i fi HI : ItttlifM tl'M if ') "." - ?' rr h vr-t--,sr-zar. m. Vo)iiii IA. OFFICE OF TIIGiTr:R.T, ori'imru !r. 1 auiTs m;Kcii, smain-st ifcrtkcii, Main-t rfl"pTTr The, COLl'AlEl.-i )EAIOCi:.HTirillbebetntltact; and yet tier heait would liiihlhhe.il everu Saturday -morning, a hope that lie would tmerge intt a highei ''.TO DO.L.JltS per annum pinable jf(,( ,n() be hfl fil companion of a refined ''' liK'rUj in advance or TiroJhllan d vir((f n A nn.Rlf ri(M!, , t-itiii t iiotvaulicitliin the ynn.i , . , n i V., suCriplionwUlbetakmforatllorln "'""d untie ll.em, yet ta-h fell ibsi puriodtha.-i oia.' months; nor unt (lisr.on--.ibt distance between them wa immeasnn- li'iuanee perinittcJ,un!il all arrearagesMe, For months she watched his course re disrliargi d. .iDVEKTlSEMEXS not exceeding a square trill be conspicuously inserted al Jne. Dollar for the first thru insertions (vi i Ttcenhhfive cents for everu subse quoit nsertion. C7.' liberal discoun ma le to those who aivi rtise by the ycai LETTERS addressed on busi'ness,musi be post paid. M A II Y . OR THE BLIGHTED BLOSSOM. FROM TUB LONDON WOULD OK FASHION- 'Men have din!, and worm have eater them but not fur love.' I shall not ailemp to controvert tiie old maxin by labored ar gument ii may or it may not be true; am j et story ilia' I am about to tell will g ( ir to show that the triumph of high mora' seniiinnn's over 1 n y clu'iished (e(tion may wotk the lo,vct sure dee-iy of a gen tle nature. In the o'd rhurchvard, when I hive so ofieu girolled i!oriri! ilie Sabhatl iioiiiu io utimmer and in autumn, sleeps t i onec lovely farm of Maty. Often luve I read on her tombstone her n.nne, njfe ant d"aih, and the simple couplet tint express ed the love ;uid sorrow ol lhoe who lab her in her last dirk chamber. Her histoi' va ofen rehearsed by the neijlilnirs. vv I) had admired and loved her; but the obi in n wlm had acted the prt fa lathur to th gi.-nile orphan, w:.s uerer w ary of rel. iiijj every virtue anJ grace with whirl inemorv enc ri led her characier. Whr' an iiif.int, bri dving iiio.hrr iiad eonimaml ed her t't the rare of his wife, w ho was ai e iily Iriend'; aial as she had no children ol Iht own, she bedimed u 1 1 her affections hwr ndjpied il ai jhti r. paini wep spar'-il to render her lovely, and her tuicoin imn d.viiity of disposition tnjde her a ger er.il favniiie Among her schoolfellows was a boy of few yei! older than hcrielf, whose nealeci ed IrainiMj, and consequent tnjracieu iriam:i'i'-, won the hearv dlike of nil bn Mary. S(e lell t! al vvaiii of k.ndnef na le hi" heart evil, airl she a1ns Mrov. to oke bi n e:iil aii:i happy by winning wor;N arid pleasant ''lilies. Th con-.e-qm-nre w.u, .1 l.r hrcintie gentle ail" !i!;i'p i i !in , iMiiiMU'i.i'a ( -A all hi nr im'. .iii l 1 i. .-Hi ss n! I.t- ri. mid 'ol;i't u; In liet :,s iin'iV :mi. I hf.i friend. He wa :i rhi'd iT oi-( Miiiuiiiii I'nnnv, and mole ci-i'!e ii'Ilii'Mirco liPcriie even fi-cinaiiot rrfiued but a eiie of wrnrg, of i-'uiiie fn i i f i I , : iMiJ i Hi n lli' se io w lii i iii ii ow t ( ii is ne ii,( an. I a (Vi'Iiiiij Ileal he was (lrr.:led ii the eyes uf the wurld on thai in cuutM, l ;e so embittered hii spiiitthit her love alum could s.ilien and subdue its asperities. A thiy grew elder, the ties that bound tbei hearta seemed to sirengther; Imt the evil in fliienre too fin prevails over the good, A when he became a roan, hii J saw how su perior was the pur and penile Mary to hi" own ddik, wiUl spirit, he dated net hope ti unite her desiiny wilh bis ewn She will all the bepe and leng suffering of a refinei and Christian ehararter, sought to reMraii and lead him back whenever she iw bin overcome by temptation, luile dremnini even then lb-it her heart was so much iuler terested in his behalf. Indeed, their spheres seemed to widely separated for them ever to hold intercourse with each other beyoiidj the school-ronm. Nor did they Un eome years often meet after those diys ere1 past; fur J..ry fell that his ehatacier was such th. lit would br.ug dishor.er uponi . . Li.. those sue luveo, wer sue io meeuragi mo Sue saw that he btcsme weali-. auui v,-i-'p - - erin rnaral priaciple as her ii.fluence wasM.un wonhy ol yout lnt. And perhaps 11 sMi. fihe even kntw that her riieclion! is not loo lie even now,' rortinurd she, aP him lio(n,s 8nd desperate. Often often, did she Irel thit she was the 011 Ionian io n g :io could ltu him in: . I iiavw worn upon HLOOMSnUUG, COL IDS II I A COINTV, I 'A. HATUUMAY. ,he paths of vim ' virtue and peace: yet she I'm til the wrce om til the ferce of early neglecl and subsiqutn irregularis would bt tven slronjer lhar raicillagiin between hope and fear.unti! slit learnet that he had taken to the bowl, an then her heart sanki She could no longer ling as she did, she gre'V psle and wean, mil her anxious friends, blamed be damp east wind for treating so tudely the lender dossom. I'll simps said she was threat "lied wiih consumption, and advised thai he should visit the Atlantic mast, hoping hat the erean brefze might invigorate Iter lecaying frame. Oh!' snid the old man wben rehearsing ler stoiy, 'yeu cannot imagine how I fel vhen I saw lir wither beneath its influ nee. I knew that my dear child musi oon leave ns, and how could our old heart' ndure life without her?' He soon reiurned, bringing his droopinr; lower to fade and die aninojj the hill .vhere it had bloomed so sweetly. ShwtU ifier her return, she coinin unrated the his ory her heart to one of her most iniimait I'liends. Slid shel pitied l!ie boy for thoe verv aults w liich others blamed, fur I saw tha us heart was crn-hed by unkindness, and mulcred cold and bitter by want of sympa hy: and when I used to spi-ak Miidiy, ati't mice him in our litt, e plays, he was si ji'iule and tender, and his clear dark eyes expressed so much gratlitude, that 1 canno wonder le became so object cf cl'irl vo. For that I can scarcely bhure my elf; but as I grew older it saw ili.il Its wa iirroundi'd by sikIi inil icuces tti u he coul i lardlv becomi any other but a vicious mm I erred great'y in bestowing anything mon ban a feeling of friendship upon him, am rt I did not regret that he was my heaih io! until I saw that he was loo smeij ruin d, and ihere was iitile liojie tiiut he woub vrr be brought baek to a life of vinm My beari sank under it, not ) rnui.li be-j raus its eardily lmps wee blasted, in fron die conviction that in sufi'eiirj sueii a lovi .o find a place in it. 1 had dihnnerrrl tin iiud friendi who had ac;e,! the part i f pu-j eiiis to a di siiijie orphan, and mora :hni II, had dcp-.nO'd (i.nii the pea.-e and h.vt f the linleen.er. Hut now llie fclni;.lr i ivei, in. I I feel lhal I sha'l so.'.u rest ii irnce in the aims f m -tei onrilid Sa cour. I i was i In' nrnejiir be; ween 1 . . v i Old (iuiv that underiiriifd mv h .i h, anC !, f. i r mv wn :.!.('. I (hi ii.-.'. ;ml tha :iv hta:l v 1 1 1 so hi he freii! Iioin il.i we .k-e-s bill f.:r li.i!j w ho have l.f-M.iwnl oi' ne si, ch imi.-:rve J a flection, feci mo lerply. I know tli .t my e;iriy death will ilinost bre-k their beans.' You have done wrong in keeping al ii fruni ihem,' s.n.l her Iriend; 'they mus; iiiow it.' 1 could not tell them,' replied Mny I en'.ild not I'md sireni;th lo say l tlien hat the weakness of my li' iit had csst hem ail thsir stitTering and sorrc w on toy ircoiini; hut if you think justice dewands t tell it them for me.' hen the old folks heard the j'.nry i.- i,..i r... .i..;. ..t,. r... .1,0 ruw .ic inn i i i, in!. lonor ef the religion which they liadlaujrht her, reirainsd frota even e iiconragirj hi ove they cxpiei-sed the deepest rer r?t 'Oh!' said the old lady, 'wliv have yon Jone so my child? We would not think ol opposing you in rny think.' Ilnw cou'd I think of bringing disgrace upoii thtsewho have dene so much for me?' inquired Mary. 'I knew that h was un- worthy, whom my foalish heari idolized and that my l:fe would only be made wretch cd by uniting my destiny wilh h a.' '.No, returned the kind Irien.J, Had wc ir.a.l lli. n.ul fli.f'.nl il!,1! iTl,!! th I . cm.i .c,,, , we wouiu nave taiien iii.u am. hope whispered that her lift might et be partd. It is toolaie to bling back my wasted th AJtr of Ood, eternal fcaeOTHy to ovory !M. WEBB, EDITOR frame to health and vigoi,' replied Mary; 'yet it might recall hi hi to n nine T duty o know that his irregularities have caused io much sortow.' The young man was accordingly invited o their house, and remained with them iiil Mary's departure, fur it could baldly he .lulled tleath which so gently emancipated ier spiiit. II r earnest exhortations, and a consciousness that a virtuous lifi might nave won her for his partner, soem t givej'bo-f losier parent consign the l.-aui lim new resolution aiid those who loved iiim for her take believed that with her he .night have lived a life ef usefultie? anil propriety. It wash bniiu'i'ul Sjlihadi in early autumn that the sacranit nt ( the Lord's supper waf idminisiered to the church of which Mary was a ii, ember. Al her request, the p is- lor. deacons, and aw of her neighbors in J friends, repaired to her chamber uf if i he dose of the exercises it entire'), tha'. she night once more eomoieninr.i'e on eanb the dying love of the S-'viour Slowly an soUinly tli.:y wound heir way through he iieautiful valley skirled with woodland. hrough which peeped iht bright waters oi he quiet litde lake spread out at thcii right hand; and al their hy wsll cultivated .arms and urcharda bending with fruil;while dmosl before them lay a high hill, ovei whose summit they must climb before lhe would reach the dwelling of iht depur'.iii" . i ,i, .i ..I inil. I o a . ranger win scrnc wis ui.c m aeatilv, but lo all m ho kr.ew wh it oljrclf if familiar love all these had been to Mn and how soon her eyes would be closed for ver on all thai she admired on earth, .there was a voice ef sublime sadness whimpering in evety brrrze. Mary nad counted the notirs, and at lasl the minutes that woulii hink that they had delayed coming, and he should depart without using the good aslor, and bidding him and oilier dear riends farstisll. Why do ihey come eo slowly ?' askeii she, 'I fyar I ehali not be here wher. tut arnve. ' Tiiere is no visible alteration in you, l.uy,' rep'ted tlic. youth who an i by hei K'd, watching evety indirati-io of io.! ap- troaih of th fai;-l n:e.-iieiigc-, ' ln;.-i VOll will lint 60 soon isavs i: s as yn.i naniii,;i' Slit f'imik inr head, and then in a lov - , T . It L I I ' . . ..I ohm.' sr.il, ' 1 sn-iil mil nrii'i-il "..in i:ei on on ea;il:, ar. and 'then bcck'.-.iTd hii.; to iool. ICCS et::.'. ' 'i'ii''' ar? cornin j ilearea ; 3J1 he, Mnd viil soom Lu here.' Then mv I'.ruer.t is -'rant .id the s eel he ;!vin,f gir1. ' iviy exit will be . . . i Vi:li si. '. :m-i! it,e..s;ii' !;-:! iCell Io hel Mlil ll, ( l! 4,.ir il Ii id I'll ca-ly ii '',e.i its vv . .! h-r a,ni I i an I 11 ; ;! 1 1 . iV f 1 1,1 -.villi lim ft "i v hi I : fir, ;-;'itr.i ?.-i ii I'lf-n I Imm-.!. and t x :; , v,'"ir: i r,oi;' i oi! hi" v. .i'ti ,v ,i ci' ,, f -ii.ii i ,s, sij.'ii)',: 'c: on the L.---.nil id ho it!coiv ii'ess-td her nice Ciior. d ( ach In n ifi. , j.'r'i'!l" al ii: : i.f M , (. -i in tiiis cnaiiii W a ij , 1 , , r - f i e : ! .- i . n n bi iiii;ht k 'n io,- ..." ; -, n lov:: i;f ibf? Snvion:', ,o -1 :d bat never do, i ib.-.l. V.'t.- ii.i . i,i. i i 'he t in d iloml i.! toe S iv.i.ur I,-. ! be -n rre;-,, by the gentle rAisfr, lier on.i.-; f. i'ur.l iained u si'iir, i h v f : n . and. Iiet iv - 1 1 J . 7 -.- ,,,,;,, I'm K.t.ttna .fai as i ar voice other day. AI! were atooirliod r,t tin fresh strtna'.ii wiih, ii-hicli she mo', :d her lirrib? and sj) '!; -, am! a fef ln: !i, ,i he was nut linn t" i", sori.ed pon isneously to j'.v.-rj a 1 but her. tsti? 'Vil'rd earii in luin io h r t.i-i!..d'.'.;);he with rapture, and the pivji-et of mcci. i n g I he til in a'o;v, l.ceiVed t'l" h'e. 1114 of hi r bi.'li.Vi'd pa.'.'i r, a d ii,ci. c.iil- e rill" colli -t iebii, sne'p'ac J'T.ilv sid 1 , r i:ui Ii hiticr d lif. 111 t;i MH ' -t y,-ti, .M.i- , Siil'i1. O'lVt ry in I leivm.' A i-ti i ie features iiko the flnlini of a iv rioii.t Iferforo the so iti e vc.i ciosc-d and nil was over. Th? bushed smIIucss of rlesth vies in iriiinied oiili' bv ihe suonre-sed sobs 1. 1' iliose wiio'lovtJ and meunied lhe'irirSl rephed, that the larger one was lhat; iar!y departure ef ike gemie cnpllan. I J'rick, ant! ihe smaller 01.0 llul ol The last roys cf the sellir.2 tun t'ldctl'the baun; taiiu, when a boy 'I ft forai of Tyranny over fie Mlutl of Man." AN PROPRIETOR: the disiont hill as t Ins mourning greiip knelt round i he cohcli ol lh de- Tn rn is much gooil sos-' en I truih patted, bile the tremulous voice f ibn.in th u foil wing sketch of nun i hfe. pas'or led Hieir huoihb? supplicstiern And hen ihry lone, the yctith clasped i he h mil ivlei ti hrr ilyt"n' love had j,of ftied, bihI tii .':'iiile remoosirai ces ol friends could c irct-l v pcs'iade Ir-n to rel'r.tj itsh i'. Ii i -mul like suiidi.-i nit i he ljt tie ihu! hiiiiid him in holy sym nathy wiMi his kind. Relucl uiily did ful list I'flheil sv il one to h'r la" ies'' nlac'r. ami tears of s v m nMh r anil Ht'ii rcc'f h'd'wnl m.-iny an eye i j ttiat va ni.'ieil io sucli gentle exjjre sion ' r soi I'uiv, 1" ' her sike ihey loved and cherish ed i'i i yotrh miom Miry ones lorn' but r. sircnuth i:f early h . i i ' , ami he v.i.it of a c ij t r! i i r spirit, that ronh', under all cirr iim.tnces. act uiimi lis a ,v.i , gradu ill y diminished t!i im pre?' ion which herd'-atii b id m.ula up in hi- heait. and in a f.-'.v years he wi the wretched hosbapj of a rois. rib't wo .1,1, win heetme the mctlicr uf a I; un'. i.il'j chihlien. A',-! yet ihry ould ripyer pvp him up. '.Viiencver ne c .rue io !li r neili 'jui " n r:-I tlicv tiea'ed him a ii-ouh In liac I,, thwir own ?oo, Iried to rov." lis fiidt,aii(J ofien iipi'i'e l Hail An ry i d he would net hive hcen vvhu le ia1 t .rv.-": :r.a.s As 'oo As I. 'Iv'-iy mm i icai' s .nimher i-.d a cleat h al b-'1'",' ays .Vlarhlo in on'! of I n d-ij, Th n'it'ii preva Is, eve j'l j',e, to con ii!emie extent, i,s tmy he inferred iro'ii i v following, O.i' i veinoi; i;l I .'it week, a rr".::h, j a v i -. - j 1 1 ol i'lfi-o ii'h', win a sine. viiai Uuistd iiioo 'y lroot,ii-ci',;)M.sei:l tl li: .-v-lfal ih! door of i finlciMo. ' ' ') t M n e, I , 'dlt 1 i 1 Si : d 'il re .M So. ;u tiiiiij; for ye.' It bsins too .jak t cad the c)'itcct of Ii,.' riociimpiii. 111- jend: man in cj'iircd f: yiii v.houi it c.::i and i3 en Why, Hi'" frd i-', nit v-', e'i- jusl c.v ti n w ..nt a I I if a v;,.,c over her Xow I've eT 3 1 txicly t :dnil,i.',;o,l . A'lHt i eiii.d t'it ro' inv, 'old ni VOll Wl ' p-l 'O'l-I K'il'i'V, Ml. :iiVe a It 111 io iiio oi 'i.t , , . i 1 1 'i'llO il. I ivi nvii h aiOU'i-d In ii.iier id' the ii:;;-l'C I't'.'ni i .ii ;; .' i t:v." I P ilrt'.l !P ll.l!'..,l. t III! th oil h i id is a ...... ,!... ill t s-ljn Ii.i.'ea .'ed v; i rid C.lifd il -If : ne ii, I ' , a l q . .V . 1 1 1 lli.i.-t i 'me io ii.-.v t ho! 1 1 I 1 1 ,' IV.'.) , hull t ; .1 is ii '...(! I; 'I. a a r 1 1 s : 0 n. IV, ' Xt ,.;i.ir ill! ii ,i !o i '., i t.li i'i' i', Mh it ; I'd as vo:i il ( il !i ,11 t; n 1 ii, o i l , i rd I, v, To jlfi'r, A ;n n , 0 fi ;, .1 C'il'. i I : - le I, 0 il , 1 1 v o V 1 ' ' -1 I V'.n i ! ; r. -1 I'll fi i oh,1 C Ml j'l ! id l.lo, 1 :.s 1 10, ,il III- 1 , 1 " 0 hi-; i llall.' I. ' J 1 1 i'i'CC 1 , 1. o rh eo' V. pi li'i C; i i ,! i I ' IV life ill Mi, rc(iiii',ed ih1 i,,r i-ii'd ivaiti ;ii i;-i iv, 11 1 ni,i,'c,- lill-l2 'd '!;.i';:0 i'ii. W tn ("ii'i't. 'i v.-.s ei,'ction-,eriog ir r ,.; i'ii' 11';' - ii v ;i i - - North ';( , 11 I iiii, mi ;i:.i-i, :ir ,",1 a vr.nng iii'iv, d , , :ii,'..':-t l,V ll.ff In ; Il Plrt 1.1 !!( 1 i I! -".die valley v.r,e nn i:i fit.,t nfhiin 8hf :,re l-.-i ;3' ",1 dr. 1.0 -rals for thai iiiit says C,i.i;;nin. down in ('ave,i:id al 1 ,.n n ;.,v I' .r mt why not Ion; age. sdicm a l (l.i'.'.rl, when a ;.m,ng lady was a- noil to . i.e ner cvr.:eii 1 111 v nun, :;;e .e .1. h-ie - ;?,e:ciuiJ to !;";', sioj r.:i.ii'il Itle -I nr 1! : v.r.idil nt l as weii t,,r 1,1 i;h , f,ir sin; v. in'd a rsal !0dl ra ,'1. 'hii-'iii.' 1. 'Ves..'i. ( .' i 1 1 1 , t l 10 ,.- wi .1 lo r ki'-s 11:11,' I, ,' .! i' ;e s 'in'Cil ninnniani iir. ! (Ml! '. 'J 'II will',' -he di, I'nt viaiil l(. .-til, 1 -' 1" 1 .UJILtl-Ull A feol 1. 11. an ti ivi'l.iiii. 111 li-clan.J n slrtr ica.-i w i di'iMiO.is oi n-eii.fr sinni! ol !;e 1 ..i'li.v icili"! b.U :::;iri' t-i a convent1; md nil l i'ln;' ?!,wn I" ri.Ht two ,. . ''''' rcnliv mi ol, 1 SCilll 0113 lhat !f a cblliil .,' , ' ', '. I vil'v 11 in.si, ne Ins net-it, or any wm-rr , wtilihecher.remi-lyofagio.-.o p-,-pnj)nil ,.,r ,,,,,), n-h.d, . asked to whom liiev brlncged, when the ,tlt c,ji(,r ()f ., vehiele, ami Thomas Jolll-nori FHUfcirAltY fi8 i jVARRIKI) LIFE. sipl 11m advantages and plci'ine, Ti iral. 'y cnnl physically, wlpc:Mie c inoeeipi w 'hihevie and eotib'inn insiiitniou if man ias. It is I ikn fro n 1 repori of a h-euire on wvmm, iWiverpd ii inil.idrlhbi.i a few years hic by K ..!,iri and will U ivad wnli profit ny that crijs'y class of our species knnwi. .siihl h.cluilors, or by -voluntary aid naids. ' ':Iiiriane is desir"ble snd recom ientl ibl in every noi-it of vieiv. I 1 n , laiitnsl )tinl tf view it is indispensi !. No oavion can j'Xtsi loo;; aod sue e.J-f'tlly lhat does not in the fir-t p'ac recon i.'"tii'ifln of mirriate ind in ill e sec Vmlesvc-r to ob"et ve th r in c ')!! ol at obi "Tiijii.' M trnai . ' ',' If i i . ,7 l ITtt'llVI" hi ho relaii i o nf life. il for Ilia link leiiveen 'it.?, woih! of i n m irraricf an 'iiil', ho'v'nnoy of the . ':i!'ent an I v 'ormed wouhi1 havf? pli)r:;?d headlon; u!o the abyss of dark aipl tlepan I j veil Zyron, nf.Kin )'.) I; iog ol Hi Corsair's love for AiVtlr-rynafees consi ency the redeeming vifjii'i af his lavor iie hero.- . . lie died, and left hii name ioatV..'' . time ILii il-ed with one virtue and a thuuVmu! crimes. ' But iiiiserable imlepil is tho ron.li ditmn of two beings u.-ihsppdy ipnied, wh.i live together in Ihu cun-i . 0 1 piac ticeofliyp rrisy, or in perp. tnil oi cord. 'I hp. heart does not hht in 'he s-nile lini! plays upon the lips th, oul dues not pari 1 1: i p t : in ih i'eelins hat the loiijiua is comjelIjd to ccpjoU r It is iclated ( f Cublleti, that Ihotlil iYeqtD'iily called frjni home by bm ni"., I,'- o.ver in a sol. (ary insu. c- ihi ,:ij,'ip.; d his wile as to ihu hour pf hi. 't tun;. If all yniiipr m.n knew hrm iin di v; hp worn -n nt'ich-.l to Un prciei. i;f ; (.liiy, tiiere u',,i! I b,i f. iv -11 inili'ippy cup'i.'s in llie uorld. Well fy.l.,!"d nrurirnfa, thrtiisjl hey iie-rfiiw Ih? re'pTi'inil Wit 3 of i),p coi.tliiion seldoi.i resu'i b n n no moica d p '(l;.'efl y ,-iod I) ipiiine, Il 1 tip ondiiif,,i iote-ide I for inin oy his Crra if. t'J liappy Marring 4 union 0' "clirn, pf s. iiinnf-nl and of lasle is in le d in-' c'pef bliss thit sp vired thi di 'Bt-s."i! is Hi" mm that h is a ;i",ii",..i iv'itV, for "Ii" 11 umber of ni I,,', -1 tl..t;i b-- (liitrpcl. '.'ri coiiio .(! ef r, r.i ire Ilrsven like nch- ill 10 li.is rrnh.'ircd ivilhlO lb' un ,i.i t.f s Tli!;prn -and h ipjjy fr.iml v I'll-i',! ii 11 rl.ii. t b.i'i.e.ilii tie i e ri'.ii' t-:in(ih:i . o hi: 0: ratiSi s I Inn Midi a r oti.-viiolu wiie re roiUne's am1 vi.-tt,.', kindness and love, i 1 tl ti :s ' iy nne ie ne to to band in hand toother. V Ipjiea ruott uJerl aii.l cheei I11I i' :i;.se ivy ihe 'ooiii of the woild,aod el:e;oi;( ivi'l) her .sv.vet iiisso.i of phi- .Sophy, Sii'le'ii TH pin fie 4 th-. Ilejlt line :;; lo ad ot toe family is n co;- t-ized and 1 (peCrd ,,s S'K'li- -an I li ift-jlest n im. mess v,!!liio tl.ecicle is 'ri'ive.J tiom fis a;ij,rovi, smile Wh.-re 'I e Intv.rwei I yt ice i,I wonun 1- hi, un l;i'.,,d I, ol in acC'ti's of c-ntle-ni anil lovf-, and the n-une of inniiiei S lit Ver lll'f.it d III; lii-'-'ciatl'il Will 5001 -11.U eii.ij ipdlitt. Sui h a family p:u oily br cel'ec'ed lidier under ilp P 1'iiiicc oi happy n.nr. tinii-n ti 1 1,1 s well js liitids 1 lie rotiseera rd by pi.ie am! cli ste ti c 1 1 ot; a 1 er. ;ii;--.j.f-iil 'o'iii",l on earth, but factim d in lle.iven. 0 sui h a 1 uniao Ifn neis who (1 A'rll 111 thrf htlhl ahndte d i'no hit j'!,ihip.t di.vviiiiril linn tl.e r spit tu .l lye.a, anil wlula Ihey Z- Wit' louk-i (d n.icrest and lute, (lel'ghl 11 tnd irjnite tucr li.o s,ni-e A IIl.NT to Ladils. T ILol, a tinii n ti lis i.piv woi k, s .; Ii is f,' ri'odiy fl into an 001 ? she n jerts Inr lia omnibus. O ! thai is he.li un to tier by tnilo C.ulny It imgh jive her a kii), - Neitner does sin .L' lit., ft 1 Viivtnl i.lce hut tri'iL ill' a vi',1, i j i,.-xiidf, Ui lii i i ii an inno cent iil'ie 2 il anil an obi w nni,;,). I 'tl.e moan ii:no Hit onii.tous moves on. I''......,. Ir.lt. .. ... , L . u u ilnil uf fi. plumps down in a Mi ,nig geiitlemjo's .laps. line modesty wi.ula luve crcap led all lluse indecotum-s' !. .'liimlier 4 I, ""' 'M'"" "i "Ml i itfMi i - A RE.VAUKAHLE MAN. At aTeinpennceMe li i belJ ntt '0 115 in Alabima, CjI. L";mao8usky,wliii ipI been 23 yesrs a soldier, in the) sr nies of Napolean Jnoneparte, address, ni 1 ho meeting. lie rose before the ail hence, tail, erect and vigorous, with a jt.v of heilih upon his cheek and said; 'Yous-ij b'fore von a mm 70 years il,l, I have fmighl 200 bailies, have I t vonnHs oi my badyiave lived JD Jays n horse fl -sh with the b ir t of irees for n)' bread, snow and ire lor my J 1 ink, 'hn canopy of heaven for my covering, wi' houl stockings or shoes on my feet m d wiih only a few rag for my dotti ng Li Ihe desert of Eypt 1 hava marched I or days with a burning; ?un i'tn my nak"d head, feet bilateral villi ihe ssorching stud, and with eyes los'rils and mstitli (ilhsd with dii"t, od villi a thirst so tormenting lhat I ha vo ipent"! the veins of Tiy arms and sucked ny own; blood! I) 1 yon ask how I mild I11V9 surviva l a 7 1 h ' s s rprrors?I invvi. ih it under 'hej providence of did, I owe my preset v ition, my health. hi 'I vigor to this fan', tint I havo never Irank a drop of spiriiinim liquor in my ifr; and continued he, 'roti Ltrry. chief of ilia tiipdical stall of ' Ii 0 French irinv, hiis sii'ed it is as a fie', 'hat tint 'iPOO survivors who safely relumed fi em iV'VP'i were all ol 'them' who ab si lined (r-iaf Jit.T-?irV-M Ihiijt nin EneiUin. ' Primer's account-, ihoii 'h small, ar a gnul index of rlnir icier. Let me look ovr my hooks, ind I ran lell you the character of eiery person whose name is there.' 'I'd which a rotemporary add", This is upon the principle ihat a man who'ii prompt and honest in small maiters will di- be 111 large ones. Fur lie thai would lel'iaud'sn editor of a year's subscription, vould Meal a hoise or rob a church, end leicrvrs to be pub'ished amonir thieves and robbors' Hence lbs l'rhiier's black list, vbich Dr. Franklin fnst invented. A damsel in Ryshiie, Scotland, havinij two lovers, and n:il knowing which to pre er, settled the mailer by marrying one end uiimediatt-lv tleping wiib the oilier. Asa informs the Providence Gazette that there is a young woman in town so modest ihalkhe had a young man turned oul of lonri, for raying ' the wind had shifted,' SWifVS4EaSB A Western Editor excuses lbs lack of 'dilorh.l by saying that his better half 'ennpells him to stay al home and lonil In me mile one wink- she is round amour 1 he eigiibur showing her new calico dress' A bin jraphy of Job spiarre, which ap pcaird in an Irish paper concludes in the following manner; 'This extraordinary man left no children behind him exrept a brother who was killed al llie sa ne time.'' 1 Tlic.T.nvgruling spirit of .lincricaiM. Tho Hon John W entworih, of Illinois himrlf an emigrant In thai b'lalc Iroin New llamp'bire, in a hue speech thus happily hil-i oil ihe emigrating spirit of Americans; 1 1 3 had a friend in Ohio, as long- ago as I was on the frontier. lie had been 11101 ing and moving away from the iipoads of io.-icty, until he hid readied ihe b nkt of the Mi.-susippi, nd was about to move a jaiu. IJe asked him Ins icaswn. He said l was the dying advice nf bis failnr, 'in krep twenty miles beyond uv and qtlnuu.l, ind a doctor and lawyer were within fifteen miles, and he thought il time lo go.' r.Mewr.watwu The editor of an exchange, in his con templated improvements, promise" to 'give the ladies s imeihirg whal'll tickle tbeni just like a siiiler on a man's nose!' We iliink it muni be a noveliyj for the coinpar soo 'beats all natiir.' jlakin-j 'iwain one flesb( is snpposeij l "iie-m. in inedtrn parlaocc. 'be mix "niii of p i ami lUjipy, in ihe inanufac !U' e of sausages. 'There's more in ;hai fedow's fiead.Sam, than vou iliink,' sai.f Iliok of a sleepy look ing fl!ow standing by; 'That may be ' llier! the other gruely, 'but 1 alwa l eclcJ lie had 'tv,j,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers