COLUMBIA DliMOCRAT, ocal anb Special, John a. Freeze, Editor. SATURDAY MOnttlNO, AFHII. 6, 1881. tST To-morrow Is Low Sunday, so call ed beeauso tlio ceremonies performed in tho ancient church, vrcro not of so grand and pompous a nature, as tho high festival of Easier. Louisiana admitted as a State, into tlio Union, April 8, 1812. Lord Bacon died Otli April 1020. Gen. Horatio Gatoadiod 10 April 1800. Edward Everett was born April 11, 1704. Henry Clay was born 12 April 1777. Thonm Jeflbrion was born April 13, 1743. :o: fcSf EWerlok Ilusoarack of Ohio, to ba Minister Resident at Ecuador, Vico Oharlos It. Ruckalew, recalled. :o; Sffl Tho Express oflico is again down town. Tho Rakcry has passed into tho hands of Fox and Stchucr ; who being both practical men, aro likely to niaka it :o: tar On Easter Monday, tho congrega lion of St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church,E!co ted Peter Applemau, Mathias S. Apple man, Eli Barton, B. F. Ilartnian, E. R. Drinker, Hon. ,W. J. Wo'odward and John G. Freeze, Vestrymen for the ensu ing year. rny- To thoso of our Editorial brethren who have spoken of us, such kind and encouraging words and none havo spoken otherwise we desiro to tender our sincere thanks. And to our readers, whoso ap probation has in many instances cheered us, wo need only say, that wo shall con. tinue to do our lot; and wo know they can appreciate our effort to pleaso, in struct and amuse them. :o: tST" The daily rennsylvanian has been discontinued. It U somewhat singular that a daily democratic paper cannot bo sup ported in Philadelphia. Tho Pcnnsylva nian was pretentions, it was largo, it was two cent'. A one cent paper, with short, sharp and spicy editorial would certainly succeed. Cant somo one try it. Will not tho Argm get up in tho morning, lesser its 6izn, sharpen itself, and go into tho fight? Something should bo done specdi- :o: r2r In Xo. 39 of the Federalist wiifc- ten by Mr. Madison.spcaking of tho adop tion of tho constitution, says "That it will be a Federal and not a national act"; and of th foundation of tho constitution he remarks : "As these terms are understood by tho objectors, tho act of the people, as form ing so many independent States, not as forming one ajrgregato nation, U obvious from this singlo consideration : that it is to result neither from tho decitiou of a wo jonly of the people of tho Union nor from that of a majont'j of tho States. It must result from tho unanimous assent of tho several States that aro parties to it; diff ering no otherwise from their ordinary as Bent than in its being expressed, not by tho legislativo authority, but by that of tho pcoplo themselves. Wcro tho people re garded in this transaction as formiug ono nation, tho will of majority of the who o people of the United States would hind the minority; and the will of tho majority must be determined cither by a compari son of the individual votes or by consider ing tho will of a majority of tho states as evidence of thn will of a majoritv of the people of tho United btates, these rules has been udonthd. Neither of lacu ttate in ratifying the Constitution, is eonsidcrol as a Htvercsign body, indepenuent ot an others. and only to bo bound by itsownvol- untary act. In this relation, then, tho now Constitution will, if established, bo a Federal, and not a national Constitution., tot 1 JflT" Apropos of fenialo Postmasters, ... , ... . JlolblOok's Mail tells tho following anCC - , - . .r . . c, n-,. doto of tho Hon. Darnel S. Dioiinson : . -r . .r. . f r i "A Post-Office not far from his rosi - .1npn l,r.r.nliiini. alirclv contost " o . 1 -- sprung up for tho appointment, and among tho applicantj was j a Sirs. ianoy , Congress being in session at tho timo, tho worthy Senator, in accordance with usago in sucu cases, was renucstcu to call at tho Department to look at the pa-' pers in tho case in hand. T.ho re- 1 quest was promptly complied with, and the documents wcro duly inspected, not without somo perplexity in tho mind of tho Cnator: tor tWO Ot UlS personal anU P0- litical friends, both highly respectable and enmrnilnnt miti. mra. n r.nnnnrHd from1 tho papers about 'neck and llCCk, ill tllO .... fR f . :ni:l t; raCO tor Ollieo, SO tar as inllucntial Slgna- tures on citner smo couiu matte them so. But suddenly a light dawned upon tho Sen ator. A neatly-written nolo in a lady's handwriting cauio to viow, applying for tho offico in her own behalf, and giving but a singlo name as referenco, and that tho namo of tho honorablo Sen ator himself. Ho had known her deceas-' ed husband intimately and most favorably 1 for many years, and was no stranger to tho young widow herself. After a mo ment's reflection ha carefully returned tho delicate missive to its place, and made tho following. laoonio indorsement upon tbo pa pers : 'Igo for Nancy.1 Nancy waa of courso, appointed, and is still faithfully nerving tua public in tho capacity of Post mistress." Of courso Lincoln will turn Nancy out, having already served several domooratio Postmistresses that scurvy trick. Now books. TlllS may U0 tCgaiUCU as tbO ngO OltlCW 1 Looks: butWoarobV HO means certain . uw C5 , Iborois a tincture of cant and a poslttvo ' unsoundncas about modern books, that rcn. dcr them ofton a worthlcsa purcliaso. Now a days & man wants, instead of a col lection, rl selection of books ho must buy with great care, and even then ho will, in a fow years, Cnd upon his shelves a good deal of trash. Thcro aro sohio volumes, thank fortune, now beyond tho reach of tho touch of do Clement, somo books which wo can put in to tho caso with a feeling that in thorn wo havo the truth gathered and eiflcd by a master ; a man whoso object was net to mako a book merely, but to discuss a great question, to elicit truth, and to stats con scientiously and honestly tho facts, without a theory to support, or a causa to dcfend,or a rival to uctamc. Such a man was Henry Hallam, and such books aro his ''View of tho Stata of lSuropo during tho Middle Ages," of ''Tho Constitutional History of England," and of "Literary History of l.uropo in tlio 10th 10th k 17th Centuries" Thrco works, of which it has biicn said, that "cither is of sufficient merit to confer upon tho author literary immortality." A remark which has been endorsed by every man who has ever read tho works in question. Messrs. Crosby, Nichols, Leo & Co. No. 117 Washington street, Boston, havo just issued, from tlio lUvertide Press, the Guest edition of tho "Middlo Ages" wo havo ev er seen. It i j reprinted from the latest and bait London Edition, and contains tho au thor's last rcvi.-ions and correction.?. Hen ry Hallam is dead, and wo have Li3 works now, as ho intended they thould remain and they arc undying monuments of his honesty, of his patient rescarcn, and learn ing. No library is complete without these great works, and wo advise CV' cry man to secure a copy of tho ono just issued. It is in thrco vols, and in styles from Sl.'-'S per vol. to $3.50 per vol. This is to bo followed immediately, by the other two abovo mentioned, in tho same styles, and prices, tho second in thrce,and the third in four volumes. The history of Europe during tho Mid dlo Ages comprises au account of tho man. ncr of living, the conveniences and com forts, and social and political staitdiug of the people. Tho feudal laws tho cru sados the chivalry or Knighthood the superstitious tho wars, marriacos and daily lifts of pcoplo hundreds of years ago Tho descriptions of the houses and furni turo of tho great and rich, of men whoso names are historical, of Kings and Queens, aud palaces and castles and towers, read like a romance; aud jet aro sober and substantial facts. See that you gtt and study carefully, tho great Historical works of Henry Hallam. :o: CSJr Wo direct attention to tho report of tho proceedings of the Literary Associa tion, lately asioinblcd in tho Court House in Bloomsburg. Wo wcra highly gratified with tho ability, tact and judgement dis played by the members.and aro convinced that tho Association, conducted in thespir. it in which it was conceived, and has been carried on so far, must bo productive of great good. Wo wish tho Young gentle man abundant success in tho enterprise. At tho next meeting hero, wo aro in formed that the ladies intend gracing the convention with their presence. They will doubtless be made wcicouie. i CO L U M B 1 A DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to tho oflicc of tho Oolujima Democrat, during the month of March, 16G1 : i.'l It. stain, SOlr-OOJnhnTrcmblty, 0 00 l'lioinaji Winter, $10 ro a so joiiimtmi n. im l'U u. r. LeacocK, i as 1 i5 4 Hi 'J oo 1 so j on :i on s on 4 o.i i oo 3 Oil 1 bj :i no 4 m 3 oo 0 00 '.' 00 H 00 1 00 7 00 li mi 7 01) 1 so l so j.Vipii""!!-10""' 2 00 VVra. II. L'h.iinlierlin, 1 eo;ji,im l.ccBim, u,.., 1 ou; tb:it lluiit-r, 1 SOjJohn II, Sliult., 1 73'ljlliam Uycr, 2 OU )r. C. I. Kcllius, 2 5(i Villluiii Heartf, 1 "Slaa 11. (ilrton, 3 io;a. 11. Fnrvir. 1 SO John J. Cearliart. nuii.un enaiur, JuiY'vo'st, "'" ' ;1v'j,c,l1!f,,lr'' limanuci Hitler. Vf';i'c.,''jl'"- liej.r. 'I'eilauorili.l a;.M,a u iiirton, I Kn.ic liaceiibuch. 1 TSCapt. Hamuel Hlniby, tvllnlK I M. I'relltii, J W Jacob Unnd, t iiean joim, l 5u:reteriiippen.tcei, i nnotli Ilonell, i! nojidin bnyder, AAerijf, , Georco lll.her, 1 50 John lln.bit, llavid Keinl.'-, H3-iilip.Hiller,(.Mt.l-.) iiou. vm. Mcrriiieid. a o ijniepiii'ohe. I llciiiocr at ic As8uciat'n,3 01) Hiram Kllorr, 1 Albert iiuuter, a oo u. w. cvany & Co., UeuWi, lie.. (V.C.) 7 lit III II .Little, jaciu cjcriy, r.,'i., .. im jonn iirngier. Ueubjn i:omboy, ' s oi . uu uev. joun iiuiiii'r, SO Crncliy, .NichuL At Co., -2 00 JI, i. Kinney. C .. S!0l William lloivcll, J JJJJ ,,''t:"l 'i1 Jfi ji,un uietvntii, i'.i .. a w I), V itobbina, John Jeanop, lia t:. J.U'ilion, 1 lw U SI) 4 00 r WARD .mutt OF AND UE MANLTACTURUtt OF AND UEAI.CIt IV ST'fiAW G00BS4 Not, 103, 103 and JO". Nor 111 tiecond direct. rilll.Alli:i.l'III.. . Wunremm receiving our t?nrlnr !toik HllU'll Mill "nuni,. a iarS and uc,i,abi a..ortiiieutufii nnd,.,f STRAW AND LACE GOODS. AUo, n !o aMonnuiit of l.adle.' and Clnldren.'s Hata. Our .loiU of Flouera and Uuche,, mil bo un. um ly larjeti,,. aeanon, and uould liiiu uur at- tentliin tu that department, r'leaao call uud elainlno tu.'iii before 1114x1111! yuur puiiliaaes. 11 u'.nn. N'oa. 103. 105 & 107 Korlh H:cond t., above Anil. JtanUrt, lHi.1-1,. WALL PAPER! WALL. PAPER!! JUST received from the ma nn fact or let In lontnn, uu niticlo ufmottt excellent ipialily. Ichbllciigtf eompj. titiou at to ttijlt uud pnet. The underwit; tied I Kit p border! to mutch irnv tf the tftvlcn un liaitd mid in the only Uxprrjeuied TaWr IUnolr i thii Hettiim uf itie L-ouniy uive my txxsuiivc uu ciuuniiaiiuu lief or 0 lurchasin. Oy Call al Uupcrtg I'okt Oflire. U. J. THOUNTON', Uloomsburs March S2d ItfM . INFORMATION IS WANTED, 01 th whereabout! of n young wnmun itto itfiiUy wandered awav from her Fathcr't Iioukm, at Hermio in Greenwood toutuhlp, Col u mid n county, supposed to be at that time Uboriuir under tho influence of menul itormiPCiiifitit. Hti la iilmut Irtinan if Bti nf1 aninll sixa and lias dark hair. Any person w ho will inform the underslghned of her present residenrc, and detain her until her friends can procure herlrtmni( will snb serve the cause of humanity und shall bu rewarded lor their iruuble. Address juLi ii Kuniunn. Ta. Manh33, 1E61 3t, AUDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned appointed by tho Court an Andltcr to distribute thifund tins from th nih tlTi Mlo of tho of Mi appointment. Saturday tho aoth day of March, umuia juuniy. Hi iiitn iiii'UBiiu (finco ii riiuH inirr JS'oSrti J'KSS." . WCSLEV WIRT, .tJMToa. ' February S3 1SC1-4 w, AUDITORS NOTIOK. TliEnuderslRned, auditor appointed by tho Orphan's CouriofCoIiiniblacounty,oncVceptlonMoiliii.lHilnli.i traOoti account of Margaret lira, arfnilnUtrntrlx ofi Andrew J. Ilrmi, lata of Columbia county, deceased, 1 will attend to the duties tf till appointment at It Is othee In llloomibiirg, on Saturday, inn juth day of March, A. u t iciii ai ten o cjuck ;i. m.. mivn nuu nnro an per sons intcfeitcd in said citato can attand If thty think proper. WESLUY WIRT. March 0, 1601. Auditor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NtTTlCn It hereby given that tatters testamentary upon tho Ustato nf Cllkm FraTT. latu of the town ship or Bloom, In tho count ofCo umbla, ileecased.liave been this day granted ly Ibe Register nf , y d county to ' ship ofllloom, In tlm county ofColumbla, deccaied.have all persons hat ins claims or (Irjunmla aeainlaid es tate, aro roaucstrd to make known tho tame to the tald undersigned without delay. WAUUU.N J. WUUUYVAUU, Dlootnsburg, February 23, 18(il-Gn. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jacob llcltcig, deceased. T CTTERS tPBtnmentarVon the Kstatnnf Jtrnn ffcLuia Xj atti of Locust towinlitii.ln Coumhia count vileceas I cd have been granted by the lteptcr ofColumbla cftim-. lytotho nnderaiancdi pt-raona hnvliiftfalms nunind ' the Eitfilc nf thj dcfciltnt.riM rmieiited to prenrnt thcin . to tho Cxecutorl. At their realdcnce, In l.ucuxt townrhlD: wiinoui neiay aim off pertuni mueuiea to iiiaaupnjncui forthwith. rr.Tr-p. s. iikmvio, Jn. JOHN V. WAlmt. Eiicutort, February S, 18(11 Uw. .Mlooiiisbiu-g AV.'Mk'iny : D. A. UIK KI.KY, A. I!.. rrlnclpBl. Tun srnixii and bummer session or this lllltltutloll nlll hngin MONDA Y THE 15 OF A J'RJL TIlO bulldllic U nt DrL'xrtit iiri.lrffri(T n thorn' renn vntioii It will bj RUppllcd with now furniture j The nnlli etfcanllvn.iDurcd.&ntltrturilhlni' ndilrM Hint run contribute to the comfort und convenience of the Student. i ne course or instruction wri ho thorough, an hereto fore, and thoicdcsismliitz to rUlhiMi.Bclven totinrh will receive vpcclnl attention. The mhoul itivlfli conduct ed according to tho mont approved model iii in iiii'iie ui our BCininarK'B ore embraced jn iti courku uf study. TC11M6. Primary tlepnrtment, IKghrr dppnrtinint, $5 0 No extracliaree li maJfl for tlia stud of Anciunt or iQoiinunruii(!can oil prncurca at $i,ouor Si, per wee is ltlooiusburic, .Mnrch 7, lMil-tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ettide of I'elir Minor cr, deceased. LETTl'.llSto,tnncntaryon tbo K-tntp nflVrER Mow nra, ateof l,imt loMnehin. In (.'n.'umlnu rountv. decea-ed Inve been granted by the Kcgtatpr of Conmbia county tn tlu umlprHignuil j uU persona liaving calms agahi't the E-tat(Mtftln rifrcdcnl.are rcqiu'rlrd to pro- em mem in um r.xrcmor ni in- reniiienco, in l.oeu.1 township, uitliont ileay, and nil psrsona indebted to make payment lorlhwith. KCUJCN, i.'xrcular, February 2. 1861 Cw, Bloomsburg Head Quarters .WrKUMY, NEAL & .. IN TIIC FIELD WITH AN INCHUASLII BUITLY Of Wr. would announce tf) th'j imblic and nnr friend, that we liavejimt returned Irom the City uillia very larso a.ortincnt of NEW CHEAP GOODS, Our tocK of DRV GOODS comprises tho largest, cheap eat. and handimmcFt now olfrrcd in this tuwnl We tire dtturmiuud t compete with the nnd nil thojio idling to buy cheap, can wivo money by gi iug u 11 cull. Vu have alt kindfof UondBund Vares o tfupty the want of this people. A large lot uf Ladies' Dress Goods, OP KVKKV DKSOIUIMON. iriUTE GOOD OF ALL KINDS, eiemc, Ci'Uirs, Ppcncern, llumtkerchUfit. riouncingi, Uancli nud Triminhifis, Ibices uud IMgiug, liumict lllhlmurt in large vnrifty, Vtl vet llibboii anil braid, Kid, Cot t fii St Lifls Thread GIovoh Mohair Miu. An. ALL KIND OF SM AWL UltOAClIES, Black rfilk, Canlimcrc, Embroidered, fclln, 4-c. Alio a larg" iinortmentof Lh'tlm, CuhttiincrB, i-atiuctf, Vetting. Tvceds, JeaiiH. IVavt-r Clothe, Ct atinz. Velitt Sec. MOOTS & SHOES OF ALL TCIM)S and, fur Mfii. Women nnd Children. Wo liare n larp aiiortuu-utof lltiln and I'upi, of latest faU ions V; have also, Hardware, dut-eim ware, Cedarri't A:c. Very ('heap Carpet, Carpet llac. Hoar, Table anil Cnrn ire Oil C'Jcths, Mats, lings, MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKINOS, Diapcm, Touting!, DrilJint.'''. tic in abundance. Also, ,a large amiorlmcut of Iron, Null Cheeue, a Utru quantity -f tfalt, &c. We Inv it our friends nud tin tiubkic Kt'imratU', to Give us u call biforu purchasing tlHonlure. We have bought our coodt nt tin Lowest Cah rricn, and will not be undersold by unjbody, ur the rest of mankind. MlKULVY. nual&co. nooint.lmrff, November 10. ltftiO, 'JT II E V li K 3 li Y T E U I A N, IS 1UULI&IUD EVEKY EATUHDAY AT iVo GOO Chestnut Street above &txth) IVtiUidt'iihia atttl No, 533 Broadway New Ytiifc, bj WILLIAM S. MARTI Eft & CO. TUB M S. 7Va Dollar atfi Fifty Cents prr uuiium, If paid In ad vance, or turee inmar. pnjaijiQ in mi itimiiii, aud era I dioco'iiit tj Acent ho may hemmu rcuponsiblr. To Clergymen 7'tcv Dollars a eur when paid itrUtl) in alaiiLf, Nu siibtLriptioii received fur a lesi term than one year. All (tnlucribor who do not yivo express notice to tlm contrary, w ill br cousiderud a a iJung to ron. tinuo Uiir HUbarriptioii, and, tlur paper will be Kuntto them accord tun ly. Nn paper ilivcoiitmued nn til uU iirrarageii are paid, escjpt at tlnj oi-tion of the 1'roprittor. itates of ddvertistnff.l'ot 15 liur, first iniertion, one ikllar; t ach repetition of do., to ccutu. Tor 8 1 men or Ijiti, lir.t iimuiliuii. To ct nt s cuih repetition uf ('., .1 1 ccntv. l'ayments lor udvvrtisciucuti to be made in advance', TKRMf TO CLtJUH. fire copies to one nddrenc, for one car 810 00 Ten copies to one undress, for one year fc-J OU Willi un uddiiional copy tothcjicreou w ho may net hi agent, fHitrf c'fpics to one nddreax, for one year 53 01) With an additiunul copy to the ufrmt. Ttrenty-jiee to ono nddrcM, for ono year $15 00 Willi an additional copy tothe nsent C7The Money must always ho pent tn advance. Wlit-'ii thtiamiiitnt ig lare, a draft should b procured, if posaiblu. Addri-m. nhvnyn port paid WILLIAM t. MAUTir.M it CO. No. tHHi Chestnut Street, l'lilladctphia. Ma all 9, im. NftW WAOON SHOP. Main Street above the Forks IIoUL 'pllll uii'Iff si'sned, liuvinir removed from Fp) town to I Hlodiusburrt, rpeLtfiilly informs hl friends and rustoiut-rs. tliiit ho lmn upemd a new shop, un Main iStrctt, Klnoniibarg, uboe the Forks Hotel, where he will cuuducl the WAGON MAKING DUST NESS, In all its nrtoug departments, nud ou a more exteneivt cale tU.iu herttofon. llnspitfi. f pring Wagon s, Sulkies, Llglit Wacuns, and all kind 4 of ehule, made to order, on hort notice aud lair terms. AUo-llorrtR and Vahx WiiEb-L-maitowi, midu to or It. Uti'AiRiNu, of oil kinds, including Heavy Wugonj, promptly uud cheaply executed. JACOU S. EYANd. liloomsSurs, April SI, IdGO-Cm. ADMINIS rilATOK'S NOTICE Estate of lie tjj zmin . Teitsxvorth deceased UTOTIf'I' Ij linrnliv nivoti I hut lutlota nf nrlitil Jit nit i on the estate of tleiilamiu Y. Teitsuorlh late of Cattawlssa township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been crautedby tho Register of said county to tho un dersigned. wlmreaides in Ma)beriy touiikbip Montour Co., All persons hat ing claims or Uonunds a gain it tho cmnieoi inu ul-cviiciii uru requriieu iu pn'suuf, iih-iji im t ttle mcnt, and thuc indebted to make puyment without delay, HOBLRT DAVISON. March 0, 1801-C Mn'r. mUUrroprletoroft'ili wrllknovinand centrally loca I ted House, the IUiiumje Hotll, situate ou Mal-f Htrcet, In Uliwunburg, immedlaUly opposite tho Col um bia County Court House, respectfully informs his friends ana tlio public in guieral, that his House is now iu on dcr fnr IIib rc('iilon uud entertainment of tratcters ulm may leelilifpod to favor it with their custom, lie has. spared no expen-e. in preparing the biiuskos, fur thu , tiiitfrtikiinnetit ur his cuusts. neither uiaii inero be anv. I Ms,.. tin I mn I'm, 1,1a tiiirl t tn iiiIiiihIm- tn t lui r iwraniiiit thi im wttiilins (on his part) to minister J Ihcir iwranuai comlort. His house Is spacious and eujoys an ixcclUnt brisiueis location. (T7 Omnibuses runst all times between the Uxehaiige Hotel and the various Rail Road Depots, by which travt elers will be pleasantly- emive)ed to and Irom i ine re- ipcciitu bUtiona m due lime lu meet tha cars 'M.. D. KOON3, Eloomi'-;, July 7, JcC0 I'UliLIO SALE. o r i t 1 It 1 Y1 J J t ctlilctUIU llCit I JJ3lllltv a. lumurs county, on Saturday, the. sftfA day of April, next, ,- , ... j .j 1 "J ,i Joe'cfoek hrttio fufenoon.Ucorita M. Il.renbueh.and William II. Htfprnburh, Administrators nf Simon lla gen bur. w. Into of Centre tewnthin in in Id cunlv.ilectas ' en, win cnoi(j 10 saic, py ruuuc ca, expose to sale, by rubJJe Vendue, upon Viirttiiff Ka 2 nnnR.atinn' nf Purpart i0. 5, Consisting 01 a TR AH'P f)tf iVCili f) Aft J It UUUiUViJt Situated in ucrttre township, In Bald county adjoining, Turpart No. one on tho it, George Kclrhtier Bint oih. crs on tho N'oith, Fnrah Bnlrnftn nn tho South and Pur' pan ro. mrec, on wo tait containing, Ten Acres, and Sixty perches strict Tn?asoro. ALSO-l'urpart No. four consisting of a TRACT OF WOODLAND. g,ul0 n Centre to mhlp, aforcial.1, ndjnlninir landa of Ucorgo Kclchncr on the North, l'urpail No, three on tho West, Sarah Batman on the South and l'urparl No. 5 v.. .,, tUll.Hlllllgi T Acres, e it nnd fourteen perches Strict ineusurc. ALSO-Purpart No. fivo consisting of a TRACT OF WOODU1KU. In Centre tnwnrhip, aforesaid, adjnlnlng landa cf fjco- If Kirimt.- n.,,i r.ti.n,. nn it.n u.ih tlio Weat, Harnh Salmon on tho Houth and I'uMitirl No. Bix on the Cant, Containing . . urpart no, rour on a i n c Acres, and oncliundrrd nnd fortrPix nerclipt irlrt monanrn Late tho I- ttnta of nid defeased, sitaatg in th tow if nip 01 centre ana county aiorcsniii. JAUOU EVnUIA', Cterk Uloomi'jurg, .Mnrch S3, 1SG1. TERMS OF SAIB. ten per cent, of the p;irclii("0 money to ho paid totlie Auminimrniort on the tiny or Hale. One half of the uul nnro cftlu purihase money to be paid first of Anril.l'-os;, Tho remainder of tho purchase inoniiy to ho paid first of Ajini, iouj. iiie pay menu to be with interest from day ofSalJ. Deeds to bi mndo and ilpllcrcd to the Dur chaser upon tho eon fir hint Inn ot Fate. The purchascrto Beiuru iu imynn-iiv ny innifin anri ."linrignire. OHO. M, IIAdCNHUCII, I aJ 1 t . t W.M. H. IIAfli;I(UCIl, 1 M''"rrn YJ ISING SUN N011SEMES & GAIL snnutM'LANTS, RooT8,8imuns,TRnnsYiNr,s,&c. 8. MAUl'Y &. CO. havhur flDPtied their llntublUlimriit otT30 Market Street, rhil.iilclphln, fu' the salu of tlnir prouiicwm, an wen nt n spiktiI OMortuieni or Articles In tho llortlciilt'iral line, uouhl rrsru'Ltfuliv mil tlm nt tention of thuir customers, and tlio public generally, to their Warthousr, where ill he kept, in th(irrepcitic rinnt8, rget.iiiM nnd I lower Hueda, Uulbuui Kooti.ete. 01 our own una luroigu pruduLtlons. C.ilaliigticS Sent (iralis on Applicnilon, or Tim roLi.oiviNO, Orncmentnl FhndoTrcei, I r.vrrsreen Treea and Shrub, lardy Klirubbjry, Vine, and Creepers, l'lant, fur Hedging. Tiuiling lloiie)iu(.klm, ice. 21 S E J NolRctte I'crnctnal. I Den pal and China, IVreiAU audottur Yellow, Mucrophila, Tra Scented. Hybrid Perpetual. Ilourbtin Musk i rarn", liauksia, Mux, Cllinbinj " Dahlia Itnotx. Hardy Itordcr Plants, Dcddmj 1'lants, Cliinbins U Untieing Plants urciinimune I'lants, l.jcopoicums, l-'crns, Stc, Cherry, nph, Pear. I'luni, Tcacli, &., fiKAPa yjses; Diana, Dclawnri, Concord, Isabella, Catawba and Toreiftn Varieties. is M A. & & xr t v s ; Currants, Gooseberries, Kaspbsrric, lilackberriei, fctra berries,, tie, etc. Zy Ilnycrw dealiup with us will find that the nrticles they get uru ItHLIAItmuiid ai riiHAl' as they caube obtaiuud Irom uny other ctabtilutnMit. H. MAUPAY fc CO. No "30 Market Htreet, below Eiehth, I'hiladclphu, Pa. March HI, ldOl-Sui. Sheriff's Sales. BY vlrtU'J of sundry writ of Venditioni Exponas to me diretted, Imueout of thu Court uf Common Pleas cf me utmmy "iivoitimuja, l etnifjiiainu, will bo expo to oublic ml at the Court Hound in IU.init.)i,.,r "A rUKiiAY, THKftnii or rtrmn, mm, ni imp tmeit in tho afternoon tho lolloniug described prepcrty to 1 1 . AU that certain tract or piece ofland ill tua to In fltiuarloaf tmiiHliin Columbia County contain. ins lif.y fjur aercn of whirli twenty ono acres m cleared laud bounded on t!i 3 North by taudsof Michael Itcish lino, on iho Huutli by lands of Abraham SJioltr. on tho I la t by .in!snfl)an,i I lies fc JVbko Jlartman uud on tho west by laud late of Ldmuud Crawford, whereon in ereciuu a one ana n nau story 1 ianK uwftunff douta a frauia Cum auj a Mack Smith Hnp with tlu appur tenances. S-'iz-jil, taken In Exfcutiou and to be sold as the prop, erty of John MicliUr. ALSO : At the same time aud place, all that certain tract ofland situate in So gar loaf township Co lumhia county bounded atut described as follow b, to wit: on the North by land of Uirhard Kilo on thu Kapt by land of I), tt, Laiibach on the Houth by land of Jeic IV lining ton on tho west by laud of John t'. Lauhach con taining sixty el2ht acres more or lest. About twenty five acres of w Inch is cleared land wherou is erected a one and u half story Plank dwt-Jling house and otltcr ooi rmiidinss wiin me nppurirnanceH. Sei. id, taken in execution and to be sold as the prop erty of Georgo Moore. also: At tho same timo aud place, all that c-rtain tract or lot ofland situate in nfhinp creek towjt ship, Columbia county, bounded nud described ns inL low to wit:-0nthe North by laud of Paul Pealrr, on the Kin by land of IticharJ Jonuv, on tho Houth by land of It, I. tucker, nnd on tha West by land nf Williim L. Parks, containing Ulovcn vcre, bsthsamo more or lc(s, nil of which isclearnd laud, whereon nrj errctod u ono and a half ftorV PI. ink Uwulliiiz House, n Frama ! Hank Itani, und othtr outbuilding w ith thu appurtenan ce. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tin prop city of James It. Parks. JOHN" SNYDER, Stiertf: nioomsburg, March'. '3, led, ATTORNEY AT LAW, nLOfwibiwiio vji, Olhee in Court Ally, fornurly occupied by Charles It. lluckalew. r.Iootniburff, Per. 4, 13 BODUG GK It. Tills won terfut article, tnst imteuted. is something entirely neitt and never beforo (tiered tu agents, who are wanted uMrwliire, Full particulars sent free. Address FIIAW Sc CLAKK, lliddcford, Maine. March il. 1PM-ly SHARP NO TICK. Persons indebted to DR. GEO. HILL, will find (heir accounts iu thu hands ot the uuJvrfigJiud fur col lection. Immediate attention will save Costs. n . . JOHN U, FUEEX. MnonithurSt Pa. Feb. 2.1. 101 -It. QOfi 000 Building Brick, of cxeel- MiVUfVVV Ient qua,yt frtr fa0 t the Old UloomsbiirsT Hrlik Yard', 1'arttcs intPiuIinp to build will do wll to cnll and examine the material and get bargains, AiM-ly to HRNHV 8. ARTHUR. lUoorjfcburCi March 0. lG!.-3iu. H HOW AUD ASSOCIATION PHIL Anr.f.rmA. A llen'voleut Institution ptah!iahel by special endow niont, for th relief of the Hick and Dutressed, nfllicted with Virulent nnd Epidemic PucRues, and especially for the Cure of Ducasen of the Btsxual Organs. IJis penvary frento nnticnts In all parts of the UuitedStates lUU.tlil'ii un r JicT IIIUVUl I llUru. UIIU cr Dinensfs of the Hexual Organs, and on the fiV.W iu;mlimi;s cmpiuyeu, eut to tun nmiciea in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Slump jivnurinrre Dinmni Address DR. J t K i I on. Howard Aksnciii. tor postaffo will be acceptable, Ac I!.V HOUOHTON. Actinir burgeon, turn, Nr9t3antli Ninth tstreel, I'hiladelphia l'a, March 2. Ii?01 12m. It KICK! BRICK! I THU undersigned is prepared to supply Urick, of a good quality, at fair price. He will fm found at thu Itrick Yard ri. U M'Kinny, near McKclvr St. Neal's rurnocf. rcrous Uttsiringto purchase will do u ell to call a tfrtck will bo made and vtvtt b sold, h II. FUR MAN, Jtrnt. LT iwmi now on nanu an reauy ror salo, liloouisburs lb.0, 10ol-3m. J, If . T. - - - - ADMTNTKTR AT01tS KOTTflli1 x Vr t . . JuStnW Of I hriStOpier II, &mttttt UeCCaSCfl, T HTKft.?of Administration on tht Kftate of Chris, i0pbrH. Btuith.lato of Hemlock town-hin. Cot.rni. . ,.........- .... , ..I . . . i- .... j ' ..'",. oi caimih roanty, in the undersigned, residing lit said Hemlock tonsWiii tf'l persons havlnc claims acainit tbeKstaleofthe decedent nre requeitod to present them to th Adminjfttator, with out delay, Hid all persons AARON' HMITII, , .limtmtlialor' Tcbrunr 0, 18iilU6w. AND TOR Tim SPEEDY CDItE OP KervouiFrostration, General DoMllty, Aithmx, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, llarumu, ParUjtb, Cbronlo SroneMtii, Anemia, Chlorosis ' and all DUorderecfthe Elood EyitesL DO YOU KNOW IT? cossnipnoM is the host fatal ecotfr.01: or MANKIND; It hM ben truly regarded u AX ciu st if LADT--few ever .urriTlnglts altaik. On. rul of ih tvhvle fcuman.raiv," my. Dr. Cia-nana., " nd JlOnB THAN ONT. ilAl V OK.AIJ. THE AlllXT TOVU IJtTION of moalclTllizad commucltlc. I HIJ?1I BY TIIH lUSEAhl-l" Whala Mil conmtcUr on Itie Iioutcd .fllcacjr vt IhffHcallog Art , Tbo brilliant IllKCovary of Vtt ChurehUI, mado to tho Imperial Aradcmy of Hodicln,, ot l'arl, baa proved an iiwstmaiAebnon(y tho world. Ir tho um of this now 8hd jouttttrrmiiat apent, known to Cliciotstrjr a. THE HYPOPHOSPHITES; "Tho CUnn of CON8UMrT10X, cren In tho Heeond nnd Third Stnjres (at a period, the re fort, when there ean bo no doubt et to the n ft tare of the IUeoc) U tho ItULU while I EAT It IS llllt sxcEirriox. "iuxor,"isfr.c "that ther will prove not only u 8CKE A REM EIT In CON9CMTTIOX m Quinine U In Inter, tn It tent ToTtr, but Also as effectual n I'UEBEK TAT1VK ns Vocclnntlon In Btnntl Voi." lietno niurcr( who values kctUh nnd life, delay on hour to try this remedy. Itcmembcr that 11 irventlon U better than cure." rtowara of self-dcceptir-n , or tho uooth leg assuranco of friends that1! it onTy a Utile coldt Fatal error to myriads who now fill prematuro gravest G ire, I entreat you, prompt at leu tion to tho CARUeST StGN3 OP QQN3UMPTION. uMn THES8 SIGNS BitiLL TOVLOXf tsm." Mark, 11 Theeartai symptom of tubercular dlscaao is wAsma. It precedtt the cvu$htan it Is earlier, la point of timo. than the Htcnc. It is first manifested la iho are end hntvU. Tli macular tissues was to ; henco dct.utt i there Is a sense of something wrong tifttliruj that iim vital rowEM JR8 ruaci.m The waits of tho tg machine is mora actlvo than Its rqxzi r.Vr. Pollottu " It, withwilany apparent caute,OT under the lufluenco of causos which Induce earaus and exuhstiox ; eeth ns want, gri-f, ointwrk, extesr, pregnancy, chitd-txanng, nursing, growth, cr $Iao rcwi cry ron diicore, n person begins to lose his flesh, strength, olor r Bppcllto; if ha Eufftrs from thorlnat of breath, cr tteepletmat, nud experiences a general frelitKef len ouor and deprcstion, 'f 1ILRE 13 BEaO.V TO FKAU that he it already prediTpoted to the complaint. If to these symptoms bo added couch, however slight, particularly If It hxi como on n'owly, or during the fair semen, TIIS 1T.OBAB1UTY IS C HEATH fcTllX." ChvnkuU FFFFP.T CiP THF RFMFhV "If, ea tbo earliest DDDCoronoo oftbeso sltras of Consntnptlon, tbo patient talcs dally about ten crtios or tbo nrrornosrniTES.ho wm usually see them all disappear In a period, varying from a fw weeks to ft few months j and by continuing tbo occasional u of the Itemedr, BE WILL BFX IIiT TIND IUMSELT IK THE EKJOYMINT OP BUCn HEALTH A3 HE, rHKIIATS, WAD MITEU KNOWJf IX HIS LIFE IlEFOltE." "Winchester' Genuino Preparation" 19 THE ONLY RELIABLE Form of Pr. Churchill's Itemody. Mada from tho original Tormula. 'iho action or tho JlypophoGphttes Is Two-roiD and specific : inerio-'i'nj? tho principle winca oo.vsTrrt'TFa MRTors FOBC, and they aro tho HOST rowKRrcLnioon-OF.ERATi.a aglvts nyovrx. The effect upon tho tubercular condition Is I.MAILDIATK, au. Tna CEMTRit STMPTOMS MSAPrEirO WITH A RAriDITT WHIHI 13 Kit a i lt m a RVELors. Thpynier tho cough . d.mimV. expectoration, imprtwe the appetite, rrt dlarrhaja; tho night tweatt, chilli, and ever ccaso tho bowel Ucomt regular t and the ellt calh A i-rofocnd. A FAIR TfllAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I JTtT BEWARE of Bogut i?em(Iindvertisefl as Pr. Oiurthlll's, and allothcr SWLNDUKU DLVICK3 to rob auRWrers of their means, lot e precious time, and hasten a ntiL result. Wrlta to mo for Cir.CULAltS, and Tor Dr. Churchill's Treatise on Consumption which contain the only authentic information In regard to this NEW TIIEATMLNT. fauit rug to all inquirers. PlUCSiIn 7 and 10-oe. Bottles, $1 and S3 each. Three larco. or six small for $5. My facsimile Is oa both the Label and Outside Wrapper. tro crnna la osavxxtJL. tiTS Ho not confound this Remedy w Ith tho so-catlad " Chemical Food ;" aud part lcu!arlyo old all prepara tions contain I Dg iron, htch la inscEnom, and Cod iiwr I wi, wnicnnassocxK-mrErBorECTYWiumni. 1 sold by tho most rcBpeclablo Druggists throughout wt United States and Jiritieh Trovinccs, nnd Wholcsalo fctJ lie tall at tho General Popot fa tho United taUs,by , J WINCHESTER 3G John Street, IT. Y. March 0, 1801. FRESH PROM HE CITY, MORE NEW GOODS! EVEIW SORT, SIZE, AND STYLE JUST RECEIVED AT SETTLE'S SHEAP STOBE IN LIGHT STREET, AND AUG EIXO SOLD FOR READY PAY, "Cheaper limn the Cheapest I" 0- MXA8C CALL EARLY. 0 Agent. Light Street, April 25, 18G0. tyfe h k fc IHIH PATENT MIOA LAMP CIII3INEY. A Lamp Chimney that will not flrcakl This great invention roiumcmla itself to every one in-ill CO.) I. Oil. J A ill 13. It Rives iik r light, rcquiies loss i leaning and will not break by the heat orculd. lull ing, or any ordinary Ufcage, For tate by Storekeepers pene'dlly throughout the (J. SaHd tne Vanadas,and H'hole sals by the Jilanvatturtrn and Patantres. 110IIMNG St HUMPIIRKV, No, 321 N. tKCOl) Ftreet, I'lllLAD'A N. U. A" Urge and superior stoth- of tOjiL OIL U1MPS, ulnnys on hand, at prices drf)ing competition. AIso.Hiq t'-vrtland CW Oil, at Manufacturers price, Mnrrh 3. ! 0 Ini. F ItUIT TKJ5ES FOIt SALE. Tlm hiih.rril,ir has now on hand at his Nurscri'V. Ill Rush nmiifliip, Norllninili-'rlaiiil ruuut)', near Uaiitillc. a Umo nssnrliiienuof llinfty grulluil nud buJdcil frutt trtcn ur every ut'scrlpiioii, sucu us AlU'LiU,. I'LAUII. ri;Ait, ArnicoT, HJIM, CIITRUV, nuAVC VINPfl of tha rhnicc.t kind. CaUbu BHii Is. bells, nil of nhich wo v ill sell at reasonable prices. I'trsons uishiii" tn set out orchards, will Uo Mill to rrll on tli. subscriber at the Nursery, or at his residtnee in jjaniui. juii;'ul.3a. .March 10, lcCl-Iin. Cattawissa JVnrsci-y. rrIin undersigned, respectfully infnrins the citizen, oi' .1. Loiuuuiia anu unjoining luum m... hniut tar snrlniF snle. n hnu ussortllieilt of FnLIT I'nfES coiisistlngof AlHde. I)alf I'ear- Standard do., I'earll, Hum, merry, etc, i.awion macMierij, um,v, Raspberry. Caltanlssn do., loujliton seiillin; Cooslien .v. Iilm rtnlw kind Ihnt noes not mildew.) Clrail llcrrV plants, cherry currant. Grape Vines, of tho followine vaiielle,! Isabella, very 8ne, Syear old, Catawba dn., llelawnre, Clinton, lliana, Tranklm, Concord, Uulou Villace, Uloom, Rebecca, and others. Also, labbase, Toinuto, and UgS I'lants, for sale in jjpgnQj) Cattanissa, March I0.1601.-31l. ' Flour and Ffc.1 Itcllvfrcl! CIIEAPKH THAN THE CHEAPEST 'rHU undersigned has made arrangements tljLnt wll JL enable him to deliver 1'lour and Cecil, FOR OAS 1 1 about ten per cent, cheaper than any body else in town Mis prices are a, follow, : Flour, 7 251 Cornet'llyeChop, gill Corn U Oats Chop, 1 53 I Bran, a SO I reipcclfully solicit n ,liare of theiwiMie patrnnai 1 ' MySUd KAUFMAN. niooimburc. June 53. iw,nlf. BJJW B A K R R S K Q 1 WILIilAM II. RANDALL, Court Uou Row Opnoetto tii, Court II. use, neit door to tlie onico 01 in. loiumoia iicui9;tai. ULUUMSUUKU, IV.'. Da'. 3?. tSOO. LUKE TfV NervousHeadacilie Tlr the use of these nllts the nerlodie attacks of Mr- tou$ cr Siek Hfoitehe may bo prevented t and If taken at iiib fommennrmrni tn an aiiars: irameuitra reirci ro1" pain nnd sickness wilt be 6btafofd. They seldom fall hi removing thoA'atitra and tfAi to which females are sn subjecf, iney aci grcany upon tno dow em, remofing Osnrs nrs For Mtrrary Mcnt &ttnlenttt Delicate FemftTes. nfid all persons of Srdentar'v htihtts. ihev are valuable m it iutt uurr, iniiniiiiji inu n'rtiir, jtijf iff Tie anu Tip Or In 1110 uiigesuvB oritnnp, nnu restoring me natural ciasticlly and strength nf the wholn system, TheCni'HALIO PllXs ore theresult oflong Invest! Cation and carefully condiiftedoxperiinntsr1iavlng been In use inanyycars, during vvhirhtimethey haveprrven td and rulicvcda Vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, ntrftlipr nrlginnllngiu tho tirrreus sys tem or from a deranged date of the ttemaeh. iniy nra entirely vereraow m tnefr composition. nnd may be taken at all times wftn perfect safety without making anychauirc nf diet, aniithenbsenee of ttw ifita. grerabtt tattt rendenit tat tw admmitter them to eMh a rcn, hcwarr of covsr r.kfvftst Tho gpniiino have five signatures of Henry C.SdTdlng Fold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicines A box nlll be sent by mail nrrpsid on receipt of the ... . FRICnsSL'LNTO. All orders should be addressed to I IKXKV C.BPiLTSiXti, 48 Cedar street, New York, THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, W1LI, CONVlftCB ALL WHO SCfriR FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURK CURE 13 W1TI11M THEIH HEACII, " Jit thtie Testimimiali teir unioUtittd by Mr. SPJILD- 4.1 u, tncy njara urifHr.ii.nam. prooj Cf lit fjl ittcjf ef thu (ruy teientifie diicovtry. .VaionvUll, Cenn., Ftb.S, 18CI. r epaIJing Hlr! I Imvotticd jour Ccjthallc PitU. nnd ItHt tktntMotetll that 1 uant )nu to xrnd niu two dollar, north lnore. t'nrlor t)ii- nru for the neislibors. to Mhom gar, a few out of the first box 1 got from you. tienJ the Till, by ninll, and ob'ige Your ob'l Servant. J4ME, Kbhmedt. JIautrcrJ,lPa., fib. 0, 1601. Mr. Sl'tilJinj. Sin I with you to si-lid me ono box of your Cophalic I'llh. I havt recartd a grtal dmlef btnrjit from tktm. Your,, rcKiicrtrully Maut Ann Stoixuouss. fyruc, Cree. lUntinftcn C. Ta., ( January 18, 16G1. j II. C. Spalding. Sir: You willplen.o end mo two boxc. of your Cenh&llc 1 1118. DCI1U llicin iniiiicuiBieiy, f Respectfully yours. I Jno. ft. SlHONI. ) r.S. Ikavt used ontloi of your Mli, and find thim t exttlttRt. I Rtllt I'trnon, Ohio, Jan. IS, 18G1. i Henry C. Spalding, I. I'lensa nnd Inclnaeil twenty-Die ten!,, for wlilrh send Die another box of your Cephalic Tilts. Thty art truly the bitt Fitlt lhaot ever tried. I Direct A. Stover. P. M. I Belle Vernon, Wayandot Co., O. I Beverly, .Van., Die, 11, 18G0. 11. C. Spalding, 1 1 trili ful (., ilrcutaia ur Iniffd fhnw btlls, to bring your Cephalic Tills more particularly before my custo. ui'-rs. If you have anything of tlu kind, please send to me, Olio of my customers, who Is subject to severe Pick lleadnchc, (usually lasting two dn.,) iru. iurti of an allatklnonenonr oyyour 'iiif.wnicii i acui ncr S'. 11. U'lLiri. Rfjticidtbvrjr, FranMrn Co.Ohh, j Henry C. SpaMmc, o.CcJar St. V.-Y DcarSir: Inclosrd flnltHcntyi.vo ecnti , (25,) for which irnd box nf "Ufpliahr I'll li. Jrcnd toaddrcm of Itcv. Win. . C.rillcr, KuynnMitxirt;. Frnnkiin Co., Ohio. Your Pilli work like a charm eurt Jleadaeht almott inttanttr. Truly yours. Wm. C Faux, Iptitanti, Mich, Jan. 14, 1801. Mr. IrrifllJine. tilt i Not long autre I Dent to yon fora box of Cephalic nits forthti cure of the Nervous Headache nnd Uoitivenns, nnd rect ived the a line, and they had 10 good an effect that I a induced to tend for more, 1'Icase send by rclugn mail. Direct to A. It. V HELLER, Yinilanti, Mich. FrotiTtki Eiamiuer, Norfolk, IV, Cephalic Pills accompliali the object for which they wore made, viz : (Juro of headache in all its forms. Front (As Eiaminlr, Xorfott, ra. They have been tested in moro than a thousand cases, with entire success. From tht DttnotratM. Cloud, Minn. If you aro, or havo been troubled with tho headacho, Bend for a bos, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in case of an attack. from the Adrtrtittr, ProitJentt, JI. . The Cephalic Pills aro said' to to a re markably effective remedy for tho head acho, and ono of tho very best for that very frequent complaint which has crer been discovered, From the llettern It It Oo-.ttte, Ohhac a III. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his uurivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Kanawha Vollty Star, Kanawhn, Ya. Wo aro suro that persous suffering with tho headache, who try them,- will stick to thenu PrAn IK. Southern Path Ftndtr. JVVui Orltam. 1st Trv them ! you that aro afflicted, and wo aro suro that your testimony can be added to tho already numerous list that has recolved benefits that no other mcdi cino can produco. try A slnfclc bottle of SPALMNG'S 1'RF.FARCU OI.UC Will sate ten time, it. coat aunually.10 BfALDINCa rHEl'ARED GLUBI Bl-ALOIVi-a rUKI'ARED GLUF.I 81'ALDING'S I'RBPAREU GLUBI 8AV1S TIIF. flECESI ECONOMVI PI3PATCIII tly A Htitoiiim Time Saves NiN.."y!l As asridents will haniien, even in well rcnulated fain is very desirable tohate some cheap uud couve Uienl way lor lepairiiis r uriuiuru, t ots, r"c.vry, occ, Ht'AI.UINU'El I'REFAKED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can a(T old to bo williout it. llisnlwajiready and up to tlio licking poipt. USEFUL IN EVERV HOUSE. " N. B. A Bttiah accompanies acbl Mottle. Tilce, as cent,. AUute, tii.nin v. arAi.utm, No.UCr.nAREttctf, New.Vorlc. CAUT'lOf. As cejtaiitunpilneliiUii pcrson,ire atKemntlrij topalin on on tha uiisuspoctinc public, itull.tioiis of uiy PRE I'AUEU GLUE, I would caution all persons la examine, before purchasing-, and sae that the full name, son tV. cwiiide wrapper; all oUieis ate swindling counterfeits. I Fob.SJ, Ibtil .Vif. It, 1500. Latest by Telegraph. From Washington. WASHlwaioN, April 1. TLo Hon. Chnrlcs 1'raficu Adams, Min ister to Engfanct, has loft tbfa city for Dog ton, vrLitbcr' bis ms(riic(iiB3 ti'iN follow Liui in a cta'y or two. Mr. Adams will sail for England in a very aliort tiirrc. TLo statement thai Erigland and' francs aro going to send in an armed fleet Id tho United States, is entirely discredited ly tho Administration. A number of bankers from New York arrived hero (o'-day'. They deposited1 sev eral largo combination bids- for tho loan of SSjOuOOOOr-Tho bids will be opened to-morrow. Secretary Chaso is hopeful tW (ho loan' will be taken at low rates. Tho War Department is in hourly ex pectation of tho arrival of Lieut. Giltnau, with dispatches from Lieut. Slcmmcr, at Fort Pickens. Tho Postmaster General has appointed M. D. M. Boyd, of Philadelphia, Stamp agent for tiro Philadelphia Pot-crffic'c.- Tlie President to-day stfmmarily settled tho California Quarrel. Ho has mado thu appointments in' that Stato which were in dispute. ho Cabinet was called together to day, in "extraordinary session," to consider tho appointments and the aspect of Southern affairs.- This week has opened with a brisk cbarg of Offico scckerB npon tho Presidential mansion. At a very early hour to-day crowds of expectants wcro on guard at tbo White Houso. all ready to press their claims npon the attention of tho jaded Ulner aingistra'c. Tho Rhodo Island Election. Defeat of the Republicans Re-electtitn of Governor Sprague Loss of livo' Re publican Congtessmtn. Providence, R. I., April 3,-Midnight Tho State election wa's held to-day, with tho following result r , . , The Kcpubliean ticket, headed by James Y. Smith, for Governor, is defeated,- Governor Sprague, the Uniota esndMata' ro oloctsd by a1 largo majority'.- Tho Legislature is of tho samo political character. Tho Union candidates for Cohgress Wm. P. Sheffield ftbln the Eastern, and George II. Browne from tho Western Dis tricts, aro elected over tho lato Republican members, Messrs. Robinson and Brayton. Connecticut ElGction Tho Republicans have elected their Stats ticket, 'i hoy have carried both branches of tho Legislature, arid carried tho first and third Congressional districts. THey havo lost the second arid tho fourth-, being a Democratic gain of two CongrCssnicrii LAUGH'S RA.W BONE SUPER-FItOSHlATE OF LIME; MANUFACTUKED DY BAUGII & SONS, No. 20 South Wharves, Phila'Ielplud. Cash Price, S45 per 2000 lbs., In it r one Sttckt. FARMERS REMEMBER I This article U prepared from raw boxe, and contain c a lurgr amount ot fertilizing coinlituenti, cmboilifid Id aa otlmr similur preparation. , 1. It is superior to I'eruvian Guano, producing, la iossh cases, 5t) per cent more. It costs $11 per Ion less. It lias all the virtuoofl'uro Bone, while jroaloso no liii.n In vs. nit In cf ftir It- lt nrlm nt nnrn.' 4. It furniihcs precisely tlie food reiuirrU for' tie row ig crop. ., It permanently improves the soil. It iroituces larce croDs of crats 1, It prt'voiits the attaces of worms. d It tliics not cxhaut the soil. ,, 9. Thelhitrreftoii why you shnuld useii, is that then ynii can make n practical test as to yie tr'ito of an of all these asserlious. It will col t but little to give itra trial. WE AltO MlhOrXCTDRE AH ARTICLK OF " GROUND HAW BONES, (GUARANTIED PURE,) CafliTrlco.SS-per 2000 pounds. The above Manures we warrant entirely free from ml u, titration, beinc manufactured under the personal Superintendence of uno of our firm. IIAUUIl DU.ini No. 30 South Wharves, I'biladelpblg, rcbruary 10, let!. 3m.' E X C K E Itl K IV T V-M OR PURE NIGHT SOIL, liavins been annointed bv the 111 anu fact brers EfOLE AGHNTf3 for tho sale of the above article, we are now nn-naredto furnish It to Farmers'sitd Dcalerrin' such quaalilies as may bo wanted. It ii' dscdom'ed and patked in Jight Jtarrttr. PRICE, 82.75, PER BARRiEL. Jt ttberal tltd'uftion made for tdret purchases'. This ar ticle tnukt not bo .confounded n itli I'oudreite . it bein j, as Miiivu, iin'iy mo uid uiuiik run, me fiicav taiuq vn whkh is v. ell known throughout the world. Manufactured byTilACKAKA.ECHAFKR & THACK AUAV, Tor Salo only by ALL UN Sc. NFEDLES, No 42 South Delaware Avenue, and 41 Smith Water Street, 1st door above Chestnut Street, iliWWt1hw. IMPROVED STANDARD-' SupGr-Phosphiite of Limo. The aid established article, m constant use, b'y thousands of Tanners aud Planters for a number of years past. Price $15 prr 2000 lbs. (2c(s. perlb ) GUAjNO. PERUVIAN'; KccHVcd direct' from ibb' cSw.rnnient Htores. H'urrantcd genuine. ICllAliui:. This is the old fashtoacd-FcatVrjr auaju. Imported direct. Alio n k Needles' New Fcrilllzer. The low price and superior quality of this f.rtilinr is fast bringing it into (emrtl u5e. I'riee U0 per aOUO lbs. ( 1 i cent per lb.) CONB-DUrl'P.' U'Jtton-niakets fin Re Dutt U Ground. Uones. LAND l'J.ASTEU. Warranted pure. In barrels. A liberal dtiductten mado to UatEa, on all the abor articles. N. II. We have a large number ef Diplomat fnr rremitiins aiynrded by the various Agricultural too. acs, trbieh you are requested tn call and examine. JlUEJt S- XF.FVLKS, it South Whatve. and 41 tjoulh Water, 8t Flrtt Wrt abort Ciutnat,) ruiLionrilu, Fb. 16. JStr-Iiu. CIGARS '& TOHAOCO. Alarrc assortmcrA of choice Dtars, Tobacco, Pipee, Fruits, Confectionery and Notions gcnerally.togeth er with a full stock ofllATriand CAPS, canitantl) i n hand and for isle clieap, at tho "Olooutsburg lilt i.On ' JOHN K. OlRTipf. KvicrutlurJ, March 10, leci, .
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