iii3iitirikiiir I hv sworu upon the Altor of Gul, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mlml of Man." Thomas Jcllurgoii II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. YOMmic XI. I iBilil Wan B"i giaiiiHuauliZi!Bi IILOOMSHITHG, COLUJ1IHA COtXTV, IA. SATURDAY, XOVEMIIKIf, 15. From tho Nantucket Inquirer, BATTLE WITH THE HIUTES, BY REV. CHARLES RICH. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. I ECHSsDISILlliiiSilSGfi, oi-i'DHiTK Sr. Paul's Cunt hi, Main-st The COL UMliljl DKMOCJMTwillbe published every Saturday morning, at I If (J DULLAHS per annum mtyabie half yearly in advanee, or Two Dalian rittu L ents,il not paid within the year. rVo .ntbtcription will betaken for a shorter period than six months;nor any diseon- 1 was al sea, bound to Cuba. IMothing tinuance pe.riiutted,until all arrearages transpirtd worthy of nolo for the first fif irt UlXe.llOTElttt llppn flv nf nut nnasntr unli ilia nvjnn 4m'r'i'nMi'v.f.i.....,i; b, . -"r 0 . Ilintl at A lltin . .U.tlt f.,l,i,ti n it mm. on. tauare will be consmntouslu insertedat ' ,uo " ' One Dollar tor the first three insertions,"3 i'""" iihiuuuchou m um buujbui ui and Twenty-five cents for every subse-nt sketch, shall be montioned. It was quent nsertion. ICT" liberal diseoun one of those empurpled raoinin?s whicl: MM, I t . . I. . . J f I 1 W viaae 10 inose. who advertise uy ineyeur .u. lrnili(, Bim ,lf,.n lial.nra in urilli a! a jagcaiiu jf , nunc giiuu.g along Ulll Bail." all tinea wiin a a till trade, wind, that 1 dts covered on the weather quarter, a black rakish looking craft runing down with tin linienlion. apparently, of intercepting our course. At the tune of which I write, tin Southern waters were infested with gang of the most desperate and blood thirst pirates which history ever yet mentioned War was also existing between the Span hards and the parties of Souih America, ami privateers were constantly abroad for des I .' . .I -ti irucuon oi ine enemy 8 snips, t he new mil being to the windward had every ad vantage over us, and could therefore bear he post paid. TIIK GAK.LAM)- . With sweetest flower enrich'd, From various gardens euWd with care" From tho United Stutcs Journal. EXCELSIOR. Scorned be the heait disappointment em-Idown upon us with a more flowing sheet, bitters: or haul her wind should she wish to avoid Base be the soul for a moment enchained; us. In less than three hours after wo first Tower is within thee to 6urst the strong haw her. she a beam of two miles distant, fetters, md proved to be a low brig of nearly two And mount to a height yet by mortal un hundred Ions, well armed. All on board gained. wero somewhat alarmed al the approach of More fragrant thh balm when the bianchos this new Tisiter.and especially when r.hang are shaken, ling suddenly her course, she kept alone Sweeter the lyre notes the wing'd breezes directly abeam. water, 'A piiate a pirate!' we heard from ever) The steel on the flint-stone is carelessly mouth and from (he captain to the cabin hurled, boy there was not one who did not wish Out (he blaze which npspringeth illumines himself safely moored at Mantanzas. the world This remained thus till noon, when the Ihrirf altprPit her rnnraA anA atnoraA Armtt jiinonuiignia.ud c:uuu for Ui-Wilhin an hour she ehoi beautiful . i i llv arm a nur hntvn. and firing a aa mm tir Think of the pure sky and sunlight beyond, Lommander haiI.d ,,ie ship and 0ld;red Lei hoi mo ion u. ... jouuic CanlainN to heave to. that ha mi.rhi har,l Ing Thia was done, mil lh result man n.L u ..l.l .:...! .....I .t. ' " " inougnaciuum y "'M'"'-" thai aHer l:alf an hour had clansed. durinrr i. . r i i . UB ,ou"u' which time Cantiain N. and mvself. wrr, upwarusi-ine uin may unemr.g.y ny bi j j , , ieutenant of .... v, Wfl ...l. i . ... l i..u ... r I " Al mo wuivii vBlc. uuiu .i.. tu.K were 0 :, , informeJ lhal Wfl mihl nr I.L..I ' ..-...-... lOWaru WIS amy, ceede On Our COUriP. Ihc nflirpr nnnmiP.l if .it iL . .. 'I I ... .1 ' i;own.neuecpgienmay tne w.ia torrem lim,e ff hfl d j ,0 bfl LUulanan, r 01 the IO umbia Pun hriir I.'Mnoi-ancn Hp Amid me swee. vaueys, tne nerce lempeats haJ fir mislak,n ug fof , Sd... h Vfig i - sels, and afterward delayed running down It i. lUelefis-ail which we strive not to " we ,00Keu nl utlllK8 a 8l00P ' - " was or. the third day after this occur But price!ess.'-lh guerdon of labor and f6nce' ,hal WB made ,he wes end of Porto iviuo. oajiidin ir. 'iau jusi gone oeiow to ' breakfast, wlicn takinir nn ilm MM... nn, nidol lliui Ytanl I, nl mhnt Ihnill ' r. "IV B"" i 11CII n 11.1 IIIUV uaqt, vu. nuai .i.vu I t. I ' t 1l , uixcuvercu in ma inana passape two tan er wonld si win; . , . , , , . . Imff mails finarnnlir uici I. .t. Notihetoiloftoday.-butth p.ize of to-. 'b .. J """" ' " iiiinnfT lint if tn n rr n ttt I 1IIWIIVVT. I ... . . . , . ... . . lie is a pirate, inuceu, crieu i; 'on ueck quick, Captain, for you will find this fellow lo be no scare-crow of a man-of-war.' Cap An m her 'Mi clear if we can)bu if the worst come to the death in the face, but never did feel a. iM.ains, told me thai the slaughter wa(1 injr Ir.m the ranee of tho Eun. 'and the 'Tis not an easy mi, and the next moment the second mate ,secon(1 I I ft my hand do you lire.' . iriiosl immediately tho signal was mi ti worst why fight llicm.' did during tint chase I nn IrilA rri!ilfirMnr rvr l,ir eiianiiMntll VPB Itunn l.i ... n.. ... . . i- . t . t . . . . ,, - r j- - - I mo iuu Buujinars, ror a sol was soon ascertained, Inr not being i.me resolve to die-to trample down those higl n or two it was the clanh of sieel oaths l0 u.u aau via, m.u .f.. uMon. iii.u uur nunoiopes oi me luiure which have hitherto in 'roans, when suddenly a lmt .i,.i, rifnil ami l-n n i I ... i .1. i i i t I , -s-o uenom our origin leard, and almost al the saino momnnt thnso est dreams, like bubbles. hlit i nniKlli r I. if ilia rir ttna ...l. ... . .11 - . rMuna wuu crein me rjoat were by a violent hand-lot. ar away the warn, observed to shove oft' with most hotrrible anu ourn.ng moughls ol home, and friend.- imprecations. Tho steward it seemed had which cluster around the heart, and insulate it ihe becinnins of the enmPi fi,,i '...if .1 . , . . - upon wie edge ot me grave-to hubs w.ih boiling water, and unobserved by gamer up an me past into a minute, and the pistes had dashed it full in their f. gB upon u wnn our last tearful look, anil Ul.udod and convulsed with pain they u,s .urwaru ine vision into eternity, could do nothing, and their only safety was diat we may anticipate our reception there; ,n retreat. Sjx who wereon deck soon it is not an easy thing to say die. We can led literally cut to pieces, not howevor cdu a.iu even uunK oi ueatii wiihout com without having slain twa of cur number. .......,.. UB ,. BW8y, out wnen wfias tie battle closed a kind Providence as lielnn In it... I.-II ft' mil. ' I""" ,u ",0 "o,10W ,raau 01 1,19 8fP lurk li in pity sent a stiff breeze, and in a few mg around us.nnd hear the weapon, hisainu Linutes we were movinr. rani.ll . by as it hurries to slay our fellow and feel euro at least for the nreaent fr,.m f..h-. mat we may oo ine next visum; there is tiui l.tanfrcr a sou. out thinks quickly and not a hear. When the dav dawned our fna i i . . . I . mt ti uucs noi oeat as n it would tear us li,cover(d about three mile astern, and self from the bosom. And yet whatever ihest I s the IjikI breeze was dyinir away, and iindcfinable feelings may be, thev are nr. C um quenlly very light, she had two fears they aie something nobler, ho! icr 10,ls f Uaclted lo the schooner rowing which, while they sen. the lifo blooi' ,,,e-a 10 q'cfccn lier MpeedJ. In conse- throuibevr.v vein with the lit.m.pV " " ,ms asi"s'a"" 'ie pirate gain- O ft " It ril.li hi llr.tn no n.i.l U pecd, Udthosoul act, ami aid u in a.n..,. nn ,i V:i,r m!. b -p. . . , . j - u hi i if j uv iatutu US. i ins is mo hour when true roun,go tiir The shots were fivins fast. royalty on its tlnone, it is nuw ilmt in.hlc way a large part ofour mizzen topmast deeds are done, to which the finger of hi, "d splintered tho main yard arm. Out lory loves to point. "'"Is were completely riddled, yel for- Through the day we Kent thn iniervi.1 ,,lia,el' no one, was injured. Prcpara between ue and the nirale about the same n,l!5. vve, aga" made lor boarding. & I tar ,i . .la...A ... .1 .1 'll i Wp h,l ,!,. .,i,i .... u: i:.... ... "u uva" vu, lime sent ootn inieu llVllnniPll. M iaii AnmA milk lUn ... ,i .it i i . nicy tauiu iuiii iiicii Sllll WOnt iifklVll id lirrr , ..p.,n, ... It ' , -u ..aciuM, am, plkM 8r)d cu,ses gieamine in th uuu uiau away almost to a calm, though Uornit.K sun. It was now a ,lr r.,lm ... .'I. ..,1.1 I ,- . - ' no. uu nigm nan mut m lor protection- .nd ilieie we lav with no means of de ivcry 'iahion boaid, includinjg that of th. fence, compared with that of tho eneim oinnacio was extinguished, and tha helniH "oablc lo movo a einglo inch, and man commanded lo steer by the stars. Th. ,)loou7 8dl ' men within a quaitor of night wore away slowly, each one in tun ' mi,c miuueneu D' lheir ,or,ncr calehinira abort nan on .lerh. frn, W9i '".eaf .w..,g up prepireu to wreak ' lain X. wna im.-nHilinlelv nn A,n-l ami nn The proud tret on the wing of ',he wind . . , ... may be borne, Onward.' the mountain stream swells as it flows, As higher the sun rises higher it giows; on a second observation, ho noticed that the .1 u IIWIVIIIIL w lUMDUIII UI1U UU Uu. luo rrfu.h w iJiv.il .u... forfl ,10 cou,j ook (he lhjrJ (ime) ha() u every thing sot coining out from under tht Eicelsior'.'-crave on thy iword.furbished land 10 niCCl Us bright 'This looks suspicious,' said he, 'to lie In lelteis of fire, and the foeman shal ,,ne moment stowed away like a spider quail with nothing lo be seen, and then within J.et it blase, like a star oij the brow of the live rainutes.to be in fullchaaejaficrl i sirari night I 8,11 afraid that we shall not find i From the folds of thy banner flung wide to su-'h easy work to get rid of him as v du the gale. l,ie urlg l'ie 'lCr day.what say you C harlc Look up.' when no cloud hangs its dark mantle o'er thee; Kcst! when no height rears its summit bu fore thee Wreaths for tho victor, when batlla is won! A smile from thy Go-1, when life's laboi ic fcOPHRON. Eia GOOD- 'I ne jiuhiii-hiTo of a Journal, ihe suhscri he is lo m Inch arc uraliimd over tiie coimiry very charualily wishes that Koine of limn i re stllii'tcd wuli the Id inn remit. tent t VII Huppose that 'hi craft prove to bo a pir ile, will yon light him! or shall we licav. to, and quietly sulfur them to cut uu. ihroalu?' 'As to fighting.' I replied, 'Imle can bi lone in that way. for our whole aruiauion". consibts of only one four pounder, t Wl) miiBkets, onecutless, and mv fowling niece; uray indeed agonal the force whic li ihai fellow doubtless musters. Hut I can tell yon one thing Captain N. iu no hauler to die by a cannon bull yr boarding pike.ihai. heing siiunh' up io the yard srm auu thoak- ed to death by ilHiiita. or by Invin,. n,lr iii.!pi;)cs uoskilliilly opened by ihta. rjuavk doctors, l'or oim, then, I By, ge, it the distance of less than a half a mile and discovering her error at not having cu, us oil at once, sho fired i, Ice gun and hoist od the Sp inish fl ig. Of this we took no notice. Another lee gun was fired and the American tlag was run up. This was also suffered to pass unnotit cd. The third gun came from the windward doubled shotted and as the smoke rolled away, the black flag with Death's head and cross bones, was seen flying at the main sa il peak The vessel was a snakish looking craft schooner rigged, yet one of the most beau tifull had ever seen Eery part of her lisplayed the most beautiful symmetry, and the long raking masts tapered gradually away almost lo mathematical point Everythiug below the sails was as back as paint could make, affording a striking con trasl to the two lines of white foam thai widened of from either bow, her deck was filled with mor, io the centre of whon was the great weapon of offensive and de tensive operations was mounted a huge brass thirty-two pounder turning on a pivot This 'long Tom' was polished to the high est degreo, and seemed lo fling back tin bright sunbeams in disdain as llicy fell up on it. A council of war was immediately held in which every ono having spoken it war decided first lo make every effort to cscap and if that did not succped,to fight till none remained. No time to be lost, for thong! we could hold good our distance while the present biecze lasted, yet should tho win. die away, the pirate, being smaller than ourselves, could easly sweep to ui. He side his big gun was talking away ever) few minutes, and sending his shot all around us; 1 of which lia I already been so impolite as lo come splintering through our round house passing between Capt Nt and my self in its passage over the Ice Imlwniks. The sails were immediately wet from the skysails to the spanker logs of wood wert painted black Si put throughlhe port nolo in imitation of guns, and all t!o old pieces of iron that could be found were tied U in bundles for the langrago The muskets and fowling piece were loaded.the bayonets being taken from the former and affixed to poles, to serve as boarding pikes. Such was oui force, Fermil me reader, ence more lo enumerate it. Fourteen men, one lour pounder with not a ball lofit it, and with only five pounds of powder, ten wood en guns, twojnuskets, ono fowling piece, 1 1 lCt n ii a vnnrriiOr nn hit i t, ! m L I ....m,u IUSu unow. as an aiiaeK migm orlur- The fif. - .- - . . . attached io them 'Cook,' said I going forward to the ca boose, fill your coppers with wale.-, and heat it as soon as possible.' 'Lord Massa Charles what you going to lo with so much hot water!' '1 will tell you cook what I want of it. Vou and the steward must get one of the water casks and saw it in two equal pails, each making a l.irro tub. Should the ii. rales altempt to board us with boats, you till these tub, with hot water, and when the levils come along kidojusl trip tho Water over thuir heads and sec how t!i y will le lish a L'ooil scalding. 'Kyn. Maasa diaries, gucs-s dey will ink dat a rador a warm rescepbhun, Poor fellow! tliejo were his la:-l words. lor a shut glanced from the uiaiiiiiual,slru'l. him on the head and kill in; him iii9'..ntlv. Never was 1 more pioud of my Yan kee countrymen than during tec Uinb.e lay, IJiui'iiiGd, diTc.icclcks, tiio bi.;( fly ng around and air.ui, our vessel, with loath ditcctly before us, and that too a vio tut one; and one of our number sliuii.!.ud il'uluss at our Icot, ,l va0 enough lo daah very face with coiibte.n.uioii. liut r.ot a single viblags of tear could Lu tiaii.d in a single countenance ofour little band, Lvcry it any time ue expected Irom the boats of .ed aflcr boats left the schnnn. - i " ' I Hie scnooncr. I were tn ua a neriaf! nf inipncn nnnmr Iliad stretched myself upon one of tin We knew that we must die, and that b scats in the stern boat, with my head rest inches, unless that unruling Providenct ing on the taffrailfora pillow, not lo sleep rt''lll0Ul "how notice not even a sparrow lor that was impossible, but lo think o' ldlls 10 the S1',0' sh.oula interfere foi home, and to throw off for a moment, th. I"" .T 1 M . "a,,u was .,a i ,. . . i. . iien uy an no uistinc ion now existinu leaW WBirrhlt lilt W:ia .riia i.nir in l,n rl J . ' f ' " o "J ' ne ween ttlicers and crew. ....... . . : 1 1 . , . . , , i .v v .' i ii ui,,, i, iii ilia , , o n n n anamr.ni ... w ..... ...... O oCCWJll, ,,reviousiy prepared by tha captain n I ka.l IT I L... f .1 . . - . nucMivu. t ndu laiu am a ibw momeni!- .tatine our silu.tion, was nlaced in ; when I thought 1 heard something resem hotllo with the mouth well sealed, wa ling the splash of an 'oar, and tising fronJ'-ommiltcd to the ocean to tell our fale my scat threw a hasty glance over tht 10 '"ose we love ol home, ilanyapray bows of the hnat. Whm Kiht m.fi n.v I '" was nereu oy nearts that never urav eyes! There was a large boat" filled will. d before' a",d 7es. l.hat ha(l never weP' m u ..i-. . u i ., were row niiea wit tears. mnn ill Iflnfil IhlllV in nnm t. ,.ll nmnt H'ill.1 ..w..,u...uH..(.,.. Ill lluil.Ub. llll oiitivu null . . cn,la,se, and pistols, while by the side 0?. cutlass, and two lonir nolea with bavnnenia .,i. l i: t?! i. lor oiner8; wepi, mat itiis little band ol ... ... " ' " ;"'u'"lir lu.iu.M.c; iwi oneB. hearted mnn i.lm.ihl f.ll lib. me t was not observed, and clearing with a ,haen betoro tho murderous knives of .I i. . . . .... ' single oounu me sides oi the boat and tall- the destroyers, rail, 1 sprunk upon deck and shouted with I slioulej not wish mv noor ahinma(e ..-!-- I I .1 i . . . I . . . . a voice mat rung iiKe tuunuer .tlirougn the haul Uapiain iN., Mo go before tho bar of air. ' riratUkj along side! pirates along my "0I 03 1 expnet in a few mm sidi.'' htes to do, unnecessarily stained with Tho alarm snread il.n.nab ihfl sl,;n nn,i llle b'oo(' ol rny fellow beings, but J every one in a moment was readv lo renrl 1 ,"U.UL" i' C0M vu',u" 10 ue .,,1B R't!a ,., t.0- , i , hrst law ol our nature; and althoufth lo I. u eiicmv. Ihe n na lirr-Muo,! il,n. I ... ' o , ' . ' , , . ' 'II human appearance, we mnst die, even mi,!.. uioiuiDitiu, .Liu iijiui. ucu mo auach .. .M. ...I- 1 .1 . n ... ,. . . wiin iriuis oiki upon wic ursi lire uisaoini ihree ofour poor little !i,iiidjycl we yielded not; r,n inch bul siood tcny io die in (lefeiiie of ihe vflssrd. Tho tun:-, km a and if we should succeced in destroying hnce oi our niunbor of lha enemy, yei .ve will endeavor to lid Ilia world ol some of these monster.' Ai:eoiiiiii'r lo Hi j directions then civcn lov.iirij; piece vcrc brought down to the t.:fi!hy him l.mr b.r.cls were placed on the quar ail, auiiro deatfi .tome lust two heads lhaye.r deck and coiered with bo,rds, upon ;:pt;areii above it. Hoaid the Yankees m v . iiich lei.; 1:01,11V plaifot.n the little tour bll8 and rill .,,,,,,,,!, f v-ic llfu,! I.v nil I, in,!. I.. u,l I,, dic'n rowai.ily tl.iuats and tl-ii for tlir ti nin.Je with pieces of iron. The ob-llu.ide.-,' came from t'nu LOinmamler of lli.-Lti 0f ,vaH to raise ihe aun above the boalsh.-iwi.ig by lhei.H 01 the l..iigujc;ra,i, l,)r tho piialeB boing astcrn.il could nnl lhal lis wus either an Liii-lishman or anil,., .lirwir.l ,,wu, .t,.,.. ii,,', D ' I ..hi.ru',iii. No', iailv; said a yreen hand to me 'bLsl ihe ra:csls, I'll spoil ihe bread baakti cl aor.ic ci ilier.i I know.' I'Jelei mined, l.ovvevri.as we were, all 0111 tebislence would iiu.elecn in vain had 1101 the stew ail intcifered l'ive of tlu nnatef heait and liai.d was netved lo the contest had at last gained n (noting m ihe main while the linn and deieimined blfp wiili ciiuin, and ihe first two had almost &s boon bit:h each movfd l'roiu spot lo spul, showed, fallen back dead in their boots, from the ibal a noble resolution and not heling 0 f ! unerring tiro of our muskets. There was. lutpair was lu work in eaui nun's bosom. 110 tune to rtlo.id, and in a mouitm ihe nth Snoii as has been my iik', 1 i.ac iuaiier li roe were over the rail am! 011 the duk times iitsfcn brought into exuumd pi;'. an.i.tn close gnprw wiui the captain, uuJ two! nure thin once have teen calkd to look holes in the sido of the vessel. Capf. N. aimed the gun liimit!f,nol pointing it direct ly at t!j boain, but at a j;tuI about twenty roilo ill ji.mi horn the ship, with tho inten i ion if (l.vicha.-iiig the piece when tho boats' ,!nveitd that spot. The priming was jpcuied on, and in bieaihless anxiety wt waiicd the enemy 's approach. Suddenly a gleam of hope flisheil a i'i0!s every courilfnance. li: tho east . 1 11 hoiiid was observt J a iUik 1 i j j I --U i f 1 1 r. the horizon; sure evidence that ihe era bici :.c, and therefore plieJ oa's witn all their strength given and the gim was djschariied. Un erringly did those iron messenger?) of destruction do their woik. One boat was completely shattered to pieces, ami is far as we coud iUdi;o at least uotniy sunk inlo a bloody grave. Thoso in the olher were apparently nninjuietl,b'i were obliged to stop and rescue theii companions. 1 his delay saved us, foi before the enemy were again prepared for the attack the sails beautifully stretch ed themselves to the full, under the first blast of the sea bieezalhat reached us, and the noble ship careened over with the pressure, as if bowing in defence to he liends, immediately shot away from langer. Never did the air ring with nine more liearly cheeri than those from the quarter deck of the Java. Tha change was electrical; and the revolution of feelings in every besom was h gtbly written on ine countenance. oome danced, and some, among tho est our Captain, even wept for joy, and many were the long yarns and jokes old on that day. Still we were noi entirely free from danger; lor although we might hope that the pirate thus ball! ad & weakened would abandon the chase yet he might resolve upon being revemi- ed for our resislance,and pursue us evcu to our destined harbor. Early next morning we had observed sail on our weather bow, but so far i st an I that her hull could not be distin guished. After Ihe breeze had taken us we soon gained upon harland bv noon had come up abeam. She proved to be the French brig LAmic1tie,fiom Havre bound to Vera Uiuz, with two hundred passengers on board. Ah! Monsieur,' said her captain it broken English, ',f you bo von honest man you will pleaso tell me vat for dal vessel lire so many guns at you?' Wo replied that il was a pt iatical ves sel. Mon Dieti! von pirsle did you say? Oh! sarra! I esteem von very grMt man lo escape so very nicely. Monsirur uh Monsieur, vat ihall I do My ves sel is von slow sailor.cy pirate vill catch us and kill us all. Oh, Monsieur vill you bo so much a good man as to keep vid me a little while.' To this request we knew not whBt to reply. The brig, as (he captain said' vas a ve,y dull sailor, and ti we kept company we should be olised to shorten sail and thus again be exposed to our jur oiu enemy. On Ihe oilier hand, we '.ouU not endure the thought of desett mg so many of oor fellow beings in moment of extremo danger, and yet il we remained with them wo could not defend ourselves, much less them. We however took in some ofour liirht sails &kepl with ihe brig for nearly an bom. r? i- i ... rinoing, nowevor. mat the pirate gained rapidly upon us only one alter native 10 mained, and that was to crowd all sa 1 nd leave Ihe brig to the pi o'ection c rovidence, unless indeed we were will ng to Iremain bound hand and foot 0 be captured. Tho commander f the brig was therefore advised to alii 1 his course and steer in a uorlici nly i' . rection, as tho pirate being socager secure us for our incivility to his men. -might leave the biig unmol. stcd. The light sails being again eel, we patted toe. forever. Sadly did wc mistake the nto bable movements of tho pirate:, for in mediately upon our 5t par.it ion !io luu'.- ed his wind and stood for the biig. uladly would 1 here close r.iv sketch and if possible the daikpst oblivion a ros.i the bitter recollection nl th..t hour But it can never bo rd'aced f. r.m incinoc : lias haunted ins by day and by irght.evin now though many yearn Iijvk imuiveniid, as rocdlt it 1'iare vividly befoiu my mind hot scalding tears ate gaiheiing. The brig was soon oveit.iken. For a lew momuiits there was a dread conllict yaid'arm was locked in yard-ntm,nnd a col umn of smoke soon wrapped il.cui both 111 one deadly embrace. Tho Java was Hove too that we might loam the result of tin b-ilile. Soon the firing teased and ll.e smoke rolled away what isijjhi was pie senU'd! Nola sp.ir ofthe In ij via Hand i'tg w lu'e hir th'iks weic coieud yviilt dealing emywhtie the blows of death The victims were soon despatched and our after another thrown into the ncc.ui. '' c schooner had lost foremast wiin h now I v SiHiid bv vciir nialcb:iotr.' e .id to a shoit distance fiom her. I'.'ig w.i.I; .,f f lt iiifti. A groan bchicd ar.U in ihtiO'.oia :V. wiihcul moving his ejVpiunder wnii on. Thrico tin; UaU wu.i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers