COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. LEVI L. TATE, EditorT BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MORNINO, DECEMBER 1, 1860. fgyjnw AiuiJtTMstaq.if.mfc.-CTni ii wit, . isswiiiiwi inn Mr. J. J. UnowERi lias been clioscu School Director. , Hon. Hohace Qkeely, is expected to Lecture before tlio Young Men's Christian Association, in liloouisuurg, on Friday evening, tha 14th of December. Found Dead. Mr. Peter Crawford, ol Madison township, Columbia County, was found dead on Sabbath morning last near Jcrsoytovrn. IIo was a waa aged about eighty years. His death was sup posed to have been caused by Apoplexy. Our subscribers, wo trust, will mako us liberal payments during tho Court nest week. We need scarcely remind our friends that our expenses aro heavy and must be regularly discharged. Wo hopo they will bear this in mind, and help our financial operations, as well also, as to send us in Oats, Corn, Turkeys, Produce, etc. Our advico to ''Franklin," in tho last Columbia Demociat, is to take a little green catnep tea and go to bed I Colum bia Co. Republican. - Our advico to Doctor Jon.v is, to let " Franklin." alone, or another such a nock as ho gavo tho Doctor, will send him to bed without tho aid of ''CatuEp'' or any of his other green things. TnANKsaiviNd. On Thursday last, Thanksgiving was appropriately observed in Bloomsburg Tho Stores and places of public business were closed and business ginerally suspended. Diviuo Scrvico was held in several of our Churches, and wo were glad to observe, with pretty full con gregations. Rev. J. 11. Dhuni, Pastor of tho Evangelical Lutheran Church, attend ed by tho ltev. D. J. Waller, and Rev. D. A. Beckley, who in turn assisted in tho exercises, Preached an eloquent and pa triotic Sermon, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in tho First Presbyterian' Church. Towsair and Local Laws or Penn sylvania. Wo are indebted to Dr. JoiiN, who is tho General Agent for Columbia County, for a neatly bound and handsomo f r..i i i i.i 1 i. (ti i (it i it it i o. . -t i ii mi i i ,, i Stato of Pennsylvania." Tho volumo should 1 bo in tho hands of every citizen, as it often lappens that very intelligent persons aro tIiemsclve3 ,oado, with trcas tu w elected to offices involving duties of which rocommcnd tho KEPEAL 0f tho uncon they are entirely .gnorant; but concerning Btitutlonal laws thoy Lad passod and for which this book gives full and explicit in-j g dcfcndcdi formation. It comprises all enactments i t,r i i', ,i , . ... . . . . ,. . c , , , We are glad to seo them coming to their relating to tho duties of School Directors, I . . . ,, . . , . , ' senses, wo congratulate them upon assu- bupcrvisors, Assessors, and in short of , . , . i. 1 , ; . , ming high democratic ground upon this every township or county officer. .Q tlw r(,b t q By an advertisement ,n another column troaswwUo act3 a3 tl,0 Larl; of bcttcr it will bo seen that Agents for this work davs . I3ut aio wantcu in prprtr tArni nn. St. Charles Hotel Pittsburgh. Wo direct attention to the Card of tho St. Charhs Hotel, elsewhere in this Jour nal, located in the City of Pittsburgh, and kept by Harry Siiirls, Esq. This Ho tel is centrally located iu tho Smoky City, ,jr ou muiuugu y r 7u-u uuogeamcr Dirst UiafS UOUSC. iVO navo long timo had pcrsonsonal knowledgo of tho St.! Charles and its generous Proprietor, and join with our friends 3Iessers. Jackson and Freeze, who but recently ttopped dcrcd a residence thcro somowhat uncom there when attending tho United States fortablc to them, the freo negroes in tho Court in Pittsburgh, in commending tho i St. Charles to coulidcnco and publio pa-1 ironage. Our Finances. It is said that produce and cotton bills on Europo aro being sacrificed at New York. Wo know it, but why I Simply because tee arc Marty out of debt to En rope. If there wero a largo back debt, there would bo a (juiek demand for sterling bills. But it takes timo to move tho cotton and grain crop to Europe. Pending that tims thero is but little to draw against. "But this ij only anothorsignof prosperity. The truth is that it will soon' be difficult to prevent specio from flowing back from jEngl a nd . Evening Bulletin . Kcforo tho election the veraeious sheet from which wo cut tho abovo extract, told the people that wo wero millions upon mill ions over traded and in debt to Europo ; ,and from that or other and similar publi cations tho small papers iu tho country took up the "hue and cry.1' But now (he election is over and tho immediato causo for continued lying removed ; and wo aro oxultiugly told that there is uo causo for a Tianio, for "we are noarly out of debt to Europe," emphasized by being put up in iulics. Thero will soon bo specie flowing back from England ; lrou could not havo in duccd a Republican to admit any such fact a month ago : Then wo wore ruined be yond redemption, now wo aro about out of debt, and specio u about to now baoK. .And all this admitted and proclaimed, under Buchanan's Administration. Has "tho man of rails" effected this, or Is tho confession of tho truth extorted from your fear? Go to now! Weep and howl ihe people will remember your lying hy pocrisy, and we put this on record for an example. Porsonal Liborty Laws. Amougtho grievances of which tho South makes complaint is ouo which certainly has somo foundation in truth and soberness. Wo alludo to tho obstructions to tho exe cution of tho fugitive slavo law, which have been created by tho legislation of several of tho Northern States. Wo have had but ono opinion concerning tho fugitivo slavo law and tho Stato legislation to which it has given occasion. Tho law is practically inoperative from its very striugeney, and tho legislation to nullify it is thereioro not only entirely useless, but establishes a lur tilc sourco of irritation and scctioual aui- mosity. Tho legislation arrays tho State against tho Federal Government, and fur nishes a ready excuso for Southern nulli fication. Personal liberty laws may not infringe upon the letter of tha Constitution, but they certainly violate its spirit just as much as thoso bills do which havo been introduced into Southern Legislatures for tho taxation of Northern products. All such legislation is designed, with more ingenuity than honesty or patriotism, to cvaue provisions in the Uonstitution which aro of the most binding force. South Car olina sot tho example of unconstitutional legislation, years ago, in her laws for tho imprisonment of colored seamen j but it was an example wlucli ailords no jusutica tion for a liko breach of faith on tho part of other States, It may bo true that it is not an auspic ious moment to urco tho repeal of tho per sonal liborty law of Massachusetts. Tho motives for tho repeal would perhaps be liablo to misconstruction and misrepresen tation. Such an act might bo regarded as a concession to menaces which really ex cite no alarm. But tho subject is ono which may well enlist tho public attention and wo should not bo prevented by the fear of misrepresentation trom doing an act of justico ami lullilling our constitutional ob ligations. Tho free States havo now, for tho first time, their rightful predominance in tho federal government, and as tho first stop toward insisting on an exact perform, anco of their constitutional obligations by tho slave States, they should fulfill tho spirit and tho letter of their own contract. Unless they do this thoy aro not in a posi tion to protest against tho taxation of North ern products in violation of the Constitu tion, or to insist with all the moral power of conscious right and justico that South Carolina shall abido by tho federal com pact. Wo cut tho foregoing article from the Boston Evening Journal, a most intense "nigger" loving sheet ; of tha dato of No vember 20th. Is it not amazing that these Black Republican editors havo only just now discovered tho unconstitutionality of thoso "Personal Liberty Laws" against which Democrats havo been talking for years? When that "whito livored rene gade" JoilN IIickjian, was boasting in Congress of tho eighteen millions North wlio would flog into subjection, tho South j wo knew and said that with their proolaim' od principles tno Republicans could never carry on this government. Dreading tho explosion of tho gun they Let us hear no inoro of taunts on the courago of the South tho veriest cra vens wo knov of, aro thoso who daro not practice what hey preach ; and wo daily seo these blatant Black Republicans beg ging their own party to repeal their ob noxious enactments. JJlilu as milk aro iUh pediments, anaiVmoBcECUEtt and Cheating Cheeveu and UnivcrsalistCnA. IIN arc disCusSiUS coaititutional obligatious in f,rir nnlnitl ' Tho Beginning of tho End. Tho excitement in the South having ren Southern States havo commenced flocking North, Tho Philadelphia Pnsi notices tho arrival in that city, recently, from South Carolina, of ono hundred and fifty freo negroes two thirds of whom, tho Press significantly remarks, "aro carpen tcrs, tailors, thoemakcra and masons the females mantua makers, milliners, lauud- resscs and nurses." What an alarming viaia does this Bimplo fact' opeu up to tho minds of tho reflecting I Thero is vcrv little doubt that tho eutiro free colored population of the fclavc States will be com polled to depart out of communities in which it will no longer bo agreeable for them to remain, or bafo for tha whites to suffer them to remain. They will neces sarily omigralo to tho North principally to its towns and cities whero they will seek employment as a resource from star vation, aud, in doing that, thoy will com pete with freo whito laboring men and wo men. They will carry this contest not merely into ono department of industry, but many not merely into domestic ser vice, as waiters, porters, chambermaids, and tho liko, iu hotels and privato fami liesbut iuto various trades. Tho North orn mechanics and, laborers who voted for Lincoln, eurely cannot complain of tho struggle they havo invited in this quarter, with the freo colored immigrants who may be expected from tho Southern Stales,and wo hopo thoy may havo philosophy and charity enough to bear patiently ono of tho consequences of their political action, The llov. Albra Wadleigh, of Munoy, Borough, absent for bomo mouths past, on a tour iu Europo, arrived homo on Fri day cvcuiiiif laot, in trood health, and offic iated in St. James's Church, on Sunday morning law. His congregation are do lighted to see him bask again. Magazinos. Wa aro in tho receipt of tho December number of lho "Ladio's (Ohio) Reposito ry." It contains two' charming cngra-1 vings, viz : ''Bcnevolcneo," and "Anno Hassolino Judson.'' Wo regard tho La die's Rcpositary as tho bst and most useful Magazinoof tho kind now published. Godcy's Ladys' Book is on our Table for next January. Godcy enters upon tho now year with valuable improvements and increased attractions. This Magazino has attained to tho zenith of literature perfection, and has justly occupies a world wide popularity. Wo havo also on our Tab!o Arthur's Homo Magazine for 1801, It is an espec ial favorite with tho Ladies nno tho liter ary publio. S. T. Arthur & co., pub lishers, Philadelphia, at S'J per annum, who oner additional inducements to sub scribers for tho incoming volumo. The Atlantic Monthly for Decem ber, closes tho sixth volume of that excel lent publication. It contain a dozen of articles, among which are tho continuation of "Midsummer and May," a fino articlo on "Arthur Ilallam," sou of the historian, "Major Andre and his Sweetheart;" and somo chapters of the "Professors Story" which will run for several months into tho seventh volume. As wo said in our last, tho seventh vol umo will begin with January 1801, and among other lessor attractions, thero will be a new novel by Mrs. Stowo, a nno novel by Charles Reado, a brilliant writer, articles by Hawtliomo, Longfellow, Bay. ard Taylor, Roso Terry, and many other writers of tho first ability. Without doubt tho sevonlh volumo of tho Atlantic Month! will bo far superior to any of tho sis which have gone before. That is fully guaran teed by the names of tho writers ; and wo can assure our readers that Messrs. Tick nor & Field do not promise what they aro not able and determined to perform. Tho price of tho Magazine is 83.00. But for 84 00 wo will send tho Magnzino and tha Columbia Doiocuat ono year, if the subscription is mado to this office. Otherwise address Ticknor & Fields, Boa- ton, Mass. The Scali-el No. 45 is before uj. Tho prico is 25 eta n cumber. Ouo dollar for four, in advance. It fully maintains its character for good sense, sound doctrino and hatrod of humbug-. Anions tho 13 articles is "Brodio on Tobacco," "Elev enth letter from John Mathews," and oth er very stnsible papers. Tho Editor fctatcs that ho will send tho ten vols, of The Scal pel noatly bound lettered and indexed, in fivo large hooka, of 500 pages each, for S7.00. Cheap and entertaining reading, as wo abundantly know. Address, Ed ward II. Dixon M. D. jS'o. 42, Filth Av cnue, Now York. The Genessee Faumeii. The Decem ber number of this excellent agricultural journal is'on our table. Wo would again recommend tho Gcncssc Parmet to all who want a good, sound, practicaj, reliable ag- ncultural and horticultural journal. ' It costs only 50 cent3 a year. A now vol umo commences with the next number. Now is tho time to subscribe. Send tho fifty ceut3 iu stamps to Josrrn IlAnnis' Rochester, N. Y, or get ono of your neigh bors to join with you and send a dollar for two copies. Yale Aaaicui.TnuAt. Lectures. Tho publio will bo gratified to learn that the novel experiment of tho Yale Agricul tural Lectures of last Winter was so t,ue- cessful as to indueo it? repetition this Win-i tcr on a moro completo scale. Tho course will commence Feb. 5,aud continuo through tho month. Those lectures, which aro of groat valuo to tho whole country, and worthy tho attention of every cultivator, aro given under tho auspices of tho Y'alo Scientific School, or Scientific Department of Yale Collego, as a fcupplemont to its newly instituted course of practical eolle- giato education, and for tho benefit of the j publio at largo. A new and important featuro of this courso will bo its complete I illustration by specimens, drawings, mod- and animals. Life-sized paintings of g"np from celebrated herds will bo con- eluded in these illustrations. Tho lectures on trainiii" and breaking horses aro to bo i accompanied by practical illustrations, lectures of. last year will take part in tho course, and other eminent names, with a variety ot now subjects, wm no auueu to tllO JlSt. The expenses of tho coursoaro provided! for in part by subscription. Tho lectures aro under tho direction of Prof. John A. 1nrin, ,nl,n ,l,lrr.r.,l fnr fnrtlio, information, at New Haven, Conn. - - man Agriculturist. The Li-.oislatuue op 1801, Tho ap proaehiug session of tho Stato Legislature, will bo ono of moro than ordinary interest. Tho session will commenco on tho first Tuesday (tho lit) of January. The election of a United States Senator, to succeed Gov. Bigler, will tako place on tho fcccond Tuesday of January. On tho third Monday of January, a Stato Treasurer will bo chosen. On tho third Tuesday of January, tho Governor elect, Col. Curtiu, will be inaug urated. Census oy CLfumEU) County Total population of county, 18 800 Iu 1850 the population was 12 029 la 1840 tie population was 7 831 Resignation of Chiof Justico Tanoy. Telegraphic dispatches of Monday an. nounced the resignation of Chief Juitlco Taney. It will devolve upon President Buchanan to appoint a successor, 'lho Ikrald gives tho following brief account of Jlr. Taney and his publio services : "Uo was born Marcu 17, 171 , in uai- Wards. vert county, iu the Stato of Maryland, to First, which Stato his forefathers emigrated Second, about tho year 1700. Ho was educated 'tr at Dickinson Collcgo, Carlisle, where ho ' graduated iu 1705, In tho spring of 1700 gjxt,'( ho commenced tho study of the law at tho Seventh, city of Annapolis, whoro tho principal Eighth, courts of Maryland wero then held. Ho afterwards, in 1801, removed to Frederick- . . ;.. i.--.i..:.i i.. i.... n'1CT.c"ul town, iu x1 ruuuuuii i;uuuijt,iu uvjug more eligible point for tho pursuit of his profession. Iu 181G ho was elected in that county as ono of tho electors of tho Senato, and was chosen by tho electoral body a member of tho Senate of Maryland Under tho constitution of Maryland, as it , .1. c-i C i f then stood, the Stato Senato consisted of fifteen members, who.o term of servico was fivo years, and who were chosen by a body of electors composed of two members elected by tho people, from each county, and ouo from the city of Baltimoro and ono from tho city of Annapolis. After tho expiration of his term of office in tho Sen ato Mr. Taney returned to privato life, and continued tho practice of lawiu Fred erick until 1823, when ho removed to Baltimoro, where he has ever since resi ded. In 1827 ho wa3 appointed Attorney General of Maryland by the Governor and Council, and it is perhaps proper to mention, as tho fact is equally honorable to both partie, that tho Governor and Council and Mr. Tanoy were, at the timo of tho nppointinent, politically opposed to cpoh other tho Governor being the friend of Mr. Adams, who wa3 then Pres ident,and warmly supported his ro election, and tho latter being equally decided and open in supporting General Jaokson, the contest, too, having at that timo become exceedingly animated. Mr. Taney oon tinuod to hold the ofiico of Attorney Gen oral of Maryland until Juno, 1831, when ho resigned upon receiving tho appoint ment of Attorney General of tho United Statea. This office ho resigned in Septem ber, 1833, when President Jackson di rected tho then Secretary of tho Treasury, Wm J. Duano, to deposit tho money of the United States in certain bank) desig natod by him, as ho thought tho United States Bank had resolved itself into a per manent electioneering institution, The seoretary rofuood to obey tho instructions of tho President, when the latter ordored his removal, and tho appointment of Mr. Taney to fill tho vacancy. Mr. Taney obeyed the instructions of tho President, much to the chagrin of the friends of tho interested bank. A prcscetiment of what would happen induced President Jackson to delay, until near the end of session, tho nomination of Mr. Taney for Secretary of tho Treasury. Uo had ofi'ouded tho Bank of tho United States too much to expect hii confirmation iu tho present temper of the Senate, and tho nomination waa not sentln until tho last day of tho session (Juno 23, 1833,) whou it wa3 immediately rejected. Mr. Taney thereupon resigned his ofiico on the same day. He then re turned to Baltimore and resumed tho practice of tho law. In 1835 Judge, Duvall resigned his ofiico as Associate Justico of the Supreme Court, and General Jackson ; nominated Mr. Tanoy to fill tho vaeaney. Tho ma jority of tho Senate, however, refused to act upon tho nomination until the last mo mout of tho session, when it was postponed indefinitely a votu which was intended to bo, and was understood as equivalent to rejection. iJetoro tuo next session ot Congress Chief Justice Marshall died, and Mr. Ta ney, was, thereforo, nominated for tho ofiico of Chief Justico of the United States Supremo Court, and tho political complex ion of tho Sonate having changed, his nomination was confirmed by that body in March, 1830, and ho took his seat on tho bench in tho Circuit Court for the district of Maryland iu May, 1830, and upon tho bench of the Supremo Court January ,1837. Our space will not permit us to speak iu detail of the able and dignified man- ner in which .Tustico Turtev has dischartriid hu .. M tho ohiuf of th(J h-h(,bk oourfc in tll0 ,and) aml for tIi0 accp( urLldito a(ld tirnfnnnil lnrrnl l.-nnwlnrlrrrt iviMt tcliIMi Inn . " .fc . f " decisions iu important case have been characterized. The uiost important dol WU IU HUICI1 UUUgO i-ilUCy OkXupiCU a :.;...! ...i T...J... m ..i 1 F0"' Pt in its authorship, was that for tho rendition of tho fugitive slavo Drctl Scott. Tho document showed abundant proofs of deep legal research, as well as profound statesmanship, aud it will claim au honorable record iu our federal juris. prudence. Judgo Taney retires to pri vato life after having passed tho allotted ago of man four scoro years with an houorablo name and tho best wishes of his countrymen. Giiiei' Justice Taney. Tho announ-; cement that tho Hon. Itoger 15. Tanoy, that lion. Thomas L. Clingman, at pros Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of tho cnt a Senator from North Carolina, has I United Stales has resigned in couscqueuce of failing health ii not credited at Wash- , inSton Mr- Tancy was aPP!nt(:d clcf Justico in 1830, upon the death of Chief Justice Marshall. Official Consus Returns. Population of Phil idtlphia and the Eas tern District of Pennsylvania. Marshal Yost has received tho full ro- turI13 of tho c!glllh cen,us, in tho City of Philadelphia and tho Eastern District of, tho Wo rive tho figures below :- I givo tuo ngi rOPULATION OF PHILADELPHIA. Pop'n. Wards. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, m i r. i Pop'n. 20,132 37,078 123,0!) 7 10,070 23,03!! 21,858 14,028 20,002 23 323 I 31,31)7 27,811 17,210 30,271 30,15: Twenty-second, 17,280 1 Twenty-third, 24,003 j i iveuiymou, 17,104 21,007 10,717 'Jydtth, 10,811 Tweuty-lourtu, yit,7ui Total population 1S0O, Total population 1850, 509,031 408,702 Increase in ten years, 160,272 Tim iiiimlior nF ilwiOlino1 in tho citv is g) Q78 iucMM0 of no lcs3 lhaa a9 700 ' ' ' since 1850. It is interesting to noto tho inoreaso of population of tho city. Iu 1081 it had 2,500 inhabitants. Iu 1777 or 1778, by a consus ordered by Lord Cornwallis ; it had (cxelusivo of tho army and strangers,) 21,707; in 1700, 42,520; in 1800,70, 287; 00,287 iu 1810 j 119,325 iu 1820 (up to this dato it was tho largost city in America); 107,325 in 1830; 258.037 in 1810, and 108,702 in 1830,showing au increase of 58 per cent, in tho decade prior of 1350, and of 053J percent, iuthe 00 years prior to tho same dato. The table shows tho population by coun ties, of the Eastern District of the Stato, showing an incrcaso siuco 1850 of 338, 100, and inoreaso iu tho number of dwell ings of 00,953. EASTEUN DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. Deaths Indus. Counties. Inhabitants, during yi, Estab. Dwell. Adams 27.997 49 1 Rorks 01,013 1,251 Bucks 03,80.') 713 Carbon 21,239 230 Chester 74,749 83 1 109 5,012 017 10,459 573 1 1 ,980 91 3,855 000 13,755 318 7,298 324 8,226 207 5,510 325 7,575 Of 5 20,521 220 5,870 401 7,743 81 2,829 009 12,380 251 8,051 1,400 89,978 174 4,107 43 1,316 579 10,902 330 5,727 073 11,723 Cumberland 40,192 Panphin 48,010 Dolawaro 30,014 Franklin 42,242 Lancastor 110,021 Lebanon 30,030 533 400 373 417 1,259 310 GU3 101 700 380 Lehigh 43,932 Monroe 10,s95 Montgom'ry70,491 -Nortliam'tu 47,773 Philada' 508,031 0,070 l'erry 22,040 210 l'iko 7,3003 01 Schuylkill 90,17 971 Wayno 32,172 188 York 08,083 820 Total, 1,553,153 10,171 12,159207840 In 1850, 1,220,053 197&67 Increase, B33,100 09,993 In tho enumeration of "dwslliug-," no account is taken whatever of storey liuild inMin which thero are no families residing are not included in the count, unless they are used for workshops, and even then not unlets goods worth five hundred dollars aro mado in them yearly. Under tho general head of "industrial estab Wiments" are in cluded manufactories, workshops, clc.jwith tho condition noted above. HOW THE i'KESIDENT 13 ELECTED, The successive 'eteps iu tho election of President and Yieo President of the Uni ted States aro taken according to existing lawn, at the following dates : 1- lly the act of Congress of 1845, tho Electors for President aud Yico President of tho United Siatcs aro appointed in each State on tho Tuesday nest (fur thu first Monday in November. 2. By the act of 1792 theso Electors are to meet on tho first Y cducsday in D eembor after, in their respective States, to cast their votes . 3. These votes when east, aro to be cer- fled by tho Elrctors and scaled up, and sent to tho Presideut of tho Senate. 4. On tho second Wednesday in Febru- arry after, the sealed certificates of tho Electors aro to bo broken open and the votes counted, and the result declared in tho presence of Congress. The Day Bueakinq. A special elec tion was held in tho Eighth Keprcsenta tivo District of Massachusetts, on Monday, and resulted in tho triumph of tho Dem ocracy. There had been at the State election, on tho Oth, a tie, aud consequent ly a new ono was held. Tho district had, I ,loretofor0i a, bjon stro , j, b fPl. -r,..U 9 n-,, m j oo "",' "u vi ' follows : Bardeu, Allen, Rep. 278 57 335 Jjem. . jjrighto'u; 10fJ Totals, 458 335 Barden's majority, . . . 123 - Ykrmon r. -Tho official result of tho vote of Vermont is as follows : Lincoln, 33,883 Douglas, 8,748 Brcckiuridgo, 1 ,85a :l3ell ,217 A dispatch from Petersburg, Vacates been nominated by tho Democratic Lcgis. lative caucus, at ltaleigh, for re-election to tlio position he now holds. Hon. E. SI. Manley has been chosen judgo of the Su- prema Court of tho State. GENERAL NEWS. The Bank of Danville has declared a semi-annual dividend of. 0 per cent. SZjK ... .,,, n?IHiI!n If 4 Fremont's Mariposa mines havo yield- livo months. hiladelphia is 008 084. In 1850 it waa 403,702. Increase, 150,272. Gov Dennison ha3 issued an address to the people of Ohio, soliciting aid for tho suffering pcoplo of Kansas. Randall Clauk was fined at tho late term of tho circuit of Lowndes county, wen. j ddisolivillo, Iluaii Atkinson, of Bucks county, has a mammoth COW U11U ( fino young calf, which weigh together up wards of 1500 pounds. Such beef art rawer scarce. Sinuiilau Theft. Tho corner stono of tho St. Stephen's Church, in I'rovidenco, R. I., was displaced, a few nights ago, and robbed of tho box of records, &o. The ,l,os contained nothing of intrinsic valuo. Bishop Odonhcimcr, of New Jersey, met with an aeoideut at llortlentown, ono day last week, by which the cap of his knee was fractured. Tho mishap will confine him for somo time, The cultivation of the silk worm is said to be a completo suoccss iu California. Specimens of cocoons, floss, and twisted bilk wero exhibited at tho late Mechanic's Fair iu Sau Francisco. California is yet destined to become a great wiuo and silk producing State. On Wednesday last tho 11th inst., Two men by tho name of Levi Sands aud . l,l. ir..l., liach; both ot Hazlcton, m Fport' nnmtnnnrmd to wrostln. Kalldn t.liriw linrtli . . . , . , ., ,. . , twice and tliell Complained ot tooling Sick and in los than half an hour ho died. It 11 Supposed that hO had ruptured a blOOd' VPS.; 4 i Samuel A. Baunes, who wa3 jnst elected Canal Commissioner of tho Stato ty T -v' , i 1 ,11 1 1 ,. ot .New iork, died on night of lat Week, a"od CftV vcars. Gov. Wor- gan has appointed Ogdeu N. Chajuu, who was beaten last year, for tho same ofiico, by tho lusion candidate, m Mr. .U-irneva stead. 'Tub Massachusetts Sciiooi,." Thoso who talk so glibly of Southern seocs sion seem to have torgottcn that tho rec ords of Massachusetts legislation havo in them resolutions to tho following effect ; Theso resolutions .st.:ind nrireiiealed : tbd.vii, m nut. iiiu .in ii i -au Liu 11 eri i laiu .'LiufttiiLLu14, mut oi ,icuiiiig alio 1 roiulssory ISote. Uinw facto I ilicnlnlinn nt'ttin lllnnn Hills "1 Sale, Ponds, Checks, Covmaiita, Deeds, llapo' 13 ipiujllLW, a llls.OIUllon 01 tllO UlUOIl. ,Maat, U0 inn, d Produce Notes, und 'III Risolva t, That Texas lKn' aunesed, t. Leases, Utters of Atlurney, llurrlages, Morljsrci, Massachusetts is out of the Union. rC ..,)? Tl... . I. .... i.n, nl ' .... ,. , . , , , ,r ' revumii ol uiaiiyolllie best in tba Slat! and yet this saiUO Massachusetts, With her per has received their unmiillliicd approbation, ns a rihabli nOllnl lihrrtv 1 ilk nnrtrn siiiTr-ir. .,' rr)'l"l"'lbook orrererencuup..u all a.ibjtcts spoil whiih It sou.ll lIULny LUIS, negro SUllragC, negro The nliulu is arranged ill .uch a loanuLr h, u cnuaiicy, is inc lountaui iicau anil souico of all aggressions against the South, and ismo-t loud mouthed in her denunciation of disunion, uttered from the mouths which preached disunion at tho Hartford Con vention. The Catawissa Hail Road Co., nowpav promptly every month, on certain days, all debts contracted by them during thu previous month. lliey havo also com menced paying off old duo bills, which under tho act of Assembly of 21st March, lbOU, were mado a lirstlicu upon tho road, payable within three years. They havo tlrcady paid about 81009 of thoso old debts, which in tho arrirregato amount to 375,000. This has been since the 1st of October, from which time tho now Com pany has had possession of tho road. Tho interest ot tho Company and ot thoso who hold tlitir paper are identical, and tho re sult of putting tho Company to coit aud troublo, will only havo tho ellect to em barrass them, and render them unablo to pay so soon as thoy could, if allowed to take their own courso uurmg the three years. sasviJMiajnyssyi-T imn m m a ti isniMBtasMwrew SPECIAL NOTICES. T. Unow.N'j r.tNLB ok Jamah v Uincui. This 13 truly n f unily mrMliciuo ; at this s-'itsoti, hen nil't'ctmrisof llio stomach nml liowolsnre po common, no fimily, itidiv irtu ul, or traveler fcliutiltl hu w ithont it. It is 1'cculiurly if flciicniud lu fiiiitimrconijil.iitita uft luhlfLii, ami i- ktioun unil jircdcrlljud l-y tltu (acuity. Bveuiivfrlisommit The II'Mtfiis were illuminated mi the evening tf .upust -T, 1-5 1, by ilia inust enlmidiLl Aurora lion-alid vvr t-i uii in tli" century. U.iysoftri riloril ti:htft Hafli. rd ncrosa the nky, nnd thu cluing!? were lnMutifnl in tlio oxlrcniu. At orn1 time ti ru)t oh-rrer rtinnrki'tl, that tliti I'.tnrit'd li could bfo the njitirMnii; lights J'-im them gtdvi'd into tlu fullowini,' wnrJ: "Huy (ill onr j;nriiirntj it the Urow n -tone CUihiiijf Hall of Kf.rwiiiiaL1i. W'iihih, N'us. W).t undGttj Ulit-'jiiml ktrcct, itboiu rii.vili, I'liilaJa,' tO $ iCfcU' HUM AND UUSIVKria I'POV XIIW ritlNCiriXd. VJiijkIULL(,YorAtsu Mazaak, corner uf l'ourib nad Market ..trotta, tlof a not follow in the beaten (rack. Wei nre halUllcd that thecnly way lu buildup mid keep u large Immuis tu s 11 youds clieap tiudgive aliBf.iitioii to cub turner 1'rt.tcnce will ti t aiuwur, and huiuljutr lia had its day, und u imend to our goads' fiiu jtcr tent, advance Ufun cMt, (no more und no tgst) and no vanatimi in innrked prices. This wydtem will giutain itticlf without pulling. We ah. ill buy und ill tJidUMvely for tagh. Our tiidortmcnt fur tucii und boys is the largest iu Philadelphia, and nur prices muih lower than nny other. Call ut once nnd see tor yourself, tu the WHITE IIAIJiCTsOTIUNO H'.AU, H. W. corner 1'ourtti and Murkvt fcts. VUUn, lYbruary 2j, lstt). l.Mn. H A 11 B I ED. On tho 30th of October, at Shild, Ind., by tho llcv. 3Ir. llarker, Mr. Da.nill Wir.i.Kii, to Miis Vannatteh, for merly of llloomsburg. Pa. On the 22d inst,, by tho ltev. It. Kel ley, Air. Wiujam, of Jaokson township, and IIis3 Klviua Suuiris, of Denton, both of Columbia county. DIED. In llloomsburg, on tho 22d inst., Lewis Guoss. infant son of Samuel and Abicail Gross of this place, in the 2nd year of his age. In New Port, Johnson county, Iowa, on Sunday tho lltli inst., Mrs. wife of Dauiel Cordcrman, (formerly of this plaeo) aged 29 years, 7 mouths and 23 days. t n i i i. n.1 i . wviiiiu loiYiismp, iuiuuiuia county, on ouiuruay evening lasi very suuuon l.. Ar. tvi ..... ian. ....... ...:r.. f n....i i o Z REVIEW OF TilE MARKET. COIUIECTF.D WEEKLY. WIlriAT Bvr. ,. CORN fold) COKN.uew). .. OATS . BUCKWHEAT... $1 Oi "f 71 ' "i.ovF.usEr.n. IIIITIEK KfiCS . w 11 w 11 K iTai.low. .,, 3.1 I.Altll . .,, roT.vroca . . Ncru &&ucrtiscmcnt. T'. CHARLES HOTEL, HARRY SIURL9, rnoMturron, Corner Third ami Wood strcmi, FlTTtSDUnail, l'i. Doc. I, lSOO-lm. 0 OALI COALI'I Tlio who want Good Clean Coal, oan tie. tunnllrd w tho Cor Louil direct from lho Mlnca w llli Lamp, 1 rthen lias, Htovo nnd Nut, at reduced mtc, I'aiiillei Inrinz In their winter auppllet l 1 do well by culling nn N, J. IIENlir.RSHOT, at lho L. & IS. It. it. ij. m Dee. 1, 15CD-3I. f ' jg STRAY. Caino Into the endosuro orthouriilcralfEiieil.ln u.tuit townshln Columbia county, oboill the llru of Not m b,t fuipofcd lo lio ubout ten yt-nr old. Ilio owner ii tv IIEMlY MURHIS. Dec, l, i;oo. St SOLDIERS OF 1812. A meeting uf tho Hotilicrs of 18U rciMing within thj bmiiKla of "oltl" Noriliuinbt.'i'liiDil county v. ill bj field tit HulPtf Hotd tu tin) bnro'iij.i of Milton, on 'fuet day tlio 4th of Keci-nibur iu nccoMuuca w.ih tho fviw low lug resolution ndooluil utttittr Insinuating, "A'cto'cfrf, '1 hat u ntnv iu'jouni to nx't-t annually t tho house uf Co, llnir, luf fulter, onthu firit TuoiJuyyf IKctmbtr, us long tis nny of us unrvlvc,' DA MIX rui.Minit, Chairman d rupi rs wilblu ,-old" Northumberland cyuiii pleaso nutict). AGENTS WANTED. " A COOK THAT EVERT l'.UtMEIt, MIX'IIANIO AND DLHIKES3 MAN WANTS. JUST PUBLISHED. THE TOWNSHIP & LOCAL LAWS of the Strife of Pennsylvania. Couipllutl from the Acta of Ancmbly by WILLIAM T HAINES, rsq., unil liiibli.luil by EUWAltlJl', JAMES, Ucit Clic.Ur, l'u. rpnis wrk contains over 4110 iiasomfiioitiyprinuj - matter, mil will bo si.lil by subscription. n uudutio.ofiiio jUtiauriud iwj.wim forms for llio trandiclimi of tliUr business. . II tciulios lUt tluti.' uf Ccnglab!, a with all tba uc.. csaury forms, appertaining to tho ollico. nuau Cu"n1' It cuina!ns llio mmlu of procedure for tha laying out nl,d l","ln8 6f public mid private ronits, of vacating 1,1,4 altering roads, the building of bridges, fee., fee.. It contains tllo Common School Law, vwtb clptans. Hons, decisions mid diretttons. togctlKt Hh forms for Deeds, Honda, Contracts. Uornuiiites, &o. , &c., 'Uu Uuurlineiilurthu tsork vns compiled at Hani, burg br , Mr. rf.nmiui'. niit..,u.utySiiptriiiteiiiient,andisiu"i "?tlitu prlcunf tho volume toauy one lutorrost.d l it contains the duties of Towmiiip Amntors. it contains the duties of Assossor. ' U contuius llu laws relative to Strays. Mules aaj tin inc. It contains tho laws rcljtivo to Foliccs and Feuu It conlniua the laws retativu to Catuu Hunting, Trent .ud lleer. It couullii tlv Election Lous nlh nil llio nceosauir forius, It contains n, large numVt of Legal Vorma, which ara us. d in thu every duy trainattvon tit business, such s. Acknowledgement!, Amilnvlts, Articles of AjrcelneiiK and Contracts, I'arttierslnp, Apprenllrus, Assignuii,ti 1 lw 0,1 delivery of the work The work has passed th i ;" eipucu siatimeut or tii duties i fall low n.liiu 011ccr,, as may be readily UL- oersletid ny any one. Hie County will bo thoreugh y canvasted for the woik. and the suppcrt of thj iltiwaa is respectfully solicited. l JJUN,(lenurul Agent for Culuml.ia County. 1 1'. H. UoiulCaiiv.issc are wanted in all parts oflhis County fur lliealovo work, to which a liberal con-peesa-llonill be given. Applicationswlilch must be made el nn early date, addressed lolhe (iencral Aeut atlilooiei bnrgwill receive prompt attention., Det. 1, U0U-3t. Koiiri:hs UUIIItLMl'd luiuiu.u's uunucirs I'ltACrtUAl. CAI.I UL,AT0It. fH.M.TIL'.VU UAI.UII1.AT0K. ritA("nt'AI,.CAI.UIII.A'10ll. I'KACTIUAL. I AKUUI.A'l'UK. niAOTieAi. ualccuwi!. S o na"fii"K st a PRACTICAL CALCULATOR, AnilllKOfl'LllSlll'Ul.M C'AUlUTIONi fOR ll,MLt Ol'LllAMUX, I'Y MAR1H JIJ. KlJllKLK, l'HIT...l, SCR VtMiU AMI I'llNVLYANLlR. NtW UdIIIU.N, JCIILIhlltU BY J. II. Lll"'I.SCOTT tc CO., 1'lilL.AUELritlA. Tliiswurk tunlmns 201 lutjrcs, and upwarils of 5ml Jlules Hii'l tlxaiiijilfs.fiitirclv nml tlinroiii,'lily i-iul-iil.l such us ansi) every tiny in thu coruiumi pur lilts nfliun' rifss. It lins already passed ihruuijli n iiumber uf l..n tluns in rupiiWLiccesaiun, riuI is pmiiouucL'd Ly all slni te. orLiiuiiiesa iiilmi lobu tlm hamulstiiour or ruik.hil pt'rtniiiinii lociilctilatiniis, that lias cvrrluH'n piililislioj rL-r- ntiitnjde in tlm tni"l. Is 1111RK1D uur in illl, anJ fctatwd tia plain manner, so that wlion 3 paralM ca.a .irUPs, lliw ffi-rrini; to lliu nutk will flnd 110 ililliciilly in readily bi.liiriLt it; 111 a Hnrd, Hie general orranc' mi-lit ortlieCALL'L'I..V101l4s so simple, tliat an, um ;lio knoslii'to add, subtract, mulliply, 1 r divide ten tasilyboUe any ordiiiary ixample tluit arises in bun ness, or am vb at the true result of any estimate require. The clikralm oftlitf amlmr lias ).Leittoejc)iewttiei -y an I plnlnfcupliy in (!nres, 11 1 1 1 1 i ! 1 l; only at facts and ri. plicity, beleivniL. thai liusiliess men care little al'iut spending time in ditcinsliip tlie plulns'ipliy of ri let, t tlw srionce nf figures, deeniin: it siidliient for Ibsii puiiioto Lc abla at a movint, be refereiu-e. to urnvs alllioliiH result, 'llio L'AU(;iII.ATOIl diO'ers in tins ri'spi'Ll from all Aritiliuctic a of tbg day mid kindred Yiorkkit U a key to practical b ess calculations It H. 111 tlio liiuda ofthu teiiuier in tho acliuol-nxna-ll ft"s tiuto nnd insures correctue-s. TIIj: WOKK TREATS OP TIIK Alcasuri meut ori.and, of Lumber, of Ilrick mid I'rlrk Woik, of fcloiie and Sttina Work, of Grain and Cram I'm, i f t' and Coal Uni, of V00d, cf Uoltds, ol l.i, ofC'ircular. tj'innri., or Irrecular Vessels, of CI' term and Vats of Ito,,ni? of 1'lntorers.' Painters," (.la.ii r", 1'avers,' l'lumbi Paper ilanjers," and I'p ho steri Voik It trLats of Currency and of I'oreinn and Doiiiestjo Kiclianee, of the lcrinal System, of llu ilucuou and its eitcndod iippllrntlon to lluainess ot hlinpla mid Compound Iutere.t, and their entire appli 1 anon to I'.iniueiH traii'iirticina, it Ji tlm law s and usa, pes goeriiinj and ret'iilatiii" the kamn tcctlicr witb 11L.111 roils Coiiimercial roruis, ofj.teal Tender, ofPsr tlal I'.niuentsoii llnnklng anil Hank Dmoinit ol L.u.iton of r.iyinenta and or I artncriliip Accuunts.ut lent of Tnics, of Wiiht. and Measures of ri'iuaro and Cubic Measure, f the square root and its Applliatiim to Mutiiiess, of Surface., of Kicavatlun, and of many other i111p.1rt.111l practical matters notiutli. in the scope of tin advertisement to mcnliou. IT 18 JUST TIIK HOOK FOR TIIK I'armsr. Hie Mcrclirnt, tho Mechiinie, the Artlian, or tha I rnies'iniial 11111 11, Itlias prove 11 11 tnluablc aunliar; to llio Um yei, the Justice ol the Peace, the Conveyancer and Heal I. stain l!roker, lothe Assessor, tho lialiker.tliu l.lcrk to the Cml lliu'inerr nnd the purveyor, lo tin Carpenter ami Pricklayor, to the moiic mason nnd tlio la.terer. to Ihe Paper llan;er and Upholsterer, 10 tba laver nnd the Tiler, ic. (cc, cacli and all will find It adapted lo their various wants better than any book piilmshed. ' Dv- Mailed (post paid) to any part of llio I'nil'd Mates upon receipt of Ihe money, Price of a sintla I opy, in Cloth, 1,0 Cents, or two Copies for S100 llound in rocket-book form, Morocco, it on per copy. AWkm, M. M. nOIIKCH, DocMSCQ-Cn, "fW"lIH"f.U,f.. ncruncar, ARjHSTnoo,& co. DRY GOODS MPROIIANTS, 75,77,70,81, 83 ,( SS, Dunne Street NEW YORK, Would notify the trade that they are openinj weekly, 10. new and Unmiful patlcrns, tho WAHlSfiJ'l'TA rKIiVTS. AtFO TIIC AMOSKEAG, NeW Prillt. WhMl Pimli i.a.u I'slm ..Ii,. I'mmirv g or ifrfeclioii or execu'ion OfltUfign in fu It ma-ldm Colors, Our I'miibort rlrarcr Ikan any in wai'kdi 11 'Anil iuct;Un Willi ciiensive tale uwruiTP nnniiiiiy aiieiideJ to. Nov. Si, IbOU y, H OUSE FOR SALE. A larzn sized Frame House, in pnr.A mnditinn. vcitll elnnrs. uiiiJow, A.c, suitable to be transferred up "I other lot, Is otTc-red for sale, on niolerate terms. Al0-, a .piantlty nf broken Hrlck. for fillini! in buildings, "4 several pairofBasli with Glass. Applv to 1.UVI L. TATC nioom-burs.Nov 3 ISfO, j.'jORE now Roods this day ARTMAN9- OH AWLS, Shawls. Shawls, for "sale vfry OCboapat 'llAUT.MANS. S" OMETIIING new tobTcn'at nny tlinou IIARTMANB- DUESS goods in great variety nnd for sale eitra cheap at HABTMAS? 12 fPHK bo?t inolnsacs for tbo prico in a J. County for sale at flAlll'MA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers