hatters himself that ho will be able to glvo general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. 0"7"Ornln, Provision and Toduco generally taken in exchange; for work. II. P. BHOOKS. Bloomsburg, July n, leOI-ntn. No. 40, NOP.TII WHAltVF.S, Philadelphia. AMI SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, Blocks, and Oars, be. August 4, If 00-12ui. S'i;OVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. ,'lMin undersigned would inform the citizens of ' Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he hasjust re Kjtt eived nnd oilers for sale ono of the most extensive nssnrtments of COOKINCnnd FANCY STOVES ever introduced into this market. The Christouher Co ii tubus, James P.obh uud r,nhe arc among tho first class cooking stoves, all ol which arc atr-tight ami gas burner Ills Parlor Moves are handsome and the assortment va ried. AI0 Particular attention is paid to Tin-Wan nnd House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of repairing will bo done with neatness and despatch. U country produce taken in exchange lor work. PHILIP H. MOYEI! II oomsburg.Oct. 3, 1SCO M EVAPJS, 10,000 FKINTElt, - ' K I, rbuuupnia rrr... at ikoi.i. LV I - , It.XILI I4.TITV1I -ti'S' Cl Tl.l.Pre. f,llltfcCu(fll4IIIK(. II T, ThoiM.hS Card p.r ll.arn . s y... z': : : i , jcr. i.iDrnry, vvun & a r? k. miow (jfMftinui.' August 17, 1301. &. lair & j;7' X6"k7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, iiLooMsnuno, jvj. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles R Buckulcw. Ulooinsburg, Dec. 4, lfSI). NATIONAL miEl, (Lato Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVX THIRD rainADELpiii.v. JOHN BOYEIt, Proprietor. T, V.ItHOADS.Siip't Aov, ju, irui. (March 2. IBfil-Um.) N TEW S T O R E . WHOLESALE JtXD HET.1IL IKIAIT &m S5 airBl!go The undersigned .espectfuily Informs tun citizens of I Uloomsbtirg, uud the public in general, that lie has pur chased the Jtr.W HAT STOW-:, in tho white frame stare I iiousn, on .nam direct, nearly opposite the Exchange Buildings, where lie has Just received a splendid as rortmeut of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from tho Mauufactiiries.of all kinds, styles, sorts und sizes, latest fashions, which ho offers wholesale and retail, at very low prices. U These Goods will bo sold at very lowprlccs tor Heady Pay. , JOHN K GIUTON. Bloomsburg, October 27, 1EC0. WIIOLESALU AND llKTAIL BEDDINa AND FEATHER WARE HOUSli, No.Sj North Sscond Street, Opposito Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. 07 Constantly on hand, a largo assortment of Heels, Mattresses, Paillasses, Cushions, llnlr, Illicit, Cattail; and nil articles In the line ut the Lowest Trices, JV. II Partirulnr ctttnlhii paid to rcioiuling New an Old Feathers. Murch'.', lefil-lJitt. P. 0. HARRISON, 3L D. " TT70IJI,I) retncctfullv inrorm thn rlilxun. nf in,,,.- V V burg, aud viciuittliutjie cuntlnucsthoprutticuu'' nd solicits a .hare of nubile na-trnuaee. Omen, oi, Jlaln Street, llrbt house'bulow the Court JIUUHL-, jJiuuuuuurir, l'cbruar3, lWS-tf. II. 0. HOWER, , SURtiEOJV DKNT-IST ltr.mI!("I'l'l'l l.V!,. I.I. ...,.r..-, al services to tho ladies and gentlemen of I uiuoiiinuurj uuu viciuiiy. no is prepared tUe Hue of his proiesiiou, he is provided with the latest tmproved porcelain teilh, which will bu Inserted un gold, platina, silver and rubber basot tolook as well us the natural teeth. aliuiirul pluto and Hock lecili manufactured und all .operations on teeth, carefully aud properly attei jcd to lilooiusburj, l'a.. Augusta, IWil, CHEAP MIMTAIir GAPS ! MILITAUV CAPri, of every sort, size and quality .r sale cheap at tba Illoomsbure Hut fc Cap Ihnporluni Also-Groccrics.Confccllonarlci.lCiKars.&c, for JOHN K, ClUTOy. Bhomiburij.Spt II, mi. IMPORTANT NATluNAL WORKS. PUULIUHUO iiy n. appluto u uo. 413 au410 Broadway, New York. The following works nro sentloBub'crlkerslnanynar of tint country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mall or uxpress prepaid : T1IK NUW AMLIIICAN OYCLOPAIDIA' A popular Dictionary of Ucncral Knowledge. Dditcd by UtonoE KtriAY nml Ciunbrs A. Dana, aided by numerous so led corps of writer In all branches ot Scloncics. Art nnd Literature. This work Is being published in about 13 largo octavo volumes, each containing 750 two colinn pages. Vols. 1 to Mil Inclusive, nro now rcady.earli containing near 2,5tid, original articles, An additional volume will be published once In about threo months i l'rieo, inuioin, nueep,$j on; nan .nor., si, iinn , nussla, Si -Weach. 1 The New American Cyclopaedia Is popular w ithout see lug superficial, learned but not pedanlc, couiprchi'iislvn but sullcirntly detailed, free from personal pique and I partyprejudlcc, fresh tnd jet urcurntc. It isa complete statement of all tlml Is known upon every Important top- I c with the scope of human Intelligence. I'.vi ry Import. I nnt article In It has been spr dally written for its pages l hy men who nro aiithorltle Upon tho topic on which they speak, They are required to bring Hie subject up to ' Ihe present moment to state Just how It stniuls iwm. All I the statistical information Is from Ihe reports ! the (fMigtnphical accounts keen pace wllli the latest explora tions; historical matters Intitule the freshest Just view s the biographical notice not only speak of tho dead, hut. ' also of thu living. It Is a library of Itself. I AoniDIIKMESTOr THE Ut THTK or I'OXSJtti s : llclng n political history ortho united State, rromlne nrganlr.-i-Hon of the first Federal Congress In 1783 to 105d. Edit, ed and compiled by lion. Thomas II. Denton from the Of ficial ltecords of Congress. Tito Work will be complied In 1.1 royal octavo volumes of 750 page each 11 of which arc now ready. An it.I.It tlonal volume willbt! published once In threo month. Cloth. S3j Law rihecp, 3 50! Half .Mor8li Half Cair S4 .50 eoch. A WAY OF PUOCUItlNO TIIF. CYCLOPEDIA, OH DUHATLS. Form nclub of four, nnd remit the price of four books, and fivo copij w ill b nt at lh r unltter i xpensu (ur , carriage. or for ten ubse rilur-i eh veil cupie will bo sent ' at our expen-ofor cairin". TO AUKNTS. No other work will o llliernllv ri ward tho rtrrtinim ofAgnds. An .utNT Wami in thu I'oikiv. Terms made known on npplientiuii to tho 1'ubiifcliers. Nov. 2 1, HUJ. Lilvi; LNbi. K ,N(JL!. tiic ain.iRD Litv. txsuitjixcr., jxxuitv .i.xn ravsT cuMr.i.vr of i,hiuu)i:i.vjua. . OFFICE, NO. IIHCIIESTSUT STItH.T, CAPITAL (paid up.) 83011 U0U. Vhttrltr Pcrjiftval. I ONTINIJlIto make INSUHANCns ON LIVES on V- the most reaonablo terms. The capital being paid up and Invested, together w ith ft largo and constantly increasing reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to Ihe insured. Tho prcmiumus must bu paid yearly half yearly, or quarterly. Tho Company add ft BONUS periodically to the Insu rances of life. The FIHH'P I'.O.VUS appropriated In Uo comber, 1K44, the HCCONIl IIOXUS iu December, lf-411. tlpj TIIIIID UO.N'I.'tl iu Derciubcr, IH5l,nntIlliu FOURTH F.ONU8 In December, IrVJ'J. (T -Theso addition arc made without requiring any increase In thu premiums to be paid to tho I'oimianv. rl'l, Cllntl'l.... nfr , n t.. ...... t .1... ,. - . ...i.utoi.g u,uuu v.uiii.n;. ineii UJI- IU'Einr. I .1 f n I mi A oucyniiu Sinn I Itnnu or hmiii- ti, !. ., nr.i Policy No. en " 132 " 1M " 333 Insured addition by future additions. .:,) $w Sti c:),3ri7 sir -I0I1C MT.O til) 4Mo(t 00 11)00 100 (10 J.ltJOtlll 5U0O 1873 00 (i,b75 00 i . a. - ... T,... ... . "Cl. &C. , ui1-ii.-,B, L-nniuiiiiii iiuin-s ni imp nuu explanation, forms of application, nnd further information can he found lit th'; office. THOMAS ItlDOr.WAY, President, iso. F. Jamfx, Jlclwry. V. C. IlAttRi'Ot, r.raniHing l'liytitian, October 10, lr57 ly. TiIIL undersigned Is also extensively engaged In Ihe i ''"""'"'"'i' nuflnts. and keeps cnnelnntly on hand nil lor sale at his Worerooms, a largo nssortmont of FINISHED fgg COFFINS, By which he Is enabled to fill order on presentation Aiso-Keeps a good Horse and Henrso, and will at al times bo ready to attend Funcrels, , , , SIMON C. SI1IVE. ninniiislM'rg, January 2.). 185'J 535.00 Tays tho entire rnst for Tuition in tho most populnr nnd successful l'omi:i"rtlal School in the country. Upward of Twelve Hundred young men from twenty-right dill' ercnt St.ites.hatc been cdueated for businea heru with in the pan three years, mmiu of whom have been em ploj ed as Book Keepers at sa aric of S'JOOO.OO per Annum, ininrjillatelyiinori graduating.who knew notking of nc counts when they entered the College. Sv" .Milliners sons half price. Student enter al any tlinivmd review when thiypleascwilhout extra charge. i or Catalogue ofdli pages, Specimens of Pre,!'. Cow lev's l.usinessmid Peniuunphip. anil a large lln graving ofthifollegii, iiiclosu twenty-five cent in Post age btamps to the Principals. JENKINS i SMITH. Pilttburgh, Pa. Jan. 5, IBM ly. JFire Pi aol' iCi-HJcsai lv fi:ilc. A lot of superior Fmn Proof Cemust, especially ndap ted for i emonting ItiiutV. One gallon will mver 1110 fert of ordinary roofinij, mid l insured proof again. t rain nnd wet weather. Can In had at manufacturers prie"s, hythotMloiiorhair barn-l, at tho ollicerflhe Columbia I'euiiicrat. oi , I'EVI I. TATF. Illoouishurp, July 13, lfci. "GIBSON'S m:(mATivr estlishi?ii:nt, No, 125, South Eiovcnth Street near Valnnt, rBlI7i,MvIifiJSai Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting Jons Uunv. ( ii (,,.. January 12, ISUI-3m. ' " ("DaOV "THE UNION," Arch Street, Mote Third. PUIADJILPIIIA. Till, situation cf this HotM renders ft ono cf tho most convenient for thoso who nr.- visiting Philadelphia whlk-to tlio.o In search of pleasure const intly piiBHiig uud fepaing City itailwuv cars and those in close proximity, mlord n cheup and uleasl ant ride to nil places of interest und amusement in or about the city. Tho proiirletnr gives nssurnnce that '-The Union" fchall ha kept with null iliaracter as will meet nublic approbation, uud would respectfully solicit, general rat. 'T'f01 . , , l''"pon - nuwcumi:" 1'el.r.iaryiM.lcf.U-Hni, I'roprictor WANTED AT THIS OFFIOIi. Ilcef, rnrk, Poultry, Honey. Ornln Produce, Cider Puiiip:lns, l'olatoet, Corn, Oats. Iluy uud Ctriis a Iks. llloouuburg, Ocl.i), lijill, 1 " OOAlIi AND SETTLE. nfiJIOSUUiioivinirlhemwIvcs Indebted to the iinder--I ia ii .l u r, h. rfby untitled tocouiu and settle their ,1 l-CV I, it I, llllllllf f..ll...r ...lltnA I '-,, I VJ . .. : ; '. "in now in earnest. If not attended to. soon their accounts will bu nlaced In ,ir,,,i,.r li.-inrla li,i- 1 Fcpt.7-IS,.-:it ' J.R HANDS. UIsaOLUTION. TDK firm orfiluner & Vox, heretofore doing business In tho lllooimburg llnkery uud Confectionery, wus dissolved on Huturday, tho SJth cf September, 1801, by mutual consent All persons having unsmtlcdnrcounia with the lato linn, will iilease call on II. Btoucr mid closo tho book .Mr. Ptoner will continue the Hake, dig and Confectionary business nt tho old stand, und solicits a coutinuuuco of public patronage. II. HTONUIt, Woomstiurg, January -1, 1601. rpllUundcrsiitiied, would respectfully Inform tho clt, X ieiis oflllftuiusburg, uud the publlo generally, that ia has opgiied a NE W SJIUP, In tho frnmo bifildlni! lately occupied y Charles II, Noll whore lie Is prepared locsecuto aiuvtxa, nnESMri m'd simmpooiax III Ihe best manner, with despatch, and to general satis, '"Su'0"' , .,... t-0. N. ADDIBON. , Scrofula, or King's Evil, 1) n constitutional dtsense, a corruption of tho blood, by tvhioh tliij lluld become vitlatctl, calc, and jwor, Btlng in tho circtilation, it pervades the wliols body, and mny burst ont in ditcaso on nuy part oi it. No organ ts frco from its attacki, nor is tlioio one which it may not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial diaeaso, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impuro air, filth and filthy ltablle, tho depressing vices, and, obovo all, ty tho venereal infection. What ever bo its origin, it Li hereditary iu tho con stitution, descending "from parents to cldldreii unto tho third nnd fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be tho rod or Him who says, " I will visit tho iniquities of Uio fathers upon their children." Its ftfTects commonco hy deposition from tlio blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs 1 Ivor,' and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands swellings ; and on tho surface, eruptionsor fores. ThU foul cor ruption, which cendeif in the blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sutter from scrofulous com plaints, bat they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conto quently, vast numbcrj pjrish by disorders which, olthough not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho system. Most of tho consumption whioh de cimates tho human family has its origin directly iu this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of tho liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of nil the organs, ariso from or arc aggravated by tho same causo. Ono quarter of all our people aro scrofulous ; their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from tho 6ystcm wo mustrenovato the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exorcifo, Such a uicdicino wo supply in AYEB'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, tho most effectual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can devise for this every' where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined lrom tho most active rcmodials that hnva boon discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and tho rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should bo employed for tho euro of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which ariso from it, such as. Uiiuitive nnd Ski.v Diseases, St. Anthony's Fiiie, HOSE, or ErtYSlfELAS, I'lMrLTiS, I'b'STOLEB, Blotches, IIlains and Boii.s, TwMons, Tetteu and Salt Riiki'm, Scald Head, HiNowonjt, Hheumatism, SyrmnTic and Meiicuijial Dis eases, DnorsY, DysrnrsiA, Debility, 'and, indeed, all Comtlaikt amsixci from Vitia ted on Imi'uhe Blood, Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, ore so composed that disease within the rai.gc of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigornto overy portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy ltalitiej. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical dobility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they euro the cvery-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures nnd directions for their use in the following complaints : Costive itess, Ileal tlvrn, Headache aritingfrem disordered stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, ?w in and Morbid Inaction of the liouels, l"latuh)Hy, Lots of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOn THE RAFID CUHE OI' Coughs, Colds, Iuflucnzn, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for tho relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of tho disease. So vtido is the field of its usefulness and ro nu merous aro tho easci of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub Holy know n, who have hocn restored from alarming and even dcspcratei disoasos of the lungs by its use. When ouoo tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and danRorous aiTeuflons of the pulmonary organs that aro incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thniit upon the community have failed anil been discatded, this has coined friends by ccry trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, nnd pro duced cures too numerous and too remaikablo to be forgotten. rncPAnnn nv It. J. C. ATESi & CO. LO"VELL, MASS. II. 1. I.utz, i. It ,U, )-. r tl, JI. Iliieenlmch, HlonnishtirR A. .Mille r, llerwick, anil hy unusturc in cery town in Pennsylvania. T H U G It K A T mm !M FOIL FEMALES. DR ENGLISH'S iM-ir vi:ji;twm,i. liiiuiBs.njocDE. 11.. B f.l..l..,,ln.l f.... . . J vrtt l.llt;i A'L'UlillU .Ul'llUJIIC lUffPfJ VIlltlfB uuknown of anything clsu of tint kind, tuul prm Jiii: rir- -ltl.t rstT.-.. s.ll r.ll.., I. ...,i . : I, '. -v.u.i, ,,. r n, .,ni;in na. u iiuiu-u , iiis iirejiareu trom an "linliju IK-ib" ieculiar to Northein.Vlesii-nanilTei ' as, andjs ue,t by the Native in producing the wo.mii- t-v ni-KKEsa. It i.ilesisneiifur both mnnried anil finslj ladies.nuu la the very bi-stthinj! known fi.rthi l.urpuio us ii w in leiuovo an oumructions niter other remedies .. .. iliikmu uub,iiivu,,ii3 in it.-1 uini-r rt'iiietuei havo beeu tried ill y.nln. It is a pleasant tra. eont tin l,,r nnll.ini. 1..1..I n .? ., .. ... .. h (MJI.I.UII us tu luath, and a cure lu be relied ii'iim in an eusei, ,.,i.,nrua j .i;i i, ur lauiiii; ui inn ,uiuu; 1 lullcs ,,l- bus. or Whites; llironic Ullaiiiation, or Ulceration of ll, U'ni,,l, . In.i.1. I II. -,l'l. ..u .. ..... ..un.u, , ,,Litu,i,ai i.viuui aju UI I luuuill: , UUU U19- case of tho Hpine. OJ' l-ailies in tho early stavje of preenancy are cau tioned mjainst thu uso uf this'tea, us it will produco rnenKED tun holv nv IJU, G. W. UNCLISII, No. ;uj UACC STRUCT riiii.Aiii:i,rAiA, i. Trices $1.00 ner packaue, (witli full direction) for use) sent by livpruss or Mull to any address-. Dr. II can be consulted iu' all uli-lmntu I'omnlo Com plaints, in person orbyli lter, und will furni.h the Cut ta-prriha I email- Syringe lilfhly v.icoiiimciitdcJ by the 1'acnlty to inarru'd ladies fui spi c-inl purposes. Also Uadical (,'uru and niln-r Truss s -Impnivcd Ru tarynndt!piuc tbilomiiial Hjipu,rtt-rs tlmuliler Unices Llaslic anil Luce E-locklnis .Spluol Apparatus, fur WenkaiidCurveilSpiiio ami lin-t'iti u uu for all du lorinities. A large Htnck of Hi.- nboru articles cmutant ly on hand, and will be furnish. . I at invest rates by sendlni; order with m nsiirt-in.-i.t nnd full purtlculajs. 0;11 Uriuly cmn Jcntiul. For further particulars pk-tisa Ai'nrrss, lilt. G. V. i:N(JLI3II, 7 U Rare gtrcct. I''IUA, PA. Sj I II4VE NO AGENTS, Nov, 10, ltllil-l'Jni. Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Oourtlandt Street, NEAR IlltO.MUVAV, NUV VORK CITV. This old-established and favorite resort of thu Ilu.l liess Louiniunliy has been recentlyrclltted, and Is com. pic to iu ever) thing that can inlHi.ter to ihe coiulorls of ruiCKviJeito u"d f"","k'" aro 1Htiul1' tatu- It is centrally located in tlio biHness part of tllo city. cl"ul liBc' One Dollar d Hjuj Cents per Daij, Tho table Is amply supplied with all tho luxuries of coSmry.0'''0 'lU l t"a, uUni' Mm '''"m the ucm's''0 aCc0lm"0dl"1'"1" "re oirercd fur upward of 100 TII03. . AVINClVi:STWt,.N'CiI',1Tl:Rl-I'J01,fiCt0'' Feb. 13, ltlCi, JIIE PExVNSl'LVANIA HOTEL, dawiue, Moxrojn couurr, p.i. nteriiuineni for Man and Ucusl, in coed stylo and at modorato rules. .r.,,viiieM.,th:t0i'ifiE"' nm r"p"" G 11 1 T T ft N D K N ' S rillLAllKLl'IIKA rotHilll.ttflAI-. COLLEGE, N, E, corner of 7th anil Chestnut Strcc.s PHILADELPHIA. Tnts Ihstititiov, which was eiMlilkeit In IfiM, and Ii now cmisequsntly In tho tlfUetnlh year fit Its exist. euro, numbers anions Its itrniluates, niindriiilt or the inostsiteccssful Mcrclinhts md Uuslncss Men of our Country, Tnn Object ef tho Institution Is sulcly to aft"or.t younjr men facilities fur thorough preparation for huslnsss, Tint HitteitEiTcnitTre, llvok-leeplvg, ns applirn. hie to tit various ilepntliiionls of tr.uli'l l'enminkip, hot It plain ami ornamtnlill Uammn'eial Inw. Jli'ae wu.ies, .ViU'h.ilJijt'ftl Engineering, limiting, nun' egariij, ai l .ifirfc Lungnngen Tin Hvti t odssria-er.oi is p'c'.illar i no clase cir si-t I an na '. il e of hut each student Is tuiisllt 'individually. -".Until" mayr.' iiiw'iieent any time, and attend nt wh it ver hours aro most cnnvmiltnit. CTtt.onec nr -is led nunutllu after tin) 15th of April cont iinlai! nanus 'f tin -tu I nl for tils year, ami full partlitilarsiif friii-.&o.and may ho obtained in any tlmu hy adilrujlui! th.i Principal. Ii lijTF.xsivi! AroiMMnntTIon, itlde-ff rend repntnMn nnd the lenuihn eiptrUnit ef ihe Principal, this Institu tion DAWs lacllllios.iipcilnrlonny other in the coun try, for yniinir men wishing to prepare for business, nnd to obtain at the sniue time a mrtlw, vhlch icill pmc a reeommtndatka for them them to any .Merchan tllo House. CT-CaiTEvMs'sScriti of Trentltes nn IIooK-Kkvp-tsn now nor any otlur wotk 'on the subject, nro for sala at tin- College. S. llum!- i;uu 11..MJ1..1.,, rat.icifAti I J in, s.)-llii'.' isni. BAUGH'3 BONE FERTILIZERS. ) A (J 0 II AND SONS, fllaimfacturcrs & Proprietors, Stoie, No. 20 South Wharves, R Jl W-B 0 NE Siipcr-Pliospliato of Lime. Little need he said to recnmiiirnl tills article It' pe culiar merits in a vigorous ami Listing manure harlns tlrnilyestuhlliheilit In lb" popular favor. We would statu however, thnt not only having a continued care to UMiiitalii its standard tHcncy, we lutve sought to ron d rit more immediatc-lii its aetion. hy the addition of a small U.iutlly cf hrst IVruvinn Guano. We do not i laiiii by thi imprini'iniMit, (w hiili was made ilurinj tin pii.-t yi-ar, and without p.iblicly notinj: the fact,)our S'lp-r-l'hosphate I" reii lered nny more lastina in it.leir er.t, or la any way h 'li.'fitcil. except iu ensuring a quick or action on npplic.itiou. ruicE, Sli3 per 20OP lbs. cash. ouniJN'D ijav no'Ks. This arllcl'i is uroun I without any previous pre ra rulon. a'i'l eont.ilns all the oiganic matter of the bones ! It is wnrrautej'pttre. I'HICE S35pcr 2000 lbs. cash. K" The above .Manures enn be hail of regular Dc; :r or of DAlKill & .-(l.Vri. Vo 2U .South iMiarvis, l'hilaJelphia, February 15, ldnt!3m. I John Faroira. 715 AHCII btreft.bitweeii Tth.una. Ull. Mreets. (Late tfflBXmket Mrrrt Philndelphia ) 1mvUIIJiAi iMAM'FACrt'RIR OF, mill WW-jfeX ' of FANCY PUIIH, $j?'''hSfi' Hating now mauuinitiiri'd and In -1, ' I ,v Plni-e IN V llsllll l.'irei! mill ill Hilt fill n,. sottmi-nt nlnll thetarious Hvli s and qualitks of I'ur. adopted to tho com-, i,. l.-ntt n.l tl-!..,... 1 .. 1 I respnctl'ullv imiteaii exajninaiion of mysiock and pri ' ces from tho-ie intending to purchase, as I am dialled to ollVr them very desirable iudiirauculs. All my I'urshavo been purchased forca-h.and made ' by rxperie nod and conip-tent hands, and ns t ,. prisunt monetary trmibli's rendi-ril nscesary that I should dis pose of my guodi nt very small arltance on cost. 1 am satisfied that it will be to the Interests of those how desljn purchasing, tu pive mo a tall. E7 Kecollei t, the name, number ami rtrcet: John i ar'ir.i.tiM'tv t ur More,; ,ia Arch street, Philadelphia, ticptember ". lt'Ol-Siii. NE-.V BUSINESS FIR3I " PHI, midcrilened ruspcrtlully inform their frici'di and tin, public gen -rally, that thr-y have enter.-il in to co partui rsbip. un ier ihe mime, .tj h; and firm of J1IL1.IUI ,t I.Yr.Itiu the , I T3ei'ca ssii it. ESsi-.if.scss, In the "Old Arcade," in HlnoiiHb.itg, Columbia ro., where thoy Intend enrr ying on the btisinci of cl-.e-it ai .Mi.Hcu.Nni.iNii, ill all ils diversitlcd brain lies and departments, and In whi h they in.ite nn etcnon of ; the public p.tlronuge. I S. II VILLI:!!, ntKD'ic c. nvun. Illootmhur?, May 11, lCI.-tf. . rCVANS & WATSON ' -'rSBPPAI.AMANIir.R SAI'IId, III',-.-:.'. Yki . MOVKI) to IIUI Chestnut itrret, i . .tu.'.'V.V.i; a'wec third Philadelphia, have on I ,',.wfl,sSJ5, an I a large assortiin-nt of I'jru Thief proof Salamander Safes. . V i v '- i lA. Iso, iron doors, fur banks and '' Btiir-t), iron shutters iron sash, all -: '.' makus of locks equal to nny nude tn th" I'niti"! f;tit". Fire Safes in ere f.r). Ml came nut right; icilh eon tents in good ennili'ien. Tin Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. , RWNS WAT-"-ON, ' have h-i.l the surest d'-mnstration in the following cor-tlficnt- that th'ir iiinuitfartur of Salamnndi'r Paf-s has , nt length fully warranted the representations which have i b't-n" cf th"m as renduiing an undoubted s entity , against the terrific clement. v. , Philadelphia April 12. T-.15. Messrs Evans S; llWten; (lentlcmen-It nirords us the highest satisfaction to state to you, that owing to the very protective qualitks of two of the Salamander, Safes which we jiurchaad ctfyoii somo five month since we saved a laigo portion of Jewelry, and all our hooks, fce., exposed tn the ral.iininous.tircitiP.aiistiad plate on . thu morning of tho llthinst,. . IV.In-n we refli-i-t (list tlrse safes worn located iu the fourtli s'nry of the building wi occupied ami that th-y f.-ll suliseipienily iiffitu h -up of burning ruins, where the ust concentration of the heat caused tin brass platys to melt, we ennnnt but regard the jin-tcrvntioii or their val uable contents as most convincing procf of ids great st entity allordeil hy your safes. H'n shall tuko great ploasure in roconimending them to men of buiiiPss as a sun- reliance against fire. UKOIttir. W. SI.M.MONS & IIKO., Jewellers. 1 C7Uiey have since purchased six large Sofi-s. j ' 7,1 M ift ' lit 7"wrlM i fit. ,i ,V M L ' UfSr-. -h.. - ! ! ! iUMXiV l'illiU iU'4J l XI X . t friinrropnetoroflhis well-known nnd centrally loca I ted House, the IIu-iusob IIoiel, situate on Mni. Street, iu It tlnlliH hum I ,.i:.,,t.. n .. ... V.'."11 bin Count,' Vom lrtiiy Z and the nubile in teneral, that his u,lfc is now i , or derfurtliereccpl on andeiitertainiueut of travelers who mny feel disposed to favor it with their custom. II o hr, I!i!iU'!.'1.i"0 I'"-I'uiina the i:xr.UM,E, for tl.o e.nt.-rlalnu em of h s guests, neither shall there be any. "? a" 'd? Part) to minister to their pe , husMs lalcati'o'U,C " "mCi0U' "na ' 't Ly"Ou!oiLuscB run at all times between the Kxchance I oul and the various Kail Road Depots, by wl ich trav. .ders i will ha pleasantly convecd o and fro, il tlio tV. spectue r-tationa i due Umetu meet Ih" Cars. Jiloohisbtirg, July 7, i5C0. WMl - K00XS' H aiKSSv ASSO0iATIONWliL: A liensvnlcnt Institution estnblislied hy special endow. Sf.'h'vi" """1'ert.f , Hick and Illtr"S"S am ktSd with Virulent and tpldemic Diseases, nnd ism-elan? fortheiru of Diseases cf the rJe.xiinl Otean's 11 . RSt''- Kvpesl'frrfcKe!" fYJ".',""!?0,.""1 ba "''-Iduble Address I S HK ' ahm T'o Great (Jauso of Mf HUMAN MISERY. Just Published in a Healed Envelope; frico Oct a i.r.cTiiiu: nv Dn. cui.VEitwr.ix nv Tm, AX !. ofSperiuatc I hia .Co",, ' imp i , Mental und Physical Debility, Nervuusi ess 1' ,1 A? .' of the ! I.assit de Mt'eik1 of tlio l.imhs and the Rack! Il dlsnosl Inn' ,. i i '' tary l.iiilj.luns, and eHx!, Incapacity; tho conie qtieiK-cs of Voulhful Iiidiscelion lie.. c ihlsudmirable Lecture cltarls nroves thuii,. above enumerated, often seif-unil ted eV, ma I bl ri moved without medicine and without du , snrel caUperatlops. and should be read by' em,' man Vn t 'Sent under seal, to any addles-, In a plain seale.i i-ctiruary B, lfiQ?.J Apri 20; Ui) NOTICE. A JPf-"!0 thomaclvo indebted toth rt iindersicned on Iloolc account or olhsrwlss ir li'rcbyno.inedtocoine and setllo un by the l!i ' Murch, HJbi. or tlielr arronni. ... n?i,i..,'Ae.1.' V the hand, of a prope, ofticVr for eolI.eUi. ' " I J-ycr's firoTS Mm,, rb, ?, lew. tf, " M mL m Ayer's Sarsaparilla A comiiotttul remedy, ill whit-lt vro have h. bored to produco tlio most etTeettlnl nlteratlro tltat can be made. It is ft concentrated extract of I'ara Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater altorntlve power no to afford nn effective antidote for tho dieasta Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such ft remedy is wanted by those wlio etifTer from Strumous complaints, nnd that ona wliich will accomplish their cure must proro of immensj service to this largo class of our alUictcd fcllow-citiiiens. How completely this compsund will do it has been proven by cxpor imeut on many of the worst cases to bo foimd of tho following complaints: ScKorULA amd ScRoruLovs CoMrr.Aium, KuurrioNS and ERor-TtvE Dukases, Uicbus, PiMrt.cs, JlLorcitKs, ToMons, Salt IIhrum, Smld Head, Srrnii.n and Stnitiirto Ar jKOno.Nd, Meucuriat, Diskasq, l)norsv,Nr.o kaloia ott Tie Doui.ottuuux, DRnatrr, Dyg- TirStA AND IttDIOKSTlOX, l.UYSirEtAS, Ilosn on Sr. Anthony' I'ihc, and indeed tho wholo class of complaints nrising from iMruuiTY oir riin Hlood, This compound will be found a groat pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to oxpel'Ptho foul humors which fester in tho blood at that season of the year. By tho time ly emulsion of them many Tunkling disorders arc nipped in tho bud. Multitude- can, by the aid of this remedy, sparo thcmtelvos from tho endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous soics, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not agisted to do this through the natural channels of tho body by an alteratiro medicine. Cleanse out tho vitiated blood whenever you And its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, erupUoni, or sorosj clcnnso it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanso it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will toll vou when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, nnd live) longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tlio blood healthy, and all is wellj but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, nnd the groat machinery oi life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla lias, and deserves much, th reputation, of accomplishing theso ends. But the world has been egregtously deceived by preparations of it, partly because tho time alone hai not all tho virttto that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of "SarsapwUls, or any thing else, During late years the public have been mis. ltd by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Kxtract of Sarsspaiilla for one dollar. Moat of theso have been frauds upon the tick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa lilla, but often no curative pioperties whatev er. Hence, bitter and pnintul disappointment has followed the use of thu variuus extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the maiket, until tho mime itst-lf is justly dcspiied, and has becr.mi synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we cailthis compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy ns (hall icscuo the name from tho load of obloquy which rcrtj upon it. And we think v.-o havo ground for believing it has virtual which are irresistible, by the ordinary lun of tho diseases it is intend ed to CHre. In order to secure their eompltto eradication from the system, the lemedy should be judiciously Ukonaccciding to ditsctiona est the bottle. s vrcrAHBn nv DR. J. C. AITE21 & CO. I,OWKL.L MASS. Price, Ql ii er Ilottlc Six Bottles far 00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself ruch a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complslnt, that it ij entirely unnecessary for uh to tccottnt the oidcncu of 'its virtues, wherever it has been cm plojcil. As it has long been in constant me throughout tliit section, we need not do more than asiliu the people its quality is kept tip lo the best it cter litis been, and that it may be idled on to do for their relief all it lias ever been found to do, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, port THU OF Costivcncer, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, IiiMijeetltn, Dysentery, I'oul Stomach, Eiytipclai, Headache, Piles, ltieumatitm, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and lilt Ithenm, Hormj, Got, Neuralgia, at a Dinner Vill, and for rm if ying the Blood. They arc siuar-conlcd, to that the most senl tive can take them pleasantly, and they nro tho lict aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prica 25 cents p?r Eos; live boxes for $1.00. Grtat nurnlxrs of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent prt-onages, havo lent their names to eorltfy the unparalleled usefulness of thwo remedies, but our space here will not permit the inrertion of tl.cni. Th Agents below named fur r.Wi RratU our Aiir.mcAN Almanac in which they aro given; with alto full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do.not be put oil by unprincipled dealers wH! other" preparations they inakn more profit on. Demand Aykji's, and take no others. The sick want the bcit aid thcro ii ton tham, ana they should have it. All our ltemcdie arc for salo by i: ;.;"" J- lt-My 'r- Hancnliurh. I'doomtburi A. Miller, Horn icK.aml by mm tnro iu uvtry town in Tcnnjijlvania. ' DU. J.A CROIX'S 1 ruivATi: mi:dic.i, treatise o.v the I'liysiological Vieu' of Marriage. 550 PACES AND 120 ENGRAVINGS.-Price rnly Twi.vir-nvK iu Sent fres r, postage to all parts of lb.- Union. On thu infirmities of-youth and maturity, ill, clo.iur; thu secret follu-s uf bojh sexes of nil uses, causing debility, nervousness, depression of sniril lulpit.ition oi'lbo heart, miridal imaginings, miolun Jury emission.. Washings di iective memory, iiuligi-r tinn nnd lavsiimle. uith confessions of thrilling interest Ot a Hoarding iehovt .His,, a College tilvdcht, and s 1 oung Married lady, ., e, Sfe. It is a truthful mlvi er to the . uiairied and thnm cont.-iui laliiig marriaj-c, whom tertuiiisfciit doubts of their physical conitition, mil whuure i oiisciousnfh.-uji,;, hazarded the lualth Imp '"Jjand privileges to which every human being u Vtlp.VG .MEN who are troubled with weakness, gi a erally caused by a bad habit iu youth, the effects ut which are disziness, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a a ringing in the cars, weak oyes, weakness of the baik nnd lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of mere,. ?.rj','Llll.lli1'., '"''"ly.may bo cured by the author's NEW l'ARIH AND J.UNIIllN TRE.VniKNT. .iiSnV?,',lX dv"tnl murh uf our lime In MtJITING Til B El.'ROI'EAN lltlhl'ITALK. availing "iJm" ivr.? kno'l',dgu and researches of Ihe most skilled 1 h ibians and Surgeons iu Europe and tht Co i 'iVi".!" , .i 0 .Vl Vc" "iii'''lu-s under our cur ?P .mi 'S it ! ,bI?i't:'Uof'1' nn" NEW AND h. i h,ASU Ut)ltK,U:, ":- "1'1'hwe aro ii.abl.d to , i r?i ""' 0Ur I'f"". and the public may rest as surcdof the same zeal, iisiduity. SKCULCY and att-n ion being paid to theireascs, which has so successful ? !i?"!a".,s1.""1 " "ef-'toforo. as a Physician in our ffilrtfffiZT1 f ,,of',"lonal 'Hiw..r . riirscn PtMALB l'ii.L9.-l,adics who wish for Medicines I ho uhtaey of w hith has been tested in ho sands cases, nuif never failed to etlecl speedy cure, w ilhou any bad re.u Its.will u.e none but lir I)j,ane3's Ve" sl oC,vori'u7 ' ;ru, V'"' '""""' n-cesikry loll servo is. ladies should not takuthei.Mf tin y have res mars ut" Hum ,lT,,!r0J" "r,Mn '"'"'' (the partle tumult!,' Sda"" be "la"Cd ,0 iBy 1,0,1 " Pans to which their ilellcats I o?ga iL ion rkend. t,' J tv -1rticul""y invited to consult us" lils"l;.Li(;TKo.GAU-iiiic l'ROTCtTiic."-rr,r marii'd ladies whoso health will not admit, "V who have n"d UU a" &u:"?""" "" l'oblIi,ed7.?bVv i, Ln 'f 15 l,a'l! P'BVontlve to emiception, and l Sceid K'sio! U"ri"B to" 'M J'"-'' ''"t4 Tlio Stcrds of VoiiIIi Unvcllfd. n . """"' oiot. saoifinirransll vi P if Jin iS ',''''"" H'C e mmioeimtUln the tut y' . 'f 'HMtlt onrieem of -voU) cent .Stampi niST ,,,. , "'ltM duly, from dn th. morning till V night, ami un Sundays from a III) 5 P M. b ll tw wM'r .fu" directions .t t0 My pat, nf,h, Die ir sen n-,7.C""'.:'"' br I"""11" com.nunicatlnj therms rrf nniniC'l,V1!,r!I-in'''ite'1 establl.hcd.niide,, ban", ri! V. No. 31.1Isidsn Lsns Al Nov. 83 JP5I, 12m. CIGARS & TOUACCO. rnfftfrnnVT,'!' of cholc.. r1""' Tobacco, ripc' A cr wiih ... i !'... u,",n gene raiiy.irgciu' hsnd i'ln, ifS V,e'k,fJ'Alan4..0A'8.cnn-tantlyo Eraporlum.'' " ' 18 "'""""burg H ? Pe..ku,. M.,thI,.M ,0HK C,RT0V
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