A FATAL FIGHT IN A COURT ROOM,, The Canton fMiss.) Democrat of the 20 th ult. gfves the following account' of a fatal rencontre, In the' court room at that place:- 'We stop the press to announce tho fact ftuut miai iciivumiu uau jusij ihivcii In pur Court room durinu tho cession of the Court, between Mr. Jeremiah Ell'inK ton, and T- CJ. Tupper, Esq, Mr Tupper was addressing Ihe jury upon the trial of a riminal rasp, iti tvhitli Rllinctnn wia nrnspnntnr.aml wis rmnmnlltlhir IpmlimnlA. ,.. . .. .-fa. ly and properly upon :o evidence, when Fllinnliin ranm nn hehind lilm. nnil Klriint- Iiim twice or (thrice over the head with a huge slick. Mr. T. thereupon seized a ctwuiu iuu mat iajr iic.il mill, Willi WHICH he slabbed his antagonist under the left arm Mr. E. died in a few minutes after wards.' Perle.straini.im Frrt rannlinrtrii W o yesterday conveised. wilh a gentleman who nssured us jhat on Tuesday last lie left Baltimore, ul 0 o'clock A. Ah and walked trom ttience to Ulauensburg, Irom Uladena btitg to Upper Marlborough, and from Up virr Mnrl hfirnlltth In tlila tvfiinh Un j-- ' ' o " . . . . " ....... .v reached at ten minutes before seven o'lock the same evening thus walking a distance of 63 miles in. less (han thirteen consecutive hours? The pedestrian is well known in uaiumore ana ine aujoining counties, which ...... . lie irequenuy visits ior protessionai pur nnca Wit nnoirUi I Y a nUnwA nn Avlnn dinary feat, and worthy of being publicly recurueu. xrui. mi. Snow Banks in Mav Tho Northamn ton Gazette says. 'One of our friends was out at Wcslhatnpton a week ago on Satur day, 17th May, and seeing a tree marked at a considerable height from the ground, innuricd what it-was for. The answer was that it was the exact height of a snow bank two months previous. Our friend, then, on a snow bankour feet deep, measured from its surface to (lie mark, and found it to be sixteen feet. So that the snow bank was originally twenty feet high Another fact. TJie driver of the Uummington stage states that on Thursday, 19th May, he passed over a snow bank in ine roau to riainnelu, five feet detp: LATE FROST. On the night of Thursday the 1st of June. Summer!) there appears to have been a frostjn almost every direciion. From Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, .and other New Nngland Stales we have :nioii: -i places so severe as to injure tender vegelu -J - It. n i kt mw. iioTi especially, la uocnester, n. x., on the morning of the same day light fall of snow, and in Baltimore and in this city, there was a slight snow squall at about six A M' I- . CM I . iu. in suiug Jul la ui iwaasaciiuseus ice was found in the morning The New York and Jerscv papers say that bush beans, Lima beans, cucumbersjegg plants and tomatoes wore killed, unless in shelter cd places, and even the potato tops were much cut. The fruit is generally too far advanced to be injured. In somo parts of this State the frost on the first of the present month, has killed at . I n mo corn, oome oi me larmcrs, as we learn, were ploughing it up on Saturday The tops of the growing poialoss, for one or two inches, are 'bitten' black. Beans and peas have also suffered, Reading rottsville, and other interior poinis make the same report. Wo have, so far, heard of no frost south of Washington. Uuoii looking back, wo find thai in lftlft ihere was a frost every month during the year, we tiavo now entered the sixth month of this year, and have so far imitated V fl 1 s franca. . ioiu. in loao mere was irost in Juno, In the middle of May, last year, there wjs a heavy frost which killed the fruit. But this is the only year in eighteen years, in Which there has been a heavy frost in June. The fact of the snow fall; last week, how ever slight, recalls the well knovn prophecy of Lorenzo Bow, who a number of years -since, said tliat in 1843; there would be no 'King in England, no President in the JUnited;Slates, and snow it June. Every item of this 'guess' by a little straining can be made to appear; but then it involves, a icun-sti-too tional question.' Little Vic is aio King, is John Tyler President, or Mr. "J'yier, Vice President, acting, fcc? NEW FINANCIAL SCHEME. A, correspondent in Washington whose occasional letters have given hints of com ing events, or hints which seemed to pre vent certain contemplated acts, writes to us as follows: Air. Sriflnrpr tins a ornnit antipmn nf ft. nance and circulation on foot, to issuo ten millions of Treasury notes, all $50; all re deemable at different banks in tho large cities, which are to be made deposito banks, The plan is fixed and settled, and it is inten ded as a movement nirsiinst a United Stains Bank by giving a circulation to the country : it... r .. . i r- . . u iiiu lunu ui uieir iiuies. orcai iinj) tani'fl M nll'.irhPfl In it iv Ihn I I'lliihn! a political; move, and it w)ti probably the nucleus' on which' to ,jjuilq,a political machine embracing discounts a xciunges, Kc-U, o. Uasolto, or be i great nd St THE SPECULATORS IN STGClCS., I lie speculators Wlm ipiapil hn, r iale fltoi'k. Ilnllpr llm demand for'ii by subscribers to the,, Dela ware Diyislon ol tho Pennsylvania CantI would greatly advance its price, have boen. sorely taken in by tho adjournment of the Comissioners, and tho failure to proceed with the subscription. Most of the largo operators in Stale stock for a month past, were persons who relied upon seing it to thoso who should lake slock, and by the fall in price have lost thousands of dollars. The failure of this speculation has thrown a damper over others, and hence we find (Sirard Bank shares, Vicksburg, and other fancies also falling off not that the one has any connection with the other as regards their value.bul operators are alarm, ed, and Induced to paUse in iheir career Perhaps it is as well, that something has occurred to check the recklessness which the business of our Slock Board but to plain ly said was based upon nothing substantial. When the present panic has passed, there is reason to suppose that all stocks of value will rise, until tho just relationship between capital and commodity shall be fairly estab lished. While money can be obtained at 4 per cent, good "stocks, liko ihosb of Kentucky, Tennessee, &c, tho interest on which has oyer been promply and regularly paid, cannot long remain below par. Ledger. The Norfolk Herald states that Mr. Cushing "will meet with great favor among the Celestials, as his name' indicates that he L of the Chinese descent. The name originally Cow iSAm.afterwards S'u Shing and has been Anglecised into Cushing. Not bad. FOURTH OF JULY, 1843. Temperance Celebration in Wilkes barre. BY a resolution of the 'Pollard and Wright Temperance Association of Wilkes barre,' it is proposed to celebrate the com ing Anniversary of American independance, by holding a Mass Temperance Convention in Wilkesbarre. Tcmpetance societies, and ineinendsol lemperance, in Ltizerne and me aujoiningi counties, are respecllulty in viicd to. attend in mass, if practicable, and if not by representation The assistance of several distinguished speakers expected; and it is honed that a hcnrfiVinl ilnmiutelrn lion may be made in behalf of this good The order of exercises, which it is design ed to make as pleasant and interesting ac possible, will be announced in dun liinn. Friends of teroperance'.will you give one uay 10 me advancement ol piiilalilliropy and benevolence to the promotion of a ciuse which has forits sole object the com torianu uappinoss oi manKino. jy l n rangementg. J HI hair cannot erow whiln ill rnnu are cioggeu wiin scurf and dandruff, any more man the tree can flourish whose iruuk and branches are encrusted with moss and canker. Scurf and dandruff are paussd hv suppressed perspiration, and are a re r tain sign that the vessels of lite scalp require Invigorating so as to enable them to throw offihe moisture which now dries and hard ens on the surface of the skin. We know nf nothing that will dp this half bo effectually as jayne a tiuir Jontc, which by promot ing the' health v circulation nf ilip hloorl and strengthening tho vessels of the skin, keeps U.I... ! - - .. . ri . mo nuir anvays in a perieeuy ueatiiiy stale lam Chokinsr! 1 am WliDl-inr! snid n .8.1. :?..! ..... .... . .. .-".: . bick irienu wnom vre visued tne oiherday. He lay on what he supposed to .be his death I 1 1 1 t it'. . . . aeo. a uegiecien com nau terminated in violent soar throat, the glands of his neck Were swelled almost to minnnntrnn his pulse was quick and iriegular.his face flash ed with fever, and hi flesh liko, burning coal, a mass ol coapu ated mucus had caliiered in his throat, anil thn nnUn nf U breathing resembled what is called the death rattle, for which his medica advisers had undoubtedly mistook it. We bmln hi m nnl despair, and having before witnessed the extraordinary enectt of rir. Jnvni.' Kmp torant in nulmonarv nffpniinnn. a bottle of it, which we administered as fast as tne almost strangled suflerer was ab e to ii i. i. . . ... . swanow u. in an nour aner laKing the first dose our friend could breath freely. I he phlegm and mucus was dislodged from the mucus mcmbrance to which it had ad hered and was expecloratsd in large masses leaving the trachia perfectly free. Within two weeks the patient was well. Jayne's Expectorant is no less efiicacinua in -ipiiIa rlifliimillom In.n in ilioann.n nf '.La iivuHi.iiqiii ...wi. an uiaiiilba U lliv IfUI'ilU nary organs. For sale at JUUN K. MOYEKS, Bloomsburg. it.'iuk lVote tiiiy Eihlbltliig ffio value of Dank Jotcs in PliilaJ. Cdrrcctcd wcckly.J Thoso maiked. with ft are hot generally pur chased by tho brdkora In Philadelphia. - i'EXSStLV.Nrl VinoiNti, rlnladd; banks par Virginia banks 3 U. S. bank notea, 43 dis Whcellnc banks 1 lai New Yoiik tm ... liar ''"y "anka t" l emu Ward, &e ' Most of tho country bka pari 110 6n'0' par I Nryr Jn'nsEr. par Mechanics & Atanuftic parl tdrdrs' bank ut .'i'rbli iartkof I'cnna." iBank of Penn tp. Mnnviftt Median Mechanics Moyamciislng GcrmantoVn Delaware co Chester county Montgomery co Farm, bk Bucks co Uoj'lcstown Farm, bk Rending Berks co bk Easton Northamnton 1'ottsvillo Miners bk Lebanon Lancaster Lancaster co bk Farm, bk Lancas. Columbia bridge Middlclotvn Harrlsburg Carliilo, Northumberland West Branch Wyoming bk Pittsburg bks " post notes Towanda York GcUysburg Chambersburg Wayncsburg p, n. .demand notes rownsvillo p.n. demand notes Erio Honcsdalo Susquehanna co Lcwistown Lumbermen's bit Deiawaiie. Bank of Delaware Wilm'gln & Bran Farm. bkofDel Union bank Smyrna Small notes par! ton , par Princeton bank par Bank at Camden 1 Cumberland bank 70 Mount Holly par Salem banking co 85 New IIopo brjdgo 5 Trenton bkg, comp 4 Other banks I Farmers' fc Mechanics bank of New Bruns- 1 widk' and all othcra 1 brokn and no sale. Mauvlano. par par par r par par par 25 par 4 Baltimore nka par'Patapsco bks 45 Mineral bank g' Cohens' notes jiFredericktown llllagcrslown B'Weitministcr' 4Williamsport ' Cumberland 4 Salisbury n Franklin bank o'Fredcrifk co bk i I 2 5 l2 '1 1 Ball. Ohio Rail Road notes 25 Distiuct or ,Colcm. 1 1 1 1 Washington citv 30 Georgetown 2 Farm. & Mcchnu failed Alexandria I All others broke. Omo. par.Oincinatiand other par Ohio bank's 3 parlflrokcn banks generally pat no sale. NOT! O.K. THAT I liavo nurclmseil at rnnsfnMn nln n (l.n monertv of Aaron Bender nnn vnVn nf .ir-rm nr,n nloueh. o ie harrow: one- slpJ. iwn nrrpa n,t.o-t in Ihe g-ound, five acres rye in tho giound, two acres oam in uicgrounu; two aim a nan acres corn in llio giound; grass on the g'Wndj and havo left the samo in his possession dpnng my pleasure of which the public will tako notice. Juno 10, 1813. 7. ALL persons are etulioncd ncainst pur chasing a note of hand, dated June 1, 1813, payable six months after date, forTliirtcen Hnllnrct mid TtTlv npnli' (ilvnn tttr mo In Elijah. Kobbin8. as Miave received' no'valuo r..m l'K. . ' 'lll iui in odiim, ,aiiu ...eiiuii iuiusu -io nay unless compelledbyilaw . . .i- v rn HENRY H IGUT, Juno 10, 1843.--7; it Relief notes of Ienn Tuwnship, Moyamcnsing, Manufacturers and ilochanics, Lcwistowil.Bcrks County Erie, Northampton, Towanda, Wilkes barrc and West Branch banks. , 44 a 0 iitUburg banks, Columbia Bridge Co. Farmers bank of Lancaster. 4 j a 5 Pennsylvania Bank, Mechanics bank of Phila. Aorlhern Liberties Delawaro County: Chcstci ouniy, Uermantownj and "'armeis bank of uuckb uount-. Dar Other ReliefNotcs " 4$ 0 5 M IIjJLGKO VJ WOOL CARjDIjftT- A STATE jfiri35T0d- Of the amourit of Real-and Persdnal property, In, the sercral townli,p iu tljtoi.rity of Columbii, made lakabltj by. Uic laws ,of this Commonwealth for. Btato and coUnty purposei together with tlie snm totat'pt State and county' tax assessed in each' township in said county, for tho year A. 1). 18-13 TOWNSHIPS Amount of Roal & Personal property. Persons, IradcsiOo cupatlons '& Professions. Mortgages Debts, &c at intcicst. Furnituro pleasure Carriages fr watched Amount of county tax for 1813. Amount of Stato 'lax for 1813, Briar Caok, Blqom, . , Catlawisa Dcfry ' Fishing Creek Greenwood Hemlock Jackson Liberty Limcstona Madison Mahoning Mifflin Monteur Mount Pleasant Orango Hearing Creek Sugailoaf Vajlcy 307,360 392,370 397,345 310,900 tbn.oifi 14-1.767 155,995 33,900 . 314,898 300,240 207,907 473,095 239,938 144,433 90,805 122,930 181,730 ; 99,5 70' 186,570' 63,083 3F.,909' 05,905 57,025 11,100 10,245 18,555 5,400 29,913 10,800 22,490 77,525 44,505 1G.300 14,050 22,030 52,725 33,539 '20,061 3000 137221 1479 1 10800 8050 3840 750 3525 13370 8758 16575 4052' 9961 595 705 2542 1700 2206 'ioo 1030 ' 315 1100 , 870 8077 10'2S 1835 155 ' ,721 CO T35 Commissioner's Office, Danvilia, May, 19, 1843, FOR SAIjS, A two story Frumo WClIiBS! Mouse & LOT;situatcd on'Jlain lrcet;opposit6 St.Paul'g Church Bloomsburg. Encpii'ro of tho' feubscri bcr MATH US SHIPMAN. Juho 1813. A well finished npw Enquire' of" ; MARSHALL SILVERTHORN. Bloomsburg, May '27, 1843. - 3450 1 815.67 I 808.29 240Q 801,5(5 861,30 476 I 026.02 803.01 1340 713,97 009.73 230,03 219,20 316,00 301,01 348;98 331,80 70,77 03,73 639,02 044,08 '616,80 603,85 460,79 450,78 Urjl.24 1,1C3,6D 568,88 604,4d 321,50 340,0.' 209,70 184,91 291,12 261,70 474,9 1 370,68 260,22 301,92 413,20 '387,51 CHRISTIAN WOLF, JACOB DEMOTT, JOHN B. EDGAR. Corn'plitionersi rr& liSpECTpuLLV lift, informs his friends and the travelling public m , general, that ha has taken -1 ; it'.i.i .!.... iuu uuovu iiuivi 'Miuaiu 111 tho centre of tho town of fntltvtac.t.f !rtlt,mlun rnllfiA fv Pn linrt fnrmftW ncrilnU. cd by D. Clark. Where .he wilt be happy to. wait upon thoso who will favor him with their cuetolti The 7otcl is largo, and commodious and well furnished throughout, and no pains will bp spared to render general satisfaction,. . His table will, be furnished with thu best the country can afford.- His Bar is well' stored with tho' best of liquorJ. Excellent stabling is attached to tho establish ment and careful and attentive hostlers aro' always in attendance.; Cattawissa, May 13, 18433. , NOTICE IS hereby siven. that T hnv m-Mi-ieerl at private sale; of Elias.Sm'ith tho' following' J.N. 'SUto,ESRM.B. JlJ'aliiNl 3L SlSS Jj. j '..u.u ouic, ui i,iu3.kjuiiui mo iciiowing- FROM Nortlmmhcrlnn,!. Will r,,, i,r-u property: 7 acres of corn in the nrnurid: Bloom on his way to and froiii. Wilkcibarre sever- 2 acrrs of oats in tho ground; 1 acre ol po, al limes in tho course of'thoyear, and If any pet- taloes in llio ground; 1 acre of flax in this nun is desirous of his professional services, they can ground; and 1' this spring colt; all of winch "'S Mr. Webb, or ut Mr. I have left in his possessjon during my Way 27, 1843-5. pleasure- JOHN STUCKER- May 18; 1843. 4 THAT vre have purchased at constabM sala tit . . . vwholou.u Baia na IX piirsuince of an order of tho Orphan's Court J ftQPCTty ?f G,corBe eno bay horse, one nf RnlmiiM!i .m. .i., -.,f....i... .1.-v. " ... .''ay maro and colt, ond two hoisn wnn-rr. . line ftubscriucrs havintr nilnl nn if, r'A-nn I ING MACH INKS tviili VT.'VV fi a tra . - ...... ..i.., uuiijoinu made a number of improvements in tho machines, . .. . . wvriiun owi i in M-..nt di .f ..... .t . .. orcaK. one iron kettle, two rauorv m tie county. If nnv rw-t-.m i.rl'n.,i.. . ' "iuau' lowiismn ivoiumDia county, au. . u- -0-, t mi um good wiol. and ZZk i aHW: jo ininglands of Daniel Force, Daniel Mc&rty. !.?,"e,slln.d.2rS ourpleasuro of which pay a fair price for it. ' f J " l;UwarJ Cavance and Ym. J. Ikeler; containing imu"u UT Ml ...... ....... Tt. n . . . . IJlKl waggen, pno .lay of Juno nextt 1Q o'clock In- tho forenoon , vmY' , v""af0 "cm."' one acro of w''eat . William J.Ikelcr Administrator, tcu of Jacob, Ale, I" ,v BroUnd,' ,ne manl 0 'oc.k' 0,10 hedstcad and ! late of Mount Pleasaht township in said county l)eud'n8t no desk, one wind mill, one cutting boj.-( d deceased, will osposo to sale by public Vendue T c?" harrotvt thrcosct of waggon harness, one upon tno I'remlses, a certain tract of land sHuato ," "?ree waSSn, one f!a in Mount Pleasant township Columbia county, ad? break'.16. ,ro" ketl.le' 'f0. hoSe- and. have left the places, W. We will receive" wool nt dir. (V,llr.,.!r, once a week, and return it when rfmihi..!.' On ilondays Kaufman's store. Mnntmr Donaldson and E. B. Reynolds store. DnnvilU Tucsdars livpr Xr. H..nw. i,.. ii .-.i MoiiUUi.Wiiarraans uauwav Iiouse. How. v.....-.' f:tl it.: i. " ' u.uu 9 .filll, illlcrcrOCK. cunesdnvs Mnm mill nn.l ATI.-..l . n-.i mill, Hemlock, Shoemaker's store, Buckliorn, Bi- sci s store, Jcrseytown. r rmavs iiagcuuucli's Tavern Scid ctown John. son s, Orangovillc, Uaniel I'ee'lers. Flsliinm.rk Henry Uittenbendors, Cambria, andllodson's mill, J1UULII1UUII i;jLLK. (TrPlainlv written ilirerlinno each parcel, that no nustako may bo made. liAVIS&JIOOD, Mdlgrovc, Bloom tp: Juno 17, 1813, HOTEL. Centre Sired, Opposite the Town Hall, POTTS V1IXE PA. J. Seitzinger, O ESPECTFTLLY announces mjb to the travelling community that lie has teken tho largo and splen did Citablishment, tho E"xciiAsi,r. Hotel, situated at the1 eorner of Piniiri. on.i r..i lowhill streets, nearly opposito tho Town Hall, m thn linrnimti Hf Ptfc..t(la ...lilnl. I .1 ... t ' . w.vU.. w. . ..win., inm-uniw ul-uii iiiorougu ly repaired and materially improved for tho apcom. modatlon of visiters. Thn tlnlpl a fni,. r-.. n Ll IIUI1L on Gcntro st. and olio Hundred and thirty eight feel on Callowhill, three stories, high; it is admirably provided with Parlors, Sitting Uwruj, Reading . , 0,. v.,.. -,u oWUUS lllpafinnt ftnil rnnvpnlpnt T!tnlnwT?.ni,. tnll,nM .... t ' &..ww.,. ,.. .uu buuuiry a now and supcrior Bathing EstablUhnumt; a id every convenience and comfort to render it in all respects a most desirable iotcl. No pains or expense will be spared lo furnish tho Table and Bar with tho best that lm and tho Philadelphia Markets afford; and with a dctcrmiua tionto.dovoto his entire personal attention to tho comfutt and accommodation of thaso who mayfavor ilim Vvilh 11 call: nidt'd liv nntivp. rnrnfnl mul nl.li;.... servants, ho hopes to givo general sasisfaction. rjuyrtiu i-Artiiiijr. wisntug to visit this hicrhlv interesting and heahliv Coal nminn iin i, provided wjth l'arlors and Cliambers, which ho icon conijuent wit please tiioniostiistidious, (Tr-Tho Stnhlinir attached, la In rrrnflinl well in structed, and suneriutended bv cxnerionrd nn.l attentive Ostlers, Horses and Carriages may be had at any tinio,to.convey persons to apy part of the comifry. .."'..., I' J " ' ' ' . vy it , UUUV U and from.tho Dopot, to meet tho Cars, for tho 'ac-comluo'datlon- of peVkons travelling on tho Jlail Road. No chiiiCofnr nmnihna far,. In inia.ir,..! . i'athvilie, Juno 10, 18137. and ono hundred and two perches of land, about furtV folir of TOllM-.h ?rt f-lnnro.l li.n.1 1.. i , -rf - . " i'ui nu DUllll- nigs on llio promises, Ia(p the Ustato of-said deceaa. ...1 I.. . I.J.. i iw county JACOB EYRRLY, Clerk. 'Danville, May 12, 1813. RUS BARTOiV BIoomtp.ilay20; 1313- 4. NOTICE. cd, situate In tlio towiiship of Mount I'leasant and 7,ut;Pul)he are hereby notified that 'the sub county aforesaid. scriber has pucha?ed, at Constable SaIo,ApriI Sfith tipnn ppbt w -., . ? 1S13, the followinsr nrnnortv. nM ll.r. ... ... Benjamin Hummel, Fishing Creek township, qno gray horse ono bay mare, two sets horeo gcofV bridles and collars, one wind-mill, one cillingboxi one plough, one patient lock, ono harrow, ono "m,. ... jvuib uu,uuu uraiiti ciock, ono log chahl incivo acres or JWMWISTRATbWS NOTICE. OJlUk is hereby given that letters of admin- seven acres olwheat m tlio ground, twelve i isiitiiiun .y.i.ii;ivii m.pn rr. iim (n .i.n rvn in inn irrAiim whi.h r I . ... . . . bcr on the i estate of ; possession during-my pleisuro, of which tho rmifr. ' ELIZABETH -WAGONER, will tako notice. , - 1 lato of Roaring creek township, In tho county of SAMUEL W, AMAN. Columbia deceased. All persons indebted to said Aptil, 29th. 1431- cstato are hcieby required lo come forward without ' ' delay and settle their respective dues. Those having 'H' rvtcvT-vr7c tvv t demands on sa d cstuln nrn nv,m.u . 5 OilSIV'S KrGat Wncf. .-iuv.oh.m n.' I'tuaviib ' w Tlllllnil.T . . iv,uoi.i i Adm'r. May 6, 18132 JPufeMe Bale. era Indian Compounded entirely of fegelable Sub stances: Free from Calomel and all other Minerals. ft-fnl llin f,t ut . . . j.."nf y...'"'-u,"",-'u"usun. ti pursuuncooi an oruerot mo Urptian s Court nvuuen anu iruij surpnting success andpopulaii of Columbia county, on Saturday tho tenth day ty- ee larS hills, of Juno next, at ten o'clock in the aficrnoou Peter . It is' recomrriended as a general cathartic Tor fam Girtonaml AlichaclHartman Administrators &c. 'y use in dyspepsia and all bilious disease, it ia ui iiueiiaei iianmau late oi Jackson township in wvaiuauic lor asinnia it u fonsidcrcd a specifio said couuty.doccaacd, will oipofce to sale by public no case having yet occurred which it' lias failed to Vendue upon the Premises, a certain tract "of land cuio for common colds, inflammaloly diseases situate in Jackson township, adioinintr lands of rheumatism. oflVctions of the liver. &c.nndfnr r,. Humphrey Parker, Benago IVkor, Robert Lockait males, it is a 6afoand excellent remedy. and others containing about ' K.Tr nmt,-nm . K, From lion. Robert Mondl, Circuit Judize ( Six, thwo is a Logouso andnLog Barn onthopiemJ r v. ... iscs, about soventy acres of cleared land whe(con is Col I onlr T)n,r , . r ,1' . t ; l112' an aim o orchard: lain tho Ratal., nf i.i aLJ', .. ol. l.onglcy Dear 5r: I thankyou for the hot .ituath the own,h.p of ' Jackson and n tiS? 1 .. . ; """iu jurinyscu, anu in lllv f.llnllv. nnt! nm w. cali.nn.l i . - . e , , , - ,. . v ."".ii. iuu gam una aforesaid. JACOB EYERLY Clerk. ZJanvillc, May 17", 1813. " NEW TURNING Establishment. On Fishing Creek, at Isaiah Coles Sugarloaf township', Col co. Slills valuable medicine. I have found'it the best remedy forbillmis attacks, to which I am subject, that I ' havo used. My neighbor, to whom I loaned your medicine speaks of it as -great relief in dyspepsia. our Ob't.,Sery't. ROfl'T. MONL!I,L. From Doct. Bllas Wcstt ofBinghamion. Mr. Lbnclev t)edr Sir: I hnvn iic,t n... is . THE subscriber informs tho miblic ihar he hB Western Indian Panacea in mv familv.,iii,ll,. .. . put up a shop at tho above place, for the pUrposc'of P-'atedly prescribed it for patients undermy caro and turning waggon hubs, and all kinds of wood work. Bf" satisfied that it isahvaVs a safe.and in vcry'mo AIsol iron mill spindles, and gudgeons, &c., and I1? ca.s03 an '""aluablo medicine. It operates us -i copper and brass of every decription. All kipds.ImllV0 witltouj nausea, or pain;and while it ift'ec of produce Will bo 'taken ir. payment, but no cVcdit "r1111 ohviates costivenesa ucts upon the stomaih given. ,r' .' " ' ' and 1'veros an alternative, corroctlng-.acidity, and Two or threo journeymen, who understand 'iii tteEtortng the healthy condition of those' organs shing chairs and beadstcads willfind'cmploynient. VCry respectfully yours, VWEST
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers