The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 14, 1846, Image 1

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. - era..... . .- usytt.Tr- -T -r lir i
volume IX,
!Jcia'-'iLTi ,i ;uga.
nppiw rn mn 11 rtviim.o..
umouur illti I'b.uULKAli
uri'jjiis nr. i aui. a ohuhch, Main-st
pu,h.s,if.d every Saturday morning.
Til l) DOLLARS n er annum luniubU
,1 ! . ul"l"'- v t i u v joiiar
Fifty CtntsAf not void within the. ueai
Vo subscription will be taken for a shorter
rnod mail vix mont nx; nor anij discon
tinunnre per mil ted, until all arrearages
are. disidtarsnh
JU'FltTISFML'XS not exceeding
3'liiare will be conspicuously insertcdal
une uoiiar for the Jirst three insertions
u l T leenfu-fioe cents for even snbse
iueiit nsertion. IZfA liberal discouu
milMe to those, who advertise by the year
LKTTERS addressed on business, must
be post paid.
From the Sunday Tones.
tale of Till': revolution.
The Attempt to blow up the F.ogle 6 1 Gun
Ship off" the battery in Xew l'uik in
July, 1770.
Howe in a frighl, starts uprifht,
Awoke by such a clatter
Rubbing both eyes, he loudly cries,
For Hod's sake, what' the matter?'
At hi bedside-, lie then espied
Sir Erskine ateommand,
Upon one fmit lie hail one boot,
The other in his Irmd,
Arise! arise'' Sir Erskne ciies:
The iabclj more's the pity
Without a boat, and all a float,
Are ranged before the city.'
(Tlopkin'a Caitle of the Kegs, in 777.
Ill lIlO m'n(l, of Jl; ) IttO '$
64 gun ship, braiing the ili of Admits
Lord Howe, was lying in the haibour
New York, below the city, about half waj
down to Siaten Island. In the early par
of the month a large fleet of vessels of wi
and transports, with tron-is front Halifax
and England direc arrived at Sandy Ilonk.j
and landed (he army off Oravesend and op
Siaten Islam!. It lus always secmpd un
accountable why the two Howes did 10
attack ihe city at once on thtu- ariivnl, am
take possession under the liuns til tliei
elnppirg. I lie ainnrry oi me mnrm-ait
w as f fit t ply too feeble to luve opposei'
iIiimo wi ll any mi'ti r: ai.d by so dnintr.
the I'-i ixh c.i)iio:in(l,ir wo-.t'il have, cirock a
tin we hlotf at our ra-i-e. To show how
tlrle.-s wt'ie Ui" A-li iriran batteries '.Kit X
trai l of a lel'er Ir-nii ,ilini.''":i to Con
gress Ja eil New r.rk, .1 i y 12 1770 is
proof: 'The ilriij!'i f ibis s to i n for..
Congress that at atnitit half after llir-e r'
flii k '.Iiih a'li -riV'i'ii. 'wu i.f l s-ne-t.ii:"-s!ii
p ui war une off ri aiol nne u upun
;;.iih, ' e tml.-rj. wrigi.eil hiii-Lui
in i,e !i..y ci jiiiJl'.i- S ' n h 1 1 Iilai il, lirnl iivii-
irg 'liniisi ins of a l.nk l.ivor li
brci z'.. w i h a flown y title, rm .r' on
luiteries up the'i rivi-r wiil.inii rei tf
Uk tiny I'crifiin tlamat'e thai I ("lild (i e i -reive
out itht-tai dnii? a he;, vv and tni-is-
kept i.p In.ui MM,.ijr"iiaik. Fi ar foi med no pari of his com-
nn I a li I If W.
l,i ii in t l.eir a ril -is Iroin lliai all'au'iii
k Tliev mi it'eir pn returned att(
i:,ii-itntiH ! ill,- fne ai i In-v rto bv. '
O t'viino'ii a' t'ns t ! was th'? ex
ecnie com ii iin!iog o(Ti. er in New York.
II I he nl qu.irti r eie in the house iiom
orcujoeil hy Mr. Prime, at the comer nl
IJriMilway , facing the B-iwiing Gieeti.
He had lor d ime time reen devising t
plan tn nes'iny a pn of tin mrn.of-war ir
ilie harbor hv means of raf s and fire ship?.
Thr Bri.ih nailnre, hov.ever, were lot
arv 1 'car much ilamjir in t'lis way, am
Old Pin's schemes wr nsels.
A m,lllii 'he Coniiei in ol troops was ;n
i.ffi'-er nl the it ioic ol U lhiinell, a man n
i-i!iieiii.oi, i f niiiie hat ei ren ric lubi s
;m .' .(' a t-ry strong niechmic .1 torn I-1
in i". '. When at co'leg, in 1773, ('th'
,( . j' l i- cr-.d'.iali-iil) hi- Iim'I piepa'ed :
j i i ,.f n s I'Miari-f! ex,i!.iv oi ict'int', en
11.,-p; of very myelins construction.
'J'hif cmfiti'.g ti mo ears of Putnam, he
sent M-pt Burr tAaron Burr tvas nt thi-
lime the aid de-rsrrp of Putnam) to Lush
ne!, with an invitation to dine with him d.nncr Putnam iei.tioned to hi
gueit iuj it uuJeratood ha had inven
- hv worn upon
3ejiliairinLjL!l.l!lJji jjj
. ....
iu a machine for destroy lag ahips; by at
tacking thorn under water, and aeked liim
if such was the esse. Bunnell replied
that he had the model of such a machine
at his quarters and if the general desiisd he
would send or it. An order was at once
despatched to fetch it, and after an hour
"pent in (he examination, Tuttum deelared
with an oath, that' i! the mar hi tie could on- 'Thunder nd msilinspikes! who's got a
iy be got into h I, it would blow up theichaw of tobacco? This old quid won't last
It- v i I linimtlf anil be d d to hi in.'' l'ut
nam had a very hd way ol swear-
ng in those days.
Uublmeil was immedniriy supplird wu
he necessary funds, and tm id w(,ik on
he torpedo. In the ronrse of ten day
the mach'ns was completed. A condensed
Jesrripiioti may not seem out of place,
Outwardly it bore some appearance to
e sea turtle. Ami what would be th
kieud of such an animal, was opening sufli
iemly large to hold a man; 1'iiis apart
nen I was hi r (ignt, at the same time con
aining air to support the operator for hall
hi hour. At ill e bottom ami opposite the
Hinrance, was lead for balla-i. The opera
tor sl tipripht.and held an oar for rowing
irward or backwatd, and was furnish
u wnn a ruuuer lor steenn. Ar. aoerturi
'.he bottom, with jis valve, ad'iiitted wa-
cr for the purpose of descending, and Iw
ass forcing pumps nerved to eject th
water within when necessary for ascend-
Behind the submarine vessel was ? plain
bove the rudder for carrying a large pow
der magazine; this was made of two piece
f oak timber, brge enough, when hol.ow
out, to contain one hundred and fifty
.i. nr ...i.i. .1... .... ,
ir firing it, and was secured in us pui.e bt
screw turned by the operator.
Within the magazine was an apa?alui-
onstrutted to run any proposed period un
ler twelve hours when it had run out u
im it unpininned a strong lock resemhliiu
i gun lock, which gave fire lo the powdn
Co the cunt'iis in such ina't' is for ftil
description of Aishnell's machine, we refe-
t'lem lo 'Howe's Memoirs of Eminent A
meriean Mechanics
Unfotiunaivlv. this well ir anaaed schemt
foled through the simplest retson in thi
.vorld, and that was, the want of a quid o
iobarro! You shall hear. A brother ol
Captain Bushnell, whose mind was s in
jcdhiih as that of the inventor, was fixet
irion lo go down in the inarMne; hot In
v s tnken sick the day brfore t'ne aitenip1
vih to i m:ide, and die trouble nr. w
.-. find a substitute. At lengih a ferj:ean!
'i .i (.' miiii 1 1 1-ti t ieii!ietit Iroin New Lon
don. v.iiiti'eereJ in the service.
The nidi's ?nme was Ahjah Shipman.
i-Mi.-r known among his roona'les as 'IjOiij;
15 e ' He was an Bmihiliinus kind ol
. I ow hail been in early lif a sailor, en
j li-d in carrying 'sinrk' or horsrs to 'th-
eM Indies and was what would be term
d a 'queer fish.' He mood six ftiet two
inches and full of dry wit or humor in hie
.rsl I 01. anu ins cniei lailllS nr miner ion
iiong a likit-g for S. Croix rum and tobac
n. Bie was ttken by General Putnam
mil Bushnell to inspect the machine. Aftei
a full inspection the only remark he madf
was thif-:
It's all right I guess! Eut I tel ye what
Gin'rnl if that 'eie thing is to be my colTin
hit hitch-there'll be some trouble to gtt an
ml on resurrection uiornin.
Yes replied Putnam, but sergeant, yne
an send the Eagle up first, lo clear th.
vay, you know.'
Before daylight on a morning in July,
hn sergeant waj put nn board the torpeih
hi the North River side, preparatory to be
ng pulled off into the stream, from whence
ie was lo drop down wnh the trie and gei
Hitler lb bottom of the Pgle. Putnami
liiiahncll. Wentral Heath, Colonel Knowl'j
oin, Bjrr and a large number of nicer 3r
companied h'm lo the shor". The under
aki iT was cx'.ietntlv liazardo-u and rrquir-
ml rreai ski! iu the management oi trie nia-i
, , ..i
:hiua. If the eurgeant could nnos strike:
-.he sliip, and attach the magazine lo any
,iorlion to lur bottom, her destruction was
lUCvi.aV.e, beyond doubl. But lo do this
th Alter f Owl, eternal hostility to every
- great skill caution and judgment wae Deed
Every thing was now ready ' Bigt had
got aboard his 'tarnal mud tuikle,' n he
styled the mschine and was about to en'er
the aperture to screw himself in the air
light room or hole when of a suddau he run
up and exclaimed
- Jno how aud hn threw it away,
A general lauirh took ulace at t ho oJdnv
of the sergeant's appeal, at such a juncture
when Ihe serious attention of all was riveted
upon the machine and its operator, about to
lepart on so dangerous service. Inquiries
passed round for tobacco, but no' even a hi
f pigtail could be raiseif' among the group
Daybreak loo was not for eff and it was ne-
essary that' Bige should move immediile
'XV. sergeant, you see how it is said Pui
nam if a c.xiiiiiaiiial officers are too poo
ven to ratio a tobacco plug. Push off, m
fine fallow, and lomoirow some of the
Southern officers siisll supply you with
keg of old Firginia:'
Too bad!' answered' Bie despondingly
but mind Gin'ral, if the old lurkle doesn.
lo her duty, it's all on accounl of my going
o sea without tobacco tnicd I te'l ye
The machine was towed into the stream
ast off and, Bige and his eliinal mud lur
tie disappeared under water. For the
pace of an hour and more did ihe officers
wait upon the exireme point ol the Battery
xpecting momentarily to see the Eagle as
end inlo the air. When day broke, sus
pence gave away to fear. Nothing was lo
,rWLHClkfl,'fl?l!Ja 8llJ lite officers be
smocg the 'missing' at Ihe next call ol Ii '
gimenta! muster roll.
Puinant had beer, f xemining the vicinity
f the Eagle with his glans, when he aud
eiily exclaimed 'There he it!' Sun
nough, the lop of the machine was seen
merging (rom the biy n little to the left ol
lie Eacle. It was ohsmed from the ship's
eck, for a volley uf musqtieiry was tired
nto n, and 'down btlow' poped the lurkle,
Bige evidently not liking this spe.-ics of re-
. CP . L .
i! 'gninon. liarges were now sent on me
.bore to nick tin tin, and ihe Eiir'e
was observed to be gxUing under way in
rcat haste. The sergeant was taken up
iear Governor's island. after having cast off
us machine, which being set lo run about
an hour exploding with tremendous force,
throwing up th water in every direction
The Eagle up asdior followed by the Asia
Chatham and several other nien-nf-wr;;infi
such a rapid 'giuen down New York bay'
was i evi r seen before nor sinre.
Lord Howe thought a 'young hall' had
iroken loose tinder charge of the Yankees, it is t fact no Ists strange than true.iliBt
mlil the morning of the battle of Long is
land, not an English vessel vsntured f:no
Staten island tip ihe bay. Bige, on land-
iug. gave ihe following account of his peril
ous journey under water.
Jisl as I iid, Gin'ral it ill failed for
want of a chaw.' You see I'm nan-one
without tobacoo. 1 got tintlet the Eagle's
boitom, but some how the screw stinrli tl.
iron bar that pasei from the rudder pintle
and it wriutdri'i hn'd en no how I could fix
it. Jist then I let go ihe oar to feel for a
.-haw to aid my nerves, and had rot any.
The cussed tide swept" me nndcr her rnun-it-r,
and away 1 slip' top n' watfr. I could
tot gel bsrA- so I pulietl Hie lock and let the
infernal critter slide. It raed h--l!,didri'i
i,? say can't you raise a chaw among
you no''
Thus ended Bu-hnell's faiinus torpedo
-c'icme. Bushnell died in Georgia, ii
jig: died nRHr N"f London nbnnt twen
ty years go. avowing to the last thai Ad
miral Lou) Howe owed his earldom, whirl
he won by his famone victory over the
! rench nn the 1st ol June, 1714, solelv to
old Put's no fjinishioo him, tP je wi'h
niti.l nf loliMrf.i lArlien hn U'Plit rtoU'n in tlif.
. ,
'eternal mud tinkle.
In .torch, 1615, tli'.-r wrro in N
Yori 935 Sniiii.s, ami
3S2 Jolinl
farm, of Tyranny over the Mini of Man." Thomas Jeminwn
Undsrihelsw election of Florida.
which confeig on ihe Sovereign People! 'Divil a bit, saving yotir worship'
he cf eh f ing Uieir own mani
ifnliv:!ul who gloried
he name of Napoleon Bonsparie Surig
liins bed obtained hn commission, hi
determined honestly ami rithily lo nei
lorm all Ihe duties of Ihe o flier, anil en
piy the iligntties, f molumcnts, & perqiji
ittes thereof. II -a hvni? nr' s boanl
r i
scrawled in chalk, the following words,
wpolettn bonnparte $prigzint, E
Quire "in js of the pVLtiS.
I hen he appointed his own constable,!
nd ps'IkI a Conn,
He received fiom his predecessors,
erlain documents, folded in legal forn
on which leg ii acuou hail commenced
,ind which under the law, our new j'is
ice was called on lo pet fed.
The Coutt House was a certain grog
tjery, grocery, or eonfectienary, as tin
case may be, al Ihe Cross Koa-ls, ol
- i w in r O I 11113 VI W,3 llUd'ii UJI
which Justice Napoleon lionapart Sofia
1 . 1 ' "
inai was trie owner and occupant.
M Constable,' said the justice la
t . . '
he aide ol his door, on winch wPody and H' Amy m i a tieulir.whti a
lung his seat beside 8 large box. wliir.rr,7 im"l"ulV' 8I " ',n" ia treq'ieni-
vas turned up lo answer the purpose ol
i table anil ass'iinins a d'S'oiiy herom
ng his station. ';!', Constable,' sii
ir, 'Una ere court now set, and already
for busincs, let sny one whal wan's j is
ice and ihe lor, cum in. You Divi
.'Ulel lei hIoiib thai ere wiskey b in I
were nol now a 4 lectioneeri ig! hi-
ire is a Court, and we II have no drink
og in court, except as to those who pa
lo A'n.
Th Crgt dug Te Pnllilo i.
.iho K.ucn lolv Roach o mi i-
o Court!' bswel thu cons. able. Dm
answer pleaso o u honor.
'Call S.iell.'
'Snnn Soell Simon Snell con
nto court, I) ju t snswer, please you'
'Gone to T-1 is, cried some of O
iv sUtideis.'
0 me lo 'IVxis in contempt "T 'b
f Court, I order him to hn laken t.
jnl, foilhwiih, Me Cunsiable. Sjch i
he 1or.'
'The Siate varsus Teddy O'Reilly.
1 r. Coostabli ?
'I,i the s'mvrns before the door, youi
lonor he's a'ways nn hand.
'Then call lb" Sltte.'
'Well I rechoh as how it'il troubl'
you a leetle.'saiil a oysiandr, 'to biin
ho state into these .Lggiml'
AH ihe same; Mf. Constable, Ih
pirnts must be c I ' I Tn' the lir.'
'I ha Slate ol Honda, cotni 1 n i
cotnl, cned the officer, 'Don't answe
vour Honor.'
Well, liiis a serious inatter,Mr.Con.
stable! Chargrl wtili mi o tth, mninb'e'i
the dianiiy, cas'tng his eye on the wi,
rant 'John Smith, allray, rio'otu ron
iuTt, hinaniy. Who the thunder is Hi
Amy. Mr. Consiaoli ?'
Cant say, your honor.'
'Ca'l her into conn.'
'g Amy. 11 ig .my.'cnnie into conn'
l).nl answer. But here's Tutldy 0'
Rielly.' Il -ie Taddy O'R-illy.a linle ehufly,
cd fjced rr. in, approaclK-s the d'nila-
y at the box.
VVII, Teddy. .b-tnindd! the Jo
ire, with an awlul frown, '.hat is ih:
ffur between ou and B g Aoav!
Z) vil of s bit, your worship's hon
ir! h the good woman who owns nv
;an tes ily, your honoi.
So there is a woman in the au-iii!
ind where is she Mr. Teddy O'Reilly.'"
'The Lord know' your worsmp
Uonor, unless she he in "he dear Cily o
Cork where I left her som nine year-
ast .lchip'oian. with Hie cliilderi, lh
litil- U'RiMliys.'
Jit' Hii; Amy, with whom it aerm
fnu Iuj a spiee the other day wheie'-
il, your worship, ofnb'il spat
efn, Smith If I could only Re
hould of him wiih a drap of Ihe shilla
ah, ssvirg y on t honors livirenee, I d
'nth? lilrn to take away an honest man r
'hine'er. Mv the (Irnl hti'n hitn!'
Wnere's John Smith. Mr. Consta
ble?' Which one vcorhoror?'
hy Ih3 one thnt cio tell all abou
thia affair with the Big Amy.'
- i jCsn'l find my such one; nobody, AN ASTONISHING CASE
Rnovvs nothing sboui her.'
Ihnis a very mys'erioiis siTaiHTt'i.uVtUl.
iT' ly O'Reilly, we shall luve lo send you
Is. to j'i'.'
Ii" J
- .r'i'arence, unless lliey k--ep good wi?
in ey there.'
Some one observed that the prisoner
-ould give security for his appearance.
- l ' Ves, that is Ihe lor,' siid thf i tstice
'' u now, leddy (J Keilly, we or
'er thai you give bod lo kep th
i eaee for ihe next year sainst evni
rr be I
And now, Mr. Const ib!es, you may
.VlfJ - oklams ihat the court ia r z.
'lunilemen, w ie i getting, dry,let'f
'cker. Ihe people have made a iAis
I if, and I'm detfimined to give 'eo ih
j'"r. D siniss the com !' Foridu Slar.
THE MO.Vl ilS.
The following condensed account of
Uickens humorous descriplion of th
wiilve monihs or Ihe year, under the
hvneter of Ihe 7welve D,ujhieis
ft ' "
he anung lo ms.iy of ourresders:
I'h. Itr.l i. nnl J I 1. ....
" "c .', "u uoreieniiog
,,er M''.me muuij-Tut second is
I ...... I . L I
-v wo'l", "1,n J -nuiry, and always as
out. tur name as reoruury. lne
r f . -
third in spiteful in disposition, bo'ster-
jus in temper, and pass onat in the px
ri'ne. Her nam a is Murch. The
oui th ii a capricious and vvavwirl a
.... r ... -ii .. ...
hi iiiiuiih, iiimy bi iun v w til armies
i . ii ,
ion hton!e;l in ir II. r . rn .
April. The fifth is a bright end laugh,
nig virgin, whose hojset of mirth aie
cliloui invaded, and whose pleasure is
the rul'ivstion of sivcot flwei.a H,V
:ui anil on., ,-, i...i'.'l To nilJJ
iove, where s'ue reads or meditates all
ir leisure. Her name is une. Th
ijventh is hot, fisiy, and vulup'uous,
et king in vsin to q lench her thirsl ol
jj'essura. Her name in July Tin
ight is a maiden, whose looks bespeak
hat meliownpsj which is lo be fount
ti the fiuiis lhal hang over her boweis.
j r in ihe harvet, Ihe gathering ni
vhich she loves to aiipermlend, II -i
nine is August. Trie ninth is stain
natronly in depoitment, comb ning Hi
- --- - - " ...-. ., 7 P
rimaios of th" passions of you'h wm
he d scretion and re's-rva ol ma'ur.
r f, . . ... 'P.
yers. tic: nsm is atpiemuvr. i n
enih is uncertain sod mysterious in h' I
'ooducl; at one moment apoi tive stm
jay, ai another dumal sr.d fiowning
tier name ia Octnber. The eleventh
s inhospitable anJ cheprle-s, frigid ami
rulii in her msonera, fe.'. II r name i?
November. The twsifih is a miserable
nd shriveled creature, dtessed in fur
and slipping at eveiy step. Her nam
s Dec tiller
TO.'.' Yes, we ssv, 'every lub on is own
TViom.'whicri, being init-ipetred, man-
e h, let every mm s'and on his own
n-riis. Il will soon
!oos-i i' own C"!)tenl; and if a mm b--vil
disposed, he will sorn bankrupt
us reinitation and tun lo waits, unle-
. 1 . !.:-- r. :..i. ..
,e h-ive a pien'y oi rmnu or inmiiu
faster over hie leaky characier, I-
(hislrcc ci uu'ry every mm muii statm
non his own men's, except Lie rich
ihev are provided for, and are proof a
ainst evf.ry accuser, except coi iciency
Hie poor in'isi s'snd on their own mr-
sud il is best slwiys to hive ihost i
f a !ood ord-r. ? honest, industii-1
O'js, tnielligant, kind and huaib'e, em:
you will feel decidedly ncher than a'i
ne dihnn8t, niOoten', ignorm , tyrsn
Cil nitlltonaiies in Chi tsttnilom put to
nther. 'ai'very lub on iisown bottom.'
If you haven't not a decent reputation I
s your own iiul', not your la'nei e, an.
voti had better set about it and rarn one
and not liy lo boirow il. Borrower
repuia'ion.1 are uncomfoi table things
and like the interest on botrovveU capi
A, Irel one'e g zziid amazmg. L'k-
sorrowed clo h-H, they don't set easy,
are always chafing, and when you wan
them most the owners ere apt to call loi
them. A boiiowi'd reiiu'aiiun may ap
,tnt well in the lead-Mi eye of th" gs
Zmg Wol Id, t.nt ihf i(-'"-'''io'C rye ol
1 1
y our own ti'-iii I w oil pn ret u "hrini'.i.
and through .it Ihe first, and f ill
die il into slio; j',ring.
ii i iji
Viuuhir 47,
Tl.e New Yurk Gloh. r-l,. M.
O.i Monday afternoon, as a dreve of
cattle. vas passing up lijwery, a Bull-
lure r jumped lrom ihe lop of a aUgrj
ii whicn he was chained, in front ol
ihe Theater, broke his chain in the fall
to the ground, dished into ihe d
s' izetl s y oung steer by the nase. Tim
affiignud bullrck, martin wnh piin,
want off at full apeed up ti e Bowen,
.viih the doa clioainiz to his nose, ami
ill the lime swinging ituv tha ground.
i ne aieer would slop occassiooally, ami
ndearor to rid himsuH'of the ugly jew-
I'll U!j 1... .J..U. .
oin iiiuu mj iistiiiii ; on g
iroued, andngaiuat the walls, the posi..
ind ihn trees, in his course, but still thu
inienified dog held his grip, and would
;ioi he ahahen off, t or beaien off. The
bullock kept on straight t;p ins B.iwery
vi'h his bead and tail high above the a!-
Miude of the hradj and tails t f'the coin
oion herd,' umil he was aneMed at
Vauxhall Gardeo by some men, who
ihounht he had carried thi i ike w
should eay, the dog far enough, ami
who set abjut liberjting thti poor bunat
from the inispry he Mf ne i o be in,
when, their u I r; asionuhmenVhey
cei Uined Inat he dog toi.' deodl Thu
bullock, in his trciridous tUris lo
knock him ofl, had beaien ILe bieilli
out of him, and though it is nol Jcnowu
at what paiticular place Ilia dog
erl his spirit,' yel it is certain ilm
did not relinquish the ho'd Ii- firsl look
in noni oi mo i neatre, pyen alter hu
i i . .
"i1'. - "! ceased o txts .bji Uotii to the nosj
. . . . ." h it, i i uic iwsj
oi uie tuer, a iilele's ma-s f hmes an. I
mtiscl", uutil he wu tikcu off s afore'
titid. We do not believe, loai a pnallel
caie can Le found i i the who'e hisio y
liTei ll y o I the S.x'h Vard, who has
in or j than once refuted twi htimlreil
loilais for him Hi was a p or .in.
dog, and trained i tih'ii g in 'the ling.
What a varying thing is tkj atresia
if lif t flow it sparkle and glitter I
How it bounds a'ong iti pebbly bed,
simeiimc in ahtioshine, a jmetimos in
haft-. sotnetims sporting round all
flings, us if jis cuence were merriment
and brightness; sometinn a flowing ail
suinly on, hs if il were dtnved front
Lei ho itself. Now it tuns like a liquid
d amotul along the meadow; now it
plunges in fu ne and fuiy over the rock:
now il is clear and Inn pi ml as youirv
nd ionncenci Cam make ii; now il is
wavy and luibid, with the vsryinn
s raiii-t of tlioughl and memory that bi o
vei fl nving into il, each bringing it
owar da the end. I' voice loo; varies
a it gocti;i'ow il saig-t lightly us it
lances on; now it rosea amidst
f.l. a ! i '.
midst the obstacles that oppose its way;
nd now it has no tune but the dull
unrmrr of exhausted energy Such is the
stream of life! yel perhaps lew ol us would
wih to change our portion of it for ihe
ii!in regularity of a canal even if oim
eould he einsinioted without locks and
flood g iKa upon it to hold in the pentup
wa lera ol the heart till they are ready ioj
hu:st through the banks;
'Nov C.iildien,' said a schoo'-masier,
'remeinher what I ba'e told you. All the
mieeiy that afflicts the world, arose frum
the fact that Eve aole an spple and divided
u with Ada.'
Gosh' t-xclairoed a tow-headed urchin,
whai a pity L hadn't been our Sl. She's
iiir-h a stingy critter, that whenever sho
neals sn apple the esta ihe w hole o'nt her
self. We overhead ihe following di finition ii
Tottenham Court Rord The author of it
vas a cabman. 'I say Bill, look al that
'ereihtn'un. I'm blow'J if heisn'iia
raining lo go down as gas pipe.
We read in the Fi end) paper that tho
Emperoi Nicholas has mide a present
he Prince Buiturs of a chnrch at Venice.
Ve suppose His imperial Maje-iy gave a
way that which he knew he had ihe least
occasion for.
T!:e I hjin 9 hia ronn rising for se-.eraT
avs cast. VV e am sure it must be in iti-'
iiigr.aiiitn Bg iinsi Lord Eileuborouh'a ap
poiuitUL'ni First Lord of the Admiralty