( A It L AND ;..-.'r.- U tVi mutt h-atf town w'o'iV, t'lrimts firtlt'U tuli'J with ' ''' CM f.ierid,! M f tends! tlw "M l''n,1,' That time bus wu! Al! who c.u fimko the heait amend J-'or tlio fiiends ul'tifu'i youny d i) ? C,! ihey wore the slurs ut ljlt' That never left their sphcie, 'flie bcamm lights Hi-" h"u Our life's ilaik paths to cheer, Old hiciub! Uldfiicndt! Hid fiieud! old f'ieJ we fjr80t Tkosu Java of gulden piime, When rouud our father' health w met, And our merry vuW chiiuo Made llio hull rins to the roof with j ' Ai we sang the sons of yore, O,- dtiucitd la the niius ot' lllu ha'l"-'r l'0y" Oil the Illicit U oaken iW OIJ Friend! OIJ r'liond.-! Old friends! olu rrRfiMl.-! as linn toib" t We miss them more and more; Tw lull, uro daikwhuie once they shone, And 'lud the friendly door; W li.te colder scorns tho stranger's eye, on earth's dull way, As we nasi .hid think, wiih ! fy 11 lel,aor l )f the fi i.'i'd i llaU Old 1'iieiids! Old r'lieuds. LdTES'l ARIUVAL BY Till. ALBRIGHT & MKNOAL, AT THE i ...I. TJ TSW VE just rcceivcJ hy tha Iiuil Road auj arr ''l Jj no opening, a splendid assortment o Statin and Cummer MEW G v.'in'h, u a v i 1 1 heen sulectcd with great care, tliej .in t'.l will sell na low, .if not a little lower, ilia" !hey tail he purchased eUtwhere in the coun ly. Amoiij their usjorliiitut amy be lound ii. itio DRY GOODS LINE, A s'iVii-.M asnftment of nciv and fusliitMiuMr J'rinla of new I'mures, (jiiiehiiiiii; tt new stVlu ol cross ovoi lierutso aud other UiVusoh; fanoy um MncU and white Lawim, (iinihaln Lawni!, lX'lone.- nl nil i: on anil uiulliv, lilarK nil I tiliielilacll ilu:- iS'i!';?,- hlacU silliScre Allagiacciu il.imu.-U niiiunei .Vl.irU, Ja'iiaskho.ik Muslin, urnc twist and ntnl head.; and rini;i of asuofted colors, ladies um' tli tleiu'.'tidkid gloves, mohair dloves and initi, while cambric Handkerchief; hulien 11c jloiftts, Llufk, hanJamia and flag silk yatnlkereliiel'!, onion Iand'erehief.iofcveiy d'srriition, whilo mid fan cy silk Handkerchiefs, MiawUof all kimK in i,Iioii tlotton undMiieu Onodd of every description fm Ladies' wear, Silk, Cotton and Worsled Hjo for jnen and women Ladies' shell comb. broadcloths of all colors and quality, S'attinetts ('aasimeies, fancy summer Oassimcre't, h x ijwartei tout Tweed, Nunkiuu, Checks, black Satliu and otlier suiiiuinr Vcstings of evciy description: f.iiicy Wrarfs at d OravnW of nil qualities, bleached uml unbleached Muslins, I'nibrellas oil'1 Parasols, Li horn and puliu leaf Hats. A Quantity ol caipet- itio'. Groceries. Lump and brown Su;ar, Molassos, OoHi'O, Tea of all kinds, Oinuer; Alspiep. I'cpper.N' ilinei; &r. Jiar Sop, ('andles.coarse und fine Salt, Bierm and iioh Oil, an assortment of the best quality of L1QU0US, brandy, Gin, Hum, ll'iiie. &. pu'c hafej rx lire.vslv to supply Tavern keepers, who are runic- ilbu ly roqueslcd to call and examine quuii'y and ji iees beloro purchasing clscwlier'-'. A splendid assorlincnt of QUEENSWAUrT, iiy the Tea Set or piece to" suit rutoincris, hAUDWARE, Onsist'n? in part of k'lives and forks. Lulls ami r.rrews; finioiLM, auipirs. clnsseis, hum, tea ami Uhcr kettles, ic. &c. and an assoitnicnt of TIN WAKE. Also an assortment of 1 1 ATS AND APS. In ft they can furnish their cuflonxTswilh ov r-y nri ii-f. usually kept in cnitntiv ntoro, oml ,i'u; iletetmined to t'obu-inesy riylit, I hey can and will Make it the interest of the people tc trude with them fjpLumhcr ivvl allkintls of coun try produce taken in payment fur Goods. Ap.ii n .iitf Nails and Spikes. S'Np KF.fi of '"i'" "d pikesjiKt reeeirw! tflsTft and for cale at the Ne-.v .M.,rp ot J L. b. UUT.KT. Ourtlten 0.eNw .Store. n 1U,,,RTf Til H X V- 'i-iT..?ir1vi'vw,i Pr.OCJLjf.KATIClT. 1 I WIIKUIiAS, hv an Hii nf the (-nr-i sscinhlv rf the ()til'Uinwdlll of Pellii- .ylvanu fnMilnl. 'An ail reUiinii In i-Ip.- ions of thin t;-n r n w ."th. pis-ed id- 'Jil lay ol July A l l8:i'J in uril' tint 'i - V of tlin SlieiilF of M'ery cuntV Hllilii1 nolii'H ol sileli eleelloil to Iih ind nuke known, in Midi noiiei! whdt nfli eirrs are to be fleeted: 'I'lietdnif I IBJ3 SiliwSJ I ,. i ( i i i lily i Slu'iifl id the cnuntv id (.ilmiibM, do make known, bv this ndveiiiseoieul, lii tin ''leetnrs of said riiuiilv of ('olmtihl , thai i:b'l''irl. I 'II' I! I'll i a III ld held L t i. .. .. ; .1 ne sain cootjiv on Tuesday Ihe I'Jlt day nfOctukct next, j l the suvernl dlbtncts tbereuf, :,i li.J'ina in llln i ai tnwn hi j), st llie limise of (Jliirlo Diti-liler, Hloiiiiishnr. Uriarcreik luiviislnp, m ihe tii'vn-liniiM n Ii"rw'ck H.'aver Hi the hniisif of A 'Inn Miihiel. (Uawiri:i Niwitiin. a: thri hitiiu i:fi Stacy Muij'irem, in tin) U'vnahip ol Cilia , Wisr-J. C'nire lowinhip, at the lioni (j J.iht, Hess. Durry inwnship, nt lLo lieu of Jieul Si'idt'l, III said lownslii: risliiuerfick liiwusliip, at thn JJijiisa nl Dur.iel IVclcr, in Slid iinvnii'iip. Franklin tovvnhi ai iUa sehool house,' fviur UiH liuu-n) of John .M t in :i, fu a ji J luwu sliip. tJicenwood townihip, at ilia lionso now nerupii'il hyW- JcMiehacl. Ileiiiloi-k township, at ihe iriekhom. ynkson towiibij, ill llio Irni.tc nf J ntihii' javni; in s iul to usliip. Diherty viwnship, at e h'nne nf Mugt li-E intti, in sii l iuwn-bi; LinifU'i ric, t"w ili!;i (i ejma'e c.;eiioe lisirici) at thu Uni.in Sell ml II jus .', in turn township. MaSoinri.-j li)niliip, ut ihe Court n mi in Danville, Miiflni inviisliiji M ili house of Join Kollet, jr; in aid townsihiji. Madison lowni'iip, al llie liomi! now o1 oupied by ' Julm Welliver. in Jir,i'yto in. Mount Tie i nit lu v' us-W ; ' a' thu Ii.m.j. of Frederick M lli r, in s.od lownihiii. Monleiir towiiship, at llie house L'onanl Lazarus, in said toivmliip. Miiio lowuslip, at the houne of hii.i Stiuaian. Koainn'f repk lowiiniiio, at tlip ti usi now orcupicil by Viu cier, in townahip. Orsiioi toivnsli'p, at the hoiiu of Iiaac C. J itnison, in the town of Urnmevi hi. Surlouf to a niiliip, a the I reuse ol li. Coin Valley ln'.vnshi), at llie Iiousb now oc eupied bv John L'oX. in said lotviiplnp. At wliiclj llilie slid place ar,l lo be t ied- - il by the lri.eui.iii of the county ul Colum bia. Out 'iTjmi for Canal Coiiiuiihiiincr One 'crson nr ('iii''ros One '('I.VOl lor Asse.nhly Onf. Pi) son fir Shi nil" , 0,ic I'crsoa fni Cormier One Pastm for Co:nt:ii!?iioi('r ( Columbia counly One I'irn0 for Audififf In pursti;ince ol an 'let nf the Assi'iuM if the (3oininonweallli of l't tinsylvaniH, eir liilcil 'An act relatmsr lo '.he eleciiotis nl ibis ('oinmonweaUh' pasbed il.o day ul J..!;. A. L. 1S30. Iotice is henly givr.x 'That every person, ix.-epi junticfs u! ihe peac.o who slndl huld any i llice of up pnintnienl nf profit or tru.i uudei the onv einiiPiil of ibe Uuin d Si nes m nf ibis Si ,11 nr of any city 01 11 rpmaieii ilioinei wbeltier a cn'mnisfinnid utiicir 01 o ln i wine a emboidinate uliicer ut i'l'etii, hn n, or tball be Ciliploytli Under the lel lata.-, exeeul've or juduialV dt p o liinmi i f 1 1 1 1 r Sta'c 01 of llie United Sim s, 1,1 i.l mi env nr incoi ponttcd disli let.r.inl nl-,. t vt rv on in her ul Cniiyress, and of ihe Siate I Hire, and fil lb" sided or eufliuiiin enu .leii!1 ' nf any iutorpoiaie.il disiiici, is, by law, in capable ul liolJinj; ur -x'rcibirir at the faim lime, the office or appointment id" J inljj-. itispt'clor, or Clerk, of this Coilimnnci.lililpeue at sueh deeiinn, ur shall use or pine und that no inspeciur, Jude or nibti nth-;'"'e any 1 1 1 1 niiSuiuijj Win ats, Imce or vio e.r of wiiy sutdi (lociioii, frhall be iIii'jIl tii'-iii 1; vti.ii deniei, in tnflui live tiulnly ui t' . . t.A .1 . I C..r i.it'rrriup ni.t' i-lci-l i . 111 . i.r 1,1 i.r. .....i l.i... auv llllll u 10 lie inru ton 11 1111. v -' i.m. And the iiaid Act of Assembly, Uniiltd 'f'"m V'tlcf or to resliain the freedom ol p'n Act relating to ihe elei lions ol tl.m chniec - t in h ptr.-ou on ennui linn (.bull (it flominon'.v.Mbb,' p.ifipe.1 July 2!; 18o9 lur li"i.d in m.y mho not 1 xceidn.u live Inin iber provi b s as follows in wi ,- hired tl..;.ns, and he inipiit. 111 jti lor any lime Timl the Insneel.ir Klld Jiniees ck,ii6eii ns'HOI i s lli.ni (T3 nof innre lli.ln iwclvi tfiircsai'i shall lllfl'l to Ibt! lesielivc places annoinled (or hoMini? ihe t h-i nmi in ibe disiriol to which they respectively b lor? . 'he bad lint the peisnn eo (.flViaJiiig tl is b before Q uchnk in the mnvnir." un ihe "i n-pidt nl cf ihe cny ward lii-iiia (,r luwn Tiiftdai nf Oetnbir i1'11!1 win re the said ofle-iice vi'as 1 oininlllei.1 in each find eveiy year, and each cf csid in-'aml not enntlcd to vote iherdn. ihcn un upectms, sh til iiipninl one ( leik. w ho lisii '' "Ui letinn, be fIihII I c m iiK IiI 1 d lu !. l.e a riiia'nfii it voter ul sueli diMriet. lu enne ihe persun vtht h iii Imve re- eeivrd h? necoiul lithesi iiuuihr of the voles f r Intpoctor shnll not iiitend on ihe day o( any thciioii ll.c prison who shall bare reel ived the (term d bi'hi si number 11 volt's lor Judire at the ntxt I'ruccdit'K clce lio-.i shali ncl Jnupci'iot in hiit placr, auJ in i'Hsh lint person who oliall liaro teccived tlm IiikIii'iii liu I. b r ol voles 1 ii r In hpc :mr eh'ill mil nut'. id, tlm pi rson elrelcil 8 J ildrt shall iippollll Mil r.s,ieil..r III lu pine, Hllll III IMsl! llie pt'.nilM I'll'CIld h Jmle shall lint HM'id then lint lii-pei'lm hit receive tint lushest iiiiinher id vnti' hha l appiiinl it J uilc in Ins plm c, slid I' my vae iney sli.dl e.iiiiloue in llie luiaiil Ux t io cp.ii (i id nun l:iiur ul'icr iIih iiiiih lived hv law Iim lili' itlieiii'iiJ ii" 1 1 1 u el' eilnll till ,,Mlilitd vulns uf tho lowiihlnp wud im (( j (r M nut-U ullicer cliail Iihh he,.,, elecli d, picsfnl ul the place of eliu'luin i,,,)! ,),.,., 0 ,!. (,uillij,.r M SUI, Ut:aiirv in t'iv. 'It lial! ho tin-flmv 'f nid kSHcssnrs re linlili ii LrnM-uieU lii ali'nd ut llie iilace of hiildl'ly jevrrv jj' iii'ral t ei..l or low t.siiip eleciioi Idurino ihe wholo li ne Uih s-hu! i Iccikmi is keii npii lor ihipui po- id giving nilornia- linn In the iMsnoi i ir a;;d i.iilie when called . " , . . hi, in reia ion to iiik iijiii iii any iifivni as fue l1 by llieoi Iii vole ai sueli i . cll'iil, in Mich oilier III 1 M i-i in T f :i I 'll to tliv ussciid- lltlMt I v.ilf I ds li: s i . - . . r .i i it i ii "i a in I I io.li time t Ulk'' , l'i , or riuici ui ineiii II. II' re I'llitf. i :i. i -on ih ill bo pi r 'iiitii il to "olu a' 1 1 1 V eb ' lion hs ..I'Im'.i ii.l ui... i' iImii a hi i 1 1 (' .0 in nl Ibe u a l u iir -iinH years in one, who ):( M e r. pi. I. -d In tiii 1 til .1 i .i -1 one t'eai', aoJ l;l um i l.'tMlno illstrle x ii. if II.' nll 'is .i tun: ai l nl leu ti i V a MO iiieiiiH.id v puccl 114 ui'!i nil cilnli, and wlili in two e . r s p ui u h..i nr eouuiy lux which slu'l have been ascused at least tei I n d helora eltfiioi,, tt .it ciizi-ii nf ilic Uoiieil Sillies who hid irM iously been jti ililied voler id ilus slate h;uI it'inoved iliere I r 1 111 hii I ri'lurned mi l vvho sliall have resided in ihe elci I 0.1 tiin.rici jii. paid l ix- as nf uosaiil sh d I i; en nir, in vole, af r rmidii.' in this .-lb- i uiuiriis. I'ro- ide'l. Tint iIih whim Iri euii'o cl izens nl die United y 4 -i, beUvceii i Iih hjji s ol twenty ono and tweniv-two arid having re sided in illi slile 0l'', Vl'l a:nl in tin election ilis:iiei I'lvN DAYS as aforesaid shtll be en'iilei! lo voie alllinugh they eha l not hnvt! piid I ixes. '.N i person li ill hs a lmiitcd to vote wliorttl IHKIr) is not ('. Ml'. Oiled in ihe list ol ax thle iuli ihiMiiis fuiMHheti by ihe com timi oneti as afor.'siid unless First In pro luces a reci.'ipt f ir ih ptyuieni within ;wu yciri ofa siatu or counly tax assess ed agreeably lo the coiiimnioii, and jjivr s iiisl'.ic.orv- i-vnlen.'e tiln-r on his on i. iih or allirnuiiiii', nr un oath Kiid ll'n'm i :io; ot'd'l.illii r, tli.it ho b.S put! sueli lax or on I liium 10 pr n'oeif a rreeip', snal nike oalh in llie iiynn'iil i.iiv f ,S. c o'lil if ho claims :t iijlu l.i v.i e by Imiiiiji a-, elector between the age nl iweniy mu am' it liy-tiv i years, he shall d.-pnse lM oath ir Mlir.n ilmn, Ihal he his lesided in the slate at least one year, next In-fore his np plicali.iu, and in tk.i sii.'li prnnl o! : -i i ( 1 1 1-c 10 liie iliilricl as is r. O'nr-d hy this .u l, and i Mini tie d ius verdv be irve I'roui Ihe net ''"'Heiiunti eiven hi.n ill 0 be it of t'"' k. lori'.Vi.d, and lui s.nvi oiuer evirvire n - iii required by t)i;s a.'i. U'h. reiijiou il, Mine nl the pi'i.- .n 'i a luime l m ir . shall I).! iiiMT.ui ill ll;e nlp'i ibe.i , iit l . 1 Mill lliSpl'i 10IS, Hint a II ill! liia'.e ii, dn-reio by wiiiiog ih wur I us1 if n ie adui.iied In v.i 1; by r '.iu ui ,Ml I a t.iXior liie 1C11I.I '.,je' il he pin. Mui I IV nt ilia In .iiiti f! 10 o'f I'll a.-.'it it nl itl ..f, a.. 1. i fiilr r e.iii', Tie re .s .,1 in p.i, 11 v .!,,,; 11' ee'le.l tittl t.i tl t e!e,!,s vt uj .-.til , .he Ilk 11 lies k. pi b ir. 1' ii. . ''I l i C ili-.l . Ii.'it' ilr! II l lifl I ;., 1 . :i t i miili ;J . In..' in Ii il .:ii..i. i,r ii,. in iiiabfd by l;ie eo imii .ni.iurrs mid a--er,- 1 1 r , nr bin 1'iolit to ttilu u Iihi I11T li'.ini) hi leiui n 1.1,1 in iii j i".i il in by i;v ijtiaiiti tl el'i:eii, il til Ir: lit- 1 ! 1 v id 1 it u in- jlt'e'.'Ji s In (:. .nljiiu: s',1. ,1 pi'.s.iii o.i oal.'i 11 his (Jri iliiii'ri'.i.ius, mi 1 ll be ei.iinis lo II ivt esnli'ij wiili 11 ihe n'.iitf .r m,e je-ir in llllle, bin .J till bhall lo s 11 Hi ,'ie n i 1 1 it j 1 1 r hcrcol, hut he ahai! nuke Kml by al leas, me cniliJieli.'Ut W Mii'ss, who t ii . i be ;, i.ilifii.'d ( lector. Hill he his ies.il.ii w 1 i I , j . he disliict lor more ih 11 icji !.iy.- i.exi ji,, 1.C1I111I1 II pr.i.'i;i iim.; s.'id b-cilon, ami ;,!sn 1 1 111 if if s e .r th .1 I1.1 b 1) 1 1. -Ii. I e n .i 1,1 f In ,'tirsu ilift? ol nl IhmIi.I calling, m ttiiiiii. be ills .t let ami iii . I l.e did liiii ! t.-;7.nvi 111 l.i iid (li-'.nci, (ol l.e puijio.-u ui 0h11t; ihei elil. L'Jveiv pi rfnij qiiiiiliril us iifiiresaid, ami who sh ill 111 ike I. prnnl il ri q "in il of bis lei -ml ei.ee mid pa ii; mt ol t'Xe-, lis iifmo n. i.l be .ilt'l.lMl il to Vult: 111 the llidllli 1 II it I.l. !l be shall I . ride. II ii 11 v )fi.s.,u k ' 1 dl picvent or aliempi 1 j.leV. iil i..y nliiei I' nl nil l leeliuns uudei bi- act fiinn bnldilie .-Hi II I !i i-!liiis,,ir ti-c nl i. it- nen ail)' tlnll nee In anc nil, ,'m i,r pli.ill . 1 it .1 rropl 01 lllipl ci .y iu'.n!tiif v. n!i him 1 xi 1 .iimn 11 ei- lu, , or so il blot k up nr ilu'itpl to blei'k dp the ' imhiw 01 ilih avenue In uny window V.'here ll,o s.itne UI.IV be bnlileu nr sb'iil llnlnlisly (ilnlnrh llie iiiniul,!;. And if 11 sh ill bp thntvii in ihr com I vtheiethe tii n i l such nllenee bind fine lint less ll 1.1:1 (I inn uiuri than one th.niH.111d ih.li.u, iiini be imprison ed mil less than b.X mulillis Imr Inoie than iwo VI'S'l. 'f any person nr persons slml! inke any bel nr iiiicer iipnii llie result nf any idtclioi. wiiluii, ibis Cumiimiiuerildi vt tliall ulfei 10 tiuilie any audi bel nr waer, eitlior by eilnl iroclaiiiinioii thercnl or by uny wrn- 'mi ot pnnleil adveriiseineniii, ri.llf ngi nr tvngoi, up in coiitielion th renf he or thtty -.Iih I lurleii and pay three tiunti the auiouin 10 bnl or tillered lo be bel 'If soy pits 'ii slia'l villi) ut mom thsii me eliieiioo diri't or oilierwise fraudu- t'ullv vole more lb hi tineu oil the same d t ir shall fraudulently fold and deliver lo tin inspector two iicktiia innmher wiili ihti in. (Mil in iHcg illy oie oi slnll voie ihn hhih m il any .shall advise or piocure nuolhei so .0 do, he or they so o('eiitJiii null ml con union bo lined in any mm ml tb-m illy nor more linn live hundred, dollars, mil he imprisoned for any term not los? Ii i n three nor inoie than twelve moruhs. If -my person not (loalificil to vote iii lIiis euiiiiiionwealili agreeably to law fcx eepi ihe sons of qualifr-il ciiizens) nh!l j iear hi uny place nf election lor ihe purposi if l-siiin tickets or ol iiifl ieueing the t ill iens qoalilit'd in vine be shall on conviciioi forfeit and p iV fliiv sum not exceciliin; uih luudred dull trs lot every such nllenee and ie i.iiDiisoned fir niv term iiuitxceediii'' 1 line iniiiiths, The Judj'S aie lo inakv their returns for he v. ninly of l'ulunilna a! he duri lloust in D.ini ille on L'nday the lG.lt day ul Ucio mr, A. D. IOIO. Ciod save the Conunnn wealth IIJWI DKIIi'; Shtrijf, Siii:kiFi'a Oii ict.; Danube, he iiember, i'J-l8ll. Z'S COURSE IS 0SII1RD. Cil)l!reat has been the demand for l'oierV 3 "1 'saoniiMi oc All Healing balsam, and it has 4ivcn such general salisl'.ii'lioii to thiie who have use.l it and become 111 ijiiaiiiloj with ils t blues that it now stand pre-fiuiueiit as a remedy in I)i eascf. nl the Liiuirs, and the testimony w hu h lias been ijiven by tiiU'i-reiil persona who have been ctiitd b l is altogether vohniliuy .11 Ihei-pint. Tin y have : iveu it in pit! hope thai all ivhonniy Ibid themselves in "cej of this remedy may apply for it vwlliout de lay. Ui'a.l the foHnlviug letter reetiveil Ijom ihe l!v .li fSuiine.ill, Palnr of .St Jude's Kpivopal Tree Church. ,h'r . h.is nut n;:y used he liieilb inr liiinself bu( has witnessed its effects in several ven trying cases ol'ili.-easo. Tiiu letter will show hi: op. ;ii. ill of it.-, virtues. Dear.Vir: believim; il to lie but 1111 net ofeoin nio'i lini.i.niiiy 0' t ti t -. suil'eritin under the varini..-iiM.-1 e-"I C.'iiubs, Oulijs, I ioarsem.', t'oiiiiiit -..111. A -!. nn. 1, ,y.'. In p.iint tbeiii lo 11 sale, niet il m,l null. ..i reineily, ) Ihkc piensiire ill reiiiuiK ui) cliiii'di.t t'tytitir liivjiuabl.; leedieine cubed Ol.i.a .itiuli or All I Ic iliiiy balsam. Of ils cll'n :o-y I an .:.! ..!. lir.'l Irorii I ; : y o.vii e-.p. iii 1 lieim; .,,!.! ,' 1, .HO I'pl,sil,' 11. 1 . 1 III,:, l-i lite MCI-SI-;,! s nl' nil:' clinii.te to l.eiieut ntla; ks ol' li.lbl. li ..1, llu 1. ei.v-,. ie., 1 have alnax s f.itn.il il In uliiin1, -.In .l i'l.il .;! Un eo is, run I a prays by ii''seve iinei .10 its 11-0. 1 II c'.u.il 11 In !. 'I'o 11 pintictllai fiiciul I'm 11 .i .-.iii-, : cu'ie'v ui..7er Asibmii, ui.tl who 1 1 I.e.:, iin il i;l niiliii.il.;; I. bit' ! ii.r; .u.y human .;.i.ee, U e.i my ll'oo.iei't' H.a'iiiu V. I.i.bit nl li lie tl.e ii i--a. 1. ii..'' il lii.;! iiii.l he .r,,!i'uiii id I lie :i'.vt .r..ilui i d it on biiu 11 1 ei'leet i liiiri.i i.ll'iiiliii Ii: 11 ii.i.u.-.ii ile mi.! i.bn.i.-.! iio taolioieous relief, II. 111. 1. her i.et.iiii e i ici'.iliiii.eiiiled it In 11 li'in.ili . , 1 ,.! I' if ad aie- e.l in (.'iil..-l.ini:tiol . Afier the use ,1 111- In- Ii.'tiie Iter e nuli li; petit'! and slivi'coll to asl'Mii -h nil who .hi d ai.d lii inly i :-;ai j elil in ly ii-inoveil re.-lon d lo s.ieb 11 saw her- Willi 11 li died iir; biiliee 11- 1 '1 c in cite.:. li-rf. . 1 1 ! ; iin-l llie thousand and nlie speerlits pnl bnlh ii ii-esc il..) f as sovi re!i;n paiiaccas lor all di.-t ar-e, I issi; , 011 that nothing shrrl oJ nr.' linn conviciioi. I' ihe claims nf jout n editiiiC lo nil luiaiil s.i le . 1 eela'de, and to the eli'eels nl it as herein caiilied. :ii!i bv in v on 11 1 x perieiiee and ob-i nation, I oa'ei 1 1 .1 le.v ' bi e.i iinh.i. .-.! lii 11 -1 to eo.ne lia wan! 1 . .1 i- i.l. i'i i ' bi b. ill. 1 b .' e the b 'Co.- lo be, ,b. H.-..ctfi.';v M.ois, I.'. C: b!;i..i'.ALL. 1L ace i; in a Co..',' A, ki.; ; Ir ible'llll.t not 1 i. Ided to tin; ot llie ie .ii-iiie. bo it'inli '! Willi pain ii e n en f Is il II'-1 llie -h. 11 1 in.-.-, ei b.iaih ui.lt .SUCJt: f Di you liuiic lUouil when von ci'l'tih 1l.1l find yi.ur t-1 1 t l; 1 Ii eraduallv t.uliie.' 1 Von will fiml thai lin se inplonis il nol juopeilv atlei;(!ed to wiil terminate in e.i.isU iiptioi. ami erntli. A.e )ou lioubled v. i til lint dii.Lic'ssiuj. uoiiijiloirit .ht.'.nia, bieb il -piivrs you ol lers llio buitht iisoinc. i oor n-t i-l niclit and rrn Here is the Weundy. liemiMiibcr the name arid place t'-ln ic il is to be obtaineo and do not be put elf ith m y otliei. 1' lias piodui ed a cine in iisdc-peralc c.e.i as joins outv up;. ml to' be, and d'.ul'lb nil! pi. I to Cidtt 111 ii speedy um those iliMres.-inu eiuiploriis whit hfill your 11.11. d iih doolny loicbudinys of :hc future. Its 1L aling Properties .... 1 . 1. . . . 1 . , e do not I'.eeeivo. I lie Hinn tirv couf.u is quicKIi OVCri'llllie all'l tMe:j Ullll ih iiilio 1 a -. ieii.11,.11 ouwej t plaee. Irpillilij; of blood is 'immediately check- , d. A hiht steals with pain m the sidcioul chest, . Iidiihtv and ditrfidty of I'reii'.Ainn yield in 0 short lime Aslmi w ith all its dreadful accompaniments ... 1 r t.o.o n,,,l i r.,..i ,11 il...' u at oni 1' rnevt u. ijiooiim..- ........". m. un lsscai-c- of the throat and 1 unr; die way befoio 1 his reiiu dy when ull oilier means have failed. l'e'soiis may iilternpllo deceive you v. iih some oth. r remedy, pronouiu ii S it to be (qn.iliy asyood Hit lemi llibir life is Ut btakc, llicufnrc Dc not Deceived. The a!mv rued.c inc for sale by the follow iny ui-enls. I 1: !' Lot.. Il'ooinsbiirri. V.'. I V.'uller A Co Krrwick 5 I.' IV .1, l.-izsnm. ' nni f.'-, ,.- , .el..ler-...vtoivn;l). rr. McUlide. M.ile llalltK ... :n . . r I : lial Iv, Ca'l.liwssa. 3 , KmL, I " x sH'- -Vlrotcnl SWT OUIt MOTTO, NOT TO M-OUTDON i: ViU Hy Santte Jtc Silvrrllioiii. TUli iniilerHS(iif il havino uikeu the shop trmerlv occiilHed bv Marshal Silveilhurn, uosl respueilully liiforuis the public thai ihev iiileiid lu c.irrV mi the above blanch ol bur'iiieis and will alall linn's be re,nly to uV work a little belter anil cheaper itian nn tiler establishiiieiil in lh place, 'aud lhe hiqie by siriei atii'iumn 10 husim -1" .11111 t larou puriion ol llit" public patli'lii'Jie All kinds ol country pioiluce i.iKtn n exchange lor work & the ri ttily not ri Ium 0 isa c san via:, MARSHAL SII.VKUTUOUN nionmsburi; Feb, HdG U Till:, business will bo coiiiinut d by tl" subscriber al iht old utand; where ma) he bad at nil times. MOAUMIIA'TS. TOMB-TdBLl', tomu-s toxics, in:, in tu- J.I Mils, MJXTLUS. I'.IIXT S TOXICS, M ULLEli'S, kr. ir any oilier work in In:- line. II'' is tlso prepared lo lurms 1 tt IN DOW CAM md SILLS. DOOU SILLS and S I LI'S fee either of .Ma.ble, Lime nr any kirn! o loue ihal can be pnu uri'd in ibis tu inliy (1 1 1 h v in tr had oiisliit'tabie t xpei leiiei in ihe business, nc petli;' bis wink 11 ie executed in as haii'lsi ine :i style us cm ie furnished Iroin 1. iiy ;nd 1 iibt r 111 tin lly or t:ollliin ; unit mi :is reaM'iii.ble tern ? KI'IIUAIM A UMSTKONti Jloomsbuio, Nov. , 18!:j. ly-'JS Wfo Wa Tvt ?! rsi tDtiS leave lo inform ibe public, that gjhe is iieptri'd loaiiend loidl ibeoper- aiions in uentistry, such as reinciv inn The Tartar und other 1'orcign Sub stances: From the teeih. reuilerinir tbrni clean, nin the um s and breath swctl and hcalihy. The cavities vf Decayed Testh Will be dressed out and tilled with Cold r oilier toll; of llie Iim si quality, ;is tin ease may require, ivhir li n i!l generally j prevent their m'liiii!! nr further decay, and render ihein useful lor jearf and ill ui iiiy cases Unruio 1 1 Teeth and iJtiunps of Teeth Which have become lisclesf 01 trniihlesoiili will be extracted in tin- urnst can I11I 111 n) ner, iih lliu liiicst and 'aesi in.jirofid in- sirutiin.'.ri. Porccliain Teeth, Ol'ilie best quality and lalist irnprovptiienl. will be inserted uu pivol, or (111 eoiiiitrlion ivith Dr. Yailcreliiimp, with whom he is in jiu rii-bip in )laie wntk) un Gold plate, from 11 .single lunth lo a whult: set, lo look as tvell as the natural, tind warralited In ..11 m. um cm .inn in 11 ,1 nit ii i,.i j.liI poses proposed hy the art. In shori,cveiy operation L 1 1 1 1 1 1 j' i 1 1 lo the priil'e.-sioii, will Im ptlnr'ned in the best miiiuer, vt itli idmisi st (nutenal, and al 1 It t -hnrtt st notice,' He ibcreluie Impiii, -lliet attt lilli'll to business, lo obtain V i.ih( n puiuie patronage, rtny peism, i.r j.ei- nns n ishiiig any of the tibnvc opci aiintip 11 rlwrmed, aie n , 1 . pti.'lliilly itqiicsitd K jive Iiini a full. N. 15 The public are hereby I, formei .h it we ihe siib.-eribeis havii i nlen d intti i tpecial l'.irinei t-hij) n Inline nnly in p,,ti .mrk 11s ii is more cuuvei.ti m I'm each tc .Hem! 10 ibe oiln r hi iiiiehi s ol ihe si if i.c mi Inn it vy 11 accoiini. A. V.LLi;i!('l!A.ll. .1. 11. ani)i:i:m,1('f. Mount I'iciisaiil, Nov bdi. lb-13 Um. iBhuisnithSHK'O'tnSjMStaaxcttl TUB Public flie beril'V r-spe, ibdl',' infoiinec . 1 1 1.1... '. . . in.il w e n.ne i.ticiv eiuere, 1 11,1,1 I. upaitiicMiip 111 ihe ali.jve biitine-s nl llie Prick Mmp, fonnerlv oc- it pi r-. I by Moses (.'i.il'iin.n, on .Main-stieet, leiow he new ftore, tt here we iu'end In c.u iv nil ibe iboie named business in all a biamiies. We pledge oiiii !'.es lb.ll iv ink C"i!e at this .-blip U, ne eeiuue,i 111 ns neai anil vw;ikiiranlilie inneiici. and mi as jt a-onable li ims, as cmi be done at ai.v oilier shop in Ibis pl.iee. W'e ibinbVe hope . iri(t n'.tenlion lo bu.Miics:;, In uieiil ui:d receive n due piopoiliou of public piil;-iinauc. M. COFl'.MAN, S LKUCSI" A'iil.r), lS-lfi. X. II. SIO IIS Ci Jon? ol the. re illicnl jiriie of Ot!V EJoil-'U'. Soiol ami (puck mam oar innilo. Centre of Gravity. , KBW TAILORING 7r.Fi CT,riT""? "V:,1Tr"' TIII'J tnbseribers re--pcclfiillv inform the rile iLeiis of lllooiusliurr' anil vieinilv , that they have , ea'id lliein-elves 111 I Icmtnii s Aew Mmp, ll: Mrrn, two ifmim Inline Iht Vuruer of Main anil Market .snc's, in lilonmsluu it, when' they will nb , 11 . 1 . ' 1 , vvhvs in' lolinil on iiaiiii, teaiiy 10 iieeoiuiiii'iuiu: those win may lavor lliein vwt.i a cmi. 4 belt vvork will be dniu in the laltst and mcst nppiiivctl sivle for neatiie.-s and elegance in the business. f rom their lung opeii' iice in the business, they flatlet ihemi-clves that their vvoik will be done as heal its can be dune elsewhere. Allwoik intrusted in their calf Wttdai.tt'd to lit. fl'TT'l'I ( J done on the shin test notice and Wdirnliled to Ct il properly made up. KLLIS ct VAN I5USKIKK. May 2, I H ? ti - 2tf . 'll.COLVI'UY PhMiDICi:, at Iheiniiikt iriec, will be lakcn i'i exiliangr for wotk f-tuieiiorsttielc of No. 1 aru"2 .TIA K. I'tti'.!.. bv Ihe liariel or 1 alf li iriel, a! m. . V the 1 l,1,l' " 1 ,i i- v ii A. 13. IvNAUU cV LO, CANCEUS, NY ARTS, LOllN'S, &c THtJ subscriber informs the publii , that he is .ihlutocuio nil kinds of Caix ris and rr.nli. nio Warts Slid Corns with vety lane pain Bi d ill a slioit time. He refers lo several ies.eelable cill .. 'lis in bis lieiduioillood, such us eMilnliel 111 -.- William Kile and others, thai bat been suceesnlul in several iiirliou'en and is nol huinbuttgint; as is loo frequently the esse unions ipmeks. lie wa -riialscectain cuiu in any case he undertakes or no pay. (Xjf'Wnrls, Ac, on tittlle hiiiI oilier sniiesls iim -lit. cut I'll by the itulitii'illier ul.n .esiiles in ,'Viiulil IMe.i-mt tounsbip on ibe main load liHiline, I. t,lo !lilt!le lo IHoiiiii-liuri;, abi'tit I k miles from I' lto- Milhi s I uiin where -.i.. aie luviliid ' ill. John ali:. Mav lii). 1 8 1 (J 1 vO LADIlili liU.NNfil'S. III'.AD DUES.': it l! A C. A siib'iidbl nssoitiiii'iit of I. nuics' fennel t, iL Head Di'est.Arlilieial Kloweis, Kibbons, i,c Jiy cheap, at the Litdit-Sreet ievv fseie b" A. 15. KM Ali II y -'. HL.iSTlXV POll DEI!. I the best rjualitv, jusi received bv V.I. MiKELVV k Co feei'lider 5 Y n' Air .... J . f HI'11' su'ueiii.er re.eellullv iulbre s the publii: H iiini ne u m oj.ein ii a M:,iP, nearly opiosite Cati,'h 'I'rneni nil iii ill. above n-i-tii et, n.sbi.i.;, Unil.l'i-.S, '.vlii're l,e iiiten 's eari vinj; on ll.u .ii all lis various lir'Uicbe 1 TlX l" I ,'!:. fevrtry description, will be t u:i hand for salo at V1IULCA nr h''T.li,. mikkt ikon MaliufdCluicd iiitn nnv firm reqiiind, STOVK I'IPKS, of all si?. 's keptcuus'aiitly on hum'. J-"towv fmUli ed to order. lleir.g determined to do business in the riu,!:t way, ho reiCsls all to en!l upon him before tbey purclu-e el.-i-wbeie. as be will fumiili nil articles m his line as cheap as they can le pi.icbiised in the cut. lily. D. J, L'.'lX. Sej.lember 20, 18-15 123 Chair lanufactory 'HIE subscribei ("iiiiiiiios 10 ti.nv nn the ciiAiii manijfa:to;uno 'insiiips's at the old Maud (1f ',. . II.,, biieh, where he will he rr-adc at all limr. '0 l'uti:i.-,!i Fancy tt imlsm Cliaiis, Sci 'ens. 1! islrin L'nel.ino k: of every iescripiion, which may he called for. :lt short iioiien and on tli 0 most reasonable tcriiis. Ile will filsn execute (me, Sion ,t Ornaineiibil I'niniinir. and House Papcrinir, in a superior manner, I rom bis experience in the business, und his lacilnie-j) nf rnaiiiifaelniinir the various irlieles of his line, if. Hatters he shall be able in furnish 1 . . fjcdd work, Hiio upon as reasonable tenns :is run be mini- 111 me cnuiiirv, nil nl w I 1 .-..;... 1 . i. . hieh lie will " r. it nn x.iou or iM;oin:f:F t Ulu I ic 1 N. II- Orders from a distance will ,e strictly ai.il piiiu'tunllv titieiideil to. B HAOKNHL'CH. UMAKK WAY FOR TIIR" Mew tae f!)l-: subscribers take 1 1 1 i -j meih,,,! uf inform. 3 in-,' their friends mid lb,. publie generally, 'bill Ihev .vie now opening' th,. second supply nf 'piiin; Goods, lo which they would most lespeci lullv inv ite Ibe attention e.f lliose iv In are in want 'f New am! Cheap Goods, con.'h.lmt; in pint uf Cetis, ( 'unimcrts, Sultinctily J 'e,tll . ..f '.ineiienii, Yeneh and Eudisli I'libriet. Coaling llhd llHtulouus Stuffs, a ic y superior article of I wee (. ot m nn.l (.;. meres, Angola ( 'assiineres. J)-iliii;SS tiainhnni: Ac. lie. Coiten 'ii'il.il 'on Wtull'sol every vu.iety l.d of ihe liiosl tlusiialile stvles. I'KINTS! PRINTS!! e.unpiishif! eveiy M.iiWV uf tj !c l.l.d I ticcn froiu (i I to -o Cllita. dri:ss coons. New sly le of I'h m h I.un ns, a splendid imielo ,.f new sty le M.iubiiiv de lime alio suiituier t.'a.-huicrt C'iii J.aiiis Ac fc Tl ALU'S, ilium;-' which um; beiemid a handsome article i,f lieiiiycv. J'n l.iiie; Vou.djiie and 'J'hibti ohawln UT11TE GOODS. Rain,!, Musliiii sli and plain Jiicoiien and Cnmt.,:.. hint Muslins, fin, 1;, n., ll ,i s... . Mubbr , l;i.-hup Lawn, curtain Mtiidin, cic. Drown and Bleached A' u dins from (Ji lo cents per yard, bleached and m.- liieathcd 'i':ibe Diaper, cuion Obtnnbui v, iWc. Together with a full u orlment ,,f U n' eerie f, Spices, Ilatdiraae and Cut' iery, Queen ware. Di ngs, JJouls and Slices, and in fact every article usuHy kept in Counliy -ilocef. T e public peneially rtrc invited lo c ill arid ex amine their Mock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, they flatter thi ir.nebfs y strict aUi'ii'iou to business to uu lit the patron lye ofa (jenerous public, A. 13. KN ABB ct C0 M.10 Z1. All kinds of Linnt'cr, (hiiio ant! Produce taken ill likcbaii(;e for (ioods. i-Si XT 'J l."ST re ceivcd at theNI'W ST'ipF. I. j lilTJiKf Mav 30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers