4 - a I In PIP 1 s s v m 4 m ma m $Ml mWwt P mm lily 1 CD S I have iwora open (ho Altar ef Ond, eternal hoitlllty to every form at Tyranny over the Mind of Mn,"-.Thuri Jiulonion II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. 1 Volume VIII. HLOOMSIUTRO, COLITMHLV COINTV, PA. SATURDAY, .TAXITAKY 11, 1845. OFFICE OF TDK DEMOCRAT omaiTK Ht. Paul's Church, Mai.n-ci TERMS:. Tht CUr.UAJlM DEMOCnJlTu illb published ever; Saturday morning, 'WO nOjJuiS jirr annum payable 'tf Mfftrhi in aitvnner. nr '1'irn Dnllnrs ''y Cents, if not paid within thtyrui Hi., i . i.l.iL.. ...... -..,1 i.. fiin" 01 at'1 "or uncoil jPt per mil ted, until ull arrearage ' iTlSEMEXS not exreedinsr o On. if beconsnirinmsltj inserted in mi, p"'fr the. first three insertions. nuent rents tor even mitse- ... H'yion. C7V? ; rttl Uscoun o 1 tt'lvrrthe by theyear LETTISH "jessed on business, must be posl ptty ' POKTiiY (ME DRUNKAKD'S LAMENT. Tana Home, Swecl Home. Br Col. Wallace. Mid sorrows and sadness I'm destined U r;i tn. Forlorn Si frsaUen; lpriveil of my home, liH(n'rni'e liaili robli'd me of all thai wa? dear, Of my home in the skien and my happiness litre, Home! home! S'-veet, gweei homi.' An exile from God, 1 thall ne'er find h home, 1 vainly presumed wln-n I firt lonk the ni I rould drink il' 1 choose, or 1 could give i npi Hut I tampered teo h.ng; too long tempteo heHVPn, 'Till an outcast from God and hi present; I'm driven. Home! home! sweet, swpet tiome! On eaiit) or n liaaven, 1 shall ne'er fim! a home. My heart broken wife in her grave hath found reft, 4.nd my children have gone to the land o: the liloel While I a prior wietch, 8 vile wanderei like (Jain Willi the 'mark' of the beast on the eartl still re in -.hi, llonif! home! sweet, sweet hom! How h ippy way I with in) loved one.- at home. Farewell to the sorul endearments of borm Justly loaibed by mj fellows i wamici alone, For pre-mmp'.misly sinning and ternptint ih" Lord. Oi toe I'i 1 1 1 1 .f my "'iivs. I musl Jfeap tin reward. ( lloiJ. Iioiii.'! invent S'VPCl liO'llfT An exilf fmin ( 'd. 1 rliail ne'ei find a home. n.Ll.YLG HYMN. "Invitation.'" C nue nnd join our 'I'emperanee banner, ('!ioe and join its holy caune See ih htre.iinpri poiui lo olorv, In union r.h heaven's law. Come! ve dninkard, weak and weary. We will be your brothers yet We'll protect you while yon tarry, And your h.is we will forgel. Sfe lb" drunkard I. ow dejected SiMrelv wbre to lay his bead: Oli. bis family; bow netcried From door to door they be for bread. See the ills of lifu bi'fet them, As they journey through ibis world Mo kind patents id protect them To destruction ihy are hurl'd. M iibers weep and sinters languish; Wi-es tbeir husS.tniU' los ib'phire; , F 'iei" sbe'l h teiir of hiiu'ihIi; M ii.U Dn ir lovers clasp no more. Comn.and join the Tempeinnre b'innor, We ull see that nil is right; If pri iul ivrims d ire besel ns. U'e will conquer in the fight. Natiirf's God v ill then adopt tliee, Wife and ebildren will tie rnress Smiling friinds will llock around you, Ai.d blhl.cjoyf of life beetuw. Kia j, llio America ii borderer. In an account given by a tourist of bin ourney, lo the falls of Cuyahoga, rear I. nke F.r p. and published in SillimanV Journal of Science, we find the following lartictilara of Samuel Drady, a noted Amer can Bordertr, who floiir'ulud aboul aixty vears ago: 'Rrady was over six feel high, with light blue eyes, fair skin, and dark hair; he was rffmakublv straight, and an athletic and vigorous woods man, inured to all the toils mil hardships of a frontier life, and had be- I'ome very "bnxions lo the Indians, f mm bis numerous siicressful attacks on thiir war parlies, and from shooting them in his hunting excursions whenever ihey crossed Ms path or came within ren-b of his rifle; 'ie was pprsonallv engaged in more hrrd. otts contests with ibe savnges ihnn anv oth "r man west of the 'yiuntains, except tuniol lioone . He vos, in Im-t. an Indian hater,' as many of the early bor derers. This class of men appear to have been nore numerous in this region than any other portion of the frontiers; and thi louhtlpss arose from the slaughter at Draddock'ft defeat, and the numereus mur ders and attacks on defenceless fainilie ihal for many years followed '.hat disaster. Hrady was also a very successful trapper ami hunter, and took more beavers than the Indians themselves, In one of his sdven ( ii ron s trapping excursions to the waters of the Deaver river, on Mahoning, which in early days abounded wiih the animals el this species, that it took its name from this fact, il so happened that the Indians stir prised him and took him prisoner, To 'iave shot or tomahawked him (hi, the spot would have feen but a small gratification to bat of sati-itine their revei;;" by buiniut. lini at a slow fite, in presence of all the Indians of their village, He was therefore KiKen alive to their encampment, on the vvest bank of the Bea-'er liver, about s mile Bnd a half from iis mouth. After il isual exultations and rejoicings at ths cap ure of a noted enemy, and causing birr, to (in the guanllet, a fire was prepared, near vhit'h Brady was placed after being strip ied nuked, and with his arms hound. Pre iously to ty ing him to the stake, t large irHe was forme I around hi in contisting of Indian men, women and rhrildren, dancir g md Vfl'ing, and utieritig all manner if ihreats and abuse that their sin ill knou l dge of the English language could iifford. The prisoner looked nn these preperatious f-ir death, and on his savage foes with o irni rounte nance, and a steady eye, meet ing all their Uneaia with a tru'y savage for ii mile. In the midst of their dancing and rejoicing, a squaw of one of their chiefs--ante neai him wi:li a child in her anus Qmi k as thought and witb intuitive pies nee ho snatched it from her and threw i' into the midst of the fl imes. Horror struck it the sudden outrage, the Indians simul imeously rushed to rescue the infant Iroin tic fire, In the midst of this confusion l$udy daried fmm the ritcle. overitirniiig 'I that cement! his way, and rushed into ie ai'i icent tbickets with l ie Iudiuris elling at his heels. lie asi ended the steej side of a hill amidst a shower of bullets ud duited down the opposite declivity, rcreted liimselfin the deep ravines ami aufel thickets that abounded several milev to the weal of it. Uis knowledge of the otintry and wonderful acivity enabled hi,n to elcde his enemies, and reach the aettle inenta on the south aide of the Ohio rivet which he crossed by iwiming. The hil near whose base this adventure is said to have happened still goes by this name and the incident tefcrred in by the traveler as the foicli is slowly drcred up He ide. JUST SO Dow jr, in one of hit sermons, after tie mons'.fatiiig thai wealth does nol procure hrppiness.saya. A man with a small house a sinill farm, a small wife, a big dog, a far row, two or three fat pigs, and nine rlnldten ought 10 be saiiefied. If he isu't, he csvtr can be.' A Tine Wood VYvddiaff. Tbe UkI R vtr Kepiibhean gins the following sketch of life amid the foresi of the SoihIiwpsI. It is very unlike oui ideal in this latitude, but it is Very natu- al npvprl!icl"S. After rleseribinu rural feast, and the bratity of ihe ladies present thereat. he following ts recorded as an unex tiected inteiruption, fur a time, to the lost V 1 e.. Mounted on a mule, which hid evi lemlv been debarred the ligli's of hi-trib- to rorn .nid fodder fit' a seiion leng'ti of time, were two being-, ci r 'iiinly of primitive, oruin .i 'iy cavaliei i ml a captivating dulcinead. The char ger not (xirt'v c 'pai ironed like a pal li p v of tlie Elizibeihian age, walke' lelib' ratelv ami we thought at the m A'ilb 'malice af ireiho'l,' up lo a pine loi nd chip lo a dead stand. Oil rolled be knight io a per f' Cily 'don't car'1 a I 1' manner anil w'thotit cisling ganoe it the fiir one by his side, or giving her tho slighiesi assistance in lisdiotiotiog he drew a hue line for the encimpmeni, jumping tver evety Unrig hat nn irdpd any ohsiriieiion to In - Vice, and stinging out at the lop of li:s tfoiee: Come all ye Virginnv galls, And listen to my noise Never do you wfd With the Caiolina boys ; For if you do Your poiiion it fli ill be Com dike and hominy , And j mstatigi tea. Bom asala, M iry , Bono en i ii sue. By way of accoinpioimeot he ciaek ed with inimitable genre huge whip, which he fl mi ished above hit head, and Have a yell that would have met t'ae up now I of a committee of the Sioux staves. II-'- cot-,' -.jirl j f. i. ii I o ar o'. who was indulging in a cochioalory fi it the strange plietio ne.ooe- ' 1 he wild mm ol the Woods for i V !" cried a w on uur l iiht, who Ii.-. jut- d a lo to lidve a clear view o: he rntu.r. 'Two lo o-ie h-.-'s the feller lint hut t -d the boll off of the bayou br.dgi exclaimed Ben Blower Iiom Soak' creek. On hero heard not, or heeded no. tiiebe complimentary rcmaiks.but inadi us way up to 1 he company 10 due styu Iwas imle'-d oiigmal. ll'S heigh O'.ll I not hjVe been less than six fee I 1 U e , wilhoill shoi j 01 SluCKlOg', which it: coosidcM il useless append iges. II vote a allocking bad hat, wuh a hole ii lie t p. lliroojjh which a mil of rr il U ,i otitic t uress, gild waved lo aiol lio, MU lie c.iu til a rointf'alk on a windy ili. Ls coat was ut nut-dyed, home iwaiiti iC ure, minus the slinl, winch he sain he l ad lost in an nicoiiiti with a wild cat In- had slain on t.ie roid. His shin collar Was ihimvn open, di.-.ilosing oieasl tatiiied by the sun ol iwcoi) years, atol his inexpressibles, which seemed to be on had Urms with his fee eaviog llicm about two feet lo the lee ward, were hitched up on one side witi 1 bucUikiii brace, giving Hieni a rgzij: appeal ance, decidedly Uuitpi". lJrveJ g 1 i.i? a-,'-nibly tor a m.iment, wilt. th aiteiition he would hive given to ni"iiag''l i: of wilil b 'astSjhe bioke fottb tmis : Ft ilrs, I'd i'lsl like to know il then, .s a ouire in ihese nails ? " Do you mean ih" parih J-idgc?' i.sked an esumable Clt'Zo. Yes, I '-pose don't care a pioi knol who, so's he can do tlie thing, " n ilied the stranger, giving his whip a pe euliir crack. " Wh it may be your businejj, friend?' nqmred a demure sovereign 10 I In lllOIVll, " Noihth' much, no ho v," replied he mo lei n Nimrod. I only want.' the feller that em harness me and lha ;ill on old Under, ) Odder. Site's jus he loudest gdl in tin settlement a' .lick as a peeled maple, and as clear gri a a skinned later rolled in the sand put' I'm called a whole team and a dog urxler '.he wagon. I've snaked about Ihe8 woods for a week, looking lor a 'rqijin .VUUO III! nCn, lUVB.Kt IWI I CU'.lllMcg Mill! .I.HE'.M l. I1D II.IH.t'1 IT Ml' .... . ?. rl 1 1 i -n r i , . i o hitch us, and wore out a pair oflold ugly Bets Foler.and give her a bran britches looking for him, and I wish I may be rammed through a gum tret head foremost, if I am going lo pack Stize any farther. I came hereto yoke her, and here I m goinj to slay I The .oar of laughter that follow... iiiiib niuipie ircitai w uea.eu . i.g. . e ,.,1 k.,11.... i. .,...!.;.. Ih. v-m umiunf iii um'i it is rj'iile probable we should have sot - feted largely in thai line, had not the l'.insh Judge arrived at that moment 'Slop tr,' said the judg'-, ha cere ind given a new turn lo affair.'. The.mony is nol complete.' nidge, Ri all our readers know, is sop- nosed by many, 10 bo of Gallic, (leacentjbe Ithough we have no authority in say tog th it he is a "native and to I he on nor boni." Unlike the great poet' Just. re, 'In f.iir round Telly with good capiun lined, With eyes ievere, and Leaid uf formal cut, Ful of wins mws and modern instun:c9," ne is ns lean as a Urahiimine, ivtn entirely on bran pudding and frica-- eed radishes. With the undying zea if an Isneliie, he thunders loiih an iihemaii against Icur fooU'd animals, md considem oinithology a fit study I'ol cannibals. Tin are Ihe enli nents of the Judge, albeit in politic? ie, strangely enough, 'goes the whoh log," At one time, we learn, ho was an ex liotinder of the Methodist fiitli, and in- versed the country in coinpaoy wit! lie deVOIll and t-uu.,.!.. (.unci u-0- wine. 1 his may account lur tno vet serintij east of countenance peru'1,11 ii him. On the present occasion he wa dresjed in the height of fashion. 11 wore a "West of England'' invisjhh gieenroa', the Collar of which w.sp-i pendicular and corded a Ii collei n-,' giving jhe wearer qoile a imgisti ria ippearirip. His casluneie Vest w i rj,,' tm ed chje up to the chm, uvtt l!e to f which p rotr oi led an enoi moils p i r u t.-i win,.!, rs. sucu as aie worn o i- i - i it gimln, whom sensitive TuUng ladie. I'li l iii such high esieem,his p i:iidioons; of fancy siiipe, were neatly strapped i. pair of patent leather boo!: am French kids encased his tmall delicti' lands, in which he held the liccns hot ivii la l"--J i-jj.tli i ivVO Wi iuif- heaiK" The judu" now proreedcl f ) bus. i-s, ci'linj on the gay Lotlutiu w live impel Ui'tly descritied, to "'.n.'. nn" his bialo. ' Yi-u'ie the miti for my y J!er q in i rs,"' said our hero in estacies, and vay he went on a run for Suj?. Wi" me clloii of lib brawny ariii, lis tuui. ht i'rum tlie mule and brought In r h he centre of an enclosure formed b he company, his pyes diljling and hi vho'v. fiam-.' exhibiting signs of joy un I. t I 'I'. 1. . I . L iiieaii ii"'. i ne urine was a uouucini. irnine b'-iuty, on whom lime had sntil d in Li r-ijit I co iise. She wore a blu alien drt'.s, full in every part, thus je r niiting "luvry grace To rim a race." A string (if blue beads ornamented good Mibstao:t,il ncrk none of youi 'swiin-like' things and her head g"ai was a cotton handkerchief with i-c r 'e .tunes and vi'llow urouinj work, ne! rocf fi.il I y under the chin and coocea1 tog liie fl ixn curls that s roggled lui liberty. IL-r shoes might have givei your reserche fashionahle ladies die hy .erics, but they united comfoit a;id du 'ability and effi ctu dly closed the duo 'o the fell destioyer, consumption. l he liuiry of the momcu', tiouii'lt s. sit' nade an invidious d junction hfiweci. hose in c ssaty appendag'-s cIhij i cn My called '.insect uVslioyers, one ol whicl acked tho blue sock but this w n si Hiis.;on, iiol a lauh. Her blue e is il rented on lie chosen one, spok -1 oq icotly (f shilling love, and bet 'landsome laca was wreathe. 1 in titn,ie The Judge gUnced A the piji-r i lis hand, and then in solemn, impies iive tones dein mde 1 of Hie groom- ''Will you Idke S'i in Jenkins as 0ir awful wedded w I'.- ?" "Well boss, I lerkon 1 w iii voilhio I have IIU since rlaylignt ami jacked her here, it I didn't mean to lo the clean thing,' answered our he '0. "And you Susan, will you lakfl Cy us Snortor, as your lawful wedded hus band ?" "Yes Squire, that I will. D.id 1 f i.... l IJ.il C . L.... i ougoiei mjirien uni .t vizic; uui i see him banged nrst. lio nancerj wuh new shawl. UnJcg that, he got drunk. fell off his horse and brokn his leg. Cy s good enough for me. replied lb spi.ited beauty. , This was too mucil for Cy. H jdn - .p ed for joy, and elated ll.- d,,iI,.vl,HII hpar the voices, hot net Die words of "0,1 - ,0 n.S OOSom.gl VI ng l.t r a Sin IC K it. -l.t.,1 .1 : 1 I... .u. tii'ii 1 r.iuiu 111 en iiit muni; cra'i.11 uv lie popping of a cot k from a champ i(oi bol'le. 4 Go it Squiip,' shouted Cv, 'I wit' as still as wild cat kelching i- deer.' The silken knot ws now tied, an amid the huzzas of the men and whitr 'kerchiefs waving of the ladies, Cy eariied hi. blushing niid the mule. iilaced her behind him and in a twink ling was on the road to home and happi ness A Tl)i'.Uiii tncideat Tlifl fullowiug graphic and thrilling skctrl of an incident which occurred some ve nt- since at the Natural Bridge in Virginia comprises a passage in a lecture on Gen ins, delivered by ihe celebrated Ellin Buritt, the learned Blwinmiith of Uho 1 Island: The scene opens with a view of the grp. Natural Biidge in Virginia. There art t'lree or four lads standing in . ih ..i.., i.M.MHj; up wi'.ti awe lo that vns ireh of unhewn rocks which the Aluiighu 'milt over ihese everlasting abutments, when lie morning stars sang together. The lit la piece uf the sky spangling those measure less piers, is full uf stars, although it is mie lay. Ii is almost five hundred feel fron -vhere they stand, up those peipendirular ml w arks, of limestone, tu ihe kr ruck ol .hat vasttrch, which appears lo them oi.l f the t'.zo of a man's hand. They silence j death is - rendeied more impresiiva I,;, he little sir; inn ihu. fulls from rock l" rock down the ch.mel, Tire sun darksaed and tlie boys have uuconsciously uacoverei.1 iieir heads as if standing in the projiico hsoiber oi" ihe Maj'-sty of the whalo eartl I. ,t.l litrrr tciel-.-) '.C'ii 'Pi . hey begin to In ok around liiein. 1 re itiei numes oi nttr.arei.s cui in uie hme .i . , i . ..... i none abutment. A new feeling comfs ov heir young hearts, and their knivrs era i. tatic iu an initai;;. n mi mm uut cone nan can do,' is ihe waiehword, while iliet Iraw ihem-ulvet up snd carve their name i foot above those of a hundred msn win ud been there before lliem. They are ull eatujed with this feat of .itiysical I'xeriion, ex.-ept one whose ei implo illustruisi perfectly, tiit forjutien iut!i, tint thero is r.o rey! i ,;.i'J iu ijnej. ee'.ujl ('(iiiiieuce. This tn;bi'.;nu, v;'iiih -iCPi a man just (move ins reach, a itsrne till be treen iu iho memory of the word, when those of Alexinder, Caesar, ai.d riuomiparte, shall rot iu oblivion. It va the name of Wsshintoc. Ucfora lmsicb ed with Braddoek to that fidd.he hud beer .here and left his name a foot above all his liredecessois. It was a glorious thought of the boy, t write his name side by atd wiih lhal of the great father of !:is country llegrasps hia knife with a firmer baud; snilj clinging to a little jutting cia;.he cuts again m to the limeituue, about a foot abovi where he stands, he then reaches up :uu' cuts another for bis hands. It' is a dcu iic.ous adventure; but si he puts his feci md baiiil into those niches, and draw. liiinnlf up carefully lo his full length, In finds hiuiMif a foot above every nann ebronii led in idat mighty wall. While hiv 'companions are reg uding him wiih con ?rn and admiration, he cuts hi name it rude p.ipiia'o; (ore and deep, ivothat flintj illuirii' II. knife is dill in his hand am .trengib in his binews. and a new creater" aspiraiion in his lietit. Again he cuts another inche, and agait 'iecaives his name in large capitals. Thi. e not enoitgh. Heedless of the e;iiraiief of his companions;! cots and climbs again I'he gradations of bis ascending sealf grows wider apart. He measures hi length at every gain he ruU. The voice of his friends wax wesker, 'ill their wordt are finally lost on his ear. lie now for tbi first time casts a look lenea'b him. Ha'1 thut glance lasied a moment it would ha '. . . . n I- , . "Iheenhis last. He dings Willi convulsivi , ,, , ,. , ., . . . Bhudlf r to hie ht'.le nn he in the rock. At , , n " ,'t""11 ''' He is faint with severe exerticn, and tremb ling from the sudden view of ihe drea 'fu destruction to which lie ia exr osed. Hi. - jkniea is worn La.f way to tie Ik-It. IJ ,tnr .,riU r,nn,n,n- k.l... ivi.... "'"I .. neagre chance lo escape the deatruetiwi. fhero is no retracing hisstsps. Ins im. mssible to put his esnct inu th ssm-i liche with his feet sr.d retain bit almiditr Hold s moment. His companions 'njitant y perceive this new and fearful dilsmms, and await bis f( wuh eruotioqi thai frusi heir young blood. He is too high, loo taint, to ask for his lather and mother, ii broihers and sisters, lo come md witness r avert his destruction. But one of his immpniiioni auiicipius his deire. Bwift is the wind he bounds do-vn the channel, and the siltiatimi of tho fated boy is told upon his father's hearth stor-e. Minutes ef almost aieiml lenjtii roll on, md there are hundreds standing io that ncky channel, and hundreds on the bridgu ibove, ail hnldiiig their breath, awailinj the fearful caiastroplielTbs poor buy henra t'".e hum of new and nuiuei oust voices mill above and below. Ha can jual (lis- inguisti iha lories of loo s'imiiing wiih all the fneriy of despair. Willianl William! Don'i look dwvn! 'our mother and Henry and Harriet are all nero praying f.:r you! Don't look don keep your eye inwards the lopl The loy dul'iii look down. His eye is livid lika :iinl towards Heaven, and his young hcsrl on II im who reign ihere. He grstp again tils knife.. He cost soother niche, and another foot is added to the hundred that remove him fcom the reach of human help from below. Hour carefully he uses bis casting blsdel How anxiously he selects ihe softest place in that vasl pier! Hovr ha avoids every flinty gtainl Her ha economises his physintil powers resting a moovu at eah, again be cuis. How every notion Is watched from bluw. U'liern isiat-u l:;s laihcr, motherj brother and sinter, ! . ton t :e vertr sant wber. if l. fall. I u-ill ,10t frf 0,19. . i - - .. - .... t i,i1 ,nn ;. n i,ir., .i, ,i, ...... 'tl9 HI h me fifly a(J(iuonil nMmia hat lU'ghly wall, and no-.v finds himself tirectly under the middle of that vast an li ..f tm ksf estth end trees. He must cut "a wLy io a new direciior. to get frotn uu ler this over hanging mountain, The inspir tio:i cf hope is dying in his bosom j in vital 'fa: is fed by increased shouts cf hundreds .itichcd upon cliffs and ire&s, and oiliers vhns'.aRd with robss in their band on ti c 'dds above, or with ladders below F.ftv stains more must be cut before, toe longfst ope can reucli him. His wasting blade trilies Kgain into tin limej.'ono. TiiB my is cminergin; painfully, foot by Ajoi, iVom that lofty arch, Jjpliced repes tre iedy in ths hands of ihosa who are leaning ov it- the outer edge cf the bridge-Two minutes more and all wiil be over. That blade is worn to the lail half inch. Tho tlmy's heads reels; hia eyps are sLitim tioM their sockets. Hia last bones rn K- mg in his heartihis life muai hang upon the ue.it again he cuts. That niche is she last. t the last fiiut g.-ish ,ha makes his J.iid 'alls Irorii his netvelesa hand, and rinci.-.g alouj lite precipice, falf at n-jier' reet An involuntary groan of tiespiir nm .ike a death kre! through the rhannel (?; ow, and ull is still as the grn'e. At the !ieig!ucf nearly three hundred feel, li:e (evotcd boy lifts bis Jins3 heart mid losing eyes to commend his soul to Gv ' I'is but a moment; there! one fjot swings tH lie is reeling trembling toppling ver into eternity.' Hark a ehotit falls on iis ear from above! The man v. lm is ly ng wiih half hia length over the bridge, has aojht a glimpjfl of Ihe boy's head a:;;l shoulders Quick as ihonght the noosed pe is wiibiu reach of ihe sinking youth No one bre jtblens With a font, conclusive, effort, the swooping boy drops his arm into 'he noose Darkness comes over him & viih ihe words, God! and mother! w bis. peisd on his lips just loud enough lo le leard in heaven, the lightening rope Ufa him out of bis shadow niche. Not a lip not es while he is d ingling over that fearful .ibvs','"it w.isn a sturdy tirginian reaches down, dnw up the hd, and hold, him tip m bis aims before tho fearful, breaildess mul'.ilud-, su.-li ilio'iting, such leaping and vpepini! lor jov, mtver ptceier! the ear of itmr n being so recovered from the ya nirg aelf uf eternity. 1 (1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers