NEW SERIES or i iic COXGIIE-SSIONAL CiLOUB ANpApPK.NDI.Jt Cjnorbh iii its Ut acs-rion, through the Joint Libraty Conniiiee of tlw two 11 uet hivinfl uihorx j(l a hiL's sjbscriii't'in tot Itle CoNiaUKssl "NIL til IBB AND ArTNNMX an 1 tliu t):iuie, by reaoluiion,luving tUi-ct Cii iha uijJj of ri panug the reports of u proceedings, and authorit'd iho Societal) of iho yuji dt u'jiiiuci vviili ilm under signed, aiipuVing thai tlio reports wheel wrilieii oui nb all bo autj.tct to the reusim of ih't speakers, the CuNomi! inal hi and Appendix is now ollered iu the publn not only us in authentic, but as an oJli 'ti rep.)i I of the proceedings of Congress in id. under ihu eye, auJ publUicd by autlioiii) ul the body. The undersigns J originated ilia mode ol j otiriiasiziotf the pioceeiling ol Cungi-fas which. thus slipied, is to be peifeeieil w ul fie aid ami 01. lor iha none of Cm gross, Their put'it!itioi wai tin fi si and uuU one that gave each successive iep in ,y uiemuie m Don urattcties ol v mgres? ab.iel ui all Iha debus; every nupor vole; am. an Appendix, inclining ai ful leumh all ill e teviacd speeches deliverci duimil die session. 7'na work, as it is now lo ba conduced Iv them, will ba f.mttd a most purled polit ieat lus ory. The Senators from ilia State and Ibe Repiesentative trotn every scrtioi of iho Union bung with Urn in into uun gres a knowledge of the feelings, senli uienis, and iitcreaia of their several eouaiii uanoits. Public, npiuion and ibe public In it exie's among those they rep resell, are embodied by them, and in the crurible of C'migross the wisdom of oui times is brought to us test, and h there eon entrted. in uirecUiii! the ironical move' meats of the wjtolo country The iropul eu thus given through Cangress from ever) quarter react upon the nation as a whole, and all its component parjts are mado lo move in cooperation. 1 he jiress cannot be luoia usefully employed than in condensi-ic and aitii spreading abroad the intelligence f our free country, lending lo such happ result through our almost miraculously ad juried Mid National institutions, iTiving" identified ouiselves wilhtlia plan of advancing the usefulness of Congress by publishing full and impaitial reports, arid having a largo mas3 of the Conurbsciomal Globb and Appendix, issued during tin last twelve years, which would be impaired in value lo us and utility to the public if the work were discontinued, we have a double motive to jronipl us to extend it through new scries. We are reso'ved, if possible to give it permanence, and to hand it down to kuccessots as a slindard work, worthy ol being roniiilaiupd and improved. We shalf enter upon our new undertaking without being distracted or burdmied by aay aio ckile Libers of iha press; and, thus une.a cuitiiered, shall hops to maka the new if J riaa a step in auvaaca of las former in all points of execution With a view to so complish this, we shall bs ('one or the oih st) in silend mea on 6'ougrass. T!je reports will not be affjetaJ ay eui pnrty bias. Wa brliave every memasr ol Co grass wll bear witaais tiiat ear leporiv are fall and frr. The t'oi)jreuianal Globa is rneila up of the daily proceedings of the two Uousos ol Congress, and printed on superfine dnibli royal paper, with small lype, (brevier and nonpareil,) in quarto fotm each nuatbei coutaing sixteen royal qunrto pages. Tin apseches of ihe (uqmbers, in this first form ere corwleuaed the full report of llie pie .pared speeches being reserved for the Ap pendix. All resolutions, motions, and oih r proceedings, ate given in tke form of ihe Journals, wilb Ihe yeas and nays on every important question. The Apptiodix is made up of the Presi dent's Annual Message, iho reports of ihr ptincipal officers of the Government ihu accompany it. and all spoechca of mewlinrs of Congress, written oui or revised by idem selves. Il is primed in the same form nt the Congressional Globe, and usually maker about iho saino uumber of puges during session. During the first month or six weeks of a session, there is rarely mote business dotu than will make two numbers a week- oin of the Congressional Globe and ono of tin Appendix.- but during the remainder of v session, there is usually suflrrient mailer foi two or three numbers of each every week. The next session-will bo unusually inter stiu2. ihcrefoic, we calculate that the Con grensional Globe and Appendix lagethei will make near luOl) large qusrla pages printed in mall lypc brevier and nonpariel Vie furiimh complete 7udexes to both at the end of seion. We have on hand the Congressional Globe and Appendix for iha lasi fifteen ses cions of Congrea-, making together fificei, large royal quarto volumes, which e wil tjll, unbound, for 6-11: or bound, with Kus liia btcks and corrieis, for 850 Those xtUu ant the hack volumes should apply fm them iitimediilelv, us tliey ate in danaud C'onri ti nubscribcd for 311 complete set duiiiii.' the two Insl sessions. The proceed ings of C'onijr-s6 for the Ust 9 years capnoi be procured I rem any oilier oouiee (irtlec and Sjalon having stopped printing theii ilegiter of Debates in 18117. V'etill endeavor to piinl a stillicieui number of Rnrp'ui coj.iea to supply nil that luav be niiscerrieil, or lost in tfie maiU; Inn aubsaibera shnuhl lie very particular lo filo their T.p"r rsn-fully, fur fear ibni we should not ba able to supply tin lust nunibeii. TFKMS. . F ,r one eop7 of the l-errrssional (jiube ft O'l Kur cue couv of iha f pie'ii!u 1 otf For m coi'iii.of eitln or ujitnf 1-orli fi 0' Tke money nu bo reunited by jfdil at j ,iur risk. The sifeat kiJ heM way to ramil s, to niy ilt am u t id tw I' m m i cr vhere you refiJ.!, and lake from h.m a ra- tfl.p.1, aocoiding lO llli (. losing lornif I'ovr On-'icn, mi 'IltCKivel from .1 It - hilt' entsfirhe (!LbeJ',-oi w'lich I have de luded one. per cent , an I charged mjte'J I mil account Willi the doura I oil ' ie with the ba'ance. The I'ont mutter J I uhingt.n vi'if wi'l nuii t'mt hit mice l Wnii' tines or to tlf ir unlcr on the bud J'thh fccdjit. , rcninumtr. IV rtji-s of the liberal J'ost OTiee I) Mnouot iiiiitionze Hwti n-i eipiH to be givei aid paid here, when ihe amount iloes mn xoeud SID Win ii it t'x-ecils $10. It t je I to re in i i ai in ii eh if iio-niiiU li ounk lok's and Ue I'ostm.H.ri'.'i recti pi (or Hi idmce The Pin-.'ii.iiti r' rnieipl tliotild ja s?nt directed to Hn, ind not to the I oji master of ibis city, as so mi peisims mi in the luhii it doiuiz- I lia ilium y tthouli. 'ie here ry the 7h il Deeeuiher, ai iHrtbeci 0 prucoie all ihe numtieis. II mil hero lial Hint-, rtc lii.iy hut be able to furnish tin Ttrst numlieis rroprieinni of ncwAp.ipt rs who copy ihi' I :ospeclim, mid send us mi ' cup)' nl UM'i paper 1'iiiilaiuiiiL' ll, walked around wnh i pen lo threci our ani ini"ii i.i it, nfiHll Iibvi heir mmit'i rnipml on i ur bmiks I'm tun opy ol ihe (Joii(;rtf iuii;i! Ulnbe and A .lejulix dnriiii! the m-m-hmi. Our in ices for ilien niners ara so low hal we cannot afford to eri dil. them nut dicrefore. no person need tiitieimirt hi ime in writing for ihein unless ha setwl i.oncy. III. Mil & K1VES Wauxoton, Octuher 15. 1810. News from Mexico; AM) NEW GOODS FUO.VI TI1K crrv. Albright & Blcngol arM'OUM thfc public ilmt whilo (icinirul 'J'avlo fl n pushing with hid sroiy lor Muxcio, tin y lave beeu ftwninliiug the ARC ADR STORK ivhh a splendid and eutlra new and extensive aw iortinani of Fall and Winter ods; jvhich limy will sell cheaper tliini any cvui l.i'f .ic .ll'crcil in Coluniliiu couniy. The follow ng lu;i c found uuiong their asjortmeiu (7ass(aercj, Cloth, SattincH f- Vetting Lf all iUliti noil pficea, of American, French and CugliuU 1' ulirlcLa I'ltlNTS ! PlllNTS Of now and f,ibiouuM patlunu; ciinprivinii gvary vuf'vly uJ'rtyW mill ijuality, very clitjnp. URKSS GOODS. Pluln, UlnSk, tM.orteil cnlor sin tiarrcrl nlapm" r.t, liombainui, niariiiuvn, (iu volcli pl:iii! ,u uliiKlnii's ilrcniea and plaid clouKs; canlimeriia nl diftririit dwieripliiiiiii, lUlitina ill pii!cc and ruin pattrn, silka uf atsorted coitus, U'ltnn And iln intnlic giaiiaiut; lutlirs and Keiitluiiicu'ii aixniini I'.ulnra nf kiil.iilk, ualjiuura nnd cotton Inven, un jttinjv bimiii tnifut ot lial ol fvi'rv Liml nml iily, ladim' black gilkaini lat colnli'il ta5li aifj ho, A. i'- i. l'LANNKLS. i'luM aud twillei) red ami whiln 1100 1 iND SUOKS. A ganrral awsortinnit ul'lmlira' ;viil!i'iui'ii'ii nit thick bouts mul t-htif ul every deociij liiu CEDAR WARE. HAUI) WAKE, CROCKEUY WAKE- HATS AND CAPS, And a general ami an extensive w-Mrlmenl nf GROCEIMLS AND LIQUORS. All of wllieU they vrtll sell very luw iu exchani LBMBEK, CftilNTKY PRODUCE or CASH. AliDRlG'U 1' & MENGAL- Octopcr 10. ' Call hi fare vuixhusinz where tit the yew I actor tj vj e.uiiitn'irme, t,ij THOMPSON & HICKS. HE Hiibneriliersli.ivc nprnei! a i'iTTKKV on till) roml le.aililiRlP"i Mam to I MM si near the Melhnilii-t f'lnireli. Illmin.lurn, I "Inin liia county, where tlicy inleiid lo niainifaclnn wareM'llie test material; the hit' ""'-'-nroved paltcrim ami lini-ln'il in the ry lc.-t iiiin ncr.siicli i I'nlKof nllili'fripliii.s ii-lie.i,l'e- ly vuricly turtl Juki "fall Ki.i-; inula variety in itlicr articles loo iiuinerniH In ineiitinii; in t i' l ul ;uinli and evey vni'ily winch ninv Iu wnnlnl U my win) may faiir tlmn itli a call. A M' l Kcjit eniiMantly nn banc! V.I111I1 will be i"'lil l' wlmlisalc nr rolail n nine cneuuei '"a un- -..-I'stfor iM-hor connlry jimiIucp. AI-" ' ' y I'im Wmiil tuKcn iu I'xchangi! f'i vw"k if iK-Uvcrcil n ilieir iliip. bli)oliii,linig Scplcinl,"! .'), lHKi-S'l .iii;;I;am t.:i (IT' i:cw iindbiiiutilul pattuiini, ju-l icciiinl m ih New Moie. I, D KUI'i R T. Mav :io irnnlh f .f anil nl Ihe lr.-l nl I, I J"' ln-il (It I In .iimi!i Al.liKIGlir iV MEN(i.l Oct Ml. R4SKETS! liASKKTS ! Travrllinj?, M.irl,ei mid K-itchel I!ih ei jiim recmvic ur liS m w Mr L. n. KI'I'IMMV Aug. I. Cabinet Ware Iiougc. yif! aulMcnlia oUI rt'iif chilly iiit'iii in tli" iiulilie, llitt ha li.u lakmi llui li ii lately iiiiiM hy oiiinmil J.illy, ucur luu upper tiuu ui DliJ'Hllslllirg, VVlllTtf llO in I'lll'i villj on llltf ii till iu vari.iu iiriim livH, und wliurn lie will Ix) uiiy ujioii all Inn. e vtlin may luvor nun .villi lii. 'ir ru.toiii, lin 1' iliiilluiu ih wuiiiiiiIciI In ie in.ide of good iiiuuiiiul and diuulili), and ha in mid ikeiiinn on li.mJ 'iide'mui'Ui. Secretaries, Jiureaus, Wardrobes. Card Tables, Dining Tables. Breakfast Table. Cujibojidi.Sluiiih-, fVaxh UlandiJJt'dseadi, Diugh-troughs, Collins, Si'C, m l ull Kiiuli Kj'tvnrk in bin line, wliicll h W l 'cl ipon n romoiialilc terms as can bo purc.hiiscal n iliu cnunly, lly xtiici allentinu to l,ii.iucs he hnjics to re rive asliau of nuliUe liiilrollitge. LLI 11IJOWN. April i!.r), I HIS. lyl T W Dili; I'liOtllV!-''!'!,!! Cry h Htill Tl'.ey iVJi "-'""'c!' livery in ill lirilij-H tidings nf their iiii iu.i. 1' ruin I'.a-U In lli,i u'lniilunt Vi est linln ''anaili nil I'll' North, In Mrxirn and the ll'vut III- I i ' on tlicSiiMli-arc all inianiiiioilx ill llicir prmc if a mcilii inc o univiii ,uly known aud cnlceincd Vriuht's Indian Vi.(setahi.e Pills il ii lidnllv; iii'iTsmirv In Miieak III uutlill. M HO .icriod nl'iu liintory 'lian iliu reputation uf that nicil inino ttood higher, und we may nay that uu rcpu- lalinii in likely In l'i' limn) emluiing. Adapted ti all I'.iii.lihniiiiiu. toen'iv form of dirieasc, and to ill cliinulcs. W'liuht's Indian Vegetable l'ilbt are uliovu every otlmr incdicine, lilted lor iliu una ol man under whatever i irctimttnni-i' lie may bo pla ced. At aca or on laud, at lioino nr alitoad, in auue tucr'a heal and winter's cold, with a conininii rc tiuul tn Ihe conditions of health; and wilhWright's Indian Veuctalile Tills at hand, tliere is no excuffi lor lieing nick, unless the counlilutioi; bu utterly ii- rerluimalili'. An our object is to tsUilo w here tlio genuine med icine can lie obtained, nitlicr than In give it an ex tended notice which our limits forbid we shall nieiely subjoin otiu or two nl llie liuuitimus leali- ii to 1 1 m Ik thai have just cunto tnliantl. llunureoa ol llie suiiie kind might be added; but wo are sure tlie public will save us the trouble of uriatig'uig I lu lu. (Extract of a letUr fmm Hernaiulo, Mirssissippi. 'To W. Wright Your Pills have given uuivci- sal- stiff iclioii, and arc jntlv very popular. I rat bdl I r oin Z to -10 dozen annuilly if I could bu sup plied. Vour, W'm. Husky Jiiiinsos, Agent. ' Il ought ho 'o be remnrked lhal tiiu incditiui Hum been but recently Introduced into .liiissipi. (Il .tract of a letter finni Jersey Blioro, I'enii' Tlie ludian Vegetable Tilln excel uverylbing ol iliu kind ivi-r ill'.ii vl In lint public in I hi s-.e ioiioi ii coimtry, linluiliUndlii tin' ainibincd i H'"t n! mine few unprincipled innrccinniss lo put tlien. down, fc, Wi M iti.srhH A. Son. The following highly respectable stoic keepers have been iippninu-d voeiits for tin le cf Wriiht's Indian Vegetable l'llls it Columbia Cotiiin: II. P. Halih-Dinvil'e Stephen llaltly CaliawiHsa Cyrus I irion--Epv town llrnwii ii, (Jie.iKy Milllmville Abialiaio Miller lierw Ick (!. II. I'.uvler l'.iiurcieck W in' f.VivanliDvaii Ornngevilld Gemge Masters Milvillo Levi ItnisHl Jersey twilll I. ever h Sinn. fVnlniiibia Exi bangi Robert Mi-Cay. .isliinguiiivillo (icnrjir W'eavci ,;o":nl'lMiri I.iht Sired Iron Co l.ighi S icct Luw fi Tliiii-nii Lime Rulo H. C. Press - Riiarereek plus Wrrtman Rnliarbiu rj R. I'. Welliver tirreiiu d E it J, LdZ irun ( )i.iti;et iliu Hugh Me W Illinois Moorsburg Tin popularity of WHICHT'S INIM . VFXi K I'AliLK I'll. I. lias pined ii itiong bait to un pruciplid thru hii;'d by Ibe linprnf gain; lemnt to palm olf a miiiiioiii article mi din oii.ius- 'iiecliiiR. To defeat the wicked iluiin of Kiirb men w i Imvr- prncuicd ucv laLrli. ninl I tn IJIT'l'KN sic;. Ai riii: ur vvm.u wim.nou dm roi ND on Tin-: Tin i.aui;i, or t'.Al'll liO.V. Jnir Hiker is i;rmti:ic, and In miiitirfi it this ifn'li'i,t- i'"iiu'inlirr, the nnlv ori-'iiiiil ni'd peniiim' IN'- DI AN VV.t.t: I'Al'.l.t: I'll. I.Miavr lb,. VA'H'. I :N b!CN Tl'i'i; Of W'M W A'lt.IIT on i If topi ibel of each box . ( Ul'iee devoted cm -lunively In the f k of WrigbtV Indian Veetabli' 1'iIIk Imliv-ab' and reiail. I(i!l i'.icc street I'liiladi lplila; 'J's-t (ireeiiwirh street, New V rk and Tremoiit htrcrt, lloalou, cptciuber, VJ IH'I'j S!lj. JIousc and Lol For Sale IN U(i IJTSTUISKT. 'PI ill. miI. t ni'tr onus uu hiii' in TAU.f)K'S SHOP. AND LOT, iluali d iu tin- fl'iini-hintf villsire of I.igh'streel, in iloinii t.i'.Mi-l,i'. It is a iinoil -ilu ilion for uTailor. i-iint in llie iniim dl.ile virinity of several 1'nriia es. 'I be properly will be sold on reasonable erms; ' It. It (IL'Tll Mill T I.iillilslreel, .'i'Si'iiiber I '.I '"I . VSMZl F 11 SAIsH. rFI!r. stilwciilier oilers for snli- Ins I'arm silua ti l in (in ciHviu il Invt ir-Mij. ( 'nlnmliia i hiiii v, hi tin load leading linin IJIooiu-bing to MM llie, coiitiiniii' a!inil koiil ISf ) "I il ' I, an il land, anil in a good Mute 'I i ollnalinii. I poll ibe premi ik are ,i I no Mn Itnui... ',"r-)r mum . I I. line Kurn, C- V gind Ap.e. nli,iiil t'Y',,; " i T"-ivK." ' anil u nevei 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .,im,, 'sl'Miia'J, .I U an r, and tlie ulmle I. inn vi J iv.iteiej III vill .sold on li i onalile limns. i:;oi;(;i-: Mi-mh'hai;i,. iicenwiidil, August I 'i, I ' Hi l ; i (.'KOCKKiiV WARE. Of Iho lalCot styls, jul rceciveil st ibe Acw Store. J,. I!. RUPERT. COOTS AND CIIOI13 CHEAl'KIt THAN E L'U. TTMHE sul'iciibcr very rasper t'ully informs the If pulilicriiat lie lias nil liaml and ise.oi.siaui lyManufacluring, HOOTS ami SHOHS if all kinds which he will sell at the following low irices. (Jlnti.i:.mkn' Weak. Morocco or Calf hin j'luoln $1 00! H 25 I 75 $2 to kl 'i.') b7i (oa 'ne Hoots Cuarne or Fine. Shoes Miner's Shoes Morocco SHjiiirm I -awes' We a n. Morocco nr Ca'f Skin Luce Jiools Thick Soe French Tics I'uiniin Springs or J'rem h 1 51 1 145 1 Vl Other kinds of Slijipers 75 cents to 1 Ul) N. U. The above are all own Manufacture iinl are wiruntcd to aland. 1 have also on hand, a large stock of Eastkun made Hoots and Shoes, which I will sell at small piolils. Country Mercluints and others who buy by the dozen, aie invited to call and examine my good.-,, as I w ill sell to such at a large rediielion. (rj'liemeiiiber the place at tlio A A' IV HOO'J mid ST01U1, lower end uf Maiu-alreei. jloonihburg. W RUSSELL Jul 4 1846 77'S COURSE IS OMMIiD. u greai nas ueen mo ocinnnu lor f oiaer s Olosaoiiiiin or All Healing liutsaui, and it 4vcn such gencinl satlsfactinn In tlio.e who have osud it and bocoine aciiiiuinled vsilli its viilnos that t now stand pre-i'iuiueiit as a remedy iu Ih.emv ofllin lninus, and the te.sliinnny whirb has bi cn given by liill'crenl person who have been cured b t is altogether voluntary on their pint. They have .nun il iu (lie hnpe that all who may li nil tl.i'in-i-lves ni need of ibis remedy may apply lor it without de lay. Head the following letter received (join the Kev Mr iShiuieall, I'oslur of St J tide's Upiscopnl I'ree l.'hurcb. Ar !". has not only used 'he medicine lliinsvlf but bus witnessed ils etfeels in several very trying discs of disease. The letter will show bin ''pinion uf its virtues. Dear .Sir : Uelicving it lo bo but an act nf com mon humanity In those siilli ring under the various diseases nf (loughs, Culds, lloarsemw-, Cmisunip ,ion, Asthma, U!. lo point theni lo a sale, speeilv and radii l remedy, I take pleasure in beat lug mi testimony to your invaluable inediciiieeabeil Oiofii oniaii or All Healing IJalsam. Of its ellicaey I can speak first hnm my ow n cxpclienee. lleint! subject from exposure inn e or vss to the viei.-'si-iudes of our climate to frcquiut attacks of liillm n. la. llonrsene.'s tie., I have always found it to nll'oul tbiiosl iiistantaiienm-.aud always by pesevermice an its ue, ell'eelual relief. To a fiii nd of mine sud'ei ing severely uincr Aslhina, und who 'lad dcspaiicd (I obuiiiiiig relii-f from nny bliiu.iii source, iipnn my recoiinnendaliiui was imlnccl to itive the Olosaoniai a tiial ami h pronniiuci'd the I'lfci't produced upon him a perfect chiirin alKirdinj; liim immeilialc and almost instantaneous relief. In another instance I rcciunuif inli-d it to a female irietid far advanced in (loiiaumplioi:. Alter the Use ol the first li'itlle her colli: ll was entirely removed and her -ippetit" nnd stienetlt restored In s o h n degree us to astonish nil who aw her- Willi n long ebeiisbeil ai.d liinilv established pn jndire n rniuKt the thotisaad and one specifics put forth in llicse days n sovereign panaceas for nil disease, I assure vou that nothing thort uf my linn cnnviciinii of the claims of your n eilicine to an origin so re ; pcctablc, and to the ell'ccls nf it ax herein certified; both bv mv own experience and nbsi rvalinn, I could not have been induced thus lo come firwani as a w itness in its behalf. I have ihe honor tn !, sir, respectfiiilv joins, I!. (': S1M.MLALL. Have you a Cough, which is Iroublesoine aud has not yielded to any o( Ibe leinedies nh'u b y ml have used Is it at- tended with pain li the side, uf breath, uigiit sweats! Do you liaise II food when vnu cough nml find your strength gradually failing 1 You will find that these ymptnins if not properly attsndedlo will terminate in eiinstiniptini, and eratb. Are you troubled with that diklressing complaiiit t?lhi(t, which dcpiive" you of your rcsl at nieht and ren ders life burtbeusoine. Here is the Wemedy. Iteineinhcr llie niiine and place where it i tn be obliiiiieil and do not be put oil' with any othei. d has produi'cd a cure in nulesperate cases is yours may appear lo be, nnd ilnublless will put t,, II f-j t in a speedy manlier lhoe di-lressiiig symptoms which fill yuui iniml with gloomy fnrebodin-K of the futtue. .v Healing Properties do not deceive, I lie short ilrv rough Is inin klv overcome and easy and hi allhv cxpe. Inraliou lakes ill place. S pilling ul IiIoihI i i iiiiinediately eheek- i iclil sweats Willi i n in Ihe snleiiml ;lie.t ill- tlitv nnd diliiculty ol brealAnig yield in 0 short lime. Asliii i WHU all its iir aoiui m coup. nun, nils is nt mice r iieved. ilonchilis and iu I'm I all the ,.cii.-e- uf ibe throat nnd I ung uive way In loie this remedy w hen ull n' means have failed. lV',ins may nlleinpl to d, utile you wilh none other remedy, pinnnuncii a il to be e.jUally as good but remember life is lit slake, tlirrelmc lie not Deceived. 'Ilieabov im dieine for sale by the follow in-,' agents. K. V. I.iilx, H'lioiaduirg. W. (,. W ,,!!,., ,v (',, Berwick: II S J, l.-iiins. Of:ii"eille ; I.,-m Hi el..!ei!avticn ; Don . .,;iio'e, White Hail ;h. UaMy, CiiUjuUj. tnill s OUR MOTTO.NOT TO BEOUTDONy .iti "I. l lv5.l 1 1 111 M, l. I .V11LI-I1 Vlli I Ety Nniilt-t' A: .Sihcrlliorn. THE undersigned having lalien llie slic formerly nictipied by Marslinl Silvetllioiti iiniBi ri'spm iinlly inloriiw the public linn they intend to curry uu the above branch ol buMites mid will at all times be readv to do work a little be iter and cheaper limn iin oilier tmldblieliuiciil HI the- tila.te, "ami llie litiit! hy stnei Htteiition lo buftitess to .i.til i large portion nfihe pulilte patrnli-'ge All kinds ol country prmluce laki n ii exchange for work iiibc ready not ilIubi i: ISA (J SAN TEE, MARSHAL SILVEKTllOKN Illoonisburg Pel), 141,18-10 4 1 lAfiJJBaBja VA2U). Till' business will bo roiiiinueil by tin subscriber at ihe old stand; where uiu le hai at nil iinieu MONUMENTS, TOM D-TJJLEs TOM l!-S TONES, UF.JlH Til JJIMIIS, MJNTLKS.l'.llNT STONES, MULE EES, Ike. or any other work in his line. He is also prepared to W ENDOW CAPfr and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS &c either of .Ma.ble, Lime or any kiln! ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity I' J Having hud ;oniili!rable experience in ihe business, ne pledges his work oc exeeuieii m as iian'lsome a style as tali be fiirniehed from ;.ny yard either in lb city or counirv; and on as reasonable K m, EPHRA1M ARMSTRONG Blooinsbuig, Nov. 3, 18-13. ly 28 eave to inform the nublic. tha "e is prepared lo attend lo all the oper i "lions in deniislry, stitch aa reniuviiie The Tartar und. other Foreign Sub alaueea. Prom llie teeth, rendering them clean, nin the on ins and breath sweet and healthy. The cavities vf Deceived Teeth Will be dressed out and filled with Gold or other toil; of the finest qualjJr, as tin ciso may require, which will generally prevent their aching nr further decay, ant render them useful for years; aud in mailt cases (lining lil'i Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have become usclese ni trouhlesorni will be extracted in the most careful man ncr, w ith the latest and best improved in sirumcms. Force tia in Teeth, Ulitie nest quality and latesi improvement, will bo inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallerchainp, with whom he is in piitemship in plate work) on Cold plate, from a single looth lo a whole set, to look as well as ibe natural, and warranted it answer all the useful and ornamental pur poses proposed by the art. In sliort.cvery operation belonging lo tin profession, will bs pcformcil in the ben .naiiner, with choisesl material, anil at ilu shortest notice' He therefore hopes, b striel attention to business, to obtain a shari . f . ..I.I: A ni juiuiii! iaiiuiiagc, any person or pet- Mins w isiitng any ol uie above operations performed, uie respectfully rt quested it .live hint a call. N. The public are hfrebv Ii fnnnn; that we the subscribers have entered into:' special Parlnet thip lelalinu only lo plair ivurk as it is more convenient for each Ii .item! iu the otiu r branches ofihe sciciic, Ml bis own account. A. VALLERCfl AMP, J. II. VANDERSL1CE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ih. 1815 3m. iSIacKiiuliiiiE(a(lihi:u'i:( TIIM I'ubbc are hernby rspecllnlly inforinec . , . . . i i... ..i . i . I. " . , . niai we wK iiiieiy eiucrco ii. lo iopailueislop II ihe above business at the liiick hnp, formerly oe .copied by Moses (.'iill'man, on .Maiu-stieet, below the new stoie, where we intend to cany on tin above named business iu all its biauchis. Wi pledge uuselves that work done nt this shop shnl he executed ill as neat nnd workmanlike uialinei and on as reasonable leiuis, as can he done nt jinv other simp in this place. W'e therefore Impc bv strict attention lo business, to merit nnd receive i due proportion of public palroimiie. M. niPPMAN, S PROBST' April2S. l!lfi. A'. II. S I 'ID F. IS G done of the. re diieed iirir.e of One Dollar. Smul profits ond auiek return our motto. Centre of Gravity. A NEW TAILORING TIIU subscribers respectfully inform the citi .ens of llloomsburg and vicinity, thai they have lo I'ul themselves in 1 horiiliin's IV civ Hum ii Mlllll , lien iKiiirs in inn- inr v urner ij iHuin am. )l. sh-ifls, in Ulooiiisl.uig, where they will al ways be found on hand, ready to accoiiiinodali iho.-e who may Incur theni with a call. Then wink v. ill I e doiu ili the latest ami Ino.-t approvec style for in a'.iios and elegance in the bu-incss. I rum tl'eu long expeiii rue in tliv Inismt s, .j tint 1 1 1 tin nisclics tl,at t In-ir woik will he done n iieslnsenu t'C iloiie el-i w here. All woik liitrustei ill their cue Wnrinnted In fit. Cl'TTI N'C "" ,'lr ""iiitem notire am' w.oralili d to lit ii properly made up. ELLIS & VAN BL'SKIRK. Mav 2. lC-Hi- N Ii.r'Ol'.N'I'NV VUH);cj;, nt ihu maik. i;ri' e, will be taken ii exchange for wmk GLASS I ici eive. al the M1W S I'ltKIl I. I RITLT.T lay 'M CANCERS, WAliTS, tOK.N's, &-f Til 1:1 subscriber informs the i l! Ii. . il.... 1 .. al li'lnciln. sll kinds nl ("am i-i. i, . vaits und torus will vitv l.m.. . ,, , j - i mill ii. .. nullum!, lie relers tn seerul ieki.r. i i.i.. .... 'ens in bis neiyl ilmoil, Ml, , u K,,ii,,i.. II.. illiinii Kile ami odo rs, tlllt l,,,, , ... , in st'M'ral iln-lain e und in n,,i : r I., ,i "KHiiiH ii- i' ,V'"V " a n ii 1 1 1 g i , 1 1 a i -1, k , J!,, wa iiiumrii lain cure iu any v-4hV , : Ulidcrt , ,, pay. (Vi W ails, n entile , ,!.. ,. ... il-n cined by the subnla-r ul vi... ;.. , .... I'leassiil tnwiifliiii on il. ,,, .; , , .. ' .. " l.llvilleto l.loonhui, i " ""!' ,, ,, ,1 . . - ' 1 "iiiet. noiii f ,., . i ck Milleis lavc1lie,e1erM,i,sa,ei11viudu John ale. May HI), t W Q 1 Q .AD1EE l;OiNf(S, head dress it e.itc. splendid assnrln.ent of I,il(iieB' ;,.,, I lead l)rea,.rtiiieiH Vl.,.... vnt i . cy cheap, at ,IB,.t N.w iS(u. Uy . A. 11, KN A li U ,y Uo. lii'li Uvgn of Ulnntlu" Pau,,,., Hlie bcM . .uality Just received !v " " ' ' December 5 W.l, ,,VKKLVY &. Co Tim & T1.haM!;7ibPr rCB''7-"""y i' ,,ublic R Unit he hua opened a shop, oi, .M i , L t vshe eheim:,dsei.r,yigOI, thu llljm(, L ; oi all its various InaiicJies "UsUic. MIKKT IJ40N' Uanufacturcil into :i "i.V loriu rcijeircd, hlOVK I'll fall sizes kept cwiuaiitlj on h;, on'. .Stoves fmi,!, u I'J Ul HIT. llcii g determined do husi,.sa ln , ,,. h as ehea, as they eau be pu.chascd i, 1. J. KICK. eiteml;er "0, 18-l.j y ICT.UAKE WAY FOJi thi: :4 S4o rrillM Hb,eriber.s take this method of info,,,,. ii ing their Inemls and lhc ,,n,;,. gni,rAW '!""1"7 ;re now n,,illB ,h0 J,r,nu An , V It ; (.onils In which they wu!d moat nil!v,nve , e ,,im, of thnse win arc i U , d .'New and Cheap Goods, cot,islii,B i ,)Ilrt of Clot ha, ( 'ussi meres, Sutfiuet I 'eslhig f -.meri, an, 'renc!, and I ,ish .,.(,., Coating and Pantaloons Stuffs, i ve:y superior article of Tweed Cloths nd Cassi .nercs, Angola Cassimeres. Mriliiugs; (;ambo.s- ttc. 4c Colton i'anlalooii lull's ul every vutit!. of ilio most desirable styles. PRINTS ! PRINTS!! ompiising every variety of Mile. um prices fro Uf to iii cents. DRESS COODS. New style nf French Lawns, a splomlid article of new style Moiilaucde lane and summer Cashmere (.'iiighuins Ac SIIALWS, imongst which may beloimd a hamlmiiue nrticlo llmages 1'ickliie; Mouslanu and '1 hil.el Miawls WHITE GOODS. Marred, striped and nlain Jaconets ail l ',.i,. 1. , VI ... N.. I I .. ,-' . , .. " ..ui,.,o, ..u,i-, .nusiins, iiook, mull uiul Aluslir, Uihop Lawn, curtain .Muslin, ic. M .. I:. WIS3 Brown and Ukached Muslins from tU to ISt renu per yard, bleached and uu deachej Table Diaper, cotton OMnabuiy, tic. Toecthr with a full ss-uitmeia f Gro ceries, Spices, llarduunr m.,I i , lay, (tncciitrarr. JJrvgs, JJovs and Sh en, .m.l in fact every arliclu Usually kept in Country .Stores. J T c public generally me ii,v iled In cull niu ex amine tln-ir .-lot k belon- pur. hn-ing c.Vcwliei,., ThmiLful for past fav, rs, i,,y Halter i,mM vis by M ict altenlioii to ,usii,,r n ,a 1L. . age of a generous public, A. 15. KN ABB & Co 23. All kinds of Lumber, (,'inin nnc Produce taken in Kxcl.aiigc loi (ioillls. Uails and Spikes. h(i'i-"K'' 'd,ike,j,t received jtaWJr and (ur tale at IhcA'ew ,v,rt. ot , l 15. Kbl'KUT. 'i irmen I 1 SALS. The fiubsrrilipr olTrs for gnlc l.i Ayr, nt .Main and I w w k. AM iliiateil on the corner of .Main and Efl.r-ptrfta n Mooinsbiirj, Ooliuiibia ('(iiuty. I'm. It is Wk-I alcul itcd for llie loca'ion lot a 1'ulilie Jlouae o Store .being ;0 Fa-1 frnnt on Maintain tt, 'Z t 1 I ff-tl on Eaut-stml, Hid the ron.l leading to the IllnnirucSiirg f.'all a,j ' i on Company's Fiimaci s. 'J'hi.s .t i.-ivell c-.ii- .ibil.-.l for t uilding upon Ilast-striet as well ns mi ,M;ii, and bi iiiit Mlunled in the centre .r 1 1 - r. ,'iL'i"n ol Columbia County, is well worthy tie Leniioii of the eapiali.4ts. for a, iv information rrpecting the sniidiliuris nijuite of ;w;i.cs KAhi.i;- Klcoiikburt', D cccinU'i 20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers