Poetry THE FUTURE LIFE. rBYJuiTAirr. How shall I know thee, in the sphere which keeps The disembodied spirits of the dead. When all of.theo that time could wither bleeps And perishes among Iho dust wo tread. For I shall feel Iho string of ceaseless pain If thcro I meet thy gentle presenco not; Nor hear tho voico I love, nor read again In thy eerenest eyes 1he tender thought. Will not thy own meek heart demand mo there! That heart whoso fondest throbs to me were given! My name on earth was ever in thy prayer, Shall it bo banished -from thy tongue in Heaven? In meadows fanned by heaven's life-breathing wind, In the resplendence of that glorious sphere. And larger movements of tho unfeiterred mind, Wilt thou forget the love that join'd us Jicre! The love that lived through all. the stormy past. And meekly with my harsher nature bore, And deeper grew; and tenderer to the last, Shall it expire with life.and be no more? A happier lot than mine, and larger light Await tho there, for thou hast bow'd thy will Id cheerful homage to the rulo of right, And lovest all.and renderest goed for ill For me, the sordid cartes in which I dwell, Shrink and consume tho heart as heat the scroll; And wrath hath left its ear that firo of hell Has left its rightful scar upon my soul. Yet though thou wearcst the glory of the sky, Wilt thou keep the same beloved name, The same fair, thoughtful brow, and gentle oye, Lovelier in heaven's sweat climate, yet the same! Shalt thou not teach me, in thai, calmer home. The wisdom that I learn'd so ill in this The wisdom which is love till I become Thy fit companion in that land of bliss! THE FOP. Who' with s bold, assuming mien, Loves with the ladies to be seen, Though from the country fiesh and green? The Fop. Who, when lie speaks will give you pain To see how little is in his brain And yet so graceful with his cane? Tho Fop. Who loves to go to ball or fair. With curly locks and oily hair, To neet the pretty damsel there? The Fop. Who is to his own weakness blind ThinkB it betrays a noble mind To have his .kerchief float behind? Tho Fop. Who goes to church on Sabbath day, His dress and figure to display, And nod to ladies gracefully! The Fop; Who, when he is near is always kaown By fumes of musk or strong cologne Their boirowed accents to hAo Wis ownT THE FOP, And who through all his life will bo The laughing stock for men to see An empty puff of vanity! Tb Fop FORGIVEAND FORGET. BY CUAKLES SWAIK. Forgive and forget! why tho world would be lonely. The garden a wilderness left to deform: If the flowers but remembered tho chilling wines only, And fields gave no verdureor fear of the storm! Ob, still in thy loveliness emblem the flower, Give the fragrance of feeling to sweeten lile's away; And prolong not again the brief clouds of an hour, With tears that but darken tho rest f the day! Forgive and Forget! there's no breast so unfeeling But some gentle thoughts of affection tnere live; And the best of all require something con ccafinir, Seme heart that with smiles can forget end forgivel Then away with the clouds from those beautilul eyes, That brow was no home for such brows to have met, Oh, how could our spirit e'er hope for the EKieS, if Heaven refused to Forgive andJForget' PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the Honorable Ellis Lewis, resident of the Courts of the Over and Terminer and General Jail delivery, Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, and Coutt of Common Picas and Orphans' Court, in the eighth judicial district, composed of the counties of Northumber land, Union, Columbia and Lycoming; and the Hon. William Donaldson and George Mack, Esq quires, Associate Judges in Columbia county, have ibouuu tutuf ytroupi ucanng uaie me oia nay oi April in the vcar of our Lord ono thousand eieht hundred and forty-two, and to sue directed, for hold' ing A Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail Delivery, Ueneral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Ornhan's Court. IN DANVILLE, in the County of Columbia, uie uiird Monday jf Aurmst. next ( bcine the Gthday) and to continuo two weeks. Notice is therefore hercbv niven to tho Coroner. the Justices of tho Peace, .and Constables of the said county of Columbia., that they bo then and thcro in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, with their records, Inquisi tions. and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their offices appertain to bo dono. And those that aru bound by recognizances, to prose cute against tho prisoners that are or may he in tho Jail of said county of Columbia, arc to be then and mere to prosecute against them, as snail be lust, Jurors are requested to bo punctual in their attend' once, agreeably to their notices. Doted at Danvillc,tho 8th day of July, in tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight hun' drcd and forty-two, and in the GCthyear of tho independence of tho United States of Ameri ca. JOHN FRUIT. Sheriff. SnEniFr' OmcilDanvillo,i ? Juiy b, i4z. ANOTHER GREAT WONDER ZS FORTHCOMING 1 1 AL YIATEAH NEWSPAPER, OR QUADRUPLE BOSTON NOTION, WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED, Which in point of size.beaulu of naner. ana typography, convenience oj jorm value undfreshness of Conlenls,and nun. ber will far surpass thai of any ever be fore issued from any newspayer establish mem tn tne tooria. The subseiiber, publisher of the Boston Notion. ieeis a uegrco ot honest pride m peine ablo to an nounce that he is now making the most extensive arrangements, tor the publication, at an early period oi a STUPENDOUS PRINTED SHEET OR aiTADRUPIiE NOTION! which ho has every confidence, from the nature a his arrangements, in assuring the public, will far SIZE, BEAUTY AND VALUE, any of his previous efforts at newspaper nublishincr, and to which he will challenge tho world to pro duce an equal! It will contain printed mittcr, to tho amount of near sixteen thousand square inches, or one hundred and four square feet ! employing uvcr iuiku uiiuiua seven nunureu luousonu letters I It will be embellished with ovor 900 Splendid Engravings! of a serious, comic and ludicrous character, a Iait number of them entirely original. Tho Letter Fress Contents, will bo of tho most valuable charac ler, and no article will be allowed a placo in its col umns that has previously appeared in any American fuuuiauuu u it win uu uuuu wiiu cnureiy new and fresh matter. The next steamer from Europe, will bring us a large quantity of materials sent for by us, expressly for tho columns of this stupendous sheet. !. !ll L- 4111-.1 ;.L i - Among other matters, it will contain two en- TIBE I'ULI. 8UID KOVELS, By BULWER AND JAMES- tho two most celebrated and popular novelists of the age, and also a NEW NOVEL by Mrs. GORE. These novels, when printed by the booksellers, will probably sell for from two to three dollars. A large number of splendid Tales, Romances, Stories, Bio graphical sketches, Memoirs of distinguished cha racters. Poetry. Anecdotes and fun enough for a jcar. to. Ac. will fill up its columns. xnougn me promises wo navo maue above may appear to tho readers of tho prospectus, too liberal to be luihllcu, wo can assuro them in pcrlect sincer ity, that wo aro not only able to accomplish all wo have proposed, but that we havo in vie,v othei striking features and novelties, which will material ly enhance tho value of our sheet. The public has pronounced a favorable verdict on our former Mam mothNotions. but wo havo taken measures for ren dering tho forthcoming " Leviathan" a still greater prodigy than any of its predecessors. Wo have engaged the assistance of several of onrmost distin guished literary men, both by making selections, and furnishing original articles, and such a rigid censorship will bo exercised in making the sheet, that nothing nnworthy of being cherished and pro served, will find a place in its columns. It will bo emphatically an INTELLECTUAL GIANT ! For this GREAT WONDER tho charge will bo Only 25 Cents per Copy. To Aoents. Those newspaper and periodica Agents throughout tho country, desirous of huving any of this astonishing publication, will please send us their orders at once, accompanied with the cash as only a limited edition of Thirty Thousand Cop ies will bo printed. Ordeis will be supplied in th0 order in which they aro received, after allowing a reasonablo time for distant agents. The wholcsale price to Agents and others wrll be$20 per hundrd. Fifty copies $10 twenty-five copies; $5. To Clubs. Persons clubing, shall receive wins copies fer S3 -Fourteen copies for $3 Twenty copies for $4- and Twenty-Five copies for $5. To Postmastms Postmasters who will trou bls themselves to forward a remittance, shall re ceive an extra copy tor themselves in a separate wrapper, for every 3 dollars for nino copies they may enclose to us. GEORGE ROBERTS, 'ubllshcr Boston Notion. ' Notion office, Boston, June 1, 1842. 'The postage on this sheet win bq ouly one cent under a hundred miles, and 1 1-2 cents over 100 miles as it will be printed as a newspaper, Extra mvtwn iuaarupiry jtiduwi. New Store AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriocrs inform the public, that they havo entered into Partnership, under tho firm of "ESTER & HEFFLEV; and havo just rccel fed from Philadelphia, and now opened, at their JNJBW SJ OitB, JYortlitceslCor- ner of Market ami Maine Streets, nioomslurg, an entiro new and extensive assormcnt of DRY GOODS,ftGROG'ERIES; HARD WARE, CROCKERY, AND Q UEENSWk RE, S,-c. which they offer for sale, on reasonablo tenns, 09 heir prices are suited to tho times. Among their assortment will bo found Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Sattinelts, and various kinds of cloths Jor hum's Summer wear, Calicoes; Ging hams; Cambrics; Muslins; Silks: Muslin de lanes; and various other articles for Ladies1 dresses; Shaiols; Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs and Hose; Bleached and Brown Domestic Muslins; and a variety of other articles suitable for tho season and believed to be as good and complete an assort ment as is usally found in country stores. OjfCOUNTRY PRODUCE will bo received in exchange, and CASH will not bo refused. Our friends, and die public generally are re quested to call and cxainino for themselves. JACOB EYER, CHARLES HEFFLEY. Bloorasbu rg, Juno 25, 1842. 9 Bo ve purified in your blood, AnJ Health will attend you. The life of thi Flesh is in the Blood." Leviticus, c. xvh. xi. HOW IS THE BLOOD TO BE PU RIFIED ! ! TJwusands can answer this question who know from acjual experience that DR. LEI DSPS BLOOD PILLS, A COJIPONANT PAUT OF WHICH IS SARSAPAIUIXA, Are the safest, best, and most effectual Pills now in existence. IiEST YOU MAY BE DECEIVED i THE ONLY ORIGINAL, TRUE & GENUINE to-BOOS FILLS, -en ARE DR. LEIDYS BLOOD PILLS, A COMPONANT PART OF WHIG SARSAPARILLA. IT is attempted by Quacks and Impostors to in troduce their vile and dangerous nostrums by assuming for their name that of "BLOOD PILLS" knowing that the Blood Pills manufactured by Dr. Lcidy have obtained the greatest reputation of any Pills in existence, and think by such trickery to impose upon the public by selling theirs upon tho popularity of Dr. Lcidy's Blood Pills. The public are therefore particularly requested to bo cautious when purchasing, to ask for Dr. LEI DY'S BLOOD FILLS. Tho public are assured that Dr. Eddy's Stood Pills are the safest, best, and most efficacious of an) note in use, containing neither Mercury or tho Minerals, and may be employed by young and old, malo and female at all timet anil tinder all circumstances without fear from taking cold, ro strain! from dlel In living or occupation. In all cases whero a purgation may bo. necessary these Pills will bo found both effectual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or Sickness of the Stomach, griping or any other unpleasant sensations. Further comment is deemed unnecessary the numerous certificates published from time to time from P-hysicfcns and other individuals must have convinced tho incredulous, and for the further in formation of all others, Dr.Leidy refers them to the directions which accompany each Box. They are prepare' and sold.wholcsjlo and retail, at lir. JCEXIi VH HF.JII. TU EMI ORIUM, No. 101 JYOHTir sncoJYJf Street, below Vine street, (sign of the Golden Eaglo and Ser penis.) Also sold at Lutz's Health Emporium, Bloomslurg. Nov 20, 1811. 30 TETTER! TETTER! IT CHI ITCH! DR. LEIDY'S TETTER AND ITCH OINTMANT. An infallablo remedy for various affections of tho SKIN, removing Pimples, Pastules, and Eruption of the SKIN, and particularly adapted to the euro of TETTER and ITCH. This ointment has been used in numer ous schools throughout the city and county; as well as Factories, employing numerous girls and boys, and among whom Tetter and Itch, as well as other Affections of the Skin, prevailed, with tho most unexampled Suc cess. Names of School Teachers, as well as superinlendants and Proprietors of Fac tones, could be given, confirming the abovo, but for the delicacy they feci in having their names published in connection with such loathsome and disagreeable affections. Prepared and sold at Dr. Leidv's Health Emporium, (Sign of the Golden Eaglo and Serpcants,) No. 101 north second street,bc- low Vine; also sold at EYES TO THE Formerly owned by D. S. TOBIAS. EPHRABirl liVTZ RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the aublic generally, that ho has just receiv ed from Philadelphia, a new and extensivo assort ment of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints Tarnishes, Gass, DyestulPs, Conrcclionarics, fcc. fcc. which, in addition to his former stock, comprises a complete assortment of articles in his line of business. All persons wishing to purchase any of tho above articles aro particularly invited to call and prico tho articles in his Storo beforo buying elsewhere as ho is determined to sell as low, and by a liltln Jewing, lower than can be bought any whero else in tho surrounding neighborhood. The Subscriber considers it hardly nccssary to mention tho articles m particular as ho is confident that no one can como amiss by enquiring fo rany aiti clo belonging to a Drug Store. N. B. Merchants and Physicians will find it to their advantago to call and buy such articles as they may stand in need of, as they shall bo accom modated at n very low percentage. In few words all aro respectfully invited to call, sco and judge for themselves. EPIIRAIM LUTZ. Bloomsburg, July 1C, 1842. tf 29. BLANK BOOK No. M,corner of Walnut Third streets. THE subscribers return their sinccro thanks to their friends for tho favors, so liberally bestow ed on them, and beg leave to assure them' that no efforts shall bo wanting on their part to merit a continuance of their patronage, both in reference to workmanship and cheapness of prico to suit the times. It is highly advantageous to Gentlemen and In stitutions having Libraries, to apply direct to tho Binder, making at least a saving of 10 to 20 per cent, and sometimes more. All descriptions of Binding neatly executed. Gentlemen's Libraries fitted up and repaired, Mu sic and Periodicals bound to pattern. Lndio'a scrap books, Albums and Portfolios, of all descriptions mado to order. Binding dono for Libraries, Insti tutions, Societies, &c. on advantageous Terms. TO PRORHONOTARIES, REGIS TERS, RECORDERS, SHERIFFS, MERCHANTS AND BANKS. They are also prepared to manufacture of every description, such as ltockcts'i Records Deed Boohs, VaymUootcs, ledgers, JTournah Memorandums, Chech-Rolls, &c. of the finest quality of Paper, (Robinson s Ivory Surfaced) in a style equal to any madein the Cities of Philadcl phia or-New York, on tho most reasonable terms. Blink Wouk Kuied to ant Pattebk. CLYDE & WILLIAMS. N. B. Old Books rebound with neatness and dospatch; also Files of Papers. Jfsrrisburg, Marti 20, 18-13. Gmo. 48. All orders for binding.or for blank books, left at this office, will bo forwarded, and returned as soon as completed. H- WEBB, Agent. Disolution of Pavtncrsliiin. OT1CE is hereby given that tho Copartner- ship heretofore existing under tho firm of C- A- & C, G- BROBST, has this day, April 18, 1842, been dissolved by mu- iuui coirsum. mi persons inucDtca to mo lirm are requested to settlo their accounts with; and those having claims against the firm will present them for sciucmei to i. u. uituusi . C. G. BROBST, C. A. BROBST. N. B. The business will do carried on by C. C. jJituubT, who solicits a CDntiuuanco of public pa' ironaire- rdrThe BOOKS and NOTES ofC.A.BROBSr will bo placed in the hands of Joseph Brobst, Esq. v vuuutiiuii. a i-rsuiis wisuillg ro save cost will please call and settle their accounts. C. A. BROBST. Mew Mtffole MAJfUFACTORJfj At Bloomsburg, Col. Go, BY APP & TICHN R. fHHEY would inform tho citizens of Columbia M County, that they have commenced the busi nessat the above place at the public houso of E. HOWELL, where thoy are prepared to manufac ture to order, in tho neatest, best, and most durablo manner, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, qriAU anu ruui isruiVES, of all sizes and ualities, MANTLES, WINDOW and DOOR SILLS, and DOOR FRONTS. Also PAINT, B Alt and HEARTH STONES. Orders for Stone can bcleft with D. GROSS.who wil act as Agent during our absence. '1 hey constantly keep on hand a largo lot of Vcrmont.Egyptian and Italian Marhlo at their wholcsalo Marble Yard at Sclins Grove, Union county, Pa. Bloomsburg August 14, 1841. 10 Disolution of rnvtiicrship, "WTOTICE is hereby given, that tho Copaitnpr JJ ilup heretofore existing under the firm of R. & J- STAMBACII. has this day, May 10, 1842, been dissolved bv mu tual consent. All persons indebted to tho firm, are requested to settle their accounts with, and those having claims ogainst the firm will present them tor settlement, to, j, htamdaujj. REUBEN STAMBACH, JACOB STAMBACII, N, B, Tho business will bo carried on bv JA COB STAMBACII, who solicits a continuanco of public pationago. (CyTho Jloolts and Jles of Rtuben itanu bach will be placed in the hands of Joseph Itrobst, i?7, for collection. Persons wishing to save cost will please call ana settlo their accounts. JitiUJJUN STAMDACJI. Til SAL LIST For August Term, 1842. Robert Montgomery vs. John Coursln, Rebdt I airman anu w m. owisiicr. Kov. Uatiiel Harbcr, vs. Thomas Uarbor, bM uaicu i nomas, aumr s. oi Jnmes uru-ucr,ucc . William Dale vs. Charles Craig. . Samuel Pailcr vs. William Donaldson. Gcorgo N, Bowman vs Silas E. Craig. Edward R. Blddlo vs Joseph iJnxon and Uliarlcs liox. Com'lh. of Pennsylvania vs William Colt. Mary i'trawbridgo vs Jcsso Funston. Charles Miller and William K. Brown vs Sara, ucl Irwin. John Spohn vs Daniel Mussctman, ndm'r. Malhew Kyle vs Samuel Miller. Mason Crary vs Mary Hosslcr. jiaryrowier vs wuuum oioan nnu Jackson Sloan. John Jummings, jr. iudorscr of Isaac MCord1 vs John u. licssig. Samuel Miller vs James F. Murray and Robett Auten, oum r ol John Auten, dec d. E. W. Bcnnct vs William W. look, John F. Mimn, who sues as well for himself tut Columbia county vg Moses Mover. George JJ. Uchrlg vs Jt rcucricU Jt ridly, John I Aloorc, ct a I. Joseph Brobsl and Gcorgo A. Fuck vs Sidncv Easton. I 11 alter Livingston and A. Lyman, trading under the lirm of Livingston Lyman vs Christian A Brobst. William Donaldson vs David Pclrikcn. Henry Coder nnd Ann his wife, for the uso of 0 A. Hrobst vs John Uriggs, Executor. Peter Lunger vs Charles Hcflloy and William" Robison. David Afligcr vs Gcorgo W Shaw, Thomas Bcnficld vs Thomas Chambers, ct a! John Krcsslcr vs Aaron Boono Samuc A Birkcnbino vs Jonathan Purscll Gcorgo Taylor vs Samuel F Headley Elisha Smith vs Hugh Smith Daniel Hoots, vs Burd Patterson ct a! JamcsDcifenbachcr, et ah vs Thomas Cbambcra ctal ElcazcrS Kinney vs Moses Davis John Ruch Benjamin ay wood, ctal vs Edward R BidJ!i I Ufc HI Thomas Loyd vs William Kitchen Enoch 8 Clark, ct al vs Edward Y Farquahr John M Maus vd Thomas M Brandon Christian A Brobst vs Simon V Kasc, ct al David Reich vs henry Primmer LIST OP JURORS. Grand Jury, for August Term, 1842. Jiriarcreclt Derrick A Bowman, Allen M Gan. gewer, rctcr lioitiiian Bloom Caleb Baron, Peter Menscli, Samuel I AlcuicK, Jacob JWellick. Cuttawissa John Hitter, Isaac Ycttcr Dcrry John Dye Greenwood Robert Fairman, Gcorgo Gray Jackson John Connor Liberty Frederick Blue Limestone Daniel Gourrcr Madison Samuel Zfruglcr, Richard Fruit, Join I rvctner Mahoning Lot icrgsrtcsscr. Mifflin ienjamin Yoho Sugarloaf -Joshua .Blink, William J Hcst Valley Peter bright, Jacob Sidlcr. Traverse Jury, 1st week. Briarcreck John T Davis Bloom Daniel Gross, William Sloan Berry Michael Hcrr, Michael Hcndershot,JoIial Magonigal, John senile Greenwood Philip Rceso Hemlock James Everett, Michael Sleeker, Da. via & truth Jackson Peter odgo Liberty Adam Follmer, Wm Hcndrickson, John Hcndrickson, Hugh M'Cracken Limestone David Davis, George Smith Madison Joseph Masters, Elisha B Smith Mahonmc James Cornelison, Wm Kitchen! David Stuart Mifflin Mathcw 2?rown, Juhn Brown jr. Daniel Noycr, Gcorgo Schwank, Abraham Wolf I Montour David W Clark. Lewis Kaufman,! Peter Rupert Orange Jacob Roup, Edward McIIcnry llounnz creek Amzi Fox, Peter Hcrbinc, Wn I Linvino Traverse Jury, 2d week. Bnarcxeek Jacob Bomboy, Jonathan Eck, Jacob Hill, John Knorr, senr. Alex andcr Thompson. Bloom Cyrus Barton, Meore Crivelinj Andrew Criveling, John Grotzj Joseph Caltawissa Stephen Baldy, Pclct Bodino Georgo Holabach, Benj. Miller. Berry Daniel Carr, Hugh Watson. Fishing creek Abraham W. Kline. Greenwood Jacob Rvans. Hemlock Robert Moore, John Putsulli Thomas Vanderslice, Limestone -John Caldwell.David Krurc Abraham Waller. Madison Richard Demolt, Clark Dil dine, Petrir Green; Mahoning John C. Grier, SeweHI Gibbs, Edward Morrison, David Philips. Montour Franttlin Hartman, Georji II. Willits. Moun pleasant XVlWiam Kitchen. Orange Daniel Fornwalt. Sugarloaf Henry Hess. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Marshal Kany, late of Bloom township, Columbia county deceased. "TSkTOTICE is hereby givcn.that letters of admir JLI istration on tho abovo estate, have been ted by the Registortof Columbia county to the eu scriber residing in Jlontcnr, who requests allir debtcd to fcaid estate to mako immediate paymrm and all having claims ogainst it, to present propuriy auiucniicaicu lor settlement. JACOB DIEHL, AdmV. Monteur, July 10, 1842. Cvl2 I SHALT, DO IT.! LI, persons indebted to mo must make J'I ment by Uio FIRST OF A 1101187' nnt All who neglect this notice, will find their necoucbl intho hands ot a Justice of tho Pcaccfor col 11 tion after that date. FREDERICK DREJJEJJ. Bloomsburg, Jimo2p, 18 IS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers