E)EM(Q)(gM nBS93rUE" pBBIWBiWPll Pi Ml - i mr kadi WW fcQ iiipiium)y AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. tMmss One Dollar k Seventy-five els, In Advance. "To hold aud trim the torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth" LEVI L. TATE, Editor, rnbllshcr & Proprietor. VOL. XL-NO. 50. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1858. VOL'; XXL fllnmliitt Iwmtt rublishetl every Saturday Morning, by LEVI L. TATE. In Blooinsburg, Columbia Co. OrncE. In the. new Brick Building, op poule the Exchange, by side of the Com I House," Democratic Head quaitcrs," TBHMS OK lOnHCltll'TlOll. 81,00 In mlvrinco, fur ono copy, fur clx tnontU 1,75 In nilvncol for ono oopy, ono yon. J,(10 If not p:ill within tho HrBt tlirco tnonthi. 2.13 If not paid within tho dritslx montbt. 3,50 If nut pnitl within tho your. UJ OSUOiOripilOll UIKOIl IUT1 .111.11 CIA IHUII.UB, nt nolinnor Jhoontlnoil Until all nrronrugoeslmlt luvo hocnpnhl. , ..... H7 OrJinury ndvcrtUomonti InsortOil una Job work oxecutod ittthoctiiollshoil prlcos. WINTER ARRANGEMENT LACKAWANNA & BLOOjIISIIURG It. It. AITOHUINfJ Fiipcrlor fariliil for travol to Now Vork, niilnlcihln, aittl the U'ctl.by ronnrctioitri al Scronton with tho trains of tins Delaware, Iwirkn wnima and Wpstern Ilailroail (tampauy; also Tor travel South and Wat over the Catl-iwfmi.it William port and Urlfi Uallrnnd nml connecting lines. Itcgutar TrftlttB run nn (llmi t uumu nun i u . SELECT P0ET11Y. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL DOCTOR JOHNSTON, milE foundor of this Celebrated Inatl I ttitiont oirrn the nionlccrtalu, ipridy, ft ml only Tmrliml remedy In thti world Tor elTerts (nt Ulvutu, ftrlrmrei, Bcmiual unokuuast IVtlin in l he l.olnt, l-'onaitintioiial lability. Inipoimcy. WraVnefS of tho Hark nml Unibf, All'i-clioim of the Kidney, riiliHu. 'lion of tlin Heart, lUfpcpnia. Ntrvime Irritability. UiiPflM ' Hem!, Tliro,.t, None or tfklu. and all ilmm erloiin miJ mvluniUol) DisordrrB arising from me tlitstrtictlvo Iinl.itnorvotitii, which tieeiroy ihhii m.ly ami initio, llicwrrn '"' "" I'l-i."-- . iro iliort! fatal tothlr vlrtlmn than the wont; of the Uyritm to ihfl ninrlnern UlyMt n, MighliiiK tli' ir luuvl tirillliliil mil"'" 'i niiviv-i-un'Mis -e, - - &r , Impossible, Matrtngc, Hurried imronf,nr Voun Men nuitni l at ni? iii'ir rl ie, Ii-iiik "warn uT I'hytird L'.ikii.--n-( nr-;niiir tie Inlay. tlt'forinillt'H, &.r., nlmuM j. tin tely n unit Or Julinntoittniiil lie rfstiin-d to p'Ttet I hti.hh, I Ik who r.' ItiiiMcIf unilr tin' tare t( Dr. John "fton mim. r n'!iiiiiuly conllile in In lntiior ns a gmtli 'men, and cuiind.-ullv nU upon bin nkill nBipliytn'i.ui. Organ tc I Vmkn cs- juinw'iti.iti'ly riireil ini't tnll ijror rttoreil. 'IliN tltdiMi"! U pemlty in Oil irriirnly pnllly thMt whohtvoheco too -victim of liiijirni'cr IimIiiI- piMH'lfjit. V if person tir- tmi apt to toinnnt ct 4ve from not Ix'inir nv.ire ilffhoilriMitfnl coiiHr.inent e ttutt iim etii. Now, who llul iinilfffinrnh iln; nth- i..t u in v.fioii.t m .I.miviIi it tin- nmvrr f iinirtiM tton U lo4t tfooiit! r ly tlioeo n-.'fnni' Into iniproiir lilillf Hltii hy Ulf! TinI'Jtit. Kf-likH Im-Iiik ih-pnvi-l ol th pl-murrt of hfnHhy oil-uliit the mot i"'rlniM niol ileiitrnctive ttynipioinn lo hoth Ixuly ami mhol it rift. Tliu Hjfitnm Ifcoiiivx oVniiii'it; Ihe pliyriiral Hiiil itioftil powers weaktMieit, nl'nnn di liilily, f y h ,i-priia( pal imiitlnnol lite luMtl . Iiitli-rtitdiu u waliog 'brtlieOanif. cough yiiiptuiotiifcniiitiiipiiuit he 1 KJOlllc.c No.7roiTTU I-'kkiiukm KEiTtLi.neveii iloor froiu lUIUuioru Hroet. rfite. tip Hm- tcp"- He ipHrlirtilar inobt'irmu the S A M H uli.l .NUMIlCIt, or you will loidlnki) tho p I , a Curt lfarrnsUUtcr m ifrji J.foL!rt'it from One to M) MUItUURV OK NAUHi:i)UH MIUtiK UrfHD. Dr, Johtstoti, Mumlnrof tlie.Itny.il Colin"' cif Hurgfoni. l.tnololl tiritilonte from ono of tho l:iot t niifiinit c tliT''" ol tin' Uml-il Htntrtt, ami the xrent-r Viarl ol wlio- III (io Ifeii upent Hi the tlrnt JlonjntnlnYif J.oinloii .I'urif,! hi! Irtil'tphla unit vUuw here, li.it flttrll jurii nf I lie r.ont Hutoiitthint; cnren that n-re t-ver know n ; tnmiy tronh 'l-.l with riiiliif hi the liiMnt (lint ram wktli utU-tpt (tr-'Ht mrvonniifa, hiug .lUrnifl al cinltk-ii nufoli. ninl lmtif,ttiit i, Willi frcpienl 1iohinK, ntU-ihl'1 vouifliioe Hjth terntiijuiiieiit of nHittl viTetiirt'tl tin n.cli.it.ly. A C crfain fjisnts, Wlifit 'In' iTiiiKUih''t and impnntiMit votnry of pta ttrv nii'tit h hm holiitii'il Hie mt nf Him painful i1iiHtu'. it loo otlen liappeiiti I ha t no IllUmvil n-iif' ol pi mmk! or lr: id ol vriVer) , iMcr liim -fru-u up pi) I ir t llioi' w ho from fdiiniiMiii ami r npLct.ilii lift rati lo n v h'-frietid hi in ll lyiltft till l'"' romililiitiouy iiyiiijiloiiiit ofihin horrid ili-i niemnkf tln'i r iin'nr nui unrh as uUernliMl nor tlirot, dineaniMl nodi1, nor to ire, pun in the tieml and IiiuIm. ilimrc' o t-iilit.iN ufnii'il nndvroii the Kkin llolltl, ninl .trmi't hlolt lovfioti cud hHil laro.nml cxlriiit tin f. iirojfrfHttiiiK uhli h ij tit. f nplilit) , till at lint the pilule ol the niontrn hiuj .tiiuif of tin noi' (.ill In , a ml tlit vtrlim nt "illinl tin '.IW'-a'v hvrnmeit ti horrid ol'Urf t of roii'iiii'i" ration till il-ulli pilti a period to lll ilreiidfitl HUllrrillL'H, h) iiimi ilmifhiio io "that liourim from whi'iiee no traveler return, To mirh tln'f.fore Dr. Unlnietnti pim1h iiiiiiii to prio-rvo uie mum enviMMe (UTroy neu Irnm hia extlit1e prnrlin- In tin liri llopitr.lrt of i U'iropi hot Ainerii.t, he ran ronrldeiitly rrommuiio ' r and iipi'dy curu to the unfortunate irrim of thin "lioirid iliriiio. Take pnrtiatfar N&icc, Dr J addremrfc uM tlroie who have Injured theYo eelveit by privateaml improper iiidiiliceiirt'p, Tln are tui.e of the nml and iii''l.iiKhov ollWtii prodioeil hyenrly liihiti ol jouth. vix WenkncHH of he Hack and himljn, I'aiii in the lit ad. 1)iiiiiipixoI Hlght, Iomh of MiMcut.ir I'owfr. Palpdatfon of the Ufarl, Dvipepjii.i, N'rvoiu Irritihilily, D'lntitement of tin; Digestive runctioiiii((iijiiural Di biliiy.sy tuptoini V)f Ooiunmplion, 4-e. MUNTAIjLV The fearful ellVrlH tnmn the iniml nte inucli lo liodrejitud, l,i nl Mctii'iry, CoafiHion o( liici. Dr'iireinion nr toe ruinlx, roreiiniiiiiim ATfr'iotiofdociety, Timity.L., are pome of ihcetilB ThoUit.mda of ppnioim of all nee ran now Jadee wtiAl U til 1 r.uiHt! of liieir di cliinux looitth . Looting their vigor, tx romiiiji wi tik. lle and em.iri tied, h-iYing fiiiKular appenrantt; atiinil iliti e)eH(coushaml itiiii. touirt of Conmmiption, (lh, Johnston's Jtviomtiig licnicdy for Organic Weakness. lly Ih i Croat ami important remedy, wraLnenflhe or nana aro kpceillly cured, and lull victor r-'i'loK d. Thontarulnof the inoitt iiirvouit and df loliiaii'd, who had I tfl all hop. have been imaiediitely relievi'd. All Impediments to Mnrriairc-l'hyi'iral and Mental Difpia Dlftion, Nervoun I rrit ilolity ,Treiuliliii'B and Weak liees, or eiltauition ofthu moat (earf.it kind, yccAily curoij by Dor tor JobiMton Young Men Who have Injured tlmuuelves by a certain p nut Ire, 1 1n J aled In hIomi alone 1 habit frequently lenrned from I'vilroiiipiiiioiM, ur at pchool th i-lRftH ofwhirh nr nltititty fi-lt, even when aateep, and If not cured render marri t-re linpoiioihle, and ilectroya both mind Hud body, should apply immediately What a pity that a routix nivi, the hopo of hiii roun try, and the darling of his parents, xhould be snatched from all nronpfftt and enJo)mentrinf Iife.bylhe rnap; "lueiireii of deviating from tho path of nauiM', and In ilu IjiiiiB; In arertain mact habit, Httrh puri'in' Lvfuro contemplating Marriage hould reflect Hint n sou ml iniml nlid bodynre thf mof neressary re'uUitk-R to proinoio conniibial liappinetis Indeed, without thene.the Journey through life heroines weary pilgrimage, the prospecthourly larkem to I he view ; tho mind becomes shadowed with deppair uiitl SI I led wiltiilie, melancholv rcllertlon tlialthc IidpiHik-si nf another bcromes Mitfliled with our own, OFFICII NG.7KOU1 II FiUIIinitlUK ST. .Baltimore, Ma ALU PUUUIUAL Ol'CKATIONS l'CKFOUMUD. N. II, Let nofalsfl modesty prevent you, but apply, m ncdlately either personal I y or by letter. (SKIN DISH ABEtS til'i:i:DllV CUUKD. lb Strangers. Tho many tltoitsanda cur"d atthis institution with'n tli lai-t 15 yearn, and tho numerous important Hurjtitnl Operation perfonnml by Dr. Jolmslon, witnessed by tho repnrlf 10I tho pa pern and many other persons, no tjcojofwlimh have appeared aani and ai-'il ti before ttitt dub lie, besides hts standing as a 2 c title ma it of cha wf lerand reaponiiblhty, Isa BUtficiunt guaraiilee to Uio u fill clod. Take Notice, N. It. Tilcrrt Are so many Ignorant and worthless Quarks advertising theuiselves Fliymciaim, ruining Iho health oftho already ailllrted, thai Dr, Johnston df'ttiiitf itneeentfary tosay, rsperlally lo those uime I tainted with his reputation. that hU rredemials auj Iplomas always haute in his office, U"TittNoTiCB. Allletiern must he pool paid, and ouiain a postage slamp for tho reply, ur nominwer livwill sent- .nuarly 7 1857. F A LL ARRI V A L. & f m d TUB undersigned, gratufal for past patronage, re spectfully informs tils ci stnmers and thf public generally that ho lias just received from the lias tent itiMs, the largest and modi select slork ol FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, That lias m been npcncil ill UlooinaLurt. lo which he litvitv. tlin attenlion of hi, fritM., anil a., lire. Oinn llmt Uieyare ollcrcil (ur sale at sri'.il Liiijsitn. Ilu Hiock riimpri.uii a brco nimorliiieiii of Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, Uoiulitlng nf rAHIIlON'AllI.i: UKESa COATS, ol I'vrry ilicription i I'mils. Veil., Hliin. Cravat, Ulok.,CotlfMi Iln ri.lkerrti icTh, CSlnvfr, Buitjicnder., ta. Gold Watches and Jewelry, Of ov.ry .IcKilpii'in. ftiin .nml chcip N li -.WeiueiiitiL-r Lcvenhrft ikcop F.mpartvn ' Ujll aiul t-u No i-iuive for ttxniniiiliii! (iuiilti U.W,D LJWL.Nlitl'.' I'lllMJI, 'till- I Luavo Uilliurt, llloom, llcrwick, llrnch llnven, rlilcktiliiiiy. Arrive at Kingston, 1,1'iiro Klnrj"tnil, Wjolnilig, l'lU.lon, Arrlvo 1 Birnnton, N. V. Mail. 1 110 A.M. 7 10 ilo Acootiuno Oallon. I'll Itn.la. Mail 3 1.1 1'. M. 7 S3 (j 10 B3S 3 'IS t 111 4 Vi i 50 0 30 do 3 20 ila 11.13 U 30 10 00 I 13 1'. M 'I 10 ilo 1130 ilo 11(10 II SO 0:10 10 30 ilo 3 13 Jo 7 00 do Thn Nuu Vnrk Mrfil Trnln rnnnnrt. ivlll, il.n prurs puliiE i:ost. on 11. 1.. & U'.IInlito'M. Arrive ill New Vork 7 13 V. M. In riillnilt'lnbin, hy fjamdon St Atuloy lta). ronil, e SO P. M. Fore (rout Hup.rt lo Now York gti 00. Tin' Accoiniiinihilioii Train rVorlli,coniifTl.int8rriiTi. loii with the Uipriisi Train Writ, on Die I). I., li W. Hnilro'lU. tloINO 60UTII Phllil. ArcomniO' Mall. ilalinn e no A.M. n:ii:A..M. P .10 ilo 12 30 do l.rnvo lrrnnlon, I'ltlolnn, Wyoiiniiir, Arrive- nt Klnvptnn, I.I'UVO Kmv.tiin, r-hioki-liinny, ilrnill Ilu veil, thru irk, Uloom Arrive ut UUJUTI, K. V. .Mini. 4 00 P. M, bit du 0 00 dj IH00 do II III ilo 1133 do 1 1 .V3 do H40 P. 31. I J. Ml ,lo 111 10 1 (10 4 30 4 10 r. 13 7 23 7 3(1 B 10 0 00 do When ptenBure'a cup lit npnrkllng high, When Irlemlif around thee throiitr i When 1 1 cur in nre Hpht with pluyul mirth. And lighter wiktu the song ; When counting o'tr thy mi riy Jort, Itecnllod by memory, It 'twill not dim thr plpnsiiro t'teni Oli,glvo one 1hou5.1t to mo. At d.iwn, when Hrfl Aurorn'f light Ileflerts o'tr hill and dale. Arid el Ids the dew wahed lily's head, That steeps within tho vnlo i When first the lark shall plume his wing, And soar from bondage free. To warble forth some merry notes, Then glvo one thought to me, And when the shades of evening aro Fa nl falling Into night An hour that well seems made (or thonght, And quiet is delight ; At midnight's deep diid Bolcrnn hour, When on thy hchllvd kneo, Thy hond-t upraised to Heaven In prayer, On then, thbx think of inul If 1 fotild claim the.rlrhest gem That now lies In the pen, I'd rather far than liavi that pearl, Dave one kind tliuugt frc-ni thee; Hull the joys of this btiutlt world Were now spread out to me And I were told to mnkti a choico, I'd ask out) thought from thee. KXKUWTIOIV OB' CHARLOTTE AND HENRY PIPE. On Friday last, Charlotte Jones anil Henry Fifo paid tho cxtremo ponalty which tho law imposes for tho erinlo of murder. Tho curtain has nt length drop ped upon tho last secno of tho bloody tra gedy whioh has for so long n time cxcilcd the horror, engaged tho interests, or moved tho sympathies of all cUsfcs of our com munity. " Whoso phcddotli man s Hood by man shall his blood be shed," is Col. Cook's March lo Join the Mali Army Terrible SnWrfliigs. Colonel Cook's report lo tho adjutant general of tho Utah army, of bin march from the Missouri to tho valley of tho Salt Lake, is full of matter of curious interest. anil Rijys her charges against liim were induced by 'mired of him inspired by the fear that lie was' striving to get Fifo to leave hot. Immediately after Mr. Williamson censed reading, the Kcv. Mr. Bell read a chanter from the llililc mid offered up a prayer, 111 which im: irwnw..-. j.,...vv.. 11(J Blarlea j cotnmaml ol six companies Fife, during this trying scene, inn'ntaincd , fl dr from Port LoavrnWorth, the most aslonishing composure, and , , , when tlio time came, actually adjusted the , Hih September, and his journal ends rope around liis neck and stamped on tlie with his arrival at Fort IJridgcr on the platform, as il to say he was prepared to ' Qth of November. He says : meet hit fate. Charlotte, on tho other m, , , , , , . .. . ,.. . dm Hccmed Utterly broken down and' The regiment had been h5ily fcodlled bclvildered; Bhc cried bitterly, nhd ov-, f'oni f M ' fe "d ? oui 1 cry now and then tillered incoherent sen- ?r 10r uf 0UV " " !" " ; tho ! inLnK-now .tnlinrf that she desired to !" ?ffic.or '"..rpato toi a maroU of cloven scripture authority on whi.h capital pun- die, and agair, dec. red that she , was , a- at, uiiinieu ;ua laiimcnt is bcu. ana tcmuio nna nainiui v4 i ' I I . i" ..! r, ,1 as 13 tbo duty at times law's decision, yet all admit MISCELLANEOUS. Bill Synin'3 Conversion. ho I'liiladelitliin Mail Trnln colne Rmilh. eunnrriH : uiih the Msil'train at Itupcrt, stmt V.nn nt 1-1U P.M. 1 or i. tuawMAi. roti i n iiinu, rntiMvjiiu Keaoint;, &c arriving at t'liihulf Iphin, id H ii5 I M. Alto with Mall Train going Went at :t oVIork V M. for Danville, Milton, Money, Wllliamcport and Hlmira. l'.iot ngi'rn hy the 4 ti'ilo.k 1'. M. Tiaii. goinp Pouth ran tike the U o'clock 1. M. lliprug train for lllmirn ami 1 Ins Wept, ur lodge at llluoiiichurg and lake the 4 o'tbiik A. M. Train going IVivt, urrivhtg ut l'lil ndel plda at It noon. I'a hic oners for llarrithurg, direct, uMI take the IV. Y. Mail 1 rain, (J o'c lot k 1' M ) going Potith. mniuct lag nt I'ort Clitiion with tho Dauphin nndi3ariiehana Hailroad. thriving ut llatrisburg ut Vi o'clock 11000, next t'uy. V. 3. MJAVnNWOR'f II, Jan Id, 'ft5'j jfi'trtHttmttMt Ll FiriNSlJU ANCl'L rnr.niHunn i.ivr. wiwmai'j:, jixxvity axd rnusr aiMejtxr of phimdklpuia. omi mo. 40? 1 iienM'T miu.ur. CAPITAL, (paid lip.) 3100 0110. CAart'r Virytlual. CONTINUUtn make INSUKANUKd ON UV1!S on tlii. iniiHl riMioniilili' term.. The uiiiitnlliciiiK paid ii i .in.l invefled. totf clher with u l.irjre mid enimtjiiitly IricriNwing reserved fund, uirer, u ierl,.rt feiurily n Hjh nmiired. The prrniimiH luim: he paid )enrly, half yeurly. o pi irut ly The Cninpany add n PONI'H i.erindlt-nllvilo Hie Iiikii rnm-.'B (o' III.'. Tim 11 US'' IIUNUS iiprroprialeil in lliremlier, IHII. thn Bia;OMI 1IONUS in Uefcilihcr, isr. (lie I lliuil lllUH ill ueremlier, lc;A4. tLS'Thi'He adililinn. are made w Ithont retiiiiiif; liny Iir.1w.111e in mr ireiiiiuiiiH 10 neilllil In ine i;iiini.i lly. The Inllnu Inn arc a fi w oamplec Irnm Hie Ueai.ler Pnliry FO No 132 111') 3JI he. Hum lilitiired ""f'J5r 31100 infill 3"00 lit. Itnmii. ur aitdninii Aliiiiinit of Polity mill iinniiB io ne i n reneeii hy tnliire ud.litioiii:. 331730 073 3.173 00 .S3 30 1 .351 1,1 I3U0 I 0.3m) ou kr. tc. Pamphlet,, eonlalilini; laldei ol rolei and expl.lnn M"n. Inriiiii of ipiilieatioti, aii.l (iirth'T inliirmatinn CHI he Ion ml lit the nldre. TIIOVIAS B1I10WAV, rrcrlicnt. JdO. V. JaMC, .7ctnar. l.r.Vt I. TATU, Agent. V (J. llnRBl-iei. I'xaviining rtiysitltiH, Oilnlier IP, If.'.T I V limes becomes necessary for the sake of its appalling cxamplo, and for the preven tion of those bloody criiflcd at which all mankind shudders. Wo givo a brief, but connected history of the murder, a review of tho chief fca lurrs of tho case, a description of tho mur derers, ond oil tho circumstances which the limited facilities accorded as have enabled us to gather. TUC MURDER. The crimo for which Honry Fife and Charlolto Jones paid tho douth pcualty to terrible and naiaful ' iVai.l of death and wished to live. Fife, , ou.m wime ness. p r in ' Boeing her agony of soul and utter pros-, companies of tho regiment who weie to of carrying out llloj ioB .tfii!friil atoUm, hcr mJ cn. oomnose the expedition woro organized; tdmit that it some-j (lc!lV0r;,11 in cvcry way 0 fcoHsble aiiil ' ono hundred and ten transfers ucccssanly I was not tho ouly ono who hoard Dill Symns, tho wicked sinner, say, during tho progress of a Methodist revival, " Toll you what, Bully, I m going to sham to-night day, was ono of the most atrooious over I'm coin!! un to the altar, chuck full of committoil in our oounty. Ocorrro Wilson " " ' ' -f .1 . -l , - -.. .li conviction. Sco if I don't sell old Parson ouu ,luu K . , J',uuru".lw,,B " l 1 r. i 111 man whose hair had boon silvered with coal boat pins for such as rcnuirod ihfim true, that tho speech was hoard by Parson in 'f10 neighborhood. His sister, the other Dickson himself. JIo is all eyes and cars, 'w ' jumur, . ,, , and both occupied tho same house a lop is that same Methods parson, a groat cabill( rflUBlcJ in tho v;ciu:tv of MoKoca. good-natured, large-featured, handsomo, port, and distant from tho city some four- gndly man. It may bo imagincit that his toon miles. On tho night of tho 1 0th of face looked uuusualiy luminous at that APril las,i rtu aD(1 Charlotte visited their of both, and such their condition, when , f hc oondctnncd and many to bo obtained, it was announced that their hour had ar moment ; it was very funny, ihe attempt to sell 1'nrson Dickson. liill bymus was almost a man grown ; tho torment of tho parish, and tho terror of his mother. But ho went to tho lucctin" that night, and wliou sinuers woro invited to tho anxious feat", among them, sniffling, and with head hypocritically bent down, came Dill Symns, tho ugliest and roughest- humble abode, and with a view of obtain ing possession ofjisumof mouoy whicli t lie latter Knew tuo old mail baa lam asido, butchered thorn both in tho most shooking manner. TUB SCENE 1S THE SC.UTOLD. Tho scene on tho scaffold was painful boyond edmprcbensiou, and drew tears Iroui many ol tuo spectator-i. (Jliarlotto and Fifo wero attended, tho first by tho Hov. J. u. JSrown, ami the lnttor by the HOWARD ASSOCIATION, i-i 1 1 1. a i) rr. en i a . i nrn A Ittnctolent lustittitlm. titabhahti Iv pe. IOijO. tint ewlotimtul. for the rtlxrf rf tl,t ait'i and tprn ined, ajUittcil inlA rirulrnt avl tyiiUnie iinntc. mil II llireclor of Una uell kiiiiuti ln,tltnlinu. In I their Annti.il Report neon the treatment otexiial 111. i uiie, for Hie )ear endltip Jdiiuary 1,1, 1S3S, ex iremi tile hipliept antiNfartion nilh Ihe purre,a whirl! ha, altended Ihe trfior, or the Conniiliinv burgeon, in the rure of flicniiiitorrliiea. rlemlii-il WeakheH,, liufio tefttli, (loniirrho'fi (Jleei, Hyphlliri, the -.ire or Ouan I, 111. nr delf.Aliilse, tc., and orilir a ronliniinnre of the Mine plan, for the .'u.uiiiir jear The Uoiihiiltint; Pnhieon l aulhori7.i'il to lvi MCIIIUAI. AIIVIUi; liKATlH. lo all who apply hy teller. v.ith n deerriptiini of their foadllinii (ajie. oirupalion. Iialdl, of life, &r .) mid in ca.es of etltiii.' poverty, to 'UitMHII .MUD- II. -IM. nti:i;iM'i;iIAI(!u. -jonieofllie new reinedleH r.n.1 luitliihU or trentiueiit, di,eutireil durllig the last )e.ir. are of -rent value. An aduurahlu deport on Spermatorrhea, or Poniinal We.ikne.fl, the Vice nf Onanism, M.i,tilrh.ilion, or rJi-ll Aliu.o. and other ilieasea of the Heiual Oriiaua, hy Hie Oimulliiiir Hilrirenn. will lie Rem hy mail (in a H'.lh'd liitler envelope.) FRllll OP CIIAIiCIl, on re e. ipt uf im o ,tniiti, lor poM'igo. r.Uticr Keporla and 'I'M. i,. on tlie tiultire and treatment ol Hexual ilia eaio'i. Diet, tr., are roti.ttntly heing pnlili.lied for Kr.iluiliiilH ili,lrilnMlon uiul will he pent to llieadliiled. AiMren'. inr ui'piirt r.r treaimeui, iik i;i (tit(.i; u CAI.IIOUN-t'on iiltimr riureon, Howard A,,ocldtion, No.C.'oulh Ninlliatriil,Pl.iladelirila. I'.i. By oMer oftlie Uiieiiiira, ip.iu ii. iii:autwi;i.i,, mtUm aouij Pimnmn, fre'e, Jan :io,l:s-lm looking follow that nturo ever soared up, Uevs. Mr. Hell uud Mr. Williaiufou. and noted and dreaded for his wickedness They had religious services in tho cell till all through tho town. Tho good, simple within a few minutes beforo their vomoval Methodists, rejoiced ns ho knelt on ihe ' - J I flmv loft f in r poll, niwi ImVinrv nvmct n steps and bowed his wicked head on the procession was forinod. wLii-h entorod the low railing. Singing commenced, aud jail yard. brother after brothor travailed for pour riFn's DVIN'Q DECLARATION Dill Symns, but Parson Dickson traveled n , r , ,. . 1 ' ljK:Tl.WMrw in n fnw ftlinrr. rnnmoiit for him, and arriving ut the place whoro of ,inl0 X sinli mvo answered with my lifo lie teemed in much penitenco, the old parson shouted, " Pray, sinner, pray j" at tho same time dealing an awful thump on the back of BillSynins. They sung louder and louder, and parson Dickson went to and fro among tho mourners, always pausing behind Dill Symns, shouting, "Pray, you ungodly sinner, pray!" and HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. mill: follow I ut. from that eminent I'hvplclan of IMiita X ovipliin, Dr. Hrlnlile, idded to tho teetimony of 1 rroii'riHor liooiii, only cnnnriim what la cvtiionreti by Ihoufundu who have useil Hover' l)ya . I 'UlRAltn HOW, CllKHTXl'K STBPKT, ) I'hilailelphia, Derember 'J-M, Ir53 1 11 In regard to llottr'i Jlair Dye, I can etalfunhila tlnt:lythat it contaiuvno deluierioua ingredients, and may be used wllh entire safety, end with Hit utmost eurVW(nand tucress." W.D. URIN'CKIX.M.U. Hover's Writing tj Indelible Ink, Are bo well and widely know n, as to require itoeulosy of their merit, It in only neeeemry to fay, that the den ily and increaaing dcuiantt, given the best evidence that they maintain thti' character for aupuriority whicli ilihilnguiblicj them when liret introduced, ycar$ ego Orders, nddrepB to the Manufartory. No. 410 RACli street above X'OUKTII. (old No. 144,) I'liiladclphla, will rerolvo prompt attention by JUrflH'll U. IIOYCRv.Van8rfKrerv Dec 2(1, 1857. for tho terriblo crime I hnvo oommitted, and winch I have already freely confessed. it must now be supposed lrom what Iiaa been published in the newtpapers hero from time to time einco my arrest that I am in different or careless about tho awful fate I am now to sutler, uor muet it bo sup: oscd that I havo buffered no compunction of coasauurc lor tuo deed that has brought giving him a blow thut made him groan m dtmiy uuaerg0D0 moro t'0liux0 ,lmn a suoh anguish that the good brothers thought ibous.iud deaths, and oil how often Invo I it was a hcnous case of conviction, and no wished I could restore ucorgc Wilson and mistake. At lcnetk after his back had his sh-tcr back to life. Vain thought. l..nn r.n.,n,i.i tin i. ni..l Pe, in Maddened with a thirst for gold, and stint r...... .... ..u ..u.u ..vv , . . .... .1 !, I ,., ,!. .1 heels, he arose with the rest, and Parson .. , tLom f ... . . . , Dickson fixed his great blaok oyo on his B01,iSl without warning to the bar of God. face, sayicg, " Well, Bir, how do you Jvel? My fervent prayer now is and long has It's my opinion that eotuo timo, instead of been, that thoy havo been made happy by going to tho altar to Aim, you'll go to tho y "iokeduess, and that their immortal T ,. . . -. . . souls are among the redeemed of Christ, nuuer in goou earnest, uo uome anu re- and t nrav Atmishtv God for his nardon. pent of your sius, aud nest timo you como Bnd that I may bo permitted to hope that forward for prayers, dou't let mo havo in the world or spirits, 1 may he there, and occasion to hummel you into religion, bo- '"en hog thorn to bo torgiveu. HOOT AND SIIOU MAKING. Til II undersigned, thankful for the lilwral pntronajR with which he Iiaa been Uvord for ycuri t;oue by, would InfonnUii friends and .leioiuei, -imi ne ruiiiiiiiieu io itianuiaciuro Hoots and 6'hoes, At hid old und wiiM-knowtiaiaiid, on Mdhi rJtreel, Illooitmlairn. in all ihcir ariouB and forind.ln good sly le uud on timderutu teruii. Ill long uxperienct in tho bualnii'ii, and ymerQ kuouledguof tho people of u'olumbiat ounty, super added lou fixed determination to render sntlsfirtion lo all hi ciinioincri, alioiiM Becurn him increased pa iroiuwe which he hopes to mem. JACUIS V 1HU I'liltlUK . Illoomnburir, Mairh IlMtT NEWSPAl'KU AGKNOY. rplin rititens of Uloomsbure can now liuve ttioir X dally napora rurnUhed them at the publlehei'i price.. .1111. a-ivmg ini'ir yo.iage cause I'd muoli rather pray you thero.1'- The rebel went homo, thoroughly cowod, and with no disposition to boast over his having sold Parson Dickson. During my confinement 1 have suffered more iu miuu a thousand times tor tho crimo I have committed than tho fear of this death that is so rapidly approaching Here is tho fatal rope, tho scaffold, and the hand thai is to sond my soul mto eternity; Puulic l.eilfcr (daily) . wen. jrivuiiinn naily Pre,. Daily New. ' NewYirkTrilninc " ' Herald " llinca tjl 00 per unnum. u uu " 0 10 ' 4 00 ' 7 00 7 no 7 00 " New York l.cdcur weekly y no Ur any other Puper, or MBHHBines.piildl.hed In Mew York mil Piili.iilelihiii, in nil ca.oa In advanre. No suli.eriplion received lor le.a than .ix month a. Mr,. Jm-a (1. Ciillli authori .ed lo receive, ubacrlp tionafor the name. Ii. W. CONKI.lNfl. fraral ftic.J'efee Jtginl, lllootn.tuirit, Deo 20, 1P57 Itl tu. , ... tkh a i. . iiaiiu mui in ,o rsui member of Parson Dickson's church, aud witu nu ,iic World, and I trust in God. declares that the old man s fist broke tho And now. beforo these witnesses, and in baokbono of the dovil inside of iliiri, tho the prcsenco of Almighty God, before night he went to tho allar in sport. wuom ,u ' i ul 10 0 1 I 'iimnor nml Willi (In. loc, lienntli llm, T o.n permitted to breathe ou earth, with a full Kind Words Why USO TllOin. knowledgo of my awful situation aud my accountability, I solemnly protest and do rived, and that they must now prepare for u.xcution, THE execution. ( Everything was now ready for the completion of the final act of the bloody tragedy, in whicli the conviots lisd played such a terrible part. The ropes had been adjusted around the necks of the victims, and but a few moments were to elapse cro their souls would bo ushered inlo eterni ty. Still Fife's coolness forsook liim not, He called such of them around him as lie knew on the scaffold, and shook them affectionately by the hands, ne then declared that, "with the help of God, he would dio like a man," and with .1 firm voice, in which the slightest tremor was not disrernable, exclaimed: "Itemember, I die game." He then turned to hts com panion in guilt, who at this timu was Hcarcely coiiBriotts, ana putting 1113 arm around hcr,kissed hcr. Hoth then declared themselves roady to die, and tho signal being given, the Sheriff touched the spring, and the souls of the guilty couple were launched into eternity. Fife fell straight down, and died without a strug gle, hut Charlotte's death was less easy, And fully ton minutes elapsed ere the pul sations of her heart ceased. Fife's heart ceased to beat within live minutes from the time the drop lell. AlTEAltANCi: OP THE CONVICTS OK TUE GALLOWS. Fife's appearance on the gallows dif fered but, little from that whicli he pre sented while in prison, lie woro the same" elothes as usual, but appeared to have dressed with greater care. Charlot te was attired in herordmary clothing.and wore over all a buff colored shroud. She seemed haggard and palo and looked the very peisoniheation ol misery. AN INCIDENT. During the arrangements for the exe cution, it became necessary to adjust prbpcrly the rope on the neck of one of the convicts, and some person, whoac name wo have not learned, but wiio was dressed as a harlequin, the belter to dis guise himself, was deputed to do it. in the discharge of his duty, lie had neces sarily to touch Fife, but the latter pushed him away, and dreiv his hand to strike him. Uis heart, wicked as it was,rcvoll- d at the idea of being touched by 11 hireling of this character, and his indig nation was evident ; but a gcnllc touch from Jailor Phillips restored him at once to gentleness, and ever after he submitted without murmuring to such arrangements as wero deemed necessary to carry out Ihe sentence ol the law. DISPOSITION 01' TUT. BODIES. The bodies were allowed to hanir some twenty-five minutes, after which it being evident that life was extinct, they were cut down and placed in two coffins pro vided lor the purpose. Charlotte request ed that they might be buried in one coffin but as this could not be conveniently done, hcr request was not complied with. A relative of Charlotlo'w is in the city, waiting to receive the bodies and take them to Monongahala city, for interment. They will probably leave in tho Browns- ti J . .1 . - , .!l, ti.. 1 : vine uoat, tins evening, uuu win uun- tho comnanics paid, and about City desor lions occurred ; the C'linmandcrsof fair of them chanced, I marched them on tho 17th. Th'bn it was to be proved that three oi fbur mrc days wero to bo lost in waiting for the quartermaster's department to supply tho absolutely necessary transportation. Un tho 18lh, 107 mules wero furnished which tho sanio day had arrived from a march of, perhaps, 2,000 miles to and from Uridgor's 1'ass j above I ill) of the others were nearly worthless from want and age, and requi ring several hours to h .moss a team. On the morning oftho 19th twonty-sevcn team sters wero wanting, and men were ftiruish od utterly ignorant of the butiess and without outfits. Half allowance, or six pounds a day of corn for horses and mules was the largest item of transportation; three or four laundresses, with their chil dren, wero with1 oach comp'any. Tho regular journal of chcIi day's march is given, how it rainod, and how tho mules died, and tho men complaiued. On Oc tober 5th ho arrived at Fort Kearney ; ou tho 10th crossed tlio south Platte ther mometer was at 13, and tho river full of ice. their ropcs and getting looso ato the sago fuel collected at tho tents Homo df theno thoy also attacked. Nine died. Tho fast growing company of dismounted men wero marched together as a soparato command by day; tho riio'tning of tho twelfth a number of them wore frostbiticn from not being iu motion, although standing by files. That diy oigntcen nines were marcnou 10 Ilig Handy, whero the guide lnuud grass, and fuel with it; so good that Uio 13th was modo a day of rest; tho animals wcrp all horded at tho grass. Firty horses had been lost sineo leaving Laramie. Ho closes tho report of his ulorctl with tho following ! I had 144 horses arid jiavo l"8t idl. Most of tho loss has o'ecured inuch on this side of the South Pass, iu comparatively moderate weather. It has been of starva tion. The earth has no mnro lifeless, tree less, graesless desert ; il coiilaius scarcely a wolf to glut itself ou tho hundreds' of dead and froicn animals which, for thltly miles nearly block the road with adando'ned and shattcrb'd property. They mark, perhaps, beyond exarbplo in history, tho steps of an advancing army with tho horrors of o dis astrous rctroat It was discretionary with Col. Oook to winter at Fort I.aramio or to pass on to Salt Lake. He preferred tho latter course, On Novcmbor dth hts oominand was at Sweet Water Pass, in tho llocky moun tains ; nest day tiiey gained Devil's gate. On the Gth we found tho ground onoo moro whito, and tho snow falling, but then very moderately. I marched as usu al, On a four mile hill the north wind and drifting snow bceamo severe j tlio air scorned turned to froEeu fog ; nothing could bo soon ; we wero struggling in a freezing cloud. The lofty wall at "Three Cross ings' was a happy relief, but ihe guldb; who had lately passed there, was relentless in pronouncing that there was no grass ; tho idoa of finding and feeding upou grass in thatwintcry storm, under the deep snow, was hard to entertain, but as he promised grass aud other shelter two miles further, wo marched ou, crossing twioo moro ihe rocky stream half (-hooked with snow and ice ; finally ho lod us behind a great gran ite rook, but all too small for tho promised shelter, ouly a part of the regiment oould huddle there, in tho deep snow ; while, ihe long night through, tho etonn continued) and in fearful eddies above, before, behind drove tho falling and drifting sudw; Thus exposed, for tho hopo of grass, the poor animals woro driven with great devotion by tho men once moro across tho stream, and three-quarters of a mile beyond, lo tho baso of a granite ridge, but which almost faced tho storm ; there the famished mules crying pitcously, did not seek to cat, but desperately gathorcd in a mass, and some horses, escaping tho guard, went back to th ford, whero tho lofty precipice first cave us so pleasant relict and shelter. Tho morning light had uothiug cheering to rovcal, the air still filled with driven snow Ihe animals soou came driven in and mingled iu confusion with men, went crunching tho snow in the confined and wretohed camp, tramping all things in titbit way. It was not a timo to dwell on the fact that from that mountain desert thoro 1. Deoause thoy always cheer him to olaro that Monroo Stewart is entirely in whom ihov am nildrnfisnd. Tlinv Hnnlli nnenni nf flin muriW nf finnro-r. Wilson I him if he is wretched. Thoy comfort him and his sister. Tho deed was planned and j urated and retired to their homes, pitying if ho is sad. They keep him out oftho perpetrated by rnysolt and Charlotte Jones, j tho fate of the criminals, no doubt, but slough of despond, or help him out if ho without auothor human boiUg to plan, aid satisfied that a proper vindication of the cd in tho same grave, The number present at the execution was abovw thirty, including tho jury, Slier-1 was no retreat nor any Bhcltor near, but a ill's officer, ministers and two physicians, time for aettou. liut for six hours the . . . M e.Ii .. r. . r r.ll iMl.l.. 1:1.- ..... uutsitie tlie wans 01 tuc jau 11111 uueeu thousand people were at one time congre gated, vhilo lloyd's hill, from which an indistinct view of the scaffold was had, was black with people.. There was no disorder or disturbance, and aB soon as it was known that the drop had lallcn, and that the convicts had pas- fiost or frozen fog fell thickly like snow aud again wo marched on as in n clond.' Tho deep snow drifts itupeded us inuob, nnd in crossing hwect Water tho ice urote in tho middlo, Marching ten miles only, 1 got a better camp, und herded tho horsos ou tho hills : it was a different road, whero Skotch of JefTorson. The following (sketch of Jefferson's personal appearance and habits is from Dr. Randall's life of that eminent man, the first volume of which hae recently been published : "Mr. Jefferson was generally; hdwev- cr, rather a favorite with tlio other sex, and not without reason. His aiipcaranco was engaging. His face, though angu lar and far from beautiful, beamed with intnlliijonro, with bcncvolancc and with tho cheerful vivacity of a llajipy, hopeful spirit. His complexion was rud I', and delicately fair ; his reddish cllesliiut hair luxuriant atid silken. His full, deep-set eyes, the prevailing color of which was a light hazel, (or flecks of hazel on a ground-work of grey,) were peculiarly expressive, and mirrored, as the clear 1 lake mirrors the cloud, cvCry emotion which was passing through his mind. Ho stood oix feet two and a half inches in height, aild though very slim at this period, his form was erect and sinew-ay, and his movements displayed elasticity and vigor. He was an expert musician, a fine dancer, a dashing rider, and there was no manly exercise in which he could not play well his part. His manners were unusually graceful, but simple and cordial. His conversation already pos sessed no inconsiderable share of that charm which, in after years, wasso much extolled by friends and to which enemies attributed so seductive an influence in moulding the young and the wavering to his political views. There was a frank ness, earnestness and cordially in its tone a deep sympathy with humanity a confidence in man, aud a sanguine hope fulness iu Iiis destiny, which irresistibly won upon the feelings not ouly of tho ordinary hearer, but of those grave men whose commerce with the world had perhaps led them to form less glowing estimates of it of such mun aSthoschol- arlikc Small, the sagacious Wylhe; tho couitly and gifted Faihjuir. Mr. Jell'i r son's temper was gentle, kind and for giving, it it naturally had anything, of that warmth which is the usual concomit ant of affections and sympathies so ar dent, and it no doubt had, it Had been subjugated by habitual control. Yet, under its even placidity, there wero not wanting those indications of ralm self icliaiice and courage which all instinc tively recognize and respect. There is not an instance on record of his having been engaged in a personal rconntre, or his having suffered a personal indignity. Possessing the accomplishments, he a voided Ihe vices of the young Virgina gentry of the day; and a clast of liabitn which, if not vices thrmsclvcs, wero ton bflen made tho precludes to them. Ho never gambled. To avoid importunities to games which were generally accoin- fow days bbfore the bodies of tho frozen ! nnk wlU telling, lie never learned to -li -a! 1. 1 -..-.t 1 A GIFT WITH KVEltY HOOK Wcrlh from SO cent, lo 100 dollar,, At JlUigce's Gift Book Stor? no jj? (,'iilsni t Hriiwr " l i...- I oiirth ' happens to be in. or assist us. l'or our crime ho has suffer 2. Thero are words enough of tho oppo- ed a long imprisonment, but I pray God sito kind flying in all directions nour thst Iho last words of a dying mun, with words cross words irritating words. no hopo or motive to declare anything but Now let kind words havo a chance to get the truth, while the just punishment of God abroad, since so many, so different aro on would bo visited by falsehood, will be taken the wing. aud restore him to that liberty of which he 3. Kind words bless him that uses thorn, has been so long deprivod. In whatovcr A sound on the tongue tends to mako the was honest he was my friend, but no part heart mellow. Kind words ro-aet upon ner of mine in crimo. Ho has suffered tho kind feelings which prompt them, and muoh for my crimo and I beg his forgive- make them moro kiud, Thoy add fresh uess, Monroo Stewart is innocent. May fuel to tho firo of benevolent emotion in God have mcroy on my soul, tho soul. Henry Fife. 1. Kind words begrt kind feelings to- Charlotte Jones also made a dying wards him that loves to use thctn. People tat,mcnt, CXprCssing her penitence for love to sco tho faoo ond hear tho voico of , ' , . 1 , . such a wan. hcr crimes, nndcorroborntui); 1'ifc siatc- Kmd wurda an. tkr.foa :f urtal vah-. upui m very particular, she aNo pro. th in, .l 'hip " i ii f . majesty of the law required nothing less than their execution. We omit a portion of Fife's statomciit, and the entiro statement uf Charlotte Jones, through want of space to furnish them in full. Sad Accident. In Lcwistown on lagt Sunday evening Mrs. Kisonbios, was read ing, and tho light of tho fluid lamp becom ing dim, she did what wo havo frequently seen others do, that is turned the lamp up side down to let tho fluid run in the tubes. Tho lamp exploded iu hcr hand. Tho firo was instantly couuuunioatcd to hor clothes aud her person, and she was burned to doath ! In tbo efforts to save hcr, her hus band was also badly burned, Let this sad warning Oder other from thi. dincroui 1 . . lice men wero found. On tho 8th tho thermometer stood 11 dog, below tho freezing point. Tho snow was deep ; twenty-throe mules gave out, aud fivo w.igons were adandoncd. Nino trooper horses wero loft freezing and dying on tho road, aud a number of soldiers and teamsters had boon frostbitten. It was a desperate cold night ; the ther mometers were broken, but by comparison must havo marked 20 dogrees below zero. A bottlo of sherry wino frozo in a trunk. Having lost about fifty mules in thirty hours, the morning of tho 1 1 th. on the ro port oftho quartermaster, I felt bound to leavo a wagon iu tho bushes, filled with seventy-four extra saddles and kridlcs and some sabres, Hcxt day tho corn gave out ; the mulctf wero dying ol hunger, They gnawed and destroyed four wogou ns.u ' uuu)1 r f 'ivcij c .vci uti distinguish one card from another; he was moderate in the enjoyiririita ol tho table ; to strong drinks hu had an aver sion which rarely yielded to any circum stance ; his mouth was itnppollutcd by oaths or tobacco ! Though ho speaks of enjoying "tho victory of a favorite horse," and tho "death of the fox ;" he never put but one horse iu training to run never inn but a sipglc race, and he- very rarely joined in the pleasant excitement ho knew it to be too pleasing for tho aspi ring student of the chase. With such qualities ol mind and character, with tho favor of powriful friends and relatives, and ovcu of vice-royality to urgo h'iui an ward ; Mr. Jefferson was pot a ymui man to be lightly regarded by the joum; or old ol i nh"i !! bccuiii "t .i"- I 71 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers