aumjnrlmniut lttl Road Compunv Philadelphia, Nov. , 1 S 13. Tl.- I . . .. . . . i i m: annual meeting hi llie Niocklioiuen of this Oomp-iny will he IihIiI, nuroeably in to th charter, at their olli. e, No 3I,V ' s'rcft on MONDAY I'll FIRST lA of December next, al 12 o'look.noon, f"r the election of a President, six Mana 1'ors, uinl a Secretary mid Treasurer of said Company, for the eimiinij year. Till). II AYES, Secretary. iv i: w SHOE ISO OTS AND STOK E. fni'IK mili'rilior H informs (lie ul lie tliul III- IlilS opened u WIlOK S'I'OKK at Ihr lower end of Main Stril, Alooinsblirij, tit llie store foruicily occupi ed by K, I.11I7. where lie inleiuls l. keep n nener nl assortment of kIihi-h mill booes, lor men ami whiiii'iim ware, wliirli lio will Ki ll as low, if not lower than the mini? uualitv oftroods cmi be boiiuht in l'olutiiliu eomilv. He will also inko to order! nil kind, of hoots uml shoes, nt short notice, lluv Iil4 ilelcrinliied In sell low, for a i-mull prblil. In-ri'speeMully inviiies those who are in wuut ol any Ihiin; in his line, to give him a call. N. II. All iood houj-lit of me are warranted to he as recommended. W. HlyEI Nov. loth ISM. Kiw Goods & CO. II rilh just received at their Old -Stand in Mum ttiet-l, a large uml enlensive disori ni'-nt nl" Fall mid Witilcr s. which added to their former Block, renders it ns complete ua cun he IjuiiJ in the country, ylmoug IllCil Dry Goods; may lit found coarse and fine Wroadcloth, of all colors, ( assnnerH, hathnettii, Orlcnim Cloth,!'; int ol all qualities, and of the newest palterns, Crape jc.iaui,s,Musmi uciniiies, ;nipe do Iixcn( n new name; Uislimeri.Uonnet Velvet, Whawls Silk mid Colton Handerchufs.hilk nud (Joltou use, Cloven uml .Mils, Linen, lpeui-hed and hr.iwn Cotteii Shee iiirs, llalsa-nl Laps. Morocco; calf Kkin, mid I luck Jootaaml shoes, India Ivuhher cihoos und Ovcrahocs. iSic. ic. GLASS AND agoa l an'assortmpnt an can be found in tlip rouniry. logoilier with all kiudu of Ked Karllierii-ware. A 'Snrimcnl including erery thing from an Hiiciinr to caniliru needle, ihul a fannpr or nieclnnie wants to use, including Knnnd liar, Sheet and Hand Iron, suitable for wag gDti lire or any other tise AVooden-vranv A large quaniity of t'edei and Tine I'ails and Tub. 15 lskest, of all tiz &C.. Copper and Ura3 Kettles; all kitn's ol Tin wdie, stove pipe, and Upper and Sole i.ealher. I j tit what in the in particularising, as hardly an article in their line can bo asked for but what ihey can furnish fieir custom its for prompt pay, or in all kinds of 1 u in ber, and country produce Nov. 15, 18 IS 30- IT HAS rEKFECTLY CURED ME I'ltiLADEi.i'iiiA, December. 1837 To Dr. 1). Jayne Dear Sir The as tonislnng and tniraeuinus benelicial cllucit joui valuable EXPECTORANT had on my neighbor, the Rev. Mr. Rushing, made mi favorable impression on my mind, ilur after consulting with several friends, and learning t!ial yon were a iPgular l'laciition cr of Medicine, I called upon you, and purchased half a dozen bultleu, and lo'd yon tint if I lived ic take ilicm, you should have a aund report liom me. 1 am alive and wed this day! Tlunk be to a merciful CJod, and yt.ur Expci'liiian, :. I now I come loivvad cheerfully to fuili: .1 v promise. i'or twenty long yeiirii hail I been a eon hU.lit sullerer liom the ( Heels ot a 'uml, dr coti'li, pain in the breast, and ilillicuity u! breatliing; ttio luft live of which chihs anu' fevers, every spring and (all, added to my ini-ery, 1 was worn away to a mere kelion; with the ktimicsi dillicuhy only rotild 1 gel up and down slair.. my apetite was gone, and my strength had so far laili i! fne, lhat my friends were persuaded i could jini survive many weeks, unless 1 obtained relief. Indeed, sir, my siluaiion was so peilei'tly miserable to myself and do dis iresi-ing to my fan ily, that I felt willing to die, whenever ii should please the Master to take me home. Hut 1 heard of your nitdirine, and n-iief came. Yes! il proved ihe 'Ilalin of liilead' lo my poor alllicied b;dv. Uelote I had taken one buti'c, 1 ex penenced a jini titration of all my symptoms and lo my greai joy 1 fo-ind in llie couiinu ed use of it ihe happiest relief. In shnri' II AS ...ADE A PERFECT CUKE OF ME and 1 can truly say, 1 have no desire to be belter. With evrlasting gialiiude, I am dear fcir, your obliged fiiend. MARY flll.f,. Corner of Roso Street and Cermanlowii Roid. Phili .cjvriit: above Medicine are all l',,r sale . the store rd" JOHN I. .MOVER, Jiljjiiisbuig. (jhr of me auk Sfhi:lmn un.i jfe ,i i X rove nri: uw i the New st,,. i). i;i TLiii'. October 11. Al) MEMSTRA TOR' s yo TICK. ike. i;tute. of joy ATI i.i y sriinup late at Mount I'lcasent township, demit ed. TOTirr: i. hereby Rivon .hut biters of admin Ill Istrnl on on t ut bio vi! mi'ii iniu'i I-.xtuto have been (-rimti'il to tho vinK in Horn- lock towmmip. All i.crxotiH iiii!i-lt-l to said (-statu aio hereby notified to niiike immediate imvinciil. and nil those haviui; claims aru requested to tiro sent tliem iroieily authenticated to ADAM STKOl'P, An.'r. OeVber, il, 18 13. nv2.). Columbia County ss. it llie Orj hiii-K i-i ml ef miii (-mint V l it or Partition or valuation of ih real estate of Samuel filler, Into of Hemlock township, in said :ounW YRTO dccoascil,and IuiiiIh vnlueil,rulu und appear in said o-uit llie third Monday of IVovom or next. mo accent or Mi I n- tM ..h.t the valuation, or show chum', why the same mIiu "l ho ordered to l-e iiohl, for which the said heirs aul legal represenliven will take notice uv Tin-: n,;i!T. Certified fiom the records, Oct. lid H15 JACOll LYKUI.Y, Clerk Iflotc Wm A Sale. lit, vuliacriher will oflcr his Hotel tl 11(3 Mlorc l'l'Oltl'l l V foi sale until the 20lli nl'Dclieinlier next. If net sold hy lhat time the Hoel w ill hs rented for one os three years rom tin 1st Dec. of next Tin lots, hi which the huildiii'-s an ereced front f)g feet on Main-street the Hott i .(Jt feet front, deep and linen sloriei) high, hunt olhrickin 1S41. '1 lio Utore House ol'wcod io feet front, HH deep aud two and a half sloric. high. Tho Hotel is suppofed to do as much hu siucsKany ns other Douse on he North llninch of the Susquehanna, &. in now occupied hy CharluH II DccMcr ',,..,. i . . . .... . . j no conditions ui inemlc will be 10 percent iiDWti, A per cent on tlie lirst ol April next, uml 10 pgr cent annually One half of the purchase money will ho left on the property if desired. Euruny other information enquire of 13 H HIGOS lllootnsliurg, Oclohcr 25, 1815 7lf VANDKIiSI.KI EGS leave lo inform the public, thai he i.s prepared 10 attend to all llie ope r ations in ueniistry, such n rcmovinc The Tartar and other Foreign Sub stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, and the gums and brealli swoel ami lipalihy. The cavities of Decayed Tevlh Will be dressed out and filhid willi Cold or other (oil; of the linest quality, as the case may require, wlm-h will generally prevent their aching or further decay, and ronder them useful for years; and in many cases during lifoi Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have become useless ui troublesome will be extracted in the must careful man ncr, with the latest and best improved in- StlUUlCUlB. rorccliain Teeth, Orilio best quality and latest improv emeu -ii i. . . , . ' win ue inserted on pivot, or fin eonueein n with Dr. Vallerchamp, Willi whom he is in paiernship in plate wotks) on Cold plaie 'roin a single tooih to a whole set, lo look is well as the natural, and wnrranied li inswer all the useful and ornamental pur poses proposed by the art. In shorl.every operation belonging lo tin profession, will ba pcforined in the bes; nanner. with choisesi material, and at tin shortest notice- He therefore hopes, Iv--irict attention to business, lo obtain a sbari if public palronage. Any person or pei ions wishine to obtain the an, aic icspoet fullv requested to oivc him a call. N. 15 The public ate hi rthv ii. formed dial we the subscribers have entered into ; -pecial P.irineiship relaimg only to plait work as it is more convenient for each lo itiend to the ntht r branches of the scifiic, ii his own account. A. VAlXF.RCfl MI J. H VW'DERI.ICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov Sth. IM1.5 litn. i:ocii T A S RKsl'Df TI-'I l.l.Y I is llhivi'd In!,, the Ion IIOAYHLL. I A) 11 . illl'-PIMIS lln pnhlic'l liiii! f r 1 1 1 -1 ly oivitpi In clv'x me -lo bster in .Mai Let kIk t near in. .V I o. ;torn where he will always he ready t.. uiako any kind of clolhin-;, ul ihe' shotcst nixice mil in the hest and mot fisliionahle sl le. froni his loin; experience in the luiincss. In- Matter lliniself ih it he shall continue to .'ivc uem-ral s.,i sfaclion ami thereby hopes lo rca-ivc u sliaie idlhe iiuhlic patrouii)e. iI7"'ailscul.i- attention paid tociitlini;. All kinds cifcounuy produce taken in payment Iiii work. llloomshurj.;, An-;, a IHl.'i. tf Kj 1 Sift.-!! J) yf ; RI10RSHURC, COI.UMRIA CO. Esuliscrihsr rerjH ell'ully iufurnis his lii. n i. . i i- it .i aim ine piiiiuc );cin rauv, mat Having colli ded his larrr and cominodious in 1,'lu rslim-i;, aud lilted it i p in ond style, is now prep-ued to enterlain travellers in the l-t inaiim i, aud he assutes the public tint no pains shall be q-ared to nive (,' ncral sali.-lai-tioii. He hopes hy dniin; so l.i n.i rit and reci in- a share of tin- pat-ronai-e the pui-hc, and invitis all I-i uive him a i 'II- MI'II-I, AN K.DT. An;u.,t .'111 1 - 10 1 'Mt J- II- Assignees FsbMSc Sal. ,M,Rld puMif iln ly tlnAniRi.rr I?V J"" i T. KVI3S. ttiilicliousuof J.iiin Wolhvor, in Jerscytown, Cohitnbiu county, on Saturday, December I 'J, 18 45. '' --ii- iuiv, nt ,l) "Vloik in the. fort-noon, tliu following valnu Ij1u Pr"l",,l.v 10 w" ' 80 ACISES of laud, u part of which in improved, und upon w hich Hro erected a dwellinc; uousc, i.ou it y, KILL: AMI) A Large Tannery; Water l'ower all'ichcd, seventy wr tinhly with f00'1 vu's "l B"'l n-pair, mid all the necessity .1Iu,I,h,,s 't 'l''l " l-hllo l-'isiin:;eioen, in Mad- ', uihhiiiiiil' i.iiiiis 01 jjeou iiuiuei und otlieiH. ALSO Acres Of Valuable 1MHER LAND, ailjoining the above property AI..SO SCI Acres of IWIMPh'OVCU L..), of a good 'qualiiy. situitetl in Madison township, udjoinini; lauds ill Stephen Kllis, John Marlin and others; ALSO A Warm, CONTAINING f8 Acavcs9 situated in Madison township, well improved, with several acres of .Meadow and u good ORCIIAKI). FUAMK IIOUSK, dj-riu whihi will do sold together, ol in sepa ate parts, to sui the purchaser. Persons wishing to view the ahovo property icforc Ihe sain can do so hy callinu; on Caleli 'i'hoin. is,K.-q of Jerseyown, Madison township, or on ilenjaiiiiu PJvjih and John K.Eves. Millville,Grcen .vooil township. Conditions mado known on the day of sale. rnois, BENJAMIN EVES, JOHN K HVEH, .1sinei-n uf John I'. Eves Novonilier 7. 1-Sij tiw"'J WHEREAS my wife having left rn house, in conseqiienco of her deranfemeni of mind, all prisons are forbid trusiinn hei m my account, as I shall refuse to pay an lebls of her contracting hereafter, as I am dl times willing to give her a good stipoor- if sliu remains at home. PETER MIIJ.ER Orange township, Nov. l 1815. NOTICE .Vharehy given, thai an appliratinn was made I., Ihe Ooiirtrf onunoii Pleas nl't'ohiiiilua coun- y, at the Aiiust Term, A I) IS15, hy the -ap-it (-'hiirch and CoukichiiIioii in Mailisou,' pray--n g said C'onrt to uraut Ihein a i hailer of incorpo atoll hy Ihe name and style of the Ihiptisi ''lunch and (.'onie.ilion ot Madison-' Whcie.' npon, Alteon SO, 1815, tho ,ane Coint hav'uiR xiimined ihe said instrument and llie articles, lirected the same to he filled, and notice ol' the ap olii atiou. In he puhlishi'd in the ColumMa Ilenio rat, al leii;l three wi vks nreviou-i to llie first day d'tho next ler.n of said tourl- Cerldied fiom th- Kcrords. J.U:0!J fYKKI.Y Oct. Ifi, 1915 Cli TI7. lol fXSjL.pjtf' ffTi M V. into the enclosure' R 7".,.",y'U Vthe rulisciilicr rd.out lour wee tit W ''M"''' il Uv" vears old; re EikSSajllKlf'EII.s while in her fi oi1 0 ,1.1. 1 lie owner is i quisled to pn vc properly pay charges and lake Her away DA Nil' I. 1JEINEKT, centre township. Oct, 1 1S15 DISSOLUTION. Till' roparlnerrslnn herctoferp r xistiti under ihe linn of Armstrong & lluges. in win lone cutting business, lb by ti.uiua iionsiut Jiscolvtd E. ARMS I RON G. P. HUGHES. Nov. 1 181,r). YAK II. Till business will be coniinued hy tin stibsi riber lit h old stand: wlieie mai be hail at all limes. MoyrMEyx tomi- t, iel es. TOMli-STOyilS, IE. Ul Til J.'l MI1S, M.LXTLESJ'J AT STOSES, MT EE EES, Cr. or any other work in bis line. He is alt-o prepared lo liirius i H 1M)0U CAPS and S EES. DOOR SlI.LSund STEPS, ic either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol stone lhat can be procured in this vicinity . liTMIavinu had -on-iilcrahle cxncricnei in ihe business, he pledges bis 'work It. he executed in as handsome a style as (in. be furnished Inun any yard either in ll,r city or eounirv; :m, (.o as reasonable it tins E PHI! AIM A L'M STRONG Iilootnsbuig, Nov. ;:, 1 y 1 :i . Iv m .fUJ' I LIST OF CAUSES, for Trials, yovember 'Arm, 1815, 1 liurton V Wiipples vs John J-' Mann et al 2 John U Mt t hill et ul vs Joseph I.aiuun 1 Itoliert Moore vh John Chester el ul 4 Jonathan C" l'uiinini;tnn v John Chester et ul 6 A Kiiim.uis va Vaniah lini'so 0 Tobias l.hirts vu. Thomas Moorehcad 7 I'dcr ltaldy vsJo.icpli Uii ld 8 I'elei vs Uuvid I'etrildn n fl l -I . -, . -v - . i v iieriiuni iseioerr vh I nomas .iicixair CI Ul 4 10 'avid (nun et ul vs Jiicoli sawl 11 Kudolph ishumaii vs Henry Kostenbiidcr 12 William Liiuuce vs A Id ahum Klotx I'.i (JcorRO l''ellerimin vs John Kline .4 Jesse liowiuun vs Jucoh o.ard 15 h iijamin l.eiher et ul vs Stacy Murcjcruni Ih John 1) (. hosier vs Isiitah cole 17 .1eiituoinery Ac iSimontou vs Win Trego IH Samuel croiijh. vh Win e Tregu 1'J Henry Tcry vs William llcurio TRjin:iisn ju 110ns. Hloom 1'heodoro McDowell Uiiercreek Jes Uowiiiim Aen .M Gaiifnaa jiicoo ijoinnoy 1 1. 1 1, . 0 1-isliuit-ereek John Pooler Moses Mcllonn i..k.. it J ioiiii jiisiiuu (iieenwood Aaron l!i-t-se Johnson Ikeler W Cox Hflnilockllalus Appleman, sen John Ohl Esq i.imcsionc John r ullon l.nit-on Werlinen l.ihorly (leergcUoiidman William lleudricksoi .Maliamui; l.owis Vastine Daniel l'racr Mon't-ur Elijah Miller GoorKe W WillillB Milllin -Jacob ;arlielsen William Aulcn (i nowmaii l-,lislm i Urowo Honrv I'etil Isai liOngulierer Mount J'leasant Samuel Johnson Orangi William C'ovenliovon CeorL'O Harm uenry 011 Koiiiingcrcck - John Huches Daniel Keller N Jim I, re John hamer Huu'orloiif Alirahuin Young Vulle) Joshua teller LIST OF JURORS For Xovcmber Term 1815. CAViVD JURORS, Bloom .Daniel Ece Urierereek Elwood Hughes, Isaiah .Salmon ilkirt rowlnr Hemlock John c Kinney, John McKeynohls Jackson Solomon e StroiiL' John Haluiau l.i la-ity Gooiro liihuyer AliraliamHciidiicksoii Alafioiiiii2--'eler Kishol Uobe t Kich.ut John I.uuily Montour John 11 Q ick John Ilietcrii h Millli'i lohu Sherinau Isaiah Slinman Madison Abraham Waiton Joscidi daste llenjair.iu I'rutt Orange 1, , Kicked Kuiiringcreel- Henry Keller David Ycager 'alley--William Kinney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The Estate of JOHN CRE.'ISV, late Uf.ntre township dee'd. NOTICE i-i hereby given tliat Idlers idtuinirdralion on he above m iiiioned Es tale, have been granted to i,q subscriber iving in Ccnira tort'tiship. All iicison indebted to said estalo are hereby notiuY ... .-..I. . : ...i: i .. . to inane ii euiaie payoieni tutu tl 1 1 ItW.'Sl , . . . i . i Having cianus nro requesten lo pr.seiit lictn properly auibenticaied to El. I AS CRASY MARC A RET CREASY, Jldmiitibtiutors. yUlV ES'AIBUSMEXT.XI TIN and SIIHEHTIIION THE sulisciiber hav: titr located himself lllooiiishurg. is prepared to furnish all kinds ware, ami peilo-ni -id kinds ot woik in his line ol bi's-tness, at (heap rates und at short notice Jl 1... , r. : i ...i i ii- - . . iiuiusoeu uioisen wiiii a new aim so em 11 -lock ol tools, macliinerv mid malerials from I'hila delpha, and made a larye purchase ol ( DAI. am WOOL) til OVEN, ol various euiterns, to sunt Irs cttstoiners. He will constantlv keen on Lou Tl. JlMiKol'inery desciipiiou. .! t.S, a larue variety, neatly and uubstan lialy Imished, together wills ';. SI' (U TS for huiidingM. va n. in i hi: rs. &r. 1 1 l'..o.. . i i - . . . ivsi,nnoiy soii-us puonc eairoungo llav in' I'icn l..r,-omo m iics cnKai;i'd in his bus'nn . i i. . . . . . . aim experienced,nits, lie b elscoiili dent uf satisfying all who may i'auir him w it! their custom. tf .A THY .wncri.r.vTS upn;ieJ on libi-nd terms. Call on llie smu h side of 1aiii-slrcct 3 doors low tlie (.llice el the Coliimbia yAi.iocrut. Oclohcr 11, ldl.'i ly'.'.i S, E. CRAIG 11. F. EHAYIIiriiST, WAGaOi 52AKER HLOOMSHURG, nwir.1 I'll 1.1. tl llilonus tbe public tl C, no ioi iile.l lumsell in tbe Hion -)(- ocnipied by .IMA IMOOI.KS. in MA UK E I' i oi.r. i , vvnere lie ciniytiig on the shovi otisiiiess in all its a. ions bianeiies, IIICAVV H'AC.GO.XS :'inlt and repaired, us well us one hmse wa(;coxs a x i) ituca.'iKs ol every ilascriplion, and all kinds of t'ounirv Work, in his line, done at shoit noiiic, uml on tin nio-t leasoiianle term,.. (i.;(iood Lumber and all kinds of fninitrv Pro luce taken in payment lor wivk, hut Cash will mil e rclused. A jiril 5, 18 l.r. limOiJ i lI.V ami SllKKIt STi:i.I t re ocd and lor sale at the New Store. 1.. u. i(i;i';i; r. October 11. EMoois;-lui - "A i filloi v The Members nl tins Cuuipaiiy; win ive Sworils and Hells, beloi.enii' lo tin Company; are required forthwith to delive, them to tllbci of the ( 'ioninii,iud Oil; H. WEDILCapt. HEANKS! HEANKS! ! fc-7"Jusiifc.sllank EXECUTIONS ,-n St'MMoy.S just iiriuied and for sain his Ollicc lii.ANKS'! lil.ANKS" FOR SALE 'J'llly OFFICE. Mew Stove. 1TE7- GOOLS, S IC V A It It A N G l: HI E N TS . ,Vo humbug but Goods down to die tow est notch all through. IIK subscriber having completed his rev store house, ell Mult) stect uea- Maikc in liloomshurg,anil h iving stocked il with a st- b of entire new gods, which were selccled w ith ,'reat c.ire in regard tu style und price, lie ll ilteis him self that ho can oiler fresh goods, und newesr -lyl s.uud theni nt luwer prices thnu has ever been ill'ered in this place, and as the assortment consists of every thing for comfort and adornment in lliu Dry Goods, together with a g'ioral assortment ol Queenswwe (some new .styles) School loukx. Hardware, teder-wure, 'Unlit ware, Kartiienware, Sulina or Luke, ground. Fine Li-tbon und Dairy Salt, Sal mon Muckend,and Herring, Cuvindinh. Inula ton Plug, Fine cut fi Smoking 7 abacco, Candles Soap, Copper Fettles, Sit e. Ear Iron icsidcs numerous other articles, all nl hiihw icsold nt a very small profit for ready pay, and In would respectfully invito ull persons to call am xumine his goods and pi ices, before purchasing. 1 lie lushest prices paid tor all kinds ufcouulr iroc,uce, Uloom bur I,. 11. RUPERT. Pept. 20th, 18-15. aatf. f0l i t VTi HMfJlf Mr, E2 Jlltf J10' ffM'Sr. fHIHE sulwribor respectfully informs the puhl'u tjj that he litis opened u shop, on Muiu-stieel ueurly opposite lliiylou s 1 uvorn, III II loon. shorn where lie intends ruirj ing on tho uhove husiuc ui ull its various branches, TEW WARE, if every description, will he kept on hand for sal it W1ULLSAU-; or RETAIL. MIEUT IRON Manufactured into any form required, STOVE FT PES, of ull sizes kept constantly on ham'. Stoves f uish :d lo order. Boir.ij determined lo do husiness in tho right vay, he reqests all lo call upon linn before they lurcliase elsewheie, ns he will furnilh all artic in his lino ns eheuji us they can le purclnsed in ;nu county. u. J. RICE. September 20, IB15 ly22 r, cs LM W VlJ at)? JIIIF! uhseeihers respeclfullv intoim ihe nub Si lie, lhat they ate now ripening, nl tint stoic Uely occiijiied hy E. 11. IlKiC.V, ,ia Main-stiett urue und extensive assortment of FALL AND WINTER. DKY (aJODS Groceries, Hardware titocitiMii tv tier, K ART 1 1 EN WAKE AND LIQUORS; n tact, every article ususiiiilly Kei.l in n rounti x -tore. Among their assortment may he found- Calicoes, of ilio newest naiierns. Silk oloihs, (JasHimeres, Satiinell, Vest inj.'s, and Drown Shirt ings, (ilou-s and Hose, Hand kerchiefs and Shawls, CashmnL's. ej-c. Ami Having seircteil llicm with ercnt care ns I. H i a lil y und price, they air enabled to sell llicm a liticif than tliev huve ever before bi en ol red in thio vicinity for Cash or Country l'ro luce. j Haviug made arranccments in the City fori oiistant supply, any arln le in their liuewl.iil bey have not on liaud.can be furnished at u wick uitice. Persons n'C requested t, call nud rxamiee thci mils und pliccs h( -fore pun hasini.' elsewhere AI.LlhKiHT V M KNOLL. Llooni hmg, Oct. I 1, 1 ,-J-l ." 2,i OL R JlOTTO.iSO P '10 J3E OU I DONE tl.ACKSMITIUXC! i:sr.UI,l-uI.M. Y ESKOKST & S.A'TLH. THE unde rsiened having taken the slioi formerly occupied by Marshal Silveitliorn most respectlully infonns the public thai they intend lo carry on the above bianch 01 otif ntess anu will at all limes he read to i.'n work a little better and clK-aptr than at v ithi r eaiablisbment in the place, 'and th, y hope hy strict attention to business to .ntnl tart;. ponton ol die puldic pairwnage Ail kinds of country produce taktn it uhangi! for work & tbe icriily not refused 1 EI'IIE. lli'dli IS.WC S A! NT EE, Hlooinsburi; Si p, IO.I8I0 1 Welh IIHKE'T.uOl l.L pcion having ijnsciihd aiuounts fbhei with the fubfcriLar, n'r tvith Ihe hue fun al iim rl lii-i 11 A' Mount', whether tho bnlhoo,. Vi 11 is favor or ngaiiist hi,n, are u quisled to on e oiwioil anil u llle tin 111 in 11 itlian K il.i.i I ., " ''is bu.-ij.ess as n.ou hs -,ki,',, A w. id li ; wi-e 1; M.lbl lllll. M Ali.siiAT. Hf.VEhTI.'C 1.N. j 1 ll 111' H i(b ?JUSI,:sL:v,l,W a ih C()6i Adtuiuy nl Law, hloomshliuj, col. co , iw. Ollico ii) Muin-Btroet,oppoaile Duililcr's Hotel. CI I aITl'ks K A 1 1 LE It , " JUST1CK OF THE I'EALE, AND;yaiceil hloomshurg, col. co, pa. Ollice, corner of East uu.l Mahi.streets JH lliLKS U. niJCKALEW AKoi tu y al Law, 'fice South side of Main st. opposite k 1EIey'e Store, 0"VV,L ATTEND COURTS IN LIXVILI., OfTEUI.OIl .f VVEsSl, IVtt- ksule Dealers in miv mum. No. 01 North Third Sitce;. Move .Jrch, Uco. W. Linvill; Moer 1. Usterloh, v PI1I!.A. Jot-pu v. Meat. Aug Oth 1815. jnjounyEn SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 virtue of a writ of ten. ex. to me direct ed; will be exposed lo public sale, al the Conn Douse in Danville.i.n Monday the 17ibof November, 1 8 If) at 12 o'clock, M. ilia following pmperly to viz: certain tract of land. situate in Creex vood towiisliip, Columbia County contain g Ull Acres, nore orlcsa about EIGHTY ACRES,, vhcliis cleared lind, bounded by lands . 1 Vin. M'Alichael Win. Shoemaker, Cur ! Siaiten. cud nihers, whereon is erected , irgs two siory HRICK HOUSE a snmi !ng Houso, a Saw Mill, nl.aih.Mill, Cloi. ; M'll, frame slable and other out huililin;", wo apple orchards, w ith 1 he appurlcnaui 1 Seized taken in exreuiion and 10 betui.i 19 llie properly of William Lemon. ALSO A certain tiact of land jidiale in Fishi - reek township, Columbia County, couUi,. . n 15 14 Aen'cs 9 more or less, about twenty five acres 1.' which is deal ed, bumbled by lands of Pelt. V'alk, W illi;m Ikeler; Edward Mrllctm nd whereon is erecied a log house; and -'og stable, wild the apperlenances, Seized taken in execution and to be soU is die properly ol Joseph Fullmer. ALSO A certain tract of land situate in Oieei vood lownsbip.Coluuibia tounty,conlaitiii j SS Acres,' more or less, about forty acres of whi ' s cleared lanil.bonnile d by lands of Willi: - Roaie, Abraham 'Pitman, ih i.-easod & oth- - whereon is rrfcted a lot; house, with 1 , inprrtenancen Seized taken in exeetniiin ami to ba sol i is the proporly of William Swisher. IRAM DEL'R.Shrriir. Siicrii k's OtFirt:, Danville, ? October lOih, 1813. i PP.C3L.1ATIC1T" ni:i:i'.s, the 1 ion. josi en 1;. ast. - - President 1. 1 the Courl ,." t'vr an.: inner and (Jeuernl .tail D.lnerv, ( . int, el r . Sessions of llie Peace. ninl Courl of I'lnineii ., , mil (Indians' Courl in tbe l i.-bib in.ii, .li. . imposed of the .eouuliiH of iVoi-lhuiuhi i ' -i 1 nion, Columbia and J.vcomini:: und the I iiiuil (Kiln, and HI) tli' u ItuUii. ., . .-Srciate .IiiiIl-cs ill Colonibi-i i-Mimtv I 'lied tl.eir pr-c.-pi hearniii.' d ue the iMth il..- . : lltf.. in the year id' our Lm.l one tlmiw.i'.i laht hundred and foriv-lite. and to me diu-cii .! I, . holding Court of Oyrr and Terminer, and Ci i- eral .oil Iklictry, (.rnerul Quar.n Sextons of the Truer, Common Eli,:-; and Orpl ail's Court. IN HAN VILLI., in L;io County of Columbi , m tho third Monday of Nov, ,cL . Ieinir tU-t I 7lh it) und to coii'ii lie one w-pi-t Nmiie is ihrrcfuie hereby pivrn Ut tne t on ner, tin .lnt , I s ( l' lb,. Pen .,,.,1 lables of llie said coiuilv of Cnliunbij. ilia' lliev ' then and Ihcie in lluir proper prisons, al 1(1 ( Ioi k ill the loieiiooii of fihI iIhv, villi then colds, iinpii.-iti..n:, and oilier icm. ui'.iauce to d-i m e Ihimjs which to their iitil. am , rt.dn In he dene. And llmse that are hound by jciociii iJinies, lo ouiMcnte .luain.-l the t.riMinns tbo -or, ir may be ic. the Jail of fui-l eom'.iv of ,..t,i.:.. i- l -l e tl i4 i ai.-ltlu re U pio,eci:t.' npaiiut Ihem hall l-e just, Jurors arc icpiestod lobe I tine tual in their ntienchir, e. in!ii .:.!.!. ,A ,1..-.. ........... Uau-d a: I'atnii!,-, tbe h ,",.,v ,( is, !. jr ii ycarotntir Lord mi ihem-a:). Muiiiied ';ml ,.ty.i-r ntij in the n!)ib of hie bidcpciidoiu t ol tin. 1 t id A.'i.erieu 1KAW VT.RR Mr, vr. vii'iuij's Oin.i. 1 .my iilu C-HLtr. '.:-. I-i;,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers