LAS T N OTIC E. A 1,1. persons knowing themselves iiiilclitcj to ; A the V.'.tu.'e .1 l.Coil V.UM. deceased Ian in !j,imiii Township, bi i' licri-hv iiolilicd thai un less their uiToullts uio Nctthd before llli' loth nisi lliev will In' placed in 1 1 1' hands tit' a Justice tin collection, and ull persons having cliiuisnio ipie.-ted l.i pioent llii'm immediately, utu'in UOMoUS In have lllO business cl'lsst'il, 1.11 AUK I'll PAKU.Wiiiiiiislriilrix, WAHIIMG'ON ),Alii:, O.ST lite ween Catlitwissa and Jersey town, on the 7lli of June ind, a p o c k l t n o o k. ronliiiiiiiiy nineteen dollars in lunik noli' two fives, one ot them on the. West Bianch, and the other tin the .Sii-.pii h imiu llaiiK.lhn remainder in u mull miles willi mono orders in it, m which my mi too iit mentioned, mid (ho name nf Henry liusscl wiitlt'it in the book. Auv pi-ison who w make known to tho Uditor of ths Columbia Deino- crul where il may lie hud, shall receive the above te Ward. II EMI Y FOX. June 13 1 S 10. IPrablfic Sale. In pursinnee of anOrderof llie Orphans Court of Colombia county, on Sat unlay, the st day of August next, At 10 o'clock. A. M. Julin Deiicrieli, Ad ministrator, etc. of John Bowyer, late ul Montour township, in said coumv, deeeas.. eil, will ha exposed lo sale by 'ublic Veil hie, upon ihe premios, a certain Tract ol Land, shuaie in Montour, Columbia county ai '-j i ! t ii t lands of John Richards, and IV lei Ple.ieher on tho I'laii, John and Joseph Fry on ilie North, Oejigulltfl'- ly Oil tllfl went, and Joseph M'lUSCr on lilt fcuuili, containing If Acres nnl allowance! a great ponion of which is cleared and in a good si ne of cullivaion. thero is on ihn premises a two si:ry frame liiiuxe. a IS. ink Barn a stream of w ater pus hes through the farm a good spring; covered w nh a some spring linns" near thu door ol the duelling house a number out houses, a (no.! apple orchard with choice fruit. On the premises in also a sufTn-ieni quantity o! first r.itu meadow for the farm, laU; the Es tate of s-nd deceased, shnate in ilia town ship ol Mainour and county aforesaid. jacob eyerly, oiuk. Danville Mav 27 ISlti. 1: :::rj3$ was 1 II IS LMMCSI' KST.VBI.1SII MAN NT ever orL'nnizm in the U.n- ei Si i i s. roiiipri-in 1 1!) .1--H atid lior ti s. leqinrti jj 2ti Car. ues to convey the )"i brnii rs, w ai.hoiic, onioiciaiis, iti:., will bo txhlblltd IX DLOOMSHUitC, On Thursday the 8'h insf. In the Aliuriiu.iii and Even iDg.atjl and 8 ti'eloik. J. C. IDA F.S, AC ION I'. The company has a'i,n'ln;d to it liihi pfiia'm Kqutrstri 'in", union;' whom is ihi Greali.'st female Uldm nil llie Aijr, lecelii arrived from 1'jiis. MADAMC M Allli: MACAUTE, whose new style nf Iviuesiri iii 1'eais, pe-i-tiltarlv her own, bein g chaste and c-tus.ii-. hei (.ractful aid f necinilUi! address, tttn!. the "chaniiinj,' nucule w I ill which (do eti ains iit-r aodiance, render (his gifted an ' -tluc-;tetl arlutc the eadii-a Ita.iue cf tin jirr-na in Ibis country. The Proprietor reier the public to the blilliaiil destnpiioi in !i respec.uve newspapers of the daini lc ils pr ilor.'iied by this dtsiiuonirliei. artiste .Vmono the noveliiis hIiu'Ii die Proprie tors o H t. r are the celebrated !Soich GIANT AND GI A AT ESS, . Thtir lieiijhl is 1 lifeet, and their weijihi i.vcr 70S) lbs. ili.U-imlall weighs siallis. jlrs. K atidall is the most enormous giante i;i the world. They will appear ill 'Jack nnd theB'-an stalk.' and ho will perfoim ex tr uirilinary fea'.s of sti enytli and agiiny uml will ride hi a Iwo liorsi act. The eiit(r. tainiuenis will compri-e 17 Acs of Ilors(. !;ip (Jy mtiusiio Exercises ClasslcDis ,! ,t s and hoinorotis ait'Tiiieccs. Iviii-'htrian Director .1r IIOWE; ! diro Master Mi' NIXOP and the On.-ip j,r i"i I'able Clown DJN Klltt. Anion" the I'eil'.u u.eis is thu celebrate Pi.icr the of tins Arera Mr , J10I5LIS. wbo-e feats on IIor-eb,n k uri llie iiioi-t extraordinary ever witnessed. Ju veni'e A.-l ol IJiT-euianship by J7ASI'Ek NiXON a youth only '.) years of a,'H, who is i. ul eurpasM'tl by any twice his iigi in .Vmeriea, Oytnpii- lO.vcrei.-cs by tin m hole Company led by :h" Iviroppan I'nrti b.'.r Mr. .MACAliV'E. Woiiderful l'.atr l v Mr. Coh-'s D "!.'s Ile-ilor uml liiily. Tin iss I'iiiO ITli:i!S, in their Vff..ii" ' I'os'.ue tnd yronpinijs. Mr fsiet as die Charioteer of Phoebus 'os liirii i; mil ! nit, ashes by Mr: Nixon am Lis !-,ui Mr Jl.i'.ws in bis M y t'lolnoi'' o :n.'.l bniii ml Act e.f 'b'.ii, eies ol ' Mr C. )! iw . s in Slack Hupp Evolution' The .i ro Mn'iels with the inimliabb I),:ti E.r it r.t ll.iir bind" Ti.e Oiigie-el ;..! p -V, bi-!i.-t. Wi.b a variety of did.' r 'l he W loi'e ron: priii -ii (he b i'ii,ir l.'.erl. t.ilcnied, a:id (U-ris pti fjrneis in tin WO. hi. TO COiVfKACTORS. Seali'il Propcunl will lie teceived by 'he iinrlprniinl nniil l o'clock 1'. M. ol Saiuiilay llie 27il of Jone, for electing i l'.i-ty livo by lifiy one feel iliiee ioclies, iviilj a baseineni tOoiy, in ilm Unvn ol I5li)0iii,sbiig. l'l inn & Specificalioni ol ivhicli may be seen at llie Cliaii Shop ol J. M. Chembei lin. WILLIAM MeKLLVV, WILLIAM 1I0WKLL. JOHN M. CIIKMMKMLIN, u ild i us; Co m m it lee IJIoomsbtn (j, June C, 13 lfi. War! "Wavl In pursuance nf an order of llie liiigade Inspector, iheie will be a (Heeling at Blooinsburg, cn Saturday June 13A inut it 10 A M.of the Knuilled Mililit within mo hotindg of tho 7th Kegiment 1st Brigade Sili Division of Pennsylvania Militia, nnd he VoliiiipprOoninanies aathed here'ut iti ..vU...,,j i.i , i., .i ..i.,:,!!',,.,,,,,.;,,. ,,.i..J in ai'B 11N.1 arie niirnosfi of nsccr:, n n,l low many w in v oiiiiuter nieii services in ' .. i. . j .. . : the defence of heir eonniiy, as, n n tenn h nllicien ntimbur o fill ho rfr u i inn ol he 1'resident xliall oll't, a dial w'.W h. liade. Hegiinenal and Company .ilt i-t-r will govern hemielves arcordmclv. iiiua.i; ii. mam:, c..i June Ch IS 10. ADMINKS I'UA'l'OR S NO I H'l, On the Estate of PETE!! IS I C US, late at Jtloammurtr, TVTUj'Il'li is hcrchy givij; thai I.eltns nf Ail NJ tiiiniiilraioii on thiMilimc iiicnliiiiiciJ Kslatc nave iiccn (iriintei: to uie auiiserilifr. All persoim imli'lilcil lotiaiil e.stnle are heiehv j ot i tit J to ninki iniuii'iliate piiyniciit, ami all Invinu' claim oti ri'ipiejtutl to present them proj'crly auihcntiiM I, to .OIL K, OHOTZ, .1dm-f Juno 6, 181(3 K w7 Ill pursuance of an ord. r of the Ornhans' Court of Columbia eountv, on Thursday the second day i f July next, it 10 o'clock in trie loiniooii . JllllN I!E- l-Kli, Adoiii Hir.-iior, ttc. of AliKAllW! BEAl.EU, liil. ul I'l-hinjciui k l.r.i n-h'o il said conoly, dec-Uil ei,ic ,, sale ny l ,1'uie enilne, up.m the pr. nnses certain lot or piece ol land, foiu no r, tin onshii of l-'i!iiui-rcek, in (.'.,li.,,l. . ontlty, bounded as olinv,vi bi-einn:i.r I a post lhenei! 6iuih lii'iy In.u ,:. ,,-, f iisi sr veiny perei-e to a rr-rxi-r nci .i.iil'i thillV'siX 'b eii i s ea-l ts x ', t. 1 1 p. r, ;, y i 'a li u-lt Oai niimi' liienei; i.-rdi lill', iiiu lb on i s w si sen my pi ri-!.e- in a p. .si orecr il.'nrn minh ibiny .". ib-ereis a !t sixieen ( r."he. lo the pl,.c of b. ctn it'i', eonianiitiir trict rtiPtsu-p, (djiiniiijr lands of Sp iyd -mil l-uuD i I ,,.:i : ,.,,,..), lie Ot'liC of s il:! (l."i ea-i'-.l i.i libn I. , it- II. i own.-hiji ol I'i h m o iTi-f (i i iiiiiilj' a'uri aid, JVCOIJ EVIMM.Y, Huh Danville, M ,y 27, IhlO 7 Eioiii llie Noirideewoik (Mc. Journal. W'e publish the lollow in;', as ihi many evidences which wo aic v receivii.j; of llie iiic,ca-iiij p.eoilanty ol Dr. I ivne's Exin clniaiit. W e have mi ii;!en s n 'pvilliuc' II iillV I b site I I promote tin if our Ii I.OW-ei aln! uri'irr than c b,ivc ' hi'ilih and liiippincr- bn are w a!li,-' a- iv w i;!i those ,ll..!- fo Wh;c!i liil lo dii.-lue is an ahjolnre rciiieiK . And n " ;i 1 1 1 li the attention of tin; public !n i., wi icel lh it w o are in tlie biithlui di5i'!iare o inr duly. New Pi.rtbti.d, Nov 1, s ("2. Mr. 'rait, Sir: 1 wish you to send .'I b ittles ol ,la i.e'i- Expectorant, and in tho ouiu ction, would siv, that I deem it an invaluable ilie.ln-tre, and an article that no t.nnily should be without for a single day I have used it for two yens in mv famiK md have always found it a quick and do tent remedy for lightness ol .be lunos, pro ilneed by lung pl'iiltaeled cirils, w hi: h pro luee ibe sboil li.n-k ifijr comih, the pi't nomi mr ol t 'o;i sti p in I ;nii, i n whieh a n fiiq'ieiit :y lerminates it) this climate. Ii pr..:,irii oid adinnilsiernl, n ui;; , ll, etn illy iir-alt up the miist violent f. t ' i s, r (jileiniy cnn-i r;i;c;i", iipi),, ,. ,,,.!,, most itia. 1 li.ts n.c lienie o die pob-iu in all easi s of t'l t nature, us to valuable JOHN II. WEIiSTi;!:. CIK) .ICS and FUU'ITIM; of l.X F.tTS. Evfry mntlier should havp J.ivne's Car IllllilUVU. 1 1 is liic vi ry ll y in-cl or tin ir chili .Iodic, and ai 1 en, as il itiiinedid'elv cures ibe la s ail in nation of the sum 0 h and bowels. The ahove .1. dicine are for pale 1 he s'.ot e ol JOHN II. MOVER, I'.i ,nn,sl,'ir cnvuLEs i;iil!::l JUSTICE OK THE PEACE.. A NO ;v,-:cr.n. IH.OOV.SBCRG, C()I, CO.. hi no i ron OP.EGon ! Mew 13(l fc IHi-Hileiiliall AVK just received unj ure now (immiiii(? a xIciiiliJ usuortiiieut ul new, cheup and UM- o.ialiln Sl'KINO AND SUMMER GOODS, it'livti'il with great thro ua to price and quality, l'llpnblll Super fine. Ctothi and Cassimerrs, T weed Lloth un l Fancy l asxtinerei Jor Uenllcmft'ii wear. Velvet, Sulin and Fancy listings. Indies' Dress Good, such s Cashmeres, Dr. Lainei.ttalzorinrs, Lawns, Crape de .nines, Uinghami, Cud cues, Muslins, iy-c. iyc. and L'rcid vS Struwlcls Trimming In fact a ueneiHl and well Bi'lccteo u.sintnieu' o D11Y GOODS, GKOCKKIES AND LIQUOKS, HARDWARE, QUKKNhW A IlE&riOLLOW WAKJ' 4 it r ( 1 . I . ""7 r hxkim to s cm cliran Ioi w" Ill rAiuanxr IUI vuillliri J fOllULC L'Ullfcr- : I ...... .. ..II.. H1IV. May DO (M" few and biuutiful I'atttrii.,, ju.-,t received a llie .New ..MolC. L B liL'PEIjr. May ;) 4 .11 10 'v LATEST ARRIVAL vmm JHHXICO. HE UVlIi Of EX TEHU1X.1 T10S A (I A INS I' HIGH PRICES, t'anittl U'rica. J. w (ii ii ki) Gu 1 1 ka.dHj 4ii 3 fTlHV. sn'iyeiiber t il.e-. oi-ra ion to it J to old pitroiH, nnd as many lire c:i' J well tolmv til ill ever or aliv wlie.e else 'i I'im liis ji,t ope.'ie.l al his old Mandi.i ,M do i.lrecl, a l..i.,!!y XEIi' .IS J) F.ISIUOS.IBLE As.soii I'M EN i' OE 1-i r- 1 w W & V- l"?t u. i4 1- v.. li ;: t , hi . .in n -1 1 'lioU-ll.i : 1 11! I e iii tiil M iee: 1,0) i-s, Tie,-, a: d I. 1 r ami C. I Miav. !:.ii;! 1 I -OVUM 1! nit.; t'l.. li s. C mierei. 'l v ;.. .1... S iln I f;,,.,.v Vi-sl- 1 1 1 ; - -, I'li.t lI'MII M'.if , li.i -,!l- l.n-r t'l. i'i - Cm -.1 Ki.icks, 'I ics, te. cVf. . 'J!io .1 Variety of Groceries, Liquors, Que ens w nr o and Hardware. To an evimlmoi 01 ol'wl ' !i the ..i,!.t..r.,cr re lertl'ii'l. iiivilc- ihc nlletitioii "I -i!: I.i en ein! 1 I el a e M',1. . li u.; 1 l-i e.i'.' lie lc. U a vi ( d at he can nat.-ly the inoit l.islidmu and ccunn- (JEOKGE M' EWER. M iv -;-s i-oi;. c B 'SI ml SiiJ.; I l rtceived 'il the Areade Store. ALBRIGHT it MENCAL. A new supi iL m'oki;. !y, jiHi 1. c.ivul at t'n- XV. E B RLTERT. L; ro Otr-r i! i:i:n,s n ,'ilnl " nf liist ijuahit ed a n;i'Ai:i: smte. ..-il. BRIGHT & .MENGAE. I A N'.'KRS, WARTS, CORNS, & Tin: -ui-eiibcr rni'-. the pn'ili , H ,r j . i l.'aM' i'n ami eradieat. i: teiy liitle pain nnd 01 .1 ..eveial les'.ci table cite ,. 1 1 1 on it rt 1 n ut im .-. all k.e f... 11 II- I. ! . 01 I, is 111 i,vi ,,i on Kile a. 1. 1 teal in fine I ! ,' IldV l , . .- .-tail. ..'J 0 M-Il Us '.ei nnd !i-,t baa been n-l huinbii.- ei'"s.'ll' ;oi;-, m i lin v.a '.e. or nr he n:,.lt't' '.. V o t , A r. -i ( alt!, aad cthrr ,-iImi cai'.-'.l bv lie- su'i- 'iilier who .e-i. M. '. -,. ant tow 1 1-1 lip on 1 1 1" lit 1 1 11 rna I li nl.n.; i Vi'.Kilh I-1 I'lo.on -l.iii , .iloiiil I j miles Immii I' eiii k Miller's Tavern where pi aie invite JO 1 1 N ALE. M..y "n, Ik if 1 0 a -,''" " I 'i,!., I'V HO' I' 111" I HI 1 1. ill i'"iti ibe r.'I.e.ip lilgnt-S'rret ,ew ..lore. A,. B. KNABU k Co. ly'ails and Spikes. g'J) te K K(is .,f Nail unit Mpikebjiist received ami for bulo at (he New More ol 1 11. KITLKT. June (ith N piirHunm-o of an order of thu Orphans' Court of (,'olunihia county, on Saturday, the first day of JlugHH next, 10 o'clock in Ihfl forenoon, Marshall Shoi it 10 o'clock iii Ihfl forenoon, Marshall Hioe- maker and John ChiUtiiiu. A 1 1 mi n i 1 1 utorw Ac. nf I ai nil Wclliver late of Madion lownsliip, in said Oll'it v, deceased will he exposed to sale ley I'nlilic eliilue u (in u the preiinscs; a certain J rai l ot J. am dilate in MjJi.uli lownsliip, C'oluiu'jia county containing r llc'reahouts .uljoininj; lands nf Jiifiu Heiiilershot. V'uli'iitine (Jhri?tian, John Uillliinier, John llicloird uml John Christian. Upon the premises there is a SjrVl LOU HOUSE, jj t sl One and one half stories high, ViS$3 ASM AM. Al'I'l.K OKCHARD, mil about 0 acres of cleared land, tho leal 111011-4 oait H well limbered with Pino and Oak. There n aalrnain of warer iuiiniii( through the property, :ai,ildeofru lining a wv null, file the estate ut hoiI lerea-ird, situate in Madison township in said coun ty aforesaid. JACCH EYEREY, Clerk Danville, May 20, IS 10 8w7 In pnrsinnce of an order of ibe Orphans' Couri ol Columbia county, on Saturday lbs 7 1 1 1 day of June nexi, at 10 o'clock in the neuoon, Jacob DeiiioliAdininistrator ivc. of George Wbitenight late of Mailisoi. lownship, in said eountv, deceased, will ex pose to Sale by Public Vendue, upon tin iremises, a eeriain Tract of land situate in ilie township of Madison Columbia County, 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 fj lands of Samuel Richards, Keu- boii Wilson, John Christian, and John Bel?. oiitainir;jT one hundred acres and . allowan ces iil.'iinl 00 arces 01 wnicti is cleare.i tain: whereon is creeled a frame House ;nnll! inK Biro, with a jood Aqile Crehard and othei Emit Trees 011 the premises. Lite the Eilalo ol said deceased, siluals in 1 (10 township ol Madison and county alorc il.l. JJlC.nil EYEUEY, (Jle.k. Djinriiio. My -to ma. f .t IT , ?l ft W WAMT Tf MMl'UIATi; iinplm nielli will hepiven lo t 't Il 4'lll;IIOII !..( Or'l, ill'IX-lllCl'S and ;'4i-'(ll. to wink upon iha L'a,t.iu i--a liriiljo. Ai ' l 011. in diaiclj to i- 01 '! . IIAiM'MAN t'v D7?A:tl). 1 ' i'.t 1 v(.- 1. M , i-jii AN" APPRENTICE. rj th,. nr!Ai a Kin. ol nine 1, ii lo or I'i y a rs ot' a ;',e. w li , ,., .... v,.l; ,, , .1. will leeeivn c.i.i.1 ell- 1 mini -.ement. op .n i . 1 1 mi 'h ;il apolicaiinii I" U. RE I' Eli r. H!..o'f.s' .111 , l.'av 21 I yl AKE WAY EtiR THC.03 DW ct- oe: & S ii l' p J J 1 p v i n ft ?- ooil KMH.' mlneri'ier.-i talo' this Inetl 1 1 of i-if m ;.l j,,.. ,, I ii .i ls ami tiia pu 'lie it"iii-r.ii. . il,!, 1 Hit in- nou' oui uiiiL' llie sei-ond . 1 1 ; ( 1 1 V ul -loiii" iiools, to which lliev wool I nn'-l 1 . , I ! . . ;,,,;. ibe aitction rd' lliu-e wh ) arc in w ant of New ami Cheap Coils, c-.tisii-lii in pait nf Clnr-s. ( ' . si 11 pres. Saltni e Is I csn . 1'ieiicaii. ''leiieh eel loich-h 1' ' C'uliiiir and Pi'il' ''""'v 1 l-a. 1 vr-y aiii'i-iior Hit'ele 1,1 ' i' tin ,01,1 t.'.lss. : .; I ,' ou'eeole :,e re AiimI.i 'as.Vimenn. Il.'ill . .c. Coll 1 01 'ant Slull's ul ever, i.iuetv u,d of mo.,t de-o.iMe stv les. I'll! NTS! I'll IN IS!! e,,ui.ii -ins iverv 1 in n-iy cf i.tyle ond p-ritcs nun " ; to "0 cents. DRESS GOODS. V il!f of l-'iei" ll Ioovus. a -plenhd n'tirlee1 !,.. io Al .iiliiiie de lane and i.uiimai Cuilmi-ii I 'iiU' liams t'vi.' SU A V,S, 1 1 1 1 . : , . a wliii h mav be loiind a b md anno ! t 1 1 1 Hinge I'i. I. ui. i .ois,n,e and 'I lubet Hi.iwli Will I ii GOODS. liar-re, I, striped ami plun Jaionet. and I 'nmluii Mii.-liiis, Lair, .Mmhn-, ..ek. luiiil ,ni-l .-mvi-. Musi 1 . I'islioj l.-UMi, eiolaiu Mn din, tVe. IJruwi and eatheU A'tislin fro! ; In lVt ten's p'r y;",-l, Men !n d and 1111 'ib ached T il l.; luapi l.t' tt-o I ' n: il-ury, &.". J..-,aheri-ith .1 fir! i,-f;:!i'-.-;r ,-.f Or (fvV.v, Spices, llanlinnte una Cut AT., Quce.iS'carc. l)ri,!, llwtx o.JSh.s. m l 1 ! 1 t.t-.'t o i'i 1 .11111 a: u 11 ill;, kept in Cminlr) Mocis. J'j e pu'-li.- (jeiiei 1 li v ilie IM ;te I to e.iil ami c a;o:ue c h. r stock l ei'iiu puieiia.-iu- 1 h.eihe.e. Th -iid.l'ii! for pi.-t fiv.e'i. ihey tinier llieniseltes I '. sl.'iet attellllnll lo I'llsmisS to lli.-lll ill." I - ll i Hi . ;e ol' a ptiaTJii i pul he. A. H. KN A BB &. Co Mid 21. irfC .-v Vm,hl,f .,.,. Cain ami 1 f frrj I -i i nm rruihiee taken in Ujo bimi?e tor 1 (i.'O-l.-l, Centre of Gravity. ANEV TAILORING 'J'lll! HiiliHcrilier resiicitl'ully inform the cili ..Mis of UlooiiHlunt! and vn inilv, that they have lo cated Iheiiiholvtn in Thornton's' New Hum, in .!''(, twit rlmin hrluw the Coriicr of Main and .Varlivt itirets, In Oloomsliini', wheru lliey will ol ways he found on hand, ready to neeoinnioilati th. mo u lio may lavur tliciu w ith a call. 1 lien woik will lie doneiii the laiest aui most apnrovui Kfvln lor lifMilnpwa nn.l, in llin IiiilIii,.u. .,-.,., .,.(lir , ,.:" , : i,,,,,,. ', ittei themselves that their work will ha done iieut as can be douo elsewhere. All woik iulrustcu in their cam warranted lo lit. CKJTT1 Xfi- done on the shoitest notice ami warranted to lit il properly made up. ELMS & VAN Ul'SKIKK. May 2, 19ir.2if N D.COIJ.NTKY PRODUCE, at the imnke, price, will lie taken n exchange for work. CATAIVISS,! FJ0l7sTi. fgIIK Kuliscrilicts infonn llie public rhat lhe Jl have established a 1 I; I,' U V at the old cioss ins. " abort distance below (he mould nf f'idiin'4 c cek, near Jude liiipcrt's 1111.I procured a I ari C V' t'L (il) feot Ioiijlj, anil new 1 oats lor footmen. Having yoyd assistants they will be in coiistiint readiness to ferry all win. npolv, froiri 11 sl.NCT.; I'KliSO.V i a SIX IIOKHO LOAD l'll TCA.M, without delay, and uno.i reaajuable terms. FOX & MKTZ. April 1852 fPHK Subscribtr iiifoiinslhi: public that liav M iiif procured a N,'V FLAT and boats for footmen ho ha established a I'KHRY N I'I A It CATWVISSA DlilDCi;, and will at all linns ou in readiness to ferry all from a l-'OOTMAN to 1 TWO IIOKSU L(j OED TUA.M, without de lay and on reasonablo terms. STACY .VAKC-LKUM. April 1853 OF A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF MiiliiseE'y. FAXCYJiOODS. 'Diss .TJ. r.. ISOSSIS-) JJ ?1 A just received at her old stand in Maii. 3 J3 sttect, an assortiiient of Millinery and Fan y liooJs, roiisitiii in ju rt of STIl.W .1X1) SILK JIOX.VETS, Fashionable llibhons of all kinds. Sonnet Velvet of all rotors and quality. Summer .'htijicial Flowers of i hinds iml utmost ihintr ebo in her line that mav he alltd I'm; all of which will he -old veiy low. l.a bes are reuuistcd lo cull befois puieh.ibiug else wliere. May 0, lSlii--3 NOTICE ' E( s licrrbv liven I.i the mihsl-nheM lo die S'tnck ul' (jj ilie 'Ji.'J;'.viss:i i m;:o t iiiit);ti!", an Jost-i.'l :l 01 m it n i.f;.,.ui ban- 1.- ic, oil .11 to i;e pain 10 uie 1 icaurc- oil or to ." the fn at d.iv ot lunc lie.vt. '; oi;ler of the Hoard i t liirecb-rH, IIWII.) CLARK, Frcu-unr. Ciittsivissa, May 1, If? IG 'J xv.w T.uunn;u xTAiiiivuyiKTvr- Tho sii'.is.'tihers respci tf-.'ly lufoi.n the pulille hat lliev h ue coinmciiced the TAILORING HESINESS in IjIoouc bii-i;, ill the Woiblin'.;, I U ,v neciqeed by Knni-li ll-wcll in Market soc-t wlicielliey intern! earn 111;' II Oil 111 ail lis various mane lies. i.iimhu d some experience in lb" business, tin y llatlei themselves ihat lliev shall be aide to ilo ull the toi. iiilr'Ktcd In them in us I ishimtuhle and weikmaie like manner, ami as erpedit miis ; us can l.'i'on. 111 ,inv ml. 1 1 i.hoji in tiie county. They, thenloi' a-k a "I", oe ol euldii palnmu.;.'; ut leu -t, tiny vvi l I 1 be tiied. r., A. T. LVLLAA'D. Apiil -I, I f Hi vlySO I . i.-t ) Coliimbii County, on four weeks notice, eollecled uud nanl over into be Sialo Treasury THE v HOLE aiimiiin d bei Slate Tax, and iee. ivnl as a inm ui.saiion foi her piompiue-s, a ileduellop ,l ;") percent, ainuininii In ftoi I "). 'JTie .ame oiler is iioain rene wed. and Columbia I 'niituv may this year claim a ikd'n l.on ol :GsO 00. The sune necessiiy f'r prnmplness niid tiery exist now as then. I he honor id mr Commonwealth is in ttal.e, and in.thii'e jut Cliei eelic :o"llo:i on 1 1 it; pail il Co! crlors and Fax I'.iyeis tan sivellio Sl.n iioni di-orace, Tim 'F.x dd'n-i i..n id I'm .everal Inwnships In Columbia ciiunly foi no IS H'i am hereby n quested lo pro ceil f 'rllivutll uml collect and pay over Into he C.-utiiy 'I'tea-nry, mi or iielote lb. iwentv ll (til day of July nr'. llie "hole a iioiiot ol Slate l ax cliaroed nt ihen usjiee n n l loplli ait s. Bv order of ib f'n nitiis'iooers, I'.. M EN DEN H A LL. Clerk. C.'MJIt-sl'-St ".''jOt-FlCE. namllle. V.-.V UG Ibia. ) p; H -l'Vi( Collt-r'f rs for ' ears ISi?. old ll l. w lo are ntill 111 arrears, sre her iy no'iiied; lhai unless the whole aiooiitn el dieir Dup'ieale" f sellled oil. on or before be lsl day of Jul) next, they will Se pro ceeded noainsl aciordinir to law And the I'oll'-clors for the year I Alii are requested to settle up the arreati oP ibeir Dnpheaies by ibe 2 .111 i day of July next. The low rale of Taxes laid this rAr for County pur pones and ibe f Xira, w hich the County will necesarily in-ot in hinhlir. i'.iidocs, renders il absolutely neefssary thai all Foxes duo from funnel years be imme diate!) paid over ' Tsas WAK! WAR! AM) Wm. IVIcKelvy ol Co. 51 ijB A VK just received and 110 openin-t, 0110 o H 2l 'he largest and most exleiiHive Mock a Uouds ever bruuglil into Culuinbi.i county. 'J'hei r is.surinicntconnj.ts in part of tho following: LAlilES' WEAR. Hindi's, Eerege Seurfs, inzorincg, Fig ured and jiuin d Laines' Lawns, Prints of a qualities, patems, SLkJSeraite and Cotlun Shawls, Vara soleltrs, Kid and Siik Gloves, Si',k and Cotton Hose, Pocket Handker chiefs (faW kinds and utmost e:e rij thing else that Ladies may w'un orjnc'ittding a large assortment of BRAID AND STRAW BONNETS d a superior quality. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Casdincrs, Oregon Cassimers; a new arti cle, 1 unliiloon slulls, Tweeds, tiambrooiia; sum mer chillis, satin and fancy V eatings, cravats, scarfs; ties and various other articles. Gentlemen and Ladies liOOTsS and ilOLiS ol eveiy deticription. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Mohisse,, Lonf and Brown Snj-irs, Coll'-e, Teas, piees. viuekerei, coarse and line Sa t. Urandv. liuiii, Wines, Uin, Scc. CROCKERY WARE, Assoitiinnt iueludcs every article and quulity that may be called for; HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels; Forks; Hoes; Axes; IIju J; Vill H ocd an I cross cut Saws; Piles: Uutts; SerewG; Locks, Knives uud Fo.ks, Uuttuns; Utilities; ,c. WAGGON TIRE, Of all siz 'ii, Round, 13 ,ir and ILnd Iron, I'asl S'.eel, and a general assorttimni of HOLLOW W.2RE. All of which will ho told a little lower than the lowest; uud all kinds of LL'.MliliH and I'ltO l)C(. I' taken in payment. Mry 300 ritESH ARRIVAL, A 1' THE 1 rn'in snpsi-ribcr has just iccciveJ in addition li to his former slock, a complete assnituient of MIT GOODS, ..iitabiH lor Spun" and Summer Hue, consisting in n ot tf M'liis'in drLiins, Frenr h L:)ivn.s,P.arpp4's Gioi;haiii Lawns, Fancy Prims of all Patterns and prices Gnmhriions, Tweed, S'nnmer Cloibs; Fancy Cos inei i-s, Col'nn Siripes, 'J'oai-tlier wiiliH irege.Zeper Worsietl, Tliihel, Plain & Sliailrd xMoiislin t'e Laine Shw Is. 'oiiir't", Stocks, Pongee and Ua in brie Ii iiidkei chiefs, Corded and Grass Chili Skins,., a tarn- Assortment ofFl irenee Braid & S'raw 7jnneis, Ribbon?, Silk, O.I C I nib, Hosiery, Pa raso's, Poreeleii, San Shades, &e &e. In fact every thing that may ho required for I.i lie.' or (j'entlcmeu's aft i i)g nr sumintr weir, all of vhirh he w ill yell as low as ihey can be purchased hi ilie eoiiuty of Columbia. .All kind ) of Lumber andCoiintiy Produce taken in c.u-riai!U foi Coeds. L, B. RUPERT. April 251 'I'll C rublie. nro hen by rr.-,pectfully infonnrtl dint we have lately entered intj Copdtlnrr.diip m be abov.i business ut tho Brick Shop, fe'-mcily oc iipifd by Moses Cofonan, mi Mam-.-trci t. below tin. new si,,re, wheie we intend tociirivoti the il'ote named business in all ils brunches. Wo peih:0 oioel'-Cs that woik dnm. al t'oi.-i shop Jiull be eveeiiii J in ai neat and wo'kmiinlike manlier, md e.ii in terms, ua can be il.iup at any eli-r ehop in this pi a-e. We therefore hope by .tie t alt.ntion to badness, to ineiit and receive a biO piopoi'.iou of public pitrouaso. M. t'OEI'M K N, S BliUbsi"- April'.'o. lsl". A. IS. SHOP. ISO dune, at the re hired price of One Dol Small irnfitu io: quick return our motto. OF NEW GHQBB .'IT THE TJ I'SP rccei'-eJ at tha Avmle Stoic in addition to ibe t inner stock, a large ami eitensivc as- soilmenl. of DUV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD W ARE AND CROCKERY, compiisim,' almost every article that may he wauled either lor Ladies' and (ientlenieii's Diesses nr for families use All of which will be sold ut the uu usinl low prices for which the Store is so famouij." WANTED AI L kinds of Lumber and Country "Produce in exr lunge lor (io.l. ALB RIGHT it MEN GAL. Ma :io - i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers