i 1n rn r n Tn nzr A i i OL'HM ID) U3 3 AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, ) TAUor, l'libllslicr & Proprietor. $ "To 'bold and trim tho torch of Truth and Wave it o'er the darkened Earth" TERMS i I One Dollar & ticuuty-flvc els, In athsncr. VOL. XL-NO. 42. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1857. VOL. XXL COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT 'Published trery Saturday Morning, by LEVI L. TATE. In Bloomsburf?, Columbia Oo. OrricE. In the new IS rick lluiltting, op positethe Exchange, by side of the ( ourt House," Democratic Head Quarters," TQItVS or SOD9Cr.ptIOX. tll.OO In alratMe, for ono copy, fot f't tnontlu, 1,74 In ad. ranee, for ono copy, ono y.ar. 2.00 If not pit'l within tha Brat throa mental. 1.2 If not pall within tho firitiix month!. 2,511 B7-: ana nc S,50 If not paid within tho year. iand co paper dljjontlnoa until all arrearages shall rr- pjg,l(jripuoiltilkOaiuri';sitiiKusi. inuiiiiia. Jure been paid. KP Ordinary i advertisements Inanrted anil Job ,Tfor!i eioculod attho oitubltshed prices. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DOCTOR JOHNSTON, HP UK founder of his Celebrated Insi 3 tuilon,offrs ihf motcrrUln, p-fdy. and only ilKtuul remedy in the vorid mr nens it uiimh, ri.nifr. rf inl uackiicm. r.iim lit Ilia holm. X'oiniitutMiiial IVLi Ity Imppiriic-v, WfM.c oi the tt.i ni iho MPAit. DlHDcrsi.i. Nrrvon Irrllnlnliiv Xisn.i34 tt tb llrad. 'khrn.it, Noif or SKIn unl all Uirjj icriouH and meliinrholv DisornVr nrislcg frim tho dcfr-ictlvo Inhitaol roiitn. Mitcn urstriif ttn hn.iv nt,J mind. 'lh" ecrcl and noiitarr uractUin. Ct9 moM faial tothtfir vloilmi thnn Hie khir nf tirp tyrfiA io Hi? ninrinern t. ijuboh, DiisnunK uirir nifmi IrllHant hopes ( funticipaitnns, rnndcriug marrlege ,c , Impoiil'jlc, Marriapc. Married ncnnni.or Youni Men conifmnlr.llnc mm tlnpe, b' inj iwatr of pliym.il wca!ui.-s, nrcamr d tility, dcfo;t:iitte, Ac, !i-jiM m ififl tti'lv coiipuH L)r Jo!iiietu.i,nnd lo icil irod to xrtrct l.thlih, lie who jilt Cfji luiiwnlf iihIt iln i are uf I'r John itoi nwt roHBo'ily cnnfiit! Ii hl Ituin.r hi a ptiitlc ncu, biidc()nlli-nliv rcv ua.i un t in as-)ir)siciun ( Organ ic Wettknts t iiimitmlf! v tsird nn.t full viifur rvaltirrd. 1 'Mill rlni-mn h the pan ilty incut irriiicii1y patdly ihoia wlioh ive become tli victim of in-proper liidul 'iiicioa. Youn prrton orn loo tipt to inmnilt et 1 vn from not btin imarc of .h drcndful cou rneuro i!tat iiiyetmirt. Wow, Uu Hint undt rinml tin; nib jei II piten J to ttony that thr powtf, r frorrfi i ton in o.iior hy Ihot-s railing Into Ir.iprni)r h tfiiit 'i m hy tin? prudent. IK'sjdjs titili.g tlrpr i 'l nl t!u phMttifi nl ticilihy o!Tpi inj, the imiji Koriutiir int dc.truclivu nympioins to lid ill body nnd Hind trt. Th lystem becomes dt ringed; tho phyra htiI initttl p nvert wcnkciif d, iirvntu debility. dy p-'P'la, ititlpitiilon ofthe Ite.i r I ,indilltrii, u wasting 01 tfitt l'nn', ti.iigli t y in plum ii ofcjim in4iiuii itr I OfllM No 7 HntTii I'RKiiERM-Kfl rm r.jrvi n dnnr fri'ti UiIttiuorH ttrnrt, Kut thin i u r Itf particular lniftijrvift tiioNAMHand .NU.MUKU, or v. hi will miitnke the nlr-cp. UCUrt fMrrfe.,ir m w .VJ. I" Cue ' k-0 MKaCUIlY Oil NAUJjhoOB DIIL'US WCI. V-. Johnston U'mb-rcr th- iioyit Caikfip of Hurgt-.m-.. i.oimNt i Uiut-.4rtt.nci, undtiif'sreittcr j-an ..iuom- i.Te in bjcii ,iwiu m the (lrt ltoi.it.ilii oi l.'Midu'i I'.iru.l In! u.i ipiuiuihiviwitere in i.ttorf.i -.-mp. fu'ipuo.t tm-fttntt.usciirt'B uni wru r kuo'.vu . ttt my triiutf i ttf 1 with nn ji iir in i i l.3:il ail I c.li Kirn aalrrn.l ijrval i.TV-iiiir'tJ hiuj nt.trma .t ,uuiiiu i.iun.u un'I n , if inn i, with f -j .;.i.t Oiu-l ii'L .kttciii.'''d f i.aeilM'iU with itcraiiiji-uKMittil mIkJ v.rccdtud mi i... Jltidy. 1 Certain fjisca:c, Wtfn 'ht ni)ld laid (tup ndcut vir.iry of ph -i .tr rt'idd h t til i in'n hid tlti tn4 nf Him pilnl'iil ('In ,Uf, r l mi oli.-n t.'i)(i)!ltii tint Ml iltiimi'd tciihu i.l r liuirtu or ilriMd ni dn .on ry dfters lum 'Irnin nf phi ticj io !i from rducnfriii .m l rrnp.'clul.ilitr ra.i -it ii. b'-fi if ltd unit drtMymx till Hie can'titiiiiiti:y yj,i,t D.tJ'iihorri.l dMra iuak lln.i r ajipt urain Hi.. . 0 (J i irli tl t rt tliril'Il. ihati 13 I Mil,- tir.Murrv ii.- i ,,...! i. ,,'u, , i. ,. . unr.uiii .I-;,!,.--! i .1 lirk j i.l .trtiM. Molt hffrnr fp I -an,.. ,. . ,uf u.ih"i. f.-sr iiu hl. Ii c i'i. 1 I .. I t I .4 -i . I t I m the Ml.tli! ofllin iiioiiltf Iiiui l.ill Ii- ,u it. I tlio l i. nm nl ihlmi il "' ' n It irt i.l i 'Ji-rl ,il fnui uit.9 rilionliil ti p tin ft I.l t dr t.lt'iii iillfriiij.'. I'V ' n- I ,111 uoirif tram ini"llf us Vi Irr I-1 ' i-li lll,-n!rii Or. Joliitrt.i t'-dS"" 1 r s- ro Hit uioiil otivi l I'lli- rirrrti.' hi d ti'iv" ineiico in t'f nri iinpiirii rd II .1 , . nt.1 tHf no I "tpi Ii til I 1 iin-iu ,, ii,. cult riiiiiiiifiiii) ri 1 nititil' III. I It-,'iru to Hie iinlmt 11 utt viceou "I lht ot VlurJiVnzr ,VoiV.' 1 iir J -j ',';. ail llinsn nun lisvr InJ'irrd tlirm ivi'f iiv 1 .n- -111 1 1 uiiiroiM'r 1 tiutiiji'nret, mi c )1 iho nut mui juelji.il rflVrn ..., , v.-.r'y t-.V.Iti. ..I ).f,!h. ,l Wi'likni ir'y lutdln i.l )f!h. Ml Wi'Ukni ri ol I .mil., cain m thn iimd. iiiiiiue,t 1 Uii..i,. 11. . 1 rn... . 1 t-i 11..C a 1.1 j ijhl 1. s rieiirt i).i"iisirt, N.'rv lis irrjuiiliiy, 11-r.iim-iiifiii I 112 -stlvo ritnciiotis.tieiiL-r.ll Ufbiluy.synititnuis t . .million. 4. nfliie In oft r, m . . .1 . 1 1 11 u ,1-i.ii.ii H,rcrii, upon me ml 11. 1 mo iniicli to hodri. 1 led, l.o'S .:! Mini, rr, l.'oulii.ioii ol I ii'oi-i ,,'iiii-si.i.i ni iitu .-inns, Ljvii rori'i.oaiuc. 1 .tvernonof.'ocle.s..Tllflll . .c. are sor.te tflhecvlls ! ''Vhouiaiil. of persons nf all nges ran now Ju.lee ' wiuilsin-caiiioofi rir di-cliiinu henlih t.'.oiins ! lh..rvljor.bce ii.,liZweak pHi-iTidiiu.-ieined, Initi.J loniiorViiT:; 4)r. Johnston's Invigorating Ilcmcily for unpinic u rafc-ess, nv tins great nod iniporiant rcitciiy, vraknesnrilii' orsoisaru tpHiMily eiiint. nnlfii. viitor rt'btoie.l. Th 1 iMndstif i!m iiiii.t nerv mi, nod del.ilttit.l, win. In 1 1 1st nil hope, navii li..eii Iiiiiii..iIi:ii,.v rell,-v,-d Ml l.npi'di metis in Vl-itri ige i'tiysit-ul ua.i Altnlal IJisqu.i. ille 41 ,11, ,i 'rvous ( rnt tin lily. Tr 1,'iiics ami We.ik- lie.l, ur etUail-llnil olllic tti.i.l loarl.il ki.ij, sueeJily cured by Uot tor Joiouinn Yuhhs Men Sltn h,.. Inl,....l .i...,..,l..A- - ....!.. jn-biiioii in when ,iiono-i iniiii (ri'iueiuiy ii..irmd ' r rum vilo.iuip tin 0 us, or a I crbotil tliu iileris nrwhirh nro illahtly l-lt, uveu wihii r.slr-p, and if l.ot cured renters m 11 r I uo im lossihle, -in.l d.,9troys built uiiiid du.I h.nly, rl.iitild ni.ply iinmedj-jti'ly 4 n pi ly 1 mil u vn 11 tl tx 111.111. 1110 lliipe 01 III w ton n try an I th darling nf ins parents shoui i h.i suaicht-ti irura uu pro-p-Tis ,-ni.i enjoyments 01 uie ny llio ruuc tun-res m iipviaimyrin.11 thn ruh ofr..nurV, sr.i n- j eoiiteiiipiaiinj I uuiainj in uceitniit set ret nan it, tsuca r.urson bcioru t Marriage anouni rcltect ibai a .omul mind nnd bo-'ysre ihf mo. i Itf ei Sl-Jrv ree.llsillesln tiroi.ii, i. ennunliLiI l,nnnl,i..i IrdceJ.wnho.it tne.se .the journey llirouah Itlfliicoiiies i e wenryp.ijrininse. the prispeei hourly diti.cn. m the slo'v; the mind In cones sh.idiiwrd with de.prir and lilted wllllllie melancholy reflection Ih.n tho liopincis i,rnnoitierlieeo'oes blljliled with our own. 1 0(Ticr.No.7!'nuTii cti:nnnit:Kar.,j;aiilior...vf Tf. U, LctJio felts mnlestv pil-vrlitoti,liiil nppljim mediately either pelf o tallv or bv leiler. SKIH nlSIJAim-l SlMiKUILV CURCD. Ib Strangers. Thonany t'lonrr.-ils cdr'd atthis inti'.tuiion tvlth'n Ihe Utt IS years ml the numeruus nnpurtnnt titra:r-il Cparaiions performed by i)r . Joiin.ion, wiiue.scd by llto reporlersol Ills patiors and many olher por.oin.no tleesofwhiRh have sppeared aain and nfflin helore the dublic, besliiss rls standing ns n sentleman nf clia racieranii resronsininty, is a sumcieni guaraiuee the aiHicted, 1 Take i ottee. ?l.n. Tlieraare so many ignorant and worthless tluaeks advertising tlieniselves Chy.iclans, ruining ' the health ol tho alrondy udlieted, ihtit nr. iohnrton j deemsit necessary lossy, espcrislly to those unac. quainted with Ills reputation, that his credentials and diplomas nlways banc in Ills ofTice. I itr'l'sKC Notice. Allletters mn.t bepostpnid. and eomaiii n postaze stamp for tho teply, or itounswert bewiilsent . ,nuarly 7 1857. . -ry -pj y t. T"j i FALL ILtDITiaU S3 'jiliu UiiU';riaHfU. gFtUVim lui pa i'Uitiu.igr, try J pfrtiully tnfhrma I it a ct totitera nnd the nub 15 "MIB undflrsijitipd, gnuofnl fur pait patronage, try r. iieraMv, iha; he ti.-,-Jutt rrrc.vpd from lb Jlaitern citl'i, the tarcett aun moil fdict stock cf FALL AND WINTKIt CLOTHING, Th-lt has yet been opened in lllnoinsliurjr. In which ho Invites Hut (illoniioit of Ins Iricnds, and otrurct them Uiat iheynru oilerea lor 3'p ot srent kueiins. His btock comprises a utt;c iis-otinieni of Gentlemen's AYcaring Apparel, Consistint or rABIIIONADIX nUCMB COATS, ol every thiecription; Cants Veils, tsnirls. Ciavats, tf.Ucf,s.Co,.u,, l.,dketcl,ler..OI ,f s, Huspendets, e.c. tioW II atehes and Jiucliil. Of every iles'rlpll.in fine nnd cheap Calland.eo. No eharce for esajninini fji..ils N II lieilieliil.fr Mirra&.rff'j t Ami, twsjelllsi r.Al, in ii,; I., a ( nAvm i,oiVfNr.r.r.o 1 BtcoTsVjrf , Auj 27, If: 8U13SS BE6!&IDOT Mml Shnnn IWr the crou ron, Anil till ill w irlii cfi lie i No ihi're' h chim (or pvtfv one, A lid th,r,'i n cion f-r in. Ym -id i' atr.-n on Cilrnrf, 1 TIi rough nlitili.by mini, ton Crown I tot j To me 'til pat d ru brining. Ulil liul' tueCrui for mot How hippy or? lh unlnli nbnve. Who onr went tuniirrinjt hrrti ; Hut untv ihy inFtc uiiiiiliiicd love A lid Jo) without a t'-ar Vn-tiuif-ri l.iv- wiM dry the tenr. Ami ctot out all inrnicntlns fear Which i oil ltd my hfuri UtMiugltigj Oh I tluifn Hie Iovb 'or hip Cli I iIm i tliu lova Tor met W'll If or the eomeeriite HUnn, Till from the Crn we're free i And thm R' h'imd li wear I h Crown. I'or thnn-'p n i rm n lor mp. V"l liicre'rt n Crown In llraven nl ovc, The furrhaf tfn.y Pimour'n lovn For m.ii h.s nppcnni-tg J Oil' tlwl'MUfOrnwurir rtf Oil 1 thm'i the Crown f. - rod Tit Church hai hprd the mMnlgM cry. The l.of'l will snon npp-nt ; Yi Vlrglnffrii with Ml ruing lamps Goiift (Mm In the air Vii ili'Tf'n a ioupr In Ifrnvi'n prcpnred- A h'nue in) wifkcil iij,iu rintli sliarcd, U lit ii Cli'ht fi Itittn fdii f : On I tli a' i lie homu for nm Oli I lliat'4 iliu tiomf fot nut Tho Value of a Good Wifo. A SERMON PUEACIIKD IN PINE ST. CHURCH, rillLADri.rillA, ON TIIK BUI.PI-.X DEATH or a ixmale ME.Miiut cf itu. cuuttcn. i BV REV. TI10.MAS IIRAINr.ttU. D. I) u The heart of her hmhatvt do'h safely trust in her. So that he s,,,1 hiteuo need 0 spoil - -I'uov. xxxi ,11. The richest Mes.-inas are net ahvavs Iho j moH obviod-. It is tho hidden moi-turo j which rcfrcslws the Qower. It is the hid- I den spring which supplies the well. It is I tl)0 uutriniClit buried in the earth which I f ds filrM of iQ tiQ a( , fln(j . , , . ... ' , thus uovclopi the uounbliing prope ami the bhndy oak, 1 he noisy cataract is not so i,rt w: it bcuclicen as ttio gentle nil that glides .:,i 1 : t, . i... t "'luiit.ii mui iiiui , ,iuu n -.1.-1. nuunii i,j the lively green of in border, and tho (lowers which drrlt its meandering eourso. tr. ti.j lightning's fl i'sh thoio U viMimiiy, but in u?cfnltic39 it yields ti the gentle taper tint light up a c-ittugn evening. Mankind nro tnoved by cxhitii ions i f power. They are aff.jc'cd by sntiul cliauscs, whicli leave tlicir " nnr. in tho world. etico ilu-v p.iitsa t maralizd oyer the death of stat snjon and licrcs nvtr scholars and millionaires tut few , . , . , , , . , Invo ever oovotcd t'.mo .l lllOU"ht ami . ' . . . . eulogy to marls tiioir estim ti! ot too value good wiic U good mother -a good Worn ID. In this rcpneot, S3 ill IU f.' Cithers thJ . Inblo is in auv.incr) 1 f Iiumar wisdom, mid , .111. above human a;iiitudo and lendct-'i'V. U ' selects for its mod elaborate, carefully 111 , . , , , wcrdtd and cmpliatin culotry the doniest'O ,.gy 1 . p . 1 i 1 . VirllK'S Ct 0 laltlllUl WltC a d mutlier. As t 1 . c 1 i . .1 1 tUO llllt Ot hORlO IS nlmOat the 0111V radl nnl;e which I'llCOli tho d.trkllc's of C.al'a . ,..1,1 , t.-,. (3 ,1. .,. .:i . OUtltlV lot, King bolomrn turtlS aildo to I pronounce a bcuetticlion it on tier a benediction u, on her who ; presides as a guardian angel at tho nltar. I'nere was sufficient reason lor this. What are tho oii'side revelling of ploauro worth to him who is compelled to return to a filthy and disordered Inuio ? What is fame worth to him who meets discord and reproach at his own door and hi- own ' chamber ? Wh it can wealth do for him whoio household is devoid of tasto, order I'lntcan the admiration and comfort I Wh of a crowd avail to him whoso own firesido . , ., .... Ss hcartlcsj and dcsol to ? , .. .... .... is it not womlcrlul, then, that tho wisest ne ,nnn rrim. Sil,i.,,.,ii ..uiuiin ii.;n nf mon Kinr. Ml....,.. ....jt,,, .tin . iliinrra ' " ' of Itioie rn.il irlim ol,-,,.l.1 al. i Vl.rt nn, , ..... . .1 1 . hntl a virtuom woman: for her tiiico is tar lutcrobt or tiioir employment. , ,. , 1 . . , , , aboVO rtlbieS. ' II 3 WO CailUOt LiW.,ys give DOVcItV Ulll , . ... . . Jilsewhcro tt is raid, A piudent wifo 11 interest to our oniiversatiou ; as wo cannot from tbo Lord,' aud tho gift is worthy of always make it for the interest, cOnveui the giver. enco, and pleasure of our friends t adhere The test, spcaki .g of surh a if", says ' I ho heait ol her husband d th safe v trust in her.' Thcro u a peculiarity iu this language. Ordinarily it is the effico ...it. ,,. ... fi.tA..M U UIVIUU 1IUIU IU 1VU 'HUll UUl IU IUUUIIUU in caithly hlcssins. Thus it is said : ' Ho that trusteth in Ms owa heart is a f ol ' 'Trust nt in mau whoso breath is in his nostrils.' ' I'ut not your tru-t iu princes." ' Trust not in uncortain riches.' . Human friendships "ic treacherous. Wealth is too cold to fill o warm heart. Fino hangs . nn ft tirontti nf nir nnil iinmnt ami imps. - - i o ' rises ami falls, by the caprices of a crowd, , LrOU ordiiiarilv rnnrosonta all cartblv thtl)'a 1 as Vanity, j unt in Iho text ho seems to make an I , , . , cxccpttou in favor of a virtuous wuiiun ' . - , , . . . , ol a truo and faun ul wile, IIo says: 'tho , iicart 0t her husband do Ii safely trust in . , I Iter. , h , , 1 ... ' 1 SUCU ft Wile I . rr . . . - ... 1 J,e ma'J lrllsl '' "er UTlSeillSn, anil permanent aiicction. I say it with rover enco. God o.ivcts tho hvo of his creatures i I Who U it that gives caro to tho noal and man, mado in 0043 imago, craves tho I nes3t order and tidiness of our dwellings, lovo of others, as csscntiil to his own hap- our halls, our parlor, our chamhors 1 Who piness. Tlio man who rxpects nmo is a is it'that conaulta cur tastes, our affinities, child of do.fiir. There may ho hearts so (0ur rejiclku-es, and so regulate our ta frozon by seltiihneM, or os-iiiied by prido blc3 our couches, our apparel, as to minis and ogo ism, or pirnlyzed by disapp int ! tcr to our c unlort I went, as to bo in iffcront to affection, j Who is it that supplies our lack of iuter But these arc icebergs drif inj in dark, j 09t in ordinary thing, and sends us out ness, on Polar seas; cold, barren, desolate, Iu them no treo or shrub plants a r-ot: no 1 Uowcr sheds Us fiagranco there. No mel- f odyof living joy U chanted there. God 1 focud that it was not good for man to be 1 nlnuc, chlcQy because bo nocdcJ tho con J ecious bffection of a fcuialo heart, to soften j tho nspcritirs of liia own, and tui:e glvo ( o.iinplctONCia to his being, j In tho deep full nff ction of a vifo'i I heart, tho husband finds thr.t nppre iatiou ' nnd interoat which nlinost overy soul covets. I This slimuliles his enterprise;. This nuke? him bravo io peril. Thw elisors his haid labor. This "'omforts him under ir ritation, rdandcr. rcnriach, iu tho outside 'world. 'I o utset thh craviur of man wo j man is d.ipteil. She is not ambitious of , wealth or f.tno, Sho shrinkB from nrent chan or great penis t-hc is no, Sited fup .1.. slTn.,h,M nf fnr,m, ,1 !,, r , 7. " ' '. . artinor the iJtiors ot tbo tieltl. Iter home j is her earthly Heaven: and sho holds a loving heart t . cheer him, ti Lhom Qod I,a3e'"r0n " amMtinn, a deeper era viog of car h s1 wcalih a stronger arm and "'S1'" couraje-. bj'el. by ordimnco of Q id and ,uc of ,l10 ,aud 10 "torncr will tl,an Lcr 05vn ! fl, ia ftruisheil with a wual 11 01 '"ccttnn wtitcli makes Iter bur den of tub rdinmon light, and melts and moulds 1 1 tenderness the controller, of her destiny. '1 -m loved at h mo,' says the husbtnd ot tho son: and this thought nerves bis j principle in the lrur of to 1 ptation, and, gives solace to hardships on tho land or on itlc lo".o a.i,. j The reasures of a wife's affection, like tho grjco rf tiod, is giveu, not bitigh1. 0 ..Id is power. It on sweep do v 11 loreots, rai 0 cities, build roads and deck houses. 1 It c.111 collect troop i f b.i'.frb-i, and in- .-piro avvo and fo.rj tut alas wealth can never pLichtse love. ! tmparte eastyud 1 10 subjugation of Kuropc under tho inllu ence of a gcius almost inspiicd 111 m bitlon iusiliable and backed by millions ol armed men. Ho almojt succeeded in sw.iying Ills tceptro from the straitiof Do ver to ike Mediterranean ; From the Day of liiscay to the S.-a of A7.01T. I'll many lloody field his bauuer floated in triumph but you will nil hi-ar wit"0S3 that, his gro test conquest was the uubought hsart of Josephino his sweetest and most pr co less treasure, her oui'rngcd but unchanged lqvi'. If men Ijavo failed to estimate the affection of a truo beat ted wife, ho will bo likely to mark tho value in hi loss, when the heart which loved him is stilled bv '''llb- , II. The heait of her husband dctlt safely trust ia a faithful wife Jor compaii , '''. 1 u0 family relation gives retirement with.. nit bolitude, aud society without tho rough intiu-ion ol the woild It plants in tuu husband's dwelling a friend who can 1,oar ui,J " luuco with ut -,vo rinesn who ..T- ... i c,ln appro, lato his repetition ol events . t.. :. . . i .1 , 1 . only important as they aro embalm-d in .1 . 1 . " ncari,. I'ouimcm Iriends aro linked to its Iiv a slender tlnond. u hv a slender thioad. H'u must ret iln ..... ttlCUl I V Ulllllaterill ' III HOIltit teav tn flll-ir t U9 113 we aro liable to those paouni ry and social vijissitudes which may tax their patience or their purse, our ordinary friends, lic suniuier birds, aro liablo to nnmn nnil ,.n in tin ii rlnf iil.nn .p.i ti.,Lt - - pi'l mvw ,,,i.i. , u .ii'.a need -ymp ithy, and abs.'iit and iu lilfcr cut; when we most need their sjppjrt. Vth't a luxury it is fur a mxn to fool that in his own homo there is a true and mTeo ionato being, in whoso pro?eneo ho may throw off icstraint without dauger to his dignity; may onnfldo without tho fear of t o dUicry; und bo sitk or unfortunato with out being abandoned. If in the outward world ho grows weary of human selfishness, his heart cau salcly tru-t in tie whose soul j earns for his hap piucss U'.d.choMi indulgence overlooks his defeo.s. Ho wonder ho a iys : '. '.Vy every earn.ly Juy to blind . And lauinoiii '.e nn lifo , Give nm a true and tender friend, j Ai.dbe thil Irieudmy ll,, ! III. The htart of her husbind doth ... . ... sajtlll irUSllli a JilUHJUl tew jor nf ro- ii7 conifori. into society prepared to meet tho claims j 0f rjcccncy, (asto and propriety 1 Who, Carcs fnr our appetites atjd swelters in hoa od kilchcr.s fir nur indulgence ; and oltcn, unthar.luu and unblessed, plies the needle, in tho lotic evening far our beneSi ? Wlin is it lint schemes by a rigid econ omy to got tho most clcginco and comfort from the bust tns on our incomes I Who furnishes the ready pin, the nmliin, tho band ago fnv our wounds, tho cup for our Ihirat. tho friction for our aching head, the medicine for our pjins! What miaul of tnuroy is it that wa'choi by our tick pillow, bears all our complaints and irritations, a d tnjves with muffled step whcU v?o hi umber. T!;e assiduities of a faithful wifo aro so common, so various, 30 i heerful, so t ictr. KCijgi luat husbands aro likely to regard , ,7 , ... "cr ,,'DUUC-i3 us l"eS " "1U sum'S"' a ihn.lcwsof heaven, nutters of t'oursn. In bu icceivcd without gratitude. BiA the can,t ucy wlii oil make, 'hem faiaili ir, to a I rightly co&stiiuted miud, deepen the sense ' of obligation. While tho husband sifely trails in tho comp.ui.jii of h'n years for , his personal co:uf rts, tlio has a right to expe t that her bcuuDeenco shall bo appre ciated. If n:t, he ill bo likely to C.d her I vvorth in her loss, Her absence or death is, to a little world ot home, like, the loss i0f the glowing sun, which alone protects j oar f,.,, f;i!: C0rnal darkucis and frost. j -.. SiiAtir but 'Oii:AttY.' A couple of youths, tbout IS jenrs old, Int for the prc?cnt mmtless, v. ho had been loraging nliut tlto dlicvfc ( iillln jiiirri eu lor soma time, took into their he-ids on V outlay last that, they could make better u?o of their talents, :tti 1 having hoard that the toll-g'ite li ue on tho Within. too turnpike was vieant, concluded they would try their Imuda at toll collecting, and pv-radventuro make a laiso. Accordingly, they repaired to tho s-ei.o cf .etiun, entered tho house, swept it up, cpread a piece r caipet, huug out the rates of toll, aud ostiblishcd them telves. In a very fchort lime a mill camo along with a drovo of shp, from which they mado a collection without much difficulty, and they might have realized more in the simo way, hut such unexpected sueocs quite satisfied them fur tho present and they suspctided, in order to invest their capital. Ono ol tho youths, tho elder, coutinucd his travels into the couutrv for a 1 1 iad of walnuts, the other earae to town forthwith, and sinking his shiro of the 1 nroceeds sad to hav in bad wbiskov. j towards evi uiug wo saw hitn surrounded , with urchins, detd drunk, ttnaldn to stand alono and his mother hclpiug him home, whetc a stomach pump had to bu brought ! into requiMticn, in order to tavo bis life, I The paieuts of the hoys should attend to , them or they will certainly oomo to evil , end?, and tho att hori iosshould lay a heavy ' hand ou the wretch whoever ho was, that i,. cnl-I tho whiskey. Wcllsburgh (!'a.) . , , Herald, Gocu roil S.lMno-An old farmer who feared neither God nor msu, had hired a , , . . c s devout nc-tro, and to et some Sunday fcvv nuiiv uuv ,ii uiiii, uu wuui'i aiiYiis piaii . case ot "ucj(ity" ou Saturday, aud on Sunday would put that piint to tho man's c.iUK'ieiKo. Ouo moruiti' old Sambo lit 1 proved refructery ; ho would "work 110 moro 011 undiiys." 'i he master then ar- gucd with him that it was a "ciso of ne cessity ; the scriptures allowed a man to s . . . , , sanuath ua a ,.f', " ' . get out f a pit on tho bcua that had fallen in." rejoined tin- b'ack, "hut not if he spend Saturday in diggiug do pie for do very purpose" JSSr 'Well," caid Lis honor ti an old ucgro.who had been hauled up for stealing a pullet, "What Invo you to t-ay for your- sell I ' "Nuflirj, but did, boss; I was cr.zy as a bedbug when 1 etolo dat ar pullet ; co I might h b stole ho bi,' rooater, aud neber dono it, Dat shows 'clusirely d.it I was laboring under do delirium tremendous." "Tis stranso," muttered a yiung j man as ho staggered homo Irom a supper party, ' how evil commuuicaiions corrupt good manners. I'vo boon surrounded by , tumblers all tho ovooiug, and now I'm a, i tum'der mycelf. ' HYMN For Christmas EVO. j i:.f of thn morn our Clirlit wat bfm. A btl-iMii ntlioii?m'. manieer .lfplnKl l!v8 of llii nlRlit tvlin. tinv lily Dalit llltim. a wniM it. f.til "Vreplhtf i Kv tfilic day, wlien rnrawnv, In f.t'lilj Hliori' lonely fhpliTJ" United, An niiKpr Mnnl, of m'n w.i tiinril l'o sprcait Ilia Joy Irom llraven descended. Aiiln wi lull ihn wondrous lata. 'IN" nmulo licritiiiiiili fi'reil recelvlnf 1 ll'otv to (Iciivi'ii, tlio lilgtir.t nlven, And eurn unto IIip rjrlli bilievliilt ' IVnco and uniMlwlll.lo morula ' .till Tin) nil voire thn tilth eortli la crying, Illrpliko, ri Ofn llio ram of mrn lUard vjirrellio Itravcn-boni cliiltTal lyins. Tin; nielil Is rnld, ilia yi-ir I. old, Tlio pulmi of Time is healluc; sionly ; llut Clirlflinas elteer, to tiinlit i near, And liriMrnns iIioiikIiIi ar high and Italy ; Vu wf ep no ifars fur dytnff jenrp ; tin lltcirs of ltf 1L0 roninion story : nut Etvn to tiiith, eit-rnal youth And erownlts natal day rritli gUty. Tlt'i harlh Is wmn, ttiou-th fi'rco wiih stoinr, Tho liillr wind tvilliout is Mouln? , For Cltrlstiuis iiittii's tho tropic cltutu, 01 Itcnrls r-ith rltccrful liouini) filownic ; Tht wittier crkvrs o'er wilherrd lenvi's, And leafless Irtucltea rish and itiitcr ; Hut tri'en .hull bit our t'liristtui. TreCi And beautiful 111 fttiih forever. Daniel Boou. Of all men saving Scylla tho mftn-slavrr, Who .as.cii for In lile and death most lucky, 01 thir great nuncs which in our laces stare, Tho General Uoon, laekwoodstnan or Kentucky. Was happiest in life and dsatl: lie. Tor ki'llng nothing bill n hear or buck tie, Ktijiytd liio lonely, vieorousi liarmless davs Of Ilia old dots in the wilds ot deepest maze. So says Byron j Bancroft gives tho following sketch of tho Kentucky patri arch : In his peaceful habitation on tho banks j of the Yadakin river, in North Carolina, Daniel Boon, the illustrious hunter, had heard Finley, a trader, so memorablo cs the pioneer, describe a tract of laud west of Virginia, as the richest in North Aineri oj, or iu tho world. In May, 1079, leaving his wife and offspring, having Finley as his pilot, end four others as his companions, the young man of about three and twenty wandered through tho wilderness of A mciiea, -'in quest of the country of Ken tuclcy," krown to t e lavages os " the Dark ncd Bloody Ground," 'tho Middle Grouud,' between tho subjects of the Five Nati U3 aud tlio Cherokee. After a long nnil fiit guing jcurney through mountain ranges, the ptrty found thcmsclvp in June on 'h'j lied Bank, a tributary to ths Ken tucky, and from the top of an cmineuco surveyed with- dcli.ht tho beautiful t-lain th.i' stretched to the northvcs'. Here they built tlicir shelter and bor'an to reeonnoiter and to hunt. All the kinds of mid beasts that were uatur il to Vjnerica tbo stately elk. the tir.ii deer, tho aailored Ding, the wild cat, tha boar, tho pauher, and wolf crouched among tho canes, or roamed over tho iie'11 grasses, wbich, even beneath -he thickest bhades, sr.ang lusuriautly out of the generous soil. Tho buffaloes cropped fearlessly tho herbago or browsed on th leaves of tho reed, and were more frequent than ca.tlo iu a settlement of Carolina herdsmen. Sometimes there wcro hundreds in a drove, an.d round the salt licks their number was ama;iucr. The Summer iu which for the first time lot'tuc, or bo roasted to death 1 By tho a party of whito men enjoyed tho brilliancy. ' litter process j because a hot steake (steak) cf uaturo near and in tho valley of Elkhorn, j is bettor tUa" a cold cll0P passed away in tl)0 occupations of exploring tgrStrict Oo'flructionict. -Boi ;Yeu parties aud tho oiiass. But ono by. ono i0"'' l .to ,fca7 "uyvocd, du you? , i ' i jt .-n i I Quaker brietid, thee brat tellest a ho Boon s companions dropped off, till ho was ,, ,,, . I ,, ,.,. ' ' ' . onu then thec aaketh a question, left alono widi John Stewart. Thoy jointly i . , , , , . , . i ,. , . ,i i r tS!rA hdy cocsulted fat. brancis, nf f und unceasing delight in the wenders of; Sa on thofawfulooS3 of usi r ; tho forest, till one evening pear tho Ken- , iiviiy." said he, "some pious men obiect lucky, river, they were taken prisoners by j a 0f infliana wanderers like j scjv09i They escaped and wero jo'u them- They escaped and wero ioined bv Boon's brother ; so that when Stewart was Uoon after killed by savage, tha Grit victim I . .. .. ... ' ,l,m0,!? w ieea oinbot-whito men slain by ! 'boa, " ' '.c,r desperate battling for the 1 lovely hunting ground, IJsou Mill had his 1 , . , !,-.. J,I, ,!, .1 .,.! ' Mtuvuui iu BiiMig nun 111111 mu uuiwsn nun allraotions of the wilderness, thoy building and occupying tho first cottago in Kca- sygky . A t .i.l .1 In the spring of 1770, that brother re- turned to tho settlements for horses and ,. e . t .1 supplies of nmmuniU..r.s, leaving the re nowuod hunter "by Limsclf, without bread, I or salt, or sugar, or oven a horso or dog." . of boo .. anxi j hi3sufcty"tiugcdhisthoughtsY7ith sadness; but otherwise the cheerful, meditativo man, careless cf wealth, knowing tho use cf the . . i , , , . , rifle, not tho plough, of ti strong, robust Uramc.iu the vigorous ho ibh of early man j 0CMj ignorant of books, but versed in tho toml and forest life, even fond of tracking J tho deer on foot away from men, yot in his ' disposi ion, humane, generous and gentle, was I'TPy i" 'bo uninterrupted mcccssion of' "ylvan pleasmo." Ono calm summer's evening, as ho climbed a commanding ridge, and looked upon tho remote " venerable mountains," and tho nearor ample plains, ho oaajbt s glimpse iu tha distance of tho Ohio, which , boundod tho land of his affections with ' magio grandure, his heart exulted in the ' rogion ho had discovered. " All things -n trn b-iII." Not n Ico wero oII. " Not a IfccJ" so much sa shook a leaf, IIo kindled a Uru uear a loin of a buck, Ho was no moro alono than a bee among Qowors, but oommuned fimiliarly with the vnclo universe ol lifo. Nature was his intimate, and as the rsving woodsman leaned ranfidiogly on Iter bosom, sho responded to bis intclli- j Ecnee- j Ii'iir liiln llio risotl soil fnnnhlin.S. tllft " .wk'- ( 1 , f loaf and the blades of grass, bad life j the !.t. .1.. ..ill r ' coonug utr taueu vviiu me uu pei.uun;, camo to him as a friend j tho dewy morn-; ing wrapped him in its cmbraco ; tho tree? stood up gloriously around about him as so many myriads of companions. All wcro tho eh .racier of eesign or peril, liut how could ho be afraid 1 Triumphing over dan- ger, ho knew 110 fear. Tho perpetual howl 1 j ing ofthe wolves by tiighi round hi3coltago or hi? bivouac iu tho brake, was h'n di- j ne;,ij a gentleman of cxteusivo information version? alid by .day ho had joy in sur- .ani well .acquainted with tho leading vcying the various species cf animals tint moiatcrs cf tho democratic piny, tho surrouuded him. He lotcd tho solitude 1 principles of which ha lus for years beou belter than Iho towered city or the hum 0 an able defender. Iu tin?, however, likp busincK. most editor's, but little has been dono for Near tho end of July, 1770, bis faithful hinnclf, and h'n friends now ask th.t ho brother camo btck to meet him at the old may receive this mark of resjiect for services camp. Shortly after they proceeded to rendered to iho good cause. Cumberland river, giving names to thai The writor of this nrticlo has scon mush different waters, and ho then returned to ll!tl fo antl children, fixed in his purpose at the risk of hislifeand foriunoio biing them r.3 soon as possiblo to live in Ken tucky, which ho esteemed as a eoeond 1'aradise. assysaox-g-mag3ar--ji.-ji?su bite anD (Bxibs. A miss is as good as a wilo of old wo men. 83It is a god head of hair that has uo turning. rurTlicro aro as fine bulls in Irclind as ever came out of it. r.".T Necessity tas n6 law, but r.n unc3C- mou number oi lawyers. fyllotter to look like a great fool, than be the groat lool you look. ttBfTho book keeper who fell from a column of figures, is still io a cr tical state j S-3-The sniof Huff jd was a natural. Uivatol s-iid of him, "IIo is iho worst chapter of his lathor's '2ulural History.' fiyfAn lri-h paper, describing a late .duel, says that ono of the combat mis was sho through tho fleshy part of I ho thigh bone. " 1ST" A borrnwed horse and your own spurs mako short miles,1' is a Danish ren dering of a rather universal practioa. ISyWhy i3 n pen.makcr tho most dis honest man iu the world I Beeauso ho makes people steel pens, and says they dq write. Cffl-Why is a lady's hair liko tl:6 latest news 1 Because iu the morning it 13 fouud ia the papers. US-Would vou rather die bv tho cuil- ' to it; clhers eco no harm in it; I will hold a'middlo cour.-c, and allow you to U'o it 011 "c cucl;K ! t3?It seems that the French lanjjunc I fl000 moro words tluu tho English'. Unon this faot beinr ninnttoned tc a ntiv & taiJ) Wclli v nM h mMt them all, for the French talk ever so much more thdn wedo. , t2f 'Did the defendant acprbach the plaintiff's scriatem (' inquired an attorney i a caso of assault and battery, the other ' day. ''No, sir-ec," was tho reply, "ho 1 wcut 'e with a porker." 1 , ran aaminmratcr on tue cs ato ot a deceased femalo in New Hampabirc, ad- ycrtise3 for salo at auction..Vho wear- ing apparel of Mrs. A 0- -, deccas- ed, consisting of one bed, two carpets, and CDo sleigh." ' 5"A rather thick-headed witness in 1110 P0!lco court at M. '-wis was asteu ,b? I1,03''01! ,0flb- th.f Pn1- nC0U5e? ''Stood on ihe defessivo." He innocently rr-rdicd. "ho stood on a bench." KSrPr. f'toco, of Now Orleans, rpcak ing of yellow fever, says "Tho fovor has a certain oourso to run. Keep the patient from dying, and ho'll get well.'' 'JLhcre'B wisdom for you, tajr"Havo you anything clso old t" said an English lady at Rome Io u boy, of vnom 6iio uau Dougut somo moderuan- que . os, sa d the young urcBrn Jfor a mango, and, as ho ro l ed it, along, it thrusting forward his hat, which had soon f0ii ;. fl nia, of ,.,. s mo dozen summer, mV i. i. nin t 1011 1010 a T11'0 klss-mtsjes-a spscien Iho lady rewarded hts wit. C Of all tho mean and contemptible men or persons calling themselves men iu this world, ho that suoakes through lifo on tip-too, with his ear at tho kt-yholo of everybody's business except bio own, is the most to bo detested . Fur the Columbia Democrat. I tee tho name of Col. j0i,n ji, iSl 0f (ije Milton Democrat, mentioned as a proper person to be elected Sehokant-at Amis of tlio Sontito or this gtat0i yQXl jiermit U0, through 'tho columns of your paper, to say I bavekDown tho Col. lon, :.nd know him well, 'J liia !,t. it. 1 i...1-,- bguuuviiuii mui luu i;juiUJiiUU litHj uiiuti wUh his apprcnticoehip in tho office- . .. . V. 0l ti10 jjjcomtflg U.iZCttC, When tUC prCEODt Governor elect, Gen. I'-tcker, wss t!i3 editor. lie was afterwards a partner of aen. I'ackcr, in conda.-titig tho Gaicttc, and lua ever since montioned the o.luMooco tnrj cooj opinioa of hU fcrmer mister and cubsequout pattuer. This itself is no email recommendation. jut in addition, tha Cgl. bus every necessary qualification. of tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, and of courso has some knowledge of tho sort of man the ofnee referred to requires; and from this knowledge feels warranted In saying, that few men can bo found sc pe culiarly Cited for it as Col. Eck. Hi fine ten'ccl appoaranco nnd address, together with his popular manner?, all paint him out as tho proper person for tho place. A DEMOCRAT. tiST God hss writton upon tho (lowers that sweeten the air upon tho breeze that rocki tho Cowcr3 upon the stem upon tho rain ilrnp th .t rcftcslics the sprig of moss tint lifts it head in the desert upoi. every pencilled sheet lhat sleeps in tho caverns of the deep, co le.-s thin upon iho mighty sun that t arnt3 and chcer3 millions of creatures whieh live in its light upon the works he has written, "Nouc livetb for himself." cerThellev. Dr. B , of Philadel- phta, is noted for brief, sententious saying in tho pulpit and out of it. As ho was coming dawn Cncsuut strcotthe other day, a gentleman a3l;cd hmi, ".ir, can you tell mo how to find tho Sheriffs office I" 'Yes, sir," was the reply, "tvery time yw cum Jive-dolluis ;tnU ten!" Saying this, tho Doctor walked ou, leaving his questioner gaping upon the sidewalk, JSrShcridan, beiti,' on a parliament:.. ry committee, ono day entered tho room as all tho members were seated, and read? to commence busiue-s; potcciving no empty seat, l,o bowed, and loolitD,; rouud the ta ble with a droll expression of eouutcuinoo, said. "Will any gentleman f.ws that I mar tako theckair !' ' ' 2ir&-ISiddy, bring mc some wit." 'Suro and I. will, your rivereoce.t' Forthwith appeared Biddy with tco ar- ticlo in her baud. Said tho master. "Xovi r again bring me anythi- giu your hand. You thould have brought it oa a plats " The evening meal bcin? orer, tho bell was again rung, and, the iaiihful domestis itistiitly appeared. l want my slippers JJi'Jdy went, atid returned. hAI ri tin her hand a plate, upon which were tho prist's slippers I ff"Ccusii) Charlie !Just fancy iehi' people are saying!" ' Ciptiin Charlie "Well Sueio." Oousiu "That that you and I erj rjoing a a to be married 1" Charlie with presence of mind) ."A never mind, Susie, Wc kuorr better no are not so fcolishl" Consider ATi:, A hatter iu one of tho fc f h r ; - ' . ,.,V1 , . 'Ju ' . Vhat 13 l!ie m1uo of largs cities prcsen'ed a clergyman with a this bat!" b nskcd. "Ton dollars." "That is a high price." "It is a present, tnd I cover raako a po r one." - "Won't you tnako ac ezcharirel" "I migbf" b ''Well, I would not caro to make one, if you agree." "What do you propose I" "Well, this is too good and high-priced a hat for me, and I propose (hat you tako it back and give mo a five dollar hst and fivo dollars in cash." This rather staggered tho hatter, but b& agreed. 3TA lidy iu Calcutta asked a Uolo&ol ot grape. "How natural," obsurvetltho Colonel, "man-go;a to kiss-misses." A western editor expressed his delight at having been nearly called "honey' by the Ktrl ho lovee, because she 6alutad fcira as old "Bes0wax'' at their last mtctluj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers