THE JMPOIITANCE OF NEWS Tlu Ly the Ne '1. - - fit r is. almoin tufa rn a hie. 11 t ih Uirai'mnral h-vei which, when nahily iluc'f(l,vltv:ttsjoeifiy &.ln?il through all in r,'m G.-Mions hvH.e pn. ciple ol fi.U'inul h.olherlv le. linR. Il art v, a lur.iiiauli.Mi! 1.01 o,.lyrommun.-i. ".l seel-, )U( nation. Il i the v-hide by which R-eilrndsare attained, and '' which cffoela ate made known. It 1;. . . i railroad ol co cnmjiU'ie rnn'rutuu thai we can HI by our own families, ao.y" winter auuoi ai the mme travel over mountain and ILiod, iu the (jrnl valley mil by )h tea-tide, and b. come acquimied with Iho beauties Hid siib,mitiv of Il tTtnke us irqminted with the &real Iiftbisof the woill, tnd we catch fiom them a uorlionof ibeir b. iltiancy-we convrse wiih Ihe mm of Br j, nee-we who was bent upon leaching Jl miu enitr MiiiUiIiM we seehli won.leifui;iothonoiil thai with his consent, hr knoAl. oVe displayed we learn the would commence tne school, and if he emits of different phenomena we dive (did not 'keep it out,' and givu general with him into the bowels of the "earn Isaiisfaction, he would not charge pc- I ... f.L. im.ii. r.,r Ilia lurDiml Willi thlSlim an.I lie ,n i a tne wonueia oi toe unu- cr.l world wc learn the complexity, beauty and chemical analysis of mutter we ascend mountains, and enter (he -regions cf fossils, petrifactions and in ci Ufrtai iotis we fol'ow him to the very pinnaclr, and have a view of the sur rounding country, and grew waim with enthusiasm as we contemplate Its many beautiej we are bumbled, and are made not only wiser, but better. To the s'aiesman and patriot how vasi in importance does the Newspaper seem. Through its means are his thoughts dis seminated, his worth made known, end bis lalents brought to I &ht, through its means ho teaches mankind their rights and causes the thones of tyrants to shakf lie exposes corruption and knavy, lu combats falsehood and unmasks hypoo lisyj he ameliorates his race from the thraldom ot oppression, and places them upon the platfoim of equality and right. To the .mere politician and dun on ,n .. ihn is a source, if not . . .... of good., at least cf jiy and happiness. ; From its columns he learns the ebbs and fl .-!. nf thfl nnlilical tide! he btcomes .acq'.nnled with Ihe lopiraphy of par ly (.olitics; he learns some now catch words wherewith to act upon' the gulli bility of the public, and, if posiblf.moun' into power. -This may justly be consnl Mrd one cf the evils of newspaper read for it has its evils as well as all oth er human eontrivanees. Il is a princi- A! d:enlv ulauted in the economy ol human ii.vitct-ions.ihal every good thing must have its accompanying partial evil pyery rose most bear its ihorn and .:he reckless onslaught on character and rcMiiation by ihe partisan pren may ,.f.iily beset down as Ihe bane of popu lar readitg. There is no class, however, in a civ- .il'sed community which does not derive a bent 6 fiom Ihe well directed press. ill is a great means of civilization. L ctrrirs ihe L!es;ngs of Christianity into 'I'lll ffrritill 'i MIP, BUM 'V ...v. - nf ihe Pacific Ocean- ill is diase minatoi rf truth anil practical instruction ; tin rlUeient support of morals, and the last. iog record tf noble deeds and viitnous actions. 1 he farmer, Ihe merchant, ihr manufacture:, the aitisnn, Bnd the stu -dent all drink at its fountain & partake oi .. us character To the emigrant the wanderer from his home and Ihe scenes of his youth Owl. how nvmy thousand such are then- in this new and extended country) it i indeed a blessing and a solace. i'lom in v.iri"d pages he reads of scenes of hi. r;ir!y life which are hallcuved by rccol Irctinns of his kindred and friends. Hi face p.lows wiih delight as he reads ol unme eventwhich has transpired in hi nfttive village. . He knows the ac ois they wcie his school fellows, he know, ihe very spot 'tis where he fii.! nui his Mjciute in exile, the mothtr of hi i ow nctiii'ious family 'l is r j i-; r tin . villnge chuih-yard, -v;here slumber ih. ('.iiheis ol his race in I hit ahep which knows no waking.' Olt, how caltnl) . nvret are u recollections! In fhnii,the ii fluence of the Ntwjpa .f r pcrvadis all classes of socic'y all i. l'te!s aae affeded by it, and altehrac u ti more or its yield lo i's it.ll lenc. 1. ..ivei tont to society, il mould lw, i iixestbe fashious'.upts Ihe " word ofjn. iice,gives to ii an !g; and strength, and t' (i,iM rs it with meicy. Ii move ihe irtpuLr current, works all ; ihiough H, ar;d by all fhould be mpporied who . vtu d auppctt ftcmictvt'S. An Exchange pijer nys that n in "f 11, hie preventive agsifisi the Rttarkn of ihe mufquiloe, is Ihe Oil f I'ennj. royal; one drop of which plied io t'ie clothing or the hair, will keep them a hay Ihe whole night. Prison sufler i n 2 under muquiioe biles, -..will fiml re li f fmin ihe apiltca'.ion of haibhcrn lo '.he wounds. tl'llLUJ" !.' J Mtlwauliie, the leading commercial port r. W'icontin Territory, is but ten )er i U. 1'ie'iiciit pnptiluiioii uUul &'00'0. FRIGHTENED THEM INTO IT. A few winters since, (says the Aiih ti V i (ri .) a iloublr-li-iei', mh'ciio, fUn I'uriii owi f rmrr ul' litis town, who, ''y iudusi.y 11 11 hl I ........... til, tut, IP II it-iMire riot rf, na hciui-u uj. km lint of know Indue, J"' .hivd l.c could tuolt il lull) h:it to.i.t'.liiu. teachm Iho Votm idea ho lo flout ' A'Cc,rdine,ly he ptescnted himsi-.f be- l-'e Hie horn comn. t ec, p.asn. ... examination, reeved the ncces.iy rttile.mb lor teach,.., tnil then in j.f app'icai.on to ihe aeni ol a school di i.n.l in List to 1,11V ll-t I0 lead, ,.; 1'lie Re ih told bin lut il WrfM a very (Lllicult oho lo man. Hf iiut theie wtie mny roguish, Iraclmus , pugnacious, boys in ihedialiici some of whom wero meuurown that ihey frequently 'turned tha mister out,' broke iijt the school, $c. $a. Ail liu did not in the least i..t..r, dale our I. mo i viso, the agent concluded to let him g head. He commenced Ins labois The three first days he permitted the seholuis to do about as they pleased, for the put pose of singling out Hie unrul) ones. At the close of Ihe ihi'd r quested all the pupils to rem in lew moments, as he had a code ol rules and regulations which he wished lo lay he fore them. This done, drawing hun-.(-l up In his full heigtb, he, in a c dm but h'termmed manner, addressed Ihem ai- follows: 'Now, all I have to say in conclusion i, that if any of you are determined lo violate iheso rules and regulations, you had bRtter, for convenience snk-, imme diately speak fur your coJinsV (Jur lai mer bchool-ieacner had no mr (her difliculiy his rule were not vio lated tie kept the school ou1, giving unbounded satisfaction, hvery lime scholai'd mischievous propensity would ise, the latthful little monitor w Hit m .vould whisper 'ctffin,' and Ibis word :airied with it the dired coaectivi (eiror. mHMrnifkwaM REVOLUTION AliV ANA'CDO I'E. . A venerable American Judgo (elate he following anecdote: The morninj ollowing ihe batile of Vorktown I, had lie cuiiosity to attend iiu dressing of he wounded. Among others whos limbs were so mucl) inj-ired as to r q'tnc imputation, was a iniiiicia'i, wlio, hid received a musket ball in the. k'ire. A- was usual in sue!) cises, pivparalion were making to lanlt Itini down to the . . . . i ' l . , . . r i. . . lanie, to p'event :nn possibility ui in- moving. Siys the sullorer 'Now, doctor, what would you be ,t?' My lad, I am going In tk off your leg, and it is nectsaiy you trnuld b iashed down.' I'il consent io no such thing. -n may pluck the head fiom bosom, bu you'll ft oi co, fine me. I there h fid .'lie in the ramp? If so bring ii io me.' A violin wis furnished, and, fiet tuning il he said AW, doctor bnnin.'and he continued to play until the operation, whirh loot. bout forty minutes, Wis complied, without missing a nolo or moving e muscle. PRINlEli'S GUEEK. The Editors of the Wayne Coun y Standard received as accompaniment i. a wedding advertisement gneious a! luwance of cake: they acknowledge Iht tttcntion in Ihe fallowing classic tt-rin 0 tr readers may not understand ii all. which will only piove that we kn .u mote than they do having r-unltiU graduated aid been admitted T I'n -L'sor of Typography. W'tih the above niersige from Hi, hand of tne fair hriti", weie the acrom panying (,' in ihe shape of va i ious large (ilict'd uf moil tlel iful w'imI ling cak' . W'e make our mostnspr ct ful vow to the happy twain, ond-ihi npporlunily in return our thanks fur thi almost un (I ed art of liberality. M-i 'he iti ud iiDuiiial chase which now V;c1a the for m of our ty po, justify all hi-pre-conci ivcil irnjircssions. In whu' rr of the couwiy he may roam. It. thtr cal!el t.tjion ofaec the int waves ol adverse fornn,e,or stand bffor, the tt awl J of e nimies, may his life h uch lhat wlien ihe Ql of dc-th .bail be laid on him, and lite . of his txisicnct ilnws lo a close, he mty pioduce i clean proof, aud rl tim a clear title l an l.oitorablc u' in the page if liis'ory. as well to an inheritance beyond the . RELEASE OF AMERICAN TRION EKS. Infiiimittion tins been recjited l Wash ifg'on.of the releae of t' prison ol v an l)itnan a ltml, till nalivw cf New York, Michigan or (na:!a. They had reached one nf iho Sa'tdwicb Llands, un their way home. There wag Hill a larye mtiiiher (f AiVieiican prisoners on Van iJie h wi's L.nJ, ii die Jiiet diiics. Hrandrcth's Tills. J) C.lU mid UiiilnrHtHiiil ! 'J'titim will come iiV wlicnllie itiediciiiL', Hrm!r'tlt n ill b i,,,CL'i;lli'J 114 they iiunltl atnl cli MTV; it U ill I" iiitili'isliiud Dr. hi'iniliedl Lit tho n t r 1 1 1 j t ('.luiniH iimiii iho pulilto. It n Ituc that evt-.y -iit-ilivjiliinl u 1,0 makoa a trial of ilia IJitindiulIt 1'illr ciiiiet'ilo them to lie the Lett medicine they cc. un-.!. 'J'luty a:a imlved a intihciiii) uhout liicli luoid U in) miuluka. Tltuir viihte in a climate a clinuiri'itljlc aa uttia oniiliot l0 aitHicieiilly uiitiroeial I A h u at nine nututed , tltui- lltey cure coMa, anil cotiHiiintilK n m tuornled. Tli.toa whu liuvu a redundancy of hilc find thcni ol dm moat cit niial turvicc, ami "hmil.l there t o n ilc lieiency til' lltut iliiii)it:int llilid the ItriinJielll J'lllh hui on ciiunlly licncfioiid rlleit. ()l';en . bus thin unpoitaiit tii.'ilici:ii! I'uti .I v.ilu.iWi! lives in tlioso te- wlieio llio ilica llul vi'lhiw lever wat crevau- iiiif, A tew illicit tnkrii iiiiiiii'UiuUly iipitn the in- lection Uiii received intu Un nvtlout, vt ill In at most certain to pteveiit any matt riul inootiveitii nee And at no atuyo nf tltia dre nllul cuiiieVnic in there so proper a medicine aa the llr.-ii.lrelh '1!N. J.c1 (lii nicdicino ha univerunlly u,-rj in llii. lineiio, and no loss ol blood allowed, uml lew vory fow, would he it s victim, b'o it ia with oilier hsi Mscj. Atisist nature tin Una till iniiorraiit nedicineto reinoro rioibi'l humors Irnin tho Hood and do not retort lo lilcrdinir or mercuiv, nl wf ahull have a "cry i at e..ucily of persona ulllictcd Willi cronic nialadKf. J he fcnlheicil lulie the un imal kingdom, over which wc tire tho lordn, are not ailliclcd willi chronic ninlmlie.; neither bI'ouIiI wn ha if it were not lor our priuc. w hich occa.iionx tliinn. l ollow uutun. Lko tlto iindicitic wheli Inirmoiiizea with hrr, which mildly hut aurely re moves all tho impurities of lite blood.vt hicli strenclh col the fceblcaud vet reduces those of too lull haldt to a healthy atumlurd. I-et mo aniu My thtiteveiy lenailmctU id the ntamiftcturc ol iir.ind clh I'iIIk ta piiraonnlly supcrinlended ' y me, hnd that every box with hit three laliels upen It may Ic relied up on to huvo the beneficial effect dcurriN-d if ubc.I according to tho directions accompany :ng. A O li IN T y. Washington Robert M'h'ny. Jorseytown L. & A. T. JI'ikA, Danville Ii. 11. Reynold & Co. Cnttnwiusa C. G. Urolml. lilooinsliurg J. It. Mover. Limestone Babbit & M'lVincb.. Uuckhoru M. O. Slinomitker. Lime Ridge Low &. 'I'liompson. icrwiek- J W 6lilca ty 3, 1(415 ly- 2. rlllE Danvi'.lo Steam Woollen Factory, for- 9 nicrlv owned and oceuiiied by br. i'etftkiu !i;is recently btcn )urchuard by the subscriber, who csiiectlully announcea lo hia Incnda and tho pun- lie cencrallv, tluit he la now prepared to execute ill kiniH ol work in lua lute ol bumne-w, at the diorte.-tt nolice, according to order, and in iho lies comparative manner. Having none to consider uto expense in rcpairini: bis tnai hinery and appa ratna and beinj; very parlii'idar in Hccu'ing die Ber- vii i-H of exii'-nenced nice luinca. he It els cwnlideut lltut be is capable of executing all kind.-i of wotl. in hia lino in a st !c Ktiperiot to nily other c-!ul, inent int. lie country. J'ricea of oik na lolloivs : t'lolh i vurd wide" light at, d datk, from 45 lo f.rj Cenla pet yard' Do boltle gre-iK, olive brow-ii. Ac. from ."iO to ft' Salit:cls of the above cohua, troiti lUlo'll Klannels one yard wide, 0 ceiiU. Wine, broivn or black, 40 Madder red. ' ilaiikrl 2 vJ rvi-V, iil..l" r-l.iin. from till to 70 et'tils per anl. A-P.ttitg- b, PTJLLIITC- tt ill lie none in tlte ncsl loaiine, , i a- nmi. ii niicen All kinds of coun'ry produce w! , taken in poymciit for woik at iuiiviliic niutkil oners. 1 . - r . ...... T i . . CLOTHS c5- I1UIXKETS Constantly mi hand, fur sale at iiduud price for (.'a-li or I! alter. For the iiecominodali'in of custoinerK living nt a diotanei! wool lor .lanufjcluiitig will I c taken n at Ihe following places : COl.l.WiniA fUl'NTV.-Isae Klii.e'a Mil l'i.-hiii'e ck; Hnhncs' More, Cnliiiid-iF; Low .V Tlioiii,'.ii'ii's htore, l.ime-Kiilgt ; W . 1-. V.'a',lur A Co.'s store, licrwick ; Slewatl t llickt I.-' store J angevillc; 111. .t.'i KcUy ('".'s fclure. l.bietils utrg J John I!. Hiarplcss' store, Culiawis it; L. l!i id's fetore, Jersey town; llerl cV Mcljiidc's store, ''lnle .it'; KtmiipV l"te, I'.'iv-hii.'uti nvlile. I.i:ZKRM2 Ct)i'.N'J-Vi: .if.Kinet tun; fJil.lei'. b'cM '. i!l..-.!,aire; i; cir,' sloic, run- j,e; JuiIjc Mack a iWl.i, II until, gtoii J'luin written ilirccliuiis viust (tccom nany each parcel. 1. Ii. UJ.A ui! 1..AU i . Danville, May 3. IS lo " WWTDLLl) rer-oe'jllullv itiiono ti n Lad o' j"--1 V v I'.lnoni-bura and vicinitv. that she ha WW ' ' eccived a laige asKortuiciit of N .V K;4 M pea wrt bJ1 5 & ,t her shop on Main-street jieaily opposite Docliler' i,,el, and second door below .Mlvertllorn's, when lie has all the articles us tally kept iu a Milliner's lore, The Ladies arc all inviled to call and exa nine for themselves, IJonnels and Caps made uttd lone up in the too-t fashionable si) le, iiloomslhtrg, July la. IS-lfi, 13 jjJS hereby given to nil persons not to pui chase thtae Notes of hand, fur Gfty dollars each, dated July 81, Isl'l, signed by the tubscri'ior and made pay alia to Daniel &avue, one in ot,e year, one in two years, and tho other three years from date Also three other Noes nf liuiij, figned by the stibj scriber, for sevruty-onn slid two thirds dollars each, dated July 4, 1H44, tnada payable to Moses cvape oncpayublc in one year, one in two vrars, and one in three years from lisle, as llicro w as a decep tion practiced in obtaining raid notes, nod tlirefore not huving received a value for 'hem I shall icfusi to pay them tink'ss comr riled by law. T7i J.MAS CAROTflKRA Fia'tildiu. !.ymlifg connry, b'episo"; llo ?3 CLOCK 5: WATCH rS'liCTI'I'LLV infortriH the citizens u 1 1- 45, by tho member nf the fust nwbyleriut Jj (y'olutiibia County, and the public, generally Church of iloomsburg; in tha county of Coluiii hat he has loenie.l himsnlf in Dloonisbiirg i n Muin bin; and lilulc of 'rnni Ivunia, l y a ooiiiiiiitlei itreet opposite St. J'uul's Church, wltere lie bantduly elected by tltein for lhat putposu, it ai ituir. ipened hop, (i ml is uuw readv anil pri pared to receive uud excculcult work in his line ol btndncsH, wili dispalrlt and in a woikmaulika mtiiiiier. cloclis t Watches of tne beat quality, can lo had at hia cUabIi.-dimcnl onsvery reaaouable term' . ISKPAlKINf.' & C I 1 A J I f." will bu done to thcsaliafnction of llie rtitonier, as well of Clocks uud W audits us of Jewcl:.y, uud he w ill further, warrunt hia work lobe cxetitel Us well as any in thia section of the blu'.e. lie will also make to crder SUKVEVLVf ompassi:s or pocket, and in short, will do ull olio iw oik 1st: ally done in a well tenlnlcd res,eclublo rslalilibh uicnt. Ho hopes by sti'ct allrnlion to busincs and a desire to please, to teceivc a liberal share o patronage. Country i't odtico taken in pay men for work nt the market prices, pUloomsburg, iN'oveinbet' 15, 1844 .lO.t Chair r3anufactoy, 'I'll 12 subscriber coniinues lo carry on the CHAIR ilfA N U FA C TO I X G business at the old stand of H- &, S. Ihfiei, bucb, where he will be ready at all limes in lutniah Fancy & Wintlaur (Jbaits, iSci lees, ISoatoti Rocking Chaira fce, of evert iescription, which may ho called (or, at slinrt nolice and on the most reasonable terms, lie will also execute Houkc, iSiyu & Ornamental fainling, and Ilonae l'aperini!. in a superior manner, From his experience in tho business, ant! his facilities ol manulaeluring the variotii irticles of his line, ,e flatters hiinsei; tha he shall bo able lofurnisli as good work. and upon ns reasonable terms as can ht done in the country, all nf wbieli be will dispose of lor CASH or COUNTRY I'RODUCK N. IL Orders from a distance will hi strictly ai d punctually attended to. 15 IIACKMIUCII. Bloomsl org. Dec. Ill), 1843 Chair iTIaniif.tclory. fjlll A' subscriber having esla!,!i-hed a tVF. H'i 0 Llll.Hl .M.Yt I.ICTOUY on A'ain- street, m ar the ridenc of L. I). M.ius, be is now prepatrd to furnish Cii.iita of every descriplif n, on as good terms as they can l e jutrcliusaj elntwhcn ,i the county. WOOD TURNING, Such us lied Posts, ll'ugon Iluis. Nose llocfrs, fye. SIGN, OKNAMKNTAL IIOL'SK PAINTING. Also HOUSE p.'irniuxa. This latter branch, Irom Ivs evpeitetice, lie bi licvc- lie can do a little better ban any oilier pi raon n thisW-ction. d-j-l'Ol'LAR I'LAMC will be taken in pay iiient at the hiijlicst ,Kel pi ire SAM I'LL HACK.Vnn.'H TO TAX AND C 0 L L 12 C T I.) 11 S TAX PAY Kits t) conTipunt ofa Ciiculr.r, lcltly ir.-urd by the date. Trd-urcr, directing hat lb Slale l ax slill rciii.tinin tnil' aid, for tho pre cut and f.iniier vears. must be paid into the Mali) T'i e i .ti rv. on or before the second Tins, lay in January !iet, uud that every county, tailing to pay it portion of. Slate Taxe.-: i ball be, alter that titni charged an uilcrcst of live per cent, on soei aiuourit as sliall rcmiiin unpaid, and ptynieuis from the Stab' Treasury, for school or otber pur orcs withheld, until mu ll balance with ii leic-t i, fully paid; we are umlcr the necessity of icimirin;1 the sevcal Tux Collectors of l.Ybmibia .'oiinty to collect and pay ovet into the county Treasury, on or before the j bird Monday of .November next U.L the State- Taxes fee former years which Mil: remain unpaid. 'I be pnuuptnrts with wli'eli our lormer Cirrulai cap icsjiotidcd to. Mli by Tax Collectors and Tux i'avcrs, by which tbr county 'JVcasuter v: iimlilerl lo pay int-i 'lie t-1''- I reasory at that linn eqniied, the Whole amount of vtate Tax din fiom this county, for the prc.-cnt year, induct s it mIu lieve, thai Columbia coun v will net on ll:i -i-co-u) Tuixlay ol'Janua.y next, be found uinoni. he ib fttillei's. liv order of the Cnfrnb -ioren. i:. .mi:.Mji:M!.i.l, ckik. "oHiniissiotic s 0(",. e Dot. villi , J lptl'u,bll 13. I SIS. S Ct Ol. J mm uli Sj J' AM) (JLASES.J rnSYni". ft.l -crit i r has just n reived a bine a.- 1 soitnnutol .-i'l.. 11 S uti-.l M'l, (' TACJ.C (.iLAfSfKS, of the bist (jttality, ui bi.tli white and giecn. I'iiiii, .o. Jj, npvvutds. U.j l'e.sons alliiitid with sore eves, will fun! it to their advantage lo call and ut 1 ulas.-cs fiom lint ; is Ihey may IV rl adurcd of dctiving a great bcmlh Irom their uau O. L. SMIII.TiS. Dloomsburt;, May IV, IS 15 1 BLOOMSBURG Cabinet Ware House. HIIE suIt'Ctiber Would respectfully infoi ni the puliltc, that ho lias taken the sli ip hitclv oc ttpird by iS'ainuel Lilly, mar the uni cr end ol Bloomsburg, where be is carrying on the i n oil its various branches, and where be will be lappy o wait upon ull those who may favor him with their custom. Ilia I'uruitiite is win ranted to be made of good matciial and durable, uud he in- tcndikeepuig on band Sidcbourds. Secretaries , 1 JfltrCOVS, Wardrobes. Card Tables, Din in Tables. Breakfast Titbits, Cupboards. Stands, Il'ush Standi, Bedsteads, Doiiqh-troogis, Coffins, &c ami all kuula of work in his line, which he will sill upou a ri-ssonauie terms as ttiey can be purchased i"!,hcc'n"',v' 1 I.y strict uttoniion to buainess he hnprs to ro wn.c ii Hive iii luuiiH pniroiiagp. LI.l UKOtVW Aprf Tf, 1510,-ryl LEGAL NOTICC. All pwnoiis inlereatcd will tuko nolice, thaA ar application was, made to the judges of the, court ol conunan pleas, ailting at 'Danville' in and fin Columbia County tit the term of August; . L tint enjoy the pinna ami iminiiiiitien ol a cor poration, by Ihe naniB Mvle At Title oflliell'nst I resbytcriaii (diuicll of lUoDtiisbUru and it in, siillieicnt reuson should he shown lo ihii iMitiliury in die next term of the Court to be held ulDanville nfote said; the third Monday of .November next, tho said court will lio n make a dicre? and ih elate; that lb. per iinsso associated shall by the ntiiiir; hlyli-A l ille; of 'the first J' yterian Cbureli of Uloon s burg' in the comity nl'Coliimbia Hl'orcsa'd, become and be a corporation or body politicngrccably to the Act id Asficmbly insueh cssfl made anil provided . JAUOH EYKRLY, hot. Danville Aug .2dd, 1815 JID Ml SIS TIM TOH' S XO TICF. The folate nf THOMAS HAYCOCK tale of Fishingcrnk towuhi; de ratrd have OTiCE is hc.cby given that letters of admin indtb istralion.on die above mentioned Lstnte tniiicl een granted to tho ."uliseriber. All persons are rled to said estate are hereby nnlihcd to make ato.l diato pay lent; and all those having claim rro rcpiesled to pre-setit lliem propeilv aulheuti- aiicdtli) JOIIX M. HAYCOCK. Adin'r. Rhorsbur;, August SO, 1845 Gwl'J EXOCir HOvVELL. TA I 6iO H. REsrF.C'l'Kl l.LV. informs the public'that In lias moved into the building formerly occupied by ; lie 'Register' in Market street near Win. Kelvy t Co. store whero ho will ahvav be ready t. iiiike any kind of clothing, nt the shortest notice utd in the best and mot l.ishionalde style. 1 roll iiislong experience in the bu-iness, he fialter ItiitiHclf th tt he shall continue to give general sal faction and thereby hopes to reieive a share ol tin public patronage. Tj 'articular attention paid to cutting. All kinds of country produce taken in payment liu work. Bloomsburg, Aug. 0 1845. tf IG The snhsciibers have eMnMishfd at tl e I'tDve place, a new MAJlllJJ'J Y.I II I) and will always be ready, at ihe siiorle niiiicc, to furnish to order, UC.M'MENTS, TOMB-TABLES. TOMB-STONES, UEJlll Til J. I MBS Mi lNTL ES. I VI IN T STONES, MULL EBS, kc. or any other work in their line. They also prepared to Itirnisi WINDOW CAI'f t-id 811.1-S, DOOH SILKS and STKl'S, .tn ciihcr of Ma.blc, Lime or any kind ol stone lhat can be procured in this vicinity. &7" Having had "nns-iiicrable experience in ihe business, titev ph-tloe their work lo lie rxeeiiled in as -bandannie a n le its r an )( furnished from snv vara either in th city or countrv; and nn as reasonahlp Ir-rrns. AUUSTKONG h HL'CHE.S. Pdoomabutg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 . O T I V K . Exlalr if Crortr' Deitcrkk, laic ?f Bloom loirn&fiip uVcV, Til E creditors of the estate of Genrg' Dfiteriek th ceitf t d. w ill take notice that inder?i(jned lias been uppoinietl an audiioi ty the Orphans Gntiit ol ('t,lutnl,a (Jimmy. ii ndjusi ihe rates and proportions of th issets of said estate, to and ainont! the re speetite en tlitiirs, ticcortliiio to the nidi i stablisdietl by law, and lhal he will attend .t Hip house of Charlm II. Dcohltr, ii I!l o:n sliu rjr nn Monday, the 27th of Ocio 'it r next at 10 o'clock of said day, to pet I'ortn ihe tlulics ol l,u eppoinimr ni. hen i; vbere all pi rsons init res:td can atidid il hev see proper. JAMES PLEISANTS. S ptemhrr 5th. 1815. HlIOUsmjRG, GOLUMDIA CO fPTVr' snbTibr re ipct'lfol'y informs bis fri.n.l g nntl tlie pid'li.- eciierally, thai Having ion ; b led hi-, large and coinmoilioiis 1 I . t il t i.' I'J. ;n !!!),, rs'oi g, and fried il i.p in o,,,! ;-. ir, no oreo-:e,l to enlerl un 1 1 itv i i e s ;n (!:. l e-l n..n-i i i io . I be -t-sun's I In- u'l.c lllll no pains shall i spared lo give f. u lal a-iti-iai-ticu. lie li.-i.:l .luing so to tn' ri I atnl ii i ene a sli.iie i.f li.e j-a no.i'.'c I'flhe puohe, uml iniiles all ,, ci'e bun i- ill. MCliUL.U KIMiT. August ail, 1315 IOtf i AWVY, FI!OM tlie enl seiihcr, poiti liiiit! i'go. an lodi'tt'tired box nam-. I JAMES COLLINS aged 1 (3 cars One ctt.i, 1 1 no chari'es, w ill fie paid opto Ins io in i; returned iii me, ami all peisoi.f are forbid haihoring or trustini; him on nn iccoutit, as I shall refuse lo pav a'lV (lebi of bis foulraciitii;. GEORGE JOHN Williamsluirrr, Aug. 13, 1815-21 S hereby given to all persons not lo purchase n certain -Note of band etvrn by tne to I'rcdciirk Aitller. .luted Sept. 'J, IS 15, for the sum uf f.venty- fne dollum, payable six months after'" receiver no consideration lor sa d A'ote, I shali rcluse to pay the nanvi. MICHAEL HKNDERSH01T. Alontrur, fept. 30, JH15 22 NOTICE. A I. L persons knowing thrnurlvcs indclued to i& lite stibsriibet, are requesteJ lo come fcrwsrd " make povment. & HIDEO. will l uken in payment an usual, and received in cxetiungeioi I.EAIHEH J'lllLIP CIIRMTMW. DrrcmtsT)-ot'g. ,t isi 11 r it . t'ATAU &5A CDI to. i jJaCOII DYEU infotms lravel!r his old customers and friends, tl,i siill keepa the aliovtt Hoiel, where he tc happy V) wnit upon those w)to (utr tint with their eiiB'oin. His hotue i-i Ury mil conitnodioue, and well rtraiu-d to a eoiniii'xhito hia fiiiesls Jiii lable h lwav provided wiih the cjioicrai Viatulc the ri't ke's ran all'.ird, iilttl his Har ronlai.8 turns iiftl u hpst iiipinis tiat ran he found' iei'llilll of culliiifV, His stablea Hl'e !tU iiiiphi, iind good otleia are alwaya iu at teiiih.nce. Cia-tttsa. .Inly 12, I8I5-2iiU2 ' 'Hits -ISig-ht oi .Search.' i;-NEW AKIU VAL OFH Slcadv Itfaile Clothin g. The sii'iscrilier has jiint reedved a h rj; h as.nntnent of READY MADE CI.OI Il IMi, wiieh will lie sitld as cheap for ('as as they can he putt based in ihe county , , Gall and examine; lor ytttiisdves, aa ll,t ' Utjihl of Scutch' is uaraniicil lo all. J. If. MOYFIt June 7, 1815. -7 a me' J.IVNE'S 1 Willi TONiC. This Hair Tonic bus produced beautiful Kctv Ifair in the heads of hundreds ul:., bad bc.-u bnld for years It ulso purilies the hei.d from Laudrull diseases of the scalp I'leserves ihe hair from falling oil' or bscomiug peiuiiilieitlly gray IviVNE'S V.IUMlNJl'llVE SAL SAM. IS a certain, safe mid rfTectual remedy fir Dyg. outcry, Diarrhoea or looseness, cholera morbus.suin iner roinplaint, colic; griiing pains; sour tt. much; -ii'k and nervous bcadaihl hearll,urn, watuliMsh; !ain or sickners of tlw stomach; vomiting; spitting up of food after eating and also where it asses through body unchanged ; vt unt of itppitito; estlessiiesn and inability to slcip; uin.d in lite Mo inacli and bowels; cramp; uc; vous tremors and twilchiugs; seasickness; fainting, melancholy and lowness of spirits, fretliug and cry ing of infanta utd fur ull bowel affections and iirrvons disrases. Dr. JAYXE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE Which is perfectly safe and so pleanant lhat children will not rcluse to take if It i-lb dually lestroya worms: neutralines acidity or sourness of die stomach; increases appetite and ai ls us a gene ral and permanent Tonic and is Ihercfo.c exceed ingly benclieial in in'ei mitlent andlicu.iltcnt levers and indigestion; dj c and is a certuiu and pt-nnauciit cure for the fever and ayuc. DM. JAYNFS SANATIVE riM.S. They may be taken at all limc ant! it) moat diseases In Iiillatiuiiatniy, inicritiil- itli Kcinitlcnt, Mil , ami every oilier form of Fever Jaundice and Liver ''otn plaint. For Dyfpcpsiu iliry arc really an invaluable artirle, gradually chancini; Ihe Aitiatcd seuretions of the stomach and liter, ami producing healthy action in those im porunl orrrans. They hi e very valuable or diseases of lite Skin, ntttl lor vital is c.iininonlv called 'Impurity of the blood;' also lor Female Gomplaiiiig, (Jotivrtiess .tc., ittid in (act every disease where tin Aparienl, Alierative, or l'tngative Medicine may be rcquitetl JAYNE'S V.XPEC TOR AN Il always cures Asthma two or three 'aroe dosej 'A ill titire the Croup or Hives Children, in from lil'tvi u riiinuii-s io an hours tune It immediately puhdut ihe vinlKiiec of Hoopino (Jotiiih, and i ll'. c!s a speedy cure. Hundred who have here ijiveu up by Iheir phvsici ins as tin tirralde . ith 'GoiiMitnption,' have been rt'tuutu jiei let I heallh, by it. In lat I. as a teinedv in Pulmonary Dis o isi s, no tut tliciiiB has ever ohtaiutd a more ihsrrvetl reputation. tJThe above Medieine are all for sale allhe slore of JOHN R. .MOYER. 1 J I cto ill s lti r j. 3( JOHN MAXIKLS, Harness, Saddle &. unk EJamifacturcrj 'ji L.I'LC I PI LI.Y inf.irts the public tliM 1:0 mi VA. biL.itcl lii:iis.-ir in the hop nci door ' "'' I ll n'eii'iii' Ii. l.'h.-ur La lory. .Vain stieet "ic-oiiil utg. C,. Inn, I i.i c.-mily , lii ;e he viillcii ry mi l!ii'bliee bus nc.-s in all its bran,. his. Jle will e. p coii.-.t.irtly on hand line and coarse (Joe nod 'Jim 11 rsr. II,intses, i'In.ic Cottars. Saddtt, BiUlcs and TrmJn; ,f-r-. f every descriptioii ; mil luivju .7 !i.u a lor(re,pP. riem c in (hr- business, he can fiirnisb as irooj woik in. I in cheap as can oe purcba'cd j the ennntv' (ij-'All kinds of comitry produce t!icn 111 pay merit l.r work, at Ihe market nr!r.- May tO, 1915 (JitiU u. f. EiYi?3:r!-r ! . t HL00MSI3GHG, fi rSPECFTUI.LY inform, the putlir tb,t j. he has Iocu-d himself in the Shop btrly "ceupird by ZIBA KL'filiLEH. In MAPITRT. s I f.'KKT, where lie inlrnds carry in ou lie bots business in all its vmi.uia branches. HEAVY U'AGGO.NS built and repaired, as well aa one hors WAKfiOXS AM) nUKfirES. if every rlaseription, snd ! kinds of CoentrT Work, jn his line, ilcne at thou noiice, andu tb most reafonable terms. fTj-Good Lumlier and ail kinds of Cnmit Pr. Jnee token in fur work, but Lmsh will not lie refund. April ft, 194.'. 6m60 BLANKS ! ! HLANKS ! ! iC'Wuaiit-Pf.niank KXtCL'TIO VS aarJ SUMMONS jiift primed and for a'e Ins OUce t I it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers