Horso Stablos. Moat italics sro constructed in direct ' violation tt every law of naturo. They art mado to slopo from tho hay-reck, back to tho Loch of tho horse, when a horso'g natural position, is with tto forc-fect the lowest. Tho hay-rack w so high, tho horso ii compelled to rewli up to get tho hay. His natural position, Yfltilo feeding, is with his hcadJoivn to tho ground. Tho stalls aro bo ligb that ho cannot 'seo his companions, while ho is naturally grega rious and loves company. In tho stable bo stands on tho floor : naturally, on tho . vt - . eartii. in ma natural vilds lioia a racing unimftl 1 in itin sliMn 1m is c v.nf1nvl nnimai J in mo StaDlO UO 13 BO ConntlCU ho cannot lio down, and can scarcely turn himself. Is it not wonderful, then, that 'nearly every horso is unsound. Standing with tho fore-feet the highest, throws no woight and strain on tho flexor-'cnJumg, and destroyes tbo back, Turning tho noso unnaturally upward strains tho tendons of tbo neck whilo ho is eating ; and'is often, unquestionably tho cause of poll-evil. High and separata stalk destroy his natu ral social qualities, and makes him sour and morose ; and a hard plank floor, on which ho is doomed to stand for twenty and twenty-four hours at a time, will pro duce ring bono, 'Another defect in many sUblcs is, that they aro too tight, with a mow oT hay over them, 'I ho ammonia arising from the urino has no chance to escape ; tho horse is continually breathing it, it pone trates tbo hay, and ha is continually cat ing it, How oflou do wo cuter a stablo iu hot weather, when tho ammoDieal air is so repugnant that wo can scarcely breatho it ; and yet tho horso is compel led to stand in it, and breatho it, and oat his food which is completely saturated with it. Can wo wonder that tho -horse. is subject to unusual and acuto and fatal disease? It is more to be wondered that ho lives at all under such circumstan. cts. Hay should never bo placod over a stab.o, so as to receive the ammonical gas ; DUt stames suould bo ventilated above, so s to ict tne gas and foul air escape. Another error in tho construction of stables is tho openings for throwing out manuro ond ventilation. In most stables, the openings aro for two.fold purposes. In the first place, tho opeDiugs aro too low and allow the current (if air to blow on the horse. Tho effect is tbo same as a current of air on a human being, producing cold, fever, coujjh and consumption. Nor is this all ; tifs current of air which is all the good air the hor.o has, comes in from tho manuro heap, and is but adding more poisonous gass to that already ex isting. It is wrong morally, as well as econom ically wron?, thus to treat tho horso, ono of the best and noblest of the brute creation. Savk tiie Soot. This, though generally thrown into the street and wasted is ono of the best manures. It is extensively used in England, and when only 15 or SO bushels are applied to tho aero, it induocs Iho most luxuriant crops of wheat, and other grains. It contains, in small oom pass, almost til tho ingredients of the onal or wood used for fuel. It also contains several salts of ammonia, magnesia, limo and muriatio acid. Its components aro the natural food or stimulants of plants, and it can be used to great advantage as a concentrated fertilizer, to stimulate germi nating seeds in tho drill. It is not only jown broad-cast with tho grain but it is applied to tho root creps with tho best re sults. Potatoes and oarrots, especially, benefitted by it. Six quarts of soot to a hogshead of water make an excellent liquid manure for garden. It can bo applied with safety to all garden crops, and will pay well for saveing. In putting tho stoves, furnaces and fire-places in order for Win ter, bear itin miud, that sont is valuable, qnd will bo wanted for Spring use, Ono, two, three or more barrels can be saved easily in most families, especially where wood is burned. New Eably Grapes What we havo long needed, and much desired, is eomo variety of grapes as good as that of a favorite sort, tbo Isabella, and several weeks erlier, so that it would bo sure to ripen here in all seasons, in other than favored aspects, and in sections of our country further north, where tho summers aro not so warm nor so lung m i,ero, Thid desire seems now about to bo gratified. The Delaware, a boautiful, sweet, tii., n . . . r. -r flavoreU grape, was Shown by 0. Downing, i . ., - r, at tbo meeting of Iho iTUlt ( rowers, on si. tail ..lr r ,i i , tUO loth Ulf., perfectly npo, and BWCCt as . . , L . , , uy vuv vw,ti,4 nuu, iui. jv. miunuvu us i tbat tbo Iiabcllas, in tbo same situations, bad only began to color. Fino clusiers of tho Rebecca, a tine nbito grape, with a bade of amber, were also cxbibited at the uamo time. These did not, appear to bo fully ripo, though they wero sweet and fine flavored, and we bavo no doubt a week more would hare made tbem excellent, Both these varieties aro represented to ... , . , , ,, . . . , ave withstood cola that mnleriallv lmtirntl have kaa . . ... . . Isauelia. Wo rcocomnienu lUCSO Va- Ijucs wiiu commence, J. no pianis aro visw EiflreA nnrl ilrvnp. Tint voitTttn n vans Ar two we nope to see them eo cheap, as tone ... , V 1 TflthlU tbs roach of every lover Of good knt.-2lural JRto Yorker. I Of ill dliieiej the treat, ArtteauM Bjirini (rom ncglert or Nature'i lawi SUFFB NOT, WHEN ACURC IS OUAllANTEED in AM. tfrA'cJES OK SliOKET DISUASES, SelAMntt, Xerron DebUlln. Strltfru, Clint. Onnl, IltaUHi. nlieiull tt lis Kldnevi and Bladder. Mim rial iiktumatiim, berefuld, Pain tit the Ban end Jnkle. Vtteaietaf tk Lung, Tkrval, As and tyet, VUttt vdou tk Pod or Limb. Cancer Drop, It Itptlt Fitt, 41 Fita' Dan and alt dUtotet arlnng jrom m utrang imeni ins ?czvei urg an , Fucttae Nervous Ticmbllng, Loss of Memory. Loss ui ri.wer.ucner.i iveasucss. uiinness 01 visum wn peculiar tpols nmirarfngbclore tbo f yes Loss of Htlht, Waltctulne.c, livspepsia. Liver Disease, Feiipllons upon the Itro.rntu initio lock and heai. r'emalo Ir regularities and all Improper dlscl''ges front liolll saves. It matters not I turn what tauso me dlaeate originated, however long .landing or obrtinaie tho case, rrrersrf if itrmii ' ti,c ...uu u permanent cure enn lis" flit tril by "ny other treatment even alter llindl.ert.e lias l allied Hie skill of eruliiit physlrlana ami lesl.ted M tlielr means or cure. That laedlcihc. ar" pleasont without odor, Closing no sick ii,.. .ii tree fmui mercurv or balsam. IlUrlllff twenlv teals of prsse'ce I hive rescued from the Jaws of 'Ucalll liuue innusa mis, w nu, in me last stages 01 I no above iwnitloned diseases had been given up In die by their physicians, which warrants me in pTO-nisibg to 'Mr, n tin tfttrt l nrl mntt tiiAif Mitn fian kI a I D Hllll.tr.t, tit, tuny ihkku i ncill sc l , es Unucr iny are a rcaietenemiest.WHauiistilPV oreihoflr Conaiiinption, Prrofuin anil many other din- f all(i,oiilillmaterrtirtothe humaninmlly. Ai u jieniiiineni cure is pcnrcciy ever ciltcieu, n nnjorilv of til ft caiei railing: Into the hindi of incompetent persons, wlio not unl fail to euro the discnaea lut ruin the constitution, titling the aysteni with inemirv, wineh, with the dlicaic, basteni the sufferer into a rapid I'onsuniDllon. flut should the disease nnil the treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease Is entailed upon the children, v, l.o are born with feeble xonslltullnna, nnil the current of life corrupted by a vims vincn ueiroys Jrseu in ocroima, icitei, ulcers, L'ruptionr and other airectlons of the skin, eyes, llirout, and Lungs, cntailinc upon them a brief eilstence of sulTerlng and constKiilne; them to an early grave. HELP AUUS C Is another lorniidabic enemy to heal th, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human dis eases causes so destructive n drain upon the system, draviing Its thousands of victims through a lew years of sulTcrlhg down to (in untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away tbo eneigns of llle, cnuves mental derangt nient. prevents IIiq poor development or the system, disqttohlies for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happiness. and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mi ud, predisposed tu (.uiisuiHt',ivii mm u ,141111 m , v n v mure iu oe (ircauctl ttun death itself. With Ihe fullest contldence I atsuro the unfortunate victims nt Pelf. Ahuse that a permanent and speedy ru re can bo elTccled, and with the abandon men! of ruinous prnctlres try patients can be restored to reliust, vigorous health. Tho nllllctcd are cautioned against the use of Vutent .iieuiciues, tor lucre are to many ingeni usinares in the columns of the public prints locatcli and rob the unwary suncrers that minions nave tuclr eoimitti lions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the eiually poisonous nostrums vended ns Talent Alcilieliies." 1 htivii cirelilllv nnnlt zeil tu.inv nMlie so'called Patent Medicines end flint that nearly all of them conlnin Uorrosite Sublinac which Is one of 1'ie strongesl picparatlons 01 mercury and a deadly Voisiu, which infrcu.l of curing tne djsessj disables the system fur lite. Threo foiirttis of the fatcnt no'lrums now In use nru put tip uy unprinei pieu nun ijriiorantrfiei tons. WHO do not undertltlnd even the alphabet ol the materia inedtta, and nre equally as dtstittife of any knoulidgo of the humju system, having one object only in view, and that to lnuke money-regnri less ofrouscquences. Irregularities and all uiscnte of males and fcin lies treated on principles established by Iwinly tars of practice, uuti sanciioneu uy tnniisaniia 01 tiiemosl re iiurkable cures. Medicines with full diicrtlons sent to any part of the united males or uanatlas, by pa lients eonm'Uiiiratlng their symptoms tiyletter, JJusl nes correspondence strictly confidential Address, J. HUMMCIiVII.I.L'. M. D., Office, 1131 1'll.HHT sired, (old No. 109.) Uelotv Twelfth, l'lillailclnhia. Pa. Julyll,lS37-(March4) OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPOIIT EIUE HAIL 11UAD. Direct Railroad connection betmen Jftneara Falls and rnuavtipma. orient -hickmc ana .aeaptti no Kit Jrom Wen'trn Mio York ta Philadelphia, lUrniburr. Pittthur muil'ovrf, rrfHummn niyt ani t,ti jeans, rtASSCNOClt TRAINS leave Li in Ira dally teirrn X Sundays,) at7 A. M. liaising Wiltiamsnortat 10 151 A 31. connecting whii iwuii ng nun itnaci au'orlUllli' inn. ;i nil reachhis Pliltadt Iphia at 7 30 P. AI. Itftitrnlntr. leave l'lulatielnliia from corner nflirnnH ana vineBirfvi',ai .u, a. ui rracmnp tviniunigiiort, aid 1-3,1'. M.. nnd arriving atCln.ira aty, 1'. M , 1 ABBljiiULU litAIrtS Wlijti LUAVE PORT CLIN I ON FOR HARRISBURG Direct. via DaiiDtiln and Susiuehanna Kallttrn(..nii th arrivalolOatawisioTrain.at 4-tST.M. reaching liar riilmreatS V M. Kctiiniing leave Harrlburpal7 IS A.M., connecting at I'ortUlinioit with Catlawtmta t rain bound west torm. ing tne lnoiluiteci route to lurrieburg, l i.lfburj, Bal liiiioreandthe South, conntclinp these points with al noriiiwe-iterii 1'enim vanianiu ivpiiernivew Vnrk Connt- Jnnat Klmiia wjtli trHltmnn Naw Vnrk.mif ErtPKa I jioau i alio, wiin tne uimira. Lanatnlagau, Rorht .er, llufl'alo and Niaparit Tallg. Or .lectlnitilirectly wiih I lie Ore at Western tlallroa at Surfpi-nsion bridite for Uetrolt, Chicago, St Louis, & , liius making t lie miorirst.anu tueapeit route rron Philadelphia lothote points. A FKEIUIIT TRAIN. Will leave WUliaintport DAILY at 0 30 A. M.fo (Miilatlelptilj. Freight train to and from Philadelphia without t ran shipment.froiu Keadlng Rati Ruad PreighlUe)iot,corti erof Ilroail and Cherry streeti. TRAINS PASS D.-VNVILLE AS FOLLOWS uotita ij.it. PaisengerTrala 1Q M. rreigni train, GOING WEST. Pasienge rTrain Freight Train, rARCS. UelweenPIuladelphitind Rupert. Djnvllle, ' Catawiseat ' Tamaiua ' " Mlliuii Whliaininori 9 31 A.M. 3 55 P. Al 2JP.M. 8H 40 4 GO 4 S DO S 10 5 t0 Fi ft po nils of persona) baggage allowed to each past longer uiccsB c ii ttigi'u ui uihiui nr B'.rja f hi reig in raies u a tu.Tiun, lUftriHtenatni Jan 2(1. IM PUILA. AND K 15 A DING HAIL UOAD IVmlar Arrang ementtfor Pastcngtr TVaini, January 1st, 1S57. UP Trains, eoing North, leave 1'hilatlelphla a(7ft A. M.and 51 P. M. Down Trains RoingSoutli, leave rottsvllleai 7i A.M Ice. ami 4 F. Al. Uptrainspass Readingat 10.22, A. M.andG,22P.M. down TralM ' " 5,13,A. M, 3,431'.M. ThenipressTraln If discontinued until further no tice. Close connections are made by the 10,3'J A. M tha Train froinrortCliulonto Clmiraand all Interme tliale points: uud by Ihe 0,22 1 M UiTrainfroiul'ort Clinton lo Elmira, fJanandais.ua, lluflii'o, Niagara. De pot, Chicago, tit, Louis, .Davenport, and Iowa I'lly; .Sinking this route theshortcataud cheapest to te Lake Erleti andCanada. OnSundiys.tho Down A. M. Train from rottaville, andllpl'.M, Train from Philadelphla.'.only, run. lUBRfSBORn CoxtxcTloifs, by Dauphin Raitroad at Au hum. A special Aceoinniodalioil Tasgengcr Train leaves Reading itailly, (except uudays.)nt?k A.M., returning from Auliurn aid, r M., on urnvut of 3,10 1'. M. Tram trom lUmsburg. WAY FAKES From Readiho to 'hH.idr;phh,8l,7!andl,43! PotuvKle $1,03 and 0,85; Aiiliurii, 0.73. THROUGH FAUnS.to Ilarrlshurg Tamaiua t.3S t Wli'iiniiiiorl St. 10; HmiM f$VU. Canandaia a a 'DO liiiri), or Niajraslu.OO; L'fcavelaiul SIIJ, r Tojdo 8N,7'! Cincinnati C10,00 , (Jhicajo :u,ou. 110k I. land $25, CO. ALL fas&ungerswlH'procure tickets before enerinS e cars . 10 centu cxirj on Fares paid in the cam. Ilybs.,nf persenal Ilacgate atowed each Tasseiloge 101 over that wcicht ascharged Kxtra Unzcaee U. A. N1COLLU, January 3d. 1857 tf. GeirfSup'i MARRIAGE GLMDC P.Y "nil. WILLIAM VOUXoT MARRIACn GUIIIU BV DR. WILLIAM YOUNO. MARRIAGi: OUinU I1Y 1)11. WILLIAM VOUNO. MARKIAGl'i OL'lllC I1Y DR. WILLIAM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE UY DR. WILLIAM YOUNO. MARRIAfii: Gllinn BY DR. WILLIAM YOl'NG. MARllIAGl: GUIDE l!Y IMl. WILLIAM YOUNO. ... MARRIAGE GUIDE YOUNG'S GREAT ,JiriiYBtoLOGiirAL ivuuii. 'rut; route ut 3pP?3s!.i:aUULAriU8. or Everv Oua his own -Ja-' Doctor, bv Wst Yoono.M.D. Ills written o uiiiiu utiisuage lor llle Eenerni leaner, nun is Hiur "-! with upward ol one hundred engravings. All young Pv-nle, or those contemplating- marriage, and having the,.,,, i,ppdimeul 16 married lire, should 'f" this book, i, rt,,,0P, ,ecrrcl, ,,, every huld bnaequainiisa -nh! aiill, l i. a book Ibat ihum bo kept locked up. and no, t boui,i,e oute. It v III uv svu, ,uunjr une uu me recnt ol twenty-nve cents . 5J8P"";eetreel.uove 1'ounh, Aug 89, 18J7 Philadelphia, Ta, WILLIAM J. BEIDLRMAN, Babble au& fjcmiess OlANDPACTlBLRs Bloomiburg, Aug, 12, 1657. NEW WAGON 8II0P, Willow Grove, South Oloomsbiirg. nnilE undersigned respeetrully Informs Ins Iriends X ami the public generally, that he lusmLen tiie nplIE undersigned respectfully Informs Ins friends slond btelt ornipied byMr Robert lliolst.m 1 illow Grove. Boutli llloomsburg, belowiheRi, tosu, where Wagon-making Business. In oil its vario is departments. In t-ood aisu Repairing wagons, uuggifs, carriages eui style ooii i umoueroie n riux .liius . vuite iu oruer nu on soon lime. tcr Produce taken for work. Bloom.i.a,f April ss, ies7-"nLCS BB0WERl horl time. - V."i T (VnE 'rYoLfiAIl A YEAR, I Circulation ovcrlOUflOO Coiics Weekly, j 25 "Witnesses, .. , . OR, TIIE FOUGEH CONVICTEl). JOHN S. DYn'li tho Author 'who has hail ten years ennsrienre ns n, Hanker and Publisher, and AutliorafslHse,Tclrallslri-l'Csy Tabtrnacll when, for ten (ii-tesslveiints,ovor ttj- .10 two People 4prl Greeted Ii tin with rounds or applause, v,h lie lie ex, klblled Hie manner in whlcltUoiintetfeiters execute their iriiuiis, and llic surest and shortest means or deti cti ns Ibem I Til Bank .Volt Kngrnrtrt ill say tUt kctltkt frtiUit Judgt Papir Monti living . Greatest Discovery of the Present Century for Detecting Counterfeit Vanh Kotts. describing eviry Ocnulne Hill In existence, and exhibiting ulaglanco every Counterfeit in circu a tionl - Arranged soadtntrabtyitliat Reference Is Easy and Detection Instantaneous. ITJ No I ml ex to examine! No pngesto hunt tip I Itii, to !mn lifted and arranged, flmt the Merchant, tlanker&Qd Ilnslnets Alan ran seo a7( a glantt. S'.ngllth, French and German. Thus each may read the same In his own Native Tongue. Must ptrfect Dank Kotc List Published. Also n list of all the ritlVATC I1ANKEUS IN AMERICA. A complete Summnry of Ihe Finahcx or ErRors AKa amfrica win ue fiiioiisneti in eaen eaitiou, u seiner with all the Important NEWS OF TIIE DAY. Alto, A tfLUlua Ul' TALLU From an old Manuscript found in the East. It fur nlshe the most complet history of ORIENTAL LIFE. And describing the most perplexingipositions In whtctl tho ladies .in ileentleincn of that ceuntrv lis v. uecn eu uunn iiiiiou, iiicm stones will continue throuahout the whole year, and will prove the most Furnished weekly to fctubsenbers only, at SI a year. All Isle rs tnuit bo nildrest-eti to j tilt jv h . ua, isreler Publisher nnd Propricttr,?0 Wall tt New York. OLEUM LIQ.UOR. CKltTIFIOATU. WE, tbo undersigned IIouso Painters, hereby certify that wo have given the newly invented Oleum Liquor, manufactured by llrein Glttlll.ill k UrelnlZ. In. l'llll.l.tclnllla. ntl Imnnrl trial, and hive found it an efficient suhttilulo fur L seetl Oil. lar superitr to it in every respect, at e I of only about hilfas much, thus considerably reducing tho exnenso ol itaiitllna. Wo would therefore reenm. mend the public to Us general use, and after it has been tried I its superiority over Linseed Oil will be at- toted to by all. CIMRI.TM atllER, AMOS IINUEK, WILI 1AM WOLI.E. EDWARD DENIIAltD. Juno 13, 1607. T IIEUEnY rccrlify that I havo had 1 House Tainting proseruted l.itely '.villi Ihe above named Oleum Lhpior, ami concur in nil respects with the rrctimine'tilalir.u of tho above nlmetl genlleiueli, and will here add, that in future I wit I have no paint, ing operalicus performed without the ndmlxluru o the nbovo nam"d valuable lnjitor Thnso who may desire lo view its cllecls, will call at my residence, where they can convince themselves of all that is re presented of the OlcutnLlquorin reard lo beauty and durability, J. ISAAC DREINIO June 13, 1857. J. S. & E. L. I'EKOT, Produco and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 30 North Whnrvi s, PHILADELPHIA. KvrEriENCss: JohnP reniston.Esi. Philadelphia. Messrs Hacker, Leu it Co. ' ' Hilei. I'rjee a Co. m " llurknor. MrCauimon at Co. ' Charles Ellis & Co. H. Morris Wnin & Co. Onterbridge, Arvov k Co, t Charlc & Joseph Perot, u " Thomas fit Maxwell, New York. O..M. McClungic Co.,8l. Louis, Mo. " J. 8. Morns & Son, Louisville, Ky March 15, le5U-y ' w ii m w nr i EVANS k NEWCOMEH, (Formerly Webb Xevscotntr.) Arch street, abuve Third, Philadelphia, HOURS OP MEALS r I're ak vast, 2, 0 and 7 o'clock to 10 DiKNER.Gcntleiiieirsurdinary,! o'clock 1013. Ladies, 2 o'clock. Tea, ICo'clockto II. EVAN EVANS. J U. S. NEWCOMER Aug. 11, 1855 y. CHARGES II. MARBLE'S. WIN1S AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 143 Abrtt Third Street, Above Race. East Bide, Two doors above llieEagil Hotel. PHILADELPHIA Has constantly on hand French Uraniliea, Holland in una a general assortment ol r orcign Wl lies, also all kirnl of Anierican Bplrits, &c. Marrhl.', 'hjc v. National Hotel, ( LATE WHITE SWAN, ) Sides Sf Stover, Pace Street, above Third, Philadelphia 1'ETsn Sides, late ofihoflrra3levens,ti;lllligslieadt Co wa ,uu uitlun lluiei, Augusts, 1350 JOHN H- ALLEN & CO. Kbs. 2 ij- 4 Chesnut, Street south side be low Wuter,) Philadelphia. (Tne Oldest Woon wins Itrm.E. t Te r-,w MANUFACTURER3 nnd Wholesale dealers In Pat ent Machine. made llreoms. Pnlnm Orw..,.! r-a.in. ware. maranted not to sarin. Wne.it mid Wlii.u,... Cords. Ifruihes &e of all deurlions. Pleaic ca'l aud examine our stork, Jaiu.itygl. lea I y. DYER'S HOTEL. Cattawissa Pa., iiiouitiuiiu wciiunown iiotel.lnlhetown J afCattawissa ,1s still kepi by the under- 1 sillied, and insniteof nllllcenso Iu.. l,n I. IlISS determined to matehis house one of the most coiiitoita bloniacesforiravelerstoslop at, that can be found In thelnteriorofPeiinsylniiifn His table will be furnish. ..a.., ,,,i me u iti i i,m tan unortt , 13-My old ft lends judlravclleregeitcrally areinvited u . ,atuu uviiit. May si, ibis. y. States Union SIotelT FORMEERLY n ED LION IIDTe.i. No. 200 Market street, Philadelphia. GEORGE W. HIN1CLE, Proprietor, formcrlyofCo luniMn, Pn.,wouldinform his friends nnd thepub lethal hurontlllllCBlo keen the nl,nvn nn,n,l ll.i.l which Is well and favorably known t hrr...,t,n u Staleasoncnftheoldcsland most convenient Hotel In """I- luosiruspecitutlysoifcitsasliareol pub. ,.L-Muuufic, April v, loio. WM. S. SMITH & CO., Produce Factors AND QEXMUll COMMIttlOX .VF.RCIl.WTS, No. GO North AVharves, PHILADELPHIA. The Market value of all coii,i?nmoots s.lvnnre.t i Cash when desired. March II. IfiSl.-ly PIIIIENOLOOIAL CABINET. FOH'LEKS, WELLS & CO,, rilKENOLOGIr.TS AND PUIILIRHr.ns. 231 Arch Street, below Seventh! Phila'd .trm"!?"'"!'11 al I wo rks on Phrenology, rhyslology (SP1 WaterCure Magnelisut. and I'iioiiogronhy. t?f fwholesale and retail atNew-York nrlces. ' Professional examinations, with charts, and aDsnln,. l.l ,. ( I . ' ' " - "',1 itft MCBrrioiiuu Ul CIiarKCtcr. ilnv nn.l May 12,1855. y. JIONTOUIt HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET AND MILL STREETS (nneo'fafefy tppaitta tk Court Jloui,) UAtWlLI.E, PA HAVING been recently renovated and refurnished in asupenor style, this elegant ll.tvilis now reopn ut in, iriciuuHoi siiuiiEeisaiiuvisiiorstwnosepa. i a .... A- BADY, JOHN U. YliAGV.U F sill ona hi e Hat &Ca Btorc KU.IOJ IMOUTH THIKD STREET, FHILADKLPHIA. VY Merchants nnd visitor, from Northern Pennsv vania.areresoeeifullyinvitedlo give him ocall, when VISHing 1 iiltttueipuia, June 28.1fc-0. y. C, C SADLER ij- CO., NO.O.Norlh Wate Street Philadel- nhia COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and dealers In Lard. shoulders, Cbeen ilimi, Outketg. fork.. Vlm.v ire ' ' Aplill.lE53-lj. HELMBOLD'S CRM'INE FIIEI'ARATIO.Y or HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT UUCIIU, Ftr Dlnattt tf iki Bladder jAdneys. Orae'el. Drrpiy, If (itsem-s. Otimetli. ffrt liuum, Fimalt Complelsn asdl'-"l'esM oMl betnal Organi. Arising from Excesses anil Imprudencfcs In life, and rrtnoving all Impmper lliirharget Irons the Hladdar, tvianeyfltOr bskiki ursnn-. ,Yii'-mr, rxintnii, in MALE OR FEMALE, Trotp whatever caite they umy have nrlglnnteil, and no mailer ai now long sunning giviu rigor to Ihe rrame. nudhlonm folhff julll. d rtinrk. JOY irt TllR. AhFUCThllil II tt enrei Nervous amt Di-bllttalePiiHt'rerfl, and renjtlvri nil itie pynit'lonid n.tnj wlilrh will hcfoiiml Imtlspo niHnn to lxutllori. Lnf-j nf P .wpr, Lom 'of Memory, lUfflfiillj' ol" Hr' mhinj, General W-uknew. Ilormr of DlnttCt Weak Nerv.s, Treml,tinir, Dr'-ndrnlllnrror of Denlh, Nt sin hwrnls, l.'i'M mi, W.nkrl line, I Win lies of Vision l.aiiminr, Unlvrrmt Lmitiuil (if tlif Miifrnl.ir P)flem, Oilen Utinnnuun Appriiie. w th Djitpeptlr Hyinptnim lloMlnfil I'linlilnjl il Hie Ilndy DneFtinf tht'Hkhi I'nllid OoiiiileiiTicennd Urupllons nn thi' Tsice, Tiln 1 n Hi1 Hick, H.-nlnfMof the Hye Hil. frequemly (Jlnrk tpnt fly in? hffnrn llie IJyei, with Trmpoiart Pnl'iisimi nml l.o ol Siit lit J want of AnrnHn.Offtt Slohi'ity lleslleMiteii. with Horror rfSnrletv Nothing fit inn re desirable W such 1'atlente itian solittiJe. nml iioriili i; iliey morn dread for tear or tlienifelves; no rpene of manner, nn enrneni iiess no pec" tali mi, hut a Hurried trihstllon from ono qucc tion tonnotlier. Tliee ivmpioms, if allow ftl to go on which this medicine 'invn.rial.ly removes mioh Willows Ios of Tower rnliiityiand i:pilepiic r Us in one or uhirit llie patient nny px Ire. Wlio can sav that tlicre, ex. tenses ure not 'freinenlly followed by those direful dicnes Ini-a"llyaii(l Cuiitiiniplion I The records of (lie Insane Any) u ins. and Ihe mrlanrholy deaths by ' Consumption. Gar ample witness to llie truth of these nfimiioiifl, In Lunatic Asylums (lie inoit tnilnnrhuty exhibition appears The countenance Is nrlu illy od' tlcn unit 'unto !dlilutc iiPltli"r mirth or Briefs ever visits It. hoild a sound uf the voice occur, It Is rarelyariirulaie. Willi woeful oi cam res wnn dec pair I.ow sullen sounds his crief brfEUi'ed." Uebjlity Is uioittir rio lei and has brought thousands ii lion thousands to untimely craves, thus ulusiinc tho ambition ni many iioblc youths. It cau be cuied by j mc use ci urn ixfjillwlr nvjitF.nr. Ifyntinf Pinn-rliti wliti auyol the abovo distressing nltincnlt. th'1 Kin! d ltrnit Itucliu trill cure you. Try H and be convincud ol its tiTlcacy. Itcwarc of Uu ick Nostrum, and.Quaek Ilortors. vt ho f.tlsely bnastof abilities and references Citizens know and,avoid them and suvelon? suifrTing money, ami exposure, hy sendiuit or calling for a bottle of this popular nnd ppcriflc remedy, It allays! all p-iin and Inflainnnt.on, Is perfectly pteaiontin Its taste and odor, but Immediate In its QCtlull. nnr,MnoLD'3 i;.thact nucnu fa'prepared directly ucrording to tho rules of Pharmacy and Chmittry, With the ffrealet nccumcynnd fliemir.il knouledge and raru devoted in iu combinniloii, Hec rrofrsnor Dtwue.' Valuable Works on the practice of physic und must of Ihe talc Standard Wi.rka nr Medicine, tLT-O.VK IIU.WUIli:!! l)OL.I.AHta One hundred Uol lira will be paid to uny physleian whncaiiprovotlt.it the Medicine ever injured u J'a tt int.; and Urn tUKtlniony of tlioui.tndt ran bo produced to prove that it dots prcat sued. Cases of ftoin one week lotlitrlrcnieate' standing hno been effected. 'J lie matsui volun.a y testimony In poaiession of the f roprletor voutiliiKiti virtues and cnrillve powers, s iin mi' use, eiuIiruciLg lumci w I known to.fcicleiicc nnd Fame. lltUA'OU bottles havo been sold n'hl not a single In dance of u fulluro hit bwu rvported I Personally nope.iriMl before me, an AMerinan of the city of i'Uilailelptiia. ii, T. IUlrulo, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his prrniration con. tains no narcotic, .ucrcury or injurious mug, Lut ure uuiuiy l igciaute. U. T HDLMnOLT), Sole Manuhcluror. Sworn and iultscribett before me tins 2Jd day of Sa vembtr Jt51. WM. F. IIIUUAUU. Alderman. rriceH Iperbottli.or Mix for 31, ddtrered to any aA drtLi, rtccump.inied by reliablp and rt!t?pnnible err till cates Irom Professors of Medical Colluges, Clergymen , Prepared and sold by II T HCIjTDOLO, Prrctictraml nalytiral Uhemii, No 52 South TENTH St., below Chestnut, Assembly l.ulldiiies. Philadcinhia. XSr To be had of J n MOTEIt, Bloomtlurjr . end of all iJivpfrisi ana jvratrn mrovgwut (At VtlXUa States, Canadas and Bntiih Provinces. niiWAUB or rouNTunrriTB. ASIC TO'i IIUI.MItOI.Ud TAKII iVO OTURH. CUUK3 GUARANTEED. Juno 13, ie'7. WEW AND USEFUU OLEUM LIQUOR. A Substitute for Li?isePit OH. . f'1 AT ENT AITLICU FOR 1 rpIIEundeMlned oflcr 10 the public theirOteum L. J quor as uu tfliciculHutctituic foi Linseed Oil, as 3 thinner fir all sorts ol Puiois eround in Oil, except Venetian Red. When thinned with the Oleum th! Taint will cover betier dry quicker and will be more tiurjb.e. nml when nrnislnd, tho pjuil will have nnd retain the most glossy appearance; a nut lie elasticity of tho thinner nillemtble the pain, to jie"d to the armth ; und the eracklmr id kelit oft. mi cuuiition in ordinary vai liishcd oil pdluls u entirely a,orfed. For piinliug Tin Roois its equal cannut he found The Oleum ran he uhh! by ilM-ll", ir in common with Li listed Oil Varnibh, Juiiuii or Turpentine al the on tion nf the Painur, 1 Its cost is -ibout one-half of that or Linseed Oil. Hi 11 considerably le.iucmg thf expensf of painting. Wefailhliilly reronnueiiil it lorall miriiunpd iu.ii,-. trd -md warraut it to give satioUctou A liberal dis coniii iu ui' f iur, DIREOIlONrf. Thin the paint with theoieum Li quo r an J work it wel I, until it flows Ireely irom the bnuh Tlielirmli must be free from all moiiturnnnd ina rlably ought to be sn.iked well Willi tlia Oleum Liquor, previous to painting. Instead ol placing thebrushes In wcter over night, ns painters gt m rally d.. lliei onplil to ho put iu the Oleum Liquor, which willgrenily i.tciliiaie ijj work. The paint mixed with tho Oleum Liquor will work belter if it bo allowed to Ftaml from M to -.'-J hours pro vions to iu h'lug uiteit.and theu thi imit to such a consistency as to work free nnd eisy under the brunh. y the u-eor Japan the palm will bi rend-re d still firmer. Mix ihe Japan (ml with the paint uud then thin it with tho Oleum Lljuor iu the manner men tioncd above. CS"ino pounds of Paint thinned withthe Oleum Li quor, will cover & larger surface than 15 pounds thin ned with oil. The Oleum L.quor Is not to be used with Vcmtiau Red, nor uith Paint coni'iimn: any ptnportion or it LREINIO. UATT.MAN tl KKEINIG, Ameriran P.iinl and Colrr Woiks, Comer Hith and Creen 8ts., Philadelphia. Office N E cornet Third and Wood gts P'UUdei pliui, Pa, June ii, ld57. IMPORTANT TO EVERY HODY, IOR tho last three years, 1 have been engaged in a . business known only to nn self. and. coinnnrntiv.. ty, few others, wlnni I have instructed for tno sum nf i5.uu cam, vfii.tii naa uYeroeu nieaiinc rate or 5J000 to 8J0U0 per annum; and having mtde nrrdngemeuts lo go to Europe In the Spring of to engage in the Numu uuHiuess, i am niiiing io givo lull I llatructiout in the art to any person In the fjnlicd States or Caim das, who will remit me the sum of 91 1 Qtn induced, from Urn hucccss 1 have been favored with, and tho many thank fa I ackuou Moments J have itxulved from Hi oat' whom I lunu instructed, and who are makitur irom 8j lu StJ uor day at II, to give any person an opiioitiiimy to engage in this business, which is easy. ilensant.i...Jverv n-olitable at n.,all en.i ! i. plcasuiU.i...Jvery p'Otitable at a (mat I cost. There is positivaly Nj Ilt'MBi'o in the inatier. Reformers of witsueBi ciasd can ue given at regards Its chaiucier, pud I can refer to persons whom I have Instructed, who will testify that they aro making from $3 to 915 per day at tho same, It isa business in which either ladies or gentlemen can ensugo und wiih perfect iae make a very Inn (some Income. Rcvcrnl ladies in va rious parts in New York, IVntisyUauia and Maryland, whom I have instructed, are now unking from $1 to Ct! per tiy at it- Jt is a Gknteel lkiNF,a, and but n lew Fhil'iiifs is required to mar' it Fpon receipt of 91, 1 will Immediately send to the applicant a printed circular containing full instructions in the art which can bv perfectly understood at once. All letter must bo nddreiFed fjiot paid) to ALLEN T. PARDONS, a- - 533 Ilroadway, New York. Sept 5, S57-3m Franklin I3ousc. '10 WUKEU & L.UUD. Propriclors. Chcsuut St,, bct7ccn Third and FouitL PHILADELPHIA. Scptenilierl3,IS50. THE REV. 0. S. 13URNETT, while JL lalornn as a Ml.tiuoary in Hojlliern Asia, dis covered n iuipla and certain cure for Ctii.nlfoa, jlith na, BnneUua, Cougkt, Cold. JVmow Debilltt. and all impurities ol llie Wood; also, an easy ami ellecluao inotle of inhallnir llie Rev.edu Aein,,ie.i ku .i benefit Ills suttorinii fellows, lie will cheerfully send the Reelne llree lo such n. ile.lre It. win, i.,it ..a 1 rKMidiS'TddteS.?'" r.ev O. H. DlIHNETT. 831 Broadway, N V, City. Aujuit 1,1857 Cm ""CbSTAR'S"" RAT. ROACH. &o. EXTERMINATOR. Put up in 20c. 33c 63c.. and tl boles. "COSTAIl'S" IIEI) IIUO UXTBItSIIMATOB, VH up in 23c. Me, 75e., ami l bottles. ttcOflTAIt'S'i e-r.e'.iyrltri! pnevnrn vnn Axrns INSr.CTK itc ' Put up iii 2.Tc. and 'Oc boses. Principal Depot, No.UrM llroadway. New Vork, end sold by IlrilgtllstsanU Dealers everywhere in the Unl- ' ttd Suites, (.itiadaa, West ladies and South America. Aui 21, IB37 Im HOWARD H.VI'RKSS COMPANY. H OKWAIiDand deliver paks,es on llie line or the r I'ottsvil e and lleadlpj, Cattawiss., U'illtanisporl mi tri..n. tv e....... ..I, e-. , and Erie, and Williamsport and Rimira Fallnads, ,,ti,. i.uie. aim uiiis promptly collected Principal Office, t,s Ctieslnut stre.t, ordeis for Coods delivered, aad Goods collected Ire. erectile, railadsliliie, Aug ss.lMT-y SALAMANDER FIRE AND THIEF ntOOli' SAFES. THE t.AftnnST AP90RT- tnent In the United States. Warranted to be equal to any nnu) mi list nhrt Will lP SO 1(1 On ns good term, a can be obtained from any other house in the country, at ' iVAMrt Jtr WATSON'S. SO 8.4tliSl.,nii!u(lfllplila. TRUTH ISMlnllTY AN I) Wlt,U PRliAIt.l Report fift As CommiMt, appointed t superintend the Rum tng ojtkt Ire hales, at Reading, Fltuary 87, J557. (Uibiin Murrli 1, IB.7. The underslned.ifnemltefs ofthe comniittee. do respeetfi.fi rreputi, thai we saw the two safes, orlgi nnfiy tisrted unon hy Farrelsfc Ite rrltiff aiiyi t.vins4i Watson, pine tl sld- by side in luruicc, vUt The ale In s1 by the pajmsstcr of ihePhlUilelntila and nrnrtticUollrnai ('nipcn. In f.ft-oflta-n I Rending, iiirtnuniriurpii hv Frrels& Ilcrrinif- nnt tin' Bale lr use by H A bouts iu his Men- manufactured iy CvfinsA Watson, and put In books and papers) tr clsely a'ike. , , A 4 'nienr" wasstoneu at e j oriorK a . at ..ami i;epi up until lourenrdsof green hnkory. two rords dry siiuieit,the whole under the super! ntendntr of iho subscribers members oltbn Cnmmlttec. The Bales were then cooled 01T with wafer, af er which tliey were npeneil and the bonks and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to II A.I.antE's storn lor public exnmlnatioa.nnd marl-ed by theCoinmiltee, Thehooks nnd pnp rstakeulrnnitlieSafo vniinifoc tn red hv rnrrrli h. Herrings Were, In our judgment, damaRed fultyflfleen percent. morethau those taken from I. vans it Walson'i 8afe. We believe the above to have been a fair and tm partial 1 rial ofthc respaell ve ipiailttei of both Safes. JAUOK II. UVHIIRH. IIANItli S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above sti foment oftho condition of the papers and books taken out of llio respective Snfes, fJ. A . NICOLL3, n. n. -viuiii.nvHnna, J.1S M1LHOLI.ANU. "n b Fii mii 1 1 niniii ' ' ' flarch 2,HV7. DIPLOMA AAVAUDJiD Rathe Pcniisitlvnnta State Affrituhural Soeictvand bv several Coiintv t-octeties, to UHh.l.YHl, FRVJSKFt'F.lI) &) CO., far their Vdtbrattd feet.able CaTTLH I VH'VEi iimiHL.ii, I 7011 Horses, it Is &u Invaluable rs medy for the cure . 11 nd n'cvuntion of all diseases Incident to t!ie noble animal, viz. Distemper, Cough 1. Tatry, Fevers, Fin 111 ia, rout iiieaact i.nnj uisense. urn, tireae, Gripes. Inflammation, Jnundtcu, KfUnev il.M-nsest Oluntlers, Tliick Li jjs. Hidebound. ataKiters. Vivers, ITIceri in Lungs, Surfeit, Founders, HiMigut f loir. Worms, Sorts. Ate. FOR SV.AV CATTLE In Jaundice, Yellow. Hoven or lllown. Bloody Ufii e, Red Water, Murriau, Lois of Cud, Lous or An ocilte. Diarrhtpi or l.nngeiiesn. Hoof dieanc. Wotr in tho Tail, Hollow Horn, Rloody Milk, Ulood diseaaC, X.OES Ol 11IIH. for nor.a. In Swelled Neck, liiles hi the Liver. Abscesses in the Lunpe, Ulcers of the Rowels, pjnu or Cr.iinps, Choke diseases. iNo lariui r should bo without tt a single day; It is his slu'tti'jnchor lordisensei (f his tioik, li lnrr(.acai the ainoutit of milk, Loiter and lal In hvallhy animals, from en, imI amounts nf fuod ul lett from So to -.' per cent. i's the experience of aci lt .010 iaruere, whj liavt ucd il ill lestirv nt any timet ANOTHER NEW DISCOVERY! CATTLE LINIMENT. Uneuinllcy nny other Linliiienl or L'm'j.nrMion 1 t 1 ii I wn to the world. It Is cootl fur the fol towing dieentes, and has proved itself in the hamUof uiuuritisup ui iiiiriers, inmursanu singe prupijtsiorit iu CXCi'ldniijIhiiiguflhekl.id evrr otlerrd totliepjbtic iiit: V.11TLE ZJA7-V-A, is iiuuii tun CATTLE. HUMAN UODY. Sprains. Urulses, Foundered Feet, Spavin, Pveeuy, Fislul.t, Sitfast, Galls ofevery kind, WludgutU. Hand Cracks, Lamciietf .dlrains, ticraiches orGrcabe, Thick Lrgs, Hint Tumours, RhiKbone. i'.-H Crll, Cracked Heels, It r.t ten Hoof, Mange, Horn I)islemnr. Rheiuiiutisni, Weak Joints, Contracted Sinews, Frost Hi lei, Cnapped Hands, dwellings, Tuition r, Toothache, Pain iu the Legs, r.vn nthelt.irk, Pain tu the Shoulders, NervoiiH Pains, Chiblains, llitesof AntRialt". Sliir Joints. Aim ninny oiner diseases. 11 is 1 snort, me mos t oomplele and universal Liniment that science ever vet nr duced. has Beaare of counterfeits, an both our valuable discover ies are already counterfeited hy peisous iu ditTrent parts ol the State Our powder has our wriitsn sig nature nu each botilj. Manufactured only by CREINIU, rRONEFIRLD Sc. CO., No. 317 N. Third st , N. E. corner Third 6c Wood, Fnila.ielphia, Dcnu 0, 1857 If CENTRE STORE. SPRING & SCMDIER O'OODS. rBIIE unilcraipncd tak1 pkasure of in- -M. for ml II H tlin f il Irmifa nf I nl r m i.l t r-l s.l t j .lio l'o ham jiiti received a large ami select assorlmna SPRlvn jtr- BtriTPii nnnna. boinprisiiigt ho heaviest stockund mustvariedasrnrl in' 11 1 ui las 11 iuri ai) ct tiseiu I ami suuiiautiai Mcrchan dii.e thiit havebeenoflercd lothepul tir oe ery ktu umu -tiiiiiiiy, which iney wniseiiiorreauy pay, 11 ver reasonahh- nnce. I rl"Counf ry nroducrtaVen nc trlmnvp for nnmU liieltiMineGrnln nnd Lai heriudthe iiublieeustom 1 rspctitfiil F SO ICliei! SA11 UEL LAMBAOK. Fowtersvil'e. March ft IH57 1857. SPIfINO AND SUWWFIt, GEO. ItUIJ'IN & CO. IMPORTERS JIXD MjJJfVF.irrunF.RS, 174 EIEsNUr ST11EET, Arennwiirrpiretl toeiliihlt their New styles FOR SPUING TRADE, INCLUMXQ niaL-iek and colnredSjlk Alantiflas Chnnlly Lac- Man Mjclillas. Trench L.ire Alailtil.as, Unibroitleri tl tilk mantillas, Ihijrlcil Uieitaun Net Xanlillns, Mourluliz .Mantillas, llasques, Talmas, &tc , &C., AlloTwhich will be t,tlt'reil ut the Lowest Trices. GEO. 1IHLP1N (k CO. 174 Che.nut Street, above 7th, I'liUadebta. Mardi7ih,lt!S7. 1 "nt v .'i-i. 5rSf -V VM ! ff;S!&1r-iV( 't- 'UiZJ'.YfiSff--, OILS, JOR Mar.ul.cturing and I'urning purposes, Tor salo J. 11 A. t S. ALLCN, Nos.7and 8 South Whaives, June 0, 1657. Philadelphia SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS FOR 1857 TIIE subscribe- rproftfiOlv infnrma LU 1 f iljj &UUatriUL rLrfl.CCWUy lQlOrniS 1113 Si cuitdiiiersiiiidilio public seuvrallv. tliat he b in rucclveuaiuitstncK oi clioicc Sprin aud Summer Goods. eoniiirtriiifi a full assorlint nt of Clolha, Cassimers, f.ilincltl. UclJines llrliricrs fjancucs, (Uc. Injelltar witlta trreatvatlety of other articles usually kept In Country Stores. ALtlO-llardwl-fe Cutlery, Ctuecnstvara Salt, Pish, Molatai.ej, Iron.Hlecl, Huts, IJaps. llools.Sl.nes. 4.C. C- Country produce, iiirludin- Grain, Lumber, See, lattni, iii crii-ii:e. tor soiHls .Wi'liauklul iur paslpatrousje be respectfully asks coilliuaiicaoflbesaiiie. ' F r ft cgiuiuancaorihefairie. THOMAS E. EVES. MIIMIIe.MarliSB, lti?-y. J) E N T I S T K Y. IB- 05. I3TWSmo SIIIIGEO.V HEX '1 1ST. nLOOMSBUOG. COLUiMHIA CO., Ef "k bullcllnfr below Harlfoatf. on Main Bircet UnsPCCTI'ULLV offers his profe.sinnal services loiho lauies and geiillemMi of liloonisburi and viciuiiy ue is prepareu tn aitctiu to a I the variolic i i .:. .. , . . -'. uiiu operations in Dentistry, and Is provided with the i.. lest Improved - - l'or ce lam Teeth, Which will be inserted on pivot or cold plate, lo look as well as the natural. m A kUiiKrior article nf TnnTII nnii'nrn wayi on hand. June 13 1157 -ov IS, 53, OLIPIIANT, WUODSIDE & CO, Importers and AVbolcsalo Dealers in iUiuco awb iqnovs7 Ko 407 Arch St. abnyo I'ourlli, PHILAnELPIlIA. rJaaT,'y':T3J.18i7.-yWO'"'"" IVRSTUlt u llisi'i.-r. NoS. 0. 11. 13 anil 1 1 Pmtrllon,! '.i..., ' ' J.it,our"anc' sCel, , vrrwr vrl? lr ' NEW YORK. D. D.YVINCIlEBTElt. VJS?-" WIVCIIESTEIl I ISl " ' SIB B 3Tl!H!i?f7,5?.tr mm STEAM ENGINES AND BOILER- TMin iiioc'ilberls now ore oa red. with new Mftcliin X ry, to build iiattouary euglnei . from Ato 10U horse tower, 11 pon.lho la;et)mprovtd plans, and will build to irdcr doubleiind slugle portable, engines from 10 lo40 lorsepowcr.Hlngcdupoii carriages, with Holler gear tog pumpi all romplete&nil ready forartion, Also -cylinder llueaml tubulatboliers caJl iron coa! hreakg irs patented In 1 6-1 1, Tor threshing grain oudcrackinr torn nnd now made on alargcsralo furereek'ng os breaking coal Heavy mining pumps and firo tnginel rJjtKedrompletcwillidoiiMe acting furfng pumps, nt kinds of iuillgc;arlngjiid house casting made tu order Llneshnftlug with ftydcsird sizes ol pulleys flnlshe with h.tpgcri Ironplanlng dono sav4jrpet long! a kiudsoflron turnlrg heavy press nnd other screw turned wjlti any desired pltrh orihreal ThebetUougb I run threshing Marhlnes, that ever come he fore llie public, caul Iron nnd w' oden machines mndetoordrr, Lever tiower, il.nln or trend lower made t a enter. Also takes orders for thefollowlng ma chinery! Harrison's Inlestpatintcrnln mill $1000 of fered bv h patentee (or lt4f)unl It will srl id In K"od flneiiieaU,1 huhetsiu one hour Also holts and Hevo tors nil In niJer.ulsoRu Title's Pafn tit lower, innnufactur ed hy o Harris At uo.,ine most power nil illower now! n iifo with tit eleast nniiint of power, one ofliicli Wllliieputln uscatthe Foundry for exhibition. . Mo th above works w illbe warrahted to b what they SOU! Ir. AIo Take orders for Scott's Prftent ninrbflmlth Ririker, and rights tn use them In theeoun lies nf Colum bia, Mos. our. Nnrl tin m'i Hum .Lvconi 1 rig, Sullivan and CI I nun one of which can be seen nt mv shop- ijutv 1 o 11. jiAua, Marches, 1P50, nioomshii. Columbia it., "piIE andersigntstl respeotfully informs J his friends and the pulitjc thut he has, taken the F.tchance Hotel An IllnoinsbHrif. located on Main Street. directly opposite tho Court IIouso, which lias been throughly repaired and i 111 proved, where ho is pre. pared to accommodutu hiscuslomcrs with good lure nnd to gcnciul sitlufnction. He QUO lias 111 connection nun uic uicnange 11 o tel, un excellent runnlncreculartv scveraltimes ncrd.iv. to and from tho Depot on the nrrivnl oft he (Jars, by which passeng ers wit I be pi ns.intly convey edto tlie'lii pot Si at Ion, 01 taken from nod returned to thoir residences, if desired. tTaMlewill alwnyrfbi: happy to iniert:un iitidnccoui modatc his frieiulsto the ulmnsl orhlsnliillti',s. V ui 1 It lULLAll.v v.nt Fnvnetcrt Hlooinsbiirg .April ,5,18513 y. Aviso's isil 0 1 1 DA I' W ATC 1 1 i. J i: W C L 11 VSTO I! U Nti. 7ii, IN ortli St'cond ulrccl, oitositc tii i: miiu.vr vi:i:xon nopiji:.!'!! 1 la GnlilLevcrWetclicsrilllJetvclleJ I8R Cases, t:nu 31 ver ila Jo JH iu ilii Lriiinc do If Uu Uiurtlem 5 UOl o 1 Oil ntlilScctatles, tiotoioitn Hllver do r ti itlvnTahleUpooni rierJetl, )1 OOtomoii uo tiesert no no utintoiloo do Tin lo do 4 1.'.ti. tr.it Goltll'ensandnohtCases, 3a5lo -Sou 1I0 tlllver iln 1 ffU Tofjellierwlth it variety of fine nnld Jewolrj ,rjn ur.Ouardatwl PohfJliains . Al iRnotls war rati le rlt ol asp resented. Watches ami J wo I ry repaired! nth heslllianner N II. Alloiilerssnnihyiiyinallorothcrtvlse.wiiiije plinetllally ilteniledto . Noyemlierl? ISVI 1) Spuing & Summer, s tfb, ftS w 51 AT MENSUII'S CHEAP STORE. ''pHE undersigned having removed Lis Stoie, uj town, at the stand, lately occupied by II C tc I W Hurl man where with gicner InzreateJ facilities- he Is enabled tooirer a fullassormentol spring and Summer Goods, Which he has Just received from the F-atetn Cities, rompruins Ury Uoods, Groceries, Hnrit-w.-ire, Que eim ware Cedarware Ilnllo-wnre, Urugs. Fish, ball &c. Fluster, I rnu, Nalt. Roots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, Vc tec Also 1115 A DY MADE (LO I'MING In short, every thing usually kept in country Stores to which ho inviteitho )iulilicgenerally 1Q Csah, Lu ''her. Old Iron and Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at the IilgeM market prici' A C. MKNSGIJ. n'oomfburg. March 31, tPS7, Spring and Summer GOODS nS'Jielvy, ileal & CO., HAV1NCJ Just receiver! ana openetl their stock o mere luiulirertir'.nrinR sales, wh loll ciniinrlsos the LAllOKST.IJIICIT.ST, nnd HANDaO.Ml.sV assort, nicnlnow oircreditithisTDWN 1 Ilnvinc paldereal attention In tin sell clion of their entire stork, its to piireaml '1'iality, they flatter lliemse.ves that tnev ran coiupe.e with the elieapeit, and a II those wishiiii; 10 buy iheap4 can .avelnoiiet bv uf vfntf ii.n eait We have all kinds nl tootle jnil Wares to sunulvihe Teoplo. Av-rylargelot of " 1 " I.AD1KS' DHKSS GOODS, French Merrnocs.WoolPlaids, Alpacas, Uonibailne., JcliaUe I'n illlis. Paraiuelta cloths. Mnbair l.uslres. Muslin De Laines.rersinn clolisGiiil,anis.Oaliiocs, WIIITR flOODS OF ALL KINfia Fleves Collars, llandkerthiets, tloitiicings, hands and triniinini's, LaresantlMtrings.hniiuol ribh ons, in large variety velvet rililinin.nnil brulils.kl'' collon.nnii lisle thread glovee. Moknlt mitts, hr We Iniiienurfrieiids and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing e be where We have boughlour goodsat LoweslCash Trices. and will not bcun crsolilhyaiiil.inly ortlienrto'iiiaukinil. McKKLVY, NKAL & oo. Rlooit. 'burg, March ul , lr57. J. S. iioushton's GKEAT OUKE FOlt DYSl'El'SIA. TiiX'oP'ii'a'sVricim.noTJGiiTCN Juice J'reparf'd Irom z- Itenr.et, or the louilh 7f7A Slomaeli of the Ox, after Uj-j1 dlrcehonsof ltaron Lie. jfji i big, thesreal Phiiiolog- v4 aA leni Chtnil.l, hy J. S-A7fl i ongiiion, u , rn ia dclphia t?a. TliiS(sN'auirc'sOwnU;i:icdyior mi iiuheutthy St marb, No art ol man cau equal Hr curative powers- i contains no Alchohot .I'llli-rv, Acids, or Nau booms I 'legs. It Is extremely agreeable to the taitu, nnd may tetnkenby the most foeblu puticiUs who cauiint cat a wnterrra korwith'tutacute diairesa UuwarcofDruggcd Imitations. Pepsin is not u Urup Ca1 1 on the Agi'iit anl get a Dererlptlvc Circula nrntis. s ine it tarire aiiioitnt of Srieniific F.vldeuce 1 fromLiebig's Animatcl'emistryjUr.Coinbf'.phHiolojry i Uigestiou; Dt percirn on Footl and Diet Dr. John W 'T'aper, ofXew York Unlveri-ity, Prof Dungtisoira I Pysiology Prof Sillnnan,n Yult Cii'ledge;lir Carpen i tei'sl'iiyiologyj Sic, together with repurtuof Cuies from alt p.iitsolthe United Tines. ' Holtbv II P Lut r. and J. It Moycr, liloomsburg I S l. lion man Herwick. Octa,lti35 ly. RloomslHirff Tiinviirc and Stovo Store. TllUi'r.Jeriisncd r-iptctfully Informs hi old friend I nmi .,,-.. il.:,. hp ,na , niirrlnu, .1 L,u J. ,m l,..r 1 mere. I li I he nh.ive ... I., hlt.li mett, 1, ml I lie rnu,,. ,t. I ll ' liereatler lie eondui led liy liimsell uirlusivcly. lie lias ummm hbtsbi, IHIlil HIMia jl Justiecctved and oilers for sale, llie larcesl nmi " " n.rceiiioie tu lite skin a lew mln- Jjh uioetesteiisleu assortment of FANCY BTOVtS ul" oper beitiB lulialcd ni.d may Itc immediately de wOcverlntrodiieedintollil. market. ! tccjeil in ti e blooil A f oiivincilieproof of llic ronsti- 'cite Ills unci, consists of a coniilctc assortment oi i 'titional cllects orinhalailon is the tact that sicktiiss is elitlicsl Uonlilngnnil parlor stoves in the market, to- alwajs produced hy uriaUiing foul air Is not Ibis tlic'cr witli tllovo I'lilures of every ilescriitinn.Ovcn I"Bt i u tvldencn that proper reiuidies, rarelully pre nnd UosMotes, Katiislors, Oylimter etovcs,Cast Iron i pared and judiciously ailiuiiii.ieied llin.neli the luncs, MrTirjIi Htnves, Cllinuii Stoves, &e.,fcc. I "'" l produce llie nio.t happy results) During eipli. "lielured to order All kinds of renainnj done, a. usual, on sliorl noliee. siuvepit peuuu nnwarecnnsianll on liauil and man Tin, lialrolinue of old friends nnd new ell tlnmc, n spcoirully solicited. liloonisbnrt;, Jan. 5, 1854, If Pennsylvania Hotel, rrillisweliknown Hotel latelyker bySAM--, Xtvt.ll RsRD.on Main Street, In iiiville.ffi",- ubv, jr inv uuirnutr. wii is pre parctlloaccoiniiiodatotrnvsllersand . angers' 11 tlia best miitnn, Tlie lim, -a Im. I an ,l,n llioroushly rnlsheifo, '"'''atiled, and is nowrellllcd up and lurnlshetf for on.,'""'r'fli"aentof RUesta 1 1 i,. i.,.. i . . : .. ji.... ...... .rHirimiiiuicinui KUl-Bll - 1150 mm rnmmuuiuuw, wiiu imrfu ""d vehtclesfor lure, and he will .pare no painslo renner general sallsrartlon trUrA liberal.hlrenriliemihhe n,l,nna.nj.,..n., fullysollclled. n . OEOItQB IV.PBEnZC. DanvilleDcc. 29. 1633 Epyt.vn Coach aud U'agaii Factory TJlIi undersigned having succeeded Jacob 8. live J-ln llie Wag'.nand Coaeli making busi ness, al hie stand, in Lspyiown rc.pectluliy iiilorm their frlent. and the tuliltc, thattbey cnnlinuiwilliha Wagon Making Business, I nail llsdepaitments, where tley will be happy I ere reive order, and promnllyeiecuteall bu sines. In lliei line, with neatnessandile.palch O- tyiicel harrows made to order.and ollklnds ol repairlngdoiieonshorliiotice . ... , , UVANS k IIAOENBUCII, P1IILADELIMI1A OARPETSiORB pAItrETINGS, Oilcloths, Window Shade. .M.tsan Mattings Just received 20,000 pieces new slvle rinrjetu'ed and imported eipressly for CAIU'ET I.J.. Merchant, an.llloii, .keeper, will ple.se no. I M"i ibl ?oar"'i? ' u8,c""1Bll.',oor below MirebS ItjiO, DKEVJOKCB. AYER'S PIOLLS A new nnd fsiniularlv aucccssfut rcrfledy foi thru IX ctireof all lliliou, disonsM Costivciicss. indi gestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, nheiitualu.rn, l.rers, , Gout, Humors, Nr n ousness, Irritahilil)-,Inrlniniii&-lions, Hcatlaehc, Tains In tlio IJrrait, Slue, llnck, and Limb.,, Telltale Complaint., c. cXo. If deed, very, few are llie disease iu which a l'lirRatlve Merll cino is not more or 1cm required, and tnttcii 'sick ness and suircrliift inlnlit be presented, if nharm le but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costlto hnbiti cy 1 1 11 . ,.A.tJ It .nnn n..n..i... ...! .,,,1 UllUJ ue. Mill, I in.,iut"i iinwiiKt tittn.,n ouwui often fatal di.pas.es, which tnlirht hat o been avoided by tho timely and judicious uso of a good purgative. T hi, is nllko truo of Cold.. Fccrisll syinptonn, aud Dilimis dcranrreinctits. 'lhey all tend tu hpcomo or produce the deep seated and formidablo distemper, which load the licarsc. all otcr tho lnnd. Ilenco a reliable family physic li of the tlrat importance to the -public health, and this l'lll has been perfected with consummate .kill lo meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by l'liyslfians, Profes sors, and Patients, lias shown ri-Miltiurpa.sIni; any thiup; hitherto known of any medicine. Cures hav e been effected be) ond belief, were they not sub stantiated by pcrkons of such exulted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among: tho mnny eminent gentlemen who havo testified in favor of theso Pills, wo may mention ! 1'rof. J. M. Locke, Anil)t!cal Chtuilst, of Cin cinnati, whose high professional character is en dorsed by . , , Jtms M 1,8 vj:, Judge of the Supremo Court of the United State,. Titos. Coitw iN, Secretary of the lieasury, lion. S. M. WniaitT, Oomnor of Indlma. N. IONowiiliTtt, Rreat wine nrowcr of the Vi est. Also, l)n. J. Jt. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of New York City, cndniKod by Ho.v. W. L. JIauov, Secretary of State. Wit, li. Astor, tho richest man in America. S. Lelasd Co., l'ropr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and many others. Did xpico penult, we could plvc many hundred ccrtMcatcs, from all parts whero the Pills have been used, but evidence men more lonuncing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their cllotts upon trial. ... , These Pills, the result of lonp inveslnzation and study, aro oU'ercd to tho public as the best and most lomplctn which the present state of medical science can airord. "liter are compounded not of tho drugs theiilMHes, but of tlio nicditinal virtues only of Vi'Ketnble remedies, cxlrntled by chemical procc.s in a stale of purity, and combined together in such tt manner a3 to insure tbo best results. This St stem of comtio.tlion for medieiiies has been found in the Cheiry l'eclor.tl and Pills both, to pioduco n tiiiiro effififiit remedy than hud hitherto been ob tained by any prous. The reason is perfectly ob V inus. Wldlo bv the old mode of Lumposl tion, et crv metUcine 1? burdened with more or lets of acri monious and init.rions (italilies, b this earh indi vidual Vfrtuo only mat i uwi.it m w. ell'cct is pret-cnt. All the im rt and cbnosious qual itif s nf i ach substance cmploj i d ale kit behind, tilts curative lirtues onlv belntr rvtaltied. llentc it is self-evident the chVcti should prove, as Ibey hato proved, more liurely reme.li.il. and Iho Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to ilie.te than any other medicine klimtn lo the woild. t As it is frciinenlly expedient that my medictn. should be taken under the counsel of an atte-iidintr. Plij.it ian, and as he could not properly judire of remedy without knowing Its tompositinn, 1 bus supplied tbo nr curate 1'ornml.c by wllrh hotli mv Pectoral nnd Pills are made to tho whole body of Practitioners in the United St lies and IllilWi Amel Ican Protinccs. If, however, there should be any ono who has not received Ibeni, they will ba promptly forwarded bv mall to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that aro ollered.hovr few would be taken If their composition was known! Their life consists in their mjstcry. 1 hav no mysteries. , The composition of my preparations Is lid open lo all men, and all who aie competent to judgo on the subject ficcly acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits, 'llie Cherry Pectoril mi pronounced bv scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its cllects wete known. Many em inent Phjsiilans have declared the same thing of my Pills, nnd even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations weic more than realled by thtir ellccts upon tii.il. They operate by their poweilttl influence on th. Internal viscera to purify the blood and htitaulat. it into healthy action leinove the obstruction of tho stomach, bowels, liter, and olhrr ortjnns of tho body, restoring their irlcguiar action to health, and by correcting, wheictcr lbcy exist, such derange ments us ate the Iirs,t oiigin of disease. P,cing sugar-wrapped, they lie plusstut to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can trke tjoiu their use in any tjuaiitity. For minute tuicetions, see wrapper on the cox. I'HI-.l'AllKI) BV DE. JAMES C. AYKH, IM-acf leal zmu AiihI) tlcul CheiuUt, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Centi per az. I'ivo Boxes for $L S0Ll UT X3T.V LUTZ, and aM Dru'cikti In ElcoiuBbtul and Dealer in Medicine evcowhire ainy 10, J057 IMPOliTANT DISGOVKUV 1 A Nil ALL DIHL'AfcL'S OF T.IU LUNG 8 AND TI1ULMT are io.itlvcly cursble by ii.linluiiuu, which conveys the remeJies to the cmitKit In il.w tuuiiH Itiroufih the air paBoasee, and coming in dirtct contact with llie disease, neiitralittt llie tubercular nutter, ull.iyit the cough, ciue( b l fn t nnd ibvy eipte toralion, hi-uls the lungs, purjtie the blood, imputtt rcnewtd Mialily lo tho nervou yteui, t;nnij( that lone andcneigy eo liiditpcnvnble lor I hi rettoraiion bl health. To be able to Hlato confidently Ibul Cuiibuuip limits curable by i nhalullon, is lo me u puurcu of in lojed pleuEure. it li u much under tfiu control vt incdiial Ireaimcr.t ns any olhcr furmittuble duease ; ninety out of every hundrid cujea tun lu enrt-d in ilt flrbtciuseti aud filty per cent, in Iho ULund j but in the third nlut! It ii impcrfclble to save inoio than five per cent, for tho luntfb are io cut up by the t b"ue,afc lo bid defiance to medical bkill, Len,hont'Ver. in Ihf lat e tape if, Inhalation ulfords exlrt.ordinur) relief tp the suireriiiR altcndmg this lehtful tcourge, vtliich an nually destroy. nlnei five tbousand ferMitie in tho United btntek Blono ; and a correct colculoiion Iiown that ol tho prehent population uf lie turth, eight mil lioiii aro deptined to fill the coiiHUUijilive'v grav. Truly Iho iuiver ol dcalii has no arrow fo futal as Consumption. In all oge it Law been Ue gnat ent my of life, tor it spa I'm neither upe nut tvx, but sneent off alike the bi.ive, tho benutifiil, the gruct ful, and lb gitlttl. lty tlio help of that Supreme ljeJiig.fr tin whom romctli every rood nnd puitct Kill, I am enabled to oiler lo Iho auluted u permunciil und uptedy cure In CdUeiimplioii. 'ihe lliitcai.te of tubercle si trom un pure bloud, and Ihe 1m mediate Hint, produced by their deposition In the lungs, U to ireLiit the fret admiision of air into the air cells, which cau 4cnu weakened vila lityth rough ihe entire sstem. Then turily Itix mor rationa I toexpi ct greater (rood from inedjcine enlerin? tlio cavilieu ul the lungs than from ihote ndminit-terrd llirouph the stomach ; the patient w Ml iilwaj p find tho luncs fiee und thu brcalhlnu earv aiiLr iiiii.nnifr dies. Thui, iiilulaiiou id n local remeiiv, ne erttielcea il acucouHilutiuually, und with more power and rep tainty thmi reimdittiatlniluUicredhy the ktnmaili. 1 0 prove the powerful nod t'irtct Inflnunco ut this mode of lidmiiilsiriitlfiii, chlorolorm inlmled will entirely de ftroV BfliaibllllV 111 n few minutes. narnliTlmr Hi. . tire ittrtous bjvtcm, ec that a limb inny be auiputated ' jwihoul the li?hteBt pnin : inlmiinff the ordinary burn- 9 , 1 1 tt C4 W II defctt OV iff III a leu hi.ura ' i in. iriiiiiiatiuu ui iiuiintii iu will rniiGd Ihti avatjim w lien fuintiiii: or apiiareiillv dead The odor ol many - i ,s ,Kr li"1'1 many iiiou.anns sutlertnit from , dlea,es of the liinasandtliroat, liars' been under my I enrc. nnd I have elTecled many rciutrftalile cures, even after t lie suirererti had been pronouiited iu the lasf .M.,n. .. , .nintTt-v n. tiirii cousiiniption Is no oncirafaial disease My ircniniint ol coiimniMion is oiiginal, and founded on loneeipi rienro ond a Hit)', rouch iuvesttealinn. My petfect acaualnlance with llie latum of lulierclcs, tec, enables me lo dislineiii'li , readily, llie various forms of disease ibat simulate consuiiiition, end apply llie proper remedies, rarely lienn iiilslakctievcnlnasineleiase. This fali.lliarily, inronniclloii with rertaln patliolocical and rnicroseo. pic illjeot cries, enables me lo relict e llie luncs from Hie effects ol contrarted rlie.i. , lr. ...i..a .i." , 'P"rify the blood. ininart to it renewed vitality clvinr enfy,f ilHL" u.!? V'm",!1"' "'""' i . u .. . ,T ' " 1 " "Till I" 0 0 V T II OI 1 i ne umipn n iipi nnd ritn.o. .. .. .n,t : itZtZ j-ub j imiifiiK rommuni eating tlielr simpioms by letter, li lut Ibe cure volild e more certain if the t.nii..., .i.n.. witch would give me en npputtunity to einnnne lb. i.r.l... ."' e"?b n'" 10 P'Mcnle will, much grreter ceitolnty and then the cure could be efleclcd vtitbc-tll my seeing the patlenttifain r,m .... e, W niAHAM, M D., Oiuce, 1131 FttmSTslie, t,(r,lif fin. 100.1 it ,!'," 7cl"h, l'hlladelpliia, Ta. July II, 1PS7 fMarrn 41 TUUNKSI TRUNK.-ili THE LAROEST, BEST nindsoineat anil cheapest s. sortment ol Solo Leaibei Ho 'nl Riveted TlJirF.llA-O TRVjYSS, T2. VAr.fu 'I'HIfNKH. ' P eljeii, Uethti and Carpel Ua..,'l'aeking Trunki, . " THOMAS W, MATTRON- .Celebrale.1 London I'liie .Medal !,,,. , ., "j. . Bpnng.Solld Sole Leather Truitk Mn, ; ''""' NO. slid MARKliT ITflPPT ' V' .mSr"? FoU"11 " Markeim.d.,,.,. I A. M. RUPERT Tiowaie tod I Bh iron Manuecgr.rLta..n m. OlmclKlotv Uu?? ', sicT,,0' " "'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers