"test THE RESURRECTION OR, P SUrEtltOllTO TnEHT01!AN,BnANl)STll,S,Ev'AXB IsBtAN PonoATivE, tho Matchliss (priced) !Ssativk( or'nliy Oliver pills or compound before the public, as certified to liy Physicians and others. Let none, condemn them until they lime tried thein, and then wc arc certain they will not. It is. now a settled point with nil who have used the Vegetable Pcrsiun Pills that they are pre-eminently the best and most efficacious Family Medi cine that has yet been used in America, if every family could becomo acquainted with thejr Sovcr cign power over disease, thoy would keep them and be prepared with a suro remedy to apply on the firs abbcaronce of disease, and then how much distress would bo avoided and money saved, as well ns tho lives of thousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease ih Its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can placo de pendence upon. The .Resurrection, or Persian Pills. Tho name of theso pills orginatcd from tho cir cumstance of tho medicine being found only in tho ccmetarics ot Persia. This vegetable production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues, in half a cen tury it hecamo an established medicine for the dis eases of that country. Tho extract of this singu lar production was introduced into some partsof Eu ropo in the year 1783, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain disca-Kis, where all oth er medicinu has been used in Vaiu. Early in the ,y,car 1702t tho oxtract was combined Willi a certain vegetable medicino imported from Dura Haca, m tho bast Indies, audlormed into fills, i ho admir able effect of this compound upon the human sys tern, led physiicans and families into its general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healing virtues, tho detergent and cleansing Qualities of their specific action unon the Glandular part of tho system, aro such' ns will sustain their re futation and .general use in tho American Repub lic CERTIFICATES. 1 certify that I have, by way of experiment, used the llygean, and most of tho various kinds of Pills, in my practice, which have borne tho highest repute jn tho public estimation, that have been offered for salo in thu vicinity fjr the last live ycats, including Jhoaa called tho Resurrection or Pcrsain Fills) and the public may rest assured that none among tho wholo catalogue has answered a better purpose, as 'en easy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection -or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. Cuakles Backus, M. D. Rochester, N. Y. Sept. 31, 183V. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chase & Co. Gents., Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of the Resurrection or Persian JPilU, upon those about to become mothers, we were induced to make a trial of them. My wifo was at that time the mother of fivo children, and had suffered tho most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each, Sho had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking tho Persian J'illa about three months before her confinement (her health being vc 'ty poor about this length of timo previous) and in a short time sho was enabled by their use to attend to the cares of a mother to lur family until her con finement. At the time she commenced taking the Persian PillSf and for several weeks pi cvious, she wis afflicted with a d'y hard cough, and frequent eevcio cramps, which tho use of the Pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with" tho greatest confidence that wo adviso all those about to become mothers to make use of tho Persian Pills. AU those that have taken them in our neighbor hood have goX along in tho samoeasy manner, and aro about the house in a few days. There does not eppcar tobahalf tho danger of other dangers setting in after confinement, where theso Pills arc taken. Wo unitedly1 say,let nono neglect taking them, for they are in tho reach of the poor a3 well as tho rich. Wo are truly thankful that there is a remedy which femaies can easily procure which tends to lessen tho world of suffering, which many of them have to bear, "and perhaps save tholic3 of thousands which would otherwiso bo lost. Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars seo subscribers. S. Roberts, Airs O. RonunTS. RocnEiTEn, Sept, Messrs. E. Chase Co. 21, 1830. I think it my duty to let you know what a great euro your Pills have pcrtotmed on me l had been nirfc about 7 vcars about 3 years and a half con fined to mv bed. I had been given ovor as incurable, with Consumption, by twelve physicians of tho first standing my lungs were seriously allcctcd; 1 had 3 ulcers .(rather and break; my cough was dry and liarsh.most of the time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and nisht sweat, accompanied with oxtremo irnta bleness of the nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention, After I woa given over, I tried almost all medicines which wcro advertised, but to no advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pills. I began to gain in a shor', time after I commenced taking them; and, to be brief, before I took 3 boxes, I was ablo to ride out and to take con sidcrable exercise, and at thi3 time I enjoy good health, and am able to dp good day s work. If any noo wishes a more particular history of my suffer ings, lio may call on mo, at tho corner of Alain and Clintoa-strccis, nocucsier. RUBY ADAMS. FiT3 Cubed The undersigned hereby certify, that wo aro the Parents of two children who have ceen afflicted with lits more or less from their infon cr. and that wo have spared no pains or expense in enda avoring to eflVct a cure, but without any bene-fi-.ial effect, until hearing of the Resurrection or Per mt Pills, when four boxes were immediately procuied, and beforo three boxes were taken, the fit Had Ruaieu in irequency, and eveiy sym torn much improved, and now we aro happy to otate that our childien by tho use of the Persian Pills, with the blessing of God, aro entirely cured nrl have no symtom or appearance of fits, will find n tho Persian J'llls a sure and perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOHNSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1637. Tho above pills may bo. had of the, following a gents-Jolin Moycr, llloomsburg; II. Miller, Her wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazelton; C, llortman Bspeytawn;" John Sharplcss( Cattawissa; layman onoirs, mnvtue. Ezra Taylor, ager.t for 'he Stato of Pennsv-Ivi nla.reeidln; at Rochester, N. Y. to whom all onlora mu be dIreu, KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE DR. JOSEPH PRlCSTLEY PETERS, Celebrated Vegetable Antibilious Pills, Aro effecting some of tho mr)sl astonishlntt and wonderful cures that hava ever been known. Tho town and county ore filled with their ptaisc. Tho I'alaco and i'oor house nuke echo with their vir tues. In all climates they still retain their wonder ful virtues. Ecxtract from n letter written by Dr. Francis Dogart, of Providence, It. L J)cc. 7, 1838, " Peters' Pills aro an excellent npcilmcnt anil cathartic, medicine, thoso effects being produced by tho difference of tho quantity taken, and aro deel dedlo superior to Leo's, lirandrcth's Morrison's pills 1" Extract from a letter by Hopkins, of Ban gor, Maine, Jan. 0, 1838. " They aro a peculiarly mild, yet efficient purga tivo medicine; and produco little, if any griping of nausea. I have prescribed them with much success in sick headaches and slight billious fevers." Extract from a letter by Dr. Joseph TFil Hams, of Burlingham, ft. July 9, 1837. " I cordially rccommcd Peter's Peters' Pills as a mildly effective, andjn no caso dangerous family medic'no. They aro peculiarly influential in cos tiveness and all tho usual diseases of tho digestive organs." Extrat of a letter from Br. Edward Smith, of Montreal, If. C, Sept. 29 1830. " I never knew a single patent medicino that I could put tho slightest confidence in but Dr. Peters' Vegetable Pills, which arc really a valuablo discov ery. I have no hesitation in having it known that I uso them extensively in my practice, for all com plaints, (and they are not n few,) which have their source in the impurity of tho blood." Extract of a letter from Dr. Pye, of Que bec, L. C. March G, 1837. " For billious fevers, sick headache, torpidity of tlie bowels, and enlargement ot spleen, i).-. rotors Pills aro an excellent medicine." Extract of a Utter from Dr. Ourncy, of New Orleans, La. Oct. 9. 1837. " I have received much assistance in mv practice especially in jaund ce and yellow fever from tho uso of Peters Pills. I presume, that on an av erage, I prescribe a hundred boxes a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Reynolds, of Uaiveslon, lexas, Mprilb, 183a. "They are certainly an excellent general family medicine, and there is no quackery about them. Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hudson, JN. Y. June 3, 1830. " I was awaro that Dr. Peters was one of tho best chemists in tho United Stales, and felt assured that he would some day (from his intimate knowlcego ot tne properties ot herbs and drugs) produco an .efficient medicine, and I must acknowledge thai hjs Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. They are indeed a superior medicine, and reflect credit aliko upon the chemist llie physician and tho philosopher. ' Extract of a letter from Dr. Waincs, of Philadcl phia, Feb. 2, 1838. 'Your pills are the mildest in their operations and yet most powerful in their effects, of any that I have ever met with in a practice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle and hence on the impurities of tho blood, is evidently very sur prising. Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott, of Baltimore, Dec. 17, I83G. " I am in tho daily habit of prescribing them (Pefcrs'Pills) and they in nearly all casas, answer cd my purpose. I have discarded other mcdirines, some of 'hem very good ones, in their favor." Extract from an address delived on the evening of the ith May, 1837, before the Medical Board of New York, by Dr. Emerson. Sec New York.Medical Reprrts,for 1837. " As a body I .know that wo havo set out face a- gainst tho generality of patent medicines, and expe rience uas laugur. us mat me great uum oi inem arc mere catch penny trash; but I feel called upon to make an honorable exception in favor of tho Ve?o- tabic Pills of our worthy and skilful fellow laborer and citizen, Dr. Joseph l'riesllcy Peters, of wh'ch, (in conscqucncooi their peculicrly nutritions action on the blood,) 1, and several members of this hon orable Society, arc ardent patrons.'' This friendly allusion to tho v egctablo Pills was received with a warm round of aplause by all tho members present' A lrcsli supply o tho valuablo I'lllsjust received y John R. Moycr, and D. S. Tobias, JJIoomsburg 'ml William Kiddle, Uanville. I'nce 25 cents per Box. October 31, 1840. dyspepsia! Byspepsia! PpiHAT troublesome and peace-destroying H case. Tho usands and tens of thousands dis- suf- fer from that common and distressing comnlaint.. Dyspepsia is frequently cautcd by overloading or distending tho stomach by excessive eating ordiink- nig inuigesuuioanu ncnu suustancps taken into tho stomach, or from long continued constipation of tho llOVC!l. n KPllpill.irV lifi. f(!ii'. nrir nn.intn a pious draf; of coldwater, drastic purgative medi cines, dy scntery, miscarriages, intermittent and spas modic affections of tho stomach and bowels, irregu lar roeais, laio nours, and too irerjuent uso of spiri tuous liquors. The symptoms of Dnsvevsia may bo described as a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and sometimes bilious vomiting, sudden and transient distensions of tho stomach after eat ing, acid and putrescent cructions, water brash, pain in tho region of tho6tomach,costivcness.Dalnitaiion f tho heart, dizziness nnd dimness of the sight, dis turbcb rest, tremors, mental despondency. Hatulencv. spasms, nervous irritability, dullness, sallowness of complexion, great opptcssion after eating, langub uuu Ki-m-iai ucuiuiy, bic& ueau-acuc, cC. CURB At tho head of all remedies Btands Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and German Aperient fills, which act greatly upon tho peristaltic motion of tho intestines, thereby produc ing regularity of tho bowels, at tho same time im proving the functions of tho debilialed organs, thus invigorating and restoring tho digestive organs to a ! healthy action. 1 lus medicino seldom fails in pro ducing relief. Full and explicit directions accompany the abovo medicine. Likewise n pamphlet which describes diseases, tho manner of treating, &e For salo at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg Nov. 7 1810. - as DR; fsWAYNE'S COMroUND BYnur OF i ' ' on For Coughs, Colds, rfsthmus, Spitting o JJlood, Soreness of Throat, It'honping Cough, and all Diseases indicative of CONSUMPTION. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. So Riswith thoso who neglect their COLDS and COUGH. At first you complain of having a Cold, which is neglecledj alter which a soreness ii experienced m tha Brvnchla, with n Hacking Cough, and finally the disease scltlea upon tl)e Jungs, which the patient will soon perreivo l.v a wattuic avvav of the body attended with hectic fcmsanit rnittins up of jlov- til blood and matter from ulcers on tho lungs; a pain anil weight is also cxpciienced at tho nlfciled part of the lunct! Ihe functions of tho animal economy grow languid; tho body becomes dry; tho oyca sink deep .within their cavities; at length the patient i(9 pages, will be equally removed from a sickly sen pays the debt of nature, when he is flattering him- timentality, and from all nlVcctition of morality, but selt with the hones ot a speedy recovery, l o ou viale all thdw ili&trcssin:! symptoms "hpare no Time" in procuring tho abovo Iuvaluablo Medicino at the very commencement of your void and Cough whereby your health may bo secured and time and money saved, f or talo at Itibias Health Emporium Uloomsburg RHEUMATISM Entirely cured by the ttsc of Dr. O. P. JIarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pillst Air. Solomon Wilson, of Chester County Pa. afiictedfor two vcars with the above distressing dis ease of which he had to use his crutches for eighteen months, his symptoms wcro excruciating pain in all his joint?, especially in his hips, shoulders anil ankles, pain incrcistiii; towards evening, attended with hcdC. Mr. 11 ilson, was at ono time not able in mni'fi limliq mi arrrtnnt nf tho nam beimr so great; he being advised by a friend of his to procure Dr. Harlich's Pills for which ho sent to the ! ic agent in West Chcsfer. and procure some; on using the med icino tho third day, the nam disappeared and his strength increasing fast, and in three weeks was a- blc lo attend to his business, which ho had not uono for cmhtcen months; lor the benefit of others ulllic- tcd. he wishes these lines published fhat they may bo relieved, and again enjoy tho pleasures of healthy hie. f or salo at Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Nov, 7, 1840. MORS POSITIVE' PROOFS, Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlich's Compound vvorlh and character to the pages of tbo Mega J e,n..XiA n.,.r,nn fiLr;rn, znc. The oerics of well known nautieil papers ca- u njjin.nn.jj "... ....... j J ills. AtlEGHANY, JAN. 8, 18'l0. To Dr. Harlich's Agent Sir: I wish to stato for the benefit of those who may "bo afflicted, that Dr. IlAiiLicn's Pills' have entirely cured mc of Dvsncnsia. of which I have been alfiictcd for ma ny vcars. I used both kinds, the Aperient nnd Strengthening, and I nm' constrained to say, that they are a valuable discovery, and act upon the sys tem mildly, but very effectually. I found tho Ionic Pills to (luidrcn tho circulation and cause a deter mination to tho surface, and to strengthen tho wrak stomach and increase its powers. The Aperient Pills nro the best cathartic I ever used. I am con fide! t all Dyspeptics would do well to make imme diate trial and be relieved. Any ono can can at my house and bo satmed ot tho abovo at pleasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. 11. The orizinal certificates may be seen at tho offico of tho " Spirit of the Times. For salo at No. 10, North EIGHTH STREE. CURE YOUR COUGH BEFORE IT IS. TOO LATK. REMEMBER, delays aro danger ous. Thousand dio annually fiom that dreadful dis ease CONSUMPTION, which might havo been checked at tho commencement, and disappointed of its urcv.if nvoner means had been rcsoitcd to. I ho veiy many who have thus been snatched from that fatal ruvagcr, by tho timely use of Dr. SWAlNI'.S COMPOUND SYVU" OF WILD CHERRY, bear testamony to this day, announcing the cures, the wonderful cures, performed by tho uso of this invaluable incd'cinc. For salo at 'Tobias' Health Emporium Bloomsburg. Nov. 7, 1810. o. THE ESTATE OF ELIZA HITTER, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of administration on the abovo es- taio have been granted to the subscriber, re siuuifr in IJ'.ootl) lownslilp, Uolumlua conn- tv. Tliureloro all persons mucmeu 10 me estato of said deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all those hav ing claims will present them. WILLIAM HITTER, Mmr. Bloom, Jan. 2, 18-11. L.IVERY AND EXCHANGE. ERY respectfully informs his friends and tho public, that he has alwaysouhaud,attho Li very Stable in Bloomsburg, for tho purpose of Hire cr Exchange, a vanety oi "H IT ....nil U1U1 CS) oiianitHj WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS, which ho will feel gratified to keep in readiness for tho accommodation of customers. Ho has also made arrangements for carrying pas sengers from Bloomsburg to Muncy, and from Bloom-Aura: to Buckalews on tho Owego turnpike. Leaves Bloomsburg for Muncy every Saturday at 7 o'clock in tho morning and arrlvo at Muncy tho same evening. Leave Muncy every Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and arrive at Bloomsburg the eamo evening. Leaves Bloomsburg every, Wednesday morning for Buckalews and return the same day. Personal application can bo made at his residence, when every means win uo utuu iu ri-miurt-imio iav- istaction to theso who may givouim a can. NOAH S, MENTIS .JJloomSburc, March 88, 1610. 48. W8 GRAHAMS' MAGAfclKi3, And the .allies' arul Gentleman's World of Literature and Fashion The CV.3t.-ct ttr.it the acnttn:ane tiMlca A Mew Volume, under the uboo title, ot mo well established and fashionable Mugozinc, tho Philadelphia Casket in conjunction with the Gcntleman'H Magazine, which has been every whero pronounced tho moat readable and popular oi mo dnv. will bo opened On tho first day of January, . jr. . ... ... ,...1 i... i.rt 1B41, with an airay oi conuiuuiors eccwuu j union, of talent and fame, Vvhichno pciiodical in tho country can boast or pretend lb rival. Tho Dc. ceinbcr number will, however, bo a specimen of the nevv volume. Tho volume will be opened With new and beautiful type, tho finest white paper and Willi ho first of a serlc) of embellishments unsurpasred by any wlitch have yet appcorcd in any JSldgnziiio The fctyle of elegance, the beauty and liinth of these illustrations, and tho "extensive improvements Which tvill tic mniln. its tviwranhical appeamnce, olid ot-ovo nil, tho tone of its literary department, by the brilliant nrray of contributors, whoso articles have enriched the pages of each number, will gUo it a rlinrnrtrr crfniwl lo no Morraziile in tho union. I'lm rlmrMrtar of tho articles which shall appear ill wliitn !i imn ilnliiieation of human natuio in every vnriniv of nnsaion is aimed at. nothiuc hhnll bo found in its pages to causo a blush upon tho check of the most pure. Tho Literrry Uharacter win uo suiiicieiiuy yum anlecd by the reputation of both Magazines thus U nilcd, for years past. Writers of the first rank lut o beeu regular contributors to their pajes, ond the tales and sketches published in them have been widely copied nnd tead, and the firm and independ ent lone of the criticisms, upon the current litera ture of the day, has been everywhere approved and rnmmrnilnl. Tho List of contributors embraces thonamcJ ol most of ibo principal vvlitcrs in America, wiin a rc- snertab o number ot linulish authors, uriginai ar ticles havo appeared, iiuimg me last, year, uum mu pens of the following: Proi'cssors lngraham, Frost N. U. Brooks, C. 1''. Winds, L nptaiu.iarryau,iion R. T. Conrud, Morton McMichuel, Willis Gaylor. Clarke. Dsn. Charles .1. Peterson Rev. Thomas H Stockton. Samuel W. Btocklon, E. Arm;tiong, Esq General G. P. Morris, Leigh Hunt, England, Mrs. Fanny Kcmble Jiullcr, I'ark Benjamin, Douglass JcrroUl, England, Joseph u. icai, jauies r. viu, R. S. Elliot. David Ilulliiuii, Charles Wcst'J Iiomp. son, Judge Trcmpcr, John Du Sollc, Esq. P. U. El der. Grcnvi e Mclleri. bdgar A. i'oe, i.tr.opcar, Mrs. L. Sigourney' Miss Catharine H. Waterman, Mrs. Ann Stephens, llcuson Hill, l.ngland, ux. .1 1C. Mitchell, James Montgomery, England, A. M'- Makin and G. Holdcn, J. Beauchamp Jones, J, b Dow, Mrs. E. F. Ellett, Dr. Thomas Dunh Lng. lislu In addition to this brilliant array of names known to fame, tho distinguished services ot a host ol a' nonvmous writers of no ordinary abilities, have giv. .... , c ;... m t!l0 r,ast w nr." havo had a run, nnrnualled bv anv series published in any Magazine for vcars. Tho author pvoniifCs to open n now so- ric3 0f l'aCs of the Sea, and from his known iibili- tje3 a3 a depiclor of sen scenes and life, much may b0 Tcci up0n him in maintaining tho popularity of the Magazine. Tapers may bo expected during the volume nlo from the author of the well known arlizles on.itled 11 Tho Los of Old Ironside." nnd from the author of " Svii.Ui Letters. 'I ho valuablo aid ol tho author of"Lcavcs from a Lawyer's Poi Folio," has nUo been secured and wo may expect something still more thrilling from tho capacious btorcs which a lonir life m the profession has cua Med him to nmass. An occasional Chit Chat witli Jcremv Short." and Oliver Olda-How,' is also promised; with a variety of choico articles in prose and verse from various wiiters of celebrity. The editors of both Magazines continue their services under the new arrangement. With such an array of talent, i Magazine ot unrivalled attractions may safely bo promised the coming oIumc. FASHION'S .3UO JC.Vf JJ.- 1 'I.VSS. In complianco with the almost unanimons wish of our lady subscribers, we thnll tho ensuing vol ume furnish them with a beautiful nnd correct plato of Fashions monthly, a feature, il is believed, that will neither he unwelcome nor unpopular, iiiebo fashion pl.ited shall be drawn from original designs I from Paris and London, and may also be depenJed on as tho prevailing style m JPmladalphia and iSrw Voik lor tho month m wiucii iney are. l&sueu. These, however ehall in no wise mtcrlere with the regular and choice engraviugs, and music which ac company each number of tho work. The splendid Mezzotint engravings from the burin of Sartaiu, which have been justly admired, will bo followed during tho volume by several from tho sarao hand, while the slccl engravings in tho best of stylo of the art, from interesting scenes shall still enrich the Maaazinc. Tho choicest pieces of music far tho Piano and Guitar shall accompany each number of the work. TIME OF PUBLICATION. The work will bo published on the first of every uistant subscribers conscquntly rcceho it on that day, as well us those who reside in Philadelphia.- In ill the principal cities agents uavo been cstau hshed, by which means subscribers "an obtain thtir copies free of pos'age. Tkbms. 1 Iirce tlollars per annum, m advance two copies for fit e dollars. No new subscriber re ceived without tho money. For tho accommodation of those who may wish lo subscribe tor either ot tho following Philadelpha periodicals, this liberal pro posnl is made. For fivo dollars current money fico of postago wo will lotward Uraham s Magazine and Uodey s Lady s llook, lor ono year. Address UUU. 11. UKAJ1AA1, South west corner of Chcsnut and Third streets. Philadelphia, Nov. 1840. FiiH0ir & WINDSOR (BEL&IDB MAIUFAC TORY nSnTE Subscriber would respectfully informshis tl friends and the public generally, that ho con tinues to cany on tho business of manufacturing of almost every variety of pattern and finish; and that ho will attend to turning any article in wood that may bo ordered. Uo will also attend lo HOUSE & OftNAMETAIi in all their branches; and respectfully solicits a con tinuance of publics favor. Turning shop on Mar ket ftrcet, nearly opposite tho Printing office of the Columbia County Register finishing shop on tho n.nln utrrnf lmilu nnnnJtn llnnrrm VV.n...'. . t . lltWU.tlb,MIVHItj V','WU.W WbW.gW UittTM DPIV1C. IJJiNJAMI 11AUENBUCHV Bloomsburg. September 19, I840J ISNOJV THE LARGEST- CHEAPES'Ji And HANDSOMEST p A P E It PUBLISHED IN AMERICA 1 iN Saturday, Dec. 10th, 1810. the BOSTON 9 NOTION appealed in an entire new ib new ivnc. ncac uiir, c. ivu. i no neo( ini un . . , i- j- - . ,m. , , . designed by Johnston, (Ihe druilahank of Amttb c i) and is ono oi his happiest efforts. It unites llio comical wiiu iiie fitiouf, nnu presents a Fplcru did heading for tho LARGEST nnd CHEAPEST PArLK tim world jits ct Known. Tho publisher would ttatc, that, as, during lli past.t ho BOSTON NOTION has been 'ttf-V. prompt in procuring arid re-publhliirig thcjSi valuable literature of the day, to a future incrf energy nnd moro ainpio means will bo employed ior mo nanio purpuf-u. iiuirc iwvcts, &iwies, nuj Sermons, ham Iho pcirsol.lhc most eminent Ihhw writer.-) of Europe and Ailictii-a.havo been, andwiU continue to bo, published in its column; anion the most projnincnt of the writers may be mention" ed the names of Bulwer, Uickcnt. Cockton, (outliof of Valentino Vox,) James, Ainsworlh, Marryntt, Mrs. J lollopc, Airs, JNoiton, Uounlcss ol Illcssinu toll, Halliburton, (author of fc'am Slick,') Chnmiinr, Dewey, Irirsg, Cooper, Simms, lngrahnin,Bjran!i Airs, aigourney, xc. ecc. Alro it has nnd will conlintio to contain abrgj quantity ot original mailer J'olilical lissaysjvrith. nut partizan argument Moral nnd llchcious dia- cushions, without sectarian biat Miscellauccoi Articles together with all tho current Political, Domestic, Commercial and Congressional intclli. cenco of the day. No efforts or oxpenso will spared lo make it. THE BEST AND MOST ACCEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER in tho world and every way worthy a continuance of I ho immense palronago it has thus far rcceiu'd, Tho JNotion has been in existenco but hltlo more thai! ono year, and it now enjoys the minor ancieu weeKiy circuiausn oi Now subscribers are conssanlly pouring in, ana neioro anolhcr year is past, tho subscriber flatters himself the circulation will be doullcd. Specimen copies will do sent to Ihoso who m. wish it. THE DOUBLE NOTION will be piiMhhcJ occasionally during the ear, and tent to allthoss subscribers who pay for ono ycat's subscription. v TERMS THREE DOLLARS a year, alwayli in advance no orders,no mutter from what source will lm attended to -unless accompanied with tie CASH. Single copies. SIX CENTS BACH. Postmasters or others rcmmitlingttcityrr'oi'toi shall have light topics tent to tucn persons itt places ns they may designatCjandbe entitled to tit ninth copy gratis. Mail subt-cribcrs will have, their papers deposited in the Post Office, in this city, every Thursday etc-! nuig, GEO. ROBERTS. Publisher and Proprietor. Boston, Dee. 19th, 1840. To tlie Supervisors oil fcia Eloads. JBillLi Uoranuisioncrs request tho tfuponuorJ in tho several townships of Columbia cogwtI to attend to thofilling up of tha abutments of iSJ County bridges, in their respective districts, nbtil repairs of that kind aro required- in this way sail repairs can bo made attuning expense to the town ships; and generally more promptly and economil cully than if is pobsiblo for the Commissioner t.l have it done at tho expense of tho county. JOHN M'HENllY, JOHN DIliTERICH, CHRISTIAN WOLF, CoHiniiifojifril Jan.0, 1841. DISMUI.UTION OF l'A RTN EUSIllil NOTIGE is hereby given ihat the Col partnership licretoiure exisiir.ff under nil firm of M. S. & V. Meats, is this day disl solved. All riprsons are lorbiutlen to irtve sr. credit to said Firm from this dale. Tho books of said firm are in the hand! of Jolip Coovcnhoven, Esq. for cnllcctioi to whom all payments must bo made. 'VILLI MU ilEAKS. Orangcville, Jan. 12, 18-H. BO. E8E-WB131BT. THE undersigned havinn pmrhasedlhl Bnol;-I5iiulinir esiablishkd in IMilion, forms ilio publis that he is now prepared I do all kinds of Binding in tho cheapest ae most substantial mamior. Of all descriptions will bo done to oriel at the shortest notice. All kinds of country produco will bebl kan in exchange far work. H. L. DIEFFNDAOU. Milton. Dec. 5. 1810 S3 AMD NEW. THE subscriber would respectfully form lits customers and the public gciw a lv. that lie has itist received from w York: Plates of Pashions' and drafts for rutling garmunts, by 1 ho is enabled to cut in tho newest' fa not only ol New York, but of Loudon? make up in the fuststilo for Autumn ''I Winter wear. J lie Sub&eriber relurnn Ilis sijjttl thanks lor past f.ivors, and respeciu solicits a continuance, tuomfsiiitr on pari, every exertion lo render general faction. BERNARD RUPERT' I Hloimaburgi Nov. 28, 18-iO,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers