COEWlA ALEH II. TTKi I.OCAI. EDITOIt, Satutday Morning, April 18, '57 ,pn"'""'"""'rvl"li"" eVfttt thoIUv. Geohoe Wamhsn, will iVA ltiA linnil VAhllnsf All n Aim i,,,n. preach' in tho Court House, to-morrow, morning, at m o'clock, (""New Goods. Wo perccivo tint 7- , . , 1 , ItIcMrf.Kt.8BiN; Wilson, have again rc" pjenfificd their shelves, with a largo as- lortWnt of Candies, Fruits, &o., from tho , Eastern cities, to which wo invito iho at- iion.of our citizens. SS?Tits Gat.e.- I ho heavy gilo whioh prevailed on Wcdncsdny last, resulted irijji'robnprrnrd,' considemLlu damnco in tho way of blowing l'lSfl? t I r M n M M , IM IMl'UU. 'aiLI3 UL IUV county, ii hUp. , t&" BEWAttE or RouiiEiis, Hon. L. l.tltltTPr.nTft Slnnlrn TTntlon tarn rnTilirtrl l;-r , 93 Wonilay night , of a largo lot of Hams and sl"Uldcrs, 'rYJ,y t t ,,EX;SheriiT BiLLMEYEU, a few nights Birice,'' had a slather of eatables purloined trorrrhia Lanier, ami Dr.If&Mrr.Y'ii Smolio Houso was also robbed of a quantity of meat!' Sudl COllduCt is disgraceful to 1,. , , , , .111, u niSuurg,-auu tno inisereaniH buouiu no farettcrl nut nml HOtrorltr nitntwlmil Wo u.i ir!.,i n.i' t ll n P X ,ilU IU1 tllU. UUI IJlCU Vi preserving order and protecting thu inter ests df our citiiciis. Ml eg- Moved into Town. Sinoo tho first of April tie notico many now faces in town, off arsons who have taken up their reswonce vim mo intention ot making it( jy- The Five Per Critl. Savins Funtl pcrmonant. Wo are quite suro they could 'ofii.e National a-iiWy Oniiiptny. It'a'ntV nlfi-et, ami tin tiot' have made tnvwttncnls in a more flour-! '' ' r:"rdr nni vh iphla, now 1,,,, m..,, .,,,.,4 . tlun One Mii.l.loN.if l) iltara, nil In Joiriort Orouhi, Ialling or ptospcilllg JiLlCO, or take Up their liLtn. and other Crftcliaaae'irillea, to Hi; benefit n abode iu a Jiioro admired aud bcitntiful AVo welcome ihcin iuto our inids-t nnd'trust they may be highly pleased with thoif'facw places of residence. JK- Wilt, not Pass. Tlio probabilities nro that tho bill increasing the pay of Jurors find Witnesses attending Court, will uot pasatho Legislature this iSefsio". 0f Fnu it, Ac Tho cold weather in thot'carlv unit of this wooU did hnt HhIo I injury to tho fruit hud. In one or two intsncei'l'injespo.;cd silutitionst wc under stand tht thopeach null pear budj were somewhat injured, but not to auj serious extent. j- Who aru They ? A younj 1-dy, on Icing asked vthat fbo thought of tlio ; parody on " Tell me yo winged winds, " replied that she knew sieral gentlemen who would li vo no difficulty in findinj; places on eaitfi thero w men are not, whether dcairable oriUu'.. Wiio fill at tint tire; CSSjr Sl-lUNtl. HOW much SOtlie pC-plu nrt- fivrn to tulltin writino- and lliitikinir an. gicn to taming, writing anu uutiuui BUOUt Opring. JWCry OllC, as bOOtl an IHO jfitst sunny thy has warmed hia notions of i" . . . . . i wroprioty in regnru 10 wuai ougoi w uo N'Oaiicu cpnng, mrows vi somoiiniij- otlicr about tho weather, and then cocs on law ' to btato a Ioiil' discourso about pnrinir. spring. lleaing out tlio wea'her ; iU ca'her; U a way that oing thing.s. "Delightful , "thou hast oomo acain, fditora hare of Join f pprmg,". Bay tliey, "thou hast como again: 'indeed, to choer our lnlf frozen hearts fcnd to revive our drooping tpirits, thou 1 Sbeautiful germ of .another summer, gentle at' 0 .... . 8 infancy,' and no less lovoly 1 i ith theo riTal! IS glauneSS-Of llCart aim IllllnCJs Of CU- oynient, and bright hopej of merrier days Mjnd happier times. Tho light of thy young n Is as dear t- our eyes as tho summer's tlo, aud.brighter. Thy breath is sweet' tlia; tho dowy iucenso of a Bummer's morn. rri. .,i i..t. ;.. ,..i,l, il, .uiiuit. neKKintiu uat.iv B,u v..... t..u -.--y ,-',f i,,,,.,,, ",,, wood were entirely Co , melody of aweetcst sougbtevs, llio bubbling 1 -'';- 1jc'!r;v.,;;il,,0r, Vl.'.. ' .,.m:!,,!.,;"'.,r '.n,.' in' , .music of tho mountain rill, and tho loud the., -.-''i -ibj ,,j triumphant roar of (he swelling flood. Tho me oniniuitieo uud ( to a A.i.anu-s ait.ii ior ..v- ii a e . publti.aiiiliiaiioo.iudiM:iikeilliytheCoiniiiilleii - humble flOWOr that thought it was forgOt,'ln,oi.ooiisnnilpapernakeniro.nili"Sarii.oiiiiuliic- .i , , . . , ? ti red bv P.irrels icIUriinsa were, in our Judgtiniil, 1 unit ilrnni.nil hirl n pun., ila .t.m ...l.rt ,1 .1 11,11 r.; ..ft...L...L...,i ...r i ,n ii tlm.i, tken ' 'hy dear approval, and bids thco welcomo a In thy youug beauty, aad lives on again in ""Jglidness. Welcomo, welcomo spring!" ThiB is tho ttrain in wlucti spring is usher- ircd in, which would all be well onough spring woulu stay spring, ami not iroozo ui to death as she is wont. Whilo wo write, (Weducbdoy, April 10th,) ouo of. the finest' n'nnow ttorius which wc have seen during tho past winter, is reging. Every flako is broad, firm and compact, and eomcs dane- ing to the earth as ,f it had a wicked sort of pleasuro in scattering to the Windsor -covering with tho wbito pall of Winter all , thO poetry and pleasuro Of Spring, For J 1 ' , 'OarselVCS , WO Van Say thllt WO doll t fallOy fL. ' . ' tttus tcasou of spriii- Columbia H)emOCiatVMay Term of Court. The following nro ttio receipts to llio offico PROCLAMATION, of the Comjmiiia. Democrat, during WH5?l tUO month of March, I8D7 i, , i u, u onmiir i i:n . r. inn ii . .. . uu kimrh i - II. T tletmliold, SOD Oeirhnrt. 1 110 col. Con tc Iron Co, 2rn jy;?,?;;1,1,?'!;;:: ' .I,'; T:v - ..,,,,, i ,u, uvui J-tekinn Garrison, rnaa ivnivcrion, Capl,Jho. Itontl, n JaeobZHiilofl. i ut 150' ITS iV.,K:iSi:j"0",,3lS: Jacob I'. Illolerlck, Columbia County, .100 non V. m ilowo?, 5 10 00 H7 17S Sfio SOU I CO l ro John P, I'owter, Us-i itinai.n Dinner, Mlehacl attacker. E'tvyni.wotkiieiiPi, 1 7J lo. r.rnstue nirlnti, 4 00 ivor. in niiiiagn, Col. O. A. NIcoUs, John Dlolorirli, Eaq., 1 75 O. F. I'oralns, 1 nj ViTt'ii'" r UhMt' moVjoimuon, nnofl"nanUfcCKtio. SS 1,2 I 01) 75 SOU 19 44 3 00 31 no 51)0 u on i so n 10 7 oo 1 00 S.'.0 ISO S 00 , .100 I 75 1'7V sn ii ii. ..rcTciing, Jcsae llol llncalioad, U. F IVraina;, Lnmlicrt IVrilnp, J, V. Atcinmlcr. Knorli llowt'tl J. M.llowcr,. Kllna Tnalrr. 3 111) s on 1 uo 2 37 I: IH) id ..i-riinan, Judgo Rupert ( IlliHm i;. Mutton, A..M Itupcrl, Jn.i.h Moil, Alexaniler Kramer, ii a.8choJ).i:.-., CXS 13 am ljnniiict Johnaton, r mi i p ni iirr, T. Matlin. I'.al, Wfatoj Snyilrr, AVm llowoll, Dr. Ilolloway, P, Unmcat, Henry Younfccr, Cmaiittfl llogart, I'.li Crovallng, 3 oo l on 3 73 3H0 li 2i 57 1 00 John Woir, ' Col Co. As. Boclcty lift rfUftPpil ,1 1 C I .pan. Ailnnl Ocrntppr. ufvi .inner, ItcV.J 11, Morris, K., II. 1 Kelthard &C.1. 12 00 Spocial Notices. ttl-PUntFV YOUR Ilt.OOO.-ropuriryllio bloo.l.i 'and keep It ro, lao ly icllaln cuaranlpe for. P0(' pi!th, nnilwe know of no remedy winch more ' I thoroushly and eafel yeffeel, that onil.than llurlp)a Biraaparilla The ai'neon la now nt hand hen every ' ''0,,on l,""m" ly " f,w 1,0,1 , April i, ifi37-y ' "5-tiik unMociuiTc NirMlNiTrTrou oovLTn. j ' NOU. A corrorpoliilcntlwritra thai aa aoon aa Ren. I i TackPr hoard lint lio had hpon noinlmled for Coveriin r ,0 ,0,,n,c tlonventlon'at llnrrltburK.hp do. clarcil tilmadl overjoyed, uud avowed hla deteriuinn liontotake thu atuiiinnt nu early dry Inn 11 lrr".WII,l,' amt oletothlng Iroin the 111:14 nl ficcn t eat-lbllsh men! of , Chiumi.i.b fivimm, No, '.'03 Uhcaluiit atreiit. aliovo fill, Philadelphia. ' JCSy The i'tnlc Savings Funtl, 8:t Dock ttrtet,ntiltliior to the FotitOjptt Pumi.i.fLiga iin-l enr.l nre received on dppollc,nn.t ri'titrncil ntnny time, t Ith fltc ppr ccnl, internal. The office la opend.i)ly, and everv .Monday eienins ( ilcpodilnrH. Kj-TMOM.fl V. MArWOJiJ, Ricittei iUuVruif .Mtt1 nt t'ic WnrMN I'.iir In Koiii1 -m. ItCI, 1 UUM.C'AIU'Cr M.WIS, nnotn, Klio.t nnl (.iiipii, (Jr'aitlntliicii Jinnri! ihmv tiit'crfti t pnrclini'ri nfttio Iidvo nrlif led. TlilU miicli Uit? hrmt tot kul trunks. ;Cnrpct I itp , Vilci!,Acr , in Plil la itr t jiTiin rry clieap, nr cash. Mitntfictorits: l:l(J Mirkct Stp'ct, H. V, itfiur an t Hi M trk't Ft recti S X- curncrnf romth. i ''U'OODNAM) OR CAM ,,-.'7 fomiidtfrr Oenutifying j the tYdfrlitghly pufiimu.i. mipi r 1 r l tiny I'rench .1 I lirnl iitHrlcil. unit f r Jinl f tlif ricf, l-'nr drcuMtig I.aitiuti UoyfiU Ins im i''ii, fivirg it it driptit fitny . njipcirancr. It r.iiuca (.cntlt'iiian'i Hal r tn curl in 1 1i I niU4tl naturiil tn:i ti 1 4 r It rriiiiis ilaxTrtifl. a'wnvn Riing the Ilnir fUti fippmmuM nf tmlup Initi thnn looncii, ,1' rite i'til) ft t cut 14. Nunc riminc unless VLTUH GCAt CO . N. V. I'mrtiMnm oUln Dotm taTAoumnJ Jtovcrs.' VtyrmU hy all nrtt-'itii. KQUALlTi TO ALL 1 UNiroUMtTV OP r.UiM.dl-A Nrw rnmns I? IIl'ijIUH-h, Xccry anthltoan Salovien! iiKiCA k CO., Of tlio t;reT"iit One I'ricu Clntliins Ptnre Sn. COO Mirk'-l olrcit.hlmVe HixMi, riiil.itl( IjOilh. In ft'Miimn to tiavinc t In- l;tr i-fl nuM vari-tl timt f.tiiliifiiial'le t l-tck oi'';: in I'iul.itlc Iphi i. ni:nlt-i-xpn'tn-h firrttiil stUp, vtc rotutitntffl evi ry imc IiHnwn tcalemnati, hy Ii.iviiiij i:nrlfil in (tnrev, mi I etch tirtli In the vtrv Inuiiil nii'i-lt lie tat A fur tntti-y cinnot pDisihly vaiy-a',1 alike. 'I hj cnn.lBiirii iell fpnni ainl pn jmreit, nint re:tt pTin tatcn nith the ipakiiiR po that nil tnn buy iih the fil I liHur.tnco tifci'ltlng a xnntl article nt the cry luwcrt prico Ataio n lar1' Uch nf pi ith c-'flH nn Ii unt.nrt'i'! Lttest f 1)1-1 anil h'dt uilili'-s, ulii'-li m ill l-u 11141U tn iT'l'T in Iht) inikt t'lhliinualitn an I Lest manner 25 per ei nt. J1i w creilit priee. lteneitih"( thu Crcteiil, in .Mattxel, qIiic Uixth t-lruit.Nu. WU. J(J r,M !i Ct). ONB IMUOli ONLY 1 LirriNCOTT U COrf OaVi Cluilitn Wnrrhnnie, mii'i West rnr t r nf l-nirth .11 ! Mirk it tr vtli, Plul .tilylphia. TAc only Que Criee UatMn Start U .tmrica t.iti purctiiper of M mi's or Imf 1 LVilltjiig. .1 I tvlioh'sntii ami retait.cnnj li -re. t:nke ttn-i r 8 lection 1 frnni an IiiMtiinso Blf-ck tif f.mM'in.ihly ml and well Iri-i'I'( cintliUM K''V'l' wan a-vi-w 10 itu mikijitiiuii tnalt nutl at tin vvty luvtil pmi'ile wl!iii(, prico if Innrkett in plain Ilgmca 011 every fiar.neiit, ail lm it lb! snnoprice.nmlj wliettier tliey urn J.itlgn of ynoJ-t I or nol, tliey r.tnnntho deficvcd. Om unlienii iw priceloaik nnilWtt.(miiHevyryb'itly, wile tin turn I mo le of iiikini two prirfu, umlltklns all tint can uu t suits no ho ly.ari Id its thr"-lo irt'H ; irsia 11c I n tniii ucKs.aViV'-rHfvai, ami auerw anMa?rei uiiaKv , 310, mi l ttjii eipially ri ri iiu. that he.writilil have, taken .t, if ho co'ifit l.ave ( it ll, timl ititti vt'iillv rlnt ft ittrihis' r'oit m il vi ilotiirs. To r -ni.iy lUtu uil ii.l-.t.timsh ennmenre ill lliy'l'lN 'Or 4; ' ll ft ' "it Widow price on it theirroo,tf(lvery milcIlllImv (tlc UJ(llll rat(li miti ,,nlv.rViTy 0n cinv muler ny;:tirriimsiance. i j-rOAi.t. avii a ,P...a I ., ,.......,l.'A'..,.fnn ill I'.l.lrll I M.l r I, Pi .ll OOl . Phllaileii'hla. SALAMANDER FIRE AND THIEF t ...... . i ItUUr ftAl'Jb. z$jt?!TS3nieni in the Un . llPifc:: .1tMM?.,',";.;.:, 'in i I,P,fii:-?r ASSOUT- Unllcd riati' eiual lo ony ill iild on ;ic.inhobtnl I frnui ony otlier liouao 111 Ihe & Igi-Si.- I'.VANd ft WATS OV'b, yatTVifri'e. yo u iiu bi., 11111,1. truth is strnirrv avu wii.i. pnt:vAii.' -e.i. nn,,itt.A unititiil'if to MHtterintendlhs Burn. ' lls ;rJ , ore ai Heating, niirmry n. 1357. , Th Unitorlncil, ol the roninnllee, ill jRTSca-ti-'.i" ti'JSa.v'illr iT-fcirriiri.i i?-?.-";. VT."; t!"y .iri'ymr: .iiVi'ViHia 0 VW "VinJts'onraN'lrriksrd"".,1' '1"1',3;,.-rtllleu:lv8l,v1op(lA.M...n,iao u r,,,., nrd. of ereeii hnkiry. tito rnrds from llvnns & WViaon's safe i, We believi' the above, tohavn been a fair and Iui partial trial of the reaiiJrtlv'' 'ina-jli" f''icS' 1 dami i. s. iiiiNTP.ii llavl.i; been absent duriiis theliuruins. tte fully colneiilo Willi tho nbovopta lenient "f tha coiiilitioii of the papers and bjoks takoii out of Uio rcspeptitu if,afes O. A . NlOOIit.3. ii. ii. tuiiii.r.wnr.Ri;. JAS3. MlI.IIOtI.AND. Mi terra?, lear SAMURI. M. MKCUTt'IIEN. ftu mtianrxD uanu. sro.w. mxv- , SVg!i,lv Tmov'ed' l-Titti, gk&A JMm "1 lustitucy. No ri i''EPniIlLS5l Kentinstou poitorficu 'fTrZ'lTTr fian; IIAVIIOCK Slreel. below Prom Plii'adelpllia. Onralic.. Mill Stniies.MIII Irons. Sniutt Marbincs, Patent Mill llu.h. Portable Mills, Plr.lchPil Helling lleineiiiaildflrrppn Wlra. ivjtuni-Mi;iiir.D noi.Tivf! ct.orns i-st 3mo. rierul JallDcllvorv, Uoutl df Uuarlcr Br.ilnm oftho 'at ami Orphan Ooiiri, il.lilet. eoninotedofth. ri nmlUviimlng.nnitlho ,'v " counties of Columbia, Bill Ii van . - - . " - Ion Jacob cv.iieaind yntkh klisc, "" . pi,, .1 .J..' i d ,.VV lV.'i'iUI,,Jllinl. .Ki"..'. J, ? M'tTrinl n?Vniw o,lcdVBn,,!,5AC?lll,j0l'J'I..l'',J','.?,,"'' OcootnlJail ncllyary.lltnernlUiiartfrPcaa Inna olilw rcncc.i.onioii.ii iriiaanii uri nan n ,.oiiri, iniiiooina. In. Inlhrtpmimv tt l!ilitrihln . nta ll.M fl.kl Mnmt.w. (leloe.lo4,lday,of May Hod o conlln.c.n, "not'ipp la hetchv rlirn 10 llio Pornnpr tho Jmilcea 1 a, a i. . aa ..1 llV . Va. nriliplVncn niid Conitnlilpaol llie ml.l fonnty of Co. liniilil.l,lhnl lli,.y be iiipii nml IIipip In tlialr proper X'WJ,; . BitIi.k. oira ' r.mJmii.S.'S 1, h-.phh,VhPli lolhelrnmna apptrlaln to bo a. i i.ii , i... 1 1... r,Vni, iirnapciiipnn naiinc pri'omra uiai nrp or may no in lo proapputp thpm np phall iM.Juat. Jnrrr nre rponrai. , pd to ho punctual In th Ir ulteni'nutp, atireenhly to llielrnotirca, Dated at Illnoniaburir. the UMhilnv of M.ueh in tho year of our Lord ono thotiaand elaht hun.1rndnniinrt)-.,i.tPn,miilinlha8ltyonrol tholn.i depcmlpniu ciflho Unilpil Ptatea of Alucrlrn. (God save tho Commonwealth.) BTWIir.N II M i u.r.n, H'rlJ. LIST OP .. . .,...,. ..... mm i r nil UAUol'iO L't'lv IHIilJj Al jIAY TEHSl ;lt' a famupll,. JlcCullocki.tal.el Samuel IMIbartlcy J William Knmli p. (lioreo I.. Klinnet nl, 4 Williaio JKoouerj.fJcorBol.. Klmo I IVilerlPk Ileal 'a Dtra.ra Philip Wlnteritoollcl al 1 0 Joseph siuckhfitmc ii (lllbtrl Fowler 7 J.IUO M, llernincer r W. A. Klinu. ii David Reliibolder AnronWoll. !l IVler Appleniaof I nl rt l.eon inl tl Rupert ct at 10 Mary VansicKle r Jureph HiicHIp et al. 11 Ocnrnu Mlllpr ti Clr.torlly Tlphcr. I! Georjo Allllcr arj N.illiainelOvcrderf. 13 Ivter Applcman f l.ponnrd n Itupirt, IJ 'riino.iTu l..l...... I..I... 11 i..b. t.cnrjj.- !, Kllnti r Moici t'oiTntan. Juliii Wni;nr n rtallv Wanner. H'lsfinimli Unit ri i;iiuiiil Henry. Innac Itrnwn n Uoliert J Lon, Willimu itahi'un vn Wilvmi Apcr. tmiialitiliiiinau Jaccti U tflniinfin cl al, Joi' Micks r JtHCphKlrketnlflll. Jacnli Helm) p Witdiiii Acer. Vitli.i 11 Strive li.irili-i (i men berg's Atlnm. 10 17 Id III .'o VI i .1 M-KI1IM- II y OH! on r tVIIMilin liTHg. 'Jl U.ttli uiii' Tuniter t John U We.ivtf. Ui( A.hiii iJ.tlilo r 13 title P.) x, Atlin'ri tt7 Willi i n Wiclrt r aorlon U. (ioir. m JtiuWiati .MaLjlIerrBiplc'i ISal.iy. M) L'tirl-lltn lelitrtl)iinicl(.iiruer :u Willi.un Ifdpitfrr V,ilntoiiil t.'rawfor.l :)1 tl:i)fi iVtitirman ri Hut lmnn tVtirrrjuti, 'M .Mir t In .Mow r'T ra 'I !imm HinrktMnne 1 1 nl. :u Clllieri L'tiuler ti l.mtil I'owler. V.x, 'Lfirgn AIiMire et nt vs David I.) it it al. .11 :i" :n :u pi 41 i'ini'i KMteniiii'ier m unvin nam T.i'Khm in t) HiroiMR it nl John Mem , I!ifti.itmir: t Samuel V IHntllfyt June itiitvtnn r J nned Itiliton, Jr. Ailnt'r. In-iin hT W Ktrtl'oift ri . tulr Lew 11 V Myers cl nl Daiil 1 1 ii hit hrinil rt lirti.inmin Peux, U.Mh'jm (I irnton rf Afncl II'mv-1U 11 II iLWl'ei It. Wln,crsti'onetnlr4f'iilAliunSliuii..'ii. 4 Wll'i.ini l.r.htFnn tj Wiill.un Uifgar. Jio-)hibtjrE, Mniili ile! lt.r7 Igiiand jukors roiiliiAY term", IUI nrcrerk Joliii l)j:ik. U.chaiti '1 lunipfon. (Vii tr t- Hi t imiit n elnuii. t) unw lem- Clcii le Krcipli. cirei'tiviiiiiijc),i, (.tun n (leu. Mutters, Xtlwftrd A ll)erlt n. 1 1.1 Jc)i iivm Ufitr Lit lit. Ileinlerk- IVIi r A--'i innii. I.ucutl -Jnnt' i nper. -Mm) miilen en ft- J'i-cli C.t 1 n. Mifllin A,rilinm .Moniclit-r. Wit luin.N' .Urotvn. A'.nnie Ibmel Huimrn. Mnntotir JVter II imt nr h u MJitlWnn Jiiinvv Jonii u.KcircrA .3.1.1 Hi , Jotin Hwidlter. Pllin Albill Iht liter. Hentt JtilinTrumlily, Ilanmn U.Crcvcti nir .Jack- sun Cnrretfnn. tsuarn ir Andrew i.n'ibacli. IJloinibur,j. Ala rcli i-i, Ici7. THAVERSn JURORS HAY TKUM. ninoni Mnrrlt Van IIiMHirk lr Itriarcreek Henry Killeiiliousc,IIcnr Uuuk.John rriMH Heaver Charlci MicliauI,Moeei Scitich-jr, Jarli tt I tt r nhu ,t ik r . Iljiiloii Rielnriltitltes, Jopp- irng. Cnire Jnlm I'.titrr , Jaub lnuiiliucli CJut n In a It 1 ninl !ltMU 'eenw ouJ Aliritiatti DrdUtbiii, i.icob U i.en he n tier Iknt Ofk lletibcn Uo-ari. J.rksun (Iiorei-T.trver. Irnni I'rrr. LiviiHi lohn L lltriti.JuuiUriiinser, fJ. C. II wer I' l In J' li" Mi lilt it J- Ii n Folk, Henry I.ellat, Thomay Atin, 1 1 1 ri 111 l'r in M 1 In 111 Velieniltli Welllver rttrhan! nnif ll. Mo mi pi') 4 nit J nii ti .-ill tptimi, t'inlip L'tawforil, t-ant Ktititf. It i iri'l.",rwtk Wil Him IlreUhrtrh . -t ,tt -ll-iici r.iiitinii. i'.yers, Ihcinoa H'inei-I.inii WiliunM; Crrrn iji'irlo if(f i-oi ni' rteilimu. IJIn i.iMb tr$, larrd 17. Spring and Slimmer JTS OODS- i7B'ZfiIv.v, Real iVJ0., f I A VI Ml )iil P'reneit nml opi neil their .lock nf 1. 1 in-rciiaiuiiri' a ilea, tvn j.-n coiiiiiriaetthe I.AKClllsT .'lli:i'i:l', anil IIANDSIUIUST naaort. uiejit now oifercd in tlii. TOWN 1 llivitu paidcrent attention In III. relretion of their enure ntnrk, ua to price ar.d niuility. they Halter ,:he;.ipi.tea that tliey can compote with the e.cap,jf, uud nil I hope ttiahluj. lo Ii 11 V e Ilea n. nu, ..1 1 e llinui'i l.v uhliinn.n.nil IV n hnvo all kiuda nl and Warn lo supply the teoplo. AV ry lartfu lot or - LADIKS iOKKSS GOODS. French Memoes, WoollM.iids, Alpacas, Comb izlnes, tlehaito! I'oplnis. I'.iramett.i clotht, Mohair Lntres, Mtiajlin lie halne-t, l'erlan clolhs GlngbJina, Calicoes, Wllim flOorM OF ALL KINfirf, Sieves. Collars. iiimiKereini'it, uoiiiicinir, i.anji nj:,i i ajl.l tlimiiilllriS. Laeet.nndediringii, bnnnri riUi cms, in I-i rgo variety ivii rniiMiii,nuii i.raiu4,Kio,cw;ioiiiaiiu tuie liireatl ulovi'M. Mol.air initls. tVc . Wi; invitf our friends nml the putille Renera)ly tn if f e ur a ul I he fore pure daring elvewliuro. WeJinvo bmuliionr i-oods nt LovvestOaah Prices, and will not bu u ii crkolil hy an) body . or the rest o' man ki mi. McKKLVY, WifiAL & UO. nioon. Imrg, March 21, 1W7. MUKPI1V k KOONS, oi:ni!f m, co.hSnssiox merchants, AND 'VllUl.r.J.M.t; DRAr.UIIS IN nun, CUKKSH ti I'llO JV.SO.V.V. No, 47 Niittlt Waryrs (hetow Knee Siriel) PHILADELPHIA. Have conimil on hni.d a Iar?e at POUIUKlil 01 Willi &L liMLI.SIa At I'KO VISIONS, tthnjit!i4y are pripared to aeli til Ihe lowest pn.silile raie Ioiilii:ns proiuptiynltejucd to. iluury'.'l, le.17 I ' - i milN (! Vl'lf'lJll . ftSU I Oil .1 I) IC Hilt .ii C a tl S t 0 P P. NO. 10J NUIITII Tllll'.D B'PRIiCT, Hlill.ADKI.PHIA. I I , Slerchanl. nnd vitilora from Torthern Penniyl I vania,nrereaieeifullyluvituillo jlte liimacall, whan vi. Hint: Philadelphia. .Q,ici,y. iiu Vt ALU I'Al'i'iH .VKtSllUUbJi UURIOM k. LANINO, JIANUrAOTUP.r.ltfl AND IMPOIlTEKB, Xo. I'J I Arch itrctt. tnoHU tUor ebuie &Ut. itrC4t. I'll 1 ui; i.i-u i. . W II EKE may bo lonnd the largest and be.t se erled .lot k iu the rlly. I.'uuntrv nierrhanlH mav hero hi, iinninin,l,li,. with iut llio iucoiivoiiieiicn of looking lurther, and I....).. n..,i,i ,i,.i ,i..... .. iii . i. n.i..n!.. ' "'"I" "" "" ol 1'ieir money. IlUll'PN k I, ANIN'O , March S3. ie7-"ni 'sjai-i OffBeifi isook stoissj Curuer oi Slit & Arcli Slrcci, Pit i la tlclp. it i u . Henderson &, Co,, UOOKSliLCpllS JI.XO PUBLISHERS. TNVITE tho attention ofall Persons Vi.'i- (if i'ladilphla, whither, on 11 J, mess or pleasure . ,0-,nclI ux,ra0rtliii .ry Collecliouof Uooka upon all sub. i iioes.eiii'i., ..'uiuiy ..c.iivi., .. .iiitii., . uuim nun 1 privalu Libraries, tupplied tvuh Hooks ac Staltonury at lottesl rates. 1 O, C. HCNllCKSON ll CO., March 7, 1857 -Piut. ' " ROOT ANT)"siTdE -MINCr- TIIH tind.-rsiirnnd. thanSiul for the liberal palrntiagu with wicli he has been favored for yt-jruuii e ny .wfiu intorm nu irie-oui ana cusiucif, fiat hcoiiiiiu!iio iniuufucturo licots and Shoesf At his old and wotl-knowit" and, on Malnslrrcl. liiooinshuty, in all their tar i sand forum, in good style n ml on iut item to tunns. His long eipnnence in tlio huiinjs,vand gtiaeral knowleilgiiof ilw people of t'olmnbia county, super added (on Used determination to render sallt-Qitiioo lo atl hit eiiKtomers should secure him ir.creaied p. I r it ua" which he hones in merit jAcoit r niKTURicK lllooaitbur; MnnhlO ,K7 Holloway's Pills. A MEDICAL UK! VOLUTION. Tho World Unanimous 1 Tim GREAT COUNT'- lnfltTArTI I Tnllt virus ofdl.cate often makes He wnv la Ihe In. J lernalortant through tlir pares ofllic skin Till pcnctrailng oinlmenl, inclilnc under Iho hnml a. Ill, In Is nisnrbed lhrouh Ilia tame channels, and, reaching; Hie neat of In fin ni million, prompily nnd Into- ,Ml"' ! "bother localciljn llio kidneys, tha urrr. ine i lint a or iiti ot icr imnoriant orron. ll penctratca thu fiirr.te to llio Inlcrlori llirnnjU Iho touiillf.a lube, (hal eatniiunitnla Willi llio akin In "n" '" pnaaoa Intoil.o forcred earth, aiir.ialnij eoolnndwianeMili.)! loiTnanof. BKIN DIHUABIIU AN1I I! I.AMDU I.IIIS Wlil.LINGS. ,.... . i .... . . i ..... . .h.Y.7l 1I,,l',l'n' a a Ball JUieom Uryalpolaa. , ICHTM " 1 "I Hl fT,ni II llllllf 111 IUI! lillall I CSnIC9i (, tci,) d mil, lo rPlurn no norc, undpr. llaap. -iji-nlion, Ililpnltal pippripneeln nil partsnllheworld, "!.i'"',,?n a.1"" "" . , P,,,,na I ui.ctittd. sunn and 'ru.vona uio oueci nruiia llnnvallcil rucrnnl rrmpily upon mirnculoua. It drat ditpJnraea iho noifon which nro iIiiipp atlppiirnllonnuil proud Itoph.Bnd thus Hip curea uhlrh 'lip hpftlina otonpr'.lpa nflemaril pomtili to nre aahina well ne ppnunnpul. i WOUNDS, ItttUWr.i, JIURVS, AND SOAt.tlfl. ! In cnaea nftho fracture of the beiica. Injuriea pnuapd : by aleain etploaloita, llrulM'S. uuf ua, rcuiiip, iiiicunm llftrAlltVooaa oflhc Joluti. nml contraction of tho al. ' not a, u 14 employed it.i j warmly reromuicnilcil by tlifl faculty. Thla titirveloua rrmedy haa b'en Introiluced HCII IV. 10 bv lit lavetl or in lipraon into nl t ie lelilina I ntti lali bv lit ioveulnr in prranii into ofCiirpo.nnd no private hoiiatlicld Blniutd be tvitliou tNDr.MAtll.B TWIIMOM, The midlril alarTof Ilia 1; rench n il Uofhih nrmlee nlho Crlnur, have nttlrially pibopiI iIipIi opi rovui n liyiiottna a omimcni, aa tno nioai riiuuia uri tains Ir used hy the tiurscona of the All led Navies. Both the Ointment and Mis should be vscd in the following cases : Hnnions, I'ilen, Soro Ileadp.f Uiirns niifuntalifiii, 'ore'l lirnMn, t'ri.mi i ll (I imts, Uliipw- ores ofall klutls CliitMaino, t.i.t. itiicunu t rnlns. riftnU, ftraliN, Ft. I JolDtl. (lout, Hid 11 Ititensco, 'IVt r, I.nmi.nfin, Hwulleii CWnniU' t'lei r, Mercurial nrnp-t-'orn Lejr, Venereal Pnre lions. ,nrelirent, Woniuln.ull It 1 mis. S )l I a l the. tin mil" ic tor iM of prnf.tnr Ilnttnwav 80 .Mil ten Lane, Nimv Yrk, nnil 1.41 llrni.'l, Lnntlon liy nil ivfipert&til JlrugiiUts nml Oi'nkrd in Medirino iiirnu; In pni llolloieau. Xcw Yorlt tester mark tn everv tinf of Hie bonk of direction: nromiil each pot or li'ix ; the paom may ha plainly peer 1 hy holding tie letf lo the light A lulnlaoiuK reward I will bo eiven 10 nny one rpuderlue auch Information 'no uiav lend to the dploelJon i,f ntivtuiriv or nnrtiea rooiiiiierfi'iln' tin' nioiltciuea or ttndingtllu panic k:iot iuj them to be r uiluua. ATTRACTIVE SCHEME! 3,307 I'izcs--Low(6t riz $10 xr.h:ly oxk piu.r. ro l-.i-v.nrxixr. nafivrs PRIZES GUARANTEED! Georgia Lottery. ('"iloriied ly 14 '"e "'"ll" ) Fort Gaines' Actlcray Lottery ! CLASS il. '!'., 1.. .ir.iwn in ihrt nitv of Atlanta. Oeors la . 1 h put lie. on l'uca.iny imh actli, i.Apnl Jili ,on the riuii ur SINGLE NU.MIIEHS! CM'urclnneralubiitlni! It) Wr-cdo Tickets ,tthen llniiiiiiiibeiH lire liil.'.'.:t.4,.", 11,7, a !l, I)) are cillf .uiliodl I'ire ol SW ll.ilteniiil ttuartera in propor tiou. or CtrtificetvM cf 1 1) Tickets will lie aoldnl tho ratea betnw, tor the I it!, en Hie 'I'll ki t, uud whlcJl, t lit! ilea Ihe holder to all he draw a over f.ieSlul'riirea MAMUCIi SWAM ! OO. , Mniinaeia. 30,0011 Tfckcis 3,307 i'flts! w.'tzcs .i.vo uxrixa 70s jo i ,000 Willha diptrihuud ticcori'iny to .Iherollott i"g OitlClNAL SlillEME! 1 I'ri-aof 1 1 1 I " I 1 I " 10 Pris uf I'd 111! ' 111) " 3,U0') $:i,uou i. 11) 1-b') la lu.uuii ia 111 lion I a 4,11110 ia 1 .11011 ia 1.0 "I la 1 'Jim me HID 11 ro ii nru fill 11 ro I'J nru 1 0 .III) 1 ip.t'tii; llMlOO 4 ,1100 .1,01)) 1 .OIKI j uoo u.omi 7,01111 S I'l'il isu.w u ami DJ.1 ' !t '107 1'r'T.a n mnn 1. 1 1 tn. In nv,.. I'i.l.i. CHI, au:i. . : Ouarlcrf. VI The U,u.) I I'rlr... ol $10 ttlll hi by Iho la.t lisuie 1 1 the Nuiiilior lira a HieVJ',0111 I'rir.' o l'..riliinii,- II Hi- Siiuib'-ririi-li'i! the JA.O'KJ l'l ix.! in.U.willi .No. I.lheiiull tlii'Tiekit, tvlierelh ber end. In I uill he enliile.l lo 310. 1 1 the .Niiiub.-r eni'a iMlh .No.'.', ili'-n nil Ilio'lVk lis ivhcrelho Num ber entls in '.' ullll,..-1 iilitleillnSI'l, and moil tat). I.N'SL'OU.M i:TS TO 01,1)118. At .ly thtp t In me. one '1 ilkclin every in la (fiiaean Irrdti" ilra SlO.wewill pell Certificate Vackagciot ll) Tn ke.s itt lie r.' l he number a end inl. 4..'i. r,,,7. H,'.i,o,)at Hie lollnitii.g rau-a, ttjiiiti ia llio ritk on them. . All th it they draw over the s.tu rrizca accrues 10 tue 0 purchaser. Oeitnii-Jteof IMckagoor lOtVlioloTieltiU, $"u 10 tiaii , :i 'i ItlUuartcr " " V It will be perceived. bv Una plan. Hint for $CII lb" certllliule of lilTicketp. tth"n ir h'' buys Ticket, he it oil 1,1 only yet fir tpal ailin litV holes ilni.tiv liuiiiiL' t'.irlillr.iii.i. he hla lour more e.ha,'eu ,'."' lor in e inrijer i riies imivr. un ,.u, n. i in liuul.KIKd TIOKIVrS OH IMHlTII'IOA'lCel. rnrlnui. Hit iniiiifv to our nddrest for the Titki'ts nrdeied on rrreiptiif which iheywit. ho f-trwardedb first mail. I'tirchiuvrs ran haeTickttsttidin in finiiro l Iipv in 1 1, il re i l ii nlr! The liluf drawn .Vinnbersind I'ri.'-fl w ill host! nt to purtlia"ersimniedi.itely alter the draw Inc. , ".V. l'ri I ILKUlat I .lIH:U Ul IWIIUH tuin uiiii;! at intuit u , 111 ' Address orders fur TieketB or Certltlealfs either lo or S. SWAX, lMontomn-y, Ala, January "1 . IeS7. DUEIFUS3 k FERETRRGER, Lnporlcrs awl IVhul-s'tle Dulles in FANCV.ISRY GOODS. French, English and German ZMBituwr.niy.!,, fjixcvxhimmimis, AND MILLINHitr GOODS IN G NERAL NnO-,Norlh'Ihlrd St..n'jovo rch, I'hilaiUlphlj . rpllll SubtcriberH ttould reppeclfiillyinfi rm lh"ir a irlenua nun mc puuue hi cenerni that tliiv have taken Ihe lame and loiiiuioilioiia Store, No. 1 71 N'oith Si conil Street, libot it ltarc. mid fiirniil.ed it with an entiro licit stock of flood,, tu tthirh they would inti u Posses. iii?uusiiril.tcd facilities, and having hulnt loup experience in toe oiigini'e.. iiei. einiuicil in tur- i.nllmr palroiia mid Merchnnt. ccuerally witli ttie late, tallies oflancy (Irodp. l.mbrr.iderif a, Ae. at .Liiusuallow prices, nml liopo Xy strict ntimitiou to busIuces,to luerita alinre ot puiiilc pairoiiejie, DUUIl'USS & V BU MIL 11 Tin, No. 115 North HilrdRtrcoi, above Arch January 10, Ittf J.I.WBS IlKOIfWS GRAMMATICAL WORK'S. rnllP. 1'IltST HOOK nt iho Jtatlonal j I J Se.lem nfKnati.h fjrainii'ir iUcta.Va'J ! Tlir.Si:OONI) HOOK ol Hie It.tliniuliJSt's: 1 i.ii m ofniie'isliOrainiuur, desicned to -ir.iA.i teacli llleprnrepsol Analyrinc tho Knplifh Language , tt till aouiiii juujtriuei.i . nou me an in u.iut: it iviiii a ram itical propriety Illcla. These works nro n'HV uaeil in the Public Schools in the lirst School lli.lrlct pf Petlna) ivauia, ' Til i: Til I It li HOOK of ihe Rational Sv.lem of Cram- mar, designed lo euuliie the learner to become mosl iliarL.uehlviicoualiiudtvilli lie nl .re and of tho Pre - -- ,,-. - ,,,, ,, . .,., ., , SCIIU1'1- fc... IIIIOIV.N ti liKAliilliVi lUAI. UIJAll,lt. nil. Hook I SLlB USlim I H "IU AtlHUIMlUf , UH'l-- III-:, I tint 'Cl.fl, deinnnstntesilii! little tuu of attem'li.atn ihein, and n resents in tin Tiathc r iho itnerrlug and onivwnyto .'he nrainuier ef tlioi;ulili Uintruane. 37 els. rnritilnhy .'titer GrllJC, 113 AIICII Street, 1'lnlaJa I lVbrinry SI. ItUtt. Is. L. Pancoast & Co., i ' COMMISSION MERCHANT.-!. AND nnALKKB IN FISH, PROVISIONS, SALT, .Jc, no. 17 north wnarte, rniiaueipnia. OMNIBUS LINE & LIVERY STABLE H n a, A ii n , ui VfllV ni n n now Dm nihil a ,r . "- . . ZtZfZi' beltt een lilootnsuurg anu tno Railroad fie tin I. tvlllrh will take passenger, from and. to any of the rc.denrus ol tho town, or the American House uud Fotk lintel; and ne will also furnish conveyances to or. who may wish logo Into any part nftho county Ho hua nlsn n lirse llvocystible connected Willi the omnibus line, from wlrich he can accommodate Iho public, ttiihronvayancit lor uavellm;. pleasure eioiitsions or tiiiHinrap. Uleorutburi Apfllf" lf'5 ly ITWMr enlVin,:!' ti'Sei.? " , Jtl Atro'i btroot, bolov Seventh ; l'hila'd. , i n-r.1. ncon.iaeraoie .nving n.y ,na..,- tue ,arEe, jj OvSm, ! umnvi.v- n u,,l. '"!"?!r."n'!rel''.'' ?' Vork price." 7oi'oicaw. .Vie l ppft nml ivntlon." arc iliarermlilo na :i cT u .. . 1 riuup-iiinn 1 of Tin r. until., t.iut pi,..,. M. wan!, d ipiig, 1 (Successor to PEllRY J- 111WTY,) nuoKAci.i.r.R, ni.ANitiiaoK MAvur M'Ttincu HINDER AND l)EAI,UI, IN l.vpaitTF.n a, n. tv bonier, una uat. i iiiiaoeipnia. JOB rntNTlNa.) tTr 1, ,,,,,, VV S1 IJiilux, T.T friends and l-alron IIOO K IIINDINO,) . minnnaaa in M. Dial ha a aiipplylnar I on low lenna. ilntik.nnnk mmlp lo n tnnprlui alvl Inlila own Manuriitory, Bulinblo for Dik, Tlilio I Orrijrk'afc MncilTa Family lilbtr., Olfi Hooka. Hooka of nil kl ml lor publlo ami I'rWato I.lnrtrya PchooMlo ka Certain IMppla. JVrapp n( Pupcra Koola .... t ... -I . .. ..1 T. . '.. ... KKhwMVi ttVr ryNotci. Water Cotor.8priii..n I'apot, iiil"l in- mill riiiiiinr( Rl UltlCN I'll f A i I I LY I'OUTRAIT llllll.i: tan In porrhaaPn. Ihla lllble laaonrrnniii, TIip poilrail of each IndlTldonlnipnibpi ! ?,f".?jL,".1:'.,":'.''r;l.",n.',1 -!1 ?""..5.-.v!"!p! the palntincolan onliuniy altcil I'orlrait 01,11 IU111.KH can be bound for Ihlppiirpoau to accomodate any num. l,er of Dllnntureailcpireil. Maeaxlnpa i'crioilicals 'and old Booka bound In naiiiiMuiu el)l WM. O. PCRRV. auccoHpnrto Tanar tEatTt, 4th U Race, Philadelphia. nre hTlh.lP27 . " 1857. SPUING AND SUM SI Kit, GEO. IIUI.I'IN & CO. jtxn M.t.WFJCTunF.ns. m cnusNur street, Art- now rrrpvcd'to citnUl their New St) tt FOR Sl'ltlXG TRADE. INULUniNd l'.lltark mil colon d3lk Manllllna Clinnlly Man M.itlill.i., I'rrnrh I.aee Alautllln., HiiibMiileri'd fills It) mull l, lli'tb d Uconnd Net .Maullllaa, MoutLilig ManUUap, ltja'iui'.,'rn tmar, Kc, Kc, Allnrtvliicll uiltbo tllerad lit the l.ntreat Trlcpa. OllO r.ttl.l'IN i. ctl. 14 Ohptniit Street, oliote 7tb, Philadili la. Mtrch;ih,1837. l'JIRKNOLOGIAL 0ABI'ET." " roniiKus, WEiiiiS & ro.. l'litsnxoi.ooisTa and punt.isti lull written ileacription of character, dav and cvvni nir . Cabinet free. May 12, 1655. v VP. TIE.I.ffiK. IMPORTERS OK TOYS AND Articles for Druggists, Tobacconists, Sfatiouuis anil Confectioners, tX'i. It), 80UVTII 4h Bt Pillt.ADCM'IlIA. rebrualylM, I . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. .rannora Tloilcra lliera. Giain fan. StulTers. of vnrlon lulnrnveit I'nrtnl.ln llrnln ttlll. tniU. Ve.-.lible, At.80 llay nmw nnd'foddo "" ' Uutlcr iucroitt variety. p.w :iiAt.f. Mounts ft 00. Agricultural U'nroli' upcandHeed Sicre. Tth an l Market Philadelphia. Novembers.', IbJC. .L-1l..&,8. A. ALLEN, and 8 south- Wanes Philadelphia JS'o. 7 Dealer's in Oils. T.pVI-I" "in re n supply of oils fur MnchJn A1 Cfyi nun,,(g uiidcoininoiigreaaiiigpurpoeeras o 0)7 8 . sperm, Winter Wlinle, I.ard. Ilackid Whale, Ulephanl. Oreaiiigaiid, Solar. Ko.inOils. Whirh ihey tvill scllal In'.vtstrates. Mav UMS33-y. Mount Vernon House. S'foiul street, above Jlrch, Vhilala, epll P. undersigned hating purrhated the Intirest o I .Mr I). Illair in Ih'ialiiiteiildestnblished lintel, wil now hive the sole supervision of the ettalihi-limen nml -oliiiil. the tiatronage oft lie nubtlc. Iln I. mutt dent tint a trial ninia House, Knoms, Table, Hervanta &c, wil I provo thebesl recouifiieiidation lie can "ivo I. I..RARRUTT. NEW LIQUOR STO;tE. NO. nj.NORIil Til I R D'STRLET, (III the Easle liuilHiigs, Above Race St.) Philadelphia. 'pi III umlcrsigne.l hog.4 enveto inform his friends and J the pnblie. th it he inn onoiied an extensive LIQUOR HOUSE, In Ihe Puglo P.ulldlnss, No. 1.13, pi.. 31 St., nsnhovn, where ho will Iiu hippy lo supply 31 'rch.mla. Hotel, kei p'Ts, ond eu.lonier. ccner.illy, with tho choicett brands keptiu Piiily. leljili ia. WILLIAM I1ROIIST. (iale of llantWe) March 7lh 1657.-V. ' STRAW DONNE I'S & HATS. AT low prices for Cash, a largo and well assorted Stnckof Womens, Missesfe Ohlldrens, STRAW & SILK 110NNETS. fft ij;y .iEA-s. uori axd ciiiluhvxs e4 Straw Huts. AiiTirmiAt. ri.ovi'iw, &'ct itussiAa. MISSES STRAW HATS, WALTIIRS i STAOKIIOUrlli No. 21, North 4th Bt. (.Oppoiltas Mjlclnnls Uriel.) March 7, 1357 Philadelphia. Peruvian Guano. IXfllRirA'CUhastiusht tho ranut r t liol Ijco.slv j Ri'i aslk l'eiti'cr is the PERUVIAN fiOVEIiNMRNTGU SNO. The kiihscribcr, tnl A cent in I'lulndelphia fur the sale of it. Ins now on hand a Ijrjjestork of PURE PEtfUVIAN GUANO. Wiiich ho will sellHtlhc loit est Ca.h price, i ntnlavto stilt eiilier denlcrsor larmers. S J. CHRISTIAN. Sole .Iglntfor Philadelphia, No. -4 North Wharvea.nml P7 onli Water Street. Man h iih, ls57. am. JOHN Al, FORD, I.MPOP.TnU, MANUPACTURKItilnCAt.r.n IN SADDLERY, OOAOH HARDWARE AVI) T R1MMINUS, No. 32, Nor'h Third St. Philadelphia. PURt.'IIASPKSttill fnid lllolliclr advantaeo lo et atnliiu mvStock. which is vertexltnsive und nnr. chased lor Ca.h ; and consists ill all the variety 9 f New N. H. All Orders shall iiuto patticuloraud prompt allontion. Sepieiiilmr 'I. id"' ly OLIPIIAN I', WOOD3IDE & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in cs cmH Ciquocs '15.1 X01II1 Third street, Comer of Neto Street, No PHILADELPHIA. rr-OunuiT, J.'Woodsidi, . OaoJITcALt' . January, 3.1,197 JQIIN II. ALLEN & CO. Nos. " i)- 1 Chrsnut, Street smith title be- low.Wnlcr,) Philadelphia. (TliaOcotRT Wood tvint lloifss. In Tna Citt ) MANUl'ACTUmjl'.Snnd Wholesale .lealera InTnt eut. Machine. made lireoins, Paloul Orooved Cedjf tvare, varaatciinat re.lria.'.. Wood and WllloW'tiaro, Cords. Urui'aes tn... ofjll deicrlrtiona. Please call ami examine our slock Ucliruar'Jl, 1M'. I y. PHILADELI'HIA CARPET S I ORE. 1 CAUPETINflS, OHCIolha. Window Shades, Mats an Mattings Just received UO.tlOU puces r,etr stvlo nufacttired and Imported expressly .far OAUPJ.P t.L, Merchant, and llonsekeepera ttUI plenao no. No,. Id and 'JO North Second Street, 1 .1 door below nil i Church, Mar n 53 IPSO J SIUNKV JONSS i-J" a7nrAtt.i .-S "e'.-''-r" "r .. coxsuainiOtf, nii ai.t. mar.Aai:;" or tub lunch and X TlltttlM' nre iolll,ly nirabie by lnlil.iloii, whirh conyaya the rcntaiM (o llio cavllita In tho liuiiia ilimuili nlr iaaji . ami coiiiim' in itirrit rotinirl Willi llio dlafaMC. nrtilralia'a tlia liiherrular mailer. nllnif Iho (ii;li cutlaia A Irre ami taay cxptc Inrallm. hiall llio luiut, purillta Hit blooil. impatll ririfut-i! tl'.atllv lo Ibn rirrvnu a fbalrtn. Clvllif Dial lotfonnilriii - tiiviviliiififpi - iiiabla Iw llii tninriin lr ! ."' V T ;,!' '.: laciiratila by iiiliTit)S.i. la fe wei "tt- ; I pl-uMirt'. It la Aa tuiirli nnrir lha roiiiri-l or no) ifraiiinni a mif Miir rorniiiwili- iiidraarj i lfi niv, iml ifi,iMi. nnv r.lnrr rorm I'fiblf iha lil,y mil of ti; Inl nd .1 tafcafi b rurrd In lh I Ilrt,lajr. miJ nny prrccnl In Hie accntii) (Mil In tho tlilnl auaeit la liiiiii iMbio to aavr moro ihan flvP per f,;r:,V'olilr,',,,:"",".,r.(,:,k?,'i' r.&.?l.".littn tho Iowa and Ohoyonne Induns.- nonlly dptroia ninety fmo lliouiand pprtnna In the , United Pial-a alone 1 'I,' 0f',e,,1,.c.,;l"l''.",1 ''0" lionaare ileitmed tuQII the tivijuiiiptlve's grave Trut, ihe oulvl r i,f dealh li.ia no arroiv .u fatal an Cnnauuiplior! In allhsca II liaa bon Up griat enemy of lite, for it p,iirea neither use nor ipx. toil Bitt-tp .(T.H.. ,i.i..... .1... 1. ...... ,,, ,l.uM...,.e 1 h.i , u. iiiibk .ur iiii,,,-, 1111- U.I.". , M,." in, , flfled. Hyilie help nMuat supreme llclnjr.frouittlioiu comitli ctery cood rtti.l perAct ejfl.2 tun ennlilid to I uv off! r to the npllcted 11 ptrmantiit nnilrptedy .cure jli Coniiuiipiliiii, The flt'tcniite oftiiliprelerit fri'in ini piltelilood, and thelinmedintiiffiirl, prodiiceil lij-lheir ilepoiitlonlntho lun-a,l, Id prevent t Iip free adnilitiiiiu of nlr Into llienlr eella. tthlclicaii-c.a venlie)ieil t ila llty through the entire aj.tei.t Then purily Ilia more ralloun I toespeel (.Tenter good from meiliciii. a enlurin" the citvlliea of the In nr. than from thoro adtiilnipleied throu-h the alomtich i the pallcni it 1 Unlit a) a niid lite lun-a free nml thu brpalliliifi en.y niler itiliaiinjz reino. dlea, True, Inhibition la 11 local miici'y, neti rail lea. it nctaeonrlit'illonnllv. and ttlth moru power nml per. taint v than rcutpitipanl nil 11 liter oil hy tin ,tr tinrh. 7n provo the powerful tind direct inllbeticc nl tlila mode of uilminiPtrallon. chlorolorm itilijiid uili entirely du rtroy aen.iliility in n few ininutca.patallziiiir tho en. lire tirrvuua atatem aclhntn limb may ho nuiputaled tviltioot tho plighteatpain j tnluiinj the ordijiary burn ll - Kaa tvlll derlloy life in a few imura, 'lie) Inlialatioil of nminonia will route the ayateni ' tthen fainllm or appnrenllv dead, The odor of many pf the me.liiinea la perreptible in the .Kin 11 few luln lltes after being Inhaled and iray be Immediately lc ticted In Ihe blond A entivincinsproof of ibu c"n.ti tulional efr.'CI. Hie fact that plel.iiea. la nltvnta by breathiitii fnut nir. la nut till. po.illvo evl'b-jice tint proper relnf dir., caretillly ire pared nml ejiirfirf mitly n(lmlni-lereil thrnupli the tutirf, ftmuld proiliieethd moil loppy reftilif! Irmiit eish. teen yejrs' prarllre. iiiiinv thoiirntiilii sntlermt; frem tliea-ies of the Inrif nnrf thrnat. Inve lici-n under my ctrc, and I have efTtCHii many remftrltfthlH cures, ctrn nftpr th! niilTerers had hern p'ofKMinreit nt the lat-t tajres, uhith folly satlsrifn mr Hn.t cnntiimplion i no Inm-i'r n fatal rilc.ic- My treatment ofenn-onyUinn is orifflnal, and founded on lontrexpi-rlnnee nml a iho rntipii Jnvestlcnti n. My pcrfict neinalnlnnco w iili thonatiireoftiib-reloc,4tc , enalihs nieto distinsul h readily, the vartoim form of diiwie that simulate consumi tion. nml apply tie proper remedies, rarely m-liil mistaken oven in n ningle rnitn. TIiN familinrllv. In ffinrnctioti w nh rrrtnin patliolneirnt and microsro plc dleovetli-( riinhlp" me to relieve ',w liine from III'! effi'its of conlracled cheitli! to rulrtrr-n tliif flitl ptirify the hl'iod.inipaii lo It renewed iIlDlity.elrlng vurruy anu ihhu hi llv villi rn B) Fl'MII, Hot 53. I'nsl .Olllre, f) W OKA HAM, M I) Offlci 100 rankBTstreij,Lcloiv'JVeinii,riiiladelphla, 1'a. Nkw Wholesale Dnujz Stoke, Xo.IG South Second SL rniLA nr.LiMii a . XT SPHNUna THOMAS, fmp'irtfr, Minnfactiirtr 1. ami u can r in firiif s, Aiciucmct, uucnuca n Oidi.ny'iaiTr. rainis, utis, oiors, unite Lrau, Frnnrh and Amjrican AVlillo 7. 1 11 r . Window Clan nianvnre, Vnrntshi's, flnishe. Iniriimpnts.Grn Ppirri. Whole Fpires.nnrnlt otlier articles uiu nepi ny in.iiiu.iai-i.iMvtuuiinf ISorax inrugo, u(ttrf oncuacf jroiasnt c. 4-e..ftc, All orders "y mall orothcriscpromitlyat lendcdtn OOUN rUY MlltUUA. I'M are invited trtrall and examine our stockbefore pur- chnine elewlierj , . rS'fiOfinBenttn nny oft he Wliarvp or UatlRond Pt alien" Prfeen low and goods warranted. Mnrfh ia. 1 ran. .ri . . Spring & Summeu, cri 'triii &? . s m w m m a A I' MENSUirS ClIEAL, STOLUj. ...... ii' 1 1 I rnillK lind('rsirnod uavinir rCUlOVCU .ilia I tore up tonii-ia ihe stand, lately ocrnpiudby (I (T& I W llnrima.1 where witn gicater nureased lacilitics, he is enabled lootlVra fullnssortiiienlol Spring ami bummer uoous, Which he has Just retPlvcd from the Pa.tein Cilics, comprising DryOoods,Oroecrlcs,llard.,varc,Uucciis- ware ucuar-ttarii iioiio-., uiu, wi.k", Plaster, Iron, Nail". Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Oapp, Aic.fcc, ALSO-READY MADE OLOTyiO. Iii short, every ttnog usually keptiu country Storea, to tvliich ho inviicslho publicgeuerally. 3- O.ali.l.u nber, Old Iron and Country rrodnre takenlnoxcliaiigelorUoods, allho higett m irkel price. A. O. AlENSUH. Uloomrburg, March SI. ,le57. RL1NDS AND SHADES! OF XF.IV tTYI.F.. It. J. WILLIAMS, NO. 13 JtOUTH ST1ICCT, VdlLAPELPIlt A t TAMlf trn'IIllf.It OP V'tNITIAN nt.INnS, Vel tit vet, Oold Bordered and Painted SIIADDS. of ueaiiiiiu I resigns. iuii. .ui. m u.uv, vu.u,. land used for Shade., 'r inures. Ttlmiuin-r, sit., A.C Whuleinli! nml Kitail, at tho lowest cash prices. oainr. Mint,!,., i.nliili'il toon'er 11. J W. Ihankl'il for pa't p.itriiuige, rcsirctfully aollcila ihe public lo call and etmnine hi. new uud largo assortment, heforo elsewh'ro, rf5-ireSlliJi(tniala Match 31, I.W. 3in - Ginntiv Trt.'T n t-Vl flWVTI Wr" tl5? AlllJJIilN, rlliJiU tV V J.J II LiiV CJ.CJO IiItKSIl AND OP.NUIMIOAP.DP.N StKIIS, ). every Ml and cITectivo iustruim nl ol natal warlnle ot th(s ! variily.attvlioli'raleniidrel.iti-embrri.igllthoiClapHthi'tvorlil.riotvkootiB new aud desirable kinds, carelully put up i" papcri ' ,'t was tho Qpiinoii of(.adwaladpr ll. I.'elden, of New for the retail trade or supplied in bulk Chinese nrk, a. Ptpn Psed in bisni' toolr. rend bifo e tho I'M Cooe Sed Jipul Peaa. Orange Wnter Melon, 4c losotilnr.ilSi'tlety or Hut SMale, in 1CJ7. soon nfier Ilia Also n ilmli e naporiiiieiit of fine Plow ir Si cds.Utcniy death of Pulton and lit. an op.iuon In it lilcl. nil man. varieties in a bos for 31. Clean Clover uud Tinirdhy , kin I will now nflree " that there.pannol be Inline, pn B I.O'chard urars, Kye urnss, ncru uiiumie iiwn Oin,. JL 1 f PASCI1 M.I. MORRIS i ro. Agricilllunl Imrlemelit mi l Seed Sline, N P. corner of7lh and Maiket streils. March 11, 1M7. Plnlade'pia. S IIU CPS AND BELT :,C R8 WHO Ii? AT.. win ; y LIQUOR S T O It E, No, UU'J North Third Street. (Ahlte Callotthlll.) PI! I L A D li l-.I'.II 1 A A genera I n'sortinent of Rraadlra Wines. CorJinla, and minors of every description. K mieets r. p.PBLlZEn. October 7 1Pi4 yrp. p. . " ItVUJ'.'I'aV'Jit.'fti EhO 1 KHj, it n 11 "n .! 1 p. P.llril.n.l Nos. 0, 11, 13 anil IT) Uourtlanil Street NEW YORK. D. D.WINCHESIXU. ! TIIOS.D WINCIlCcTHR, ' I1U.VJ. P.WlNCIILS'PIJIt. I May 31,10. 3m ! LEAF TOBACCO & CIGARS, 1111! il, South Front Street, 1 11 ii.n UU1.1 11 1 .1 Sept. C. 1850. JOHN 11. WYLE & CO., 01 J.'cr'.li .Wanes, aitavo JLico Slrcci, Pllll.ADCI.PIIIA. GlP.Nr.RAI. COMMISSION JIIIP.CII ANTS, fur tho T saleof naval sronr.s. SODA. ASII. WOOL, fLOUR Mtomjcn.t-iiovju).ri. . Qoliii (,r'l-iiri.tilimi. Tur in libls..t: lid kf. Pit eh endlto-ln So-iis,lloiu Oil Alcoliol.llurnlujrl luidnnd rinoOil'fora eal 1iu;faetiirus prices, Oukuui.atc. Acenl.. for WilcrH-k'sU heel Grease. May 31. V. States Union Hotel. FORMCnULY 11 CO LION IIOTI3L ) iYo. 200 Murkctstnet, Philuitcfphia , ClCOlinr. W. II INK LI., I'roprlctor. forn.erUofCo T lumbin, I'.i., would inform his friends and therub I Ic that hcconWnues to kei p the above nauied llotci 1 which Is well and favorably known throiiuhomthe 7 Tsltnleas oncofthe oldcblaud niostconteniuni Iloulin hnclty. Ilcntostrespecifullysoljcitf Avharrnlpiib. 1 ir pation ige. Apri 7, 1635, National Hotel. ( LATlJ-iVIIlTSSWAN,) Sides Stover. lltacc St,cct, ttbivs Third. Philadilvhia PaTsaSinEatlatuofiheltrn 3t vcna.liclliligiheaiJ &Co jam's i pinvEK, oi uie uututi nutei, Aujusi U, 1&5I1 JOSEPH FUSSFLL, V,11B1L1.1 J1XI1 P.ltlAlOI. MAXVF.ICTUREIl, 'J. KOSTI! roCRTH STKtET, (AsrlA IPe.l corner of Market ttrett ) PHILADELPHIA, HAS now o i hand an etleniltn attorlmenl ejipj ol th. tifttv.i.t nu I in i.t.l'isiriblt) kinds, tn gJssfrclil'IIPS ninny NttW STVI.CS not InramXi.iii )-.lobo lad in this market, An rjininiiiatixii of our rink Is solicited I cAre imrchiiia: tl.-rlieie M4rjilt U7-3u rPOSTSCRIPX.' : ix . TJIOOI'B t'Oll UTAH AM) KANSAS, Wasliingtjn, April 10. Instruct! tie hnvo bocn issued from tho War DcpiTthlCliti 601(112 ,0611. HarnOV , . f 'i' J ARu t oops ltiinicaialcly trStu Luori'Ia to ij".,, T,pi,vpnnrti fon J'H ' 0rlU Col. SuUinior with a lorco 01 1U0O men. h is alio Lccn ordcrad tors, lie W(J procceil With Is trJopitO Utah, tlio rliatncful lij-antioa-'UC-! of which Ter- ritnry thu rdniiuhtration is dolcrmincd fchall be broken up, APiH)INTVBW,rsT5'T;rjIM PltESlV Akdulw IIorKixs, Editor of tho Ilfir lUburg Unio , t-i be Uccotvor of t!io Pubf lie Moneys, iu N'o rajkn. A V I-I' ACI.K IllOl.ltAI'lllCAl, M'OItK, HIOLI.O II t'WAEII All READ DT L'VKUY YUU.VI At IS Tllll LAND i tut urt ur imk trtf mtATro INVENTOR OF SLEAMI10ATS, ' .hD 1IIR " Fiilltfr of steam navigation.' ONE OF PCN.NSVI.VANIA S MO?P PATlttOTIO AND lilt 1 Ll! KOIVS, ROB E ii. T F U L T 0 N, Ono volume nclivo. Il'nstralcd ilti twenty lire Kiipejjlily colond nod tinted eitf ratliips, Mccutt-d In llio brut manner (rmi .Mr. I'nU'to'n nt ii tlrtiulnslt renreientiiij! Iis numcrnn" liiventlrtmi in Strom ni cation Kiibmarine Nn is ition, I'nriltlcallniip, Ac.. JLc.. in-('iucr "iui roi'ic ui '-uiiy iubwihr uifo an Ariitinliiitiirt?painterin rinloiirlliii, by J frank, liti H"l(,ail. . Author nf United 5 in lei Autnpra pl.y," " The Inhcniors'flntl I'jientei-s'Gotdu," &c Ac (Uo'li binding. SI -0 lionknr rci.101 IV rhans llii-r tsuomnnln all Ilia NiRht ent-ity of (liMiitgitipbe-i Aim-rjcans, who bar a ndoriifd ih liltlfty 01 ibe UepinJle, ytlt,r cfteeris ni'TO tiriHiociy iipmt 1.1 -.-(; win, m i jili - nnu im r nrof ncriiv. lb in Iiu who'd nanic u t Iiant phirrri nt tht hind of tnls nrticlc llUhte. written hy J FrnnklinHt ipntt, of L'nntnsttr. Fa . which was alio the birth-placo of entlon, hai b"in 'atelj piililnWii l ll has eridt'titiy b(eii'nlahr of loe. Iho witor having prr'ormi-d his n I lotted ifltk, vitw n 11 tie I it v ami cotopieu tie it tbut do honor at once tu 1-1 1 h. inl nnii to Ins liruru It Is thu oily reliable or atificlnry Hie of ltnbert Fulion, and takes its pinto ntoodg Ami ricin biograpMcs, without Hie sliphltri nwrhiUly of xli;pu. The peeplr wlio dwill in the bread valley thu!) MUsissip) 1 ihroild ho ninoo-f tho earliiMt and tho tunti prompt tn welcome tin' appelraiit'i 1 f an au llieiiliLji cord nl I lie linn, t . Imt-e genius the) nre ip di'i'4 ly ni'leUed fur tin meatis of sn rhhly tlcvlopln Ihe ah uiioUt-3 rc,trt irees of th' lr iftftios ol tht ccuntiy. Tli lirnt to iU moitnlrnte th- praciirabyliiy orprtpclir-; i's I by tiMm, mid in pnl ii ino Vtrn orctlct-. Iif s claim to bo cnnsidi red as arnoi f Km chip.ti nrlfie tors, ttntoilyof his fount ry btit'of his rnceliss ous hern ndmittt'd tobn iio.issattable. 'J'huj the pimibilliy nf tins had struck otliir minds, and hid brm urfided IheorLtirnity, but willioul any pracrlmt ocmon-ilration ol lint lact. dm s net nitlltatij again-! Jil flphl in ba countered ttie fit lie r ofxeanf onvif-niton Uie pns t4t!'! in 1 mi 01 urn ui.i;ii-titi 1, irotu new ioik to Albany, was Hot rear of his title to this tlUlinrliOD. and It l now', and his for csrs been undisputed, auif will forevl n mam Indifpuljl-le. From the early biyhond or Fulton the-rmof bis future fame ua ncogtilicd by atl.HhoKtiew liim.and t Un ua'cli' d ilcvelopmcnt of'his jtitntl hnd of bis character, as a plant of f iron g and vigorjm;gr iwilj, proutislnc a rich and pregnant in iturily Titr (lrA 'of Mr Uclpntt's intcreitnix Ulukifp'inii lun him fi, boy tf f'turtcen years of .iui, ui.tKlnff a niirccpffnl t-xpe riiuent ol propel inpu 111 'I! t-klil by padd'c ulivN of Iii o o contriii li'vn. on the rtinrntoca. 'This was In Vwenty si -tht tliTirttpj- h sntiified ntj dmibters (hat a ve.snel of larpe t.izo could bo prnpcilea liy pioldle.wlieeli with stt-nm an the motive power UctULon (hose two eras of his life, hit- genius was do Vflopii't it:ll in ni'itiy varied ways He was n dMUjhuman of ho nrdin-iry merit, and piloted with L-rcat nklll. Ilu siioonrtcd htinelf iili U neiicil fur ."i - 'ny year.iierivi-4g Finbiument trom paiuiln-r por- lllS 1 ui ""'i u"niii viiiniii;i vi millll. nerv. Thcseurls he put ti enoit and usclut inirorm when he licc&me-ai he soon did, a cl vjl engineer ami nil t plates of eevtral of Fulton's il'iif tralirns of J01 1 liar low's famous C(LUM1UAT),M which shrnv gri-al or gioahty of conception, apt n ess of design and facility (f execution. It is not our purpose tn glvn even a synopsis jof thu intcreitln-! events nf the reinirl-nbly ncilvt and ore Tut career of Fulton's lifn. much less tn go into an etaborMa essay upon his cnins, and the wonderful renulis that have flowed Ifom his gnat iiivention 'l'heH tvtp tavKs hpve been very creditable performed 1v t lie trior of (ho whlh. (we have all 111. ed, Our- I pnrporo is ptiurlpally to call atletinoti lo thai ticrk. I lhe'0 La one iurideut ttliicll it especially brccun.a up, however lo call to the nolle ofour Immediate 1e). low iittaaua. During ino war ni ioiif-13, jtnhprl j jj i ton ttoa of great aertice to hi. country A rontraM ttaamilile with Ihe United tlatea Oovernment. In December IHI4 lor ttie purpose of cmployiric; -fila teamhoata Vesuvius. rlitna,iew,Oreana and .N,'atehrt. ou the Mis.iRrippi river, in ttauepo'ttins troops end munitions of war. and Ihellullalo on Kie.Oho. Th. celebrated battle of New Orleans tm.k plate about a t ,t aj tveea unci tno arrival iu tue Vesuvius in our waters. I nnti ii was upon urr. isij a our oioginrniPr.j tint ina coiuuiaiiiiiui; ciiri,,, iiiiii i, ii- an aii.inury, in Ills an ticipation, ol sahtylo the city, nod Ihe urcomp'lah meiii oi n oriiiiniii ticiory. joiio uuincy and Andrctt Jackson both ceillMee'toCongrrss thevalilabla services of Pillion nt ibis trying peliod, llesidcs puttiii" into rucressful onrration iteam ves. acts all ov r the country, plans of d.fcncp niaiii.t.aiar. illme iuvtsion. and of ub n'tiatlc iinviznliun occupied hi, thoughts, and nnlittleol hia time ami expfriincK' 'at nftlvity And out of suggestions ond dmonstra linn, m1,u , I,,,, iavo ftmc many of Ihe moil u.s ii '"" r"" ""1 '" ""'"e oi n person io u hoii imliviihialexfr lions niaiikiml an; mere indt bit A than Ihevareto Kobert I'llllon. The cninbinp.l Tntl 1 of philjtophers and statesmen have improved Ihe con ! dlt inn of mail, but no indivl hml has confcricd more I impitria in benefits on his i-pi-cie than he has ilone Fio vTttant t iffljnii-, ,-vuv i, iron X3T The abov work Is fornnUbyC G, llcndrrio & io . corner nf5ih nid Arch, 1'hll 'deiphii, March M, Ifc-AT m. WIIP.N A PEItMAXnXTCURPiI3 GUAR NTP.KD iiiniut.igciorsui;iti:p ihsi:asi:s. Mir Abuse. Vitrvnn. DdIiiIh v. Si . Ir 1 11 r.. ni.nt.ri.n.,.1 M.r.,,.1.1 Ulipuinatipiti, fcrofuln, 1'niita in the Ankh p and Pones. J Diseases of the Tl.r,ot,e.oseiiid Rte., L'liers upon tim Uody. female Irregularillo. uud nil improper ills. i ihargea, 110 matter ol I otv long slamllnp. or obstiaato the ease, recovery is cerliuu and iu a shorter lllneliaji I a permanent euro eeiild be pfr. cleil by nny other neat 'nna.1, oven after the Pkillor the most eimnetit phjsl. cla id failed, nn.l Iho di.enso retisu.l a'l oilier intaiia 01 cure, ina reni-uie ar'j tree iroin ninr, ran, lug n. Illier sleknes. nor liieenvi nienre, and without ; mercury nr bal.atu During ttti-iity yebrs'.pincticc, I . haye rcstornl to heallli over sever.KPii tl'oiiisnd a .tpiits who were slits-ring, muler the tter.t l.'tliis of all ' the tibote uiiiiiioiieil ili.eapea wliirli I'lieraiilrrs tue in i n prfect nud lun.t fpei.1,1 rurs Secret ill,. 1 en.ea are Ihcgreatest enemies to he.itlli anil Ii n pjnf as, ) ns thev are the lit, t cause 01 ciiisiiiuptiim .rri.lula.Ais,, an.! should be a terrnr 10 all nalion. un the rnrth i fo llieiliseuin Is le-ci'it tng so pooimoii and Iriatieiilit so lllflo iitnler.tiioil, that a pernnomt Clre Is scarcely vcr e fleeted, as a niojurilv c f Hie enses fall intu tb luinils of incomprtetil prKins, wlm nut nnh tall a eure the malady, but rum ibi com. untio wjih corro sive FiiMnnntr a ilanjjernus pninon,a prepaTaiioii of niprcury- which, wlili the rote a ins of !ifar m tha fcMiti'Ui. protliicea inaoyoi thonhuve niiinut n Sections, which litmttyterminr.tciii eonsumptlnn aid frtnenuv a rapid one; buUhould it not cjiifq dialli ipe-tily, and tlir victim to did cane inarms the fjst-ae in ihrn convejed from the parent totliectillilmi.cGiifirjr ihrm to coiop Into the world with srrofula, aid mens ol ihs i ';n 'r;, '.v.:, " i ... i... .1 V fc ' Si'Ii'ah.uo i'another lormioVi'tt miVhk toheSlthr It trnjsthe nervous sy-t.m rapidli wu'tUvc nwsy the energies oriife. catnlns menial dortinsemet.t, prevenV ) tl(f n proper ietlopmeut v( the st'trm, and disqualia 1 fymp its ictim for nnlage, fcoeicty l-uslnrvs and all e 1 rimy nnppiness. r eoian: irreuiaMticx and a) otlier ile.ii tj r.f ftutsU-s treated In the iiioit skilful and sci en 1 1 fie i.iauut-r. Meiiicince, with (Ijrrrtionip, sent to any put of the United dial's and Canaas, by patients comuiunicallng ihrlr symptoms hv kner. J. HIMIMUUVILLR M. P., ov 33. l'olOmco; riLauBrst-.below lith, Phijadci phla, I'a. T March 11, 1537. C A R I N E T WAR .E ii 0 0 MS . ri'llU illnlersigneil respeelfully luvllf, the allpnller X of the Public lo his ettciisive u.sortmeiit of faluuit Kurmtitrealid Chairs tthicli he it ill warrant toU-madi. of conjlittterljl.uiid In a woijtmauliko ma,iiir A. his Pstabliilttiiciit.caiialivaya b,( lonnd QgooJassor'l lucntiif ' FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. j, i. .-p..., ,i,,7ir iiuu uiiisii 10 mat or mil ndcliiiaor, Ntv Vnik elites, uudnlns low piltos, ..... ...u,,.. ...,i.,, iiiMirs, uocKing nml easy I chairs, Piinn stools, and a vnrlpty orupn,il,irrPd waik I with DresthiBiind parloibureau,', so'oicatd oenlro aad plei laid s det.isli is. chelfcnrs what nits and coma ncs, nun nuiiii'is ci ii,ii!,qnuo work. His storaor bureaus, and.iouiinon ttnsh Platuls, Orel, tabls.eoriier cupbqardo. .of.s, brcakfs.l tables, bed. steads, cane seatand emumoii cnaira, is e rgesl in ihli sacll.ii.of Uneountry, Hewitt also kecpa ce-id aiBorlineiil of looking ttiib fancy fill and rein mon frames. Ila will a 1,0 Inrui.h aplln, nitedioauysl.Mifiwvl.t-a.l which are suoerfor foe daraiilliiyondeoniforitoanybsd Inn... P,oo,)t.uAp,e,h
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers