THE G Alt LAN D ' U'iA neecfcj flower enrich'd, 'From tar'unit garden) tuWd witk tare " I'kOM TDK ARCH'S. WHEN IS THIS TIM C TO DIE! T asktJ the rosy infant, Willi ita bright mil sparkling sye, The joy of the family circle, When is the time to die!' Mild as a euromer rooming', it ihook ite head end smiled, Showing iofancy'a no time la die, So-pure tad uadefitcd, I Bsked the youth, to happy In pursuit of a builortty, As he gazed upon me vistftillyj When ia the time to die?' Ilia look beipoke astonished, As lie made me thia reply, Di'tuib rre not in my pleasure, Youth ia uo time to die.' I asked the young and gay, In the festive bulla so spry, Wha moved in the modish circle, When ia the time to did' They heeded not, but aaide Joy beaming in their eye, . And cried aloud, with a merry laugh 'This is no time to die? I asked the middle aged man, 'When ie the time to die!' As he grasped at the wealth of Time, Not heeding Eternity, He nsweied,-'when my stores are full- When wealth sat my command-and I Have grown old and tired of life, Then ie tle time to die.' I asked the nged man of cares, Whose foira was seered and wry, . Whose earthly moil was neir a ctoae, 'When is the lima to die? A tear stole down his furrowed cheek, As he answered with a sigh, 'Old age, my eon, is not the time For man to prepare to die, I asked thBhristlan low and meek, On his journy to the sky, Whose mind was free from worldly cares, 'When is it time to die?' A smite lit up his countenance, As from a faith divine lis heart, with warmth, to ma replied, 'My Master's time ia mine,' Eastoo, April, 1840. H. From the Mountain Sentinal. ODE FOR THE 22d FEBRUARY. When Freedom found no place of rest' From Europe's clime she fled;. To plan an empire in the West, She o'er the Atlantic aped; "When on these shores the nymph appeared Dejected and folorn, She cried for aid, in Heaven 'twas heard; And Wasainctos was born She then reclined in virtue's arms .2nd hailed the lovely child; Fate opened a thousand charms, ?nd Hope, sat by and srriled: Tame reached with the patriots lav, His temples to adore. And greeted the auspicious day, That Washington was born. To manhood prown, Ms sword he drew, To Cleave the tyrant's yoke, His nervous arm, Guliah slew, And Britain's sceptre broke, She saw her legions in dismay, Her banners from the in torn, And cried aloud alua the day! That Washington was born. Exaltad to the civic throne To wield the helm of State In council as in war he alione Pre-eminently great; Now Vernon's children gaiier around To greet his births return .And hills and dales with shouts reaoood That Washington was born. ' Through an eventual life well rpep In duty's path he trod Till llaaven a iiost of seraph'- sent Who bore him to his God; In Heaven was heard an angel voice Columbia; cease to mourn; Throw off your sables and rsjoice That Washington was born,' Illustrious sitge thy work is done Thy toils and pains are o'er: Yeuhou ehali live great Washington; Till time shall ee no more: ' Freedom shall wake the votive lay Fame b! )v her silver horn Oft us returns the glorious day That Washington was horn. A gfntfeman inNewOrleans was agreeably surprised ths other dsv to find a plump turkey served up for dinner and enquired of his servant how it was obtained. Why 13' replied blackee dat or turkey is feeen rcosin on our fence tree nites so Ji jaorn'n I seize him fur de rent of de fenue- SCUITURAL NEWS. Ti e history ol the Bible ceases about 310 years before Christ. The Old Tes tament was first written in Hebrew, and sfterwsrds trsnjtated into Greek by 72 Jews about 275 years helore Christ, by order of Piolemous I'hiladtljihuij; ki ig ol Egypt. It was first divided into chapters in 1253. The fust English edition was in lojojme rust authorised edition in England wai in 1539; the 2d; Iransla tion was ordered to be read in churches in 1519; the present translation, known as king James' translation was finished in September, 1611. In (he OIJ Testament, there are 39 books, 929 ehapters; 23,214 veries;592. 4!3 words; ond 8.728,100 letters. In the the New Testament, there are 27 books 260 chapters; 7,925 verses 181,253 worda, and 833,330 letters The Apocrypha has 183 chapters, 5,031 ver sea, and 125,182 words. in trie Uiu testament; the name Lord' is found 6,962 limej, and the name of 'God' 2,775 times.Thc wo.d eternity' but once. The word 'predes tination' is not mentioned in the bl 7We is no mention made in the Scrip tures of '7dam'd 'original sin;' nor 'The Covenant of Grace' uor the, Ho ly Trinity.' In the New Testament, the name ol 'Jesus' ocsurs 925 times. The name of Christ' 555 time. 'The Son of God,' 49 times. The names 'Jesus' and Chi istare neither of them in the 3rdE plstle of John. And the Atonement' is mentioned but once in the New Tea lament. Pla'. Dealer. Hints to House keepers. Woollens should be washed in very hot suds and not rinsed. I.ukeworra water shrinks them. Suet keeps good all the year round if chopped and packed in a stone jar, and cov red with molasses When molasses is used in cooking, it is a prodigious improvement to boil and skim it before you use it. It lakes out the unpleas ant raw taste, and makes it almost as good as sugar. Use hard soap to wash your clothes, and soft to wash your floors. Soft soap is so slippery that it wastes a goad deal 111 wash. mg clothes It is easy to have a supply of horse-rad ish all winter. Have a ouantitv crated while the root is in perfection, put it in bot ties, fill in with vinegar, and keep it corked tight, A Quaker having sold a fine looking out blind horse, to a jocky, asked of the purchaser: Well, my friend, dost thou see ony fault in him?' ' None, whatever,' was the reply. Neither will he ever see any in thee, said honest Broadbrim. ORCHARD CATEFILZARS. These plagues, that have of late year become so numerous and destructive by toleration, in our section, can noiv be dea troyed easily, when piuning on, and scigns cutting, &c 1 he eggs are now seen 0 the limbs of trees deposited in rinrs a round them. These rings are of a brown ish gray color, frera a quatter (0 a half men long, 8na each cor.tainin 200 is 400 eggs. Suppose a tree lo contain 20 ol these rings, (some have more,) there arc 8 000 caterpillars with tavenous appetites ready to devour the foilage of your trees af- it makes its appearance. Goto work now and look sharply for these eggs, pick them from the limbs and destroy them Let the slandered take comfort it is only at fruit trees that thieves throw stones. I want two m traces,'' as the printer said lo his female compositor. Old sayings are like pickled cucurn bers, more valuable after their preserva tion than when they were fresh. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the PosSOflire, at Blooms, burg; Mch 811840. Jacob Under GifTin (VrCil. Fantan Urre j(i,,n Mnrri. C. 0. Bachmen Robert Oiemaii Willi) m Rees John Kelle George Scoit Henry Si.hlasser John Snvt!r Rishard Cnrtney Thomas Dadford Lewis Folk Green it Knnklo Pfilei Heiiibnnh Miss Julia A. Kline A. J. Sumo John ft Litil Ldm Wanieh James .Mcl.Hnphl.n Mr. ?ees OUR MOTTO.NOT TO BE OUTDONE JS'EU HLACKSMITIIIXU ESTABLISHMENT Ily Saiitec fc Sih t i thniii. THE undersigned having laken the kIiop lormerly occupied by Marshal Silverihorn. . ... . . - most respectfully informs the public thai they intend to carry on the above branch ol business and will at all times be read to do work a litile better and cheaper than any other establishment in the place, 'and they nope by strict attention to business lo merit 1 large portion of the public patronage Alt kinds ol country produce taken in eichange for work & the ready not refused 1SAU SA.M liK, MARSHAL SILVERTIIORN. Bloomsburg Feb, 21,18404 4 DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Armstrong & Iluges. in 'he rone cutting business, is by mutua consent -Jissolved E. ARMSTRONG. P. HUGHES. Nov. 11815. JHAKIILR YARD. THE business will be continued hy the subscriber at the old stand; where may be hail at all limes. MONUMENTS, TOMB- TABLES, TOMB-STONES, UEJlll Til- JAMBS, MdNTL ES.PA1NT STONES, MULLENS, kc. or any other work in his line. He is also prepared to furnish WINDOW CATS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, &c either of Ma.ble, Lime or anv kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity. fcV7llaving had considerable experience in the business, he pledges his work to be executed in as handsome a style as can lie furnished from any yard either in the city or country; and on as reasonable terms EPIIRAIM ARMSTRONG Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1343. ly 28 J- IP VANDERSLICE. EGS leave to inform the public, that lie is prepared 10 attend to all the oner alioni in dentistry, such as removing The Tartar and other Foreign Sub stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, an the gums and breath sweet and healthy. 7Vie cavities of Decayed Tcrt'i ill be dressed out and filled with Gold r other loil; of the finest quality, as the :ase may require, which will generally prevent their aching or further decay, and render them uselul for years; and in many etses during lifa Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have become useless or troublesome will be extracted in the most careful man ner, with the latest and best improved iti struments. rorccliuin Teeth, Ofthe best quality and latest improvement will be inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vailerchauip, with whom he is in palernship in plate work) on Guld plate, Irom a single 100th lo a whole set, to look as wen as me natural, and warranted to answer all the useful and ornamental pur poses proposed by ihe art. In liorl,cvery operation belonging lo tin profession, will ba peformed in the best .nanner, with choisesl material, and at the shortest notice He therefore hopes, by strict attention lo business, lo obtain share of public patronage. Any persoL or pei sons wishing any of the above operations oerlormeil, me respectfully requested to ive him a call. N. The public ore hereby it. formed that we ihe subscribers have entered into a special Partnership relating only to plate work as 11 is more convenient for encli lo attend to the other branches ofthe scienci en his own account. A. VALLF.RCIIAMP. J. H. VANIJERSl.IUR. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8th. 1845 3m. YET ANOTHER. From the Susquehanna Register, Although the public have been often im. pnsed upon by patent medicines yet occa sionally a really useful and beneficial inedi cine is despised, neglected merely because lound in bad company 1 am led lo these remarks by a conversation wiih a friend few days since. She had been afflicted fur ievenl years with a disease of the heart, which had apparently biought her near ihe ravs one of our most skilful physicians was called who pronounced her disease in- eureble. An adveitisement of Dr. Javne's Expectorant in the Register caught the evt uf her friends and a boido cf ii was immedi atnly procured at Benily & MhchelPa in -Vontinse. Before she had tsken it iwo days, there was an nppnrenl Improvement. She has not taken two bottles as yet, but her health has been nearly icstoicd. I have no personal motive for recommen ding this medicine, but merely state tliis tact hoping that it msv meet the ete ol some who are laboring under similar di eisee thai they m-y likewise paiuke of its riamiii'iia A FrtlEKD ToIIrMAMRT, 7ih mo. 6th 1840. The above Medicine ore for sale the store of ni , JOHN R. MOVER, IJIoomsbnru. PI.W ua SVEH STEM. jus. re. ccivcd and for s-dc et l!, New f-:tnrp UcNbcrU. ' J- B. KL ITRT. Cabinet Waro House. IHE lulwcrilis would respectfully infoim the' I public, that he hus taken the sh id lutrtv or ':uied by A'anuiel Lilly, near tho upper end of "luoiiuuurg, wticre lie is carrying on Iho 11 all its various branches, and where lis will tic happy 0 wait upon ull those who may favor him Willi thiur custom. His Furniture ia wi runted lo lie made of good matoiial and durable, and he in- lend) keeping on hand sideboards. Secretaries, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Card Tables, Dining Tables. Breakfast Tubles, Cupboards, Stands, Wash Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Colins, and all kinds of work in bis line, which he will sell upon as reasonable terms as they can be purchased 111 tno county. Hy strict attention to liunincss he hopes to re- ccivi 1 mare ol publie patronage. ELI MOWN, April 25, 1813. lyl In interesting Pamphlet, called the FABIIIi'Sr HEALTH DIUKCTOIIY. FWU Gratuitoui Circulation to all persons who ill eud, 1'ieseive, ond Lend it, st K. Ltuz, Ilioomsburg. John Moore, Danville, John Kuscr, Milton, Waller & t'o. Berwick. .Ill the following named Articles have ob lained unbounded popuhrrity,vizi rheumatism. Contracted curds, fc'tifl" Joints, and Gout, will pojtivcly lie cund by the nle use of the Indian Vegetable Llixir and Liniment. The sceptical we invite to call and be personally refer red lo gentlemen of the highest standing in this city who hag been cured of Ithcuiuatiun by this remedy They are warranted the only genuine JUeufnes3Dt McIS'air's Acoustic Oihaanr'iv ed very successful in curing oven totul Dcul'ucfg VV e have many ceiliucates from citizens who huvu used this OIL with co iplcte success We kvite uli who are troubled with any dioeuoeof the L'ur, toeiumine Ihe praof Limelcif't Weetetn Indian ranacta is the best family medicine in the woi Id It is a cure for Dys pepsia, Asthma, Liver complaint, Indigestion, Coi- Uvene-i Jaundice, Lpilfspy Uebilily yc, &c N U It operates without the slightest pain, at a mild but thorough cathartic, and never leaves the person costive even if tuken very olten J tic riles are warranted to bo cured by tho rcn uine Hays' Liniment and lines I'alm ot china, o the money refunded Who will now si ller wiih this distressing complaint? Never buy it without trie singnature ul comstork & co comstock and co't Surnwarilla is as pare and utrong an Extract fcomthis celebrated K'oot ascuii possibly be made This price ia so reasonably thai (lie poor can aUoril to use it, Licino liut 50 cent per bottle, or f t per dozen It ia the only article (lint will effectually purify tho Mood from ull impunities Those who have been imprudf i.t in the ue ct calomel, ijc, will find sure relief IVom Last India Hair Due This chemical prerni a tion will color the hair any shade from a light brown to u jet black, and not injuie the huir or stain the tkiu in the least. Preserve and Iiecuty the Hair by usuing 01- bridge'e Da'm o f Columbia, which imn.tdintcly stop tbr hair from fulling out, and restore it when !ild ISevcr buy it without the signature of Com itock & Co. Worms Kolmstocli'g Verm! fuse is a safe.nesv and eltectual emetly lor Worms, in children or adults, in every case. It is entirely Vegetable ami cannot injury tho most delicate child even should there lie no Worms. 1'rice !)5 Llou't. con found i with other nanu s, 2're Mothers Relief 'has been Ihnrniiebly tested by many year's expniencc. Ladies expecting to become muthers may rest assured that it will always aid and asiest in preparing them for tin trials befoie them. It quiets all nervous iilli c lions, ullays morning sickiiCBs. causes natural ami sweet rest-equalizes the circulation of the blood. regul ites the stomach, and laeililules the birtA without such exciiiciating pains o.i mothers ex peet. Jany ot oui best pbysciuns Ute it in their practice. ew discovery, hy which a 1 stoves and nines or grates may be kept a Jet Illack v it li as bcauti fill polish as a Coach Body with one application a a year. It keeps all stoves and Pi peg from rutriing through the summer. This Vuini.h is an entire new invention; ar.d surprises anri delights all whe use it. specimens of Stoves and Pipe tin use mm be seen at 21 Courtlandi-strect w here ihe Polish may be had at the cost of 25 cents per botile. tioncli una tea uus uune A sure remedy. Price 25 cents. Dr- Larzett's Junn 'eordird.or Prorreative Elixir remedy ill cane cf Impotcncy, Barrcniirjs, Flout Allies, Mensirucli.w, Incontinence, and olldUea;i arising from debilitation of the system where restor tion is requireil. IltfVi )r, liarllinlomew's Tin!; .yrup, lo' llio cure el Lonsuinplim , Asthma. Coughs. Colds, Spitting ,f Mood Kight 6wecl, Lxpectoralion, Pain In the side ic, Lc jlftgic Hair Oil It gives the hair a beautiful Gloss, and iuclinri; it to curl, and w bully i:iii.e my other Oil, it never soils tli finest luilies' l.o: intheleiist Ifanyladyor geMeman kh-ill ute this Oil; and find these tatcmciis untrue, their money w ill be refunded Cniifrori to he remembered Thr above pamr, articles are tolJ Genuine in this city by ('om-tnel, VCn, 2t Courtlandt-street, and NOH'JIElii ELSE except of thcircountiy customers Kcmcmber tako this direction with you l licsc articles arc to bo Had m this plate ol Kphratn Llutz, Bloomsburg, John Moure. Danville Waller & co. Berwick, John Kuser, Wilton, November, 1, 18 15 28v. Cm BOOT AND STORE. shoe ir . ,i-s.,.:i . JJ itifnrrnsthepub lie thai ho ha eyened a t!Ci' STOKE at the lo-pi cd of Main Street Jloorr.sbu', ot the storo f.irmcllv ocrtn.i v1 by 5, Lut2 rhcre ho intends to keep n gmcr it ntoortmcnt of shoes and bona, for men and womens ware, which he will tell as lew, if not lower than the same quality of goods can behouchl in Columbia county. He will also mnke tu milrri ill kinds of boots and shoes, at short notice, llav rig determined to sell low, for a small nrolii he respoc'fully invilies tho-iowlm nro in want u any thing in bis line, to give him a oil. N.B. All goods bourbtof me are nan-anted to be as recommend, J, Sr 1 I I UTNEW EST.1BLI$ILVENTQ TIN and SIIHEETIRON lllh subscnber having located himself in nioonisburg, is prepared to furnish all kinds ol ware, and peiform all kinds of woik in his line of business, ut cheap rales and at shoit notice Hi has lurnislicd hinuell with a new olid splemliil siock oi ioois, maclilnery and material, from I'liilu ilelplus, and made a large purchase ot COAL am1 V OOJJ ti'IOVLH, of various uatterna, to supply ins cusiomors. Jlo will constantly keep on liui d TIA l1HK of every doscriplion. STOVES, a largo variety, neatly and substan tialy finished, together wiih VIVE, SVOVTS for buildings. CO.1L BUCKETS, &e. &c. llo respectfully solicits public patrons IIov mg oeen lorsome years engaged in Inn lummss, and having experienced assistonls, hefrelsconli dent ot satisfying ull who may favor him with their custom. COfArilY J1E11CI.1.T9 supplied on liberal terms. Call onthesouih side of jlain-atrect, 3 doors below the ollice cf the Columbia Democrat. October 11, 1845 lyS5 S, E. CRAIG. IJ. F. IIAYIIUU T, WAGGOn MAKER, HLOOMSBUUO, n KKPECFTLI.LV informs tho public ths E.. he has located himself in the Shop late!) occupied by ZIUA Itl'GULLS, in MAIIKLT- s I liLh 1 , where he intends carrying on the abov business in all its various branchts. I1KAVV WAGGONS built and repaired, as well as one horse WAGGOXS AND ISI7GGIES of every dascnption, and all kinds of Counln Woik, in his hue, doneatshoit noiicc, and on Hit most reasonable terms. nrrOood Lumber and all kinds ot Country Pro Jucotaken in payment fur work, but Cash will noi e relused. April 5, 18 l.r. 6m5d Brandrcth's Pills T B LAD and understand ! The time will come Hit, when the medicine, Draudreih ills will h appieciated as they ought and deserve; it will be tiinleistood that l'r. L'randirth lias the strongrst tiaiiim uiou ino pumte. jt is true that every in- oiviuuai who makes a tnal of the Jiiandreth J'ill concede them to be tho best medicine they ever ucd. They are indeed a medicine about which (here is no mistake. Their value in a climate st changeable as ours cannot be sufficiently appreciat ed A free perspiration is at once restoied . thus they cure colds and consumption is prevented. Those who have a redundancy of bile find them ol the most essential service and should there be a de ficiency of that important fluid the IJriindrctli Pills have an equally beneficial ellcct. Often has this important medicine sated valuable Jives in those re gions where the dreadful yellow fever was prevail ing i lew uoses taken immediately upon the in fection being received into the system will In al most certain to pieventauy inateriul inconvcoii ncc And at nostago of this dreadful epidemic is there i proper a mcuicinu as I no iSrcndretlt 1'ills. J.el this medicine be universally ued in this disease and no loss of blood allowed, and fcv very few would be its victims, bo it is with othei diseases. Assist nature with this nil impnrrant medicine to remove mm I, id humors from the blooi'. ami do not resort lo bleeding or mercury nnd we nan nave a "cry great scaicity ol persons ufliictci! with cronic maladies. Tlicfoalhcicdtiilic theau imal kingdom- over which we aie the lords, an not nfllicled with chronic maladies; neither shook we be if it were not for our priuc which occasions lham. Follow naluic. sc the medicine whH, harmonizes with her, which mildly but surely re moves all ihe impurities ol the blood. w hit h strength ens the feeble and yet itducr ilio. e of (,o u;i ,ui,j( to a healthy standard. Let me aon fny thai cverv department of the inanufactuiu of Jrund,elh Pill is personally superintended ' y me, and that eveiv box with my three labels upon it may be relied up .m to have the beneficial ejleet demerit cd if user' according to the directions accrni.oii)!ng. . r, is ... A ' Vj i I .t. Washington Kobert M'Kay. Jerseytown L cV A 'J' Ilhe Danville E 1! Kevnolds cV Co C.Utawissa C (J liiobst Bloomsburg J. R. Mover. Limestone Babbit Sc ,M Winch. Uuck'loni M. O. hcemuker. Lime liidge Low fit Thumi'-on (erwick J W itilc3 lay 3 IS -16 ly- 2. Tim nSlHK snlifriber respeetAilly itifuitr'thr -Ublv ft that be Ins ope: cd a shop, nn Main-street. early oppni-itc Claytrr.'n Tavern, in Moon'.sbur. ,vhee he intends carrying on the .bovo Lusiiies-j :u all Us various lirnncbcs. TIN WARE, of every dcrription, v.i!l be kept on hand for tali al HUULtSAI-lv or Kb. TAIL. SHEET IRON' Manufactured into any required, STOVE PIPES, ol all sizes kept constantly on hand, t- lovet finieh ed to order. Ueir.g determined to do businetB in the riuht way, he reqesta all to call upon him before thev punha!e cltewheie. as he Will fumith all article; in Ins lino as cheap us they cati le purchased in no county. i. J men. September CO, 1S45 lv22 Cabinet I'lakiii TUP. fubscriiai K-b-piCifuily informs the pub lie that he ha.i Ukt n the shop lately ocrumei by B. S. llajhurrt, at the lower end of .Market bstrcct Blocmsburg; nbrre he inrends cerrving oi me auove :ius:ncosin all its tranchts, nuu biiriIj t '.-ha a 0. tno patronage cllhc nubiic, In connsc'.ion v.ith th: absvs businets. Lc cKzt. hLs sarvic;s as ?.n U.NDE?.7AK2R. lie will always ba ready to make COFTlNS fo: the snnio prices heretofore hatccd in UlooniFburc. and hav ing supplied himself wih a gnod II FA HF. he will attend with it'at the Funeial without im etra charge. JOHN EITTR.S May ,10 tFlfi. Cm3 (CI tove nrr. fn !e nt lbs Nr-.v f tore. n. Rrr.R r. NOTICE, e hereby given to all persons not to purcham certain note of hand given by ths subscriber ti) George Kclcliner, Lq. for Ihe sum of seventy did lurs, dated on or about the lfth of August, 1815. Having received no consideration tor it 1 shall ie- fuse to pay tho same. JOHN fiTI.VEIt. WilJiamsburg, March 21, If lG. THE WAKM WEATHER. The sudden'tlianges of the weiilur, during this .eason of Hie your, exhibit u most Imnelul ellcct on iho human system, debilitating and prostrating it. rim (itomacli and bowsls become deianged, giving imely notice to all, who are inclined to give utleii. Hon to Ihe warning voice of nature. At such times luyne's 'Carminative' never fails to afford immedi ite reliif, checking Ihe disease and rcstoiing the ,j.ilient to vigoroi s health, Mothers cnnnol be too autious with their children duiing Ibis month, and the nmnths followtng, ond in the eaihcst stages of this summer disease, whether fiom tectliing, op- rcssive heal, or other causes, they should nt ones resort to this never railing remedy. Hundreds of certificates Iron rcspectabln persons in this city; ro in possession of tho proprietor, ready to ex hibit to ull who may desire too see thcm.nt his of fice, No. 8 6'outh Thiid street, Philadelphia, LIFE! FIRE!!! FIRE! ! ! J. Ml that a man hath will he give for liis life go we find recorded in Ihe moat ancient and best of books, but us we see thousands dying around u with Consumption, Croup, Asthma,- Ilronohitis, Spilling Blood, and other Pulmonary nffecliong. we are led to doubt the correctness of the above assertions, especially Birce it is so well Known that a certain rmedy may be obtained, which al ways arrests those diseases. L'r. JAVNE'S EXPECTORANT never fails fo give relief, and cures after every other means have failed. This can lie and has provrd in thous ands of ius'ances, where it has ificctrd radical cures, after he patient had been gucii up by all his friends and phybiciaiis. A I The subscriber cflers for sale l,ii Mllm Tsirt t- 1 situated on the corr.crof Atnin fid Fajt-slirrfs in Moorrisburu', Cchiiilia C(.i uiv. I n. Jtiswi? calculated for llie lucaiiun lur a Public JIcuic o Htore,being iid Fce front on Main-street, Si I I-2ero Eutt-itreet, and the road lending to ihe Blomr.sliurg Rail j-ij lion Company's Furnaces. This Lot is well cnl culated for building upon Fast-street as well as on Majn, and being situated in the centre ct the Iron Region of Colvmbiu Coun'y, is well woithy th8 at;enlion of the capitalists. For any information respecting the conditions. en quite of ;AKLS KAIiLi'R Clcomsburg, Deceml'Ci 0 CAUTION. ES hereby given lo all persons not to purchase three Note of li'ini'ifor iho situ of liollms each, (luted April 1 I81;J signed I y llm subscriber ayable to Absolom Bdiili.v, me April I l,-(i one Apiil 1 1 J-17; ao.l ore A lil 1 lb-It-; as I sh;,!! reliise to pay the same, having leceived no consid- eiation lor thcur SLVON KEASNliR. March 20, lflC. Eslulc cf William Mensch. late rf Bhitnn li,iciishT). dcrensid. f&TOTIOK is hereby -.'iven, that Lcllers of Ail- X 3 ministration on ihe above mentioned en no hav been giante.) to the sub.-criber, living m Cat. tawixs.i township. AH persons bubble! to ilia est ite a-c hereby nf-l ilii d to lnul.e immediate pnyr ;neiit, r,i,,l nil those I, avion claims aie uquestid to present them properlc aollienlica'ed. to JOSE'il JliOBST, AJm'r. March M, ISIoC47 LOOK OUT. A!! prsoni indebted to iho st-hscti her on bond, note, t r bnok nceotint nvike payment before 1 he first day of February next, or ilirir ccmh;'s will af 'f r that dale, be leit wi-h a Justice uf ihe Peace for immniiatp rllrriinn, r.7.IELS.YDR- De!?. 27 IS 15. A n iw'rr'"!r"l FT AA such ni K' t !es I etc. y.ciltlii, Tti Kelihs, s, Ovc- Al?r- .;,rv i,i .! Npn'pr-:, Cake C ridd'es, Tri!l Waggon Bexis, Wod:?, iusl rrcei n am from the L'anville J:r.rl0 Ifona'ely lIHrf.KY Si Jili MJIi.MlALfj. December 0 AN AITKENTCC. To the Tin and Sheet fmn Manufac turing ?iisiiies, ii wanted by tho nub; ciliicr. An ac ive boy, from IS to 17yenre of one niil rcrfivu gooj encouragement upon iir.medinte npplicatioij to D.J. face notic:. fS hereby tivrn thai Ihe rri, mini rOuj in i- lr,f.,fl evisiing i.mler ihe liim B,,.Im J, .,,!, ,li,Mdw,l ai d the afceouiiti, of said (i, . ,. , rn assigned lo the subsciibcr, who alone, is air!;r,iii( J :o collect ihe fa.'re. isaac sant:i:. .'! ul. 12 BLASTING PGUDEll. T!IirTs H.HUyK,fe of r.2nli bon der I the Lest qual.ty, just revived by WAI. MfKELVY & Co rci-etTibrr 5 50 Tntu KOM SCO-n.1 PLASTP ', Tons LAKE PLASTER, just received and for sale by .'OHM K. OYER, p. M, W, i?t-SEL. Nov. UihlSU. Wni. MiKELYY J- Co. rffc-iler IS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers