The lloilgm, two Moimon, who com mitted the murder r ucnlly near Tor Madison, luva hen taken Lick Iron) Nan w 10 Iowa, where they will undergo trial 'Hie PiUshim; fund in did of l (ullercrf l iIih grt4i cinilU(rHiii)n in thai ciiy, in cluding ilr fliO.000 from ih State, annum''' l.i lt'J 1138 ."id. The last l.)fjining tiaze mention jtit! death of Mrs. Sarah Wins, of Williams port, who in a deranged tit drowned hcrsell in the canal near that place. iSlie ha left n husband and two children to mourn her loss. I)i. Aloitzo Toller ha accepted the office of Bishop to which he was appointed by ilia ,te Episcopal Convention al Philadel- to dkstkoy"fi.ies. A correspondent of ihe Cincinnati Chron icle give the following: li is pcrhap hoi generally known that black pepper (not red) is a poison for many insects. The following simple mixture is the best de siroyer of ihe common house fly; Take portions of fine black popper, fresh ground mid supr, y enough to cover a ten ccnl pifce.moislui and mix well withai spoonful of milk, (a little cream is better .) keep that in your roo n and j ou will keep down your fliits. One advantage over oth cr paisons is that it injuies nothing else: and another, that the flies seek the air and nev cr die in the house the window being o pen. The Trial of Joe and Hiram Smith's Murder are in progress at Cartilage Illinois. It is staled that the testimony on the part of the Slate has been very lame, and that of the witnesses so very contra dicioty, and the fact that improper influen ces apparent, thai it is not within the bound of probability that the jury will lies itate in acouittine the prisoners. One of ----- , 0 , the witnessed, Daniels, and the most impoi tanl on the part of ihe State, has been pro ven to have acknowledged ihat he vas to fret $500 from the. Mormons and $300 from Governor Ford for testifying in the case; uuoihor acknowledged from the stand that he did not think he got as well paid as Daniels. A number ol charge for perjury hive been preferred against iVormons wno with r noniTcd a witnesses in this case Kverv almost aitendina Court comes - j - - S a armed to the leelh, anJ frequently muskets and rifles will be seen taken outol wagons with as much deliberation is if they were attending a militia muster instead of at tending a court of joeiicc. The ilorinons ore said to have expressed a determination to lake revenue, in case the defendants should not be convicted. t - - .'?.."! - - 111 J MARK1EJ. On Thursday afternoon June 12, in ltluonburg, by Rev. U.S. In- bias, Mr David Bauciikr to Raciikl daugS ter of Nicholas Sj bert of Salem, Luzem, Co. DIED. In Montrur, on Thinsday last. Mr. Vi.i.iam llim ards, aged 22. -l -J I -'!'" L 1 1,1 TO THE SEVERAL COLLECTOKS of couxrr and state tjix IS COLUMBIA COUNTV. Wherein, to enable the Stale to meet her liabilities on the first day of August next, ii in necessary that the State lax assessed in ihe different counties under the Act of As sembly relating thereto should be prompt Iv paid to ihe Stale Treasurer, And ' Whereas, by ihe provisions of the Act of 29ih April, 1844, if the liuoiaol any i,oun ly be not paid to the State Treasurer, on or befoie Ihe 2d I uesiUy ol January in earn year, the balance so remaining unpaid, alie (lediiclinc Commissions, tec. shall be charg in Hsiiil riinntv. and shall thereafiei hear nn interest of live ner cent, lill paid. AND ALSO, ihm if anv countv shall pay inti the Suie Treasury, iis quola of Siale lax 15 days prior lo the first t ay ol August in miy year, stir h county shall be entitled lo a deducl.on of five per cent, on ihe amount f o nind. it beine thus inaoe the interest, n well in ihe dutv of the several couutie: promptly to pay llmir proportion of ihe lax ts aseled upon them. Jlnil II hfriun 1)V SO UoinfJ lyOlUMlOM County will be entitled to an abatement oi State lax of from five to six hundred dollars, Then fme, I.'ntnliinl. Thai ihe several collectors ol County and Suite tax in Columbn roun' he earnestly rerjieseil to make every el fcrt to collect and pay over lo the Count) Treasurer the amount of Siale tax (.barged in their duplicates on or before the twelfth dy of July next, at which day the several Cotli-cti-rs are hereby required to meei a' if e Com.Tii!ioners' Office lo recc ve then i vnnerationson their duplicate of Stan ,flK' JOHN 1$ EDGAR, SAMUEL MEANS, FKEDEUICK M'UKIDE, Comiirissinneri Cokmi?.-:oners' Ofi'n.e.Djiivillp, June 12, 1855. S THE MARKETS. IIloomkuimio, June 11, Wheat, Kyo, Col M, Cloverxeeil, Flaxseed, Duller, Oats, EiiR IS 15 0 50 45 25 25 184 25 (i 10 Tallow Lurd 7 50 50 Dried Apples, While feans Hoettwax 25 WANTK1), Two Apprentices 0 the LAST mid liOOT TREK Making ho.- T Btncsa. Smart active boys between the age of 15 and 16 will receive good encourage niont umn iinmcdia.e implication to the mibs-criber. 1 VIMOV f KUIVRS Uloomslmrg. Juno 14,1815 (Uf m8 , A D MINISTRY TO 7? ' S NO TICK Tht Estate nf SAMUFJ, KESTEK. late of flit Pleasant township; dcuased. "TOTICE u he.eby given that totters ol mliinn istration on the above mentioned Estate. have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate, pay lent; and all those having claim are reoriented 0 prc-aeiit them properlv aulhcnti- caied to JESSE K ESTER, of Greenwood, ISAAC K ESTER, of Mt. Pleasant Administrators' June 24,1845 6w8 ' The Iliglit of Search.' IO-NEW ARRIVAL OFjr Ready Made Clothing. The subscriber ha just received a large assortment of READY MADL CLOTII INO, wiich will be sold as cheap for Cash is they can be purchased in the county. (Jail and examine for yourselves, as the Right of Search' is guarantied to all. J. K. June 7, 1845.-7 SUEUIrF IJY virtue of a writ of levari facias to mo directed, will be exposed to public de at the Court louse, in Danville, on Sat urday, the fifth day ol July next, at 12 o'clock, noon, llm following described properly, to wit : All those certain six tracts of Laud situ a ted formerly in the lowuship of Caiiawissa .ounty of Northumberland, but now in the t0wnship ol MiUliu, Columbia couniy.l enn Uvlvania, one ol them ca.leil, Jialbee, be i . .i i... ..t i U'"'"g . 8 P ence u? '". Ja",ea McNeal, north 12 degrees west, 312 peich es to a chesnut oak, thence by lands of Wil liam Cray and William Sicdman, south 78 degiees west 170 perches to a post, thence by lauds of Jeremiah Jackson, south 12 dj jrees easl 410 perches lo a oost, tlience ny land ol fichard Brook, uorlh 78 degrees west 15 perches to a dogwood, thence nor ill 12 decrees west 15 perches lo a post. thence north 78 degrees easl 82 perches io a black oak, thence by an olu mrvey north 12 de rees wc6t 25 peiche lo a hickory and north 32 degrees east 31 perches to the place of beginning, containing 4I2J acres nd allowance ol o per cent- lor roads. Whereon is erected UW TWO LOG HOUSES, qffil TWO STABLES, and about 25 acres ol land clearer, -ALSO Another of them called 'almyra;' be ainriiiiP at a post thence by land of Hubert Gray, north 12 degrees west 410 perches to a post, ihenee by land ot William oteu nan south 78 degrees west, iou pcrcnes ro a post, inence oy lauu i junn uu... 12 desrees east 410 perches to a post, and ihenee bv land ol John Wild ana iticiisru o . , . ' .... , Brook north 78 degrees easl 1(36 perches in ihe place of beginning, containing 40 teres and allowance ol o per cent lor loaus. ALSO Another of them called ' Stone Hall,' be Miming al a post thence uy lanu oi joiiu Brady north liJ degrees west jim ptrcnes .. a nost. thence bv lanu ol vhuries 11 all " - i outh 78 degree west 271 peiche to hesnut, thence bv land ol uaUiarme beri;er south 1 Gj degrees east 270 perches 0 a siorir, aiiu mi... u iiui w u..wd I ... ........ I, , ....ii asi219 pen hes to the place of beginning, outaining 4U8i acres anu allowance oi mj ;ier cent for roads. Whereon is erected i Stone Dwki.lino Housk &SJ STABLK, nd about one acre nf land clcared.ani! then s a em ol coal on uie iraci. ALSO Another of ihcm called Farmers' He ight,' beginning al a post thence bj land nl William Sled nan north 1G degiees west 110 perches to a Spanish Ook. thence by and of William Webb south 74 degnes wes, 1G2 perches to a black oak, ihenee by and of I nomas Sey south 10 degiees easl l perches to a chcsiiui, thence by land i Charles Hall south 8j degree easl 302 icrche to a post, ihenee by land of John Bradv nortb78 decree easl 130 perches H in oak, thenco noiih 'i Oegrees wrst Mi nercht'S to white oak, and north 78 di ,;rfes eaM 8 perches to the place of begin- nior. rontainir.l! 418 acres and allowance of 0 per cent lor roads, (to. ALSO Another uf ihem called Trov,' begin niii" at a pot thence by land of Jereinial Jjckion norih 13 degree west 410 pitches mm to a post, thence by land of William P.Ilfa- ly south 7s degrees west on pcrclie to an ash, thenca outh 78 degree west 130 per lies to a post, thence by land of JohnReese Houth 12 degree cast 203 perche lo a post hence by laud of 1 Brooks north 78 legrces eaal 20 perdu to a mesnnt oak thence south 12 degree fast 41 perches w black oak, thence by the same and John Wild north 78 degress easl 100 perches to i black oak, thenee soulh 12 degiees etsi 05 perches to a white oak, ind north 78 oisi 80 perches to Ihe place ol beginning, ionlaining 42'Jj acres and allowance ol six lcr com lor loads, ALSO Another af them called 'Maine,' begin ning at a post, thence by land oi William l Brady north 81 degrees west 302 perch . i I t ii. e to a chesnut, ineuee oy lanu oi i nomas Say and Jesse Uudd south 74 degrees west 188 perches to a post, thence by land ol ( nomas Bellows south Da degrees east B'J perches lo a chesnut oak, thenca by the same and land of John Longaberger houiIi 188 perches to a chesnut oak, tlience by l ind of Slid Longaberger outa 76 de- grees west 124 perches lo a post, thence south 10 degree easl 104 percne to a chesnut tree, and thence by land ol John Reee north 78degreeseal 271 perches lo ihe place of beginning, containing 381 j aires and allowance of 6 per cent for roads, ttc. Seized, taken ;n execution: and tt be sold as the property of George Miller and terre tenant. -ALSO- Al the oma lime and place, by virtue of a certain venditionas exponas. A ceitainlotof giound gilnale in Mon tour township, Columbia county, containing 9 acre more or less, hounded by land of Jacob Riihel. George Kaufman and Daniel lishel, whereon is erected a frame Mouse, a frame Stable, a Bark House, a Currier Shop and Tanyard, with the appurtenances. and Also, on all the interest, share anu partition of the defendant in all that certain tract of land situate in Montour township, Columbia county, containing one hundied teres more oi less, adjoining lands of lien ry Wertmen, Christopher Woertle and oth ers, bciiiBiall the right ot delciidant in me estate of Baylor, deceased, fattier ol lefendanl. Seized, taken in execution and lo bo sold s the properlv of John Bavlnr. ' IRA M DERR, Sheriff. Shr.rilT Office, Danville, ) June 11, 1845. $ Something QJ UNDER THE New AMONG ihe wonders of this age of im- provcnients.ihe subscriber respectlully beg leave to call the attention ol his Inendj and ihe public in general to the corner of Main Si., where he ha just rtceivvd and opened from Philadelphia a general assortment ol CON FECTION ARI ES, onuisting among other things of Candies, various kiwis of lhtisins, Prunes, Figs, Sweet and water Crackers, Oranges Lemons, Lemon and Vine apple Syrups, Soaps, Al monds (Did 'lobacco. and all other articles usually kept in a gro eery. Ms n a good asfoilment nl SCHOOL BOOKS & STATI )NARY All of which he will sell a little cheaper than they can be had al any other establish ;ncnl in these 'diggirs. N. B. Good white and colered rag taken in exchange for books Lc (J. V. K, B'.oomsburg, June G .li 1845. 111 ST OR V OE IV YO MING BY CHAULES MINER. CjUBSI'ltlPTIONS are respectlully solicitml lor Iho forthcoming History ol Wyoming. Ill woik, now ready for I'rcsJ, will niako an Octavo volume of ubout mix lundreil pages, ol wlncli live hundred mmes will emlirace 'he main boily of the uirrative. 1 he Appendix, beule a vsricly oi cu- r ous and illustrative nrlicles.vvill contain the " J lie llazeltoi 1 ravellers," leviscd with numerous ailth- tlons, peisonal anecfAites, incidents and sketcheh uf character, inakniH aliout an liundred pages. The author thinks proper to say, ti.iit no pains hove been spared U olitaiu uiforniatinii upon every muni connected with tins suliiect. lie lias natter ,.d li'iin-i if. ns Wvnininu has become classic tiround ' J a ns uiinumerahle errors have heretofore existed in reu.od to its story, and o its very into rcslini; c'nil character has heen scarcely touched limn, that alincst evciv ifculictnnn would desire loi Ins library, in refpecf toil, an nutlienlic l.airauve The purpose ol liiking up subscrip ions is locna. blc the author to judije what numbttr ol copies It would be limner to publish. The Hook will lie neatly printed in octavo lorm on excellent naoer. with several illustrative plates bound in c loth, in modem style, and dclivcreu lo ubferibers Hi Two Ilollais a copy. n monev to be nan until tho Hook is delivered Subscriptions received ut this Office ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'I hp F.Kiutr. of SCSAi.y.i iumli. SON, late oj Centre township, deceafed "mrOTIrE is hereby givon Hint letters or aiiuiui istration on the above mentioned Estate, nave been granted to the subscriber, living in Cen tre township. All persons indebted to said estate are heiebv notified tn mahe mirnpniaie jmymein, ind all Ihnfo having claims are requested lo pro sent them tiroiierly authenticsted In MI.IIMIJ. i r. iirtiviv, vim i. May 17, ISIS, IllooinOnn Arlillory. The Meinhcrs ol this Company; who have Swurda and Hcl's, bclonyinj,' to the Company; are requited forthwiih to dclivr i ihem lo eiihci of ihe Commissioned Otli ccrs. H. SVEClJi Csft. THE liAST XOTlCKg milK olwiilier Imvinir nl iced III.S M' I COIINTM in llm hands ol C II. Mil, lit Iv A 11 I.I''. It. r.mi for collection. reoneitH till tluwe 'indebted to him illier to come forward und pay llicir resoective diien, or else coiiIihn judnnieul lor the mi i im on or licfuru the HKS1 IJAl l'r IL'LV M.Xl' and ksvj cost. H II UlUGS May 31), i45-5 Chair Manufactory. rWlUE snliKerilwf hnviiiff falubliuhed a VKll J CH.lin .n.l.VVl'.ICroilV on .Vnin street, near thu runiilence of !,. II. Mhou, he U now oreimied to furnish ('imiiii of every dencriiilion, on an gMi lerniH a they can bo jmrchuuad elsewhere n the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as lied Posts," Waggon Hubs, Rose lilucks, SfC, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL S HOUSE PAINTING. Also HOUSE PAPERING. This latter brnneb, from bis experience, he believes he can do a little, better 'ban any other person in this section. (TV-POPLAR PLANK will, bo taken in puy moot ut the highest " .Ket price. 8AM I EL HAUEJNUUUll BUmmnourg, July 4, 184 p JH ! NAILS, SPIKES; &c. The IMoomslmrs It Co WILL keep constantly on huinl, a largo fortioeot of NAILS, SPIKES. AND IKON which thev will sell by WHOLE8AI K and KK- 1'AIL, and on u good terms a iht tmuicii can be eltii lttre purchad. Meicliuiiis onl others, nmv Mud it to their interest lo inll- . II kinds of grain received in pay merit. JOSEPH J'A.JUi, niEsmiiXT P.IR TNEESIIIP DISSOL FED. The Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of SILVEMIIUIM $ BOONE, in ihe Blacksmilhing Business, Pissnlved by mutual consent. Th Books aie in the hand of Marshal Silver thorn, lo whom all having claims on, or are indebted to, said linn, are requested to pply immediately for selilement. 11 t.M 1'1,'ii'l'IIMDV HI . IVo 1 1 : li Ol I. v i: IV I 11 U IV 11 . JUT) All boom: niooinsburg, March 28, 1815. 40 JCrThe Business, in fuiuic, will he car ried on al the old stand, by the subscriber who solicits a continuance of the custom . . , , e a old irinnu.s, ami oi as many new oru of may please call. M. NliVl'.lil UUK.. March 28 41) BloomslNii' fit1 ll,c subscribers liavc cslaVilished at the above plarti, a new MARBLE I ARI), and will lwny be ready, al the iiiorirst notice, to furnish lo order, MONUMENTS, TOME-TABLES, TOMES TONES, HEAR Til JAMBS, MANTLES, PAINT STONES, MULLENS, &c. or any oilier work in their line. They are also prepared lo lurnis i WliMMJW l A I r and SILLS, 1)0014 SILLS and KTLTW, &c either of .Ma. blc, Lime or any kirn! ol sione that can be procured in this vicinity. i"jrlliiving had considerable experience in the business, tncy pledge their work to be executed in as lian lsoine a style as can be furnished from uiv yard either in the :iiy or connin ; and on as reasonable terms. AK.MN I KtJINIt M HUtilll'.. Bloomsbuig, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 SWAN HOTEL, Oiditgeville, Columbia county, Fa. Till'! subscriber respectfully informs ihe public Ibal h has lea.ed this large 111 if lorv 1 avern, now in the occupancy oi in Georai. Seiple, in Oianeenlli', ( olunibi:' county, I'm., and intends moving into it on the firm of April next, where he will In pleased to fee his old friends and customer As his TABLE alwavA he furnished with the bept tht market ullorils, His 15 A !. wiih the cIioiccm of Liqnorf And bis ST A BLlI.allended b faithlol Hostlers, he (litter himself that In I tie able to give general satisfaction CONVHYANCES will alwfv be ready to train-' port walcrnxi. on iben ionic, I C. JOHNSON, .ireh 15, 1815 if' NOKTII I5UANC1I CANAL. VC'. is herobv uiven that tho Ilnoks ol the MI!TH llllANf'll CANAL COM PAN V will be opened on TI'KSIM V the seven teenth day of luin' next, at l'o o'clock hi the al ti rnonn at ihe Phoenix Hotel in Wilkesl ane, Pa. where the undersigned, ( 'onnnissioneis under tin law forthat iiuriiosei n.o led. will attend to receive subscriptions bo slo, k of said companv 0. M. Hollenbii, k, Chester I'ultler, (ieo. P. Steele, (iaiiick Miillrrv, C. L. Word, ' N, (Iverfield, Henry Stark, S. F. Ilcndlcy, r"ieo: Muck, Tlifs: P op. Sanj'l Moll. mil. E. IV. Sliiidnsnt, Kob't A. Pani-h, V. I. Pioleii, -V. ). Phe'ps Vi!H:r. Celt, Win. M Kehy. .bi.rsri h Ptiestlv, lleorv King, Fbliu Chsunepv, eurv Piinker. V S. rWotii'. Phil.iih'lphia; Ameiican, Haiti inoii-; -.'xpreM. New Noilt. l!ralloid lieporter, 'I'o watnla; Pemoerat, D.niviile; Anieiiran, Sonlnirv; llosti.ti; Demerat, IJI.i.inisblir;: and Fanner. W'llkcebarre. pllbh.ih once Advocate, a week 3 weeks semi n copy :.jM!l lo ullKV oillie l.nxernc democrat, M ilk-sbarrc. Pa. May U, lS4S-4t 'CHARLES R. IIUOKALEAV Atloriuy al Law. (ifftct South side of Main-it. opposite Eyer ij- lliyley t store, ir7-VILL ATTEND COUNTS IN HIE COUNTIES OE COLUMBIA AND LUZEHNE. li looms b una Cabinet Waro House. '"VIK sqlwuriber would respectfully iufoim tin I public, ll)at ho has taken the sh iu lutelv oc cupied by .S'amuul Lilly, ncur tho uniicr end of JJIuomsliurjf, where hu is carrying an the in all its various branches, ami wlmrii ih will bi happy o wait upon ull thosa who may favor him wiih their custom. Jlis I' uruituro is wm ranted to be made of good material and durublo, mid ho in tend i keeping on hand Sidewards, Secretaries, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Curd Tublcs, Dining Tables. Jireahfast Tables, ' Cupboards. Stands, Wash Standi, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Coffins. &-c. and all kinds uf work iu his line, which ho will sell upon as reasonable terms as they can bo purchased in tne county. Uy stud attention to business he hopes to re ceive, a shafo of public- patronage. EM IJKOW'.. Apnl 25, 1815. lyl notice! ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscribe!, are requostcJ to come forward nd make payment. BARE & HIDES. will ho taken iu payment as usual, and received in exchange lor LEATIIEH. PHILIP (;HRISTMN. Uloomsburg, May 1 1, 1S45 4 pcctaeles & Glasses. rjTi'UE subscriber has just received a lar);o as J soilmentol SPECTACLES and .SPEC- 1 AU.h GLASSES, of the best ounlily, of both white and green, from No. O. upwards. ("Persons afflicted with sore eyes, will find it lo their advantage to call and gel glusses from him; is they may loci assured ot denying a great beuelil out their use. (!. L. SllLLTZ. liloomsburg, May 17, IS 15 i 'prospectus of HIE UNITED STATES JOURNAL. Ii v Jesse E. Dow $ Co. rjnilE first number of uur new paper will be is JL sued this (first) day of .1ny, with mi entire new dress new type, line white paper, with otlur important alterations and improvements. The pa per will bo devoted lo a tearless exposition ol le niocratic prniciiilcs; it wjll zealously anil unremit tingly oppose each and cicry cll'oit to establish a mainmntli monarchy bank and oilier mischievou corporations and consolidations of wealth, which subverts tho rights of the people and undermine tho jiillais of the Kepubhc; it will oppose on oppres sive and unti-rcpuhlicau tarill' system, the ussump. lion of the Statu debts by the (ieneral (iovernnienl and all other Federal principles: w hich have an in evitable tendency to destroy public, prosperity as well ns individual happiness. Against all such po litical delusions we shall waga unchanging, un compromising war. The Fnnnci and Mechanic who produce all the resl capital of the nation, will lind iu our paper nn unwavering champion of their inalienable rights; ihe long cherished principles of lh edilois ore loo well known lo the public lo recpiiio nnv pledge on this point. 'I'o the Miscellaneous IJcpartniciit particular attention will be devoted, the Ladies will always lind in our columns a choice seleclion from1 the current literature of the day, as well us original contributions from the most laleuled wriu-rs ol which ourcouniy ran boai.t. A gencial sunimarv of Foreign mill Domcvtic news w ill be furnished; n tegular price curicnl and u correct list ol 'ihe price:- I stocks will also be goen. The conductors have already Kccnred Ihe aid im' n-nperalinii of n lare number of the jnoi-t distill ui.-lied literary and political wiiti'is of the day; irr.ingemeiis will also be made, al the earliest pe riod poj.-iblr, to embellish our column bv the con tributions of correspond, itls In in Willi s brief o:id impc;fict outline ol our plan, we very pectl'ulhl siibmil our claims lo an extensive pa ronogc to the consideration of a generous public. THEnj'HII.l S K1M Cm ions, JL'SSE E DOW, 'J'DKMS. Weekly paper lv ihe year f-2 CO d fur six months 1 W Semi-Weikly luner by the year, in adincre 5 (M do do for less than a yiur, .'Oi ts (ii 1 1 1 1 1 Aiily paper bv the year.iu niKniice 10 111 do Im les than n yeur 1 j'er inoiilti. nl'M iiplions to the Daily lor less than two, l ihe Seini.W'ri klv for hs than four, or to tin Weikly lor less than bix nionlliR, will iml le re civi-J. If not paid within the year, the 7)ily paper il ie If 12, the iVeiiii-wci-kly , and the V eel !i fii i year. All pavnii nt': to be made in srlvanre. Thoe wh have n.,t nn oii'ortuuity ol I nving oiherwne, ma lemit by niail. nl our risk, postage-paid. Th 1'K mastui's certificate of surh reinittaiici' hall bt mlTicient rereipt Iheielor. The notes uf anv pene paying batik will be received. JOHN MARKLE, Harness, Saddle & Trunk Blanufacturcr; ESPi;t' l l'IM.V inform the hi has located himself in the shop next dom ui Namuel Haeeumn h t.-hatr r artorv, .1ain ftreel ("hoomsbuig, fohimbia county, where he will ca r ' ii the above bus nrss in all its b'siu hcs. He wil keep rouslantly on hmd lino and ioare One and Iwn Inrse jrrf'.u"?, Horse Collins. Saddle, Et idles and Trunks; of every den riplion ; md IniMtig biid R long ripe ricnce in the business, be can fin nirli a? good work nd us cbeup as can oc purchased in tlic c.'iiniv. CC All kinds of country produce tnUeu in pay ''nl V'orK. ni ine n:.n piiii. My 0, 1313 tiitiJ New ootls IltlHcv & Hiiulciiliall, Have jti.1t receied,and are now opening At tht old stand of Eyer & JLfJlexj , A.V EXTKKSIVK ASSDHTMENT OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ''uimltting of eveiy attije usually A' in U country time, mong their assortnieni will beIounJ,of DRY GOODS CloihHj Caidimeres; Saitinelta, Cambroon etc. for sginmer pants; Culicocs, Chint?; Ililyonnei; Lawnr end Crape Delanrs 4cc. for diesses, Hosiery; Cloves li Mills; Handkerchipfs, Scarfs; brown and bleached Shirtings &o. colored Yarn; Laps and Wadding; Jlonneis and trimmings. They have also; J'alm llata; Travelling llaskeis; Looking Glasses and Bias Clocks. GROCERIES. Sugar, Teas Coffee,!?, Pen, per, Spices, in fact every thing in Ihit) line mat may be called lor, Crockery, A general assortment of I'race Chains, Shovels, Nail", Spikee, and the usual variety of Lock, Screws, liults, &c, Rolled and lijr Iron, Hoop and band Iron, Waggon tire of all size?, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. AH of which they will sell on the mnM reasonable terms snd receive in payment all Kinds ol country produce. May JO, 1843 3m. 3. Paiiville , rm HE Panville Steam AVoollen Factory, for niprly owned and occupied by br. I'etrikiii, las recently hipn purchased by the subscriber, who cKpcclfully announces to iia fiicnds and the puh lie ijenerully, that he in now prepared to executn ill Kinurt oi worn in lus lino ol uukiuivb, at ilia hortect nolico, according tu ordf'r, end in the Kt ornpa Jtive uiuuner. Having gone lo coiisii!i-rn-ie expi ine in repairing his tunchtnery qud aprn- ralus and being very particular ii wcii'iiic m m r- vice of experienced uiechauics, lie t'ctN i(.nl dii.t i ti ut he in capable of executing ull kind.- of work in his line in a stylo suju riyi to any oilier (.vtablisl incut iu llm country. Price of oik us follow h: (.'loth I yardH light and duik, fioni 40 Iu i.o cciiIh pel y aid Do bottle greius, olive brown, &c fioin fit) lo 01) Sutit els of thu above eojpi.i, from '10 to ) i I'lainiela one yard wide, 'M ccnta. W me, hruwii ur black, 'to Madder red, 43 lancet - yds wi'V; tivi'ledor plain, from 00 to 70 ci-iiln per yarn. Ci-MIIIG &FTJLLI1TG II ill hu done iu the bei-t manner, and at the uru- ii price,! Allkiuusol couniry pruuuee win ee. ken iu poynicjit for woik at yaiiville inuiktt priccH. SA 71 TNE TTS; FL A AN EE Vi CLOTHS 4- BLANKETS; ('onulant.y on hand, for sale ut reduced prices for or Hnrter. For the accotiiiiiodalioii of customers living at a itance wool for Janufacturing will he in it the following places : CDl.fMLIA COl.'NTV. Isaac Kline's Mill, Fihhhige eck; llohncs' store, Columbus; Low Al I'liompsod h store, l.inie-ltidge; V. li. v aller cc o.'s sloro, llerwiik ; Mewait iV i.icmis More, Oiangewlle; Win. .1ckelvy to. stoie, ljloonis liurg ; John (1. SharplcKs' store, Catlawissa; I., lii sel's store, Jersey town; Deri ti Mi ljride's stoie, While all; Slronp's store, irashingloiiville. 1,1 ZCIiMi t.IH.M l.eynoblsslore.ivinss ton; tiihler.slecve's, Wilkbarre; Mycis stoic, ian. licoke; Judge Mack's Mill, Huntington Fluin mitten directions uunt uccom lKnni inch parcel. I). Ii, Ub.i u:: u.i i i . Danville, May 3. 181.V-3 15. F. HAYIIUKST, WAGGON MAKER, IJLDOMSHUKG, rsPK'FTL'LI,Y informs the public tint he has lo, uted hiniM lf iu Iho Hiop lately upi,,l by ZIHA KUiW.r. m MAl.Jvi-.- s'ri!KKi', where he intends currying ou the abou business in all its various branches. HEAVY' WAGGO.NS luill and repaired, an well aa one horso AVA(.f.OS AM) ITIJCGIKS. if eveiy dasciiption, and ull kinds ol l iiiiify Work, in his line, iloneal s-limt nonce, and on ui'i nost reasonable terms. (Tj (iorsl Lumber and sll kinds ol f'onntrv I'ro luceiaken iupayiinnt foi wu;k, but I'ii.h v.iH let e relu-ed. April 5, 1 r,i5i) CAUTION. Ik poisons are hereby (dulioiii d ngaim-l pur ihii-it " a rtiri.,given ny me sno.irim-is - . A .... I W -A.MI fc.L. .AU.M.M-II, lor T-JMI' 'V'", ' lK4."vnnd pavable six months uhet diH-, with inle. cl fi, i3 iiiontli.ii., we .-hall refuse M psy the same .vheii doe unless i-nnipelled by law, 1 ot Yiivug c tiviV a coiisideriitioii lor il. o. H.r, ru;tEL. May rt. 1 f 4" fi NOTICE S hereby u:en lo Ihe Mm kholdci iu the n-tn- piny for nrding a (inlge over Hie .'Miitlieail Utanrh of the riwr r . ir ipPlmnna. remeen ine o n rf rttn and the mouth r,( Fishintreu-i k ,M, M.nsef-riiha' e rbi .day ddl.ned a dlidind ofMIFIX PI'K CM', on the Mock of i .1. . 1 .. . . . v n...lh u 111, Il U ill i H, ror ine mm h " i i' i I...I.I...C nr ihnr li riil rreri-'iilatne-.. 'Illl :i!ll Mi'i nn - , - t the l ieaurer i nice, i.iiiouMtMi, u m uui i t'ic 1Mb ii.rt. , JAVES l'LEAfl.i Jrensiirer. Treasurer (Miee, t'utlawiM, A pril I, 11..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers