Li iiu. m , n.. . - - A SENSIBLE WOMAN. A Milleriu in Maine laid to hi wife Our ing It.trveat. 'I am revived to work no more I think it wronu to gmhfir any more of lite fruili of the earth The next morning he BMe ami walked abroad to meditate, lie Liming, he ake.l hi wile if she had break fMlredy. She .aid 'No, 'Uiit, he asked are you not going to got any!' She an awered'NV foreaiJahr, ''"" W il " not your duty to ork, and if .1 i not your, il h not mine: and if the fi nits of the aarin may not be githered in, they may not br cooked after they are gathered in. I am teaolved m auhmit with you to ihe will ol God, and" abide by the fonafqiioiici'. II walked out gain and afir while he lemrn eJ and laid to hn wife, If ymi will go and gl tome treakfal, 1 will go to work. c jx- -J.i.'.:a RULES FOR GENTLEMEN. Marrr not a woman who cannot make . .li.n.'nr .-onli a meals if viciunlm. Such woman would keep h nun poor alt the day t f hia life. Marry not a woman who u a lady and rroid, because ahe will b eternally scold ing if she does not gel every tiling h Marry not a woman who t'links hrreel' belter than any body e!aa becaiiae il shown i want ofaenae, and he will have but few friend. . . Marry not a woman who is fond ol spin because such it woman will noimake a good wile, and will never be contented at home. Many not a woman who is in the daily I. .Ut, nlnid.irintr ner neishbora, and IIUUIl Ul omti" o , oil ilm pnssinnin? ahe JJIV1IIJJ CIM O 1 " heat. Such women make ihe worst wivet RULES FOR LADIES. Marry not a profane man, because tlx .depravit'v of hi heart will corrupt yon. children' and embitter your existence. Marry not a gambler, a tippler, or a frequenter of tavern because he who ha 4r regard for himself will never have an for his wife. Marry not a man whoe aetione do n ' .-correspond with hi sentiments becausi the passions have dethroned reaaon, am -he is prepared lo commit every crime m which an evil nature, unrestrained can in etigate him. The state of, that man win tegard nol hia own ideas of right mu wrong ia deplorable and ihe less you havi n .lit u.iiK him the better Mury not a man who is in tne habit ol -running after all the gins in tne to n because his affertiona are continually wb venng and therefore can never be peima e"i Marry not a man woo neglects bm busi mesa if he docs so when single, he will d. worse when married. WORMS KILLS THOUSANDS. -HTT.TiPRV Hr most aubiect to them.but per j som of all agea ara liable to be afllicttd with them. Dud breath, palenca about the lips.flushed . cheeks, picking at -the nosc.wasttng away.leanneit pain in the bowels, joints or limb, disturbed sleep i,;i,if,,l .irm .moauiru! and sometiines of vor- . acious appetite, aro among the symptoms of worms Many are doctored tor momns, lor some uioer un ..-.,..r ditfaao. when one box of Sherman's Worn tMK,,imi wnulJ ffi'ect a cure. D. Rysn, comer of Prince street und the Bowery, cured a man ofl worms lha wni reduced to a sKeleton, anil uy oni) one box of .Sharnian' Lozenges: Lcib now us fat .as in AUermau. The Hon. B. D. Beardsley has saved the life of one f his children by them. .The sale of over 3,000,000 of boxes has fully test ed them. They ire the only infallible worm des .'.my ing medicine known. What family will be .without them! Conumpiion,Cot!gh,CoMi!,Whooping Coughs Asthma, and all airections of the lungs, will find a healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozenge,. They fiavcJ the Kev, Kichnrd Ue Forest; the Uov. Mr. Streuter, Jonathan Howurth, Esq. and that worhy - old hero, Leonard Rogers, horn the consumptive',, gr.ive. They cured in one day the Kev. Mr. Dun tar, the Rev. Mr. Handcock; Win. H. Attrce Ktij of d'Htessing cough. They ire the pleaHaiiii'bi cough nicJicine and cure tlio soonest of any k..own remedy. IlcuJuelio.Sca-sickneHs and rulpitation.relievcd in fro:i live to ten niinuu-s by Sherman's Camplioi L izenes lVrs.m alien ling crowded -ooin 01 travelling will find them to iir.part buoyancy i.l nril and renew theii energies, 'hoe sullnin tioiu too five living will find a few of t:ie loieiige to dispel the horwi anil lowntsH rf fpi'ils. Mr.! ..'.rath, of tin' Sunday Mercury, has rept-aud y i-ur eJ Liin-Tcli of severe UaJaehe l-y Uicm -'a.Uii CUadwii-k, of l'.ie packet ship Wtl!ii:gton. bav ii itemed their etlteacy in a great many Caeis ul" su n'u kui-s. They operate like a eliarin ih. .'ilalcil or buttered netves. rs t-heriium'a Pki-i M iit's ri.Hk-r d.ies upon rhcunntin, lum pain or wi Viiii'si! the tide, bo- k: breia! or miy :rt of tl o U,l. Mr. H.U. U.i-?e.-s, 20 Ai. -3irt'et; ll'-nry !l Cmil lin; 3V Cha'liau. sircet Moses J H.'iiii'jnee l.-q. imu . a iiiiiltiuiile of h'.IiP; liave txpcru-iwed li.c wonderful nft'ru of i)ii'se r.a.ler I'riee oliU l2 ! eentg. ('auliiill i rivrKKari .o fipe thit you ael the genuine Sjierinan's :,ia.inacs uad l lasieri, a toere are ma: .inhli's ar'.iele uttemptid to he p.iluied .!f in pi H c of itieui. ! l-ose who Wiiuiil mile v.i(:i yom life lr a cl.illinj. Dr. Shcrmnn'i w.neliniia is at '00 N is ,::u street, .For fall' by Jnhn It. Viojcr liicoinfl-.iirir Win I. W,i!Vr tC eo- I5ei wn lt !,ii'v it I'liomp!'.)'! Linn: i'i''ge ). Si J. LiZtruj Or inoeviiie M. U. Shocm-jker 1WU U mi I,, fi X I. BlSfl Jer-eytown . Oerr M B; id.) White Hall Lihti .Moore I) invi'ilo. -rVeplien li Ms-, J .in, I 1613-37. Xin. LADIES' AND wli-''3 31 A (2 A. I FOK1845. CI HAUAM' MAUAZINE haa lonj cnjoyci J5" lUe unviable reputation of being the best ie riomcul in the U. . both in the quality ami nuin tier of it embellishments, and in Ihe tone of it lit - ernry mutter. Il is the ch-upeit a Well a the boa' t or the year 18 H the punlislicr na given nuvui I no ,,,..i mote oriinnnl matter lllllll anv of hi c- "-b'- "- - -o - luinporHrict mole original steel engravings, in ad dition lo fashion plute (inil colored flowers. The cheapness ami merit of o three-dollar magazine over nil olhtis are apparent, which has niado an uutlny nf Hrveii Thousand Uollars greater tnnii tiiiierN.nim in adilition ol engravings over omer magnxum mm a-,.nl,l omtx-llish he costliest Annual. The pub lisher in however intiutjuj that nothing hut real ex nlknct can maintain Hie hinli position Iiu porioui cal nn altiiiiii'il in the United Statea, 'l'he publisher does not hesitate to tay that hr lcliea all competition with Uiuhams mnnr.ino lor 1815. His iimiieiiMi subscription lint, the merit ind niiinberof hit eoutiibulors, the high order ol lh ...i.nin.T, 1 1 (Til I llll number 0 Uti VUliclV Ol nil (,,,..,.. r-n...,.- w elegant plate ulremly pin chased and on baud, and Hie iiiuntfiiMt- iHcniiy iitiiiiii" i ; ivo to prosecute the woili render any elfnita ut li a mutter of ridirule, Mery nimiber of tin wink imiitxl, bears will! it the eldcnct ol iU tri iiniphaiitmiei:CHa, and etabliahin tlio impoHnibllitv of ul-.' Ht'ul, improve aiidexteiidi for good woiks, thu tiolliing ol'a huiubutf ordoi will be tolerated. livery milliner orOruliani'a Miigaiine i i8"i;cJ nt u coat of nearly ? 10U0 the platen alone count ing nearly half the auin imiKt of the platoi are t urn Original American I'uintinga, executed expressly for tlio proprietor, for en:;ruving for the m.ij;a7.iiie. Among the picture painted for tlio volume for KUS.aietwo by Sully, the greateat artist, eveial by Lcutze, Chapman, lninun. Conaroo, Rothenuel, Thomwn, and othern of the beut arlinta of A ri ca. The co.t of getting up cmbclliuhnionlH in thio ntyle may be catimated when we atatelhat koiucoI lliese pictures cost f 200 a iicco, and will coat in Homo of them three times that auin to have theio engraved and worked oil' lor the edition of "Graham But no cost shall be upared to keep our proud position at the head of die Periodical ol the world. URAIU.M'S LER.4NT MENTs). EMBELLISH. Tbn Hinstsiilendid emrrnviiiK of all sorts lend their charm to the pages of Graham's mngiizinf Everythini, in the way of novelty and beauty that lias ever been invited is laid under coniiinuiinn nthini7 that ranitttl and taste can suiMilV is Unit- led. First, ns the mont elegant and appropriate, a well n ihe most rwnuliir embelltshment, we place Sartain s Unllinnt iWewouni r.ngraviiiB;. . . .... .i-,.i Wo tvni-Kthp lirul In introiliiecl lis neauuiui sim ifwork, as a regular embellishment of the popiilm monthlies. Its wide spread reputation tliro' tin ncar.s nf our amultilist. called forth a ol limta tors, but up to thin time nothing has been produced to rival the trlorious picture civen in (Jiiihaui The Shepherd' Love,' and 'Ihe Coquette,' I inse wil l a lost ol others, tlone tor un ny .tir Sartain. stand 'unnrocedonted and alone' at tin head of American nizraviuc. We have several of these inimitable plates under way, and shal give one in the January number. TO POSTMASTERS AND OTIIKHS The high merit of Graham's magazine considered the publisher Halters himself that the tollowmg III eral terms will indiiecjlhousnnds to subsciibc. TO CLUBS. The following proposals are made:-2 copies fm r- r fur stm s tor i.rK 1 1 for iso. To lint I'nslmantcr. or other persona forinilii. rlnh. the I'nhlisher will forward a Novel foi cveri Viihu-rilii-r unit no ihat bv varviliil the bocks, a complete library may be obliniicd by any person in a short time. Single Copies, threo dollars per annum in ad u,,,.n l ml iii the in'r-Miii Kcuilinir the mniiev, n coov of 'Riiiuwood the Rover.' Ilerbeit's priat nvrl and also a ennv of The (iem of Art am lle-nilv.' h heauiil'iii work for a lady's Centei Ti.I.Ip' rniii.iiniiiL' th'uleen anlendid leel and mezzotint Engravings, will ho forwarded gralis Address. GEORGE R. GRAHAM. No. K0 Chestnut Street l'iljdelphiu. Eranclreth's Pills. PICTURE OF HEALTH. T. A1.TII ia il nlerind in an ii.t!i ii't r' I the absence of ill I'oin, sulTerinc, or iilfcctioi J& M ' . 111 anv unit nl his bodv: bv tne tree and reeular ex crcisuofhis function's without any exception. Thev rnnuisl in Intvine a eood apin'titc at rneal tinier, an ensy digestion, free evacuations, without looseness or coslivcness at least once in every tw en ty-lour hours, and without rtcat.tliynes, iar uurning at the passage, the free issue of the water without acrimony or buruiiiR, and without a reddish sedi ment which is always a sign of a present or an ap proaching pain; quiet thep without uyilotion oi tiunblesume dreainv, no taste of bile or other bad taste in the mouth upon rising in the morning; no sourness or disagreeable rising of the sti-mni h; u clean tongue; a sweet bit ulh; r.o itching pimples or spots on the skin; no piles; no burning heat upon any part of the body; no excessivn thirst when un exposed to labor ur other known cause; no inlei ru(tion to any natural i:acuntion, nor pain at tin ir periodical return. VVliriti the s'ute of the r.slem doen not li.miion ize with the abovo jiicluic of lieallh. il is ut ibi greatest importance that no lime l-c ' ti in n i-t!ii a fur a doctor, or in the Use of foolish n medics t, o nfien ihe ii-sullof speeulli"n:iii.-t-iid '-'f thiseni.rst wadtsr .f i:i;aMU;LTH 1'lJ.l.s 1c i;.l..i. which will not deceive, but ill at ou-e ut.'ie hi -i'lhto theermor p irt ih t nciiies it. A':! win wis't to pres. ne their hrabli, ell v.b. a-e drlern.inecl to defend their ll1-' -ininst the en er.taclinients of diseve v. h h ininlit seel them pre maturely M the itrave. will, without hef.'.!a::i-i', hai recourse to ihe Bramireth T ills, when t! e Ftate n: til.' system docs not harmonUe wilii ihu a!oM- j.ii luic of hcallli. Those wholivL in a cm:'., try w here coiit:.'ii.iis oi oilier difcares p:eMi:, i.litu;!d ofw-n lliil.h i f tins true picture of'.li. and ubst ivc liiinsclf w ilh p; i tKtilar nltention, in oriler to set accoidiii;:ly. 'i i i nisraud riuhtij diretlrd will folinw ll is adicc the unwirc aielili to their own det.uct.on. A ti li! N T S- V.i;!iin.-.i.on Robeit Vi'KhV. Jorseytown L. V A. T. iiiset. l'anvilie ;'. H. Reynnlds Co. Cattiiwis a ('. i. "l'rol',1. 1; ...nmhurg J. R- Mo' er. . .... r M'V. I. I. l l kliom ,V. It. Stiix-iruikcr. Hi. ;t Andre A: J V .Miles 142. Wilier I! Il l IVICH M; 1. 1 .H.SriCr. 15L.7FKS EXECUTIONS Sy SUMMOXS, .Fur Sale ul th'u Ofitc. TALL 8c WINTER NiSW GOODS. W3I. M'KKI.VY & C(h HAVE just received, and arc now opening a large and expensive assortment of New (Kootls suitable to the season, coiisisling of all the variolic. ever kept in a country storo. Among tneir assort ment may bo found the following . Dry Goods. n..K.lMtlsss i.kl nnlnra. miHliticri nnd pricrfl, lTimii i'Mtt-i - I t i" Ceiuier, Satlinetts, and various other kinds Jot cloths, fl iniieU Valencia, .Viirscillcs.-Silk and othoi veslingH, French tnil English Meriuoea, Uoiiilm .iin!, Fashionable Calicoes, Irish Liners, Bijk. Cotton and Linen llnuilkerchiels, a variety oisiik and Cotton Mockings, Glove mid .Itits for Lad es iml Genllemon, kid and leallier glovi's, uieaciii. o iml unbleached Muslin, ul almo.,1 ereiy quai ny. 1'ieking and other cotton check. Velvet t aps, La i;,,,,! ( :i,i!ilrei.'s shoes of all kiudrt. Men's thick and thin boots and sh-cs, India Rubber over allocs, notion yarn, carpetyaiu, candle wick, ic. GROCERIES. Ltipiorsofall kinds, of the best quality .Molas-'Cs .Sugai nf various quality, ColVee, Teas.Spiees.Sperii' ...,i s'iul, n enui-su and ine rtall. t-anuiea, risn. no. . " v.., A lurpe assortment ff Earthen (Jttcens und (j la v wrin,iviiidiwgr us of alt sizes, Looking glasses, $'C. liar dry aro. Case knives and forks, shoe knives Hutts and Screws of all sizes, Pad and door Locks, Saddle Harness and Coach Trim mings, Saw Mill und llandsawi, round, square, and flat tar inn sheet iron, waggon tire, of all siscs, in Jact every thing in the Hardware tine from a eantbric needle up to a blacksmith's anvil. All of which will be sold ;n e.xchance for CASH f.CMIil'.i:. and (OINTKY I'llOUFCH ol a kinds, on ihe most rcai oiiable terms, and wc iuvili mi frieml.ito call and exuiuine fr tlicniselvcH. Nov. 'J, 18M 2'J. IIIP tl'tYf! ,l. n.,r.nrli,i,ilv .I .111111 1, ..., 111. I'l.MI. ,l- - Il-T ' ' 4 exiiie'siiiu llis thankfiilni'ss to hi., fl ielids.uiiL1 he public, generally, for the liberal patronage hi has heretofore reeeived, informs his friends and tin i nililii- in (jeneral, that he still coiitiuuesto carry on ihe above business al his old c lalihshrd stauil. on he iviiur ol Main and Fast slice's, where he hopes, by .-trict attention to business, to receive and merit a shaie of public patronage ns heretofore lie deems it unneeessiiry to go into the same ol ira. or to use any soft sodder about his SKILL in ihe 1'KtiFK.ItiN DF (JA'LMENT CI 'i'TI.NC is his shop is of lmii stnndiiig, and his work he ihinks ill speak for itself, and far more loudci lhait words. Uul, he would merely say that, he warrants his work done with neatness, duial ilitv. mil in the latest fashionable manner, and will en sure a eood 111 in all caes. .. I). Chnraes moderate to suit the times. All kinds of count rv pi od -3 taken in exchange to wni, at maiket prices. Lloonibburg, .v. a, 1844.-29. TIIK DEM0C11ATIC IMO.X, Semi- Weekly during Ihe. Session aj the Legislature a I '111 O 1)0 L LA IIS ! The 'cii'orratic I iiion will, as usual, be pub lished twice a week, during tin toiir'n Mdsion oi ihe Lecil.ituie. and weelnbtaie aiieailv uccnsioii in coiiiincinl it lo the favor ol the n ailing public. Ni ill.r r pains or shall bp s tut d lo impail lo its columns mliiiln iial zest und xiynr. Ample and i oi n ft report nt ihe meet t!iti(;s if ihe IWi r, lain In s. to(" lb r with ske'chis i.f tin dclinle. i,n all public, an it impoititnt qtu slii'iis, will be I, I'ntiij C'i'i t s't no-rapbers liain In i n t injaec ' (I'-jope. 'I lie iiist.illaii.,11 i f new tel. :niiii.-trat!fiis Male und alioial,.jiul the .!' n lope. iUi'l l i-' li e I'.i a.uics Ihev n:ay priij use to tin i iaii.'v. . v til n nilcrtl.i i omii' v inter i nt ofnn-usu.-.l 'til'in l::lrnst. I'erwiis il siroU;, i.f obtaiuiin.' iiiif --.lid fail) in'rllii:' i ce Will ,i'w.ty lint! in tin Li unit r.itic I iiion a "true ami honest chronicle." To At!'r;.cs, Jiiih'cs, Jiislice. i.f ihe I'eiKc. ami iiui-lie i fiii ns Ki-neiiill. , it will It iui alual e. h. 'e ! nii.i .-..rules .ill the ST.Vi K I'lil.VI l.C. .m l ihe L.W n ol a pl.blic ti:i! I' lif'-nl nature an pulilishci in it iniiuclirt'cii akc their (.ns-t-jr. inl nllv ihii.c liii.i.db btfi ic ii n.i.lLtiitd in Ioiiii. To iii'': to onr f.n ilititv f.r llitr ron-t prompt exeeiitioi. of r-d 'I.f I ublic piii.linR. we are in w o'opf lliiii; em i;'i-shr h he mil of Vri..t:i a novt llipoiliil.'t IIi-iHi ' in I he i. t;i-iii!i e bydv. A i oip'i of iii'Ie 1 1 I . c ; ui'.ii I U iisve bu n t in ;ilo'. t d at 'a-liii..l"P t iiy who Mill ktep our flitter constat tl.v apprind oleiei.ts tiai.sjiiiing at 'he seal of the Nalinnal Co'Cinu.t ut. Ti-:i:.V. tl,.- whole y. ?.r. r il.e stisluii t in f 3 ilO 2 CO fi r ihe . O'.-ice a wcik, AlV I ets. i! ftm'.ii" Usfi-a njN. ul orq icsi i'jn, .H'fi.inpai.icd bv It n rinii.ns, shall nciin j cci y gii.lis lor Ms lri.iii.ic. I nyments may t.t IMU n.illi d In mail, and the 'ost Musti is art .eiiiel'"'! a hank l.iili-r. l oiilaini; moiity for news- ia:t.i i-u: i-tnpla'liB. r.iW.ir1: j lAJC C M'iUNLtn & Co. New Goads) Seasonable and Cheap. W V AVE just received from Philadolpaia.tnd are JiM. "oW ojieiiing large assortment ol ITE'W GOODS, which they oiler to the public at the rnest reduced price tor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 heir stock of goods consists in part, if 8uperfiiiw common and coarse cloths, cossunrr, Halmets, Muslins, Silks, Satins, Mouseline de Laines, Lawns, Merinoes.Laces, American Nankins, brown Hollands, Flannels, A'ilk and cot ton Velvets, Silk and cotton Hsmlker chiefs.Lady' anilGentlemcn's White & colored liose Gloves and Mil 01' ALL BOUTS AM) SUK8, ttc, te., CvC, (S-IB 03132 230 Consisting in pari of SURAHS, COI'TF.KS Si TKAS nf iiHsorled qualities. MOI.ASSI-IS. FISH & SPERM Olf,. Tohaeco, Snulf, Spice, Salt.Sonp, Candles tic.ic L I V K II P OO L AND LUr..w.r.S of every description that may be required. nardwarc.Cutlery Sec OF ALL KINDS. liar, Polled, Hoop and Hand Iron and II agoh ire nf every at set ijitivn tiut may be called for, A largo assortment of Plane bits, chisels, Files. Shovels and Tongs, Knives & Forks, thicket anil Pen Knives, Table and Tea SpooiiH, coffee .1ills. Flax seed Oil, and spirits cf Turpentine; sweeping brushes, weavers brushes; shoe brushes, cloth Inusb es, corn nrooins, ore. The public aie requested to call and examine fm themselves before they purchase clseu hoic. c .-(ell cheap and no mi-lake. IJUmsburi,', Nov. 9, 1841. CD. i9 FAItZILY wIEDICINES JAYSE'S HAIR TOXlC. Til id llair Tonic has produced beautiful New Hair in Ihe head of hunilieds who had been bald for years It nlso puiilie ihe head from Dandruff Clues diseases of the sculp Preserve the hair from falling oil or bscomim; peim.uieolly gray JAY XL'S CAIiMIXATH'E HAL SAM. IS a certain, safe and cfh-f ma! remedy for u cnteiv, lliarilneu or looseiuns, cholera morbus,siiiii mcr coiiiiilaint, colic; "riiiin" pains; sour stomach sick and nervous lieadach heartburn, walerbrdh pain or sickners of the stomach; vouiiliujr; spitlin up of food after calin;? and also where it passes throiiLdi the body unchanged ; w ant ol appetite restlessness mid inability toshtp; win.d in the sto ma' hand bowels; cramp; nervous tremors am twitchiims; seiiKickne.-sj f.iinlins, nielanclioly ami low uess of spirits, fretting nntl trying of infant: and fin nil bowel alliclious and m i vous diseases. Dr. JJYXE'S TOXIC VEIIMIFUUL Which is nerfectlv safe and so iileannnt thai children will not refuse to tako it- It cffcctuulh destroys worms: neutralizes acidity or souineas of the stomach; increases appetite and acts as a gene nil and permanent Tonic and is therefore exceed ingly beneficial in in'c rmitlcnt aiidHeinillent fevers .inifiinli-cstinn; 4c and is a certain and permanent cure for the lever and ayue. l)U. JAYNE'S SANATIVE FILLS. Thev mav be laken Bl all limes una in must (lisfiiKis rlu InfLnnmaioiy, intermit '.tnil, I'eiiiiiietii, Hilitnm, anil every oilier li.rm ol I't ver Jaundice and Liver 'yom plaint. Tor Dyspepsia they are reajly an iiivalualilf nt'.icle, gradually rbanoiiif flu itiaifil siTii lions nf the siiimach and livei ami producing hcahliy tciitm in those im iwn'oinl urij ins. 'I hev aie very valuahlt Inr diM'iist's of ihe Skin, and fur what is ciiiiiiiiniil v called 'Impiiritv of the hlnod;' :il-o lor I'Vuialc ('oinplailH, (.'nslivtiiesJ tte.. anil ill Liel every disease where fin Aparieiil, Alterauve, or I'liigalive Mediciut may he ri quiicil jaync's i:xrr:croiANT. It id way cures AMhllia tw o or thin laro"' ilnsts will I'lire the ('inup or Hives i.l (,'hililn li, III from nitti n iniiiiilrg to i i hours tunc. It llliineiliatclv siiImIiiis. Ihe violence of Ilimpino l!oii(;li, und Ifi cls :peei!v run, lluinireo wnn rave Dili, eivi-n up by their pliv.ii,i..iis as ine ii iih (, havt been resume in ii'ifei t health, hv it. In furl, as a ipinrtly in Pulninntiry Dis easis, tut inetlicino has ever obtained a li jilii mure di served reputation. t"7'l'he almve Meilieine are all fur sab at the store rf JOHN K. .MOVER. ll.ooiiifebutg. 36 .7 ; M I SIS Til. 1 TON' S SO VICE Et!ue i f Conrad I less lute nf Sagarlovfl town ship, defeased. TSiTOTICK is herein i;iveu that li tters of a. j it tnitinii.nn Ihe aioic iiienlioi.eil t slate m t. ,...i ... il,.. ...l... .il..., ..i.l;.., i ,i.!.i tor i ,e noiTi ii-iuenl iit.oii a cerinin pui e oi "i rs l-.f All i. ..i..i...,.i ... ,i... mid Kstaie aicl.. i. l,v initilit il lo make i c.iate i il...... I,.., ;.. ..i..;,,.- .... r......,.i...i ... I'.I . III' li'. ,111,1 ,l.', .... .lif, . I,.,.. .. , , . ll r . ue sent tht in propel Iv aiitbeuticalt ,1 lo UII.I4AM JlLiX, Ad Ny!cui.,er lr', 1 SI 1. DO. CLOCK & WATCH llAlil RES'liCTFULLY inform the ciliren ul Columbia county, and tlio public gilirrall) hsl he has hu nted himself in Dlnomsburi on Main Ureet opposite St. Paul' Church, where he bat ooencd shon, and is now ready and prepared to trecrive aud execute all work in his line of business, with dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. locks & Watches of the best quality, can be had it his establishment on very reasonable term' . ltEPAIKIXG & CLE A MX (2 will be done to the satisfaction of tho customer, as well of Clocks and Watches aa of Jewclsy, and lie will, further, warrant his work to bo exe-mtcl as well as any in this section of the Stale. He will also make to order SURVEYING COMPASSES or pocket, and in short, will do all otherwoik usu ally done in a w ell legulaled respectable establish incut, He hopes by st I 'ft attention to bosmes and a desire to please, to leceive a liberal shine patronage. Couulry Produce taken in pay men for work ut the maiket prices. Uloomsbura, Nowinhcr 15, l844---30.t llOOEaiSiMM' 31AKIMiK,VAKI). The stibseiilicrs liave established at ibr iihovo iilare, a new MJIli h l.h i.thi) and will always he ready, al the shone. noiice, to furnish lo order, MOXUMEXTS. TOME-TABLES. TOMBS TOXES, HE. IE Til J.1M1IS, MAXTL ES. PAIS T S TOXES, MULL EES, &c. or any oilier work in their line. They an also prepared to lurnisi WINDOW CATS and SILLS, DOOli .SILLS and STEl'S, &c either of Ma. bit-, Lime or any kind o! stonr! hat can be procured in this vicinity SiT Having had ':onfi(lerable c xperiew in the btisinfsa, tney pledge their work tt be executed in as handsome a style as cat he I'uiiiirfhcd from biiv yard cither in th .it v or country; and on as reasonable terms. AHMSTliONG Si IIUfillES. Illnonisbiiig, Nov. a, 1813. ly 28 Chair rrTanufactory, THE subscriber continues to carry oi the CHAM ilf A N U F A C TO It I N G in si nesH at ihe old stand of II- Si S. Ihgei here he wil be reat V al all fnno to (uinish Fancy Si Windsor Chairs, Set lees, Huston Rocking Chairs &c, of every description, which may be called lor, a short notice and on the mosil reasonabli lerins. He will also execute House, Sign & Ornamental Painting, and Iloune Piipciinj; in a superior manner, From bis experience in the business, nni hi faeilities of matin iieluriliLr the vailOUr articles nf his line, he flatters liitnHcl' tha he shall be able to furnish as good work ...o.l n iii.ii as reasonable terms as can hi (lone in the eoiintrv, all of w hich lie dispose of for CASH ur COUNTS Pli'OHlICE N. 15- Orders from a distance will strictly aul ininctiiallv attended in. 15 IIAtiEiM.LCH. Blooms! tiro. Dec. 110, 18i:i Brag's a go oil dnff, Bui Holdl ist is belter. rSnilK umlersitjiied would return his sincera am 5 hiiinblc thaiihs to the citizens ol liloonisliuri and vicinity, for the favors thus far bestowed upm him, and would still further ask a continuance i he same, so loni; only as satisfaction is rendeied He would not say, Come we. eotne all, hut conn as nianv ns coiivcnientlv can. Neither would h promise, (as others have,) to do llis Work belli than can be done in any other shop in the place- but in short, he would neither brag nor banter, bill defy any one w ho does brag to do work neater than he does, in all tabes. He has also lately receiver ihe bile NEW YOUK & PHILADEL PHIA FASHIONS with which he is prepared to do woik Fushlonuhli and neat, and will guarantee a good fit Ht nil timet for anv one who mav favor him with a call llis shop ia at the old stand occupied by bin for a number of veins And the latch string wil oe found out at all times. As to prices be wishei to be understood that he intends to do work as low as any of his neighbors, and as usual, all kind country produce taken in exchange for work dom at his shop. An) JJITLUT. UloomsburR, October lvi, lHll-X'f). To E'libiic, THE subscriber desirous of quiling bus ini'ss requests all il ose indi bit d lo I.iiii t liake pa mt III iliinif ilialrlv. The fidUiwiii" pi ices will be paid f(. PRODUCE in exchange fur bis STOCK OF (.'OODS hi h ind. (OOI) WHEAT $1 per bushel. WYE r, ets. COKN .1,1 und .!?. OATS 25 ets. FLAX tt.ED $1 25 ,,,s- jfy Goods ob! at cost fur the casl. IJ u I no i redit given alter ibis date. E. II. BIGGS. Sept G-1P1I. NO TICK V7UF,I!KA', the umlai signed rave his noli to William McHcnry, dated ISuvcicbfi la. 1I-I. hlly dollars pay itl'ie six inonins irot,. 1,,,,-t of limit, ami h.i' iue since a.u'ertuiui d that lid McA nrv had no title in the same. I llic,H,c hi , I,,. iMiitioo all nelsons initio pill cl.-isi' said lioieas h-ill ri.fu.-e to j it unless tompi llid bv law. Wvl Li: I.L.NGtK. Uccernl l.'i ISM THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. AM) i ihiiik i hii:m). .t-nliul in I'olilitu aiitl Iltllgjloii. NEW YKAR. Sow it the very nick of lime lo nuliscnbe for the Sew leaf IhdV THE I'HILADELIMI A SATURDAY COUKI Kit With Ihe largest Subscription List ia the fforld. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. For the purpose of facilitating the formation of t'lu s, ol sr.w or old subscribers riot1 in urreuri, otlerbthe following EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. Three copies f of tho .Saturday Courior,! year, or one copy lur three years ?5 fievcii copies othe Saturday Courier, 1 year in 15 20 5 10 J welvo do Seventeen do 1'wo do and 1 copy of either of the $3 Magazines five topic.-) of the .Saturday Courier, and S co pies ol cilhcr ol the J .Ma.r.nics Five copies ol the Saturday 'ouricr,and 1 co py ol frosts new I'n tonal Jlistoiy of A merit' a, a 5 hook, 10 5j In fact, whatever oiler is made, by any other Family Journal, stall iiiiproachini; in worlh, beauty or pretensions, to the Saluiday Courier, will be fur uished by us. The ( 'oiitier has become so wi II und favoiably known (liiouuh a triumphantly popular course of foiiili eu years, thut it Would be snpci litmus to say much on that subject here. e may ever, that to the industry, talent ami enicrprisc, which have fot years kept this paper a hiitjlil c.u m plar for all its imilalors, w ill con.-,laiitly be i.ddcd the productions of every available wuter, ami eon tinned judicious and hbetal expeudituies will cnu tinuully be matle, us well in the l.itt rary ss the Ty pographical departments. (Jur menus will ulwavs enable us to be in advance of all others, and wc shall be so. Histories of Modern Republics. A new and important announcement lor the com ing year, in addition to our already numerous pop ular features, will be a series of (Jondeiiscd Histo ries of dodern Kepublics, by a fresh and viuroim writer' who will impait a world of important in -itruclion lo the rising generation, in this ucw'atid entertaining liomunce of History. Biographies and notices of Distin guished Literary and Scientific Men. Among the interesting essays and sketches of value, which we shall continue to present in tho Courier.will be a full and interesting account of the) rise, jiiogress. and present elevated standing of nil flizttitguintcd men, of the Fust and 1'rccut, (at liume or abroad,) in all dcpaitiiicuts of Ait.S-iciirO Literature, Statesmanship, Poetry, Mechanics, Planting, Agriculture, Printing, Merchandize, etc. This will be a very inloiesting feature for Iho Voting. It will he a department of the Cornier, w hich it has ever been our aim to render of inesti mable value lo those for whom we feel to deep an interest as we do for the Voting den of our great mil growing Country, The Lives of liistingiiishrtl Men are of tmii h value lo those who are yet form ing their own characters; for the purpose of enact ing their parts, corrcclly, on the (heal Stayc of Human Life. lulled, we hope that this Jeparfnicit! of tho 'mirier will be worth more (each year) lo every i'.iinily who have sons and daughters to be reiretl, ban live liints lln amount w c ask for a y cai's sub- -cripli.'ii to the Saturday Courier: Incidtnts, Histories Scenes, E'tltlc &,-c., nf llie American ant! all other Revolutions. Under this- head, which is, by the way, not al all iU-w in the Couiiei, weshall hercalter give graphic; ind interesting accounts occnsion.illy beaulifully llustrated of the .hrilling incidents, so profusely duddeU through the deeply important history of he American devolution, mid of all oilier rev--' ions that we may regard of the least inter value the readers nf the Philadelphia Satir ' ier. This wiil be of deep consequence, .very member of any family of the Am lubhc, who may choose to ilo menisci he favor of securing, regularly, the Courier at their Family Fireside. i'OPULAR TOPOGRAPHY. T growing appetite for a bcticr knowledg nortant features cf our great iind glorio our past exertions shall be redoubled in prevent vivid pictures oi American cine iiountains, lakes, rivers, caves, scenery, e Our original domestic Tulea, Eaiayt, fee. will continue regularly to be famished minds and pens in the country. These . reductions arc acknowledged lo be the liest, useful iie.lructitin at the family fireside, that npptu. n any periodical. Oi n K tronAV rt,s comprise suljeclsin all bran dies of Art and Mature, suitable for the family cir cle, and appear in rapid succession. OL'll TU WFLLFK is constantly traversing he world, in search of llic wonderful and iiitruc ive. Ot a Ar.nit xi.TrriiST occupies weekly nn im lorant space, wih nil matters nf intciest forj tho inhlt lil'i r "f tii'' foil; Our i.urtiHtiil cnrspiDitit nls. Ill Liverpool, .nndon, Ireland ihe Kiisl, tc. keep us icgularly of all .subjects of intciest. Our Markets and Prices ("urreiit.i inbrai c all the arlicst advices in reference to the prict s of al! kinds ,1' drain. Produce, Ac, ihe state of Slot k s.lhinbs, Money.aiid Lam's, and our evtensive arrangements ill hereafter render our 'iicep Current ol inest.- nable value to the I raveller, tanner, and ail Iiu- iness Clastcs whatever. M'MAKIM V HOI.DKX. Courier Luilding, J7 Chcsnut street, l'hila. ADMlSISTR.'l TOR S SOTICE Estate of rh'dip Dodder, lute of Orang township, deceased. .TOTICF, is hereby given that letters nf admin istration, on the above mt nlii. ned estate, h.nn iceil iirantcil to llic stinscnoei umumiii i" iVMiship of Orange. All peisous iiitlel ltd to the till rslate aie hereby notified lo make iinmrdiat.) ivmciit, mui those basing el.iims are requested i iresent them plot erlv initliCliiu an o lot scuiimcri iffore the first of .November next. JOIIM PAUKS.Adm Orange tp.Sept. 7, ISM 20. ULANKS! ! ULANKS! ! irrJosiicrsiUaiik EXl CDTIONS ami SCMMOSS j'isi printed and fur sale al his Othce
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers