STATEMENT RECEIPTS. OP THE & EXPENDITURES OF THE FOR THE' YEAR 1840. Agreeably to tho 22d and 23d Sections of an net of Assembly, passed tho 15th day of April, 1834. Tho commissioners of ino county ot Uolumuia, mako tho following statement of tho Receipts and Expenditures of said county for tho yoar 1840. To which is annexed a statement of the Duplicates of County Tax for each of the townships in said countv. for tho vcar 1840. Also a statoment of outstanding debts due tho county ,por Audi tors report. Of JEREMIAH WELLIVER, lato Treasurer of Columbia county, deceased, To balance in Treasury Jan. 1, 1840, 517 82i COLLECTORS. Received of Collectors, for tho year 1838, 1839, 1,024 08 Do Stale Funds for 1835, 1830, 180 09 Amount received by J. Wclliver in 1840, $2019 49 CREDITS. By Commissioners orders issued in 1830, 1046 98 do do 1840, 35 93 " Certificates of Fox scalps; 8 75 Treasurers Commissions, 21 87 " Cash paid by his administrators, 200 00 " Balance duo the county, Jan. 1, 1841, 1315 90 BRIDGE VIEWS. Amount paid different persons for making report! of bridges and lowing scites for tho same, ROAD VIEWS. . Amount pild ciffcreiil persona for making Reports of road vilws, J do paid Mathtas Kline for damages done by Btuto road, JUROR WAGES Attn MILEAGE. Amount paid Grand, Traverse and Fotit Jurors at the several sessions in 1840 do raid at January term in 1840, - do do do " do " 63 00-- .101 OIV ICS 00' STATEMENT- 'Of the Jlmotmt Duplicate jo? County Tax assessed on each of the respective townshipl r of ColUmbid countu for the years 1830-' 7-' 8-' 9 and 1840. Balanco due county in tho hands of Jere- I. iir.iii . .i . miau tr em vers Aumuiidirators on Jan. 1, 1841, $1315 06 RECEIPTS OF L. B. RUPERT, ESQ. Treasurer of Columbia county, at present. Receive.! of collectors for the year 1837, 181 12i 1838, - 377 07 1839, 4102 80 1840, 2819 47 307 72 200 00 83 12i ic u ii ii UNSEATED LAND. Tex on unseated land, Of Welliver's administrators, From. Sales of old bridges, Amount received by L; B. Rupert in 1840. CREDITS. By Commissioners orders redeemed, l Amount paid in certificates for fox scalps, " " of tax refunded paid Register " R. E. Wright Esq. of' Treasurers commissions, $8152 00 7003 483 55 16 1 20 161 50 56 31 00 251 Amount of payments do receipts 8152 00 $8224 11 $72 11 Balanco duo tho Trejsurcr Jan. 1, 1841, wi tne Commissioners of tho County of Columbia, have xamined the above accounts, compared them with the Touch era and find them just and correct. Witness our hands the ninth iy of January A. D. 1841. JOHN M'HENRY. 1 JOHN DIETERICH, CHRISTIAN WOLF, County Commissioners. RECEIPTS. Balance in the Treasury, Jan. 1, 1840, Amount received of Collectors for 1837, " for 1838 & 1839, n " " 1840, " of tax on unseated lands, n from the sales of old bridges u State funds for 1835 & 1836, Actual Receipts in 1840, 518 82 181 12i 6485 55 2819 47 307 83 176 72 12i 69 10581 8042 50 70 18623 21 BRIDGE CONTRACTS. Amount paid Joseph Fulton, in full for buildding a bridge at Caltawissa, 185 72 do paid E. Edson & Co. in full for building a bridge at tho month of the Huntingdon creek, 1050 00 do Paid William Cole in fuM for build- ing a bridge across Fishing creek, 388 75 do Paid O, D. Leib in full for build-- ing a stona bridge across Laurel run, 480 00 io Paid Enos Trescott & Co. on con- , tract for building a bridgo below Bloom, 2000 00 CotLECTon's Names m oo BRIDGE REPAIRS. Amount paid sundry persons for repairs done to thq different bridges built by tho county COUNTY BUILDINGS. Amount paid for repairs on Jail do repaiiing & cleaning Court IIouso ROOM FOR JURIES. Amount paid William Hcnrio for providing a room for Jurv at January Term 1840 do paid same for room ot August term, 1840, COMMONWEALTH COST& iVmount paid witnesses, Sheriff's Justices und Con' stables in Commonwealth suits, DEPUTY ATTORNEYS FEES. ' Amount paid J. G. Montgomery, Deputy Attorney in Commonwealth suits. PHYSICIANS FEES. Amount paid physicians for post mortem cxamina tions and for medical aid to prisoners in county Jail, 1659 07 93 53 01 30 ASSESSORS PAY. Amount ptiil tho several Assessors for making the Assessment in 1840, Paid John Donk for Briar creek, 14 00 II Ramitpl 1Tn1linL fi. lllnnm f tnl Jonn iMIis lorUattawissa, 16 12 William Carnahan for Deny, 16 00 waniei reeier lor 1'isiung creek, 15 00 Jacob hvans for Greenwood, John Shoemaker for Hemlock, Samuel McHenry for Jackson, John Marshall for Limestone. ' William Wilson for Liberty, Ephraim M'Colume for Madison, " Daniel Hess for Mifilm. Edward Delong for Montour, Michcal Sanders for Mahoning, Samuel Johnson for Mt. Pleasant, William Patterson for Oranire. Aaron Berninger for Roaringcreek, 15 Jacob J. lUine for Sugarloaf 15 00 Uavid Blue for Valley,, 10 00 4104 47 1059 07 145 98 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ii ii i ii ii ii ii ii ii 11 10 5 10 14 10 14 10 10 7 7 m 12J 12 m 00 00 00 00 00 12J 00 134. CONSTABLES ATTENDING COURT. Amount paid constables attending court at January i term in 1840, do paid the same at April term, 1810, do " the samcat August term 1810, do " tho samo ct November term 1840 CONSTABLES MAKING RETURNS. . Amount paid constables for making returns to tho several sessions v a April term in 1840, August term In 1840, November term in 1840, August term in 1838, not Oil 308 CO 634 87 344 00 5 00 3 00 70 00 1G0 41 44 50 1C0 00 1700 00J 73 00 100 41 44 CO ICO 00 ob no 43 18 S3 50 30 80 E. S. PENITENTIARY. Amount paid E. S. Penitentiary in 1840, to support convicts sent from tins county, BOOKS AND BOOK BINDING. Amount paid for It. E. Wrights Election laws for tho several townships, do paid W. H. Villce for rebindinc- hooks for tho Prothonotary, Register and Corninissioncr'a offices, ELECTION EXPENSES. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 143 Gl paid tho Election Hoards of Briar creek, in 1840, Bloom do Caltawissa, do Derry, do Fishing Creek, do Greenwood, do Hemlock, do Jackson, do Limestone, do Liberty, do Madison, do Mahoning, do Monteur, do Mifflin, do Mt. Pleasant, do Orange, do Paiton, do Roaring creek, do - Sugarloaf, do Valley, do PRINTING. Amount paid L.L.Tate, in 1840, as salary and for advertising, do paid V. Best for tho same, do paid H. Webb, do do paid Thos. Painter, do do paid Wilbcr&Shnncr, do . STATIONARY, FUEL, &c Amount paid for stationary, fuel, candles and contingencies, REGISTER'S OFFICE. Amount paid for Recording Treasurers bonds, do " for Llced Book for office, PROTHONOTARY'.S OFFICE. Amount paid for Docket for the office, do paid V. Best, & J. Eyerly, Pro thonotary s fees, AUDITORS. Amount paid Geo. II. Willlts, Sebastian Hower and Jas. ucwitt, as Auditors, 26 00 18 87J -38 80 30 80 05 30 34 50 38 00 38 75 35 30 45 16 35 03 32 60 88 00 . 87 50 33 30 39 85 85 30 34 50 SG 00 31 81 42 50 12 50 CO 50 01 50 48 00 124 874 18 00 78 03 2 50 15 00 15 50 95 74 15 00 COMMISSIONERS AND CLERKS WAGES. Amount paid Joseph Brobst, as Commissioners m full,157 5GJ do " John McHenry, do 78 00 do " John Dieterich, do 160 50 do " Christian Wolf, do 10 50 do J. Hiblcr and Wilson as clerk, 150 00 ATTORNEY FOR COMMISSIONERS FEES. Amount paid Geo. A. Frick, for counsel, and for commissions lor Collecting . uu COURT CRIER. Amount paid L. Sholes, Crier of quarter sessions Bnd ot common pleas, CORONERS FEES. Amount paid I. C. Johnson for holding Coroner's Inquests, JAILOR AND SHERIFF FEES. Amount paid Wm. Kitchen for surnmonning Juries and for costs in Commonwealth suits, PANTHER AND FOX SCALPS. Amount paid on certificates for fox scalps, i do panther ' TAX REFUNDED. Amount of tax refunded on unseated land, do do duplicate, EDUCATION. Amount paid on school orders for Mifflin, Totalamount of expenditures for 1840, CC 00 131 53 228 40 C5 00 5 00 1G 56 4 33 23 Ct 1838 1830 1840 1830 John Flood 1837 David Thilips l'etcr Hotter Jesse Yocuin John Frilfc John Johnson James M. Jones Eliazcr Broth well Philip Fritz John E. Shaffer Samuel Cresler C. A, Brobst J. C. Sproul Abraham Robins Jacob Evans John M'Reynolds John McHenry Joseph Dean John Marshal Christian Zimmerman Philip Kline Isaac Ulno Thomas Hartman Thomas McBridgo John Vance Reuben Fahringer Samuel Rotinc, William Boudman 145 08 62 04 143 01 44 87J SG96 00 313 77J 78 03 17 56 111 24 15 00 Townships, JFhotearftU Paid, duplicate. LimcStono 816 00 577 24 Mahoning 1000 09 935 96 Milllin 513 59 405 50 Catawissa 057 0d C39 05 Jackson 101 71 87 28 Madison 538 33 400 37 Mahoning 1000 01 740 75 Mifflin 002 Ohl 504 C8d Sugarloaf 217 54 184 23 Briarcretk 1378 31 209 00 Bloom 930 3i 220 29 Catawissa 001 4d 120 13 Detry 023 31 23G 77a tfishingcrcck 244 09 10 00 Greenwood 424 42 210 08 Hemlock 494 04 70 00 Jackson 09 05 15 00 Liberty 503 12 185 00 Limestone 073 20 242 23 i Milllin 001 95 100 20 Mt. Pleasant 170 14 91 40 Mahoning 896 82 240 81 Monteur 453 63 203 29 Madison 552 78 220 7i Orango 307 83 34 00 Roaring Creek .r05 (Jl 152 73 Sugarloaf 200 44 41 00 Valley B19 77 89 00 Balance due. 38 -70 00 00 43! 90 05 48 118 14 77 350 80 48 Hi 33 12 1109 3i 710 05 544 380 228 207 424 53 45 317 03" 421 451 79 650 232 33 531 09 " 44 51 00 OD 08 id 33 332 Oi 273 83- 352 219 230 92 44 77 $8042 70J We tho undersigned Commissioners of Columbia Countv, have ascertained from tha books of tho Treasuicr and Commissioners, nnd do report that tho above is a full and correct statement of the balances as thoy stand charged against the sevoil collectors be fore mentioned (commissions and exonerations not deducted) tho aggregate amount of which is eight thousand and forty-two dollars and seventy cents duo from the different collectors, (errors excepted.) Witness our nanus, mis ninin uay ot January, A. u. 1841. JOHN M'HENRY, JOHN DIETERICH, CHRISTIAN WOLF, Attest,- John S. Wilson, Clerk COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Danville, January 9th, 1841. Commissioners 1 THE RESURRECTION OR PULSUS. I amnion to TnEllYOEAa-.BnAsnnTii'sjEyAs Umiiiax FuiifiATivr.. tho Matchless (priced) Sanativx, or any other pills or compound heford the public, as certified to by Physicians and others. Let nono condemn lliem until nicy nave jmcu them, and then we are certain they will not. It is now a settled point with all who havo used tho Vegetable Persian Pills that they are pre-emi nently the best and most efficacious Family Mcdi cimi that has yet been used in America. If every family could become acquainted with their Sover eign power over disease, they would keep Insm and bo prepared with a sure remedy to apply on tho lira appearance 01 disease, ami men now mucn uisire.s would bo avoided and money saved, as well as tho lives of thousands who are hurried out of tiruo by neglecting discaso in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can placo de pendence upon. The Resurrection, or Persian Pills, The nama of these pills orcinatcd from tho cir cumstance of tho medicine being found only in the ccmetaries of Persia. This vegctablo production being of a peculiar kind, led to experiments as to ita medicinal qualities and virtues. In half a cen tury tt became an established medicine lor tho dis eases of that countrv. Tho extract of this singu lar Tirmliirtion was introduced into somo parts of Eu rope in iho year 17S3, and used by many celebrated Physicians in curing certain diseases, wncro all oth er mcdicino has been used in vain. Early in tho year 171)2, the extract was combined with a certain vegetable medicino imported lrom Dura uaca, in tho East Indies, and formed into Pills. Tho admir able effect of this compound upon tho human sys tem, led physucans und lamilics into ita general use. Their long established character their univer sal and healinjr virtues, tho detergent and cleansing qualities of their specific action upon tho glandular part ol tho system, aro such as win sustain incir re putation and general use in tho American Rcpub 1 ic. CERTIFICATES. I certify that I have, by way of experiment, used iho Hygeau, and most of tho farious kinds ol Pills, in mv nrar.lico. which have boruo the Inchest repute 556 563 in the public estimation, that havo been offered for salo in this vicinity for the last five yeats, including those called tho Resurrection or Pcrsain Pills; and the public may rest assured that nono among tho 45 00 whole cataloguo has answered a better purpose, as an easy and effectual remedy, than tho Resurrection or Persian Pills, in most cases of disease. UllAKLIS UACUU9, M. I). 00 00 Rochester, K. 1 . Bept. 31, 1BJ7. 131 58 228 49 70 00 20 04 S3 04 $11,527 75 235 '00 Ttal.mrn in favnr nf llin rnnnlv on the first of JanuarV. A. D. 1841. S7095 40 Wo tho undersipned Auditors, duly elected to sctttleand adjust tho ac counts of Columbia county, having carcfullj examined the accounts ond vouchersof tho Commissioners and Tieasurer of said county ,forlhoycar 1840, do rcnort that wo find them correct, and that we find a balanco of cash duo tho county in tho hands of Collectors far comity purposes of seven thousand and ninety-five dollars and forty-six ccnts,oxcIuMvo of taxes on uuseated lands Witness our hands this ninth day oi January, a. j;. 1011. rJEUASTJA'mOWEU, I Audiior. - JAMES DEWITT, $ ua'"'"' TO MOTHERS. McssTS. E. Chaso &. Co. Gents. Hearing much said about tho extraordinary effects of tho Resurrection or Persian J'ills, upon those about to become mothers, wo were induced to make a trial of them. Aly wife was at that llmo tho mother ol Uvo children, and had suffered the most tedious and ex cruciating pains during and after her confinement of each. She had tried every moans and taken much medicine, but found httlo or no relief. She commenced taking tho Persian rills about threo months before her confinement (her health being ve ry poor about this length of time previous) and in a short time she was enabled by their uso to attend to tho cares of a mother to liur Umily until her con finement. At tho timo sho commenced taking tho Z'crsian Pills, and for several weeks pi evious, sho wus afflicted with a diy hard cough, and ficqucnt sovcio cramps, which tho use of the 2'illa entirely removed beforo using half a box. It is with the greatest confidenco that wq adviso all thoso about to become mothers to mako uso of tho Persian Pills. All thoso that liavo taken them in our neighbor hood have got along in tho same easy manner, and aro about tho houso in a few days. Phero does not appear to bo hall the danger ot other dangers netting in alter conhncmeiu, wncro nicso rius arc lunen. Wo unitedly Bav.let nono neglect tuning them, tor they aro in tho reach of the poor as well as the rich. wo aro truly inanMiu iimv mure u lumuuy which females can easily procure which tends to lessen the world of Buffering, which many of them havo to bear, ond perhaps save the lives of thousands which would otherwise bo lo"it. Rochester, May 14, 1838; corner of Callidonian square, Edinburg street; for further particulars scd subscribers. 8. Robeuts, Ays O. RuBcnTs'i llocnESTEii, Sept. 24, 183d. Messrs. E. Chase Co. I think it my duty to let you know what n great cure your Pills havo performed 011 jnc I had bcett sick about 7 ycjrs about "years and ahalf con fined to my bed. I hod been given over as incurable, with Consumption, by twche physician of the first standing; my Idngs were seriouply affected; I had 3 ulcers gather and break; my cough was dry and harsh most of tho time; my liver was much swollen, and my stomach cry dyspeptic. I had chills, fever, and night sweat, accompanied with cxtrcmo in'tta blcncss of tho nervous system, and other difficulties which I forbear to mention. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines Which were advertised, but to 110 advantage, until I tried your Vegetable Persian PIIIj. I began lo gain in a chort time after I commenced taking them; and, to bo brief, before I took '.! boxes, I was able to rido out and to take con biderablo exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am able to do good dav'swotk. If any noo wishes a moro particular history" of my suffer ings, ha may rail on me, nttho comer of .Main aid Clinton-streets, Rochester. RUBY ADAMS. Fits Cuasn The undersigned hereby certify, that wc aro tho Parents of two children who jiaio uern afflicted with fits more or losifrom their infan cy, and that wo hao spared no p.ihis or expense in endeavoring lo effect a cure, but without any bene ficial effect, unjilhearing of tho Resurrection or Per sian Pills, w hen four boxes wero immediately procuied, and beforo tlirco boxes were taken, tho fits iiad abated in frequency, and etety sym torn much improved, and now wo aro happy to state that our childjcn by iho uso of the Persian Pills, with tho blessing of God, are entirely cured and havo no symtom orappcaranco of fits, will find n tho Persian Pills a suro nnd perfect cure. JOHN & MARTHA JOIHSTSONt Canton N. Y. Dec. 10, 1637. Tho abovo pills may bo had of tho following a gents John Moycr, Dloomsburg; II. Miller, Ber wick; J. Cooper & Sons, Hazclton; C. Hortman Gspeytown; John Sharpless, Cattawiasa; Lyman tSholo, Danville. Ezra Taylor, agent for :ho StAto of Pcnnsylva uia.rcsiding at Rochester N. Y. to whom all orders can be addrcssd. DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WIIiD CIIERItY, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Spitting of JJlood, Soreness of Throat, H'ionping Cough, and all Dhcases indicative of CONSUMPTION. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. So it is with those who neglect their COLDS and COUGH. At first you complain of having a Cold, which U neglected; after which a sweness is experienced in tho Urunchia, with a Hacking Cough, and finally tho diseaso bellies upon tho lungs, which tho patient will soon perceive by a casting away of the body, attended with hectic fevera nnd tpitttng up of Jlr id bluod and matter from ulcers on tho lungs; a pain and weight is also experienced at the uilcclcd part of tho lungs; tho functions of tho animal economy grow languid; the body becomes dry; the eyes sinfc deep within their cavities; at length the patient pays tho debt of nature, when ho is flattering him self wiih tho hopcj of a speedy recovery. To ob viate all thoso distressing symptoms "Spare no Timo" in procuring tha above Iuvaluabb Mediciao at tho very commencement of your Co'.J. and Coughs whereby join health may lo secured evul timo and money saved. For jale at Tobias' 'Health Emporium Blocmslurg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers